A market is any meeting of supply and demand. The concept of the credit market and its essential features

landscaping 21.09.2019

The market is understood a place where products are sold and bought. But this is not a complete picture of the market.

The market is understood system of social economic relations in the sphere of exchange, sale of goods and recognition of these goods by society.

Market- this is not only a place of sale, but also a system of relations between the seller and the buyer (Producer and consumer).

The usefulness and significance of the product is obtained in the process of buying and selling. The market informs the commodity producer about the state of affairs and the nature of the change in work. It is believed that the market economy is the most suitable for the implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

Market Functions

  1. Information function. Gives information about the price level, the interest rate on credit, the quality of goods.
  2. Intermediary. Producers must share the results of their activities. Without a market, it is impossible to determine the effectiveness of technical and economic ties between the participants in production. The market gives the choice of the optimal buyer and the optimal seller.
  3. Pricing. The market forms prices based on the buyer's data. Forms a mobile relationship between cost and price.
  4. regulatory function. The market answers the question of what, for whom and how to produce.
    Price affects the demand for almost all goods. Yes (salt, matches, etc.), i.e. the demand for these goods does not change when the price changes. An increase is a signal to expand production. This dynamic can lead to natural disasters. Therefore, state regulation is necessary in agriculture. AT Western countries one and a half overproduction of products is allowed.
  5. Sanitizing. There is social stratification. With the help of competition, the market is cleared of unstable economic units.

Option 2. Economic life of society.

4. A sign of planned economic system is not

1) state ownership of the means of production 2) centralized management of the economy

3) free pricing 4) normalized distribution

5. A sign of a market economy is

6. Mixed economic system

7. The purpose of state participation in market relations is

1) getting more profit

2) softening negative consequences market action

3) enrichment of the power elite 4) strengthening control over society

9. Organization of production is

1) purchase of tools 2) purchase of raw materials 3) hiring labor

4) bringing the human and material factors of production into line.

10. Labor productivity is

1) the speed of work 2) the quality of the products

3) the number of products per unit of time 4) the level of technology development.

11. Payment for the use of land is called

12. The main indicator of production efficiency at this enterprise is

1) income of its shareholders 2) wage workers

3) the amount of taxes paid to the state 4) profit

13. The degree of efficiency in the use of the enterprise's own resources shows

1) profit 2) profitability 3) dividends 4) accounting

14. In the process of production, relations between people are thrown off.

15. A share is a security

16. A variety of mixed ownership is not property

17. In market economy the product of labor is called

1) simple product 2) surplus value 3) goods 4) product

18. Money appeared:

19. When the money supply exceeds the commodity supply,

20. With inflation, a shortage of goods occurs if

1) wages increase 2) the state supports producers

3) the state regulates prices 4) the state does not interfere in market relations

21. Securities can be purchased on the market

22. A market dominated by a few large companies is called

23. The features of the classical market include

1) planned housekeeping 2) distribution according to the labor norm

3) independence of commodity producers 4) state regulation of market relations

24. In economics, the market is understood as

1) place of sale of goods 2) competition between manufacturers

3) competition between consumers; 4) relations regarding the purchase and sale of goods.

25. The market is characterized

26. Money acts as a means of payment

27. If the demand for a product is higher than the supply, then the price of the product

1) will decrease 2) will increase 3) will fluctuate 4) will remain unchanged

28. In which case the law of demand will not operate

1) at high yield 2) with an increase in demand for oil 3) when the market is filled with goods 4) during an auction

29. Perfect Competition profitable

1) buyer 2) entrepreneur 3) state 4) banks

30. Purpose of competition

1) improving product quality 2) growing consumer demand

3) making more profit 4) increasing tax revenue

31. A company that has controlling stakes in other companies is called

1) trust 2) concern 3) joint-stock company 4) holding

32. Absolute Monopoly:

1) contributes to the technical re-equipment of the enterprise

2) eliminates the mechanism of free competition 3) intensifies the struggle between monopolies

4) increases state revenues

33. Today, developed countries tend to

1) the growing role of small and medium-sized enterprises

2) nationalization of the most important sectors of the economy 3) weakening of competition

4) creation of giant enterprises

34. The purpose of creating a monopoly

1) increase in the quality of goods and services 2) increase in output

3(profit making 4) obtaining monopoly income.

35. State regulation of the economy includes

4) restriction of competition

36. The reason for privatization is

37. Shock therapy- this is

1) nationalization of the enterprise 2) return of property to the owners

3) strengthening the role of the state in the economy 4) liberalization of prices.

38. The cause of cyclical crises in the economy is

39. The modern state affects prices

1) bringing speculators to criminal liability 2) through the tax system

3) creating an alternative public sector 4) by persuading entrepreneurs

40. Expenses and revenues of the state are reflected

41. Indirect taxes include tax

42. The modern market economy provides

1) equal income level of all social strata 2) environmental protection

3) development of underdeveloped countries 4) production of various goods and services

43. The economy is based on joint ownership of land

1) traditional 2) planned 3) market 4) mixed

44. The purpose of the activity household is

1) making a profit 2) creating new means of production 3) prosperity of the state

4) meeting the needs of family members.

45. The cause of income inequality is not

1) wage difference 2) skill difference

3) the provision of the country with raw materials 4) the possession of property

46. ​​Purpose of business activity

1) meeting diverse needs 2) making a profit

3) scientific and technological progress 4) economic prosperity of society

47. The world economy is dominated by

1) service industry 2) Agriculture 3) industry 4) transport

48. State patronage of national business is called

1) nationalism 2) rationalism 3) mercantilism 4) liberalism

49. Is the judgment correct? advantage traditional system economy is:

A. High quality products. B. Complete satisfaction of vital needs.

50. Is the judgment correct: The planned economic system provides:

A. High standard of living. B. Rapid technological progress.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

51. Is the judgment correct? Under the market system:

A. The product produced belongs to the owner of the means of production.

B. Provided high level income of the entire population

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

52. Is the judgment correct? In modern world:

A. In developed countries, a mixed economy prevails.

B. The traditional economic system is preserved in some countries.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

53. Is the judgment correct? The advantage of a market economy is:

A. Constant progressive development of the economy.

B. Respect for nature.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

54. Is the judgment correct? Money:

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

55. Is the judgment correct? Inflation:

A. Typical for countries with underdeveloped economies. B. It also exists in economically developed countries.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

56. Is the judgment correct? The classic market model is characterized by:

A. Many commodity producers B. Domination of several large monopolies

C. Presence of competition D. Fixed state prices

1) AB 2) AG 3) ABG 4) VG

57. Is the judgment correct? Purpose of social protection

A. Redistribution of income in favor of the poorest segments of the population.

B. Creation of conditions for the reproduction of personality in the conditions of market relations

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

58. Is the judgment correct? State intervention in the economy

A. Increased throughout the 20th century. B. C last years decreased sharply.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

59. Is the judgment correct? Economic policy the state aims

A. Assistance to national enterprises

B. Providing a favorable foreign trade balance for the country.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

60. Is the judgment correct? The standard of living of the country's population is determined

A. The amount of money earned by residents in a year. B. Personal consumption spending.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

IN 1. The state owns part of the resources in the ________ economic system.

IN 2. Set the correspondence, sequence, notation with a combination of letters (for example, ABV)

AT 3. The right of the owner to decide the fate of the thing belonging to him is called ______________

AT 4. The ability of money to be exchanged for any goods is their _____________

AT 5. Set the correspondence, sequence, notation with a combination of letters (for example, ABV)

AT 6. match, sequence, record with a combination of letters (for example, ABV)

AT 7. Market Signs

Unregulated offers; unregulated demand;_____________________

AT 8. match, sequence, record with a combination of letters (for example, ABV)

keys to tests

IN 1. mixed B.2. BVGA V.3. order B.4. use value B.5. GVDAB

AT 6. GVBA V.7. unregulated price B8. ADGVB

Test work of a student of the course GENERAL 12 05.04.2012


1. Economics does not answer the question

1) what to produce 2) what technology to use 3) who will be the consumer

4) what social significance this product has.

2. The type of economic system is determined

1) shape state power 2) property and management methods

3) the country's population 4) mineral reserves.

3. Natural economy is characterized by:

1) for a traditional society 2) for a socialist society

3) only for the primitive system 4) for the industrial age.

4. Which of the following statements refers to microeconomics:

1) the inflation rate in Russia in 2007 was 12%;

3) during 2002 the volume of national production in Russia increased in comparison with December 2001;

4) since 2000, there has been a tendency in Russia to reduce the federal budget to a surplus;

5) As a result of the financial crisis, the public debt in the United States increased.

5. Which of the following options provides examples of all three types of factors of production: land, labor and capital?

1) money, locksmith, arable land; 2) driver, oil, wagon;

3) turner, machine tool, shares; 4) bonds, natural gas, manager;

5) driver, truck, worker.

6. A sign of a market economy is

1) direct product exchange 2) distribution of labor by sex and age

3) direct state control over prices 4) the purpose of production is to make a profit.

7.Mixed economic system

1) existed in primitive society 2) began to develop during the period of feudalism

3) was the basis of the socialist economy 4) originated in the twentieth century in developed countries.

8. The level of the economy of any country is judged

1) by the number of factories and plants 2) by reserves of mineral raw materials

3) in food production 4) in gross domestic product

9. Payment for the use of land is called

1) entrepreneurial income 2) land price 3) rent 4) profit

10. In the process of production, relations between people are thrown off.

1) business 2) trust 3) workers 4) production

11. A variety of mixed ownership is not property

1) joint-stock company 2) joint venture 3) cooperative 4) farmer

12. The price of a good will increase if demand

1) will stay the same, but the supply will decrease

2) will decrease, but the supply will remain unchanged

3) will remain unchanged and the offer will remain unchanged

4) will decrease and supply will increase

13. Money appeared:

1) due to special properties gold and silver 2) to facilitate the exchange process

3) in order to accumulate treasures 4) to facilitate trade between states

14. When the money supply exceeds the commodity supply,

1) depression 2) stagnation 3) inflation 4) degradation

15. Securities can be purchased on the market

1) financial 2) stock 3) means of production 4) goods and services

16. A market dominated by a few large companies is called

1) free competition market 2) monopolistic market

3) regulated market 4) oligopolistic market

17. The market is characterized

1) unregulated supply and demand

2) the absence of objective laws of functioning

3) full state control over production and consumption

4) the presence of planning and accounting bodies.

18. Money acts as a means of payment

1) when selling goods 2) when buying goods 3) in world trade 4) when receiving a loan

19. State regulation of the economy includes

1) production and consumption planning

2) state pricing 3) stimulation of the development of science and technology

4) restriction of competition

20. The reason for privatization is

1) a change in the political elite 2) the desire of the state to avoid interfering in the economy

3) social upheavals 4) inefficient public sector activity.

21. A share is a security

1) on which part of the profit is paid

2) issued as a reward for valiant work

3) being one of the forms of wages 4) identification of the owner of the enterprise

22. The cause of cyclical crises in the economy is

1) the discrepancy between the level of income and the level of prices

2) state regulation of the economy

3) compliance with union demands for higher wages 4) errors in planning

23. Expenses and revenues of the state are reflected

1) in the constitution 2) in the budget 3) in financial law 4) in the documents of the State Bank

24. Indirect taxes include tax

1) income 2) by inheritance 3) from sales 4) to land

economy 3) industry 4) transport

25. Is the judgment correct? Money:

A. Being a measure of value, they are not goods.

B. This is a commodity for the production of which abstract human labor has been spent.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

26. Is the judgment correct? Inflation:

A. Typical for countries with underdeveloped economies. B. It also exists in economically developed countries.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) A and B are true 4) both are wrong

27. An example of transfer payments is:

1) wages 2) public procurement

3) rent 4) unemployment benefit 5) profit

28. How does the state budget deficit affect the development of the economy?

1) restrains the economic growth 2) increases the amount of lending to firms

3) increases social stratification 4) leads to lower taxes

29. match, sequence, record with a combination of letters (for example, ABV)

Topic: "Market as a special institution"


1. The market and its role in the economic life of society. Types and functions of the market.

2. Basic laws of the market.

3. Competition and monopoly.

4. Participants commercial activities: firms and exchanges.


At the household level, a market is a place where sellers and buyers of certain goods meet regularly. But from the point of view economic theory, the word "market" is more complex concept. Assuming the interaction of many participants economic activity which determines the quantity and quality of goods and services produced. Therefore, in economic theory, the term "market" is used in two meanings:

1. The market is understood as a special economic system, which is based on:

· Competition

Private ownership of the factors of production.

2. The market is understood as a system of relations that develops between the seller and the buyer both in the economy as a whole and in its particular sector.

From the point of view of the 2nd meaning, the concept of "market" is broader, since it covers the relations that exist within the economic system. Therefore, in the economic literature there is a lot of literature that reveals the essence of the concept of "market" in different ways.

1. Market- this is an exchange organized according to the laws of commodity production and circulation, as well as a set of relations of commodity exchange.

2. Market is a system of economic relations for the purchase and sale of goods, within which the following is formed:

· Sentence

The price for them

Market- is it the sphere of commodity-money circulation or the organization of society, in which producers of goods, focusing on consumer demand, decide for themselves when? In what quantity? What goods? And how are these goods produced?

But at the same time, most often in economic theory there is a definition. Which allows you to highlight the most significant in the term "market".

Market- this is a special mechanism for the interaction of economically independent business entities (producers and consumers), which is based on the voluntary exchange of resources and the results of economic activities carried out according to the laws of supply and demand.

At the heart of the modern market are also spheres economic activity:

1. Production

2. Distribution.

4. Consumption

At the same time, in order to modern market function effectively, the following conditions must be met:

1. Social division of labor and specialization.

2. Dominance of private property

3. Economic isolation of production

4. Independence of producers.

You can also classify the types and types of markets. AT economics There are several classifications of the market for a number of grounds.


From her point of view, there are two types of market:

1. Unregulated markets

2. Regulated markets.

Unregulated- these are markets in which the state or other economic entities do not interfere. As a rule, such markets develop spontaneously and under the influence of market mechanisms, that is, they are regulated by supply and demand. Therefore, when we talk about a market economy, we mean unregulated or marginally regulated markets.

Regulated Markets- These are state-controlled markets. In such markets, the state not only establishes the rules in accordance with which economic entities build their activities. There is also control over any manifestation of economic activity.

Such markets are characterized by a prohibitive policy, that is, the imposition by the state a large number bans on the most different types economic activity. Another feature: a typical phenomenon of the regulated market is the shadow economy, which is divided into black and grey.

On the black market, the objects of purchase and sale are goods that are prohibited by the state, so it is difficult to fight the black market, since it brings large incomes.

On the gray market the purchase and sale of goods is carried out in violation of the rules and norms established by the state, that is, either bypassing laws and without paying taxes, or goods are sold and bought, the trade of which is regulated by the state, and if it is carried out at prices, with an overestimated value. This includes the purchase and sale of scarce goods (selling at speculative value).

In general economic terms, the market is understood as a place where both sellers and buyers, all subjects of the sale of certain goods, gather to commit an act of sale and purchase. In marketing, the market is usually understood as the totality of all potential consumers who are in need of goods in a particular industry and are able to satisfy it.

The market is created around various objects of some value. In this regard, they talk about the market for consumer goods, the labor market, the securities market, the capital market, and so on. Depending on the type of consumers, the following types of markets are distinguished: the consumer market and the markets of organizations or organizational markets. The latter are subdivided into markets for production and technical purposes, markets for resale and markets for government institutions.

Consumer market - the totality of individuals and families who buy goods and services for personal consumption. Markets for consumer goods are characterized by the presence of a mass consumer, a variety of competition, and a decentralized structure.

The market for industrial and technical products - a set of organizations and individuals that purchase goods and services that are used in the production of other products. The key marketing strategy for industrial products is a system sale, in the implementation of which the buyer makes a system purchase.

System purchase - purchase of a package solution to the problem in order to avoid the purchase of individual components of this problem. For example, the purchase of weapons systems by the government through a general contractor instead of independent purchases of individual components of these systems separately. A system purchase usually also includes a set of services.

resale market - set of organizations and individuals who purchase goods for the purpose of reselling or leasing them.

Market of public institutions - state institutions all levels (from national to local), buying or renting goods and services to carry out their functions.

Unlike consumer market the market for industrial and technical products is characterized by a smaller number of buyers, however, purchasing products in more. For example, the purchase of tires by automotive companies.

In addition, the amount of purchases of industrial and technical products is determined by the demand for final products - for example, for cars.

We can distinguish the following features of organizational markets in comparison with markets for consumer goods:

1. They are more professional, especially regarding buyers.

2. As a rule, several people take part in making a purchase decision.

3. The seller and the buyer are more dependent on each other.

4. Strive to establish long-term contacts.

5. Direct purchases are used much more often.

6. When choosing a purchase, emotional factors play a much smaller role.

Many organizational markets are characterized by inelastic demand, i.e. demand is weakly responsive to price changes. It is unlikely that factories of ready-made clothes will buy more material when the price of it decreases. AT this case the volume of such purchases is rather dictated by the magnitude of demand for finished products.

Depending on who dominates the market, the latter is divided into a seller's market and a buyer's market.

The seller's market is characterized by a stronger position of sellers in it compared to buyers.

The buyer's market is characterized by a stronger position of buyers in it compared to sellers.

Depending on the degree of consumer involvement in the sales process, there are: a potential market; available market; qualified available market; target market; developed market.

A potential market is a set of consumers who show some interest in a particular product.

An accessible market is a group of consumers who have interest, means, and access to a particular product.

A qualified, accessible market is a set of consumers who have interest, means, access to the market, and also meet legal requirements, for example, age limits for driving a car.

A developed market is a set of consumers who have already bought a product.

Obviously, when carrying out market segmentation, it is necessary to take into account certain of its features, take into account the uniqueness of products sold in different markets.

The process of selecting target markets is based on the study of such a basic indicator as market demand. Market demand is the total volume of sales in a particular market (private or aggregate) of a certain brand of product or a set of brands of a product for a certain period of time.

Demand is influenced by uncontrollable factors external environment, and marketing factors, which are a set of marketing efforts made in the market by competing firms.

Depending on the level of marketing efforts, there are primary demand, market potential and current market demand.

Primary, or unstimulated, demand is the total demand for all brands of a given product, sold without the use of marketing (Fig. 7.1). This is the demand that “smolders” in the market even in the absence of marketing activities.

From the point of view of the influence of marketing activities on the magnitude of demand, two extreme types of market are distinguished: an expanding market and a non-expanding market; the first responds to the use of marketing tools, the second does not.

Market potential is the limit to which market demand tends when marketing costs in the industry approach such a value that their further increase no longer leads to an increase in demand under certain environmental conditions. With certain assumptions, as a market potential, we can consider the demand corresponding to its maximum value on the curve life cycle some product for a stable market. In this case, it is assumed that competing firms are making the maximum possible marketing efforts to maintain demand. Environmental factors have a significant impact on the market potential. For example, market potential cars during a recession of the economy is much less than during its prosperity.

In addition, the absolute potential of the market is distinguished, which should be understood as the limit of the market potential at zero price. The meaning of this concept is that it allows you to estimate the order of magnitude of economic opportunities that a given market opens up. Thus, the absolute potential of the car market can be determined by the total population, starting from the age of obtaining a driver's license. Obviously, there is a big gap between absolute market potential and market potential. The evolution of absolute market potential is driven by external factors such as income and price levels, consumer habits, cultural values, government regulation, and so on. These factors, which the company has no real influence on, can have a decisive influence on the development of the market. Sometimes businesses can have an indirect impact on these external factors(for example, by lobbying to lower the age of obtaining a driver's license), but these opportunities are limited. Therefore, the main efforts of enterprises are aimed at anticipating changes in the external environment.

Further, the current market demand is distinguished, which characterizes the volume of sales for a certain period of time in certain environmental conditions at a certain level of use of marketing tools by industry enterprises.

Selective demand refers to the demand for a particular brand of a product; the emergence and development of this type of demand is stimulated by the concentration of marketing efforts in a rather narrow direction.

Another important indicator, the value of which must be determined and predicted, is the indicator of market share. As noted earlier, this indicator is key in assessing the competitive position of the organization.

Demand indicators for a number of goods whose markets are characterized by a limited number of suppliers (primarily oligopolistic markets) are amenable to statistical analysis, since information is collected and published on the volume of products sold and services rendered in various aspects: for international markets, markets of individual countries and regions , in the context of individual industries and enterprises. However, detailed, reliable statistical information is not available for many types of goods. Therefore, in order to determine and predict the magnitude of demand and other market characteristics, it is required to carry out special marketing research, whose content will be described in the next section.

1. The term "economy" means ...
a) the law on the rational distribution of funds +
b) a set of rules on the preservation of private property
c) a set of rules for the protection of households
d) the law on the regulation of rights and freedoms.

2. The type of economic system is determined
a) local government
b) property and management methods +
c) population density of the Russian Federation
d) sources of tax payments.

3. Subsistence farming is typical for:
a) traditional society +
b) democratic community
c) feudalism
d) only for the working class.

4. What does not apply to the signs of a planned economic system:
a) private ownership of the costs of industry
b) orderly distribution of financial resources
c) free pricing +
d) limiting the cost of using resources.

5. What is the characteristic of a market economy:
a) direct exchange of products without intermediaries
b) wage growth restrictions
c) a code of price setting by producers
d) the purpose of production is to make a profit. +

6. Mixed economic system:
a) does not exist
b) completed development during the period of industrialization
c) was the prospect of a socialist economy
d) originated in the twentieth century in developed countries. +

7. What is the main essence of the law of demand?
a) The greater the demand, the greater the supply
b) The higher the demand, the lower the goods on the market
c) The lower the demand, the higher the consumer's income.
d) all answers are wrong.

8. You can assess the level of the economy of any countries
a) based on the volume of output finished products enterprises
b) by the level of mining
c) for the production of essential goods
d) by gross domestic product. +

9. Organization of production is
a) sale of industrial premises
b) purchase of equipment
c) attracting rare personnel
d) bringing the human and material factors of production into line. +

10. What is labor productivity?
a) the volume of production of goods
b) the quality of the production of goods
c) the amount of production per unit of time +
d) the interval between recessions and upsurges in sales of products.

11. Cash transferred for the use of land is:
a) government profit
b) the cost of the area
c) rent +
d) sanction.

12. The main indicator of production efficiency in the organization is:
a) the profit of its owners
b) employee salaries
c) the volume of tax collections
d) profit. +

13. State loans from other states or organizations are called?
a) external +
b) fast
c) overseas
d) internal.

14. What is the source of budget revenue?
a) taxes +
b) loans of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
c) loans from foreign corporations
d) loans from the public.

15. Action is
a) a security on which part of the profit is paid +
b) monetary reward for exceeding the norm
c) a document on the repayment of the company's debt
d) the market share having the largest volume.

16. What determines the social welfare function?
a) the level of education of citizens
b) standard of living +
c) coefficient of financial development
d) the quality of life of the population.

17. What is the name of the product of labor in a market economy
a) cost
b) added value
c) product +
d) thing.

18. The origin of money was a consequence of:
a) special properties of gold and silver
b) ease of exchange process +
c) wealth preservation
d) facilitating trade between countries.

19. If money supply above the commodity weight, then the following happens:
a) stagnation
b) disadvantage
c) inflation +
d) degradation.

20. During inflation, there is a deficit if
a) salary increase
b) the state supports producers
c) the state regulates prices +
d) wages go down.

21. In what market are securities bought?
a) financial
b) stock +
c) personnel
d) works and goods
22. What is the name of a market dominated by a few large companies:
a) free market
b) monopolistic market
c) limited market
d) oligopolistic market +

23. The features of the classical market include
a) planned management
b) distribution according to the labor norm
c) independence of commodity producers +
d) state regulation of market relations.

24. In economics, the market is understood as
a) place of sale of goods
b) competition between manufacturers
c) competition between consumers
d) relations regarding the purchase and sale of goods. +

25. The market is characterized
a) unregulated supply and demand +
b) the absence of objective laws of functioning
c) full state control over production and consumption
d) the presence of planning and accounting bodies.

26. Money acts as a means of payment
a) when selling a product
b) when buying a product
c) in world trade
d) when receiving a loan +

27. If the demand for a product is higher than the supply, then the price of the product
a) will decrease +
b) increase
c) will fluctuate
d) will not change.

28. In which case the law of demand will not operate
a) with high mining
b) with an increase in demand for gas
c) when the market is filled with goods
d) during the auction +

29. Perfect competition can only be beneficial:
a) to the buyer +
b) manufacturer
c) intermediaries
d) credit institutions.

30. The purpose of competition is:
a) lowering the quality of goods to lower the price of goods
b) an increase in consumer demand
c) getting the most profit +
d) an increase in taxes.

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