Interior doors made of wood are stylish. Photo of the main types of wooden interior doors

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People have always especially appreciated what is natural and durable. Perhaps that is why interior doors made of solid wood have not gone out of fashion for many years.

After all, doors made from this material are considered classics. And classic, as you probably know, never goes out of style.

In addition, do not forget that wooden door structures are distinguished not only by their strength. They are also environmentally friendly and durable.

Therefore, no one is surprised by the special popularity and demand for these products.

But since progress does not stand still, every year more models appear on the market that are distinguished by texture and design.

Designers work hard to create really beautiful and high-quality interior doors from natural solid wood. And they pay special attention to their design.

Indeed, despite the fact that this design is considered classical, it is also used in those houses that were decorated in a modern style.

And in order for the door structure to harmoniously fit into such a design, it is necessary to pay due attention to its design.

Advantages of solid wood door structures

Doors made of wood species look especially good and expensive, so they become a kind of hallmark of the home.

However, in addition to the fact that these designs have a unique appearance, there are several other advantages that distinguish them from other products.

Resistance to temperature difference. Wooden doors can be installed not only in rooms where the temperature is maintained at the same level and rarely changes.

Experts assure that you can mount them both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. After all, the tree tolerates both low and high temperatures, as well as their differences.

Therefore, you can not worry that under the influence of temperature, the presentable appearance of the product will deteriorate.

High level of sound insulation. It is extremely rare that doors are used only as a decorating element. Most often, they are also assigned the tasks of soundproofing.

After all, not every homeowner will like the fact that his speech is heard not only by those people who are with him in the room, but also by guests in the next room.

Solid wood doors have some of the best sound insulation performance, so if you want to protect your privacy or just get rid of noise, you should pay attention to them.

Thermal insulation. The climate in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries is quite severe, so more and more residents are faced with the question of how to keep warm. Therefore, it is not surprising that many consider the door as another way to keep the heat in the room.

To solve the problem that is associated with the preservation of heat indoors, solid wood interior doors are an excellent option.

Strength. This design is in second place in terms of strength after metal doors. Only they can boast of higher strength rates.

However, they can only be used as front doors. While wooden doors can also act as interior doors.

Durability. Most door structures have to be replaced after 3-5 years, as they very quickly lose their original appearance. In addition, their other characteristics are also deteriorating. And this forces homeowners to dismantle the structures and replace them with new ones.

Wooden doors will serve you not for one year, but for 10 years. During this time, their presentable appearance will not deteriorate at all.

Despite the fact that these products have so many advantages, they can completely lose them if the production process is disturbed.

Only if manufacturers adhere to the established rules for the manufacture of interior doors from solid wood, they will be able to maintain their characteristics.

Therefore, when buying, it is especially important to ask the seller what kind of adhesive composition was used to glue the array, as well as how much finish coating is available.

How to care for a wooden door?

If you think that after purchasing the product, you will not need to take care of it, then you are mistaken.

Like any door, from any material, a wooden structure needs proper care. And it starts right after you purchase the product.

When the specialist finishes the installation work, you need to cover the surface of the door with wax or a special protective varnish. In most cases, manufacturers omit this procedure and put it on the shoulders of buyers.

However, you need to be sure to ask the seller whether the door was covered with the necessary substances or not.

If it turns out that a protective layer has already been applied to the door structure, you just have to wipe it with a damp cloth.

As dirt gets on your door, you need to get rid of it. An ordinary sponge dipped in water will help you with this.

It is strictly forbidden to use any detergents. If you find any small scratches or chips on the door, you need to carefully sand them with a fine nozzle.

After that, you will need to re-coat this place with a protective varnish (wax). In no case should you use too large nozzles. This will only worsen the situation and lead to new scratches.

Photo of interior doors from solid wood

Sections of the article:

Each owner of an apartment or house wants to make in his home, if not unique, then a comfortable and eye-pleasing interior. Design depends on many factors and interior doors are of considerable importance. Their function is not only the creation of conditional boundaries in the premises, the doors allow you to combine all rooms into a single space. The color, as well as the material of these products, must be chosen in such a way as to harmonize with all other design elements - furniture and decor. Interior doors, the material for the manufacture of which is an array of natural wood - this is an excellent choice for those who appreciate the classics.

Why classic? Because with all the speed of development of modern technologies, natural materials do not lose their popularity. Products made from natural materials have always surrounded and will surround a person. What are the advantages of such doors, why do they attract connoisseurs of natural materials, how to use them in modern and classic interiors?

What is an array?

Before we start talking about doors, we need to explain what an array is. This term denotes a processed board, timber, canvas. There are various technologies for manufacturing an array, but it is always made from natural wood, and not from woodworking waste.

Massif: solid and glued

For wood materials, appearance and texture are very important, so knots and other defects do not add beauty to the board. A solid array is a tree without defects. Products from such an array are considered one of the most expensive.

But in addition to the whole, there is also a glued subspecies of the array. In the process of making doors or furniture from natural wood, a lot of remnants of wood material remain. Such a tree is glued together and various products are made from it, including interior doors. Any products from glued solid wood are not as prestigious as from solid wood. Their price is lower, but it is also a natural tree with all its properties. However, much depends on the quality of the adhesive and the quality of the bonding.

Advantages of interior doors made of natural wood

The main advantage is, of course, high environmental friendliness and naturalness. For those people who care about their health, this is the only acceptable door option. The array is a completely natural material. But besides this indisputable advantage, it has other, no less important characteristics.

So, these products are incredibly reliable and have a high durability. Today, in old apartments or houses, there are still door structures that were installed in the last century. Their appearance is outdated and dilapidated, however, if they are restored using modern technologies and materials, they will regularly serve their owner for the same amount. Yes, these designs require maintenance, but this way they can really please the eye for centuries. This is the difference between the array and fiberboard, MDF and everything from which a lot of manufacturers make doors today.

In addition to reliability, such products also have very high thermal and sound insulation characteristics. No other modern doors made of synthetic and wood-based materials have such data. Although, some people might argue with that. There is a powerful argument for all their arguments - they were dealing with low-quality door models. The thing is that many people judge the quality by the doors from the array, which were made at the enterprises of the Soviet Union, and their quality characteristics were very far from ideal. If you make doors according to modern standards, equip them with high-quality fittings and seals, then any skeptic will change his mind about this type of product.

Depending on what kind of wood is used for the production of a particular model, door leafs can have advantages that are inherent in a particular wood.

In addition, less significant advantages of massive products can be distinguished. It's a gorgeous look that's virtually unparalleled. Even the painted door leaf looks very aesthetically pleasing. Also, do not forget that the array is able to absorb excess moisture from the room, and if there is a lack of it, give it back. And the array is also easy to process, which makes it possible to produce canvases with a unique shape.

Disadvantages of natural wood door blocks

In addition to a lot of serious advantages, the array also has some disadvantages. Speaking of the cons, it must be said that many types of wood are highly susceptible to moisture and sudden changes in temperature. For example, pine, when exposed to these two factors, tends to swell greatly. In order to purchase a quality product, you need to carefully select the appropriate type of wood or use modern impregnations that create a high level of surface protection - with their help, any interior doors will stop reacting to moisture and temperature changes. Even a very combustible solid pine after processing will become non-combustible. If we talk about the negative aspects in terms of operation, then there are only a few of them.

Such door leafs require care. They need to be looked after regularly, and the procedures themselves can take a lot of time and effort - the first years you can simply maintain the appearance of the canvas in good condition with the help of ordinary detergents, but sooner or later restoration work will be needed. At the same time, applying varnishes or paints is not enough here - this will only spoil the look of the product. The old paintwork must be removed and then restored with a special composition.

The array is strong enough, but the door block requires careful operation. Door leaves are quite susceptible to mechanical stress. Even oak products can be easily damaged.

Also among the shortcomings can be identified difficulties in installation. The installation is replete with a mass of various technological nuances. In addition, it is necessary to protect the surface of the door as much as possible from damage during the work.

That's all the shortcomings that such products have. In general, they are very small.

Wood for doors, features of various species

The aesthetic appearance of the door structure and its performance, as already noted, largely depend on the production technology used and directly on the type of wood itself. Each of the breeds has its own characteristics - the manufacturer only improves their positive and unique properties or minimizes the negative sides.


Oak has long been considered one of the best breeds for making furniture and doors. Oak is synonymous with hardness, strength and reliability. This type of wood has a unique light pink texture with dark brown veins. After a while, the wood will begin to darken, which makes the oak door even more noble.

The high strength of oak is the key to the reliability of the door block and leaf. If the wood is correctly chosen, dried and processed, then the minimum service life of the product is from 50 years. The disadvantage is the large weight of the structure.


According to its characteristics, beech is only slightly inferior to oak. The wood is homogeneous, its color is light, cream. These doors successfully fit into any interiors. Solid beech is perfectly processed and polished - interior doors made of this breed are of high quality.

Professionals say that the beech is a little capricious - it feels even the slightest fluctuations in the level of humidity in the room. But, if the door structure was made in compliance with all technologies and using expensive modern equipment, then no moisture is terrible for such a door.


This is a fairly valuable tree species, which has unique properties. The strength of ash doors is not inferior to oak. The tree is flexible and resilient, which makes it possible to produce canvases of complex shapes.

Models of ash doors can differ in a wide range of shades - from light to dark. It is light wood that will have the best characteristics. Ash products are practically not subject to weather deformations, they respond well to high humidity, do not require special care.


Door leafs made of this type of wood have an attractive texture and a pleasant smell. However, too low density, which pine has, does not allow the product to withstand mechanical stress. Pine doors may not withstand high humidity conditions - such door blocks should not be installed in bathrooms and kitchens.

Another disadvantage that pine has is its resins. They can sometimes stand out during operation.

Features of the production of solid wood doors

Doors are produced in several stages. First of all, a well-dried board must pass a special selection. Then it is trimmed, surface defects are corrected. Then the canvas is polished, and it is completely ready for finishing work.

Interior doors in the interior

Regardless of how many rooms there are in a house or apartment, door panels must be completely in the same style and the same height. Even if the rooms are decorated in different styles and in different colors, the door blocks should still be the same color.

Interior doors made of solid wood have predominantly natural color and its shades. They fit perfectly into the classic style, country. White interior doors are ideal for a Provence-style home. An array of wood will make the interior more expensive and solid. Door leafs in light shades can also be used in classic styles.

Such products are widely used in more modern styles - for example, the color "bleached oak" fits perfectly into rooms made in the spirit of minimalism.

Solid wood door care

A good factory product has a thick protective coating that protects the wood from various negative influences. But everything happens in life. Scratches on the surface are very easy to remove - it is necessary to grind the damaged area with fine-grained sandpaper, and then rub in the polishing wax.

In general, door blocks from an array of care practically do not require, but they still need to be cleaned. It is better to use only special tools for this. Do not use abrasives or chemicals. To remove dust, just wipe the canvas with a damp cloth. With proper and timely care, the door will serve its owner for a very long time and delight his eye.

In the production of wooden doors, a very important aspect is the tradition that manufacturers have been adhering to for centuries. An example is Italian interior doors, leading in this segment. These door panels are made from trees of such a solid age that it is difficult to establish it for certain.

Their wooden material is of excellent quality and lends itself to various types of processing. It can be aged (according to special recipes), painted with paints, tinted, covered with film or key material. But if you can't get interior wooden doors made in Italy, then on the market you will find a less expensive alternative to solid wood products from Spanish, Finnish and domestic production.

The main characteristics of interior doors made of natural wood

The material of the door leaf, made of wood of various species, is a source of living beauty in the modern interior of our house. In order to correctly navigate when buying interior products, you need to get acquainted in detail with their types, features, and it is also useful to find photos of interior wooden doors in the manufacturers' catalogs.

For production natural wood doors they use tree arrays:

  • whole;
  • glued;
  • veneered with chipboard and fiberboard or MDF panels.

Depending on the type of material and the way it is processed, the door leaf will have certain properties, advantages and disadvantages. And before buying doors, you should ask which tree species are best suited for specific room conditions.

Solid wood door leaf

Wooden interior doors made of solid wood of different species have more advantages than disadvantages.

Interior doors

Long service life, durability. These parameters are determined by the hardness of the wood. High hardness values ​​are:

  • white locust and yew;
  • hornbeam and pistachio tree.

On the contrary, low hardness rocks include:

  • cherry and pine;
  • poplar and spruce;
  • aspen and linden;
  • willow and chestnut.

Impact strength, wear resistance. The most wear-resistant tree species are hard:

  • beech, oak;
  • juniper, birch;
  • apple, elm, rowan.

Those who have the habit of opening the doors with their feet should choose a pine product or a birch door.

The negative characteristics of solid wood include:

  1. Heavy weight products made of natural material;
  2. Low resistance to fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

For example, not any door is suitable for a bathroom, but only from wood:

  • cedar;
  • aspens;
  • lindens.

These rocks have good moisture resistance properties, and fungus will never settle on them.

High price solid wood door leaf.

Wooden interior doors made of precious species of oak, beech, mahogany and ayus are usually chosen for respectable classic interiors, because they perfectly emphasize the high status of the owners. Just p view a selection of photos of doors from a solid array of valuable breed, and make sure that they have no competitors.

Doors made of glued solid wood

Products made of glued material do not have the disadvantages inherent in analogues made of solid wood, with the exception of prices that belong to the rather high segment. Such interior doors are made from well-dried raw materials cut into bars.

In glued door leafs, there is no tension, which is typical for products made in one piece. In addition, such an interior door:

  • does not deform;
  • not afraid of moisture;
  • has an amazing variety of shades of lamellas from which they are made. Their beauty is wonderfully conveyed by photos of finished glued doors.

Interior wooden doors from economy class

The most budgetary, that is, inexpensive option are offers of doors made of chipboard or fiberboard lined with veneer. All products made from these materials are united by:

The presence of synthetic polymeric components (phenol and formaldehyde) in the material worsens the general positive opinion about the inexpensive class of interior doors made of pressed sawdust and shavings.

And the safest for health among inexpensive interior doors are canvases from MDF panels, which are made by hot pressing. In this case, wood resin, i.e. a natural product, serves as a binder.

Types and design of wooden interior doors

Interior doors made of natural material have a specific set of properties, which determines the place of their installation. In order for the product to harmonize well with the surrounding space, it is useful to know that wooden doors vary by type depending on how they were made and how they are fixed in the doorway.

Door types

Interior doors can be made:

  • oak. The most expensive in terms of cost, with high wear resistance, therefore, a long service life. The wood has different shades from light (almost white) to dark (brown) with a beautiful pattern;
  • beech. This option is less expensive and is not inferior to oak canvas in terms of strength. However, it does not like humid air very much. The light pink color of the wood and the uniform texture fit well into any interior. This is clearly seen in the photo of the gallery of doors made of noble breeds;
  • ash. Affordable price, good strength and no whims in use. Such a canvas is less demanding on the microclimate of the room, but is as durable as oak;
  • from pine. The most practical interior products of all, including valuable and exotic breeds;
  • from exotic breeds. They are distinguished for the beauty and originality of shades. The rosewood doors are a chocolate color (dark brown), the ebony wood panel is a dark green shade, and the African anigre birch products delight with pink or light brown.

Mahogany is suitable for creating exclusive interior doors. This is a hard and therefore valuable breed that allows you to create very beautiful models that look amazing on designer photos and in a real interior.

It is also worth paying attention to the doors from close to us and very sincere breeds:

Their wood lends itself well to grinding, toning, and also attracts with a delicate outline of the pattern. A reasonable combination of material quality and price also helps to make a choice in favor of interior doors from these species.

Any door leaf can be made as:

  • shield;
  • paneled.

Panel type doors made in the form of a frame sheathed on both sides with wooden blocks. Inside the frame contains a filler of a monolithic or honeycomb type. Such a canvas has good noise insulation and is environmentally friendly.

It is made in two versions:

  • deaf. To decorate such an interior door, MDF, hardboard (Fibreboard), molded plastic are used;
  • glazed. Inserts into the product of glass, crystal or other decor are used to give the shield canvas a feeling of lightness. So, if it is installed in a hallway that does not have windows, then part of the door surface must be glazed with transparent matte or embossed glass. To create an interesting version of the panel interior canvas, a selection of photos of decorative glasses will help.

Panel type doors it is much more difficult to make than shield ones. Their wooden frame consists of the main bars, called strapping, as well as bars - mullions, dividing the canvas into parts, and connecting the strapping bars. Inside, the openings of the frame of the interior door leaf are filled with inserts:

Such products are lightweight and have good sound insulation, and the design features of the interior door leaf give room for the implementation of creative ideas for their design. In the photo of the interiors panel doors are presented single-leaf and double-leaf canvases, and can also have the form:

  • arches;
  • rectangle;
  • square.

The design of interior wooden doors

The design of the interior door must be chosen depending on the layout of the living space. Each of them is characterized by its own opening mechanism, as well as a differently equipped doorway:

  • swing and folding;
  • sliding, including the type of "minivan".

In a house where there is enough space (from 1 to 2 m² of free space), you can install a classic swing interior door made of natural wood, the easiest to install.

The swing structure can be made both in a single-leaf or double-leaf version, and in the form inward or outward swing model. This design is installed in the interior doorway of living rooms or dining rooms, decorated in English or Spanish style.

The use of new technologies for wood processing gives the door product all the necessary nuances for a harmonious combination with interior elements that implement modern ideas:

  • eclecticism;
  • art deco;
  • urban chic.

If you are close in spirit to solutions that emphasize exquisite luxury, the naturalness of materials, then you need to pay attention to photos of interiors designed in these styles.

For cases where the interior canvas is installed in a limited space, then choose a folding or sliding design.

Folding canvas, installed in the interior doorway, allows you to modify the interior of the home. It opens up a suite of rooms and creates a feeling of spaciousness, so necessary in small apartments. The door of this design moves silently in the opening, without creating unnecessary clutter in a cramped hallway or kitchen. True, they do not completely delay the sound or kitchen smell.

Sliding interior door costs more. When opened, it goes into the prepared

cavity inside the wall. To imagine what it looks like, you need to remember how the door device works in the subway or train. It is even better to look through the catalog and see in the photo with your own eyes how elegant and functional such products are.

Among all the options, the most original was the method that Russian craftsmen came up with.

  1. Remove the usual wooden interior canvas from the hinges. Remove the loops, putty the remaining traces and paint over.
  2. Install a narrow rail above the interior doorway.
  3. Hang the door on the rail using two bearings. Everything - the design is ready for work.

As a result, we get a solution to save space without compromising the beauty of natural wood products. Photos of such door structures, if desired, can be found on sites offering to do their own installation.


Interior doors made of natural wood in a modern interior serve not only to perform the functions of conveniently delimiting living space, opening and closing access to it. Thanks to them, in every room you can create a harmonious and unique environment for a comfortable rest or everyday activities.

Choosing interior doors is not as easy a task as it might seem. What material and what type of construction to choose, and how to correctly fit the door into the design of the room - read our detailed article. A selection of the best photos is attached.

Interior doors, of course, are an extremely important design element of any room and apartment as a whole. After all, it is the doors that connect the two spaces that must be in harmony with both rooms, regardless of whether they are made in the same general style or inspired by completely different ideas.

So, when in the process of repair you are faced with the question of choosing interior doors, you should pay attention to a few basic rules.

  1. Naturally, the ideal option would be doors made of natural materials. We will not tire of repeating that a good material is not only an aesthetic choice, but also the basis of the longevity of a particular design element, and this indicator can more than recoup the costs. In the matter of choosing interior doors, the best choice is doors made of solid wood or natural veneer.
  2. High-quality coverage is another point that you should pay close attention to. It is a high-quality coating that will help extend the life of the door without losing their attractive appearance. In addition, high-quality varnish or laminate is also a matter of health!
  3. Pay attention to the fit of all door elements: there should be no extra gaps at the junctions of individual parts, such as gratings, frames, glass inserts or other materials.
  4. Correct geometry is what matters! Only minor discrepancies of a few millimeters are acceptable, otherwise you risk getting certain problems with installation and operation in the future.
  5. Remember that the door frame must be with a seal, and if glass is used in the decoration, then it must also be of sufficient quality to adequately endure all operational moments!

Deciding on the material


Doors made from fiberboard, or in other words fiberboard, are a relatively cheap option. Unlike chipboard, which contains formaldehyde resins that emit toxic fumes over time, fiberboard is a more environmentally friendly material. It is a slab made from pressed wood dust, the wood particles in which are steamed during the production of the slab, and therefore they speak of production by wet pressing.

Do not think that fiberboard doors look like the back walls of Soviet wall cabinets. In the production of doors, fiberboard is ennobled by pressing with special dyes. In addition, the material undergoes the so-called strengthening process, which also positively affects its external and functional qualities.

All in all, MDF doors are a good economical choice, with a number of other benefits: MDF doors are moisture resistant and durable enough to last you a long time.


MDF is an excellent compromise between the price of the product and its quality. Not only is MDF an environmentally friendly material, but everything else it has an excellent texture that allows you to make any carved elements from it. Therefore, if you want a door with an interesting decor, MDF will do the job perfectly.

MDF can be an excellent "stuffing" for an interior door. External finishing in this case can be done, for example, from natural veneer. If you are considering more budget options, then you can opt for faux veneer or lamination.

In addition to the advantages associated with possible design refinements in the performance of the door leaf, MDF has other advantages, including:

  • moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • deformation resistance.

solid wood

If you want the doors in your apartment to look expensive and noble, serve you for a long time, and at the same time you are ready to pay the appropriate price for it, your choice is solid wood interior doors.

A wonderful natural material, wood, has a number of advantages:

  • strength of the door structure;
  • excellent adhesion to finishing materials;
  • reliability of fasteners;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high quality;
  • a wealth of design options.

But this material, unfortunately, is not without its shortcomings:

  • each door made of solid wood is universal in a certain sense, since the pattern of the tree is unique;
  • low resistance to temperature extremes and moisture (high-quality coating and proper care are required);
  • a large weight of the structure, involving the use of extremely reliable and strong fittings.

Most often, in mass production, the surface of solid wood doors is covered with thin sheets of natural veneer - to improve moisture and heat resistance and increase the service life. With this task, veneered wooden doors cope perfectly!


Many modern styles, such as hi-tech or minimalism, are not too fond of natural materials such as wood or artificial imitation of wood canvases. The futurism of such styles dictates the choice of completely different materials - metal, plastic, glass.

And if metal doors are not the best choice for dividing rooms, then glass doors, on the contrary, do not look pretentious and somewhat simplify and facilitate. The matte surface makes it easy to fit them into any room and use them, including as a door for and.

In addition, the possibilities of decorating glass sheets are multifaceted! The combination of frosted glass with ordinary glass, stained-glass windows, sandblasted drawings - all this will help you choose a truly unique door for a unique interior!

Choosing the design of the interior door

There are a large number of options for interior doors, including classic swing doors and more interesting designs - sliding or folding. About all the details - below.

swing doors

Swing doors are the simplest and most familiar type of doors. The design of such a door consists of a door leaf and a box. But even such the simplest doors currently boast some variety of options.

A similar design and type of opening is currently used everywhere: both as interior doors and as entrance doors.

Sliding doors

Such a currently popular type of door construction as sliding doors came to us from Asia, where they have been used since ancient times. Their main advantage is ergonomics.

The design is a door leaf, which is attached to a guide with rollers installed inside a beam attached to the wall. The rollers are attached to the top of the door with a special bracket.

Sliding doors are able to fit into the smallest room, allowing you not to save precious meters.

Let's highlight the main advantages of the sliding type of opening:

  • space saving, which allows not to waste space in an irrational way;
  • design safety;
  • stylish and fashion design.

The main disadvantages include low sound and heat insulation, as well as a higher cost compared to classic sliding doors.

One way or another, sliding doors are a stylish and modern version of interior doors. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting examples in our photo gallery:

Sliding doors

Compartment doors belong to a subgroup of sliding doors, however, they differ somewhat in design from the classical type, and therefore we singled them out as an independent group.

The design of such doors is similar to classic doors. But, of course, interior compartment doors differ from cabinet doors in weight and strength. In addition, do not forget about the presence of a handle and a lock.

Compartment doors are more ergonomic than classic sliding doors due to the fact that when opened, the sliding doors not only move to the side, but also overlap each other.

sliding doors

Another interesting type of sliding doors are doors with a sliding mechanism. Such designs are perhaps the most ergonomic option possible, because the door being opened does not slide along the wall, but inside it!

The wall in this case is made of drywall, and requires partial redevelopment for mounting a U-shaped groove into the wall. The groove is best made of metal.

When installing a sliding door, do not forget about the correct position of the handle!

Such a door looks very interesting in the interior of any room and has the useful property of tightness in comparison with a conventional sliding door.

Roto doors

Roto doors are a kind of compromise between a swing and a sliding door. The peculiarity of the roto-door is that in the process of opening the door leaf turns a little and in the open position it becomes perpendicular to the doorway.

This type of opening allows the open door to take up less space and, like the design of the sliding door, serves to save space in a small room or.

Roto doors have the advantages of soundproofing and tightness, and are the perfect solution for the bedroom!

Folding doors (accordion doors)

An interesting design solution seems to us to be the design of folding doors.

An accordion door can perfectly fit into the interior of a living room or bedroom, as well as become an excellent option in terms of space zoning (for example, separating the bedroom from the dressing room).

Wood or plastic is often used as a material in the manufacture of an accordion door, but other options are possible.

The design of a folding door is a connection of several elements using movable hinges, and one of the ends of such a door is equipped with rollers moving along a guide, as is the case with a classic sliding door.

Nuances of choice and design tricks

A single style or a riot of diversity?

When choosing interior doors to an apartment, we are faced not only with the choice of material and type of opening, but also with the choice of style, which, as often happens, should “combine the incongruous”. What are we talking about? Let's tell you more.

If you are doing repairs in a separate room and want to change the door along with the interior design, you are faced with the task: how to choose a door that would simultaneously fit into the new interior of the bedroom or living room and fit into the corridor? However, such a question haunts those who create a design project for a future apartment.

After all, it often happens that completely different styles coexist on the same living space in different rooms! A bedroom in the style of gentle Provence, a living room in the Art Nouveau style with its natural motifs, a laconic kitchen in the style of mimalism and a retro entrance hall - and each room has its own requirements not only for furniture and interior design, but also for the door!

Of course, if you plan to choose a single style for decorating an apartment, then you won’t have to puzzle over how to fit the door into two interiors at the same time. If you decide not to go the easy way, then we can advise you to make interior doors to order - so you can arrange them on the one hand to match the design of the hallway, and on the inside - choose a finish that is more suitable for the chosen style of the room.

You can also choose doors in neutral colors and neutral design, which will allow you to fit them into any interior of your choice without any questions!

Tall interior doors

We are used to standard doorways that average 30-50 cm below the ceiling (depending on the height of your ceilings). However, designers are increasingly offering us interesting concepts with the use of high doors in the interior - literally from the floor to the ceiling! What are the advantages of such structures, in addition to an unusual design solution?

  • High doors can visually enlarge the space of a small room and “raise” the ceilings.
  • The richness of the choice of style solutions and shades can easily emphasize the individuality of your design.
  • The originality of the appearance does not even need comments. Such doors are unusual, period.

Self-installation of interior doors

Installing interior doors with your own hands is not the easiest process, which, however, allows you to save a lot during the repair process.

Of course, the nuances of assembly and installation directly depend on the type of construction you have chosen and it is impossible to identify a universal algorithm suitable for any case.

We tried to collect for you video tutorials on installing interior doors of various types, so that this process gives you as little trouble as possible! So, let's watch the video:

Swing door installation:

Sliding door installation:

Folding door installation:

Installation of rotary doors:

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