What are the functions of the Human Resources Department? How the HR department works

Decor elements 13.10.2019
Decor elements

At present, probably, no profession has such a range of names as the profession of a personnel officer. In One qualification handbook you can find seventeen positions that are somehow related to personnel work. This circumstance makes us think about the differences between these positions from each other, about the functional load of each of them. Especially relevant and acute today is the question of what an ordinary personnel inspector should prescribe for himself in the job description. We will try to consider the duties of this employee in as much detail as possible.

The Importance of Human Resources

Many heads of organizations still believe that the appointment of the personnel department is narrowly focused, related only to office work. However, today our country, following the West, has embarked on the transformation of the personnel service into a division dealing with management labor resources because it is the personnel officer who is the most important link between the employee and the employer.

Currently, a human resources specialist is primarily a manager, the same can be said about such a position as a human resources inspector, whose duties today often include not only the processing and maintenance of documentation. This is especially true for small companies, where the HR inspector may be responsible for recruiting, training, and many other functions.

Number of personnel employees

The names and number of divisions of the personnel management service depend on the size of the enterprise, its traditions and the specifics of its activities. This should take into account the size of the organization, the direction of the business, the strategic goals of the enterprise, the stage of its development, the number of employees and priority tasks in working with personnel.

In large organizations, the HR department may include several departments. For example, the payroll department, the employment department, the training and development department, the records management and accounting department. In small organizations, all the functions of the personnel service can be performed by only one specialist - the personnel inspector, whose duties should actually include a minimum list of functions: personnel records management and recruitment.

Service Specialists

At the head of departments or services of personnel is usually a middle manager: the head of the service, department, which reports to the director of personnel. Departments can be broken down into smaller units - groups or sectors, headed by managers who report to the heads of services.

At medium-sized enterprises (the number of employees is 100-1000 people), the organization of the personnel service most often involves the presence of such employees:

  • office work specialist;
  • labor law specialist;
  • recruitment specialist;
  • development and training manager
  • trainer or training manager;
  • benefits and compensation manager;
  • corporate event manager.

In smaller organizations (number of employees up to 100 people), almost all the functions of these employees are the duties of a personnel inspector.

HR requirements

Of course, all of the above positions are not able to combine one single specialist - the inspector of the personnel department. The duties of this employee are primarily related to personnel records management. Therefore, when applying for a job, a potential candidate for this position has relatively low professional requirements.

The qualification guide informs that the HR inspector is required to have a secondary specialized education (while his work experience does not matter) or secondary education (this requires special training and professional experience of at least three years).

Human Resources Inspector: Responsibilities

So, the functions of this specialist are as follows:

  • record keeping personnel enterprises;
  • registration of various personnel operations (recruitment, transfer, dismissal);
  • registration and maintenance of personal files of employees, making changes to them;
  • accounting, storage and filling of work books;
  • record of seniority;
  • filing information about labor activity employees (past and present);
  • registration of pension insurance cards and other documents necessary for assigning pensions to employees and their families, compensations and benefits;
  • accounting for the provision of vacations, monitoring how vacation schedules are drawn up and observed.


The duties of the HR inspector often include the selection of personnel for vacant positions. This work is related to the placement of information in various sources about the available vacancy, including cooperation on this issue with the employment service, the appointment and conduct of interviews with an explanation to the applicant of the nature of the vacancy, working conditions and wages, determining general level applicant for a vacant position, his length of service and degree of professionalism.

Often, the duties of an inspector of the personnel department involve competitive selection among specialists applying for a vacant position. The personnel officer develops recruitment measures and monitors the passage of tests by future employees established at the conclusion of an employment contract with them.

Additional functional duties of the HR inspector

There are some additional functions most commonly referred to as HR. What other tasks should be performed by the HR inspector? Duties may include:

  • preparation of necessary materials for attestation, qualification, competitive commissions, presentation of employees for awards and incentives;
  • study of the reasons why staff turnover occurs, development and implementation of measures to reduce it;
  • preparing documents for archiving;
  • control over labor discipline;
  • organization of advanced training and professional retraining;
  • organization of qualification examinations;
  • development of a system for assessing personal and business qualities employees, their motivation for promotion;
  • registration of service certificates and their issuance;
  • formation and effective use of personnel reserve.

military registration

Many employers believe that functional responsibilities personnel department inspectors include military registration of employees of the enterprise. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 719 dated November 27, 2006 "On approval of the Regulations on military registration", the number of employees performing this activity, should be directly proportional to the number of employees to be accounted for.

In particular, at an enterprise where less than five hundred citizens are registered with the military, the records are kept by one employee who performs these functions part-time. Thus, a personnel inspector in an organization where the number of military registered does not exceed five hundred people can be engaged in military registration, but only on the condition of internal combination. And with a larger number of people to be recorded, a separate staff unit should be allocated for these purposes.

The work of personnel officers in a crisis

AT Last year the management of enterprises faced the sad circumstances of the financial crisis, when they had to reduce the volume of production of goods and services, reduce their own costs, including by reducing the number of staff. Against this background, there is a growing need for cadre workers to possess the qualities of full-time psychologists who are forced to manage the emotional background in the team and find words of consolation, for example, by handing notices of dismissal to colleagues.

The role of the personnel service increases as the importance of human resources increases for an organization to achieve financial success. In this regard, the traditional duties of personnel officers do not disappear. Personnel departments are still in charge of personnel records management, remuneration, hiring and training of specialists. However, at the same time, the personnel department is an integral element of competent enterprise management. Good luck in job!

The duties of the personnel department, as a rule, are an integral part of the overall functionality of the management service. However, it should not be understood that this is some kind of secondary unit that performs design work in the field of labor relations. Of course, maybe in Soviet times the duties of the personnel department were reduced to office work and reporting, but modern realities require a different, more serious approach. In particular, this is due to modern concepts in the field of personnel management and the abolition of the distribution system for graduates of professional educational institutions by enterprises.

At present, new areas of activity, which significantly affect the life of the company, have been added to the responsibilities of the personnel department. At the same time, no one removed the traditional tasks related to the maintenance and preparation of administrative, accounting and reporting documentation, the conclusion of employment contracts, and the certification of employees. In addition, the documents of the personnel department today have acquired a different qualitative value in connection with the increase in the legal literacy of people. This is not before, when a person worked for the good of the country, inspired by the ideas of communism. In this regard, errors in personnel records management are unacceptable, they can lead to litigation, instructions from supervisory authorities and fines. And, most importantly, for violation of the head of the organization may face disqualification.

The duties of the personnel department have also increased quantitatively, for which one can "thank" the state, whose various departments are constantly inventing new forms of reporting documents, complicating procedures, and "improving" legislation. All this leads to the growth of paper work.

Among the new areas of work of this division of the organization, several of the most important should be mentioned. These functions of the personnel department are mainly related to working directly with the person himself, rather than with various papers. First, it is the selection of personnel. Now this is especially important when the well-coordinated work of the team and the company as a whole, which operates in a rather unfavorable environment, depends on the qualifications of employees. The main factor determining the importance of this direction is the shortage of trained specialists and working technical specialties. It is wrong to expect qualified personnel to be found on their own, they must be searched for and selected for a specific place in, taking into account the existing specifics.

Secondly, it is the planning and management of the personnel reserve. Planned and purposeful development professional qualities employees is the most effective way to get highly qualified specialists who are maximally involved in the company's processes. It is practically impossible or very expensive to select such employees only by recruiting from outside. Third important direction is the formation and development corporate culture. In this multifaceted process, the personnel department is also assigned one of the leading roles, often coordinating the actions of other services.

The second article from the series of articles on the internal social policy of the company. The first text can be read here:. Four differences between the personnel department and the personnel management department, how the personnel block in the company can be arranged (options). What place should the “social worker” occupy in the structure?

Novikova Marina Lvovna , business consultant and career coach. Website:www.ipmru.ru Education: economist, MBA "Personnel Management", internships: Germany, Switzerland, France. Work experience: head of the remuneration division, head of the social policy division (EAST LINE Group), Deputy Chairman of the PPO of JSC Russian Railways (more than 1 million employees), Advisor to the General Director (ANC Corporate University of JSC Russian Railways), coach.

Having worked for over 10 years in leadership positions and dealing with the issues of personnel motivation, I can say that the great misconception of company leaders is that they consider social policy only in terms of spending money on personnel, while it can become an anchor that keeps the “ship” of high labor productivity afloat. That is why the technique appeared: “Integration of individual social package and methods of remuneration of the company in order to save payroll without reducing labor productivity”, which is the basis of the motivational policy.

In this article, I would like to say this: there is a stable stereotype of the profession of a personnel officer and head of the personnel department. The stereotype is called - "they have nothing to do there and they don't need to know much." That is why the personnel block is often headed not by a specialist with an education in economics, a lawyer, in the field of personnel management and with experience in the personnel field, but by an acquaintance of the director or someone who will soon retire, while this may be a former military man, chief engineer, specialist in wages, etc. Naturally, the work of this personnel department leaves much to be desired, and the director - after visiting the labor inspectorate and imposing appropriate penalties - only makes sure that the personnel officers are not, say, smart specialists.

You can be indignant and say that the HR direction is developing in Russia, and many directors put just employees with the necessary education in the position of the head of the personnel department. But this will be the first difference between the personnel management service and the personnel department. So:

First difference - the head of the personnel department has experience in the field of personnel management, is well versed in the formation of budgetary funds and their management.

Second difference - division functionality.

In the personnel department, as a rule, this is a personnel document flow, hiring and dismissal, and labor protection is often included here. In the personnel management department you will also find psychologists, motivators, trainers, social workers and, oddly enough, "veiled economists" involved in budget planning.

Third difference - attitude towards staff.

The personnel department can look at the entire staff of the company from the position of "what did you forget here." I think every reader in his life has come across such an attitude. The HR department can't afford it. There is a hardening of McDonald's here: no matter what happens - always with a smile and "free cash desk!" ;)

Fourth difference - operating mode.

In the personnel department after the official end of the working day you will not find anyone. In the personnel management service, as practice shows, at this moment there is no only personnel providing services for the reception - dismissal and maintenance of personnel documents. The rest go about their business for at least an hour.

However, I want to note that if your personnel department sits after eight o'clock in the evening and works, then - or they do nothing in working time or they don't have enough staff. This is one of the wake-up calls to the leader!!! It is necessary to pay attention to the work of the department !!!

This is how the above differences look in the table:

Human Resources Department Human Resources Department
The manager does not have a specialized education and experience in the field of personnel management (or less than 3 years of experience). The leader has one or more higher education in the field of economics, personnel management, law (most often specializes in labor law), as well as relevant work experience in the field of personnel management (experience over 5 years).
Functionality: personnel document flow, functions of hiring and dismissal, labor protection. Functionality: training, development, adaptation, personnel reserve, placement of personnel, personnel document flow, remuneration, provision of benefits and guarantees at a professional level, budgeting of personnel and social cost items, conducting psychological assessment etc.
Attitude towards staff according to the principle “what are you forgetting here, or - I don’t care, I’m just doing my job!” Attitude towards staff: "We need you."
Working hours: “at 17-30 - everyone went out, see you tomorrow, at 17-45 - we are already dressed, at 18-00 - to the start, attention, march. Life - wait for me, I'm coming! Working hours: “at 18-00, of course, we will finish everything today, at 18-30 we will sum up the results of the day, at 19-00 - “Goodbye, work! Hello life!

The main functions of the HR department:

    Personnel block (hiring, dismissal, keeping records of personnel, movement of personnel, personnel records management, training, advanced training, placement of personnel, personnel reserve).

    Social block (staff support, adaptation, retention).

    Motivational block ( staffing, remuneration, development of motivational methods, budgeting of personnel and social activities).

    Psychological block (personnel assessment).

In the personnel management department there is always a place for a social block and a motivational block. I note right away that in order to avoid questions and indignation of those involved in wages in economic bloc. At the time of writing this article (perhaps an experienced "payer" in the future will be able to convince me and prove the opposite), the author is sincerely sure that the remuneration department should be in the personnel block, with all the ensuing consequences, namely, planning functions, spending analysis, management as a whole wage fund.

The remuneration specialist conducts methodical work on the development of remuneration methods, plans the wage fund, uses financial analysis, provided by the financial service, and conducts individual planning of salary payments. (Based on the developed methods for remuneration, the approved staffing table and timesheets, the financial unit conducts payroll. Who will be given this honor - financiers or accountants, the head decides. In large organizations, the function is divided, in medium and small ones it is carried out by an accountant).

Specialist in social work develops local regulations in terms of non-material and material motivation of personnel, understanding at the same time what the organization’s budget is, having the skills to plan and account for it (that’s why there are so few competent specialists) and can answer for social payments. When developing benefits, a social work specialist works in close conjunction with the personnel block and the remuneration block. The benefits and guarantees provided should be based on the development strategy of the enterprise, the importance of positions for the company, personnel reserve methods of remuneration.

Given the above, "payers" and "social workers" can be combined into one motivational block, which, in fact, is reflected in the flowcharts below for building a personnel block.

Structure options:

The first option is preferable, because under this scheme, the head of the HR department owns complete information on the personnel block, or rather, on the personnel block.

What we will tell you in this material

  • How and why does the HR department work?
  • What is the list of his powers and duties of employees of the personnel department
  • How to attract qualified people to the HR department

Human Resources Department guided in their work Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts regulating labor law. Normative methodological documents on personnel office work and the charter of the organization.

Functions and tasks of the personnel department

The main function of the personnel department is to ensure the personnel document flow. Also, the personnel department can be entrusted with the functions of personnel selection and conduct ongoing work with the team. If the functions of the personnel department are limited to simply hiring employees to the company, without collecting relevant information about the organization's team, the enterprise cannot count on success in business. Today, the complex work of the personnel department is important, taking the necessary organizational measures and competent steps to maximize the use of the professional skills and abilities of the staff.

The main functions of the personnel department

  • determine the personnel needs of the enterprise, selecting employees together with the heads of departments;
  • prepare the staffing of the enterprise;
  • analyze staff turnover, finding methods to effectively deal with the problem of turnover;
  • a complex of operations with work books;
  • draw up personal files of employees, issuing copies and certificates of documents at the request of employees;
  • organize appraisals of employees, drawing up plans for career movement in the team;
  • keep records of vacations, scheduling and issuing vacations in accordance with the norms of labor legislation;
  • prepare staff development plans.
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    Step-by-step instructions for creating a human resources department from scratch

    To create a personnel department, you need:

    • organizational structure;
    • staffing;
    • enterprise documents;
    • company seal;
    • labor legislation;
    • order forms.

    Usually, a personnel specialist deals with the creation of a new department and its introduction into the organizational structure of the company. He must provide for the type of organization structure, the subordination of the new service to the head, its connections, the impact of the number of company personnel on the structural unit.

    After changes in the structure with the introduction of a new service into it, it is sent to the director of the organization for consideration. The sole executive body must approve it. For this purpose, an appropriate order is issued with a prescription for the fact of the introduction of a new department and the date from which the structural unit will be considered valid. The execution of the order is controlled by the head of the personnel service, who needs to make changes to organizational structure, notifying employees of the new department. Certification of the document by the signature of the director and the seal of the organization. It is necessary to familiarize the head of the personnel service with the order.

    It is necessary to introduce a new department into the current staffing table. For this purpose, an order of the head of the company is required. The name of the organization, the number and date of compilation, the city where the organization is located are written in the order.

    Personnel officers, on the basis of the order, must make appropriate changes to the staff list, draw up new job descriptions. When compiling these instructions, it is necessary to be guided by the needs of the enterprise. Necessary detailed content instructions, meeting the requirements and objectives of the new service.

    How to attract qualified employees to the HR department

    Alexander Potapov, Dmitry Somov, Owners of the consulting company "Active Profit", Moscow

    First, the company must stick to an ambitious goal. A strong specialist does not plan to be satisfied with the usual status - it is much more interesting for him to work in an ambitious organization.

    Second, you must be an ambitious manager. You should learn to be an interesting and versatile interlocutor, having the appropriate charisma. It is also important to try to look as expensive as possible. In many ways, this becomes a serious factor in the successful attraction of strong personnel, winning their attention and interest.

    Third, be prepared to provide high income for highly qualified staff. Compensate for low wages can only famous brand- and not completely.

    Fourth, it is important for an employee to see career prospects. The CEO may be interested in the prospect of becoming a partner when he achieves certain goals. The head of the direction is interested in the allocation of his unit to a separate company.

    Required documents to be kept by the Human Resources Department

    1. Staffing (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

    Before the selection of employees in the organization, it is necessary to draw up and approve the staffing table. Based on the staffing table, the number of vacancies for this moment. It is also important that when one of the redundant employees is dismissed, the employer, referring to the staffing table, will be able to confirm in court the impossibility of employing the employee and the legality of the dismissal. When considering a labor dispute, the judge will definitely demand the staffing table. The employer will not have serious prospects to win a lawsuit with an employee if the staff list is not presented to the court or if it is not properly drawn up.

    2. Employment contract

    For the formation of a package of personnel documents, the determining role is given to an employment contract with an employee. It is in writing, signed by the employer and employee. It is necessary to fix the terms of the employment contract with the working conditions and remuneration established by the current regulatory legal acts by agreement between the employer and the employee.

    3. Rules work schedule

    Internal labor regulations are necessary for any organization. They are a local normative act of the organization that regulates the procedure for hiring employees and dismissal, a list of duties, rights, also the responsibility of the parties, working hours, rest time, measures to encourage and recover employees, and other issues related to the regulation of labor relations.

    4. Order (instruction) on employment

    The order is the basis for providing a workplace for an employee, with the assignment of the necessary property of the employer to him, with familiarization of the employee with business correspondence, internal documents, etc. A draft order is being prepared simultaneously with an employment contract.

    5. Employment books

    The work book is the main document on the work experience of the employee. The employee must present a work book upon employment. The only exceptions are cases during the first employment of an employee or with an employment contract that is not subject to conclusion on the terms of a full-time part-time job. The employer is obliged to maintain work books for each employee who has worked in the company for more than five days. Work books should be stored in a metal cabinet or safe, access to which is available only to the responsible employee, which is determined by order.

    6. Book of accounting for work books and inserts in them

    Upon receipt of a work book in connection with dismissal, an employee signs in the Book of accounting of work books and inserts in them. A laced, numbered accounting book, sealed and signed, is required.

    7. Agreement on the full liability

    Full liability agreements must be concluded with employees who have reached the age of 18 in the event that valuables are transferred to an employee for processing, storage, sale (vacation), transportation or use in the production process.

    8. Vacation schedule

    The employer needs to draw up a vacation schedule in the form No. T-7, approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004 No. 1. According to the vacation schedule, the order in which employees receive paid vacations will be determined. The schedule is drawn up in compliance with legal requirements, according to which individual workers have the right to leave at a convenient time for themselves or at certain time. For persons working part-time, simultaneous provision of leave with leave for the main job is provided.

    9. Regulations on wages

    The introduction of an effective system of remuneration and labor rationing at the enterprise, taking into account its specifics, makes it possible to achieve rational use existing human resources, using optimal solutions in a given work situation. The main internal document that regulates the used system of remuneration of employees at the enterprise is the Regulation on remuneration.

    10. Regulations on bonuses

    The provision on bonuses is approved by the order of the employer. Bonuses - the provision of amounts of money in excess of the basic salary to encourage the successes achieved by employees in work, stimulating their further improvement and improvement of results. Bonuses are paid for a circle of persons, which is determined by predetermined bonus conditions. The regulation on bonuses indicates the circle of persons for whom incentives are provided, the conditions and indicators of bonuses, the amount of bonuses (for each position, profession or their maximum sizes).

    11. Time sheets

    12. Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees

    The Regulation contains data on the tasks and goals of the enterprise in the field of personal data protection, with the disclosure of their composition and concept, and also provides a list of structural units and information media on which the relevant data is stored and accumulated. It is necessary to indicate in the document the method of collecting personal data, who in the company is given access to it, how this data is used and processed, how it is protected from unauthorized access within the enterprise and in relation to representatives of other enterprises. The Regulation on the protection of personal data of an employee is approved by order of the head of the enterprise.

    • Trial period: nuances for managers and employees

    How to evaluate the performance of the HR department

    To assess the effectiveness of the work of the personnel department, it is necessary to introduce measurable indicators in the company, controlling them at regular intervals. In particular, it is possible to use indicators of staff turnover, speed and percentage of filling vacancies, fulfillment of the training plan and personnel certification.

    For the head of the personnel department, an alternative method of assessment is also suitable. The personnel department is a service department, it is necessary to periodically learn about the satisfaction of the managers of this service. This approach can be considered relevant for small companies.

    CEO speaking

    Alexey Izotov, Executive Director of OAO Sterlitamak Petrochemical Plant, Sterlitamak (Republic of Bashkortostan)

    In our work, a requirement is established - the ratio of the level of education of employees (secondary, secondary specialized, higher) should, at least, be preserved. As a maximum increase - with an increase in favor of more educated personnel by 20%. As a result, the personnel service is forced to work in this direction, taking into account clear criteria for evaluating results.

    Head of Human Resources

    The head of the personnel department is responsible for attracting the company's specialists. Its task is to provide the staff with employees and workers of the necessary professions and specialties. His position involves career growth in the administrative line up to the general director of the enterprise.

    CEO speaking

    Boris Shcherbakov, Vice President of Oracle Corporation, General Director of Oracle CIS, Moscow

    To the number official duties Head of Human Resources include:

    1. Participation in the development of the personnel strategy and personnel policy of the organization.
    2. Selection, placement and selection of personnel, based on an assessment of their qualifications, business and personal qualities, with control over the correct use of employees in the organization's divisions.
    3. Ensuring the reception, placement and placement of young workers and young specialists according to their specialty and profession, organizing, together with the heads of departments, their internships, adaptation to production activities.
    4. Systematic work to create a reserve for promotion based on various organizational forms including preparation of candidates for nomination individual plans, business career planning, rotational movement of specialists and managers, internships in relevant positions, training in special courses.
    5. Organization of certification of employees of the enterprise, with its information and methodological support, participating in the process of analyzing certification data, as part of the development of measures to implement the decisions of certification commissions, with the definition of a list of specialists who require re-certification.
    6. Participation in the development of systems for comprehensive assessment of employees and performance. Participates in the development of a system of service and professional promotion of personnel, the preparation of proposals aimed at improving certification.
    7. Organization of timely processing of admission, dismissal and transfer of employees in accordance with the provisions of the current labor legislation, instructions, regulations, orders of the head of the organization, with the issuance of certificates of previous and current labor activity, accounting for personnel, filling out and storing work books, maintaining established documentation for employees, with preparation of materials necessary for the presentation of employees to receive awards and incentives.
    8. Ensuring the preparation of documentation on pension insurance, documents for assigning pensions to employees and their families, submission of documents to the social security authority.
    9. Work to update the scientific and methodological support of the ongoing personnel work, with its information and material and technical base, the introduction modern methods for personnel management, using automated subsystems "ACS-cadres" and automated workplaces of personnel officers, forming a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise, with timely expansion, quickly providing the necessary information to users.
    10. Implementation of coordination and methodological guidance in the activities of inspectors and personnel specialists of the organization's divisions, with control over the implementation by the heads of divisions of the provisions of the law and government decrees, orders, resolutions and orders of the head of the enterprise in matters of work with personnel and personnel policy.
    11. Providing social guarantees for employees in the field of employment, in compliance with the procedure for employment and retraining of redundant employees, providing them with established compensations and benefits;
    12. Systematic analysis of personnel work in the organization, with the development of proposals for its improvement;
    13. Organization of timekeeping, with the preparation and implementation of vacation schedules, control labor discipline in the divisions of the enterprise, in compliance with the internal labor regulations on the part of employees, analysis of the causes of staff turnover, development of measures aimed at strengthening labor discipline, reducing staff turnover and loss of working time, monitoring the implementation of these measures;
    14. Ensuring the preparation of reports on the accounting of personnel and work with personnel;
    15. Department staff management.

    Qualified employees need a psychological, legal and economic education, with experience in organizing personnel management in managerial and engineering positions for at least five years.

    CEO speaking

    Elena Trofimova, HR Director, Rossita, Novosibirsk

    To assess the candidate, what the applicant is focused on, the questions “What are you proud of, what results have you achieved in your work?” are suitable. “Tell me, what did you do during the working day at your previous place of work?” It is always necessary to take into account how the interlocutor’s answer is formulated (says “did” or “did”).

    Another important, often decisive factor is whether the applicant conforms to the values ​​of the organization, fully sharing them. After all, a disloyal specialist may suggest a danger to the organization, leading to a violation of its value.


    "Profit Asset"

    Field of activity: consulting, business training, building the activities of sales departments.

    Main clients: Alfa-Service, March 8, Ivagio, Sberbank of Russia. Annual turnover of own businesses: 90 million rubles.

    Boris Shcherbakov was appointed Vice President of Oracle Corporation in 2004 while retaining the position of General Director of the Oracle CIS representative office, which he has held since 1999. Under the leadership of Boris Shcherbakov, Oracle's sales volumes in the region increased more than five times, the Oracle E-Business Suite business was launched, and the transformation of Oracle's strategy in the CIS markets in terms of the transition to sales exclusively through a network of authorized partners was fully completed. According to the rating of the Association of Managers of Russia, he took 21st place in the Top 100 most professional managers in Russia in 2005.

    Elena Trofimova Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Novosibirsk state university. More than 10 years of experience in the field of personnel management. Since 2003, she held the position of HR Director at Top-Kniga LLC, in 2006 she moved to Rossita.

    Rossita Co. founded in 1998. Field of activity - retail shoes. Rossita is represented by 33 retail stores in Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Novokuznetsk, Omsk, St. Petersburg and Tyumen. The network of franchising stores is developing. The number of personnel is more than 700 people. The Human Resources Department employs six specialists.

    Sterlitamak petrochemical plant has been operating for over 40 years. The main activity is the production of phenolic antioxidants with a wide spectrum of action, known under the trademark "Agidol". The plant is also engaged in the production of liquid rubbers for special purposes, hardeners for epoxy resins, other petrochemical products. The number of personnel is 1200 people.

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