Archetypes of men and women. Male archetypes in the modern world

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What kind men there are, and what kind of women suit them? How to learn to distinguish men and accept them for who they are...

The combination of different elements turns some into generals, others into artists and lyricists, and others into scientists poring over scientific works and those trying to comprehend the secrets of the universe, and the fourth in traders and teachers. These are the four main categories.

The four main verses govern the world and each endow us with their own energy. Earth gives us practicality and stability, the ability to see details and maintain cleanliness and order, the ability to be specific and reasonable. Water gives us emotionality and sensitivity, compassion, the ability to sometimes go after feelings contrary to logic. Fire gives us creativity and imagination, the ability to fantasize and invent, the ability to see the hidden possibilities that lie in each new step. Air supports in us the ability to analyze and think, to inspire and build systems, to be strong-willed.

As a rule, all the elements are present in a person, but only two of them dominate, endowing him with certain properties and abilities. The two leading elements form a certain category.

The category of rulers is Air and Earth. Men in which logic and practicality are clearly shown. These are born leaders, they know how to manage and carry along. They have a strong will, they are purposeful and persistent. In their understanding, the world is ruled by force, and they know how to manifest it. They rarely fail, do not forgive insults and humiliations, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge. They demand order from those around them. They are restrained in the manifestation of their emotions, secretive and jealous. They tend to follow every step of a woman and are ready to hide her from everyone. Such men they are cool about their own appearance, paying more attention to the status of those things that belong to them.

The category of merchants is Earth and Water. Such men practicality and sensitivity prevail. Emotionality is manifested in the fact that they are perfectly able to capture the mood of others and, just playing along, achieve their goals. They are excellent at bargaining, always defending their interests. At the same time, they are not prone to sentimentality and romanticism. Their main qualities: freedom of action and thinking, the desire to follow their own impulses. They are unpredictable, risk-averse, optimistic, decisive, and do not understand abstract reasoning. This type men inherent desire for power and glory. They are always confident in themselves and their rightness. Always and in everything they try to show their superiority to others, but at the same time they are sociable and know how to create a holiday for themselves and others. They have excellent taste and know how to enjoy the beauty of the world around them. They are very sensitive to their own appearance, they dress beautifully. They can either show generosity, showering them with gifts, or show stinginess, even in small things. They know how to beautifully look after, delivering both sensual and aesthetic pleasure. Great lovers of women. They love variety in everything, constantly looking for new sensations.

The category of creators is Water and Fire. it men, in which sensuality is most manifested. Sensuality manifests itself in creativity. it men who have a rich imagination, who know how to be fascinated by new opportunities and rush after a dream. They know how to create something new. These are artists, poets, architects, actors, musicians. They know how to express and evoke the emotions they need. They are dreamy, romantic and capable of beautiful gestures. Such men they are absolutely indifferent to everyday trifles, it doesn’t matter to them where to sleep, what to eat, what and how they are dressed, but they need someone’s care. They are generous and mean at the same time. Creative chaos always reigns in their lives, but it is only in the midst of this chaos that beautiful works of art are born. They sing of the woman, but it is difficult for them to provide for her. They are ready to devote their whole lives to her, but they are unlikely to be able to build a house for her. They live in an imaginary world cut off from reality, and this allows them to create new worlds. But for these worlds to turn into reality, they need someone who will open them and be able to make all their fantasies come true. Very creative in bed.

The category of discoverers is Fire and Air. In these men strong logic and intuition, male power. They are scientists and researchers. They are always ready to quit
going into the unknown?
Noe to discover the laws that govern the world. It is easy to destroy the old to create something new. They care little about the shape of their house, order or disorder there. They do not pay attention to their health, they can, being carried away by work, forget about food. They are indifferent to money and are able to earn easily and spend just as easily. They are poorly versed in feelings, so they prefer not to show them and not let anyone close to their inner world. They are excellent at arguing their point of view and often, in search of truth, they do not notice how the feelings of other people hurt. They seem cold and reserved, but are very passionate by nature.

Knowing which category it belongs to the male, allows you to better understand it and accept it as it is, with all its advantages and limitations. You should not demand golden palaces from an artist, and manifestations of strong feelings from a born ruler.

Each the male looking for that energy that complements and enhances it. For example, the male, in which practicality and logic are shown, will look for a woman in whom there is more sensuality and immediacy. A creative the male, in which feelings are just in abundance, on the contrary, will look for a woman in whom practicality prevails.

Let's take a closer look.

male rulers expect from a woman the ability to be sexual and emotional, to be a lover and a girl. In Japan they were called geishas, ​​in India they were called devadasi, in Greece they were called getters, but it doesn’t matter what name you give them. Their image is a fluttering colorful butterfly. Such women are talented in many ways: they sing and dance beautifully, compose poetry and play on stage. They are plastic, creatively inventive. For them, life is a stage, and each time they create a new story, inventing everything from costumes to cues. Men from the category of rulers are grateful to them for this, as they need someone to fill their regimented and gray life with colors and unpredictability. These women know how to sincerely admire a man and inspire him to new achievements. And even if the male grumbles, not finding the right thing among a pile of her trinkets, he is ready to indulge the whims of his little girl, and at night melt from her skillful caresses. The image of a romantic girl suits them the most.

Male merchants they expect from a woman the ability to be reasonable and sexy - a queen (bitch) and a mistress. Such women are outwardly cold and inaccessible, devilishly smart, but liberated in bed. They are temperamental and playful, but men there are always doubts about her feelings. It seems to him that he is participating in some kind of experiment, but the taste of risk only adds to the severity of his sensations. Even the cold prudence of such women and their squandering do not scare away men from the clan of merchants, but, on the contrary, push them to the manifestation of generosity and gifts. It allows man choose a gift yourself, without imposing your desire, relying on his taste. She can only say what she likes. But in the heavy for men At times, such a woman knows how to stop and is ready to moderate her appetites and not demand anything. Male merchants ready to put up with the whims of their beloved and their eternal mess, with their disregard for comfort and inability to cook. They are fascinated by a combustible mixture of independence, intelligence, passion and unbridledness. Active and unpredictable, such women keep men in a constant tone, sometimes making a short-term scandal, sometimes being mischievous, but quickly calming down and yielding. Quite calm about the attention of others men, male merchants more jealous of friends. Expensive cosmetics, well-groomed and painted nails are signs of their girlfriends. Male merchant pays attention to quality and originality. Tight evening dresses, constant change of toilets give birth to male merchant desire, charming him like a new commodity. Woman - queen - mistress ready to dance for men, not allowing her to touch and the more inciting his desire. She masterfully knows how to switch man with his problems, distracting him with stories about fashion, about his feelings, praising his dignity, restoring his self-confidence. man I also like the manifestation of jealousy on her part, a strong scandal. She does not allow herself in the presence men show your bad mood.

Men Those belonging to the creators value practicality and logic (reasonableness) in a woman, it is important for them to see a mistress and a bitch in a companion. The same
women can
create comfort, maintain cleanliness, cook deliciously and reasonably manage the household. They perfectly manage their world, and sometimes it doesn’t matter to them that their world is a whole state. Such women are thorough and calm, restrained in the manifestation of their feelings. They are well-groomed and elegant. The ability to plan and organize everything leads to the fact that they become leaders in the family. But male creators they calmly hand over the reins of government to them, being engaged in creativity and not caring about everyday trifles. Often the problem is that such women are still looking for strong and successful women. men in whom similar energies are manifested, not understanding why such men pay no attention to them. Host queens do not want to waste their time on promising artists and writers, not realizing that it is only their efforts that make these men famous. Only a woman helps man reach those heights that are destined for him by fate.

Men who belong to the category of pioneers, also expect practicality from a woman, but at the same time emotionality - housewives and girls. Such women have excellent taste, neat. They prefer comfortable and practical clothes, without any ruffles. Excellent cooking and sewing. Everything is in their hands. They are busy all the time. Their home is always sparkling clean and always open to guests. Hostesses-girls are sociable and cheerful. Ready to support in difficult times, to calm and caress. Such women perfectly capture all shades of mood. men and can easily adapt to it. Male discoverer I am grateful to her for supporting the organization of his life, for the emotions that she sometimes brings down on him. But it is important for him to see in her eyes the admiration of faith in him. She manages all the cases, but always gives him the opportunity to feel in charge. She leaves him the last word, but this does not mean that she will do as he said. It allows man rule, gently and gently ruling him.

From time immemorial, men have realized themselves as warriors, philosophers (teachers), merchants, peasants (land-dealers), monarchs, monks and slaves.

Seven socio-professional roles, seven male archetypes. Of course, there can be much more of them, but for convenience, protecting ourselves from redundant information, we will focus on this lucky number.

In each of the male archetypes, a certain energy, basic desire, focus, motivation, tools for achieving success are concentrated. It is important for us to understand that in every man in a certain ratio there are all seven archetypes.

Each male archetype describes one of the facets of male power. Therefore, comprehending your beloved through archetypes, you will finally see him "in full glory."

So, in every man there are all seven archetypes. One or more are more pronounced, others are weaker. And this circumstance creates a unique individuality of your chosen one. Individuality, colored by his temperament, level of education and culture, life experience.

Warrior archetype. In this archetype, open active struggle comes first. For a warrior, both the process of the fight and the result, victory, are important. For a warrior, feat is important. “I fight because I fight,” said the legendary Portoe.

However, a warrior does not fight just for the sake of the process. In this archetype, the theme of justice is important. A true warrior fights for the victory of justice. Even if he participates in a dubious military campaign, he must still have the confidence that he is doing the right thing. At least from my point of view.

The archetypal nature of the Warrior is to fight for justice. Under the influence of this archetype, a man becomes active, aggressive. But at the same time generous. Generosity, of course, extends only to the scope of ideas about justice.

It is important to distinguish between universal human values ​​and justice in the view of the Warrior. These two categories are not always consistent with each other. A warrior defends, fights for what he considers fair and right.

Another aspect of the Warrior archetype is the attitude towards one's own territory. On the one hand, he guards, protects his territory. On the other hand, he seeks to expand its borders, to seize foreign territory. For him, someone who has a certain territorial right and generally any benefits is a potential enemy, a factor, on the one hand, restraining his activity, on the other hand, provoking its manifestation.

The warrior feels great on the front line. Everything is clear there: there is an enemy to be defeated, there are soldiers to be commanded. As for the issues of the rear, here the warrior does not feel so confident, there are too many "half-tones", assumptions, intrigues. The Warrior archetype has no resources for intrigue, it is the prerogative of another archetype.

The Warrior archetype gives a man the ability to acutely feel two main processes: excitation and inhibition. Excitement culminates in combat, inhibition culminates in the breaks between battles. normal mode ancient warrior: fight - feast. For example, it is known that the famous Cossacks between military campaigns engaged in gluttony and alcohol abuse.

Two basic processes for a warrior - excitation and inhibition - exist in close interconnection. If his braking is taken away, he will burn in battle. If he is deprived of excitement, the feeling of a fight, conflict, the opportunity to accomplish a feat, he degrades.

If the Warrior archetype is strongly expressed in a man, conflict will be vital for him. Life for him is a war, consisting of big and small battles, from which he must emerge victorious. Such a man will be inclined to deliberately provoke others to a conflict: to cause irritation, to invite "to measure strength." In a fight is life for him, and the best entertainment is good fight.

In a woman, a man with a strong Warrior archetype will see first of all a trophy. He will definitely have to win it. And she, on the one hand, must provide for his rear, but on the other hand, must constantly support in him the desire to conquer her. He will consider her betrayal as a betrayal, allowing the enemy to enter his territory. What is due for treason among real warriors? Only death.

So, the Warrior archetype in a man stimulates an active desire to conquer, argue, fight, conquer, protect, fight for justice. The Warrior archetype activates in a man the desire to win and for this to improve his own physical and mental nature.

The Warrior archetype, like the God of War inside a man, helps to maintain tone, a constant state of readiness for action.

Archetype of the Philosopher (Teacher). Philosophers, teachers explain the structure of the world and pass this knowledge on to others. The basic desire formed by this archetype is the desire to know the truth, to objectively comprehend reality, to create a model of the world, of society. This archetype contains the search for a formula for life, love, motivation for human actions.

“The tendency to analyze, to build abstract judgments is the reason that he [a man] is more accessible to the abstract theoretical activity, free from the viscosity of sensory perception: he can think abstractly, generalized, abstractly, finding in this a certain satisfaction from the shuffling and combination of concepts occupying him. A man always tries to put the characteristics of the phenomenon he observes or studies into the categories of space, time, causality; the “wonderful” behavior of the object irritates and offends him until he brings him even a minimal, but “objective” base,” these words of the St. Petersburg psychotherapist Alfred Shchegolev can be safely attributed to a man in whom the archetype of the Philosopher is strongly expressed.

Famous men, creators of philosophical, social, political and psychological theories, had a pronounced archetype of the Philosopher, the Teacher. “In everything I want to get to the very essence, in work, in the search for ways, in heart trouble,” wrote Boris Pasternak. This desire is caused by the action of the archetype of the Teacher.

If it is important for the Warrior to win, then for the Philosopher it is to find confirmation of his theory, his views, his correctness. Having created a certain model, he explains from its position what is happening around him. If a certain phenomenon does not fit into his concept, he either develops, supplements his theory, or declares it an exception to the rules, confirming the rules. It happens that a man with a pronounced archetype of the Philosopher is very sorry to part with a “beautiful theory”, he desperately defends it with the energy of a warrior and can even give his life for it.

The archetype of the Philosopher forms in a man, on the one hand, the desire to explain the world. On the other hand - to convey the fruit of their thoughts to others.

Others for the Philosopher are colleagues (teachers) and students. A man with a strong Philosopher archetype definitely needs students. To them, he will explain in detail and in detail, achieving a complete understanding, explain the structure of the world from the standpoint of his theory.

Also, a man with a strong archetype of the Philosopher needs colleagues - he can argue with them. During the discussion, he finds new arguments in support of his position. If he is convincing, then some colleagues will "pass over to his faith."

As for the relationship with a woman, the archetype of the Philosopher forms in a man the desire to find a student. The one that he, with the help of his knowledge and wisdom, can wrest from the captivity of delusions, illiteracy and illusions. For which she will invariably experience a legitimate sense of gratitude, admiration and worship. The main quality for a companion of a man with a strong Teacher archetype is the ability to listen and listen. You can not understand something, modestly ask clarifying questions, but you can’t argue. This is the privilege of colleagues.

The archetype of the Philosopher (Teacher) helps a man to explain the world and pass this knowledge on to others. And this can be done not only seriously, but also with a sense of humor. As some jesters did, and now the successors of their work are humorists and satirists.

Archetype of the Merchant. The contribution of merchants to the creation economic system hard to overestimate. Moving from place to place, they extended the threads of communication not only between people, but also between cultures and ethnic groups.

To go on a journey, you need a certain amount of adventurism; in order to make trade transactions, it is necessary to feel the psychology of a partner and a buyer subtly and find a special approach to each; to create conditions for prosperity, you need a flexible mind and combinatorial abilities; in order to survive the loss of goods and force majeure, the excitement of the player is often necessary.

Therefore, the Merchant archetype carries adventurism, flair, flexibility, communication skills, intuition, a subtle understanding of someone else's psychology, a creative mind, combinatorial abilities, lightness, artistry, and an amazing ability to "apply
pull" money.

The one in whom the Merchant archetype is strong can easily build ingenious combinations to acquire money, be a gambler. But he is not attached to money, he can easily part with it. For the Merchant, money is a means to achieve certain goals. He turns money into goods, goods into money. The Merchant archetype is not greedy.

Among the literary heroes, a vivid example of a man with a strong archetype of the Merchant is Ostap Bender, the great strategist. Also, these are the heroes of OTenry, great scammers, great businessmen, heroes of the films "All In", "Scam", "Thomas Crown Affair", "Bluff". Look - enjoy.

The dominant passion of a man with a pronounced Merchant archetype is a passion for the game. He manages to build an ingenious combination to receive money, use manipulative technologies easily and naturally. Moreover, the Merchant archetype gives a man a special charm, magic, charm, so people want to work with him, build relationships.

Merchants have always had strong notions of honor ("honest merchant's word"). Therefore, the Merchant archetype carries ideas about ethics in business. With whom you can play, with whom you can’t; who can be manipulated, who cannot; to what extent it is possible to enrich oneself at the expense of another - all this a man with a pronounced archetype of the Merchant feels intuitively. The code of honor formed by the Merchant archetype is not described anywhere, but every man in which this archetype is strong has clear ideas about it.

Another strength contained in the Merchant archetype is the ability to cooperate. At all times, merchants united in guilds, unions, brotherhoods. Take, for example, the brotherhood of the Blackheads, which included unmarried, prosperous merchants. Anyone who was part of this brotherhood could count on the help of his brethren. The ability to cooperate among the ancient merchants was due to a vital necessity.

So, on the one hand, the Merchant archetype gives a man creative commercial individualism, adventurism, on the other hand, the ability to cooperate, honest cooperation with partners.

As for relationships with a woman, this archetype does not burden a man with constancy. A change of scenery, environment, an interesting intrigue, a game - this is what interests a man with a pronounced Merchant archetype. If a woman is part of this, she will be interesting to him. But he will not tolerate any boredom and excessive stability. A woman living next to a man with a pronounced Merchant archetype will have to carefully stock up “for a rainy day”, turning to them in a difficult period (and “presenting” this as a merit of a man to save). In addition, she will have to forgive his frivolity and occupy her mind with the creative process of creating a game with her lover.

The Merchant archetype gives a man a good receptivity, thanks to which he can comprehend the subtle female nature. Therefore, a man with a strong Merchant archetype knows how to beautifully, unconventionally, elegantly look after, be attentive and sentimental. The Merchant archetype gives a man excellent acting skills, because he can be different. This circumstance is especially attractive for many women. Women have told me in confidence that the best lovers are men with a strong Merchant archetype.

The Archetype of the Merchant, if it dominates in a man, makes his life a real Adventure. He is constantly called by the road, change. He is a true fortune hunter.

Archetype of the Peasant. Farmers tend to be sedentary. The main thing for them is a sense of constancy, stability. The peasant understands the cycles of nature well, knows when to start sowing, when to hay, when to harvest. He is hardworking and adapted to monotonous work, pragmatic and prudent.

A good peasant knows how to make stocks, knows how, if he's lucky, he knows how to sell part of the crop. For the ancient peasant, it was important to survive by feeding himself and his family, to continue life, giving a large number of offspring.

If the archetype of the Peasant is strongly expressed in a man, he will be stingy and unpretentious; he will always have money set aside "for a rainy day"; he will have the ability to be content with little. He will be able to work patiently, denying himself much, in order to acquire a valuable thing, to build his own house. Children are of particular value to him as the successors of his family, his deeds, his traditions.

For the archaic peasant, traditions, rituals, memorable dates meant a lot. Carrying elements of tribal memory, they ensured the stability of existence and development.

The Peasant archetype does not contain the energy of adventurism. Therefore, men with a strongly manifested Peasant archetype do not like changes, risky operations, innovations. They trust their instincts and life experience, traditions, stereotypes more than the recommendations of "cool" experts.

Peasant cunning, ingenuity, common sense and optimism are often demonstrated by the heroes of everyday and satirical fairy tales. True, this does not prevent them from sometimes being too gullible.

Good house, a well-fed family, the presence of its own subsistence economy, its own land, stability - these are the main values ​​​​of the Peasant archetype. You might even think that this male archetype does not contain conflict, struggle. But it's not. The ancient peasant had to fight. His enemies were the elements, insects, hostile tribes. If required, he could protect his home and family, and even give his life for it. Despite the fact that the value of life for him is very high. If he lost his home and crops, he found the strength, courage and patience to start all over again.

If the archetype of the Peasant is weakly manifested in a man, he will lack practicality, the ability to patiently make savings, wait for "his hour"; that special feeling of support, stability, confidence that comes not from within, but "from the earth itself" will be missed.

As for relationships with a woman, the Peasant archetype forms in a man the desire to marry a “good housewife”, who will be moderately beautiful, pragmatic, thrifty, hardy and hardworking. Next to him should be a woman who affirms with her existence the ideas of stability, healthy pragmatism and procreation. True, women have told me that the Peasant archetype makes a man greedy.

For example, one lady said: “This Peasant in my husband got me! Imagine, we saved up money for a long time, finally went to the store to buy me a coat. Bought. Then we went to another department and took more boots. Then we bought another small teapot. I was happy. But when we left the store and got into the car, my husband counted the money, and then itched all the way how much we had spent.

And by the way, we even saved money! So I don’t understand how it’s possible not to be happy about shopping, but to think about how much we spent!”

So, the Peasant archetype gives a man a desire for stability, procreation, finding his own home, his household, his family. Thanks to the Peasant within himself, a man has the ability and patience to engage in monotonous work day after day, to resist boredom and routine.

Monarch archetype. Crowned, just, the vicar of God on earth, wise, far-sighted, far-sighted; thinking for his subjects, taking responsibility not only for himself, but also for the lives of the entire people, state; who knows how to take care of his subjects, to see more than they, to think cleaner than they - this is a far from complete list of qualities and abilities that the Monarch archetype carries.

The archetype of the Monarch forms in a man the desire to patronize, take responsibility, take a leading position, lead people; allows you to be generous to the weak, to make grand gestures and royal gifts.

A monarch cannot be a monarch alone. He needs retinue, courtiers, courtiers. And they certainly have a significant impact on him. But all decisions are made only by him, and no one else. He alone is the master of the situation, who rarely errs and sees everything in advance.

Men with a pronounced archetype of the Monarch carry the whole set of these wonderful qualities and aspirations. But this archetype also gives social dependence. A man's well-being depends on his social achievements, status, authority, and the ability to influence events. Collapse in society can lead to personal ruin if the influence of this archetype is too strong. After all, the worst thing for a monarch is the deprivation of his throne.

Women, as a rule, dream of men with a pronounced archetype of the Monarch, rightly believing that with him they will be like stone wall. However, it is important to remember that the companions of the greats shared with them not only blessings, but also difficulties, as well as the vicissitudes of the royal character, pain for the state and the stupidity of subjects.

The Monarch archetype in a man can manifest itself not only as generosity, responsibility, political and strategic wisdom. This archetype sometimes manifests in a man his shadow side of the “oriental despot”. In this case, the man begins to believe that absolute power, the absolute right to truth and judgment belong only to him. Those around him, especially those closest to him, should not take any unauthorized liberties, have no right to criticize his position and decisions, and all their actions should be under his vigilant control.

The archetype of the Monarch does not give a man abstinence in relation to the weaker sex. In archaic times, when monarchs were considered the deputies of the gods, it was their “holy duty” to embrace as many women as possible with their male power. Of course, the heart of the monarch may belong to the true queen, but the body - to many concubines.

Thanks to the archetype of the Monarch, men love compliments addressed to them (even turning into praises and solemn hymns).

This archetype enables a man to vividly feel, experience his own creative masculine power, and also constantly strive for power over himself, others, and circumstances.

Monk archetype. A monk, a hermit, an enlightened one dedicates his life to the Service of a higher idea (usually one). The highest idea can come from Subtle or Social reality. This idea can be God, the Beautiful Lady, Goodness and Justice, the bright future of mankind, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and others.

This archetype forms faith in a man, even sometimes obsession, frenzy in aspirations. He gives strength to follow his idea, find his own kind, consistently put it into practice.

A man in whom the Monk archetype is strongly expressed easily endures loneliness. You can even call him an individualist. He forms around himself a special aura of his own world, into which access is not open to everyone. Only to those chosen ones who have proven their loyalty or devotion to the idea.

As for relationships with a woman, this archetype gives a man the power of abstinence. If the archetype of the Monk in a man is strongly expressed, then he will strive either to remain alone or to find a faithful companion who shares his views and is ready to sacrifice herself to his Service.

So, this archetype gives a man a special sensitivity to high ideas and the strength to serve them.

Slave archetype. A slave, a servant, a serf, a serf, a proletarian - at different times this archetype showed different faces and roles to the world. The basic principle here is the lack of responsibility, the ability to manage one's life. The master decides everything for the slave. On the one hand, it's humiliating. This circumstance led to various uprisings, ending in constant tragedy, on the other hand, conveniently. No need to think for yourself: what they said, they did.

In a slave, contradictory tendencies were intricately intertwined: the desire to be free, fear, the desire to be in the role of a master, the dream of a freebie...

Unfortunately, for a long time the Soviet political system deliberately destroyed the positive component of this archetype. And strengthened his shadow side: lack of will, irresponsibility. Many women complain about their husbands and sons precisely because this archetype is disharmoniously dominant in them (“He is weak-willed, irresponsible, he doesn’t need anything, I have to decide everything myself”, etc.).

Thanks to the harmonious action of this archetype, a man can adapt in society, as they say, "live in the system", obey someone else's will. A harmoniously developed Slave archetype helps a man to serve with joy, to serve with pleasure. If a man has a weakly expressed this archetype, it will be difficult for him to work under someone's guidance, obey the rules, and meet expectations.

“I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve!” Chatsky exclaims. As a rule, the weak archetype of the Slave is compensated by the archetype of the Monarch. And he, as you know, prefers to set the rules himself, and those who are trying to put pressure on him ... you understand.

So, the Slave archetype gives a man the power of submission. How he disposes of it depends on many circumstances.

That's it, lovely ladies. Now you know how we are "arranged". The individual expression of archetypes is superimposed on the temperament, experience of a man, his features early development, its general cultural level. And with all this you have to deal with... What do you think about it?

Tatiana Zinkevich-Evstigneeva
Dmitry Frolov


Pro male archetypes. But there are several theories of archetypes - they were put forward by different authors, and each of them is interesting in its own way and has the right to exist. It is logical that archetypes change over time, because living conditions change and men themselves change. Before that, there was no division of male archetypes into mature and immature - now is the era when infantile men predominate, so the previous division needs to be adjusted.

But before talking about changes, you need to know what these archetypes were originally. At the moment, there are 2 "classical" theories of archetypes. The first was formulated by Carl Gustav Jung. The second is by his follower, Jungian psychologist Jin Shinoda Bohlen. Archetypes are practically the same as different types of people, only they are deeper, formed throughout human history, therefore they are extremely stable and universal for absolutely all peoples of the world.

Jung's archetypes are masculine

It is generally accepted that Jung's male archetypes 7: Monarch, Merchant, Peasant, Monk, Servant, Warrior, Philosopher. But this is a later classification. Jung himself approached the issue of archetypes more generally. He considered primarily the structure of the psyche. Do you want to understand all these complex, but long-familiar terms, such as "It", "Self", "Animus", etc.? Then go ahead.

I am the core, consciousness. What a person is aware of, remembers how he sees himself. Everything is pretty clear here.

The persona is the “outer shell” of I. The way a person presents himself, his “ business card» - manners, style, behavior, etc. Sometimes the term "Mask" is used instead of the term "Person". This is how a person manifests himself and realizes himself in outside world. Not all memories are stored in the Person - many of them are forced out as unimportant, but can always be restored.

I and Persona belong to the Conscious part of the personality.

The ego is the conduit between the conscious and the unconscious. Sometimes the Ego is identified with the Self, but this is a deeper layer. The ego is the center of our consciousness, what we become when we build a harmonious structure from our self-consciousness, the way of self-expression and the unconscious. Violation of this harmony leads to neuroses. Psychologist Lev Khigai believes that neurosis is not just a disease, it is the first step towards finding oneself.

The shadow is the first layer of the unconscious. Already on the basis of the name, it is clear that everything that is inherent in a person, but is unacceptable to him due to his personal attitudes, moves into the Shadow. Low, vicious, shameful. The Shadow is the Personal Unconscious.

Anima and Animus follow the Shadow. These are even deeper layers of personality. They represent the Collective Unconscious. And only at this level can we talk about archetypes. Anima is the female part of the soul, Animus is the male part, but both of them are present in every person, regardless of gender. According to Jung, it is under the influence of the Anima that a man chooses this or that woman for himself: “Every man carries in himself the eternal image of a woman - not this or that particular woman, but the image of a woman as such. This image is the imprint or "archetype" of the entire ancestral experience of femininity, the treasury, so to speak, of all impressions ever made by women. Because this image is unconscious; he is always just as unconsciously projected onto the woman he loves, he is one of the main bases of attraction and repulsion.

And, finally, the Self is the highest point of awareness of the individual, combining the conscious and the unconscious. Archetype of integrity and human potential.

In this way male archetypes according to Jung- this is what stands out at the level of the Self.

Male god archetypes

Male god archetypes were identified in 1989 by psychologist Jin Shinoda Bolen. I wrote about her earlier. Like female, male archetypes are presented in the form of 7 gods. Only women Bohlen divided into vulnerable, independent and alchemical, and men are presented in the form of paternal and son archetypes.

Paternal archetypes are represented by the trinity of the elder Olympian gods - the brothers Zeus, Poseidon and Hades.

Zeus is the archetype of father and king. This is a status man with power, the head of the family. Purposeful, strong extrovert. He is future-oriented and works hard for it. There are always many women around him who willingly give birth to children for him. In life, these are the heads of large companies, international businessmen or owners of strong family businesses.

Poseidon - like Zeus, is similar to his mythical prototype. Poseidon is older than Zeus, but he is not the king of the gods, although he is not inferior to his younger brother in power. In mythology, there is almost no confrontation between Zeus and Poseidon, they coexist in the world, but still sometimes the pride of the god of the sea makes itself felt and he reminds Zeus that he must be reckoned with. In real life, a man with the Poseidon archetype is a strong beta male, so to speak. This is a strong personality, but often rushing about, looking for himself. He can be an extrovert and an introvert. Can take on any business and throw them on the floor of the road. Therefore, "Poseidons" are often found among people in a creative environment. Poseidon is not as loving as Zeus, one woman is often enough for him (although he is not always faithful to her), moreover, a woman bowing to his authority.

Hades is the older brother of Zeus and Poseidon, but standing aloof. He chose the Underworld as his fiefdom and practically does not leave it. In life, such men are deep introverts. They live in their own world and have a special worldview, they are prone to introspection, reflection and self-discovery. They often live alone. Of the professions, they choose those where a lot of communication is not required - a forester, a huntsman, an archival employee. Unlike men with the archetype of Zeus and Poseidon, Hades is monogamous. He can live for a long time without a woman, because it is difficult for him to get along with just anyone. Therefore, his wife is usually the complete opposite and serves as a conduit between her husband and other people.

The son archetypes are represented by the sons of Zeus - Hephaestus, Apollo, Ares, Hermes and Dionysus.

Hephaestus is somewhat reminiscent of his uncle Hades. He is also an introvert who finds it difficult (and unnecessary) to interact with other people. He is a secretive and closed silent. Often has great physical strength - this is one of his hobbies, "pulling iron." He cares and likes physical work. As a person, he is deep, a little vulnerable and not always self-confident. Women rarely like such men. But sooner or later, a suitable one is found, a marriage with which lasts a lifetime. Although Hephaestus can get burned in the choice of a woman, who is then able to exchange him for a lighter man. Single fathers often come out of men of this archetype.

Apollo is the archetype of the beloved son. He is handsome, charming, very proud and sociable. He is always in the spotlight. At the same time, Apollo tends to rely more on reason than on feelings. He is prudent, loves order, common sense and calculation. Such men make good lawyers and diplomats. Apollo marries first of all "on whom it is necessary" and only lastly for love, which does not cancel many connections before marriage. Yes, even after marriage.

Ares - unlike Apollo, this is the most unloved son of Zeus. Because the king of the gods did not like how Ares, the god of war, lost his head at the sight of blood on the battlefield. Ares is not a fair fight, but a fight for the sake of a fight. But women, on the contrary, love such men. In mythology, the goddess of love Aphrodite herself was in love with Ares, who bore him three children with very strange names: the sons of Phobos and Deimos, whose names are translated as “fear” and “horror” and a daughter named ... Harmony. In the life of a man with the Ares archetype, passionate lovers and fighters in life. They are active, aggressive, often go into conflict, get involved in everything. They create the illusion of an alpha male in women, although such are men with the Zeus archetype. Ares always has a lot of women, he is rarely faithful. But he chooses a woman with the same bright temperament as his companion, with whom you can violently sort things out, meet and diverge.

Hermes is a softer version of Ares. He also loves to turn women's heads, but at the same time he loves only himself. He may not be so hot as a lover, although a woman still loses her head from him. In life, he is a pronounced extrovert, with a bunch of ideas, acquaintances, plans and ambitions. But he loves only what is given easily and quickly. He also loves with women - so that they quickly succumb to his charms. But when he gets his way, he loses interest almost immediately and disappears like a Greek god in his winged sandals.

Dionysus is a complex person. He's on the edge all the time. Dionysus is the god of wine and winemakers. In life, men with this archetype are often near alcohol or drug addiction. But it's not just alcoholics or drug addicts. Often these are creative individuals who love experiments and look for inspiration in everything, including in the game with their own consciousness. They also like to experiment with women. Women love them and often surround them with care. Everyone is able to like them - even older ladies have good feelings for them for their gaiety and charm. But, willingly accepting care and attention, Dionysus is in no hurry to respond in kind. He is only interested in leading a respectable woman astray or awakening passion in " snow queen and then he focuses on himself again.

Wherever you look, there are only archetypes everywhere. What is an archetype? This is, first of all, a program of behavior, a universal innate mental structure. The author of the term (by the way, the word "Archetype" - compound, consisting of the Greek "Arche" - the beginning and "Typos" - the original image, the primary form) - Carl Gustav Jung. It was he who developed the concept of archetypes
. Today, knowledge of the archetype of a person helps him and those around him better navigate his mental life, better understand the motives of his actions.

Archetype - a symbol, a concept that combines instincts, images, body, psyche. Belonging to a certain archetype has a serious impact on the worldview, position and life scenario of any person. The dominant archetype in the psyche sets the type of thinking for a person and really becomes a model of behavior that determines the fate of its carrier.

Why dominant? Because a person can have up to 3 archetypes, each of which has its own scenarios, reflected in ancient Greek myths. Naturally, the archetypes themselves received the names of the gods of ancient Greece.

Male and female archetypes exist. For a woman, knowing the basic male archetypes can be very helpful. Yes, and men should get to know their god better.


Poseidon also seeks to acquire his own kingdom. However, increased emotionality, quickly flaring up and fading interest, momentary and decisions made under the influence of feelings do not allow Poseidon to achieve much in life. Such is the payment for excessive sensitivity and a bright spiritual life.

Like the ruler of the underworld, the bearer of the Hades archetype is immersed in his own world and, as it were, is not interested in the world of people, is not present in it. Hades is an introvert. He is withdrawn and withdrawn.

Jung believed that people belonging to this archetype have an extremely developed intuition. They very subtly feel the background of any events around them, they feel the deep essence of people, although outwardly they do not betray their emotions in any way.


Men - Apollos - are pleasant interlocutors, they are harmonious and diplomatic. Adoring accuracy and order in everything, Apollo pays little attention to the emotional side of life. After all, he is extremely practical, and is guided in everything by logic, reason, and not by transient emotions and feelings. Even in relationships with women.

A lively, talented, agile, quick and clear-thinking man - Hermes embodies all the best and worst features of a fickle god. He wants everything, at once, and is ready to go for it all at once in several directions. And in all at the same time.

To charm, to lure in the net of his charm - Hermes does it superbly. Unfortunately, he himself does not feel anything and therefore is completely incapable of caring for the feelings of other people.

The eccentric passionate Ares lives only for today. His mind is instincts, his strategy is emotions and feelings. From birth, he is distinguished by emotionality, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and later - vivid sexuality. With such qualities, it is not surprising that Ares cannot stand loneliness.

Eternally worried about something introverts, living in the power of emotions, creative subtle and vulnerable personalities, often artists with a capital letter - these are representatives of the archetype of god - the artisan of Hephaestus. Hephaestus never becomes a team player. He simply does not tolerate pressure from an authority or a group, and it is difficult for a man - Hephaestus - to communicate with people.

Contradictory emotional extrovert Dionysus, who dominates a man, makes his carrier always be a little "Too". Too attractive, too bright, too feminine, too provocative, too childish. Dionysus is restless and is always trying to change something.

Dionysus does not like male company. Yes, and men rarely take it "for their own." This cheerful god prefers the company of girlfriends - women - to the male team.

But why and why find out which of the ancient gods lives in a man, shuffles his life scenarios and behavior patterns? And to the fact that knowing the archetype of a man, the reasons for some of his actions, it is already much easier to understand and accept him as he is.

female archetypes.


The first on the list is Artemis, a goddess who demonstrates incredible fortitude. She, like a warrior, always strives for victory and never looks for ways back. Her determination, purposefulness and self-confidence went down in history. Such a woman in modern world, most likely, occupies a "Male" position, and has a number of masculine qualities.

For her there is no such word "I can not", everything is based on "I want and I will achieve". At the same time, she loves freedom very much and will never give it up. Therefore, love and family are not the goal of her life, although such may be present in her fate.

She perceives men as friends and business partners, perhaps as lovers. But to open up completely to someone, to trust - this is not at all characteristic of her.

Another strong representative of the weaker sex is Athena. Her character traits are similar to Artemis, but only in part. She also dislikes expressing her emotions, being sensitive and weak. In life, he prefers to reach heights and realize big dreams.

Her thinking is purely analytical, she is an excellent strategist and calculates everything in advance, so her level of intelligence is definitely above average. Thus, if necessary, she can make the man she is interested in approach her himself, without even knowing that the meeting was not accidental.

By the way, she is only interested in someone who himself was able to achieve a lot in his life, and romantics and dreamers are not suitable for Athena. By nature, she is a leader who manages her own life and is a very strong personality.

Gesta is an absolutely opposite image to the previous two. She is a real housewife. Her inner world and experiences are only hers. Such a girl will never share her feelings with others, she will be an excellent listener and a quiet mouse in the company.

But, despite this, she will not feel discomfort in her loneliness. Household chores and worries about her husband can turn into her little world, where she will feel good and safe.

The main thing for Hera is her husband. He is the purpose of her life and all existence. She instinctively looks for a strong and confident partner, whom she will take care of until the end of her days. If, before marriage, she communicates at least a little with her friends, then after that she generally forgets about them.

Often, she always thinks about the well-being of her spouse, and children will never become more important than him. Most likely, she will try to work with him so that she never loses sight of him. And if her husband cheats on her, the blame for everything, from her point of view, will be the second woman, but not her "Ideal".

She is very afraid of being alone, and therefore she can forgive a lot in order to save her marriage. Meanwhile, she is especially jealous and fickle.

Demeter is another overly caring woman. True, it is not so much her husband that becomes her fetish, but the whole family as a whole. To all this, she is capable of close friendship with women, especially if they also have a family and similar problems. As, attention, only children appear in her life, she is ready to completely dissolve in caring for them and turn them into the meaning of her existence.

Her husband can be a person with a weak character, perhaps creative, who needs maternal affection. Demeter will perfectly cope with this task, and will pity him like a small child. True, in an effort to help everyone, she risks forgetting her own desires.


This archetype describes a morally weak person who constantly listens to the opinions of others and does as someone told her. In appearance, she looks like a small child requiring guardianship, therefore she very often evokes maternal feelings in the women around her.

At heart, she will always remain young, and partly this will be reflected in her appearance. She is often very close to her mother and later to her husband. It is easy to command and command her, because she does not have her own opinion.

In relationships with men, she is shy and naive like a child, so her chosen one will have to teach her a lot and help her overcome her own modesty.

Aphrodite. She is a real treat.

An example of true femininity and beauty. Her charm is visible even through nondescript features. Such a girl constantly falls in love with someone, but does not become strongly attached. For other women, she is a real rival, but for some she can be a friend.

With regards to work, Aphrodite is a rather creative person and can be very able-bodied if she directs her irrepressible energy in this direction.

The Hebe girl is somewhat reminiscent of Persephone. She also has a gentle nature and loves to listen to the opinions of others. But her most important feature is that she wants to always remain young. This is clearly visible in her appearance and behavior. Hebe at any age will dress youthfully and brightly. Unfortunately, over the years, this will cause problems for her, as she simply does not want to recognize the influence of time on her appearance.

In addition, as a person, she is somewhat irresponsible, as she prefers someone to make responsible decisions instead of her.

Tyche is a very interesting personality, striving to control everyone and everything, to be in the center of attention and to have the right to vote. At the same time, she is too emotional to lead a calm, measured life. So, she has many friends, but their number is influenced by her fleeting desire or mood. If someone doesn’t please her, that’s all, she will make sure that this person will no longer be in an environment close to her. And, on the contrary, as soon as she comes up with something for herself, the former enemy can again become the best friend.

The most striking thing about all this is that such a girl is not guided by objective reasons, but simply regards everything as "Like - not Like".

Also, this archetype is characterized by fearlessness. As a leader, a person with this character can take risky steps, but he will never be afraid of possible negative consequences.

In the family, at first, she behaves quietly, like any lady in love, and then, slowly, she begins to sort out the right to vote on her side. Her love of control is also manifested here, she tries to command her husband's life from all sides. It can even go so far that she will work with him at the same job, just not to let him out of sight.
In order to come to balance and harmony, it is quiet worth understanding that every person has the right to personal space and freedom of action.


Many people know that Nemesis is the goddess of justice. And it’s not without reason that they say so about her, because she, in fact, lives according to the rules and norms all her life. Such a woman often judges the actions of each person (and her own too) by how true or correct they are. Unfortunately, often it is not about compliance with the current law or moral standards. Nemesis herself comes up with her own personal rules, that is, her individual perception of the world is too developed.

As for feelings, she is not too emotional, because where emotions wake up, the mind turns off, and it becomes impossible to adhere to any law. Accordingly, a girl with such an archetype cannot afford to love. Of course, there are relationships in her life, then there will be no deep love in them.

It's the same with friendships. She judges people by their actions, but does not include their feelings in the calculation. Despite such qualities, she is very principled, straightforward and responsible. In the event that he takes on some business, he brings it to the end.

Hekate is the most mysterious goddess of all described by the Swiss psychiatrist Gekata. She represents the mystical world, and therefore a woman with such an archetype often loves everything related to magic and mysticism in general.

Her strength lies in the fact that she reads people like open books, and her developed intuition helps her in this. Psychologically, it's very strong man with the rich inner world. Sometimes people are afraid of such abilities and consider her almost a witch. By the way, all witches and people prone to witchcraft will certainly have the archetype of Hecate.

In personal relationships, such a girl is also not going smoothly. She is more absorbed in the other world than the real one, and therefore love and everything connected with it is not for her. The ideal partner can only be the man who himself is interested in this topic.

Finally, it is worth noting that one person cannot have only one archetype. As a rule, two or three archetypes are always combined and one of them can be dominant. In order to be a harmonious personality, you need to try to somehow balance the traits in yourself. different types. Almost every archetype has its shortcomings and must be combated by acquiring new character traits.

K. Jung's works to this day remain mysterious and not fully understood for many. The reason for this is unusual style his psychological theory, which is perceived by the majority not so unambiguously. Nevertheless, if we consider Jung's theory in terms of value, then it is invaluable.

So what is an archetype? This term quite common in mythology. The Swiss psychiatrist K. Jung was the first to use it in works with theoretical analysis. However, he gave the term a different meaning from its specific translation. Archetypes in Jung's interpretation are nothing more than the initial schemes of various images that are reproduced at an unconscious level and activate our imagination. And only later all this is reflected in dreams and myths, in the fantasies and beliefs of a person, in art.

It is important to understand that archetypes are not images at all, but only schemes. They are also called opportunity and psychological premise.

For Jung, archetypes have a formal characteristic. The first of them can manifest itself in the case when a certain image penetrates the consciousness and begins to be filled with life experience. Jung himself believed that a certain transformation takes place due to myth-making. It also contributes to the transformation of the concept into an image. Sometimes this happens with involuntary statements related to mental events and, as a rule, of an unconscious nature.

Despite the fact that the archetype is something empty, formal and generalized, it has certain properties. According to experts, based on the level of their emotional saturation and distinctness, such initial schemes can captivate and impress human nature. And only after that an artistic prototype is born, which is so necessary for creativity.

In addition, according to Jung, humanity inherits archetypes. In other words, archetypes represent a collective unconscious heritage.

An archetype can be viewed in terms of a concept or a symbol. At the same time, it combines the psyche, body, images and instincts. A person's belonging to one or another archetype has a significant impact on his worldview, life scenario and position. The prototype that dominates the psyche of the individual sets him a certain type of thinking, becoming the model of behavior that determines the future fate of the individual. Why are we talking about the dominant archetype? Yes, because in a person there can be not one, but two or three. At the same time, they are in constant competition with each other. The archetypes inherent in the individual govern their carrier. They determine the direction of its activities, areas of interest, as well as adherence to certain ideals.

In his theory, Jung described masculine and female archetypes. Knowing both of them is very useful for a person to study his inner "I", often hidden from us at a subconscious level. In this article, we will look at male archetypes.

An archetype (archaic remnant) is a prototype that is based on certain symbols from mythology and dream plots. In his pioneering work, the German anthropologist Adolf Bastian first coined the term "elementary idea." Subsequently, the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung changed the sounded wording, giving it the name "archetype." It was he who began to assert that the so-called archaic remnant is a block that is built on the basis of the subconscious and unconscious mind. If we decipher this statement, then any individual already at birth has a certain model of “search”, “mentor” or “hero” at the level subconscious.

Male Archetype Hermes

Hermes as an archetype Like the god-Hermes, the Hermes-archetype has both positive and negative potential. Ingenuity, talent for communication, mental alertness and the ability to act quickly - all these qualities can be used both for creative achievements and for

14.08.2012, 13:36

To take the test for your leading archetype:

Answer each statement. Then calculate the total score for each individual block. Answer options can be - no (0), maybe (1) and yes (2). Where the score is greater, the influence of the archetype will be stronger. Find the answers below.

Female archetypes

  • I can set goals and achieve them.
  • I am independent.
  • I have many girlfriends. Friendship is a very important aspect for me.
  • I am ruthless to my enemies.
  • I am able to think clearly.
  • I am good at handling practical tasks.
  • I am not a bad strategist.
  • I do not think that sympathy is so necessary for people.
  • The rules of society are not interesting to me, I prefer my inner world.
  • I often enjoy being alone.
  • I prefer to see spiritual meaning in everything.
  • The house should be like a temple - clean and comfortable.
  • I am jealous and know how to take revenge on my rivals.
  • I can be faithful.
  • Marriage is the most important thing in life.
  • No matter how terrible the relationship in a married couple is, this is not a reason for parting.
  • I know very well what depression means. I am in this from time to time.
  • I have to do everything myself, because no one can do it better than me anyway.
  • I love to feed and take care of others. I like being needed by people.
  • I don't think abortions should be done. In any case, you need to give birth.
  • I never openly ask for something. Everything I need, people give me and so on.
  • I can feel people.
  • I often have prophetic and significant dreams.
  • I love to dream and dive into the imagination.
  • I can say that I had enough stormy romances in my life.
  • My love affairs are usually very intense, but not long-lasting.
  • For me, it does not matter what will happen in the future in a relationship with my lover. The main thing is "here and now".
  • I love to enjoy pleasure and beauty

Male archetypes

  • I am always determined and ruthless.
  • The main thing in work is fruitfulness.
  • I have a certain amount of power and manage it well.
  • Emotions are for the weak.
  • Sometimes I have a hard time dealing with my emotions.
  • Everyone has to pay their bills. Tooth for tooth.
  • Family is my support.
  • I feel very good about people.
  • I know the taste of depression well.
  • Inner peace is more important to me.
  • I'm not attracted to interacting with people.
  • I can create create my rich images and live them.
  • I always strive for perfection in everything.
  • The main thing in life is the goal.
  • Everything in life can be calculated.
  • Career is more important than personal relationships
  • I can move mountains as long as I'm interested in what I'm doing.
  • I don't like to stay in one place for a long time. The world was created to be known.
  • I quickly grasp the ideas and essence of any knowledge.
  • I don't care about the opinion of others, the main thing is to have the desired result.
  • I often feel like a scapegoat.
  • I react very quickly to what is happening.
  • I prefer an active lifestyle. (Sports, dancing)
  • I like sexual passion.
  • I sometimes feel awkward in public.
  • I can perfectly cope with any male work.
  • I can feel and see beauty.
  • Work is the best healer of the soul.
  • I'm not at all like other people. Maybe that's why they don't understand me.
  • The main thing for me is nature. The world is already so artificial.
  • Sometimes I feel a passion for life.
  • A person should try everything in life.

Female archetypes

A - Artemis
B - Athena
C - Hestia
D - Hera
E - Demeter
F - Persephone
G - Aphrodite

Male archetypes

A - Zeus
B - Poseidon
C - Hades
D - Apollo
E - Hermes
F - Ares
G - Hephaestus
H - Dionysus

The male archetype is ancient model male behavior; unchanged for centuries, a way of male self-realization in society, the outside world. Each archetype gives a man a specific Power and basic motivation.

We have identified seven main male archetypes - Warrior, Philosopher (teacher), Merchant (hunter), Peasant, Monarch, Monk, Slave (servant). Because in all societies, in all state structures among men there have always been warriors, philosophers, merchants (entrepreneurs), peasants, monarchs (rulers, leaders), monks (hermits, holy fools, initiates) and slaves (servants, performers).

Warrior - forms in a man a desire to fight and win, provoke a conflict and actively act in it, seize new territories. The main states of the Warrior are excitation and inhibition. Either he fights or actively relaxes (and women do not like the way he does it at all). The Warrior archetype is the main source of male aggression, anger, and rage. If a man does not have normal ways of reacting to the Warrior's aggression (sports, for example, quarrels with competitors, bosses or just fools), he will be unbearable in everyday life. A harmonious Warrior in a man enables a woman to feel protected - he will protect, protect and bring military trophies to her feet.

Philosopher - forms in a man the desire to know the truth and pass this knowledge on to others. Thanks to the Philosopher, a man seeks to get an education (and more than one!), create his own theory explaining the structure of the world and human relations, and also tell many people about it. The shadow side of the Philosopher is manifested in the orthodoxy of judgments, painful attachment to one's views, inflexibility of position. A harmonious Philosopher makes a man wise, tolerant, gives the gift of speech, the ability to observe and contemplate. The Harmonious Philosopher allows a man to be a wise father.

Merchant - forms in a man a craving for adventure, risk, adventures, gives excellent communication skills and creative thinking. The Merchant archetype helps a man to find an approach and a common language with different people, to manipulate them, to bring them to the decision that is necessary for himself. A strong Merchant archetype makes a man a Great Schemer. In his head, there are simultaneously many options for solving one problem. The shadow side of the Merchant is manifested in the desire to manipulate people, excessive craving for risk, gambling, extreme conditions. A harmonious Merchant forms an excellent Hunter in a man. In addition, a harmoniously developed Merchant archetype really attracts money to a man.

Peasant - forms in a man the desire for a stable, well-established life. It is the archetype of the Peasant in a man that says: “The main thing you have to do is build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. In this case, your life can be called successful. Do not grab the stars from the sky, be content with what you have, and do not miss the chance to multiply it! A peasant helps a man to stock up, take care of his offspring, be thrifty, pragmatic, far-sighted. The shadow side of the Peasant is manifested in greed, selfish pragmatism, attachment to material values. A harmonious Peasant helps a man to handle money wisely, plan income and expenses, and enhances his natural instinct.

Monarch - forms in a man the desire for power, primacy, dominance in everything. The shadow side of the Monarch can make a man despotic, authoritarian, cruel, narcissistic, uncritical. Harmonious Monarch gives a man the strength to take responsibility, accept important decisions, patronize and take care of loved ones (as well as distant ones). The Monarch archetype is another source of male aggression. But in this case, it already has a different color than that of the Warrior. Monarch aggression does not arise by itself, but always as a reaction to disobedience, disobedience, disagreement of another, and also in cases where someone else, besides him, has the audacity to claim the role of leader. The monarch in a man is angry that things are not going the way he imagined; people act in their own way, which means they do not trust him, the most wise and perspicacious! The aggression of the Monarch is not easy to react in the gym. A man will be able to cope with this aggression after he beats someone. Only then will he be able to reflect, analyzing the reasons for disobedience and correcting his own shadow nature.

Monk - forms self-sufficiency in a man, a desire to live in solitude, a desire to serve a high beautiful Idea. The archetype of the Monk gives a man the power of self-restraint, abstinence. There are many legends about lone warriors. In those heroes, in addition to the archetype of the Warrior, the archetype of the Monk was strongly expressed. The shadow side of this archetype makes a man withdrawn, distrustful, unsociable, devaluing beautiful worthy ideas. A harmonious Monk gives a man inspiration to serve a high idea (the idea of ​​God, the common good, world peace, etc.), internal and external discipline, self-sufficiency.

Slave - forms in a man the desire and ability to serve someone else, obey the rules without discussing their expediency, tolerance for hardships and hardships. The shadow side of the Slave makes a man envious, insecure, anxious, irresponsible, dissatisfied with the established rules and his "masters" and at the same time desperately wanting to have all the benefits of the world for free and immediately. The harmoniously presented Slave gives the man the power to submit to necessity; the ability to adapt in the "pyramid" system, rigid hierarchy; the desire to clearly follow orders without discussing or criticizing them.

There is another interesting male archetype - this is the Jester. It was formed much later. However, today the Jester is present in almost every worthy man, endowing him with a sense of humor, an ironic attitude to life, the ability to provoke, paradoxical judgments and acting abilities.

Male Power is supported by the simultaneous work of all seven archetypes. But depending on the individuality of a man, his temperament, his heredity, the Male Power can manifest itself through two or three archetypes.

An archetype (archaic remnant) is a prototype that is based on certain symbols from mythology and dream plots. In his pioneering work, the German anthropologist Adolf Bastian first coined the term "elementary idea".

Subsequently, the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung changed the voiced wording, giving it the name "archetype". It was he who began to assert that the so-called archaic remnant is a block that is built on the basis of the subconscious and unconscious mind.

If we decipher this statement, then any individual already at birth has a certain model of “search”, “mentor” or “hero” at the subconscious level.

How to determine the archetype of a man

When familiarizing yourself with the voiced question, first of all, you should pay attention to the research of Carl Jung. It was on the example of the work of this psychiatrist that other famous psychiatrists developed their concepts.

Archetypes according to the theory of Carl Jung

Based on the concept of "animus" (the life principle in a man), a specialist from Switzerland created the following system for determining the archetype of a strong half of humanity:
  • Innocent. A man with a similar archetype is a weak person who is not able to independently coordinate his own life. Comfort, stability and maximum peace are the credo of such representatives of the stronger sex.
  • Orphan. Glorious fellow - the second name of the voiced male archetype. To have such a friend means to acquire support from him at any moment. Such people do not like to sit in one place and strive to learn everything new. Respect for others, lack of desire to assert themselves at the expense of others, and worldly wisdom make these men decent citizens of society.
  • Warrior. The very name of this archetype suggests that it implies that its representatives have willpower, heroism and some ambitions. Male warriors are different from childhood leadership qualities. At the same time, they direct their energy in a positive direction, wanting to help literally everyone and everyone. They grow up into wonderful family men who become reliable protection for their loved ones.
  • The keeper. This archetype is the personification of compassion and altruism. Such men put personal needs in the last place, devoting all their time to helping others and all of humanity in general.
  • Wanderer. Rebellious souls belong to this archetype of men. The constant search for oneself and a change of scenery is a distinctive pattern of the Wanderer's behavior. In addition, he has an irrepressible thirst to reach new heights, without being afraid of any experiments.
  • Rebel. Men with this archetype will always go against the established way of life. They usually do not agree with the world order in general, so they can safely be called revolutionaries. In some cases, such spiritual impulses border on aggressiveness, but with this lack of rebellion, they are excellent candidates for successful businessmen.
  • Lover. Male ladies' men can act both openly and go to the goal in secret ways. For them, the main thing is the achievement of sensual pleasures, which does not at all characterize them as bad people. Usually, when they reach adulthood, they completely devote all their free time family and are faithful to their soulmate.
  • Creator. Creativity and originality are the basis of the behavior of such men in society. In any field of activity - art, construction or business - they will show themselves as extraordinary personalities. Creators are able not only to become innovators, but also, if they wish, they are able to make this world a better place.
  • Ruler. The brightest historical figures belong to this archetype. Such men are born in order to coordinate not only their lives, but also to decide the fate of entire nations. Such an influence on the masses can occur both in a positive and negative way.
  • Mage. The analogy of this archetype is the manifestation of the feminine principle in the form of the Sorceress. The magician is able to feel the laws of the universe, therefore he has a well-developed intuition. It is not uncommon to find men with this archetype among spiritual mentors.
  • Jester. People with a voiced behavior model have a large number of friends, because they are very easy to communicate and do not impose their opinion on anyone. Sometimes they can even be called lazy persons, but they are not unequivocally fools. The jester is never in a hurry to get anywhere, and it is impossible to force him to do what he is not predisposed to.
  • Philosopher. This archetype of men lives in the name of knowing the truth, and not for the improvement of their own lives. The main occupation of the Philosopher is contemplation, therefore there are many ascetics among such people. He can also be called an intellectual and to some extent even a psychologist, because he knows how to listen to his interlocutor.
The decision to rank the archetypes of men according to Jung as a 100% characteristic of a person will be clearly erroneous. Each voiced aspect has its own advantages, and its obvious shortcomings of people.

Archetypes according to the characteristics of Shinoda Bolen

Experts took into account the classification created by Carl Jung. Subsequently, the famous American psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bohlen invited her colleagues to consider their own characterization of the main archetypes of men, using the galaxy of ancient Greek gods as a basis:
  1. Zeus. This archetype is very close to the Ruler described by Carl Jung. Zeus men have an imperious and sometimes difficult character. However, their desire to reveal aggression towards another person is often restrained by the wisdom that they fully possess. In family life, they can cheat on their soulmate, which was also characteristic of Zeus.
  2. Hermes. Such men cannot be confused with anyone, because they try to turn their lives into an endless holiday. They very often become adventurers and thrill-seekers. Women regularly pay attention to Hermes men because they radiate eternal youth and fun. However, it is very problematic to keep the womanizer next to him, because most of all they prefer freedom.
  3. Hephaestus. An honest hard worker and an exemplary family man is a man with a voiced archetype. There will never be any problems with such a son, spouse and father, because his whole life is open book for relatives and friends. He will never succumb to illusions, because he soberly evaluates his own and other people's actions.
  4. Dionysus. Such men are called eternal children because most of their actions are irrational. It is very difficult to take offense at them, because Dionysos are by nature completely friendly people. However, it is worth remembering the irascibility of such men, so when choosing them as life partners, you should seriously think about it. They will become faithful to their soulmate only if they meet the woman of their life.
  5. Apollo. Clarity of thought and precise knowledge of how to achieve your goal are the main aspects of the behavior of men with this archetype. Usually male Apollos are workaholics, which is inherent in businessmen, office workers and knowledge workers.
Jin Shinoda Bolen claims that any man can combine a combination of one archetype with another. If a representative of the strong half of humanity has a combination of Zeus + Hermes, then this usually leads to the most unexpected consequences. As a result, two principles will fight in a person in the form of a desire for freedom and purposefulness to achieve power. However, Shinoda Bolen insists that even in a calm Hephaestus, the vengeful Poseidon can occasionally wake up if someone dares to offend a member of his family.

Archetypes from the position of astrology

Fans of determining the character warehouse and behavior patterns according to the horoscope will be interested in the following classification of male archetypes:
  • Warrior. Astrologers believe that it is Aries that correspond to this type, because their element is Fire. In this case, we will talk about the Warriors born under this zodiac constellation, who have perseverance and exceptional strength. Sometimes they are able to act thoughtlessly, but at the same time they often become energetic entrepreneurs.
  • Shepherd. Astrologers usually refer to men who were born under the constellation Taurus to a similar archetype. By themselves, such men are balanced and good-natured individuals. In rare cases, they can show such qualities as idleness and lack of a sense of proportion. The Shepherd archetype excels as a true friend and as a service worker.
  • Researcher. Gemini is the most suitable for this male archetype. They are always on the lookout and full of new ideas. It is for this reason that Researchers prefer to work in information structures. However, they often become victims of internal conflicts and their own irresponsibility.
  • Poet. Astrologers attribute the qualities of impressionable Cancers to this archetype. Such men have a very rich inner world and a fine mental organization. They perform well as social workers or in the arts.
  • King (ruler). The Leo man is a born leader, so from childhood he shows his organizational skills. Sometimes he is too self-confident, but for his beloved woman he will not regret anything. Since the Kings like to take everything from life, they are looking for an appropriate field of activity.
  • Scientist. The voiced male archetype is rightfully given to Virgo men. Usually they are realists and very reasonable people who know how to keep their word. Scientists carefully plan their lives, so they prefer professions with a scientific bias or a requirement for accuracy and concentration.
  • Artist. Libra men are usually referred to this archetype. They are often bohemian people, so they love to communicate with the party and are very confident in their creativity. At the same time, the Artists make good diplomats, designers and hairdressers.
  • Mage. Fearless Scorpios have quite expressive spiritual qualities and a penchant for risk. Many alchemists in ancient times were born under this sign of the zodiac. Magicians like to try their hand at those professions that border on the forbidden zone for men.
  • High priest. Some self-confidence of Sagittarius allows them to claim the voiced archetype. They are often prone to exaggeration, but at the same time quite generous and benevolent. They make excellent missionaries, judges, prosecutors, and salesmen.
  • Patriarch. Men with this worldview are in most cases very disciplined and are people of action. The type is most suitable for Capricorns, who show themselves best in politics and public service.
  • Humanist. It is Aquarius that astrologers and psychologists refer to this archetype of a man. Such representatives of the stronger sex are excellent friends, because they value both their freedom and the interests of the people around them. Professions where they study innovative technologies, are a field of activity for Humanists.
  • Predictor. Men with a similar archetype should first of all be sought among Pisces. It is they who are prone to mysticism and sometimes have the gift of a medium. Consequently, Predictors often find themselves in psychology and professions where one must make an impression.
What are the archetypes of men - look at the video:

Trying to understand yourself, deciding how to determine the archetypes of men, you should be based on the scientific data of scientists. If you want to expand your knowledge in the sounded field of analytical psychology, it is recommended to directly familiarize yourself with the works of Carl Jung and Shinoda Bohlen.

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