Where is the best place to file a complaint about the actions of the DPS? Where to complain about the illegal actions of the traffic police.

landscaping 12.10.2019

Now we want to talk about how to file a complaint with the traffic police. This question is quite important, since there are a lot of drivers who do not agree with the actions of the traffic police. However, most of these dissatisfaction remain in words, without receiving a completely logical continuation, namely, complaints.

There are many reasons why drivers are not satisfied with the actions of traffic police officers. An example is the unlawful (according to the driver) imposition of an administrative fine or some actions of traffic police officers that the driver wants to appeal.

Meanwhile, the driver has the right to file a complaint if:

  • He believes that the traffic police violated his rights;
  • Disagree with the issued fine;
  • He believes that the actions of the traffic police officer are unlawful.

How to make a complaint to the traffic police and where exactly it should be sent, and will be discussed in this article. Let's take a closer look at each of the options.

The driver disagrees with the issued fine

If a driver has been issued a penalty order with which he does not agree, he has the right to file a complaint.

Often the reason for the complaint may be a decision on a fine issued on the basis of video recording of the violation.

Such a complaint should be sent to the traffic police department that issued this decision (the details must be included in the text of the decision).

At the same time, the text of the complaint itself must necessarily contain arguments proving the driver's innocence with appropriate references to paragraphs of legal documents confirming this.

We warn you in advance that with a probability of 98%, the driver will receive a refusal to demand the cancellation of the decision. After that, each of the drivers decides for himself: whether he will stop there or continue to fight for his rights. After receiving the refusal of the traffic police, there is another 10-day period for appealing this refusal in court.

Appealing fines from cameras has slightly different statistics. In this case, the driver is much more likely to prove his own innocence.

How to complain about a traffic police officer?

Misconduct of a traffic police officer can be found in such cases as:

  • During the driver's stop;
  • When registering a vehicle (vehicle);
  • During the exam for obtaining a VU (driver's license);
  • When exchanging a WU for a new one.

A complaint against a traffic police officer in these circumstances can be sent to three instances, namely:

  1. senior management;
  2. to the prosecutor's office;
  3. To the judiciary.

Tip: if the purpose of your complaint is to create trouble for a rude traffic police officer, then it will be enough to write a complaint to his superior.

If the driver's rights were not infringed upon in the rudest way, then it is not worth writing a complaint to the prosecutor's office and the court, since the proceedings in these bodies, as a rule, are quite lengthy, exhausting and require a lot of nerves and time. However, if a person has been wrongly flunked in a driving license exam, then such complaints would be quite appropriate, since at the moment the entire exam process is now being recorded on video, which can be evidence of the claimant being right.

Complaint: how to make it right?

Of course, you can make a complaint in any form, but to be extremely precise, you should use this sample:

The following points can be attributed to the features of drawing up a complaint against the actions of a traffic police officer:

  1. It is necessary to clearly indicate the details of the organization to which the complaint is directed. In this case, it is not necessary to indicate the official in the document;
  2. Be sure to indicate the details of the applicant: from whom, living (full address with postal code), contact phone number (usually mobile).
  3. Please note that without specifying the exact address, the complaint will not be considered, since, according to the Law on Citizens' Appeals (Article 11), no response is given to those appeals that do not indicate the applicant's mailing address. The same fate awaits a complaint without indicating the full name, or if there is profanity in the text.
  4. Regarding the text of the complaint: here you should indicate the circumstances in which the rights of the driver were violated, as well as links to regulations(indicating their specific points) that are violated.
    Then the requirement itself is specified. For example, “I ask you to eliminate the violation of my rights”, “I ask you to check” or “I ask you to cancel the decision”.
  5. Evidence of one's own innocence must be described in great detail, and if there are supporting facts (audio or video recording, as well as the testimony of witnesses), then they must be attached. If there is no such evidence, then the chances of resolving the issue in favor of the driver are minimized, but you can still complain.
  6. At the end of the complaint, you should put a personal signature and indicate the date the document was issued.

Complaint against a traffic police officer: how to file?

There are several ways to file a complaint, namely:

  1. During a personal visit. 2 copies of the document, one of which remains at the traffic police for consideration, and the second is marked by the office that the document has been accepted.
  2. via email (send by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt).
  3. Online (send via the Internet, for which go to the page http://www.gibdd.ru/letter/).
    On this page there is a special complaint form that the driver needs to fill out.

It should be noted that each of the above methods is suitable for filing a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

Why submit a complaint?

Quite often, drivers doubt whether it is worth sending a complaint against a traffic police officer.

As a rule, such doubts are caused by the driver because he is not sure that such actions will lead to at least some result, but he will spend time on making a complaint. This is especially true in cases where the driver has no evidence. Which confirm the fact of his rightness.

Tip: it is worth filing and registering a complaint, because even if it does not entail the punishment of the inspector, it will still be recorded and fall into the appropriate pack. If there are enough such complaints, then the traffic police officer will still be held accountable.

A similar rule applies to both other state bodies and private structures.

Don't be afraid to stand up for your rights. Feel free to get down to business even when you do not have supporting facts in your hands.

Wrong or his actions are illegal, then you can file a complaint against him. How to do it right, ask driving instructors .

Reasons for the complaint

What do complaints about traffic cops give? First of all, it is deliverance from unjust punishment. But most importantly, as they say car instructors, thus it is possible to teach a lesson to an unscrupulous inspector.

Most often, traffic police officers and drivers have disagreements in terms of offenses, that is, the former believe that there was a violation, while the latter do not agree with this. As a rule, the motorist expresses his disagreement with the inspector directly in the protocol, making an entry: "I do not agree with the protocol." If the case is particularly difficult, then the driver has the right to demand that a higher traffic police officer arrive at the scene.

But even today there are people in uniform who ignore the legitimate demands of motorists and abuse their official position. It is in these cases that it is necessary to write a complaint.

It happens that representatives of the traffic police behave unceremoniously and even rudely, humiliate the human dignity of the driver, disregarding ethical rules and norms. The most common example is when a traffic police inspector speaks disrespectfully to a violating driver in the presence of children.

If you don’t like how the traffic police officer behaves, or you think that there was no violation in connection with which you were fined, you can write a formal complaint against the actions of the inspector.

How and where to file a complaint?

Complaints can be sent to three places at once:

  1. The head of the traffic police department where this inspector works. By the way, the traffic police inspector, at your request, must provide the following data: last name, rank, department where he serves, as well as the address and telephone number of the duty officer.
  2. You can write to the district attorney's office.
  3. The third body that receives complaints is the court.

This should be done within 10 days after the incident occurred (weekends and holidays are taken into account). Postponement can only be granted good reason, for example, a business trip, illness, etc.

The driver can file a complaint in person or by registered mail (preferably with notification).

There is no need to pay any state fees, and the complaint itself must be considered within 10 days from the date of receipt by the addressee.

What is a complaint

The complaint must have a heading: to whom you are writing, from whom, your address (both actual and registration). The following is a detailed description of what happened.

For example: “I (name) was stopped by a traffic police officer (surname and rank) there.” If the inspector doesn't introduce himself, just write. Do not forget to indicate the reason for the stop, which was named by the traffic cop.

When describing the situation, avoid insults, emotional phrases and unnecessary turns. Write in simple and understandable language, without grammatical and spelling errors.

Attach a copy of the protocol, photographs of the violation scheme, eyewitness accounts, etc. to the application.

If it is difficult for you to draw up such a document yourself, contact auto lawyers who will help you competently write a complaint, taking into account laws and traffic rules.

In some cases, an oral complaint to the traffic police department where the employee who offended you works is enough. Do not forget that many problems can be solved on the spot, because the inspector is the same person. You should not go to court over trifles, because these are spent nerves and precious time.

Video on how to deal with illegal actions of traffic police inspectors:

Be safe behind the wheel and good luck!

Image taken from bloknot.ru

In accordance with the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, every citizen has the right to appeal against the actions of an official. Have you been illegally brought to administrative responsibility or unreasonably accused of an accident? Write a complaint against the traffic police inspector. The basis for the complaint may be abuse of authority by the traffic police officer, biased attitude towards you, the use of measures that are contrary to the law, the provision of moral pressure.

How to complain about an inspector

How to complain about the traffic police inspector:

Deliver the application in person

Make sure that your letter is registered and mark the registration on your copy.

Send a complaint by Russian post

It is best to send a complaint by letter with notification. So you will be sure that the complaint has reached the addressee and will be able to use this information if the case goes to court.

Submit a complaint electronically

The complaint is written in any form in compliance with the rules business correspondence. In addition, the complaint must contain:

  • Full name of the body to which it is submitted.
  • Address and postal details recipient organization.
  • Information about the applicant (name, address, telephone).
  • Information about the traffic police officer you are complaining about.

Full name, title, position, place of work (if possible), details of the service certificate (if you know them). If the traffic police inspector was on a company car, you can also indicate the numbers.

  • Text of the complaint.

The text of the appeal should be as concise and understandable as possible. Avoid unnecessary emotions. Never use foul language or offensive language. Indicate what actions of the traffic police officer you consider unlawful, what your rights have been infringed and what you are seeking (recognize the protocol as invalid, cancel the decision to impose a fine, apply disciplinary action to a traffic police officer, etc.). When describing an incident, follow the chronology of events.

  • List of supporting documents.

Attach to the complaint documents and materials confirming your innocence. This may be a copy of the protocol, a decision to deprive you of a driver's license, audio or video materials confirming the excess of authority or unprofessional behavior of a traffic police officer.

  • Signature, transcript of the signature, date.

Complaints that:

  1. Contain incomplete or inaccurate contact details of the applicant.
  2. Anonymous complaints.
  3. Containing threats to life or property.

Sample complaint letter to police officer

Head of Department

Traffic Police of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

around the city of St. Petersburg

and Leningrad region

Sviridenko Sergey Petrovich

from Stoilovsky Ivan Alekseevich,

residing at:

St. Petersburg, st. Ak. Pavlova, 43


On May 05, 2016 at 17:45, while driving a personal car Fiat L500 Trekking, state number A 123 AA 456 and moving towards the center was stopped by traffic police inspector Romanchuk A.S.

The traffic police inspector accused me of speeding and claimed that I was driving at a speed of 106 km/h instead of 60 km/h allowed on this section of the road. On my request to provide evidence of my guilt and provide printouts of the speed control device, the employee refused without explaining the reasons.

My car was moving within the permitted speed limit in this area. There were many cars, the section of the road was rather narrow, so changing lanes and, accordingly, exceeding the speed limit were impossible.

My wife, Valeria Viktorovna Stoilovskaya, born on May 28, 1984, and my colleague Denis Alekseevich Demyanenko, born on February 16, 1983, were in the car with me, but Inspector Romanchuk A.S. witnesses. He justified his refusal by the fact that "they are interested and persons." However, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, “a person who may know the circumstances of the case to be established” may be called as a witness in a case of an administrative offense (Article 25.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). I also want to add that during the preparation of the protocol, the traffic police inspector Romanchuk A.S. behaved incorrectly, was rude to my wife.

Thus, there is an irremovable doubt in the proof of my guilt.

In view of the foregoing violations, I request:

  1. Terminate proceedings under the protocol on administrative offense No. AA 25-45 AS of May 05, 2016.
  2. To impose a disciplinary sanction on the traffic police inspector Romanchuk A.S.
  3. Reply to me in writing in compliance with the deadlines established by law. I ask you to send a letter to the place of residence.

Sometimes there are moments when you cannot agree with the actions of a traffic police officer, how to be in such a situation. In this case, you need to file a complaint in a certain form. A sample of such a complaint against the actions of a traffic police officer is given in this publication below. Properly filling out the document, you will be able to appeal the fine issued to you or the charges against you. If necessary, you can defend your interests in the judiciary.

First, you need to decide in which case you need to file a complaint. If, as a result of communication with traffic police specialists, you find disagreement with the inspector, then you have the right to file a complaint against the actions of the traffic police officer. This option will help you avoid unreasonable fines, charges and give you the opportunity to punish an unfair specialist. You can issue a document in several instances at the same time:

  1. the higher management of the traffic police department, where this specialist belongs;
  2. to the prosecutor's office;
  3. to the courts.

Note!!! You can file a complaint within 10 days and only at the place where the protocol was drawn up. An extension of the deadline for filing a complaint is possible only in exceptional cases. For example, if you were unable to issue a document on time due to illness, a business trip, and some other valid reasons.

You can bring the complaint in person or send it by mail with a valuable letter with notification. There is no state fee for filing a complaint.

In order to achieve the desired result, you need to provide evidence of the absence of your guilt, show what violations were committed during the execution of the protocol. As grounds, you can attach photos, information from the DVR, some technical data of the transport that are relevant to this situation. Random grammatical errors made are not grounds for rejection.

After filing a complaint with the relevant authorities, you just have to wait for a decision. If the decision is positive, you will be cleared of charges, otherwise you have 10 days to appeal the decision. Then sixty days are allotted for payment of penalties.

Complaint against the actions of traffic police officers to the prosecutor's office

If you have already contacted the higher management of the department where the inspector to whom you have complaints belongs, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office against the traffic police. It must be done in writing. This form must include information about illegal actions committed against your person.

So, as described above, if you disagree with the actions of the traffic police officer, you can file a complaint against the actions of employees with the prosecutor's office. You can send a competently completed form by mail in the form of a valuable letter with a notification, bring it personally to the department, or send it through specially designed sites.

If you wish, you can give information about the illegal actions of employees on helplines.

If you decide to issue a written form, be sure to indicate:

  • the place to which you are sending the complaint, the name of the responsible person;
  • the address to which the prosecutor's office can send a response;
  • specific claims on this issue;
  • date and signature.

If necessary, attach copies of documents that prove your innocence. When making a decision, the relevant authorities can use information received from eyewitnesses of the situation.

After the verification, a response is sent to the applicant, which indicates either a positive decision or a refusal, indicating the rationale for such a decision. The complaint is considered in the prosecutor's office for no more than 30 days. The first day is the day of registration of the complaint. In case of refusal, you can send an application to the judicial authorities to appeal the decision.

The previous chapters tell you how to complete the form with the prosecutor's office, but the driver always has the choice of where to send the complaint. Legislation indicates the possibility of filing a complaint with the court against the actions of traffic police officers. There is a certain procedure for applying to the courts, which must be followed. A well-formed complaint must contain the following information:

  • the exact name of the judicial authorities;
  • full postal address of the court;
  • Full name of the citizen who filed the claim;
  • address of registration of a citizen;
  • the address to which the results of the decisions taken should be sent;
  • telephone for communication.

Indication of complete and reliable information will help in making the right and timely decision on your issue.

After specifying all the listed data, "Complaint" is written. All the circumstances that are relevant to this case are described below. Proof that you are not at fault.
You have the right to file an application with the judicial authorities for certain forms of documents that you cannot obtain on your own, indicating the reason for such an application. If necessary, you can ask for the call of eyewitnesses who can testify in your favor.
In your interests, when filing a complaint with the court, conduct an auto-technical examination by the relevant specialists.

The complaint must clearly indicate the factors that violate your rights and which you wish to eliminate. Attach the list of documents that you send along with the completed form.

To apply to the judiciary, you must pay a state duty, which is calculated as fifteen percent of the minimum wage. You can appeal in court any illegal actions of traffic police specialists, including the detention of vehicles and much more.

Note! When filing a complaint with the prosecutor's office, the prosecutor conducts proceedings on the case independently. When going to court, you will have to defend your interests in person, or with the help of a lawyer.

The legislation establishes a certain period - three months, during which you have the opportunity to write a complaint to the judicial authorities, where it is considered no more than ten days.

In conclusion, I would like to note the fact that if you think that an illegal action has been committed against you by traffic police specialists, do not waste time contacting the relevant authorities. The choice of where to file a complaint is up to you. Don't forget about time!

Complaint form for illegal actions of traffic police officers

You will find a complaint about the actions of a traffic police officer sample

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