Deleting unsalted files using special programs. Top programs to remove unsubstituted files

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Deleting files and folders in Windows OS is not just a simple matter, as it may seem at first glance. Yes, indeed, in most cases there are no problems with their removal, but it is very often possible to observe situations where the removal of any component is impossible. Now we will look at the basic methods of correction of such a situation, as well as some programs to remove poorly blocked folders and files. Such tips, it seems will be useful to many users of modern computer systems.

Basic file deletion problems

Before any program is described to delete folders that are not deleted, or blocked files, consider the causes of situations where the "Operation" itself blocks them by issuing a message that the removal is not possible.

The reasons, as already understandable, can be quite a lot. This is primarily attributed to the use of attributes that block access to one or another component, the lack of access rights, the use of files and folders by some process at the moment, the presence of residual files after uninstalling applications that must be removed only after the system is fully rebooted, Already deleted, etc.

Now we will briefly focus on each situation, and then let's see which "program" to remove unshakable files or folders in each particular case is best suited. In addition, options for removing some components with standard Windows tools without using third-party software will be considered.

Using attributes

Let's start, perhaps, it is from the parameters of the files installed in Windows. So, we have a problem, or a file that is not deleted.

With regard to frequently used text files and Microsoft Office documents, you can use the preview of the so-called attributes. The fact is that some users, creating their documents, simply want to either limit access to them, or avoid editing attempts by third-party users. In this case, they simply set the "Read only" document in the properties of the document.

It is clear that with this approach the file can be discovered, but it is impossible to make changes. In some cases, this applies to an attempt folder or file that is not deleted, in this case? Everything is simple here. You just need to remove a tick from the corresponding field, after which the removal will occur without problems.

Closing problem processes

An equally common can be called a situation where even a program to delete folders that are not deleted may not work for only due to the fact that at the moment, some or more files that are in them are occupied by any process.

Take the simplest case. Suppose we have some kind of folder containing an executable EXE file that is responsible for launching the program. It is clear that if the program is currently working, delete this folder will not work. The system will display a message that the file is used as such and such a process and requires to close the application, and then repeat the attempt. But this is the easiest case.

If the file or folder is used by system processes, it is extremely recommended to complete them even in the Task Manager, as it may lead to the saddest consequences. This will be said a little later.

File access rights

Another situation when deleting files or folders is problematic, is the lack of access rights. As the most simply example, you can create some kind of document with administrator access rights.

Naturally, another user in its session in the presence of local admins of the admin and several other users on one computer terminal (or in a network environment), having restrictions on rights, remove such components will not be able. The solution to the problem will be either receiving appropriate extended rights, or input to the system under the administrator.

Residual files after uninstalling programs

It also happens that when uninstalling some programs, reports that some residual files and folders will be removed after rebooting. There is such a situation that they seem to be in the system (usually the user can see them even in the "conductor"), but in fact they are missing, or rather placed in another, inaccessible to the users area of \u200b\u200bWinchester. So it turns out, when you try to remove such components immediately, without waiting for the reboot, the system issues a message that the removal has already been produced.

In principle, if it is clearly indicated that it is necessary to delete files or folders in manual mode, but they are not deleted for any reason, you just need to restart the system and try to repeat.

Iobit Unistaller uninstaller

In general, it is better to use powerful Iobit Uninstaller utilities for uninstalling programs that allow you to completely remove not only the program itself, but also the computer trash that remains after it, and even the registry keys and keys.

If the case concerns exactly the garbage residually (most often hidden from the user), such software packages will become a universal solution.

Use of optimizers

In some cases, you can use ADVANCED SYSTEM CARE type optimizers, CCLEANER software, etc.

Such applications are able not only to optimize the operation of the system, but also to remove the garbage, to get rid of which the standard methods are impossible. For example, CCleaner, "sharpened" under Android OS, in combination with root-rights, completely elementary removes "native" applications installed on a smartphone or tablet. The same applies to the full removal of some components in Windows, because it is clear that some applications behave enough to be tricky, and it is impossible to find them in and components, not to mention their dislocation in the system, when all components can be scattered throughout the hard disk or logical partitions.

Unlocker program to remove unsubstitiated files

Now consider a universal tool for removing blocking from files and folders to be removed. In essence, Unlocker is a "prog" to remove poor files and folders that even have a system attribute.

The advantage of it is that the main command unlocking the access command is embedded in the context menu, for example, the "conductor". To unlock, it is enough to call it with right click on the file and activate the corresponding string, after which it can be completely calmly removed. What is the most interesting, this application is part of Windows 7. If no reason is missing for any reason, it can be downloaded from the Internet. Honest word, you will not regret.

The best programs to remove unsubstitiated files

It is also worth paying attention to some third-party utilities, no less interesting and powerful than UNLOCKER (and maybe superior to it).

Let's start with the simplest utilities. The File Assassin application is a simple program to delete folders that are not deleted (and files in them), running on the Unlocker type, embedding your own commands in the Windows menu. It works, I must say no less efficient.

In the same principle, another similar utility functions. This is Iobit Unlocker. As it is already clear, the same principles are put in its foundation.

But perhaps the most powerful and somewhat non-standard utility is a program to remove folders that are not deleted and related files called Lockhunter. What is so unusual in it? And the fact that, unlike a variety of similar utilities, it has a two-level deletion system, just as Windows operates in such cases.

With normal removal, the selected (by the way, in the course of the case unlocked) files and folders are placed in the so-called system basket, from which they can either restore them, or delete finally. This approach avoids the emergence of a situation with accidental removal of any systemic components in inexperienced users, which, in turn, can lead to a complete "paint" of the entire system.


Of course, the program list can be continued to infinity. But what to use as the main tool, each user sings himself, because all applications have their subtleties.

In the process of working with a computer, users are not rarely encountered with the situation when one of the files simply does not want to be removed. When you try to delete a file, the operating system reports an error, and the file deleted remains in place. In such a situation, you need a program to remove not deleted files. In this article, we will consider three such programs, as well as consider other ways to solve this problem.

Unlocker is the most popular program to remove not deleted files. The Unlocker program extends completely free, there is a normal and portable (Portable) version of the program. You can download the program on the official website.

Using the Unlocker program, you can rename, move and delete files and folders that are not removed in the usual way.

Unlocker works from the context menu. After installing the program, "Unlocker" appears in the context menu. If you encountered a failed file, then you need to click on it right mouse button (in order to invoke the context menu) and select the "Unlocker" item.

After that, the Unlocker program will start, in which you will see a list of programs that block the removal function. Under the list of programs there will be a drop-down menu and a number of buttons.

In the drop-down menu, you can select the action to be applied to the file. You can rename, move, copy, or delete the file. You can also unlock the file and remove it later in the usual way. To do this, use one of the buttons:

  • Delete Process - Unlocker program will complete the program that blocks the deletion of the file.
  • Unlock - the program will remove the file blocking the selected process.
  • Unlock all - the program will remove the file blocking by all processes.

As a rule, after deleting a process or unlock, you can perform any actions without restrictions.

Iobit Unlocker is another program to remove not deleted files. Unlike Unlocker, this program is not so famous, but, nevertheless, it is not worse with its task. The Iobit Unlocker program also extends absolutely free, you can download it from the official site.

The Iobit Unlocker program can be used both from the context menu and simply running the program. After starting the program, you will see the window in which you want to drag files that you cannot delete.

After adding a locked file in the program, the Unlock button will appear and the drop-down menu next to it. By clicking on the "Unlock" button, you will remove the blocking from the file, this will allow you to execute any actions with the file.

If you want to immediately delete a file or perform another action with it, then you need to open the drop-down menu. From the drop-down menu, you can perform the following file operations: Unlock and delete, unlock and rename, unlock and move, unlock and copy.

Lockhunter - the latest program to remove not deleted files that we consider. This program, as the two previous ones, is distributed free of charge and can be downloaded on the official website.

As can be seen in the screenshot, this program has a rather confusing interface and does not support simple file dragging. Therefore, it is better to run it from the context menu.

After opening a blocked file, the Lockhunter program displays a list of programs that block this file.

Under the list of programs there are a number of buttons:

  • Unlock IT - the program will remove blocking from the file. After that, with the file you can perform any actions without restrictions.
  • Delete IT - the program will delete the locked file.
  • OTHER - drop-down menu with additional functions.

If you want to delete the file immediately, then click on the "Delete IT" button and the program will quickly solve all your problems.

Other ways to remove not deleted files. Before resorting to the use of programs to remove not deleted files, you can try to delete the file yourself. Below we will list some tricks that will remove almost any file without using third-party programs. So, if you encountered that you can not delete the file, you need to try the following:

  • Close all running programs and try again. If the file is used, any program, then it is most likely to be removed.
  • Stop the operation of the antivirus and completely close it. If the file came under the suspicion of the antivirus, the antivirus can block any operations with it.
  • Enter the administrator account and try to delete the file again. In some cases, the file can be deleted only with administrator rights.
  • Restart the computer and try again. Not rarely after a simple reboot from the file, blocking is removed and you can easily delete it.
  • Turn off the computer from the local network and try to delete the file. If the file is used by other users on the local network, it is possible that you cannot delete it.
  • Load your computer in safe mode. In safe mode, only the main components of the operating system are loaded. Therefore, the probability of blocking your file is significantly lower.

Overview of the UNLOCKER program for Windows, as well as its analogues. Detailed instructions, how to delete files and folders that are not deleted, in forced order: through the closing of processes that block the removal.

Unlocker Description

Unlocker is an effective program to remove unsubstituted files in the Windows OS environment. It bypasses system bans and indicates the user to the processes that block access. These processes prevent removal, because of which files and folders are not removed in the usual way.

Unlocker is one of the few utilities with an understandable interface in Russian. Partly therefore use the program is very simple. In Unlocker, you can drag files into the window and immediately delete files by killing unnecessary processes. The right column displays the current status of the file or folder:

  • "Not blocked" - You can delete a failed file without the forced closure of other processes.
  • "Blocked" - Unlocker will prompt which processes to preempt to remove the folder (file), after which they can be forced to close and perform the desired operation.

The main features of Unlocker Program

  • forced deletion of files and directories on the disk
  • delete and folders and multiple files at the same time
  • view processes that block the removal of the usual way

Scripts when the Unlocker utility can be useful

  • access to the file or folder is prohibited (the program is used by another process)
  • there are connections to a local network file.
  • a source or destination path is used by another application.
  • the file is busy with another system process.

In general, if the folder or file is not deleted, the Unlocker program is a universal and simple tool for forcing deletion.

Further, in the instructions, we will tell how to delete unsubstituted files quickly and safely. Note that we are talking about the program with the name Iobit Unlocker. There is an application of the same name on the Internet (Emptyloop Unlocker), but it is not developed since 2013, and the official site is not available. As for Unlocker from Iobit developers, this product is in development and can be downloaded below the link below.

Where to download unlocker program

Download Unlocker - a program to delete poor files - you can on the download page. Reference right.

Although the latest version of Unlocker 1.1 has been published in 2015, there are no problems with compatibility on new versions of Windows. The list includes Windows 10/8 / 7 / Vista / XP.

Unlocker is available in two options: Portable and standard installation (Iobit Unlocker 1.1 Final). The portable version can be installed anywhere. In this case, the standard version of Unlocker will be installed in the program folder Program Files.

There is no special difference from where to download the program: in both cases, Unlocker can be downloaded for free.

How to delete a failed file or folder forcibly

Let's get together how the program works. It consists of one window. In order to forcibly delete a folder or file:

  1. add files by clicking on the "Add" button at the bottom of the window.
  2. alternatively, you can drag files or folders to the Unlocker window

In the list you will see the added files and the status - "blocked" or "not blocked". Accordingly, not blocked data can be deleted and without using unlocker "but. We are more interested in the second option.

So how to delete a folder which is not deleted?

  1. Select a string with a file or folder.
  2. We celebrate the option "Forced"
  3. Press the "Unlock" button.
  4. Unlocker will complete the processes blocking file operations

How to delete a failed file independently without harm to other processes

Council. Unlocker program is not comprehensive. If you add a system path, a message appears in the Spirit "Can't Delete Folder". In addition, you must soberly assess the danger of deleting files and clearly understand what you delete.

If the file is not deleted, it is not necessary to kill the processes forcibly. Say, you edit the text and want to delete a certain file. Unlocker will find out that it is necessary to close the Word.exe process to unlock (text processor). As a result, you will lose the file editable at the moment. In fact, there may be other scenarios, but the essence is one: if you massively kill the processes, it may lead to negative consequences.

The best way to delete a file from a computer is to add it to Iobit Unlocker, see the processes that interfere with the deletion and complete them correctly: close the applications with the preservation of open documents. This is a specific plus Unlocker "A: You can always control the process.


Developer: Crystal Rich Ltd.

Lockhunter is a program to delete folders and files that are not deleted by the reason unknown to you. Often (as you could verify in the case of Unlocker), this is due to the fact that the processes block access to remote objects. Lockhunter is able to calculate the processes blocking access to files. Unlike such tools, files and folders are deleted to the basket, so you can restore them at the right moment. By the way, the main purpose of this utility is the removal of viruses and malvari: these harmful applications love to block access to themselves for self-preservation.

How to delete a folder or files using Lockhunter

This method will delete a system folder or file busy by other processes. The technique will be useful for the forced destruction of viruses.

  1. Indicate in the main window of the program location folder (file) for forced removal. The list will explain the processes blocking elements.
  2. Delete processes blocking files by clicking on the Unlockit button!
  3. We highlight the folder and press the DELETEIT button! For complete deletion.

MalwareBytes Fileassassin.


Fileassassin is a useful program to delete files that are not deleted by the standard way, without stopping the processes. Here is a list of errors that this program can solve in your favor:

  • The file is not deleted: access is prohibited.
  • Make sure the disc is not filled and
  • The file is currently used
  • A source or file recipient can be used.
  • The file is used by another program or user.

SysInternals Process Monitor

Developer: Mark Russinovich

To a greater extent, this tool is intended for a deep study of Windows processes, and it is possible to advise it only to experienced users. However, this professional task manager tracks not only processes, but also streams, file system and registry. If the file is not deleted, Process Monitor will help identify dependencies and further remove it, for example, a system file or folder.

Deleting Failure Files: Questions and Answers

The file is not deleted in the Windows folder. What to do?

Answer. If you want to delete an item with a system path from this folder, it will not be possible to do this even with the help of Iobit Unlocker. As I said, the program does not know how to delete Windows system files - the powerful protection at the kernel level is triggered.

Files from a flash drive are not deleted. Do I need to download unlocker in the portable version on the USB flash drive?

Answer. Not necessary. The standard Unlocker version "is quite suitable for these purposes. You can drag files to the program window, kill processes and then calmly delete files.

I downloaded Unlocker from the official site, but the program is different from the instructions described in the instruction. What to do, how to remove the unsuccessful folder?

Answer. The fact is that you downloaded another program (from the developer Emptyloop), although her name is the same. In principle, the trouble is small, this program has a similar functionality. If he does not suit you, just download Iobit Unlocker on the link given at the beginning of the article.

- Igor (Administrator)

Free program to delete unlocker files

Free program to delete unlocker files Allows you to unlock and delete files that are currently used by other programs or simply blocked by the Windows operating system. In addition to deleting and unlocking, the program also allows you to copy and move files. If you can do something with a file only after Windows restart, the program will create the necessary task.

Interface unlocker programs Supports Russian and very easy to learn. In addition, the program is embedded in the context menu of the conductor, so you can use it at any time.

Generally, Unlocker This is one of the best tools today.

Free program for unlocking unlocker files screenshots

To make it easier for you to get acquainted with the interface and not to spend the Internet traffic, time and power of the way, we suggest you look at the existing screenshots. Free program for unlocking unlocker files screenshots:

Free program for removing unsalted unlocker files Main features (characteristics)

To its users free program to delete unlocker files Offers the following features:

  • Allows you to cope with the following problems: Administrative rights are needed, joint access with other programs, access is prohibited and so on
  • Carries out check file protection from recording
  • There is a portable version
  • Knows how to unlock, delete, copy and move the unsucked files

On the site site you can always find all the necessary information, the download page and the official developer website. Remember download free program to remove unlocker files from the developer's site - It is always the right move. Unfortunately, despite checking files by antiviruses, we cannot give you 100% warranty that files are not infected. Always check the downloadable files from the Internet for viruses!

pros Small size. The minimum and understandable user interface. The presence of a portable version. Can stop processes, remove blocking, unload DLL. Able to delete when rebooting the system. An indispensable tool.
Minuses In the installer there are unwanted software products.
Developer Cedrick Collomb.
Download page You can find unlocker on this link
The size 1 MB
Version 1.9.1
License Free without restrictions
OS version Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Support 64 bits 64-bit OS are supported
Information The Russian language is supported

I think that almost every user of the personal computer faced a problem in which it is not possible to delete any file. This is primarily due to the fact that the unsalted files are still in the list of processes, that is, used by the system. For such cases, special programs will not be superfluous to remove poor files that are able to unlock existing processes that prevent the removal of the necessary files. Below is a list of just such a program with which you can delete the files blocked by the system.

At the top of this list, the program is unlocker, which allows you to delete files. This program is very simply embedded in the "Explorer", which allows the user to make the right solutions when deleting unnecessary files. Unlocker is a completely free program, but despite this it is very effective and easy to use.

After installing and starting the program, you are provided with a list of all processes and a program that interfere with delete file. But as always, the solution to delete or delete files lies with you. Applications support all versions of the Windows operating system, and also has a portable version (launch from a flash drive).

In second place there is a program for cleaning and removing unnecessary files from the Windows system. Wise Registry Cleaner Free can delete unnecessary information from the system registry. You do not need to worry that some information will disappear without a trace, the program allows you to create backup copies of the registry.

One of the positive qualities of Wise Registry Cleaner Free is the ability to clearly separate the detected errors for safe and dangerous. Be very attentive when eliminating dangerous errors, if you do not have enough experience, it is better not to correct them at all. Since this can lead to unstable operation of the OS. But safe, you can delete perfectly, without feet. The user can configure the automatic mode of operation at which the program will run, correct the errors found and automatically complete their work.

This is a tiny free utility to remove unshaken files in the Windows operating system. Fileassassin work than reminiscent of the above-mentioned unlocker, but significantly inferior in functionality. Running the program you will see a window with a list of programs and methods of removing them.

To use the utility you must have administrator rights on the computer. In addition to deleting the program, Fileassassin can also clean the computer. Access to the program can be obtained directly from the system tray. Unfortunately, the program interface is completely in English.

The next program is Lockhunter, it is also free and is used to delete files by unlocking the processes used. In fact, the program is not what removes data, but rather moves them to the system basket. This allows you to make a final solution to delete files yourself. Also, the program may find malware, which contributes to the slowdown in your OS.

The utility has some kind of protection in his arsenal, when using which you cannot harm custom data. To the advantages of Lockhunter, you can attribute the ability to suspend the operation of dynamic libraries in the processes and delete blocking processes from the hard disk.

Finally, the last program in our review, which is designed to delete protected files. The program will be very useful for cleaning the system and editing autorun. Also, it contains a utility to check the free disk space. EasyCleaner allows you to find duplicate files, delete temporary and unnecessary files. You can also configure work with files of the same type. In the case of any errors, you can always return the system to a normal state by recovery.

Download, use and get rid of headaches! Delete files and programs that can be removed by standard Windows tools.

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