Installation of water outlets on plasterboard. Installation of outlets in plasterboard: simple technology for self-execution

Gardening 16.06.2019

Among the sought-after finishing materials of our time is distinguished by plasterboard. The advantages of this material are many. One of them is the ability hidden pads wiring. This process provides for a number of actions. Our article we will talk about how to lock out rosettes to the plasterboard.

It is clear that before installing sockets in plasterboard, it is necessary to pre-prepare. And this is done long before the walls of the walls finishing material. The preparatory stage itself consists of two main stages:

  • styling electrical wiring;
  • determining the location of sockets.

Laying electrical wiring

This procedure is carried out at the stage of installation of plasterboard:

  • a framework of galvanized profiles is created;
  • the electrical circuit is determined;
  • in notepad, the alleged location of the cable is recorded;
  • in the vertical part of the frame are made holes;
  • the wiring to which the rosettes for plasterboard will be connected, is placed in a corrugated tube;
  • the tube is stretched through holes made in profiles.

To effectively function outlets, it is better to use a three-in-room wire that has a double insulation and a cross section of up to 2.5 mm. The corrugated tube with the cable is additionally attached to the frame of plastic clamps or copper wire.

Determining the location of sockets

When choosing a place to mount a socket in plasterboard, not only building standards take into account. To the most guided by the target destination of the socket itself. Accessories should be located in such a way that it is convenient to use household appliances.

  • 0.3 m - from the floor;
  • 1 m - for washing machine;
  • 1.2-1.3 m - in the kitchen above the worktop.

Naturally, these norms concern not all home appliances. For example, a socket for TV, air conditioning or aquarium should be placed in close proximity to the instruments. The electrical cable should not hang or lie on the floor.

At the preparatory stage there is also an accurate calculation of the number of fittings and its purchase. When purchasing conversion, you need to make sure that they are suitable for drywall.

Creating holes for the outlet

Before you put a rosette in drywall, you need to make a hole for the opposite. For this:

  • the pencil marks a place where the socket will be attached;
  • a drill is taken equipped with a milling cutter;
  • acute part of the cutter is installed in the center of the mark made;
  • neat pressing on the drill is made hole;
  • in the same way, all holes in the drywall under the outlet are made.

When laying holes, it is necessary to consider that the electrical wiring ends will be cleaned. Therefore, the cable must be laid with a margin.

You need to drill the hole neatly. It is impossible to push the drill strongly. Otherwise, you can damage the plasterboard. As a result, it will be difficult to qualitatively fix the clamping legs of the opposition.

For this reason, many experts strongly recommend using normal drill. Via hand tool Several holes are made at the location of the socket. After that, the circle for the rosette in the drywall is cut off by a stationery knife.

It should be noted that when drilling holes can be stumbled upon metallic profileTo which plasterboard is attached. To avoid this, you can use a good magnet. Having put it on the wall, the longitudinal movement is done on the surface and is determined whether there is a profile behind the wall.

And how to install a rosette in drywall, if there is still contact with frame construction? In this case, you do not need to despair. In the transfer of holes for the outlet to another place there is no need. A piece of interfering profile is cut with a metal scissors or bends (knocked out) by a conventional chisel.

Mounting work

After drilling holes, it is embarked on the final phase of such a process, as in the drywall to make a socket. It consists of two consecutive stages:

  • installation of peasants;
  • fixing sockets in the submersests.

Installation of conversion

Outputs for outlets that are attached to plasterboard walldiffer from the analogues intended for the concrete surface. They are equipped with special fastening legs and four screws. One pair of screws is designed to fix the outer metal frame that holds the peaver.

Installation of submersors involves the following actions:

  • turns off the supply of electricity to the room;
  • in the side or back of the peavercraft, the hole is cut into the electrical wiring;
  • the reserve cable is stretched into the hole;
  • screws are exhibited horizontally;
  • podlet is inserted into the hole;
  • screw twisted.

When fixing the peavering in the hole you need to make sure that it does not shift electrical cable. When screwing the screws, the submersors must be dragged into planting place. Then the screws are weakened and the fastening of fittings is checked.

Pallet legs must necessarily nourish drywall. To impart maximum strength, the landing place can be covered with putty.

Installation of sockets

Now let's talk directly on how to fix the outlet in the drywall. Naturally, the work is carried out in the absence of voltage in the electrical network. Make sure this is necessary using an indicator screwdriver.

Installation of outlets is carried out as follows:

  • decorative lid is removed;
  • screws are unscrewed on the terminals of the socket;
  • the cable veins are inserted into the contacts and are tightly tightened;
  • when using a three-in-room wire, the ground with a ground is connected to the middle terminal;
  • the socket is inserted into the opposition.

Reliable fixation of accessories is carried out in one of two ways:

  • by twisting the fastening screws on the opposite;
  • by moving the spacer paws in the rosette itself.

After mounting the socket, the correct location of the wires is once again checked. They must be well tightened. Otherwise, the cable will overheat, which will lead to a network closure. The socket is closed by a protective decorative lid. The bolt is neatly twisted with a screwdriver.

Video on mounting sockets in plasterboard:

When SAMIA hard work In the walls of the walls, it remains to install sockets in plasterboard.

This work is simple, but very responsible.

Because the quality of your work performed will depend on the work in the whole house and the service life of the instruments you installed.

Preliminary work

Initially, there will be a wire. Such work must be performed before plasterboard sheets are attached.

It is best if you place the wires in the corrugation, it will be an additional protection for them.

Before stretching the wires under plasterboard, you need to mount metal carcass And accurately determine where they will be located.

It is important to correctly choose the location of the sockets, but it is also worth paying attention to the adopted standards. It is customary to install outlets at a height of 30 cm from the floor, and the switches are 90 cm.

But the location of the triple outlet over the table top in the kitchen at an altitude of 120 cm will be much more convenient than below.

For washing machine, hair dryer, etc., according to European standards, it is recommended to install a triple outlet at an altitude of 1 meter from the floor.

Therefore, you need to plan and understand - for which they will be intended.

However, despite the recommended location, some deviations are allowed, depending on the situation (for example, to operate the TV on the bracket or air conditioner, it is necessary to install a socket next to the instruments, at the top of the wall).

If you do not just cover the wall, but make a septum, then one side you need to see the plasterboard, it will become a support when installing switches.

In metal vertical standsTo which plasterboard will be mounted, you need to drill hole drill in places where the wire will pass.

When there is already a location diagram of the wire and installations, you can start stretching the wire.

Corrugated pipe will not cost expensive but reliable protection For wiring, so do not save on it.

After the wire is extended, it is desirable to fix it with a plastic clamp and copper wire.

It is worth paying attention to sharp corners Or the self-tapping screw was not close to the wires and corrugations. The wire was carried out, the entire wiring is fixed, you can mount plasterboard.

Installation of sockets and switches

All advanced work is done, you can start the installation of sockets and switches. You can set conventional sockets or triple.

The installation of a triple outlet does not differ many and will not become a big problem. On the instructing video, the steps and details of the installation are shown in detail.

Initially, the installation of sockets in plasterboard requires a hardening of holes in the drywall, in which the plastic appeasets will be attached later.

To do this, it is necessary to measure and mark on the plasterboard, in accordance with the scheme where the holes will be located.

You can make special holes using a drill and a special mesh nozzle (as it looks like and how to work with it can be seen on the video).

After that - carefully pull the wires outside through the holes.

Plastic mount, the so-called subtle, is a small device that is inserted into the holes with the withdrawn with the wire, and after - the socket itself is attached to it.

Before installing the conversion, it is necessary to cut holes for the wire. After installation, check the level - whether its location is true.

If everything is fine, then fix the device with screws.

If the pickup installation is made correctly, you can continue to work. Installation of sockets in plasterboard will not be difficult, even if you decide all the work to do yourself.

In the video, it is detailed and described about how to properly do this work.

Before installing, it is necessary to check the lack of current. To do this, you will need a special screwdriver with an indicator.

Separate plastic details, It is necessary to remove the screws on the part with the terminals. After that, we bring and fix the wires with terminals.

If you have a cable with three veins, then the ground wire is summarized to contact in the middle.

Only after the execution of the above work, you can insert a socket into the opposition and consolidate with the help of special "paws" or screws.

If the work has been successful and troubleshooting is not found, the plastic part of the socket and the protective cover is attached, as indicated on the video.

On this installation of sockets in plasterboard completed.

Mounting the switch is not much different from connecting the socket. Also remove the wires through the hole done and we carry out them through the installed special plastic glass.

From the switch, remove the plastic part and leave the metal frame with the terminal part.

After that, connect the wires to the terminals, which should be fixed as much as possible, because with a weak contact, the socket may be heated.

Then secure the screws to the plasterboard metal frame and put on plastic elements. Thus, the installation of the switch is completed.

However, they may arise unexpected situations When installing a socket or switch, such as the detection of insufficient location, after doing the hole in the drywall.

If the zaminki is caused by a profile under the plinth, then in this case, you should use a chisel or a conventional screwdriver, which can be sprinkled around the circumference of the hole, and then, not rush, the pliers are deleted too much.

One of the final operations on interior decoration Is installation of outlets in plasterboard. The arrangement of this type of engineering communications, as wiring, should be planned and implemented in advance. In this case, the sockets are mounted in the plasterboard with their own hands at the finish stage of the work. However, despite the visible simplicity, there are some nuances, and they need to be considered. Otherwise, the rosette in the drywall will be highly harder.

Thinking through the installation points of the rosettes under drywall, it is necessary at the stage of preparation of walls to and the covering of plasterboard, since, first of all, you need to pave the wiring. This is done in two ways, depending on the places where the power supply line passes:

  1. On the wall.
  2. Inside plasterboard partitions.

And it is also possible to put the wiring directly on the already mounted plasterboard walls. In this case, the cable is placed in plastic boxes. At the same time install outdoor socket directly to the surface wall decoration.

Wiring B. plasterboard partition

This method is contradictory modern concept Repair, in which all engineering communications must be stubborn from a prying view. The outer method of mounting is suitable for utility and economic premises, as well as workshops.

Installation of wiring on the wall

Installation of sockets and switches on the principle of the same and begins with the preparation, that is, power lines gaskets.

In this way, the so-called is mounted hidden wiring. It is stacked before the frame is plasterboard.

For this B. carriersah make grooves for wiring - shoes. These paths for the cable can be made in many ways, from the most primitive dumping chisel and modern, using the strokeware.

The wire is placed in a corrugated pipe, which prevents the fast patch of insulation, and the entire line is mounted along the strokes. At the same time, according to a predetermined scheme, conclusions are made to install sockets and switches. After laying, the shoes can be plastering, stubcing all lines. And you can simply fasten the corrugation on the wall by the brackets. In the frame of the frame of the frame at the same time holes are made.

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Wiring gasket in partitions

If you need to pave an electrical line inside the plasterboard partition, then work according to the following algorithm.

  • collect the frame and put it on one side of the GLC;
  • in the rack profiles for drywall using a drill, the holes for the wiring diameter in the corrugated tube are prepared;
  • make all lines with conclusions for sockets and switches. Fastening the corrugated pipe with wiring can be carried out with wire or plastic cable ties;
  • place sound insulation and sew the other side of the wall with plasterboard.

In both the first and second embodiment, the height of the opening of sockets and switches can be different. However, today the European standards are most often adhered. The sockets have, using such dimensions, at an altitude of 300 mm from the floor, and put the switches by 900 mm. Do not forget about the conclusions where the junction box will be located.

At the end preparatory stageThe walls are finally sewn and proceed to mount sockets in drywall.

Installation of outlets in plasterboard walls

Methods How to fix the wall outlet with plasterboard finishes are selected depending on how the wiring is laid. Significant differences have methods when laid hidden electrical line or open, directly on the wall.

In the case of an open cable laying in wall plastic boxes, the element of the socket is screwed using the mounting butterfly to the surface of the walls.

However, if a hidden wiring is used under plasterboard trim, you need to apply completely different methods.

Installation of conversion

Before making a hole in the drywall, markup is made, where plastic glasses under the outlet will be installed. Marks must match the conclusions location scheme.

In addition to mounting outlets around the room at an altitude of 300 millimeters from the floor surface, it is necessary to draw conclusions in other orders. For example, under household appliances In the kitchen, or in the hall.

Scheme of installed cutting rooms

The holes are the easiest to make a drill in which the crown on plasterboard is clamped. Measuring right distance From the floor, put a mark of the center of the future socket. After, installing the center of the crown by the label, carefully drill the opening.

In the well-done holes, a plastic socket is mounted under the main element of the socket. Without it, it is very difficult to fix it in emptiness under plasterboard.

Podrottor has four screws, two of which are fixed by the item, and two more fix the metal plate of the rosette itself.

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Pre-in the nest you need to cut a hole in which the wiring is created. It is desirable that the cable length is with a margin. After that, plastic conversion in the made opening is inserted.

It is worth remembering that the depth of the nest is 45 mm, and if the surface of the drywall from the carrier wall is closer, then it needs to make a deepening. This operation should be carried out at the posting layout stage when the walls are added under the cable.

Having exhibit a plastic glass in terms of level, tighten the screws, fixing it hard in the trim.
Thus, the block of sockets is also mounted, setting the appropriate triple submersers.

Mounting socket

If the wiring is not connected to power, you can directly start installing the main outlet element. Otherwise it is best to turn off the electricity for safe work. Check the presence of voltage on the network you need an indicator screwdriver.

Before installing the socket in plasterboard, it is disassembled by removing the protective plastic cover from it. It is usually fixed in one screw in the middle.

The wiring tips for sockets must be cleared of isolation, in length about 5-8 mm (depending on the terminals). Rear need to release the screws of the clips of the terminals and insert the bare wires in them, and then fix them by holding the fasteners.

In the case of the presence of three lived in the cable, ground is made (accordingly you need to purchase the same socket). At the same time, the wire responsible for "land" is inserted and fixed in central contact on sockets. The connected socket must be put in a plastic glass, securing the screws.

Fastening is carried out in two ways:

  1. The first, this is using the spacer on the socket, which diverge on the parties when tightening the corresponding screws.
  2. The second, insert the socket and using the bolts on the opposite, tighten the fasteners.

Checking the mount (the socket must be rigidly fixed, and the wires do not fall out of the terminals), put on protective decorative plastic covers And screw the fastening bolt. After that, you can serve me and check the function of the outlet.

The switch is installed according to a similar scheme.

Installation of sockets in the wall of plasterboard does not represent any difficulty for the master and usually satisfied with all this work. If you have questions, you can see the relevant videos on the Internet. The main thing is to install sockets correctly, then the rosette will last due time.

To date, the walls of the walls are used very often. It is convenient, because All the irregularities of the bearing walls and partitions are carefully hidden behind the framework of profiles and plaster. It is not difficult to install the rosette in the plasterboard at all, even if you are a kettle in an electrician. Next, we will tell all the nuances of installation with their own hands, as well as provide visual video instructions and photos of examples of each installation phase.

Step 1 - Preparatory Work

To begin with, you must prepare all the tools and materials for fastening the rosette in drywall. To independently install the product, you must have:

We draw your attention to the fact that we will provide instructions for installing the product in drywall from the moment the wiring will be divorced for all rooms and at the same time all the walls will be sewn sheets of GLC. Read more about the main electrical workoh, you can in the article -!

Step 2 - Gypsum Stroke

So, go closer to the main process. At first, according to the wiring scheme, you must determine where you need to cut the hole for the installation of the socket in the drywall. In the selected place, put a marker with a cross on plasterboard, which will be the center of the future hole. If you decide to gypsum Wall (Several pieces at once), you need to make a few round strokes in a row. By the way, the height of the installation of sockets is not normalized by GOST or PUE rules, so you can place an "electrical point" where you please. To do this, use building level And one simple rule - the distance between the centers should be 72 mm, as shown in the photo below. By making marking, you can move to the HCL leaf stick.

There is nothing complicated here - install the crown drills in the center of the cross and gently drill the gypsum. All the cut-off technology is considered in detail on the video example with which we recommend that you familiarize yourself.

Overview possible errors and installation tips

Step 3 - Fastening of the Outcome

Properly fasten the peasant in the drywall is not difficult. As you can see, there are 4 screws on the housing: 2 under the fastening of the box itself on the wall and 2 to install the outlet. To begin with, print the wires to connect from the shine to the outside. After that, cut a hole in the bottom of the plastic glass under the entry of the feed wires. Next, accurately set the conversion in plasterboard and use two screws to fix the glass in the stroke. Clamping feet C. opposing side Reliably will fix the product in a plasterboard wall.

You should draw your attention to the fact that the emptiness between carrier wall (brick) and the GLC leaf should be at least 45 mm (the height of the peavercraft). If in your case the clearance is less, you will need to work a little perforator - to crush the recess in the concrete or brick so that the plastic box can be installed without any problems. You should also know that it will not be possible to fasten the rosette normally in the drywall without conversion, so you immediately provide all possible obstacles and remove them before installing the plastic glass.

Step 4 - Connecting Wires

When you manage to reliably set the opposite in the wall, you can switch to the connection of the rosette in the drywall. Connect the wires will not be difficult even by an electrician-novice. The main thing is to turn off the electricity on the introductory shield so that you do not hit the current during installation and connection. Before switching to electrical installations - check the voltage on the wires in the opposition using the indicator. If you do not know, we recommend to get acquainted with the relevant article.

All you need to do is to connect zero (N, blue), grounding (PE, yellow-green) and phase (L, as a rule, brown) to the corresponding terminals on the housing of the socket. The veins tighten well so that the contact does not weaken and plastic did not start melting after installation and connection, because In this case, it can occur and as a result - a fire in the house.

After completion of wall covering, the last stage remains the last stage - installing outlets in plasterboard. Work is simple, not requiring great knowledge and skills in electrical engineering - its implementation is possible on its own, not inviting the master, even for an unprepared person. But performing the installation of sockets need carefully and efficiently, as the level depends on it fire safety housing.

Installation Tools

In order to install sockets without a break in search of the missing tool, you need to prepare it in advance. Next:

  • roulette and marker for layout of holes;
  • drill and special milling cutter (crown) for drilling holes in drywall. The diameter of the working part of the cutter must be equal to the diameter of the standard glass of the peavercraft - 6.8 cm. In the absence of a drill, a screwdriver can be adapted for this;
  • air-bubble level (short enough to 0.3 m);
  • screwdriver with a voltage presence indicator in the wires checked;
  • screwdriver (cruciform or standard depending on the shape of the slots on the bolts) necessary when fastening the conversion, wires and the rosette itself;
  • the stationery knife needed to remove insulation from the wires when connecting them to the terminals.
  • Preparatory activities

The location of the sockets are determined even before the start of work on the walls of the walls.

We also need to lay the wires before the start of the walls of the walls to hide them under the plasterboard.

Installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First, the frame is assembled for fastening the sheets of plasterboard and is attached to the wall. Its ends are attached to the floor and ceiling of the room.
  • If the partition is constructed - one side is trimmed immediately. It will cover the wiring.
  • The wiring scheme is created and the location of the conversion plans are noted on it.
  • IN vertical parts The carcass drill drill holes for conducting.
  • Wires deployed to the location of the conversion should be placed in a corrugated plastic sheath and pave the holes prepared in the framework.

The cost of the protective shell is small, and from possible damage and high humidity She protects canceled, therefore there is no reason on its acquisition.

  • The most optimal cable with 3 veins in dual insulation (with a diameter of 2.5 to 2.5 mm). If the use of electrical appliances with a large current-consumed current is to increase the wires.
  • The wire laid under the skin should be secured to secure the segments of the wire or plastic clamps.

At the end of the laying of wires and marks on the plan of the places of their exit, you can begin mounting the GCC to the frame.

Choose installation locations

Installation places sockets modern rules It is not regulated, so the setting of the socket can be done where it is convenient to use it.

According to the standards established in Europe, the socket must be placed at an altitude of 0.3 m from the floor. In some cases, this is justified, but, for example, in the kitchen, their location will force a housewife to discourage many bows when the kitchen electrical appliances are turned on during cooking.

The aquarium is also better to install a rosette for ease of connecting the backlight, filter, compressor. Yes, and the electric guns will not roll on the floor and interfere with moving around the room.

How to install

Installation of sockets in plasterboard begins with the preparation of holes for the installation of peasants. Outlets from plastics will be inserted into the holes, and the outlets are already fixed.

When creating a hole, you need to make the following actions:

  • first, it is necessary, consistent with the scheme, find the place of installation. Then the roulette is measured by the specified distance from the floor and the mark is placed;
  • with the help of the level there is a center of the future hole horizontally and put a cross;
  • when drilling holes under the submersion, an electric drill is used with a milling plant (crowns);
  • align the center of the cutter with the center of the cross, carefully cuts out the hole.

If you need to install a number of outlets, it is necessary to place holes before the drilling of the first of them, which will allow you to get a smooth row of conversion without distortion.

Installation of conversion

Podrottor is manufactured as a plastic glass to be installed and secured in the finished hole in the drywall.

Outlook for plasterboard has four screws. Two are designed for its attachment to plasterboard and two for fastening outside the metal overlap.

Installation of pickling is performed in the following sequence:

  • Before installing the conversion in place, you must skip the wires through the hole at its bottom. If multiple points are installed - it is necessary to feed the power to them using a plume connection. With such a connection from the first conversion, the segments of the wires are skipped to the second, from the second to the third, etc.
  • Despite the simplicity of the plume connection, there is a danger of excessive heating of contacts of the first socket due to the fact that the total load of all other points passes. Therefore, experienced electricians prefer to perform connections through SIZE - plastic caps with internal tapered threads intended for isolating twists.
  • Using the SIZE phase wire twists with multiple wires by the number of connected sockets. The same twist can be done on a zero wire, but since it is not so strongly suspended, it can be used by a loop.

Since the wires during operation can burn or demolish it. It is necessary to leave a margin along a length of at least 10 cm.

  • Using the level, the peavernis is exhibited horizontally and fastened with legs of clamps on drywall. At the same time, you need to ensure that it does not ship the wires.

Sometimes it happens that the distance from the wall to the drywall is less than the height of the standard glass of peavercraft. Then in the material of the wall, with the help of a perforator or bit on concrete, you need to deepen the corresponding depth. You can prepare a deepening before the skin, but then it will have to determine its location with jewelry accuracy.

Connecting wires

Before you take for the connection of the wires, you must turn off the electricity on the camshaft. Make sure there is no voltage using.

If there is no voltage - you can start connecting the wires:

  1. From the outlet, all decorative elements are removed;
  2. The bolts on the terminals of the rosette are weakened, the wires are inserted and the bolts are tightened until it stops. When using a three-core wire - the ground wire is connected to the middle terminal;
  3. The rosette with connected wires is inserted into the peavern, and is fixed in it using spacers or fastening bolts on the submersion;
  4. Before finally fasten the outlet, it should be checked to check the strength of the clamping of wires on the terminals;
  5. It remains to impose a frame and set the lid. When tightening the screw, it is not necessary to make a heroic effort, in order not to crush plastic parts.
  6. When installing several nearby sockets, you can purchase a common frame for them, from 2 or more.

Video instructions

It is possible when installing the first sockets may occur any difficulties due to ignorance how to install a socket, but the installation of the following will go much easier. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and show maximum attentiveness when conducting electrical work. The above technology will allow not only to install a rosette in plasterboard - it also applies when mounting switches and double sockets.

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