What are the types of stubble on men's faces? Why is the stubble on the face of men so attractive to ladies.

Landscaping and planning 03.07.2020
Landscaping and planning

In recent years, fashion trends have provoked men to leave facial hair intact. Today, stubble is no longer considered a sign of unkemptness and stale appearance, but, on the contrary, in combination with expensive things and stylish accessories, it adds masculinity and sexuality to the image.

Let's take a look at why thick stubble is so important to men today and what types of beards they choose to wear to stand out from the crowd. We will try to find answers to these exciting questions.

The stubble is short hair on the face. If you put the razor away and do not use it for at least a few days, then stubble appears on the man's face. Depending on how dense and long the vegetation he prefers, the longer it takes to grow it.

In order for facial hair to become soft and look stylish, you need to take care of them, giving them the correct, neat shape.

Advice! In the process of removing a certain shape with a razor, use a special oil instead of foam or gel. So all the extra hairs will remain in sight, and it will be easier to remove them without spoiling the shape.

At some point, the hair on the face will reach the required length, and it will be possible to proceed with its design. There are several types of stubble on men. The most popular ones will be discussed in more detail later.


Almost all women consider a man with a small stubble and a well-groomed beard to be sexier. This is laid down on a subconscious level as an external difference in gender. A man with facial hair is perceived as an adult, mature individual for sexual activity.

A man with stubble looks courageous, it is easier for him to prioritize in the male team and earn respect for himself. A well-groomed beautiful beard adds status, which is an important factor for the stronger sex

Light stubble and a neat beard can correct the shape of a narrow chin, making it strong-willed, adding volume, and also hide skin irregularities, scars and other unpleasant external defects on the face.

Another important benefit is the protection of facial skin from harmful UV rays and harmful allergens. If the skin is too delicate and sensitive, it is recommended to leave a small bristle to protect it.

Types of bristles in men

Before deciding to grow facial hair, it is recommended to study the types of bristles in advance in order to understand how long the hairline needs to be grown in order for the shape to become ideal. I would like to clarify that there is no fashionable beard or not fashionable, there is a well-groomed form and a sloppy one, and this is the whole difference.


This type of full beard is also called wide. She has no sideburn breaks. Hair completely covers the jaw, turning into a mustache and affecting the neck.

Only brave and determined men dare to let go of such a big beard. The most brutal form of all existing is Russian.

Important! If you are chasing fashion and that is the only reason you have decided to have a full Russian beard, then this is not for long. Only men with certain qualities (decisiveness, courage) and perseverance can afford to wear such lush facial hair for a long time.


An ideal option for those men who want to have a thick beard, but do not want to take care of it daily. Caring for this form does not involve trimming all the hair.

It is quite enough to shave off excess hairs on the chin and cut the regrown hair that hangs over the upper lip. The task is not to ensure uniform and dense hair growth, but to ensure that even a rare beard has a clear semicircle shape.


This form of beard also does not require scrupulous care. Outwardly, it resembles an anchor and consists of a mustache and a vertical strip of hair on the chin, while the beard does not connect with the mustache and has a pointed shape.

To maintain an intricate pattern, you just need to trim the mustache and stubble. Haircuts are done as needed.


This design is suitable for medium-length bristles, moreover, if the owner will constantly look after her. A distinctive feature of this beard shape is the clarity of the lines. Acute-angled fragments should have a precisely defined border.

In order to achieve this effect, you will have to master the art of working with a straight razor or visit the master regularly so that Balbo's stylish beard does not lose shape.


This shape is also called the Hollywood beard. The hair covers the entire lower part of the face, smoothly connecting with the mustache and sideburns. At the same time, the vegetation on the cheeks is shaved so that the line from the sideburns to the beard resembles the shape of a semicircle.

Grooming involves regular trimming of the mustache and beard so that the hair does not get out of the general shape and looks neat.


If you translate the name literally, then it will sound like a stripe on the chin. And the translation corresponds to the external form. This is a thin strip of bristles that surrounds the chin from one temple to the other and is shaped like a horseshoe.

This form looks spectacular when the bristles are light and the facial hair has not yet grown too long. In the classic form, the Chinstrap uniform is worn without a mustache and vegetation on the cheeks above the jaw. Precise straight lines require constant care using a trimmer and a razor.


This solution looks very extravagant. Only long sideburns are left on the face. The chin area is shaved clean.

To some, this shape may seem ridiculous, but in combination with a stylish hairstyle and suit, it looks stylish.

Bristle Garibaldi

This thick beard with a wide mustache is named after an Italian general. It was he who wore a beard of this form. It should be neatly trimmed and have a rounded shape.

Such a bushy beard completely covers the lower part of the face and emphasizes the shape of the cheekbones, making the chin heavier. Like a Russian beard, it adds courage and external strength to its owner.

Weekly stubble

If you do not shave for a week, then the bristles will grow quite thick. The perfect solution to create an image of a brutal macho. Weekly facial hair does not require special care.

Eccentric brunettes can afford to wear this option and not worry that the appearance will take on an untidy look. In their case, sloppy bristles will add to the image of sexuality and masculine charm.

Length 10 day stubble

10 day stubble can rightly be called a beard. The length of the hair in this case already exceeds 5 cm, and without some care, a man may look untidy. Such neglected stubble is also called two-week. . It will suit only self-confident strong men with regular features. The “trick” of such bristles lies precisely in negligence and demonstrative carelessness.

The only condition is dense facial hair. Rare and thin hairs will not look brutal, but rather funny. It is recommended that brunettes or dark brown-haired women become owners of such a stubble-beard, but redhead a neglected beard will look completely unattractive.

Three day stubble

One-day and three-day stubble is also called light unshaven. It is very easy to grow without any hassle. It is enough just not to shave for the specified time and remove hairs that stand out from the total mass.

For reference! Numerous surveys were conducted where women were shown pictures of attractive, smiling men with beards, clean-shaven, and little stubble. As a result of the survey, most women considered bristly men to be the most attractive (regardless of their age). Small, well-groomed facial hair is recognized as the sexiest.

How to grow and care?

Growing stubble is not difficult. You just need to stop shaving, but proper care for it will help not only make the image neater, but also soften the hairs and remove itching.


  • Scrub the skin of the face twice a week to remove dead cells and renew the skin;
  • wash your face with exceptionally cool water to activate blood flow and thereby improve facial hair growth;
  • use special beard oils and make hair masks to make the stubble softer;
  • review the daily diet and enrich it with vitamins A and E;
  • change your lifestyle and eliminate bad habits;
  • actively engage in sports to increase testosterone production.

Photo of beautiful bristles in men

In order to make sure that the right shape of the stubble on the face is sexy, we recommend that you review our photo gallery. The photo shows a wide variety of styles of facial hair. Both the 1mm stubble and the full beard look amazing when neatly styled and properly shaped.

Light unshaven

Hollywood beard

Garibaldi's beard

Russian beard

There are different options for the design of bristles on the face, the main thing is to decide to put the razor aside and grow the required length of hair. It is also very important to choose the right beard shape that fits the shape of the face and adds masculinity and charm to the whole image. A neglected stubble, light unshaven or a full-fledged beard will look stylish only if it is properly cared for and adhere to the established rules!

What is stubble in men? It would seem that the question is simple, but not everyone knows the answer to it. And it is quite banal: difference in hair length. The bristle is a maximum of 5 millimeters, and what is longer can already be called a beard.

Both stubble on men and a beard have their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages facial stubble:

  • does not look as exotic as a beard, and combined with almost any image and style of clothing, suits almost all types of appearance: it suits both handsome guys and already brutal adult men;
  • in stubble don't get stuck bread crumbs and other edible things that you eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • allows you not to shave every day, which means avoiding irritation and redness of the skin, cuts and abrasions;
  • grow stubble easier and faster than a beard;
  • adds an external image of masculinity;
  • bristles can be cared for on one's own, but in order to turn a beard into a fashionable and well-groomed part of the image, you will have to spend money on visiting specialized men's salons;
  • many girls like it (but, of course, not all).

disadvantages bristles also have:

  • short hairs sharp: prickly and can injure the skin of your beloved girl;
  • if you don’t take care of the bristles, you will not look like a brutal man with a slight unshaven, but will become like a plumber after a three-day binge;
  • in some companies forbidden men wear facial hair, so stubble can negatively affect your career.

What to prefer: a beard or stubble - you choose. It all depends on personal preference and comfort.

What happens?

Depending on the shape of the bristles and the location of the hairs on the face, it is divided into several types.

  1. Bristle anchor. The shape is similar to a ship's anchor: a thin strip above the upper lip, divided by a perpendicular strip in the middle, and a small short beard at the bottom of the chin.
  2. bristle-balbo. Almost the same as the anchor, but the hair grows on the entire chin, and not just on the bottom of it.
  3. Bristle bretta. Hair covers the face in the same way as in the previous version, but also covers the lower part of the jaw (cheeks).
  4. Chinstrap bristles. Same as Brett, but with sideburns.
  5. stubble-burnsides. Sideburns, shaved chin, thin mustache.

Choose the shape of the bristles depending on the type of your face. So, theoretically, you learned about the stubble in men, a photo to help you is attached below.

Photos of species

How to grow?

How to grow stubble on the face? There are lucky ones with a sufficient level testosterone in which facial hair grows back within a day or two.

But not everyone is so lucky: some guys have to resort to various tricks in order to add brutality and audacity to their appearance.

The stubble on the face grows poorly, what should I do? We share ways to grow stubble on a man's face at home.

If it doesn't grow?

grow stubble on the face. Can ask for help to close women: wife, girlfriend or mother. Yes, yes, this is not a joke: who, if not girls, likes to grow hair (on the head, of course), cut it and grow it again?

They know everything about hair growth products! We also borrowed several recipes from them on how to increase facial stubble. What to do to grow stubble on the face?

The basic principle of all the products that you will see below is that they increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which ultimately accelerates growth, as well as the density of hairs. Therefore, they are used Components skin irritant:

  • essential oils: bay, spruce, cedar, lavender, orange, patchouli, pine, rosemary (cedar, rosemary and bay essential oils are considered the most effective);
  • fixed oils: first of all, as well as cedar and mustard;
  • sea ​​salt: pre-grind it in a blender.

You will have to do peeling once a week, and oil masks every other day. Preparing everything is very simple:

  • peeling: in 1 tablespoon of sea salt, add 5 drops of essential oil and 1 tablespoon of base (fatty);
  • mask: add 3-4 drops of selected essential oil to burdock oil.

Gently rub the peeling mixture into the areas where the stubble should grow for 2-3 minutes, then leave it on the skin for another 5 minutes, rinse.

Spread the oil mask evenly over the right places on the face, rinse off after an hour. Also do a daily massage with a brush with natural bristles for the face.

If you do the procedures regularly, use care products -, soap - within 2-3 months you will get the desired result! Facial hair will grow with space speed, density will increase and bald spots will disappear.

Uneven stubble on the face

Why does the stubble on the face not grow in places? Causes bristle growth can be:

  • genetic predisposition: nature has created a certain number of hair follicles on your face, and it is simply impossible to increase their number;
  • hormone failure: check with your doctor - is there enough testosterone in your body;
  • flaw vitamins.

How to get rid of bald spots and turn a rare stubble on the face into something brutal?

Make masks according to our recipes with means for growing bristles on your face, take vitamin and mineral complexes, make your diet varied, balanced and rich in useful substances.

How to accelerate growth?

The stubble on the face does not grow - what to do? In order for the bristles to grow as quickly as possible and, an integrated approach is needed.

It includes cosmetic procedures, nutrition control and change of habitual lifestyle to a healthy one. We explain.

You have already found recipes for masks and peeling, everything is clear here. How to accelerate the growth of stubble on the face?

You need to eat right. Be sure to include these in your diet. products:

  • rich protein: poultry, meat, fish, seafood, legumes;
  • unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oils (you can’t fry on them, season salads or cold snacks);
  • vegetables: especially broccoli, pumpkin, carrots and all greens;
  • fruits: especially citrus fruits and apples;
  • nuts.

Additionally, take preparations of B vitamins: they have a great effect on the cardiovascular system, “accelerate” blood circulation and help to grow hair quickly. As a bonus: they strengthen the nervous system - it will be easier to relate to stressful situations, which is important.

Also observe drinking regimen: during the day you need to drink 2 liters of clean water.


How to care for stubble on the face? It is important not only to grow stubble, but also to maintain it in a well-groomed condition. How to shave a beard so that the stubble remains? In order to give the vegetation the desired shape and even out the length of the hairs, use a special one. If you want to know about global manufacturers of trimmers, go to.

How to make stubble on the face? To shave properly, move the trimmer from the lower lip to the chin, from the nose to the upper lip, from the temples to the cheeks, from the end of the chin to the neck, from the neck to the cheeks.

In two or three practical sessions, you will get your hand and be able to create ideal"for a man's face".

How to get rid of stubble?

Removal of stubble on the face of men is permanently, completely and irrevocably impossible. But you can slow down its growth and make the hair removal procedure less painful.

How to get rid of stubble on a man's face? The easiest way - shave her usual machine. But stick to some rules:

  • be sure to use cream, gel or other shaving agent: then the procedure will be almost painless;
  • blunt machines ruthlessly throw away and change to new ones;
  • shave by hair growth so as not to irritate or injure the skin;
  • after shaving, lubricate the skin with a greasy cream or a special lotion.

If you accidentally hurt yourself, stick a piece of sterile plaster on the damaged area to prevent infection.

How to remove stubble on the face? An epilator, wax strips or sugaring will help get rid of hair for a long time, but for men, such methods will be torture, so they are suitable for the most desperate. We don't recommend taking that risk.

And here laser hair removal in the salon will help to maintain the smoothness of the skin for a long time. It will take several procedures to get a stable and long-term effect.

We summarize: to grow stubble quickly and “densely”, follow your diet, play sports, make masks. Regularity is important. The best grooming accessory is a trimmer. Remove unwanted hair as gently as possible.

Recently, more and more often you can see advertisements on television, agitating the representatives of the stronger sex to purchase new improved razors, special gels, foams, and skin care balms. However, as statistics show, stubble on the face is a sign of strong character and frank sexuality.

That's what a lot of ladies think. In their opinion, men who have a little stubble on their cheeks are much more attractive and look stern, as befits the stronger sex. Many celebrities prefer refined vegetation to a shaved face.

Unfortunately, the vegetation on the cheeks will instantly turn brutality into slovenliness if it is not given enough attention. Therefore, those men who believe that the stubble on the face does not need special care are definitely mistaken. It's not enough just to grow it. The hairs must be trimmed regularly so that they do not turn into a bushy beard. Special devices - stylers will help you with this. With their help, you can easily and effortlessly not only trim the length of the vegetation.

With the help of a styler, the stubble on the face will acquire intricate contours that will add individuality to the image. Therefore, light unshaven hair turns into a bright trend in just a couple of movements, which will surely attract the attention of beautiful ladies.

Stubble in men is a symbol of sexuality

The roots of this opinion go deep into the natural instincts of man. A man with facial hair usually looks older and more serious. The bristles give the image solidity, importance. Such a representative of the stronger sex subconsciously evokes a sense of security in a woman. With him, she is calm and safe. Separately, it is worth mentioning sexuality. It is known for certain that a gentleman who has no problems with body hair can boast a large amount of male hormones than his more “smooth” counterparts.

Therefore, the stubble on the face is direct evidence that this man has a passionate temperament and endurance in the bed of love. That is why ladies are so greedy for members of the opposite sex with a slight unshaven. Many argue that such men are even more pleasant to kiss.


But do not be naive to assume that all girls like stubble in men. This matter is purely personal, even somewhat intimate. After all, each person has their own preferences in everything. Many women adore when the aroma of expensive perfume comes from their companion. But there are also ladies who are literally thrilled by the natural (animal, as they call it) aroma of the male body. Therefore, be sure to think before you start growing even a short stubble on your face. Perhaps the harsh brutality in this case is simply not to the face, and the girls appreciate you precisely for the created image of gallantry and sophistication. In no case do not get fooled by generally accepted fashion standards. Always follow your desires. Naturalness has always remained the main trump card of a man.

This option is supported by the fact that most girls prefer clean-shaven men. You also need to take good care of your beard. Are you sure you have time for this? Therefore, the first type of beard is its absence.

short stubble

It is enough not to shave for two or three days. If you want a light stubble to become your signature style, buy a trimmer and constantly trim the length of new hairs. Only then will the bristles look neat. And another tip: completely remove the hair that grows below the Adam's apple to look stylish.

Medium bristles

A few more days, and your face will have a medium length stubble of 3-5 mm. It is very important that it does not look like you have gone on a week-long binge. Remember that the cheeks (if hair appears there too) should always be clean-shaven, at least partially. Otherwise, sexuality turns into slovenliness.

Long bristles

The bristles are 6–7 mm long. This is not just unshaven, but almost a full beard. Therefore, it is much more difficult to care for her than the previous ones. The trimmer comes to the rescue again: trim the stubble every few days, and everything will be fine. We also completely remove the hair that grows above the lower third of the face and that climbs onto the Adam's apple.

classic beard

The perfect beard in the classic sense. To grow such a beard, you will need quite a lot of time and patience. It’s better to go on vacation altogether so as not to scare friends or colleagues with your strange appearance (especially if you have always been clean-shaven).

When the hair grows to the desired length (after 4-5 weeks), it's time to give the beard the correct and beautiful shape. It is best to contact a professional and sign up for a good barbershop. The master will take into account all your wishes - and the perfect beard is ready!

french fork

A classic beard, but with a twist: its lower part is shaped like a French fork with two cloves. Hence the name.

Duck tail

Another variation of the classic beard. As you may have guessed, it got its name due to the fact that the lower part looks like a duck's tail. Today it is a very, very popular type of beard.

Round beard

A simplified version of the classic beard with a neat rounded shape. The main plus is that such a beard does not require complex care: the hair retains a round shape for quite a long time and remains neat.


A small beard starting under the lower lip and extending across the width of the chin. It looks demonic, especially in combination with shaved sideburns.

Robert Pattison

Hollywood beard

A beard with which you definitely will not go unnoticed. We owe this beautiful combination of mustache and beard to the Emperor of France, Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte: it was he who introduced the fashion for such original vegetation.

Van Dyke

The beard style is named after the Flemish portrait painter Anthony van Dyck. This is a simple combination of a spiky beard and a thin mustache.

The lines of the beard and mustache should be clear, even and neat. Tracking Van Dyke-style vegetation isn't easy, but it's worth it.

sea ​​anchor

The beard runs along the jaw line and joins into a small strip under the lower lip. Cheeks and temples should be carefully shaved.

Orlando Bloom


A very unusual kind of beard was named after the Italian military and political figure of the last century, Italo Balbo.

This is a wide beard with “fragments” neatly shaved on both sides and with a base under the lower lip. In addition, you need to leave a neat mustache.

Robert Downey Jr.

Wide tanks

Style for those who like long and thick sideburns. The chin always remains clean, but what to do with the mustache (to shave or not to shave?) - decide for yourself.

It is important that the lower edge of the sideburns clearly coincide with the lower line of the chin.

Fused wide tanks

A neater and more modest version of the previous style. The sideburns are not as thick and end approximately in the middle of the chin. To maintain the desired shape of the sideburns, use a trimmer. The chin, in turn, must be perfectly shaved.


Cool and really stylish look for a man who likes to attract attention. Verdi is a rounded beard with partially shaved cheeks and a lush mustache.

The mustache extends beyond the corners of the mouth by no more than 1.5 centimeters, and the length of the beard does not exceed 10 centimeters (measured from the lower lip). Remember: the mustache must be perfect! Well-groomed and laid.

The style got its name in honor of Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi, the great Italian composer.

Eric Bandholtz

Thick and long beard, thick and long mustache - this is the style of Bandholz. All you need is just not to shave. Very, very, very long time not to shave. And only occasionally trim your beard and mustache a little so that they are cute and neat.

The style is named after Eric Bandholz, who one day quit his job because his management forbade him from growing a long beard. Today, Eric is the owner of the world famous Beardbrand men's cosmetics company.

Infographics and photos: realmenrealstyle.com

Scientists have found that women are crazy about stubble. According to a survey by the University of New South Wales, unshaven ranks first and women like it more than a beard or a shaved face.

Choosing a bristle shape

There is no one “correct” stubble, so let your imagination run wild. You can choose from the most popular options - they look good on any face shape.

  • Solid: Regardless of the length of the stubble, it should be the same all over the face. Such bristles grow easily and do not require special care.
  • Fluff: short stubble, looks very sophisticated.
  • T-shaped: has the appearance of a shortened goatee - the hair grows mainly near the nose and lips, while the cheeks are completely shaved.
  • Overgrown: stubble is longer than usual, cut carelessly.
  • Running: borders on a beard, looks rather bold.

We select the bristles for the hairstyle

Dream up and imagine yourself with stubble. Does it match your hair? After all, the more hair you have in general, the more “overgrown” you will look. Make sure that in the end your image will be solid and stylish.

Stock up on grooming tools

While you are growing your stubble, take care of the tools with which you will take care of it. It would be nice to have:

  • trimmer with nozzles;
  • safety razor;
  • shaving foam or gel;
  • moisturizing lotion.

Let go of the bristles

  1. Don't shave for a few days. Depending on the genetics, in a couple of days you will see the result.
  2. If you have had a beard before, it is not necessary to shave it off completely and wait a few days. You can use the trimmer by choosing a short nozzle. Thus, you will get a solid bristle.
  3. Now wait until the bristles grow to the length you need. This process is purely individual. Someone will see the treasured stubble the next day, someone in a week. On average, facial hair grows 12 mm per month.
  4. Do not forget about the hair on the neck - they need to be shaved off.
  5. When you wait until the bristles have grown to the desired length, proceed to shaping.
  6. Highlight the line under the chin with a trimmer, electric razor or regular razor. If you don't want to grow sideburns, then you need to mark a line a few inches below the jaw line.
  7. After that, shave off the hair on the neck below this line. Be careful not to hit the Adam's apple.
  8. Shave a straight line from the sideburns to the outer edge of the mustache with a trimmer or razor.
  9. Shave in a curved line in the shape of an oval so that the stubble meets the edges of the mustache.
  10. After the procedure, wash with cool water. If your skin is prone to irritation, the water will close the pores and soothe it. You can also use an unscented aftershave lotion to hydrate and soften your skin. In case of a cut, do not use lotion, as it will cause discomfort.

Bristle care

Maintain the length you need with a razor. Your stubble needs to be groomed just as often as you would need to shave. Otherwise, it will simply turn into a beard. Select the desired attachment on the trimmer and use it to maintain the perfect stubble shape.

Don't forget your skin

  1. To keep your skin looking healthy, exfoliate - it will help remove dead skin cells, and the skin under the stubble will look brighter and cleaner. And one more very important plus: the peeling raises the hairs and it becomes much easier to shave.
  2. Peeling can be done with special products or with a washcloth or soft brush for the face.
  3. Wash your face regularly with cool water. It is well known that hot water washes away essential oils from the face, making it dry and sensitive.
  4. Use a moisturizing aftershave lotion, it will soften your dry skin under the stubble. It is advisable to apply it twice a day, your skin will delight you with softness and smoothness.

Celebrity stubble

Bradley Cooper - American actor, Oscar nominee knows a lot about stubble. Not so long ago, one of the centers for hair transplantation in the UK conducted a survey, which resulted in a list of the 10 sexiest bearded stars. Bradley was included in this list thanks to his manly stubble.

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