How to make different things in minecraft schemes. Minecraft recipes

Encyclopedia plants 03.07.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Kraft in Minecraft - This is a way with which you can get almost any subject in the virtual world of Minecraft game. In Slang, Minecraft players, there is such a concept as "scaffolding", "crafting" - it means to do, or create something.

Basic rules of Kraft

Let's look at the basic rules of the Maincraft crafting, which each player must remember.
  • For crafting of any subject in the game, it is necessary to own certain resources.
  • There are materials that can be any kind. For example, boards or wool.
  • In order to create an item, you must arrange resources in a certain way relative to each other.
  • When crafting, you can use both one unit of each ingredient and its maximum amount (if you clamp shift).
  • Some items can be obtained by adding material to already existing things. To do this, you need to place objects in the Minecraft craft window.
More experienced players can use Minecraft craft at an intuitive level. They create items, guessing the position of the materials during the crafting process. But, for those who are only mastered in the game, there are Minecraft recipes that will serve as a good tip.
For those who came to the game not so long ago or only begins to master her expanses need to know main Recipes Minecraft For things that you need at first.

In Minecraft kraft some items you can find out, having acquainted with the recipes for their creation.

Main Minecraft Recipes (to create items)

The foundation

Krafts of some useful mechanisms.

Tools and recipes.

How to cook food in Minecraft.

Minecraft armor crafts.

Thus, it is possible to scream objects for transportation.

Some blocks can consist of a combination of materials.

Kraft - This is a way to turn basic and simple materials (such as a cobblestone) in tools / weapons / etc. All players have in their inventory a crafting grid with a size of 2x2, which can be used at any time. To access 3x3 crafting grid, you need to use crafting tablewhich then allows you to create more complex and necessary items and materials. For crafting items in minecraft you need to position the materials in the correct order for the subject you want to create. Slots in which you place the materials do not matter if the template is correct.

Craft Mesh in Minecraft It is very important for the gameplay, since it allows you to use materials for building objects and creating objects, including weapons, armor, shelter, signs, resources, food, etc. When you first start playing, your character will have only four slots available, which limits the number of items that you can do. However, as soon as you create a craft table, you can use more slots and create additional items. To use the crafting grid, you just need to open the inventory and place items in various boxes (or slots). The placement of various combinations of materials in the crafting grid will result in different items. In Minecraft, a practically unlimited number of recipes is available, so create and customize objects to your liking! Below is a list of current items that can be manufactured, and recipes / templates used to create them.

How to craft 384 items in minecraft.

1 "\u003e ((Active_Recipe.Count))

((Active_Item.Recipe + 1)) / ((


  • ((Count)) x ((db.Name))


How to create a crafting workbench in Minecraft

Most craft recipes in Minecraft require that you have access to the crafting grille 3x3. To access it, you will need a crafting table.

Step 1
To create a craft table, you need to find 1 tree block (any type). This can be obtained by hitting the tree. When you have 1 tree block, press "E" to open the inventory, and place the tree into the 2x2 lattice, as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 2.
Wooden block will give you 4 wooden boards. Take wooden boards and place them in the crafting grid to make the crafting table.

Step 3.

Now take the craft table and place it at the bottom of the inventory. Select it and right-click anywhere on Earth.

Step 4.

To use the kraft table, just go closer to it and right-click on it. Now you have access to 3x3 crafting grille, and you can use all crafting recipes.


What are Kraft Recipes Need?

If you are a newcomer game Minecraft, then you will most likely do not know how to scream any block, so this news has been created for you which shows the crafting recipes of all items and blocks that can be created using a workbench. In addition, many players first getting familiar with the game minecraft asked " Where to start survival? ". To begin with, you need to get a tree, then open the initial inventory where there will be a mesh 2 at 2. Put in these cells of the board and get inventory. Next will be created by many items on the workbench on the grid that works already 3 to 3. Make Any items and blocks can be using this page.

In each new version of the game, new recipes of objects and blocks appear, the kraft of which is not so easy to remember. Therefore, we made a convenient search for recipes for you, it is enough to click on the desired subject and the recipe will appear on top. For example, here you will find recipes here: " How to make blocks in minecraft", "How to make armor", "How to make the door", "How to make saddle"And many others. In order to create something in minecraft, move the necessary items from the inventory to the crafting grid that can be obtained using a workbench.

How to view craft recipes right in the game?

If you want to view recipes right in the game, try setting add-ons (),

Minecraft is a game in the genre "Sandbox". Allows the gamers to build a wide variety of objects from blocks in a three-dimensional environment. The user manages a character that can create or destroy. The possibility of playing in online mode with many other users.

Game description

This game has passed a sufficiently long development cycle. However, Kraftting in Minecraft has always been the main occupation. You can buy the game for twenty euros and start using the special customer. In addition, there is a demo version that provides the opportunity to get acquainted with the main features.

The creation of the game began in the distance in 2009. Minecraft came out in the fall of 2011. Even before the full version of the full version, the game was able to get huge popularity in the Gamers. In the fall of the same year, the program came out on Android devices.

Mines for Minecraft overlook with enviable constancy. In addition to them, many other improvements are added to the game, which are targeting to diversify the gameplay.

Crafting in Minecraft.

As mentioned above, this occupation in the game is, one can say the main one. Generally crafting in Minecraft is a way to obtain items and blocks. To obtain a specific object, it is necessary to place the desired amount of materials in a special grid. The game has two types of grids - 2x2 and 3x3. The first is in the inventory, and to take advantage of the second, you have to create a workbench.

Crafting rules in Minecraft

Skins for Minecraft can help beautify the game. But still the basis, if neither twist, the crafting remains. However, to create any thing, you will have to adhere to some rules. They will help to understand the basics of beginners and make kafting in Minecraft enough simple and interesting occupation. Below is a list of basic rules.

  • Kraft things are possible only with a certain amount of material.
  • Absolutely diverse view can have boards, stones and so on. However, repaint the player will only get white wool. Some skins for Minecraft make changes to this rule.
  • The material must be located in the grid in a certain way. It will not work to make the required thing if the ingredients in the grid are posted if only. It is possible to scratch the staircase, for example, only in the case of the correct location of all its parts. However, the creation of some things does not require a certain placement of ingredients.
  • With a single pressing of the crafting button, one item will be created, and spent, respectively, one ingredient from each cell. However, you can create a maximum possible number of items at once if you press the SHIFT key.

Crafting in the pocket version of the game

Adapting a program for mobile devices affected on the game system. In addition to the fact that some cards for Minecraft did not hit the mobile version, I had to use a completely different type of crafting - Mattis. Compared with the version for personal computers, the usual cells 3x3 and 2x2 were removed here. Instead, the user is presented to choosing the desired recipe from the list, which is represented in alphabetical order.

Today in the mobile version there are four types of partitions for crafting. The undoubted advantage is that the user does not have to memorize how the materials should be located in the creation grid. The minus is that the list of recipes for creating things is much longer.

The crafting panel itself in Minecraft Pocket Edition is presented as follows: on the left side of the screen, four categories of items are given (they have the kind of simple icons without any signatures). The central part of the display is engaged in a crafting list. The right side of the screen is represented by a button that shows how much material is necessary to create. Just below this key posted information about the subject that will be created.

To date, one hundred and sixty-four crafting recipes are available.

Crafting in Minecraft: Recipes

So, considering the main features of the game, we turn directly to the recipes for creating a variety of items. Each object can be attributed to a specific category. Below we will analyze various recipes, for example, how to scratch the staircase and so on.


Blocks are, you can say the basis of the game. All of them consist of all maps in Minecraft. Together they create the surrounding virtual world. Blocks can be removed, redo and return back to the Minecraft card. The volume of one element is equal to one cubic meter. Most of the blocks are static. However, for example, water or lava can change its appearance in any influences.


Today there is a huge number of a wide variety of blocks in the minecraft. Models on krafts are able to add a number of blocks to the game. In the original Minecraft world, which is randomly generated, you can find many blocks, for example: stone, snow, grass, sand, iron, coal, gold, ice, various flowers, wood and much more.

Treasury enable the player to find a number of additional blocks. After one of the updates, some elements can not only be created, but also to find in the corners of the card. For example, one who wondered how to scream fence may forget about this problem. Now it can be found on the expanses of the card. However, those who are still creating everything with their own hands, we present the recipe, how to scream fence. It will take six sticks (or two and four pieces of wood).


This category is the things needed by the player to perform any actions that are impossible to carry out naked hands. For example, resource mining or new actions. Many tools are repaired, and some can be entered. Kraft things, namely tools, is of great importance during the game. It is able to facilitate the prey of rare resources and speed up the process.

Kraft tools

So, we turn directly to which tools can be created in Menicraft, and what ingredients will be required for this.

Application of tools

It should be paid to the fact that every tool is early or later wears. The term of his life depends on what the subject was created. One application is the complete destruction of the block or the blow of the mob. Note that when using the tool is not for the purpose, its speeding is happening. For example, if you apply a pick-up kirk to cut the trees, then each blow will be equal to the two uses.

  • The tree is one of the simplest ingredients. To withstand it is capable of sixty uses.
  • Gold is endowed with small strength, but it is possible to destroy blocks much faster. Can withstand thirty-three uses.
  • Cobblestone is a fairly common subject in the game. Withstands up to one hundred thirty-two uses.
  • Iron has good strength and withstands two hundred fifty-one use.
  • Diamond is the most durable subject in the game. To withstand it can 1562 use.

Weapons in the game

In the game you can use the weapon, which is stored in the chests. Kraft chest can be done without difficulty.

  • The fist is a standard weapon in the game. From the advantages you can allocate what you can push enemies when it is possible. For example, you can push the monster from the cliff.
  • Sword. To execute the attack applies the left mouse button. Three blocks - a distant of the sword. You can kill the enemy with a different number of shots - it all depends on the material from which the sword was made. Golden and wooden can kill many enemies from five to six hits; Stone - from four or five, iron - with four, diamond - from five. Many swords break very quickly. The only material that will last long enough, is a diamond. However, find it is a difficult task. To protect against impact, you must click the right mouse button. For the following items are required: one stick + boards (except for boards, you can use diamonds, iron and as well as cobblestones).
  • Onion. To use this weapon, it is also necessary for the presence of arrows. They can be screaming or pick up from killed skeletons. After the shot, they can be raised and reused. We will need to pull the tent with the right mouse button. From the strength of the tension depends the range of the arrows and damage. With good tension, the enemies die from two or three shots. Onions can be applied three hundred eighty five times, after which it will break. For the crafting of the bow required: Three sticks + three threads. To create an arrow, you need: flint + stick + pen. To create a ghost boom, you need to: Four Lights + Arrow.


Armor in the game is used to increase the overall protection of the character. Leather, iron, gold and diamonds can be used for armor crafting. Kirase, helmet, shoes and led components. At the time of the appearance of armor, a scale occurs, which demonstrates the level of protection.

Armor significantly reduces the damage that receives a character, but it has a property to wear. Its strength depends on the material from which it is made. The most durable is the diamond armor. However, damage, which it can absorb, only twice the strength of iron protection. Make armor from diamonds is quite difficult, as it is difficult to find them.

Kraft armor

  • Helmet. This category of armor, manufactured from various ingredients, is able to give additional protection. For crafting, five pieces of skin are used (except for it, you can use diamonds, iron chips or gold).
  • Cirase adds some character to protect the character. It can be made from various ingredients. Depends on the choice of player how much protection will receive his character. For manufacture, eight pieces of skin (diamonds, gold or iron bars).
  • Leggings, like the remaining components of the armor, give a certain amount of character protection. For crafting, seven pieces of skin (diamonds, gold or iron bars).
  • Boots provide additional protection. For crafting, four pieces of skin (diamonds, iron or gold bars) are used.
  • Roll-made armor. This type of protection can be obtained only when using fire. However, it is impossible to purchase it with a legal way. To obtain a fire, either cheat codes will have to be used or certain modifications. After the next update in the game, the recipe for obtaining this type of armor was carved.

Security strength

Like all items in the game, armor sooner or later wear out. How quickly it will happen depends on the selected material for its creation. The level of wear depends on the number of damage in a certain part of the armor.

  • Leather armor. The leather helmet can withstand damage in the amount of 55. Kirase from the skin will break after eighty. Leggings withstand seventy-five, and boots - sixty-five.
  • Golden armor. The gold helmet will be the level at seventy-seven damage. Kirase - a hundred twelve. Leggings are able to withstand one hundred and five damage. Boots - ninety one.
  • Iron armor. Iron helmet will withstand the amount of damage, equal to one hundred sixty-five. Kirase - two hundred forty. Leggings will withstand two hundred twenty-five enemies. Boots - one hundred ninety five.
  • Diamond armor is solid and able to withstand a huge level of damage. Helmet will cope from three hundred sixty in one hit. Kirase will withstand five hundred twenty-eight damage, leasing - four hundred ninety-five, and shoes - four hundred twenty nine.

So, the article presents the main recipes for creating the most common items. Of course, this is not all instructions for creating things. To get the most detailed crafting recipes, you should download the program and start playing. Remember that everything comes with experience!

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