Punch a doorway in a load-bearing wall. Doorway in load-bearing wall

Landscaping and planning 03.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

Arrange a doorway bearing wall- not an easy task if you decide to do the work from scratch. It is far from always possible to break through a new passage, because the design of the house as a whole may suffer from this. Let's look at what needs to be considered in this case and how to cope with this task in certain conditions.

The doorway in the load-bearing wall requires mandatory reinforcement

Important Aspects

Quite a few people are concerned about the question - is it possible to make a brick or panel house doorway. In general, such a decision is allowed subject to necessary conditions, but any redevelopment of such a plan is undesirable. Bearing walls are subjected to enormous loads, and therefore a violation of the technology for performing work can lead to the destruction of floors and the house as a whole.

The transfer of the doorway must be coordinated with a special service. It can take several months to complete this process, so you should think through such options in advance.

To avoid mistakes, the following important aspects must be considered:

  • material that was used in the construction of the house;
  • housing layout;
  • the ratio of the size of the opening and the load-bearing wall itself;
  • the condition of the house and, in particular, the ceilings;
  • the load that is placed on the wall from above;
  • wall thickness and condition.

The thickness and condition of the wall is one of the important aspects when organizing an opening in a load-bearing wall.

opening project

If you are thinking of moving a doorway into a load-bearing wall, first of all, you need to decide on the project. This will directly affect the order of the work and its complexity.

The following options are possible:

  • A simple doorway in the plane of a load-bearing wall. This is an opening standard sizes, which is executed from scratch in a new location. In this case, the existing passage may be closed or remain intact, which will also affect the distribution of the load.
  • archway. More difficult option, since the shape of the bends must be taken into account. For brick walls, only a professional can do this work, since a relationship with the location of the masonry joints is required.
  • Minor aisle shift. This is the easiest and most secure option. In this case, the lintel is shifted to the side, part of the existing passage is sewn up or bricked, and a fragment of the wall of the required size is cut out on the side.

Varieties doorways in a load-bearing wall

Used tools and materials

Punching a hole in a load-bearing wall requires a special tool. The use of an impact hammer is not recommended, as rough handling and vibration can lead to cracks and chips.

For cutting walls are used:

  • Wire cutting. A special installation, which is based on wire cutting elements with artificial diamonds on the bushings.
  • Diamond drilling. For work, durable drill bits with a diamond coating of a cone shape or with a square section are used.
  • Diamond cutting saw. In this case, it is recommended to use a wet diamond cutting disc and a water tank. This will cool the tool and prevent excessive dust generation.

Tools used for sawing walls

Moving a doorway is a painstaking process. Be prepared for the fact that a lot of dust and debris is generated in the room. It is recommended to completely remove furniture and appliances during the renovation.

Panel house

An urgent question for apartment owners is how to make an opening in the load-bearing wall of a standard panel house? In this case, it is supposed to cut out a part concrete slab, which holds the upper tiers. In order to redirect the load from this section, steel jumpers should be used.

First you need to mark the wall according to the developed project. Then holes are drilled along these marks, indicating the base points. The main ones are the upper corner ones, focusing on them, you can remove part of the concrete and lay a jumper. If you are doing it in two parts, first you need to install each half in the opening with a certain distance beyond its borders. Then drill holes for the screed with bolts, tighten them as tightly as possible and concrete.

Until the solution dries, work cannot be continued, this may violate the integrity of the structure.

After the concrete has hardened, you can proceed directly to sawing the opening itself. For these purposes, diamond cutters are used. You need to work in stages:

  1. To begin with, cut the general contour to a shallow depth on both sides, focusing on the drilled marks.
  2. Then divide the entire interior area into small sections.
  3. Saw the wall into these pieces and knock them out of the opening one by one.

The lintel is the main element in creating a doorway in a panel house

If you decide to create an arched vault, you need to use a bent channel to strengthen the opening. Additionally, a strapping is installed on the sides. In this case, all elements of the supports must follow the contours of the future opening.

Brick house

In order to equip an opening in the bearing wall of an apartment building brick house, it is necessary to slightly change the methodology of the work. The first stage as a whole remains unchanged. It is necessary to outline the approximate location of the opening and its shape. Then take off upper layer plaster in order to free the brickwork. So, you will see all the seams and details of the wall, which will allow you to easily adjust the project to specific conditions.

All contours and details need to be corrected taking into account the location of the brick seam. In order for the jumper to perform its functions to the full, it is necessary to place it directly in the inter-seam space. To transfer the contours, a drill is also used and a through hole is made.

Since it is somewhat more difficult to make an opening in a bearing brick wall, you need to take care of the presence of auxiliary supports and lintels in advance. Until you fix the channels, you need to provide support to the upper masonry. Care must be taken to cut the opening, for this it is best to use diamond drills to minimize damage.

An important step in creating an opening in a bearing brick wall is fixing the channel

In order to strengthen the opening for a brick house, it is recommended to additionally use metal structure from corner profiles and plates, installed directly along the perimeter of the passage. All parts are fastened together with bolts, as well as by welding. After that, you can proceed to the decoration and installation of the box.

Before proceeding with the redevelopment of such a scale, be sure to consult with specialists and obtain the appropriate permission. You may miss important details which will further affect the stability of the house as a whole. Don't risk safety for bold design ideas.

The need for laying or expanding openings in a panel or brick house arises during redevelopment, combination of apartments or repair work, their implementation is started only after the approval of changes in housing inspections. Special attention is required bearing structures, their impact directly affects the distribution of loads and the integrity of the building. Dimensions, location and need for reinforcement in this case regulated by the norms of SNiP, SaNPin and GOST, deviations from the standards are unacceptable.

Unlike unloaded and thin partitions, they take the weight of all the upper masonry and ceilings and distribute them to the lower ones. In panel MKD, most of the internal walls are load-bearing, with the exception of Khrushchev, but the exact functions can only be found from the plan of the house. Such information is indicated in the data sheet or house book; in its absence, the approximate purpose is determined based on indirect signs. The load-bearing walls include all external walls adjacent to neighboring apartments and landings with a thickness of 38 cm or more. Floor slabs are placed on them with a smaller side, there are no additional beams or lintels that perceive weight loads.

Contrary to popular belief, the arrangement or expansion of openings in load-bearing brickwork is not prohibited. But taking into account the direct threat to the safety of the operation of the building, such work requires serious coordination, the changes made are justified by the calculation, all structures are reinforced with metal. It is not enough to make a simple project: the current state of the house is checked, the degree of wear, the presence or absence of defects in the floors and the base, and data from previous redevelopments are determined.

Opening dimensions

These parameters are strictly regulated, the height of the arches cannot exceed 2.1 m, the width varies from 0.7 to 2 (on the ground floor - within 0.9). Permissible distance to ventilation ducts and chimneys is no more than 30 cm, the layout of pipes and wiring requires coordination with specialists. Required condition- the presence of a backlash between the passage (loot) and the wall itself of 2.5 cm on the sides and 0.6 - on top. New passage located closer to the center of the inner wall, but at a distance of at least 1 m to the outer.

The upper line of the passage coincides with the horizontal seam of the masonry, all bricks located above must be solid. When choosing the location of a new doorway, the distance to the nearest remaining ones in this apartment and information about redevelopments on other floors are taken into account. Chess schemes avoid, according to building codes, the passages are located on the same line. In addition to the above, when drawing up a project, the distance to floor slabs, columns or pillars and any beams is taken into account; only professionals can make a plan that does not affect these structures.

No less serious requirements are put forward for the shape and width, it is extremely difficult to expand the doorway above the one approved in the project initially or to build an arch in brick houses. Minor upward changes are allowed on the upper floors; on the first floor, laying a passage wider than 90 cm is prohibited. To development project documentation they start only after receiving the preliminary conclusions of the TOR, to the work itself - after signing the permit.

Strengthening methods before disassembling walls

Regardless of the width of the masonry over new door needs to be strengthened, when exceeding 90 cm - around the entire perimeter. The simplest way is to install a jumper from a metal channel. The requirements for the thickness and size of the corner are high, the recommended minimum for brick load-bearing walls is 100 × 63 × 8. In most cases, it is advised to make a jumper from a channel or an unequal profile placed on both sides, a wider bar is installed horizontally.

Wall cutting is possible only after the transfer of the weight load to the beam supported by temporary supports. When strengthening the openings, one of the following methods is selected: fixing the metal with hardware or planting a beam or channel on concrete mortar. The length of the lintel exceeds the width of the door by 50 cm, with a 25 cm overhang on each side. Exact value the support depths of the beams are found by the formula - half the height + 15 cm. The holes for the studs are drilled in advance, at least 3 - in the center and sides.

With high reliability requirements, the jumper is placed on a concrete pad or solid brick. Corners withstand more significant loads when reinforced with timber or cement composition. Regardless of the chosen method Special attention is given to the marking of the strobe, it is recommended to make cuts under the corners using diamond discs. It is allowed to start dismantling the masonry below the lintel only after the mortar has solidified. It should be remembered that it is necessary to justify the dimensions and strength of the materials used by calculation, the correctness of the installation is confirmed by specialists, without the adoption of an appropriate act, the work is considered not completed.

Additional measures aimed at strengthening openings include the injection of inter-panel joints under the affected structures with self-expanding mixtures based on polymers and cement. Such compounds are pumped into possible voids with the help of pumps and at times strengthen the masonry after solidification. Their use does not eliminate the need to install jumpers, but reduces the likelihood of uneven load distribution. At high risks, the entire perimeter of the arch is strengthened with metal, the sequence of actions during fixation is practically unchanged. Temporary support systems help to reduce the threat of deformations.

The nuances of cutting openings in brick walls

Masonry that performs load-bearing functions must not be broken percussion instruments, vibration effects of a perforator or chipper contribute to shedding of the solution. This leads to knocking out blocks, which is unacceptable. The arch should be built quickly, with minimal noise and dust. The best results are achieved when using diamond saws. Their use allows to reduce the noise level by 95%, reduces the time of work and increases the crack resistance of the edges.

Window openings deserve special mention. AT apartment buildings their expansion is prohibited, as is the complete demolition of balcony partitions. Any actions to unite the space require serious coordination due to the risk of facade cracking and violation of thermal engineering standards. You can make an opening only when replacing blocks glass blocks, columns or similar elements. In private homes, such problems occur less frequently.

The sequence of actions remains unchanged, but it is recommended to choose a brick from both sides. Finishing is started only after receiving the act of completed redevelopment, all changes are immediately reflected in the technical passport and confirmed by the BTI.

Sometimes for redevelopment in an apartment or a private house, it is necessary to make a new door or window opening. Creating an opening in the load-bearing wall of an apartment brick building is not an easy task. Things are easier with redevelopment in a private house, here everyone is his own boss.

What is a doorway? This is a hole in the wall designed to install the entrance blocks. A fixed fixed element in the interstitial space is called door frame. Often, an arch is made as a decorating element of the interior.

The device of a doorway in a bearing brick wall

Before starting work, you need to contact a specialist who will make a demonstration project with all the calculations based on the wishes of the client. To implement the project, significant costs are required, which start from the amount of 30 thousand rubles. So if you get down to business, you need to foresee a lot. Independent work on the device of the doorway will help the owner save money - it will cost about 15 thousand rubles.

The device of a new opening

  • it must comply with building codes;
  • it is desirable to locate the hole in the central part of the supporting structure;
  • it is necessary to match the upper part with the cement joint of the masonry;
  • the interwall space up to 0.9 m wide does not need reinforcement operations.

When creating an inter-wall space in a supporting wall, it is necessary to correctly create a reinforcement. Important when changing the design of the walls is the safety of life of other residents of the apartment building and the preservation of the structure of the building itself.

Work order

First of all, you need to decide on the place of organization of additional space for entry and exit. It all starts with markup. You need to decide on the width of the hole, and then begin to determine its future location with a pencil. From outer wall you need to measure the distance and make a mark - from here we begin to draw the contour of the future intra-wall space.

A thick wall structure is cut on both sides, so markings on the reverse side will also be necessary.

For their exact match, it is necessary to drill several holes according to the pencil marking (Fig. 1). And then on the other side connect all the holes with a pencil line.

Rice. one

The above manipulations should be carried out when using building level, triangles and rulers.

Since we will make space in the load-bearing wall of a brick house, it is necessary to take care of auxiliary partitions and lintels in advance (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

Removing a wall section


Before starting work, it is necessary to free the supporting wall structure from the plaster layer along the drawn line so that the masonry seams are visible. However, it is necessary to remove the plaster with extreme caution, because most likely, there is wiring under it - damage can lead to the failure of the entire power supply system.

When the seams in place of the future empty space are visible, you can get to work. It is necessary to start removing bricks from the very top. First, the top row of bricks is removed, which will be the width of the entire door space.. A jumper is inserted here, on which the structure will be held.

Further, more holes are made above the jumper. In the resulting hole, it is necessary to mount a beam, which will act as a support. The support beam must be supported with a jack so that the structure does not collapse during operation. The beam and jack will support the weight of the entire wall structure (Fig. 3).

Jumper from the channel

Then all holes are smeared with a concrete solution. After the concrete mixture has dried, you can continue to work on knocking out bricks.

The structure should be strengthened if the width of the door space is more than one meter.

To protect the floor from falling bricks, it is necessary to make flooring from boards. Bricks should be removed with diamond drills to minimize damage to the wall structure.

Violation of brick removal technology can lead to weakening of the structure, its premature wear and deformation.

It should be noted that the space under the door must be made 10-20 centimeters larger than the door or window frame. This gap can be filled with mounting foam.

Strengthening the opening

Strengthening works are being taken away maximum amount time, as they are carried out painstakingly. The organized empty space under the door or arch must be reinforced with channels. It is advisable to use a channel jumper with uprights. Channels are mounted on both sides, which are screwed into the previously installed wooden jumper with the help of bolts (Fig. 4).

Rice. four

If the space in the wall structure has a large width, then it is reinforced not only in the upper part, but also on the sides (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5

How to determine the load-bearing wall in a brick house?

The most elementary way to determine the supporting wall is to familiarize yourself with the floor plan of the dwelling. Such a plan in without fail available in the data sheet or house book. To understand the diagrams and drawings, you need to have little drawing skills. Experience in construction would not be superfluous. Then you can easily distinguish a supporting wall from a regular partition.

Rice. 6

Usually interior walls have a thickness of not more than 18 centimeters. The smallest thickness of the supporting wall is 38 centimeters - three-brick masonry. A four-brick masonry is possible, which forms a wall 51 centimeters thick. Often the thickness of the walls in brick houses is 64 centimeters - a five-brick masonry (Fig. 6).

If the plan could not be found, then you should use general rules definition of load-bearing walls in the house:

  • if the walls face the street, we can definitely say that they are supportive;
  • walls shared with neighbors;
  • the wall thickness is more than 380 mm, as mentioned earlier;
  • walls leading to the landing.

Exterior finish

After completing work on the formation of an opening in a brick load-bearing wall, everything must be decoratively finished (Fig. 7). What is needed for this? First of all, you need to make a choice finishing material. Will it be wood, plastic or decorative rock- you decide. Next, you need to show a little imagination and create decorating elements in the formed space. brick wall.

Rice. 7

For self-cladding, you should have basic knowledge in the field of finishing work, and you also need a special tool.

If you need to arrange the space under the door without its presence, then you should use additional boards. It will add elegance to your new room decor and add sophistication to the interior. You can create such a lining yourself.

The opening, made in the form of an arch, looks beautiful. As a rule, arches are round or lancet. To determine the shape of the arch for the client, check out the design catalogs. The most common today is the Byzantine and Greek style. In some cases, the arch can be made backlit.

They decide to reschedule. This method will allow you to rationally use the territory of your apartment. However, often redevelopment also affects load-bearing walls. How to be in such a situation? Can a load bearing wall be demolished? Or, is it possible to make an opening in a load-bearing wall? We will consider the features of load-bearing walls, as well as cases when an opening can be made in them.

Is it possible to demolish a load-bearing wall?

The stability of the house is achieved due to the presence of load-bearing walls, which are made of heavy-duty material. If one of the walls is not removed, then the strength of the entire structure will be at risk. Due to the demolition of the wall, engineering calculations will be violated. Conclusion: it is impossible to completely remove the load-bearing wall, this is fraught with big troubles. It is quite another thing to make an opening in a load-bearing wall. This is allowed under certain circumstances. But for this, it will be necessary to first agree on the issue of redevelopment with the relevant authorities, carefully make calculations.

Features of load-bearing walls

The thing is that the load-bearing wall is subjected to heavy loads. Therefore, how strong it will be depends on the life of the whole house.

Not in all cases it is possible to obtain permission to make an opening in a load-bearing wall! This is due to the fact that the design of houses in all cases can be different. It is especially problematic to obtain such permission if you live on the first or second floor. In these places, the walls are under special stress.

Some take the wrong position on this issue. They make a hole in the wall, and then in fact apply to the authorities that they supposedly did not know or forgot to apply. But such people should be aware of the following. According to the latest regulations, unauthorized opening in a load-bearing wall can lead to heavy fines, and in the worst case, deprivation of the right to live in this apartment. But this is the maximum that you can run into. At least in this case, they will force the wall to be restored. Even if you managed to hide the fact of redevelopment, sooner or later they will find out about it.

If you live in a brick house, then getting permission to make an opening in a load-bearing wall is easier.

So, in order to get the coveted permission, you will need to collect the following documentation:

  1. Floor plan of the apartment.
  2. Remodeling sketch.
  3. Apartment ownership certificate.
  4. Filling out an application in a strictly prescribed form.

If you still get permission, you can get to work.

Opening manufacturing methods and necessary tools

As for the manufacture of the opening, many will think of a jackhammer. But such a view is erroneous. Although this method has been tested by time, it is not effective in all cases. Moreover, the use of a jackhammer to make an opening in a load-bearing wall has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Appears a large number of microcracks.
  2. The integrity of the wall is violated, especially if it is made of brick.
  3. The made opening must be further processed, which will entail additional costs.
  4. In the process of work, a lot of noise and dust arises (secretly, you can’t do it in any way).
  5. Many walls have metal reinforcement, which will make it difficult to work.

Today there are a number modern technologies, which allow you to quickly and with minimal labor to make an opening in the load-bearing wall.

  • Use of rope equipment. In this case, special bushings and a rope are used, on which artificial diamonds are installed. This method is effective for the reason that when it is used, dust, vibration, and noise are not generated.
  • Diamond drilling. Here, special diamond-coated drills are used. They can drill even holes along the entire contour of the opening. Accordingly, this method will save your costs for the subsequent processing of the walls. The use of diamond drilling allows you to maintain the integrity of the wall, both brick and reinforced concrete.
  • Saws with a diamond dusting. The best way if you want to find the best option making an opening in a load-bearing wall. There are two cutting methods: stationary and manual. The choice will depend on the size of the opening and the required quality.

Break not build!

To begin with, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory processes. A jumper is pre-made, which will take on the entire main load from the wall above. This element is very important: the safety of the entire structure and yours, respectively, will directly depend on its strength. In this case, the following must be taken into account:

  • wall thickness,
  • the ratio of the size of the wall and the opening,
  • technical condition of the wall,
  • the material the walls are made of
  • distance to adjacent walls and ceiling,
  • the location of the floor slabs,
  • the number of floors above your apartment.

In the event that the opening will be made in a large wall, the floor slabs should first be supported. For example, props can be made from pipes or logs.

As for the material for the jumper, then ideal option will be steel. She is the most reliable and strong material for this purpose. As a rule, you can purchase a channel that is bolted on both sides or an I-beam. If you opted for installing a channel, then M20 bolts are suitable for connecting it. The distance between them should be half a meter. The length of the jumper must be sufficient so that it does not bend under heavy loads.

Now let's start making the opening. To begin with, the plaster is removed from the wall. To do this, you can first draw the outlines of the opening with chalk. Then an opening is cut for mounting the jumper. These strobes are made from two sides. Next, you need to drill holes for fastening the jumpers with bolts. These niches must be well cleaned so that a channel can be easily installed in them. Dust should be removed by wetting the wall with water.

After making the strobe, prepare cement mortar from cement brand M500. The solution should be dense and thick. It should be laid in the manufactured strobe, and then, install the channel and tighten it with bolts. Now the whole structure should solidify well.

In the process of work, voids may form. How to eliminate them? To do this, you can take small pieces of a block / brick, which are installed on the same solution.

Bolted connections must necessarily have washers!

After that, you can proceed directly to punching the opening. In this case, you can use any of the above methods. It should be noted that the punching of the opening must be done gradually. Think about how you will dispose of the resulting garbage and what size waste should be.

After making the opening, the slopes should be finished. In some cases, it is possible to make a reinforcement of the structure, especially if the opening has a large thickness. To do this, a metal corner is mounted in the corners, which can be welded to the jumper. These corners are also welded together with metal plates. It remains only to plaster the slopes and proceed to the finishing.

There is another method for making a lintel from a reinforced concrete beam. In terms of its strength, it is in no way inferior to the above technology. To install it, you must first make a through opening for the entire length of the reinforced concrete beam. She, in turn, is laid on cement mortar. It is possible to break through the opening only when the cement with the beam has seized. The subsequent process is the same as above.

If you want to use non-standard solutions according to the interior design of the room, during redevelopment, it is possible to make an arched opening in the load-bearing wall. But in this case, you will need to make a special design. To make such an opening, you will need to first prepare a profile or other material that will exactly repeat the outlines of the opening. Fastening is carried out according to the same principle. The only difference is that the structure as a beam should be bolted not only to each other, but also to the wall.

Before punching a hole in a load-bearing wall, weigh the pros and cons. Remember that you must first obtain the appropriate permission.


Detailed instructions for making an opening in a load-bearing wall:

Panel or brick house allows you to improve the layout standard apartment, for example, combine the kitchen with the room, or make the doorway between the rooms in a more convenient place (and lay the old, inconveniently located one).

However, it must be taken into account that the new doorway in the load-bearing wall not only makes the apartment more comfortable, but also implies a certain responsibility. This means that the owner of the apartment must comply with the redevelopment, as well as those affecting this area.

Coordination of the opening in the load-bearing wall

In order for redevelopment with an opening in the load-bearing wall to be legal and safe, it should be done, and we recommend that you take care of this before starting work - this way you will avoid a lot of trouble with supervisory authorities, as well as unforeseen costs for eliminating unauthorized changes. Moreover, the consequences of illegal redevelopment can be very serious. Since we are talking about a load-bearing wall, unskilled intervention can damage both it and adjacent structures, and lead to a decrease in their design bearing capacity, and sometimes to partial collapse. We are not talking about cases when the load-bearing wall is completely dismantled: this is an extremely dangerous and irresponsible step!

Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 508, as amended 840, in part 2.2.4 of Appendix 1, classifies the punching of openings in load-bearing walls as an activity that requires the development of design documentation and a technical opinion on the possibility of redevelopment.

Acceptance of openings in load-bearing walls by the commission

It is important to remember that work to strengthen the opening with metal structures is subject to delivery and is accompanied by registration, as well as registration. Without providing these documents to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate at the end of the repair, the acceptance committee will not sign, and it will not be removed from the control of the inspection until you provide the acts. Moreover, the owner may be required to remove finishing to check the metal reinforcement of the opening in the load-bearing wall for compliance approved project and current rules.

Only certified contractors with SRO approval in construction have the right to draw up acts of hidden work.

Examples of redevelopment projects with an opening in the load-bearing wall

1. This redevelopment was carried out in the house of the series, built before 2007, so the State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP "gave the go-ahead" to the installation of an opening in the load-bearing wall between the kitchen and the room. The width of the opening is standard 90 cm.

2. Redevelopment project with an opening in the load-bearing wall and reinforcement metal profiles, which were a U-shaped frame of channels. Such a powerful reinforcement was due to the significant thickness of the wall of the block house of the series.

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