Varlam Shalamov Kolyma stories summary. Shock therapy

reservoirs 24.09.2019

The plot of V. Shalamov's stories is a painful description of the prison and camp life of the prisoners of the Soviet Gulag, their tragic destinies similar to one another, in which chance, merciless or merciful, helper or murderer, arbitrariness of bosses and thieves dominate. Hunger and its convulsive satiety, exhaustion, painful dying, a slow and almost equally painful recovery, moral humiliation and moral degradation - this is what is constantly in the center of the writer's attention.

FUNERAL WORD The author remembers by name his comrades in the camps. Calling to mind a mournful martyrology, he tells who died and how, who suffered and how, who hoped for what, who and how behaved in this Auschwitz without stoves, as Shalamov called the Kolyma camps. Few managed to survive, few managed to survive and remain morally unbroken. LIFE OF ENGINEER KIPREYEV Having never betrayed or sold anyone, the author says that he has developed for himself a formula for actively protecting his existence: a person can only consider himself a person and survive if at any moment he is ready to commit suicide, ready to die. However, later he realizes that he only built himself a comfortable shelter, because it is not known what you will be like at a decisive moment, whether you just have enough physical strength, and not just mental. Arrested in 1938, the engineer-physicist Kipreev not only withstood the beating during interrogation, but even rushed at the investigator, after which he was put in a punishment cell. However, they still try to get him to sign false testimony, intimidating him with the arrest of his wife. Nevertheless, Kipreev continued to prove to himself and others that he was a man, and not a slave, as all prisoners are. Thanks to his talent (he invented a way to restore burnt out electric light bulbs, repaired an X-ray machine), he manages to avoid the most heavy work, however, not always. He miraculously survives, but the moral shock remains in him forever.

IN THE PRESENTATION The corruption of the camp, Shalamov testifies, affected everyone to a greater or lesser extent and took place in the most different forms. Two thieves are playing cards. One of them is played down and asks to play for a "representation", that is, in debt. At some point, irritated by the game, he unexpectedly orders an ordinary intellectual prisoner, who happened to be among the spectators of their game, to hand over a woolen sweater. He refuses, and then one of the thieves “finishes” him, and the thieves still get the sweater.

NIGHT Two prisoners sneak to the grave where the body of their deceased comrade was buried in the morning, and take off the dead man's linen to sell or exchange for bread or tobacco the next day. The initial squeamishness about the removed clothes is replaced by a pleasant thought that tomorrow they might be able to eat a little more and even smoke.

SINGLE MEASUREMENT Camp labor, unambiguously defined by Shalamov as slave labor, is for the writer a form of the same corruption. A short-handed prisoner is not able to give a percentage rate, so labor becomes torture and slow death. Zek Dugaev is gradually weakening, unable to withstand the sixteen-hour working day. He drives, turns, pours, again drives and again turns, and in the evening the caretaker appears and measures Dugaev's work with a tape measure. The mentioned figure - 25 percent - seems to Dugaev to be very large, his calves are aching, his arms, shoulders, head are unbearably sore, he even lost his sense of hunger. A little later, he is called to the investigator, who asks the usual questions: name, surname, article, term. A day later, the soldiers take Dugaev to a remote place, fenced with a high fence with barbed wire, from where the chirring of tractors can be heard at night. Dugaev guesses why he was brought here and that his life is over. And he regrets only that the last day was in vain.

SHERRY BRANDY An imprisoned poet who has been called the first Russian poet of the twentieth century dies. It lies in the dark depths of the bottom row of solid two-story bunks. He dies for a long time. Sometimes a thought comes - for example, that they stole bread from him, which he put under his head, and it is so terrible that he is ready to swear, fight, search ... But he no longer has the strength for this, and the thought of bread also weakens. When a daily ration is put into his hand, he presses the bread to his mouth with all his strength, sucks it, tries to tear and gnaw with scurvy loose teeth. When he dies, two more annas do not write him off, and inventive neighbors manage to get bread for the dead man as if they were alive: they make him raise his hand like a puppet doll. SHOCK THERAPY Prisoner Merzlyakov, a man of large build, finds himself at the general work, feels that he is gradually losing. One day he falls, cannot get up immediately and refuses to drag the log. He is beaten first by his own people, then by the escorts, they bring him to the camp - he has a broken rib and pain in the lower back. And although the pain quickly passed, and the rib grew together, Merzlyakov continues to complain and pretends that he cannot straighten up, trying to delay his discharge to work at any cost. He is sent to the central hospital, to the surgical department, and from there to the nervous department for research. He has a chance to be activated, that is, written off due to illness at will. Remembering the mine, aching cold, a bowl of empty soup that he drank without even using a spoon, he concentrates all his will so as not to be convicted of deceit and sent to a penal mine. However, the doctor Pyotr Ivanovich, himself a prisoner in the past, did not miss. The professional replaces the human in him. Most he spends his time precisely on exposing the malingerers. This amuses his vanity: he is an excellent specialist and is proud that he has retained his qualifications, despite the year of general work. He immediately understands that Merzlyakov is a simulator and looks forward to the theatrical effect of a new exposure. First, the doctor gives him roush anesthesia, during which Merzlyakov's body can be straightened, and a week later, the procedure of the so-called shock therapy, the effect of which is similar to an attack of violent madness or an epileptic seizure. After it, the prisoner himself asks to be discharged.

TYPHOSIS QUARANTINE Prisoner Andreev, ill with typhus, is quarantined. Compared to general work in the mines, the position of the patient gives a chance to survive, which the hero almost no longer hoped for. And then he decides, by hook or by crook, to stay here as long as possible, in transit, and there, perhaps, he will no longer be sent to the gold mines, where there is hunger, beatings and death. At the roll call before the next dispatch to work of those who are considered recovered, Andreev does not respond, and thus he manages to hide for quite a long time. The transit is gradually emptying, and the line finally reaches Andreev as well. But now it seems to him that he has won his battle for life, that now the taiga is full, and if there are shipments, then only for nearby, local business trips. However, when a truck with a selected group of prisoners who were unexpectedly given winter uniforms passes the line separating short trips from long ones, he realizes with an internal shudder that fate has cruelly laughed at him.

ANEURYSM OF THE AORTIC Illness (and the emaciated state of the “goal” prisoners is quite tantamount to a serious illness, although officially it was not considered as such) and the hospital - in the stories of Shalamov indispensable attribute plots. Ekaterina Glovatskaya, a prisoner, is admitted to the hospital. Beauty, she immediately liked the doctor on duty Zaitsev, and although he knows that she is in close relations with his acquaintance, the prisoner Podshivalov, the head of the amateur art circle, (“the serf theater,” as the head of the hospital jokes), nothing prevents him in turn try your luck. He begins, as usual, with a medical examination of Głowacka, with listening to the heart, but his male interest is quickly replaced by a purely medical concern. He finds an aortic aneurysm in Glovatsky, a disease in which any careless movement can cause death. The authorities, who took it as an unwritten rule to separate lovers, had already once sent Glovatskaya to a penal female mine. And now, after the doctor's report about dangerous disease prisoner, the head of the hospital is sure that this is nothing more than the intrigues of the same Podshivalov, who is trying to detain his mistress. Glovatskaya is discharged, but already when loading into the car, what Dr. Zaitsev warned about happens - she dies.

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That is why the narration in Kolyma Tales captures the simplest, primitively simple things. Details are selected sparingly, subjected to a rigorous selection - they convey only the main, vital. The feelings of many of Shalamov's heroes are blunted.

“They didn’t show the workers a thermometer, and it wasn’t necessary - they had to go to work at any degree. In addition, the old-timers almost accurately determined the frost without a thermometer: if there is a frosty fog, then it’s forty degrees below zero outside; if the air while breathing comes out noisy, but breathing is not yet difficult - that means forty-five degrees; if breathing is noisy and shortness of breath is noticeable - fifty degrees. Over fifty-five degrees - the spit freezes on the fly. The spit has been frozen on the fly for two weeks already. " ("Carpenters", 1954").

It may seem that the spiritual life of Shalamov's heroes is also primitive, that a person who has lost touch with his past cannot but lose himself and ceases to be a complex multifaceted personality. However, it is not. Take a closer look at the hero of the story "Kant". It was like there was nothing left for him in life. And suddenly it turns out that he looks at the world with the eyes of an artist. Otherwise, he would not be able to perceive and describe the phenomena of the surrounding world so subtly.

Shalamov's prose conveys the feelings of the characters, their complex transitions; narrator and characters Kolyma stories are constantly reflecting on their lives. It is interesting that this introspection is perceived not as Shalamov's artistic device, but as a natural need of a developed human consciousness to comprehend what is happening. This is how the narrator of the story “Rain” explains the nature of the search for answers to, as he himself writes, “star” questions: “So, mixing “star” questions and trifles in my brain, I waited, soaked to the skin, but calm. Was this reasoning some kind of brain training? In no case. It was all natural, it was life. I understood that the body, and therefore the brain cells, were not getting enough nutrition, my brain had long been on a starvation diet, and that this would inevitably lead to insanity, early sclerosis, or something else ... And it was fun for me to think that I would not live to see , I will not have time to live up to a sclerosis. It rained."

Such introspection simultaneously turns out to be a way to preserve one's own intellect, and often the basis for philosophical understanding of the laws of human existence; it allows you to discover something in a person that can only be spoken of in a pathetic style. To his surprise, the reader, already accustomed to the laconicism of Shalamov's prose, finds in it such a style as a pathetic style.

In the most terrible, tragic moments, when a person is forced to think about injuring himself in order to save his life, the hero of the story “Rain” recalls the great, divine essence of man, his beauty and physical strength: “It was at this time I began to understand the essence of the great instinct of life - the very quality that a person is endowed with in the highest degree "or" ... I understood the most important thing that a person became a person not because he is God's creation, and not because he has an amazing thumb on every hand. But because he was (physically) stronger, more enduring than all animals, and later because he forced his spiritual principle to successfully serve the physical principle.

Reflecting on the essence and strength of man, Shalamov puts himself on a par with other Russian writers who wrote on this topic. It is quite possible to put his words next to Gorky's famous statement: "Man - it sounds proud!". It is no coincidence that when talking about his idea to break his own leg, the narrator recalls the “Russian poet”: “Out of this unkind gravity, I thought to create something beautiful - according to the Russian poet. I thought to save my life by breaking my leg. Indeed, it was a beautiful intention, a phenomenon of a completely aesthetic kind. The stone was supposed to collapse and crush my leg. And I am forever disabled!

If you read the poem “Notre Dame”, you will find there an image of “bad gravity”, however, in Mandelstam this image has a completely different meaning - this is the material from which poetry is created; i.e. words. It is difficult for a poet to work with the word, so Mandelstam speaks of the "unkind heaviness." Of course, the “bad” heaviness that Shalamov's hero thinks about is of a completely different nature, but the fact that this hero remembers Mandelstam's poems - remembers them in the hell of the Gulag - is extremely important.

The stinginess of the narration and the richness of reflections make us perceive Shalamov's prose not as artistic, but as documentary or memoir. And yet we have before us exquisite artistic prose.

"Single freeze"

"Single stop" - short story about one day of the life of the prisoner Dugaev - the last day of his life. Rather, the story begins with a description of what happened on the eve of this last day: "In the evening, winding up the tape measure, the caretaker said that Dugaev would receive a single measurement the next day." This phrase contains an exposition, a kind of prologue to the story. It already contains the plot of the whole story in a collapsed form, predicts the course of development of this plot.

However, what the “single measurement” portends to the hero, we do not yet know, just as the hero of the story does not know either. But the foreman, in whose presence the caretaker utters the words about “single measurement” for Dugaev, apparently knows: “The foreman, who was standing nearby and asking the caretaker to lend “ten cubes until the day after tomorrow”, suddenly fell silent and began to look at the flickering behind crest of the hill the evening star.

What was the brigadier thinking? Really daydreaming, looking at the "evening star"? It is unlikely that once he asks to give the brigade the opportunity to pass the norm (ten cubic meters of soil selected from the face) later than the due date. The foreman is not up to dreams now, the brigade is going through a difficult moment. And in general, what kind of dreams can we talk about in camp life? Here they dream only in a dream.

The “detachment” of the brigadier is the exact artistic detail that Shalamov needs to show a person who instinctively strives to separate himself from what is happening. The foreman already knows what the reader will understand very soon: we are talking about the murder of the prisoner Dugaev, who does not work out his norm, which means that he is useless, from the point of view of the camp authorities, a person in the zone.

The foreman either does not want to participate in what is happening (it is hard to be a witness or an accomplice in the murder of a person), or is guilty of such a turn in Dugaev’s fate: the foreman in the brigade needs workers, not extra mouths. The last explanation of the foreman's "thoughtfulness" is perhaps more plausible, especially since the warden's warning to Dugaev follows immediately after the foreman's request for a delay in the production period.

The image of the “evening star”, which the foreman was staring at, has another artistic function. The star is a symbol of the romantic world (remember at least the last lines of Lermontov’s poem “I go out alone on the road ...”: “And the star speaks to the star”), which remained outside the world of Shalamov’s heroes.

And, finally, the exposition of the story “Single Measurement” concludes with the following phrase: “Dugaev was twenty-three years old, and everything he saw and heard here surprised him more than frightened him.” Here it is, main character a story that has a little bit left to live, just one day. And his youth, and his lack of understanding of what is happening, and some kind of "detachment" from the environment, and the inability to steal and adapt, as others do - all this leaves the reader with the same feeling as the hero, surprise and a keen sense of anxiety.

The laconicism of the story, on the one hand, is due to the brevity of the hero's rigidly measured path. On the other hand, this is the artistic technique that creates the effect of reticence. As a result, the reader experiences a sense of bewilderment; everything that happens seems to him as strange as to Dugaev. The reader begins to understand the inevitability of the outcome not immediately, almost along with the hero. And that makes the story especially compelling.

The last phrase of the story - “And, realizing what was the matter, Dugaev regretted that he had worked in vain, that this last day had been tormented in vain” - this is also its climax, at which the action ends. Further development of the action or an epilogue is not needed and impossible here.

Despite the deliberate isolation of the story, which ends with the death of the hero, its abruptness and reticence create the effect of an open ending. Realizing that he is being led to the execution, the hero of the novel regrets that he worked, suffered this last and therefore especially dear day of his life. This means that he recognizes the incredible value of this life, understands that there is another free life, and it is possible even in the camp. Finishing the story in this way, the writer makes us think about the most important issues of human existence, and in the first place is the question of a person's ability to feel inner freedom, regardless of external circumstances.

Pay attention to how much meaning Shalamov contains in every artistic detail. At first we just read the story and understand it common sense, then we highlight such phrases or words, behind which there is something more than their direct meaning. Next, we begin to gradually “unfold” these moments significant for the story. As a result, the narrative is no longer perceived by us as mean, describing only the momentary - carefully choosing words, playing on semitones, the writer constantly shows us how much life remains behind the simple events of his stories.

"Sherry Brandy" (1958)

The hero of the story "Sherry Brandy" differs from most of the heroes of the "Kolyma Tales". This is a poet. A poet who is on the edge of life, and he thinks philosophically. As if from the outside, he observes what is happening, including what is happening to him: “... he slowly thought about the great monotony of death movements, about what doctors understood and described earlier than artists and poets.” Like any poet, he speaks of himself as one of many, as a person in general. Poetry lines and images emerge in his mind: Pushkin, Tyutchev, Blok ... He reflects on life and poetry. The world is compared in his imagination with poetry; poems are life.

Even now the stanzas stood up easily, one after another, and although he had not written down and could not write down his poems for a long time, nevertheless the words easily stood up in some given and each time extraordinary rhythm. Rhyme was a finder, a tool for magnetic search of words and concepts. Each word was part of the world, it responded to rhyme, and the whole world rushed by with the speed of some kind of electronic machine. Everything screamed: take me. I am not here. There was nothing to look for. I just had to throw it away. It was as if there were two people here - the one who composes, who launched his turntable with might and main, and the other who selects and from time to time stops the running machine. And, seeing that he was two people, the poet realized that he was now composing real poems. What if they are not recorded? Write down, print - all this is vanity of vanities. Everything that is born unselfishly is not the best. The best thing that is not written down, that was composed and disappeared, melted away without a trace, and only the creative joy that he feels and which cannot be confused with anything proves that the poem was created, that the beautiful was created.

Even at that fertile time, when Merzlyakov worked as a groom and in a home-made crouper - a large tin can with a punched bottom in the manner of a sieve - it was possible to cook cereals for people from oats obtained for horses, cook porridge and drown out, appease hunger with this bitter hot mash , even then he was thinking about one simple question. Large mainland convoy horses received a daily portion of state-owned oats, twice as large as the squat and shaggy Yakut horses, although both carried equally little. The percheron bastard Grom was filled with as much oats as five “Yakuts” would have been enough. It was right, it was the way it was everywhere, and it was not this that tormented Merzlyakov. He did not understand why the camp ration, that mysterious list of proteins, fats, vitamins and calories intended for consumption by prisoners and called the boiler sheet, is compiled without taking into account the live weight of people at all. If they are already treated like working cattle, then in matters of diet one must be more consistent, and not stick to some arithmetic average - clerical fiction. This terrible average, at best, was beneficial only to the small ones, and indeed, the small ones reached later than the others. Merzlyakov, in his physique, was like Grom's percheron, and the miserable three spoons of porridge for breakfast only increased the sucking pain in his stomach. But besides rations, the brigade worker could not get almost anything. All the most valuable - butter, sugar, and meat - fell into the cauldron not at all in the amount that is written in the cauldron sheet. I saw Merzlyakov and more. The tallest people died first. No habit of hard work changed anything here. The frail intellectual still survived longer than the giant Kaluga native, a natural digger, if they were fed the same way, in accordance with the camp ration. Increasing rations for a percentage of output was also of little use, because the main painting remained the same, not designed for tall people. In order to eat better, one had to work better, and in order to work better, one had to eat better. Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians were the first to die everywhere. They were the first to reach, which always caused doctors to remark: they say, all this Baltic region is weaker than the Russian people. True, the native way of life of the Latvians and Estonians stood further from the life of the camp than the life of the Russian peasant, and it was more difficult for them. But the main thing was still different: they were not less hardy, they were simply larger in stature.

A year and a half ago, Merzlyakov happened to work as a freelance orderly in a local hospital after scurvy, which quickly felled a newcomer. There he saw that the choice of dose of medicine is done by weight. Testing of new drugs is carried out on rabbits, mice, guinea pigs, and the human dose is determined in terms of body weight. Doses for children are less than those for adults.

But the camp ration was not calculated by the weight of the human body. This was the question, the wrong solution of which surprised and worried Merzlyakov. But before he finally weakened, he miraculously managed to get a job as a groom - where he could steal oats from horses and fill his stomach with them. Merzlyakov already thought that he would spend the winter, and then - what God would give. But it didn't work out that way. The head of the horse depot was removed for drunkenness, and a senior groom was appointed in his place - one of those who had once taught Merzlyakov how to handle a tin sheller. The head groom himself stole a lot of oats and knew perfectly how it was done. In an effort to prove himself to the authorities, he, no longer needing oatmeal, found and personally broke all the groats. Oats began to be fried, boiled and eaten in natural form, completely equating your stomach to a horse's. The new manager wrote a report to the authorities. Several grooms, including Merzlyakov, were put in a punishment cell for stealing oats and sent from the horse base to where they came from - to general work.

Merzlyakov soon realized that death was near at the general works. He staggered under the weight of the logs that had to be dragged. The foreman, who did not like this lazy forehead (“forehead” means “tall” in the local language), each time put Merzlyakov “under the butt”, forcing him to drag the butt, the thick end of the log. Once Merzlyakov fell, could not get up from the snow right away and, suddenly making up his mind, refused to drag this damned log. It was already late, it was dark, the guards were in a hurry to go to political classes, the workers wanted to get to the barracks as soon as possible, to eat, the foreman was late for the card battle that evening - Merzlyakov was to blame for the entire delay. And he was punished. He was beaten first by his own comrades, then by the foreman, by the guards. The log remained lying in the snow - instead of a log, Merzlyakov was brought to the camp. He was released from work and lay on the bunk. The lower back hurt. The paramedic smeared Merzlyakov's back with grease - there had not been any means for rubbing in the first-aid post for a long time. Merzlyakov lay all the time, half-bent, persistently complaining of back pain. There was no pain for a long time, the broken rib healed very quickly, and Merzlyakov tried to delay his discharge to work at the cost of any lie. He was not written out. Once he was dressed, put on a stretcher, loaded into the back of a car, and together with another patient was taken to the district hospital. There was no X-ray room. Now it was necessary to think about everything seriously, and Merzlyakov thought. He lay there for several months without straightening up, was transported to the central hospital, where, of course, there was an X-ray room and where Merzlyakov was placed in the surgical department, in the wards of traumatic diseases, which, in the simplicity of their soul, the patients called "dramatic" diseases, without thinking about the bitterness of this pun.

- Here's another one, - said the surgeon, pointing to the history of Merzlyakov's illness, - we are transferring to you, Pyotr Ivanovich, there is nothing to treat him in the surgical room.

- But you write in the diagnosis: ankylosis due to a spinal injury. What is he to me? the neurologist said.

- Well, ankylosis, of course. What else can I write? After the beatings and not such things can be. I had a case at the Gray mine. The ten's manager beat the hard worker...

“There is no time, Seryozha, to listen to me about your cases. I ask: why are you translating?

- I wrote: "For examination for activation." Poke it with needles, activate it - and onto the ship. Let him be a free man.

But did you take pictures? Violations should be visible and without needles.

- Did. Here, if you'd like to see. The surgeon pointed a dark film negative at the gauze curtain. - The devil will understand in such a picture. As long as there is no good light, good current, our X-ray technicians will always give such turbidity.

- Truly dregs - said Peter Ivanovich - Well, so be it. - And he signed his last name on the medical history, consent to the transfer of Merzlyakov to him.

In the surgical department, noisy, stupid, overflowing with frostbite, dislocations, fractures, burns - the northern mines were not joking - in the department where some of the patients lay right on the floor of the wards and corridors, where one young, endlessly tired surgeon worked with four paramedics: all they slept three or four hours a day, and there they could not pay attention to Merzlyakov. Merzlyakov realized that in the nervous department, where he was suddenly transferred, the real investigation would begin.

All his convict, desperate will had long been concentrated on one thing: not to straighten up. And he didn't bend over. How I wanted my body to straighten up even for a second. But he remembered the mine, the breath-taking cold, the frozen, slippery, frost-shiny stones of the gold face, the bowl of soup, which he drank in one gulp at dinner, without using an unnecessary spoon, the butts of the escorts and the boots of the tenants - and found the strength in himself not to straighten up . However, now it was already easier than the first weeks. He slept little, afraid to straighten up in his sleep. He knew that the orderlies on duty had long been ordered to keep an eye on him in order to convict him of deceit. And after the incrimination - and Merzlyakov also knew this - was sent to a penalty mine, and what should a penalty mine be like if an ordinary one left Merzlyakov with such terrible memories?

The next day after the transfer, Merzlyakov was taken to the doctor. The head of the department asked briefly about the onset of the disease, nodding his head sympathetically. He told, as if by the way, that even healthy muscles with many months of unnatural position get used to it, and a person can make himself an invalid. Then Pyotr Ivanovich proceeded to the inspection. Merzlyakov answered questions at random when pricking a needle, when tapping with a rubber mallet, when pressing.

Pyotr Ivanovich spent more than half of his working time exposing malingerers. He understood, of course, the reasons that pushed the prisoners to the simulation. Pyotr Ivanovich himself had recently been a prisoner, and he was not surprised either by the childish obstinacy of the malingerers or by the frivolous primitiveness of their forgeries. Petr Ivanovich, a former associate professor at one of the Siberian institutes, himself laid down his scientific career in the same snows where his patients saved their lives by deceiving him. It cannot be said that he did not feel sorry for people. But he was more of a doctor than a man, he was a specialist first and foremost. He was proud that a year of general work had not beaten him out of a medical specialist. He understood the task of exposing the deceivers not at all from some lofty, nationwide point of view, and not from the standpoint of morality. He saw in it, in this task, a worthy application of his knowledge, his psychological ability to set traps into which, to the greater glory of science, hungry, half-mad, unhappy people were to fall. In this battle of the doctor and the simulator, the doctor had everything on the side of the doctor - thousands of tricky drugs, and hundreds of textbooks, and rich equipment, and the help of the escort, and the vast experience of the specialist, and on the side of the patient there was only horror before the world from which he came to the hospital and where he was afraid to return. It was this horror that gave the prisoner the strength to fight. Exposing another deceiver, Pyotr Ivanovich felt deep satisfaction: once again he receives the evidence of life that he is a good doctor, that he has not lost his qualifications, but, on the contrary, has honed, polished it, in a word, what else can he ...

“These surgeons are fools,” he thought, lighting a cigarette after Merzlyakov had gone. - Topographic anatomy is not known or forgotten, but reflexes have never been known. Saved by one x-ray. But there is no picture - and they cannot confidently say even about a simple fracture. And how much style! – That Merzlyakov is a malingerer is clear to Pyotr Ivanovich, of course. - Well, let it lie down for a week. This week we will collect all the analyzes so that everything is in shape. We will glue all the papers in the medical history. ”

Pyotr Ivanovich smiled, anticipating the theatrical effect of a new exposure.

A week later, in the hospital, they were collecting a stage on the ship - the transfer of patients to mainland. The protocols were written right there in the ward, and the chairman of the medical commission, who came from the department, personally looked through the patients prepared by the hospital for dispatch. His role was reduced to reviewing the documents, checking the proper execution - a personal examination of the patient took half a minute.

“On my lists,” said the surgeon, “there is a certain Merzlyakov. The guards broke his spine a year ago. I would like to send it. He was recently transferred to the nervous department. Documents for sending - here, prepared.

The chairman of the commission turned towards the neuropathologist.

“Bring in Merzlyakov,” said Pyotr Ivanovich. Half-bent Merzlyakov was brought in. The chairman glanced at him.

“What a gorilla,” he said. - Yes, of course, there is nothing to keep such. And, taking up a pen, he reached for the lists.

“I don’t give my signature,” said Pyotr Ivanovich in a loud and clear voice. “This is a simulator, and tomorrow I will have the honor to show it to you and the surgeon.

“Well, let’s leave it then,” the chairman said indifferently, putting down his pen. - And in general, let's finish, it's too late.

"He's a malingerer, Seryozha," said Pyotr Ivanovich, taking the surgeon's arm as they left the ward.

The surgeon released his hand.

“Perhaps,” he said, wincing in disgust. “God bless you in your discovery. Get a lot of fun.

The next day, Pyotr Ivanovich, at a meeting with the head of the hospital, reported on Merzlyakov in detail.

“I think,” he said in conclusion, “that we will expose Merzlyakov in two stages. The first will be raush anesthesia, which you forgot about, Sergey Fedorovich, ”he said triumphantly, turning towards the surgeon. - It should have been done right away. And if raush does not give anything, then... - Pyotr Ivanovich spread his hands, - then shock therapy. It's an interesting thing, I assure you.

- Isn't it too much? - said Alexandra Sergeevna, head of the largest department of the hospital - tuberculosis, a plump, overweight woman who had recently arrived from the mainland.

- Well, - said the head of the hospital, - such a bastard ... - He was a little shy in the presence of ladies.

“Let's look at the results of the rally,” said Pyotr Ivanovich conciliatoryly.

Raush anesthesia is a short-term stunning ether anesthesia. The patient falls asleep for fifteen to twenty minutes, and during this time the surgeon must have time to correct the dislocation, amputate the finger or open some painful abscess.

The authorities, dressed in white coats, surrounded the operating table in the dressing room, where they put the obedient half-bent Merzlyakov. The orderlies took hold of the canvas bands that are usually used to tie patients to the operating table.

- Don't, don't! cried Pyotr Ivanovich, running up. - You don't need ribbons.

Merzlyakov's face turned up. The surgeon put an anesthetic mask on him and took a bottle of ether in his hand.

- Start, Seryozha!

Ether dripped.

- Deeper, deeper breathe, Merzlyakov! Count out loud!

“Twenty-six, twenty-seven,” Merzlyakov counted in a lazy voice, and, suddenly breaking off the count, he spoke something that was not immediately clear, fragmentary, interspersed with obscene abuse.

Pyotr Ivanovich held in his hand left hand Merzlyakova. After a few minutes, the hand weakened. Pyotr Ivanovich released her. The hand fell softly and deadly on the edge of the table. Pyotr Ivanovich slowly and solemnly straightened Merzlyakov's body. Everyone gasped.

“Now tie him up,” said Pyotr Ivanovich to the orderlies.

Merzlyakov opened his eyes and saw the head of the hospital's hairy fist.

“Well, you bastard,” the chief croaked. - You're going to court now.

- Well done, Pyotr Ivanovich, well done! - repeated the chairman of the commission, slapping the neurologist on the shoulder. - But yesterday I was just about to give this gorilla free!

- Untie him! commanded by Pyotr Ivanovich. - Get off the table!

Merzlyakov had not fully recovered yet. His temples throbbed, and there was a nauseating, sweet taste of ether in his mouth. Even now Merzlyakov did not understand whether this was a dream or reality, and perhaps he had seen such dreams more than once before.

- Well, you all to the mother! he suddenly shouted and bent over, as before.

Broad-shouldered, bony, with his long, thick fingers almost touching the floor, with a cloudy look and tousled hair, really looking like a gorilla, Merzlyakov left the dressing room. Pyotr Ivanovich was informed that the sick Merzlyakov was lying on the bed in his usual position. The doctor told me to bring him to his office.

“You've been exposed, Merzlyakov,” said the neuropathologist. But I asked the boss. You will not be put on trial, you will not be sent to a penalty mine, you will simply be discharged from the hospital, and you will return to your mine, to old work. You, brother, are a hero. The whole year fooled us.

“I don’t know anything,” said the gorilla without looking up.

- How you do not know? After all, you just got ripped off!

“No one blew me up.

“Well, my dear,” said the neurologist. - It's completely redundant. I wanted to be good with you. And so - look, you yourself will ask for an extract in a week.

“Well, what else will be there in a week,” Merzlyakov said quietly. How could he explain to the doctor that even an extra week, an extra day, an extra hour, lived not at the mine, this is his, Merzlyakov's, happiness. If the doctor does not understand this himself, how to explain it to him? Merzlyakov was silent and looked at the floor.

Merzlyakov was taken away, and Pyotr Ivanovich went to the head of the hospital.

- So it is possible tomorrow, and not in a week, - said the chief, after listening to the proposal of Pyotr Ivanovich.

- I promised him a week, - said Pyotr Ivanovich, - the hospital will not become poor.

“Well, okay,” said the boss. - Let it be in a week. Just call me. Will you bind?

“You can’t bind,” said the neurologist. - Dislocates an arm or leg. Will keep. – And, taking Merzlyakov’s medical history, the neuropathologist wrote “shock therapy” in the prescription column and set the date.

During shock therapy, a dose of camphor oil is introduced into the patient's blood in an amount several times higher than the dose of the same drug when it is administered by subcutaneous injection to maintain cardiac activity in seriously ill patients. Its action leads to a sudden attack, similar to an attack of violent insanity or an epileptic seizure. Under the impact of camphor, all muscular activity, all the motor forces of a person, sharply increase. Muscles come into unprecedented tension, and the strength of the patient who has lost consciousness is multiplied tenfold. The attack lasts several minutes.

Several days passed, and Merzlyakov did not even think of unbending of his own accord. The morning came, recorded in the medical history, and Merzlyakov was brought to Pyotr Ivanovich. In the North, all entertainment is valued - the doctor's office was full. Eight hefty orderlies were lined up along the walls. There was a couch in the middle of the office.

“Here we will do it,” said Pyotr Ivanovich, getting up from the table. We won't go to surgeons. By the way, where is Sergei Fyodorovich?

“He won’t come,” said Anna Ivanovna, the nurse on duty. He said "busy".

"Busy, busy," repeated Pyotr Ivanovich. It would do him good to see me doing his job for him.

Merzlyakov's sleeve was rolled up, and the paramedic anointed his arm with iodine. Taking in right hand syringe, the paramedic pierced a vein near the elbow with a needle. Dark blood gushed from the needle into the syringe. Paramedic with gentle motion thumb he pressed the piston, and the yellow solution began to go into the vein.

- Hurry up! - said Peter Ivanovich. - And stay away. And you, - he said to the orderlies, - hold him.

Merzlyakov's huge body jumped and thrashed in the hands of the orderlies. Eight people held it. He wheezed, fought, kicked, but the attendants held him tightly, and he began to calm down.

“You can keep a tiger, a tiger like that,” shouted Pyotr Ivanovich in delight. - In Transbaikalia, tigers are caught like that with their hands. Pay attention, - he said to the head of the hospital, - how Gogol exaggerates. Remember the end of Taras Bulba? "A little more than thirty people hung from his arms and legs." And this gorilla is bigger than Bulba. And only eight people.

“Yes, yes,” said the boss. He did not remember Gogol, but he was extremely pleased with the shock therapy.

The next morning, Pyotr Ivanovich, while visiting the patients, lingered at Merzlyakov's bed.

“Well, how,” he asked, “what is your decision?”

- Write out, - said Merzlyakov.

Shalamov V.T. Collected works in four volumes. T.1. - M.: Fiction, Vagrius, 1998. - S. 130 - 139

Name index: Gogol N.V. , Lunin S.M.

All rights to distribute and use the works of Varlam Shalamov belong to A.L. The use of materials is possible only with the consent of the editors [email protected] site. The site was created in 2008-2009. funded by the grant of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation No. 08-03-12112v.

The plot of the stories of V. Shalamov is a painful description of the prison and camp life of the prisoners of the Soviet Gulag, their similar tragic destinies, in which chance, merciless or sweet, reigns. -stevey, assistant or murderer, arbitrariness of bosses and thieves. Hunger and its convulsive saturation, exhaustion, painful dying, slow and almost equally painful recovery, moral humiliation and moral degradation - that's what is constantly in the center of attention of the writer.


The author recalls by name his comrades in the camps. Calling to mind a mournful martyrologist, he tells who died and how, who suffered and how, who hoped for what, who and how behaved in this Auschwitz without stoves, as Shalamov called Kolyma th camps. Few managed to survive, few managed to survive and remain morally unbroken.

Life of engineer Kipreev

Having betrayed and sold no one, the author says that he has developed for himself a formula for actively protecting his existence: a person can only consider himself a man and survive if at any moment he is ready to commit suicide, ready to death. However, later he realizes that he only built himself a comfortable shelter, because it is not known what you will be like at the decisive moment, whether you just have enough physical strength, and not just mental. Arrested in 1938, engineer-physicist Kipreev not only withstood the beating during interrogation, but even rushed at the investigator, after which he was put in a punishment cell. However, they are still trying to get him to sign false testimony, intimidating him with the arrest of his wife. Nevertheless, Kipreev continued to prove to himself and others that he was a man, and not a slave, as all prisoners are. Thanks to his talent (he invented a way to restore burned-out electric light bulbs, repaired an x-ray machine), he manages to avoid the most difficult work, but far not always. He miraculously survives, but the moral shock remains in him forever.


Camp corruption, Shalamov testifies, to a greater or lesser extent concerned everyone and took place in a variety of forms. Two thieves are playing cards. One of them loses in fluff and asks to play for a “pre-bet”, that is, in debt. At some point, razzed by the game, he unexpectedly orders an ordinary prisoner from intellectuals, having accidentally found himself among the spectators of their game, to give the woolen pullover. He refuses, and then one of the thieves “finishes” him, and the blatar still gets the sweater.

At night

Two prisoners sneak to the grave, where the body of their deceased comrade was buried in the morning, and take off the linen from the dead man in order to sell it or exchange it for bread or tobacco the next day. The initial disdain for taking off their clothes is replaced by a pleasant thought that tomorrow they might be able to eat a little more and even smoke.

Single metering

Camp labor, unequivocally defined by Shalamov as slave labor, for the writer is a form of the same corruption. A profitable prisoner is not able to give a percentage rate, so labor becomes torture and slow killing. Zek Dugaev is gradually weakening, unable to endure the six-on-dza-ty-cha-so-working day. He carries, kailits, pours, again carries and again kilits, and in the evening the caretaker appears and measures what Dugaev has done with a tape measure. The mentioned figure - 25 percent - seems to Dugaev to be very large, his calves are aching, his hands, shoulders, head are unbearably sore, he even lost his sense of hunger. A little later, he is called to the investigator, who asks the usual questions: name, surname, article, term. And a day later, the soldiers take Dugaev to a remote place, fenced off by a high fence with barbed wire, from where at night the sound of tractors can be heard. Dugaev guesses why he was brought here and that his life is over. And he regrets only that the last day was in vain.


Rozovsky, who is working in the pit, suddenly, despite the menacing gesture of the guard, calls out to the narrator, who is working nearby, to share his soul-time -di-ra-revelation: “Listen, listen! I've been thinking! And I realized that there is no meaning to life ... No ... ”But before Rozovsky, for whom life has now lost value, manages to rush to the escorts, the narrator manages to run up to him and, saving him from a reckless and disastrous act, tell the approaching convoys that he was sick. A little later, Rozovsky pre-pri-ni-makes an attempt at suicide, throwing himself under the car-net. He is tried and sent to another place.

Sherry Brandy

A prisoner-poet dies, who is called the first Russian poet of the twentieth century. It lies in the dark depths of the bottom row of solid two-story bunks. He dies for a long time. Sometimes a thought comes - for example, that they stole bread from him, which he put under his head, and it is so terrible that he is ready to swear, fight, search ... But he no longer has the strength for this, and the thought of bread also weakens. When a daily ration is put into his hand, he presses the bread with all his might to his mouth, sucks it, tries to tear and gnaw with his scurvy, shaky teeth. When he dies, they don’t write him off for another two days, and inventive neighbors manage to get bread on the dead as if it were alive when they distribute it: they make him, like a mari-o doll - No, raise your hand.

Shock therapy

Prisoner Merz-lyakov, a man of large body build, having found himself at general work, feels that he is gradually losing. One day he falls, cannot get up immediately and refuses to drag the log. He is beaten first by his own, then by the guards, they bring him to the camp - he has a broken rib and pain in his lower back. And although the pains quickly passed, and the rib grew together, Merzlyakov continues to complain and pretends that he cannot straighten up, trying to delay his discharge to work at any cost. He is sent to the central hospital, to the surgical department, and from there to the nervous department for research. He has a chance to be activated, that is, written off due to illness at will. Remembering the mine, aching cold, a bowl of empty soup, which he drank, without even using a spoon, he concentrates all his will so as not to be caught cheating and sent to a penal mine. However, the doctor Pyotr Ivanovich, himself a prisoner in the past, was not a blunder. The professional displaces the human in him. He spends most of his time precisely on the unmasking of the simulants. This amuses his vanity: he is an excellent specialist and is proud that he has retained his qualifications, despite a year of general work. He immediately understands that Merz-lyakov is a simulant, and anticipates the theatrical effect of the new revelation. First, the doctor gives him raush anesthesia, during which Merz-la-kov’s body manages to be unbent, and a week later, the procedure of the so-called shock therapy, the effect of which is similar to an attack of violent madness or an epileptic seizure. After it, the prisoner himself asks to be discharged.

Typhoid Quarantine

Prisoner Andreev, ill with typhus, gets into quarantine. Compared to general work in the mines, the position of the patient gives a chance to survive, which the hero almost no longer hoped for. And then he decides, by all rights or wrongs, to stay here as long as possible, in transit, and there, perhaps, he will no longer be sent to the gold mines, where there is hunger, beatings and death. At the roll call before the next dispatch to work of those who are considered to have recovered, Andreev does not respond, and thus he manages to hide for quite a long time. The transit is gradually emptying, and the line finally reaches Andreev as well. But now it seems to him that he has won his battle for life, that now the taiga is saturated, and if there are dispatches, then only to nearby, local commands. However, when a truck with a selected group of prisoners, who were unexpectedly given winter uniforms, passes the line separating near from distant commands, it understands that fate cruelly laughed at him.

aortic aneurysm

Illness (and the emaciated state of the “goal” prisoners is quite equivalent to a serious illness, although it was not officially considered as such) and the hospital - in the stories of Shalamov, an indispensable attribute of the plot tics. The prisoner Ekaterina Glovatskaya gets into the hospital. Beauty, she immediately took a liking to the doctor on duty Zaitsev, and although he knows that she is in close relations with his acquaintance, the prisoner Podshi-va-lov, the leader As a member of a circle of artistic self-de-I-tality (“fortress theatre,” as the head of the hospital jokes), nothing prevents him from trying his luck in his turn. He starts, as usual, with a medical examination of Glovatskaya, with listening to the heart, but his male intrigue is quickly replaced by a purely medical concern -chen-no-stu. He finds an aortic aneurysm in Glovatsky, a disease in which any careless movement can cause death. The authorities, who took it as an unwritten rule to separate lovers, already once sent Glovatskaya to a penal women's mine. And now, after the doctor’s report about the prisoner’s dangerous illness, the head of the hospital is sure that this is nothing more than the machinations of the same Podsh-va-lov, trying to detain his mistress. Glovatskaya is discharged, but already when loading into the car, what Dr. Zaitsev warned about happens - she dies.

Major Pugachev's last fight

Among the heroes of Shalamov's prose there are those who not only strive to survive at any cost, but are also able to intervene in the course of circumstances, to stand up for themselves, even risking their lives. According to the author, after the war of 1941-1945. prisoners who fought and passed German captivity began to arrive in the northeastern camps. These are people of a different temper, “with courage, the ability to take risks, who believed only in weapons. Commanders and soldiers, pilots and scouts ... ". But most importantly, they possessed the instinct of freedom that the war awakened in them. They shed their blood, they sacrificed their lives, they saw death face to face. They were not corrupted by camp slavery and were not yet exhausted to the point of losing their strength and will. Their “guilt” consisted in the fact that they were surrounded or captured. And it is clear to Major Pugachev, one of these people who have not yet been broken: “they were brought to their deaths - to replace these living dead people” whom they met in Soviet camps. Then the former major collects just as resolute and strong, to match, prisoners who are ready to either die or become free. In their group - pilots, scout, paramedic, tanker. They realized that they were innocently doomed to death and that they had nothing to lose. All winter they are preparing an escape. Pugachev realized that only those who bypassed the general work could survive the winter and then run away. And the participants in the conspiracy, one by one, are promoted to the service: someone becomes a cook, someone is a kul-bargainer who repairs weapons in the security detachment. But spring is coming, and with it the appointed day.

At five o'clock in the morning there was a knock on the watch. The duty officer let in the camp cook-prisoner, who, as usual, came for the keys to the pantry. A minute later, the duty officer turns out to be strangled, and one of the prisoners changes into his uniform. The same thing happens with the other, who returned a little later on duty. Then everything goes according to Pugachev's plan. The conspirators burst into the premises of the guard detachment and, having shot the duty officer, take charge of the weapon. Holding suddenly awakened fighters at gunpoint, they change into military uniforms and stock up on provisions. Leaving the camp, they stop a truck on the highway, drop off the driver and continue on their way in the car until the gas runs out. After that, they go to the taiga. At night - the first night at liberty after long months of captivity - Pugachev, waking up, recalls his escape from the German camp in 1944, crossing the front line, interrogation in a special department, accusation of espionage Even the sentence is twenty-five years in prison. He also recalls the visits to the German camp of the emissaries of General Vlasov, who recruited Russian soldiers, convincing them that for the Soviet authorities all of them, who were captured, were traitors to the Motherland. Pugachev did not believe them until he could see for himself. He looks with love at the sleeping comrades who believed in him and stretched out their hands to freedom, he knows that they are "the best, worthy of all." And a little later, a battle begins, the last hopeless battle between the fugitives and their surrounding soldiers. Almost all of the fugitives die, except for one, seriously wounded, who is cured to be shot later. Only Major Pugachev manages to escape, but he knows, huddled in a bear's lair, that they will find him anyway. He doesn't regret what he did. His last shot is to himself.

Literature lesson in grade 11

"Linguistic and stylistic analysis of V. Shalamov's stories "Berries", "Single metering"

Lesson Objectives:

1. Educational:

* Improving the skill of linguistic and stylistic text analysis;

* formation of the ability to analyze the text artistic style;

* activation of cognitive research activity of students.

2. Developing:

*further development communicative, linguistic and linguistic competence of students;

*development creativity students' personalities and activation of their mental activity through the use of technology elements critical thinking;

*improving the ability to argue and prove one's point of view on a problematic issue;

*development of social competence of students.


* contribute to the moral development of the personality of students, their definition of true life values.

Technology: critical thinking technology; technology problem learning, workshop of value orientations.


* to reveal the main idea of ​​V. Shalamov's stories "Berries"

* conduct a linguo-stylistic analysis of the stories "Single Measurement"

* analyze linguistic (expressive) means.

Lesson type:a lesson in the integrated application of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

Methods:problem-search, problematic

Type of lesson:workshop

Forms of work:frontal, individual.

On the desk:

Everything that was dear was trampled to dust; civilization and culture fly off a person into the very short term, calculated in weeks.

The ovens of Auschwitz and the disgrace of Kolyma proved that art and literature are zero...

V. Shalamov

On the board: (concepts are written during the lesson)



Destruction of personality

Grain of sand

state machine


Society Model

At the end of the lesson, make sentences with these words - conclusions.

On the left wing:



Means of artistic expression

During the classes:

1. Teacher's words

At home, you got acquainted with the stories of V. Shalamov. Have you read this author's work before?

Today we will discover the world of Shalamov's prose, the world is cruel and merciless and truthful to the limit. To understand the motives for writing such works, it is necessary to get acquainted with the short biography of the author.

2. Presentationprepared by a student - biography of V. Shalamov

3. Conversation

What is striking in the biography of the writer?

He spent 20 years in camps in Kolyma, was a political prisoner. Consequently, everything he wrote about was experienced and felt by the author himself. " Kolyma stories" - personal experience.

What do we know about those times, the camps?

4. A student's message about the system of punishments in the camps.

So what stories have you read?

- "Single metering", "Berries".

What theme unites these stories?

main topic- the existence of a person in the camp.

Where is the action taking place?

In the north. Kolyma, the most severe camps.

Who is at the center of the story?

Zeks (thieves, political prisoners), overseers.

What is the tone of the story?

The intonation is impassive, ordinary, without emotions. Such intonation gives the stories a note of doom.

As a rule, in any prose work of art there are all types of speech: narration, description, reasoning. What is in the stories of V. Shalamov? Prove it.

There is a story and a description.

Why is there no reasoning in the stories of V. Shalamov?

Zeke can't reason. He is a cog, "nobody", "camp dust".

In what episodes does the description occur?

These episodes are related to the description of food. This is a strong emotion in conditions of constant hunger. There is a clear parallel: food = life, man = animal.

Is there a story?

Yes, that's the basis of the stories. The life of a convict consists of a series of actions aimed at preserving and maintaining own life: exhausting, meaningless work, the fight against constant hunger and cold, actions to get food.

What is the theme of stories?

1. The problem of confrontation between man and the totalitarian machine of the state. 2. The problem of change (deformation) of the value orientations of a person in the camp.

3. The problem of the price of human life.

5. Analysis of the story "Single measurement"

The genre is declared by V Shalamov in the title of the collection - “Kolyma stories”

What is a story? Let's turn to the dictionary.

A story is a small epic genre, a prose work of a small volume, in which, as a rule, one or more events of the hero's life are depicted.

What is the classic composition of the story?

The plot, the development of the action, the climax, the denouement.

Do V. Shalamov's stories correspond to the classical form?

No. There is no introduction, the climax is shifted towards the end of the work.

This is a deliberate departure from the literary canons. Shalamov was convinced that literature was dead (the one that "teaches" - the literature of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy).

The story of the last day of the hero of the story is ordinary, without emotion. Dugaev's death is a statistic.

Why is there no introduction and conclusion in the story?

V. Shalamov needs to show the essence, without burdening it with the background of the hero. In the conditions of the camp, it does not matter who the person was before. Shalamov writes about a man who stands at the line separating life and death.

Surroundings are indifferent to the fate of a comrade. (Read 1 paragraph of the story, analyze the behavior of a partner and foreman)

What does Dugaev feel in the camp?

The main feeling is hunger. It is he who determines the train of thought of the hero (read an excerpt). The second is indifference (read an excerpt).

In the camp, a person becomes dumb, turns into an animal. Dugaev does not know how to steal (and this is the “main northern virtue” in the camp), so he is quickly weakening. He tries to fulfill the norm (“None of the comrades will grumble that he does not fulfill the norm”). When Dugaev learns that he has completed only 25%, he is surprised because "the work was so hard." He was so tired that even "the feeling of hunger had long since left him."

Find the climax of the story and its denouement.

The climax and denouement are combined in the last paragraph (read out). When Dugaev realized why he was being led to a high fence with barbed wire, he "regretted that he had worked in vain, that last day had been tormented in vain."

6. Analysis of the story “Berries”

What do the stories “Single Size” and “Berries” have in common?

In the story "Berries" Shalamov draws camp everyday life, as in "Solitary Measurement". The hero, on whose behalf the story is told, like Dugaev, clings to life, although he understands that his life and the lives of his comrades are worthless.

1. In the camp, every man is for himself.

2. Hunger - a painful acute sensation that pushes a person to take risks and rash acts.

3. All moral qualities of a person have given way to physiological needs - to eat, sleep, be warm.

Why did Rybakov, the narrator's friend, pick up berries in a jar?

If Rybakov picks up a full can, the cook of the security detachment will give him bread. Rybakov's enterprise immediately became an important business.” Getting food is the most important thing in the camp.

Why didn't Rybakov ask for help picking berries?

He would have to share bread, and "camp ethics" does not involve such human actions. Consequently, Shalamov's idea is once again confirmed that in the camp it is every man for himself.

Which episode stands out in terms of intonation and content from the general narrative?

Episode description of berries. This real poetry. The narrator with the intonation of a gourmet and connoisseur draws berries. Nothing in the life of a convict causes such strong emotions. Only food.

Analyze the episode that tells about the death of Rybakov.

Rybakov was shot dead by the guard Seroshapka because the convict violated the boundaries of the designated zone. Gray Hat did it casually, without regret. The guard knew that Rybakov would not run away, but he killed the convict with the first shot. The author draws the reader's attention to the fact that Rybakov was killed by the first shot, which should be a warning. The second was made formally - it is supposed to fire two shots. Neither the guard Seroshapka nor the convicts thought about observing the law, because the camp is a territory of lawlessness, and "the price of camp dust is zero"

The death of a friend is an ordinary event. There is no feeling of loss, trouble. Man is nothing. A jar of berries is a value, as it can be exchanged for bread.

Read the words of V. Shalamov about civilization and culture again. After reading the stories, did it become clear why the author adheres to this point of view? In your answer, use the key words written on the board during the lesson.

V. Shalamov thinks so, because the camp proved that the physical and spiritual forces of a person in a collision with the machine of a totalitarian state are limited. The forces of evil break and destroy a person, because the possibilities of a person are finite, and evil can be unlimited. The artist was not afraid to show the terrible in a person. Having shown the “dehumanization” of the world, Shalamov turned out to be a prophet: cruelty is growing everywhere, while never aestheticizing inhumanity. He wanted the reader to see and appreciate what it is in real life. Everything is permitted - the terrible reality of the history of mankind, which must be confronted - the author of the Kolyma Tales leads the reader to such a conviction.

Homework: review on the story of V. Shalamov "Condensed milk"

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