Labor functions and human needs. Labor function

Landscaping and layout 26.09.2019
Landscaping and layout

When hiring a new employee, the employer always stipulates the range of duties that he will have to perform, in other words, his job function. This contributes to the certainty and stability of the employment relationship. The employee knows all his duties and bears certain responsibility for their fulfillment.

However, there are cases when, for one reason or another (organizational or economic), there is a need to formalize a change in the labor function. In this situation, it is important to comply with all legal requirements and document the process at the proper level. In the article, we will discuss the professional standard, labor function, as well as documentary support for its change.

Labor function: concept

This concept legislatively enshrined in article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Within the meaning of this legal norm, the labor function should be understood as work in a certain position in accordance with the staffing table, profession and specialty with a mandatory indication of qualifications, as well as the type of specific activity that is entrusted to the employee. Thus, the concept has two versions of interpretation according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The labor function is what is enshrined in the employment contract. The wording in it will depend on what interpretation of the concept you choose in each specific situation. So, in the first option, a clause is to be included in the employment contract, for example, of the following content: "The employee undertakes to perform work in the position of a chief specialist (chief accountant, leading legal adviser, etc.)." Specific labor duties, which at the same time will be performed by the newly hired employee, are the basis for creating job description.

If the function labor activity is interpreted according to the second option, then the entry in the employment contract also changes. For example, it can sound like this: “This employee is entrusted with the execution of locksmith (assembly, unloading and loading, etc.) work.

Experts are of the opinion that within the meaning of Article 15, Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the concepts of "job title" and "labor function" are not identical in their content. In fact, the second is one of the characteristics of the first. The labor function is concretized by certain job responsibilities.

Documenting the labor function

It has already been said above that the labor function of an employee is to work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table, profession and specialty. In this case, the qualifications and the specific type of work entrusted to the new employee are indicated separately.

Analyzing this definition, we can conclude that the labor function should be documented. First of all, this is done in staffing table, where the profession and position are indicated. In addition, it is concretized in the text of the concluded employment contract.

By signing it, the employee thereby expresses his consent with the specified labor function, which the employer plans to assign to him. In order to change it in the future, the mutual consent of both parties is required. Even in the event of a change in technological or organizational conditions, labor legislation does not allow changes in the function of labor activity only at the request of the employer, that is, unilaterally.

As a rule, the scope of an employment contract is limited and does not allow detailing all the duties of an employee due to a particular profession or position. In this case, the job description comes to the employer's aid, which can be issued in the form of an application or a separate local regulatory act.

Recently, labor laws have been amended to address the so-called Professional Standard. It refers to the characteristics of the qualifications that an employee needs to implement professional activity of any specific type, including for the performance of any specific labor function. Occupational standards are developed and applied in practice only in accordance with Articles 195.2, 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What is an effective contract?

The Government of the Russian Federation issued an Order containing a program to improve conditions related to wages. It covers the concept of an effective contract. In fact, this is the same classic (labor) contract with an employee, but it details not only the terms of payment and job responsibilities, but also performance indicators, as well as criteria for assessing its effectiveness, which are subsequently the basis for calculating incentive payments , social support measures. That is, the salary depends directly on the results of labor and the quality of municipal (state) services provided by the employee.

So, an effective contract is formalized labor Relations based on:

  • the presence in the institution of a task (state or municipal) and target indicators characterizing the effectiveness of activities (they are approved by its founder);
  • a system for assessing the effective performance of an employee of his labor function (actions), which consists of a set of indicators and criteria approved by the employer in the manner prescribed by law;
  • wage system, which takes into account differences in the complexity of the work performed by employees, as well as the quality and quantity of labor expended (it must be approved in established order employer);
  • the system of labor rationing, approved in accordance with the established procedure by the employer;
  • detailed specification of the types of labor functions, taking into account the specifics inherent in each separate industry, in labor contracts and job responsibilities, criteria and indicators that allow assessing labor efficiency, as well as the terms of its payment.

At the moment, for some areas of activity, their own methodological basis the gradual introduction of an effective contract into practice: medical and educational institutions, the sphere of culture and social services.

Drawing up an employment contract: how to use a professional standard?

It does not matter what you choose - an employment contract in its classic version or an effective contract - in any case, it specifies the employee's labor functions - this is not a wish, but a necessity. To do this right, you need to be guided by professional standards.

It is considered a mistake to indicate only the position in the employment contract, because it is not an employment function. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article 57 regulates its content. Separately, it is emphasized that it is necessary to reflect in the text "work according to the position", and not just its name. Often employers violate the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, not suspecting that the fine for this offense can be a very decent amount - from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Moreover, they can be summed up if the inspector finds a violation in several employment contracts.

So, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the labor function must be spelled out, but how to do it correctly? By simply rewriting the job description into a standard employment contract, the employer is effectively tying his hands. Help in this matter is precisely what are called professional standards.

Contract - separately, job description - separately

You can often find a situation when the job description of an employee is simply rewritten into an employment contract. The employer is reinsured and complies with Art. 57 labor laws, but this is not entirely correct.

With this approach, the instruction is part of the employment contract, which means that changes to it can only be made with the consent of the employee (it is given in writing), since they will directly relate to the change in the labor function - this is confirmed by Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When an employee does not agree, nothing can be changed and it is also not possible to fire him.

In order to reserve the opportunity to make adjustments to the employee's duties and at the same time comply with the requirements of labor legislation, the employer can reflect in the contract only general labor functions, which can be found in the professional standard. They are indicated depending on the qualification level of the specialist. But in the job description, drawn up as a separate document, the employer already indicates the algorithm for the actions of a particular employee.

How to distinguish function from action? In fact, everything is simple. A labor function is a task, and actions are specific operations, which together are an algorithm for its implementation.

Conversion of an employment contract

The general procedure for changing labor contracts is established by Article 74 of the labor legislation. At the initiative of the employer (in other words, unilaterally), this can happen in the event of a change in working conditions of an organizational and technological nature. It is this provision that should guide the implementation of an effective contract.

When it is introduced, key changes will affect the terms of the employment contract regarding the remuneration and duties of the employee. In this case, the employer is obliged to indicate the reasons for the adjustment and justify them as inevitable. It is necessary to refer to the change in the conditions regarding wages and the Program approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, which established clear criteria and performance indicators.

How to change the job (labor) instruction?

Can the employer change the job description without the employee's consent? The answer is maybe. She is a local normative act. It is not the employee's job function that is subject to adjustment, but his actions. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not prohibit this. At the same time, there is no need to notify the employee for 2 months established by law and obtain his consent to this procedure. It is enough just to familiarize him with the updated job description. However, it is important to remember that when adding new labor actions to it, it is necessary to ensure that they do not contradict and correspond to the general labor functions prescribed in the contract. In practice, it often happens when, for example, a janitor, as they say, is given the duty of a janitor on a load. In this form, this situation is unacceptable.

If the employer wants to impose on the employee any new labor functions that are not included in his professional standard, this will have to be done in a different way. The algorithm of actions is as follows. First, with the consent of the employee, he adds the general labor function from the second professional standard to the employment contract, and only then begins the development of a new job description. In this case, the employee will already have to meet the requirements of two professional standards.

The legislation allows for a change in the labor function, this right of the employer and the employee is enshrined in Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This action is formalized by a transfer to another job, and it can be both temporary and permanent.

Changing the labor function for a while

The labor function can be changed for a certain period of time. Thus, article 72.2 of the labor legislation establishes that an employee can be transferred for a period of up to one year, or until the moment the absent employee leaves, to another job.

V in this case mutual written consent is required to change the labor function. There may not be any (additional) training for the new position. In any case, all aspects of such a transfer are negotiated by the parties, and their consent is always required. The exception is situations when an industrial accident, man-made or natural disaster and other exceptional cases that put the life and health of the population at risk. In this state of affairs, it is possible to issue a transfer without the consent of the employee, but the period should not exceed one month.

Change of the employee's labor function on an ongoing basis

Not a temporary, but a permanent change in the labor function is also possible and can be caused by various kinds of circumstances: the initiative of the employee or employer, other objective reasons... In part, the same principles apply as in the previous case.

If the employer is the initiator of the permanent transfer, then he will have to obtain the consent of the employee. Registration is carried out in accordance with Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The exceptions are emergencies.

The initiative can also come from the employee, moreover, in certain cases he may require translation, then the parties must document this.

In addition, a change in the labor function in this form can be caused by such an objective factor as a medical report. In all of the above cases, it is necessary to make changes to the employment contract.

Is the renaming of a position made out by translation?

In practice, you can often come across a situation when, for one reason or another, the title of a position is changed. For example, there was an “OT engineer”, but became a “OT specialist” or “forwarding driver” - just a “driver”.

As a rule, they change not only the title of the position, but also the circle along the way job duties... In this case, we are talking about the transfer of the employee.

If there is a change in position without changing the job function, the transfer to another job is not issued. Nevertheless, even partial renaming should be regarded as an adjustment to the employment contract. Therefore, it is important to document everything. The first step is to make changes to the existing staffing table, then to the employment contract with the employee and his work book.

Do I need to bring the title of the position in accordance with the professional standard?

There is no direct indication that it is the employer's responsibility to rename all existing positions on its staffing table in accordance with suitable professional standards. However, if the organization plans to implement them in one way or another, it will be advisable to do so. It is necessary to issue an order of the appropriate content. The upcoming changes should be communicated to all employees directly affected by them. Please note that the law does not oblige the employer to implement professional standards at once in relation to all employees. The transition can be planned and phased.

What if the employee does not meet the professional standard?

If you turn to Labor Code, then you can find an article in it about such a reason for dismissing an employee as non-compliance with the professional standard. However, at the same time, a limitation is set. Dismissal is possible at the request of the employee in the event that he does not correspond to the position he occupies, or has insufficient qualifications. This fact must be confirmed by attestation.

Labor is a purposeful activity of people aimed at creating material and cultural values. Labor is the basis and an indispensable condition for the life of people. By influencing the natural environment, changing and adapting it to their needs, people not only ensure their existence, but also create conditions for the development and progress of society.

The labor process is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. The main forms of its manifestation are the costs of human energy, the interaction of the employee with the means of production (objects and means of labor) and the production interaction of workers with each other both horizontally (the ratio of participation in a single labor process) and vertically (the relationship between managers and subordinates ). The role of labor in the development of man and society lies in the fact that in the process of labor, not only material and spiritual values ​​are created, designed to meet the needs of people, but also the workers themselves develop, who acquire skills, reveal their abilities, replenish and enrich knowledge. The creative nature of labor finds its expression in the emergence of new ideas, progressive technologies, more perfect and highly productive tools of labor, new types of products, materials, energy, which, in turn, lead to the development of needs.

Thus, in the process of labor activity, not only goods are produced, services are provided, cultural values ​​are created, but new needs appear with the requirements of their subsequent satisfaction. The scheme of the impact of labor on a person and society is conventionally shown in Fig. 11. Labor in this case is shown as a continuous, constantly renewing process. The sociological aspect of the study consists in studying labor as a system of social relations, in determining its impact on society.

Rice. eleven. The role of labor in the development of man and society

In the process of labor, people enter into certain social relations interacting with each other. Social interactions in the world of work is a form social connections realized in the exchange of activities and mutual action. The objective basis for the interaction of people is the commonality or divergence of their interests, close or distant goals, views. Tools and objects of labor, material and spiritual benefits act as intermediaries of human interaction in the sphere of labor, its intermediate links. The constant interaction of individual individuals or communities in the process of labor activity in certain social conditions forms specific social relations.

When considering the social essence of labor, it is necessary to proceed from the following provisions. Firstly, labor is, first of all, a process that takes place between man and nature, a process in which man, by his own activity, mediates, regulates and controls the exchange of substances between himself and nature. Secondly, it should be borne in mind that a person, influencing nature, using and changing it in order to create use values ​​necessary to satisfy his material and spiritual needs, not only creates material (food, clothing, housing) and spiritual goods (art, literature, science) but also changes its own nature. He develops his abilities and talents, develops the necessary social qualities, forms itself as a person.

Labor is the root cause of human development. A person is obliged to labor in the division of functions between lower and upper limbs, in the development of speech, brain, in the improvement of the sense organs. In the process of labor, a person's range of perceptions and ideas expanded, his labor actions gradually began to be more and more creative in nature. Thus, the concept of "labor" is not only an economic, but also a sociological category, which is of decisive importance in the characteristics of society as a whole and its individual individuals. The social essence of labor is schematically shown in Fig. 12.

Performing labor functions, people interact, enter into relationships with each other, and it is labor that is the primary category in which all the variety of specific social phenomena and relations is contained. Labor changes the position of various groups of workers, depending on the profession, specialty, qualifications, conditions and content of work. This directly reveals its essence as a basic social process. The social essence of labor is most fully revealed in the categories “nature of labor” and “content of labor”. Nature of work represents connections and relationships that reflect the degree of development of the social nature of labor and how it manifests itself - directly or through mediating connections. The nature of work expresses the attitude of a person to his work activity and reflects mainly his social essence. The nature of labor is mainly determined by the content of labor, i.e. the content of operations performed by a person, in this case, it means how much he strains and how much physical or mental effort he spends, and property relations.

Objects of labor- this is the substance of nature, which is influenced by the means of labor. They are subdivided: 1) into raw materials (untreated substance); 2) semi-finished product (partially processed substance). In addition, they can be: a) basic materials; b) auxiliary substances (heat, electricity, fuel, water, etc.). Subjects of labor are also subdivided into natural, artificial, structural (from which equipment is made, etc.) and composite (complex).

Labor tools Is a thing or a set of things that a person places between himself and the object of labor. This concept must be distinguished from the means of production, which are a collection of objects and means of labor and include: 1) tools of labor (machines, machine tools, tools, equipment, etc.); 2) general material conditions simple process labor (buildings, structures, roads, canals, etc.). Usually, the tools of labor are referred to the most active elements of the production process, and the product of labor - to the most passive.

Product of labor- received final processing the substance of nature, a finished thing. In essence, this is the ultimate goal of the simple labor process, for which it began. In the economic sense - use value, the basis and reason for the development of commodity-money relations. In the sociological sense, it is the initial cell of the system of distributive relations. As you know, social relations of domination and subordination, alienation, power relations, etc. are formed in society not about the subject of labor, but in connection with the appropriation, division and distribution of funds and the product of labor. In sociological research, the object, tools and product are used as empirical referents, with the help of which the content of individual labor is described.

The content of labor also includes the degree of responsibility and complexity of labor, the level creative opportunities, the ratio of executive and managerial functions, the level of technical equipment, the degree of diversity of labor functions, monotony, predetermination of actions, independence, etc. The content of a particular type of labor activity makes certain requirements for education, qualifications, and abilities of the individual. This is a key factor characterizing the possibilities of personality development in the labor process, determining the direction of work skills, the implementation of the individual's creative, physical and other abilities. It affects the attitude to work and job satisfaction, the degree of interest in it, the level of productivity and quality of work.

An important social characteristics of labor are its conditions. Working conditions are subdivided into normal and harmful. Those that do not cause obvious harm to human health can be considered normal. Normal conditions labor are usually classified: into sanitary-hygienic, physiological, aesthetic. Normal conditions are classified as favorable and unfavorable. Occupational health laboratories, which exist or should exist in all or most enterprises, are designed to assess the potential hazard of the following production factors: a) physical- noise and vibration, temperature rise and fall, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation; b) chemical- gases, vapors, aerosols, etc .; v) dust- for example, mineral or vegetable dust; G) biological- viruses, bacteria, fungi.

In this way, working conditions- these are factors of the working environment that have an unequal effect on the health and well-being of workers.

Directly related to the conditions and content of labor is Labour Organization. Under the organization of labor the form, method and procedure for combining living (man) and material (equipment) labor are understood. The organization of labor is usually responsible for whether or not the worker is rationally connected with the tools and means of labor. The organization of labor itself is based on several key elements: division of labor (specialization), cooperation of labor (functional relationship of workers), distribution of work and control (economic levers, social sanctions and legal regulations). These elements create an ordered system of role behavior and human interaction in work. This is the essence of any labor organization, and the way of prescribing such roles, setting norms and functions, the form of division of cooperation and control determine its specific appearance.

Rice. 12. Social essence labor

The organization of labor is included as a separate element in the organization of production. Organization of production within the industry is expressed in the concentration of production, the choice and justification of the rational size of enterprises, in their specialization, cooperation and location. This concept includes the organization technical training production, Maintenance, product quality control, material and technical supply, in-house (in-house) planning.

Labor function (type of work) is

one of the main conditions of the employment contract and is determined by the establishment by the parties to the employment contract of a profession, specialty, qualifications and

position in which this employee will work

at a specific enterprise, institution, organization.

Without defining the labor function of the labor

the contract cannot be concluded, and therefore not

An employment relationship can arise.

Profession Z is a general type of work activity,

determined by the nature and purpose of the work performed (for example, doctor, teacher, builder, railway worker, etc.).

Specialty W is a generic division of the profession, one of its varieties. The specialty reflects the direction of skills and the specific features of knowledge in a given profession (for example, the profession of a doctor,

specialty surgeon, general practitioner, ophthalmologist, etc .; profession W is a builder, specialty W

bricklayer, painter, plasterer, carpenter, etc.).

Qualification Z is the level vocational training, level of theoretical knowledge, practical

skills and abilities in this specialty.

The position predetermines the boundaries of competence

employee, i.e. scope of his duties, rights and responsibilities. The name of the employee's position reflects the nature of the work performed, regardless of

specialization of an enterprise, institution, organization

or the department in which he works, for example

labor protection engineer, speaker.

Labor function is legal form mediating all other conditions of detention employment relationship... If the labor function is associated, for example, with work with harmful conditions labor, then the employee has the right to additional

vacation, to receive special meals, etc.

The specification of the labor function is important

Practical value, because the person is obliged not to

only to carry out work stipulated by the agreement,

but also has the right to demand from the owner (or his authorized body) its provision.

The certainty of the labor function allows you to outline a specific range of rights and obligations of the parties, the establishment of which increases responsibility for the entrusted business, contributes to the correct organization

Labor. The owner or his authorized body does not

has the right to entrust the employee with a task that does not relate to his job function, does not have the right to change the job function without the employee's consent.

The precise definition of the labor function is also important when establishing the working time regime, the specific duration of rest time, the corresponding benefits and advantages for the established type of work.

Consider the economic elements of work. Labor activity is carried out through the labor process. Any labor process presupposes the presence, first of all, of the following elements: labor force possessed by the worker, objects of labor and means of labor.

Worker possesses a set of physical and mental abilities and skills (labor force) that are used by him in the labor process.

Objects of labor- this is all that labor is directed to, that undergoes changes in order to acquire useful properties and thereby satisfy human needs.

Labor tools- this is what the worker influences the objects of labor. These include machines, mechanisms, tools, gadgets and other instruments of labor, as well as buildings and structures that create the necessary conditions for the effective use of labor instruments.

Labor process there is a process of combining and consuming work force, as well as objects and means of labor in order to create new use values. The labor process is carried out in a specific environment, which is characterized by different working conditions. Moreover, the labor process is not just a mechanical combination of its elements, but their organic unity, and the decisive factor here is the worker. In the process of labor, the employee, with the help of the means of labor, makes pre-planned changes in the subject of labor.

The labor process is possible if the employee, objects of labor and means of labor perform certain production functions: a person - labor functions, means and objects of labor - mechanical, thermal, chemical and other production functions to impart the necessary properties to the object of labor.

Production functions it is the content of the labor process that allows you to create material values ​​and provide services. The implementation of production functions is possible in certain organizational conditions: the organizational structure of production must be formed, methods of organizing production are applicable, a technology for the production of products or the provision of services has been developed. Production organization methods- these are ways of influencing production teams and individual production workers in order to coordinate their activities in the process of manufacturing products or providing services. Organizational structure of production(production structure) is the composition of production units, their specialization, cooperation and relationships, subordination and interaction in the process of producing products or providing services. Production technology- these are ways of influencing the objects of labor, the requirements for production workers, the procedure and modes of using the means of labor in the manufacture of products or the provision of services.

The labor process is impossible without interaction with the environment and depends on its state. As a result of the completion of the labor process, products of labor- a substance of nature, objects or services that have the necessary properties and are adapted to human needs. Environment- This is ensuring labor safety, compliance with psychophysiological, sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements for working conditions, taking into account economic and social relations in the organization and the country.

During the performance of labor activity, such elements are involved as:

    information- the subject of labor of a managerial employee who processes information, data arriving at workplace, with a view to adopting management decision or receiving new information;

    technical controls Is what an employee uses to manipulate information or data. These include computer technology, organizational technology, administrative buildings and structures that contribute to the effective work of management personnel;

    management functions- this is the content of the process of managerial labor, which substantiates, develops, makes and implements managerial decisions;

    methods of organizing management- these are ways of influencing management teams and individual management personnel in order to coordinate their activities in the process of justifying, developing, making and implementing management decisions;

    organizational structure of management- this is the composition of management units and services, their specialization and functional relationships (horizontal and vertical), subordination and interaction in the process of justifying, developing, making and implementing management decisions;

    control technology- a set of techniques, methods, forms and methods of establishing rational interaction of management units, line and functional managers in order to organize effective work substantiation, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions;

    management decisions- a product of managerial labor, a directive act of purposeful impact on the object of management.

The labor process is carried out in an environment that makes demands on working conditions. Working conditions Is a set of elements of the labor process, environment, the organization of the workplace and the employee's attitude to the work performed, which, separately or in aggregate, affect the functional state of the human body in the labor process, its health, efficiency, job satisfaction, life expectancy, reproduction of labor, the all-round development of physical, spiritual and creative forces and as a result of this on labor efficiency and labor results.

Working conditions are formed under the influence of a combination of interrelated socio-economic, technical-organizational and natural factors are an objective social phenomenon. TO socio-economic include socio-political, economic, regulatory and socio-psychological factors. This group of factors, as a rule, has a positive effect on the formation of working conditions. Technical and organizational factors- these are the means and objects of labor, production technology, organization of labor production, methods of transporting raw materials, products, etc. Natural factors- geographical, climatic, geological, biological - have their own characteristics. These factors act almost constantly, therefore, in addition to taking into account their direct impact on working conditions (temperature, pressure, etc.), their constant consideration is required already at an early stage of equipment creation, technology development, organization of production and labor, as well as in the development and implementation of many regulatory and economic measures. All three groups of factors are important, but the group of technical and organizational factors has the most significant impact on changing working conditions.

The working conditions formed under the influence of the combination of these factors are divided into four groups:


    sanitary and hygienic;



The formation of the first three groups of working environment conditions depends on the employer, therefore, the adaptation of working conditions to a person is his responsibility. As for the socio-psychological group, it is formed as a result of the employee's attitude to the work performed and, naturally, primarily depends on the employee himself, although the employer has a certain influence on his adaptation to working conditions.

The content of labor is determined through labor functions ... Labor function- a set of labor actions, techniques and operations performed by an employee in a certain sequence in the production of material goods or in the implementation of other specific types of labor in different areas human activities. Depending on the role of the employee in the labor process, the following labor functions are distinguished:

    energy when the employee sets in motion the means of labor;

    technological when the employee, through the use of means of labor, processes objects of labor;

    control and regulatory associated with the observation and control of the movement of objects and means of labor, adjustment, regulation of equipment, etc.

    managerial connected with the management of people, justification, development, adoption of mi implementation of decisions. The managerial function, in turn, includes energy, technological and control and regulatory functions in relation to the conditions of managerial work.

Under the influence of mechanization, automation, computerization, the content of labor functions changes.

Based on the performance of various labor functions by people, a functional division of labor is formed.

For instance:

    workers in mechanical engineering, metallurgy, transport, construction industry, etc .;

    workers of foundry, mechanical, assembly, electroplating and other shops;

    foundry workers, machine operators, repairmen, electricians, etc .;

    sales department employees, HR department, planning and economic department, economic bureau, etc .;

    HR manager, marketing manager, economist, accountant, etc.

A sign of such a division is the nature of the content of the labor function.

In the socio-economic literature distinguish between the genus, type and subspecies of labor. By the type of labor, many authors understand those spheres of activity that have historically separated from the general undivided activity. primitive people as a result of the social division of labor. These include farming, handicraft (industry) and trade. These classes are called the branch of the economy, or industry National economy.

During further development from large types of activity, numerous types (branches within the branches of the national economy) and subspecies (sub-branches) of labor were distinguished. The concept of "type of labor" is closely related to the concept of "type of product". Different types of labor are presented in different types of products needed to meet the needs of people and society. Consequently, the needs for various types of products determine the division of labor into different kinds his.

The process of division, differentiation of labor was accompanied by the complication of the structure of social production and social labor. From individual types of labor, new types of labor were distinguished, associated with the creation of new products that became necessary to meet the needs of people. The emergence of new products, their transformation into an integral part of the consumption of the population, into a need, led to the formation and isolation of specific types of labor, to the specialization of production and people, the separation of new industries as independent ones. New types of labor differed in their specificity both in relation to objects and tools of labor, and the professional abilities of the workers employed in them.

At the end of the XX century. within each branch of the national economy, there are already many branches and sub-branches producing certain types of final products. So, the industry of Russia in 1997, for example, included the following industries: oil refining, coal, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, petrochemical, mechanical engineering and metalworking, woodworking, pulp and paper, textile, clothing, footwear, food.

Each of the named sectors, in turn, is subdivided into sub-sectors. For example, mechanical engineering and metalworking includes up to 20 sub-sectors that produce final products. Among them: power engineering, metallurgical engineering, mining engineering, railway engineering, automotive industry, electrical industry, etc.

Along with the process of differentiation, the process of integration of individual subspecies (sub-sectors) and types (industries) into larger structural divisions in order to reduce the costs of manufactured products and maintain a stable position in the market went on and continues. Thus, the automotive industry was often combined with tractor and agricultural engineering. In the 90s, the process of dividing and combining industries and sub-sectors, standardizing new organizational structures(RAO UES, GAZPROM, financial industrial groups, etc.). The formation of new economic structures is primarily due to economic reasons... Especially big changes have taken place in the market infrastructure. Stock, commodity, currency exchanges, labor exchanges (employment centers) were created, commercial banks, new tax system etc., which are trying to quickly respond to changes in market conditions. In particular, under the influence of the financial crisis on August 17, 1998, many banks began to merge into new financial structures: holdings (such a form was chosen by the banks Menatep, Most-Bank, Onexim-Bank, etc.), pools (Moscow commercial banks). In their actions, economic considerations, interests of profit and survival prevail. It should be noted that the emergence of new economic structures is not always the result of market self-organization of economic entities. Often they arise as a result of strong-willed, administrative decisions of federal authorities (for example, the creation of a single ministry on the basis of the ministries of economy and trade) economic development and RF trade).

Consequently, the differentiation and integration of new types and subspecies of labor is influenced by changes not only in productive forces, but also in socio-economic and organizational relations.

Content of individual labor. The category "content of labor" reveals general properties the process of labor as a process between man and nature, regardless of the specific public system, from a historically defined mode of production. The content of labor is due to changes in the material factors of production and the qualifications of the employee.

The concept of "content of labor" is most often used to characterize individual labor, a specific workplace and specialty or professional group. Individual labor in the conditions of specialization of production is the sum, or the totality, distributed among the individual workers of interrelated actions or operations. Operations inherent in a particular type of labor, not separable from it and ensuring the creation of a product or semi-finished product, are called labor functions. The totality of the worker's labor functions is the main thing that reveals the concept of "content of labor."

Labor functions, being the main part of the labor process, do not exhaust all its diversity. A specific labor process in a specific setting may be characterized by individual actions performed before, after or during labor, but which can be transferred to other participants without disrupting the normal process of labor activity (tray of materials, semi-finished products, warehousing, loading into storage bins finished products or semi-finished products, etc.). All these individual actions that are part of the labor process, but which can be isolated from the main activity and transferred to others without prejudice, are auxiliary labor operations. Consequently, a specific labor process consists of basic labor functions and auxiliary operations. Isolation of the latter in independent view labor became the basis for the formation of a special category of workers - auxiliary workers.

The content of labor determines the way the employee functions, his relationship with the conditions and organization of work. In the pre-industrial era, the most characteristic labor functions inherent in individual labor were the functions of management, executive and source of physical energy. With the advent of machines, the function of the source of energy was largely transferred to mechanical systems, tools of labor.

Machines, objects and tools make certain demands on the worker and his abilities. The employee must be able to use them, own certain labor techniques, skills, introduce elements of creativity, enrich physical actions with mental energy. All this leads to the development of the worker and his reverse influence on the further improvement of tools and objects of labor, on mechanization, computerization and the organization of labor. From this we can conclude that the main factor determining the change in the content of labor is scientific and technological progress. V developed countries investing in an employee, in improving his qualifications, in the so-called human capital, has become more profitable than investing in tools and objects of labor. And the preferential investments in the development of the employee undoubtedly affect the content of labor, make it more meaningful, creative, and have an impact on the improvement of tools and objects of labor.

Scientific and technological progress gives an increasing role to the management function, which is greatly modified under its influence. For a person, it remains in the form of goal-setting, i.e. defining the purpose of production, programming it, controlling production and regulating it. These functions are becoming defining in modern production.

Changes in the content of labor, i.e. in its functions, lead to changes in professions, to the combination of individual professions and the emergence of professions of a wide profile, and this, in turn, leads to a change in the professional composition, structure of workers. Thus, the mechanization of transport work reduces and eliminates some groups of auxiliary workers, who are mainly employed manual labor, and the use of automatic lines gave rise to the emergence of such a new profession as the adjuster of automatic lines. This profession requires a broad technical outlook, the share of mental, logical operations... Changes in the content of labor and the emergence of new professions are significantly influenced by changes in the organization of production and labor. Thus, the transition to market relations, the creation of market infrastructure contributed to the emergence of many new professions: manager, auditor, dealer, broker, advertising agent, etc.

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