A mild character of a man is a minus? What is the softness of man.

Gardening 23.09.2019

→ What is the gentleness of character?

Person's character - This is a very important feature feature that greatly affects the development and life of a person, his image of behavior. It is manifested in various respects:

  • in relation to other people (such traits such as sociability, closure, tact);
  • in relation to the case (responsibility, tape);
  • in relation to yourself (modesty, self-confidence, pride);
  • in relation to property (generosity, thrift, accuracy).

But it is impossible one by one by a person's attitude, for example, to judge his personality completely. After all, this is just one small component of a large system.

According to custom, the nature is divided into two large groups:

  1. "Hard" character;
  2. "Soft" character.

Each of these two groups includes a huge palette of character traits that are interrelated among themselves, but at the same time they are very different from each other. We will talk about the "hard" character next time, I remind you that it is almost the complete opposite of "soft".

What is the "soft" character or softness of character?

A man with a soft character is a very kind and responsive person. He is always ready to come to the rescue, give recent means To existence, to sympathize with you. This is the person who will do everything in his power to make you better. These people are weak morally, they can not allow society around them bad if they can help at least a drop. Such people are quite rare in our time, they are a living embodiment of the ideal humanist's ideal.

Now people who are more or less similar to the description above are rather simply educated, so they cannot allow the manifestation of stiffness of the character when another person appeals to them for help. Despite this, they, like the true "soft" people, are pleasant in communicating, it is easy to talk to them, you want to contact them, because they will always help, always listen.

But even such people have cons:

  1. Indecision - if a person with a "firm" character conceived something, he will do it without hesitation, which will envy a person with a "soft" character, because such people too often doubt the correctness and necessity of their decisions;
  2. Dependence on the opinions of others - especially this concerns those who have this person in authority (family, friends);
  3. Weak Will Power - "Soft" Man Himself much more regrets, so thinks that it can do less than it really is.

In conclusion, I want to say that every person is unique. It can not be attributed to one, nor to another specificity of character. In each of us there is something and on the other. Learn to apply different traits of character in different situations - this is art.

Mild character in a girl or young man - It is always great stress, because many people seek this to take advantage. How to live if a person has too mild, this article will tell.

Very often a person with a soft character may face a number of problems. They often use and try to dishes, engaging in trouble. How can you cope and is it possible in principle?

Causes of the problem.

Most often, people who brought up in a similar key. Parents rarely shouted to such a child, much allowed him. In addition, the child seemed in nature there was a need to please. Most often, future softness and non-childhood are manifested since childhood. The child begins to give way to children in the yard, there are few people communicate with him, and if other children come into dialogue, they often offend the child. This can cause compactivity and further problems with the child.

In fact, the gentle character of the girl can be changed in childhood and youth. If you start this problem, then in the future it will have much big scales and will be incredibly serious for the future person.

IN modern world Without some stiffness, it is almost impossible to do. That is why, from a certain age, it is necessary to educate in the child a character, his own opinion and ability to defend it. In this case, the child is unlikely to be able to offend someone. Rather, on the contrary, he will always be able to stand up for himself in a particular situation, properly protect his own interests.

Wonderful if the child has been manifested by the child since childhood, which allows him to always express his opinion. Such a child will have a big future. However, if failed to cope with the problem in advance, you can try to overcome it after time, already in adulthood.

Ways to solve the problem.

So, a person began to observe a strange softness and inability to resist what he really does not want. In fact, now the problem is increasingly tormented by young people. When a person himself does not know what he wants, he is very easy to knock down from the planned path.

The first thing to do is to teach yourself not to say. Sometimes colleagues and friends are too much counting on a person with a soft character. They can throw off all the work on him and all orders simply because a person does not know how to refuse. In this situation, it is necessary to practice in front of the mirror, try to present a colleague in front of yourself and try to tell him "no". Of course, at first it is too difficult, because a person is so rarely refuses to someone. However, gradually and all familiar will understand what to wash with this man, as before it will not work.

Also, if you have a mild character, you need to learn how to express your opinion on people. Sometimes a soft man is used as a pawn in disputes, as he is afraid of offending someone and all the time takes one or another side. In such a situation, it is necessary to teach yourself, in spite of everything to always talk about his opinion, to express him familiar and friends. Soon, such resistance will have an impact, as a result, a person will only win.

Also too mild character can cause and failure in personal plan. Women are often afraid to associate their lives with a man who has no opinion that is afraid of anything to express people. Similarly, men are not too complaining of softwood women who can become simple cookies, cleaning agents of purity and coziness in the house.

In order not to discover myself to such a fate, it is necessary to put yourself in new relationships otherwise. A man should show his character, to prove that he has his own opinion and views on life. The girl should, certainly, notice that she is not against cooking and cleaning, but at the same time wants to build a career. Strong personality is capable of everything, if it really wants it.

It is also wonderful if a person himself finds out that he loves in this life, for what is ready to work and actively work. With this analysis of their own interests, it will be possible to identify personal opinions. Perhaps a person with pleasure soon realizes that his old traits and complexes forever disappeared. To resist someone else's influence and all life problems, you need to have a solid character. Of course, you can also ignore these tips, keeping your character. However, such a person is hardly able to achieve something in life, overcome its own complexes and a number of problems for future success.

Of course, it is very difficult to turn out of a mild person in a confident personality. However, if a person sincerely wants this, he will definitely achieve the desired, while feeling complete satisfaction.

Of course, very much! They are like two different plus: plus and minus. Two are absolutely not similar to each other man.

What distinguishes a person with a strong character from a person who has a soft character?

First of all, this is determination and confidence in their actions. If a person with a solid character decides for himself anything, he does it. He, unlike a "soft" person, will not fluctuate in solutions. "Solid" man is firmly sure that he does. For example, if this person decides to quit from work, he will write a statement and leave, and will not doubt it correctly does it or not. And the "soft" person can not only fluctuate in decisions, but in the end, in general, to change their mind to dismiss from work.

Secondly, it is courage. "Solid" man dare and bravely, he "jumps into the abyss" and knows the unknown, the nature of such a person is almost fearless. For example, if a young man decides to marry, even if his choice did not approve his parents, he still will do it. Even if he understands that it will be very difficult, everyone will have to do without the help of others: look for accommodation and new job With a salary to all grab. He knows that parents will not help him. That ahead is just the abyss and unknown, strong difficulties. But he will do it anyway. Because he solved it firmly. The "soft" man may obey his parents, afraid of difficulties and break his own destiny, having deprived himself personal happiness.

Thirdly, it is a dedication and perseverance. If a person with a firm character puts himself a goal, he will go to her without going from the selected path. He will not be upset what everything does not work immediately and not everything is not so smooth, as he would like. He will go step by step to go to the goal. For example, if the "solid" man decided to learn foreign languageHe will raise his level to perfection. He will have enough willpower to deal with the subject, prepare for classes, learn rules and words. "Soft" work out a couple of classes and quit. Because it will be lazy, get bored and it will all become uninteresting. So will remain with knowledge of ten words.

As a rule, people with a solid character are leaders who are essential and authority from other people. it good leaders, coaches, strategists. The "soft" person will be more difficult to take responsibility, because his soft character will be more striving for no one to offend, do not hurt, do not criticize, and this, you see, it is difficult to avoid in governing position. "Soft" people are good performers.

The minus is solid, you can call stubbornness. Such a person is difficult to convince, even if he is wrong. He disagrees with you, how much do not try. The "soft" man will listen to you, will understand its wrong, listening to your opinion. Also, the minus is a firm character is the boringness of its owner, which brings big problems In relations with the surrounding people. "Soft" man leaving and friendly to people, even if you quarrel with him, he will quickly forget the offense and forgive you. A person with a soft character is better getting around in society than with a person with a solid character. It is non-conflict, friendly and easy to communicate.

Each character is good in its own way. However, it is worth saying that most often people meet a mixture of a "solid" character with "soft", and, depending on the specific situation, each person has one or another character. What is the character to show you to solve you yourself.

The gentle nature of the girl often seems to her not quite relevant in modern society. But as psychologists regard this feature, and what to do and how to be, if you are mild?

Many girls dream of a strong and volitional character, not understanding that mild character is a treasure in their hands. The most important thing is to be able to correctly take advantage of this advantage!

If a soft character of a girl, is good or bad? Many are asked by this issue that you can talk over several points of view. Yes, and what people implies under a soft character, also purely individually.

But still, no matter how it seemed, but from the point of view of psychology, a soft character has more positive parties than negative. That is why you can start with the latter. It should be noted that these descriptions do not characterize absolutely all girls with a soft character.

The "soft" girls are very vulnerable, they often can not stand up for themselves. On the basis of this, getting into a not very favorable environment, they can become victims of constant discontent and pick-up on the part of the surrounding, bosses, etc. In addition, feeling the object of the offense, a soft person can harm and lose any idea of \u200b\u200bthe good peace.

The "soft" girls can fall under the influence of representatives of a stronger character. This factor has its own as negative and positive parties. After all, if friendship is tied with a purposeful strong girl who will help his girlfriend to believe in itself and become more relaxed - it is very good. But if the girlfriend itself is not in the direction, but with me pulls and a soft person is bad.

A modest soft girl is much more difficult to achieve heights where a sharp language is mainly needed. Very bright example from student life. Someone sits at night writes notebooks, and then because of his own robust, it cannot answer a pair, and someone did not write anything, and by watching the relevant word, it managed to raise his hand on time. It happens to hurt and insulting, but still, the one who spied never will know as much as the one who sat and worked.

Although, a soft girl does not always mean shy or weakly accuracy. Sometimes the softness of character indicates the meekness, wisdom and humans. These three main traits of the character are very lacking many strong and purposeful girls.

The constant talk about the equality of men and women to some extent deprived of all girls of the concept of their initial destination. The softness of character is considered by many as weakness, the inability to appreciate itself, but it is not at all. Perhaps strong volitional girls can achieve a lot in work, build a career and earn money. But is it all smooth when it comes to their personal life?

Most often in this, it would seem that the most important sphere of self-confident girls, everything happens not exactly as I would like. At the same time, soft girls most often have no problems in marriage. And this is a huge plus of their character.

A strong girl who is capable of achieving itself, to some extent comes to a man. She is confident and can stand for himself. Most often, she wants to extort themselves over a man, show his strength and its weakness. And now the active struggle for leadership begins. If a woman wins, a man is surrendered. But, he feels the loss of his natural purpose - to be the main thing. At the same time, he gradually loses the meaning of life. It should not be noticed that very often in strong women who are truly guided in the family, husbands simply drink or go.

There is another type of script when the girl, trying to realize and feel its independence, remains forever the old Virgin. In the worship itself, to be self, there is nothing wrong, but sometimes a woman completely forgets his pristine destination.

What is the advantage of a girl with a mild character? If the soft character of the girl lies in her meekness, wisdom and humans - it is a real store for her husband, friends and relatives. A wife with a soft character will never show his departure in the family. She will support and love her husband, asking his opinions and listening to his wishes. In turn, for a meek and loving wife, the husband will never regret either the time or attention. Knowing that he is the main one, he will allow his wife to manage some cases and will listen to her advice even in solving the most difficult issues.

He will not see a competitor in it, but only a person who needs to love and protect, which needs to take care and maintain. This is so necessary feelings do not arise to strong girls. After all, they themselves proclaimed the slogan of their independence, they announced that they could take care of themselves. But to be a strong all life a woman is so difficult, in one moment I want to feel weak, and no one is waiting and does not even imply it.

Therefore, the soft character of the girl most often becomes a key sturdy familyin which the harmony of relations remains for life. But it is important to take into account that a soft girl must necessarily be wise. Without this quality, you can quickly bored a man with my soft character, seem not interesting and monotonous. Here you can offer several rules that should not be forgotten by the "soft" girl.

Always care for yourself;

Not to be boring;

Be ready to change with your loved one;

Not lose your mysteriousness;

To be able to support and pretend to her husband.

A girl with a soft character can also be a great friend. Such girls do not seek to rivalry. They know how to be friends, capable of supporting a friend, help in any situation. Most often, soft girls choose stronger friends. They rarely make up competition, although it is often much smarter than those who are friends with whom. They do not protrude their knowledge outward, know how to analyze. Girls with a soft character are not so emotional, so rarely entered conflict.

If you're lucky to be friends with such a girl, you need to take this friendship. Often, strong hard people do not notice how sometimes their words and actions they are imperceptibly wounded by soft people. Perhaps the vulnerability can also be attributed to the shortcomings of soft girls. Very often a careless word in the direction of a soft man can lead to its closets or more of that, cause phobias.

Therefore, meeting too soft, you need to take into account all the features in order not to offend a person. In turn, mild girls can be advised to accept less on their own expense. It happens that he heard among friends a joke in his address, a soft man thinks that everyone remembered this mockery and be happy to humiliate him next time. But such a thought may arise precisely because of character. It is worth noticeing closer, maybe relaxed people and thus laugh at each other, simply not paying attention to this little thing.

That is, you should not stop at such situations and eat yourself from the inside thoughts about your own inferiority. The main thing is to understand that mild character is a dignity, not a flaw.

Having a soft character needs to strive to ensure that softness is combined with wisdom, with meekness and love for people. Do not be angry with people for their rigidity, do not envy people for their ability to advance. Each one is given, and a soft character is one of the best you can get. Having a mild character, and without having envy, cunning, malleavism can be truly happy man, Have a beautiful family, faithful friends and grateful others.

If you have a soft character - this is not a reason for grieving! Reusary work on himself, love and understanding of people, these are the main benchmarks that will lead to the realization of themselves in the family, at work, among friends and loved ones.

Hello everyone who reads my request for help. I have too mild, and in the spring I'm leaving for the army. And this is the problem is that if you come on me, I can't give or answer. Consequently, in the army it will be very difficult for me. And I wanted to ask how the year morally prepare for myself to the army. Now I go to the handcap, but often I miss, because there are people who noticed my slack and do not mind to laugh, rumble and mock. Every time I force myself to go there ... But it turns out my badly, I missed my month.
Thanks to everyone who will respond!

Surikat, Age: 18/01/11/2012


Other, age: no age / 12.10.2012

I give the advice on theory (I myself could not act, but I think it should help). To be cruel to yourself: get up early (at 5-6 in the morning), wash in cold water, sneak from the floor, pull up, run, sleep on hard, do not overeat, is in a certain time The day of the regime - you can become courageous and prepared for the army.

Kostya, Age: 26 / 12.10.2012

I miss the handcap, you run away from your problem. The first step to masculinity is not to run away from the problem, but look at her face, regardless of what will happen. Think why you can not give delivery which installations prevent you from doing it. Recall that when attacking the enemy, the church blessed people to defend the Fatherland and you should also be able to defend your fatherland, family and ourselves. Are you afraid of pain? This fear passes when a person survived the pain several times. To those people who laugh at you, you have to be grateful because they are like a lactium paper show you, what you still need to work, they help you in your own in your height. The first of your victory over yourself will go to workout always, despite the ridicule. Also, such a situation will help you to work out humility - virtue that defeats the pride. After all, you need to accept the fact that you are afraid that you mock you. I also recommend that you contact this question for men of mature age, as well as to those who served in the army - they went through everything "on their skin" and can give useful advice. Good luck!

Tatyana Jadan, Age: 32 / 14.10.2012

I also have a soft character, but I would call him not just soft, but good - for me it is an important
Supplement (this is me to make it clear too much, and not just humiliating
"soft"). For me, violence against people is not very organic: I do not accept this above the others
At first, I swung myself a lot of "weaknesses", internally tormented as it were, of course
Fix. As a result began to play sports, including a hand-to-hand - this is a wonderful school.
I gave me a lot. After several years of classes became another person. Sport helped me develop
Will, patience, inner power. After the realization of the power that appeared, I had a big desire
It is necessary to apply where you need and where you do not need, then I realized that it was wrong and that a person has everything
Equally there is a range in which it is comfortable and where it is not comfortable - just
Because he has such a nature. In general, I am this whole philosophy to the following:
1. You do not need to scold yourself for a soft character - he has his own and swearing itself to make himself
Only worse. You need to understand yourself, and understanding comes only with experience and his calm understanding.
Do not need this process to rush and do not need to slow down. Similarly, to other people they need to learn
Understand, maybe sometimes it will make it possible to predict their actions.

2. No need to put supercount and all the more expectation in this area. While little experience
And understanding itself, it is better to have very simple and understandable goals. In practice, this means the following:
If the fear of conflicts, pain, pressure is high, and the abilities to defend their position in the psychological and
there is little physical senses, then you need to clearly outline a vital minimum, relying on common
Meaning, and to strive to him. Understand where exactly you have difficulty and consciously overcome
Little portions - learn to this.
The preparation for the army I would divide the task:

1. Psychological
2. Physical
And they, in turn, have strategic aspects (long) and tactical (short-term)

Each of his approach

I think that of course in your case you need to do physical development - it's just necessary,
This is the base that in the army is absolutely useful. So if you are less physically, then you need it
change. And it seems to me suitable betterthan just a rocking chair (but it's only mine
OPINION). Personally, I really hardered a lot of exhausting workouts for stamina. Although watch yourself
- It is important that sports exercises are organic to you, for physiology (maybe you like to
Iron and you can make a breakthrough in physics there), otherwise you can do worse. Yes, and overcoming fear and
Pain there is quite present. In general, you need to think well over physics and its development program.
This can also include battle technique - minimal skills to master well. IN this case - this is
Two three shocks to automatism and good speed and strength, possibly plus to this minimum skills
Fight - just to feel your body. For 1 year it is probably possible, but only if
Especially to do this (about it you need to read separately), that is, there are no kata from karate and
The turntables are legs. Only real practices. In the tactical sense you need to learn to press, run,
Tighten, strengthen the muscles to simply not crumble on the cross. In strategic need
form a culture of sports or physics, to work out its own intelligent
Attitude, your taste. Find what the strength gives you. To do this, you need to study yourself, others
Additional literature, acquire new experience - a little year, but now there is an opportunity to put
This is the beginning. Why I say about this - because the character is for life and now you have
the possibility (you just think about it) lay the foundation for the positive development of your personality on
All the rest of life. Therefore, the strategy is important - this is your future. This is the future solution of issues in
Health, self-confidence.
The next moment is psychology. Here too, in principle, prohibitably, but if it is reasonable and learn to
(will not come immediately - do not write illusions). Firstly overcoming yourself in training, it temits the day
Already in itself. Next, you still need to find your current response to different life situations,
Realize it. What exactly is terrible? Fear of fights, direct pressure in the conflict partially
overcome sparring. The ability to communicate and defend their position in the team just
Learn in complex teams, where there are friction, at least watching the reactions of the rest. If a
talk about applied vents from conflict (for example, psychological pressure in conversation
Or conflict with multiple people, checkers and so on), it will possibly help the following information
From my experience:
When I understand that the conflict takes place at the level, which is complicated for me for the reaction (that is,
The opponent is very cool, strong or smart or dangerous or several of them, or I am pained, depressed,
Noncompeatient in question and so on - that is, I am a bit a priori), then I try to understand some point /
The border of preserving its dignity. And focusing only on her, that is, even no "I don't even
he will show him and all as a victory. "If you are given and really threaten and you feel that not
you can physically suppress aggression, that is, not enough skills or knowledge, then do it
Simple, which will allow you to preserve your identity: if we press the conversation with a morally, then just firmly
answer or do not answer at all if you laugh and pine and you are not sure that you answer so that
to replay them, then do not answer or answer, very simple, like "dug and everything", "no", "not
I know. " Just important to do it firmly and confident. Over time, you will get used to this and find new
Reaction options. Example:
It is suitable on the street and something brazenly say the type "Hey guy you're from where and so much", I see:
Their three, adult guys, slightly drunk, not jumps, I can not determine their degree
preparation, but I do not feel the desire to get involved in a fight, there are no weapons, I feel from them
Danger, feel you are looking for problems ourselves or want to create it to someone. I'm just unfolding and
I go past them. They talk to me on the trail and speak louder. I just go and that's it. If they
will run after me - there is no choice here, you need to act, the situation itself does not leave the selection, but I
I avoid moments in which I do not understand how I will feel and how to behave. Departed to two hundred
Meters and the situation disappeared, lasted 5 - 10 seconds. Psychological burden is not excessive.

Look for the most simple options preserve your dignity, yourself in situations that are lifted for
These are all also tactical techniques. It is important to know them too and understand, that is, to produce, learn
more efficient behavioral models - not necessarily my example, you may find something else
What will help you.

Plus to this: Of course, you need to talk with knowledgeable people (only with adequate) - Listen to them
Tips and just stories if something is unclear or calls questions, then ask - man
May be afraid of incomprehensible and unknown. The less unknown, the less fear.

The strategy again lies in the constant and slow increase in its level of psychological
Readiness, or rather, in general and holistic development of the person: take up yourself, others and life, learn
through your experience. With this approach, the army will become a good school, you are still with gratitude
You will remember. I, for example, did not go to the army, although I honestly say that now I regret it,
Despite the fact that all friends tell me that allegedly in the army is not taught. For a man, by the way,
The army expands both professional prospects: FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSO ... There are quite well paid, and
Without the army it is difficult to get a set.

Another important moment: ask God for help. Form the right worldview in this area
also. Try to find a good wise priest - he will be able to help you in many ways. Find out what
Such a prayer and ask God to help you, sincerely ask. Develop in this direction.

In general, the main thing is to act in stages, reasonably, systemically. Study yourself, your capabilities, apply
Forces in the selected direction, maintain good level physical and spiritual development
Internal balance. I wish you a successful service.

All that wrote is only my vision and experience, perhaps not all right.
I apologize, if long and commercial. I wanted to say a lot.

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