Arrogance is a bad line of status. Hugger arrogant

Gardening 12.10.2019

) At the last job in the journal there were constantly shocks with the director of the photo service. "Develop any strategy in communicating with a person who does not do anything at the workplace and whose blood is in the blood, everything is faced with, it is impossible, without coming on the throat with his own opinion," she is sure.

Light recalls that the "difficult" boss, first, was a very loud voice, and secondly, he really loved to talk, - to shout, it was impossible to reach him. "I had to just famine the conversations, the bugger from the perturbation," she says. "It is just necessary to not pay attention to such people and pretend that you listen to music. If this nasty type will pick and sway, to impose your next accurate conversation - politely send, Referring to Avral. " Sveta did not work out with a conflict chief: as a result, she was dismissed with him.

Those who do not want to lose work because of the "difficult" colleagues, Timesonline offers 10 behavioral councils that can help you not only to blame with a difficult person, but also internally change their attitude towards him.

1. See deeper

"People do not come to work specifically, to make their job as worse and spoil your life," says the director of the Consulting company YSC Matt Brown. "You need to try to understand the root of the problem. That is, to understand what moves the man, what is his motives, why is it? He is now not in the best condition. "

2. Change your thoughts

If you enter into a conversation, thinking about the source as a difficult person, you immediately take a defensive position, which can create tensions between you, and this does not help. "Change your angle of view," says the general director of the company Inspiring Potential Marielen Sabatie. "Maybe this person is not difficult at all, but just not like you."

3. Change your actions

"When we face problematic colleagues, it's easier to achieve an understanding on their part, focusing on the understanding of what they need from us," says Garet Inglish, Senior Consultant of OPP. - The easiest way to think: "Why should I change if there is a problem in them ? "However, the bottom line is that they are your problem, and if you want to decide it, the most effective way to do this is to take responsibility for changes on yourself. Often the decision is to first change something in your behavior." .

4. Do not delay the solution to the problem

The longer you ignore the problem, the insolute it becomes. Often a simple conversation can be enough to solve the question in place. "If you have a conflict with someone who led you, you just need to figure out the essence," says Brown.

5. Communicate at their level

Most people respond to a difficult situation with their usual communication models, only enhanced degrees. "It is better to try to determine how your communication style is different from them, and try to adapt it accordingly," says Inglish.

6. If you need to inform bad news - prepare for the worst

To inform the difficult news to communicate a bad news - always an affordable occupation. However, negative side effects can be smoothed by directness in their actions. You need to remove the entire emotional part and focus on the main thing.

7. Do not reward for bad behavior

Stop solving other people's problems, or you have to do it again and again. And do not let yourself draw yourself in disputes to people trying to attract attention in this way. Even if you defeat this fight, you will lose the battle.

8. Be consistent and understandable

If the problem is in human behavior, tell me that it should change in it. If the colleague continues to demonstrate bad behavior, tell me directly and immediately - do not wait for the next official audience.

9. Focus on purposes, and not on the methods

Problems may arise when the discussion begins to rotate around the ways to do something, and not what should be done. You must have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you want to achieve. Focus on the purpose of the conversation, and not on everything to do everything.

10. Some things are not amenable to correction.

"Maybe a person behaves like this, because this organization does not suit him," says Williams. "It is possible to change the terms of his contract or even refuse its services." In some situations, for example, we are talking about aggression, there are practically no way to resist the "difficult" person. And the solution here can be only one thing - to leave or (if it is in your competence) to dismiss the "difficult" colleague.

To fall in love!

However, Olga's assistant has the last (and wonderful) way to blame with a difficult colleague. "If a person is difficult to communicate, I fall in love with him, it's not difficult to do it, because everyone has good and bad qualities," she says. "You need to appreciate the person in the complex and understand what it is extraordinary and stunning. In love with a person everything Difficulties are not difficulties, but joy :) Every moment of communication gives pleasure and happiness, and when people see how happiness they bring to you, they change for the better! "

In different ways there is a life in humans. And probably, many of us have reason to be displeased. But if we are angry and offended to life even quite fairly, then only our resentment is added to our troubles. As for the lifetime itself, she seems to make the findings we need, but he goes on. You need to perceive this world as it is. The surrounding sometimes are aggressive, selfish, stupid, dishonest and ungrateful. It's never offended by them. There are no such cases when such feelings are justified, and therefore it is harmful and stupid. You can recall hundreds of situations where there were serious grounds for the resentment, but among them there is not one where she would have meaning, even if I had to face arrogance. What is arrogance, let's try to figure it out further.

Modesty and arrogance

Politeness and arrogance - two poles. Any of us has fallen more than once with a phenomenon when politeness and kindness are defeated by someone else's assertion, or even arrogance. Yes, the arrogant to be in our time more convenient. After all, no wonder there is a saying that the arrogance is the second happiness. But this is an ambiguous statement.

What is this - arrogance? The definition of this word indicates such behavior of a person in which aggression is manifested or a violation of moral and legitimate rules to achieve its goals.

Since childhood, we were inspired that the courteous person is always modest. But modesty is not always a plus. If a person works well, it will be celebrated, right? Unfortunately no. In the team, together with professionalism, the ability to file itself is very significant. After all, you can perfectly carry out your task, but few people know about it, if it is modestly to sit and wait for the work done according to merits, while less professional, but able to file yourself a colleague quickly moves through the career ladder. This is only one of the examples of arrogance and self-confidence.

What does the concept of "arrogance" mean?

On the one hand, this is excessive self-confidence, which is at the limit with rudeness, a sense of irresponsibility, poor upbringing. But oddly enough, often just these properties of nature contribute to the goal. What is arrogance? Insecurity in their forces and arrogance seem opposite concepts. But at the same time, these are two sides of the same phenomenon. Naked is not quite confident man. In order for this insecurity to compensate, to bring others that, the opposite, the indecisive individual expresses arrogance. By the way, this technique is often found in adolescence when self-esteem is very vulnerable. The manifestation of arrogance increases human self-esteem. His thirst to feel his own significance forces to look for evidence in the surrounding world, in the reaction of people. For this, the naked can humiliate the other. It happens that a person is indifferent to a particular phenomenon that happens in his life. But if what is happening concerns his honor and dignity, he begins to heal. So envisaged by nature.

Hepacity - is it good or bad? How to treat her? At the heart of useful impudence lies the thrust of people to knowledge. No one will be able to learn anything, without having the birth of perseverance and keenness in the knowledge of the world. As soon as someone sees what he needs for further development, the mechanism of perseverance and arrogance is connected, and a person acquires those knowledge and skills that he needs. Why arrogance, because knowledge can be purchased and not impudent? This phenomenon is like a request, just to ask - it sometimes means to humiliate, but to be pinned - it means to dominate. It is necessary for the balance of good and evil in the world, full of competitors. If our ancestors would not have a fiery desire for proof of their own significance, it would not be the most civilization itself. Without it, people would not reach animals near the animals.

Reaction to rudeness

All people are different. At the time when one person leaves offended in the soul, the other - necessarily gives the overtakers. Who came across this phenomenon, knows how difficult it is to remain calm in response to human aggression or rudeness. One faithful answer to the question of how to respond to arrogance, no. It all depends on the situation. But psychologists in one voice declare: it is absolutely useless in response. It is better not to answer anything than pouring a new portion of rudeness in response to rudeness. If the employees of serving establishments are rude, an effective way will be a calm voice asking for the bosses. Or require the phones of the head office. You can throw your indignation in a plaintive book. It acts on the cham cut down. If it takes place in transport, in the yard or on the street, the wisestly will not be involved in the conflict, respond to humor or just worthy to leave, which discourages Hama. Being a courteous person is always nice, it gives joy around others. The main thing is to ensure that politeness is inseparable with self-esteem. The feeling of self-esteem will retain the balance between politeness and moderate assertion under any circumstances.

Confidence and arrogance

A confident person is not necessary to win in every fight, it is enough to take the second or third place. Because his confidence does not depend on prizes and premiums. But the height, even if obviously weaker than its competitor, will go on any tricks, trying to show its significance. He self-understanding for someone else's account, in contrast to self-confident man. Healthy perseverance and perseverance, the desire to achieve greater helps a person in the desire to live better, conducive to successful competition and achieve goals. It is these properties of character, like arrogance, audacity, trick, assertion, are the basis of a special psychological property - the ability to lead and use others. Such skills have most officials when they refer to subordinates as objects that can be manipulated, manage, use to achieve their goals and do not feel guilt. The arrogance of officials is not amenable to subjective influence, other people's care for them.

In addition to these properties, such quality is certainly present as a healthy aggression is one of the synonyms of arrogance. She helps to survive and live, promotes movement towards the goal, successful competition. This is perfectly trained in sports sections, and at various trainings to raise self-esteem. At times, the Tikhon modest is useful to become slightly impudent, for example, to imagine that life is theater, and try to play different roles. You can try on the mask of the arrogant and daring person and to influence it on the events.

"The arrogance is the second happiness" - an ambiguous phrase. And many actually believe that it is very good in our time to be brazen. But at the same time, the fact remains that no one likes too arrogant people. They can be treated in different ways: to be outraged by their hoarse, despise, criticize, in the shower to envy and perplex, with what ease they reach their own.

What is hidden under arrogance?

Psychologists argue that the arrogant person, despite all the vastness, is, above all, the man's unsure. Showing arrogance, he increases this self-esteem. In other words, he does not add confidence with his achievements, but takes a bold appearance of a bison, aggressive person. I actually aggressively, puts on myself a mask of confident. These features like arrogance and insecurity are available in each person in different shares, but their use is purely individual. They are present in any, forcing to think and do wrong, in trifles or largely.

There is another kind of arrogant people who force themselves to be so believe that for the best conditions, the laddies need to be combed, to have time to have time. The most penetrating and persistent in fact, everything often appears: and career, and money, and communications. But very often they ultimately remain alone.

How to fight arrogance?

If the naked is faced with a man wisely, then usually a wise is inferior to the height, choosing an option not to aggravate the conflict and not to perceive the words and actions of the height. You should not answer the provocations and interrupt it. Indeed, in this case, he will be like to the same aggressor that behaves brazenly and unfortunately. Yes, while the arrogant opponent feels stronger, bolder, but you should know that it is not. What is arrogance? It is only an outdoor bravada, but nevertheless the most happier from such behavior does not become. It is necessary to possess a significant strength of the Spirit to master the situation and give up, and not to spend the nerves and strength on a stupid and useless insult.

Do not be a victim

The most important thing in the fight against fuck is not to realize yourself with a victim, loser and weakness, with which something is constantly happening. With a sacrificial look at life, understated self-esteem, such individuals as heights, sweatshirts and various kinds of fraudsters are spinning around, wanting to prove on the psychological helplessness of the victim. The victims underestimate themselves: a lover of planting immediately feels fertile soil. They constantly fall into ridiculous situations, with them forever happens both at home and at work.

Why do you rude?

So, the reasons for keenness, arrogance and rudeness addressed to you:

  • you are not able to answer rudeness;
  • you incorrectly react to resentment;
  • you often feel guilty;
  • you are too soft and compliant person who is pretty simply subordinate to his will.

Folk wisdom composed not one proverb about arrogance. Here is some of them:

  1. Given the will, he wants and more.
  2. Our room has slept everywhere.
  3. As an ax, climbs into the eyes.

Fighting understated self-esteem

Many suffer from understated self-esteem. Spellings like: "I can't do it, it's not for me, I will never have this, but where I" - you can hear almost every step for any reason. Most people crave changes, which would lead them to success. But the imagination draws each of the huge number of barriers that are waiting on the way to good luck. And although many of these obstacles in reality do not exist, people do not believe in their strength, convince themselves that success is impossible. Without faith in your strength, it is impossible to tune in the chosen path to a prosperous future. When a person believes in herself, he is not afraid of anyone and nothing else, he does not criticize himself. After all, there is nothing destructive than constant self-criticism. You need to learn to forgive all the flaws and take yourself as it is, and accepting, start respecting. From a sense of respect for himself will gradually grow confidence in their power.

Someone is nahamed on the street, someone in public transport, or the Hamsky scandal will be held at work with the transition to personality - and now most of the mood deteriorates for the whole day, self-esteem is reduced, I do not want to work.

It turns out that one people are rustling more often, while others are not rude to face almost never - they are afraid to get or physical, or a verdic answer. What arrogance is understandable, but not always it is manifested in the form of aggression, it can also be that the person with whom we communicate, specially provokes a feeling of guilt, fear or shame. Therefore, the priority task in battle with rudeness is to be able to install, who, how and why awakens such emotions? The frequency with which you drench and rude, depends on the main criterion - the level of self-esteem. If you have such a self-esteem that you are permissible to silent, you will certainly find lovers to do it to self-harden at the same time. And on the contrary, if you have self-esteem in order, you walk through life freely and worthy, then you will most likely be rude to you. Hence the conclusion: the first thing to do is to align your psycho-emotional and physical condition and develop adequate self-esteem. Not everyone will solve a strong rude.

Rudeness and rudeness

If we consider relations in society, then rudeness and rudeness is a faithful sign of inability to communicate. Hamsia is the most ineffective method of communication, because it is poorly done by everyone: and the person who Nahamili, and the one who showed rudeness and arrogance. Yes, it happens that one-time rudeness can be achieved and acquired a one-time winnings, for example, to force a subordinate employee to do any extra work, but it is always a loss, in this case the question arises: will the subordinate work effectively work further with such a relationship? Unlikely. People with normal self-esteem adequately take the right criticism in their address, but not rudeness. Therefore, the best medicine from any rudeness is a developed sense of self-esteem.

During the attacks of the arrogant and aggressive interlocutor, in no case cannot be taken by all expressed by him for the truth. Usually people put out their showful superiority, in the soul of unhappy and alone. It is nothing but a simple desire to assert. In fact, it is not always rude in reality considers you below yourself, perhaps now, his life does not quite turn around, here is a person and splashing the negative. Often such people with more close acquaintances are manifested as sensitive and vulnerable, and external arrogance and aggressiveness are used as protection.

Cut and bold people can be met everywhere: in the working team, transport, or in a nearby store. Their energetic and arrogance will disarm everyone, make you feel stupid and sorry, will spoil the mood.

Synonyms for arrogance: heat, aggressiveness, disrespectfulness, indiscretion, heaviness, rudeness, cynosity, rudeness, ignorance, unbearable, chickens, unspitality. This list turned out to be much more than I would like.

What is the difference between arrogance and courage?

The courage is a victory over its fear before a particular phenomenon, it is visible in actions that very often contradict the instinct of self-preservation, but still are made in good use. The arrogance is a feature of character aimed at satisfying the selfish need of a person who often adheres to the principle "I must all". Such arrogance speaks of a low level of human education. In small doses, you can use the arrogance, and it is not bad, as it is one of the ways to achieve the goal.

In the modern world, many people confuse two different concepts: arrogance and courage. What is the difference between these definitions? The courage is manifested by a person who is not afraid to take responsibility, he goes to the risk for other people. And the arrogant person, on the contrary, is afraid of responsibility due to his insecurity. He creates a look as if he was not afraid of anything, at the same time herself above the rest. Obviously, the arrogant man is a coward.

Change the attitude to life

Many years ago in her book "As a person thinks" by her author James Allen outlined such a thought. A person notices that when he begins to relate differently to people, they also change towards him. As soon as a person succeeds in decisively change his thoughts, he in amazement will feel how his existence changes. Life is too short to spend her on trifles. Often we allow themselves to be upset because of the little things that are not worthwhile. We have to live on this earth only a few decades, and we spend a lot of irrevocable time, reflecting on the resentment. It is better to affect your life worthy actions and feelings, and let them inspire great thoughts, true feelings, immortal affairs, because the life of a person is extremely short, to have time to do everything conceived.

The arrogance is something like shamelessness and daring self-confident incidence that borders with rudeness. Sometimes arrogance has a positive shade when the focus goes precisely on confidence in the actions performed, and not on their unceremonia. In our uncertainty in itself, such "positive" arrogance is often opposed. The question was about uncertainty, fear of decisive actions and changes in life. In such a way, overcoming fear is not even arrogance, but soon such a realization of what is happening when it becomes clear that the fears are bold and do not make sense. There is no contrast in this. However, a modern "confident" person often gets frightened between opposing "arrogance" and "uncertainty" in their abilities, turning out that on one pole of this antagonism, then on the other. Let's try to figure out the essence of these phenomena.

Take, for example, such an ordinary situation, when, when you enter a job, a checkpoint is installed. Suppose, several times in the past you have already forgotten your skip, and the guard, breaking the charter, I missed you because "entered your position," because he knows that you really work here. You are almost accustomed to the loyalty of the local security service. But now, a new guard appeared, brazen, strict on the face and irresistible. And now, once again, scattered dispersion. The skip remained at home, you look with a smile on the guard, apologize, but he says his head, they say, and there can be no speech! They have their own rules! Flying with the guard do not lead to anything. He should do that you need to return home for the pass, and then write "explanatory." And at this time there may be quite "adequate" feeling of irritation. What is really happening? Is irritation in this situation in this situation justified?

In such situations, to free themselves from a painful reaction, it is necessary to clearly understand that leads its participants. As a rule, sufficiently understanding the causes of the external stimulus. If the visible cause is the behavior of the guard, it means that it is necessary to analyze this one, visible cause. Why did the guard showed arrogance? Because bastard? This is not an external reason, but a personal subjective reaction. So far we will talk about external reasons.

The guard can be annoyingly scrupulous simply because it is afraid of punishment in the investigation of the violation of the charter. Easy to understand the person who is afraid. Fear can be expressed by foreign concern, or something like the "righteous" wrath. But even this level of understanding of the external cause can be kept anger aimed at a frightened guard. It may be annoying "inappropriate nonsense" - they say, "you can not be so nervous to create problems around them because of unreasonable fears!" If you believe that the guard of the guard is caused by his limited understanding of the situation, it is worth understanding what particular man is afraid. He ("in vain") may be afraid to lose his job, or fears that the government's reprimand will make him survive humiliation and even greater fear. Here the connection between the act and its cause is quite simple for understanding. Easy to understand fear. When a person is afraid, he suffers. It is more difficult to understand arrogance.

To understand the arrogance, it needs to be decomposed on the simpler for understanding the components. As already mentioned, arrogance and uncertainty in themselves are two poles. In essence, these are two sides of one coin, the same phenomenon. Naked is an uncertain person. And that this insecurity can somehow balance this in order to prove to yourself that everything is different, the man's unsure of itself begins to exercise arrogance. He does not know himself, and therefore is looking for confirmation from external sources. He makes it forces the confirmation of this "importance" in the outside world, in how surrounding him react to him.

Sometimes, the pinch, to make sure that he is a "important" person, can, for this purpose, humiliate another person, or kick the door of his own cabinet, which suddenly stood up on the path of the "important" person. Maglette asserts, because it is afraid to survive humiliation. A person shows arrogance to support his self-esteem to prove himself that he is important! .

Perhaps an example of arrogance and insecurity at the throughput point is not the most significant. Examples can be any: situations on the roads, in queues, in the section "Production" and others. Everyone in life can be their examples, depending on the experience and data in the subconscious. Figuratively speaking, when there are two insolers, it reminds the meeting of two young bulls, which can not disappear on a narrow path.

When arrogance occurs with wisdom, it looks like a novice karate-bully incite an experienced with a black belt. An experienced can consciously give up, to show flexibility, because he is already sure of himself, he does not need external confirmation of his strength in which newcomer needs. A big smart dog is calm, and a little sauce is barking on all passersby.

When "power" keeps on the weaknesses of others - a penny price is so power. The true force is to be able to insist on their, give passing equal, but at the same time not to do this under the influence of self-affirmation. A strong person will not put pressure until the situation does not require this. Good is not a crusade against the "wrong". Good than the evil is not because, "who won, that kind." Good is wisdom, understanding of the consequences, understanding of oneself and its true needs. No one can desire violence with the whole soul. The arrogance is a distorted, incomplete understanding of his own nature. Good stronger evil, because a kind person knew the uselessness of evil.

It may seem that in this article, arrogance and insecurity are criticized. The only goal that I actually pursue here is the display of this mental mechanism at the verbal level. Ideally, it is worth remembering that both arrogance and uncertainty in yourself is a valuable, this is a mental illusion that exists a sea of \u200b\u200benergy. The arrogance and insecurity are short-sighted "advisers". Their guide leads to painful extremes and delusions. Without arrogance and insecurity, more energy and clarity remains.

Forgive another person, you can stop annoyance when there is a deep, clear understanding of his actions. Especially since it really annoys us, exactly what lives in ourselves. We are annoyed by the arrogance of another person, because we forbid ourselves to show this quality. The arrogance of the "other" person is to external reality. Alien unacceptable arrogance is our own arrogance that personal domestic censor grossly knocked into the pantry unconscious. And now it breaks out from there in the form of a broken stimulus.

In other words, we forbid someone else's arrogance just because they banned it. Be brazen - not at all "bad." As long as the depressed arrogance is kept, it is useful practically and moderately produce it to the surface in the form of relevant "confidence." Then, someone else's arrogance will not cause envy and irritation. This is already deeper work at the personal domestic level.

Ultimately, everything comes down to. The fear of the uncertainty in itself is more easier than arrogance. We are still learning. The ego is stable in dynamic equilibrium. - The structure that continuously flows changes, is complemented by new "smears". Therefore, the ego is in continuous search for new supports. This structure does not happen "enough", it is always "little". Ego dwells in a continuous search for external confirmations of his prosperity. But even at this level, the relative calm is achieved when a person frees herself from the polarity of an insecure impudence.

To harmonize and eliminate specific fears, an analysis of the situation, an example of which is given in this article, and following the methods mentioned in the article ". To eliminate fear completely, you need to know myself, your true. This is spiritual, state of the Buddha. Sincere aspiration to this can teach a lot. But here I will not advise "enlightening" and meditate. Each balancing life is most effectively the "instruments" that are available on the current one.

Beggoard, daring, cheeky, shameless. | Zap. Sudden, descended. He arrogantly, he arrives, arrogant. Nipper, Naplekhonko, very brazenly. Junky give will, wants and more. Arrogance wives. Property of arrogant. Brazulous, impudent, brazen, in ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

See daring ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions in terms of meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Beggagged, Shameless, Shameless, shameless, unceremonious, damp, Khamsky, daring; Frivolous, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Brazen, shape, brazen; brazen, nagged, brazen. Shameless and cheeky, extremely incoming. Naging lies. Arrogant act. Cut down. "Women feared his arrogance persecution." Herzen. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Nude, Aya, OE; brazen, nagged, brazen. Dareless, shameless, shameless. Behavior. N. View. Naging lies. N. Enemy. | SUD arrogance, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

impudent - brazen, brief. f. brazen, nagged and permissible, brazen, brazen; compared. Art. Naked ... Dictionary of the difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian

impudent - Judge, cheeky, cheeky p. 0556 p. 0557 p. 0558 p. 0559 ... New explanatory dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language

impudent - 1 unscrupulously brazen striking brazen 2 arrogant cheating ... Dictionary of Russian idiomatics

impudent - Old Russian - impulse (fast). General Slavonic - Nagl. Adjective "brazen" meaning "tactless", "unceremonious", is Slavic in origin, original. In other Slavic languages, there are also words with the same meaning and ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language Semenova

Brazen, nagged, brazen, ukr. Valya is extrasected, sustained, dr. Russian, TsSlav. Vault fast, fast, bulg. brazenly brazenly, serbohorv. N̑Gao, g. Hassed hasty, Slane. Nagǝl, g. Nagl sudden, Cesh. Nahly - the same, FIGL. Nahly, Polish, c. ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language Max Fasmer

Arr. Extremely incoming; Cheeky, shameless. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language


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  • Smart, brazen, self-confident, V. Korkina. Psychological detective. Men's duel because of the widow with dowry. The composition of love triangles is cheerfully updated. Masks, traps, psychological games of nellueous people and charming crime. ...

Once it was right to remain modest - many remember the Soviet films who brought up modesty in children, obedience. But of course, nothing stands on the spot. Times are changing, morals change. To defend your opinion, be unreleased in your rules is one. But be brazen - completely different. And although everyone has a clear idea that such arrogance, it is still not easy to define this concept.

We all came across, and more than once, when people violate the established norms of behavior, seeking to get something for their benefit. For example, pass out of turn when others defended in her decent time, selected from other certain benefits for the rights stronger. So it turns out: the arrogance solves the problem, it allows you to get the desired one simple way.

Signs of arrogance:

  • Disregard for public opinion established by the norms if it interferes.
  • Naked can take what does not belong to him without an embarrassment.
  • A arrogant man considers his interests more important, he will not wait, to give way to ladies, scend with children or give tribute to age. He needs to get - he also gets, despite the fact that the interests of others will suffer.
  • Even if someone starts to be outraged, he will not change his tactics: silently or starts rudely responding. But he will not refuse his actions.
  • No shame. He is very careful that you will think.
  • The presentation of unreasonable requirements, excessive perseverance. Still say "takes Nakhp."
  • The naked car interferes in other people's affairs, and even can impose its point of view.
  • Corrence, attempts to keep off the desire to prevent him.

It turns out, arrogance is the second happiness?

Looking at such "brands", many also want to be "bitter": it is easier, faster, some goals are achieved with smaller losses. But worth Lie

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