Characteristics of the traditional learning system. Problem learning

Reservoirs 21.09.2019
  • No independence

In terms of application: commonabouting.

By philosophical basis: pedagogy forcing.

According to the main factory of development: sociogenic, with assumptions of a biogenic factor.

According to the concept of assimilation: Associative-reflex with a support for Suggestion (sample, example).

By orientation on personal structures - information, zun.

By the nature of the content: secular, technocratic, general education, didactic center.

By control type: Traditional classic + TSO.

According to organizational forms: class-grade, academic.

According to the prevailing method: explanatory-illustrative.

Educational training.

Distinctive features of the theory of Zankov.

Atmosphere mutual location Spends deep respect for schoolchildren and teachers. "If a schoolboy is for a teacher only some kind of vessel, in which it is necessary to put certain knowledge and skills, this, of course, will not contribute to his love for students. When each schoolboy is understood by the teacher as a person who has his own individual features, aspirations, his own. The warehouse of the mind and character, such an understanding will help to love children, respect them. "

Target orientations:

High total personality development.

Creating a basis for comprehensive harmonic development (harmonization of content).

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"Comparative characteristics of traditional and educational training."

Features of traditional and educational training.

Consider the features of traditional and educational training.

Traditional training.

The term "traditional learning system" we denote the one that acts in mass practice throughout a number of decades, has not undergone significant changes during this time.

The basis of its organization is a class-grade principle. In this principle, a traditional school was built. The founders of the class-urgent system are considered to be Ya.A. Komensei and I.F. Herbart. The main thesis is "Training all everything." main idea - Knowledge develop the personality of the student, training can not not develop.

Conceptual basis, then the principles of pedagogy formulated by Ya.A. Komensky:

Scientific relationship (false knowledge cannot be only incomplete);

Nature appearance (learning is determined by the development, not forced);

Sequences and systematic (consistent linear logic of the process, from private to general);

Availability (from known to unknown, from easy to difficult, absorption of ready-made ZON);

Strength (repetition is the mother of teachings);

Consciousness and activity (know the task supplied by the teacher and be active in the execution of commands);

The principle of clarity (attracting various senses to perception);

The principle of communication of theory with practice (a certain part of the educational process is given to the use of knowledge);

Accounting age and individual features.

Training -this is the process of transferring knowledge, skills and skills, social experience from older generations to the younger. The composition of this holistic process includes targets, content, methods and means.

Distinctive features Traditional cool-time technology are:

    students of approximately one age and the level of preparation make up a class that mainly maintains a permanent composition for the entire period of school learning;

    the class works on a single annual plan and program according to the schedule. As a result, children should come to school at the same time of the year and in advance the hours of the day;

    the main unit of classes is a lesson;

    the lesson is usually devoted to one training subject, the topic, by virtue of the class students work on the same material;

    the work of students in the lesson is managing a teacher: he evaluates the results of studies on its subject, the level of training of each student separately and at the end of the school year decides on the transfer of students to the following class;

    study books (textbooks) apply mainly for homework

The traditional system has both its advantages and cons.

On the one hand, not one generation of smart and talented children learned according to the traditional program. In addition, the traditional learning system is based on the experience of domestic pedagogy, taking into account national specifics and mentality.

Nevertheless, for it, the characters facilitating the educational material (calculated on the least successful students in the class and, according to many teachers, an unlawful), a slow pace of study, repeated repetition, limiting the mental activity of schoolchildren, the poverty and the superficial nature of theoretical knowledge. Subordination of the educational process by instilling skills, the absence or weakness of the internal urge to teaching, the impossibility of manifestation of individuality. A limited circle of direct knowledge of the surrounding world is mainly reduced to observations, which contributes to verbalism in learning. The main load falls into memory to the detriment of thought.

In the traditional school relationship between the teacher and the student are built on a "business" basis: the teacher (subject) leads the acquisition of knowledge, and the student (object) seizes with these knowledge.

Best quality Training in the traditional elementary school reaches teachers with an authoritarian style of management. They suppress the individuality of their students, but they can "reach" most of them at least to an average level. Sometimes the teacher, without hearing the student's response, tells him the desired course of the decision, telling instead of him or reminding necessary information.

Characteristic features Traditional learning is the predominance of reporting teaching (the teacher reports knowledge of the student), regulativity (strictly asked the standards of education, the assimilation of which is necessary for each student), orientation on the "average" student. Accounting for individual abilities of schoolchildren is limited by the specified canons.

To the positive moments of the traditional system of learning include:

    Systematic training

    Ordered, logically correct feeding material

    Organizational clarity

    Permanent emotional impact of the teacher's personality

    Optimal resource costs with mass training

To the negative moments of the traditional training system include:

    Template building, monotony

    Irrational distribution of lesson time

    On the lesson is provided only by initial orientation in the material, and the achievement of high levels is shifted to homework

    Students are isolated from communicating with each other

    No independence

    Passivity or visibility of students' activity

    Weak speech activities (average spelling time student 2 minutes per day)

    Weak feedback. Averaged approach

    No individual learning

Classification parameters of traditional learning.

In terms of application: commonabouting.

By philosophical basis: pedagogy forcing.

According to the main factory of development: sociogenic, with assumptions of a biogenic factor.

According to the concept of assimilation: Associative-reflex with a support for Suggestion (sample, example).

By orientation on personal structures - information, zun.

By the nature of the content: secular, technocratic, general education, didactic center.

By control type: Traditional classic + TSO.

According to organizational forms: class-grade, academic.

According to the prevailing method: explanatory-illustrative.

In modern mass russian school The goals were somewhat modified - the ideology was excluded, the slogan of comprehensive harmonic development was removed, there were changes in the composition of moral education, but the paradigm of the purpose of the purpose in the form of a set of planned qualities (standard standards) remained the same.

The mass school with traditional technology remains a "school of knowledge", preserves the preference of personality awareness over its culture, the predominance of the rational and logical side of knowledge over sensual-emotional.

Educational training.

Ideas hp Profitable, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein received further development in the works of D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova and L.V. Zankov. In the 60s, the concepts of educational training were developed, on the basis of which experimental studies were conducted at school.

Theory L.V. Zankova includes the following principles:

1. The principles of learning at a high level of difficulty (i.e., the material taught must be difficult, compliance with the difficulty and overcoming obstacles).

2. The principle of the leading role of theoretical knowledge.

3. The principle of awareness of schoolchildren of his own teaching. Training is aimed at the development of reflection (self-esteem).

4. The principle of work on the development of all students. Training should develop everyone, for development is a consequence of training.

In the experimental system L.V. Zankova is accepted other than in traditional training, setting tasks. In the first place - the development of students as the basis of successful learning of knowledge and skills. Leading organizational forms are the same as in the traditional system, but more flexible, dynamic. This is another type of learning compared to traditional. It is based on the basis of accounting internal laws of the child's development (more attention is paid to its inner world, individuality). The development of moral qualities and aesthetic feelings, will, the formation of an internal urge to teaching.

As far as it was possible, taking into account the initial level of training, the program and textbooks implemented an approach that the extended L.V. Zankov theoretical idea of \u200b\u200binitial training. In particular, in the early stages of studying the problems of learning and development L.V. Zankov emphasized the idea that not any learning of knowledge leads to development. Therefore, selecting the material to the lesson, it is necessary to comprehend how it will work for development, and which material will be neutral. L.V. Zankov attached great importance The versatility of the material, from which the analysis of which can gradually develop, albeit a small at the beginning, the influence on the overall development of the child. It is in the context of the versatile reference of the material that the child is moving along the path of its multifaceted perception and is unable not to one-sided consideration of the material, but to the vision of it with of different side. Thanks to this teaching, multilateral relations of knowledge are formed, and ultimately their system. Systematic knowledge is the most significant characteristic of all signs of the overall development of the younger student.

Distinctive features of the theory of Zankov.

2 High difficulty in learning.

3 Fast pace of training material.

4 sharp rise swelling Theoretical knowledge.

Without losing his leadership, teacher in the L.V. system Zankova becomes a member of the collective process of knowledge, a genuine friend and senior comrade. Authoritability disappears. The false teacher's authority will contribute only to the external, displacement discipline in the class, the formal fulfillment of tasks. The provision of greater independence will strengthen the authority of the teacher, will become a prerequisite for the upbringing of will from schoolchildren.

The atmosphere of a mutual location involves deep respect for schoolchildren and teachers. "If a schoolboy is for the teacher only in some kind of vessel, to which certain knowledge and skills should be put, it will not contribute to his love for students ... When each schoolboy understand the teacher as a person who has its own individual features, aspirations , his warehouse of mind and character, such an understanding will help to love children, respect them. "

The system of Zankov is designed for co-operation, cooperation, empathy. The teacher is open to questions of children, not afraid of their mistakes, does not appreciate and does not set marks for ignorance or inability in the process of learning new knowledge or new ways of action, does not compare one child with another.

Developing learning system on L.V. Zankov can be called the system of early intensified comprehensive personal development.

Classification characteristic

In terms of application: commonabouting. By the main factory of development: sociogenic + psychogenic. According to the concept of assimilation: Associative - reflex + developing. By orientation on personal structures: Court + SEN + ZON + Sum + SDP.

By the nature of the content: Educational - educational, secular, general education, humanistic.

By control type: System of small groups.

According to organizational forms: Cool - the urban, academic + club, group + individual.

According to the approach to the child: personally oriented.

According to the prevailing method: developing.

In the direction of modernization: alternative.

Target orientations:

High total personality development.

Creating a basis for comprehensive harmonic development (harmonization of content).

L.V. learning system Zankov is directed primarily on the personal growth of the child, his creative and emotional development.

Let's summarize:

System Characteristics

Traditional pedagogy

Developing pedagogy

The purpose of training

Transfer of knowledge, skills, skills

Development of abilities

Integrative name

School of Memory

School of thinking, pedagogy discoveries

The main motto of the teacher

Do like me

Think how to make

Credo Pedagogue

I am on you

I am with you

The role of the teacher

Most of the information, propagandist knowledge, keeper of norms and traditions

The organizer of students and cooperation, the consultant, managing the educational process

Pedagogue function

Message of knowledge

"Growing" man

Teaching style


Teacher's interaction style and student

Monologue (from the teacher)


The prevailing method of learning



Forms of organization of classes

Frontal, group

Individual, group

The prevailing activity of students

Hearing, participation in conversation, memorization, reproduction, work on the algorithm

Independent search, cognitive, creative activity of different types

Lesson Time independent work Pupils compared to a teacher's retribution

Much less


Student's position

Passive, in the absence of interest

Active, initiative, if there is interest

Motive to the teaching

Episodic is created

It is always created and purposefully

Psychological climate lesson

There is occasionally, sometimes "spontaneous"

It is always formed and purposefully\u003d466082.

The basics of traditional learning are laid in the middle of the XVII century. At the first stage of development of pedagogical psychology and described Ya.A. Komensky in the famous labor "Great Didactics". Under the concept of "traditional training" it is understood as a class-grade organization of training, built on the principles of didactics, formulated by Ya.A. Komensky.

Signs of a cool-time study system:

approximately the same in the age and level of training group of students (class), stable mainly throughout the entire period of education at school;

  • - Teaching children in the class on a single annual plan and curriculum according to the schedule, when all students should come to school at the same time and in the schedule scheduled for joint audit classes;
  • - The lesson is the main unit of classes;
  • - one training item is studied at the lesson, a certain topic, in accordance with which all students class work out the same educational material;

educational activities of students PA lesson manages a teacher who evaluates the results learning activities and the level of training of each student in the subject taught by him, and at the end of the year decides on the transfer of students to the next class;

Textbooks are used by students in the lessons, but to a greater extent - in independent homework.

The signs of a cool-term system include the concepts of "academic year", "school day", "Schedule of lessons", "educational holidays", "breaks between lessons (change)".

Describing a cool-up system, the following procedural features can be distinguished:

  • - Opportunity for a short period of time to transfer to students a large amount of information;
  • - providing students with information in a finished form without considering scientific approaches to the proof of their truth;
  • - assimilation of learning knowledge in a certain context of educational activities and the possibility of their application in such situations;
  • - the orientation for memory and reproduction of knowledge, skills and skills, and not thinking and creative transformation of knowledge formed in the training activities, skills and skills;
  • - the educational and cognitive process is more reproductive, forming a reproductive level of cognitive activity in students;
  • - educational tasks for remembering, reproduction, the decision on the sample does not contribute to the development creative abilities, independence, student personality activity;
  • - the volume of reported educational information exceeds the possibility of assimilating it with students, which shakes the contradiction between the meaningful and procedural components of the learning process;
  • - The pace of training is designed for the average student, it does not allow to fully take into account the individual and psychological features of students, which reveals the contradiction between the front training and the individual character of learning knowledge.

The main contradictions of traditional learning were allocated at the end of the 20th century. A.A. Verbicky.

  • 1. The contradiction between the conversion of the content of training activities and, as a result, the most trained in the past, to the signs of the "Fundamentals of Science", and the orientation of the subject of teaching on the maintenance of their future vocational and practical activity and socio-cultural activities of vital activity. The reported true scientific knowledge does not allow the possibility of entering the problem situation, the presence and solution of which would contribute to the activation of thinking processes. Remote Future in which the received scientific knowledge They will be useful until they have for a student of sense -namental intention and do not motivate conscious training activities.
  • 2. The duality of educational information, which simultaneously acts as part of culture, and as a means of developing and developing the student's personality. The resolution of this contradiction is possible with a decrease in the significance of the "abstract method of school" and the modeling in the training activities of the conditions close to the reality for the assignment of the current sociocultural experience, through which they themselves are enriched intellectually, spiritually and actors and themselves create new elements of culture (as in Currently, we see this on the example of the rapid development of computer technologies).
  • 3. The contradiction between the integrity of the culture and mastering the subject of its content through a large number of subject areas in the framework of educational disciplines. It is associated with the traditional differentiation of school teachers on subject teachers and the cathedral structure of universities. The concept of one or another cultural phenomenon is considered from the point of view of different sciences and does not give a student of a holistic presentation of the phenomena studying. This contradiction is present in both school and university learning and can be allowed when using reserves of active learning by immersion, i.e. Long, from several days to several weeks, studying a phenomenon in different scientific aspects.
  • 4. The contradiction between the method of existence of culture as a process and its presence in learning in the form of static iconic systems. The study of culture phenomena is escalated from context modern lifeAnd the child has motivation on their knowledge is not formed.
  • 5. The contradiction between the public form of the existence of culture and the individual form of its assignment to students. A student does not carry out a student with other subjects of education to create a product in the form of knowledge. The need for cooperation with other students in the development of educational knowledge and providing assistance to them is supposed to indicate the inadmissibility of prompts and the need to individualized one or another) "study subject. However, the development creative Individuality It is impossible alone, need "Binin Fantasy" (J. Roda), knowledge through the "other person" (I.E. CNT) in the process of dialogical communication and interaction manifested in actions. Being a socially determined and morally normalized action, the act can only be performed in human society, and mutual accounting of interests, values \u200b\u200band positions softens the gap between learning and education of students, introducing them through the act into cultural forms interpersonal relationship and joint activities.

More successfully identified contradictions are solved in the context of problem learning.

The traditional type of training is implemented mainly through a cool-term training system, which was created about 400 years ago.

Traditional training is characterized mandatory elementlessonwhich is a simultaneous occupation with a whole class. At the same time, the teacher reports, transfers knowledge, forms skills and skills, based on the presentation of a new material, its playback by students, evaluates the results of this reproduction. Traditional training is mainly reproductive. The teacher is the only initiative person. The main effort of the teacher at the same time is aimed at in the best way to provide training information. The student should also prevent the teacher to the learned content of the educational material.

The main way of traditional learning is explanatory illustrative. Traditional learning requires changes to contribute to the adaptation of the conditions for each student. One of the ways of modernization is to introduce into its organization of elements of educational training. That is, the formation of educational activities, which includes a learning task, training actions, actions to control and evaluate the degree of learning. Another way to improve traditional learning is based on the integration of information and developing methods and training forms.

Traditional technology.

Actions of the teacher and students:

1. Stage of setting goals, actualization

The teacher himself puts the goal for students, determines that "right", and what is "not correct." Pupils accept the goals and installation of the teacher.

2. Stage of studying new material

The teacher sets out new information (read, view); Selects ways to achieve the goals. The student takes them.

3. Stage of summing up. The teacher formulates a few questions:

"What did you like in the lesson? What new have you recognized? "

The advantages of traditional technologies can be attributed:

· Results (false knowledge can not be, can only be incomplete);

· Organizational clarity of the pedagogical process;

· Permanent ideological and emotional impact of the teacher's personality;

· Optimal resource costs with mass training;

· Ordered, logically correct supply of educational material;

· Orientation for the development of memory (memorization and reproduction);

· availability;

· Accounting for age and individual characteristics of students;

· Consciousness and activity (know the task supplied by the teacher and be active in the execution of commands).

· At the same time, disadvantages are also inherent in traditional technologies:

· The subject is the object nature of relations between teachers and students, orientation on the formation of template thinking;

· Lack of orientation on the development of the creative potential of students, suppressing students' initiative;

· Equalization approach to all students.

Modern technologies: (Farming)

1. Technologies based on the revitalization and intensification of the student's activities:

· Gaming technologies

· Problem technology technology

· Technology of intensive learning based on circuit and iconic models of educational material (Shatalov)

· Level Differentiation Technology

· Teaching individualization technology

· Programmed learning technology

· Information Technology Learning

· Interactive technologies (discussions, debates, competitions)

· Technology solving intellectual tasks

2 Alternative technologies

· Free labor technology (FREN) (it is necessary to create opportunities for free expression in any area. Labor will become the fundamental principle of the driving force and philosophy of the people's school. Light head and skillful hands better than the mind overloaded by unnecessary knowledge)

· Project training technology

· Workshop technology (below detailed description)

· Dalton-technology (combination of cabinet learning with educational processbased on three principles: freedom, independence, cooperation)

· Case technology (at the beginning of learning is drawn up individual planEach learning receives the so-called case containing a treadmill package, a multimedia video course, a virtual laboratory and training programs on a CD-ROM, as well as electronic workbook. The latter is a kind of guide to the course and contains recommendations for the study of educational material, control questions For self-test, tests, creative and practical tasks. Studying the material of the course, the study can request help by e-mail, send the results of practical tasks, laboratory work).

3.Rody-like technologies

· Saving and health promotion technology

· Child learning technology with signs of giftedness

4. Technologies of educational training

· Developing learning technology Zankov

· Personal-oriented educational training (Yakimanskaya) - The head of the corner is put by the identity of the child, its originality, self-relief, the subject experience of each is first disclosed, and then coordinated with the formulation of education)

· Self-evinted learning technology (Selevko) - Genuine doctrine covers the entire personality of man. The experience of teaching helps him, firstly, to establish his personal features, and secondly, to discover thoughts, actions and experiences, carrying universal character, capable, on the one hand, erode his individuality, and on the other - to connect it with everything mankind.

Technologies of training teachers - innovators:

System LV, Zankova was created in the late 1950s. She arose in response to the idea of \u200b\u200bVoopsky that training should go ahead of development, lead it by me. Training is refracted through inner world Child, his features and abilities and allows him to achieve his level of development. Zankov also introduced the concept of the overall development of the child as a common goal of training in elementary school.

The SCAN system is built on the following principles:

1. The leading role in learning is given to theoretical knowledge.

2. Training itself is conducted at a high difficulty level.

3. Training proceeds in a rapid pace.

4. The general development of both weak and strong students occurs.

5. Awareness of the learning process.

Six elements of the SNAN system:

1. The main task of learning is the general development of the child, his will, mind, feelings. Based on this development and actually learned, the formation of skills and skills.

2. Primary education should give the child a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture of the world based on the values \u200b\u200bof science, art, literature, as well as theoretical and empirical knowledge of the world around. It is implemented through the introduction of natural science in the first grade, gaining knowledge outside the school, enriching the content of ordinary items from the everyday experience of children.

3. Organizational forms of training must be flexible, with an increase in independent activities, excursions, a large number of observations. Crafts, questions to adults in the homework.

4. The training technique must be variable and multifaceted, oriented, to engage in the process of learning will, intelligence, emotions, other parties, which would allow in different classes to change the style of work, pace, tasks.

5. The relationship between the student and the teacher is full of positive emotions, feelings of success against intellectual activity.

6. Control of learning outcomes is sent not only to the passage of the program, but also to identify shifts in the overall development of the child, his will, thinking, values.

This system is effective, since thanks to her children become more developed, they show a mental, intellectual activity, they cultivate high emotional-volitional qualities, critical of thinking, a sense of cooperation, awareness of the identity value is being created.

Although the SCAN system and contains learning technology, it is still not fully designed as it is necessary from the point of view of the technology. First of all, this system is focused on the development of the personality of students, but at the present time the problem of diagnosis of the level of development of pedagogy is not solved, there is also no reliable measuring instruments. In this system, low reproducibility of learning, which is confirmed by a relatively small number of teachers working today in accordance with it.

In the system of Elkonina-Davydovthe student is seen as a self-implanting subject of learning, and not as an object. The purpose of the education of the student becomes its development and education of the subject. own Life. That is, the student should be able to set the tasks in front of him and find ways to solve them. The basis of the content of education should be the system scientific conceptsdefining common ways to solve problems.

The training technique organizes the educational activities of students, which ensures the search for the methods of solving emerging tasks. Therefore, creative and search methods Training, explain the explanation and show in their usual understanding.

An explanation and show in training activities are considered unsuitable because they deprive its meaning. After all, if the method of action is already shown, there have nothing to look for students. therefore initial stage Curriculum is a formulation of a learning task. The essential point of this technique is that the work of the teacher is aimed at finding a general way to solve such a class of tasks, and not on the organization of a particular solution to a specific task.

Staging a learning task, a joint decision, evaluation of the found method of action - here three components of educational trainingwhich can be highlighted in the system Elkonina-Davydova.

But what is the interaction of students in the educational process:

♦ Training and search activities in which the teacher creates prerequisites for the search, and their student is implementing them;

♦ joint activities coordinated by the teacher;

♦ Cooperation in which the student comes into cooperation not only with the teacher, but also with his classmates.

A necessary condition for educational training is precisely organized interaction of students. After all, any search research activities should always be accompanied by a dialogue with opponents, with other researchers and students. In this dialogue, a special role belongs to the teacher. He must find his place in it, be able to send it to the right direction.

During large-scale experiments, the effectiveness of the Elkonin-Davydov system was demonstrated. Its main result was the emergence and development of theoretical thinking among younger students.

Theoretical thinking arises and develops by chance, regardless of training. Thanks to the mechanisms of involuntary memory, due to the appeal to theoretical thinking, the comprehension of the ties of the educational material and the inclusion of knowledge stored in memory, children occur in a fundamentally different path of development of perception, memory, imagination. This development path ensures the effective interaction of two forms of memory - arbitrary and involuntary.

Students have the formation of meaningful exercise motives and the transition to self-esteem, as well as to a change in the qualities of the individual who impede its development. It becomes essential to the meaningful assessment of the methods and results of their classmates and the teacher, and not a school mark as an incentive. Already by the end of teaching in elementary school, students are increasingly moving to self-esteem.

Thanks to the development of the emotional moral sphere of students in the process of developing training, a sense of respect for other people, their thoughts, positions appear. A sense of responsibility for the common cause is born, which stimulates the development of morality.

In the Elkonin-Davydov system, all elements of educational technology are created. Although the authors of this system and their followers were prepared and the set of textbooks for elementary school was prepared, it must be said that not all elements of this system are registered at the procedural level. Since the development of educational learning technology teachers is difficult, it requires the formation of abilities to pedagogical creativity.

Developing training is developing not only for students, but also for teachers.

In the early 70s. XX century People's teacher of the USSR Shatalov Viktor Fedorovichdeveloped an original innovative system of learning and education of schoolchildren. She became popular in many countries of the world. Shatalov updated and developed the patterns established by the science, which were not previously in demand by pedagogy. Shatalov developed in his methodical system 7 principles, some of which he borrowed from L.V. Zankov.

1. Training at a high level of complexity.

2. Conflectible.

3. Fast movement forward.

4. Open perspectives.

5. Overmoon repetition.

6. The leading role of theoretical knowledge.

7. Publicity.

Schetov System includes 6 elements: Organization of supernogocrous repetition, inspection of knowledge, knowledge assessment system, problem solving methods, supporting abstracts, sports work with children. Although most teachers associate the Shatalov system precisely with supporting abstracts, the teacher itself in its system assigned to them last.

System Satalova covers all parties to teaching and upbringing schoolchildren, which can confirm the list of elements mentioned above. Shatalov and his followers developed a training system in full and even in small details. So, if the student missed one lesson, then the technology laid didactic means that would allow him to learn the new material, and the support abstract, which will allow you to successfully prepare for its reproduction.

This learning technology provides for such techniques and means of work that contribute to the economy of the labor costs and time of the teacher. For example, after checking the reference abstracts, there is no mark on the abstract, and they are laid out on the stacks, each of which corresponds to a certain mark. Then, on these stacks, marks in the magazine and the statement of an open survey. This allows you to save seconds, but after all of them then raid minutes, which the teacher can spend on productive work with the class.

Control of learning outcomes in the Shattal system is effectively solvable thanks to the written survey of all students on the supporting signals, carrying out the frontier control after passing large sections of the course. For example, when learning some subject for 35 lessons, each student may well get about 30 marks. This allows an open survey on the statement, in which there are all marks, immediately identify all the gaps in knowledge and remove them.

All these techniques and learning means are called "Inspection of knowledge* This is an elderry check. But such a check very quickly becomes the usual and even desirable for all students, because their successes and the desire to learn is better. That is why there are often cases when the entire class has only fives in the wizard of the open survey.

The most difficult didactic task is to teach schoolchildren to solve problems. Shatalov in its system managed to develop such technological techniques, thanks to which not only successfully learning to solve all tasks, but the disciples do it with hunting and interest. At the beginning of the school year, each student is distributed a special cry, which marks the numbers of the necessary tasks. On this rash, the schoolboy celebrates the tasks that he has already been able to solve. Some tasks from this dice are made on the control, called shatalov relay.

The supporting abstracts of Shatalov are a wonderful didactic agent that facilitates the learning process. The abstracts themselves and the reference signals contained in them cause students the appearance of associative images that ensure logical memorization and successful reproduction of educational material.

Primary training system Sofia Nikolaevna Lysenkovaalso called "promising-advanced training using reference schemes in comment on the curriculum management." Lysenkov has developed a unique methodology for the development of the thinking of children of the younger school age. This system allows them successfully, happily and easy to learn. It highlighted elements of technologies that allow you to carry out successful leading learning children.

Support schemes - This is the first driving force in the Lysenovka technique. The technology of their use is clearly designed. Support schemes include actual schemes, symbols, tables, didactic cards, etc. The support function of these schemes is to organize and managing the mental activity of students. Such reference schemes are a good way to external organization of mental activity of children. These schemes become not just an illustration of educational material, but supports, visual fixing of the teacher's logical reasoning.

Traditional technologies Training (TTO) - technologies built on the basis of a class - urgent organization and an explanatory and illustrative method of learning used by tradition, often unquatality, according to the sample. Traditional training implies primarily a cool-time organization of training that pretended in the XVIII century. On the principles of didactics, formulated by Ya.A. Komensky, and still being dominant in the schools of the world.

Distinctive features of traditional cool-term technology are:

  • - accounting of approximately one age and the level of preparation is class, K-ry mainly mainly constant composition for the entire period of school learning;
  • - The class works on a single annual plan and program according to the schedule. As a result, children should come to school at the same time of the year and in advance the hours of the day;
  • - the main unit of occupation is a lesson;
  • - a lesson, as a rule, is devoted to one academic subject, the topic, by virtue of the teaching work on the same material;
  • - the work of the school in the lesson is managing the teacher: he evaluates the results of study on its subject, the level of training of each student separately, and at the end of the school year decides on the translation into the following class;
  • - Teaching books (textbooks) are used mainly for homework.

School year, school day, schedule of lessons, educational holidays, change, or, more precisely, breaks between lessons, - attributes of a cool-time system,

Classification parameters TTO: in terms of application - common-generated; in a philosophical basis - pedagogy of coercion; according to the main factory of development - sociogenic (with the assumption of a biogenic factor); According to the concept of assimilation - an associative-reflector - naya with a support for Suggestion (sample, example); By orientation on personal structures - information focused on the assimilation of knowledge, skills and skills (ZUN); According to the nature of the content - secular, technocratic, general education, didaktocentric; by type of control - traditional classic + TSO; According to organizational forms - class-grade, academic; According to the approach to the child - authoritarian; According to the prevailing method - explanatory-illustrative; In the category of students - mass.

Target orientations. The objectives of the learning is a moving category, which, depending on a number of conditions, those or other components. For example, in the Soviet pedagogy, the goal of learning was formulated as follows:

  1. - formation of the knowledge system, mastering the foundations of science;
  2. - formation of the foundations of scientific worldview;
  3. - comprehensive and harmonious development of each student;
  4. - Education of ideologically convinced fighters for communism, for the bright future of all mankind;
  5. - Education of conscious and highly educated people capable of both physical and mental work.

Thus, in its nature, the TTO goal represents the education of the personality with the specified properties. In terms of the content of targets, TTO is focused mainly on the assimilation of the ZUN, and not on the development of the person (comprehensive development was a declaration). In the modern mass Russian school, the goals somewhat modified - the ideology was excluded, the slogan of comprehensive harmonic development was removed, there were changes in the composition of the moral education, but the paradigm of the purpose of the goal in the form of planned qualities (learning standards) remained the same.

A mass school with traditional technology remains a "school of knowledge," retains the primacy of personality awareness over its culture, the predominance of the rational - the logical side of knowledge over the sensual emotional and creative one.

The conceptual basis of TTO is the principles of pedagogy, formulated by Ya.A. Komensky, i.e. Principles:

  • - scientific relations (false knowledge can not be, can only be incomplete);
  • - nature appearance (learning is determined by the development, not forced);
  • - sequences and systematic (consistent linear logic of the process, from private to general);
  • - available (from the known to unknown, from the lung to difficult, the absorption of ready-made ZON);
  • - strength (repetition is the mother of the teachings);
  • - consciousness and activity (know the task supplied by the teacher and be active in the execution of teams);
  • - clarity (attracting various senses to perception);
  • - advocacy of theory with practice (a certain part of the educational process is given to the use of knowledge);
  • - Accounting age and individual characteristics.

Training in TTOs understand as the transfer process

knowledge, skills and skills, social experience from older generations - the younger. The composition of this holistic process includes targets, content, methods, funds.

Features of content. The content of education in the domestic tto was still in the years of Soviet power (it was determined by the tasks of the country's industrialization, the pursuit of the level of technically developed capitalist countries, the common role of scientific and technical progress) and to this day it is technocratic (meaning TTO in Russian Federation). Knowledge is addressed mainly to the rational start of personality, and not to spirituality, morality. 75% of school's school subjects are aimed at the development of the left hemisphere, only 3% are given to the aesthetic items, and very little attention was paid to spiritual education in the Soviet school (Data G. Seloevko, 1998). The traditional education system remains mainly uniform, unimagatative, despite the declaration on freedom of choice and variability. Planning the content of learning is centrally.

Basis educational plans Based on uniform standards for the country. Educational disciplines (Basics of Sciences) define "corridors", inside to-ry (and only inside) is granted to move the child. Training has an overwhelming priority before upbringing. Educational and educational items are not interconnected. Club forms of work occupy 3% of academic financing. IN educational work Pedagogy of measures, negativity of educational influences flourishes.

Features of the technique. TTO is primarily an authoritarian pedagogy of claims, the doctrine is very poorly connected with internal life The student, with its diverse requests and needs, there are no conditions for the manifestation of individual abilities, creative manifestations of the individual. The authoritarianism of the learning process is manifested in the regulation of activities, the compulsion of training procedures ("School rapes personality"); monitoring control; Orientation at the Middle Student ("School kills talents"). In such a system, the student is a subordinate object of training influences, a student "must", the student is not a full-fledged person, a rampless "codkin". The teacher is the commander, the only initiative person, judge ("always rights"); Senior (parent) teaches; "With the subject of children", the style "Split arrows." Methods of learning knowledge are based on: a message of ready-made knowledge, sample training, inductive logic from private to general, mechanical memory, verbal presentation and reproductive reproduction.

The learning process as activity in TTO is characterized by the lack of independence, weak motivation of schoolchild labor. In the composition of the study activities of the child, there is no independent goal-making, the teacher's teacher puts, the planning of activity is due to the outside, the student is imposed on his desire; The final analysis and evaluation of the child's activities is not made by himself, but by a teacher, etc. adults. Under these conditions, the stage of implementation of educational purposes turns into labor "from under the stick" with all his negative consequences (An alienation of a child from studying, the upbringing of Lena, deception, conformism - "School uroduction personality").

Evaluation of the activities of UCH. The traditional pedagogy has been developed by the criteria quantitative (in the Russian Federation - the five-point, in the Republic of Belarus - tenbally) assessment of knowledge, skills and skills to educational subjects; Requirements for evaluation: individual character, differentiated approach, systematic control and assessment, comprehensiveness, diversity of forms, unity of requirements, objectivity, motivation, publicity.

However, the negative aspects of the traditional assessment system are found in School Practice TTO. Quantitative estimate - a mark - often becomes a means of coercion, the instrument of the author's power of the teacher over the student, psychological and social pressure on the uch. The mark as a result of cognitive activity is often identified with a person as a whole, sorts the studio on the "good" and "bad". The names "Troechnik", "Dweller" cause a sense of inferiority, humiliation or lead to indifference, indifference to study. A student in its mediocre or satisfactory estimates first makes conclusion about the inferiority of his knowledge, abilities, and then of their personality (I-concept).

The TTO also includes a lecture-seminary and test system (form) of training: first the educational material is presented to the class lecture method, and then worked out (absorbed, applied) at seminars, practical and laboratory classes, and the result of the assimilation is verified in the form of tests.

The traditional education system through which the overwhelming majority of people around the world are being passed, developed for centuries and millennia. In ancient Egypt, as in the Sumer, it was customary to beat the student to hear; infinitely repeating the same exercises so that they are better remembered and communicated to automatism; To memorize the vintage texts, consecrated by the authority, and infinitely copy them. Forcing, a sticky discipline, the immutability of the content defined by the tradition, all this was and partly remains characteristic of the system of education of many and many states of ancient, medieval and modern Europe. The other plan of tradition existed in India and China, but widely spread throughout the world european system Together with other achievements of civilization. This system was inherited by a new time from the Middle Ages, reformed by Jan Amos Komensky three hundred years ago, but the goals, values \u200b\u200band style of educational interaction issues its origin from that ancient schoolwhich is described on Sumerian signs.

The traditional education system that is currently being spent is an ordinary objective-class system that almost everyone knows on his experience. Training is organized by subjects, school time It is divided into lessons, and lessons are from five to eight a day and they are all different; Students are grouped by classes in accordance with age and without any possibility of choosing a teacher or fellow workers; Successes in teachings are evaluated using points; There are always excellent, good and bad students; A visit to the lessons is necessarily as well as participating in various types of control measures - about all this, it was probably possible and not to remind.

In his book "School Revolutionaries", Michael Libarla and Thomas Seligson, characterizing the atmosphere of modern school, write: "We are forced to compete with each other when it comes to

marks, honors, differences, college receipts or sports teams, as well as social recognition. During this competition, our decency, understanding of life and intellectual abilities, is improved, but rather the ability to wear a mask, insincerity, adaptability and the desire to go on a safe and fasten path, willingness to betray their comrades for their own benefit. But all this is learned by students involuntarily. They simply adapt to the school setting, assimilate a normal way to achieve "success" in a gloomy, impersonal high school world. This competition is associated with many humiliations for everyone, even for those who seek success. The main goal of the school is the upbringing of the adaptents, obeying the authorities of the school system. " Memories of many outstanding people about their path in education draw school in general and the figure of the teacher in particular in rather dark colors. "School as a means of education was just an empty place for me ... It seems that all my teachers and the Father considered me a very ordinary boy, who was intellectual, perhaps even below the average level" (Charles Darwin).

"If only someone from the teachers managed to show the" product face ", making an entrusted preface to your subject, it would have been able to settle my imagination and ignite the fantasy, instead of bringing me the facts to me, I would open a secret of numbers and romance of geographic Maps would help me feel the idea of \u200b\u200bhistory and music in poetry - who knows maybe I would be scientists "(Charles Spencer Chaplin).

Contact with a traditional education system often causes a child and his parents pretty heavy experiences. Outstanding psychologist and teacher Frederick Berres Skinner, visiting the lesson at school, where his daughter studied, recorded in his diary: "Suddenly the situation introduced himself completely absurd. Without feeling no guilt, the teacher destroyed almost everything that we knew about the process of learning. " And Maria Curie in a letter to the sister was much more rigid: "I think that children are better to trammed than to enter into modern schools."

Here is what they say in the second half of the 20th century about a normal, standard American school American teachers: "Schools destroy the mind and hearts of our children" (Jonathan Kozol); "Schools do not contribute to the development of a student as a person" (Charles Patterson).

"I want to give the words of one high school teacher:" In our world, he said, "there are only two institutions where the main factor is the term, and not done work is a school and prison. In other places, work is important, and not that how much time it took "" (William Glasser).

A school comparison with a prison or barracks has long been familiar. Remembering school, even the greatest humorist of the 20th century completely loses sense of humor. "Of all that is intended on Earth for people innocent, the most terrible is a school. Start with the fact that the school is a prison. However, in some respects it is even more cruel than prison. In prison, for example, you are not forced to read books written by the jailers and their supervisors ... Even in those hours when you flew out of this stall, from under the supervision of the jailer, you did not stop terrifying yourself, leaning over hated school textbooks, instead In order to venture to live "(George Bernard Shaw).

There is some amazing paradox that society is always displeased with its education system, always exposes it with a sharp criticism, but by and large everything remains. The traditional school is really similar to the prison at least the students are obliged to be under the teacher's supervision, one of whose functions is to supervise. Indeed, the management of teaching in such a school is aimed at the introduction of a person to the well-minded communicative standards, and not to implement its special abilities and inconsistencies.

The creation of socio-political uniformity in society has always been a practical case of the education system, and sometimes a conscious goal. At the beginning of the 20th century, even the term - "social efficiency" appeared to designate this goal. An important function of compulsory universal education is, as sociologists say, social control: it is designed to prepare obedient members of the Company who host its basic values. This, of course, a completely honorable function, not the terrorists should prepare the education system, but the trouble is that, together with obedience, the lack of initiative, fear of creativity and the desire for the routine fulfillment of clearly defined duties come.

"In the end, we are learning not for school, but for life, we wish in it to act in the leaders. If the characteristic and essential properties of life are a variety and variability, then uniformity and

an extraordinary tightness on reforms in the educational sphere disagree with the tone of life. The routine school system, constantly looking back, and not forward, will be bad for life, to the assimilation and correct assessment of its new acquisitions, and the school, therefore, can easily be in life in life, in some standing standing with a plungy, And not fresh water. "(P.F. Kapteyev).

To date, the conflict between the utilitarian technocratic view of education (with the installation on the measurable teaching results and the requirement of the preparation of students to the labor market), on the one hand, and the need for democratic society, to ensure opportunities for individual development, with the other; between recognized by many necessity of personal growth in the education system and the widespread setting for knowledge broadcast; between the requirement of freedom of teaching and a rigid formal framework of the traditional system.

The history of pedagogy can be spilled back and forth with one and the same unchanged result: at all times, the same pedagogical ideas are expressed as new as new - the need to support the activity of a child, its independent development, the need to take into account its special abilities and inconsistencies. But at the same time, "education and education often represent a fierce struggle against the natural creative self-development of a person and seek to touch him in the forefront of the harvested framework, lead according to the template, according to a laughed path, and with the general violence of the formulation of education still talking about self-identity" (P.F. . Capterev).

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