The problem of human survival. Test - The problem of survival in the modern world - file n1.docx

landscaping 20.09.2019
The problem of human survival in the works of N.N. Moiseeva


Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev was born on August 23, 1917 in Moscow. In 1941 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Moscow state university majoring in functional analysis.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, since 1964 Corresponding Member, since 1984 Full Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (later RAS).

The problem of the survival of mankind is one of the main directions in the works of N. N. Moiseev. In addition, this direction is becoming more and more relevant for humanity. Mankind has come to that moment of existence when it will be decided: "To be or not to be for mankind?". N.N. Moiseev writes: "In my opinion, humanity on the threshold of the 21st century has come to such a limit in its historical development, which can mark a certain boundary separating a more or less prosperous history of the human race from an unknown and, most likely, very dangerous future. Dangerous for the fate of our children and grandchildren. I mean, of course, not only the inhabitants of Russia. This applies to the entire planetary community."

Humanity in our time has become the dominant factor in the development of the biosphere. As a result of such an impact, the biosphere passes into a qualitatively new state. This new state of the biosphere, which is determined (directed) by the activity of the human mind, Le Roy called the noosphere.

The question of whether the era of the noosphere will come, that is, whether humanity will be able to coordinate its customs, its behavior, that is, the strategy of its development with the “strategy” of the development of the biosphere, remains open.

Humanity is approaching a certain forbidden line: the potential possibilities of civilization are close to exhaustion. The question was first raised 200 years ago by the monk Malthus. Now both scientists and politicians are talking about this, but this has little effect on the course of life, because the catastrophe is still beyond the horizon.

In this paper, 3 areas of problems related to the survival of mankind will be considered, this is an environmental problem, a problem of society and a problem of war.

Ecological problem.

Humanity is now in new era of its existence, when the potential power of the means of influencing the environment created by it becomes commensurate with the mighty forces of nature.

So Moiseev wrote back in 1988. At present, the scientific and technological revolution has led to the fact that the problem of environmental catastrophe has become even more urgent. The activity of mankind has already crossed the line when its anthropogenic load on the biosphere did not exceed the possibility of restoring the resources of the biosphere itself. The reserves of resources, especially energy carriers, are rapidly declining on earth, and at the rate of accelerating the development of mankind, their reserves will last no more than 50 years. Now we need to look for and introduce qualitatively new sources of energy, while there is still a supply of energy resources. Using only the energy of the atom will not lead to a solution to the problem, but will only give a little time, because the waste from nuclear power plants needs to be disposed of somewhere. Disposal of waste from nuclear power plants requires high costs, as well as the allocation of places for burial. Allocated places will be lost to humans for many years. The massive use of atomic energy can also lead to a global catastrophe. Still in the memory of the explosion on Chernobyl nuclear power plant, resulting in damage a large number of people, agricultural land, and the consequences of which will affect our descendants for a long time to come. The other side of the energy crisis is that electricity consumption is doubling about every 15 years. And soon the moment may come when artificial energy will begin to influence the structure heat balance planets. This applies to any energy of artificial origin, whether it is the energy of a thermal power plant or the energy thermonuclear fusion. Only the use of solar energy has practically no effect on the heat balance. Thus, an increase in electricity consumption leads to an increase in the temperature of the planet, and if it increases by 4-5 degrees, it will lead to an ecological disaster. There will be an irreversible melting of glaciers, an increase in the level of the ocean by many tens of meters and, consequently, the flooding of the most fruitful places on the planet. As a result of warming, the planet's climate will change, and most of the planet will become an arid semi-desert. When decreasing average temperature planets by 3-4 degrees will lead to a new ice age. This can happen, for example, when nuclear war("winter"). Both rise and fall in temperature will lead to irreversible consequences for humanity.

Another environmental problem is the rapid decline soil cover. Over the past 70-80 years, mankind has lost about 500 billion tons of soil, which is about the same as the loss of arable land in India. And it takes about 1000 years to form a layer of soil 1 cm deep. Without Agriculture Humanity simply cannot survive. At the same time, water pollution has reached such a level that natural waters do not provide the required level of dilution of industrial water discharge.

During the same period of time, air pollution has increased 100,000 times! What can not affect, first of all, human health. Absolutely healthy children are born less and less. And various medical developments require huge costs.

In other words, now there are problems around a person that need to be solved, and the sooner the better. The approaches that exist in this moment, are not suitable, for the reason that they cannot change the situation as a whole. For example, increasing yields now come at the expense of increasing energy resources, which leads to increased energy consumption. The solution to the problem, in my opinion, should be solved by complex methods.

The problem of society.

One of main problem, along with the problem of ecology, which is closely related to it, is the problem of society or the problem of man as such.

The increase in humanity is now taking place exponentially. Despite 2 devastating wars that claimed a huge number of people, the population in the 20th century last years increased from 2 billion to 6 billion. Moreover, the development of mankind is happening at such a speed, the amount of knowledge in all directions is increasing at such a rate that a person simply does not have time to learn normally. This indicates that we have a colossal gap between external opportunities, development conditions, and our inner spiritual world.

New technologies, characterized by a sharp increase in the complexity of implementation, imposing super-strict requirements on technology, require workers with a new level of education and discipline. They need new organizational structures. Moreover, the changes must be on a planetary scale.

Local, national economies began to integrate into a single planetary organism with its own system of self-regulation. Transnational campaigns (TNCs) began to play a leading role in development. They formed a certain system that covered the entire planet. "This set of TNCs is a kind of single network, a single system that owns a third of all the productive assets of the planet, produces more than 40% of the planetary product, carries out noticeably more than half of the foreign trade turnover, more than 80% of trade in high technologies and controls more than 90% of the export of capital. Over the past a couple of decades foreign trade increased not 2-3 times as volume industrial production, but 10 times

There is now a noticeable trend towards a division of labor. There is a tendency to remove borders between states (European countries). All this leads to the emergence of one state, and the borders will be purely symbolic, but many problems, such as the problem of the "golden" billion, "conservatism of views can lead to the fact that this state will never be formed. A strong polarity between states is already noticeable. States , such as the USA, England, France at one pole and the developing states at the other.All this leads to the fact that there is a direction not to the emergence of wars, but to the emergence of the dictatorship of the first states, when they begin to interfere in the affairs of other states, under the pretext of establishing world. And their activities are reminiscent of punitive raids. The recent example in Yugoslavia only confirms this. Now, few people realize that the era of democracy flows into the era of dictatorship with elements of the colonization system. Under the pretext of helping developing countries, money is offered. Firstly, loans support the economies of countries from an overabundance money supply, and keeping their economies (the supply of chicken hams to Russia is going at such a pace only because in America an oversupply of meat products and sales to Russia prevent the market from starting to fall and ruin farms, and also because ham meat is the most unclaimed.) And in return, resources and local wealth are selected from developing countries. On the other hand, this market is very subject to momentary aspirations of individual monopolies for profit. As a result, anything can happen. It may collapse the whole financial system due to the huge excess of financial transactions over trade in real goods (1988: 12 billion dollars in trade in real goods; 420 billion in financial transactions) The financial bankruptcy of Mexico, makes it clear that the collapse of the entire economic system cannot be excluded. And when such a situation arises, it is difficult to predict the behavior of mankind. Most likely, there will be mass devastation and the appearance of large centers of "uprisings".

Another problem is the problem of the "Golden Billion". The term "golden billion" appeared quite recently. It means that only one billion people on earth can live a good life. The principle is already beginning to operate: "What is permissible for us is forbidden to them." Already now there is a duality of laws that work only in one direction. These laws protect the markets of the "golden billion" countries from the cheaper goods of other countries. On the other hand, they protect their home markets from an oversupply of goods. And when trying to protect themselves from goods produced by the countries of the "golden billion" by other countries, funds mass media the first countries raise a fuss, allegedly erecting a new "Iron Curtain". This problem has not yet become so urgent, only due to the fact that most governments in developing countries live without caring about their people, and if the people begin to revolt, then depending on the loyalty of the government to the countries of the "golden billion", help will come either to the government, or to the people who are trying to overthrow this government. But in the near future, when resources in developing countries will come to an end, the countries of the "golden billion" will face the problem of maintaining life in these states or leaving them to their fate. In the current state of affairs, the second option seems to be the most preferable. It will be difficult to predict the final consequences, but, in my opinion, everything will start again with uprisings.

After all, there are also religious issues. It is no secret that the most advanced, developed, smart people. Sects do not need weak and stupid people. Consequently, a part of the "advanced" population will carry to the masses the ideas of sects, which are based mainly on the enslavement of the people that have entered it. More recently, another "living God" appeared in India, which brings only goodness and peace to the world. All these religions will develop only in a weak society, making it more dictatorial. Among the many sects there will be radical ones. All this will not give the world more stability.

It is now that we need to find solutions to these problems. I see the following solutions to the "golden billion" problem:

The first solution: an all-destroying war, which will go under the sign of the suppression of objectionable peoples, in order to introduce the spirit of democracy. The most powerful states will first be subject to economic attack. As a result, it may happen that there will be no winners in it.

The second solution: the development of space technologies, and the resettlement of the population to other planets, or by creating the appearance of such resettlements, simply get rid of peoples by sending them into eternal space.

The third decision: a radical change in all economic, human guidelines, which should be aimed at the survival of ALL mankind.

All of these questions have at least one common answer, which is the use of force. This method is the easiest way to both solve the problem and start the "sunset" of the era of mankind. It is already clear that these questions cannot be left unanswered. And it is better to find answers to them, while the relevance of the questions is not high.

The problem of war.

by the most in a simple way The solution to all conflicts is the use of force. In the light of the approaching environmental issues, resolving issues with the help of weapons is the most simple. But, when using weapons, you need to be very careful, since the stocks of weapons are enough to destroy life on earth dozens of times.

One of the main methods of influence is the use of nuclear weapons. Although the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons were investigated and published as early as 1983. “Whoever strikes the first blow, in whatever region of the planet it happens, whether there is a retaliatory strike or not, in any case, no one will be able to survive the catastrophe. And whoever presses the button on the trigger will have the same fate as inhabitants of cities under attack. The same fate awaits those countries that will not take any part in the war"7.

Even knowing all these consequences, a person can use a deadly weapon for himself and all life on earth. The biosphere will still remain on earth, but it will not be suitable for human life for hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, the beginning of a nuclear war for a person will mean the end of his era. The demographic problem of increasing population leads to an increase in the occurrence of conflicts and, consequently, to an increase in the likelihood of resolving them by force.

Any conflict is fraught with the danger of a chain reaction. Therefore, the conflict must be resolved only peacefully. It only takes a squadron of bombers armed with conventional bombs to destroy France. But there are also chemical and bacteriological weapons, which also cannot be discounted.

Most likely, there will no longer be a full-scale war, but the solution of many issues will be accompanied by the use of punitive methods of influence (Iraq, Yugoslavia and many other centers).


In order to survive in this situation, a person needs to radically change his outlook on life. The era of humanity is good only when helping other weak brothers does not lead to the complete extermination of man. At the same time, it is impossible to slide down to the level of animals, proceeding to the introduction of the rule of force, whoever is stronger survives, since it will be almost impossible to survive in this struggle and a person will destroy himself. And the remaining people, if they remain, will quickly begin to degrade and there will come a gradual departure of man from the arena in which he was the strongest for several millennia.

So far, the possibility of changing the world is still poorly visible, and the solutions proposed are very controversial.

N.N. Moiseev did the main thing in his works, he asked questions that should be answered right now. In each of his last books, the question of the survival of mankind is raised. Existing problems have many solutions, and many of the solutions are dead ends. Our main task is to bring about a change of views. Put these issues in the forefront, pushing enrichment, power, etc. into the background, in the face of ALL people. And only together, using a common mind, a common will, the achievements of science and technology, will we have a chance to solve the problem of human survival on planet Earth. And only then will a person be able to adequately meet the 22nd century and not go into oblivion.

AT modern world a person has the opportunity to fully satisfy all his basic needs, it does not require huge work or excessive efforts. At the same time, a person remains a person, she cannot just sit still, live her life and calmly live out to her natural death. Everyone needs a meaning, a purpose, something great to strive for. But on the way to great success, everyone needs small incentives, usually victories are such incentives. Victory gives a person the possibility of a short, but still triumph, it brings pleasant moments in life. But you need to understand that the victory of one side means the defeat of the other side, therefore, in order to win, it is imperative to be strong.

To win as often as possible, you need to be strong. But do not think that it means the strength of one body only. The world knows many examples of how physically strong people gave in, suffered defeat and found themselves on the sidelines of life. There is absolutely nothing surprising in this, if you analyze the world wisely and impartially. In the modern world, people are measured not by the strength of their bodies, but by the strength of their understanding. The powers that be - influential politicians and businessmen, talented scientists and many others would hardly have been able to withstand at least one round of a fight with a professional boxer. There is no doubt that they would have given in, because human strength lies not in the ability to wave fists, but in the ability to be useful to others, thereby gaining the respect and favor of society. Everyone wants to win, but only the strong mind can achieve this. In addition, do not forget about the strength of the spirit. There are many among the influential people of our society who do not possess either physical strength or a phenomenal mind, but, nevertheless, these people can boast to someone of their numerous victories.

Of course, each person has their own ideas about human strength. There are many writers, including Jack London, who believe that the strength of the spirit and the strength of the mind must certainly be combined with the strength of the body. Well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs. But still, it should be noted that a sober and analytical view of the modern world suggests the opposite.

On the way to your final life success a person constantly needs victories that could give her seconds of triumph and motivate her to move forward. The concept of true power different people different, but at the same time it is worth noting that in our modern society, victories are often achieved by the strong in mind and spirit, and not by the strong in body.

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The problem of human survival

In the works of N.N. Moiseeva


Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev was born on August 23, 1917 in Moscow. In 1941 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University with a degree in functional analysis.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, since 1964 Corresponding Member, since 1984 Full Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (later RAS).

The problem of the survival of mankind is one of the main directions in the works of N. N. Moiseev. In addition, this direction is becoming more and more relevant for humanity. Mankind has come to that moment of existence when it will be decided: "To be or not to be for mankind?". N.N. Moiseev writes: “In my opinion, humanity on the threshold of the 21st century has come to such a limit in its historical development that it can mark a certain boundary separating the more or less prosperous history of the human race from an unknown and, most likely, very dangerous future. Dangerous for destinies our children and grandchildren. I mean, of course, not only the inhabitants of Russia. This applies to the entire planetary community."

Humanity in our time has become the dominant factor in the development of the biosphere. As a result of such an impact, the biosphere passes into a qualitatively new state. This new state of the biosphere, which is determined (directed) by the activity of the human mind, Le Roy called the noosphere.

The question of whether the era of the noosphere will come, that is, whether humanity will be able to coordinate its customs, its behavior, that is, the strategy of its development with the “strategy” of the development of the biosphere, remains open.

Humanity is approaching a certain forbidden line: the potential possibilities of civilization are close to exhaustion. The question was first raised 200 years ago by the monk Malthus. Now both scientists and politicians are talking about this, but this has little effect on the course of life, because the catastrophe is still beyond the horizon.

In this paper, 3 areas of problems related to the survival of mankind will be considered, this is an environmental problem, a problem of society and a problem of war.

Ecological problem.

Mankind has now entered a new era of its existence, when the potential power of the means it creates to influence the environment becomes commensurate with the mighty forces of nature.

So Moiseev wrote back in 1988. At present, the scientific and technological revolution has led to the fact that the problem of environmental catastrophe has become even more urgent. The activity of mankind has already crossed the line when its anthropogenic load on the biosphere did not exceed the possibility of restoring the resources of the biosphere itself. The reserves of resources, especially energy carriers, are rapidly declining on earth, and at the rate of accelerating the development of mankind, their reserves will last no more than 50 years. Now we need to look for and introduce qualitatively new sources of energy, while there is still a supply of energy resources. Using only the energy of the atom will not lead to a solution to the problem, but will only give a little time, because the waste from nuclear power plants needs to be disposed of somewhere. Disposal of waste from nuclear power plants requires high costs, as well as the allocation of places for disposal. Allocated places will be lost to humans for many years. The massive use of atomic energy can also lead to a global catastrophe. I still remember the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as a result of which a large number of people and agricultural land were affected, and the consequences of which will affect our descendants for a long time to come. The other side of the energy crisis is that electricity consumption is doubling about every 15 years. And soon the moment may come when artificial energy will begin to influence the structure of the planet's heat balance. This applies to any energy of artificial origin, whether it is the energy of a thermal power plant or the energy of thermonuclear fusion. Only the use of solar energy has practically no effect on the heat balance. Thus, an increase in electricity consumption leads to an increase in the temperature of the planet, and if it increases by 4-5 degrees, it will lead to an ecological disaster. There will be an irreversible melting of glaciers, an increase in the level of the ocean by many tens of meters and, consequently, the flooding of the most fruitful places on the planet. As a result of warming, the climate of the planet will change, and most of the planet will become an arid semi-desert. With a decrease in the average temperature of the planet by 3-4 degrees, it will lead to a new ice age. This can happen, for example, during the onset of a nuclear war ("winter"). Both rise and fall in temperature will lead to irreversible consequences for humanity.

Another environmental problem is the rapid decrease in soil cover. Over the past 70-80 years, mankind has lost about 500 billion tons of soil, which is about the same as the loss of arable land in India. And it takes about 1000 years to form a layer of soil 1 cm deep. Without agriculture, mankind simply cannot survive. At the same time, water pollution has reached such a level that natural waters do not provide the required level of dilution of industrial water discharge.

During the same period of time, air pollution has increased 100,000 times! What can not affect, first of all, human health. Absolutely healthy children are born less and less. And various medical developments require huge costs.

In other words, now there are problems around a person that need to be solved, and the sooner the better. The approaches that exist at the moment are not suitable, because they cannot change the situation as a whole. For example, increasing yields now come at the expense of increasing energy resources, which leads to increased energy consumption. The solution to the problem, in my opinion, should be solved by complex methods.

The problem of society.

One of the main problems, along with the problem of ecology, which is closely related to it, is the problem of society or the problem of man as such.

The increase in humanity is now taking place exponentially. Despite 2 devastating wars that took away a huge number of people, the population in the 20th century has increased from 2 billion to 6 billion in recent years. manages to learn well. This indicates that we have a colossal gap between external opportunities, development conditions, and our inner spiritual world.

New technologies, characterized by a sharp increase in the complexity of implementation, imposing super-strict requirements on technology, require workers with a new level of education and discipline. They need new organizational structures. Moreover, the changes must be on a planetary scale.

Local, national economies began to integrate into a single planetary organism with its own system of self-regulation. Transnational campaigns (TNCs) began to play a leading role in development. They formed a certain system that covered the entire planet. "This set of TNCs is a kind of single network, a single system that owns a third of all the productive assets of the planet, produces more than 40% of the planetary product, carries out noticeably more than half of the foreign trade turnover, more than 80% of trade in high technologies and controls more than 90% of the export of capital. Over the past a couple of decades, the volume of foreign trade increased not by 2-3 times as the volume of industrial production, but by 10 times"

There is now a noticeable trend towards a division of labor. There is a tendency to remove borders between states (European countries). All this leads to the emergence of one state, and the borders will be purely symbolic, but many problems, such as the problem of the "golden" billion, "conservatism of views can lead to the fact that this state will never be formed. A strong polarity between states is already noticeable. States , such as the USA, England, France at one pole and the developing states at the other.All this leads to the fact that there is a direction not to the emergence of wars, but to the emergence of the dictatorship of the first states, when they begin to interfere in the affairs of other states, under the pretext of establishing world. And their activities are reminiscent of punitive raids. The recent example in Yugoslavia only confirms this. Now, few people realize that the era of democracy flows into the era of dictatorship with elements of the colonization system. Under the pretext of helping developing countries, money is offered. Firstly, loans support the economies of countries from an overabundance of money supply, and keeping their economies (supply of chicken korokov goes to Russia at such a pace only because in America an oversupply of meat products and sales to Russia do not allow the market to start falling and ruin farms, and also because ham meat is the most unclaimed.) And in return, developing countries are choosing resources and local wealth. On the other hand, this market is very subject to momentary aspirations of individual monopolies for profit. As a result, anything can happen. The collapse of the entire financial system can happen due to the huge excess of financial transactions over trade in real goods (1988: $ 12 billion in real goods trading; 420 billion in financial transactions) The financial bankruptcy of Mexico makes it clear that the collapse of the entire economic system is excluded it is forbidden. And when such a situation arises, it is difficult to predict the behavior of mankind. Most likely, there will be mass devastation and the appearance of large centers of "uprisings".

Another problem is the problem of the "Golden Billion". The term "golden billion" appeared quite recently. It means that only one billion people on earth can live a good life. The principle is already beginning to operate: "What is permissible for us is forbidden to them." Already now there is a duality of laws that work only in one direction. These laws protect the markets of the "golden billion" countries from the cheaper goods of other countries. On the other hand, they protect their home markets from an oversupply of goods. And when trying to protect themselves from the goods produced by the countries of the "golden billion" by the rest of the countries, the media of the first countries raise a fuss, allegedly a new "iron curtain" is being erected. This problem has not yet become so urgent, only due to the fact that most governments in developing countries live without caring about their people, and if the people begin to revolt, then depending on the loyalty of the government to the countries of the "golden billion", help will come either to the government, or to the people who are trying to overthrow this government. But in the near future, when resources in developing countries will come to an end, the countries of the "golden billion" will face the problem of maintaining life in these states or leaving them to their fate. In the current state of affairs, the second option seems to be the most preferable. It will be difficult to predict the final consequences, but, in my opinion, everything will start again with uprisings.

After all, there are also religious issues. It is no secret that the most advanced, developed, intelligent people are taken into sects. Sects do not need weak and stupid people. Consequently, a part of the "advanced" population will carry to the masses the ideas of sects, which are based mainly on the enslavement of the people that have entered it. More recently, another "living God" appeared in India, which brings only goodness and peace to the world. All these religions will develop only in a weak society, making it more dictatorial. Among the many sects there will be radical ones. All this will not give the world more stability.

It is now that we need to find solutions to these problems. I see the following solutions to the "golden billion" problem:

The first solution: an all-destroying war, which will go under the sign of the suppression of objectionable peoples, in order to introduce the spirit of democracy. The most powerful states will first be subject to economic attack. As a result, it may happen that there will be no winners in it.

The second solution: the development of space technologies, and the resettlement of the population to other planets, or by creating the appearance of such resettlements, simply get rid of peoples by sending them into eternal space.

The third decision: a radical change in all economic, human guidelines, which should be aimed at the survival of ALL mankind.

All of these questions have at least one common answer, which is the use of force. This method is the easiest way to both solve the problem and start the "sunset" of the era of mankind. It is already clear that these questions cannot be left unanswered. And it is better to find answers to them, while the relevance of the questions is not high.

The problem of war.

The easiest way to resolve all conflicts is to use force. In light of the approaching environmental problems, resolving issues with weapons is the easiest. But, when using weapons, you need to be very careful, since the stocks of weapons are enough to destroy life on earth dozens of times.

One of the main methods of influence is the use of nuclear weapons. Although the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons were investigated and published as early as 1983. “Whoever strikes the first blow, in whatever region of the planet it happens, whether there is a retaliatory strike or not, in any case, no one will be able to survive the catastrophe. And whoever presses the button on the trigger will have the same fate as inhabitants of cities under attack. The same fate awaits those countries that will not take any part in the war"7.

Even knowing all these consequences, a person can use a deadly weapon for himself and all life on earth. The biosphere will still remain on earth, but it will not be suitable for human life for hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, the beginning of a nuclear war for a person will mean the end of his era. The demographic problem of increasing population leads to an increase in the occurrence of conflicts and, consequently, to an increase in the likelihood of resolving them by force.

Any conflict is fraught with the danger of a chain reaction. Therefore, the conflict must be resolved only peacefully. It only takes a squadron of bombers armed with conventional bombs to destroy France. But there are also chemical and bacteriological weapons, which also cannot be discounted.

Most likely, there will no longer be a full-scale war, but the solution of many issues will be accompanied by the use of punitive methods of influence (Iraq, Yugoslavia and many other centers).


In order to survive in this situation, a person needs to radically change his outlook on life. The era of humanity is good only when helping other weak brothers does not lead to the complete extermination of man. At the same time, it is impossible to slide down to the level of animals, proceeding to the introduction of the rule of force, whoever is stronger survives, since it will be almost impossible to survive in this struggle and a person will destroy himself. And the remaining people, if they remain, will quickly begin to degrade and there will come a gradual departure of man from the arena in which he was the strongest for several millennia.

So far, the possibility of changing the world is still poorly visible, and the solutions proposed are very controversial.

N.N. Moiseev in

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Nowadays, almost everyone can visit anywhere. the globe: plane, train, car, high speed sea ​​liner takes you anywhere. By chance, by inexperience, and sometimes consciously, each of us can fall into difficult situation and stay one on one with nature. Hundreds of thousands of people die every year in the world as a result of ground collapse accidents, aviation accidents, shipwrecks, tragedies in hiking trips and expeditions.
The main problem in such cases is that many people are completely unprepared, left without ready-made food, medicines, necessary clothing and funds. Prepared for emergencies: medical workers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire protection, soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces.
AT Everyday life people of other professions are unprepared. Very often, in difficult and sometimes most unexpected situations, we have to rely primarily on ourselves. Each of the minutes in extreme circumstances is decisive. And if you know what to do and what not to do under any circumstances, and besides not to let chance take you by surprise, in these minutes the situation can be resolved in your favor. This ability to survive, I think, can easily be called "personal safety immunity". According to some reports, in Russia this immunity is several times higher than in developed European countries.
AT natural environment a situation in which a danger to a person’s life may arise, a threat to his health and mental state may arise both due to a combination of random circumstances, and through his own fault. The main thing is the will and desire for life. Crucial have actions committed in the first minutes of an emergency situation.
Pain causes suffering and distracts a person from solving the tasks facing him, deprives him of the ability to think and act soberly. A strong-willed person can cope with pain and is able to forget about it for a while, focusing on the problems of survival. Overwork and fatigue are dangerous enemies. They dull the will and make a person yield to his own weaknesses.
It is very important not only to know about the options for behavior in extreme situations and ways of first medical care, but also to know the description of these situations, as well as recommendations on how to avoid certain situations.
You can make a very large list of extreme situations that can happen to almost everyone in the city or in nature. But we will formulate, first of all, the main provisions that will later help you avoid getting into various emergency situations, whatever their nature, be it an accident, a man-made disaster, a natural anomaly, a criminal situation.
Reversible Special attention to the fact that the advice of professionals, in the end, as a rule, boils down to maintaining calmness, endurance and self-control of a person who finds himself in a dangerous situation. Don't exacerbate your...

The world has the ability to change. Many sites and blogs are full of their colorful names "How to survive in this world?". We will give a rough list of recommendations that will make your life easier. All subtle psychological moments are so individual that it is up to you to decide how you will live or endure conditions. modern society.
How to survive in the modern world is up to you. Do you want to be happy?! Be. Do you want to self-actualize yourself?! Implement. Do you want to be successful?! Strive for it.

Often, outbursts of desires inside can be replaced by influxes of so-called apathy. Agree, there are situations when the surrounding society dictates its own conditions that you do not like. Hands drop, and the desire to be successful seems to have sunk into oblivion. You have a choice: will you continue to go with the flow in the new world, or take on your subconscious and change yourself in order to survive.

Probably, you have heard the phrase “Thoughts are material” more than once. One has only to want, and the Universe will hear the cry and give a new route for your life path. Just do not think that the Universe will do everything for you - of course it can do something, but only when you are ready to go and do everything yourself.

Pure Mind - Freedom and Happiness

Keep the mental realm clean. What is the mental realm? These are thoughts, feelings, emotions. Clogs this area: fears, anxieties, negative thoughts, irritability, jealousy, psychological complexes, emotional trauma of childhood and much more. Why is mental purity important? Its purity gives: calmness, a sense of strength, creativity, sensitive intuition, increased energy, which affects the health and power of thought, which just governs reality. As well as, elevated level energy is freedom and happiness.

The best tool for clearing the mind -. The advantage of the system is that the main work is shifted to the subconscious, and you just have to read ready-made instructions. You read the instructions and go about your business, and the subconscious itself works out the problem in the background. More than 80,000 users have already tested the system. .

Take responsibility

You are the sole master of your life. You need to stop, calm down and decide that from now on you become the complete master of your soul and body. You take responsibility for your actions and deeds. Everyone in this world has a chance to become happy.

Many losers in the wheel of life complain about various circumstances, just to shift their blame to the environment, objects, to the coincidence of circumstances. There are no coincidences! There is only your decision how you need to live. Don't rely on anyone. Neither parents, nor the state, nor the system will make you the way you see yourself in your dreams. Get out of your head that you were born at the wrong time, in the wrong country, in the wrong family! Set yourself up to control your Self.

Elimination of negativity

Every day we are bombarded with terabytes of information. As in an iceberg, we see only a small negative part of it. It is necessary to protect yourself from bad information with a beautiful “flower fence” of positive and positive emotions. Do not watch negative news, depressive films, do not listen to dirty gossip, gloomy songs. As you know, negativity attracts only negativity.

Think about what you can do for yourself? How will you change the environment that is always dissatisfied with you? Are you not satisfied with a picky boss who only pours a dirty waterfall of unpleasant words behind your back? When you get rid of negativity, life becomes much easier.


Choose for yourself important goals and intermediate ones, which you will gradually achieve, going to the top of your success. Believe me, it's much more efficient. You can make a Visualization Board. Psychologists advise to build a layout where you place all your life tasks. Setting clear priorities will help you achieve what you want faster.

Fairness of Methods

Fulfill your desires in an honest way. The Ten Commandments have not yet been cancelled. When a person achieves a goal without negativity, evil in a fair way, then the feeling of joy becomes brighter. Create a "code of honor" for yourself and follow it.


Mentally fantasize that your goal has been achieved, and the desired has been received. Imagine a bright live picture. Be sure to visualize yourself on it. Work like an artist paints on the canvas of life. Feel like the main character of this fantastic movie. Do not forget - we fantasize without negative colors.

In a healthy body healthy mind

Giving in to the psychological stress presented by our surrounding modern world, we often forget about our health.

Often our negative thoughts are generated by fatigue or illness of the body. Body and spirit have always been interconnected. There is even a special medical direction - psychosomatics, which studies the influence of your subconscious on the physiological body.

The frantic rhythms of life, especially in megacities, bring stress and apathy to most people.

Constant problems do not leave a person a choice and make him spin like a rodent in a wheel.

If you begin to notice irritability, fatigue for no reason, then take care of your physical body. Feeling good will encourage good and fresh thinking.


  1. Don't forget to rest. Weekends, vacations, time off, you should spend as much as possible with the benefit of your soul and body.
  2. Lead healthy life, give up bad habits, temper, do exercises in the morning. Create your own healthy and comfortable regimen. Cheerfulness in the morning will give mood for the whole day.
  3. Get regular medical checkups. Make it a rule to visit specialists once a year, even if nothing hurts and there are no signs of illness.
  4. Eat right. Inattention to the diet will lead to disturbances in the body.
  5. Pay attention to sleep. Solve all problems during business or free time let your body rest. Rest can be chosen both passive and active: with friends, family, going out into nature, going to the mall.

Most importantly, do not forget about emotions. Exactly emotional condition person - pledge happy life. Find something positive in yourself and plunge into the cheerful ocean of life. A surge of strength and energy will make you look at the world with completely different eyes. With the right attitude, negative situations will bypass.

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