Ethnic composition of the population of South Africa. Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

The buildings 21.09.2019
The buildings

The population of South Africa is more than 47 million people. It is represented by people who belong to different races, cultures and religions.
National composition:
- Black: Zulus, Spit, Soto, Naddeel, immigrants from Nigeria and Zimbabwe (80%);
- White: Dutch, Germans, French (10%);
- "Color" population: descendants of early settlers, their slaves and indigenous peoples of South Africa (8%);
- Asians (2%).
Currently, white is trying to emigrate from South Africa: the reason lies in the outbursts of the AIDS epidemic (HIV infection is infected with 5 million people) and high crime in cities. But at the same time, people living in other African countries immigrate here, especially Zimbabwe residents.
On average, 40 people live for 1 km2, but the South-Western (Cape Province) and northeastern areas in which Pretoria and the enterprises of the processing and mining industry are most tightly populated.
State languages \u200b\u200b- English, Zulu, Afrikaans, Naddeel and others (only 11).
Large cities: Cape Town, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria, Durban, East London.
Residents of South Africa will basically profess Christianity, but among them there are Hindus, Jews, Muslims.

Life expectancy

The male population of the country lives to 43 years old, and the female - until 41 years old.
Low lifespan is due to the inaccessibility of treatment and severe socio-economic working conditions. The country has health services intended for representatives of different races, the level of medical care in which is significantly different from each other. So, the non-library population of the country is subjected to cruel discrimination.
Most people die from drug use, AIDS (the most infected area - Natal Province) and skin cancer due to strong ultraviolet radiation.

Traditions and customs of the peoples of South Africa

South Africa is allowed polygamy. The brides of the girl can be from 13 years old (redemption for the bride pays cows). But, according to tradition, the consent to their marriage should give the leader of the tribe.
The indigenous population of South Africa believes legends and legends. For example, there are no fish and seafood in their diet, as they are confident that the water is in danger, and it is inhabited by underwater inhabitants.
Life in South Africa is distinguished by contrast: in rural areas still live, according to the traditions of ancestors (for people, the family is most important, concern for family members), and the main values \u200b\u200bof urban residents are success and financial well-being (this is especially traced in the lives of Johannesburg residents).
Arriving in South Africa, you can purchase the results of traditional crafts of the peoples of South Africa - products from beads and ceramics, carved wooden products, wicker baskets ...
If you are invited to visit to South Africa, do not forget to grab a gift for the owner (wine, cigarettes, whiskey, souvenirs, which are the symbol of your country).

South Africaor the Republic of South Africa, RSA - one of the largest states of Africa. The country is located in the extreme south of this mainland and, figuratively speaking, is a giant breakwater separating two oceans, the Atlantic (in the West) and Indian (in the East).

The border between these two giant earth reservoirs passes through the southernmost point of Africa, also known as Agullas.

Visually, it is not too impressed too, but if you study the history of shipwrecks ... getting relatively simple, if you take Cape Town for the countdown point of distances - only 170 km along the highway.

Capitals of South Africa

In South Africa, three capitals! Pretoria is a city where the government is located and other executive institutions. In Cape Town there is a parliament, and in Bloemfontein - the Supreme Court!

Such a unique "Tripleness" of the capitals is rooted at the beginning of the 20th century, when in the auspices of the British Empire of South Africa under the auspices (Union of South Africa) in 1910, the capital of the states included in this Confederation (British colonies Cape and Natal, Borsky : The republics of a free orange state, and the South African Republic or Transvaal), received every branch of power.

It is noteworthy that the symbol and the cornerstone of English were left in British Cape Town political system - Parliament.

Johannesburg, Joburg, is not one of the capitals, but the most populated city. Like Pretoria, it is located in the northern part of the country and is considered not the most friendly location in relation to tourists - crime blooms with lush color.


Interstate agreement, which entered into force on March 31, 2017, canceled visa for Russians to the South African Republic. The rule applies to those who plan to remain in the country no more than 90 days and travels with tourist or business purposes.

All other visa in South Africa will have to make out at the embassy in Moscow. In addition to passports, tickets and hotel armor, you will need to provide a detailed program of movement. As well as evidence of creditworthiness.

Before the tourist boom among Russian citizens, however, far. For the year, the African country visits all a couple of tens of thousands of people.

Population of South Africa

The population of the Republic of South Africa at the beginning of 2016 was about 55 million people. His composition is heterogeneous!

  • 80% of the nation - the indigenous population of these places, Africans from various tribes
  • Approximately 9% - white (people from Europe, mainly from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) and about 9% - people of mixed race
  • Ladges from Asia - about 2.5% of the total number
  • The greatest population density is observed in Cape Town, Gauteng Province (Pretoria and Johansburg) and the port of Durban on the coast Indian Ocean

official languages

South Africa is a multinational and multicultural country, therefore, as official assessed as 9 languages:

  • afrikaans (derived from Dutch), very common here and in the neighboring Namibia (he is considered the main language about 7 million people)
  • english
  • local African Languages: Naddeel, South and Northern Soto, Swami, Tsonong, Tsvan, Venda, Konoz and Zulu

Quick description South Africa

Currently, the Republic of South Africa is administratively divided into 9 provinces (Western, Northern and Eastern Caps, North-Western province, a free state, Limpopo, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Kwazulu-Natal) - such a division has existed since 1994

  • Until this period, there were only four historical provinces in the country: Cape or Cape (CAPE) - the largest in Square, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal

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The head of the executive power is the president - the leader of the majority party is appointed to this post in the Lower House of Parliament (National Assembly). Parliament Two-bearet, consists of the National Council of Provinces (90 members) and the National Assembly (400 members), re-elected every 5 years.

  • Territory South Africa: 1 221 037 km2
  • Official currency: rand (zar). In 2018, 1 South African rand is approximately 5 rubles
  • Phone Code: +27

The modern State Flag of South Africa was designed to universal elections in April 1994. Red, white and blue colors Protects the past of the country, closely associated with the colonists from the Netherlands.

Against the background of this background, a wintry cross from traditional colors of the party African National Congress, having fought with apartheid.

Big cities

Johannesburg (Johannesburg), also known as Jozi or Jo'burg. The largest city's country and the capital of Gauteng Province, the richest and most economically developed. The population of Johannesburg is about 1 million people, together with suburb - more than 4 million.

Cape Town (Cape Town or Kaapstad) is the second largest population in the country: about 500 thousand people live in the city itself and up to 3.8 million in the suburbs. The collar of the Western Cape Province and the place where the parliament is located.

Cape Town is the most popular tourist destination of the country foreign travelers. A special boom is observed for Christmas and New Year, when in South Africa in full swing, the summer and hot warms the sun.

Durban (Durban) - the third in population of the country of the country (3.5 million inhabitants together with suburbs) and the largest port Africa. In addition, Durban, thanks to the magnificent subtropical climate and the beaches is a major tourist center.

Pretoria (Pretoria Philadelphia) - about 700 thousand people live in the city, and together with the suburbs, the population reaches almost 3 million. It is in Pretoria that the executive authorities and the main government institutions are quartered.

South Africa or South Africa- The state located in the southern part of the African continent. In the north borders with Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe, in the northeast with Mozambique and Swaziland. Inside the territory of South Africa is the ambulance Lesotho State. The west coast is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and the Eastern Indian Ocean. The length of the coastline is 2798 km. South Africa has an area of \u200b\u200b1 219,00 square meters. km, the country is the 24th area in the world.

The highest point of South Africa is a mountain of Nzitsuti in the dragon mountains.

Most countries of the world, Pretoria is recognized as the official capital of South Africa, but this status for the city is very conditional: the government is located in Pretoria, while the remaining Supreme authorities are located in other cities - Parliament - in Cape Town, Supreme Court - in Bloemfontein.

The territory of South Africa is divided into nine provinces: West Cape, Quadzul-Natal, North-West province, Mpumalanga, East Cape, Free State, Howend, Northern Cape, Limpopo. Provinces differ from each other not only with dimensions, but also climate, landscape and ethnic composition population.

The country has rich mineral resources, and is also the most economically developed on the continent and has relatively strong world positions.


The South Africa presents a variety of climatic zones, from the dry desert Namib to subtropics in the east at the border with the Mozambique and the coast of the Indian Ocean.

Summer in South Africa continues from October to March. In the morning sunny, and in the afternoon, thunderstorms - such a contrast weather is characteristic of the whole country, with the exception of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Caps of Caps, where the rains fall mainly in winter. In Transvaala and Natal, the winter months, on the contrary, the most dry. In summer, the average daily air temperature is about + 30 ° C, at night the thermometer is lowered to +15 .. + 20 ° C.

Winter lasts from June to August. During the day, the weather is dry, sunny and cool (up to + 20 ° C), at night the temperature drops sharply to + 5 ° C. In Kuzalu-Natal Winter Warmer: from +10 .. + 15 ° C at night to +25 .. + 27 ° C day. Spring (August - September) and autumn (April - May) in the country are short.

The highest temperatures are in the depths of the country: in Kalahari near the Apington in 1948, a temperature of 51.7 ° C was noted.

The most suitable period for visiting national parks is from May to July.

Recent changes: 05/07/2010


49,052 489 people live in South Africa (2009). Among them, most (79%) make up black. The remaining 21% was divided between themselves white, colored (mainly Mulati), also Indians and Asians (2.5%).

The Language of Afrikaans (close to Dutch), considers 65% of the country's population, and English (about 15%).

The number of whites in the country gradually decreases due to their emigration in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand - In 1985-2005, about 0.9 million whites left South Africa, mainly under the age of 40 and their children. The share of the Black South African population is growing due to the influx of black emigrants from Zimbabwe.

The religious composition of the population is quite a fiber - there is no absolute religious majority in the country, and adherents of various religions and worldviews live: Christian-Zionists (11.1%), Pentecostal (8.2%), Catholics (7.1%), Methodists (6 , 8%), Dutch reformists (6.7%), British (3.8%), other Christians (36%), Muslims (1.5%), adherents of other religions (2.3%), undefined (1 , 4%), atheists (15.1%).

South Africa is one of the most ethnic diverse countries in Africa and has the greatest fraction of white (~ 9.6%), Indian and mixed population on the continent. Ethnic white Europeans (Africanners and Anglo Africans) dispersed in the country with significant concentrations in the cities of Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town.

Due to the extremely conflict colonial history and cruel confrontation on racial and language soil, especially between Europeans and Africans during the apartheid period, the population of South Africa traditionally reproduces the racial segregation model, also typical of the United States.

The average income of the population is approaching the lower boundary of the medium-sized income. However, in general, the economic situation of society is extremely unstable. For a long time, the regime of apartheid and preceding colonialism reflected on the socio-property stratification of the Company. About 15% of the population live in best conditionsWhile about 50% (mainly black) live in a terrifying poverty, which can well be compared with the position of residents of the poorest countries of the world. Not all inhabitants have electricity and water supply, and bad sanitary conditions in many settlements contribute to the spread of various diseases.

One of the central problems of the country is the mass distribution of HIV infection (mainly among the black population), according to which South Africa ranks first in the world (according to the UN's data published in 2003 and 2007), while in terms of contamination South Africa is located In the fourth place (after Swaziland, Botswana and Lesotho). Total infected with HIV about 5.7 million people, which is about 18.1% of the adult population of the country (in 2007). Due to AIDS, mortality in the Republic of South Africa has long exceeded the birth rate, but now this problem is solved and a small increase in the population (0.28% in 2009).

According to the Constitution of the South Africa, the official languages \u200b\u200bof the republic are 11 languages \u200b\u200bof various nationalities and ethnic groups inhabiting the country: Afrikaans, English, Nadeel, Zulu, Spit, Swami, South, Tsvan, Tsonga, Venda, Pedi.


Monetary unit: South African rand (zar), 1 zar \u003d 100 cents,

1 USD ≅ 9.95 ZAR, 1 EUR ≅ 12.6 zar.

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 15:30, on Saturday - from 8:30 to 11:00. ATMs work around the clock, as well as banking offices at airports.

In all major stores, hotels and restaurants are made to pay the main types of credit cards, but only cash is suitable for calculations on the benzokolones. Tourist checks can be credited to banks and tourist offices (the Commission is about 1%).

Recent changes: 05/07/2010

Communication and communication

Phone Code: 27

Internet domain: .za

Police: 101-11, Ambulance: 101-17.

Codes cities

Johannesburg - 011, Pretoria - 012, Cape Town - 021. Mobile operators codes: 072, 073, 082, 084.

How to call

For a call to South Africa from Russia from a landline phone, type: 8 - Togok - 10 - 27 - City code - subscriber number.

To call South Africa from Russia from a cell phone, type: +27 - City code - subscriber number.

To call from South Africa to Russia, you must dial: 09 - 7 - the city code is the number of the subscriber.

Stationary communication

The country has a modern telecommunications network. Telephone cards are sold in post offices and most large stores.

With international calls from payphones, 09 and country code are recruited. To call to another city within the country, you need to dial the code of the desired city in front of the subscriber number, while in front of the city code, "0" is recruited.


In the offices of companies cellular communication And in stores you can buy SIM cards and rent phones, which is much more profitable, as local rates are significantly lower than international roaming. Communication standard GSM 900/1800. Roaming is available to subscribers of major Russian operators.

At the entrance to South Africa, you need to register my mobile phones, presenting passport data and serial number of the tube (IMEI). This information will be listed in a special base. If the tourist does not fulfill this condition, its device will be blocked by all GSM operators operating in the country.

the Internet

There are several points on the territory of the country access Wi-Fi. Basically, they are paid. GPRS roaming in Russian operators are not. There are quite a lot of Internet cafes throughout the country.

post office

Post offices work from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 16.30 and on Saturdays - from 8.00 to 12.00. Courier services Offer services for the delivery of correspondence within the country at any time of the day "from hand to hand", and you can also use the services of companies providing services for the delivery of correspondence to other countries of the world within 4-8 days.

Telephone beeps in South Africa differ from the Russian. Double beep with a long interval means that the line is free and you need to wait for the response of the subscriber (the same as long beeps in Russia). Short beeps, as in Russia, mean that the line is busy.

Recent changes: 05/19/2010


Most stores work from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00, on Saturdays - from 8:30 to 15:00. Some shops are open and on Sundays from 9:00 to 13:00. Large trading networks usually establish for themselves longer hours.

In the big cities of South Africa, you can buy anything: from a fur coat to a bag of crocodile or ostrich skin, handmade carpet or copyrighted jewelry. Indian bazaars specialize in eastern decorations, silk things and spices. Diamonds are best to buy in Johannesburg and Cape Town. Products of black artisans are also banging from the entire continent to Cape Town and Johannesburg "Fleas Markets" - flea markets.

Wine and alcoholic beverages can be purchased only in universal stores from Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00, and on Saturday - from 8.30 to 14.00 (some - until 16.00). Stores selling with alcoholic beverages are indicated by signboard Liquor Stores. Sunday sale alcoholic beverages Forbidden. Alcohol is not for sale to children under 18 and should be used in specially designated places, such as bars and restaurants. In supermarkets you can buy only light wine, beer, strong drinks on sale.

When buying souvenirs mass production we advise you to check their quality.

Recent changes: 05/07/2010


The first written mention of the permanent settlement of Europeans dates from April 6, 1652, when Jan Van Ribek on behalf of the Dutch East India company founded the settlement on the "Cape Storms", which later called the "Good Hope" (now Cape Town).

In the XVII and XVIII centuries, colonists from the Netherlands arrived in South Africa, as well as French gugougins, saved from religious persecution in their homeland, and settlers from Germany.

In the 1770s. Colonists collided with Spit, moving from the northeast. A series of collisions known as border (KAFR) war and caused in the main claims of white migrants on the Earth of Africans were followed. Slaves from other Dutch possessions, in particular from Indonesia and Madagascar, were also overlooked to the Cape Colonia. Many slaves, as well as the autochthonous population of the Kapsky region, were mixed with white colonists. Their descendants are called "Captive Color" and now make up to 50% of the population in the Western Cape Province.

The United Kingdom first received domination over the Cape Colony in 1795, during the fourth English-Dutch War: Then the Netherlands were under the rule of Napoleon, and the British, afraid that the French would receive control over this strategically an important region, I sent an army under the command of General James Henry Craig to capture the colony on behalf of Statholder Wilhelm V. The Kontami Governor did not receive any instructions, however, agreed to obey the British.

In 1803, the Amiens world was concluded, according to the terms of which Batavia (that is, the Netherlands, as they began to be called after the French conquest) left a cap of the colony.

After the renewal of the war in 1805, the British again decided to seize the colony, and as a result of the battle on the slopes of the dining area in 1806, English troops under the command of David Berd were entered into the Fort of Castad.

In 1806, under the pressure of various forces within the country, the British Parliament banned slavery, and in 1833 this provision was distributed and in colonies.

1836-1838 - Mass resettlement of boots, so-called. The "Great Migration" led to an increase in political instability in this region and new territorial seizures from the European population.

1843 - was based on the eastern coast of the second British colony Natal.

1852 - South Africa formed (from 1856 to the Republic of Transval).

1854 - an orange free state was formed.

1859 and 1875-1877. - Disability of the White Population and the instability of the situation gave rise to numerous problems, and the efforts of the official representatives of the Government of George Gray and Lord Carnarvon did not lead to the creation of a sustainable association under the auspices of Great Britain.

The opening of rich deposits of diamonds (1867) and gold (1886) on Withersland led to the economic growth of the colony and an increase in capital outflow to Europe, a sharp strengthening of immigration into the Borsk Republic and the deterioration of the natives of the natives. These events, provoked and encouraged by the British government, eventually led to a conflict between Europeans and the boots.

In 1880-1881, the first Anglo-Board War occurred, during which the Bura managed to defeat regular English parts (largely due to the best knowledge of the terrain and the use of khaki color, while the British in the Red Uniforms became easy prey for snipers) and To defend its independence. At the same time, the British were established in Natal and Zululend, defeating the war with Zulusami.

In 1899-1902, the second English-Board War occurred, in which the borants, despite the initial successes, nevertheless lost to trained and equipped British. After the defeat of his semoregular troops, the borants under the command of Christian de Veta turned to the tactics of the partisan war, with which the British struggled by creating a network of blockhouses, as well as collecting boil women and children to concentration camps.

After four-year negotiations on May 31, 1910, the South African Union was formed, which included the British Cape Colony, Natal, Colony of the Orange River and Transval. He became a dominion of the British Empire. In 1934, the United Party was formed, in which the South African Party (Dzr.) and the National Party (Bursk) were united. In 1939, she broke out due to the incidental disagreements about whether South Africa follows the UK to enter into the second world War - The right national party sympathized with the Third Reich and advocated a sharp racial segregation.

In 1961, the South African Union became an independent Republic (South Africa), which was published from the Commonwealth of Nations headed by Great Britain. The output was also due to the non-acceptance of the politics of apartheid to South Africa by other members of the Commonwealth (South African membership in the Commonwealth was restored in June 1994).

Apartheid and his consequences.

In 1948, the National Party won the general elections and conducted several very strict laws limiting the rights of the Black population: the ultimate goal of this policy was to create "South Africa for White", while blacks were supposed to deprive South African citizenship at all.

During the apartheid, Blacks were actually partially or completely devoid of the following rights:

The right to citizenship of South Africa (in most cases it has become a privilege).

The right to participate in the elections and be chosen.

The right to freedom of movement (blacks were forbidden to go outside after sunset, and also appear in the "white" areas without much permission of the authorities, that is, in fact, it was forbidden to visit major cities, as they were in the "white" areas).

The right to mixed marriages.

The right to medical care (this right they did not have formally taken away, but they were forbidden to use medicine "for whites", while medicine "for black" was completely unknown, and in some areas there was no at all).

The right to cultural and entertainment leisure (main cinemas and other entertainment facilities were in the "white" districts).

Right to education (main educational institutions were in the "white" districts).

The right to be accepted on the employers (employers were officially enshrined the right to apply racial discrimination when admitting work).

In addition, during apartheid, the Communist Party was prohibited - for membership in the Communist Party, he was punished in the form of 9 years of imprisonment.

The UN repeatedly recognized the apartheid "South African fascism" and called South Africa to stop the policies of racial discrimination. Nevertheless, the South Africa republic did not pay attention to these requirements.

The world community has sharply condemned the existing regime and imposed on South Africa sanctions, for example, forbade South Africa to participate in the Olympic Games.

One of the consequences of apartheid was a huge social gap between descendants of Europeans who lived at the best standards. western World, and by a majority in poverty (though, far from such a deep, as in many other African states).

All this caused protests, strikes and excitement within the country whose peaks fell in the mid-50s, the beginning of the 60s, mid-70s and the 80s, as well as anxiety of the international community, which was threatened by the country with sanctions.

In September 1989 The President of the country was elected Frederic de Clerk, who began to take active actions to eliminate the apartheid system (the white population should have abandoned its dominant position). Many laws were canceled, Nelson Mandela was released from prison - and in 1994 the first truly all-in-friendly elections were held, the victory on which the African National Congress won, still in power.

Despite the abolition of apartheid, millions of black South Africans still live in poverty. This is due to the fact that in terms of education, social responsibility and labor productivity, negros at the current stage are objectively unable to comply with the standards of developed post-industrial society.

Extremely high level of street crime, including the percentage of serious crimes, however, the authorities refuse to give way to the wishes of society and introduce the death penalty.

True, the social housing program gave certain fruits, improving the housing conditions of many citizens, which led to an increase in tax collection.

IN early XXI Century in South Africa also very acutely faced the problem of illegal migration. After the abolition of apartheid and a significant weakening of control on the external borders, the flow of illegal immigrants from Zimbabwe, Angola, Mozambique and other countries of East Africa poured into the country.

In total, South Africa (at the beginning of 2008), according to various experts, from 3 to 5 million illegal migrants. The mass influx of foreigners causes dissatisfaction of the citizens of South Africa. Claims to migrants are mainly that they are selected from the citizens of the country jobs, agreeing to work for a lower salary, and also make various crimes.

In May 2008, there were mass performances of South Africans against migrants in Johannesburg and Durban. Armed with batons, stones and cold weapons of a group of local people beaten and killed immigrants. For a week, the unrest only in Johannesburg killed more than 20 people, thousands left their homes. Immigrants were forced to hide from angry local residents in police sites, mosques and churches. The local police actually fully lost control over the situation and was forced to appeal to the country's president asking to attract the army to guid about the order.

On May 22, 2008, President South Africa Tabo Mbeci authorized the use of troops to suppress riots in the country. For the first time after the abolition of apartheid, the South Africa army was applied against citizens of his own state.

Recent changes: 04/26/2013

Diving in South Africa

Immersion in South Africa is held round year. Divers on the Atlantic coast admire numerous species, seals, sea lions, digoes and diving penguins. Heat-loving corals in these cool waters replaces the abundance of bizarre ocean algae.

The southern tip of Africa has a bad, but mounted divers fame of the cemetery of sunken ships.

Recent changes: 04/26/2013

In 1905, the world's largest diamond was produced in South Africa, whose weight was 3106.75 carats.

The Kruger National Park has the most innovative system Management and is the most profitable national park in the world.

In South Africa, cars are made with the right wheel of Mercedes Benz C class, BMW 3 series and Volkswagen Golf / Jetta for all countries of the world.

There is a difference in the Greeting Rules between White and Black South Africans. If white culture is made that the younger first greeted the older, then in the black culture - the reverse situation: the younger should wait until the elder greet him.

Just like the Russians, the South Africans shake hands with each other. At the same time, the distance between acquainted different from the distance adopted by the Russians. Between white it is more, between blacks - less than the Russians. White South Africans prefer a strong handshake, and the Africans are weak.

Black South African, most likely, preferences to bring you a gift with two hands. This is a sign of special respect. In addition, the blacks are taken to take what they are given by both hands. So they demonstrate gratitude.

Black South Africans, even when communicating with unfamiliar people, love to ask about health and family. This is considered a manifestation of openness and friendliness.

In public places, white and black South Africans relate differently to the strength of the voice and the volume of the conversation. If white is not accepted to talk loudly, then the blacks adhere to other traditions. According to their ideas, speak quietly - it means to justify, talking about another person.

Do not call your South African familiar after 9 o'clock in the evening. Many people of South African go to bed early, because they get up early. Therefore, in South Africa is considered acceptable to call acquaintances at 7 am or appoint business meetings at 9 am.

In the spacious private homes of South Africans, only one telephone is used. Therefore, when you call your South African acquaintances, wait a little longer than the usual one. Perhaps the owner of the house just did not have time to get to the apparatus.

In South Africa, it is customary that the caller immediately appeared. Therefore, the first question you will be given by phone: "Who" S Speaking? " ("Who says?") Before asking to call to the tube of who you need, first appear.

Since in South Africa left side traffic, passersby, walking along the corridors of institutions or street sidewalks, will keep the left side and will try to bypass you on the right side. Remember this to avoid collisions.

In a taxi passengers sit in the back seat. Next to the driver is not accepted. But on a trip with your familiar on their car, one of the passengers sits next to the driver. Usually his wife sits down next to the driver. However, if an older couple is going in your car, then a place in the front seat is preferably offered to a man, the head of the invitation family.

Hunting in South Africa

South Africa is one of the most famous hunting places in the world: here the great set of game and a well-developed hunting infrastructure. You can hunt both in state and private hunting grounds and farms.

The hunting in South Africa is strictly controlled and is regulated by the state and hunting associations: there are quotas for animal shooting, which annually distribute power in each individual province. On the rarest animals, there is even a kind of "waiting list". The hunting season continues all year round, and the choice of the area for hunting depends on the time of year, but the main "hunting season" in the country - from April to October.

For hunting can be used both leased and own weapons. A temporary permit for the import of hunting weapons is issued for a period of 90 to 180 days at the entrance to the country. At the end of the trip, all the weapons specified in the resolution should be exported from the country. Those who wish to come to the country to hunt with their weapons must apply for the import of weapons for 8 weeks before the start of Safari. Hunters who did not have time to get a temporary resolution on the import of weapons can get it at the border, declaving it when passport control. It is also necessary to have proof of the rights to weapons (license and permit to export weapons from its country).

The cost of hunting is from the cost of trophies and accompaniment. The accompaniment price, as a rule, includes: accommodation, food (full board), merger services, all licenses, transportation of trophy to taxiderism, laundry service. In different hunting costs, this price will be from 200 to 500 USD per day per hunter depending on the type of animal and the level of hunting service. At the same time, a certain period of time and the corresponding number of days are required for hunting for a specific type of beast.

Arguments against amateur hunting:

1. Hunting brings up such negative qualities as complacency, vanity, gloating, boasting, lies, envy, hypocrisy, cruelty, etc.

2. People did not have before cows and pigs, and therefore, to survive, were forced to go hunting and kill wild animals. Now they are killed on amateur hunting not for the sake of survival, but for fun, which cannot be considered normal.

3. During the hunt, a "selection shot of the opposite" is held, since the largest, noticeable individuals represent the largest trophy value, which leads to degradation, violation of the social, age and sexual structure of bird flocks and studies of animals to degradation.

4. Hunting is a cruel medieval atavism, the relic of the past, like the witch hunt, Corrida, dog fights, etc.

5. Fry to have fun at the expense of the death and suffering of others.

6. During the hunt, the hunter uses such immoral techniques, unworthy of a decent person as a deception, cunning, ambush, attack from behind the corner, the persecution of the weak strongest, to achieve a lying, using his love, hunger, etc.

7. There is a huge difference between the killing of an animal for food and the murder of an animal for entertainment.

8. You can do without hunting. There are sufficiently decent entertainment for real men.

9. Hunting violates the rights of an animal to life, to defend from unnecessary suffering due to human fault, for dignity, etc.

10. Hunting brings an animal suffering.

Recent changes: 01/20/2013

Tourists should not carry expensive things with them and large amounts of money, as well as leave valuable things in the rooms outside the safe.

Close the door of your room in the hotel and be sure to lock it on the castle. Take valuables Leave in a safe that is in any hotel.

Going to walk alone is dangerous. Always take someone with you if you are going to swim, walk in the mountains or go hiking. In the evenings, try not to ride the city buses, route taxi and trains. If you still decided to do this, then definitely take someone with yourself so as not to attend the risk of an attack. If you need to urgently go somewhere, use a taxi.

In June-August, South Africa darkens about 5 pm, and in December-February - about 7 pm. In the dark time around the city should be moved only by car.

When moving the roadway, look first right, and then left. Remember that in South Africa left-hand movement.

Sitting into the car and closing the door, you need to immediately lock it and raise the glass. Especially in the evening, and in unsafe areas. When driving through such areas, the glass in the car is not closed to the end, leaving a couple of centimeters from above, but so that the outside it is impossible to cover your hand. The incomplete closed window is harder. You can give out time and add gas until the attacker is waiting a second time.

The country has an extensive and consistent program to limit smoking. The offense is considered smoking in most public places, including the closer officially set distance From windows of houses, air intakes of ventilation, passages or entrances to public buildings - for such a violation, a fine is assumed. Smoking in bars and restaurants is also noticeably limited, since the owner of the institution that will not protect the rights to fresh air to those who do not smoke (including employees themselves), faces a fine. Smoking in public transport, at the station and at airports is prohibited for about 25 years, but certain sanctions are introduced for smoking at stops or near schools.

Drinking water and most local cool beverages are generally safe for use, but, nevertheless, it is recommended to use mineral or drinking water Factory packaging.

The quality of food in the overwhelming majority cafes and restaurants corresponds to sanitary standards. Street trays and bistro are also considered safe.

A certain danger is small-ski-shistosomes living in the water of local lakes and rivers, as well as poisonous snakes, mosquitoes (especially the malarious Komar "Anofeles", common on the coastal plains of the Eastern coast), crocodiles, hippos and other wild animals.

Solar Activity. The country is very high solar radiationTherefore, protective glasses, creams, hats and lightweight long sleeves are strongly recommended.

On many beaches of South Africa, the likelihood of shark attack, especially at the end of August - early September, when they migrate from the island of forces, where the colony of cattle is located, in the Bay of Falls Bay to the beaches, such beaches, as a rule, have warning signs. Every year three or four cases of sharks attack on people are recorded in South Africa. It is recommended to swim on the beaches where a special protective metal grid is installed.

Hotels in the country - high class, in terms of service international standards. The choice is wide: from budget options to luxurious "five-star". In national parks and reserves, lodges and kamps are used.

What clothes to take with you in South Africa?

In hot summer weather, lightweight clothing made of cotton fabrics is most comfortable. During the day, the South Africans dressed informally (style "Casual"), except business peopleworking in offices that necessitate a suit and tie. For visiting theaters and restaurants, the elegant style is quite suitable ("Smart-Casual"). Some restaurants may ask for men to wear a jacket and tie dinner. The spa and beach hotels will be quite appropriate shorts and a T-shirt, even when visiting local restaurants. The appearance on the Beach "Topless" is not prohibited, but not always appropriate.

Summer nights becomes cooler and might need light jacket or jumper, especially closer to winter. During winter, warmer clothes are needed, although winter is far from such a harsh, as in the northern hemisphere.

During the observation of animals in reserves, it is better to wear the things of neutral shades such as beige, brown, khaki or olive. In addition, they say that insects attract bright colors and white. Clothes with long sleeves should not prevent protection from bites. Shoes should be suitable for hiking. The cream from the tan and the headdress is very important, and not only on the beach, but also during walks.

Going on the trip, it would be reasonable to take with you a raincoat or an umbrella. Rain for South Africans, of course, in joy. However, as a rule, it is a strong shower. It should also be borne in mind that in winter and in the summer it rains are in different regions of the country.

Recent changes: 04/26/2013

How to get to South Africa

International airports are located in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. National air carrier South African Airways (SAA) carries out regular daily flights on Moscow - Johannesburg, together with Lufthansa airlines (via Frankfurt), British Airways (through London) and Aeroflot (through Zurich, Paris, London and Frankfurt).

London and Frankfurt also fly regular daily direct flights to Cape Town and back (without landing in Johannesburg).

Daily flights from St. Petersburg are carried out through Frankfurt and London.

Emirates airplanes fly from Moscow to Johannesburg through Dubai every day.

In addition, regular daily flights to Johannesburg and Cape Town perform many large airlines - Lufthansa, KLM, British Airways, Air France, Iberia, Qatar Airways, Swiss.

From the CIS countries, regular flights to Johannesburg and Cape Town carry out all the leading airline airlines with a transfer to major cities of Europe.

The duration of the filthlet without taking into account the docking time is 14-15 hours depending on the airline.

Recent changes: 04/26/2013

    Flag of South African Republic ... Wikipedia

    - (Eng. Municipalities of South Africa) refer to lower than the provinces, the level of administratively territorial division. They form the lowest self-governing level of administratively territorial division, and operate on ... ... Wikipedia

    This article about the coat of arms and history of the coat of arms of the Republic of South Africa (English Republic of South Africa). About the coat of arms of South African Republic (Afrikaans Zuid Afrikaansche Republiek) can be found here. Coat of arms of the Republic of South Africa ... Wikipedia

    This article lacks references to sources of information. Information must be checked, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can ... Wikipedia

    Constitution of the South African Republic Supreme Law South Africa. It provides a legal framework for the existence of the state, establishes the rights and obligations of its citizens, and also determines the structure of the Government of South Africa. The current constitution ... ... Wikipedia

    - (English. District Municipality), or "Category C Municipalities" is the districts of the South African Republic, which includes mainly countryside. Areas are divided into local municipalities. Some parts of South Africa because of their ... ... Wikipedia

    In the South African Republic, according to its 1996 Constitution, declare 11 official languages (more than 23 only in India). Formerly, the official languages \u200b\u200bof the state were English and Afrikaans, but after the fall of apartheid on ... ... Wikipedia

    Economic Indicators Currency South African Rand International Organizations Act Statistics GDP (nominal) 505 billion (2009) Economically active population 18 million ... Wikipedia

    Cities of South Africa Republic (English CITIES IN SOUTH AFRICA) List of the largest settlements SOUTH AFRICA. According to the World Gazeer website, there are 200 cities in South Africa with a number of more than 13,000 people. List of cities South Africa ... Wikipedia

    Holidays of South African Republic: Date title January 1 New Year March 21 Human Rights Day Friday Friend of Easter Great Friday Monday After Easter Family Day April 27, South Africa Day May 1 Labor Day June 16th ... Wikipedia

South Africa - population and language

About 47 million people live in South Africa. The population is very inhomogeneously on racial, national, language, cultural and religious signs. All the motley in ethnically, the population of South Africa is the result of a complex history of the formation of the country's population - officially divided into 4 groups: Africans, white, Mulatola and Asians. The main part, of course, is the indigenous inhabitants of the African continent - Black Africans. They are already more than 70%, white-skinned Afrikaners are about 10%, mulatto or, as they are called, color - 9%, and Hindus and Asians - 2.5%.

Asians in South Africa are represented mainly by Indians, descendants of workers brought here in the XIX century to work on sugar plantations. This group is called Natal.
Mulats or "Color" in South Africa called people mixed raceswhich occurred from slaves brought from Eastern and central Africa, Aboriginal Africa, White with an admixture of Malayans, Hindus and other Asians. Most of the "color" speaks to Afrikaans.
The white population consists of descendants of colonial immigrants: Dutch, Germans, French, Guenotov and the British. From the point of view of cultural and linguistic factors, they are divided into Afrikaner, former bers, and now Dutch (live here in the tenth generation and speak Afrikaans) and Anglo-Africans, descendants of British colonists.

And finally, the most numerous - black inhabitants are represented by various ethnic groups, tribes and peoples. The largest ethnic groups: Zulu (Province of Natal and the neighborhood), Spit (south of the country), Soto (State of Lesotho inside South Africa), Pedi, Venda, Tsvan, Tsong, Swami, Ndbel and others. All of them speak in Languages. Also in South Africa, the oldest indigenous inhabitants of the country - Gottentotes and Bushmen, who preserved their unique exotic culture and life live.
Almost every tribe lives apart. Their living conditions, life, culture, religion, traditions, customs are a real exotic, which you will not see anywhere else. You can get acquainted with her in special tours of the ethnographic villages of South Africa.


For the most a large number of State languages \u200b\u200b- Eleven - South Africa is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The list of official languages \u200b\u200bincludes languages \u200b\u200bof various nations and ethnic groups inhabiting the country: Afrikaans, English, Naddeel, Spit, Zulu, Pedi, Soto, Tsvan, Swami, Venda, Tsong. Most black Africans speak their languages. The most common language is Zulu. The second most popular is the braid language. In parallel with this, the majority of the population of all races speak English. The descendants of the Dutch and Moutique speak Afrikaans - a mixture of Starogolland (medieval) language with a local dialect.


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