How to open your minibus. How much does it cost to open a bus business

Site arrangement 12.10.2019
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The minibus business plan brought to your attention sets itself and solves important social and economic tasks. The main ones are: creation of a profitable enterprise for the transportation of passengers in the city; Satisfaction of consumer demand for fixed-route taxi services; extracting profit. Today, this mode of transport is big cities and the suburban area has become a serious competitor to bus transportation and electric transport. The main advantages of a fixed-route taxi are the greater maneuverability of vehicles and the high speed of passenger delivery.

Project Summary

The considered business plan for a fixed-route taxi with calculations contains information and recommendations on opening an enterprise with a two-year cash turnover.

The project is financed by obtaining a bank commercial loan in the amount of 22.08 million rubles.

With the declared payback period (2 years), the investor will receive an income in the amount of 2 million 97.6 thousand rubles.

The payment of interest on borrowed funds and their return begin from the first month of operation of the passenger transportation enterprise. This condition is accepted in this business plan in order to more easily assimilate the methodology for regulating flows Money and the logic for calculating the discount flow.

The rate on the loan is 24% (when determining it, the possibility of lowering should also be taken into account, as evidenced by the trend in banking policy).

The total amount of funds accrued to the creditor for interest will amount to 2 million 97.6 thousand rubles.

The volume of the loan provides the project life cycle at two years old.

Payback period of the project:

  • 17 months - from the beginning of its implementation;
  • 24 months - including discounting.

For the estimated life cycle, the total economic effect will be 6,642,521.6 rubles.

Market characteristics

Currently, the passenger transportation market has a significant number of small companies who do not fully feel the high intensity of competition. This is due to the relative freedom of the service market in this industry, long payback periods for enterprises, psychological barriers to starting a business, and complex administration.

As evidenced by economic statistics, bus transportation in Russia today cope with the task only by 80-85%. Only 60% of the country's residents regularly use bus transport services, and this value tends to constantly decrease.

In addition, in cities, the process of absorption of small carriers by large transport companies is increasingly observed, which are constantly increasing their presence in the service market. In particular, the number of companies owning 1-2 vehicles is rapidly decreasing.

At the same time, over 80,000 individual entrepreneurs continue to be engaged in transportation in the country. They have about 350,000 buses at their disposal, each with an average daily mileage of 250 to 350 kilometers.

According to experts, the total capacity of the domestic passenger transportation market is approximately 250 billion rubles, and this figure is presented in the minimum value. Given the ongoing urbanization of the country, there should be no cause for concern for carriers in the coming years.

It should also be taken into account that the development of road transport infrastructure lags far behind the pace of industrialization. This makes the use of personal transport more and more costly and problematic. This fact makes the development of public transport almost no alternative to satisfying the services of passengers in transportation. Already, the annual increase in the total cost of services is 19.5-20%.

In terms of organizing a business in this industry, there are some significant barriers. For example, since large transport companies At the moment, they are practically not experiencing financial problems, it is becoming increasingly difficult for private carriers to gain access to state-subsidized transportation of passengers using the benefits established for them.

Thus, market analysis shows that, despite a significant number of market participants (and even gradually increasing), the volume of potential consumers of services is practically not growing. This is largely due to problems caused by the low level of transportation safety and high fares for passenger transportation.

Main stages of project implementation

The project of organizing an enterprise for transportation by fixed-route taxis is planned to be implemented as part of the following stages:

Services and Marketing

According to experts, only 1% of consumers of services is enough for it to become socially significant. This conclusion allows us to consider the business of organizing passenger transportation by fixed-route taxis as promising, with high profitability.

Consequently, with a competent organization of marketing, the created enterprise is able to fully recoup the investment and bring profit to the founder.

The main measures to form consumer opinion, which contributes to the growth in demand for fixed-route taxi services, are:

  • Placement of branded inscriptions on cars.
  • Distribution of offers from the company in the media mass media, on television and radio.
  • Ordering promotional materials in specialized publications.
  • Creating your own website.
  • Work in social networks.

Project Administration

As already emphasized above, the creation of an enterprise for the transportation of passengers by fixed-route taxi requires considerable effort and hassle associated with the registration of a business.

Since 2011, it has been mandatory in Russia to obtain a license for passenger transportation in vehicles with a capacity of more than 8 people. To receive it best solution there will be an appeal to intermediary organizations.

Obtaining a license itself provides for the need for the founder of the enterprise to pass 10-day courses at the transport inspection, which study the specifics of activities in this area and the existing requirements for the work of carriers on fixed-route taxis. Consideration of this issue may take about 1 month.

After completing the training, the employees of the transport inspectorate check the infrastructure of the enterprise, its technical base and equipment, and the availability of documents on passing a medical examination.

Project administration includes the choice of a taxation system and the legal form of the enterprise. A license will be required if the number of vehicles used for the provision of services exceeds 20 vehicles.

In addition, if the number of cars is not more than 20, then, according to the Tax Code, an individual entrepreneur or enterprise can use the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income (UTII).

To register an LLC, the founder must submit the following documents:

  • Receipt of depositing the mandatory amount of the authorized capital to the bank.
  • Agreement on the formation of LLC.
  • Application for registration.
  • Notarized charter of LLC and other documents, the list of which may be established by regional and municipal authorities authorities.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need:

  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Application for registration.
  • Copies of notarized personal documents.

Getting a seal for IP is optional.


This business plan provides for the organization of the enterprise by hiring carriers with their own vehicles. To be hired, candidates must have and present:

  • Documents for registration as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Personal passports.
  • A package of documents for vehicles.
  • Insurance and certificates from the traffic police on passing the technical inspection of cars.

The number of recruited employees is determined by the degree of congestion of the route on which they will have to work.

Recruitment is carried out on a competitive basis, preference is given to highly qualified specialists. The duration of the competition is 1 month.

The wage fund in this business plan is designed for 12 employees.

Project technical support

The created enterprise for passenger transportation includes the following elements of the production infrastructure:

  • Production facilities for the maintenance and repair of vehicles.
  • Equipped parking.
  • The room for the work of the dispatch service.
  • telemetry equipment, computer and software to control the movement of vehicles and the services provided.
  • Post medical examination of drivers.

The selection of candidates for employment with personal cars should be made taking into account ensuring productivity growth, compliance with transportation safety requirements, and compliance with the requirements of the founder to ensure a positive reputation of the enterprise.

Financial plan

The created enterprise operates within the legal form of LLC. The beginning of the financial year is January. The main tax paid is income tax at a rate of 24%.

Project costs

Information on the expenses of the newly created enterprise takes into account the need to overcome serious competition, therefore, when purchasing equipment, preference is given to high-quality equipment. The calculation was made with an estimated payback period of 2 years.

Projected service delivery plan

Period Services Volume (per month) Price Revenue
900 thousand passengers 10 rub. 9 million rubles
1-12 months (investment period) 100 orders 3 thousand rubles 300 thousand rubles
13-24 months (functional period) Urban transportation of passengers along the established route 1 million 200 thousand passengers 12 rub. RUB 1,440 thousand
13-24 months (functional period) Passenger transportation by order of consumers 190 and over 3.5 thousand rubles 665 thousand rubles

The plan is calculated based on the following mode of operation of the enterprise and the types of services provided:

Standard opening hours: from 07:00 to 24:00 hours.

Peak hours: 06:00 to 10:00 am and 16:00 to 20:00 pm.

The possibility of leasing to the enterprise its own car by its owner with employment as a driver is taken into account. Drivers also work for a percentage of daily earnings.

As a rule, the amount of daily revenue from a Gazelle minibus is from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand rubles. From this amount, the owner vehicle remains an average of 500 - 1,000 rubles.

The profit of the enterprise is determined under these conditions by the length of the routes on which taxi cars operate, the capacity of cars and the amount of deductions for drivers.


An example of this business plan and the calculations performed show that the creation of a limited liability company that will deal with passenger transportation is an extremely profitable business with high degrees of risks of various nature.

The most important condition for its successful functioning is the possibility of investing large enough funds that will be used to create and equip a car fleet and service stations. Opening an enterprise objectively requires a high responsibility, perseverance and tension from the founder. He must have sufficient level industry knowledge, understand the nature of activities in the market for the provision of transport services and be able to take responsibility for the operation of the enterprise, the safety and preservation of people's health.

Taking into account the predicted indicators of growth in sales volumes, project implementation costs, the cost of services provided, the profitability of this business, it can be argued with a high degree of confidence about its great prospects.

Relatively low investment quick payback, the constant demand for fixed-route taxi services attracts those who want to open a passenger transportation business. However, it is not easy to put a bus on the route: the niche is competitive, the urban transportation markets are firmly mastered by large players.

The objective reality is that in most Russian cities "minibuses" have become the most popular type of urban transport. Thus, the latest VTsIOM survey dated November 9, 2018 showed that 63% of citizens use their services, and this figure has remained virtually unchanged over the past ten years. The question was answered by participants over 18 years of age, but if we add schoolchildren, at least the senior classes, the figure will be even higher.

Business in urban passenger transportation is considered highly profitable, transport pays off quickly (a minibus within a year). It is not so difficult to obtain a license, it is issued by the federal bodies of Rostransnadzor. The most "tidbits" in this business are cash proceeds and preferential taxation (UTII, PSN).

The most difficult task: to fit into the structure of the local transportation market. It all depends on the scale. Putting 1-3 buses on the current route and getting a stable income is quite realistic, in some cities you can take 5-10 cars. A larger scope means entering the path of a “competitive war.” When thinking about opening a fixed-route taxi, you need to have a good idea of ​​how this rather closed business is organized.

What is a minibus from the point of view of the law

First of all, we note that "route taxi" or "minibus" is a popular term, which is not defined in the law. At the same time, it has a very specific content, determined by two features.

  • These are mainly minibuses of the Gazelle type and imported analogues (Ford Transit, Hyudai Country, Mercedes-Benz), as well as PAZ-32054 small class buses and their modifications.
  • Transport is owned by private owners who receive income solely from their revenue. Among them there are LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, they do not work on a municipal order and bear all the expenses themselves.

Since 2013, all types of vehicles carrying passengers, regardless of the type of property, have been equated to transport. common use. Private entrepreneurs are obliged to comply with the Automobile Charter and the Rules of Transportation on an equal basis with municipal and state motor transport enterprises. In practice, something else is often observed: races on the roads, packed in two rows of stops, worn-out buses, which causes constant claims to fixed-route taxis.

However, passengers do not have a choice: what is lucky, they go on that. With the rare exception of cities with a metro, or like Krasnoyarsk, where there are no minibuses, and never have been. Given the deplorable state of municipal ATPs in most regions of the country, we can confidently predict that private carriers will travel on the roads for a long time to come.

What you need to open a minibus

This type of business differs from others in that two barriers must be taken into account in the calculations: economic and administrative. The first involves the usual business calculation for any business: the purchase of transport, the cost of its maintenance, taxes, the cost of ensuring license requirements, determining revenue and net income.

The second is related to the acquisition of the right to the route. It is he who determines the potential passenger traffic and the profitability of the business, you will have to pay for obtaining the right to travel on it. We will consider this issue in detail below, and it is more correct to start a business on minibuses with its solution. Before buying a bus and calculating future revenue, you need to decide which route it can be put on, and how much it will cost.

Business registration and taxation

The vast majority of bus owners, which is faster, cheaper and eliminates the need for bookkeeping. Activity codes (OKVED) are selected from section 49 of the reference book "OK 029-2014 (NACE. Rev. 2)".

  • 49.31.21 - regular transportation of passengers by bus on urban and suburban routes;
  • 49.39.11 - the same activity in relation to intercity (intermunicipal) transportation;
  • 49.39.1 - transportation on orders, excursion and tourist routes.

When registering, you can specify any number of codes, it is not necessary to conduct activities for each of them. The reverse situation is punishable: in fact, it is impossible to carry out work on an unforeseen type of OKVED.

Passenger traffic is subject to the most favorable taxation regime - UTII, provided that the fleet has no more than 20 buses. This means that you do not need to keep records of income and expenses, the tax is calculated from the base monthly income per seat (1,500 rubles). It can be reduced by 50% through contributions to your own pension insurance. Payment is made quarterly. For example, for a Gazelle with 12 seats, this will be the following amount:

1,500 × 12 × 15% × 1.868 × (K2) = 5043.6 (rubles / month), where:

  • K2 - local coefficient, most often equal to 1;
  • 1.868 - deflation coefficient for 2018;
  • 15% - tax rate.

Passenger transportation license

Intercity, suburban and intracity transportation of passengers by road in the amount of more than 8 people are licensed activities. The capacity of the bus is determined by its technical characteristics. A license (sometimes this document is called a permit, a license card) is issued by the bodies of Rostransnadzor, it can be obtained entity or individual entrepreneur.

The application is submitted to the territorial UGADN (Department of State Road Supervision), addresses and telephone numbers are listed on the website .

An impressive list of documents (copies) confirming compliance with license requirements must be attached to the application.

  1. Registration documents of an individual entrepreneur or, a certificate of tax registration.
  2. On the availability of transport in the property (lease agreement) with a certificate of registration in the traffic police and PTS.
  3. OSAGO insurance policy, copies of coupons for passing technical inspection (diagnostic card).
  4. Notification of the inclusion of the vehicle in the Register of categorized objects and the assignment of a category (from October 10, 2017).
  5. Declaration on the availability of a rented parking lot for buses ( own garage).
  6. On the availability of premises, equipment for the repair and maintenance of the vehicle, or an agreement with a specialized company.
  7. Employment books, driver's licenses, medical examination certificates for drivers.
  8. On equipping buses with GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment (requirement suspended until 01/01/2019).
  9. On the availability of a full-time medical worker (or an agreement with a medical institution) who conducts daily pre-trip control.

The list of documents may change, therefore, before submitting an application, it is advisable to clarify everything directly with the UGADN at the place of implementation future activities. The state duty for a license is 7,500 rubles, it is issued within 45 days.

Until now, no special permit was required for the transportation of passengers only on orders and for the organization's own needs. Since March 2019 (No. 386-FZ of October 31, 2018), compulsory licensing has been introduced for these types of activities.

Choosing a bus, entering into the vehicle register

Mobility has always been the main advantage of a fixed-route taxi, therefore buses of small and especially small capacity prevail among fixed-route taxis. Among them, the Gazelle of the GAZ-32213, GAZ-32213 (322132) series deserved the most negative reviews. It is inconvenient for passengers, and raises claims in terms of safety. Nevertheless, gazelles prevail among the minibuses on the roads of Omsk and Novosibirsk million-plus cities, and are used even for intercity transportation of passengers in the southern and central regions of Russia.

In practice, certain “historical” preferences have developed in all regions. So, for example, in the Kemerovo region, PAZ buses of various modifications with a capacity of more than 40 seats are mainly used. In the Rostov region, minibuses Hyundai Country and Ford Transit are preferred. The entrepreneur himself decides which bus is better to buy for a minibus, taking into account local conditions, financial capabilities, and maintenance costs. Professionals do not recommend buying vehicles older than 3 years, a new bus (including the GAZelle Next) can be purchased on credit and on lease.

When buying a used bus, find out if it is included in the register of categorized vehicles. The seller must have an appropriate notice, without it it will be impossible to obtain a license. New transport will have to be issued independently. Avtodor (Federal Road Agency) is engaged in this, and only in Moscow. There you will need to send information by letter or electronically, which includes:

  • registration documents of the carrier (IP or LLC);
  • copies of the title and registration certificate of the vehicle;
  • information about the book value of the bus;
  • documents on the ownership (lease) of the vehicle.

The forms for filling out the documents that must be attached to the application for including the bus in the Vehicle Register are available on the Avtodor website. When sending the application by letter, all copies must be notarized. The notification is sent to the applicant within 45 days.

Bus service requirements

The list of documents that are needed to obtain a license is easy to collect. However, the list of licensing requirements includes two more items:

  • compliance with the requirements of Art. 20 security law traffic;
  • compliance with the Charter of Road Transport and the Rules for the Transportation of Passengers.

In fact, their implementation can only be checked in the process of work, and the traffic police and Rostransnadzor control this. If the patrol car of these services stops the minibus and finds inconsistencies or lack of required documents, this will be considered a violation of the license requirements. These include:

  • pre-trip control of the technical condition of the vehicle;
  • issuance of a waybill for each bus;
  • pre-trip medical examination of drivers;
  • civil liability insurance of the owner of the vehicle;
  • transport equipment technical means control.

In addition, buses must run strictly according to the schedule, there must be a route map in the cabin, and all passengers must have a travel ticket. At the same time, the functions of control services are strictly delimited. So, for example, an ordinary traffic police patrol is not authorized to check the presence of stamps on technical inspection and medical examination in the waybill, only Rostransnadzor employees can do this.

How to put the bus on the route

Over the years, the country has developed typical system urban and intermunicipal transportation. The main managers of routes (in fact, sellers) are the administrations of the regional and municipal levels. Permission to service them has long been received by various JSCs, LLCs, individual entrepreneurs, as a rule, close to the authorities.

The third in this chain are direct executors, bus owners, that is, small individual entrepreneurs, which are not independent players in the transportation market. They work with route owners on different schemes.

  1. An agreement is concluded between the owner of the route and the owner of the bus, for example, on joint activities, that is - the right to work on the route is sold. It is clear that each of them has its price.
  2. The intermediary concludes a fictitious bus rental agreement with its owner, and draws him up as an employee. The real relationship boils down to the fact that the driver daily “unfastens” a share of the proceeds for the route sheet.

Sometimes an entrepreneur who owns several buses enters into an agreement with an organization that has the official right to put the bus on the route and hires drivers. But most often, an agreement is concluded with individual entrepreneurs who have their own car. It is they who are the actual owners of the business: they bear the cost of gasoline, maintenance, are responsible for everything before the law, pay taxes and insurance premiums. Intermediaries only collect "tribute" in cash. For them, minibuses are a "gold mine", they do not show real profit, and it is almost impossible to check and take into account it.

Currently, the sale of tickets for travel on buses, including fixed-route taxis, does not require the use of cash register equipment(KKT). However, Law No. 192-FZ of July 3, 2018 amended, according to which the benefit is canceled from July 1, 2019.

How realistic is it to open a new direction

Theoretically, this is possible, but in practice there are many obstacles to overcome. First, most profitable destinations already mastered. You can only count on places with low passenger traffic, or those where municipal transport prevails and obviously cannot cope with the load. The issue is resolved in the transport department of the local administration.

The refusal is most often motivated by the following reasons: “according to calculations, no additional vehicles are required on this route” or “the need for passenger transportation is fully satisfied”. The real reasons are more prosaic. The commissioning of a private fixed-route taxi, as a rule, reduces the income of already planned-unprofitable MUPs, ATPs, which are left with only beneficiaries. And this means an even greater increase in subsidies from the local budget to cover their debts. However, such waivers are often challenged in the courts, and sometimes decisions are made in favor of the private carrier.

Since 2016, the rules for establishing routes have been regulated by Law No. 220-FZ on the organization of regular transportation. They come down to this:

  • an organization, an individual entrepreneur or a simple partnership of carriers can submit an application for establishing a route;
  • full information is attached to the application: the name of the route, the scheme of stopping points, the schedule, the list of vehicles;
  • if there are common stops with existing routes, the time difference must be at least 10 minutes.

The last condition has changed since January 2018 (previously it was 15 minutes), and if there are intersections, you will need to submit a written agreement with the carriers already working in this direction. It is clear that this does not make the task much easier, but a register of municipal and intermunicipal routes, which local authorities are now required to maintain and publish in the public domain, can be useful. Among other things, it also indicates those who have the official right to work for them (read the owners).

Official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg, where the register of municipal routes is published. If a route is not on the registry, it does not legally exist.

How much do you earn on a taxi

It is clear that it is difficult to calculate the real earnings of "route drivers", in each city and in each direction they are different. No one particularly shares this information, but rumors of "millions" are greatly exaggerated. Here are some examples from cities, from which certain conclusions can be drawn.

In medium-sized cities, the average daily revenue is 5,500–7,000 rubles (Penza), 6,000–10,000 rubles (Kemerovo), depending on the route. More on weekdays, less on weekends. When working “according to the plan”, the driver without his own transport gives the intermediary 3,000–3,500 thousand rubles a day, if he has his own bus, 30,000–60,000 per month (per route). If we take away the cost of gasoline, the net income per day is 2,000–3,500 rubles per day. This is with a normal 8-hour workday, and many work 12-hour days.

The average figures for cities with more than 600 thousand inhabitants are given in the range of 50-60 thousand rubles per month per minibus, in Moscow up to 75 thousand rubles. Moreover, in the capital, the average salary of a municipal bus driver is not much lower. On the most profitable routes, the profitability can reach 150 thousand per month from one bus.

How much does it cost to open a bus business

Each business plan is prepared taking into account the prices in its region. Specific figures depend on how the transport is bought: for one's own money, with the help of a loan, in leasing. So, for example, there are offers on Avito for the sale of a 2014 PAZ-32054 bus with a route for 700 thousand rubles (a small town in Southwestern Siberia). In Samara, two 2012 Hyundai Country buses (on the current route) are being sold for 1.4 million rubles, the seller promises a profitability of up to 80,000 rubles per month.

It is more practical to proceed from the list of initial and fixed costs, laying in the business plan the average figures for your region. An indicative list is given in the table.

An analysis of publicly available information shows that the cost of starting a business on a fixed-route taxi with one bus is 0.8–1.8 million rubles. If a fleet of 3-5 cars is planned, the costs increase to 4 million rubles. But at the same time, you need to additionally pay for the services of a dispatcher, an accountant and rent a small office space.

Law No. 220-FZ: what will change in the transportation market

The situation on the fixed-route taxi market changed with the release of Law No. 220-FZ, which came into full force in mid-2016. In fact, this is the first attempt at the state level, the purpose of which is to bring the chaotic and hidden market of passenger transportation out of the shadows. The law gave the authorities the right to set regulated tariffs, and Moscow was the first to do this, which transferred all major city routes to the municipal contract.

Business in the field of passenger transportation is traditionally considered very profitable and prestigious. A fleet of 10 - 15 cars, with proper organization of the business, can consistently bring its owner a very good income without serious time costs. The main thing is to select responsible employees, find a common language with competitors and be able to stay on the market.

Beginning of the beginning: route selection

Before starting paperwork and purchasing cars, it is worth carefully studying the current traffic patterns for passenger vehicles. This is necessary both in order to build a further strategy of action, and in order to draw up a business plan for a fixed-route taxi.

There are two ways to enter the urban passenger transportation market:

  • knock out a place for their cars on an existing route. In this case, you will receive both the already established flow of passengers and a large number of disgruntled competitors. Coping with the latter is sometimes very difficult, and this must be borne in mind;
  • learn a new route on your own. If you decide not to conflict with other carriers, you will have to draw up your own traffic pattern. It is unlikely that it will be popular in the first months, so get ready to work in the red.

The new route must be approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. This is a rather complicated process, so carefully consider your options, both financial and legal.

Investments, expenses and payback

A business such as a fixed-route taxi requires very significant investment investments on the initial stage. Start-up entrepreneurs with no experience in running commercial activities are unlikely to be able to cope with such a volume of expenses. Unless, of course, they are unable to obtain financial assistance from large investors or credit institutions.


The first and perhaps the most significant item of expenditure. To organize a fixed-route taxi, you will need at least 5-10 cars. And all of them must be in good condition, otherwise the payback process will drag on for several years.

On the Russian market Passenger traffic is very popular cars brand "Gazelle". Their main advantage is low price (from 600,000 to 850,000 rubles) and ease of maintenance. They are produced at a domestic factory, so you won’t have to look for components for a long time in the event of a breakdown or accident. True, they often break down, so a significant increase in repair costs awaits you by 3-4 years of operation.

Minibuses Mercedes Sprinter, Hyundai County and Ford Transit are much more reliable than the Gazelle. The average service life is 7-8 years. Specifications, as well as the quality of interior trim, foreign cars are higher, but they also cost about twice as much.

On average, the purchase of 3–5 minibuses for a taxi requires 3,500,000–4,000,000 rubles. The final amount depends on market prices, buyer preferences (new or used), etc.

Maintenance and insurance

If you are interested in a fixed-route taxi as a business, when drawing up a business plan, you will have to include not only standard CASCO insurance, but also OSAGO in the calculations. Otherwise, about the license of a passenger carrier and advantageous loan offers from large banking organizations you can not even dream of. The issue price is approximately 12,000–20,000 for CASCO and 8,000–10,000 for OSAGO. Additionally, insurance is usually issued for passengers and the driver while driving (1% of the total sum insured). Annual costs - about 40,000 rubles.

Car maintenance, washing and repair costs depend on whether or not the carrier has its own service. On average, about 1,000 rubles a day is spent on one car. In a month, respectively, about 25,000-30,000 rubles.

Garages and car park space

You also cannot do without renting garages, a small office space and a car park area. Keeping cars in an open parking lot in winter is very risky. Therefore, for these purposes, add about 100,000–150,000 rubles a month to your future budget.


For shift work on 5 cars, you will need 10 drivers. They can be paid wages both piece-rate and according to established standards. The staff of the organization must also have dispatchers, a mechanic and an accountant-cashier. medical worker drivers can be hired for part-time inspections.

per month for payment wages to all your employees you will spend approximately 500,000 rubles.

Calculation of initial investments

Let's summarize. So, at the initial stage, you will need:

  • 4,000,000 rubles - for the purchase of cars;
  • 200,000 rubles - for insurance;
  • 150,000 rubles - for maintenance;
  • 100,000 rubles - for the rental of office space;
  • 500,000 rubles - for the payment of wages to employees.

Total: 4,950,000 rubles.

Income and payback

Net monthly income from one car is usually 40,000–50,000 rubles. If you decide to open a business in the field of a fixed-route taxi and make a fleet of 5 cars, you can count on about 200,000–250,000 rubles per month. The full payback of the enterprise, respectively, will take about 1.5–2 years.


State registration of such a business as a fixed-route taxi, judging by the reviews, takes a lot of time. You will not only have to choose a taxation system and legal form of the company, but also obtain a special license for passenger transportation.

IP or LLC?

The best form of a commercial entity when organizing a fixed-route taxi is a limited liability company. It allows you to avoid unnecessary risks in the event of bankruptcy of the enterprise and gives chances for obtaining additional financing. The registration process takes about 3-4 weeks, the cost is 15,000-20,000 rubles.

Taxation system

Activities for the provision of motor transport services for passenger transportation are often subject to taxation under the system. This is very convenient, both for entrepreneurs and for fiscal authorities. Therefore, if in your region there is an opportunity to issue a tax on UTII, choose it. Otherwise, you can use or OSNO.

Licenses and Permits

As mentioned above, you will need a license to carry out transportation. You can get it at the local branch of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The following documents are required to issue a license:

  • articles of association;
  • founding documents;
  • fact papers state registration;
  • Bank details;
  • Title of cars;
  • applicant's passport;
  • tax registration certificate, etc.

A license is usually issued within 21 to 45 days. For the issuance of the document, as well as for the consideration of the application, a state duty is charged. The license is valid for 5 years.

Today in Russia fixed-route taxis are very popular. Residents of megacities and small towns fell in love with this type of transport for comfortable and fast movement. As a result, the route business is in increasing demand every day. People use these services on a daily basis, despite the lack of benefits when paying for travel.

Fixed-route taxis are especially popular in large cities, where they have almost replaced other ground public transport. In a variety of places, their popularity is growing year by year. In Moscow alone, there are almost ten thousand fixed-route taxis. This indicates a high profitability of the business. Therefore, many may have a question about how to open a fixed-route taxi. This will be discussed further.

Secondary Income

It is worth noting that in addition to paying for travel, this type of transport can bring additional income. This once again emphasizes how profitable a fixed-route taxi can be. Business can and should be multifaceted.

  • Advertising placed inside your vehicle. Posters, business cards, information booklets and other promotional materials - this will bring considerable income to the owner of the route business, if everything is organized correctly. Usually such products, effective and catchy, are placed closer to passengers in order to attract their attention.
  • Using the car body as an advertising surface. This design is applied by specialists of the relevant agency in the form of a film with a bright image. Despite the fact that this type of advertising is quite expensive, this does not prevent it from gaining more and more popularity.
  • Provision of transportation services for excursions and other organized groups.
  • Provision of a vehicle for various festive events.

So, if all of the above convinced you to open your own route business, you just need to familiarize yourself with the main stages of this process. They will be discussed further.


To draw up a document for the implementation of this type of activity, you need to contact the department of transport inspection at the place of residence. There you can also find out in detail how to open a fixed-route taxi. It will be mandatory to bring cars in line with the requirements established for this type of passenger transport. It is also necessary to have in the staff of employees people with the appropriate driver's license and past special attestation. The license is issued for a period of five years.

Receipt this document is paid by the state duty of two types, namely: for consideration of an application for obtaining a license and for its issuance. For each vehicle, the company has a separate registration card. In different regions of the country, the amounts that must be paid for a license are differentiated.

They can range from $350 to $500. Within 30 days you will have a ready-made license in your hands. Without this document, carry out Passenger Transportation is strictly prohibited. For this legislation provides for a system of administrative penalties in the form of fines. Individual entrepreneurship allows you to engage in this type of business, you can also register as a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

But the most important document is still a license for the right to engage in transportation. This is important to know when organizing a route business. The license is issued by the Russian Ministry of Transport. It is issued for the transportation of more than eight people in a car that is specially equipped for this.

Required documents for obtaining a license

To get started, you need the following materials:

Charter of the enterprise;

Memorandum of association;

Certificate of state registration;

Documents on tax registration;

Statistics management codes;

Bank details;

Physical and legal address;

Lease agreement for a parking lot;

Passports of vehicles;

Driver's licenses DB and PC;

Certificates of technical inspection of vehicles;

Driver's documents work books, driver's license).

Selection and purchase of cars

In this case, you should apply individual approach. You will form your car park based on financial capabilities. However, saving on this item of expenses is not worth it by purchasing used cars. Experienced owners of fixed-route taxis will definitely help with advice, which is worth heeding.

It is known that during a work shift, depending on a given flight, a car can travel quite long distances. This is important to know if you want to organize a fixed-route taxi. Business in this case depends on calculations. If you multiply the mileage by the total number of shifts per day, and even by the number of days in a year, you get an impressive figure.

Such long distances are not always mastered even by a brand new foreign car. GAZelles (GAZ-322132) for 13 passenger seats are recognized as the most popular cars today. Ford Transit with 18 seats and Mercedes-Benz Sprinter with 19 seats are also in demand. Despite their price attractiveness, GAZelles are not very comfortable and roomy, and their operating conditions leave much to be desired.

If your financial possibilities are still somewhat limited, use leasing. But just do not save on cars! With this type of loan, you will reduce the cost of buying the necessary machines and get a discount on some taxes.

Route development

This is an important point. To find out how to get a route for passenger transportation, you need to contact the city administration. They regularly arrange competitions for the implementation of transportation, in which you can and should participate.

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