Minutes of the general meeting of members of the SNT. Minutes of the general meeting

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.10.2019
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On July 29, 2017, the President of the Russian Federation signed a new federal law "On the conduct by citizens of gardening and horticulture for their own needs and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation."
Free link to new law for download (format docx file): FZ-217 dated July 29, 2017
The date of entry into force of the law is 01/01/2019. From the same date, FZ-66 of 04/15/98 becomes invalid.
The discussion of the law is open here:
(registration is required to make comments, suggestions, changes).

FZ-217 dated July 29, 2017 - Constantly supplemented, amended comments on the new federal law, taking into account the established practice.



In previous articles, as well as subsequent ones, we will continue to clarify and analyze near-protocol issues with only one goal: in case of disagreement with decision general meeting SNT, violations of the rights of gardeners and subject to the commission by the board or the initiative group (and equated to it) of procedural violations of the charter of the partnership and the norms of Law No. 66-FZ, gardeners (board) have the right to challenge this decision in court.

The only and main document for consideration in any court will be the minutes of the general meeting or the meeting of the board (commissions) with other supporting documents attached.

You can, of course, not apply to the court and simply not comply with the decision of the illegal assembly. This is the right of any gardener, and this is written on the page "".


Federal Law No. 66-FZ dated April 15, 1998 " On horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens"Art. 27" "established:
1.Minutes of general meetings members of a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association (meetings of authorized persons) are signed by the chairman and secretary of such a meeting; these protocols are certified by the seal of such an association and are kept permanently in its files.
2. Minutes of the meetings of the board and the audit commission (auditor) horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit association, the commission of such an association for control over compliance with legislation is signed by the chairman of the board or deputy chairman of the board or, respectively, the chairman of the audit commission (auditor) and the chairman of the commission of such an association for control over compliance with legislation; these protocols are certified by the seal of such an association and are kept permanently in its files.

On this, the requirements of the Law for registration protocols are running out. It turns out that the minutes of the meeting can be drawn up as it pleases. the board of the SNT, the chairman and secretary of a specific general meeting. From this it follows that the main thing in the requirement is the presence of the protocol itself, as such. You can put a point.

However, there is one "but", gentlemen - comrades. I dare to assure you that the execution and storage of minutes of general meetings of members SNT, meetings of the board, commissions is such an important issue for the entire activity of the association that underestimation of this leads to the recognition of everything that is done and done in the association as illegal. And here it must be borne in mind that if the board and gardeners do not care about what is written in the decision, and how the protocol is drawn up, whether the meeting was legal or not, then this SNT clearly contains a loophole for theft and abuse, both on the part of the governing bodies partnership, and on the part of individual gardeners who do not comply with the requirements of the charter, land and other legislation of the Russian Federation as a whole.

You may think that gardeners have nothing to do with it. But this is far from true. After all, they are the ones who make the decisions at meetings. They are the highest governing body in the partnership. Let's look at specific situations:

Example 1: Not so long ago, a board, a chairman, an audit commission and an accountant-cashier were elected in our SNT. Everything seems to be correct? That's the way it should be. No. The fact is that the general meeting of gardeners cannot elect an accountant-cashier, because. this position is non-elected. It is occupied by the person who is hired Chairman of the Board on the basis of the decision taken by the board (the decision is formalized in the minutes). And this person may well be a person who has nothing to do with this particular SNT. If you think further, based on the second part, then an action plan for registering an accountant immediately pops up in your head: there must be an application for employment, an order for employment, an agreement on liability, an employment contract between an employee and SNT and other accounting accounting documents. Without this, your accountant does not have any rights to conduct accounting business in SNT. The meeting can certainly recommend to the board the employment of an accountant-cashier of some specific person, but no more than that.

We deal further with our SNT: the meeting chose an accountant, he stole 80,000 rubles, which was shown by an audit of financial and economic activities. For almost a year, the new board tried to return this money. Eventually a lawsuit was filed. But at this time, an amendment to the law comes out and the term of the claim from the organization to the former employee is set not for 3 years, but for 1 year. Everything. Court SNT lost, no money. At the same time, the accountant's guilt was proven. Those. the former employee was unable to provide the court with documents confirming the targeted spending of money. What to do? There is only one way out - you should file lawsuits from all gardeners with an accountant demanding to report on the money spent, i.e. their contributions. And, if you caught the nuance in the previous paragraph, then there was a small clue. The former accountant was not an employee in SNT, accepted in accordance with the rules Labor Code So the statute of limitations is already 3 years. But no one wants to sue. (). As a conclusion: illiterately designed minutes of the general meeting led to the waste of partnership money. Without the decision of the meeting, it is quite possible that the chairman would not have hired this person as an accountant. And so it turns out that the members of the SNT themselves decided, then in the end they got it. And the chairman did not even think that the accountant had to be registered in some other way, and not just by the decision of the meeting. And we still have many gardeners who think that the general meeting chooses the accountant.

Example 2: in Enskom SNT (such SNT exists in reality) at the general meeting of its members, a very useful and necessary document is adopted that regulates the procedure for collecting and spending money. This document contains a fad, which says that if the gardener has a debt in paying contributions to the cash desk of the partnership, and he is not a member of the SNT, then this debt automatically increases by 2 times. For some reason, a member of the SNT does not have such an obligation with such a debt. There is an infringement of the rights of an individual gardener and a reason for him to go to court with the prospect of winning this court with a 100% guarantee.

However, let us return to the protocol and find out for ourselves the meaning of this word. And we are primarily interested in SNT.

PROTOCOL - an official document containing a record of everything that was said, done and decided at a meeting, meeting, interrogation. Record the resolution in the minutes. Meeting minutes are kept by the secretary. Minutes of the court session. Interrogation protocol. (Explanatory Dictionary of D.N. Ushakov).

According to the definition of the word "protocol" the only officially established document of the meeting is today - the minutes of the general meeting. And this means:

Having a status official document legal entity, minutes of the general meeting SNT members is recognized and accepted for consideration and adoption of decisions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by all individuals and legal entities, state bodies, local self-government bodies of citizens, judicial and law enforcement agencies.

It is on the basis of the minutes of the general meeting that all the governing bodies of the SNT act, putting into practice the collegial decisions of the members of the SNT. Therefore, I see no reason to consider the minutes of the general meeting as an insignificant piece of paper that has no meaning. And if this is so, then any SNT should be addressed Special attention on the correct design their main management documents - minutes of general meetings, meetings of boards and commissions, so that these documents have a legal (legal) status corresponding to their significance.

In preparing the material for this article, materials on this topic were additionally studied. It turned out that, having written more than a dozen protocols during the period of work in the party organizations of the CPSU of the former Union different levels However, I still don’t know something about the rules and procedure for processing these documents.

And here is what the history of the protocol tells: It turns out that the practice of recording collegial decision-making has been used in Russia since the end of the 18th century. By this period in our country, a collective, collegial discussion of issues was added to the practice of management, after which a decision was made. Isn't that enough time for the Russian Federation to learn how to draw up protocols?

Let's move on to the revealing part. protocol rules. It should be noted that there are certain standards that reveal these rules. For example:
- GOST R 6.30-2003"Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation", which was adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated March 3, 2003 No. 65-st.
- Standard instructions for office work in federal executive bodies (approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated 08.11.2005 No. 536).
Or a completely new document on the same topic:
- GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Document management. General requirements".

You should not carefully look for these documents on the web and delve into their study. The main thing that they all have is that they are advisory in nature. And in the last named document, it is written with a red thread that once regulations have different interpretations, different requirements for paperwork, then organizations, institutions and departments need to develop their own instructions for office work, which would define the rules for each specific organization. The basis of such instructions would in any case be the documents mentioned above. I don't think gardening associations need to create such instructions. It is quite enough to determine the order of office work in your charter (see the draft Charter of the SNT "Pishchevik", chapter VIII, "Office work of a garden non-profit partnership") and adopt the "Rules of Conduct of the General Meeting". This will put in place all the norms of office work and logging. But, more to the point, to the rules for drawing up protocols, to the SNT and the general meeting, which take into account all the latest requirements for drawing up a protocol in writing, defined by the norms of Chapter 9.1 of the Civil Code (FZ-100 of May 7, 2013):

The protocol, as an official document, can be full, short or mixed and is divided into two parts:

  • informational (it documents the course of discussion of all issues on the agenda);
  • administrative (it fixes the decision made as a result of the discussion).

In the protocol in without fail the following is indicated:

  • the name of the partnership;
  • type of document (protocol);
  • date, time, place and the number of the document (protocol numbers are put down starting from January 1 of the current year and until December 31, a new countdown begins from the new year);
  • Corresponds to the norm of paragraph 4 of Art. 181.2 "Adoption of the decision of the meeting" of the Civil Code. Pay attention to the obligation to indicate the time of the held general meeting.

  • title of the document (general meeting of members, meeting of the board, meeting of the commission);
  • information about the chairman of the meeting;
  • information about the secretary of the meeting;
  • information on the number of members present at the meeting and the total number of members of the partnership;
  • information about the invitees;
  • information about those who took part in the meeting;
  • Complies with the requirements of Art. 181.2 "Decision of the meeting" Chapter 9.1 of the Civil Code. This norm makes it mandatory for the board to draw up a list of participants in the meeting, certified by the signature of each member of the association (authorized representatives).

  • information about the persons who conducted the counting of votes;
  • The rule introduced by art. 181.2 "Adoption of the decision of the meeting" Chapter 9.1 of the Civil Code as amended by Federal Law-100 of 05/07/2013 If the counting of votes was carried out by the same persons throughout the entire meeting, then this information can be indicated at the beginning of the protocol. If the counting of votes was carried out by different persons on the agenda items, then such information must be indicated after the information on the voting results for each issue.

  • meeting agenda;
  • information on the progress and discussion of agenda items;
  • information about the persons who voted against the decision of the meeting and demanded to make an entry about this in the minutes;
  • The rule introduced by art. 181.2 "Decision of the meeting" Chapter 9.1 of the Civil Code. This requirement is connected with the norms of paragraph 3 of Art. 181.4 "Challengeability of the decision of the meeting". In accordance with it, "the decision of the meeting has the right to challenge in court a member of the relevant civil law community who did not take part in the meeting or voted against the adoption of the challenged decision."

  • enumeration of attached documents (report, speeches, report, estimate, etc.)

  • information about the decisions taken on the agenda items;
  • information on the results of voting on each item on the agenda;
  • The norm was introduced by paragraph 4 of Art. 181.2 "Adoption of the decision of the meeting" of the Civil Code. If there are several issues on the agenda, then the law allows the meeting participants to vote for the adoption of decisions once, immediately on all issues on the agenda. It is fixed here: "2. If there are several issues on the agenda of the meeting, an independent decision is made on each of them, unless otherwise established unanimously by the participants in the meeting." - Art. 181.2 paragraph 2.

  • signature of the chairman of the meeting;
  • signature of the secretary of the meeting;
  • seal of the horticultural association.

It seems that everything is clear and understandable. However, this is far from the case. Consider samples of the real protocol of the general meeting of electricity consumers of SNT "Pishchevik", which is made in four versions.

Execution options for the protocol of the general meeting of SNT (meeting of electricity consumers):

  1. A variant of the design of the initial protocol with minor errors.
  2. Version of the corrected full protocol
  3. A version of the short protocol (compiled in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003).
  4. A variant of the new form of the short protocol (drawn up in accordance with Model Instruction on paperwork in the federal executive authorities, approved. by order of the Ministry of Culture of November 8, 2005 No. 536.)
  5. A version of the full form of the minutes of the general meeting of members of the SNT in full-time and absentee form (drawn up in accordance with the requirements of 217-FZ of July 29, 2017 and the order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities No. 44 / pr of January 28, 2019

As you may have guessed, the last 2 options are the most acceptable. short form protocol. They are easiest to maintain and arrange by preparing before the meeting template for all props, and adding values ​​during the meeting. You can keep the protocol in the way that is convenient, on any medium. Harvested complete protocol template can do a disservice by the fact that when discussing issues, the meeting may go astray from the intended path, which will entail both a change in the template and difficulties in the subsequent execution of the final document of the meeting. In addition, you must agree that dashes or, vice versa, a heap of text in a document will not add formality to the protocol, but, on the contrary, will cause bewilderment among those who will be forced to read it.

Based on this, meeting secretary keeps rough notes during the meeting on homework, and after the meeting all notes are retyped or rewritten cleanly. After that, the secretary sends the protocol meeting chairman who is viewing it. Makes editorial changes as needed. Of course, it is advisable to combine the work of the secretary and the chairman in order to avoid repeated rewriting (reprinting). Taking into account these changes, the protocol is signed by two persons: the chairman and the secretary of the meeting and becomes an official document binding on all members of the SNT and individual gardeners. Those. protocol acquires legal force.

Legal force is a property of an official document communicated to it by the current legislation, the competence of the body that issued it and established order design
(GOST R 51141-98 Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions. - M., Gosstandart of Russia).

In other words, the protocol will be binding on all gardeners in the SNT in the event of:

  • its compliance with the norms of the charter of the SNT, Law No. 66-FZ, and other norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • competence of the general meeting, board meeting, commission that issued this protocol;
  • Compliance with all rules of registration of the protocol.

It should be emphasized again that protocol rules may be different and differ from each other in different SNTs. The only important thing is that any protocol must have informational and administrative parts and all the corresponding requisites(see the text of this page above).

The most important part of the protocol is its operative (administrative) part. And right here homemade on paper is essential. Moreover, it is necessary to leave free space between the decision points in case any changes and additions are made during the meeting. After the gardeners have shaken each point of the decision and the vote has been taken, it is advisable for the chairman and secretary to immediately sign the decision. And after the meeting, in a calm atmosphere, draw up and sign the entire protocol. If necessary, the prepared and endorsed sheet with the decision can be attached to the protocol. This should be done especially if the dispute over the decision was especially heated. The deadline for issuing the protocol is not established by Law No. 66-FZ. True, article 21, paragraph 2, paragraph 11 of the Law states that "". This means that the minutes of the meeting must be drawn up within these deadlines. The GOST rules for the usual protocol set a period of 5 days. The "Regulations for the organization and procedure for holding a general meeting of SNT", adopted in your partnership, may establish some other deadlines, but they should not exceed 7 days.

The last thing to do chairman and secretary of the general meeting is to certify the protocol with the seal of the partnership and file the document in the case of permanent storage. In all SNTs, as a rule, the chairman keeps the seal of the association. He must certify (not the document itself, the protocol in this case), and signatures under the protocol. Those. the seal testifies that the signatures of the chairman and the secretary of the meeting are genuine. In the same way, it is necessary to understand the certification of extracts from the protocols, issued certificates and other documents of the SNT. The chairman in these last cases certifies his signature under the issued document.

There is one option for office work organized in a partnership, when certification minutes of the general meeting not necessary. But in this situation, the SNT should print in the printing house their letterheads of strict accountability for protocols with a separate serial number on every form. It is also necessary to establish accounting and write-off of issued forms through the office work of the partnership. But I don't think it's worth it. Not such a large flow of documents in SNT.

The last thing to add: the seal, according to the rules adopted in office work, is affixed so that its imprint captures the name of the position of the person who signed the document and the first (first letters of the signature).

Extracts from the minutes of the management bodies of the partnership are drawn up in the same way minutes of the general meeting. The only difference is that in the extract before the word "minutes" the word "statement" is inserted, then everything is the same as in the minutes, except for those issues on the agenda, discussion and decision points in which the person who requested the extract is not interested . The document is signed chairman of the board. The signature is certified by the seal of the partnership. Here, perhaps, is all protocol rules. And now we turn to the consideration of fakes and inaccuracies in the protocols.

Forgery of the minutes of the general meeting

Forgery is almost always present when unscrupulous members of the SNT have a desire to correct the minutes of the general meeting for their own benefit. And at first glance, it seems to an inexperienced gardener that everything is simple: he forged the protocol - he went to jail. Almost every visitor to the site has heard similar stories. But, as already mentioned, horticultural non-profit partnerships are such a complex and ambiguous structure that different diagnoses can be made in the same situation. And each such diagnosis has the right to exist. Analysis of such cases in legal practice leads to only two options, which can lead to forgery of the official minutes of the general meeting. We must immediately make a reservation that forgery includes erasures, uncertified corrections, additions (reprints), text etching, etc.

    Consequences of falsifying the minutes of the general meeting:
  1. Forgery was a way to commit another crime: fraud, i.e. use of the protocol for personal purposes. In this case, court proceedings for forgery may land the perpetrator in jail.

    The forgery of the protocol in the SNT cannot be attributed to the forgery of official paper of state bodies, structures (forgery of a certificate of ownership, civil passport, protocol traffic violations etc.) I.e. the corpus delicti, for example, will be in taking possession of the money of gardeners for the purpose of personal gain, obtained by deception. And the punishment will be precisely for this crime, and not for the forgery of the protocol.

  2. Forgery to give the meeting the status of eligibility. May lead to the recognition of such a general meeting as invalid when filing a lawsuit in court.

Example 3: In one of the cities of the Russian Federation, a verdict was passed on the director of Santekhnik LLC, who was found guilty of forging an official document - the minutes of the general meeting of the company's founders. The court found the defendant guilty on the totality of crimes under Part 1 of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (forgery of an official document for the purpose of its use), art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud), imposing a fine of 150,000 rubles. According to the senior assistant prosecutor, the man fraudulently wanted to acquire a stake in the commercial organization in its share capital. To do this, he made an entry in the minutes of the general meeting of founders, which was not held, that one of the founders of the company, with the consent of the other founders, sold his share in the authorized capital to the director of the company. Subsequently, this document was submitted by him to the tax service, and he began to be considered the only member of the company with a 100% stake in its authorized capital.

Example 4: Residents of one of the apartment buildings with the question of the fact of forgery of signatures in the list of registration of owners attached to the minutes of the general meeting.
The prosecutor's response was as follows:
If the inhabitants of the house discovered the fact falsification of the minutes of the general meeting, forgery of their signatures, then it is necessary to contact the prosecutor's office with the attachment of materials. Based on the results of the check, either prosecutorial response measures will be applied aimed at restoring the rights of citizens not related to criminal prosecution, or, if there are signs of a criminally punishable act, the materials will be transferred to competent investigating authorities to initiate criminal proceedings.
Measures aimed at restoring the rights of citizens will be taken in any case. Just for Officials management company different consequences are possible. If we are talking about the invalidation of some decision, for example, on the establishment of tariffs, then citizens have the right to both independently apply to the court and do this by contacting the prosecutor's office. If the tenants have reason to believe that a criminal offense has been committed against them (in this case, forgery of signatures and falsification of the protocol in order to cause property damage to the owners by fraud), then it is necessary to contact the prosecutor's office or the internal affairs bodies.

That is, for SNT, one should know that forgeries in the protocol, behind which there is money, may well lead the perpetrators to the dock. It is only necessary to accurately qualify the facts in order to make the right decision.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the frequent SNT spontaneous general meetings of disgruntled gardeners. This, gentlemen - comrades, is exactly the case: In violation of Law No. 66-FZ, a meeting is being held (see page "Obligation to organize and prepare a general meeting"). To give the status of entitlement, the signatures in the registration list and the protocol are forged. During such a meeting, the second (third) governing bodies are elected and an illegal collection of money from fools who believe in an "honest" initiative group begins.

Forgery in this case is a way to commit a crime, i.e. illegal collection of money from gardeners. Although, even if there were no fakes, then in any case, the decisions of such a meeting are illegal from the very beginning. And no one has the right to collect money bypassing the official governing body.

Or, there may be another case where, as a result of forgery, the board sets itself a salary that exceeds the level for which the members of the partnership voted at the meeting.

There may be other cases, it is impossible to make out everything on the pages of the site.

But in the second case, when there is no money behind the forgery of the registration list and protocol, most often the court makes one decision: to recognize such a meeting as illegal. And during court hearings, it is quite possible that the plaintiff will have a question related to the first case. Then it will be necessary to file a second claim for misappropriation of money, referring to the audit report (and it is better to carry it out) or the testimony of gardeners, and the decision to recognize the spontaneous assembly as illegal by the court. It is advisable for the legally elected board to undertake this in the event of the refusal of the impostors to report on the illegally collected money.

Example 5: In our SNT in 2009 - 2010. the oppositionists, not at all doubting the rightness of their cause, absolutely unaware of the illegality of their actions, forged the lists of registration of participants in the general meeting, adjusted the content of the minutes of the meeting to the militant cries of the most zealous dissatisfied. Hoping for a positive decision on their demands for the resignation of the chairman of the board and accountant of the SNT, in the end they received a court decision declaring their gathering illegal and, accordingly, all the decisions of this gathering (Court decision to invalidate the general meeting of the SNT "Pishchevik dated October 4 2010)

And now, when the chairman of the board and the accountant have remained in their chairs, and an audit of the financial and economic activities of the SNT has been carried out, the chairman and accountant recognized as illegal refuse to report on the funds collected and spent. There is, gentlemen, comrades, a fraud in order to seize the money of gullible gardeners who have been paying them their dues for a whole year. Where did they spend it? The question is very interesting.

Of course, for any protocol forgery you can safely go to court. And most likely such a protocol, and hence the decision of the meeting will be declared invalid. Because there is hardly a judge who will understand the motives and actions for the sake of the people of those who are engaged in forging the official protocols of the SNT.

Inaccuracies in the minutes of the general meeting

To deal with the consequences of inaccuracies in the protocols, one should recall once again that any protocol consists of informational and administrative parts. Answer the question yourself: Is there a violation of someone's rights if the minutes of the meeting do not reflect Petrov's speech or Sidorov's remark is not included? Is it really that important?

The most important thing for SNT members is what is written in the decision, and everything else is tinsel. So inaccuracies in the text of the protocol in its informational part do not entail any responsibility for the secretary, chairman of the meeting, board. And appeals to the court on this matter will most likely remain unanswered. That is why, based on personal experience writing the minutes of all kinds of meetings, I do not recommend entering into the text any data on the gardeners speaking in the debate, leaving only brief information according to the reports according to the agenda. Samples of such protocols can be seen at the links:
Minutes of the meeting of the board of SNT "Pishchevik",
Minutes of the general meeting of electricity consumers.

In addition, it should be noted once again that writing the minutes of the meeting according to a pre-prepared exact or template has its drawbacks. Namely, during the meeting it is quite difficult to accurately formulate the decisions made, especially if the gardeners during the meeting supplemented or changed the options for the decision that were prepared by the board in advance. And it is impossible to exclude such a scenario of the development of events at the meeting itself. And the secretary in such a situation gets into a very difficult situation, which, most likely, will eventually lead to a clean rewriting of the protocol. It is better to do this once, drawing up a protocol after the meeting, and then bring it to the attention of gardeners.

Another argument against drawing up the final minutes of the general meeting is that a hastily written paper is very easily contested, because. the solution itself can be written in different words. And keeping track of style and recorded words during a meeting is very difficult. Moreover, after signing and sealing a hastily constructed document, it is much easier for dissatisfied gardeners to find a clue than if the protocol was drawn up with a fresh head, thinking over each wording. By the way, it is very difficult to challenge such a protocol, and audio recordings of meetings are not yet being made.

Nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to go to court when one decision was made at the meeting, and, to put it mildly, a completely different one is recorded in the minutes. Below, pay attention to the difference in the wording of the 3rd paragraph of the decision and the attempt to drag through the inaccuracy in the protocol one of the main documents in the SNT - the Charter.

Example 6:
3. Adopt new editions of articles 1.2, 1.3, 5.4, 5.6, 9.10 of the Charter of the SNT (the text of the articles is attached)- the wording for which the meeting voted.
3. Adopt a new version of the Charter of the SNT (text attached)- the wording that appeared in the final protocol after a series of manipulations of the board. It is immediately clear that the inaccuracy may have completely different consequences for the members of the partnership, if this is not paid attention to and the chairman and secretary of the meeting are not forced to at least rewrite the minutes. And as a maximum, it is necessary through the court to recognize such a protocol in part of paragraph 3 as invalid.

I hope that with the keeping of the minutes of the general meeting of members of the SNT, its forgery, and what may follow, they figured it out. Now let's take a closer look at CNT membership. With the seeming simplicity of the question, gardeners do not always understand this provision of Law No. 66-FZ.


Moscow region, Kashira urban district, near the village. Peñe

general meeting of members of the horticultural
partnership "UROZHAINOE"
» June 17, 2017

Form of the meeting: face-to-face
Place of the meeting (address): PENE village
Opening of the meeting: 13 hours 10 minutes.
Meeting closed: 15:05.

At the time of the general meeting, 140 people were members of the horticultural partnership "UROZHAYNOE", 85 people were registered at the meeting, which is 61% of total number members of the horticultural non-profit partnership "URROZAYNOE".
There is a quorum. The general meeting of members of a horticultural non-profit partnership is authorized to make decisions on the agenda.

Chairman of the meeting - Kleshchukova Marina Borisovna
Secretary of the meeting - Foot Natalia Sergeevna


1. Distribution of duties between members of the board

2. Report of the transfer commission on the transfer of financial and tangible assets in accordance with the decision of the General Meeting of SNT "Urozhaynoye" dated January 28, 2017 (minutes No. 56)

3. Accounting policy of SNT "Urozhaynoye" for 2017.

4. Estimated income and expenses for 2017

5. Work plan for 2017

- opening a current account
- security work in the period January-June.
- according to the train schedule
- Increasing the power of electricity.
- payment for cargo
- collection of funds for vehicles
– mowing ditches and lands common use
— indications of electricity meters and increase in tariffs from July 1, 2017. Getting new books.
-sorting household waste.
- withdrawal from the SNT - Petukhov A.B. study 89 and the adoption of a new member Khrenova E.Yu.

1. Lavrova L.M. reported on the distribution of responsibilities between members of the board for financial and economic activities (Appendix No. 1).

2. On the 2nd issue of the agenda, they listened to Lavrova L.M., who reported: in accordance with the decision of the General Meeting of the SNT "Urozhaynoye", a transfer commission was created consisting of Lavrova L.M., Lisin A.I., Galatenko R. P., Kleshchukov I.V.

As part of the activities of receiving cases from the former chairman Lisin A.I. members of the transfer commission Lavrova L.M. and Galatenko R.P. the correctness of maintaining cash books, drawing up receipts and debit orders, the availability of financial documents justifying expenses, the timeliness and completeness of reporting to the tax authorities were checked.
The need to conduct an audit in these areas is due to the provisions of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”.
According to the regulation on accounting and financial statements in the Russian Federation (approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34 n), an inventory is mandatory when changing financially responsible persons.

The results of the audit (05/22/2017) were submitted to the Chairman of the Audit Commission.
As of June 17, 2017, no response was received from the Audit Commission.

According to the certificate “On the state of settlements on taxes, fees, penalties and fines”, a debt to the budget in the amount of 147 rubles 53 kopecks was revealed. and a fine for late submission of reports for 2014-2016 in the amount of 1,400 rubles.

On the issue of the transfer of tangible assets Lavrova L.M. reported:

In accordance with the data of the report of the Audit Commission, the property of SNT "Urozhaynoye" as of 01.01.17 includes:
Gatehouse -79050, 70 rubles,
Fence - 335473, 59 rubles,
Low-value and wearing items - 20 units in the amount of 193,920.20 rubles;
Off-balance sheet property written off, but under the control of the inventory commission - 36 units in the amount of 71,906.40 rubles.
During the inventory, the fence around sports ground.
The following documents and means have not been submitted:
- transfer documents electrical lines and transformer to the balance of MOESK.
- court decision with Ledovo LLC for work on land surveying and registration of public lands.
- to the personal account of Lisin A.I. returned 70,000 rubles - a refund for the examination in court. The money did not arrive at the cash desk.

On the 2nd issue of the agenda, the following questions were asked:

Belousov V.N. I asked a question about the cadastre.

Decision on the 2nd question.
Instruct the Chairman of the Audit Commission to report to the General Meeting of SNT "Urozhaynoye" in September of this year. on the results of consideration of materials submitted by the transfer commission.

Lavrova L.M. reported on the 3rd issue of the agenda.
Main theses of the Accounting policy for 2017.

Accounting and tax accounting is maintained by an accountant in accordance with the requirements federal law from 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ "On Accounting".
Accounting is carried out using the 1C Accounting computer program, auxiliary MS Excel tables, and also, taking into account the peculiarities of conducting financial and economic activities in garden partnerships, it can be carried out manually. Working chart of accounts: 10,50,51,60,62,76,86,91 and others.

The primary accounting document must be drawn up at the time of the business transaction, and if this is not possible, immediately at the end of the transaction.

Membership fees, targeted contributions, distributed by cost item:
Economic and organizational expenses;
maintenance of partnership roads;
putting in order public lands;
Administrative expenses;
maintenance of sports and playgrounds;
By decision of the members of the Board of SNT, an adjustment of the total data may be made to the already approved estimate of income and expenses. In this case, a recalculation is made from the beginning of the year.

The contract is concluded if the amount under the contract exceeds 5000 (five thousand) rubles.
The cash limit is set at 75,000 (seventy-five thousand) rubles.

Reporting is provided under the simplified taxation system upon notification by the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate of the possibility of applying the simplified taxation system dated 04/06/2012. No. 376/74 "Income". SNT must draw up financial statements for the quarter and year on an accrual basis from the beginning of the reporting year. Quarterly reporting is interim.

Tax accounting in SNT is carried out on a cash basis. Data to fill tax reporting formed in the accounting system. (program 1C).
(Accounting policy for 2017 is attached with attachments)

Decision on the 3rd question.
Adopt the accounting policy of SNT "Urozhaynoye" for 2017.

Galatenko R.P. reported on the 4th issue of the agenda “Estimates of income and expenses for 2017”.

Sources of funds and main directions of use of funds for 2017
year. Sources are deposit and membership fees. The members of the SNT are 140 people, of which 4 members are debtors.
The income part consists of the deposit and membership dues, refundable funds by court order.
The expenditure part is added up:
- taxes
-garbage removal
- street lighting
- organizational expenses
- sports and playground equipment
- painting the fence
- infrastructure.
(Appendix No. 2-Estimate of income and expenses)
The membership fee for 2017 is 3000 rubles.

On the 4th issue of the agenda, the following questions were asked:
-Lisin A.I. - He suggested swapping points 3 and 4. First, familiarize with the work plan for 2017, and then the estimate, since, in his opinion, the estimate is determined from the work plan.
The offer was rejected.
-Lisin A.I. proposed to reduce the membership fee to 2000 rubles. He believes that the accumulated funds are sufficient to cover the expenditure side.
The offer was rejected.
-Lisin A.I. - on land tax. He believes that the tax on public land should not be the same as that public land should belong to each member and everyone should pay this tax.
The issue will be reviewed and studied on an ongoing basis.

The following took part in the discussion:
Garbulina S.S., Bykov V.I., Shipkova S.Yu.
Decision on the 3rd question.
Adopt the estimate for 2017 subject to discussion.

Galatenko R.P. reported on the 5th issue of the agenda "Work Plan for 2017".
Abstracts of the speech: the most important points of the work plan
P.1.2 repair of the gatehouse, improvement and landscaping of the territory,

P. 19. organization of a playground, (results of a survey on the organization of outdoor recreation areas for children and adults)

P.3. arrangement of the container site (laying concrete pillars to limit the area for the arrival of a garbage truck, laying the road surface)

Clause 5, clause 6. painting the fence (organization of work on filing trees, shrubs, mowing grass in the work area. Volumetric work - 328 sections, 323 pillars, 3 gates, 2 gates. Management of the organization of work - Sushchinsky Igor Yuryevich.
Owners of plots along the main street No. 1,17, 18,19,20,41,42,43 in which one of the sides of the fence is part of a common fence must take the painting of the fence under their responsibility. Volume (80 sections).
Those who wish to take part in the performance of work are recorded with the elders down the street.
Based on the results of working out the list of participants in the work, it will be clear whether it will be necessary to involve outside performers.
Payment for work at the expense of funds from the subbotnik fund.

P. 19. installation of a children's town on the playground and additional staffing of the sports ground (simulators and other equipment).

Galatenko R.P. informed that with full content the work plan for 2017 can be found on the website of SNT UROZHAYNOE.RF or with the text of the document in the board house.

On the 5th issue of the agenda, the following questions were asked:

Lisin A.I. - ensure the operation of the mobile shop on the territory of the SNT.
Answer: The work of the mobile shop is organized. According to the decision of the chairmen of all partnerships, the sale of dairy, sausages and confectionery products is organized on a neutral site near the gates of SNT "Urozhaynoye". In early July, a grocery store will open on the territory of SNT Yuzhnoye.
— Lisin A.I. – for the repair of the bridge, enter into equity participation with other partnerships based on the operation of the bridge by 30 members.
Answer: a decision on this issue will be made at a meeting of six chairmen of non-profit gardening associations whose members use the said bridge.

On the 6th question "Miscellaneous"

6.1. Opening a current account - speaker Lavrova L.M.
According to the regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 03.11.2002 No. 2-P "On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation" legal entities must open an account. The Board conducted a selection and analysis of banks where you can open a current account. The choice fell on PJSC URALSIB
According to 6.1. voted on the agenda item:
"for" - 84 votes;
"against" - 1 vote;
abstained - no votes.

6.2. According to the train schedule

During this period, we and the chairmen of all associations have appealed to different structures. A change has been made to the morning schedule. Restored one direct train. An appeal was sent to the direct line to V.V. Putin to restore the train schedule 2016
of the year.

6.3. Increasing the power of electricity

Work is underway to increase capacity. A complaint was filed regarding the blackout between May 8-10. Received a response that the serviceability has been fixed (answer in the application). Work continues.
From July 1, new tariffs for payment for electricity.

6.4. Payment for cargo and collection of funds for personal vehicles.

Payments remain unchanged:
- Gazelle - 50 rubles
-Long and heavy - 400 rubles
— Others - 250 rubles
- private car - 200 rubles.

6.5. Mowing ditches and public lands.

Seniors along the streets, please remind the members of the SNT of the mowing zones assigned to them.
Decide on the mowing of public lands that are not related to the streets. The mowing tariff remained the same 250 rubles. (per season).

6.6. Sorting of household waste.

Please do not throw grass, sawn trees, building materials into household waste containers. Large container for building materials and oversized cargo will be ordered 2 times a year.

6.7. withdrawal from the SNT - Petukhov A.B. study 89 and the adoption of a new member Khrenova E.Yu.

6.8. Security work in the period January-June.

During the period January-June, the guards carried out work on protected objects - detours along the streets of SNT, a log of cars entering the territory is kept. But in November-December 2016, during the installation of new poles and replacement electrical wires penetrations were made on account No. 2,42,41. The owners of plot No. 2 were compensated for the damage. Uch. 42 - called the police and they understand. Uch. No. 2 and 41 wrote applications for compensation for damage by the guards.
The security representative stated that Lisin A.I., during the work on replacing electrical wires, assumed the obligation to control the work, but in fact did not exercise control.
The answer of Lisin A.M. is responsible not only for me, but also for Lavrova L.M.

Chairman of the meeting - Kleshchukova M. B.

Secretary Foot N.S.

Distribution of duties between members of the Management Board
Accounting policy for 2017 is attached with attachments
Work plan for 2017

A new form of short minutes of the general meeting in SNT

Against - 1 person - no abstained. Against - 1 person - no abstained. It should be emphasized again: it is advisable to include the results of voting in the minutes in accordance with the norm of fz-66, the responsibility of the chairman of the board of a horticultural, non-profit association and members of its board, chapter V, 24. Voting results: in favor, - 3 people. The sample is compiled in accordance with the new rules of the State Standard of the Russian Federation, which are discussed in the site article. British Chairman of the Board The decision was made by 3 votes. Together with the accountant snt pobokinoy. Voting results: in favor, - 3 people. But it clearly fits into the requirements of the protocols for the board and meetings of the commissions of the snt. Prepare a certificate-calculation for consumers on making a targeted contribution for electricity. The third new short sample of the minutes for the general meeting is not suitable due to its features. The sample form was compiled taking into account its binding to snt, and for them it is mandatory, this guest form was developed for executive authorities. If you decide that this form is suitable for your snt, then use it with your head. The rest of the requirements for the protocol are practically the same as in the previous forms. To view photos in an enlarged size, you need to click on their reduced copies posted on the site. Prepare draft agreements between consumers of electricity and snt pischevik until June 2011, responsible: chairman of the commission for the control of electricity sushchenko. Deputy Chairman of the Board Lebedev. It's more convenient and familiar. The law was introduced on November 29, 2012 and is under consideration by the chairman. The decision was made by 3 votes. Otherwise, it will be impossible to determine the degree of guilt or vice versa to justify a member of the board or chairman when making a decision. The law has all the latest additions and changes that come into force on 03/01/2015 download. Together with the accountant snt pobokinoy. Recommend for approval the regulation on the power supply of gardeners in snt, pischevik, in latest edition with additions and changes. The true equality of citizens lies in the fact that they are all equally subject to the laws.

It should be emphasized again: it is advisable to include the results of voting in the minutes in accordance with the norm of fz-66, the responsibility of the chairman of the board of a horticultural, non-profit association and members of its board, chapter V, 24. Deputy Chairman of the Board Lebedev. And snt, it seems, has nothing to do with the authorities. Prepare a certificate-calculation for consumers on making a targeted contribution for electricity. Prepare draft agreements between consumers of electricity and snt pischevik until June 2011, responsible: chairman of the commission for the control of electricity sushchenko. British Chairman of the Board

SNT Lopasnya plus

Documents that regulate the cadastral value of land have been published on the website of the Office of the State Register for the Moscow Region.

Decree of the Ministry of Ecology and Nature Management of the Moscow Region dated November 25, 2011 No. 236-RM.


Form of the minutes of the general meeting of members of the horticultural partnership

Minutes of the general meeting of members of the horticultural partnership

Extract from the minutes of the general meeting of members of the horticultural partnership

Statement of claim for the reclamation of protocols, acts, estimates

Statement of claim for the invalidity of the contribution in the absence of minutes of the meeting

Statement of claim for the recognition of the minutes of the meeting partially invalid

A statement of claim for the recognition of the protocol as completely invalid

Statement of claim for the restoration of the supply of electricity and water and the recovery of compensation for non-pecuniary damage

Application for adjournment of proceedings

Statement on the inadmissibility of extracts from the protocols as evidence

all samples from the site snt.pp.ru

Board meeting minutes


Board meetings of SNT Friendship-5

Moscow region g/p Dmitrov,

Members of the board were present: Ryazanova T.A., Dmitriev S.M. Beregova A.I. Kurenkova T.V. Savelyeva I.S. Sokolova A.P.


1. Results of the general meeting of SNT Friendship-5 dated 23.09.2012.

2. On the continuation of lawsuits Evchenko N.V. and Galochkin G.N.

3. Tasks facing the board for the half year.

4. Distribution of duties between members of the board.

Ryazanova T.A. spoke on three issues.

Ryazanova T.A. - 1. First of all, I want to congratulate all of us on the huge amount of work and responsibility that we received as a result of the results of the general meeting. Unfortunately, quantitative composition board - 7 people, and a lot of work. We will involve all caring people who are ready to assist in restoring order in the SNT.

Ryazanova Tatyana Alexandrovna was elected Chairman of the Board.

2. Lawsuits by Evchenko S.V. who represents the interests of G.N. Galochkin in courts. and Evchenko N.V. to SNT Friendship-5 will continue and we will have to simultaneously solve the problems of SNT, and besides this, defend the rights of the majority of its members. We are ready for this, so we will not focus on it. I will note only one thing - people who have violated the rights of all members of the SNT for many years are trying to regain the right to dispose in the future. And it is very disappointing that during the course of a year several people take away with impunity the right of a large team to a quiet life.

We are faced with tasks that I will outline and we will decide which of them are paramount, and which we will postpone until spring.


1. Accept the SNT documentation. (After registering with tax office new management bodies, Erokhin I.V. is ready to transfer all the title, financial, administrative and economic documentation restored by it over 2 years.

2. Start preparing for winter.

2.1. Prepare the VZU and the water supply system for shutdown and conservation (carry out repair work and replacement of faulty units)

2.2. Turn off the water and carry out conservation

2.3. Repair lights throughout the SNT

2.4. Close all gates and wickets (post an announcement about ordering keys).

2.5. Conclude an agreement for clearing roads from snow.

3. Create a commission to monitor compliance with the law to prepare draft internal documentation (develop and start discussing the Charter in a new edition, Regulations and internal regulations)

4. Continue information work on the website

5. Check and agree on the terms of the store lease

6. Draw up an income and expenditure estimate for 2013 and submit a detailed calculation of membership fees (without increasing them)

7. Finish the work of the previous board:

7.1.Make payment according to the acts of work performed

7.2. Finish the repair of the road section at the gate (Mineevo stop)

7.3. Demand the fulfillment of the contract for the production of a plan-scheme of SNT

7.4. Order additional signs with street names, section numbers

7.5. Develop forms of prescriptions and notifications to debtors for electricity and membership fees

7.6. Finish sealing electricity consumption meters

7.7. Finish repairs in the board (install filing cabinets, install lighting, install skirting boards)

7.8 Install a fire shield on the board

7.9.Inspect the instrument

7.10. Approve the developed instructions for the conservation of the water supply

7.11.Finish the inventory of sites

7.12. Conduct an inventory of fixed assets

7.13. Keep records of gardeners living in the winter

7.15. Conduct coordination with the traffic police and road services for the installation of additional road signs, zebras and mirrors on the road section at the exit from the central gate of the SNT

7.16. Conduct an analysis of the volume and costs of garbage removal from the territory

7.17. Continue negotiations with the Dmitrov Motor Transport Company on the introduction of a minibus route from Morozok to Shustino.

8.Start phased road repairs

9. Repair fences around the perimeter of SNT

10. Carry out preparatory work to increase the power of the transformer.

Collection of information on the conclusion of electricity consumer contracts directly with MOESK

Discussion of the issue of placing counters on poles (optional)

11. Collect information on land surveying for common use.

Savelyeva I.S. spoke on the fourth issue.

There is a lot of work to be done. Before assigning responsibilities to the board members, it is necessary to start work and determine the capabilities of each, and now everyone needs to focus on preparing for the winter.

I propose to focus on the main questions:

1. Acceptance of documents SNT. Rep. Ryazanova T.A.

2. Registration of protocols and current documentation.

Rep. Savelyeva I.S.

3. Shutdown and conservation of VZU. Rep. Dmitriev S.M.

4. Closing gates and gates for the winter. Rep. Dmitriev S.M.

5. Creation of a commission for the development of documentation and involvement of members of the SNT in the work on projects. Rep. Gorbunova A.V.

6. Determination of prices for clearing roads from snow.

Rep. Popova S.A.

8. Acquisition of wardrobes and a safe. Rep. Podlesny V.N.

9. Collection of information on the transformer. Rep. Kurenkova T.V.

12. Involvement of journalists in the problems of SNT.

Board meeting minutes

MINUTES No. 10 dated November 23, 2011

meetings of the Board of SNT "Korund"

17h30 min.

Present: 8 people

Chairman of the Board meeting: Serov A.V.

Secretary: Fomichev D.L.

The total number of members of the Board of SNT "KORUND" present is 8 people, which is more than 2/3 of the total number of 9 members of the Board of SNT "Korund", the meeting is competent, there is a quorum.

1. Kalabushkina N.S. 5. Pletnev N.A.

2. Patrin V.S. 6. Lepekhin I.Yu.

3. Fomichev D.L. 7. Panov V.T.

4.Serov A.V. 8. Orlov S.B.

Additionally agreed

1. Koroleva V.P. --- member of the board


1. On the removal from the post of chairman of the SNT "Korund" Kulikov D.N. registered with the IFTS as chairman of the SNT "Korund" on false documents and his exclusion from the members of the SNT "Korund" in connection with the decision of 20.11.11. Meetings of Authorized Members of SNT "Korund"

2. On the election of the Chairman of the Board from the members of the Board of SNT "Korund"

3. On the distribution and assignment of duties to the members of the Management Board.

4. Registration of fixed assets of gardening.

Serov A.V. speaks on the first question.

At the meeting of authorized members of the SNT "Korund" dated November 20, 2011. it was decided: to approve the report of Serov A.V. recognize actions Kulikova D.GN. and other persons illegal. Remove D.N. Kulikov from the post of chairman of the SNT "Korund" registered with the IFTS as the chairman of the SNT "Korund" on false documents.

To exclude from the members of SNT "Korund" Kulikov D.N. for deliberate, gross, systematic violations of the current legislation and the Charter of SNT "Korund". The basis of paragraph 5. 21 of the Charter of SNT "Korund"

The powers of the Board of the SNT "Korund" were confirmed, the right to independently choose the Chairman of the SNT from the members of the Board.

The minutes of the meeting are attached. Based on the foregoing, I ask you to consider candidates and resolve issues on the election of the Chairman of the Board of SNT "Korund".

Decided: to consider a candidate for the position of Chairman of the Board of SNT "Korund" from among the members of the Board.

2. Serov A.V. spoke on the second question:

I propose to consider a candidate for the position of Chairman of the Board of SNT "Korund" Kalabushkina Nina Sergeevna. Member of the Management Board Kalabushkina N.S. has been a member of SNT "Korund" since 1990. housing maintenance engineer, has management experience. 13.08.2011 Kalabushkina N.S. elected to the post of chairman of SNT "Korund". 09/01/2011 Kalabushkina N.S. registered with the IFTS for the Vyborgsky district. She coped with the position of Chairman of the Board. Based on the foregoing, I propose to vote for this candidate.

No other proposals were received.

Decided: to elect Nina Sergeevna Kalabushkina, member of the Board, to the position of Chairman of the Board of SNT "Korund"

Serov A.V: Two issues on the agenda have been considered, let's move on to the third.

Kalabushkina N.S. speaks on the third question.

E.B. Nikolaeva was removed from the board. and Burkov A.V. for supporting the illegal actions of Kulikov D.N. and also, on the basis of the Charter, persons working under employment contracts with SNT, do not have the right to be elected to the board: board members work on a pro bono basis.

We have by-elections for board members. The Board of Directors is fully formed. We need to clearly allocate the areas of responsibility of all members of the board. I suggest:

Kalabushkina N.S. - Chairman of the Board

  1. Conclusion of contracts based on the decision of the Board.
  2. Communication with external organizations.
  3. Recruitment, approval staffing, regulation on remuneration based on the decision of the Board.
  4. Control over the consideration of applications and complaints of citizens.
  5. Organization of the protection of the property of the SNT and its members.

Serov A.V. - member of the board

  1. Ensuring record keeping and archiving.
  2. Organizational and technical support for the activities of the Board and meetings of authorized SNT.
  3. Control over compliance with the law, the Charter, decisions of the meetings of authorized persons and the board of the SNT.

Orlov S.B. - Member of the Board

  1. Consideration of applications, complaints of members of the SNT and preparation for their consideration by the Board for decision.
  2. Assistance to gardeners in the privatization of land.
  3. Monitoring compliance with contractual discipline.

Koroleva V.P. - member of the Board

  1. Control over the preparation of cost estimates.
  2. Overseeing the development of internal regulations, labor contracts and job descriptions for regular workers.
  3. Monitoring the timely payment of dues by SNT members.

Members of the Management Board: Pletnev N.A., Lepekhin I.Yu.

  1. Work on the organization of control over the consumption of electricity by gardeners.
  2. Preparation of draft contracts with organizations of ownership.
  3. Organization of control over the timely payment of contributions by members of the SNT.

Members of the Management Board: Panov V.T. Lepekhin I.Yu. Fomichev D.L. Patrin V.S.

  1. Organization of construction and repair of public facilities, maintenance of public facilities and engineering networks in proper order (roads, waste disposal, plumbing, water tower).
  2. Monitoring the timely payment of dues by SNT members.
  3. Solving issues related to environmental pollution.

Decided: Distribute and consolidate responsibilities between the members of the Board of SNT "Korund"

Lepekhin I.Yu. speaks on the fourth question.

One of the main issues discussed at the meeting of SNT "Korund" is the accounting of fixed assets of gardening, these are roads, high-voltage and low-voltage power lines, a pump room, a water tower, and water supply.

The Commissioners unanimously adopted the proposal on accounting for fixed assets.

To resolve this issue, it is necessary to elect an inventory commission, which, based on the results of the work, draws up a record sheet.

The following members of horticulture are proposed to the inventory commission:

1. Pashkov 6. Dubina V.P.

2.Akimov 7.Lepekhin I.Yu.

3. Kasyanov A.L. 8. Fomichev D.L.

4. Deineko V.B. 9. Patrin V.S.

5. Pletnev N.A. 10. Chernov S.P.

Who is "for" - unanimously. Decision is made.

Fomichev D.L. proposed to elect Lepekhin I.Yu. commission chairman.

Kalabushkina N.S. speaks on the fourth question.

The issue of payment of debts for electricity is very acute. We have already paid 50 thousand. rubles. The funds raised by us will be transferred to Petroelectrosbyt as much as possible. However, all major cash accrued to gardeners have already been collected by Kulikov D.N. we carry the rest of the contributions. In order to at least slightly solve the problem with payments, it is necessary for all members of the board and authorized to call gardeners and ask them to pay off debts or make an advance payment of membership dues.

With decision of the Board by the minutes of the Meeting of Commissioners dated 20.11.11. acquaint ch. Accountant of SNT "Korund" Tkachenko N.N Responsible: Members of the Management Board: Serov A.V. Fomichev D.L. Lepekhin I.Yu. Kalabushkina N.S. Queen V.P.

Serov A.V. This ended the board meeting.

The agenda is over.

The minutes are made in 3 three copies on 4 sheets, the sheets are numbered, stitched, fastened with a strip of paper signed by the chairman and secretary of the Board Meeting.

Board members:

1. Chairman of the Board Kalabushkina N.S. P/P.

2. Orlov S.B. P/P. 6. Pletnev N.A. P/P.

3. Patrin V.S. P/P. 7. Serov A.V. P/P.

4. Queen V.P. P/P. 8. Fomichev D.L. P/P.

Sample application for issuance for familiarization with the minutes of the general meeting of SNT

Each member of a horticultural non-profit partnership (SNT) or a dacha cooperative has the right to demand for familiarization copies of the minutes of the general meeting of members of the SNT or DNT, meetings of the board, the audit commission (auditor) of such an association.

Sample protocol of the counting commission of the owners of an apartment building

We recommend reading
