Personnel accounting in IP from scratch. Establishment of personnel records in the enterprise from scratch

Decor elements 13.10.2019
Decor elements

The construction of a personnel records management system from scratch should be carried out in strict accordance with labor legislation. Read about how to start the work of a personnel officer and how to restore personnel records management

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Why is HR required?

How to start building a HR document management system - actual question for newly established companies. While organizations are essentially left with no choice to keep records or not, it remains a very handy tool personnel control at all stages of its work. Legislation only unifies the form of its functioning and defines the norms that must be met not only by the employee, but also by the employer.

Personnel accounting first of all helps to understand who works in the company, determine the number of staff, the company's salary costs.

In addition, the system allows you to document all movements in the team, whether it be:

  • reception;
  • dismissal;
  • holidays;
  • personnel transfers, etc.

Accounting for the length of service worked helps the employer in determining the number of vacation days that each employee is entitled to. Keeping a time sheet allows you to clearly control the presence of staff in the workplace and correctly calculate wages.

HR office work from scratch step by step

Doing personnel office work from scratch in practice raises many questions not only among newcomers to the personnel business, but also among experienced specialists. First of all, the sequence of issuing documents is questionable.

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When the company is already registered and all supporting documents have been received, it's time to start processing personnel documentation. First of all, it is worth sorting out the future staffing of the legal entity, determining the need for personnel for the first time and for the future. To do this, the company needs to publish .

If the organization plans to use non-standardized forms of personnel documents, they must first be approved by the relevant order of the head. The publication of the Regulations “On the personnel policy of the enterprise” or "" would be ideal. Such documents prescribe all the rules for keeping records at a newly created enterprise in accordance with applicable law.

Theme of the issue

Also read about how to safely pay for work on holidays and weekends, how to behave during a GIT check, and what conditions you need to urgently remove from the employment contracts of your employees.

Personnel accounting for LLC

HR records management in 2018 for LLC has not undergone significant changes. It is important to note that personnel records do not differ much depending on legal form enterprises. The rules are the same in most cases.

However, the majority of companies are limited liability companies. The activities of an LLC provide for greater freedom of action than for municipal or budget institutions. State organizations are more formalized and most decisions come from the ministries (for example, staffing for district administrations).

Whereas LLCs have more freedom of action and are less limited in choosing a scenario of behavior.

HR records

The basis of personnel records in the organization are personnel records. All documents can be conditionally divided into 3 categories:

  • primary documents on personnel records;
  • primary documents on accounting of hours worked and wages;
  • logs of registration of the movement of personnel documentation.

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Both the first and the second groups have their own approved forms (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 N 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment"). Since recently, they are not mandatory for the application of legal entities. If necessary, the company can, on their basis, develop and approve its own forms that meet the norms of the law. Those for whom unified documents are comfortable can continue to use them.

Personnel accounting along with accounting and tax accounting, it allows you to reflect reliable information necessary for the full functioning of the company. About the features of this type of accounting, as well as about the main documents involved in it, will be discussed in our article.

Maintaining personnel records

Doing personnel records involves the execution of a large amount of documentation that will reflect information both separately for each employee and in general for the entire company, as well as the creation of rules governing the procedure for labor activity.

Doing personnel records implies fixing the number of employees, which is possible only with high-quality tracking of all movements. Main task personnel records is the preparation of documentary evidence of a particular movement of an employee, ranging from hiring, transfer to another position, registration of leave and ending with dismissal.

Certainly, personnel accounting can be maintained manually, however personnel records through the use of software allows you to minimize the time for preparing documentation, especially if the company has a lot of employees.

HR records

Documentation personnel records can be both mandatory, the compilation of which is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and optional.

To the required documents personnel records relate:

  • employment order (T-1);
  • contract with an employee (TD-1);
  • work book (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books”);

On the features of the design of work books, see the material .

  • employee's personal card (T-2);
  • transfer documents (T-5);
  • leave order (T-6);
  • vacation schedule (T-7);
  • staffing (T-3);
  • time sheet (T-12);
  • dismissal order (T-8).

Most personnel documents have a unified form. Some documents the employer should develop independently:

  • collective agreement;
  • inner order rules;
  • wage regulations;
  • regulation on personal data of employees;
  • regulations on labor protection;
  • bonus provision;

For information on the retention periods of personnel documents, see the material .

IMPORTANT!According to Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, provisions formed by the organization that infringe on the rights of an employee cannot be used to regulate labor relations.

All accounting documents prepared by a personnel worker are approved by the head of the organization. After that, the employee must familiarize himself with them and put his signature.

It should be noted that in some situations, the preparation of personnel documents can be avoided: for example, it is not required to draw up job descriptions if the employment contract already provides for the employee's functionality. The same applies to the wage clause, which is also optional if the contract specifies the future income of the employee.

The presence of this or that document in personnel records depends on the specifics of the work of an individual employee and the company as a whole. If the company provides for shift work, then a shift schedule should be drawn up. By doing job duties at facilities of increased secrecy, a clause on the preservation of trade secrets should be written in the contract, as well as an appropriate provision should be drawn up, which will fix the procedure for access to the secret, responsibility for its disclosure, as well as the conditions for terminating such access. It is necessary to draw up a full contract liability with an employee if he is related to valuable goods or objects.

Responsibility for offenses in the conduct of personnel records

The main regulatory body responsible for the correct conduct of personnel records, is the State Labor Inspectorate. It is designed to control personnel operations and, if personnel accounting is conducted with violations, to bring to administrative responsibility for violation of labor legislation.

The following types of responsibility are distinguished (Article 419 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • Administrative - fines for officials and companies are reflected in Art. 5.7, 5.27-5.34, 5.39 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Administrative responsibility most often occurs in the absence of any necessary personnel document or its non-submission at the request of an employee or organization.

Example:Ivanov I.A. decided to take a loan. To do this, he needs a copy of the work book and a 2-NDFL certificate. The employer refused to issue a copy of the work book. The employee has the right to report misconduct employer in labor inspection, which will hold the company accountable (its officials) under Art. 5.39 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the amount of 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.

  • Civil law - the punishment is provided for by Art. 15, 151 and ch. 59 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Example:Petrov S.F. was injured at the workplace. In accordance with Art. 1085 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to compensate for lost wages during the employee's stay on treatment, as well as the costs of his treatment and recovery.

  • Criminal liability - Art. 143, art. 145, Art. 145.1, Art. 146-147, Art. 215-217 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, HR documents may request tax authorities, in case of non-submission of which liability arises under Art. 126 Tax Code of the Russian Federation


Correct and timely personnel accounting allows management to make the company more efficient. Currently, there are many software tools that help optimize the time for compiling personnel documentation and achieve accuracy in reporting data. personnelaccounting.

The organization of personnel records management is the second step after registration and creation of constituent documents, which remains “behind the scenes” in a number of enterprises. Maintaining competent accounting regulates the relationship between the employer and employees, ensures that inspection structures do not have financial sanctions, and serves as a guarantee of success in courts in case of conflict situations.

Rules for the organization of personnel records management

The current legislation annually increases the requirements for maintaining personnel records, increases penalties and the list of organizations admitted to checks on the organization of document management. Therefore, it is desirable to create an instruction on personnel records management, taking into account the regulatory framework, form of ownership and the specifics of the enterprise.

Normative base

The list of normative acts, mandatory for execution by all individuals and legal entities without exception, consists of:

  • Law 152-FZ on personal information;
  • Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 on unified forms;
  • GOST R 7.0.97-2016 on standards for maintaining organizational and administrative documentation;
  • Law 125-FZ of 2004, on the organization of the archive;
  • Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 69 on the rules for maintaining work books;
  • directories ETKS, EKS and register of professional standards.

Form of organization

Personnel accounting can separate subdivision in the form of a department or HR inspector. However, small or medium-sized businesses often do not have such a need. Then an employee is appointed responsible for maintaining this area of ​​​​activity. In most cases this is:

  • director;
  • Deputy Director;
  • accounting worker;
  • Office Manager.

It is possible to divide duties between employees, maintain work books by one person, draw up orders for others, collective, labor contracts and draw up personnel reports by a third. In this case, it is appropriate to reflect functional responsibilities documented.

HR administration for sole proprietorship

An individual entrepreneur is exempted from conducting personnel work only in the absence of employees. If at least one employee is hired, the individual entrepreneur on personnel policy issues is equated to a legal entity with the obligation to conduct office work in a similar manner.

Simplified reporting scheme, view entrepreneurial activity, the choice of accounting and taxation system, annual turnover, income received, expenses incurred, declared profit or loss do not matter.

HR management from scratch

It is important for an employee who organizes personnel records after registering an enterprise to master office work skills. Important to study:

  • current legislature;
  • charter and constituent documents;
  • the expected specifics of the activity;
  • keeping records and reporting to statistical authorities, trade unions, labor exchange;
  • information programs for keeping current records and providing data in electronic form;
  • rules for calculating the length of service for calculating vacation pay, sick leave and compensation payments;
  • procedure for registration and storage of documents.

After theoretical preparation, start to draw up documents in practice. The first order is the appointment of the director by the composition of the founders or shareholders.

Local regulations

The ability to draw up local regulations at the enterprise makes it possible to formulate documents on a mutually beneficial basis "employer - employees - inspection structures", Art. 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Local legal acts regarding personnel production and policy include:

  1. The collective agreement concluded in without fail at the request of one of the parties (management or employees).
  2. Regulations on wages, including tariff scale formation of salaries depending on the degree of the position held, the level of qualification and merit for bonuses.
  3. The staffing table, which establishes official salaries in monetary terms for all positions.
  4. Internal regulations stipulating working hours, shifts, work on weekends and holidays, ethical issues.
  5. A vacation schedule recommended for drawing up in advance, so that each employee decides on a favorable rest period for him without prejudice to the activities of the enterprise.

Along with employees of responsible services, a competent personnel representative participates in the development of documents, makes suggestions and adjustments on professional issues.

Types and list of personnel documents

Documents relating to the relationship of a particular employee with the enterprise begin with the issuance of an admission order after passing the interview and approval of the candidacy by the management. Based on the order, an entry is made in the work book, which is stored at the main place of work. When changing the position, bonuses or reorganization of the enterprise, an appropriate entry is made to all full-time employees. Then formatted:

  1. An employment contract signed bilaterally. One copy is stored in the personnel department, the second is issued to the employee.
  2. If necessary, a job description is drawn up, on which the employee signs and notes: “I am familiar with the instructions.”
  3. A personal card is created, which reflects data on movements within the enterprise and accounting for the insurance period.

The personnel specialist maintains a time sheet, draws up orders for vacations, business trips, orders for bonuses and collection, makes entries in the registration book for personnel activities, monitors the signing of liability agreements with materially responsible persons, draws up and submits reports to the relevant organs.

Duties and responsibilities of employees

The personnel service, according to the specifics of its activity, must be attentive and responsible, since errors can lead to conflict situations in the team and proceedings in the courts. An incorrectly completed time sheet will automatically lead to a distortion of accruals wages, erroneously calculated insurance period - to the distortion of insurance payments. Forgetfulness regarding the timely execution of orders leads to the fact that the employee is deprived of the right to go on vacation on time or reimburse travel expenses.

Violation of the requirements for maintaining and storing personnel documents can bring on a responsible specialist and manager immediately several types of administrative responsibility:

  • Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - for violations of labor legislation and the rights of workers;
  • Art. 13.20 and 13.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - for violation of the deadlines for storing documents;
  • Art. 13.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - for misconduct in relation to the personal data of employees.

Errors in office work and fines for the enterprise

Until 01.01.2015, penalties for non-compliance with labor laws were meager. The employer was afraid of the reinstatement of the dismissed employee by a court decision with the payment of wages for forced absenteeism, and not a fine. Since the above date, the situation has changed dramatically with the appearance of financial sanctions for:

  • absence of an employment contract;
  • execution of the contract in violation of the current legislation;
  • conclusion of a civil law contract instead of a labor contract in order to minimize the wage fund.

The discovery of any violation began to be punished by imposing a fine on an official in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles, and on an enterprise - from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Arbitrage practice sided with the State Labor Inspectorate.

The tax service, in the absence of time sheets, tried to prove the illegality of payroll with the removal of expenses and non-receipt of income tax to the budget. Similarly for travel expenses in the absence of issued orders.

Organization of electronic personnel records management

Personnel systems of electronic document management are subject to the Law 152-FZ "On Personal Data", which establishes requirements for information protection. Organization information systems requires additional legal regulation. The company is obliged to provide:

  • security of the premises where the system is located, from intrusions by unauthorized persons and unauthorized access to information;
  • safety of personal data carriers;
  • approval of access for a limited number of persons to the electronic journal, directly performing labor duties;
  • appointment of an employee responsible for the security of personal data in the information system.

The security services for personal data issues in electronic mode establish additional protection measures within their powers.

In order for electronic document management to be recognized as legally significant and to replace paper documents, electronic digital signatures must be used in the work for all participants in the process.

Terms and rules for the storage of personnel documentation

The employment relationship between an employee and an employer is documented personnel, the shelf life of which from March 13, 2016 is 50 years instead of 75 years - the period that was in effect before the above date, Law 43-FZ of 2016. The new retention periods apply to documents dated from 2003 onwards. This documentation is conditionally divided into related to:

  • acceptance - an order for acceptance, labor contract, personal card;
  • movement - transfer to another position, internal combination, performance of duties of a temporarily absent employee;
  • material reward - an order to increase the official salary, the appointment of a bonus;
  • termination of employment - an order to dismiss.

The enterprise may not have the technical ability to store documents in large quantities due to the lack of premises and the accumulation of current documentation.
After 3 years after verification by the authorities, documents can be filed in a typographical way and handed over to the state archive.

In addition, there are documents on personnel with a shelf life of 5 years. These include orders for annual regular and additional holidays, compensation for unused vacation, business trips of a short duration. After the expiration of the limitation period, the documentation is destroyed, about which an act is drawn up with a detailed list of each destroyed unit.

The personnel policy at the enterprise acquires everything greater value from year to year. This is due to the increase in requirements for employees - maintaining electronic document management, studying legislation, increasing possible scheduled and unscheduled inspections. various structures, a significant increase in financial sanctions for minimal violations.

The organization of personnel office work "from scratch" is described below.

Payroll accounting at the enterprise and many others important points based on original documents. If HR records are poorly delivered, this affects the work of all departments of the company.

About all the nuances of its conduct and required documents and will be discussed in this article.

Why is it needed?

In any organization, regardless of the number of people, there is an obligation to keep such records. It helps to document the movement of all personnel. For this, it is necessary to know regulations relating to labor. In addition, you need to master the skills of conducting.

This type of accounting is designed to:

  • correctly distribute people in work processes;
  • look for unused reserves;
  • timely identify and eliminate problems related to personnel.

You can learn more about this process from the following video:

How to organize it from scratch: step by step instructions

Before the employee of the personnel department there is always a difficult task of organizing this type of office work. To facilitate this process, it is important to start by compiling rough plan work and determine in what sequence it is necessary to act:

  • The right decision would be to first study the regulatory documentation.
  • Having studied it in detail, the direct preparation of the document flow is carried out. All constituent papers are taken from the head and studied in detail. All documentation must comply with the constituent. It is important to ask the head of the company what additional terms he wants to include in the work schedule. Based on his wishes, additional optional documents are drawn up.
  • Creation of documentation:
    • to begin with, the director is documented;
    • further compiled and ;
    • a form is being developed, which is concluded with all employees. It includes all the items that the organization needs;
    • other important papers and magazines are being prepared;
    • it is necessary to decide who will be responsible for the work books. While people are not officially hired, the manager will be forced to hire them. Accordingly, an order is made to take responsibility for the safety, filling and the head;
    • after that, the official admission of workers begins.
  • It is important to ensure the storage of all personnel papers and their use.

After registration of employment for the personnel officer, the usual working days. Every day is the presence at work of each person. Issued once a year.

The personnel officer is obliged to deal with the documentary movement of people at the enterprise, preparing the relevant documentation. In addition, it must be a lot of other papers.

Required documents

A number of basic documentation used by a personnel worker:

  • Various employee movement orders: , translation, and many others.
  • staffing. Its content must match the data specified in the contracts of employees. If something does not match, it indicates violations Labor Code RF. And this usually leads to fines.
  • Time sheet.
  • Employment books. The personnel officer picks them up when hiring, appropriate entries are made in them, and they are returned upon dismissal.
  • Rules work schedule within the organization.
  • Labor contracts. Such a contract is concluded with each person, it serves as the beginning of a working relationship. The main thing here is to check the correctness of the compilation, the presence of all signatures and dates. If changes are made to working conditions, for example, a transfer of a worker or a change in salary, it is imperative to prepare. They are compiled for each case separately.
  • Vacation schedule. At the latest two weeks before the end of the year, all organizations must prepare vacation schedules for employees. It is important to compose them so that the simultaneous rest of people does not affect the workflow of the department or the company as a whole.
  • Accounting journals. There are many journals needed to record documents.
  • Definitely underway. It includes: to work, sheets of familiarization with the orders of the employer, a copy of an identity card, a certificate of a medical examination, copies of diplomas and a military ID.
  • Job Descriptions. They contain detailed description the rights and obligations of the employee.
  • Regulations on wages and bonuses. Regulatory, on the basis of which all payroll is made.

There is still a lot of different documentation, which is also present at the enterprises. But this already applies to specific documents.

Who usually does this?

This question mostly arises in small organizations. This is usually done by a personnel officer, since maintaining this record is enough challenging task. Unfortunately, not every leader can be persuaded to introduce such a separate position into the state. In this regard, personnel management is often engaged in Chief Accountant or the manager himself part-time.

As a rule, this happens in small firms in order to save money. And it makes no sense to introduce an additional unit into the state for two or three people. V this case the scheme turns out as follows: the manager draws up employees, and the chief accountant calculates their salaries. The main law that regulates the relationship between an employee and an employer is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It defines the rights and obligations of both parties.

Process Automation

For the convenience of accounting at the enterprise, the manager should take care of the implementation special program. Nowadays, such systems a large number of and they are all easy to use.

The widely used program is "1C: Enterprise". It helps to organize the data. Almost all documents are printed from it automatically. The use of automated technologies simplifies the accounting process itself.

Nuances of IP and LLC

Documentation should always be in order. It is important to properly manage and store it. There are several nuances that are important to take into account in this area:

  • If an individual entrepreneur registers an employee for the first time, he will need to go through the registration process in some territorial bodies in the status of an employer. More specifically, in the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. There are certain deadlines for such a procedure:
    • 10 days when registering with the FSS;
    • 30 days for registration with the FIU.

    The number of days is counted from the first day of employment of the first person. If this is not done, the organization faces heavy fines.

  • The manager must familiarize his employees with all regulatory documents against signature. For this, special magazines are created, where employees sign after they have read the documents. For example, the organization must provide a pay slip every month in person. In this regard, it is reasonable to start a book on the registration of their issuance. This is convenient because in the event of any conflict, it is the signature that will prove that the document was issued.

Possible sanctions for ignorance

In the absence of personnel records, officials will be held accountable under the law “On administrative offenses". They are fined:

  • per official - in the amount from 1 to 5 thousand rubles;
  • on the legal entitiesfrom 30 to 50 thousand rubles.

In addition, it is possible to suspend the activities of the organization up to 90 days. If the offense is repeated, the manager may be subject to disqualification.

In the event that an organization is to be audited by regulatory authorities, it is important to prepare for it. For this you need to know:

  • the supervisory authorities must notify at least three days in advance about the upcoming procedure;
  • verification should not exceed twenty days;
  • on-site inspections are not allowed to be carried out without a supervisor.

This type of accounting is the main component of any enterprise. Therefore, its reliable management allows you to bypass a large number of troubles.

Personnel accountingand paperwork from scratch - 2018 step-by-step instructions are now available to our readers. Since March 2014, the organization of personnel workflow at the enterprise has been regulated by the new GOST, which all personnel officers must follow.

Personnel records: who is responsible for maintaining personnel records

Personnel records management is conducted at each enterprise where hired labor is used. How to start personnel records at an enterprise that has just registered? In a newly created enterprise, the management of personnel records management from scratch usually falls on the shoulders of the head. In order to secure such functions for himself, the director, approved by the participants (shareholders) of the company, issues an order appointing himself responsible for maintaining personnel records.

Subsequently, when hiring a specialist who will be entrusted with personnel records in an organization, including work with personnel, he can be charged with the corresponding amount of work. This is done by issuing an order, which assigns responsibility for maintaining this area of ​​work to a specific employee. Also, these duties are prescribed in the job description, with which the employee gets acquainted with the signature.

Personnel records management in 2018, as before, must be carried out in compliance with the Labor Code, records management instructions and other legislative and local documents. Responsibility for personnel records in case of violation of the law and / or internal orders of management is assigned to the guilty person in the form of disciplinary sanctions.

Instructions for HR records management 2018 - download or develop it yourself?

The instruction on personnel records management is not normatively approved, therefore, to maintain personnel records and workflow, it is recommended to follow GOST R 7.0.8-2013, approved by order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 No. 1185-st and entered into force on March 1, 2014.

There is no single template for instructions on personnel accounting and office work, but there is personnel accounting from scratch step by step with the recommended steps for organizing personnel workflow and accounting at the enterprise. Thanks to this step-by-step plan, it is easy to outline the sequence of actions and navigate the scope of work.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step instructions below, which will help you organize personnel records from scratch. In the future, based on the material studied, you can develop your own action plan and follow it.

What does a step-by-step guide to HR administration look like?

So, let's take a look step by step instructions in HR from scratch. Here is a detailed step-by-step plan that will allow you to create your own personnel service, starting with the registration of the first employee at the enterprise - the director. And therefore it is important from the very beginning of the company's activity to streamline personnel records.

Stages of organizing personnel records at the enterprise:

  1. Creation of a regulatory and information base.

To begin with, it is worth deciding what regulations will be in demand in the work of a personnel officer. Certainly it is:

  • Labor Code - it contains the main points on the regulation of working hours (ch. 15-16, 22), the duration and frequency of holidays (ch. 19), payroll (ch. 21), the basic rights and obligations of employees and employers are described;
  • Decree of the State Statistics Committee dated 04.01.2001 No. 1 - all forms of primary documents required in personnel records are presented here; their use today is not mandatory, but still desirable, since they take into account all the necessary columns and details; at will, any user can make changes to these forms, retaining only the required details;
  • government decree dated April 16, 2003 No. 225, which will help in working with work books; this document is the main one for the employee, since it confirms his seniority;
  • a manual on maintaining military records at enterprises, approved by the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces on 04/11/2008 - these recommendations will help personnel to get used to the mandatory maintenance of military records of workers at enterprises;
  • order of Rosstandart of 10/17/2013 No. 1185-st, resolution of the State Standard of 03/03/2003 No. 65-st (this resolution is valid until 07/01/2017, from 07/01/2017 GOST R 7.0.97-2016, approved by order of Rosstandart of 12/08/2016, is applied No. 2004-st), order of the Ministry of Culture of 08.25.2010 No. 558 and government decree of 06.15.2009 No. 477 - these documents will help you find out what standards exist in Russian office work and archiving.

Each employee responsible for personnel records management needs to be provided with access not only to the specified regulations, but also to other legislative acts that may be required in the course of work. Also, the personnel officer must follow the latest changes and updates in regulations. To do this, it is necessary either to provide independent monitoring of legislation, or to purchase access packages to various information bases.

In order to ensure high level HR records management at enterprises with a large staff, special HR software may also be required to organize a personnel management system and maintain personnel records.

You can read about one of these programs in our article. .

  1. Acquaintance with the statutory documents of the company.

The charter necessarily details the conditions for applying for the work of a director (general director, board of directors) - the executive body of the company. Also in this constituent documentation, the main conditions for the term of work of the head are prescribed. In addition, the personnel officer must be aware recent changes included in the charter, in case the owners of the company accept personnel issues.

  1. Employment of a leader.

The first employee, whose registration is carried out at the newly created enterprise, is, of course, the manager. So, on the basis of the protocol approved by the owners of the company, an order is issued, which indicates the date when the head begins his duties. This will be the first personnel order issued by the enterprise.

In the future, the personnel officer must ensure chronological order issued orders. Supervisory authorities, when checking working conditions and personnel issues, pay close attention to the numbering of orders so that there are no cases when orders were issued retroactively.

  1. Drawing up a list of personnel documents that will be involved in personnel records management at the enterprise.

We list the main documents that are involved in personnel records at any enterprise with employees:

  • rules relating to intra-organizational labor regulations;
  • personnel structure of the organization;
  • staffing;
  • vacation schedule;
  • documents related to the protection of personal data of employees.

The mandatory documents include such primary accounting documents created for each employee, as well as registers, such as:

  • labor contracts;
  • book on accounting for the movement of work books;
  • a book on accounting for the forms of work books and the forms of these documents themselves, which are often drawn up at the enterprise when an employee enters the first place of work;
  • time sheet;
  • personal cards of employees;
  • personnel orders, which are usually stored along with the grounds for their issuance (statements, official (report) notes, acts, etc.);
  • job descriptions and other documents;
  • register of inspections by regulatory authorities.

Form labor contract available on our website - .

The following documents may also be issued:

  • collective agreement;
  • provisions on bonuses, certification, trade secrets, etc.
  1. Approval of personnel documents and their forms from the head of the enterprise.

If there are comments on the form of documentation, the personnel officer must eliminate them and agree on the forms of documents again. Documents that affect not only personnel records, but also accounting, should also be reflected in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

All the necessary information on personnel records is available on our website in the section .

  1. Appointment of a responsible person for the maintenance and accounting of work books.

This may be one person responsible for maintaining personnel records, or a separate employee responsible for storing and accounting for issued and incoming work books can be identified. An appropriate order is issued on the appointment of a responsible person.

  1. Hiring employees.

This is the final stage in maintaining personnel records from scratch. Now, for each employee hired, a package of personnel documentation is created, usually including an employment contract, an order for employment, job description; a work book is accepted / drawn up, a personal card is filled out, an agreement on non-disclosure of personal data and other documents is signed.

Then other personnel documents are drawn up on the regulation of the working day, the calculation and payment of wages, the accounting of vacations, the registration of sick leave, business trips, etc.

You can learn about the retention period of personnel documents from our article. .

And about the order of their destruction, read the article .

We recommend reading
