The most delicious homemade napoleon cake recipe with custard. The classic recipe of the Soviet era

Decor elements 19.10.2019
Decor elements

For the centenary victory over Napoleon, a delicious cake was invented in Russia. It was made in a triangular shape, which symbolized the cocked hat of the great leader. Eating it meant victory over the emperor. I liked this delicacy so much that over time they began to cook not only cakes, but also a cake.

Napoleon cake, classic homemade recipe

Over the years, many recipes have been invented for this sweet dish. But the most common is the classic Napoleon cake recipe. Many, having prepared a dessert, will say that it tastes like a grandmother's childhood. This delicacy is easy to prepare. The main taste is given by the cakes, it is to them that you need to pay all attention. According to this recipe, the cake will be airy, weighing about a kilogram.

Cooking steps step by step


  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • margarine - 300 g;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • water from the refrigerator;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 450 g.

For the cream:

  • vanilla sugar;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • not salted butter - 300 g;
  • milk - 180 ml;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.


  1. Put margarine in the freezer for two to three hours.
  2. Chill flour for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, sift on the table.
  3. Chop the margarine into thin strips.
  4. Mix with flour (150 g) and chop again with a knife. Squeeze well with your hands.
  5. Pressing on the mixture, make it so that you get a tight ball.
  6. Put in the cold.
  7. Prepare another dough. Pour flour (450 g) into a container, but it is better to leave a little so as not to overdo it. The dough will turn out to be tender, not sticking to your hands.
  8. Pour in lemon juice.
  9. Pour very cold water into a glass to the top, add eggs.
  10. Stir with a fork until dissolved.
  11. Sift flour on the table.
  12. Pour egg water into the flour.
  13. Stir with a spoon, knead with your hands. If there is not enough flour, add. To prevent the finished, baked puff pastry from becoming tough, excess flour should not be added to it.
  14. Roll out the dough, which was prepared second in turn, in a rectangle. If rolled too thin, it will tear.
  15. Put the dough you cooked first in the middle. Now wrap the first dough in the second, like an envelope. First, wrap one edge, then on two opposite sides and cover with the remaining end.
  16. Sprinkle the dish with flour, put the envelope of the dough down with a seam and place in the refrigerator for half an hour. To avoid the formation of condensation, do not cover it on top.
  17. Transfer the cooled product to the table in the same position as on the plate. Roll out in a small square.
  18. Roll back into an envelope and refrigerate for half an hour.
  19. Roll out again and send for the same time to rest in the cold. After these manipulations, you can start making the cream.
  20. Hold the oil without cold for several hours so that it becomes completely soft.
  21. Break eggs into a small bowl. Beat with sugar until the mixture turns white.
  22. Add vanillin.
  23. Pour milk into a saucepan and pour in the mixture of eggs. In order for the cream to be uniform, without lumps, it is necessary to constantly stir with a whisk. Wait until it boils and remove immediately.
  24. Set aside and cool.
  25. For now, let's get back to the test. Cut the envelope into six equal parts. Roll out circles of equal shape. You can make one large layer and use a baking sheet.
  26. To make it convenient to roll out and not stick the dough, dust the table with flour.
  27. Place the rolling pin on the edge of the dough, lightly roll the mass onto it. Transfer to form. Roll out the dough to size.
  28. Puncture with a fork.
  29. Bake for about 10 minutes. Pay attention to the look, if it is browned, then it is ready.
  30. Bake the cakes.
  31. Let's go back to the chilled creamy mass. Mash the butter with a spoon.
  32. Add the cooked mass in small portions in butter, stirring well. Added - mixed and so on until you add all the cream.
  33. The ready-made cream is appetizing, monochromatic. The oil should not stand out from the total mass and flake off.
  34. Grease the cakes with cream.
  35. To make the cake homogeneous, press each subsequent layer with your hands over the entire area of ​​the cake.
  36. Cut the resulting delicacy with a knife along the edges, forming an even round dish.
  37. Crumble the resulting cut pieces with your hands and sprinkle on the top layer.

Since Soviet times, this delicacy has been a welcome dish on the table. An ordinary day turns into a holiday with the advent of a sweet dessert. Previously, the hostess had to stand idle for hours in the kitchen to cook it. Now, in the modern world, you can go to any store and buy ready-made dough that is not inferior in taste and quality to a home product. The result is the same, but time is saved.

It is imperative to store the finished dough in the freezer, it cannot be thawed several times. To make the cake tasty, do not use butter for baking the cakes, cover with parchment paper.


  • walnuts - 300 g;
  • egg - 6 pcs.;
  • puff pastry - 1.5 kg;
  • milk - 1500 ml;
  • flour - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • fine sugar - 3 cups.


  1. The best way to defrost is time. Of course, modern ovens and microwave ovens have a special defrost function, but they often fry the product.
  2. Most often, you can buy rectangular dough in the store. It turns out about six sheets in the right amount of weight. Cut them in half.
  3. Roll out each part three millimeters thick.
  4. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
  5. Put the cake on it.
  6. Prick with a fork. This is necessary so that the dough does not swell and deform.
  7. It does not take much time to cook, five minutes is enough for each cake.


  1. Beat sugar and eggs until thick foam.
  2. Boil the milk.
  3. Pour the sweet mass into the milk.
  4. To avoid rolling of eggs, it is necessary to constantly stir the mass.
  5. After boiling, immediately remove from the burner and add vanillin.


  1. Choose the most unsuccessful biscuit, chop.
  2. Chop the nuts.
  3. Lubricate the cakes with cream.
  4. Sprinkle a layer of nuts in the middle of the dessert.
  5. Collect the cakes to the end, sprinkle the top with the rest of the nuts.

Honey napoleon

This recipe makes a not quite traditional cake. The honey included in the composition gives an amazing taste to this delicacy.


  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • baking powder - 1 package;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • unsalted butter - 150 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • flour - 600 g;
  • sour cream - 250 g;
  • powdered sugar - 300 g.

Hello to all. Today I will share with you the recipe for the legendary Napoleon cake. I think many people associate this dessert with childhood, and also with the New Year. Because, more often than not, it was on this holiday that our mothers and grandmothers pampered us with this masterpiece.

There are two camps of people who are divided according to the type of finished product into “wet” and “dry” versions, or, more precisely, into saturated and crispy ones. I prefer the "wet" version of Napoleon more. With a lot. Recently, I began to prepare a light version of the cream -. Aside from these classic options, you can cook with and with, it's insanely delicious. With these creams, the cake just melts in your mouth.

Well, if you are a fan of "crunching", then just replace the custard with butter, and you will be happy. For example, or

In general, what is Napoleon cake? This is a puff pastry product. I will tell you in detail how to make this very puff pastry at home. Of course, you can buy a ready-made version of puff pastry. But, as you can imagine, the taste will be completely different.

I will not write about the preparation of custard here, I just give links to two creams, the choice is yours - and. Well, for those who like to crunch -.

So, how to make Napoleon cake at home. By the way, I want to note that the weight of the cake according to my recipe is 2-2.5 kg., If you want a smaller size, feel free to halve the ingredients.

Napoleon cake recipe step by step with photos.


  1. 450 gr. flour
  2. 250 g butter 82.5%
  3. 1 egg
  4. 150 ml. ice water
  5. 1 tbsp. l. vinegar 6% (I have white wine)
  6. 1 tsp salt (no slide)


We send butter and a glass of water to the freezer for 30 minutes. I usually put butter in the chamber in the evening, and in the morning I start cooking.

Sift flour into a bowl.

There we rub our well-chilled butter on a coarse grater, all the time stirring the butter with flour.

We quickly rub the grated butter with flour with our hands, spend no more than 2-3 minutes on this.

Add the egg, salt and vinegar to the chilled water.

Mix with a fork. Vinegar can be any, only not more than 6%. In my case, it is white wine.

Pour this liquid into the butter and flour mixture and collect the dough into a ball. Here you do not need to knead the dough for a long time until smooth. It is ideally made with large chunks of non-melted butter.

We divide our dough into 13-15 parts. This time my diameter was 19 cm. 15 cakes came out, before that the diameter was 22 cm. 12-13 cakes came out. We remove the dough in a container sprinkled with flour, either in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, or in the freezer for an hour.

During this time, we will prepare the cream. I have recipes for two types of cream on my website that are perfect for the interlayer of this cake. and its lite version -. You can choose a cream of your choice. In these articles, the amount of ingredients is calculated specifically for this recipe.

After our dough has cooled, we start rolling. If the dough was in the freezer, then transfer it to the refrigerator. Each time we take out the balls from the refrigerator one at a time, do not take out the rest of the dough, so that it does not melt prematurely.

I used my miracle purchase - a silicone mat, it has markings with different diameters. In one of the articles I already told you about its benefits, then I was cooking.

Here is my silicone mat. If you have not found one in your city, then you can order in the Bakerstore store using this link - Silicone mat.

If you do not have this device, then I suggest rolling out the dough on parchment, where you draw a circle of the diameter you need in advance (just do not forget to turn the parchment to the other side before rolling, so as not to eat the dough with pencil particles later). So, you will at least roughly understand what to strive for.

The dough must be rolled out as thinly as possible, constantly sprinkling a rolling pin with flour. Of the specified number of cakes, the thickness will be just the minimum. Roll out the dough a little more than the outlined circle. Firstly, the dough will shrink during baking, well, and secondly, we will make the final coating of our cake from the scraps.

After you have rolled out the dough, you need to prick it with a fork. This will prevent the crust from rising too much when baking.

I baked the cakes directly on the rug, if it is not there, then we transfer the rolled cakes to a baking sheet covered with parchment and bake at 200 ° for 5-7 minutes until golden brown. Try to fit 2 cakes on a baking sheet at once, so the baking time will be significantly reduced.

As soon as the cake is ready, you must cut it off immediately! This is a very important point, since the cakes from the oven are still pliable, as they cool down, they become brittle and will simply crumble. We cut it in the same way, focusing on the saucer, carefully with a knife. And it's even easier to cut it with a lid, you just need to scroll it left and right half a turn, and no knife is needed, and the circle turns out to be perfect. Unfortunately, I didn't have a lid of the diameter I needed, and I used a plate.

Put the cut cake on the wire rack and let it cool.

We do this with each cake.

During baking, our cream will just cool down and will be ready for use.

We collect the cake.

Put a couple of tablespoons of cream on a dish so that the cake does not slip.

Place the cake on top.

Lubricate it with cream. Do not regret the cream, according to my recipe a sufficient amount comes out (2-3 tablespoons can be safely taken). We do this with all the cakes. If you wish, you can put some kind of filling in the layer, my mother always puts walnuts, you can add jam or Kurdish, boiled condensed milk. This time I smeared every 3 cake, I just had a jar after cooking. Or you don't have to add anything, our dessert already tastes great.

After we have collected the whole cake, we press it down a little with our hand on top and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. During this time, the cakes will be slightly saturated with cream and the cake will settle. You can put a load on top of the cakes for 30 minutes, so the cakes will become even softer.

We send the cake to the refrigerator for half an hour, so that the cream will set.

At this time, we put our scraps of cakes in a blender and grind them. I do not like to grind too much into a crumb, it seems to me it is more suitable for. But you can choose a different size for yourself. By the way, you can grind it simply with your hands or with a rolling pin if there is no blender in use.

Sprinkle these scraps on our cake.

We put it in the refrigerator to soak. Best for the night. You can decorate the top with berries, or you can not decorate and leave it that way.

That's how handsome it turns out. A large amount of cakes and cream make this cake a truly royal dessert. The recipe for this cake was borrowed from Victoria Melnik, for which many thanks to her.

And, after such a delicate and feminine cake, I will soon tell you a recipe for a real masculine, brutal handsome man - cakes with dark beer, chocolate cream and ganache ... And all this splendor of taste will be gathered in. Your men should appreciate. Do not miss!

Good appetite.

For the test:

  • Wheat flour (premium) - 6 glasses,
  • Margarine or butter - 2 packs (200 grams each),
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces,
  • Salt - 1 tsp,
  • Water - 450 ml.

For the custard:

  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces,
  • Granulated sugar - 0.5 kg,
  • Butter - 0.5 kg,
  • Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Cow's milk - 1 liter.

Cooking process:

Prepare the ingredients for the dough.

Please note that the cake dough must be kneaded with a knife. This way, the cold butter will not melt from the warmth of your hands and will take the amount of flour you need. Otherwise, overdoing it with flour, you risk getting a very tough dough. Whereas, ideally, thin cakes should be crunchy and tender at the same time.

Freeze the margarine or butter lightly for easier handling. Sift flour onto the work surface. In flour, you need to finely chop the frozen butter with a knife, pouring it from the edge to the center. As a result, you should have a dry crumb.

Now we take a half-liter jar and break two chicken eggs into it, fill the rest of the jar with water. Shake the contents thoroughly with a fork, adding salt there.

From the resulting flour crumbs, we form a slide, make a depression in it and begin to pour liquid from the jar.

Again, everything will need to be "cut" with a large knife,

those. you won't even have to get your hands dirty in the dough.

Pour the liquid mixture in parts until it ends and work with a knife all the time.

Before our eyes, the sand crumbs turn into a homogeneous dough.

As a result of this work, you should get a homogeneous lump.

The finished dough for the Napoleon cake must be divided into 16 equal lumps, put on a board, wrapped with cling film or a bag, and sent to the refrigerator for 20 - 30 minutes. Or slightly freeze in the freezer.

Then we take the dough out of the refrigerator, and roll each lump into a thin cake, using the minimum amount of flour to sprinkle the table.

The cake should be as thin as it can be, literally see through. Any form. It is easier to roll out the rectangles to fit the baking sheet. With round cakes, it is a little more difficult, they need to be cut raw or cooked, and the number of them will turn out to be more.

The dough is elastic enough, do not be afraid to tear it when transferring to a baking sheet. Even if this happens, there is nothing terrible about it. The cakes can be pricked in several places with a fork to make them less swollen.

We send the baking sheet to the oven, which needs to be heated to 180 - 200 degrees. Bake the base until a beautiful golden brown. While one cake is baking, roll out the next one.

As a result, you should have 16 brown puff pastry cakes of a rectangular shape or a little more round.

Napoleon cake custard

Don't look for a better recipe, I can assure you this one is perfect!

To prepare it, beat the chicken eggs and wheat flour in a deep cup until smooth. Easier to use a blender.

In a separate tall saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the milk and dissolve the granulated sugar in it. There is a lot of cream, the dishes should be capacious. And under no circumstances use an enamel or aluminum saucepan. In the first it will burn, in the second it will color the cream gray when whipped with butter.

Pour the egg mass into hot milk with sugar in a thin stream. Stir constantly while doing this. You need to cook the custard over low heat with constant stirring.

Cook until puree. Cool the custard mixture to room temperature. Stir several times during cooling so that no crust appears.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator beforehand to soften. Before combining with the cream, beat the butter until smooth.

Only then add the cooled cream to the butter in small portions. Not the other way around!

Beat with a mixer until smooth.

All that remains is to collect our gorgeous cake.

Build Puff Napoleon

I'll show you how to keep the cake plate clean when assembling. A piece of baking paper - this little detail is a little secret to your neatness. We line the bottom of the dish or tray with parchment or paper.

Lubricate the first cake with custard, cover with the second and press down to make the cake denser.

Repeat until we have stacked all the layers. Do not forget to tamp. Napoleon must be tight!

It's time to remove the sheet of paper, hold the cake with one hand, pull out the sheet with the other.

From scraps or one cake, you need to make a crumb. You can crush them with your fingers, or you can put them in a bag and roll it with a rolling pin. Sprinkle the top and sides of the cake with the resulting crumb. My sides are not sprinkled with anything. You can add chopped walnuts or grated chocolate to this crumb, according to your taste, this will not make the cake worse.

We leave the finished cake in the refrigerator to soak and harden the cream, this can take at least 3 hours, it is better to wait overnight.

I think you were convinced that making Napoleon at home is quite simple and affordable, the main thing is that there is a desire!

In the Guinness Book of Records, sweet Napoleon is mentioned, the largest cake weighing 1.5 tons, it was baked by chefs from the city of Zelenograd.

This layer cake can be found in many cuisines of the world, but it will be called differently. For example, in England you will be served "Vanilla slice", but in Italy and France you can order at any cafe "Millefeuille" and they will bring you a piece of airy multilayer cake, known to you as "Napoleon", by the way, in translation Milfey means a thousand layers. But Americans, like us, know this puff cake called Napoleon.

There are a great many stories about the creation of this famous dessert, but I would like to tell one of the most unusual and, in my opinion, the most piquant. As you know, Bonaparte was a great fan of hitting on pretty girls. So once flirting with another sweet lady-in-waiting, his wife found him. And in order to get out of this very piquant situation, Napoleon told her about how he whispered in the ear of a beautiful girl about his newly invented recipe for a delicious cake, this, it turns out, was what made the girl so flushed! The wife pretended to believe her faithful, but demanded proof. Bonaparte hastily dictated the recipe for the cake, a complete improvisation. Of course, Bonaparte's chef made some adjustments to the recipe. As a result, for breakfast, the spouses had an extraordinary cake on the table, which got its name - Napoleon, in honor of its author.

Well, if we talk about the plausible story of the creation of a cake beloved by many, then it was baked for the first time in 1912 by Moscow confectioners for the 100th anniversary of the victory over the French and gave it a name.

You just have to defeat your "Frenchman" in the kitchen, the step-by-step photo recipe presented today will help you. Perhaps your cake will become a signature sweet dish, like mine. I have been baking it for more than 10 years, and for the recipe I thank Natalia Pyatkova.

Best regards, Anyuta.

Enjoy your family tea drinking!

Napoleon cake is a favorite delicacy in many families. It is always cooked with great pleasure. Because they know for sure that if there is a store version and a cake prepared at home on the festive table, then you shouldn't even guess - which one will be eaten first!

But not everyone knows that this recipe was not always as available as it is now.

When we lived in Uzbekistan in the 80s, cakes in the store were very rare. And therefore, many recipes for various desserts of our own production went from hand to hand. Each housewife certainly had a notebook with recipes for their preparation.

Since there has always been a special attitude to their preparation, the notebook was usually separate, only for them - loved ones. In Uzbekistan, any housewife could easily cook pilaf, shurpa, lagman, manti, samsa ... and everything else. But the one who knew how to cook a real tasty Napoleon was considered a real culinary specialist.

And there were special reasons for this. First, it was difficult to buy enough good butter. Margarine was mainly used for baking, but for Napoleon cake, margarine is by no means suitable.

But there was also a more compelling reason. The recipe was kept a huge secret. The thing is that since it was almost impossible to buy a good cake, and on holidays everyone wanted to surprise the guests and feed them deliciously, Napoleon was baked on a commercial basis, or, more simply, for sale.

Of course, other cakes were baked, but this one was always in the first place. Ordering it was not easy. There was a queue for his pastries for at least a month.

It is clear that the craftsmen who baked such cakes kept the recipe under lock and key with seven seals. There were, of course, recipes among the people, but Napoleon according to these recipes turned out to be not so tasty. And they couldn't find the very recipe.

But when we left Uzbekistan, they just gave it to me. I will not waste your time and tell you how it happened.

Today I would like to offer you this "secret" recipe. I really hope that you will like it too!

We need:

For the test

  • flour - 5 glasses
  • butter - 300 gr. 82%
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 0.5 cups
  • water - 0.5 cups
  • vodka - 2 tablespoons
  • salt - 1/3 of a teaspoon

For custard

  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • milk - 1 liter
  • flour - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 1 cup and another 3/4 cup
  • butter - 170 gr. 82%
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • vanillin - 1 tsp (no slide)

For sour cream

  • fat sour cream, thick - 1.5 cups
  • sugar - 3/4 cup

Dough preparation:

1. Sieve flour through a sieve into a large bowl. It is imperative to sift it, preferably even twice, so that the flour is saturated with oxygen. Then the cake will turn out to be really tender and tasty.

Cut the cold butter into slices into flour. Rub everything with your hands until crumbs form. Try to rub quickly so that the butter does not have time to melt.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and salt.

Add boiled cold water, sour cream and vodka. Stir everything until smooth, you can use a whisk. Vodka is an indispensable ingredient, without it the cakes will not be so delicate and layered.

3. Add the mixture to the flour and knead the dough. This must be done quickly so that the butter does not have time to melt. It is not necessary to form an even bun, the main thing is that everything is mixed and the dough does not stick to your hands.

4. When you have achieved the desired state, cover the dough with a napkin and leave for 30 minutes.

5. After 30 minutes, put the dough in cellophane, or wrap it in cling film. We put it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

6. Then we take it out, knead it again and cut it into sausages, which in turn we divide into 12-15 identical parts, roll up the balls.

We put the balls in a bag so that they do not stick together and send the bag to the refrigerator.

7. We put the oven to warm up. We need a temperature of 200 degrees.

8. Take one ball out of the refrigerator, roll it out very thinly. Better to use parchment for this, and now baking paper is also on sale. Roll it out right on it. It will be difficult to transfer a thinly rolled sheet without paper to a baking sheet.

9. We put on top a template in the form of a large plate, and cut out an even circle along it. I have a plate with a diameter of 24 cm.

10. We make punctures with a fork throughout the sheet so that the finished product does not bump, but remains flat, and set it to bake directly on paper.

11. Each sheet will be baked for 3-4 minutes. We need light baked cakes. Do not bake until brown. The color of the cakes should be light.

12. While the cake is being baked, roll out the next sheet, and so on until the end. So far, the cakes have turned out to be lumpy and uneven. This is because of the vodka and oil. But that's what we need, it's good that they are. When soaked in cream, the required layering will appear. Each layer will be saturated and this will give the delicacy an impeccable taste.

13. Cut the cuts with cakes once again until smooth, roll them out thinly, and bake too. This cake can be of any shape. We will need it for decoration.

14. Alternatively, you can first bake the cakes, and then cut them to shape. But so they will crumble. Therefore, I always use the first method.

Making the custard

1. While the dough is gaining strength, first on the table, and then in the refrigerator, you can cook custard.

2. Beat eggs with sugar until froth, add 1.5 cups of milk, mix.

3. Add flour and brandy. Stir well until the lumps disappear.

4. Boil the remaining milk in a separate saucepan. As it boils, make a funnel in milk with a whisk and gradually pour the resulting mixture into the center of the funnel. We interfere constantly. This is a very important cooking step.

5. It is necessary to cook the resulting mixture until creamy, but the mixture should not be allowed to boil. If it boils, the cream will lose its delicate consistency, thicken a lot, and then the cakes will not be able to soak in it. And this is very important for the finished cake.

6. Without letting the cream boil, cook it until thick, then remove from heat.

7. Cool the cream.

8. Beat butter at room temperature until creamy.

9. Mix the cream with the butter, adding a little vanillin. You should get a not too thick, but not a liquid mass, so that it is convenient to coat the cakes with it.

Sour cream

1. It is better to take rustic sour cream, thick and fat, so that there is no liquid in it. If you use store sour cream, I'll tell you a little further how to make a cream out of it.

2. Grind sugar into powder.

3. Put the sour cream in a deep bowl, put the bowl in cold water. It is better to cool the water in the refrigerator beforehand. It will help to achieve a more airy cream.

4. Begin to beat the sour cream, slowly adding powdered sugar. Beat for 15-20 minutes (preferably with a mixer, the whipping time is halved). But it is better to beat at low speed.

5. The cream should be neither liquid nor thick. The thicker the sour cream, the thicker the cream.

Now that the cakes have completely cooled down and the two creams are ready, we begin to collect the Napoleon cake.

How to assemble a cake correctly

  • take a flat dish, or if the cakes are very large, you can use a tray.
  • put the first cake on it and grease it liberally with custard.
  • then lay out the second cake and grease with custard again
  • on the third cake we spread the first layer of sour cream, and the second - custard

  • then again grease 2 layers with custard

  • and the sixth layer again with two creams
  • that is, every third cake is greased with two creams
  • when it comes to the last layer, we also grease it with cream. If there is sour cream left, you can smear it too.
  • there is a lot of cream, if you press on the cakes now, then it will literally crawl out from under them. But we are not pressing anywhere yet, but we leave this not quite yet beautiful and even mass in this form.

  • leave the cake, let it stand for 30 - 60 minutes in this form, during this time it will saturate all the cakes
  • then put baking paper to size on the last cake
  • take a large flat plate, or better a cutting board, put it on the finished product, and using a little pressure, crush the cakes. They are already a little soaked and should not break. Do not press down too hard so as not to break the cakes.
  • leave it under the board for a while, so it will settle a little more
  • remove the paper, remove the remaining cream from it, put it back on the top layer
  • we report on the last layer as much cream as necessary
  • we make crumbs from the last cake, which was made from scraps
  • sprinkle on top

  • leave for 10 - 12 hours at room temperature, soak
  • then put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours
  • after which we take out, cut into pieces and eat with pleasure

Our Napoleon's taste is simply the most delicate. I must say that this cake turns out to be not too sweet. And this is good, you can feel not only the taste of sweetness, but also the whole variety of tastes!

Secrets and features of making Napoleon cake

  1. After I got the Internet, I came across many different recipes for Napoleon cake. Some of them were similar to those that we once cooked, and complained that our Napoleon still tasted differently.
  2. Later, analyzing what was the matter here, I realized one thing. Apparently the whole main secret is only in two things - the dough contains vodka, and the cream is used not one, as in the classic version, but two. Thanks to this, the finished product has a distinctive taste and incredible tenderness.
  3. An important aspect is that the cakes are moderately thin, and the cream is on them so that there is enough. I always make a cream with a margin, according to the principle "it is better to stay than not enough." And always in such cases I remember the anecdote about the pies ... What is needed for the pies to be tasty - no need to spare the fillings! So, you shouldn't regret the cream either. Our cake should turn out well soaked and not dry.
  4. She promised to tell about the shop sour cream. If you cannot find fatty and thick sour cream, then take a colander, put cheesecloth in it in two layers, and put sour cream there. Place the colander in a bowl or saucepan. Put the whole thing in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, the excess water will go through the cheesecloth to the bottom of the bowl. You can additionally add 2 tablespoons of heavy cream to such sour cream.

There is another delicious recipe according to which this delicacy turns out to be very tasty. This

She told me everything, tried not to forget anything. Now the matter remains small. Take and cook Napoleon cake according to the old recipe, which was kept in great secret for a very long time.

Bon Appetit!

Good afternoon friends!

Today, we are preparing the classic Napoleon cake from custard and multilayer cakes. There are a lot of cake recipes. However, the most real, the most delicious recipe, proven over the years, from the Soviet era.

Then this cake was baked only according to one recipe, skilled bakers baked huge, table-sized, fluffy, layered, crumbly, melting in the mouth Napoleons, and sold them, cutting off in large pieces. It was impossible to find out the recipe for making a cake, I learned it after many years, and I want to share it with you today.

If you don't have time to make a cake at all, but really want something sweet, prepare an easy recipe. Napoleon cakes can be baked from ready-made puff pastry; use condensed milk or sour cream as a cream. But, of course, such a cake will be different from the one that is prepared at home.


To prepare the dough, we need:

  • flour - 750 grams
  • butter - 600 grams
  • egg - 2 pieces
  • ice water - 300 ml
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • vodka - 2 tbsp. spoons

To make a custard:

  • eggs - 4 pieces
  • sugar - 200-350 grams
  • milk - 1 liter
  • butter - 200 grams
  • vanilla - 1 pod
  • flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • cognac - 2 tbsp. spoons

Step by step cooking:

The main condition for preparing the correct dough is that all ingredients must be chilled.

Sift cold flour through a fine sieve onto the table, you can sift it 2-3 times, the more it will be saturated with oxygen and the product will be more airy.

We rub the frozen butter on a coarse grater, directly into the flour. I would like to point out that it must be fresh and of good quality. The specified amount of oil in the recipe can be taken less, just remember that the more of it, the more magnificent and airy the dough turns out.

Each time we dip the butter in flour and rub quickly so that it does not melt from the warmth of our hands.

Mix the grated butter with flour constantly.

In a separate bowl, break 2 eggs, add salt to taste, two tablespoons of vodka and water. Mix everything with a whisk. The addition of a small amount of vodka makes the dough airy and dry. Then pour the resulting liquid into the oil-flour mixture in small portions and mix.

The dough should not be kneaded too much, it should be mixed, collected in a large lump.

Our dough is not very steep, it does not stick to our hands.

We wrap the dough in plastic wrap and send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours, and in the meantime we will prepare the cream.

Making the custard

The custard made according to this recipe turns out to be very delicate and soaks the cakes well.

Pour milk into a small saucepan, add sugar, vanilla pod and put on low heat and stir constantly, dissolve sugar.

Break eggs into a separate bowl, add flour, cognac and mix well until smooth.

Pour the prepared mixture into hot milk in portions, mix and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Then we reduce the heat and, stirring with a whisk, evaporate the mixture until it thickens.

Remove from heat, add softened butter and beat cream until smooth. We have a wonderful, thick, delicate custard. Pour it into a bowl and cool to room temperature.

Sour cream

You can quickly make sour cream from any sour cream and sugar. It doesn't even require heat treatment.

We have prepared the dough and cream, you can start baking the cakes.

Put baking paper on the table and roll out a very thin dough on it, 3-4 mm thick and the size of a baking sheet. Using a fork, we make pricks over the entire surface of the cake.

Then, with a sharp and thin knife, we cut the rolled cake into six equal parts. Gently transfer them on paper to a baking sheet and send them to the oven, heated to 200 degrees.

It is better to bake the cakes on the middle wire rack. Do not overbake, as soon as the dough has risen and browned (3-5 minutes), we take out the baking sheet and send the next one. This gives us 24 thin, crunchy flaky cakes.

Let's start collecting our delicious Napoleon cake. We coat each cake with a layer of cream. Then we coat with cream on top and on all sides. We sacrifice one crust and turn it into a crumb, which we sprinkle on our dessert from all sides. We leave it for impregnation at room temperature for five hours, then send it to the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning we cut off a piece of cake for tea. A well-soaked, classic-style dessert that melts in your mouth. Bon Appetit!

Here is such a long and detailed recipe for making an amazing delicious homemade Napoleon cake of Soviet times. I would like to know your opinion on the recipe, write in the comments. If you liked it, click "Class" and share links to the article with your friends on social networks.

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