Planning and organizing work with reserve frames. Nine steps to create a personnel reserve

The buildings 26.09.2019

Today, with a global shortage of qualified specialists, the formation and organization of work with the personnel reserve is relevant for the employer. It allows, for example, to quickly find a replacement in case of illness, vacation, business trips or dismissal of the main employee. This is one of the most important staff management technologies, because the teaching must be predicted as much as possible in order to strengthen the personnel potential of the enterprise and ensure its personnel.

Essence and objectives of personnel reserve

First, the regulatory framework is determined, the goal is detected, the principles, criteria and the candidate assessment system are determined, the duties of responsible persons.

What acts are the work with the personnel reserve? The main regulatory legal framework for the work with the personnel reserve is a decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.03.2017 No. 96. Local provisions can also be accepted by the employer.

To the main objectives include:

  • identifying the potential of personnel;
  • perspective of the closure of available vacancies;
  • improving the efficiency of the workflow due to its continuity;
  • raising the prestige of the enterprise in the labor market, because It can prepare managers and specialists not only for themselves, but also for other budget organizations and government agencies.

Principles of work with personnel reserve

Principles are:

  • selection of candidates for nomination, taking into account their personal qualities;
  • overcoming age and educational cencing;
  • selection of at least two candidates for each vacant position;
  • the principle of search based on wide publicity.

At the same time, both directly workers and people "from the side" can be accepted.

Methods of selection of candidates

There are two main method for providing enterprise personnel: at the expense of internal reserves and raising resource from the outside.

Both approaches are aimed at minimizing the risk of key employees; Maximize the internal personnel resource and motivate promising employees.

If the control system is well debugged, then such a tool will be a constant source of frames.

The main forms of work with the personnel reserve - the upbringing and training of specialists directly in production.

  • attraction to improve production activities;
  • study of experience of other enterprises;
  • training newly accepted managers more experienced;
  • part in seminars, meetings, speeches with reports.

Stages of formation

The following steps of work with personnel reserve are distinguished:

  1. Finding candidates, based on submitted documents, directly interviewing, assessing the results of labor activity, checking the compliance of the stated qualities of the presented requirements, etc. A more promising is considered to be interested in career growth, it is better to professionally prepared.
  2. Evaluation of professional knowledge, skills and applicant experience. Often is carried out in the form of certification. Competence, perspective orientation, willingness to solve conflicts and reasonable risk, organizational and managerial abilities, personal qualities and potential applicant capabilities are taken into account.
  3. Formation of lists based on the results of the assessment and comparison of candidates. The reserve is operational (applicants are credited, ready to start work immediately, or in the near future) and strategic (for posts that will be vacant in the near future).

Selection and preparation of candidates

The selection of candidates begins with filling in the questionnaire. Of these, the composition of the participants for the assessment is formed: a group or individual interview (interview). According to the results of the selection, the candidate can be put forward to a spare composition for one or more positions. After that, you can start learning so that in the event of an open vacancy, this person could immediately close this position. According to the results, individual learning plans are drawn up, indicating the event aimed at developing the qualities necessary for successful work. Internships may be provided, to acquire relevant experience or advanced training in accordance with the selected specialization.

Organization of contests for posts

Information about is open, is generally available, both for employees of the enterprise and for all those who want and interested parties. The appropriate order is published on the competition, which is posted on such a carrier, where a potential candidate can see it (for example, on the official website on the Internet).

5. Organization of work with a promising personnel reserve

A promising personnel reserve is a specially formed group of students of institutions that ensure higher education, and specialists under the age of 31, having leadership and organizational qualities capable of management activities in government bodies (organizations).

Creating a promising personnel reserve from among students is assigned to the republican government bodies with subordinate institutions that ensure higher education. The creation of a promising personnel reserve from the number of specialists under the age of 31 is assigned to the republican and local government bodies.

The main goal of creating a promising personnel reserve is to improve the work on the selection of management workers in state bodies (organizations), ensuring continuity and continuity in working with personnel.

Organizational and methodological work with a promising personnel reserve is carried out by the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The republican and local government bodies that have created a promising personnel reserve, annually submit to the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, information on the composition of a promising personnel reserve in the manner defined by the Academy of Management in coordination with the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus (Appendices 5, 6, 7). Information is provided annually by March 15 (as of March 1) on paper and electronic media with a cover letter, signed by the head of the public administration authority.
Selection of students in promising personnel reserve
Republican government bodies with subordinate institutions ensuring higher education are requested annually from heads of educational institutions proposals for candidates from among students recommended for inclusion in a promising personnel reserve.

Nomination of candidates for a promising personnel reserve from among students is carried out by heads of institutions that ensure higher education. In order to select candidates, their psychological testing on the methodology agreed with the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus may be carried out. For a more detailed acquaintance with his personal qualities and motivation, the socio-political outlook and the general level of culture with candidates, an interview is held.

General requirements for candidates:

high performance throughout at least five semesters (especially on managerial, legal, economic disciplines, specialization disciplines, the basics of the ideology of the Belarusian state, the basics of office work);

active participation in public work;

leadership qualities and organizational abilities.

The head of the institution ensuring higher education is submitted to the appropriate republican government body characteristic and information about the candidate form.

Republican government bodies with subordinate institutions ensuring higher education create a promising personnel reserve and draw up this decision to publish the order.

Selection of specialists in a promising personnel reserve

The republican and local government bodies annually request proposals for candidates from among specialists under the age of 31 for inclusion in a promising personnel reserve.

The nomination of such candidates exercise managers of organizations. In order to select candidates for a promising personnel reserve, their psychological testing on the methodology agreed with the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus may be carried out. For a more detailed acquaintance with his personal qualities and motivation, the socio-political outlook and the general level of culture with candidates, an interview is held.

General requirements for candidates:

compliance with the education profile;

positive feedback from the direct supervisor about the results of the work of the candidate for his position;

the presence of organizational, leader, moral and ethical, emotional-volitional, communicative qualities.

Heads of organizations submit to the relevant republican or local government challenges, a certificate and information about a candidate candidate for a candidate for a promising personnel reserve.

The republican and local government bodies make a decision on the personal composition of the promising personnel reserve and draw it out by the publication of the appropriate order.

Since the stay of specialists in the promising personnel reserve has age limitations (up to 31 years), in order to implement the professional development of specialists involved in the promising personnel reserve, the recommended age at the time of inclusion in a promising personnel reserve - up to 30 years.
The procedure for submitting information about persons in the promising personnel reserve to the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus
The republican and local government bodies that have formed a promising personnel reserve submit to the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus information on the composition of a promising reserve in the manner determined by the Academy of Management in coordination with the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The information is presented on paper and electronic media with a cover letter, signed by the head of the government and certified by the seal.

persons first included in a promising personnel reserve;

persons consisting in promising personnel reserve;

persons who retired (excluded) from a promising personnel reserve.

The Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus forms and leads single promising personnel reserve.

The database of a single promising personnel reserve includes two sections:

students of higher educational institutions

specialists under the age of 31 years.

The Academy of Management presents information on the Unified Perspective Personnel Reserve to the General Directorate of the Personnel Policy of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus.
Organization of work with a promising personnel reserve
Working with a promising personnel reserve is carried out by republican and local government bodies, it formed

The organization of work with a promising personnel reserve includes:

development of leadership qualities and creative (managerial) abilities of students, as well as specialists under the age of 31;

planning and implementing the professional development of graduates of institutions that provide higher education and specialists under the age of 31;

monitoring the professional development of persons in perspective personnel reserve;

assessment of the effectiveness of the selection of candidates for a promising personnel reserve and working with it

Forms of development of leadership qualities and creative (management) abilities of students, as well as specialists under the age of 31 years are

active participation in the activities of public organizations, trade unions, creative teams, organs of student self-government;

participation in informational and ideological work at the place of study, work;

independent analysis of topical problems of the theory and practice of public administration (preparation of analytical, research and development);

participation in special seminars, trainings aimed at the psychocorrection of personal qualities.
Planning and implementing the professional development of students included in the promising personnel reserve
The main direction of work with students included in the promising personnel reserve is the development of their leadership qualities and creative (managerial) abilities.

Republican government bodies that have formed a promising personnel reserve from among students, on the basis of a model plan developed by the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, are preparing special plans for the professional development of students involved in a promising personnel reserve. This plan should take into account the specifics of the republican government body that has formed a promising personnel reserve.

Individual plans for the professional development of students involved in a promising personnel reserve are developed in educational institutions and are approved by their leaders. An individual student's professional development plan takes into account its public work, the ability to manage management activities and T

Control over the implementation of individual plans for the professional development of students involved in the promising personnel reserve is carried out by the republican government body that created this reserve
Organizational work with graduates of universities included in the promising personnel reserve
After the completion of training in educational institutions of individuals in the promising personnel reserve, the personnel services of these institutions inform the management of the organizational and personnel work of the relevant republican and local government bodies at the place of employment of graduates. In addition, personnel services are preparing information to government bodies in which these persons consist.

Local government bodies take into account this information when selecting candidates for a promising personnel reserve from among young professionals.
Planning and implementing the professional development of specialists consisting in promising personnel reserve
For persons included in the promising personnel reserve, republican and local government bodies on the basis of a standard preparation plan developed by the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus are preparing individual plans for their professional development, which provide for measures to acquire management and special knowledge, practical skills and Guide skills.

Sections should be provided in individual plans:

theoretical preparation (Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the basics of civil service, the basis of state personnel policy, the basis of the ideology of the Belarusian state, the basis of state regulation of the economy, the basis of office work);

practical training (training in the development of leadership and organizational qualities, internships in republican and local bodies of public administration, other state organizations);

additional training (participation in the organization of events on the line of trade unions, public organizations, local governments).

An important condition for the effectiveness of training reserve personnel is the combination of education and self-education. Individual plans for professional development of persons in reserve should take into account the initial level of their knowledge, skills, skills and psychological features.

Persons consisting in reserve, according to the results of the individual plans made, reports are drawn up, which are submitted to the personnel service of the republican or local government body that has formed a promising personnel reserve.
Monitoring the professional development of persons in perspective personnel reserve
Monitoring the professional development of specialists and students consisting of a promising personnel reserve is an ordered collection system, accumulation, data processing on the results of their production or academic work, the implementation of individual professional development plans.

The organization of monitoring suggests:

collection, storage, processing, analysis and preparation of information on work with specialists and students;

formation and maintenance of relevant databases;

preparation of draft decisions on the results of monitoring the work of specialists and students.

Monitoring the professional development of persons consisting in promising personnel reserve is carried out by the republican and local government bodies that form a promising personnel reserve

Monitoring is organized by the republican personnel service, the local government authority and is aimed at monitoring the implementation by persons consisting in promising personnel reserve, individual professional development plans

Monitoring is carried out on the basis of reports of persons in perspective personnel reserve

For monitoring, such forms can be used as interviewing and testing persons consisting in promising personnel reserve, according to sections that are part of an individual professional development plan.

The results of the monitoring are issued as a certificate of the head of the Republican personnel service, the local government authority addressed to the head of this OPGAN. Following the results of the monitoring, the head of the republican, the local government authority may be made proposals for excluding from a promising personnel reserve of persons who do not fulfill the requirements of an individual professional development plan

The second copy of the reference is sent by the republican, local government agencies to the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

The Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus summarizes the results of monitoring to prepare and submit to the Head Department of the Personnel Policy of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus Analytical Review of the effectiveness of the selection of candidates for a promising personnel reserve and working with it.
Grounds for exclusion from promising personnel reserve
The grounds for exclusion from a promising personnel reserve may be:

achieving the limit age in the promising personnel reserve (31 years);

a written application to the appropriate authority of the State Department of the person in the promising personnel reserve;

failure to comply with the person in the promising personnel reserve, an individual professional development plan;

the emergence of circumstances, which, in accordance with the current legislation, make it impossible to accept the person consisting of a promising personnel reserve for civil service.

Chapter 1. Working with personnel reserve as the most important element of the personnel management system 5

Essence and objectives of work with personnel reserve 5

Methods of selection of candidates for personnel reserve 10

Selection and preparation of candidates for reserve 12

Organization of specialist contests 17

Description of objects and research methods 20

Results of study 21.

Work with reserve 24

Conclusion 29.

List of references used: 31

Appendix 31.


In modern conditions, one of the most important areas for improving the personnel management system is to work with the personnel reserve. Today it is necessary in each organization a clear construction of a personnel reserve formation system.

The relevance of this topic is emphasized by the following reasons. There are trends towards integration in all areas of activity. Companies grow, unite, create an extensive network of branches, where the need for managers and specialists, who will be able to lead new departments and directions. Old management systems and old leadership personnel are observed, the lack of young promising employees who can come to shift. In many organizations, there was a situation where experts do not see opportunities for further their own growth and go out of it. Until no long time ago, in almost all organizations, the search and selection of candidates was not based on the company's development plans, and when the "burning" vacancy occurred.

Timely identification and successful training for work in various positions is today the most important success factor in competition. Therefore, modern companies are created by special framework for the formation of reserve frames. This task is strategically important. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the structural restructuring of the economy is impossible without creating an effective mechanism for managing the development of its personnel potential, scientific studies of personnel support methods.

Many political and scientific figures of the past were treated for this topic, for example, Weber M., Marx K. When writing a course work, I used the methods of analyzing scientific works and articles of such authors, like Lanovavenko E.A., Shekshny S.V., Kostenko and .BUT. And others, as well as the results of the research work of the Center "Assessment Center".

The purpose of this work is to conduct a study on working with a personnel reserve in a commercial organization in modern conditions.

As part of the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    Analyze theoretical sources, for personnel policies, to work and form a personnel reserve;

    Decide in the conceptual apparatus of this topic;

    Explore the methods of selection of candidates, the main stages of the reserve formation;

    Describe the selection process of suitable candidates for vacancies;

    Investigate in practice work with personnel reserve in a particular organization;

    Based on the information received, develop recommendations for working with the personnel reserve.

The subject of the study is to work with the personnel reserve for the position of the head in the organization.

The object of research is the Siberian network of the city of Novosibirsk.

Research methods. The following research methods are used in the paper: analysis of documents, bibliography, analysis of the outcome of the business game "recruitment", testing, conversation, interview, observation of personnel service.

The practical significance of this study is to define the prospects and further development of the work of human resources in the field of personnel reserve in organizations.

Structure of the course work: Introduction, two chapters: theoretical and practical, conclusion, references and application. The first chapter "Working with the personnel reserve as the most important element of the personnel management system includes the following sections: the essence and objectives of working with the personnel reserve, the principles of work with the personnel reserve, the stages of its formation, the methods of selection of candidates for reserve, selection and preparation of candidates, organization Competitions of specialists.

The second chapter "Working with the personnel reserve as the most important element of the personnel management system" contains: Description of objects and research methods, research results and conclusions and recommendations for working with the personnel reserve in the company "Siberian networks" of the city of Novosibirsk

Chapter 1. Working with personnel reserve as the most important element of the personnel management system

Essence and objectives of working with personnel reserve

The meaning of working with the personnel reserve is that the personnel movement in the company should not be chaotic, on the contrary, it should be the most predicted, planned, and also fit into the overall concept of the progressive development of the company's organizational structure and strengthening its personnel potential. The most important function is a relatively rapid increment of professional personnel experience. With it, it can be carried out timely and stable maintenance of the required professional experience, personnel support of the organization by trained managers, specialists - reserve.

1 Lanovavenko E.A. Work with personnel reserve // \u200b\u200bMagazine "Handbook of Kadrovika", №№ 9-11, September-November 2003

2 Tsakunov A.F. Self in the region: Personnel reserve is used to expand business // Vedomosti dated August 12, 2003

3 Turchinov A.I. Professionalization and personnel policy: problems of the development of theory and practice - M.- "Flint", -1998. p. 128-130.

4 Basakov M.I. Personnel documents. - "March" Rostov-on-Don, -2001. - p. 207-208.

5 The materials of the book are used: Chicken G.V. Fundamentals of personnel management: textbook. -3-E ed., Pererab. and add. - Kiev: Maup, 1999.- S. 131-139.

6 Shekshnya S.V. Managing the staff of the modern organization. - M., -2002. p. 76.

7 Egorsin A.P. Personnel Management. -Nizhny Novgorod. - 2001. p. 83.

8 Yegorzyn A.P. Personnel Management. -Nizhny Novgorod. - 2001. p. 86.

9 Kostenko I.A., management of frames in new economic conditions. - Upper Volga, - 2003. p. 207-211.

Planning a personnel reserve is organically embedded in the system of general personnel planning of the organization.

Personnel planning is actually targeted planning, firstly, staff needs, secondly, activities that should be carried out to create, development, as well as recovery of personnel.

Personnel planning requires the development of the entire chain of professional-qualifying promotion of the organization's personnel including the dismissal of specific employees. It is important for each organization to be located at the right time, in the right place, in the desired quantity and with the relevant qualifications of such personnel, which is necessary to solve its tasks.

Personnel planning includes primarily planning the need for staff, i.e. Forecasting a situation that may arise in the future for staff.

It is primarily about analyzing the situation in the organization, as well as on the definition of its development prospects, based on which personnel planning is becoming possible. Personnel planning allows in advance to build a strategy of nominations, dismissal and replacement of employees in accordance with the objectives and objectives of the organization. Within the framework of personnel planning, planning a personnel reserve is also being planned to replace sentences.

Planning a personnel reserve aims to predict personal promotion, their sequence and associated activities. Work with the reserve is planned and maintained on a short (1 - 2 years) and a long (5-10 years) periods.

As a result of the planning of the personnel reserve, or the analysis of the need for reserve, it becomes possible to systematically study and identify the company's personnel potential, targeted nomination of the most promising employees, as well as the timely use of additional measures to cover the staff of personnel (external selection of personnel).

First of all, when planning a personnel reserve defines all key positions that have a special impact on the organization's activities. As a rule, these are managers not only than the highest, but also middle and lower link. It is important for the organization to know who occupies these posts, since the contribution of these employees to achieving organizational goals is very high. The number and specific composition of key positions depend on the size and specifics of the organization.

When planning a personnel reserve, it is necessary to determine not only what positions are key to the organization today, but also as their list will look in a year, two or five years. The management should represent how the organization will change over the next years. In most cases, it is impossible to accurately determine the future structure of the personnel, but it is possible to predict the scale of business expansion and, therefore, to determine which positions will be particularly important for the organization's activities.

When planning a personnel reserve, it is necessary to determine:

the degree of real security reserve of certain positions;

the degree of saturation of the reserve for each specific position or group of the same positions, in other words, how many candidates from the reserve fall on every position or their group.

The result of the performance of these works is to determine the current and promising need to organize in reserve.

The optimal quantitative composition of the reserve is planned to be based on the forecast of the need for frames for the nearest and long-term perspective. It is influenced by the emergence of additional senior positions, the formation of vacancies related to retirement, reducing states, the presence of a prepared reserve, the intensity of the disposal of workers for various reasons from its composition. The value of the reserve also depends on the readiness of people to take released positions.

According to experts, reservists must be at least two times more than potential vacancies, since it is always the likelihood that some of the vacancies and new directions in business may appear. In addition, candidates for the same position, as a rule, have a different level of preparation: someone can go to an increase in six months, and someone needs to be taught for two or three years.

The optimal number of frame reserves is calculated as follows:

the need for enterprise in management frames is revealed to a nearest or longer perspective (up to five years);

the actual number of reserve prepared at the moment of each level, regardless of where one or another employee was trained, enrolled in the reserve;

the approximate percentage of disposal of individual workers from the reserve is determined, for example, due to non-compliance with the individual training program, due to the departure to another area, etc.;

the number of managers released as a result of changing the management structure, which can be used for leadership activities in other areas is determined.

All these issues are solved before forming a personnel reserve and are adjusted during the entire period of working with it.

Thus, personnel officers conduct a quantitative analysis of personnel alignment at the moment and determine the potential changes in the reserve. Depending on the data obtained, the optimal quantitative composition of the reserve of frames is determined.

Planning a personnel reserve includes not only the definition of the potential needs of the organization in frames, but also an analysis of the reserve structure that exists at this time.

4. Principles and the process of forming a personnel reserve.

Principles of formation and sources of personnel reserve:

1) the principle of relevance of the reserve - the need for posts should be real.

2) the principle of compliance of the candidate and the type of reserve - the requirements for the qualifications of the candidate when working in a particular position.

3) the principle of the prospects of the candidate - orientation for professional growth, the requirements for education, age qualities, work experience in the position and dynamism of career as a whole, state of health.

In the selection of candidates for a reserve for specific posts, not only general requirements should be taken into account, but also the professional requirements that the head of a particular department, service, workshops, plot, etc., as well as the features of the claims for the identity of the candidate based on Analysis of the situation in the division, type of organizational culture, etc. .

Sources of reserve frames for senior positions can be:

executives of the apparatus, subsidiaries and enterprises;

main and leading experts;

specialists who have appropriate education and positively proven in production activities;

young professionals who have successfully passed the internship.

The first level of reserve of personnel is all enterprise specialists, the following level - deputy heads of various ranks. The main reserve is the leaders of various ranks.

For full work with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to develop a personnel reserve regulation, which consolidates the basic principles and the procedure for the formation of the reserve, the range of responsibilities responsible for forming a personnel reserve. In this document, it is also advisable to reflect the issues of organizing work with the personnel reserve, the procedure for replenishing the personnel reserve and amendments to the quantitative and qualitative composition of reservists. To obtain a full picture of the current state of work with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to provide a reporting system for responsible officials (development and approval of reporting forms, the establishment of reporting periodicity, the definition of the circle of responsible for their preparation and generalization of persons).

The process of forming a personnel reserve.

The process of forming a reserve and work includes several stages.

At the first stage, a forecast of the development of the main activities of the organization, changes in its organizational and managerial structure for the nearest and long-term perspective are carried out.

They ask high-quality, quantitative and structural aspects of the reserve:

changes in improving the structure of the management bodies;

the emergence of new divisions;

personnel flows for positions and opening vacancies;

approximate disposal from the reserve.

In the second stage, a specific job structure is defined. It is advisable to create it for all senior positions of the company and its divisions, first of all the key (if the company cannot form a team of future managers from among its employees, this is a sign of its weakness). The structure of the reserve is based on three levels of management - the highest, middle and lower - in accordance with the approved nomenclature of posts.

At the third stage, the optimal number of the reserve is established, taking into account:

the actual number of prepared managers of each level;

the forecast of the need for leadership frames for the nearest and long-term perspective as a result of the change and improvement of the Office of the Office, the emergence of additional administrative posts, state reductions;

the number of potential retirement vacancies;

the expected disposal for various reasons from the reserve.

As a result, the value of the current and promising need for reserve is determined. For each position in the reserve it is desirable to have at least two candidates (the second is always necessary to avoid accidents and stimulating to improve the first). But it is difficult to work with a large reserve, and the low probability of assignment to the position reduces motivation.

At the fourth stage, a combination of claims for candidates is formed. These requirements are divided into basic, due to the specifics of the organization (competence, personal qualities, skills), and additional. Additional requirements are often minimal experience, experience as a head or specialist in relevant units (research, staff, etc.), as well as in temporary project groups. Sometimes it is about the state of health, the presence of entrepreneurial practice. All the requirements that will be presented, the employee must be informed.

The fifth stage is the search for candidates by studying the questionnaires, characteristics, outcomes of certification, conversations, current observations, taking into account the compliance of candidates with the requirements of the position (workplace), their personal wishes and objective inclinations to managerial activities. It should be borne in mind that not everyone can be managers, not afraid of "spots" in biographies, to take into account family circumstances. A special program of identifying employees with high potential of growth and promotion, which is not characterized by a non-degree of preparedness at the moment, and the possibilities in the long run, taking into account age, education, personal qualities, level of interest. The perspective frames include persons who are interested in official growth and with probability of more than 0.5 may be appointed to senior positions; Then it is installed, which of them has great chances to become a leader, and the data of the employee is studied in detail - first questionnaires, then the rest.

At the sixth stage, the selection of persons credited to the reserve (with the conclusion of the relevant contracts). The decision is usually taken after the interview, which reveals the desire to work on a senior position, the ability to plan their work, solve problems in a short time, preparedness, qualifications, and so on. For dominant individuals, the extension to the reserve has a large motivating value.

In practice, adhere to the following principles of selection:

compliance of the candidate type of reserve and posts, general and professional requirements;

"Openness" list, enrollment in the reserve of the maximum number of capable people;

elimination of privileges and protection;

perspective (requires the establishment of age qualifications for certain categories of posts or taking into account the time left before the onset of retirement age, and the state of health, the determination of the necessary period of work in the position, the presence of innovative potential).

The age of candidates for the reserve depends on the post. In accordance with the domestic practice, men are included in the reserve to 45 and women under 40 years of age (usually on average managerial positions - up to 30 years). In the United States for middle managers, it is 25-30 years old, a maximum of 35 years. Regulation of the head of the head is necessary where without the mechanism of competitive selection it is difficult to determine clear criteria for effective activities and the results required from the employee.

When enrolling in the reserve, first of all, consider how a person copes with the current work (control is carried out by direct managers and is based on an individual work plan). For managers, we are talking about the degree of achieving the objectives of the organization or division; For specialists - on the execution, creative approach, complexity and timeliness of tasks.

The seventh stage of reserve formation is to evaluate professional knowledge, skills and experience of applicants, their conformity position. Include in the reserve of people unsuitable for leadership work is unacceptable. The selection procedure to the reserve must be regulated, agreed with the procedures for extension and destination. Sometimes it is advisable to implement in the form of a competition.

The assessment is carried out in the form of an exam, interviews or expert, on the basis of the average severity of their required qualities.

The eighth stage of reserve formation is the first person decision on the inclusion of an employee in its composition.

An exception to the reserve occurs, according to age, health status, unsatisfactory results shown during their stay in reserve. Thus, the reserve is regularly revised and updated. It is usually done on the basis of the analysis of its composition and alignment of personnel in the fourth quarter.

When making a final decision, it is taken into account:

professional characteristics of subjects;

opinions of direct managers and colleagues;

the degree of interest to remain as part of the reserve;

personal, professional and innovative potential;

probability of vacancies;

nature of preparation;

compliance with the general and professional requirements of the future position;

perspective (remaining to retirement time);

performance indicators;

learning ability;

the presence of the necessary business qualities.

If you summarize in the formation of a personnel reserve, then the pluses can be considered:

economic benefits (no need to spend money on the search and training of a new employee);

time saving (closure of vacancies in the shortest possible time);

highly qualified frames (an employee is taken from its ranks and trained in its own retraining program);

support and promotion of their employees - Personnel value policy (also works as a motivational factor: employees do not want to leave the company where specific career growth prospects are visible);

soft adaptation of the employee in the team (the employee does not change, but only its status) is changing);

the employee "sharpened" under the company, knows the policies and features of relationships and is adapting to a new position faster.

the costs of time and money for the selection and training of personnel;

the load on the selected employees increases (they should work as usual and still study).

Another hidden nuance - when forming a reserve, resistance may arise from the heads of departments and other employees, to whom new candidates claim. They are afraid of their place, and can sabotage the process.

Creating a personnel reserve is useful for any organization, however, this is most justified in companies where large frames are observed. In particular, retail enterprises, where trading personnel replaces pretty quickly. Such companies are forced to have a serious recruitment department or constantly apply to personnel agencies. Creating and establishing the work of the personnel reserve saves on the selection of personnel.

In enterprises with a more stable personnel system, posts are not exempted not so often, and there is no big necessity in the personnel reserve.

For which companies relevant personnel reserve:

for companies with narrow industry activities, where specialists are on gold weight, and there is a significant difference between work in companies,

for retailers, where large teaching and rapid growth in office,

for companies at the stage of stormy growth, when many specialists are required in a short time.

Depending on the needs of the company, the specificity of the personnel reserve will also differ:

work with profile educational institutions or cultivation of potential employees. Suitable for a company with narrow specifics. Actions: Representatives of the company conduct the selection from among students and then track them during training (performance, specific or in-depth items are added), upon completion of the educational institution, candidates are accepted immediately to the company - training is not individual;

work with ordinary specialists. Suitable for retail and fast-growing companies. Actions: Tracking the work of the employee, identifying the capacity, risk assessment, conducting qualifying measures with further professional training to increase in office (maximum to the operational leader or mid-link manager), or internship in a new post under the control of the mentor and for the results of the translation, or the refusal to translation - learning is not individual;

work with highly qualified specialists. Suitable for stable companies with narrow specifics for a distant perspective and for fast-growing companies for middle managers. Actions: Training mentoring, development of management skills, support for initiatives, so that in the future when the vacancy appear to the Guideline - Individual Learning.

The role of the personnel reserve in personnel management, its planning, features of formation and evaluation. Analysis of the needs of the personnel reserve BOU DOD SDYUSHOR "Dynamo", developing a program of its formation. Procedures for selecting employees of the organization.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

When forming a UR important method for evaluating candidates for reservists, analyzing personal documentary data. Analysis is subject to: Ensiferation of the employee, his personal card, past results of certification, evaluation, information on past learning, personal development plans. The purpose of such an analysis is: to collect information on the dynamics of its labor results, in terms of the level of employee education, according to its development strategy. This information will help evaluate the candidate in the UR on such criteria as: the desire for development, to self-development; The assimilation and application of the knowledge gained during the training in their activities.

3) To form a management reserve, it is necessary to evaluate candidates in two directions: an assessment of the candidate's management abilities and an assessment of the potential of the employee.

a) Assessment of the administrative abilities of the candidate.

The purpose of the assessment: to determine the presence or absence of employee management abilities, determine at what level the development of the ability is that the peculiarity of the candidate's personality as a manager.

It is necessary to conduct an assessment both personnel experts and executive staff. First, because if you form a UR, then you need to "measure all candidates with one line", uniformly. Secondly, maybe in the past, today's manager fell to this position by chance and does not have sufficient management abilities in this place in the future. After a number of nominations, it reaches the level where its incompetence is found, since his new responsibilities cannot be forces. It does not increase it, but he still remains at that place, where he fell, although he was still unable to cope with his duties. This process leads to the fact that the majority of posts are engaged in people incompetent, remaining in their posts before retirement. Additionally, with such an assessment of already working managers, you can see the individual managerial style of this employee, and therefore it is more efficient to work with it in the UR.

b) Employee potential assessment.

The purpose of the assessment: to determine the presence or absence of a potential employee in the further development of abilities (i.e., to determine the level of severity of abilities if available), in the development of specific competencies that are necessary for your ur.

1.5 Forming a personnel reserve abroad

We have something to learn from Western companies and organizations in the field of planning and training personnel reserve. Their managers and HR departments give the priority importance to the organization of this continuous, carefully structured process.

The research conducted in the 1980s in the USA revealed an interesting fact: 40% of companies make the highest training costs of personnel reserve, the greatest fluidity of personnel was observed. The main reason for this was the wrong organization of work with this reserve, which often manifests itself in the incorrect assessment of candidates or position on which they are preparing, in insufficient personnel motivation and in the absence of real career prospects for employees or the opportunity to fully use their knowledge and skills. Therefore, in many large Western companies today, much attention is paid to the competent organization of work on the training of personnel reserve, which helps to avoid such errors.

But before talking about the principles of training reserve in Western companies and their successful experience in this direction, it is necessary to understand some differences between the conditions existing in Russia and in the West.

First, if in countries with the established traditions of business, executives of companies have long realized the need to create a personnel reserve, then for Russian employers, its preparation has not yet become a capital truth.

Secondly, unlike Western managers, the level of preparation of which is homogeneous and who do not need to increase the initial knowledge of business, Russian specialists have a different degree of training - this complicates the process of their professional development and promotion. And, thirdly, in the West, in the conditions of stable business, successfully functions for long-term planning of personnel policy (up to 10 years). In Russia, due to the lack of a long experience of doing business and its unpredictability, long-term planning is difficult and is associated with the risk of serious miscalculations.

Thus, the personnel reserve makes it possible for a "natural update" in the company, when a well-prepared qualified fresh personnel come to replace the outgoing generation. Thanks to the reserve, it is possible to keep the best young frames in the company, when sensible managers and gifted personals, seeing the futility of their position, begin to leave the company.

Creating a personnel reserve reduces the expenses of the company related to the search and hiring staff in order to close one or another vacant position. The necessary frames are created, "grown" inside the company. Employees of the company "see" their possible career ladder, that is, they feel the prospect of development in this company, and thus less prerequisites are created to search for another job.

The functioning of the enterprise becomes more efficient and allows for prompt substitution of vacant posts.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the needs of the personnel reserve BOU DOD SDYUSHOR "Dynamo"

2.1 General characteristics BOU DOD SDYUSHOR "Dynamo"

In sports school, a young qualified team of teachers is running. 84% of the team have a higher education, 79% have the highest and first qualifying categories. Today, under the leadership of 49 teacher trainers, 2473 children and adolescents are studying at school, 556 of which live in rural areas. 62% of pupils are on the basis of educational institutions.

Sports School carries out educational activities in accordance with the following regulatory documents: the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2013 No. 11008 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on additional general education programs ", Charter, licenses, state accreditation, local acts of school.

"The Specialized Children and Youth School of the Dynamo Olympic Reserve implements the educational program of physical education and sports" Specialized training of football players ". The modified educational program is designed for 11 years of children aged from 6 to 18 years.

The organization of the learning process is based on the fulfillment of the regulatory requirements and sports results of each age group in the stages of training of football players:

· Initial training - 3 years of study;

· Initial specialization - 2 years of study;

· Training - 3 years of study;

· Improving sports skills - 3 years of study.

All students yearly have the opportunity to participate in competitors of various levels, according to the calendar of sports events:

· Intrah-school tournaments, including the school championship;

· Winter championship of the city of Omsk and Omsk region in football and mini-football;

· Club championship championship of the city of Omsk and the Omsk region in football;

· Cup of the Omsk region in football and mini-football;

· All-Russian Festival "Lockobol-Russian Railways";

· Championship of the Children's Football League of Russia;

· Football National League Cup of Russia;

· Cup of Russia;

· International tournaments.

Annually selection of gifted football players into specialized classes. Today, on the basis of Bow, Omsk "SOSH No. 77" opened a specialized class with in-depth study and development of technology and tactics of the Games of Football. A built-up class model allows each football player to get sports training at the level of its capabilities, taking into account physical development.

Sports school is the organizer of sports and recreation activities of various levels, 75% of which are conducted in conjunction with social partners.

The school is a legal entity under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region.

Full official name of the school: a statement educational institution of the Omsk region of additional education of children "Specialized Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve" Dynamo ".

Abbreviated name: Cow DOD "Dynamo Sdayshor".

School as a legal entity has a charter, the personal account opened in the Ministry of Finance of the Omsk Region, printing the established sample, stamp, blanks with its name.

Management in the institution is carried out on the basis of value-personal interaction, in which each teacher is aware of the importance and necessity of joint activities, understands the targets of the institution and has a high level of responsibility for their work. The basis of the management is the combination of the principles of self-government and uniqueness.

The founder of the sports school is the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region, the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region.

Direct management of sports school is carried out by the director - Rusakov Alexander Yakovlevich.

A collegial authority of self-government is the Council of Cow Doda "Dynamo Sdayshor" (hereinafter referred to as the School Council), which carries out the general administration of this educational institution.

The main tasks of the School Council are the implementation of public policy on issues of additional education, the direction of the activities of the pedagogical team of the School on improving educational work, the introduction into the practice of the achievements of pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience.

medical and auxiliary staff;


The personnel is represented by the following groups of persons:

The sports school has its branches in the city of Omsk and in the 9 districts of the Omsk region, which are as close as possible to the place of residence of children:

· The Dynamo Stadium is located in the Central Administrative District of Omsk. Address: ul. International

· 4. Stopping public transport - CDC "Mayakovsky". To organize a training process, a hall and two football fields with artificial coating are used;

· Sports complex "Spark" is located in the Leninsky administrative district of the city of Omsk - ul. Gurtheva, 18. Stopping public transport - "television plant". For training sessions, a standard football field is provided, two training platforms for mini-football, swimming pool, sports and gyms.

· Ano Copscop "Avangard" is located in the Leninsky administrative district of Omsk. Address: ul.25 October, 4. Stopping public transport - "River Port". Training pass on a football field with artificial coating;

· Sports Complex "Siberian Oilman" is located in the Soviet administrative district of Omsk. Address: Prospect Mira, 15. Stopping public transport - "Technical University";

· Medium secondary schools of the city of Omsk № 6, 10, 26, 28, 34, 48, 61, 77, 78, 81, 82, 86, 87, 95, 96, 101, 144, 147, 150, 151; Know "School" Alpha and Omega ".

The training teams on football in the following areas of the Omsk Region are open: Azov, Bolshechensky, Isilkulsky, Maryanovsky, Muromtsevsky, Nizhnevsky, Russian, Russian, Trevrisian and Cherlak. Training classes are held in sports complexes, on football fields with artificial and natural coatings.

Legal address: 644010, RF, Omsk city, Decembrists Street, 91.

The actual and mailing address: 644043, the Russian Federation, the city of Omsk, International Street, 4.

2.2 Analysis of the personnel potential of the organization necessary to form a personnel reserve

The personnel composition of Dynamo School is represented by the following groups of persons:

1. Administrative composition - 6 people;

2. Pedagogical composition: main workers - 54 people, part-time companies - 7 people;

3. Personnel - 16 people.

22% of teachers have the highest qualifying category; 37% - the first category, 20% - the second category.

Teachers who have awards, honorary titles - 52%.

The personnel reserve is usually formed to replace the guideline. The administrative composition in this organization is represented by 5 employees:

1. Director of the sports school;

2. Deputy Director for Educational Work;

3. Deputy Director for Educational and Sports Work;

4. Deputy Director for Sports Mass Work;

5. Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Work.

Accordingly, in our study, we will design a personnel reserve with respect to the administrative composition of this institution.

Before starting the procedure for forming a reserve, follows:

1. Predict the change in the structure of the system of system agencies;

2. Determine the degree of security with a reserve of nomenclature positions;

3. Determine the degree of saturation of the reserve for each position or group of the same positions (how many candidates from the reserve are accounted for every position or their group).

In the course of the analysis of the organization under consideration under all the above items, we revealed that:

1. In the next few years, the change in the structure of the management apparatus of this organization is not expected, respectively, the number of administrative posts remains unchanged;

2. The degree of provision of the reserve of nomenclature positions zero, since work on the formation of the personnel reserve is not carried out in this institution;

3. The possible saturation of the reserve for each position is approximately 10 people, based on the medium-mixed value (5 possible vacancies for administrative composition / 54 main workers of the pedagogical composition)

To determine the optimal number of personnel reserve, it is necessary to establish the actual number of the reserve prepared at the moment of each level, regardless of where the preparation of the employee enrolled in the reserve;

As a result of the analysis, it is possible to determine the value of the current and promising need for reserve, which, in addition to the factors listed, also depends on the subjective readiness of people to take certain positions.

Accordingly, at the moment, the actual number of prepared employees for the formation of personnel reserve is 30 people, since 22% have a higher qualifying category from 54 teachers, and 37% is the first category.

In the course of the survey, we have identified that in the next few years there is a high probability of caring three of the six employees who occupy senior posts. Consequently, the number of possible applicants to the personnel reserve for each vacant position will be 10 people.

Thus, during the analysis, we determined that the personnel of the organization under consideration was submitted by several groups of persons. The degree of provision of the reserve of nomenclature positions is zero, since the work on the formation of the personnel reserve in this organization has never been carried out. However, in this organization, there is an internal resource in the form of teachers-coaches, of which, after certain procedures, you can form a personnel reserve for replacing senior positions.

Chapter 3. Development of a program for forming a personnel reserve BOU DOD SDYUSHOR "Dynamo"

3.1 The procedures for selecting employees of the organization for the formation of a personnel reserve

The necessary components of the criteria in the enrollment of candidates for the reserve are the desire of the employee and its ability to manage growth. Of principled importance is both of both of them. A person may have excellent qualifications and have the qualities that make it a potential leader, but if there are no career plans in its life plans, then finding it in reserve is not appropriate.

In paragraph 2.2, we determined that the number of potential employees who can enter the personnel reserve BOU DOD SDYUSHOR "Dynamo" is 30 people. All of them formally have a fairly high qualification and can enter the personnel reserve for this feature. However, for each possible position, the number of employees consisting in the personnel reserve should not exceed 2-3 people. All of them must have the necessary knowledge, competencies, motivation, etc. for this. Therefore, when forming a personnel reserve, a thorough selection is needed among the total amount of applicants. We defined several stages of such selection.

Stage 1.

The desire and opportunities to occupy managerial positions should be relevant in all persons belonging to the personnel reserve. During the direct survey, we revealed that all employees under study express the desire to enter the personnel reserve. In addition, we implemented a survey under the "Situation of the Choice of Profession" scheme, where each employee was asked to answer the question about the cause of the choice of the profession on which the employee works in this organization (Table 1).

Table1 . Situations choosing a profession

Of the 30 applicants in the personnel reserve 4 chose tradition, 2 - case. The situation of debt and target selection accounted for an equal number of remaining respondents - 12 people.

Naturally, the motivation of employees who made their choice is consciously (debt, target selection), significantly higher, and the high probability of their interest and the possibility of participating in improving the industry, which they are committed to, makes it possible to include them in the personnel reserve, even if necessary, correction of professional and (or) personal characteristics.

Thus, the number of applicants to enter the personnel reserve we have decreased to 24 people

In order to reduce the size of the sample of candidates, it is desirable that they already have nominal qualifications. In order for the personnel reserve system to be effective, it is necessary to have a complex of conditions: a strict personnel policy of selection of candidates when taking a job, a permanent training system, a developed motivation system and a system of certification and staff assessment system. (Table 2)

Table2 . Qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary for execution of official duties


Higher vocational education in the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport", or higher education in specialties, relevant functions and specific tasks assigned to structural units

Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislation of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts, in accordance with which activities are carried out in the relevant area, the rules of business etiquette ; Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection, official schedule, official regulations, work of working with service documentation

Personnel management; operational adoption and implementation of management and other solutions; forecasting the effects of decisions taken; business negotiations; preparation of business letters; interactions with other departments, organizations, government agencies, subjects of the Russian Federation, state and municipal employees, municipalities, population; Computer possessions and other office equipment required software

During the study of the results of the last certification of the group of workers in Bow Doda, Dynamo employees in question, we determined that all employees need education needed for leadership posts. However, according to such characteristics as "knowledge" and "skills", only 10 employees showed a positive result.

The direct managers of the estimated employees are mainly involved in the development of a system of competencies, according to which candidates are being evaluated. This is necessary to create a "reference" profile "of an effective head and (or) of a specialist, on the basis of which the" reference profile "is being developed for basic competencies for a candidate included in the personnel reserve.

Such a competency profile usually acts as a measure regarding which the employee is evaluated. This approach is usually recommended when selected candidates for an operational personnel reserve.

The correctly developed system of competencies and correctly selected assessments make it possible to avoid errors in assessing and subsequently level errors in the appointment of candidates for the personnel reserve of sports and educational institutions. When implementing a comprehensive, objective assessment of the personnel, the list of candidates for the reserve becomes the most transparent as possible, and the process of forming a personnel reserve is argued and informal.

Compilation of professional competencies is the basis for the competitive selection of candidates for the personnel reserve.

Possible list of competencies included in the standards of professional competence, to assess the compliance of candidates for reserve requirements for reserved posts are presented below in the table (Table 3).

Table3 . List of competencies to determine the compliance of a candidate for reserve requirements for reserved posts

Type of competence

List of Quality



Professional erudition

Deep and thorough professional knowledge

Wide horizons

Knowledge leaving

work experience

Experience in the sports industry is taken into account

Network competence

Knowledge of motivation, resources, understanding the processes occurring in the industry

Connection portfolio

Cooperation with various business processes



The ability to captivate people, send to achieve the goal, regulate the relationship in the team

Ability to plan work

The ability to measure the time and means necessary for the work performed.

Ability to distribute work

The ability to give tasks, taking into account the personal capabilities of workers, their loads. The ability to delegate your rights

Skill control work

Ability to check the timeliness and accuracy of tasks

Requirement to others

Ability to require other qualitative and timely execution of a task set

Requirement to me

The presentation of high demands



The ability to have people to have confidence in them. The ability to quickly find the desired tone depending on the mood and character of the interlocutor

The ability to understand others

Listen to the ability to understand the situation, understand and take the arguments of another person

Goodwill, humanity

Sureness, attentiveness to people, respect for their opinions, their dignity

The ability to get along with people. Ability to create favorable relationships in the team

The ability to correctly build relationships with others, to put up with a stranger opinion, way of thoughts, character

Readiness and ability to resolve conflicts

The ability to create a relationship positively affecting the success of professional activities

Restoration, equilibrium

Ability to own their feelings, evenness in behavior


Unity of the Word and Case, the obligation in the implementation of these promises

A responsibility

The ability to take responsibility for the results of their activities and team activities

Moral stability

Resistance to the temptation of progress, commercial risks, etc.

Functional (intelligent characteristics)

Analytic mind

The ability to thoroughly analyze the facts, phenomena, allocate the main

Flexibility of Um

Plasticity, ability to change plans, ways to solve problems in accordance with changing objective circumstances

Memory readiness

The ability to quickly and accurately extract the desired material


The ability to quickly find a way out of a predicament


Great and logically think the ability to make deliberate, rational solutions

Forensicity, insight

The ability to see the prospects for their work, foresee the economic and social consequences of the decisions made, predict the development of events


The ability to discard ordinary, standard methods that have become unfavorable, desire to look for new, original solutions


The ability to make the right solution with the lack of necessary information or in the absence of time for its understanding

Functional (level of labor activity)


pottleness, energy

The ability to continuously work hard, set itself and solve complex tasks.

Fascination with work

Deep interest in their activities


Manifestation of resourcefulness, practicality, ingenuity

Personal Organizations

College, the ability to streamline their activities in accordance with the goals. Ability to independently active actions


High labor performance


Courage in decision making, the ability to make decisions quickly and lead them to


The ability to make responsible decisions and act on their own initiative, without assistance or guidance.


Perseverance in overcoming emerging difficulties

Slave stability

Resistance to external pressure, conditions causing nervous voltage, excitement

The results of the assessment of professional competence should be formed in a visual form, for example, in the form of a score assessment on criteria.

Evaluation of existing competencies, the development of a professional project is carried out according to the results of the assessment of professional competence, which take into account the requirements for profile values \u200b\u200bon a reserved position.

The degree of severity of competencies in applicants is determined. Expert assessment is carried out on the score scale. The maximum number of points and the criteria for assigning a score assessment with a certain type of competence are also established at the stage of developing a system for assessing candidates for the personnel reserve. Here we used a 7-point valuation scale and assigned the following criteria:

Table4 .

7 - excellent, surpasses the necessary requirements;

6 - sufficient level of competence, additional preparation is not required;

5 - a good level, a minor preparation is required;

4 - satisfactory, it is necessary to increase the level of preparedness;

3 - the potential for the severity of competence;

2 - serious preparation is required;

1 - competence is not expressed.

The interpretation of the results is carried out on the basis of comparing the values \u200b\u200bof the severity of the competencies of a particular specialist with profile values. The degree of severity of competencies is calculated as medium browsing points. Depending on the interval, which falls on a specific indicator of the degree of severity of competence, it is referred to as 4 zones:

1. The nominal zone is less than Rd - very poorly pronounced human qualities who are practically not observed by experts;

2. Potential zone - from Rd to P-Quality of a person, weakly manifested in practical activities, but their development is possible as a result of training;

3. Perspective zone - from P to P + D - well-formed and developed skills of a specialist;

4. Operational zone - more than P + D - pronounced human qualities who are clearly manifested in professional activities. The entry of signs in this zone determines the readiness of a specialist for managerial work.

We have received data in the future to analyze information about specific specialists.

In a chart 1, we present the result of the assessment of the professional competence of specialists - candidates to enroll in the reserve. In this case, the profile value (P) of a certain type of competence is set to 5, and the permissible deviation at the unit level.

Diagram1 . The degree of severity of professional competence in 10 specialists.

Thus, according to the results obtained, it can be concluded that the most pronounced qualities in 2 specialists (3 and 4). They have deep professional knowledge, pronounced in practical activity, the level of their professional competence corresponds to the operational zone. The promising zone includes 3 specialists (5, 9.10), they are characterized by the presence of well-formed and developed professional skills. Accordingly, the listed 5 specialists can be enrolled in the personnel reserve, but after analyzing the severity of other types of competencies. Specialists 2, 6, 7 needed in-depth training and receiving additional practical skills for further consideration of the issue of inclusion in the personnel reserve. Particular attention must be paid to the results of the assessment of specialists who have found themselves in the nominal zone (1.8). It is necessary to identify the reasons for such an assessment: a decrease in adaptation to the changed working conditions, low motivation to professional growth, inconsistency of the work performed by the possibilities and needs of these specialists.

3.2 Procedure for working with persons included in the personnel reserve

In our study, we managed to identify a group of promising employees, from among which you can form a personnel reserve of the organization under consideration. However, in the future, it is also necessary to work with employees of the already formed reserve. Through the analysis and generalization of a plurality of personnel reserve programs, we offer our program that can be implemented in Bow Doda Dynamo.

At this stage, the task of developing professional skills and knowledge of reservists necessary for them to successfully work in a reserved position and evaluation of work with personnel reserve is rated. To solve it, the educational program is being developed, part of which is the preparation of personnel reserve specialists. Such a program may include trainings and seminars, conferences and internships, as well as the second higher education.

For each reservist, individual development plans are drawn up, which include a career development plan and those skills that need to be addressed to classes to be approved as a duplicate.

The most common learning need for all reservists is to generalize and include in the general training program (corporate training, seminars, mentoring system).

To solve problems, a common system of training and development of employees is formed, which includes a number of activities aimed at developing professional, business and personal qualities of employees.

The staff of the development of employees should include not only various educational programs, but also activities in the following areas:

· Development of reservists of necessary qualities for work on a reserved position;

· Strengthening the positive image of reservists;

· Giving reservations a certain status that increases their prestige in sports and educational institutions.

It is impossible not to take into account such an important factor as moral and material incentives for employees in reserve. You can implement the system of stimulating successfully studying under the personnel reserve training program, for example, based on the results of successful exams, testing, testing.

When developing programs for individual development of workers, the experience of each of them, their needs and the desire to move in the proposed direction, individual and psychological features, the presence of leadership qualities should be considered as much as possible.

For training, the following methods can be used:

· Individual preparation under the leadership of a higher leader;

· Internship in office in his and (or) other institution;

· Study in high school and (or) on courses, depending on the planned position.

For the preparation of the reserve you can develop and approve several types of programs.

The general program may include theoretical training - updating and replenishment of knowledge on certain issues of theory and management practices; improving the education of candidates enrolled in the reserve associated with their former (basic) preparation; Training with special disciplines necessary to improve management efficiency. Control shape - passing exam (test).

A special program provides for the division of the entire reserve by specialties. Preparation combining theory and practice is carried out in the following areas: Business Games on General and Special Problems; Solving specific production tasks in the specialties. The form of control is to develop concrete recommendations for the improvement of the work of sports and educational institutions and their protection.

The individual program includes specific tasks to improve the level of knowledge, skills and skills for each specialist enrolled in reserve, in the following areas: Industrial practice in advanced and (or) troubleshooting institutions of the sports industry, internship in the reserve position.

Socio-psychological training. To facilitate the adaptation process to a new position, it is necessary to include candidates for their management system for them, to acquaint them in detail with the rules and technologies of communication and decision-making, introduce in new capacity in the labor team. For many, a big problem becomes a change in status (colleague - boss), so it is necessary to think through the procedures for adaptation and for the "young" chief, and for its "new" subordinates.

Thus, by organizing work with the personnel reserve through various programs, the personnel service will reach a number of goals:

· Determining key competencies, the presence of which ensures the success of the unit / institution / industry;

· Regular audit of competencies;

· Evaluation of the availability of competencies and the potential of their development among employees of the institution;

· Development of key competencies of employees to the level required for the successful functioning of the division / institution / industries;

· Reducing risks when rotating and dismissing key employees of major units, ensuring the possibility of planned replacement of aging personnel;

· Formation of a reserve of employees who have the necessary level of key competencies for the potential replacement of management positions of various levels of the hierarchy;

· Formation of development plans and implementation of the training program. Monitoring the results of personnel reserve development

A periodic assessment can be used as monitoring the results of the development of a personnel reserve. The focus of the assessment is made to assess progress in the level of management knowledge and reservoir skills, namely, how an employee develops its potential.

The results of the assessment of progress make it possible to make changes to the employee's development plan or decide on the futility of its further preparation for the senior position.

The monitoring form may be the development and subsequent protection of specific recommendations for the improvement and implementation of the activities of the division / institution / industry.

For greater objectivity of the assessment of candidates and analyzing the possibilities of career development, you can enter an activity assessment sheet. It reflects in points:

· Employment of the employee;

· Evaluation of his qualifications, knowledge, professional leadership skills and communication;

· The ability to solve problems;

· Growth prospects.

Responsible for the formation of a reserve of the face once every six months conduct an assessment of the results achieved by candidates enrolled in the personnel reserve. With the same periodicity, realistic activities for working with reserve in the context of the development of the institution / industry are also made and changes are made to the relevant plans.

To analyze the effectiveness of the personnel reserve, you can use a number of quantitative indicators (the effectiveness of the training of management personnel within the enterprise, the reserve fluidity, the average stay in reserve, the preparedness of the reserve), which will allow you to directly correct the preparation of reservists and their permutation.

You can also build a system of acquiring the reservoirs of practical experience on a reserved position. At the stage of building a system of acquisition by reserves of practical experience on a reserved position, it is carried out by: reserved employee reserved in the absence of it at work for various reasons, the acquisition of the reservist of communication experience with subordinates is reserved. In the ideal embodiment, after passing a cycle of practical training, the period of which is determined for each post individually, the reservist should be able to cope with the tasks of the reserved time for a long time and fulfill the entire complex of work under this position.

This stage serves to verify the knowledge and skills of reservists, as well as to acquire practical experience on a reserved position. At this stage, not only acquired new knowledge is played by a significant role and the opportunity to apply them in practice, but also the will of the leadership to attract reservists to active work.

Certain difficulties in working with reservists may cause the desire of some of them immediately begin the execution of official duties on the disposable position. The most effectively can be solved by this problem, assigning a reservist to the newly introduced post of deputy reserved or putting additional responsibilities for him, appointing any direction of work.

Persons responsible for the formation of a personnel reserve, a number of psychological problems have to be solved at this stage, which may arise both for reservists and reserved workers, to avoid the emergence of the conflict should be influenced by employees in two directions:

· Reserved need to explain the meaning of the creation of a reserve for his position, to make it possible to feel a mentor, emphasize the importance of its work not only for a particular institution, but also the industry as a whole and explain that the preparation of the reserve is necessary for sustainable development;

· The reserve must clearly explain that it will take this position not just after passing all the steps of working with the personnel reserve, and then when the leadership is confident that such a substitution is appropriate and bring the desired results.

It should be noted that at this stage, the adequacy and timeliness in responding to the leadership and responsible for the formation of a personnel reserve for positive changes that occur with an employee during the preparation of reservists are played a significant role in consolidating the results of painstaking work of previous periods. Otherwise, the demotion of the employee is inevitable, and it ultimately will lead to dissatisfaction and the exit of the employee to the labor market. This situation can and should be prevented by including the concept of reservoir responsibility in the program preparation program.

Thus, we have identified the procedures for selecting employees of an organization to form a personnel reserve, which include several stages. At each of the stages, the number of applicants to the staff reserve is invariably reduced. At the final stage, we had only five of the most promising applicants, of which and it is advisable to further form a personnel reserve.

However, work with the personnel reserve at this level should continue further in the form of implementing vocational training programs, adapting in a new workplace, etc. All these procedures are aimed at further improving the professional qualities of persons who are included in the personnel.


1. Thus, in accordance with the first task, we managed to reveal the essence and principles of formation of the personnel reserve. We determined that the personnel reserve makes it possible to "natural renewal" in the company when a well-prepared qualified fresh personnel comes to replace the outgoing generation. Thanks to the reserve, it is possible to keep the best young personnel in the company.

Creating a personnel reserve reduces the expenses of the company related to the search and hiring staff in order to close one or another vacant position. The necessary frames are created, "grown" inside the company. Employees of the company "see" their possible career ladder, that is, they feel the prospect of development in this company, and thus less prerequisites are created to search for another job. The functioning of the enterprise becomes more efficient and allows for prompt substitution of vacant posts.

2. In accordance with the second task, we studied the methods of selection of candidates, the main stages of the reserve formation. It was found that creating a personnel reserve is a painstaking work that is carried out in several stages. In this process, employees are involved, claim to occupy a management office, personnel workers, heads of divisions.

3. According to the third task, we have carried out an analysis of the needs of the reserve BOU DOD SDYUSHOR "Dynamo". We have identified that work on the formation of a personnel reserve in this organization has never been carried out. However, in this institution there is a human resource in the form of trainer teachers, from which you can form a personnel reserve to replace senior positions.

4. In accordance with the fourth task, we managed to develop recommendations for improving the formation of a personnel reserve of the organization under consideration. We were able to determine the procedures for selecting employees of the Organization to form a personnel reserve, described all the necessary stages for this and reflected research results at the end of each of them.

We also presented a program on further vocational training and adaptation at the new workplace of those employees who will be included in the personnel reserve.


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