Male and female archetypes of Jung. Archetypes of men and women

Landscaping and planning 11.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

What is an archetype and its role in a woman's life. What are the female archetypes: according to Jung, according to Gina Bohlen, according to the signs of the zodiac and the degree of personal growth. Their positive and negative sides.

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The archetype of a woman is the “program” embedded in her that determines her life, namely the perception of the world, her life position, her main priorities. It is rooted not only deep in the subconscious, but also in the past of a person. That is why psychologists offer several options for the main archetypes associated with divine mythical characters, astrological aspects, personal "roots", etc.

The concept of the archetype of women

Psychologists define the concept of "archetype" (from the Greek arche - beginning, typos - image) as a model of behavior, a "mode" laid down in us by nature. That is, it is an unconscious component that forms our conscious attitude to the world and everything that happens in it.

The father of this concept is the coryphaeus of depth psychology, Carl Jung, who suggested that each of us has a piece of what our ancestors accumulated and experienced, a kind of primitive image. That is, an image formed from the collective unconscious, which for centuries has been "stored" in myths, fairy tales and legends. That is why the archetypes of women according to Jung have a fabulous, mythical basis (Princess, Muse, Witch, Amazon).

According to Jung, each of us is already born with a full set of archetypes that are "turned on" under certain situations or circumstances. Very often they pop up in our dreams, suggesting the most right exit from a problem situation. Thus, archetypes can greatly facilitate our lives if we know how to use them, that is, use them consciously.

The archetypal basis of female behavior is also used today by other psychologists, highlighting their archetypes, as well as astrologers who use them to characterize the signs of the zodiac.

How to determine the archetype of a woman

The archetype of the fairer sex can be called her inner beginning, intuition. It is believed that a woman who knows how to listen to herself is able to achieve exactly what she needs in life, and not follow other people's opinions or imposed stereotypes. Female archetypes have their pros and cons, and they need to be known in order to turn their power into a productive channel.

Archetypes of women according to Carl Jung

Carl Jung singled out 4 archetypes of a woman, which he further subdivided into light and dark sides. Each of these scenarios of behavior can give a lot of bonuses or make life much more difficult.

1st archetype ( bright side) - Princess

A representative of the fair sex with this archetype is usually associated with the concept of an excellent student, Juliet, a girl, a little lady, a gentle creature. She is loved by her parents, largely depends on their opinions and the opinions of other people. It is deprived of independence, therefore it prefers to solve its problems “by proxy”.

Often these are girls who study well at school, institute and set high goals for themselves. They have an idealistic perception of the world and strong family values. They prefer purely feminine paraphernalia (pink colors, cute accessories, heels, etc.) and beautiful courtship. They dream of a prince on a white horse.

The princess is emotional, sensitive, dreamy. He loves everything beautiful, animals and the world of plants. She is ethical and aesthetic standards, prefers melodramas and comedies with a "happy ending", easily becomes a fan of media people.

The sophistication and sensitivity of the Princesses makes them capricious due to the need to constantly receive attention to themselves and at the same time naive and gullible.

The princess is a cutie who knows how to present herself and receive attention. This is her forte.

1st archetype ( dark side) - Crappy girl

The reverse side of the Princess can have two behavioral options: a plump donut who lives in dreams of a prince, or a tear who takes everything from life. At the same time, they also have something in common - all the same daydreaming, romanticism, dependence on the opinions of others (albeit carefully hidden) and the lack of authority of parents, adults, and elders.

Emotionality here becomes pronounced and turns into hysteria, tearfulness, frequent mood swings, and suicidal tendencies. Capriciousness turns into bitchiness and the belief that everyone owes her.

Personal relationships are still idealized, but with a bias towards unhappy love. Therefore, “problem” options are chosen as objects of passion - married men, men with a big difference in age or status, idols. At the same time, it is quite acceptable to be in constant search, not counting partners and not limited to moral principles and platonic relationships.

The denial of the hierarchical perception of relationships is manifested in outrageous behavior and manner of dressing. At the same time, the Mean Girl tries very hard to be like famous person- actress, top model, pop star, etc. Can go to extremes and indulge in "breaking bad".

A mean girl is a challenge girl who attracts attention. This is her biggest bonus.

2nd archetype (light side) - Muse, Priestess

A woman with such an archetype is often called fatal. She awakens in a man everything that is pure and noble, inspiring him to exploits and creation. Poems are written to her and songs are dedicated to her. Men remember such a girl all their lives, even after a short meeting. They intuitively try to become better, so her partner quickly makes progress in any field.

The priestess combines all the best feminine qualities - sensuality, intuition, charm, wisdom. She can possess healing skills and literally transform the space around her. Everyone loves her, it is impossible to be offended by her, it is impossible for her not to give gifts and not pay attention. At the same time, she knows how to remain invisible and unobtrusive, attracting attention tactfully and when she needs it.

The muse is a mysterious woman who chooses her partner according to only one known principle. She is not necessarily attractive externally - her beauty is deep, inexplicable, magnetic. Her world is her man, but she will never become his slave and will not belong to him completely.

A priestess is a woman who is fluent in the art of loving and being loved at the subconscious level. This is the advantage of the archetype.

2nd archetype (dark side) - Witch

The image of this archetype - Cold bitch, The Snow Queen, Vamp woman. It has magical power over men, but not creative. The witch uses them to achieve her own selfish goals - material gain, satisfaction of physiological needs or psychological whims (revenge, intrigue, self-esteem, etc.). Without any regrets and remorse.

The witch considers herself the center of the universe, where a man is just a tool to achieve a goal. She is smart and cunning, charming, frank, sexy and at the same time can be cold and calculating. She changes images according to her goals. The polarity of her feelings can drive men crazy. Next to the Witch, they lose their heads and are able to commit the most insane acts - murders, suicides, intrigues, scandals and even wars.

A witch is a person who clearly knows what she wants and how to achieve it from a man. This is her strength.

3rd archetype (light side) - Huntress

A female hunter is a representative of the fair sex with an active position in life. She is successful on her own and does not rely on men. Moreover, the Huntress often enters into competition with them, because she does not consider herself the weaker sex and does not divide affairs into purely male and purely female.

The love of freedom and independence of the Huntress often pushes her to loneliness or rearrangement of priorities in favor of a career. That is why they prefer the role of a fighting friend or mistress in personal relationships. Subconsciously choose weak men, losers. Due to the constant employment of the Huntress, her children are early independent.

Women of this archetype are active, decisive, rational, often successful. They keep their feelings and emotions to themselves. They go through life with the motto "I myself!".

The huntress is a woman who is able to make herself and solve any problem on her own. This is her trump card.

3rd archetype (dark side) - Amazon

The reverse, shadowy side of the Huntress, who does not just compete with a man - she seeks to suppress, humiliate, destroy him. Most often, such “characters” as the Strict boss, the Business lady, the Feminist, the Politician woman, the Divorced woman, who achieved everything herself, fit the description of the Amazon. She denies any emotions, because she considers them a weakness. Restrained, secretive.

Amazon has a career in absolute priority, which is why she looks accordingly, preferring strict, business style in clothes.

In the personal life of such a woman, if there are men, then not for long, or those who agree to completely and unquestioningly obey her. She considers all male representatives weak and unworthy even of attention. Not like love and care.

Amazon is a strong woman who sets high goals for herself and achieves them. Without anyone's help. This is her strength and principle of life.

4th archetype (light side) - Mistress

The priority of the Mistress is the family and everything connected with it. She provides comfort home warmth, love and care.

The hostess is friendly, curious, sociable. She cooks well and does needlework. Loves animals, children, flowers. It has its own territory, on which it sets its own rules.

Patient, careful, prone to selfless sacrifice. Verna, caring, perceives a man as a support, support, so she quickly marries.

The hostess is a woman who has enough love and care for everyone. This makes her attractive.

4th archetype (dark side) - Terrible mother

The other side of the Mistress can be expressed in two ways: the Hypermother, who simply suffocates with her guardianship, or the Cold Queen, who generally ignores her children and does not miss the chance to accuse them of absolute ingratitude.

The attitude to oneself, to the house and to others can be just as ambivalent. She can take care of herself and wage an endless battle against germs in the house, with ostentatious hospitality inviting guests to demonstrate her perfectionism. Or maybe not dwell on such “trifles” at all, be stingy and lead a secluded lifestyle.

A terrible mother often lives in memories and loves to teach life, prone to manipulation. Often holds conservative views on life and is offended if she is not listened to or criticized. Prone to overcontrol.

He sees a small child in his man, so he treats him like a mother.

A terrible mother is a woman who knows how to hold power and manipulate people.

Archetypes of Women by Gina Shinoda Bolen

Since childhood, many of us have imagined ourselves as one of the mythological beauties, trying to imitate her in adulthood. Therefore, psychologist Gina Bolen divided the archetypes of women according to the "divine" principle.

The main female archetypes of the goddesses:

  • Aphrodite. Sensual, sexy, romantic, attractive woman. Often falls in love and lives with feelings, without looking ahead. He loves children and raises them in love and comfort. It gravitates towards creativity and to “difficult” men who have a difficult character or prioritize their careers. Spontaneous and sociable. This archetype manifests itself more often during the period of falling in love, but it can also prevail initially. To achieve complete harmony, Aphrodite needs to learn to say “no” and not make hasty decisions in difficult situations.
  • Persephone. This is a woman who prefers passivity and someone else's opinion. It is important for her to get the approval of her mother. He is good at adapting to circumstances. Prefers routine work that does not require management and initiative. In her personal life she is shy and innocent. She often marries, yielding to the onslaught of a man or parents. Doesn't like to make decisions. The advice for Persephone is as follows: grow up, learn not to be afraid of commitment and listen to your feelings.
  • Artemis. A strong, purposeful, independent, free-spirited woman. Likes activity - sports, travel, rivalry and disputes. Principled, sometimes even to the detriment of their feelings. Needs communication, relationships, but due to a lack of emotionality and receptivity, he often builds boundaries. With the opposite sex, she does not accept games "in love", coquetry - she perceives him as a partner. Therefore, he avoids marriage unions and prefers men with common interests. The ways of development of Artemis are to feel the feminine in yourself and not to suppress it.
  • Hera. A woman who does not imagine herself outside the family. She is the keeper of the hearth, the wife. Moreover, the legal status of the latter is especially important for her. It is he who gives her a sense of prestige, fulfillment. Hera is devoted and faithful, able to follow her husband "both into fire and into water." She idolizes her man, but can also be quarrelsome and scary in anger with others. He prefers rest with his family, therefore he does not have girlfriends, especially unmarried ones. Jealous, very afraid of breaking up relations. Emotionally cold with children. Hera's advice: go beyond the role of a wife, engage in self-development, do not be afraid of the destruction of an unsuccessful marriage.
  • Demeter. This is a woman who is endowed with a strong motherly instinct. She successfully realizes her need for guardianship, upbringing in the family or in the professional field of pedagogy, medicine, psychology, advocacy. She is reliable, attentive, caring, practical. With pain accepts the growing up of children. It can be stubborn, with great difficulty accepts the need to scold someone. In a relationship with a man, he does not make a choice, but more often takes the attention of a partner and obeys. The front of work on oneself for Demeter: pay attention to yourself, learn how to calmly let children go into adulthood.
  • Athena. Smart, practical, self-aware woman. I tend to analyze my life and improve it (and myself as well). Strives to be the best, has a subtle intuition. She does not accept dreams - she has common sense, intelligence and clear goals as a priority. Therefore, he chooses as partners men with the same qualities - strong, purposeful, ambitious. Friendship with women does not go well with Athena, because she is far from traditionally female themes and views. Athena's problematic "zones" that need to be developed: femininity, maternal instinct, the ability to care.
  • Gesta. A holistic, self-sufficient woman with a very developed ability to feel people. This is a classic housewife. Her rich inner world replaces her communication with other people, so she is really comfortable alone or in a very narrow circle of people. She does not interfere in the affairs of her man and does not like it when he interferes in her household affairs. Often religious, spiritually developed. Ways to improve Gesta: developing social skills, going beyond the inner world, using your empathic abilities for the good (psychology, medicine, healing).
  • Hebe. Forever young, carefree woman. She does not accept the fact of aging, so she struggles with it all her life - with the help of anti-aging procedures, image, clothing style, sports, diets. She demands attention to herself and confirmation of her beauty. Surrounds himself with friends with the same archetype. With representatives of the opposite sex, Hebe is calm, does not experience violent passions, as well as for children and their presence. Marries out either for profit or for mood. Dislikes restrictions and personal responsibility. The front of work for Hebe: the ability to calmly accept your age, feel others and be responsible.
  • quiet. This is a woman who seeks to control everything and everyone. Her moods and decisions are spontaneous and not thought out, sometimes completely devoid of logic. Can disguise his craving for power and control under the lightness and cheerful nature. She lives only with emotions, which become for her the main criterion for choosing an environment and making decisions. Often she herself cannot justify her choice or her behavior. With men, she can behave coldly and cynically, or, conversely, often and emotionally fall in love. An excellent manipulator, can be envious and bitchy. What Tyche needs to work on: learn to live your own life, and leave the lives of others alone, respect the opinions of others.
  • Nemesis. A principled, sometimes cruel woman who lives "by the rules" and tries to punish everyone who breaks them. Often deeply religious or conservative, straightforward in judgments, very responsible. He is constantly in search of the ideal of a man, while he sees only flaws in them. Distrustful, not prone to friendly relations. Restrained in relation to emotions and feelings. The list of areas that Nemesis needs to work on: flexibility of thinking, femininity, gentleness, the ability to listen to yourself and accept reality as it is.
In every woman there are several goddesses at once, each of which can manifest itself in a certain life situation. Therefore, it is important to know all the pros and cons of each of them and skillfully use them to make your life more fulfilling and comfortable.

Archetypes of women according to the astrological horoscope

Astrologers also note a certain commonality of behavioral scenarios for different signs of the zodiac. Therefore, the features of each of them are embedded in the system of how to determine the archetype of a woman according to the astrological principle.

The main female archetypes according to the signs of the zodiac:

  1. Aries - Amazon. It is active, unbridled, independent, passionate. Prefers bright colors, active pastime, sports, unusual shapes and any experiments. Can be spontaneous, straightforward, open and at the same time irritable, impatient, unceremonious. Not afraid of conflict and struggle.
  2. Taurus - Mother Earth. Beautiful, sensual, kind, trusting, calm, devoted. He loves everything natural, antiques and luxury. Can be envious, stubborn, lazy, selfish. Jealous in a relationship. Has a lot of prejudices.
  3. Gemini - Writer. Intelligent, wise, comprehensively developed. Likes space and light colors. Open, sociable, flexible, quick-witted, friendly. Can be superficial, fickle, boring, cold, bitchy. A good conversationalist. Playful in relationships, loves to flirt.
  4. Cancer - Mother. Romantic, caring, talented, sensitive, flexible. She loves everything feminine - heels, ruffles, lace and romantic style. Knows how to feel people, has a developed intuition, appreciates the family. Can be touchy, gloomy, vindictive, lazy, self-pitying. In a relationship, tender, cozy, devoted.
  5. Leo - Queen. Self-confident, cordial, strong, influential, optimistic. He loves luxury, jewelry, expensive furnishings. Possesses charisma, generosity, friendliness, ability to provide support. Of the weaknesses of the archetype, pride, arrogance, ostentation, extravagance, ignorance, selfishness are noted. In a relationship - seductive, dynamic, playful.
  6. Virgo - Artificer. Caring, economic, reliable, practical, modest. She loves everything practical, simple and functional. You can trust her, she has good organizational skills. Usually calm and disciplined, but can be fussy, critical. Appreciates cleanliness and comfort. In a relationship, she is calm and restrained, but sometimes she allows herself frivolous acts.
  7. Libra - Dancer. Attractive, sensual, open, honest. Prefers aesthetics and harmony in everything, loves elegance and design art. Strengths - kindness, patience, warmth, calmness; weak - coldness, indecision, achieving harmony at any cost. Can live in a world of illusions, but adapts well to the environment. In a relationship flirtatious, light and seductive.
  8. Scorpio - Shaman. Passionate, mystical, devoted. Likes contrasts and dislikes prohibitions. He knows how to carry along and remain calm even in the event of a storm inside. At the same time, it is prone to excessive control and manipulation, envy and prudence, various dependencies. Jealous, emotionally unpredictable. In a relationship, passionate and seductive.
  9. Sagittarius - Supreme. Self-confident, liberal, cheerful. Likes travel, comfort and nobility. Trusting, optimistic, prudent, can have the gift of foresight and provide support. At the same time, vanity, arrogance, arrogance and prudence are not alien to her. Active in relationships, loves experiments.
  10. Capricorn - Wise. Responsible, hardworking, honest, objective. Prefers classic and elegance. Conscientious, simple, able to listen and give advice. Can create strong and lasting relationships. Disadvantages of the Wise - arrogance, coldness, intolerance, coldness, severity. Keeps his emotions to himself, does not like sentimentality. Including in personal relationships, where he manifests himself as a deeply sensual nature and prefers safety.
  11. Aquarius - Philosopher. Witty, independent, individualist. Loves everything original, unusual, unique. Has a developed imagination and sense of humor, is optimistic and liberal. The weak "link" of the Philosopher is eccentricity, coldness, frivolity, impudence. In a relationship, she is open, playful, but not too passionate.
  12. Pisces - Fairy. Devoted, sensitive, sacrificial, disinterested, changeable. Loves blurry and flowing forms, symbolism and perfection. Can inspire, empathize, feel, enchant. Weak sides Fairies - dependence, helplessness, naivety, impressionability, a tendency to addictions and idealization. In a relationship seductive, sensual.

Archetypes according to the degree of development of the feminine

This classification of female archetypes includes the degree of personal growth of a woman, that is, each of them represents a step, the level of her maturity. At the same time, it is possible to move to the next, higher one only when only positive traits. Therefore, it is very important to follow the sequence here.

Ladder of archetypes according to the degree of maturity of the individual:

How to determine the archetype of a woman - look at the video:

Female archetypes can be different and combined in a woman in different ways. It all depends on whether she wants to take them into service, take them correctly and with a creative goal. Only in this case does she have every chance to enjoy a full life and find out what female happiness is.

Wherever you look, there are only archetypes everywhere. What is an archetype? This is, first of all, a program of behavior, a universal innate mental structure. The author of the term (by the way, the word "Archetype" is a compound word, consisting of the Greek "Arche" - the beginning and "Typos" - the original image, primary form) - Carl Gustav Jung. It was he who developed the concept of archetypes
. Today, knowledge of the archetype of a person helps him and those around him better navigate his mental life, better understand the motives of his actions.

Archetype - a symbol, a concept that combines instincts, images, body, psyche. Belonging to a certain archetype has a serious impact on the worldview, position and life scenario any person. The dominant archetype in the psyche sets the type of thinking for a person and really becomes a model of behavior that determines the fate of its carrier.

Why dominant? Because a person can have up to 3 archetypes, each of which has its own scenarios, reflected in ancient Greek myths. Naturally, the archetypes themselves received the names of the gods of ancient Greece.

Male and female archetypes exist. For a woman, knowing the basic male archetypes can be very useful. Yes, and men should get to know their god better.


Poseidon also seeks to acquire his own kingdom. However, increased emotionality, quickly flaring up and fading interest, momentary and decisions made under the influence of feelings do not allow Poseidon to achieve much in life. Such is the payment for excessive sensitivity and a bright spiritual life.

Like the ruler underworld, the bearer of the Aida archetype is immersed in his own world and, as it were, is not interested in the world of people, is not present in it. Hades is an introvert. He is withdrawn and withdrawn.

Jung believed that people belonging to this archetype have an extremely developed intuition. They very subtly feel the background of any events around them, they feel the deep essence of people, although outwardly they do not betray their emotions in any way.


Men - Apollos - are pleasant interlocutors, they are harmonious and diplomatic. Adoring accuracy and order in everything, Apollo pays little attention to the emotional side of life. After all, he is extremely practical, and is guided in everything by logic, reason, and not by transient emotions and feelings. Even in relationships with women.

A lively, talented, agile, fast and clear-thinking man - Hermes embodies all the best and worst features fickle god. He wants everything, at once, and is ready to go for it all at once in several directions. And in all at the same time.

To charm, to lure in the net of his charm - Hermes does it superbly. Unfortunately, he himself does not feel anything and therefore is completely incapable of caring for the feelings of other people.

The eccentric passionate Ares lives only for today. His mind is instincts, his strategy is emotions and feelings. From birth, he is distinguished by emotionality, impulsiveness, aggressiveness, and later - vivid sexuality. With such qualities, it is not surprising that Ares cannot stand loneliness.

Introverts who are always worried about something, living in the power of emotions, creative subtle and vulnerable personalities, often artists with a capital letter - these are representatives of the archetype of god - the artisan of Hephaestus. Hephaestus never becomes a team player. He simply does not tolerate pressure from an authority or a group, and it is difficult for a man - Hephaestus - to communicate with people.

Contradictory emotional extrovert Dionysus, who dominates a man, makes his carrier always be a little "Too". Too attractive, too bright, too feminine, too provocative, too childish. Dionysus is restless and is always trying to change something.

Dionysus does not like male company. Yes, and men rarely take it "for their own." This cheerful god prefers the company of girlfriends - women - to the male team.

But why and why find out which of the ancient gods lives in a man, shuffles his life scenarios and behavior patterns? And to the fact that knowing the archetype of a man, the reasons for some of his actions, it is already much easier to understand and accept him as he is.

female archetypes.


The first on the list is Artemis, a goddess who demonstrates incredible fortitude. She, like a warrior, always strives for victory and never looks for ways back. Her determination, purposefulness and self-confidence went down in history. Such a woman in modern world, most likely, occupies a "Male" position, and has a number of masculine qualities.

For her there is no such word "I can not", everything is based on "I want and I will achieve". At the same time, she loves freedom very much and will never give it up. Therefore, love and family are not the goal of her life, although such may be present in her fate.

She perceives men as friends and business partners, perhaps as lovers. But to open up completely to someone, to trust - this is not at all characteristic of her.

Another strong representative of the weaker sex is Athena. Her character traits are similar to Artemis, but only in part. She also dislikes expressing her emotions, being sensitive and weak. In life, he prefers to reach heights and realize big dreams.

Her thinking is purely analytical, she is an excellent strategist and calculates everything in advance, so her level of intelligence is definitely above average. Thus, if necessary, she can make the man she is interested in approach her himself, without even knowing that the meeting was not accidental.

By the way, she is only interested in someone who himself was able to achieve a lot in his life, and romantics and dreamers are not suitable for Athena. By nature, she is a leader who manages her own life and is a very strong personality.

Gesta is an absolutely opposite image to the previous two. She is a real housewife. Her inner world and experiences are only hers. Such a girl will never share her feelings with others, she will be an excellent listener and a quiet mouse in the company.

But, despite this, she will not feel discomfort in her loneliness. Household chores and worries about her husband can turn into her small world where she will feel safe and secure.

The main thing for Hera is her husband. He is the purpose of her life and all existence. She instinctively looks for a strong and confident partner, whom she will take care of until the end of her days. If, before marriage, she communicates at least a little with her friends, then after that she generally forgets about them.

Often, she always thinks about the well-being of her spouse, and children will never become more important than him. Most likely, she will try to work with him so that she never loses sight of him. And if her husband cheats on her, the blame for everything, from her point of view, will be the second woman, but not her "Ideal".

She is very afraid of being alone, and therefore she can forgive a lot in order to save her marriage. Meanwhile, she is especially jealous and fickle.

Demeter is another overly caring woman. True, it is not so much her husband that becomes her fetish, but the whole family as a whole. To all this, she is capable of close friendship with women, especially if they also have a family and similar problems. As, attention, only children appear in her life, she is ready to completely dissolve in caring for them and turn them into the meaning of her existence.

Her husband can be a person with a weak character, perhaps creative, who needs maternal affection. Demeter will perfectly cope with this task, and will pity him like a small child. True, in an effort to help everyone, she risks forgetting her own desires.


This archetype describes a morally weak person who constantly listens to the opinions of others and does as someone told her. In appearance, she looks like a small child requiring guardianship, therefore she very often evokes maternal feelings in the women around her.

At heart, she will always remain young, and partly this will be reflected in her appearance. She is often very close to her mother and later to her husband. It is easy to command and command her, because she does not have her own opinion.

In relationships with men, she is shy and naive like a child, so her chosen one will have to teach her a lot and help her overcome her own modesty.

Aphrodite. She is a real treat.

An example of true femininity and beauty. Her charm is visible even through nondescript features. Such a girl constantly falls in love with someone, but does not become strongly attached. For other women, she is a real rival, but for some she can be a friend.

With regards to work, Aphrodite is a rather creative person and can be very able-bodied if she directs her irrepressible energy in this direction.

The Hebe girl is somewhat reminiscent of Persephone. She also possesses gentle nature and likes to listen to the opinions of others. But her most important feature is that she wants to always remain young. This is clearly visible in her appearance and behavior. Hebe at any age will dress youthfully and brightly. Unfortunately, over the years, this will cause problems for her, as she simply does not want to recognize the influence of time on her appearance.

In addition, as a person, she is somewhat irresponsible, as she prefers someone to make responsible decisions instead of her.

Tyche is a very interesting personality, striving to control everyone and everything, to be in the center of attention and to have the right to vote. At the same time, she is too emotional to lead a calm, measured life. So, she has many friends, but their number is influenced by her fleeting desire or mood. If someone doesn’t please her, that’s all, she will make sure that this person will no longer be in an environment close to her. And, on the contrary, as soon as she comes up with something for herself, the former enemy can again become the best friend.

The most striking thing about all this is that such a girl is not guided by objective reasons, but simply regards everything as "Like - not Like".

Also, this archetype is characterized by fearlessness. As a leader, a person with this character can take risky steps, but he will never be afraid of possible negative consequences.

In the family, at first, she behaves quietly, like any lady in love, and then, slowly, she begins to sort out the right to vote on her side. Her love of control is also manifested here, she tries to command her husband's life from all sides. It can even go so far that she will work with him at the same job, just not to let him out of sight.
In order to come to balance and harmony, it is quiet worth understanding that every person has the right to personal space and freedom of action.


Many people know that Nemesis is the goddess of justice. And it’s not without reason that they say so about her, because she, in fact, lives according to the rules and norms all her life. Such a woman often judges the actions of each person (and her own too) by how true or correct they are. Unfortunately, it is often not about compliance current law or moral standards. Nemesis herself comes up with her own personal rules, that is, her individual perception of the world is too developed.

As for feelings, she is not too emotional, because where emotions wake up, the mind turns off, and it becomes impossible to adhere to any law. Accordingly, a girl with such an archetype cannot afford to love. Of course, there are relationships in her life, then there will be no deep love in them.

It's the same with friendships. She judges people by their actions, but does not include their feelings in the calculation. Despite such qualities, she is very principled, straightforward and responsible. In the event that he takes on some business, he brings it to the end.

Hekate is the most mysterious goddess of all described by the Swiss psychiatrist Gekata. She represents the mystical world, and therefore a woman with such an archetype often loves everything related to magic and mysticism in general.

Her strength is that she reads people as if open books, in this she is helped by developed intuition. Psychologically, this is a very strong person with a rich inner world. Sometimes people are afraid of such abilities and consider her almost a witch. By the way, all witches and people prone to witchcraft will certainly have the archetype of Hecate.

In personal relationships, such a girl is also not going smoothly. She is more absorbed in the other world than the real one, and therefore love and everything connected with it is not for her. The ideal partner can only be the man who himself is interested in this topic.

Finally, it is worth noting that one person cannot have only one archetype. As a rule, two or three archetypes are always combined and one of them can be dominant. In order to be a harmonious personality, you need to try to somehow balance the traits in yourself. different types. Almost every archetype has its shortcomings and must be combated by acquiring new character traits.

K. Jung's works to this day remain mysterious and not fully understood for many. The reason for this is unusual style his psychological theory, which is perceived by the majority not so unambiguously. Nevertheless, if we consider Jung's theory in terms of value, then it is invaluable.

So what is an archetype? This term quite common in mythology. The Swiss psychiatrist K. Jung was the first to use it in works with theoretical analysis. However, he gave the term a different meaning from its specific translation. Archetypes in Jung's interpretation are nothing more than the initial schemes of various images that are reproduced at an unconscious level and activate our imagination. And only later all this is reflected in dreams and myths, in the fantasies and beliefs of a person, in art.

It is important to understand that archetypes are not images at all, but only schemes. They are also called opportunity and psychological premise.

For Jung, archetypes have a formal characteristic. The first of them can manifest itself in the case when a certain image penetrates the consciousness and begins to be filled with life experience. Jung himself believed that a certain transformation takes place due to myth-making. It also contributes to the transformation of the concept into an image. Sometimes this happens with involuntary statements related to mental events and, as a rule, of an unconscious nature.

Despite the fact that the archetype is something empty, formal and generalized, it has certain properties. According to experts, based on the level of their emotional saturation and distinctness, such initial schemes can captivate and impress human nature. And only after that an artistic prototype is born, which is so necessary for creativity.

In addition, according to Jung, humanity inherits archetypes. In other words, archetypes represent a collective unconscious heritage.

An archetype can be viewed in terms of a concept or a symbol. At the same time, it combines the psyche, body, images and instincts. A person's belonging to one or another archetype has a significant impact on his worldview, life scenario and position. The prototype that dominates the psyche of the individual sets him a certain type of thinking, becoming the model of behavior that determines the future fate of the individual. Why are we talking about the dominant archetype? Yes, because in a person there can be not one, but two or three. At the same time, they are in constant competition with each other. The archetypes inherent in the individual govern their carrier. They determine the direction of its activities, areas of interest, as well as adherence to certain ideals.

In his theory, Jung gave a description of male and female archetypes. Knowing both of them is very useful for a person to study his inner "I", often hidden from us at a subconscious level. In this article, we will look at male archetypes.

An archetype (archaic remnant) is a prototype that is based on certain symbols from mythology and dream plots. In his pioneering work, the German anthropologist Adolf Bastian first voiced the term "elementary idea." Subsequently, the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung changed the voiced wording, giving it the name "archetype." It was he who began to assert that the so-called archaic remnant is a block that is built on the basis of the subconscious and unconscious mind. If we decipher this statement, then any individual already at birth has a certain model of “search”, “mentor” or “hero” at the level subconscious.

Male Archetype Hermes

Hermes as an archetype Like the god-Hermes, the Hermes-archetype has both positive and negative potential. Ingenuity, talent for communication, mental alertness and the ability to act quickly - all these qualities can be used both for creative achievements and for

14.08.2012, 13:36

To take the test for your leading archetype:

Answer each statement. Then calculate the total score for each individual block. Answer options can be - no (0), maybe (1) and yes (2). Where the score is greater, the influence of the archetype will be stronger. Find the answers below.

Female archetypes

  • I can set goals and achieve them.
  • I am independent.
  • I have many girlfriends. Friendship is a very important aspect for me.
  • I am ruthless to my enemies.
  • I am able to think clearly.
  • I am good at handling practical tasks.
  • I am not a bad strategist.
  • I do not think that sympathy is so necessary for people.
  • The rules of society are not interesting to me, I prefer my inner world.
  • I often enjoy being alone.
  • I prefer to see spiritual meaning in everything.
  • The house should be like a temple - clean and comfortable.
  • I am jealous and know how to take revenge on my rivals.
  • I can be faithful.
  • Marriage is the most important thing in life.
  • No matter how terrible the relationship in a married couple is, this is not a reason for parting.
  • I know very well what depression means. I am in this from time to time.
  • I have to do everything myself, because no one can do it better than me anyway.
  • I love to feed and take care of others. I like being needed by people.
  • I don't think abortions should be done. In any case, you need to give birth.
  • I never openly ask for something. Everything I need, people give me and so on.
  • I can feel people.
  • I often have prophetic and significant dreams.
  • I love to dream and dive into the imagination.
  • I can say that I had enough stormy romances in my life.
  • My love affairs are usually very intense, but not long-lasting.
  • For me, it does not matter what will happen in the future in a relationship with my lover. The main thing is "here and now".
  • I love to enjoy pleasure and beauty

Male archetypes

  • I am always determined and ruthless.
  • The main thing in work is fruitfulness.
  • I have a certain amount of power and manage it well.
  • Emotions are for the weak.
  • Sometimes I have a hard time dealing with my emotions.
  • Everyone has to pay their bills. Tooth for tooth.
  • Family is my support.
  • I feel very good about people.
  • I know the taste of depression well.
  • Inner peace is more important to me.
  • I'm not attracted to interacting with people.
  • I can create create my rich images and live them.
  • I always strive for perfection in everything.
  • The main thing in life is the goal.
  • Everything in life can be calculated.
  • Career is more important than personal relationships
  • I can move mountains as long as I'm interested in what I'm doing.
  • I don't like to stay in one place for a long time. The world was created to be known.
  • I quickly grasp the ideas and essence of any knowledge.
  • I don't care about the opinion of others, the main thing is to have the desired result.
  • I often feel like a scapegoat.
  • I react very quickly to what is happening.
  • I prefer an active lifestyle. (Sports, dancing)
  • I like sexual passion.
  • I sometimes feel awkward in public.
  • I can perfectly cope with any male work.
  • I can feel and see beauty.
  • Work is the best healer of the soul.
  • I'm not at all like other people. Maybe that's why they don't understand me.
  • The main thing for me is nature. The world is already so artificial.
  • Sometimes I feel a passion for life.
  • A person should try everything in life.

Female archetypes

A - Artemis
B - Athena
C - Hestia
D - Hera
E - Demeter
F - Persephone
G - Aphrodite

Male archetypes

A - Zeus
B - Poseidon
C - Hades
D - Apollo
E - Hermes
F - Ares
G - Hephaestus
H - Dionysus

The male archetype is ancient model male behavior; unchanged for centuries, a way of male self-realization in society, outside world. Each archetype gives a man a specific Power and basic motivation.

We have identified seven main male archetypes - Warrior, Philosopher (teacher), Merchant (hunter), Peasant, Monarch, Monk, Slave (servant). Because in all societies, in all state structures among men there have always been warriors, philosophers, merchants (entrepreneurs), peasants, monarchs (rulers, leaders), monks (hermits, holy fools, initiates) and slaves (servants, performers).

Warrior - forms in a man a desire to fight and win, provoke a conflict and actively act in it, seize new territories. The main states of the Warrior are excitation and inhibition. Either he fights or actively relaxes (and women do not like the way he does it at all). The Warrior archetype is the main source of male aggression, anger, and rage. If a man does not have normal ways of reacting to the Warrior's aggression (sports, for example, quarrels with competitors, bosses or just fools), he will be unbearable in everyday life. A harmonious Warrior in a man enables a woman to feel protected - he will protect, protect and bring military trophies to her feet.

Philosopher - forms in a man the desire to know the truth and pass this knowledge on to others. Thanks to the Philosopher, a man seeks to get an education (and more than one!), to create his own theory that explains the structure of the world and human relations and tell a lot of people about it. The shadow side of the Philosopher is manifested in the orthodoxy of judgments, painful attachment to one's views, inflexibility of position. A harmonious Philosopher makes a man wise, tolerant, gives the gift of speech, the ability to observe and contemplate. The Harmonious Philosopher allows a man to be a wise father.

Merchant - forms in a man a craving for adventure, risk, adventures, gives excellent communication skills and creative thinking. The Merchant archetype helps a man find an approach and a common language with different people, manipulate them, bring them to the solution you need. A strong Merchant archetype makes a man a Great Schemer. In his head, there are simultaneously many options for solving one problem. The shadow side of the Merchant is manifested in the desire to manipulate people, excessive craving for risk, gambling, extreme conditions. A harmonious Merchant forms an excellent Hunter in a man. In addition, a harmoniously developed Merchant archetype really attracts money to a man.

Peasant - forms in a man the desire for a stable, well-established life. It is the archetype of the Peasant in a man that says: “The main thing you have to do is build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. In this case, your life can be called successful. Do not grab the stars from the sky, be content with what you have, and do not miss the chance to multiply it! A peasant helps a man to stock up, take care of his offspring, be thrifty, pragmatic, far-sighted. The shadow side of the Peasant is manifested in greed, selfish pragmatism, attachment to material values. A harmonious Peasant helps a man to handle money wisely, plan income and expenses, and enhances his natural instinct.

Monarch - forms in a man the desire for power, primacy, dominance in everything. The shadow side of the Monarch can make a man despotic, authoritarian, cruel, narcissistic, uncritical. Harmonious Monarch gives a man the strength to take responsibility, accept important decisions, patronize and take care of loved ones (as well as distant ones). The Monarch archetype is another source of male aggression. But in this case, it already has a different color than that of the Warrior. Monarch aggression does not arise by itself, but always as a reaction to disobedience, disobedience, disagreement of another, and also in cases where someone else, besides him, has the audacity to claim the role of leader. The monarch in a man is angry that things are not going the way he imagined; people act in their own way, which means they do not trust him, the most wise and perspicacious! The aggression of the Monarch is not easy to react in the gym. A man will be able to cope with this aggression after he beats someone. Only then will he be able to reflect, analyzing the reasons for disobedience and correcting his own shadow nature.

Monk - forms self-sufficiency in a man, a desire to live in solitude, a desire to serve a high beautiful idea. The archetype of the Monk gives a man the power of self-restraint, abstinence. There are many legends about lone warriors. In those heroes, in addition to the archetype of the Warrior, the archetype of the Monk was strongly expressed. The shadow side of this archetype makes a man withdrawn, distrustful, unsociable, devaluing beautiful worthy ideas. A harmonious Monk gives a man inspiration to serve a lofty idea (the idea of ​​God, the common good, world peace, etc.), internal and external discipline, self-sufficiency.

Slave - forms in a man the desire and ability to serve someone else, obey the rules without discussing their expediency, tolerance for hardships and hardships. The shadow side of the Slave makes a man envious, insecure, anxious, irresponsible, dissatisfied with the established rules and his "masters" and at the same time desperately wanting to have all the blessings of the world for free and immediately. The harmoniously presented Slave gives the man the power to submit to necessity; the ability to adapt in the "pyramid" system, rigid hierarchy; the desire to clearly follow orders without discussing or criticizing them.

There is another interesting male archetype - this is the Jester. It was formed much later. However, today the Jester is present in almost every worthy man, endowing him with a sense of humor, an ironic attitude to life, the ability to provoke, paradoxical judgments and acting abilities.

Male Power supported by the simultaneous operation of all seven archetypes. But depending on the individuality of a man, his temperament, his heredity, the Male Power can manifest itself through two or three archetypes.

Not every man is able to succeed on his own. However, if he is lucky enough to meet the right woman, the chances of winning will increase significantly. You can give your beloved a gift for the holiday - figure out which archetype he belongs to and become the ideal woman for him.

Henry Ford in his youth received a meager salary as a mechanic and was known as a city madman. He spent nights in the barn trying to invent a new type of engine. Everyone laughed at the guy except his wife. She simply stood by when her husband worked, and held a kerosene lamp over her head, because there was no electricity, and only in this way could the necessary lighting be achieved. Before the gates of the workshop opened and the “self-propelled wagon” rolled out into the street, more than one year passed.

Coincidence? Shouldn't you link Henry Ford's success to his wife's dedication? Maybe ... But the genius of the automotive industry himself, when asked by journalists about who he would like to become in his next life, answered simply: “Anyone ... If only my wife was next to me!”.

Archetypes of Successful Men

Successful men, according to the classification of socionics Viktor Gulenko, are divided into four archetypes: creators, discoverers, managers and traders. For some of them, success lies in money, and someone strives for fame and money, in this case, is only a side effect of achieving a cherished goal. One way or another, each of them needs a woman at whose feet you want to put the world. That's just - these are completely different women!

Creators inspired by new experiences. They are able to dream and life for them is a constant desire to realize their dreams, and success is the creation of something unique that the world will admire. Such men are unpretentious in everyday life and, first of all, require emotional support. At the same time, there is more than enough sensuality in them, so a woman must combine majesty and practicality. And, of course, someone has to look after the house. A creative man succeeds when he has a woman by his side who is both hostess and queen.

pioneers combine creativity with logic. And yet the idea is paramount. Henry Ford, by the way, belonged to this category of men who are important to improve the world, to create something qualitatively new to replace the outdated. Creativity in such men is combined with practicality. An ideal companion for a discoverer who knows exactly what he wants (unlike the creator) will be the mistress girl who admires him. Since the discoverers are too keen on their plans, they are often scattered in everyday life.

Managers they like to control everything, so they may have conflicts with women hostesses on the basis of household arrangements. With strict, strong-willed and persistent men of this type, who are accustomed to subordinate everything to their own rules, women-lovers get along best, directing the energy of a man in the right direction. And in order to avoid confrontation, it is very important that the woman has the features of a girl - a little naive, easy to communicate, emotional and trusting.

Merchants practical yet sensitive. To achieve their goals, they often use not logic, but intuition. They are excellent psychologists, able to win over anyone. Such men have no end to women, because they know how to look after them so beautifully! Over time, women's accessibility begins to disappoint them. A male merchant can achieve success only by meeting his queen-lover, cold, inaccessible and, at the same time, passionate and attractive. Due to the fact that they get everything too easily, merchants are often lazy. As the first value, they are fixated only on money and are very surprised when they meet something (in our case, someone) on their way that cannot be bought. The merchant will conquer the queen all his life, rising higher and higher in the ranking ladder.

What kind of women do successful men need?

Every woman hides: a lover, a girl, a mistress and a queen. At first glance, in an ideal woman, all this should be balanced in equal shares. In fact, it all depends on what kind of man is next to you. If you are more of a mistress, look for a creator for yourself, a queen along the way with a merchant, and a girl cannot find a better husband than a discoverer.

Mistress characterizes emancipation and the ability to enjoy life. In such women, men are looking for creative and sexual energy, passion, novelty, movement. She is different every time, unpredictable, eccentric and desirable.

Girl touching, vulnerable and enthusiastic. She sees in a man, first of all, a defender, knows how to admire him and his achievements, is ready to accept her beloved as he is; nothing lifts male self-esteem. And, besides, only thanks to the girl can a man completely get rid of the complexes that torment him and doubts about his viability, directing his energy to achieve goals.

hostess competently manages any household issues: budget allocation, shopping planning, cooking and cleaning, furniture rearrangement. She easily creates coziness in any territory, and it takes her very little time. It is the hostess who allows a man to feel that he has a reliable rear.

Queen oh, how difficult it is to find a worthy companion, because she is smart and often understands men's issues much better than the men themselves. She is absolutely self-sufficient, she has her own income, her own goals and her own hobbies. It attracts, but also repels men.

“O great Gods of Olympus!

I dream of you again at night
In white togas, sandals with wings
You carry me to heaven.
I sing you a heavenly ode
Revealing to you the secrets of the soul.
This secret is that we are gods.
I am the Goddess and God is you"

Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Ares, Hephaestus, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus… Eight basic Archetypes… Eight behavior programs for a man in a patriarchal society.
Sometimes it seems that these Greek gods are very far from us, but suddenly life makes sharp turn and we are face to face with them. And then what seemed absolutely unnecessary becomes significant and important. This is what the knowledge of the male Archetypes is like for a woman.
Our magazines and mass media now very often impose on us what we should be. Remember, we said that, basically, now, in modern society, a woman is required to be Artemis, or Athena (Top managers, successful business lady), or Aphrodite (a beautiful frivolous beauty who wins the hearts of men). Similarly, magazines create a popular image of a man.
Handsome and in love with himself, a metrosexual man, a model shining on the covers of magazines - Apollo.
A major official and frequenter of charity parties and balls is Zeus. Emotional and brilliant showman, producer - Poseidon.
The shadow oligarch who manages financial flows behind the scenes is Hades.
A strong and muscular warrior, the hero of TV shows and films, the Terminator is Ares.
A cunning banker and merchant, carrying goods from China and selling metal and wood to Europe and America, is Hermes.
The quiet and secretive computer genius is Hephaestus.
DJ Dionysus, who plays trance music in discos and, just like 2000 years ago, brings women to ecstasy.
All ancient male archetypes have remained with us in the 21st century, having just changed clothes from snow-white togas to jeans, suits and shoes from leading fashion designers.
Why do we, women, need to know what Archetype manifests through our man? It turns out that if we know the archetype of a man, then it will be easier for us to understand his behavior and we will be able to communicate with them in such a way as to understand each other and, most importantly, help them understand us. We will probably stop demanding the impossible from them. Indeed, unlike women, who can move from Archetype to Archetype, depending even on the hormonal cycle, men usually remain steadily in one Archetype all their lives. And seeing and knowing what Ares can give us, we will not demand this from Hephaestus.
Each man, each Archetype has his own characteristics, which we will consider in more detail in each issue of the magazine. We will analyze in detail how they behave when caring for a woman, how they behave before and after the wedding, what kind of relationship they have with their mother and how they will raise our children, in general, what and when to expect from them in different situations. It is also important that we can see and feel who we are raising in our sons ourselves.
How are male Archetypes divided and classified? First of all, male archetypes are divided into paternal and son archetypes.
Men, through whom the energies of paternal Archetypes are manifested, are always successful in society. They make money, create corporations, always in the spotlight of the press. There are always a lot of women around them, and it is these men who are the most sought-after suitors in our society.
These are the supreme rulers, the elder gods Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. And we will consider in detail the requirements of each of these Archetypes for women who can become their life partners.
The sons of Archetypes may not be as successful, and yet they have a chance to grow up. These are Ares, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Apollo, Hermes.
In turn, they are also divided into beloved sons, such as Apollo, Dionysus, Hermes, and unloved Ares and Hephaestus. Each of them can "grow" into one of the supreme gods, and we, women, can help them with this.
The main thing to remember is that if our man has grown out of "baby pants", then you and I, dear women also needs to change.
After all, if Apollo became Zeus, then only Hera can be next to him. And demanding from Hades to visit secular parties will not lead to anything - this is the duty of his wife Persephone, which you will become.
And if you do not change, then he will simply leave you for the one that will be his female half, his anima, the female Archetype corresponding to him. Therefore, knowledge of the Archetypes will help you not only learn to communicate and know men better, but also understand and see how marriages between Archetypes are concluded and, just like divorces occur between them !!!
So, knowledge of the archetypes will allow us to determine what a man is capable of, what to expect from him in bed and in society, what kind of son he is and what kind of husband he is. Forward, dear readers, to this wonderful world male energies and programs of behavior!

Copyright© Eugenie McQueen 2008 for Lunar Calendar magazine.

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