Executive documentation for fire alarms example. Guidelines for the acceptance of fire alarm systems

reservoirs 15.06.2019

Installation work fire alarm must be performed by companies that are licensed to carry out this type of activity.

In addition, all equipment used must also be certified, have appropriate documentation and technical data sheets.

Requirements for the installation of fire alarms.

In order for an automatic fire alarm system to be effective and to function without problems during its entire life cycle, its design must take into account the possibility of reconfiguration.

This is necessary for several reasons. In a building where a fire alarm is installed, major or cosmetic repairs can subsequently be carried out. repair work. There is a rather high probability of redevelopment, changing the purpose of the main premises or changing the location of production facilities, machines and mechanisms.

All this may lead to the need to change the original layout of the detectors and control panels. Based on this, special requirements for the installation of fire alarms are imposed on the location of cable networks, the cross section of their wires bandwidth etc.

When designing and installation work ah, it should be possible to scale or modify the automatic signaling system.

When purchasing and installing a control panel, it is also necessary to take into account the possibility of changing the topology of cable networks and increasing the number of fire detectors (connected loops).


Most industrial and commercial facilities, buildings of public, municipal and national infrastructure cannot function without fire alarms.

At the same time, the following set of documentation is required for the commissioning of the system and its operation:

  • project for the installation and installation of equipment;
  • an act of commissioning, signed by representatives of the customer and the organization performing the installation;
  • maintenance agreement;
  • the act of putting the fire alarm system into operation.

Maintenance should also be carried out in accordance with RD 009-01-96, which defines the main types of work and the frequency of their implementation. It is obligatory to have a log of registration of works on maintenance and repair of alarm and automation systems at the facility.

The design and installation of automatic fire alarms is carried out in accordance with the following laws and regulations:

  • Federal Law No. 123 adopted on July 22, 2008, as amended on July 29, 2017;
  • Federal Law No. 315 adopted on December 1, 2007, as amended on July 3, 2016

The list of buildings and structures that are subject to mandatory equipment with fire alarms and warning and evacuation management systems, as well as the procedure for performing installation work, are defined in the codes of rules of the Russian Emergencies Ministry:

  • SP 5.13130.2009 dated March 25, 2009 N 175;
  • SP 3.13130.2009 dated March 25, 2009 N 173.

If the facility has a system fire alarm missing or installed with significant violations of applicable regulations, the owner of the building or the head of the organization will be liable in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 dated 04/25/2012 as amended on 03/06/2015.

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Executive documentation for fire alarm

AT executive documentation by fire alarm contains a set of working drawings and text documents that facilitate the operation of the building. It must be provided to the inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations conducting the inspection, upon request. Having a fire alarm ID helps you avoid problems with the law.
If the as-built documentation for APS (OPS) and SOUE is lost or not made by those who performed the installation, it must be restored.

Stages of restoration of as-built documentation for fire alarms

To start work on the restoration of documentation, building plans from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI plans) are required.

BTI plans look something like this:

The plan is redrawn for AutoCad to editable .dwg format

Then the automatic fire alarm system is examined. The presence, location, number and type of sensors, devices and modules of which it consists are checked. The data obtained is applied to the dimensional drawings.

Taking pictures control panels,

manual and smoke detectors.

It is also important to distribute fire alarm loops throughout the premises.

After the survey, you can start drawing the executive documentation for the fire alarm.

This stage is similar to designing, but with a ready-made arrangement that needs to be transferred to the plan. cable routes.

An example of a plan for the executive layout of fire detectors:

The cost of executive documentation for APS

To determine the cost, a technical passport of the building or BTI plans is required. The calculation is made taking into account the area of ​​the object, but The cost of developing as-built documentation depends on many factors. Each order is individual.

Send to the mail, which is indicated in the Contacts section, the initial data. We are in as soon as possible We will calculate and send it to you.

The standard term for the implementation of APS ID up to 2000m2 is 7-10 days. The price includes a survey of the object, the creation of documentation and the transfer of two paper copies of the project to the client.

There are two ways to reduce the cost of performing work (relevant for service organizations and companies with design skills) in two ways:

  1. Purchase an example project in editable format (dwg, doc). You can link this project to your own plans. This option is possible only if there is a project SRO. Contents of documentation: title, cover, explanatory note, general data, conventions, structural scheme, plans for the location of equipment and cable routes, connection diagrams, cable magazine, specification.
  2. Pay for remote support of your project. You collect all the initial data (plans, location, types of detectors and devices), we carry out the normative control of the project.

Call the phone number listed on the site, and our manager will select the best option for you, which will help you save a lot.

The fire alarm is one of engineering systems building and is a complex set of technical equipment, which includes fire detectors, controllers, warning devices and other special modules. The main purpose of this system is to identify sources of ignition at an early stage of a fire. When designing and installing fire alarms should be used normative documents, which regulates all aspects of the use of this system during operation.

To the list of fire alarm documentation used at any stage life cycle this system includes:

  • Rules fire safety;
  • State and industry standards;
  • Fire safety standards;
  • Standard requirements, Guidelines and Recommendations;
  • Technical regulations;
  • Building regulations;

as well as federal laws that regulate the use of systems security and fire alarm(OPS) and other low-voltage engineering systems with which fire alarms are often integrated into a single technical complex - video surveillance (CCTV), warning and evacuation control system (SOUE), access control and management system (ACS).

In the course of designing a fire alarm, it is mandatory to apply the requirements of SP 5.13130.2009 "Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations", as well as Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008 "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements". These regulatory documents define all the features of the installation of fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing systems, determined depending on the type of buildings and premises, as well as establish standards for the arrangement, type and number of fire detectors and other engineering equipment of these systems.

Availability of the kit project documentation is necessary condition implementation of all subsequent stages of creating a fire alarm system. Requirements for the design of a fire alarm system project are defined in GOST R 21.1101-2009, and the design cost is calculated in accordance with the "Methodological recommendations for determining the cost of designing systems fire protection and burglar alarms” MPP3.2.19.02-05.

After the completion of the installation of the system at the facility, the completion of commissioning and handover and acceptance of the entire work package, a technical documentation fire alarm systems. Below is a list of documentation that must be submitted at the time of acceptance of the system:

  • executive drawings of the fire alarm system;
  • certificates for all equipment and cable products;
  • passports of fire alarm equipment and pilotbots (sensors, relay modules, control panels, etc.);
  • act of the working commission on the acceptance of equipment after testing;
  • an act of construction readiness of the premises of the facility for the installation of the system;
  • certificate of acceptance of work on installation and commissioning of the system;
  • a statement of technical documentation submitted during the acceptance of electrical installation work;
  • a list of changes and deviations from the system design;
  • a complete list of installed fire alarm equipment;
  • acts on the defects and shortcomings of the equipment that is part of the system identified during commissioning.

All acts are signed by members of the commission, which includes representatives of the customer, the general designer, the general contractor, subcontractors and the facility operation service.






This project of an automatic fire alarm system was developed in accordance with regulatory and regulatory documents:

- GOST 27990-88 Means of security, fire and security fire alarms. General technical requirements;

- SNiP 11-01-95 Instructions on the procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures;

- SNiP 2.01.02-85 Fire regulations;

- SNiP 21-01-97 Fire safety of buildings and structures;

- SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 Sanitary rules and regulations;

- RD 78.145-93 Security and fire alarm systems and complexes. Rules for the production and acceptance of work;

- RD 78.36.004-2005 Instructions on technical supervision of design and installation work on equipping facilities with security alarms;

NPB 88-2001 Fire extinguishing and alarm systems. Norms and rules of design;

- NPB 110-03 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms;

- P 78.36.004-2002 List technical means, permitted for use in private security;

- PUE-98 Rules for the installation of electrical installations.

The working draft of the automatic fire alarm system was developed in accordance with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety and other standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and ensuring safe operation for human life and health integrated system in compliance with the measures provided for by the working documents.

Fire safety declaration (fire declaration)

For protection facilities operated on the date of entry into force of the federal law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements", a fire safety declaration (fire declaration) is submitted to the EMERCOM of Russia no later than May 1, 2010.

The fire declaration provides:

1) fire audit (fire risk assessment)*;
* the fire safety declaration (fire declaration) is accompanied by fire risk assessment calculations (conclusion of an expert organization);

2) assessment of possible damage to property of third parties from a fire*;
* is issued independently, based on your own assessment of possible damage to property of third parties from a fire, or a copy of the insurance policy is attached.

3) a list of federal laws on technical regulations and regulatory documents on fire safety, the implementation of which is ensured at the object of protection, indicating the list of requirements to be fulfilled.

Calculation of fire risk is mandatory for production facilities, as well as for facilities where the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety are not fully met.

In the case of a fire safety audit, the state fire supervision authorities remove the object of protection from control (supervision) for the entire duration of the conclusion on an independent fire risk assessment (fire safety audit).

Assessment of compliance of protected objects with the requirements of fire safety of technical regulations, regulatory documents on fire safety or the terms of contracts is carried out in the following forms: independent risk assessment in the field of fire safety (fire audit); fire safety declaration.

Fire risk assessment (fire audit) is integral part fire safety declarations or declarations industrial safety(on objects for which they must be developed in accordance with the legislation Russian Federation).

Fire safety declaration form. A fire safety declaration (fire declaration) can be drawn up both as a whole for the object of protection, and for individual buildings, structures, structures and premises that are part of it, for which fire safety requirements are established.

The procedure for registering a fire safety declaration. The fire safety declaration (fire declaration) is developed and submitted by the owner of the object of protection or a person who owns it on the right of lifetime inheritable possession, economic management, operational management, or on another legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the declarant). The fire safety declaration (fire declaration) for the designed object of protection is drawn up by the developer or the person who prepares the project documentation.

Fire alarm

The fire alarm is used to detect fires at the initial stage and timely notify interested parties. The need to install such systems in many cases is due not only to the concern of the owner of the facility about their own safety and the safety of property, but also to regulations.

Fire alarm installations can be used to generate a command impulse to start automatic installations extinguishing, smoke removal and warning in case of fire, integrate with access control systems to unlock the doors of emergency exits in case of fire, as well as control technological, electrical and other equipment.

The need to install a fire alarm or fire extinguishing system in buildings and premises is determined by the following regulatory documents:

Fire safety standards (NPB) 110-03;

NPB 105-03 "Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations for explosion and fire hazard";

Code of fire safety rules SP 5.13130.2009 (for newly built and reconstructed facilities).

As a result of our cooperation, you will receive a document confirming the category of your premises with the attached license of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for this type of activity.

Choosing a fire alarm system

The categories of warehouse or industrial premises, buildings in terms of fire (explosion) hazard are determined in accordance with NPB 105-03 for the most unfavorable period in relation to an explosion or fire and depend on a number of factors and conditions.

To define a category fire hazard Your object is enough to call us and briefly describe technological process production or the composition of materials stored in the warehouse. Based on these data, we will evaluate the scope of work and determine their cost.

The main elements of a fire alarm:

Fire alarm sensors. This is the basis of the system - they are the ones who detect the fire and its source. The principle of operation of fire alarm sensors is based on the detection of combustion products: certain gases, smoke, temperature rise, etc.

Fire alarm control panel. A technical node that collects data from all sensors in the system. Here, the obtained indicators are analyzed and the corresponding automatic processes are launched. This node also monitors the performance of fire alarm sensors and connection lines.

Fire alarm control panel. Automatic workplace, equipped on the basis of a computer, which serves to display information on a computer monitor.

The independent power supply of the fire alarm system ensures the continuity of the fire alarm system in the absence of electricity in the network.

Automatic fire alarm

Automated fire alarms are a set of equipment that includes fire detection and warning devices. The type of warning system is determined by the "Code of Fire Safety Rules" and must comply with NPB 104-03 for newly built and reconstructed facilities.

Fire alarm systems can be combined with fire extinguishing systems, smoke removal systems, etc. The effectiveness of such systems is due to the fact that measures to eliminate the fire are taken instantly. In most cases, they make it possible to cope with the fire before the arrival of the relevant services.

Fire alarm systems

According to the method of determining the source of fire, fire alarm systems are divided into two main types:

Analog fire alarms. The place of fire is determined by the number of the loop (wire) to which the sensor is connected. It is recommended for objects with small rooms, since several sensors can be connected to one loop, which will make it difficult to find the source in large rooms. Attractive for their low cost and ease of setup and operation.

Address security and fire alarms. Precisely fix the place of fire, each sensor has its own address. Recommended for large objects. Information is collected sequentially from all sensors located in the form of a star, the center of which is the fire alarm control panel.

Choosing an alarm system

The type, as well as the fire alarm scheme for each specific object, are selected based on the conditions and requirements for the organization of fire safety.

Our company carries out the design and installation of fire and security alarm systems, taking into account the requirements for the design of your premises and the wishes of the customer. At the request of the customer, we coordinate the work performed in the State Fire Supervision Authority.

The company's specialists will train the customer's personnel to work with the systems free of charge. Work on the installation of fire alarms can be carried out promptly, literally within a few days after your request.

Design of object complexes of security, fire and security and fire alarm systems

The composition of the design and estimate documentation

Work on the installation of technical means of signaling should be carried out according to the approved design and estimate documentation or an inspection report in accordance with standard design solutions, working documentation (project for the production of works, technical documentation of manufacturers, technological maps) and the rules for the production and acceptance of work for systems and complexes of security, fire and alarm systems.

At objects protected or subject to transfer to private security units, it is allowed to carry out installation work according to inspection certificates, with the exception of new construction objects, objects that are under the supervision of state control bodies for the use of historical and cultural monuments, as well as objects that have explosive zones. For these objects, design estimates must be drawn up.

For the development of design estimates for equipping an object with an alarm system, the customer must draw up a technical assignment, which is reviewed and agreed upon with the security department within no more than 10 days. Within the framework of technical supervision, the terms of reference may be subjected to examination in the security unit.

The main directive documents, the requirements of which are subject to unconditional fulfillment in the course of electrical installation work, are the current Electrical Installation Rules (PUE) and Building Codes and Rules (SNiP).

Suppliers of technical means of protection and materials provide the customer with factory instructions that performers of electrical work must be guided by.

The design of fire alarm systems is carried out by design organizations at the request of customers. The work can be carried out in one stage (development of a working draft with a summary budget calculation cost) or in two stages: first, the development of a project with a consolidated cost estimate, and then - working documentation with estimates. In this case, the survey reports are used by the customer to draw up a technical assignment for the design of a fire and security alarm.

The composition of the working documentation includes: a plan-scheme of blocking objects; functional signaling schemes; circuit diagrams; connection diagrams and connection of external wiring; general views shields of technical means of fire alarm systems; tables of connections and connection of electrical and pipe wiring in shields; general views of non-standard drawings for the installation of devices and signaling means; Hardware Specification; specification of boards and consoles; list of units and structures, list of standard drawings; local estimate for the acquisition and installation of technical means of signaling; explanatory note.

For objects protected or subject to acceptance under protection by non-departmental security, the design and estimate documentation must be agreed by the customer with the private security, and reasonable deviations from the design and estimate documentation - with the State Fire Service before its transfer to the installation organization. The term for consideration and approval of documentation is 1 month. Coordination of design and estimate documentation is carried out by the Higher Educational Institutions and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republics within the Russian Federation under the Internal Affairs Directorate of the regional and regional administrations. If these divisions delegate their powers to subordinate organizations, then the coordination is carried out by their subordinate divisions. The agreement is valid for 2 years.

The customer must agree design and estimate documentation with installation and commissioning organization. The installation and commissioning organization reviews the design and estimate documentation and submits reasonable comments to the customer.

Design and estimate documentation is approved by the customer. At the same time, it must have the stamp "Permitted for production" and the signature of the responsible representative of the customer, certified by the seal. The approved design documentation is submitted in two copies to the installation and commissioning organization before the start of installation work. Estimated documentation is transferred in one copy. Each copy of the working documentation must have marks of acceptance for the production of work. If the customer makes changes to the transferred design and estimate documentation in in due course, he must, no later than 15 days before the start of work, additionally transfer to the installation organization 2 copies of the amended documentation and a list of canceled drawings and documents. All costs and losses incurred by the installer due to changes in the documentation must be reimbursed by the customer.

If the need to deviate from the design documentation arose during the installation of the FPS complex, then coordination with the developer of the design documentation is necessary.

Design and estimate documentation for the equipment of the facility burglar alarm terminates when the object's work profile changes and is subject to reconciliation when the customer changes.

Deviations from project documentation or inspection acts during the installation of technical means of signaling are not allowed without the consent of the customer, the design organization - the developer of the project, the State Fire Service authorities and security units.

If, according to the design and estimate documentation, from the time of approval and after 2 years, installation work has not begun, then it must be re-considered by the design organization - the developer of the project, agreed and approved in the prescribed manner.


All premises of the building are subject to protection by the installation of an automatic fire alarm, regardless of their functional purpose, with the exception of rooms associated with wet processes.

The walls of the building are brick, the partitions are plasterboard and glass, the floors are reinforced concrete.

The height of the ceiling in the rooms is not more than 3 meters.

The main type of fire load in the protected premises is the insulation of electrical cables, fireproof materials in combustible packaging, and furniture.


To build an automatic fire alarm system, the Akkord-512 control and security fire control device (PPKOP) was used.

Information about the state of protected zones is displayed on the central control panel.

The system includes:

- central block (BC)

- central control panel (PUC);

- two fire loop expanders (BRP) for 8 loops (for connecting fire alarm loops);

The control center is installed in the security room.

BC (N 1) is installed on the first floor in a low-current riser.

Two PDUs (N 2, 3) are installed in a low-current riser on the 3rd and 5th floors.

Installation of an automatic fire alarm provides:

testing the serviceability of fire detectors in the loop;

alarm signaling when fire detectors are triggered;

shutdown of general ventilation when a fire alarm is triggered;

automatic switch on zone-by-zone fire warning systems;

display of information and giving of a sound signal at a signal "FIRE", "SHORT CIRCUIT" and "BREAK".
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Executive documentation for fire alarm

AT as-built documentation for fire alarm contains a set of working drawings and text documents that facilitate the operation of the building. It must be provided to the inspectors of the Ministry of Emergency Situations conducting the inspection, upon request. Having a fire alarm ID helps you avoid problems with the law.
If the as-built documentation for APS (OPS) and SOUE is lost or not made by those who performed the installation, it must be restored.

Stages of restoration of as-built documentation for fire alarms

To start work on the restoration of documentation, building plans from the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI plans) are required.

BTI plans look something like this:

The plan is redrawn for AutoCad to editable .dwg format

Then the automatic fire alarm system is examined. The presence, location, number and type of sensors, devices and modules of which it consists are checked. The data obtained is applied to the dimensional drawings.

Taking pictures of control panels

manual and smoke detectors.

It is also important to distribute fire alarm loops throughout the premises.

After the survey, you can start drawing the executive documentation for the fire alarm.

This stage is similar to designing, but with a ready-made arrangement that needs to be transferred to the cable route plan.

An example of a plan for the executive layout of fire detectors:

The cost of executive documentation for APS

To determine the cost, a technical passport of the building or BTI plans is required. The calculation is made taking into account the area of ​​the object, but The cost of developing as-built documentation depends on many factors. Each order is individual.

Send to the mail, which is indicated in the Contacts section, the initial data. We will calculate and send it to you as soon as possible.

The standard term for the implementation of APS ID up to 2000m2 is 7-10 days. The price includes a survey of the object, the creation of documentation and the transfer of two paper copies of the project to the client.

There are two ways to reduce the cost of performing work (relevant for service organizations and companies with design skills) in two ways:

  1. Purchase an example project in editable format (dwg, doc). You can link this project to your own plans. This option is possible only if there is a project SRO. Contents of the documentation: title, cover, explanatory note, general data, symbols, block diagram, equipment and cable routes layout plans, connection diagrams, cable magazine, specification.
  2. Pay for remote support of your project. You collect all the initial data (plans, location, types of detectors and devices), we carry out the normative control of the project.

Call the phone number listed on the site, and our manager will select the best option for you, which will help you save a lot.

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