Psychological assessment by appearance and behavior. Is it possible to determine the character of a person by appearance and how to do it

landscaping 11.10.2019

Learning to determine the character of any person, based on his external data, is a very tempting prospect. There is a separate direction in psychology that deals with the issues of determining character traits by analyzing a person’s appearance, which is called “physiognomy”. Modern science is skeptical about this direction, classifying it rather as esoteric than as a traditional understanding of psychological teaching. However, physiognomy has many followers today, but its roots go back to the depths of centuries.

Strengths and weaknesses of the doctrine

Critics of physiognomy refer to the absence of immutable, indisputable criteria in its basis, which could serve as a starting point for further analysis. Indeed, physiological data (such as: height, proportions, facial features, etc.) are the result of genetic inheritance, while character is largely the result of upbringing. Of course, in this case, one can object, saying that the character is also inherited, showing its individual features even in infancy.

However, the personality traits inherent in a person are not yet the whole character. Thanks to proper upbringing and the efforts of parents, a child can acquire those qualities that will serve him well and which were initially difficult to count on. It is no secret that you can work on your character on your own, creating your own personality on your own. For example, you can change yourself beyond recognition if you solve such problems as:

  • Conquer fear, no matter what it was associated with. If a person sets a goal (and, if necessary, enlists outside help), then he can get rid of the fear of darkness, heights, death, loneliness, etc. Fighting fears is an essential part of the process of self-improvement. However, do not confuse fear with the instinct of self-preservation. Instinct prompts a person to take actions aimed at saving his life. Uncontrolled fear, on the contrary, paralyzes, making it impossible to act and, accordingly, posing a threat. Distinguishing one from the other, you can begin to fight against harmful qualities.
  • Develop punctuality. This will also help you change your character. A person who is constantly late suffers himself and causes distrust among others. It is also quite possible to change this quality. Many people begin to solve this problem, as they say, "from the wrong end." First of all, they try to calculate the time differently, start getting ready in advance, etc. This, of course, is also a completely justified path, but if it does not help, then you need to learn first of all not to rush, but to wait. In fact, the problem often lies precisely in this - often late people do not fit in their heads, how they will come to a meeting in twenty minutes or to work in half an hour. “What am I going to do there for twenty minutes?” they say. Meanwhile, if the thought of this did not disgust them, if they could calmly wait for something during this time, they would not subconsciously limit the time of their exit from the house to the usual ten minutes before the appointed time, which they always lack.
  • Defeat verbosity. The ability not to waste words in vain, to remain silent once again, to speak briefly and succinctly - the quality is very valuable and rare. Unfortunately, the habit of chatting for no reason very soon transforms into an addiction, which is very difficult to cope with. Meanwhile, the words of a man of few words are valued higher and inspire more confidence. He himself gains a reputation as a reliable, at least intelligent person. In addition, restraint in words helps to avoid a huge number of problems.

This list can be continued for a long time. But even these examples are enough to imagine how much the character of a person will change if he copes with the tasks described above. And needless to say, at the same time, the height of his forehead, the shape of his eyes, the length of his neck, the outlines of his lips will remain the same. If, however, parents, assuming undesirable character traits in their child (for example, laziness or optionality), in time and correctly begin to educate opposite qualities in him, then the result will exceed their expectations. Usually about the traits of character brought up in this way, it is said that "he absorbed them with his mother's milk."

However, one can immediately object that if no action is taken, if certain character traits are not specially brought up in oneself or in a child, perhaps his nature will remain in accordance with external data. Maybe that's what physiognomy says? Or to say that a person by nature weak and weak-willed is simply not able to cultivate such qualities in himself.

This is partly true, but practice shows that at least external education is able to model personality traits not only in weak people, but also in those who suffer from developmental disorders, mental disorders, and pedagogical neglect. Of course, in each individual case, you will need various techniques and an individual approach, but such a possibility exists. Needless to say, external data will not matter in this case.

Meanwhile, physiognomy has justified its existence for many centuries. In China, for example, it is taken seriously. Many, probably, are familiar with such common expressions as “a fat person is always kind” or “thin lips are evil people". Unfortunately, not everything is so simple: after all, a thin person can turn out to be the kindest, and the owner of rounded shapes can be an egoist and a greedy person. Some serial maniacs again had the right features, a disposing appearance, a direct, open look, full lips and thin fingers. Nevertheless, physiognomy quite definitely describes the dependence of appearance on character, and how much this corresponds to reality, everyone can evaluate for himself.

We read the character in the face

If we rely on the statements of physiognomy, then the qualities of a person have an external expression in the form of facial features and body proportions. For example, a stubborn, determined, purposeful person should have the following appearance:

  • square shaped face;
  • the nose is correct, well-defined, with a rounded tip;
  • mouth large;
  • eye color is pronounced.

Of course, a determined person can be both good and evil, and a purposeful person can be fair or unprincipled. In this case, the appearance will be complemented by various features. It is believed that deep-set eyes indicate an envious and cruel nature, and a potato-shaped nose is characteristic of kind and unselfish people.

A romantic, trusting nature, prone to daydreaming and lack of concentration, is usually characterized by wide (not necessarily large) eyes, a thin neck, a rounded face and an indistinct eye color. In this case, the lips, most likely, without obvious dominant features, the upper and lower lips are approximately the same, they do not protrude in relation to each other.

A complex, capricious, selfish character can be identified by thin, clearly defined eyebrows, a protruding upper lip, an upturned nose, and a narrow forehead. A small mouth, a poorly developed chin and a forked tip of the nose often indicate insecurity, weakness of character, and shyness.

Usually an oval-shaped face, regular features that do not have a tendency to dominate, a high or above average forehead, a developed chin, but not protruding, are characteristic of people who are intelligent, who know their own worth, and who have the qualities of a leader. Such people, even if they do not occupy leadership positions, can, if necessary, take on organizational responsibilities, make decisions, and think strategically.

Physiognomy presents this dependence as a regularity, arguing that the assessment of external features allows you to "calculate" the character like a mathematical action - by the sum of personality qualities. It is not surprising that fundamental science is in no hurry to share this point of view. After all, in addition to the influence of education, there are anthropological features that are characteristic, for example, of a group of people belonging to a particular race.

If you rely on the statements of physiognomy, narrow eyes are a sign of cruelty and expansive nature. Does this mean that among people with a narrow slit of the eyes, the vast majority have such qualities? Very doubtful. Moreover, some nationalities, which are characterized by narrow eyes, are wary of big-eyed people, believing that "in wide eyes demons lurk." In the culture of some peoples, traditions are still preserved, according to which, for example, the choice of a bride is carried out taking into account characteristic features her appearance, supposedly indicating desirable qualities of character.

What else is worth paying attention to

If we talk about reading the character in appearance, it is better to pay attention not so much to the shape of the nose and lips, but to other signs. If the height of the forehead, chin, face shape, etc., are inherited by a person from his parents and he cannot change them, then he still creates something in his appearance himself, sometimes even unwittingly. This applies to the manner of dressing, talking, gait, hand motility, gaze, behavior, etc. These features say much more about a person than anthropological characteristics, because they are a direct reflection of his character.

With prolonged communication, of course, character, one way or another, makes itself felt, therefore, in a large team, for example, people are grouped precisely according to the principle of similarity of features or, on the contrary, compensation for their own qualities. But people subconsciously feel their preferences from the first minutes, not yet knowing the character of a person. So, with a cursory glance at a person, you can find out:

  • Dressing style. Bright, overly catchy things, massive jewelry, contrasting colors in clothes indicate that their owner is self-centered, quick-tempered, sociable, impulsive, needs the attention of others, highly appreciates himself. Elegant clothes of restrained colors are typical for people who have a sense of tact, listen to the opinions of others, collected, scrupulous. Carelessness in clothes, preference for convenience over beauty speaks of a person’s passion, stubbornness in their views, and shyness.
  • The manner of speaking. Verbosity, talkativeness is characteristic of people who are proud, at the same time unsure of themselves, touchy. Quiet, slow speech, embarrassment when it is necessary to speak in public speaks of self-doubt, a tendency to self-criticism, perseverance, vulnerability. A sharp, sometimes rude manner of speaking for no reason, interrupting, smirks indicate that a person is not self-confident, touchy, distrustful, pessimistic, selfish.

In addition, gait, the position of arms, legs and the whole body during a conversation, look, and facial expression are not the least important for determining character. If a person makes an effort to hide his condition, tries to control his behavior, he can be provoked to an unplanned reaction to see what lies underneath " protective layer". You can evaluate the correspondence of your own character traits and appearance, look at yourself from the outside. If you delve into the process of studying human nature in appearance, this activity can be extremely exciting and useful.

Very often, men for many women remain a mystery. But with the help simple tips you need to find out his ordinary secrets and, moreover, for a short time. All those actions that a man does not think about, in rare moments when he does not impress a woman, can say quite a lot about him. Just be a little more attentive, and you will understand how to recognize the character of a man by his habits and behavior.

No wonder they say: "They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind." Let's rephrase a little: "We meet by appearance, we judge by character." Surely, after all, you happened to give someone a characterization, based only on external data. For example, people with thin lips are cunning and love to manipulate, while those who purse their lips are cunning. You can't even imagine how close to the truth it is! Our intuition will never fail, signaling certain features of appearance. What is this, another myth or is it true?

The character of a man in appearance

Many women often wonder how to fall in love with a man, even without really knowing this person. How do you choose your lovers? Do you think that appearance is not the most important thing for a man? It's not exactly like that! Or rather, not at all! Appearance very clearly reflects the character of a man, which is very important when choosing a life partner. By the face of a person, you can calculate his temperament, lifestyle, character, lifestyle and much more interesting things! As Oscar Wilde said: appearance Only the most impenetrable people do not judge.”

By learning to read the face, you can choose the most worthy and best man. And if there is already one, then you will better recognize its strengths and weak sides, and such knowledge is very, very useful for living together.

Growth - opportunities and aspirations

Few women can resist a two-meter handsome man. Nature a priori endowed a tall man with leadership qualities that will allow him to build a successful and prosperous life. The main thing is to take advantage of this natural talent and not bury it in the ground.

Short men are also very lucky: they have the most pronounced sexual power and, as a result, an active life position, sociability, contact, intelligence and cunning. The male component is enhanced if the man has a narrow pelvis and legs that are not very long, but proportional to the body, with a well-defined foot.

Little men, as we know from history, most often have a Napoleon complex. And if the one who gave the name to this phenomenon, despite his height, was still a man, having conquered half of Europe, then in our time rarely anyone who has not stepped over the bar of 160 cm achieves outstanding results. Complexes devour small men, this can be seen from their sharp, evil, piercing gaze. But there are exceptions - rarely, but still.

For women, everything is strictly the opposite - little ladies often turn out to be real tyrants and lady bosses, and tall, large-boned women are modest, shy and submissive. The laws of nature require that a woman, as a subject of the Universe, be smaller than a man - then complete harmony sets in.

The shape of the face will tell about successes and opportunities

People with round faces tend to adapt perfectly to any environment, they are very cheerful, lively and energetic. They are able to successfully overcome difficulties - both personal and financial.

The square shape of the face speaks of the determination, firmness and strength of a person. Such people have a heightened sense of justice and a great desire to "live by the rules." They are natural born leaders and excellent lawyers.

People with a long and thin face often have to work hard to achieve at least some recognition and success, but this does not prevent them from being kind people.

Oval faces belong to people who are very reasonable and calm.

In general, it is believed that the larger the facial features, the more success a person will have in life!

Complexion tells about health

Every experienced doctor by complexion can determine how general state body, and what internal organs need attention and treatment. People with unhealthy blush have high blood pressure, gray and earthy hue indicates digestive problems.

If a person is excessively pale, this indicates anemia and a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, blue - about oxygen starvation, and a yellowish complexion tells about diseases of the spleen or liver.

Dark circles under the eyes indicate overwork and loss of energy. By the way, the area under the eyes is responsible for fertility. If the skin there is light and elastic, there can be many children, and relations with them will develop successfully.

Forehead indicates social position

The “ideal” forehead is convex, wide and high. The owner of such a beautiful forehead will certainly take a good social position in society and will have a high status. But the owner of a sunken, narrow or sloping forehead, on the contrary, is unlikely to achieve significant success in this direction.

Wrinkles on the forehead with a fold mean a changeable disposition and excessive ardor. Oblique or crooked lines indicate that a person is either unhappy or evil. A large number of thin lines mean a life full of work, disasters and boredom. Straight lines characterize a calm, simple and fair person.

A forehead with horizontal wrinkles that are close to the eyebrows means insight and a deep mind. Forehead with horizontal wrinkles, which are located close to the hair - cruelty, pride.

A forehead with perpendicular wrinkles indicates great intelligence, pride, energy and ambition.

Ears speak of abilities and talents

If a top part the ears are above the line of the eyebrows - this is very good, as this is a sign of ambition and intelligence.

Fleshy full ears with large lobes promise wealth and prosperity to their owner.

Pointed ears tell that their owner is at the mercy of instincts and often cannot resist them.

Eyebrows tell about temperament

Wide thick eyebrows are a sign of directness and courage, as well as a strong sexual constitution. But, it should be noted that their owners often suffer from dictatorial habits. People with thin eyebrows are more modest, but at the same time, secretive, moreover, they often get sick.

Curved upward eyebrows speak of friendliness and openness. Eyebrows, located high above the eyes, speak of generosity and sociability.

Bushy eyebrows, the hairs of which stick out in all directions, are considered "devilish". The owner of such eyebrows is often obsessed with mania and obsessions. Fused eyebrows indicate a difficult and difficult childhood, which can lead a person to the dock, and a restless character.

The eyelids are a lie detector

Thick eyelids, most often, are in people who are drowsy and impassive, who quickly get tired of work (both mental and physical). A large number of people with such eyelids often suffer from headaches.

The thinner the eyelid, the more shy and truthful a person is, he does not have the ability to deceive and lie.

Eyes - inner world, attitude and emotions

Big eyes are a sign of the breadth of the soul, artistic talent, and inability to manage money. The owners of small eyes, on the contrary, are extremely cautious. People with bulging eyes like to play pranks on acquaintances and are very easily tempted.

Gray eyes are a sign of great kindness, responsiveness, honesty and the ability to be content with little. Grey-eyed, even in case of urgent need, cannot decide to appropriate someone else's property.

Calm, cold people with limited requirements have milky blue eyes.

Greenish gray eyes. as a rule, sociable, sociable, cheerful, constant in cordial affections of people.

Dark gray on the roll out is a sign of nobility and kindness.

Light eyes speak of timidity, tenderness and moderate passion.

Dark eyes are a sign of passion, energy and willpower.

But, of course, much more than the color and shape of the eyes, their expression can tell about a person! After all, they are the real mirror of the human soul, that's a fact!

Cheekbones will tell about success

The owner of high prominent cheekbones can achieve a lot in life, because by nature he is a fighter. When the cheekbones are low, a person prefers to live according to the principle “water wears away a stone” and achieves any success closer to old age. His calling is to obey and he is unlikely to be a leader. The character of a man, after all, should be in the desire for leadership and success, so pay attention Special attention on cheekbones.

The nose will indicate the mind and love abilities.

A large straight nose is a sign of optimism, honesty and good nature. A naturally curved nose speaks of the complex, complex nature of a person. A hooked nose tells that it is better not to quarrel with its owner, it will be worse for you.

A small nose indicates a pessimist with poor health. Fleshy wings of the nose and a large tip promise financial success and prosperity.

Lips will tell about internal energy

Thin lips give out a strong-willed and purposeful person. But his composure and determination often go hand in hand with extreme rigidity. If the lips are full, then it will be easy with such a person - he is friendly, honest and faithful, although he may be somewhat rustic. But his life is always full of positive and positive emotions.

The chin will tell about the future

The Chinese consider the chin responsible for old age. A full and wide chin is considered an excellent sign and portends a comfortable and calm old age surrounded by relatives. In general, the larger the chin, the longer and richer life awaits its owner.

A square and especially protruding chin testifies to great willpower. A cleft chin "with a dimple" indicates a passionate person, and a pointed or beveled chin portends disappointment in life.

Here, in fact, are all the subtleties of the ancient Chinese art of reading in the face. Practice on yourself (who knows your character better than yourself!), And then you can switch to men. Reading faces has many benefits. Once you learn it, you will remember it for the rest of your life.

The character of a man by habits

In fact, a lot can be said from a person’s habits, because this is his style of behavior, which has been developed over the years. Learn to pay attention to how a man moves, what he says and what little things piss him off, because this will help you determine the characteristics of his character. Habits are often a reflection of a family in which special person was brought up, so you can understand the influence that his parents had on your chosen one.

Male preferred sport

If your loved one prefers solitary sports such as running, swimming, etc., then he loves to spend time alone and enjoy his freedom and independence. Those men who love intense team sports (football, hockey, basketball, etc.) are prone to competition and rivalry. But if your chosen one is not fond of sports at all, then he is a free thinker, and, therefore, very sensitive.

Duration of a man's friendship with his company

For those men who have been friends with their company since the age of 10, it can be said that their strong features are devotion, loyalty and constancy. So be patient enough as you may need to certain time in order to earn his trust. Do not be afraid to introduce a man to his relatives or friends, he quickly adapts to new situations and can communicate with strangers quite easily.

Credit card or cash

Those men who like to once again demonstrate their plastic card ardently desire social status. Such men can be either ambitious or simply self-confident. In any case, he will achieve his goal. If a man pays for cash, then he is independent and independent. But if the wallet of a male representative is empty, then he is dependent on others and is waiting to be taken care of.

Bad habits of a man

By the habits of a man, one can also judge his character. So, a man who loves gambling loves to take risks. But only his excessive optimism obscures reality. Male smokers are prone to anxiety and anxiety. And those men who like to drink usually hide their insecurities in drinks.

Man's communication style

Those men who prefer to write emails instead of phone calls are "hard nuts". They prefer this way of communication, either because they deliberately prepare their thoughts each time, or because they hide their essence. If your chosen one prefers to communicate using SMS messages, then he craves your constant attention, and also at any time to be sure that you are with him. But those men who prefer phone calls, a little old-fashioned, but not afraid of close relationships.

Your clothes that excite the chosen one

A woman's old-fashioned T-shirt and jeans that are worn over a swimsuit appeal to a man more than a leather mini? Such a man is attracted to both rich and low-income women. If a man admires a girl who likes to dress up in clothes from famous designers, then prestige is very important for him. Men who prefer super sexy women or vamps seek to increase their self-esteem in this way. With such a woman, he will be admired and, at the same time, envied.

Man's behavior at a party

You can also learn a lot from the behavior of a man at a party. If a man cannot fully relax during a party with friends, then he is most likely modest, shy and shy. Do not expect super-romantic acts, unexpected surprises, sex in a public place from such a man. A man who has fun with all his heart in a company and is her soul feels a constant need for attention, and, therefore, the interests of a woman are in his second place. Most likely, when choosing to spend time with you or others, he will choose the second option.

Type of car driving by a man

A man who is constantly wagging among cars, and also constantly striving to overtake other cars at the same time, scolding clumsy drivers, will be aggressive in life and relationships. If your chosen one is absolutely calm while stuck in a traffic jam, then he knows how to control his emotions.

Man's position on sex

You can also find out the character of your partner by his attitude towards sex. If your chosen one encourages you to have sex at any time of the day and in any place, then most likely he is convinced of your mutual sexual attraction or builds relationships based on the distribution of traditional roles of a man and a woman. Those men who initially wait for the initiative from women, most likely, want to have fun for themselves. In addition, he may be hurt by vanity after some refusal to have sex before.

What time of day do men choose to have sex?

Men who prefer morning sex act energetically, enterprisingly and spontaneously in life. If your chosen one loves night sex, then he is probably a moderate romantic. Such a man may not be a great connoisseur of sex, but long gentle caresses are provided to you.

The character of a man in clothes and shoes

Men are much more secretive than women. If women have outfits for self-expression, then for men, psychologically, clothing is armor, protection. Today, all men have approximately the same shirts, trousers and jackets, and from approximately the same color scheme. The difference is mainly in price. This is because a woman seeks to show her partner that she is the one and only, and men have a herd instinct, they need to be like everyone else, but only better. But still small parts can tell something about their owner. What can you say about a man...

Favorite colors in clothes

Black color is chosen by men who want to emphasize their strength, status and power. Black is the king of colors. It complements the image of a solid person. Some representatives of the stronger sex, for whom casual clothing is the basis of style, prefer this color because of its practicality. In addition, black gives a sense of calm and security.

clothes white color not often seen on a man. It is chosen by those who want to look elegant and neat. The owner of white things loves cleanliness and order. Perhaps he is a little pedantic. Such a man, most likely, is characterized by decency and honesty.

Men who wear red are probably trying to express their individuality. Red is also considered the color of anger and aggression. The other side may be a bright temperament. A man in red is usually sociable and active. This color can also be worn by insecure young people who are trying to compensate for this shortcoming due to the color of strong energy.

The green color of the clothes characterizes its owner as a soft, flexible person. Such a man easily compromises, he is constant and realistic. Sometimes he falls under the influence of a stronger personality.

Smart, prudent and somewhat cold-blooded men like to wear blue and blue colors. At the same time, they are characterized by a calm character, modesty and loyalty to higher values.

Violet color is chosen by creative natures. They are sensitive and receptive.

Yellow and orange are the favorite colors of cheerful people and optimists. At the same time, such a quality as infantilism can also manifest itself in men.

These are generalized psychological data. Men are much more complex and contradictory. And each color has a personalized effect on a person.


A man with a perfectly tied classic tie is always, even when it is not required, a conservative who strives to keep everything in order, on the shelves. And always be up to par. Like the hussars who went into battle buttoned up and fought and died as if they were filming a camera. Here is the same case. He is always on stage and tense. And relaxes, too, according to the standard. Such, if deep down he misses madness, cannot afford it. Maximum - a short affair with a married subordinate. In love, the form of relationships is important to him, how they look from the outside, in the eyes of others, therefore he immediately sets quite rigid boundaries: a future wife, a mistress on a schedule, a girl for going out, etc.

Suppose a man is supposed to wear a formal suit, but he puts on a tie only when necessary, and the rest of the time without it, with one or two top buttons unbuttoned. This is a transformation hero. He is not afraid of bold decisions, assertive and stubborn in his work. And he doesn't always know exactly what he wants. But he wants. This man follows his hunting instinct and often wins. Or loses, not without it. Gambling and, most likely, with a great sense of humor and creative. In love, he seeks adventure, emotions and spiritual fusion. But it is difficult to understand whether he is going to marry or disappear tomorrow.

There is a tie, but awry, only to support the collar of the shirt. This is a man squeezed in the grip of conventions, he wants independence and is afraid of it. He prefers to grumble, criticize than to act. Not a natural leader. He needs a guiding hand. Although he may be under stress now and he is observing conventions in the form of a tie, a rebellion is brewing internally. A tie knocked to one side and carelessly tied is evidence of internal contradictions. Maybe he's just torn between two women. In love, he seeks understanding, complicity and sometimes experiments on the verge.


There is an opinion among psychoanalysts that men subconsciously associate shoes and potency. The men laugh at this. But for some reason they stubbornly polish their boots in front and forget about the backs.

Fans of pointy shoes, in theory, love to conquer women's hearts in packs. A long sock is, as it were, an indicator of the size of their organ. They assert themselves through the number of victories. And even if this is not a womanizer, then it is important for him how many times he could. Although some experienced ladies argue that it is more important for "sharp-nosed" people to talk about victories, including invented ones, than to carry out feats.

With blunt shoes, they treat sex soundly. Let once, but remember.

Attachers great importance shoes with designer bells and whistles are just as confused about sex. Exquisite courtship, special conversations, Kama Sutra under the pillow. It is important for him to be on top and remain in memory as the best lover. But in pursuit of a spectacular wrapper, he can forget about the content. And maybe not forget. Unpredictable.

The heroine of the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" did not like men with dirty shoes for nothing. Because carelessness in shoes reveals carelessness in relationships. A gentleman in love has shining shoes. And the one who cannot understand his ladies will walk around with a "nose" covered up.


If a woman uses jewelry for its intended purpose - to decorate herself, then the man declares his status.

Heavy massive rings, chains and cufflinks are in abundance - a man considers himself very important, but deep down he is dissatisfied with his position. This is a signal of internal stress, tension. Including in relationships with women.

He does not wear jewelry at all - he is very confident in himself. He does not need bright plumage to emphasize status. Either he does not care about him, or he already has such a status that it makes no sense to declare him.


Freud insisted that for a man his car is like a mother's womb. And by the way in which the "womb" a man prefers to move, you can learn something about him.

The more a man chooses a car, the more space he wants to occupy in life. On a jeep - wants to be the master of the situation. Hidden deep down is a great fear of being wrecked. From fear - men shake muscles and buy big cars. It's like their psychological defense: "Look how huge I am, and tremble."

Cars sporty look long-nosed sedans are loved by those who want to appear as a successful womanizer. This role is enough right hand main. He is not in a hurry to take more space in life, but strives to do everything, to be noted everywhere, to leave a mark in history or in the soul. It is more comfortable and safer to deal with a "jeep" in love than with a "sedan".

Small cars are loved by men with big complexes. The guy thus wants to stand out (they say, I'm not like other men), and remain invisible. He does not know what he wants from life, like a loser at school, he hides in the back of the classroom so that the teacher does not ask for homework.

Well, it is clear that the higher the status of a man, the more he attaches importance to decoration, technical specifications car and emphasizes its status through these details. That is why men like to talk about cars, raise their level. If a man himself is constantly improving his car, this means that he does not expect favors from nature, but expects miracles only from himself. Reliable guy, not exactly adventurous. Less important is success, rather the result. Good family man and owner of the house.

Very soon you will learn to discover the secret addictions and inclinations of men without exchanging a single word with them!

In contact with


Physiognomy determines the character of a person by his appearance. In ancient China, this science was even considered one of the branches of medicine.It is known that his gestures can tell a lot about a person. But even without knowing the "sign language" you can characterize different people by their appearance.


Features of the structure of the neck, shoulders, hips and legs can tell about the character and passions of a person. For example, a short neck is a clear sign of stubbornness and shortsightedness, while a long one is usually found in melancholics. The “bull” neck testifies to the fearlessness of a person. Well, the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid person.


When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of the interlocutor. If they are narrow, the person is clearly shy and prone to self-criticism. BUT broad shoulders will serve as evidence that he is extremely brave. Broad-shouldered people often inspire confidence and know how to win over.


Massive and wide hips usually betray an uncompromising person. Rounded hips have soft and limp personalities. But narrow and strong hips are a sign of a strong character and endurance. By the way, slender legs “talk” about the ability to achieve your goals.


Of course, people most often pay attention to each other's faces. Therefore, it is very important to know how to determine the character of a person by the features of his face. So, smart person features a high and slightly convex forehead. But the owners of a narrow forehead are characterized by excessive irascibility. High bald patches are often found in people with some kind of strong motivation. If the forehead of the interlocutor has a square shape, you are dealing with a pathologically honest person.


About the character of a person can "tell" and his eyebrows. Thin eyebrows betray arrogant and ambitious people. Jointed eyebrows are often a sign of cruelty and rudeness, and wide ones are a clear sign of sincerity and simplicity.


Deep-set eyes characterize people as greedy and envious. Wide-open eyes usually have real dreamers. And the owners of small eyes are distinguished by eloquence and curiosity. By the way, narrow eyes can give out cruel man, usurper.


Some character traits can also be identified by the shape of the nose. Yes, sharp and long nose indicates the severity and irascibility of its owner. Frivolous and capricious people most often have slightly upturned noses. Well, a wide and thick nose indicates the rudeness of a person.


A small mouth is often found in weak-willed people. If a person's upper lip is slightly larger than the lower, he is a real egoist. And the protruding lower lip characterizes a person who is used to getting what he wants from life. A narrow mouth is a clear sign of stealth. well and plump lips indicate the humility and courage of a person.


Often strong people, who independently achieve their goals, have a large and well-defined chin. Modest and insecure people, on the contrary, have a small and inexpressive chin.

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They say: "They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind." Let's rephrase a little: "We meet by appearance, we judge by character." Surely, after all, you happened to give someone a characterization, based only on external data. For example, people with thin lips are cunning and love to manipulate, while those who purse their lips are cunning. You can't even imagine how close to the truth it is! Our intuition will never let you down, signaling certain features of appearance: you need to be careful with this person, and this one is just a shirt-guy. What is this, another myth or is it true?

I had one gentleman, intelligent, friendly, self-possessed and calm. We could talk for hours on all sorts of topics about literature, theater, contemporary art, we had the same life values and worldview, and what is most pleasant, he, like me, loved animals. Well, just a super candidate for husbands! But when you look at him, his good soul and all positive traits somehow receded into the background. No, he was not repulsive or unpleasant in appearance. But from all his features there was such despondency, such hopelessness and something else incomprehensible, but unambiguously alarming, that after a while even our conversations ceased to be pleasant for me. One day I told him: “Sorry, we won’t see each other anymore.” And that's when I realized what always bothered me about him.

The man’s expression changed abruptly from peaceful to hard, he jumped up and, with tears in his eyes, began to reproach me that I was such and such, I led him by the nose for so long that I ruined his whole life, that he opened his soul to me in vain and immediately abandons this world and leaves to live a wild life at the end of the world! Such a sharp transition from calmness to a hysterical state was shocking, but, as it turned out later, when I studied the laws of phenotypology and physiognomy, it was natural.

So, let's see what's the matter. The man had close-set eyes with strongly hanging eyelids, a weak-willed chin, sloping shoulders, a high, weak voice, and there was no hairline on his arms and legs. Our ancestors took such signs of the body very seriously, and especially the Zoroastrians succeeded in the science of “reading the face”. According to their classification, this man, based on his external data, there are huge problems with self-identification in society: sloping shoulders are a characteristic of a pessimist, a person who cannot cope with emotional stress, a cut chin is a sign of a fatal flaw in character and fate, drooping eyelids also speak of pessimism, lack of initiative, dependence from other people's energy. Proximity the eye indicates secrecy, and a sluggish voice and lack of male-type hair growth indicate low male energy. Of course, such a cocktail leads to an extreme imbalance of character - who needs such a sadly hysterical type?

Let's look at the main combinations of phenotypic (external) signs and character traits, and perhaps this will be useful to you in "testing" your boyfriend and you will not waste a lot of time on the wrong person for you.

What do eyes say

Adherents of physiognomy (the science of reading the face) believe that different parts of our face reflect certain aspects of character and personality (and the interpretation of appearance in men and women is sometimes different):

  • Forehead: our way of thinking.
  • Eyes: show how open we are to the world.
  • Nose: work and our relationship with money.
  • Mouth: how expressive we are.
  • Lips: how sensual we are.
  • Chin: how confident we are.
  • Ears: our interaction with other people.


Few women can resist a two-meter handsome man. Nature a priori endowed a tall man with leadership qualities that will allow him to build a successful and prosperous life. The main thing is to take advantage of this natural talent and not bury it in the ground. Short men are also very lucky: they have the most pronounced sexual power and, as a result, an active life position, sociability, contact, intelligence and cunning. The male component is enhanced if the man has a narrow pelvis and legs that are not very long, but proportional to the body, with a well-defined foot. Little men, as we know from history, most often have a Napoleon complex. And if the one who gave the name to this phenomenon, despite his height, was still a man, having conquered half of Europe, then in our time rarely anyone who has not stepped over the bar of 160 cm achieves outstanding results. Complexes devour small men, this can be seen from their sharp, evil, piercing gaze. But there are exceptions - rarely, but still.

Be careful if a man has a bad beard. This means that there is little testosterone in his body, which has a bad effect on character - usually such specimens are vindictive and cowardly. Just beware if a man has a small mouth - this can be a sign of greed and grumpiness.

For women, everything is strictly the opposite - little ladies often turn out to be real tyrants and lady bosses, and tall, large-boned women are modest, shy and submissive. The laws of nature require that a woman, as a subject of the Universe, be smaller than a man - then complete harmony sets in.

In the head and on the head

Observe: male leaders most often have a round and rather large skull. Their hair is definitely thick. Such a man does not wear a ponytail and a bob hairstyle. But a thick mop of hair betrays a sensible, witty, creative man - well, it's nice, because not everyone prefers to have a boss in their own bed. Someone agrees on a free artist! Someone with a head that is wider than it is long (the shape of a pumpkin, pardon the comparison) is a typical loser with a low level of wealth. Fragile men with a small head are most often losers - society requires brutality from a man, but what kind of brutality with a leg of no more than 38 sizes, pianist's fingers and other not very outstanding virtues? Most of these men are notorious, their personal lives do not work out, and if such a specimen is married, he most often becomes a domestic tyrant. And when he also has small ears - that's it, the diagnosis is ready: a mundane, superficial nature.

Whether business ladies! The more elongated the top of the head, the brighter the woman's artistic, creative inclinations manifest, which may indicate both eccentricity and bitchiness, and deep immersion in oneself. Everything is known in combination.


As a child, they told me: “Oh, what a smart girl is growing!” And all because my forehead is high and wide. It was believed that this was such a stereotype, but no, it turns out that there really is a relationship between a large forehead and a generous intellect. But for owners of low foreheads, IQ is more often on the lower border.


No other feature of appearance will say as much as the eyes and look. A direct open look, without running pupils, "seasoned" with a pleasant calm voice and light coming from the depths (of course, it is not visible, but it is felt), testify that in front of you is a person without a double bottom, not used to behind-the-scenes intrigues, gossip and deceit. Large eye sockets with a bright iris usually indicate that their owner is kind, sincere, soft and conservative. But those who have a small iris (visually it seems as if their eyes are sunken) are more often grumpy, grumpy and incapable of compromise in relationships. Our advice - do not ignore the good old covenant that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

nose and money

To be honest, I don’t know where the myth came from on the Internet that a long nose promises a comfortable and prosperous life. In Zoroastrianism, for example, there is no such data. But the fact that the representatives of this religion had aquiline thin noses is a fact. By the way, when looking at the sacred flame, the Zoroastrians covered their noses with special masks so as not to defile the fire with their breath. Thus, it can be assumed that a long nose can mean caution, reverence and respect. But this is all speculation. But among women, and you probably know this, there is an opinion that the owner of a large nose is extremely temperamental in bed matters. In principle, if we compare the anthropometric data of the “hot-blooded” representatives, then a certain picture really emerges: the one with the big nose is extremely good in the technique of sex and is practically inexhaustible that that rabbit is on batteries.

The struggle of opposites

The totality of external signs and character in men and women, as we said, is different. You may be curious to know a couple more facts: the thinner a woman's waist, the higher her resistance to life's adversities, the higher her energy.

And here thin waist in a man it contributes to the fact that it is easy for him, in no time you can break his back. In an energetic sense, of course. Such men are suspicious, succumb to the blues and other people's influence. Maybe that is why there are so many people of non-traditional orientation among the representatives of the ballet profession?

Legs, arms are not for boredom

Oddly enough, but a lot about a person can tell his knee. Owners of acute knees are choleric, their actions are often not thought out and hasty. Men with square knees are calm, balanced, pedantic, executive and proactive. If you know lazy people, pay attention - their knees are most often round. Legs in general have a huge impact on character. Short-legged people, especially women, are considered the most unpleasant - bile flows like that. X-shaped legs speak of insecurity. But still, it is much more unpleasant for a man to have short arms than legs. irregular shape.

Special Features

And now we will talk a little about the features that are not just carriers of information, but symbols, signs of fate. A kind of seal given from birth.

The fact that a person can live life alone without finding the other half is indicated by birthmark uneven shape on the abdomen above the navel on the left side in men, on the right side in women. Another similar "cain seal" may be on the neck below the ear - two small moles. And two moles immediately behind speak of a happy marriage. auricle. In addition, a mole or a small birthmark on the lower back or at the end of the sternum, strictly in the middle, are also harbingers of the fact that in life you will settle down as it should be for a woman, for her husband.

A sign of power, influence - a triangle of moles around the navel and an irregularly shaped birthmark on the head (remember Gorbachev?). A sign of trouble, some situations associated with violence, is a dark birthmark right in the area of ​​​​the third thoracic vertebra.

Well, and finally, a bit of spicy information that you can find out only by being in a close relationship with a man. You know, they sometimes say about people “kissed by God”? So: if your chosen one has intimate place flat mole Brown, do not rush to accuse him of treason and send him to Dr. Kupitman. For a start, study everything that we wrote about above, and who knows, maybe it will turn out that it is your man who is just one of those lucky ones to whom a sign of protection from any disasters has been sent from above. Well, if you also have a mole in the center in the inguinal region below the hairline for two fingers, then you have definitely found each other!

How useful and interesting is this article for you? Share with us your observations - we have no doubt that the look modern woman sometimes much sharper than the gaze of a Zoroastrian!

It is known that his gestures can tell a lot about a person. But even without knowing the "sign language" one can characterize different people by their appearance.


Features of the structure of the neck, shoulders, hips and legs can tell about the character and passions of a person. For example, a short neck is a clear sign of stubbornness and shortsightedness, while a long one is usually found in melancholics. The “bull” neck testifies to the fearlessness of a person. Well, the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid person.


When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of the interlocutor. If they are narrow, the person is clearly shy and prone to self-criticism. And broad shoulders will serve as evidence that he is extremely brave. Broad-shouldered people often inspire confidence and know how to win over.


Massive and wide hips usually betray an uncompromising person. Rounded hips have soft and limp personalities. But narrow and strong hips are a sign of a strong character and endurance. By the way, slender legs “talk” about the ability to achieve your goals.


Of course, people most often pay attention to each other's faces. Therefore, it is very important to know how to determine the character of a person by the features of his face. So, a smart person is distinguished by a high and slightly convex forehead. But the owners of a narrow forehead are characterized by excessive irascibility. High bald patches are often found in people with some kind of strong motivation. If the forehead of the interlocutor has a square shape, you are dealing with a pathologically honest person.


About the character of a person can "tell" and his eyebrows. Thin eyebrows betray arrogant and ambitious people. Jointed eyebrows are often a sign of cruelty and rudeness, and wide ones are a clear sign of sincerity and simplicity.


Deep-set eyes characterize people as greedy and envious. Wide-open eyes usually have real dreamers. And the owners of small eyes are distinguished by eloquence and curiosity. By the way, narrow eyes can betray a cruel person, a usurper.


Some character traits can also be identified by the shape of the nose. So, a sharp and long nose indicates the severity and irascibility of its owner. Frivolous and capricious people most often have slightly upturned noses. Well, a wide and thick nose indicates the rudeness of a person.


A small mouth is often found in weak-willed people. If a person's upper lip is slightly larger than the lower, he is a real egoist. And the protruding lower lip characterizes a person who is used to getting what he wants from life. A narrow mouth is a clear sign of stealth. Well, plump lips indicate the laughter and courage of a person.

The chin

Often strong people who independently achieve their goals have a large and well-defined chin. Modest and insecure people, on the contrary, have a small and inexpressive chin.

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