Scientific organization of labor. Digest - Industrial Security

The buildings 21.09.2019

The personnel policy of JSC "AK BARS" of the Bank is aimed at achieving such goals:

  • - striving for creating a healthy and workable team, that is, social programs are being carried out, plans social Development Organizations. Since the health and efficiency of employees depends on how much the enterprise will work productively, it carries out its production function;
  • - raising the level of qualifications of employees of the enterprise, that is, highly qualified employees are very important for the bank. The Board of the Bank is interested in improving the qualifications of its employees;
  • - Creation labor team, optimal in the sexual and age structure, as well as in terms of qualification. It is important to strive to create a labor collective optimal in the sexual structure. Featuring the optimal ratio of the number of men and women, we can be sure that this team will be most worker that in this team a healthy inner environment, and this is important when working in the Great Team. It is very important and compliance with the level of education of the staff of the team, which contributes to the establishment of good relationships between employees. Compliance with this policy leads to an increase in labor productivity;
  • - For the Bank, the body leading to them is very important, that is, the creation of a highly professional guideline that can flexibly respond to changing circumstances, feel and introduce all new and advanced and able to look far ahead. Frame management is the most difficult process. This is due to the fact that each member of the labor collective has its potential labor opportunities, its character traits, in its plan he is unique. Therefore, the leaders of various levels are obliged to know the psychology of each employee subordinate to them and on this basis to influence it so that its potential opportunities are fully revealed and implemented.

The effectiveness of the use of employees in JSC Ak Bars Bank to a certain extent depends on the structure of the personnel of the enterprise - the composition of personnel in categories and their share in the total number. The personnel policy of the organization as a whole is aimed at the optimal combination of personnel categories.

The Board of JSC "AK BARS" of the Bank in many ways takes care that its employees: have experienced satisfaction from staying in the workplace; Feeling themselves with individuals, had a certain guarantee of the reliability of the enterprise, their need; They received confirmation in their need not only financially, but also morally. Improving the methods of economic stimulating staff of JSC AK BARS Bank as a whole is based on the establishment of the relationship between labor and income level, as well as the effectiveness of the worker himself.

However, the bark existing in the bank does not put the amount of remuneration dependence on the immediate performance of personnel. She is designed only to prevent violations. labor discipline. For more efficient impact of material incentives for personnel, it is necessary to introduce a more differentiated system of allowances to the main wage foundation for all employees.

The following basic principles used to enhance its motivating function are based on building a wage system.

  • - piece-work payment;
  • - individual payment by results;
  • - payment of the results of the group;
  • - soci-winning stimulation;
  • - payment according to merit;
  • - Participation in profit and income company.

The payment system creates a sense of confidence and security in people, includes effective means of stimulation and motivation, ensures the process of reproduction of energy spent (recovery of employees).

In order for the selected payment system to strengthen the motivation of employees of the company, personnel management specialists propose to design in the following sequence:

  • - determine the goals and principles of the payment system (orientation on individual or group results, allows this system Find and hold necessary specialists, reduce staff fluidity, etc.);
  • - collect information about payment systems in competitors;
  • - analyze the conditions in which the payment system is currently operating;
  • - consider the possibility of a survey on the proposed changes in the payment system;
  • - Analyze the effectiveness of the payment system by comparing the results achieved with its goals.

When distributing a premium fund and establishing additional stimulating premises, special attention is paid to the social benefit system.

In OJSC AK BARS Role social benefits and payments as part of the cumulative income of workers in last years It increases markedly. Benefits and payments ceased to wear temporary, additional character. They turned into the vitality of not only the workers themselves, but also their families. The range of benefits provided to employees is quite wide:

  • - Paid holidays;
  • - paid vacation;
  • - paid days of temporary disability; - paid time break on vacation;
  • - paid time for lunch;
  • - medical insurance in the enterprise;
  • - additional retirement insurance in the enterprise;
  • - Insurance against accidents;
  • - Insurance for long-term disability;
  • - provision of free parking for cars;
  • - Insurance of tourists from accidents;
  • - Assistance in improving education, trade preparation and retraining;
  • - participation in the distribution of profits;
  • - provision of workers of recreation and entertainment facilities;
  • - Providing assistance in moving to a new job.

Developing a system of social benefits and payments under pressure from workers and trade unions, entrepreneurs are concerned about the growth of labor costs in general, as well as parts of them related to the provision of these benefits.

Anxiety for the growing costs and the objective need for their control led to the emergence of a new variety of social benefits and payments that were called flexible benefits (or flexible plans for benefits and payments). Their essence is that a wider set of benefits and payments allows employees to choose at each specific moment those of them, which are more suitable, adapting the benefits to the current needs of employees. This approach suits both parties - and the entrepreneur, and the employee.

Today, vacation banks, which unite paid days of vacation days, hospital days, etc. are very popular. When an employee needs to additionally take any day (or a few days) for his needs, it can use the reserve of days from the bank of the holidays, "buy out" for some of their number in the expense of future vacation or to take in exchange for other benefits.

The benefits and payments of the social plan do not appear directly in the payment statements, but significantly affect the level of income of employees. They not only serve as social protection of workers, but also allow firms to attract and secure qualified workers, contribute to the development of the spirit of loyalty to the firm.

IN acting system the material and social and psychological stimulation of JSC "Ak Bars" the Bank of the principal emphasis is on paid leave; Paid days of temporary disability.

The general list of social payments The company should be discussed with the participation of workers (survey, collective assembly). Possible consolidation for individual structural units different species Social payments.

Additional socio-economic payments and guarantees at the moment at JSC "Ak Bars" Bank are: paid holidays; paid time for lunch; medical insurance in the enterprise; additional retirement insurance in the enterprise; accident insurance; Providing free parking for cars; assistance in improving education, trade preparation and retraining; Purchase of shares.

Unattended motives of employees not only do not contribute to the development of JSC AK BARS Bank, but also significantly interfere with its growth. Hence the problems associated with high personnel fluidity, the low efficiency of the staff and the coordinality of employees to the company.

Problems motivational sphere In JSC AK BARS, the bank is usually expressed as follows:

  • - low efficiency of employees;
  • - dissatisfaction with the level of remuneration;
  • - disloyalty of employees to the company;
  • - frequent violations by employees of the rules of the internal labor regulation;
  • - Long exit time to the required level of efficiency of new employees, etc.

The problem of motivation has a complex nature associated with both the level and forms of wages and the use of intangible motivators.

The interest of employees in the work largely depends on the style of management and the skills of their direct supervisor. Therefore, learning linear managers of competent work with subordinates and development corporate culture It is becoming increasingly relevant.

Thus, motivated personnel is the key to the successful work and the company's progressive movement for the implementation of its strategy and strengthening the market situation. Therefore, the motivation of personnel is a universal topic, the relevance of which does not decrease, despite the constant attention of theorists and management practices.

To manage work based on motivation, such prerequisites are needed as to identify the inconsistencies and the interests of the employee, taking into account its personal and professional abilities, the definition of motivational capabilities and alternatives in the team and for a particular person.

So that the specialists have been well motivated to work in JSC Ak Bars Bank, the head tries to find individual approach To each employee. Personal goals of participants are used labor process To achieve the goals of the company. If the motivation of the beginning weaker and the employee loses interest in its own activity, there are many ways to restore and strengthen its motivation. For example, help and share corporate trips, meetings on important labor issues, trainings and workshops on the development of personnel into a single team. For some employees, personal meetings and conversations with leadership can become effective, as well as participation in various programs and projects of the company. For the manager, it is important to understand what is a motivating factor for one or another subordinate and try to satisfy its needs if the company does not want to lose a valuable frame.

Under the organization of labor Understand bringing labor activity In a certain system characterized by internal ordering, consistency and focus of people's interaction for the implementation of a joint program or goal.

Organization of labor in society - a set of measures on the distribution of the Foundation of the Cumulative Working Company of the Company between the areas of production and sectors of the economy and the establishment of optimal relationships between the structural values \u200b\u200bof this Fund, as well as measures for general labor and recreation, the establishment of training standards, sanitary and hygienic standards and T.P.

The organization of labor in the enterprise is a set of activities that ensure the necessary proportionality in the arrangement of working and rational use work force With a given degree mechanization of work and perfection of technology in order to increase productivity and create conditions for the comprehensive development of workers.

The main tasks of labor organization are:

1) economic - rational use of the total working time and material resources fund, improving production efficiency;

2) Organizational - definition of the procedure and sequence of performance of work, the creation of conditions for highly efficient, uninterrupted work of the performers, ensuring the full and uniform workload, individual and collective responsibility for the results of the activities, the creation of an effective system of stimulating labor, as well as its rationing system that meets the specificity of production ;

3) psychophysiological - the creation of favorable conditions for maintaining the high performance of a person, the preservation of health, ensuring the content of labor;

4) Social - comprehensive harmonic development of the personality, education of conscious attitude towards work.

Consequently, to organize labor is, first of all, to divide it, rationally arrange people and consolidate a certain work for them, as well as create the necessary conditions for the normal functioning of the workforce. The scientific organization of labor (notes) is based on the achievements of science and best practices systematically implemented in production, it allows you to best connect techniques and people in a single production process, ensures the most efficient use of material and labor resourcesThe continuous increase in productivity of labor contributes to the preservation of human health, gradually turning labor in the vitality.

Labor process - A combination of actions of workers needed for a suitable change in the object of labor. This is the process of directly or mediated by technical means of exposure to an employee for labor in order to manufacture products (performance, service provision), accompanied by the costs of the physical and nervous energy of the person.

Often, in production, the change in the subject of labor occurs in natural conditions without human participation. The combination of interrelated labor and natural processes aimed at making products is called a production process.

The manufacturing process at the enterprise consists of homogeneous and finished stages (phases), in accordance with which they are formed and plots in the enterprise. The production process is viewed on both sides. On the one hand, a change in the subject of labor (technological process), and on the other hand, the actions of the worker aimed at this change (labor process).

A variety of labor processes requires a differentiated approach to tasks and methods of their rationalization. One of the most important ways to reduce costs for the production of the finished product is the analysis and study of the employment process. The indicators of the rationality of the employment process are smaller costs of its implementation at lower human energy costs.

The rational organization of the labor process is carried out taking into account technical, organizational and psycho-physiological factors, such as: the level of technical equipment (manually or using mechanisms); uniformity of the employee loading, the number and variety of operations, as well as the degree of its independence when the sequence of their execution; The alternation of muscle and nerve loads on the worker, the change of species of its activity, the convenience of performing and the smallest influence on the human body of the production situation.

Design of labor processes implies:

Accounting for the peculiarities of the technological, functional and qualifying division of labor, the form of its organization, the number and composition of the performers;

Accounting system, evaluation, laboring, and its payment;

The presence of schedules of the working day routine and synchronization of the actions of the performers in time and space;

Workplace planning scheme, list of elements of its equipment, service regulations;

Necessary means of individual and collective protection, form and frequency of safety instruction;

After that, the new labor process is tested, i.e. The most time-consuming elements are performed, possible changes are made and installed required costs on his execution. Then a more rational labor process is being introduced into production, for which they create the necessary conditions and train workers to properly perform its elements.

The main element of the employment process is the production operation - part of the labor process, performed above the subject of labor by one or group of workers at the same workplace. The operation is the primary basis for establishing the necessary costs for the operation of the employment process (labor standards). When analyzing, the operation is dismembered in the technological and labor attitude.

In technological relations, the operation is divided into transitions and passages. Transition is part of the operation characterized by uniformity of technological changes in the subject, the constancy of the amount of work, the mode of operation and the instrument. The passage is the complete part of the technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece, at which the shape, size, surface cleanliness or object properties are changed.

In labor relations, the operation is dismembered for labor movements, actions and techniques. Labor movement - any movement of hands, legs, fingers, employee housing, performed by him in the process of work. During the change, the employee performs 15-20 thousand movements. Therefore, when designing and improving the employment process, first of all, the required number of labor movements, rationality and sequence of their execution should be established.

Labor action is a complex of labor movements performed continuously and related targets. Any labor process consists of a set of simple working actions consisting of several movements. Labor reception is a technologically completed part of the operation, which consists of a set of employment actions that have a certain intended purpose and performed with unchanged work and equipment.

Complexes of labor techniques are their combination when combining several techniques. Advanced receptions - techniques that are performed with the least number of movements and with minimal time and energy costs, i.e. Most economically. Advanced method of labor - A method of performing employment operations, which includes a combination of advanced work techniques.

To set the necessary time spent on performing any operation, it should be primarily divided into elements to determine their required amount and expedient sequence of execution. Analyzing the operation, it is necessary to determine the location and necessity of each element, as well as the possibility of combining them. Then set the feasibility of mechanization of individual elements and the rational sequence of their execution. The last stage of the analysis is to study the duration of the duration of the elements of the operation. Determination of their optimal combination in order to reduce the cost of time per operation and as a result of improving productivity.

Elements of labor organization are division of labor and cooperation.

Public division of labor - Objective economic process Separation of various types of work and for fastening them for certain groups of people.

Main types of public division of labor:

The total division of labor is the process of separating various types of work in the framework of the whole society, i.e. division of labor between the spheres of production;

Private division of labor - the process of separating various types of work within sectors of the economy in separate industries:

A single division of labor is the separation of various types of work within the enterprise, as part of its structural units (workshop, plot, brigade) and the distribution of them between individual performers.

Depending on the number of types of operations performed in the workplace, the division of labor in the enterprise can be an open or subject. The open separation of labor is to dismember the production process for individual operations that are performed by individual workers. It is possible only in conditions of mass and large-scale production. The subject separation of labor is such a division of labor when all operations of a certain phase are performed on one workplace.

There are three main forms of intra-manufacturing division of labor - functional, qualifying and technological.

Functional separation - Separation of individual groups of workers depending on their role in the creation of products (production function). The functional separation serves as the basis for the allocation of categories of workers (managers, specialists, employees and workers). Inside any category also there are differences in the functions carried out, i.e. Specialization of labor. Inside the functional separation, professional separation is allocated - dividing employees by professions and specialties. Qualifying separation is to separate more complex work From simple and provides for the use of workers in accordance with their production qualifications. The rationale for this form of division of labor is the distribution of works and employees in discharges.

Technological division of labor Based on the division of the technological process in stages, phases and individual operations. The division of labor in the stages causes the specialization of workshops: procurement, processing and assembly. The separation of stages on the phases leads to the formation of specialized production sites and workplaces designing rational forms of labor separation, the boundaries of this separation should be taken into account - the optimal limit for the separation of the employment process.

Technical border related to the technical capabilities of production. The lower technical boundary of the division of labor is a production transaction, consisting of one employment (simple elementary work). The upper technical border of the separation is the manufacture of the entire product on the entire workplace.

Criteria economic border serve reducing or saving duration production cycle and rational use of the Cumulative Time Foundation. The lower economic border of the division of labor will be such a dismemberment of the employment process, when the reduction in the cost of working time on the operation of the operation due to the deepening of specialization is equalized, and then it will be overlapped by increasing the cost of time to transport the item from one workplace to another. The upper economic boundary is the duration of the production cycle of the entire product on one workplace.

Physiological border associated with the occurrence of the body's fatigue in the fractional separation of the employment process. Compliance with the physiological border involves such a separation of the employment process, in which the operation performed should consist of a variety of employment techniques in order to provide a more uniform load on human organs and prevent the occurrence of industrial fatigue.

Social border The division of labor is determined by the decrease in its meaning, due to which the dissatisfaction of the employee with their activities and the loss of interest in labor. The criterion of the social border is the structure of the operation, i.e. The number and variety of actions contained in it. The operation should consist of at least 4-5 different actions and last at least 30 seconds.

With the division of labor in production, its cooperation is inextricably linked. These are two sides of the single process. Labor Cooperation - Association, Communication Communication, which is expressed in the production relationship of partial labor processes and individual performers in a single process.

The main task of labor cooperation is the maximum consistency in the time of the work of individual performers or their groups, achieved by the establishment of agreed individual and collective production tasks, compliance with the calendar or technological modes of work, ensuring the loading of equipment and workers.

Labor cooperation can be technological and subject. In technological cooperation, the same technology is applied, but many products are produced, with a substantive technology and a limited number of products.

Labor cooperation has two borders - organizational and economic. The lower limit of the organizational border is the link in two people, the top is the handling rate. The economic border of labor cooperation is to reduce the costs of living and extractable labor per unit of products while increasing the scale of cooperation.

Specific forms of labor cooperation within the enterprise are:

1) the intercepted cooperation of specialized workshops is manifested in the joint participation of labor collectives in the production process for the production of finished products;

2) the intracean cooperation is the relationship between labor collectives of intracerene divisions;

3) intra-executive cooperation can be the cooperation of individual performers and cooperations of workers organized in the brigades;

4) Inbricade cooperation is a labor team of workers, organized to jointly implement a single production task and bringing collective responsibility for the results of labor.

Improving the separation and cooperation of labor is currently carried out by combining labor functions and professions of employees; expansion of the area of \u200b\u200bthe equipment serviced; implementation of multi-service maintenance; Further expansion of brigades and creation on the basis of brigades of small enterprises.

Workplace It is considered the primary link of the structure of the enterprise. Under the workplace it is understood as a limited part of the territory (or space), equipped with the necessary means of production, on which the work of the employee or the Group united by one task of workers is committed. Workplaces differ from each other along a significant number of features.

The main directions of the organization of the workplace are equipping, layout and organization of service:

1) Under the equipment of the workplace it is understood to ensure it with all the necessary means, with the help of which the condition can be created for the employee to effectively fulfill their professional duties.

2) Planning jobs - component Their organizations.

There are external and internal layout:

a) the external workplace layout is to establish its location in relation to related workplace in the unit, to the workplace of the head, to the aisles, transitions, travel, entrances;

b) Internal planning The workplace means the placement on its area of \u200b\u200ball items of equipment, their rational layout in relation to each other and to the employee.

3) The organization of the workplace service is associated with the establishment of a system of interaction of any workplace and an employee engaged in it, with other work places and workers who are designed to provide its uninterrupted and high-quality work.

The development of job service organization is appropriate to be carried out in such a sequence:

The composition and scope of maintenance work as a whole for the unit is established;

Maintenance work stands out that it is advisable to transfer to the main employees;

Based on the composition and volume of work, the norms of labor costs of support workers are calculated for job service;

The composition and scope of maintenance work is distributed among the auxiliary employees, taking into account the functional division of labor between them and the cost of labor costs;

Molds of service (individual, collective) are established and the conditions for their use are being developed;

The physical norms of service are calculated;

Service regulations (graphics, schedules, movement routes) are being developed;

The organization of stationary and mobile jobs of auxiliary workers is designed.

Improving the organization and service of jobs contributes to the workplaces certification, which allows you to identify jobs that do not correspond to production, technical, organizational and regulatory requirements, best practices, principles of a rational organization of labor. Improving the organization of job service can significantly increase labor productivity, improve the quality of products, streamline the work of intracourcing services and auxiliary workers.

The organization of labor is an organizational system, which is aimed at achieving the best results of the use of live labor in the production process.

Process material production I will appear! It means the unity of three factors - the work of labor, labor objects and instruments of labor. The organization of production is a process that provides a combination of labor with the means of production of the Yite achievement of a certain production goal.

However, no matter how perfect technical base, the production process cannot be carried out without the purposeful activities of a person who leads technical means. Organized labor of people is an indispensable condition for the functioning of production, and the organization of labor is an integral part of the production organization process.

The organization of labor relies on the knowledge and use of economic laws, the laws of physiology and psychology of labor, these studies of sociological science, as well as mathematics and cybernetics, is based on knowledge of legal science. In the event that the practical implementation of specific measures for the organization of labor is preceded by scientific analysis Labor processes and conditions for their implementation, and these practical measures are based on the achievements of modern science and best practices, we are dealing with the Scientific Organization of Labor (notes).

Obviously, completely unlawful are attempts to delimit the two of these concepts - "Labor Organization" and "Scientific Organization of Labor". The difference between the first and second concepts is determined primarily by the method, approach to solving the same problems, the degree of scientific validity of concrete solutions. In this case, we can say that the scientific organization of labor does not allow solutions to practical issues of labor organization on the use of subjective, empirical assessments and opinions, and implements the entire set of achievements of modern science and practice, while ensuring the most rational and efficient organization of labor. In practice, the notes are designed to solve three main interrelated tasks: economic, psychophysiological and social.

The economic task of notes is to create conditions for the expedient use of machinery, materials and raw materials, which ensures savings of living and extractable labor to the production of a unit of products.

The psycho-physiological task is related to the creation of the most favorable working conditions ensuring the preservation physical health and security of people maintaining high level their performance.

Social task is aimed at improving the degree of people's satisfaction with labor, creating conditions that ensure the growth of their professional knowledge.

The above definition of the organization of labor as an organizational system characterizes this concept In statics, revealing its essence from the point of view of the nature of the tasks being solved. However, the organization of labor should be considered in dynamics as the process of improving its forms and methods. Notes should not be submitted as a simple set of measures, the implementation of which provides a truly scientific organization of labor. Taking into account the continuous improvement and development of the technical base, technological processes, should be achieved by the dynamic development and improvement of the forms of labor organization. Thus, we can say that the notes is a permanent creative process, which provides the development of labor in line with a changing level of development and production technology.

6.5.2. Content and principles of the scientific organization of labor

Organization of labor as a system includes a set of elements in a certain connection with each other and forming a single integer. Elements of labor organization reveal its content.

All practical activities on the scientific organization of labor are related to the solution of the above economic, psychophysiological and social tasks. The main directions of notes include: the development of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor; Improving job organization and maintenance; rationalization of techniques and methods of labor; improving working conditions; improving labor organization; development of material and moral stimulating measures; Strengthening labor discipline.

Creating the necessary conditions for high-performance and creative labor can only provide a systemic integrated approach in solving problems of notes. Random practice in some one direction does not give the desired results.

Based on the generalization of the achievements of modern science in the field of labor organization, it is possible to formulate a number of principles that should be guided in solving methodological and practical issues of design and introduction of notes. These are the principles of complexity, systematic, regulation, specialization and stability. Each of the principles has a certain independent value. At the same time, they complement each other, revealing the appropriate side of the scientific approach to the organization of labor. Therefore, the greatest effectiveness of the principles is manifested in compulsory use. Each direction of organization of labor has its own specifics and target installation for practical implementation.

To ensure the functioning of any organization, it is primarily necessary for a certain arrangement of employees and endowed each of them specific labor functions. These tasks are solved by selecting the appropriate forms of labor separation.

Under the separation of labor is understood as the separation of various types of labor and consolidate them for the participants of the production process. The basic principle of division of labor is a combination of specialization of individual performers with an increase in their production and technical level. The choice of the most rational forms of division of labor will certainly be based on a comprehensive analysis of the specifics of production, the nature of the work performed, the requirements for their quality, the degree of workload of the performers, etc.

The most common forms of division of labor in the organization are;

Functional division of labor - the distribution of the entire complex of work between different categories of workers, depending on the nature and specifics of the work performed, in accordance with the role that the employee performs in the team;

Professional-qualifying division of labor carried out taking into account the specialty of workers and the complexity of their work;

Subject (suitable) division of labor between employees specializing in the fulfillment of the completed amount of work or the manufacture of a certain product (details);

Official separation of labor due to the dismemberment of the product manufacturing process (part) into components (operations) performed by various employees.

The choice of the most rational forms of labor separation in the team is an important task. Its proper solution ensures reasonable planning the number of employees for each functional, professional and qualification group. This, in turn, makes it possible to clearly formulate labor duties workers, as much as possible to use working hours.

The separation of labor is necessarily combined with its cooperation, under which it is understood as the association of individual performers or their groups in one or different, but interconnected labor processes. The deeper the division of labor, the wider its cooperation, ensuring the achievement of the greatest consistency between employees performing various labor functions.

The main form of cooperative work is the production team. This is a primary labor collective, equipped with material and technical means of production associated with joint work and bringing collective responsibility for its results. Creating a brigade allows you to solve such tasks that cannot be solved by the disparate efforts of individual performers (for example, maintenance complex species Equipment, when working different professions are needed to perform a certain amount of work).

In general, the cooperation of labor in the team involves the development of the most appropriate forms of uniting labor efforts, depending on the specific conditions and objectives of the activities of this team.

Thus, we can say that the problem of separation and cooperation of labor is inherently reduced to the rational arrangement of personnel. Such an arrangement is designed to ensure a reasonable distribution of functions and duties between the performers, interaction and coherence in their work.

The rational organization of the workplace occupies the leading position in the complex of measures on notes, ensuring the most appropriate use of working hours, production skills and creative abilities of workers. The workplace is the work area of \u200b\u200bone or more performers. The main task of improving the organization and service of jobs is the creation of favorable conditions for the qualitative and timely implementation of production tasks in the effective use of equipment and the working time fund, the minimum physical efforts of the employee and its full security.

The organization of jobs is inextricably linked with the forms and methods of labor organization. Rationally organize a workplace - it means to provide it with the main equipment, kit required tool and devices, technical and instructive documentation, convenient manufacturing furniture; establish uninterrupted workplace service to subsidiary services; Create favorable working conditions.

It is known that various performers performing the same functions make it differently by applying a variety of working methods or methods for performing a given work. In this case, it is necessary to say both about the unequal sequence of performing individual elements of the production operation and about the different time of their execution. The rational is such a method of labor, which ensures expedient time spent on the fulfillment of the given work and at the same time does not cause the premature fatigue of the employee.

Analysis and study of the methods of performing individual elements of work by various performers, the selection of the best techniques and the formation of a progressive method of labor on this basis for its further distribution among other employees engaged in the implementation of this type of work is a set of activities performed in the rationalization of techniques and working methods.

To strengthen the health of employees, the growth of the performance of their labor great importance It has improved working conditions and improving its safety. Working conditions workers and managers are governed by single legislative acts, standards and standards. Working conditions in the organization are determined by a combination of chemical, physical and biological elements of the production environment and labor processes affecting the functional state of the human body. The factors determining the working conditions include: sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, psychophysiological and socio-psychological.

Of various kinds factors external environment A very significant impact on the human health. The main objectives of improving working conditions are to protect the employee from the influence of adverse environmental factors, create all the necessary conditions for highly productive work. These tasks are solved by bringing the working conditions at each workplace in accordance with the current standards, as well as by applying various means of protecting a person from adverse effects of the external environment. Work on the creation of favorable working conditions should be a comprehensive systemic nature.

Among the main directions of the scientific organization of labor in the era of market relations, a special place belongs to its rationing, since without reasonable norms, a rational division of labor and cooperation, improvement of labor processes, assessing the activities of workers, their material incentives is impossible. In practice, labor organization means designing and creating such conditions in organizing such conditions under which specific work will be performed most productively.

Improving labor organization is currently carried out in the following main areas: the scope of laboring of labor is expanding, the quality of the current norms increases, work is carried out to maintain the progressiveness of the rules through their timely renewal, taking into account changes in the technique, technology and production organization.

Thus, labor rationing covers a variety of questions and serves as the most important means effective organization Labor and production.

In the intensification of production, ensuring the high rates of technical progress and the growth of labor productivity, the role of material and moral incentives for labor is high. They are an indispensable, important and component of notes. The organization of material and moral incentives should be aimed at the increase in the interest of each employee in the rational use of working time, the development of advanced receptions and working methods, best Organization work places.

Practically material incentives for labor is carried out by applying various forms and systems wages and bonuses. Another side of the problem of material incentives for labor is the material responsibility of workers for the damage that they apply to society and organizations as a result of their incorrect actions or inaction.

Moral stimulation of labor is primarily associated with the responsibility of workers for the work done; With public recognition of the merit of individual workers and the team.

In practice, material and moral incentives of labor should serve as an effective means stimulating the timely and qualitative fulfillment by each employee entrusted to him work duties.

In the system of scientific organization of labor, it is very important to strengthen the discipline of labor and improving the creative activity of workers. The discipline of labor is determined by the attitude of workers to work. Discipline - prerequisite The most effective achievement of the tasks. Distinguish:

Labor discipline - compliance with the established schedule of work, the fulfillment of the duties and orders of higher managers assigned to the employee;

Technological discipline - mandatory observance of all technological operations provided for by the production process;

Production discipline, which is characterized by timely execution of production tasks, the degree of compliance with the rules of operation of equipment, raw material consumption rules, rules for labor protection and safety, the rationality of the use of production facilities, timeliness and quality of job service.

Labor discipline is the basis of technological and production discipline. The level of discipline of labor in the organization is determined by the rational organization of labor and production, the quality of rationing, forms of material and moral incentives and other production and outproductive factors.

These are the main directions of the scientific organization of labor. It should be emphasized that they are common to all industries and areas of labor application. However, the transition from the administrative and command system to the market management system was primarily reflected in the organization of managerial labor. It makes it a new look at the principles, directions, forms and methods of organizing the organization of management staff.

6.5.3. Management work. Features and specifics

The transformation of the economy is accompanied by serious work on improving forms and management methods. This requires quality changes in organizing and managing production at all its levels and in all units.

Under management work is understood as the type of labor activities for the implementation of management functions in the organization, the appointment of which is to ensure the purposeful and coordinated activities of the labor collective to solve the tasks facing it.

The object of management work is the scope of its application - an organization, a structural unit. The subject of managerial labor is information on the state of the object and the necessary changes in its operation and development. Management Labor Product - managerial solutions and practical actions necessary to ensure the functioning of the object in the required mode.

Since managerial impacts on all areas of activity are carried out through the members of the production team, the priority is to manage living labor, i.e. expedient activities of all team members. However, it should be borne in mind that the more complete results of management impacts can be achieved only with regard to their distribution not only on the lively, but also on an extremely developed work, since production connects these two sides. Such an approach is particularly relevant in market conditions, when it is possible to transform separate structural units of large enterprises and associations to independent enterprises, and the team becomes an economic entity in its disposal of the means of production.

The content of managerial labor in relation to a specific object is determined by the composition of the control functions. These include: the definition of goals and planning, execution organization, coordination and stimulation of performers, accounting and control of execution. Each function reflects a specific form and method of managerial impact on a managed object, determining the corresponding style and control methods.

Depending on the functional role in the management process, three main categories of management personnel are distinguished: managers, specialists and other employees. Each of the selected groups of management staff has its own characteristics in terms of the content of their labor, the nature of mental activity and the impact on the results of the team, whose members are, and the production process as a whole.

Heads of organizations and structural divisions make decisions on all the most important issues of the management of the management apparatus. In the circle of them official duties Participation and collaboration, coordination of the work of performers, production links and management units. Their main task is to ensure the effective work of the production team.

The troubleshooting of the head is to ensure general management of the process of functioning and development of the management system. It is possible to distinguish the three components of the Labor of the head: production, socio-economic and organizational and management. The specifics of the head of the head is that the production, economic, technical and social tasks he solves mainly in the organizational aspect, affecting workers who should directly solve these tasks.

The nature of the head is determined by the fact that it implements the most important management function - the guidance function, while solving the task of integrating the control system into a single integer by coordinating its individual links.

Feature modern view on the manager as a leader of the team is that it is considered as a carrier of innovative organizational cultureAs the main initiator of consistent changes in the organization. The most important features of the modern leader: Professionalism, the ability to lead the team, the desire to create and maintain a good psychological climate.

The second group allocated in the management personnel is a spice * sheets designed to perform the functions of preparation, justification and implementing management decisions. These are specialized workers providing processing and analysis of information characterizing the state of the production process at a given interval or time. Based on analytical data, they ensure the development of options for solving certain functional issues of a production or managerial nature. Specialists of the Office are classified in accordance with the functions of management and their professional training. The group of specialists includes managers, engineers, economists, accountants, lawyers, etc.

Workers who perform a variety of work related to the provision of activities of managers and specialists belong to Other employees. They are usually classified for individual management operations. Their composition includes secretaries, typist, technicians, laboratory technicians and other faces. Their main task is to carry out information services for managers and specialists in developing and implementing management decisions.

Currently, production efficiency is largely determined by the effectiveness of the daily work of the organization's management staff. In turn, the effectiveness of the management staff is ensured by the organization of his work.

The organization of labor of the head is closely related to the establishment of all management processes in the apparatus in its subordination, and significantly affects the success of the management as a whole.

6.5.4. Organization of managerial labor

The readiness of the head, a specialist for effective activities is determined by knowledge, skills, skills and personality qualities. Rationally organize mental work, to create favorable conditions for increasing its effectiveness - these tasks are of particular importance today. In any field of mental work, in addition to the fact of mental activity, contains purely organizational, technical elements, whose particular part is income for many professions. Consequently, the problems of organizing personal labor of the employee can be studied from the point of view of the organization used methods, principles and techniques of work. The second party of personal labor organization are personal work techniques, technical resources used by the management staff in the practice of everyday work.

The field of knowledge that studies the organization of personal labor worker, based on the use of achievements of science and best practices, the use of technical means and allowing the best way to establish interaction between the employee and the technical means used in the process of performing job responsibilities, is called personal management.

The scientific basis of personal management constitutes the entire amount of knowledge about the organization of personal labor, accumulated in the practice of management activities and presented in the form of principles, methods, methods of organizing the work of management personnel. Personal management as science identifies the factors and conditions for the effective work of the head, specialists and other employees. This database is being developed, the content of which is the principles, forms and methods of rational activity of people in the management process.

However, it should be remembered that the work of the head, the specialist is not only objectively due to, it is an initiative, creative character. In this regard, we can say that, on the one hand, the organization of their work is subordinated to certain patterns, principles, rules, and on the other - these rules themselves require creative understanding to determine their degree of applicability, taking into account the developing production situation. The relevant principles and rules serve here only by the original item for the work of the head, a specialist over improving individual workstation, skills and skills, methods for organizing their work.

Based on the adopted definition, personal management includes a scientifically based solution of the following interrelated issues:

Organization of labor in the Office of Management (division of labor, labor regulation on the maintenance, labor regulation in time), the choice of systems and methods of work;

Specific problems of organizing personal labor (planning and distribution of working time, the flow of visitors, individual working style, rational correspondence, etc.);

Organization and equipment of jobs;

Organization of use of computational and office equipment.

The list of issues presented determines the composition of the tasks and directions of work in this area. The organization of the work of the work personnel is to design and implement rational systems and methods for performing functions assigned to it, taking into account the use of necessary technical means.

The scientific organization of labor of the management personnel involves a certain degree of labor regulation in content and time. This ensures the necessary order and organization when executing employees of official duties, when making and implement management decisions. Labor regulation means establishing and strict adherence certain rules, instructions, standards based on objective laws inherent in the scientific organization of labor. It is obvious that the team is difficult to establish effective work if the head and its subordinates do not have modern techniques and methods of work. Outdated work methods and ineffective individual working style turn this team into the weakest link of the control system.

Among the circle of personal management questions, planning and distribution of working hours, as well as the problems of organizing the personal labor of management personnel are particularly important. Rational individual working style of each employee is important condition efficient operation of the control apparatus. Labor planning of the head, a specialist is carried out in the form of developing a work plan for a certain period or by forming plans to perform specific works and events.

Typical components of the work of the head, a specialist accounted for when setting the schedule of work, are: setting goals (definition of a goal, situational analysis, purpose formulation); work planning (preparation for the implementation of the target, rational distribution and use of working time, search for ways to reduce the timing of the execution of solved tasks); establishing the priority of tasks, measures scheduled for execution; implementation of control functions (analysis of data on the progress of tasks, monitoring the achievement of the goals); Information and communication (organizing and conducting meetings, rational checking of correspondence, publication of visitors). Specification and detailing the nature and content of work are made promptly taking into account the developing situation, based on planning the processes of developing and implementing specific decisions.

Employees of mental work, as a rule, do not attach the issue of the rational organization of their workplace due value. However, it should be remembered that the organization and equipment of the workplace largely depends on the efficiency of specialists of all categories regardless of the nature and conditions of their activities. A human workplace employed by mental labor is part of the room in which labor activities are accomplished and which is equipped in accordance with the content of the work performed by the necessary means of labor. The task of improving the workplace includes equipment it all necessary in accordance with the nature of the work, its rational location, creation comfortable conditions Work, preventing the harmful effect on the person of adverse factors of the external environment.

Currently, 40-60% of working hours of managers and specialists is spent on performing such functions that could be carried out by lower qualifications. Long time is lost on the search necessary information, Data and documents. The work of management staff needs to be improved. It should be concluded primarily in the automation of routine operations through widespread use in the practice of the daily activities of managers and specialists of computational and office equipment. Automation of the functions performed will save at least 15% of working time. Comprehensive labor automation of managers, specialists and other employees should be carried out on the basis of the introduction of modern information technologies. This will ensure an increase in the degree of automation of all information processes In the organisation.

The organization of labor of employees of the control apparatus is a complex and multifaceted process. The most important problem For any employee today is the rational use of working time. Therefore, the initial stage of the scientific organization of managerial labor is to study the use of working time workers of the management apparatus, which allows you to identify its losses, their causes, develop new forms and methods of work.

Labor efficiency is largely determined by the use of rational approaches to its organization. Experience shows that the result of labor is associated with the conditions in which the worker lives and works, with the used workers of labor, with the level of skill and established norms, finally, with pay for labor.

The organization of labor is an integral part of the labor economy, which is the theory and practice of building elements of the workflow, their mutual linkage and adaptation to the conditions of a particular enterprise.

The organization of labor is aimed at optimizing the labor process. The organization of labor is studying:

The hierarchy of subordination in the team;

division and cooperation of labor to fulfill the functional duties of employees;

qualifications of employees;

laboring of labor;

working conditions;

organization of jobs;

state of labor discipline;

motivation of labor, including the participation of employees in the distribution of income.

The purpose of the organization of labor is the creation of the organizational conditions necessary to achieve the high socio-economic performance of work.

The implementation of this goal is ensured by solving specific tasks divided into economic, psychophysiological, social.

Economic tasks provide a decline in labor costs for the production of works and products, improving labor productivity, the economical use of production funds, materials, raw materials, ensuring high quality of work and products, reduction of production costs, increased competitiveness, etc.

Psychophysiological tasks are aimed at saving human life energy, restriction of labor intensity, harmonization. Physical and mental loads on person Creating favorable and safe Conditions Labor activities of employees, decrease in gravity and neuropsychic tensions.

Social tasks It is designed to ensure an increase in the meanness, diversity and prestige of labor, fair and full wages, education of high discipline of labor.

The organization of labor in the enterprise implies:

establishing the goal of activities;

the introduction of rational techniques and methods and discipline of labor;

determination of labor standards and its payment systems;

organization of job services, planning and accounting of labor, selection and placement of personnel;

separation of work between performers;

creature secure methods labor;

determining the sequence of technological operations.

The main functions of the organization of labor:

1. The resource-saving function ensures the savings of working time, saving labor costs.

2. The optimizing function is the full compliance of the organization of labor level of technology and energy enterprise).

3. Formation function effective employee promotes rational use labor force and reduce the specific costs of it).

4. A hard-time function contributes to the creation of safe working conditions of workers.

5. The educational function contributes to increasing the responsibility of workers for the results of their work.

The organization of labor is based on the best connection of technology and people, ensures the most efficient use of living work and is aimed at preserving the health of employees, an increase in their satisfaction with labor.

In a row foreign countries The organization of labor is considered as a sociotechnical system, which consists of two subsystems - technical and social.

Technical The subsystem implies more efficient use of technology and technical basis, improving the organization of production and production process processes.

Social The subsystem special attention focuses on personnel management, selection, training and promotion of personnel, distribution of functions and responsibilities between participants in production, labor planning, efficient wage systems, etc.

In domestic practice, improving the organization of labor as a sociotechnical system was considered in the development of the movement for the scientific organization of labor (notes), which is in the 20s. And later, in the 60-70s, taught the requirements of scientific and technological progress, research in the field of physiology, psychology, ergonomics. In 1967, in the materials of the All-Union Meeting on the Organization of Labor, the definition of notes was clarified.

1. Top at the achievements of science and best practices systematically implemented in production;

2. Bestly connect the technique and people in a single production process,

3. Completes the most efficient use of material and labor resources,

4. Promotes a continuous increase in labor productivity,

5. Operate the preservation of human health.

Improving the forms of separation and cooperation;

Improving organization and maintenance of jobs;

Improving training and qualifications of personnel;

Improving methods of moral and material incentives;

Development of creative personality activity;

Improving working conditions;

Improvement of discipline of labor;

Improving labor rationing.

Modern theory and the practice of labor organization are closely related to the concept of quality of labor lifehaving widespread in many industrial developed countries. The concept of labor life summarizes many labor theories in the second half of the 20th century.

The main position of the quality of labor life concept:

1. High content of labor (overcoming the monotony of labor, an increase in the diversity of operations performed, labor changes, saturation by its creative elements).

2. Fair and proper remuneration for work.

3. Safety and comfort of working conditions.

4. Direct opportunity to use and develop the potential of employees, ensure their professional growth.

5. Warranty of confidence in the future (guarantee of employment).

6. Favorable social and psychological climate.

7. Specific independence in work.

8. Participation in management.

The role and place of labor organization in the intra-profit management system increases due to the increase in the number of factors requiring permanent increase in production efficiency. Among such factors: competitiveness, efficiency, progressiveness, novelty. The basics of labor organization is the continuous improvement of technology and technology, the introduction of new materials and processes requiring new forms of the connection of workers and labor items.

    Tasks and functions of the scientific organization of labor.

    Principles of scientific organization of labor.

    Increasing notes in a market economy.

Question number 1.

The concept of "scientific organization of labor" arose as opposed to routine, primitive, unqualified decisions in the field of organization. Therefore, the term notes is fully justified, and the organization of labor can be scientific, and unscientific.

The problems of labor organization have theoretical and applied aspects.

The theoretical aspect is the content of science on the organization of labor, and applied - aims to search for effective organizational forms, methods, methods for solving specific industrial problems. The approach to both aspects in different periods of the history of our state was not the same, therefore, speaking of the historical development of notes, it should be noted that we had the heyday of the science on the organization of labor, but there were periods of its complete oblivion, but this is material practical training.

If the company persistently react to everything new, which appears in the field of labor organization, and systematically implement it in practice, then we have the right to talk about the scientific organization of labor. The scientific approach to the organization of labor allows the best way to connect in the process of producing people and technique, ensures the most effective use of material and financial resources, reduction of labor intensity and increased productivity.

An important sign of notes is its focus on solving three interrelated tasks: economic, psychophysiological and social.

Economic challenges are provided by the organization of labor to comprehensive savings of various resources and, above all, labor saving, which, in turn, is aimed at reducing the costs of production and the growth of its effectiveness is to increase productivity, profitability, profitability.

The economic results of activities are achieved by rational division and cooperation of labor, with which the time of all employees is fully used, the distribution of works in accordance with the level of their qualifications, the exclusion of non-production downtime equipment, minimizing the duration of the production cycle. Savings are also achieved by establishing equal tension of labor norms. Saving time occurs as a result of a well-thought-out organization of the workplace, to use the most progressive techniques and working methods.

Psychophysiological tasks, which need to solve labor organizers, are to provide workers healthy and safe working conditions, reduce its physical severity and neuropsychic tensions, harmonize the load on various organs of a working person, to establish rational labor and recreation regimes and, in the final summary, maximize performance.

Social tasks are to ensure the content of labor, in increasing its attractiveness by overcoming monotony, increasing the diversity of production operations, work out of work, saturation by its creative elements, in increasing the prestige of professions, in ensuring full wage.

The social and psycho-physiological focus of notes means humanization of labor, the creation of such conditions at the production that would meet the most pressing requests for a person of a modern democratic society.

The development of ideas about the tasks of notes is the concept of its functions, i.e. On the peculiarities of the manifestation of notes at the enterprise and its impact on various sides of production.

Analysis of the impact of the scientific organization of labor on humans and production allows you to highlight the following functions of notes:

    Resource-saving, including a labor-saving function - aimed at saving working time, raw materials, materials, energy, etc. In addition, labor savings includes the elimination of any useless labor. Resource saving is one of the main intensification levers of production.

    Optimizing, manifests itself in ensuring full compliance of the level of labor organization of the advanced level of technical equipment. Optimization is necessary in achieving the scientific validity of labor standards and the level of production intensity, in ensuring compliance of the wage level of its results.

    The function of forming an effective employee means exercising on a scientific basis professional orientation and professional selection of employees, their training, systematic increase their qualifications.

A scientific approach to the formation of personnel and to their preparation is the main condition of efficiency, and it becomes an important function of notes.

    A hard-time function is manifested in the creation of favorable, safe and healthy working conditions, in establishing a rational regime of labor and recreation, in the use of flexural working modes, in facilitating hard work to physically normal.

One of the functions of notes is to help preserve the health of workers in production.

    The function of harmonization of labor is aimed at ensuring the coordination of physical and mental loads that the worker is experiencing, to overcome one-scenery of labor, the creation of full conditions for human harmonious development.

    The elevation function is an extremely important function of organizing labor in a civilized society. It is impossible to talk about the notes, how economic would be careful if at the same time they forget about the man itself, with its social requests and aspirations to high-strength, prestigious work. ENLES OF LAW Creation of conditions for improving the content and attractiveness of labor, the eradication of routine and primitive labor processes, ensuring labor changes, that is, its humanization.

    The function of increasing the culture of production by organizational means: the creation of aesthetically attractive production environment, a rational organization of jobs, the development of a democratic style of managing people and others.

    Educational and activating functions are aimed at developing discipline of labor, the development of labor activity and creative initiative.

Thus, the scientific organization of labor should be characterized by the presence of all the above functions.

Question number 2.

The author of the "Twelve Performance Principles" (1912), the American researcher Harrington Emerson, said the value of the principles (1912): "The correct principles in the hands of mediocre people are stronger than the impurity and random attempts of genius."

Under the principles in the very general The initial provisions of the theory, teachings, science are understood. The principle is the main law of any science.

The main task of science on the organization of labor is to identify laws, patterns, the principles of organizing people's work activities in order to use them in practical work.

The study of the principles of the organization of labor is devoted to a lot of works of Russian and foreign authors. The basic principles of the organization of labor in the Taylor system, the principles of the management of Henri Fayol and Chercha, the principles of saving movements of F. Gilbert, the rules of work A. Gastev et al. Therefore, it is necessary to systematize the principles of labor organization.

I. First of all, it is necessary to allocate the principles of universal, applicable to all cases of labor organization, compliance with which is mandatory to address the organization of labor organization. Such principles are systemic, complexity, efficiency, humanization.

Systemability - the most important requirement Notes. Systemability, systemic approach in the organization of labor means that it should be considered, firstly, as a phenomenon having a complex internal structure formed from interrelated from interrelated elements; Secondly, as a phenomenon representing a part of a higher-order structure and having numerous external communications and dependencies. In practice, the systemicity manifests itself in the fact that in establishing or improving the organization of labor, it is impossible to neglect its element, they all should be equally worked out, are interconnected.

Comprehensiveness - in solving issues of labor organization, it is that its problems should be solved simultaneously with various scientific disciplines, such as the organization of labor, labor economy, labor sociology. A complex approach - This is a comprehensive approach from the point of view of many sciences dealing with labor issues, human functioning in the production environment, in the labor process.

Efficiency is that the same issues of labor organization can be solved in different ways, with different resource costs, i.e. Decisions can be multivariates. Following the principle of efficiency, it is necessary, first, to calculate possible solutions; Secondly, choose one of them that will require minimal labor costs, materials, financial resources, taking into account the cost-effective payback period of investments, i.e. It is necessary to strive to minimize the costs.

Humanization of labor is the accounting of the human factor in organizing labor. Humanization of labor is the most important requirement of notes, but for implementation it is a rather complicated principle. To comply with it, it is necessary to come true and the principle of efficiency.

II. Depending on the spheres of action, four varieties of principles can be distinguished:

Principles applicable to labor organization in the scale of the country;

Principles of labor organization at enterprises, institutions;

Principles of collective organization of labor in divisions;

Principles of individual labor organization.

III. Depending on the circle covered questions, four varieties of principles can also be distinguished:

Principles common within each sphere of action;

Private principles applicable to individual elements of labor organization in each sphere of action;

Principles specific, applicable to individual branches of activity or to certain types of work;

Special principles that act in a limited area within any element of labor organization or type of work.

Let us dwell on the basis of the principles of labor organization at enterprises.

The general principles of the organization of labor in the enterprise include the "twelve principles of performance" of Emerson and "Rules of work", formulated by A. Gastev.

Private principles apply to individual elements of labor organization. Among them:

Principles of separation and cooperation of labor: proportionality and equal intensity of production tasks in the distribution of responsibilities. The coherence of actions between related employees, the optimal specialization of work, the creation of conditions for the change of labor and the growth of its meaningfulness, compliance with the qualifications and personal qualities of the Contractor with the requirements of the work performed, the optimal content of the labor process, etc.

Principles of workplace organization: full and integrated equipment and rational planning of the workplace, availability of elements of equipment, the convenience of their maintenance, variable working position employee and others.

Principles of job service organization: Plannedness, Warning, Reliability, Reliability, Regulation, Personification of Maintenance, etc.

Principles of establishing rational techniques and work methods: Saving movements, muscular and nervous energy, direct accurate, parallelism, continuity, synchronicity, symmetry, rhythm of movements, etc.

Principles of creating working conditions: Minimization of the impact of adverse factors of an external production environment for an employee, labor safety, maximization of working capacity, optimization of labor and recreation modes, optimization of the age-age structure of the collective, etc.

Principles of selection, preparation and advanced staff training: Professional selection based on professors, testing and other verification of applicants for a vacant position, a combination of theoretical preparation with the acquisition of practical skills in the training of the profession. Regularity and speed of advanced training, etc.

Principles of maintaining high discipline of labor: a combination of belief with disciplinary influence on discipline violators, publicity, education of production patriotism, creating conditions for mutual control and mutual assistance between employees and others.

General Principles of Collective Labor Organization in divisions: the introduction of collective labor on the basis of organizational projects, consolidation of the primary labor collective of the production area and equipment, the definition of functions, duties and rights of the team of the unit, material and moral responsibility for the results of labor, etc.

Private principles of collective labor organization in divisions:

Principles of formation of brigades: the voluntaryness of entering the brigade, accounting for the view of the members of the brigade in solving issues of the vital activity of the brigade, etc.

Principles of separation and cooperation of labor: complete or partial interchangeability, combining professions and functions, multi-service maintenance, etc.

Principles of work planning: Planning of those indicators for which employees are stimulated by consolidation by the team of certain work, etc.

Principles of wages: Payment for the final result on the basis of the planned period, the distribution of collective earnings, taking into account the view of the collective, guaranteed payment for the guaranteed result of labor, etc.

the given far from the full list of principles of labor organization indicates that there are many principles. Some principles can be sectoral, i.e. Being characteristic of any particular industry or for a certain type of activity.

Question number 3.

The market economy forms a fairly rigid competitive environment for enterprises. This rigidity is determined by the fact that the law of demand for labor, goods and services and the law of their proposals are one of the basic laws of the market. But much depends on that. What market works in the market.

In a clean competition, products and services are standardized, i.e. The same in terms of their qualities and properties, consumers indifferently have to acquire goods and receive services. In such a market, those enterprises manage to ensure low production costs are achieved. This is achieved by using of different factors, among which the organization of labor occupies a substantial place.

Due to the notes, labor cost savings are saved, which means that the payroll and deductions from it are saved. The notes ensures better use of raw materials than affects the reduction of production costs. The social orientation of notes, increasing the content and prestige of labor. It helps to stabilize personnel, reduce its flowability, reduce the cost of selection and training of workers. The total impact of notes on the economic results of production is to reduce production costs, increasing profits, increase its performance.

With monopolistic competition, oligopoly and pure monopoly increases the control of firms over the market prices, the level of competition is reduced: with oligopoly - more than in conditions of monopolistic competition, with a pure monopoly - more than with oligopoly. Nevertheless, notes in enterprises operating in markets with limited competition and in its absence - still remains an important factor in efficiency and contributes to the preparation of super profits.

The higher the level of competition, the greater the importance acquires notes as a factor of production efficiency. Notes has a direct, direct impact on economic and social processes in production. Which with its consequence has a secondary result, resulting in the end to the integral effect. This is the value of notes in market conditions. Another circumstance that emphasizes the increase in the importance of notes is that as the production of the production is growing, the price of units of time is growing. If there is an increase in the technical level of production in society, and as it increases the price of a unit of time, then the value of notes as a factor of working time saving is increasing.

The worker digs the trench, made an unplanned break for an hour. An entrepreneur who hired a worker, suffered a loss equal to the hourly performance of the worker.

The trench is digging an excavator whose performance exceeds the performance of the worker. For an hour, the excavator got up, but the entrepreneur loses the hourly performance of the excavator, i.e. One hundred times more than lost when a worker worked.

Consequently, the price of a unit of time with increasing productivity of labor tools increases at the same time, how much productivity increases. Thus, the higher the technical equipment of production, those on the one hand, more than the gain of working time saving, but, on the other hand, the loss of losses from unjustified downtime or from the irrational use of the work time. And since the level of labor organization is directly affected by the use of working hours, the value of it in market conditions increases.

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