HR management from scratch. Quick Sample Walkthrough

Engineering systems 14.10.2019
Engineering systems

Good day, dear visitors! What is personnel work, why is it needed and is it needed at all? You will learn about this from my article: HR records management for dummies.

HR department at the enterprise

Just as a theater begins with a hanger for visitors, so for any newly hired employee, the enterprise begins with the personnel department. It also ends with them when they are fired.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for all issues related to the employees of the enterprise:

  • Admission, transfer and dismissal;
  • Compliance labor discipline;
  • Compliance with job descriptions;
  • Keeping personal files of employees;
  • Maintaining personnel records;
  • Search for personnel for open vacancies;
  • Conducting initial interviews;
  • Familiarization of employees with all changes in the organization;
  • Development of various documentation;
  • Participation in the development of the main local normative documents enterprises.

As you can see, the list is very long and not exhaustive. The HR department is a special division in the organization that interacts with all other structural units of the company.

And it does not matter that most often personnel is the smallest unit in the enterprise, and sometimes it is not allocated at all.

What does the HR department do?

Now let's take a closer look at what a personnel officer does at his workplace - this will be personnel office work.

Registration of employees

Hiring and firing employees is the most important function of the HR department. All movements of employees are under his control. When a job seeker sees a vacancy and calls the specified number, then in 90 cases out of 100 he will get into the frames, where he will be guided on issues of interest to him, and they will also set the time when to come for an interview or fill out a questionnaire.

After the manager has decided that the employee is suitable for him, the latter again falls into the hands of a personnel specialist. And yet, mind you, when a vacancy is filled through competitive selection, a personnel officer will definitely enter the commission.

So, after an employee is hired, he will go to the personnel officer, where he goes through the following procedures:

  1. Represents everything Required documents;
  2. Gets acquainted with all local regulatory documents related to his work and routine in the company;
  3. signs labor contract;
  4. Gets acquainted with the order on hiring him;
  5. In some cases, here he receives basic knowledge of labor protection, that is, he undergoes an initial briefing.

Records management

After all the documents are signed and submitted, the HR specialist forms the employee's personal file. It consists of all copies of documents and a personal card on a unified form. In addition, in the future, all issues related directly to the employee will be processed through personnel:

  • Vacation arrangements;
  • Payment of bonuses and other sums of money;
  • Deprivation of bonuses and other penalties;
  • overlay disciplinary actions and punishments;
  • Changes in wages and other conditions of the employment contract;
  • Changes in the organization are general, or directly related to the employee.

And many other questions, the list can be continued almost endlessly, depending on the specifics of the company and the functionality assigned to the staff.

Many will argue that most of these issues are within the competence of accounting, but no, this is not so. Yes, it is the accounting department that calculates vacation pay and cash payments. She keeps them, but only after she receives the appropriate order, created by a personnel worker.

To draw up these orders, the personnel officer uses various grounds:

  • Applications from an employee;
  • Memos from heads of departments;
  • Official investigations and conclusions of commissions;
  • Written and oral orders of the head of the enterprise.

By the way, the personnel officer is directly subordinate to the head of the enterprise. In rare cases, his deputy.

After the orders are issued, their originals and the reasons for them are filed and stored for the allotted time. This should also be done by a HR specialist.

Managing other personnel work

In addition to the fact that personnel officers draw up documents for employees, they are also engaged in other work that can be attributed to personnel records management.

  • Drafting job descriptions. But this does not mean that the entire instruction is made by one person. Typically a section official duties written by someone who is familiar with this type of work. It is unlikely that a personnel employee will describe in detail the functionality of a welder, electrician or crane operator. But it forms the instructions into a single document.
  • Organization holding workplace attestation and preparing the necessary documentation for it. By the way, this concept - certification - remained only in everyday life. Legislatively, this procedure has been called for a couple of years special assessment working conditions (SUT).
  • Participation in the preparation of key documents organizations: pay regulations, collective agreements and agreements, rules of internal work schedule. In some cases, only adjustments are made, and in some the document is completely drawn up.
  • Maintaining staffing. The personnel officer shares responsibility for this document with the chief accountant of the enterprise. He is in charge of the names of positions and their number, and the accounting department controls rates and salaries.
  • Organization of medical examinations and training workers. If the company is small, then he does this work himself, otherwise he only monitors the execution. In any case, this is determined by company policy.
  • Participation in various commissions: for conducting official investigations, industrial accidents, testing knowledge of labor protection, etc.

As you can see, the personnel officer has a lot of cases and they are very diverse.

The place of personnel in the functioning of the organization

In this section, we will look at the interaction of the human resources department with other departments. Here are the main ones:

  • Accounting. The personnel officer cooperates closely and constantly with this department. This is where all issued orders go. First of all, this applies to orders for admission, transfer and dismissal. It is from them that the accounting staff who calculate the salary will find out who to include in the statement, who to exclude from it, and what salary someone has. The timesheets, before getting to the payer on the table, are also checked in personnel, and often they are maintained by the personnel officer. If the enterprise records management is carried out with the help of specialized programs, then the interaction between personnel and accounting is greatly simplified.
  • Secretariat or reception. It is from here that most of the grounds for issuing orders with the resolution of the head come to the cadres. This is if the office work at the enterprise is carried out in compliance with all the rules. If there is no such department, then the applications go directly to the personnel officer, and he takes them to the head.
  • With all other departments of the organization, interaction consists in bringing to the attention of managers and directly employees of all personnel changes in the organization.

Why Every Company Needs a Human Resources Department

The legislation does not oblige to allocate such a structural unit as the personnel department. But in the current practice of office work, it is this unit that maintains most of the documentation provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to neglect the conduct of personnel records management? Answer: No, you shouldn't. And there are several reasons for this:

  1. A properly executed contract between the employer and the employee, as well as all other documents related to the work of the employee, will help to avoid many unpleasant situations when disagreements arise between the parties.
  2. Accurate documentation, including personnel, characterizes the organization only on the positive side.
  3. In addition to processing hiring and dismissal, the personnel officer performs a lot of other work, he serves as a kind of connecting link between higher management and other departments.
  4. A competent personnel officer will not only correctly complete all the documents, but will also be able to indicate to the manager in which part he violates labor law, which will help to avoid inspections and sanctions.

Bringing together all of the above, we can say with confidence that office work and personnel records are very useful and necessary in every organization. And at least superficial knowledge in this area, which was given "for dummies", I'm sure, will help with hiring and subsequent trouble-free performance of their job duties.

And a little humor in the end...

Sincerely, Technical Experts.

is an activity aimed at systematization of personnel documents and work with them.

The personnel department exists in all organizations and ensures uninterrupted work with documents, as well as timely accounting of all changes on the part of the enterprise and its employees.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact through the online consultant on the right or call by phone free consultation:

Required literature

In order to quickly conduct training in office work and apply knowledge in practice, experts recommend paying attention to the following printed publications:

Organization of personnel records management from scratch

The organization of personnel records management from scratch should be built in stages as follows:

  • Installation special programs for a computer, designed to carry out competent documentation and other matters related to personnel records management.
  • To date, there are many programs designed for these needs. However, organizational leaders traditionally choose 1C.

    This is due to the fact that there are specialists in the installation and maintenance of this program in any large or small city, but those who could serve innovative developments cannot always be called by phone.

  • Studying important documents of the organization.
  • All submitted contracts and documents must comply with, and not contradict, the charter of the organization. This carries an important part, first of all, to eliminate disagreements with the management or with employees.

  • Acquisition or independent production registration log.
  • The documents that will be contained in the office work of the company must be agreed with the higher management.

    It is necessary to clarify which of them will be mandatory, and which can be postponed, because they will be invoked in rare cases. It is important to know which of them will be located in the work schedule, and which in forms.

  • Director's form. Need to check correct filling all papers, which should reflect the date the manager has been working in the company.
  • Creation of a staffing table and internal regulations that apply to all employees without exception.
  • If they are not in the company, you need to create these documents. These documents must be fully agreed with the head of the organization and checked against the regulatory framework. That is, you need to find out whether the innovations are contrary to the law.

  • Creation of a standard employment contract that will be beneficial to the organization, but will not contradict legislative norms.
  • Then the main documents are needed.
  • Human Resources can't get by without creating the following papers:

  1. order forms;
  2. agreements on liability;
  3. registration log;
  4. accounting books;
  5. work time sheet.
  6. After the documents, you need to take care of who and how should lead.

The issue of their storage and filling out documents should be decided on time and in advance. On the initial stage when there are very few staff at work, this may be the founder of the company. On this occasion, a special order should be issued. Failure to do so will result in a serious fine.

If in the future a person appears whose duties will include working with documents, then a new order will be issued to appoint a responsible person.

  • The last stage is the recruitment of employees for employment.
  • For this procedure you will need:

    1. job orders;
    2. registration of labor contracts;
    3. Availability work books;
    4. cards for employees;
    5. book in order to take into account work books.

    This is far from everything that an employee starting from scratch needs to know, but such actions are only first basics v large volume information to be explored in the future.

    You can find instructions for personnel records management.

    Responsibilities of the Human Resources Specialist

    The office worker has a broad field of activity, covering all aspects of the organization related to employees and their work. So, the main tasks of the office worker are:

    • Preparation of documents related to sick leave and other certificates.
    • Formation of a personal file for each of the employees.
    • Preparation and development of time sheets.
    • Conducting and preparing personnel orders.
    • Calculation and subsequent accrual.

    Sample job description clerk-clerk download for free.

    In addition to the main tasks, employees in this field of activity also have additional tasks, such as the:

    • tracking the market for wages;
    • tracking and inviting candidates for employment;
    • compiling a list of open vacancies in the organization;
    • development of regulations on and recruitment of employees of the company.

    Sometimes an employee of this department is engaged in evaluating the work of employees and compiling a report on this topic.

    It is important to know that in accordance with applicable law, the personnel officer cannot disclose the employee's personal data to third parties. This responsibility lies entirely with him.

    Mistakes made in the HR department

    Mistakes can be made in any work. So HR is no exception. Because it difficult process and it is difficult for many novice employees to remember a large amount of information, the main ones are as follows:

    1. When registering and dismissing an employee.
    2. First of all, it refers to the design. The order may not specify the conditions for or the nature of the work performed. Sometimes mistakes are made in the initials or surname of the employee, as well as his working unit. It is important to consider here that an order executed with errors or issued by an unauthorized person is invalid.

    3. Work with workbooks. According to the rules, the series and number of this document must be entered in the book of accounting for the movement of labor books, which not everyone does.
    4. When concluding an employment contract. The main omissions are the absence of any of the documents required for this procedure, or the employment of citizens who are unable to engage in this type of activity for health reasons.
    5. Orders. A local regulatory act at the enterprise can be issued, but it does not contain the signature of the head of the company. This is a gross violation, and such a document is not valid.

    Restoration of order in personnel records

    Sometimes in small company it happens that a lot of violations accumulate, and there is no specialist capable of resolving this issue. If, nevertheless, such a person was found, and he was entrusted with putting things in order in the documentation, then he needs to follow following step by step instructions:

    1. Regulations required latest edition, which will help solve many legal issues, as well as special literature on personnel topics and programs that make life easier in personnel office work.
    2. Revision of documents and verification.
    3. All necessary documents related to office work must be available. These include mandatory, special and optional.

      It is important that everything is in its proper form and in its place.

      Optional ones should also be acquired in order to protect yourself when conducting checks in the office.

    4. Studying the wishes of the manager, as well as how things are in the company and whether they comply with the declared orders and local regulations. This stage also includes a careful study of the constituent documents of the organization.
    5. Determination of the circle of persons involved in the development of the missing documents and those employees who will be responsible for the document flow and its safety in the future.
    6. Analysis of the staffing table, which must be performed in a unified form.
    7. Checking the execution of the head, employees and employment contracts in the company.
    8. An important part is the study of previous employment orders and personal cards for employees, there should be no errors in them.
    9. Checking work books.
    10. Checking transfers and movements of employees in the company, layoffs, both past and current.
    11. The final step is to check work time for each employee.

    Office automation

    HR records management is becoming more and more complex over time, and companies are getting bigger. Therefore, the way out of this situation is HR automation. Today, in almost every organization, personnel issues are resolved using automatic devices.

    Establishing the automation process should take place in several stages:

    • The first step is to set a goal for automation. Most often, this is the smooth operation and efficiency of the installed system.
    • After determining the effectiveness, you need to start implementing the system, that is, creating an automatic database.
    • Next, you need to train employees to work on the provided equipment.
    • The introduction of data from all documents of the organization into the system is the main stage. At this time, you need to create templates for reports.

    For correct personnel office work, you will need following programs:

    1. pre-systems, that is, programs that provide accounting;
    2. HRM systems. This is the system problem solving with staff automation. This is a system that stores information on each of the employees;
    3. WFM system. These programs have more features than conventional automation programs;
    4. HCM-systems are decisive issues not only in terms of the quantitative indicator of personnel, but also in terms of quality. Such programs improve the performance of large firms by about 15 percent.

    Of course, you can abandon new technologies and carry out work according to the old methods. However, progress does not stand still, and in the future it may turn out that due to improper automatic equipment, a violation of the document flow may occur, which can entail a fine.

    How to organize personnel records in a newly created company - see the video seminar:

    The organization and maintenance of personnel records management is a direct responsibility of the employees of the personnel service. In situations of creation new organization, the transformation of the old or other reorganization options, management and the personnel department need to know the main points of work: training and search for employees, hiring, transferring and dismissal of personnel, as well as the rules for both archival and operational storage of documents.

    Competent organization of personnel records management as the basis for the stability of the company

    In any organization, regardless of the form of ownership, there is a staff. It differs in size and composition, in the functions performed and the level of qualification. The task of the personnel department is to make sure that all questions and problems related to the employees of the enterprise are resolved as quickly and competently as possible.

    The stability of an organization is directly dependent on its employees. The primary task of the personnel service is the competent and timely selection of employees, the conduct of personnel records management in accordance with the law and the timely delivery of documents to the archive. This is the basis for the stable operation of any enterprise.

    Training of personnel for work with personnel

    The instruction on personnel records management clearly indicates the need to have vocational training personnel specialists. However, in practice, there is often a problem with the training of workers of the required profile.

    Higher and secondary special schools they do not produce specialists with such a narrow qualification as "personnel office work". Training usually takes place already on the spot or at specialized courses. It is also possible to train an employee directly at the workplace by mentoring.

    Personnel records management training of specialists involves the following ways:

    • retraining based on the second higher education;
    • obtaining higher education of a related profile, for example, "document management", "jurisprudence", "personnel management", "information protection";
    • training in specialized long-term courses (at least three months), followed by an exam;
    • practical work followed by regular professional development.

    Regulatory documents regulating the work of personnel services

    The activities of the personnel department and the general organization of personnel records management are very dependent on the current legislation and internal regulatory documents. This feature is related to the nuances of working with large quantity personal documents that are often confidential.

    Office work in the personnel service is regulated by the following acts:

    • Constitution, Civil and Labor Code s, and also partially Criminal and Family;
    • legislative acts on the profile of the organization in matters relating to work with personnel;
    • normative acts of local importance;
    • various classifiers, rules and instructions of the federal level;
    • internal regulatory documents, for example, instructions for personnel records management;
    • orders and directives from management.

    Employees of the personnel service are obliged to strictly comply with the requirements of regulatory enactments and, above all, the Labor Code.

    Search and documentation of employees

    HR management begins with the search and registration of personnel. First of all, it is necessary to decide on the options for finding new employees. Among them, the following stand out:

    • agencies and employment offices;
    • employment;
    • job fairs;
    • schools;
    • job boards and resumes on various resources;
    • other organizations;
    • acquaintances and friends.

    All search options for employees have their advantages and disadvantages, the employee of the personnel department must make the most of all opportunities to close the vacancy.

    When a candidate is found, an interview is held with him. It is desirable that its progress be documented: it is easier to make an informed decision on hiring or rejecting. In the latter case, the person is notified in writing of the reason within five working days. If the applicant is suitable for a vacant position, then he should be enrolled. From this begins the registration for a specific employee.

    • conclusion of an employment contract;
    • issuance of an admission order;
    • a new employee or her institution;
    • registration of a personal card;
    • if it is accepted in the organization - the establishment of a personal file;
    • familiarization and signing by the employee of internal regulatory documents and instructions.

    Personnel records (personal cards, staff list)

    Personnel records management involves the mandatory registration of accounting documentation, in particular, staffing and personal cards. These documents are mandatory for organizations of all forms of ownership.

    staffing and the number should be relevant and meet the needs of the organization. It contains the names of all positions, the number of rates, indicating vacancies for a given period.

    Personal cards are unified documents containing brief information about labor activity employee and personal information. They are subject to strict accounting and special conditions storage, in places that prevent their damage and theft.

    Orders on personnel, differences and design features

    General office work in personnel work is mainly expressed in orders and orders of management. These documents may concern both individual employees and the entire staff as a whole. They differ in design and implementation features.

    Most orders and instructions regarding specific actions with an employee have unified form. They are subject to mandatory agreement with all interested parties and familiarization by the employee against receipt. Copies of personnel orders are stored in a personal file, and the originals in separate folders.

    Journals on personnel records management, rules for registration and storage

    To account for the movement in the personnel service, it involves the maintenance of specialized journals. These are tabular documents of a multipage format, most often unified. Usually they are started either in large notebooks, or they are purchased ready-made in specialized stores.

    Types of personnel magazines:

    • registration of incoming and outgoing documentation, including letters;
    • registration of orders;
    • registration of arrival and departure of employees on business trips;
    • registration of applications, submissions, notifications, official and memos;
    • registration of forms of work books, their inserts;
    • books of accounting for the movements of various personnel documents, etc.

    All journals must be in without fail stitched and sealed, and the sheets are numbered. They should be kept separate from all documents. Preferably in a safe or a special cabinet.

    Features of maintaining and storing personal files

    Keeping personal records is not mandatory. However, most organizations collect employee records in one form or another. Of course, it is more convenient to do this in one folder.

    A personal file is a set of documented personal information about an employee, collected and formed in a certain order. It may include a variety of documents and copies:

    • copies of orders about the employee;
    • copies of statements;
    • copies of identity documents confirming qualifications, education, benefits and marital status;
    • questionnaire;
    • characteristics and reviews;
    • references, etc.

    Personal files include personal information and should be kept separate from other documents. Access to them is allowed only to a strictly limited circle of officials. Upon dismissal of staff, personal files are handed over for archival storage.

    Rules for registration, storage and issuance of work books, as well as inserts

    All organizations are required to keep work books for their staff, with the exception of employees hired part-time. At the initial admission, the employer independently acquires blank forms and makes the first entry in them. On the title page enter relevant information about the employee. Subsequently, it is necessary to monitor their relevance and make changes in time.

    On the spread of the main part, entries are made about labor and social activities employee, his permanent reception All entries are numbered in a general manner and are made on the basis of an order. The record of dismissal is accompanied by an imprint of the seal of the organization and the signature of the head.

    Made by hand, with a blue ballpoint pen, clear and understandable handwriting. Carefully monitor the relevance and reliability of the entered data. If it is necessary to correct the information, then they must be carefully crossed out with one line and the current information must be entered. This action must be confirmed by the signature of the head and seal.

    Store work books separately from other documents, in a safe. It is forbidden to hand them over to employees or third parties without a special order from the responsible authorities.

    Features of operational and archival storage of personnel documents

    The storage of personnel documents is determined by their special significance. They contain personal information and are confidential. Such data is not subject to unauthorized disclosure. Otherwise, a fine is imposed on employees of the personnel service and the head of the organization.

    To organize the proper storage of personnel documents in the personnel service, it is desirable to have separate room. There must be one entrance to it and it must be equipped metal door with alarm.

    The documents themselves should be stored in metal cabinets or safes. Access should be avoided sunlight and dust, as well as temperature differences and too much humidity. These simple steps will help save personal data.

    HR management from scratch: step by step guide 2019


    a short approximate step-by-step guide to setting up personnel records management in a newly opened company

    (if you want to clean up an already running campaign, then another step-by-step guide is more suitable for you - restoration of personnel records >>)

    If you were instructed to deliver in a newly opened company HR management from scratch, and you have little experience in this area (maybe you are the creator, leader, and so far sole worker a new company, a novice personnel officer, or an accountant or an office manager in general, who was "hung up" with personnel, or a novice entrepreneur), then our guide will surely help you. It is made simple and accessible, especially for beginners in the personnel business.

    And by all means The rich stocks of our website will help you :

    • free reference base on personnel records management: 25 main step-by-step procedures (hiring, vacation, dismissal, etc.), 200 samples of documents on personnel, the block "Employment books" (sample filling and consultations), 5 manuals on personnel matters, consultations, articles on personnel) and much more;
    • a large reference base available to subscribers of the "Practitioner-Practitioner" magazine (the price is affordable for everyone >>): 140 step by step instructions on personnel work, more than 1000 samples of personnel documents, bins of consultations and articles, a course on the basics of personnel records management, bookshelf and etc.;
    • our best HR books.

    So, you have been assigned personnel. Where do we start?

    1. Let's stock up on the necessary laws, special literature and programs. All this you will need in your work.

    • Needed Violation of labor laws can lead to big fine. Therefore, knowledge and compliance with labor laws must be approached responsibly.
    • From the special literature, we are pleased to offer you manuals (you can download for free) and our best HR books. The storerooms of the reference databases of the site will also be useful.
    • Discuss with management the issue of acquiring a program in which to conduct personnel accounting. There are many such programs, and many specialized ones are very, very convenient. Some somehow bypass the functionality of 1C. But most companies keep personnel records according to tradition in 1C. The fact is that there are plenty of 1C support specialists in any city, but you will not find specialists in supporting other programs everywhere.

    2. We take copies of the founding documents of the organization from the management and carefully study them.

    Personnel documents will have to comply with the constituent documents of the company, and not contradict them in any way. Read in the Charter the procedure for hiring a director (you will be hiring him) and the procedure for setting his salary, the period for which an employment contract can be concluded with him - some features may be spelled out in the Charter. Sometimes the Charter prescribes the procedure for hiring key executives and establishing remuneration systems for them (for example, with prior approval general meeting founders), and even the procedure for approving the staffing table.

    3. We determine the list of documents that should be on the site personnel work, and which we will compose.

    It is clear that you will draw up the documents required by law in any case. Check with management which of the optional documents you will prepare for the company. Also, you can clarify with the director in advance what special conditions he wants to see in the internal labor regulations, other local regulations, in the forms of employment contracts.

    If your company is a micro-enterprise, then according to 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you may not draw up some documents:

    "The employer is a small business entity, which is classified as a micro-enterprise, has the right to refuse in whole or in part from the adoption of local regulations containing norms labor law(rules of internal labor regulations, regulation on remuneration, regulation on bonuses, shift schedule and others). However, in order to regulate labor relations and other relations directly related to them, the employer - a small business entity, which is classified as a micro-enterprise, must include in labor contracts with employees the conditions governing issues that, in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, should be regulated by local regulations..."

    4. We make out the director

    Check if the director is registered ( general manager) properly. If not, then first of all we draw up a director. He is the first worker! From the documents it should be clear from what date the director has been working. A step-by-step procedure for applying for a director’s job is in a large reference database and in the “Package of Personnel Officer”, the necessary sample documents, thematic consultations there.

    5. We draw up a staffing table, internal labor regulations, other local regulations (see table from paragraph 3).

    Surely the company does not yet have a staffing table and internal labor regulations and other local regulations. We compose them. All these documents are coordinated with the director. We take into account the comments and wishes of the director, check whether they contradict the law. Ready options these documents are coordinated in the manner prescribed by law (if necessary, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees), then the head of the company approves them. We have many examples of such documents freely available on our website. There are many more such samples and thematic comments on them, step by step procedures their statements are in a large reference database and in the “Package of Personnel Officer”. On our website in free access you can read a new useful article " Staffing: form and content". We recommend that subscribers of the magazine "Practitioner-Practitioner" read the article: " We draw up internal labor regulations: legal, thoughtful and beneficial to the employer" and see templates of local regulations.

    6. We are developing a standard form of an employment contract, which will be concluded with employees.

    For subscribers of the journal "Practitioner-Practitioner" we recommend a training manual: "We hire an employee: personnel issues". From it you will learn, among other things, which conditions are beneficial for the employer to include in the employment contract, and which conditions, on the contrary, are undesirable and dangerous.

    7. We are preparing other documents that we will need to conduct personnel work in the future:

    We prepare accounting books, registration journals, timesheets, order forms, liability agreements, etc.

    8. We decide with the management the question of who will keep work books .

    If the employees have not yet been hired, then the head of the organization (director) will first have to keep work books. An order is issued for this. On our website there is a sample order for the head of the organization to take responsibility for maintaining, storing, accounting and issuing work books. Such an order is mandatory, this is a requirement of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Failure to do so may result in a fine for the employer. Subsequently, the director may transfer these powers to the accepted personnel officer, also by order. On our website there is a form of order on the appointment of those responsible for maintaining, storing, accounting and issuing work books >>

    9. We arrange for the work of employees.

    Then the employees will begin to work and the phase of everyday work will begin for the personnel employee, you will need to keep a time sheet, draw up a vacation schedule, arrange vacations, apply incentives and penalties, business trips, combinations, dismissals and much more ... In all this, the resources of our site.

    Office work today is one of the most important constituent parts personnel records. With such, if possible, it will be necessary to familiarize yourself in advance.

    Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:

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    This process has its own subtleties and some specifics. The organization of personnel records management is one of the main stages in the beginning of the enterprise.

    Requires a fairly extensive list various features nuances reflected in the legislative documentation.

    Moreover, in the absence of proper experience, it will be quite problematic to independently organize the workflow.

    Therefore, whenever possible, it is worth using the services of a qualified personnel worker. In this way, it will be possible to solve many problems even before they arise.

    Main Aspects

    Often a situation arises when it will be necessary to organize personnel records and office work directly from scratch.

    In this case, you need to decide in advance where to start such a process. It is important to note that the registration and employment of personnel records is not limited.

    There are many additional factors, moments - it will be necessary to deal with which it will be necessary first.

    The process of personnel records management should be carried out regardless of the staff.

    Even if there is only individual entrepreneur with one hired worker - such production must be carried out.

    But at the same time, careful control by special state bodies is usually carried out only for large companies. The staff of which is more than 250 people.

    What you need to know

    Document management refers to the process of organizing the execution of documents related to personnel activities.

    First of all, this concerns the preparation, as well as filling out work books, drawing up employment contracts.

    There are many different subtleties and nuances associated with the reflection of relevant information in documents. All standards are indicated precisely in legislative documents.

    The process of office work is divided into as many as 3 main stages, which include the following:

    Moreover, it is important to note that the process of storing documents is necessarily carried out in a standard way.

    At the same time, there are certain periods during which documents will be required to be stored.

    Often they are several decades. In the future, after the expiration of the storage period, such documents must be appropriately destroyed.

    For what purpose is

    HR management allows you to simultaneously solve a fairly wide range of a variety of tasks.

    However, these may differ slightly depending on the type of activity of the enterprise. But at the same time, it is again possible to single out a number of standard ones that take place in almost all cases without exception.

    These include primarily:

    Drafting and subsequent editing of drafted documents All legal requirements must be taken into account
    Record keeping During which employees performed their duties under an employment contract
    Accounting for a personalized nature In accordance with current legislation
    Registration of labor agreements According to certain standards
    Selection of employees with certain personal qualities Analysis of questionnaires already hired
    Drafting All employees of the enterprise
    Maintaining military records

    Today, accounting of this kind allows you to simultaneously solve an extensive list of very different tasks.

    It is important to note that office work must be carried out within the framework of legislative norms.

    Otherwise, there is a high probability of difficulties with the labor inspection. Arbitrage practice on this subject is quite extensive.

    However, it is extremely ambiguous. Therefore, if possible, do not make mistakes. Since the value possible fine large enough.

    Current regulations

    Statement of office work can be carried out only within the framework of legislative documents. At the same time, there is a fairly extensive list of NAPs, the provisions of which must be observed.

    Failure to do so can lead to problems. It is not allowed to make mistakes in the preparation of documentation of the type in question.

    Since this can lead to quite serious troubles. The main document, within the framework of which not only office work should be carried out, but also interaction with employees in general, is precisely the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Such a document defines the mode of employment, as well as all the rights and obligations of both the employee and his employer.

    This NAP is established. It is also important to note that the legislation is being reformed every year.

    Therefore, it is necessary to use relevant sources of information for consultation. It is also important not to avoid familiarization with other legal documents that also determine this moment.

    No less significant is . It highlights the issue of employment of citizens Russian Federation on the territory of the country.

    The mode of storage of documentation, its execution is determined by a special law. Such is .

    Such a document determines the mode of storage of documents, their execution, as well as many other nuances. It is important to familiarize yourself with all the specifics of office work even before the start of conducting such.

    This will avoid many difficulties and difficulties. Moreover, it is important not only to get acquainted with all the NAPs for the manager who keeps records.

    It is also important for an employee who is engaged in employment to carefully consider all NAPs.

    This will allow itself, without any outside help exercise control over the observance of their rights.

    If any obvious violation is found, then it will be necessary to apply directly to the labor inspectorate to resolve such a situation.

    If the violation is not obvious and an investigation is necessary, then it will be necessary.

    But if possible, it will be necessary to try to resolve the situation in a peaceful way. Since litigation requires enough a large number time.

    The process of organizing personnel records management is not complicated, but it requires knowledge of standards and legislation.

    Otherwise, the assumption of various kinds of errors will be simply inevitable. In the absence of such experience, it is worth undergoing training in personnel office work from scratch.

    How to set up HR records management from scratch

    In general, the process of personnel office work can be mastered quite independently. But for the implementation of such a procedure, you need to carefully read the legislation.

    Moreover, there are some subtleties, specific points are not clearly indicated in the NAP. That is why it will be necessary to get expert advice.

    But it often happens that different reasons there is no opportunity to hire a staff worker. In such a situation, you will have to deal with the issue of personnel records on your own.

    The main points that need to be worked out in advance include the following:

    • whether it is possible to develop independently;
    • required documents;
    • drawing up local regulations;
    • development;
    • step-by-step instructions for registration for an LLC;
    • who is responsible for record keeping.

    Is it possible to develop on your own

    Independent development of personnel records management is a quite possible process, but it has its own specifics. With such, if possible, it will be necessary to familiarize yourself in advance.

    At the same time, development without errors is possible only if the head of the enterprise or the entrepreneur has familiarized himself with the NAP in advance.

    If for some reason there is no proper experience, you can simply take special courses in HR administration in Moscow from scratch.

    Such preliminary preparation will help to resolve many different difficulties even before they arise.

    An equally profitable and convenient solution is to use. It implies the temporary hiring of a personnel worker to organize the workflow.

    In the future, accounting can already be carried out independently. The cost of these is usually low.

    Required Documents

    When conducting personnel records management, it will be necessary to form a number of documents. Some of the mandatory ones include:

    The list of mandatory such documents includes more than a dozen positions. All of them are strictly required. This issue is best worked out in advance.

    Moreover, some have strict format requirements. In other cases, registration may be carried out at the discretion of the head of the enterprise.

    Drawing up local regulations

    Another important point- Mandatory drafting of local regulations. The standard list includes:

    • basic rules of internal labor regulations;
    • provisions regarding wages in the enterprise;
    • work regulations for various departments in the enterprise;
    • an agreement confirming the consent to the processing of the employee's personal data;
    • regulations on the protection of personal data of employees.

    Development of a standard sample of an employment contract

    It is important to note that the employment contract does not have a rigidly established format today. But at the same time, some provisions must be present in it.

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