What distance should be between sewer wells. The location of the well on the site: what should be the distance according to the norms

Landscaping 20.06.2020

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Who runs the show in the underworld: factors affecting the distance between sewer wells

Surely you at least once in your life wondered why so many manholes come across on your way. Looking ahead, I will say that this is not someone's whim, but a necessity dictated by the technical requirements for laying the drainage system. To clarify these points, I have summarized all the current standards and will gladly share my knowledge with you. So, let's hit the road.

Everyday educational program

For those who do not like to read for a long time, I would like to inform you that according to clause 4.14. SNiP 2.04.03-85 wells are provided on all sewer networks without exception. The permissible distance between two underground devices depends on the diameter and ranges from 35 to 300 meters.

Those who really want to find out the features of the location of sewer wells should arm themselves with a couple of minutes of patience and read the article to the end.

So what's hiding under the hatch? Directly below it is a special hydrotechnical room called ... yes, a well. Depending on the type, they are designed for a specific type of routine maintenance:

  1. Inspection well serves for direct control of difficult sections of the drainage system. In the event of clogging, which is inevitable when removing sewage of both social and domestic and industrial importance, through such wells, repair teams gain access to problem areas;

  1. Rotary wells duplicate the functions of inspection rooms, located at the points of direct change in the direction of movement of sewage. Turning or bending the sewer pipe increases the likelihood of blockage; this type of underground structures allows to quickly eliminate the problem;
  2. Where the landscape creates too much slope, or when crossing with other engineering and technical underground structures, drop wells are installed;

It would seem that the greater the slope, the faster the drains will leave the pipe. But in fact, an excessive slope, like its complete absence, harms the sewer system - solid fractions of effluents, not keeping up with more liquid ones, accumulate, clogging the pipe lumen.

In the photo - a sewer drop well with the cover removed.

  1. Nodal wells combine several pipelines and allow control over them.

Regulatory documentation

Let it not surprise you that SNiP 2.04.03-85 of the Civil Code of the USSR for Construction, approved back in 1986, still regulates the construction of sewer networks.

In our time, and more specifically - in 2012, the Ministry of Regional Development published the Code of Rules of the joint venture 32.13330.2012. In fact, this is a revised edition of SNiP 2.04.03-85, which introduces some additions to the text.

Along with this, SNiP 3.05.04-85 is in effect, in which more attention is paid to the laying technology and the materials used.

Well dimensions

Cross section

We return to the wells. The cross-section of reinforced concrete rings, from which in most cases they are constructed, depends on two factors:

  1. Sections of the sewer pipe over which it is erected;
  2. Depth of occurrence.

According to the first parameter:

If the depth of the well exceeds 3.0 m, then the smallest diameter of the rings must be at least 1.5 m.

The typical height of the well (its working part, measured from the tray to the lid) is 1.8 m. It is quite expected that this value is influenced by the terrain - either upward or downward. For example, if the depth is> 1.2 m, then the section should not be less than 1 m.

Depth of occurrence

Regarding the depth of occurrence, it should only be said that this value depends not only on climatic conditions.

The loads on the soil should also be taken into account, for example, when placing the pipe under the carriageway. The cost of an error is very high - from the likelihood of freezing the pipe during winter periods to damage or depressurization of the sewage system by vehicles passing over it.

In some cases, sewer pipes can be laid in a reinforced concrete tray, and also additionally insulated.

Distances according to SNiP


We turn to the most interesting - knowing which of the types of wells we are talking about, we find out the largest and smallest distance between sewer wells according to SNiP. Let's start with viewing wells.

In practice, the distance is determined based on the section of the sewer pipe connecting two wells:

Diameter (Ø) pipe, m Min. permissible distance, m
0,15 35
0,20 – 0,45 50
0,50 – 0,60 75
0,70 – 0,90 100
1,00 – 1,40 150
1,50 – 2,00 200
Over 2.00 250 — 300

Rotary and nodal

There are no specific values ​​for the distances in the regulatory documentation for this type of wells. Why?

To answer the question, you should remember for what purposes they are being built:

  1. Nodal - in all places where sewer pipes are connected;
  2. Swivel - in all places where the pipe changes direction. Moreover, they must be taken into account by the project at each point of change in the slope of the landscape or the section of the pipe.

The pipe turning radius also plays a role:

  1. If the pipe Ø exceeds 1.2 m, then the minimum turning radius is 5 Ø.
  2. If the pipe is less than 1.2 m, then the turning radius is equal to its Ø.

Captain Evidence suggests: for pipes of large Ø at the beginning and at the end of the turn, inspection wells are mandatory.

Now you know that there are no specific figures indicating the distance between the nodal and turning wells in SNiP - everything is determined individually when designing the sewer network of an object (house, quarter, district).


More details should be given about drop wells. Such structures are installed in places where there is a large difference in height between the inlet and outlet pipes.

The very same slope of pipes of the external sewer network primarily depends on:

  • Landscape;
  • Underground structures and structures encountered on the way of sewage flow;
  • The depths of the incoming pipe.

At the same time, the design of the drop wells will also be different. For example, to reduce the flow rate, the structure of the well will be multi-stage. Structures are not uncommon, where instead of pipes, a simple channel is used, which has the required slope.


Ø of pipes also influences the distance between manholes. Let's find out this nuance as well.

When laying the sewer system, the following values ​​for the dimensions of the drain pipes must be taken into account:

  • 0.15 m for an intra-quarter network of household or industrial use;
  • 0.20 m for the street sewer network;
  • 0.25 m for street rainfall.

If the volume of wastewater in a settlement is> 300 m3 per day, then the smallest diameter for the intra-quarter and street network is 150 mm.

Sanitary protection zones

Another important aspect worth mentioning is the sanitary protection zones, which affect the location of sewer wells. The parameters are determined by the performance and the type of structure used.

It is clear that such information gives little to a simple developer in terms of practical application. Therefore, I will explain the parameters that must be adhered to when designing an autonomous sewage system for a private household.

For example, let's take its productivity equal to 15 cubic meters per day:

  • For the section of underground wastewater filtration, the sanitary protection zone will be 15 m;
  • For filtering trench drainage or sand and gravel filter - 25 m;
  • At least 5 m should be from the foundation to the septic tank and at least 8 m to the filter well.

The diagram shows 3 meters - this is the minimum distance from the sewer to the foundation of the cottage. But we are talking about a nodal well!

Legal and legal responsibility

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for penalties for violations of the SNiP requirements for the design and installation of external sewerage systems, and also spelled out a measure of liability.

Responsible for compliance with the rules and regulations are the following:

  1. design organizations - responsibility has been established for the correctness of plans, drawings and all preliminary calculations for the design of an external sewerage network;
  2. customers and developers - responsibility for preparing the installed sewer network for operation has been established. This includes: personnel issues, correct selection and operation of equipment, commissioning processes, etc .;
  3. Research Institute - established responsibility for the issued data on climatic conditions in the region where the sewerage network is being installed;
  4. construction and installation organizations - full responsibility has been established for compliance with all norms and rules during construction and installation work and testing of a completed structure.

When checking and revealing violations for these categories of persons, a decision is made to bring them to administrative, disciplinary and, in case of serious consequences, even to criminal liability.

In the course of investigations of accidents related to improper operation of the sewer network or its breakdown, specific perpetrators are identified and the degree of guilt of each of them is established.

Do not think that responsibility is assigned only to persons who design and build objects of state and municipal external sewage systems.
Any citizen who is engaged in the independent design and installation of an autonomous sewer network is also responsible for violating the requirements of SNiP and environmental laws.

Negligence or failure to act by the responsible person, failure to comply with applicable rules and regulations, which led to an accident or breakdown or interfering with the normal operation of the sewer pipeline, is also classified as a violation with all of the above consequences for the specific culprit.

The vast majority of suburban real estate owners have to equip the waste storage and disposal system on their own. In order for everything to work properly and not have to dismantle the system, you must follow the set of rules for installation. One of them is the distance between sewer wells.

Inspection wells according to SNiP should be installed at a certain distance from each other.

These elements are required in the system in order to control the external drain line.

Is free access to. Inspection tanks are installed on straight, flat sections of the highway, in places where several pipes intersect, at system bends, etc.

Maintenance of the system, elimination of blockages and replacement of damaged elements and parts of the pipeline are carried out through inspection chambers.

For each type of well, its own set of rules and a formula for calculating the distance.

SNiP 2.04.03-85 contains all the rules for the installation of sewage systems. Where to install the wells, what distance is acceptable for a particular pipe diameter.

The larger the section of the sewer pipe, the greater the distance between the wells. This difference in footage is due to the throughput of the pipes. The line is assembled from large diameter elements, it is high. Blockages appear less frequently. The load is less, as a result of which repairs are required less often.

Varieties of revision wells and the permissible distance between them


Installed for free access and system maintenance. The distance between is indicated in the table.


Installed in places where pipes form a pivot angle

  • The distance between the wells is calculated along a straight section of the pipeline.
  • The length of the segment is indicated in SNiP. If you do not meet the requirement, you will have to install an additional well.


Structures are required in areas with a change in the height of the pipe laying

  • SNiP did not establish standards for the distance between these structures, but the following requirements are imposed
  • One drop cannot be more than 3 meters. If the slope is more than this footage, then a stepped overflow system with wells is created.
  • With a difference of 50 cm, the well can be replaced with an overflow


They are used at the joints of the branch pipes. The distance depends on the diameter of the nozzle.

If the pipeline is laid below 3 meters from the soil level, then pipes are used with a diameter of at least 1.5 m. This is necessary in order to be able to go down into the well along with the equipment, identify faults and eliminate it. A narrow well will be inappropriate in this case.

When arranging an external sewer main, it should be noted that the distance from the sewer to the source of drinking water must be at least 30 meters.

If a septic tank acts as a septic tank

The distance from the sewer wells to the water supply system is increased to 50 meters.

Correct installation of the sewer line is very important, but the maintenance and control of pipes and their connections also affects the operation of the system.

Revision wells are installed at a certain distance, so that you can easily make repairs, remove blockages, replace failed elements or lay a new highway without carrying out heavy earthwork. Wells allow you to replace elements by pulling pipes with a special cable from one well to another.

For example: a blockage has formed. It was not possible to eliminate it using chemicals. The second option to get rid of the blockage is to use a plumbing cable. But the cable is only 15 meters long. Having identified an area with a blockage, it is possible to work with a cable. If there are no wells, then you will have to do a hydrodynamic pipe cleaning.

Hydrodynamic pipe cleaning

It is an excellent prophylaxis. Water supplied under strong pressure not only removes the blockage, but also flushes all deposits from the walls of the pipeline.

It should be noted that the use of bacteria for septic tanks also has a fruitful effect on the drainage system. The amount of sediment in the septic tank is reduced, there is no smell. If the bacteria are flushed through the toilet, the pipeline is protected.

The sewerage system will work accurately and properly if it is installed in accordance with all the rules and regularly inspected and prevented.

For your information!

To avoid mistakes when installing revision wells, it is better to contact a specialist. He will make the calculation without errors and give the necessary recommendations.

For the construction of a well on the site, it is not enough just to find a place with an accessible level of occurrence of the aquifer. The fact is that there are a number of other requirements for the location of the source of water supply, and if they are not followed, then the water will simply be unsuitable for use for food purposes.

Sanitary Requirements

First of all, it should be said that the choice of a place for making a well must be made with the participation of a representative of the state sanitary-epidemiological station, or a sanitary inspection. Also, you can invite for these purposes a doctor assigned to the area.

However, you can first find the most suitable place yourself.

According to SanPiN

  • The source should be located in an uncontaminated area, located at a distance of at least 50 meters (upstream of the aquifer) from existing or possible pollutants, for example, the distance from a cesspool to a well should be at least 50 m.
  • The place should not be swampy or flooded with flood waters. It is also forbidden to install water supply sources in places that are subject to landslides and other types of deformations.
  • The source should not be located closer than 30 meters from highways with heavy traffic and highways.
  • It is not advisable to locate the source on the slopes, on the banks of rivers or near ravines, because untreated river or ground water will inevitably penetrate into it.

If a possible source of pollution is located above the well along the terrain, then the distance between them should be at least 80 meters, and in some cases even 150 meters.
This point should be taken into account if neighboring areas are located higher in the relief, since the distance between the cesspool and the well should already be not 50, but 100 meters.

What are the sources of pollution

The sources of pollution include a number of objects:

  • Cesspool toilets and pits;
  • Burial places of animals and people;
  • Warehouses for pesticides and fertilizers;
  • Industrial enterprises;
  • Sewerage facilities
  • Landfills, etc.

It follows that when choosing a place, you need to focus on the distance from the well to the toilet, as well as on the distance from other pollution objects in your own and neighboring areas. This is due to the fact that unwanted elements will penetrate into the water, as a result, it can be harmful to health.

Distance between two wells

The minimum distance between water wells according to SNiP should also be at least 50 meters, since the well is a potential pollutant. This is due to the fact that contaminants can get into it from above or through leaking walls.

The minimum distance between wells that draw water from different aquifers can be reduced to 30 meters. However, such cases are rare, as a rule, sources in neighboring areas are made at the same depth.

Distance to residential buildings

As for the distance from the house, there are no restrictions, however, the distance from the well to the foundation should be such that construction equipment can drive up when it is installed.

In addition, when the distance from the well to the house exceeds 100 meters, the source becomes not very convenient to use. This is especially true when water has to be collected manually.

It should be borne in mind that in the process of constructing a structure close to the building, its foundation may be damaged.
Therefore, it is desirable that the distance from the house to the well is, nevertheless, safe.

Requirements for the construction device

So, you have decided on the choice of location, while the distance between the wells of the water supply system and other sources of pollution has been correctly chosen. But, this is not enough to ensure that the water supply source is always filled with clean drinking water.

Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the design of the well itself, especially if you are going to do it yourself.

They consist of several points:

  • The column must have a head (aboveground part), which protects the mine from clogging, and also serves as a fence for it and allows water intake. The head height is at least 0.7 meters.
  • The head must either be a reinforced concrete ceiling with a hatch. From above it should be covered with a canopy or equip a "house".
  • Along the perimeter of the head, if the distance from the well to the building allows, it is necessary to make a "lock" of carefully compacted clay 2 meters deep and 1 meter wide. In addition, you need to make a blind area of ​​concrete or asphalt, with a diameter of 2 meters, always with a slight slope.
  • A fence should be made around the column and a bucket bench should be built.
  • The walls of the shaft must well insulate the structure from the penetration of the upper water and surface runoff. It is best to use concrete, which are sealed with mortar, as required by the instructions.
  • The intake part of the mine, intended for the accumulation and inflow of groundwater, must be buried in the aquifer. For better water flow, the bottom walls should have holes.
  • To prevent the soil from bulging out by ascending currents and the appearance of turbidity in the water, a return filter should be poured at the bottom.
  • For descent into the mine, when performing repairs and cleaning the source, you should install cast-iron brackets, staggered at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Here, perhaps, are all the rules that you need to know before executing a water source.

In the photo - drainage around the column

Before using, the water must be completely pumped out twice.
Before using it for food purposes, it is advisable to perform chemical and bacteriological analysis in a specialized laboratory.
However, keep in mind that the price of these services is quite high.


All of the above requirements must be followed in strict order. This is the only way to ensure that the well is filled with water suitable for drinking. Otherwise, all construction costs will be in vain, or even worse - the water from it will harm your health or the health of your family members.

You can get more information on this topic from the video in this article.

For the construction of a well on the site, there is not enough space with an accessible level of occurrence of the aquifer. The fact is that there are a number of other requirements for the location of the water supply source, and if they are not met, then the water will not be difficult to use unsuitable for food purposes.

Then we will consider these requirements, by fulfilling which, you can avoid the troubles associated with poor water quality.

Sanitary Requirements

First of all, it is sent to declare that the choice of a place for the execution of a well must be made with the participation of a representative of the state sanitary-epidemiological station, or the sanitary inspection. In addition, it is possible to invite for these purposes a doctor assigned to a given area.

But, beforehand, you have the opportunity to find the most suitable place yourself.

In accordance with SanPiN

  • The source should be located in an unpolluted area located at a distance of at least 50 meters (upstream of the aquifer) from existing or probable pollutants, for example, the distance from a cesspool to a well should be at least 50 m.
  • The place should not be swampy or flooded with flood waters. In addition, it is forbidden to establish water supply sources on the ground, which are subject to landslides and other types of deformations.
  • The source should not be located closer than 30 meters from roads with heavy traffic and highways.
  • There is no need to locate the source on the slopes, on the banks of rivers or near ravines, because untreated river or ground water will inevitably enter it.

Note! If the probable source of pollution is located above the well along the terrain, then the distance between them should be at least 80 meters, and in some cases even 150 meters. This moment should be taken into account if neighboring areas are located higher in the relief, since the distance between the well and the cesspool should already be not 50, but 100 meters.

What are the specific sources of pollution

The sources of pollution include a number of objects:

  • Gutter latrines and pits;
  • Burial places of animals and people;
  • Warehouses for pesticides and fertilizers;
  • Industry enterprises;
  • Sewerage facilities
  • Landfills, etc.

It follows from this that when choosing a place, it is necessary to focus on the distance from the well to the toilet, and on the distance from other objects of pollution in its own and neighboring areas. This is due to the fact that unwanted elements will get into the water, as a result, it can be harmful to health.

Distance between two wells

In addition, the minimum distance between water wells according to SNiP should be at least 50 meters, since the well is a potential pollutant. This is due to the fact that contaminants can get into it from above or through leaking walls.

The minimum distance between wells, which extract water from different aquifers, can be reduced to 30 meters. But, such cases are rarely seen, in most cases, sources in neighboring areas are made at the same depth.

Distance to residential buildings

As for the distance from the house, there are no restrictions, but the distance from the well to the foundation must be such that construction equipment can drive up when it is installed.

In addition, at a time when the distance from the well to the house exceeds 100 meters, the source is not very ergonomic in operation. This is especially true of those cases at a time when water has to be collected manually.

Advice! be directed to bear in mind that during the construction of a structure close to the building, its foundation may be damaged. Based on this, it is necessary that the distance from the house to the well is, nevertheless, reliable.

Requirements for the construction device

So, you have decided on the choice of place, along with this, the distance between other sources and wells of the water supply system of pollution was correctly chosen. But, this is not enough for the water supply source to be invariably filled with clean drinking water.

Based on this, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the very design of the well, especially if you plan to do it yourself.

They consist of several points:

  • The column must have a head (aboveground part), which protects the mine from clogging, and helps it with a fence and allows water intake. The head height is not less than 0.7 meters.
  • The head must be closed with a well cover or a reinforced concrete ceiling with a hatch. From above, cover it with a canopy or equip a "house".
  • Along the perimeter of the head, if the distance from the well to the building allows, it is necessary to make a "castle" of lisping compacted clay 2 meters deep and 1 meter wide. In addition, it is necessary to make a blind area of ​​concrete or asphalt, with a diameter of 2 meters, without fail with a small slope.
  • Near the column, go to make a fence and build a bench for buckets.
  • The walls of the shaft must well insulate the structure from the penetration of the upper water and surface runoff. it is more optimal to use cement well rings, the drains of which are sealed with a solution, as required by the instructions.
  • The intake part of the mine, intended for the accumulation and inflow of groundwater, must be buried in the aquifer. For better water flow, the lower walls should have holes.
  • To prevent the soil from bulging out by ascending currents and the appearance of turbidity in the water, pour a return filter at the bottom.
  • For descent into the mine, when performing repairs and cleaning the source, it is directed to install cast-iron brackets, staggered at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

Here, perhaps, are all the rules that you need to know before executing a water supply source.

Advice! Before using the well at the end of its construction, the water must be completely pumped out two times. Before using it for food purposes, you need to perform chemical and bacteriological analysis in a specialized laboratory. Indeed, keep in mind that the price of these services is high.


All of the above requirements must be followed in strict order. This is the only way to ensure that the well is filled with water suitable for drinking. Otherwise, all the construction costs will be in vain, or even worse - the water from it will harm your health or the health of your family members.

Additional information on this topic can be taken from the video in this article.


Regulatory documents are very difficult to master, especially for non-professionals. To understand all the requirements for engineering networks, it is necessary to spend a lot of time processing a large amount of material. It is also quite problematic to find exactly the information that is needed on the Internet: often the search results are not at all what they should be.

This article will describe all the information that relates to sewer systems, the main types of sewer wells, their parameters and requirements for structures will be considered.

Private house sewerage systems

In the arrangement of suburban areas, autonomous sewage systems are often used, which are distinguished by the presence of a large number of positive qualities. Some systems turn out to be more economical than using a central collector, while others are the only possible solution to the sewage problem.

For the normal functioning of the external sewage system and ensuring high-quality service, the design of the system must be arranged in accordance with the norms and rules displayed in the relevant documents.

The installation scheme of the sewer system and its operation largely depend on factors, which include:

  • topographic indicators of the selected area;
  • types of soil located on the site;
  • the presence of water supply sources near the site;
  • layout of engineering underground networks that are already present on the territory.
The sewage system can be quite simple: the simplest design consists of a single piece of pipeline that transports the wastewater to a pit or septic tank outside the building. You need to know at what distance from the house to make a septic tank. The simplest septic tank can be made of car tires stacked vertically on top of each other: the drains will still be filtered, and the solid fractions are periodically pumped out by a sewer truck. This design is well suited for installation in suburban or small urban areas. In order for the sewage system to work normally, it is enough for it to provide a constant slope and periodically pump it out.

It is much more difficult to arrange a sewerage system on a site with a difficult terrain, or on which there is a source of drinking water. In this case, the sewage system must comply with the sanitary requirements that apply to septic tanks or waste storage tanks. In addition, the design of the system can be complicated by connecting a drainage system and storm drainage to it. Read also: "".

This design consists of several separate pipelines, so a large number of wells will be required for its operation. To ensure the operability of the system, you need to either contact the specialists, or carefully study all the nuances associated with the requirements for the sewage system.

Types of sewer wells

The main document that defines the design features of sewer elements and the distance between sewer wells is SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and facilities ". The document contains a large number of requirements, but the owners of private houses do not need to study them all - it is enough to deal with the problem of local drainage (read also: ""). The main thing you need to know is that any sewer system requires intermediate wells, and they will be installed depending on various factors.

Distance between inspection wells according to SNiP

It is necessary to install inspection wells in such situations:
  • in the presence of an extended pipeline running in a straight line;
  • in the presence of turns or bends in the pipeline, as well as when the diameter of the pipes changes;
  • in the presence of branches of the structure.
The function of manholes for sewerage is to monitor the system and the ability to gain access to its interior for maintenance.

Determines the distance between the SNiP sewer wells, and according to it, the following rules must be followed:

  • with a pipe diameter of 150 mm, wells are installed every 35 meters;
  • 200-450 mm - 50 m;
  • 500-600 mm - 75 m.
A further increase in the diameter of the pipes makes it possible to increase the maximum distance between the sewer wells even more. However, the likelihood of such a structure appearing at a summer cottage is extremely small, because the volume of wastewater produced by 3-4 people does not require wide pipes. The use of large pipes can be justified if absolutely all wastewater passes through the sewer: precipitation, water from a bathhouse, and directly waste from a residential building.

As a rule, when arranging private sewage systems, pipes with a diameter of 100 mm are used. When using them, the distance between the sewer wells is determined by SNiP as 15 m.In the event that the sewage system does not have bends, branches, and the diameter of the pipeline does not change along its entire length, then the distance can be increased to 50 m.

Swivel wells for sewerage

This type of wells is absolutely identical in purpose and design to observation wells, with the only difference that rotary wells are mounted in places where the direction of the pipeline changes. Sharp bends with large angles of rotation are usually the most prone to clogging and should be given special attention. It is this function that rotary wells perform.

The distance between rotary sewer wells is usually calculated based on the length of the straight sections between the bends in the pipeline. If the section of the pipeline is longer than it is determined by the regulatory document, then it must be equipped with inspection wells in order to ensure a sufficient level of control over the operation of the system.

Drop wells

Installation of a sewage system on a site with difficult terrain is a rather troublesome business. If the territory has a noticeable slope, then the slope of the pipeline will also be appropriate, which is categorically impossible to allow: wastewater moving at high speed will gradually settle on the walls of the sewer system, thereby clogging it and rendering it unusable.

Regulatory documents in this case speak of the need to install drop wells, which are installed stepwise and compensate for the high speed of waste transportation, saving the structure from blockages (more: "").

In this case, SNiP does not determine the specific distance between the sewer wells, but it imposes some requirements on the design:
  • firstly, the height of one drop should be less than three meters;
  • secondly, with drops of up to 0.5 m deep (when using pipes with a diameter of up to 600 mm), drop wells can be replaced with inspection wells using drains.
You must always remember that any sewer system ends with a spillway point, in which the final well is necessarily located, which requires an inspection hatch.

Other standards

In addition to the standards described above, which are often a problem for owners of private plots due to their inaccessibility, there are others that must also be followed in order to avoid problems with the functioning of the sewage system in the future. For example, the minimum distance from the sewer well to the building should be 3 m, and the maximum - 12 m, regardless of the type of well used. The distance from the house to the sewer well is a rather important indicator that must be observed. It is also important to consider the distance from the cesspool to the well. In addition, it is important to always remember about the existence of sanitary standards that determine the removal of elements of sewage systems from water bodies, water sources, vegetable gardens and orchards.


Installing a sewerage system on your own site is not a big problem. All installation work related to laying pipelines and arranging sewerage facilities is quite simple and can be performed by any homeowner (read also: ""). You can find other articles about all types of work on this site, and then everything will become very clear.

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