Soil pollution of the Orenburg region. Soil cover of the Orenburg region

Garden technique 22.09.2019

Orenburg region is almost entirely in the zone of chernozem soil. Only in the very south they are replaced with dark chestnut soils, but on far North The type of gray forest soil is highlighted. The family of chernozems consists of several subtypes. From the north to the south there are their latitudinal and zonal shift.

In the south of the forest-steppe zone, covering the northern regions of Orenburg, the chernozem process received the maximum development. Here, a typical obese chernozem was formed under various-cereal vegetation. They have the power of the humorier of more than 80 cm, and the content of humus is from 6% to 12%, but can reach 15%. Under deciduous forests with thick herbage formatted chernozem, under meadow steppes - leached chernozem. However, these subtypes of chernozem, like gray forest soils, were not widespread in Orenburg.

In the northern part of the steppe zone from R. Maly Kinel to R. Samara, in the central part to R.urala, and in the east - ordinary chernozems were formed at the Urals Interfolder and the Suunda, ordinary chernozem. In contrast to typical black soil, this subtype of soil has a less powerful humus horizon (from 65 cm to 80 cm), the humus content is 6-10%, and with a slight mechanical composition - 4 - 5%.

Under the ticker-nice vegetation south of PP. Samara and Urals, as well as on the interfold of Kumaka and the Durnuk, the development of southern black soils were developed. They contain 4 - 7% humus with the power of the humus horizon at 40 - 50 cm.

South Ileka and Kumaka The main background of the soil cover form dark brown soils. For them, the prevailing power of the humus horizon is characterized at 30 - 40 cm when the content of humus is 3.5 - 5%.

Along with chernozem soils in the forest-steppe and steppe zones, meadow-chernozem soils are common. They are formed according to valleys, decreases, in stocks and in front of the terraces with additional moisture due to the temporary accumulation of the moisture of the surface drain or by fueling the groundwater.

Luggage and chestnut soils are distinguished. Large arrays among chernozem and chestnut soils on saline rocks in the conditions of crossed relief with the close occurrence of solenous rocks occupy a saltant soil. They have the greatest squares in Pervomaisk, Akbulak, Dombarovsky, Yasnensky and Svetilinsky district.

In the structure of the arable land, the area of \u200b\u200bthe chernozem occupy 79% of the area, the subtype of dark brown soils - 16%, gray forest soils - 4%. The southern black soils are among the black soils - 44%, ordinary - 26%, typical and leached - 9%. In the subzones of southern and ordinary chernozem, respectively - 14% and 7% of the area are occupied by Solonins. In the subband of dark chestnut soil, the Solontsov Square is 36%.

Incomplete and eroded soils occupy among typical black soils - 17% of their area, among ordinary chernozem - 39%, southern - almost 50%, in the denomination of dark chestnut soils - 22% of its area. We add that the subzone of ordinary chernozem is 74%, southern - by 52%, dark brown soils - by 43%.

In general, the typical and leached chernozems of the forest-steppe zone occupy 944 thousand hectares. Square occupied by ordinary chernozem make up 2917.0 thousand hectares, of which 202.3 thousand hectares are complexes with solon. The largest square It falls on the southern black soils - 3527.0 thousand hectares (including complexes with solonits - 494.0 thousand hectares). Dark brown soils have an area of \u200b\u200b1402.0 thousand hectares, of which are 319.1 thousand hectares - complexes with solon. Typical solonges occupy 725.8 thousand hectares. The meadow and alluvial soils developed by the catch of rivers account for 734.0 thousand hectares. The main part of incompletely developed soils (the total area of \u200b\u200b1335.0 thousand hectares) is busy.

soil Earth Monitoring Pollution

On the formation of soil cover Orenburg region Significant influence was provided with a dry, hot climate and shortage of precipitation. A variety of relief, soil-forming breeds, climate, vegetation determines the variety of soil cover.

The boundaries of the soil zones are incorrect and stretched, penetrate one into another long distances. The characteristic feature of the soil cover of the region is its heterogeneity. The soil cover of the Preislation was formed in a somewhat more humid conditions, rather than the Zauralye. The variety of relief, frequent replaceability in the space of different mechanical composition and content of soil-forming carbonates, various productivity of natural herbobes predetermined a greater variety of soils in the carbonate mode, mineralogical composition and content of humus in them. In accordance with this most of The territory of the Orenburg region is engaged in carbonate varieties of all types of chernozem and dark chestnut soils.

In the north and north-west region, the basis of the soil cover is typical and leached black soils, formed on deluvial yellow-brown clays and loams, undercaming with dense sedimentary rocks. South typical black soils are ordinary chernozem, which are located from west to east through the entire area. In the western part, they extend to the south to the rippers of the rivers Buzuluk and Samara. Next to the east of their southern border is the Ural Valley. In the Ural-Tobolsky plateau, these soils occupy spaces between the valleys of the drowsiness of the cloud, a clipboard and the Solonchan. South black soils stretch south of ordinary chernozem. In the south and south-east of the region, they are replaced by dark chestnut soils. In Pervomaisky and Sol-Iletsky districts, dark brown soils are represented by separate areas. Within the Ural Tobolsk Plateau, they occupy a broad strip.

Among the chernozems of the southern and chestnut soils are widespread solonts and salt-salt soils, especially in areas such as Pervomaisky, Sol-Iletsky, Akbulaksky, Kvarzensky, Gay, Novoorsky, Adamovsky, Svetlinsky, Dombarovsky. For river floors and terraces, turf-meadow, meadow-chernozem, meadow-marsh, sollets and salt marshes are common.

Chernozems typical, ordinary, southern occupies significant territories and make up the main Fund of the arable soil of the Orenburg region.

State monitoring of land, analysis of the quality state of land

In the Orenburg region in order to create a state-owned real estate cadastre system, in the development of the Federal Target Program "Creating an automated system for conducting a state land inventory and state accounting of real estate objects (2002-2007)", subprogramme "Creating a real estate cadastre system" (2006-2011 .) It was accepted and implemented by the regional target program "Creating a real estate cadastre system and land management in the Orenburg Region (2005-2011)".

State monitoring of land is a system of observation system. Land monitoring facilities are all land in the Russian Federation.

The tasks of state monitoring of land are:

1) timely identification of changes in land status, assessing these changes, forecast and developing recommendations on the prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes;

2) informational support of state land control over the use and protection of land, other functions of state and municipal Department land resources, as well as land management;

3) providing citizens about status information ambient In terms of land state.

Depending on the purpose of observation and the observable territory, state monitoring of land may be federal, regional and local. State monitoring of land is carried out in accordance with federal, regional and local programs.

Land monitoring is a long-term system of tracking, control and forecasting of the land foundation. At the same time, the soil is the main bonding link of all blocks of monitoring, it determines the highest degree of informativeness of the state of the ecosystem.

The relevance of work on the monitoring of land is determined by the deterioration of the ecological state of all objects of the natural environment, and land in particular. In this regard, to achieve environmental equilibrium requires fundamentally new approach to rational land use and environmental management as a whole. Making decisions related to the implementation of actions on earth should obligatory Precede the analysis of a variety of reliable and regularly updated data on its condition. All this determines the need to organize systematic integrated observations for the state of the environment - monitoring and its main object - land. In the Orenburg region, one of the best land monitoring services has been established and successfully functions. A network of monitoring sites consisting of reference sites, polygons and soil-erosion katam is based on a network.

Based on the main objectives of the monitoring of land expressed in ensuring the land use and environmental safety management system, timely information on the state of the land fund, the land monitoring system in the Orenburg region is being built, which consists of:

a) from the placement on the territory of the reference plots to observe and select the most informative and evaluative environmental indicators, parametrization;

b) analytical systematization of retrospective materials obtained in monitoring studies for environmental zoning of soil cover on the landscape-typological level;

c) the preparation of target slices of cards;

d) compiling on paper and electronic-based pollution cards with heavy metals and pesticides; humus; granulometric composition of soil; spread the influence of technogenic and exogenous processesViolating the natural state of soils and lands and others.

The monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region is conducted since 1993. Works are carried out in accordance with the regional target programs and the "methodology for improving the further implementation of environmental monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region".

The contract for the monitoring of the Orenburg region has concluded a contract for the amount of 830 thousand rubles. With LLC NPP Hyproke.

According to technical task Work performed on:

Monitoring land of settlements and territories adjacent to them (GG Buzuluk, Orenburg, Orsk, Kuvandyk and Mednogorsk);

Production of snow samples and soil samples on heat pollution during survey of lands of man-made road landscapes;

Drawing up and maintaining the regional complex working on duty map of the ecological state of land;

Organization and maintenance of the GIS monitoring of land fields (the creation of a lands monitoring bank);

Analysis of materials for research on the monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region for 2009.

During work on the monitoring program, the main provisions of the regional monitoring of the Lands of the Orenburg Region are developed, where the types of analysis and the frequency of their implementation for each category of land, as well as the concept of making an ecological state of the Orenburg Region, work on which is in the implementation stage and implies Geoinformation (GIS) technologies. Close to complete the creation of a basic monitoring system.

An analysis of materials of research on the monitoring of land of the Orenburg region and has prepared a summary report. Amendments and additions were made to the created electronic version of the complex working on duty maps of the ecological state of the land of the Orenburg region.

Currently, the Regional Land Monitoring Network of the Orenburg Region covers the Earth of all categories and consists of 66 polygons, 491 of the reference plot, 21 Katena.

According to the results of studies, work performed on the monitoring of the Land of the Orenburg region on the lands of agricultural purposes and the lands of settlements and the territories adjacent to them, analysis was conducted and recommendations were developed to eliminate the negative effects of land use.

Climate. Continental, with hot, accompanied by sukhovy summer and cold winter with a steady snow cover. The absolute amplitude of oscillations between the extreme temperatures reaches 85 o C. Winter is distinguished by the constancy of negative temperatures and harsh frosts. Summer sunny and roast, in the daytime, especially in July. The growing season is about 180 days. The amount of active temperatures is 2200-2700 about C. The characteristic feature of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region is its dryness. Fallen in the summer of precipitation do not have time to get absorbed into the soil, since high air temperatures contribute to their rapid evaporation. The precipitation on the territory of the region is applied unevenly, the amount of precipitation decreases from the North-West (450 mm per year) to the southeast (260 mm / year). Maximum amount Precipitation falls on a small chance ridge (up to 550 mm / year). Approximately 60-70% of the annual precipitation falls on a warm period that somewhat smoothes climate dryness. Low security of Orenburg steppes moisture often leads to drought. Over the past century, in the north-western regions of the region, strong and medium droughts were observed once every 3-4 years, and in southern regions once every 2-3 years. The duration of snow cover is from 135 days in the south to 154 days in the north. The average of the largest decadal heights of the snow cover for the winter ranges from 60 to 20 cm, decreasing from the north to south. The depth of the soil freezing reaches an average of 70 cm in the north-west, in the eastern regions - 1 m. For the steppes of Orenburg, the brutal blizzards observed at strong wind and low temperatures called berans. The average date for the formation of sustainable snow cover - November 21, the departure is April 6. Frost period - 109 days. Maximum depth of soil freezing - 2 m. Relief. In the West and East, the relief area is characterized by aligned interfluries and gentle slopes with low remaining ridges, and in the central part, on the interfluve, B. Ika and Sakmary, is a lowland. The highest point of the region on the small ridge in the Tulgansky district has a mark of 667.8 m, the lowest - drever r. Ural U P. Early in Tashlinsky district - 39.7 m above sea level. The relief is distinguished by the following large geomorphological structures: the plains of the primurary, Ural Mountains, Zauralsky Pedpetlen and Plains of the Turgay Plateau.

Hydrography. Surface waters. Under water ≈ 0.9% of the area, 0.12% is occupied by the swamps. The density of the river and the beam network reaches 2-4 km / km 2, with the exception of extreme eastern and southern regions, where it does not exceed 0.5 km / km 2. The largest river Ural is transit, but the main part of its flow is formed in the region due to the main tributary - sakmary. The Sakmar and Elek Rivers fall into the Urals within the region. Most of other significant rivers (Samara, Chagan, Big and Small Kinel, Dema, Tobol) have in the field of origins and a significant part washing Square . The flow of the rest of the middle and small rivers is fully formed in the area. In the Extreme Southeast, the area has a small pool of the steppe lakes Zhetykol, Shalkarekar and Aike. Most of the water of the river is obtained by atmospheric precipitation (60-95%) and insignificant - due to the drainage of groundwater. The Orenburg region accounts for 1164 km of bed and ≈ 78,000 km 2 squares of the Ural River Basin. The main feature of the Urals is the emergency unevenness of the drain. The chemical composition of the water of the Urals refer to the calcium bicarbonate class group. The water of the Urals contains during a flood of 0.3-0.5 g / l, by the end of the heat period - 0.8 g / l of dry residue. A rather high degree of mineralization is due to the aqueous erosion of chalk and limestone outcrops, river waters with saline waters and the transfer of dissolved salts by tribium. The largest influx of the Urals - the Sakmar River, the length of it within the range of ≈ 380 km, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is 30,200 km 2. Total within the region there are 623 watercourse with a length of more than 10 km. Significant area (≈ 5000 km 2) in the east of the region occupies a small pool of Lake Shalkar-Ega-Kara, Zhetykol, Ike. The largest river of this basin Brustrual has stock in Lake Shalkar-Ega-Kara only in spring time, in the summer consists of a chain of deep-water lake peals. Lake Shalkar-Ega-Kara - the largest natural pond of the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 9600 hectares and the long coastline of 96 km. Due to the lack of permanent flow into the lake, its level is subject to sharp fluctuations in different years. About once every 10 years, the lake dries completely, every 3 years freezes to the bottom. The prevailing depth on the lake 0.5-1.5 m. In the floodplains of the Urals, Sakhmary, Samara, Ileka and their tributaries, a large number of old men lakes are concentrated, the mode of which is closely related to the main watercourses. The largest floodplain lakes have an area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 hectares and reach lengths of 7 km. In the central and eastern parts of the region there are lakes of karst origin. The largest of them are the Lakes Koskol in the Belyaevsky district (12 and 15 hectares), Oktyabrsky Lake in the Oktyabrsky district (30 hectares), Lake Kopa in the Guy and Lake Kopa in the Adam district. There are more than 312 ponds and reservoirs with a total area of \u200b\u200b≈ 15600 hectares. This area does not include the mirror of the largest artificial reservoir of the region of Iriklinsky (26000 hectares). Almost immediately after the entry r. Urals on the territory of the region, the Ples of Iriklinsky reservoir begins. The reservoir was created in the former Iriklinsky gorge and is in the middle and lower parts deep-water mountain Lake with rocky shores and numerous bays. The length of the reservoir from north to south is 73 km, the length of the coastline is ≈ 415 km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir at the horizon is 245 m above sea level - 260 km 2, the average depth of 12.5 m, the maximum in the row and the seller - 36 m. From other reservoirs of the region, the Kumakskoe in the Yasnensky district is the largest (area of \u200b\u200b12.7 km 2, Volume 48 million m 3) and Chernovskoe in the icon area (12.6 km 2, 52.7 million m 3).

The groundwater. Potential resources of groundwater areas are estimated at 6.3 million m 3 / day, including 5.2 million m 3 / day. freshwater. The maximal modules are characterized by alluvia valleys of large rivers (1-5 l / s. Per km 2) and the indigenous yields of erosion cuts (0.5-1 l / s. Per km 2). From the aquifers the most powerful - alluvial quaternary with resources 1.3 million m 3 / day. Water bioresources. In rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs and ponds of the region, more than 60 species and varieties of fish live. They relate to 15 families from which the most numerous carp (28 species). For a significant part of the species, the Urals pool is the eastern limit of their distribution. Of the five types of sturgeon living in the r. Ural, only one kind, sterlet, constantly lives in the river. The remaining types: Beluga, Russian sturgeon, spike and seven - are found mainly during spawning and wintering migrations. On the middle of the Urals, the best sturgeon spawns and location places for the winter are preserved. Belorebits from the salmon family belongs to the passing species concerned in the Urals from the Caspian Sea. In the mountain streams and rivers of the sacmary pool, there are a stream trout and European Harius. When organizing the protection of their habitats and reproduction, these valuable fish rocks could be the objects of sports fisheries. The rivers and lakes of the area are widespread pike. Of great importance for amateur fisheries have bream, sazan, rhe, is, pillow, roach. Everywhere in lakes and ponds dwells a crucian. Often they are caught in 80-120 kg weighing and more. In rivers with a stony bottom, Nalim is common. In almost all water bodies dwells perch. A valuable type of fishing and amateur fishing in the Urals, Sakmar, Samara, Ilek and other rivers is Sudak. In the largest reservoir of the region, Iriklinsky, 36 species of fish live, including such essential commercial, as bream, pike perch, horse, Sazan, Som. From the universe fish species, a large commercial importance in Irikle acquired Sig and Ripus. In the ponds of the region, carp, a thick carp and white Amur are successfully bred.

Vegetation. The height of the preserved sections of the meadow steppes of the forest-steppe zone consists mainly of meadow-steppe disordering. The height of the main herbs of meadow steppes reaches 70-80 cm, on the platform 10x10 m occurs from 35 to 65 species. The productivity of such steppes is 25-40 centners hay / ha, their sites are preserved fragmentary. In the northern part of the steppe plant zone, approximately the latitudent segment of the valley p. The Urals prevail the varnopers-nice steppes. Their herbs contains from 30 to 65 species of plants per 100 m 2, its productivity is 15-20 C hay / ha. Forests occupy ≈ 6.6% of the territory.

Forest resources. Northern (19%) and Buzuluksky (22%) regions, the smallest Akbulaksky (0.5%) and Dombarovsky (0.4%) have the largest forestry. In the region, more than 86,000 hectares occupy artificial trapped and anti-erosion plantations. Total wood supply - 53 million m 3. Forest Islands in Leso steppe zone Consist of oak ordinary, linden of mellular, birch beard, which is mixed with sharply and Ilm maple. In some areas (right bank r. Small Kinel, Shaythau, etc.) there are pine edging. The sections of the forest steppe zone of vegetation occupy the floodplains of rivers and their sandy terraces, hilly interfluve and slopes, the exits of the collapsing rocks. The floodplain forests that have survived almost all significant rivers of the region are formed by a silver and black, windy, less often elm. According to the floodplains of Samara, the Urals and Sakmar, a significant area occupy a dubble. Separately, it should be said about the gallery and shedding of black alder (cherno-colon), growing in streams and mountain rivers, as well as swampy places on general raw, in the Valley of the Elica and the Governors of the Mountains. Embedded beams and rods of hilly-dummy watersheds of the steppe zone consist mainly of birch of warthamy and aspen. Oak grows over the Valley of the Urals on Waterseeds. In the east of the region in the upper and r. Suunloucle of the forest-steppe appearance landscape is attached to pine handfuls with admixtures of larch and birch-aspen slices.

Soil. For areas of the area are distributed: chernozem southern - 21.1%, ordinary chernozem - 15.5%, dark chestnuts - 10.4%, Chernozem residual-carbonate - 8.3%, flooded weakness and neutral - 7.1%, Chernozems deep-binding and loaming on light rocks - 6.3%, chernozems are typical - 5.6%, chernozems, southern southern - 5.4%, black soils, predominantly incomplete - 4.9%, leached black soils - 4.6%, Dark Chestnuts Salon Decor and Salon - 3.9%, Chernozems Little ordinary - 1.8%, Chernozem Owls - 1.1%, Chernozem Soloncents - 1%, Borovy Sands - 0.5%, Brown-Limitable - 0.5% , irrevocable formations (water, rocky placers) - 0.4%, dark gray forests - 0.3%, meadow-chernozem - 0.3%, solonitsa (automorphic) - 0.3%, gray forests are incomplete - 0, 2%, chernozems are opodzole - 0.2%, chernozems Soloncents and solonts (automorphic) (jet-hidden complexes) - 0.1%, gray forests -

The farther to the south of the steppe zone, the brighter is pronounced the process of catering, which prevents the process of humidopling. In the subzone of deserted steppes, light-brown soils, developed on clay rocks, are almost all solesteps. In the structure of the arable land of the region of black soil occupy 79%, the subtype of dark chestnut soils - 16%, gray forest soils - 4% of the area. In the subzones of southern and ordinary chernozem, respectively, 14 and 7% of the area are occupied by Solonsy. In the darkestore soil subzone, the Solontsi Square is 36%. Incomparable and eroded soils occupy 17% of their area among typical black soils - 39% of the southern - almost 50%, in the darkestroke soil subzone - 22% of its area. The subzone of ordinary chernozem plants by 74%, southern - by 52%, dark chestnut soils - by 43%.

Agriculture. Agricultural products occupy ≈ 87.4% of the territory, in their structure - arable land ≈ 56.5%, perennial plantings ≈ 0.2%, hayflows ≈ 6.5%, pasture ≈ 36.8%.

Livestock and fishery. Breakdowns (meat (meat white white, simmental) and dairy (red steppe, simmental) cattle breeding), pigs, goats (Orenburg), sheep, horses, birds (geese, chickens, ducks), fur animals (blue luxury, silver fox) , bees, rabbits (California, silver, New Zealand white), fish.

Crop production. Grow wheat (spring, winter), rye (winter), barley (winter, spring), oats, buckwheat, millet, corn (grain, food), nut, sunflower (grain, silage), sugar beet, rape (spring), Potatoes, vegetables, pumpkins, watermelons, melons, fruits, berries, annual and perennial grass.

Exemplary agricultural calendar in the Orenburg region

2 South Yarovye
2 Sowing spring wheat, corn (grain), sunflower (grain), rape, annual herbs; vapor processing; Himpropolka
2 Preparation of feed
3 Harvesting feed; Cereal cleaning, leguminous
2 Cereal cleaning; Preparation of feed
3 Cereal cleaning; sowing of winter Preparation of feed
September1 Cereal cleaning; Sevets wintering
2 Cleaning grain
3 Cleaning grain
October1 Cleaning grain
2 Cleaning grain
3 Cleaning grain, leguminous, sunflower

Areas of the Orenburg region

Abdulinsky district.
Cattle breeding, pig breeding, horse breeding. Grow (spring) wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, peas, corn, potatoes, coarse, fodder herbs.

Adam district.
Located in the eastern part of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 6500 km 2. Grow grain (stern), leguminous.

Akbulak district.
Located in the southern part of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 5000 km 2. Meat, dairy cattle breeding, sheep. Grow grains.

Belyaevsky district.
Located in the central part of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 3687 km 2. Home River - Urals, the largest tributaries - Utubility and Bruta. Grow feed.

Buzuluk district.
Cattle breeding, sheep. Grow wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, vegetables, fried.

Gay district.
Located in the eastern part of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 2900 km 2. Poultry farming. Grow feed herbs.

Grachevsky district.
Located in the north of general raw and covers the top of the Borovka River basin and the valley of the current river in the middle course. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 1.7 thousand km 2. Meat-dairy cattle breeding. Grow wheat, rye, millet, buckwheat.

Dombarovsky district.
Located on the Ural-Tobolsk Plateau in the southeastern part of the Orenburg region - in Ory-Kumaki intercourse. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 3600 km 2. On the territory of the district there are 2 large reservoirs - Mendybaevsky and Ushkatinskoye - with water volumes of 18 million m 3 and 10 million m 3, respectively, as well as several dozen lakes, medium and fine reservoirs. On the territory of the district, the rivers of Ory, Kamsak, small rivers Kugtyk, Zharbakatak, Karaganda, Kiembay, Mama and others flow. Meat-dairy cattle breeding, sheep, poultry farming. Grow grains.

Ilek district.
Located in the south-west of the region, in the western part of the Ural-Ilecan Meal and on the right bank of the Urals to its watershed with the Kindeli River. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 3700 km 2. The area is located in the steppe zone in the center of Eurasia, the climate here is sharply continental. Summer roast, sultry with insufficient moisture with frequent and strong Sukhovyi. Winter is cold with frost and frequent blizzards. During this period, there are thaws. Sustainable snow cover 130-140 days from November 25 to April 7. The average height of the snow cover is about 20 cm. The average monthly air temperature in July is about +22 o C, in January -14 o C. The difference between the maximum (+42 o c) and the minimum (-43 o c) temperature of the year reached 85 About C. The duration of the smokery period is 140 days a year. Latest frosts in the first beginning of the second decade of May. The average annual precipitation amount ranges from 273 to 363 mm, for the warm period (April-October) drops 177-215 mm, including for May-June - 66-75 mm. The winds of the Eastern and South-Western directions are dominated by winds from 2 to 5 m / s. The surface of the Ilek region is represented by an extensive hilly plain, which is a southeastern part of the Eastern European or Russian Plain. Most of the district occupy the wide river valleys of the Urals and Ilek, as a result, alluvial plains are dominated in the relief - the floodplains, two inapproving terraces and terrace surfaces that have arisen at the scene of Pradolin Urals and Eleka. The width of the river valley between the terraces is 10-15 km. On its flat surface, lakes, old men, mane, hollows are often found. The floodplains sweep the river sediments - peccles and sands, replacing upwards with loams and sands. In the buried valleys, except for river, there are also marine pebbles, sands and clay of the Akchagyl tier of Neogen. River sediments of the terraces, as well as non -ogenic deposits of paleodoline are covered with a powerful subliban dellower. The Ilek Valley differs from the Ural predominance in alluvial cuts of the sands, on which the elast form of relief is formed. The landscape feature of the valley of the facility is the development of the extensive array of bug and wavy sands on its right bank. The absolute marks of the surface of the district range from 250 m on the watershed of the rivers of the health and Kindel to 50 m in the floodplain of the Urals near the village of the Hub. The ideal plain of the Ural-Ilek plane lies at altitudes ranging from 90 to 130 m above sea level. In the north of the Ilek region, the fatings of common raw materials come. Their absolute height is 170-200 m. The slopes facing south, steepness and ripples. Rain, snowy water, the wind demolished the soil with them, and the Triassic and Jurassic sediments are exposed on the surface. They can be seen in the village of Mukhranovo, Ruspy, Lower-member. The northern slopes of the opposites of common raw forests are covered with thin demaros and a layer of chernozem. Most of the Ural-Ilecan interferes are occupied by the accumulative terracial plain of non-quaternary age. This most ideal plain in the field is currently almost completely disposable. In the eastern part of the River River's right bank, the Svobron Ural-Ilekskoe Plateau, folded by Red Triassic Breeding. The prevailing in the area are the appliances, floodplain, terrace, sand-and-bug landscapes. Forestry area is significant at the expense of floodplain forests and is 8.4%, meadow-steppe pastures and hayneokos occupy 27.6% of the territory. The major rivers of the district are the Ural River and his left influx of imel. The Length of the Ural River is 2534 km, and the length of the bed in the Ilek district is 475 km. Of total length River Ilec in 623 km per district accounts for 230 km. There is also the right-hand tributaries of the Urals River Health and River Ozernaya, and the right influx of the Mazanka River. The nutrition of the rivers mixed, mainly snow, which causes a spring flood since April. Water in the Ural River at the village of Elek rises at 7-8 m. Then the flood is replaced by a slow downturn of water in the rivers for two months, and the shallow-growing stable intereth occurs. There are short-term water lifting in rivers due to summer and autumn rains (flood). In winter, the rivers are covered with stable ice cover, which is operating to 130-140 days. Opening ice takes place from April 6 to 15. In the Valley of the Urals, there are many lakes and old men, especially large: side, unnamed, Lebiazhye, Lipovaya, Mitryasovo, sorony, curve, gerption, jerking, healing, Sukharinovo, Chilician, Warmish, Walnut, Big Orlovo and others. Groundwater Located at a depth of 6-40 m. Some beamets beat the spring. Soil cover in the area is represented by southern black soils and dark-chestnut soils. Salonshiping complexes have significant distribution. The soil is largely susceptible to wind and water erosion. The power of the soil thickness of the soil thickness reaches 70-80 cm. Persons from under the layer of covering loams are found heavy solenous clays. Allyuvial soils are common along rivers, in the south of the area - sands. In the lowering of the soil meadow-swamp. The area is located in the zone of the Titschakovo-Kickle steppes, the sand steppes spread in the south, along the river beds - floodplain forests and meadows. Sometimes there are sections of the rocky and salt-salt steppe. Ilek district - the most dilated in the Orenburg region - Pashnya takes 71% of the territory. But at the same time, it is the most wooded in the steppe zone of the region - the timber-plated area is 8.4% of the territory. In the poverty-ticker, divergent steppes grow: Kickl, bonfireless, mochain, yarrow, clover red, nickname, oatmeal, mouse peas, alfalfa, thistle, oats steppe, timofeyevka, tonkonog, powder, cannabis, sage, podmarnik, sage, sage, soul Mintless, plantain, dandelion, wormwood, swan, belane, buckwheat, rolling-box, licorice. By the valleys of river rivers, shrubs are growing: a bobvnik, a ricker, chiliga, turne, steppe cherry, rosehip, honeysuckle Tatar, Krushshn, Currant. In the valleys of rivers, floodplain forests are growing, in which Iva grow, vet, induce, elm, aspen, poplar, linden, oak, cable, ash. Meat, dairy cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep, goat breeding, poultry farming. Grow grain (stern), leguminous.

Quartzen district.
Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 5.2 thousand km 2. Dairy cattle breeding. Grow grain (stern), leguminous.

Krasnogvardeysky district.
Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 2.8 thousand km 2. Dairy cattle breeding.

Kuvandyk district.
Located in the most sublime low-high-high-end portion of Orenburg, occupying the unintelligence of the area between the central and eastern parts. Geographically, it is located in the middle part of the Basin of the Urals and its main influx of sacmary. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 6 thousand km 2. The area is almost entirely located in the Ural folded country, with the exception of a small southwestern part in the upper reaches. Burley belonging to the priesthood. Geological structure The area is very inhomogeneous. Its western part to the Kuvandyk line - the mouth of Kinderley lies in the zone of the advanced folds of the Urals and is composed of coal-nizhne-vertical rocks. The surface of this territory is characterized by the predominance of the Grocery-Dummy and Grocery-Hilly Relief Relief. The eastern border of advanced folds coincides with a large fault - Sakmar's supervision, east of which the Central Ural raising is located, the axial part of which consists of Precambrian metamorphic rocks framed by volcanic and sediment deposits from Ordovik to Devonian. In the relief of the Central-Ural raising, the Shaythau Ridge, Prisakmar and the Uralsky (Gubernlysky Mountains) of the Smallosophers and the Sarin Plateau are allocated. Sarinskoe plateau is a platform plate, built on the site of the destroyed mountains, isolated by a sedimentary case from marine chalk-paleogenic rocks. The Sarin Plateau takes the position dominant in height in the area, the heights mark the heights ranging from 400 to 500 m above sea level. The Prisakmar and Ural Melchosophers surrounding it are the outskirts of the Sarin Plain, dissected by an arms-beam network. The climate is sharply continental. Winter cold little, roast dry summer, a small amount of precipitation. The coldest month is January, the average temperatures from -15 o C in the south of the area to -16 about C in the north. Strong frosts are often accompanied by wind-beran winds. The average height of the snow cover is 30-50 cm, on the chayantau ridge, in especially snowy years, more than 1 m. The hottest month is July, with average temperatures from +20.5 ° C in the north to +21.5 o C on south. The average annual temperatures are everywhere positive and constitute about +3 o C. Moisturizing coefficient - from 0.6 in the north to 0.3 in the south. The precipitation in the area falls out unevenly. Their annual amount decreases from the north (450 mm or more) to the south (300 mm or less). The maximum amount of precipitation falls on the Schetantau ridge - 550 mm. All rivers of the Kuvandyk district belong to the pool r. Ural. Their feature is the extremely uneven distribution of the river flow for the season of the year. During the spring melting of snow, they drop to 80% of the annual flow, whereas for summer period - only 12%, and for autumn-winter - 8%. The Ural River is the largest transit river area. From the total length of the river 2428 km to the territory of the region accounts for 1164 km, the Kuvandyk district is about 80 km away. The main right-wing influx of the Urals in the area of \u200b\u200bthe district is Kinderla (hemp), Aksakalka, a swamp; Left - Alimbles and Kiyala-Bruta. The Sakmar River is the biggest influx of the Urals, its length in the area is more than 100 km. On the territory of the Sakhmar district and its main tributaries (Bukharcha, Kuryul, Kairacla, Catralia, Kuraganka) proceed by narrow deep valleys with a depth of rock to 250-300 m. Meat and dairy cattle breeding (Red Steppe, Simmental, Kazakh White), Pukhovoy Sheeping, pig breeding, poultry farming, horse breeding, fur animal, beekeeping. Grow wheat (spring), barley (spring), millet, buckwheat, corn (feed), legumes.

Novora district.
Located in the eastern part of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 2919.44 km 2. Poultry farming, fish farming, rabbit breeding. Grown potatoes, fruits.

Novosergievsky district.
Located in the central part of the Orenburg region, it takes the segments of the Cyndelki River, Samara rivers and its right tributaries - fit, large and small uranium, current. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 4500 km 2. Sheep flow, breeding cattle. Grow grain (torn), leguminous, sunflower.

Novotroitsk g / o.
Located in the eastern part of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 352.34 km 2. The climate is sharply continental, with cold winters with temperatures up to -30 about with and hot, dry summer with a temperature of up to +40 o C. Winter harshs, sometimes multispered, with beran and drifts. Summer in turn is dry, the rains are small, the usual hot, dry winds.

Orenburg district.
Located in the center of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 5,500 km 2. Meat, dairy cattle breeding. Grow wheat (spring, winter), barley (spring).

Perevolotsky district.
Located in the center of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 2742 km 2. Meat, dairy cattle breeding. Grow wheat (spring), rye (winter), feed.

Sakmar district.
Located in the central part of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 2061 km 2. On the territory of the district, the Salmexa, Sakmarä and the left influx of the river Jushatyr proceed. Cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep, rabbit breeding (California, silver, New Zealand white). Grow grains (winter).

Svetyl district.
Located in the east of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 5608 km 2. The territory of the area is included in the steppe climatic zone and is characterized by a sharp continentality and reduced humidification, cold in winter and hot summer, poverty of atmospheric precipitation. The area is the most chamber in the area, the forests occupy about 0.03% of the area area. Cenokos and pastures occupy about 38% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area. Grounds clay, samp, thin, crushed stone-linous and crushed stone-samp, solonchard, there are small stony areas. Sheep breeding. Grow wheat (spring).

Sol-Iletsky urban district.
Located in the south of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 5200 km 2. Age farm - 416400 hectares, Pashnya - 223300 hectares, hayfields - 34500 hectares, pastures - 158600 hectares. Meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep-flowering, goat breeding, horse breeding, poultry farming (chickens, ducks, geese). Grow grains, oilseeds, vegetables, watermelons, melons, pumpkins, fruits, berries.

Sorochinsky district.
Located in the western part of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 2.8 thousand km 2. Meat, dairy cattle breeding, poultry farming (chickens). Grow grains (winter).

Totsky district.
Located in the west of the region, the area area is 3.1 thousand km 2. The largest river of the district is Samara with the tributaries of the riot, forty, shirt, elder, handwalk. In the south of the district - River Buzuluk. The highest point of the district is the Mountain Petrovsky Bryer (235 m). Cattle breeding, pig breeding, poultry farming, beekeeping, sheep. Grow grain (spring), leguminous, feeding herbs.

Charlike district.
Located in the north-west of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 2900 km 2. Meat, dairy cattle breeding. Grow wheat (spring), rye (winter), barley (winter), sunflower.

Yasnensky g / o.
Located on the south-east of the Orenburg region. Area of \u200b\u200bterritory - 3500 km 2. Sheep breeding. Grow grains.


1.Toble cover of the Orenburg region

1.1 State Monitoring of Lands

2. Pollution of soils

2.1 Pollution of the soil of the Orenburg region

3. Merification for the protection of soils of the Orenburg region

Environmental protection when handling




Soil - special natural education with a number of properties inherent in alive and inanimate nature, formed as a result of a long conversion of surface layers of a lithosphere under joint interdependent interaction of the hydrosphere, atmospheric, living and dead organisms.

Soil cover is essential natural education. Its role in the life of society is determined by the fact that the soil is a source of food, providing 95-97% of food resources for the world's population.

The special property of the soil cover is his fertility, under which the combination of the properties of the soil, ensuring the crop of crops. Natural soil fertility is associated with a margin nutrients In it and its water, air and thermal regimes. The soil provides the need of plants in aquatic and nitrogen nutrition, being the most important agent of their photosynthetic activity. The soil fertility depends also from the magnitude of the solar energy accumulated in it.

Soil cover belongs to self-regulating biological system, which is the most important part of the biosphere as a whole. Live organisms, plants and animals inhabiting the ground fix the solar energy in the form of phyto and zoomassa.

The productivity of ground ecosystems depends on the thermal and water balances of the earth's surface, which determine the diversity of the forms of energy exchange and substance within the geographic shell of the planet.

The area of \u200b\u200bland resources of the world is 129 million km2, or 86.5% of the Sushi Square. Under the arable land and perennial plantations in agricultural land is employed by about 15 million km2 (10% sushi), under haymen and pastures - 37.4 million km2 (25%). The total area of \u200b\u200bfabricated land is estimated by various researchers in different ways: from 25 to 32 million km2.

Land resources of the planet make it possible to provide food more populationWhat is currently available. At the same time, due to the growth of the population, especially in developing countries, the degradation of soil cover, pollution, erosion, etc.; As well as due to the removal of land for building cities, towns and industrial enterprises, the amount of a pashnya per capita is sharply reduced.

The impact of man on the soil is an integral part of the overall impact of human society on earth Corre and its top layer, in nature as a whole, especially the scientific and technological revolution in the age of the eyelids. At the same time, not only the interaction of a person with the Earth is increasing, but also the main features of interaction. The problem of "soil - man" is complicated by urbanization, increasingly use of land, their resources for industrial and housing construction, the growth of food needs. By the will of a person, the nature of the soil changes, the factors of the soil formation are changed - relief, microclimate, new rivers appear, etc. Under the influence of industrial and agricultural pollution, the properties of soil and soil-forming processes, potential fertility, are reduced, the technological and nutritional value of agricultural products is reduced, etc.

Natural environmental pollution is a complex process associated with human activity. The author of the fundamental report on the ecology of Yu. Odum (1975) indicates that "pollution is natural resources that are not in its place", for they are alien to natural ecosystems and accumulating into them, violate the processes of a substance and energy processes, reduce their productivity, affect the health of people.

1.Soil cover of the Orenburg region

soil Earth Monitoring Pollution

The boundaries of the soil zones are incorrect and stretched, penetrate one into another long distances. The characteristic feature of the soil cover of the region is its heterogeneity. The soil cover of the Preislation was formed in a somewhat more humid conditions, rather than the Zauralye. The variety of relief, frequent replaceability in the space of different mechanical composition and content of soil-forming carbonates, various productivity of natural herbobes predetermined a greater variety of soils in the carbonate mode, mineralogical composition and content of humus in them. In accordance with this, most of the territory of the Orenburg region is engaged in carbonate varieties of all types of chernozem and dark chestnut soils.

In the north and north-west region, the basis of the soil cover is typical and leached black soils, formed on deluvial yellow-brown clays and loams, undercaming with dense sedimentary rocks. South typical black soils are ordinary chernozem, which are located from west to east through the entire area. In the western part, they extend to the south to the rippers of the rivers Buzuluk and Samara. Next to the east of their southern border is the Ural Valley. In the Ural-Tobolsky plateau, these soils occupy spaces between the valleys of the drowsiness of the cloud, a clipboard and the Solonchan. South black soils stretch south of ordinary chernozem. In the south and south-east of the region, they are replaced by dark chestnut soils. In Pervomaisky and Sol-Iletsky districts, dark brown soils are represented by separate areas. Within the Ural Tobolsk Plateau, they occupy a broad strip.

Among the chernozems of the southern and chestnut soils are widespread solonts and salt-salt soils, especially in areas such as Pervomaisky, Sol-Iletsky, Akbulaksky, Kvarzensky, Gay, Novoorsky, Adamovsky, Svetlinsky, Dombarovsky. For river floors and terraces, turf-meadow, meadow-chernozem, meadow-marsh, sollets and salt marshes are common.

Chernozems typical, ordinary, southern occupies significant territories and make up the main Fund of the arable soil of the Orenburg region.

1 State Monitoring of Lands, Analysis of the Quality State of Lands

In the Orenburg region in order to create a state-owned real estate cadastre system, in the development of the Federal Target Program "Creating an automated system for conducting a state land inventory and state accounting of real estate objects (2002-2007)", subprogramme "Creating a real estate cadastre system" (2006-2011 .) It was accepted and implemented by the regional target program "Creating a real estate cadastre system and land management in the Orenburg Region (2005-2011)".

The tasks of state monitoring of land are:

) timely identification of changes in land status, assessing these changes, forecast and developing recommendations for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes;

) information support of state land control over the use and protection of land, other functions of state and municipal land management, as well as land management;

) Ensuring citizens with information on the state of the environment in terms of land state.

Depending on the purpose of observation and the observable territory, state monitoring of land may be federal, regional and local. State monitoring of land is carried out in accordance with federal, regional and local programs.

Land monitoring is a long-term system of tracking, control and forecasting of the land foundation. At the same time, the soil is the main bonding link of all blocks of monitoring, it determines the highest degree of informativeness of the state of the ecosystem.

The relevance of work on the monitoring of land is determined by the deterioration of the ecological state of all objects of the natural environment, and land in particular. In this regard, to achieve an environmental equilibrium, a fundamentally new approach to rational land use and environmental management is required. The decision-making related to the implementation of actions on Earth must necessarily precede the analysis of a variety of reliable and regularly updated data on its condition. All this determines the need to organize systematic integrated observations for the state of the environment - monitoring and its main object - land. In the Orenburg region, one of the best land monitoring services has been established and successfully functions. A network of monitoring sites consisting of reference sites, polygons and soil-erosion katam is based on a network.

Based on the main objectives of the monitoring of land expressed in ensuring the land use and environmental safety management system, timely information on the state of the land fund, the land monitoring system in the Orenburg region is being built, which consists of:

a) from the placement on the territory of the reference plots to observe and select the most informative and evaluative environmental indicators, parametrization;

b) analytical systematization of retrospective materials obtained in monitoring studies for environmental zoning of soil cover on the landscape-typological level;

c) the preparation of target slices of cards;

d) compiling on paper and electronic-based pollution cards with heavy metals and pesticides; humus; granulometric composition of soil; the spread of the influence of man-made and exogenous processes that violate the natural state of soils and land, and others.

The monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region is conducted since 1993. Works are carried out in accordance with the regional target programs and the "methodology for improving the further implementation of environmental monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region".

The contract for the monitoring of the Orenburg region has concluded a contract for the amount of 830 thousand rubles. With LLC NPP Hyproke.

According to the technical specifications, work was carried out by:

monitoring land of settlements and territories adjacent to them (GG Buzuluk, Orenburg, Orsk, Kuvandyk and Mednogorsk);

production of snow samples and soil samples on heat pollution during survey of lands of man-made road landscapes;

drawing up and maintaining the regional complex working on duty map of the ecological state of land;

organization and maintenance of the GIS monitoring of land fields (the creation of a lands monitoring bank);

analysis of materials for research on the monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region for 2009.

During work on the monitoring program, the main provisions of the regional monitoring of the Lands of the Orenburg Region are developed, where the types of analysis and the frequency of their implementation for each category of land, as well as the concept of making an ecological state of the Orenburg Region, work on which is in the implementation stage and implies Geoinformation (GIS) technologies. Close to complete the creation of a basic monitoring system.

An analysis of materials of research on the monitoring of land of the Orenburg region and has prepared a summary report. Amendments and additions were made to the created electronic version of the complex working on duty maps of the ecological state of the land of the Orenburg region.

Currently, the Regional Land Monitoring Network of the Orenburg Region covers the Earth of all categories and consists of 66 polygons, 491 of the reference plot, 21 Katena.

2. Sources of soil pollution

Pollution sources are:

) Residential buildings and household enterprises. Among the pollutants prevailing household garbage, food waste, feces, construction garbage, waste heating systemswho came into disrete household items; rubbish public institutions - hospitals, canteens, hotels, shops, etc. Together with feces in the soil often fall pathogenic bacteria, helminth eggs and others harmful organismswhich through food products fall into the human body. In fecal residues, there may be such representatives of pathogenic microflora such as the pathogens of typhoids, dysentery, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, etc. The speed of death in the soil of different microorganisms of non-etinakov. Some pathogenic bacteria can be maintained for a long time and even multiply in the soil and soil. These include tetanus causative agents (up to 12! Years), gas gangrene, Siberian ulcers, botulism and some other microbes. The soil is one of the important factors for the transfer of the eggs of helminths, thereby determining the possibility of the propagation of a number of helminthiasis. Some helminths are geohelminths (ascaris, power-eyed, Ankilostomoids, sophisticated, trichoes, etc.) take place one of the stages of its development in the soil and can continue to maintain vitality in it. So, for example, the eggs Askarid can maintain viability in the soil in conditions middle strip Russia - up to 7-8 years, Central Asia - up to 15 years; Eggs of vlashanvov - from 1 to 3 years.

) Industrial enterprises. In solid and liquid industrial waste, certain substances are constantly present that can provide toxic effects on living organisms and their communities. For example, in the waste of the metallurgical industry, salts are usually present and heavy metals. Machine-building industry displays cyanides, arsenic combination, beryllium. In the production of plastics and artificial curl, benzene and phenol waste are formed. The waste of the pulp and paper industry, as a rule, are phenols, methanol, turbid, cubic residues.

) Thermal power engineer. In addition to the formation of masses of slags when burning coal The heat energy is connected to the atmosphere of soot, unburned particles, sulfur oxides, in the end turning out in the soil.

) Agriculture. Fertilizers, Yadochymikats used in rural and forestry to protect plants from pests, diseases and weeds. Soil contamination and violation of the normal cycle of substances occurs as a result of the underdeveloped use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Pesticides, on the one hand, the crop saves, protect the gardens, fields, forests from pests and diseases, destroy weed vegetation, exempt a person from bloodsowing insects and carriers of the most dangerous diseases (malaria, tick-borne encephalitis, etc.), on the other hand - destroy natural ecosystems are the cause of the death of many useful organisms, negatively affect the health of people. Pesticides have a number of properties that enhance their negative effect on the environment. Application technology determines direct entry into environmental objects, where they are transmitted by supply chains, for a long time circulated along the external environment, fall from the soil into water, from water in plankton, then into the body of fish and humans or air and soil in plants, organism herbivores and man.

Along with manure into the soil, pathogenic bacteria, helminth eggs and other harmful organisms, which, through food, fall into the human body are also included.

) Transport. When operating internal combustion engines, nitrogen, lead oxides, hydrocarbons and other substances deposited on the surface of the soil or absorbed by plants are intensively separated. Each car throws into the atmosphere on average per year 1 kg of lead in the form of an aerosol. Lead is thrown into the exhaust gases of cars, precipitated on the plants, penetrates the soil, where it can remain for quite a long time, since it dissolves weakly. A pronounced tendency to an increase in the number of lead in plants tissues is observed. This phenomenon can be compared with the increasing consumption of a fuel containing tetra-ethyl lead. People living in the city near highways with intense movement are at risk of accumulating in their body in just a few years such a number of lead, which is much higher than permissible limits. Lead is included in various cell enzymes, and as a result, these enzymes can no longer perform the function intended in the body. At the beginning of poisoning, increased activity and insomnia, later fatigue, depression. Later symptoms of poisoning are function disorders nervous system and lesion brain. Motor transport in Moscow throws 130 kg of pollutants per person annually.

The soil is contaminated with petroleum products while refueling machines on the fields and in the forests, on the forest-shops, etc.

Self-cleaning of soils, as a rule, is a slow process. Toxic substances accumulate that contributes to a gradual change chemical composition Soils, violation of the unity of the geochemical environment and living organisms. From the soil, toxic substances can get into animal organisms, people and cause severe diseases and fatal outcomes.

In the soils, compounds of metals, such as iron, mercury, lead, copper, and other mercury enters the soil with pesticides and industrial waste. Total incontrolled mercury emissions are up to 25 kg per year. It can be judged by the following data on the scale of chemical transformation of the surface of the lithosphere: in a century (1870-1970) on the earth's surface, over 20 billion tons of slags, 3 billion tons of ash. Zinc emissions, antimony amounted to 600 thousand tons, arsenic - 1.5 million tons, cobalt - more than 0.9 million tons, nickel - more than 1 million tons.

The contamination of the underlying soil surfaces of the Orenburg region occurs in three directions: atmospheric deposits, fluid spills and accumulation of solid pollutants.

The main source of soil pollution by heavy metals and hydrocarbons is automotive transport. Pollutants (heavy metals - lead, manganese, zinc; hydrocarbons, benz (a) Pyrene and others) come into the soil indirectly, through air pollution.

Directly pollution of soils as a result of spill of petroleum products occurs along the transport highways from vehicles and in areas where objects of LLC Buguruslanneft are located (oil wells, NPS, pipelines).

The main causes of microbial soil pollution on the territory of the residential building are an increase in the number of MSW, the imperfection of the system of cleaning inhabited areas, the absence of a centralized sewage system or unsatisfactory state sewage networks, The emergence of unauthorized landfills.

1 Pollution of the soil of the Orenburg region

Despite the rather low values \u200b\u200bof the exceedments of the PDC, in the soils of the city there are exceeds the content of chemical elements over the values \u200b\u200bof the natural background: zinc - in 4.36-124.31 times, copper - at 2.71-72.0 times, lead - in 4, 25-13.59 times, cobalt - at 3.00-10.60 times, cadmium - at 2.75-7.63 times, manganese - at 2.54-7.62 times. Calculation of correlation coefficients showed quite close interactions of zinc, copper, cadmium, lead and nickel among themselves. All this indicates the emergence of potential foci of pollution in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reference plots 3, 11, 13. This conclusion is confirmed by the analytical data of monitoring conducted in 15 years. In these points, the most unfavorable situation on the content of zinc, lead, cadmium is observed.

The ecological and geochemical state of the soil cover of Oskors is formed under the influence of a large number of pollution sources. Intensive soil contamination TM is observed not only in the territory of sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises, but also in residential areas.

In 2010, the main chemical element whose concentration exceeds the PDC in the soil is nickel (2.92-60.94 times). At one point (6) exceeds cadmium (2.40 times).

High nickel and cadmium values \u200b\u200baffected the values \u200b\u200bof the total soil contamination of TM. The interval of values \u200b\u200bon 2 and 6 reference sections is 24.44 and 63.65, which corresponds to a moderately dangerous and dangerous degree of pollution.

The presence of chemical pollution confirm the excess of the content of chemical elements over the backgrounds: Nickel - 3,10-243.77 times, cobalt - 3.70-102.50 times, zinc - at 5.96-49.33 times, copper - in 3 , 59-29.76 times, lead - at 3.97-9.28 times, cadmium - at 3.38-9.00 times, manganese - at 3.72-7.16 times. Calculation of correlation coefficients showed that nickel has close correlations with copper, cadmium and cobalt.

The ecological and geochemical state of soil cover of Kuvandyka is generally good. Pollution of soil cover is focal and unstable. In 2010, the main chemical element, the concentration of which exceeded the PDC is cadmium (8 reper - 2.33 times). At the same time, there is exceeded zinc PDK (at 2.68-56.83 times), cobalt (3.20-13.90 times), cadmium (at 2.63-8.75 times), lead (in 3 , 2-6.08 times), manganese (3.09-5.54 times), copper (2.65-3.94 times).

The exceedment of the PDC content of the soil cover of Buzuluk in 2010 is observed only by lead (the reper 3 - 2.32 times and the reper 9 - 2.17 times) (Table 4.6.2). Soil pollution TM is observed not only in the territory of industrial enterprises, but also in the central part of the city.

Basically, the maximum permissible standards exceed zinc, lead, cadmium and copper.

In 2011, the Novokuibyshevskaya Laboratory for Monitoring Environmental Pollution FGBU "Samara TSGMS-P" in accordance with the stateship of Roshydromet, work was carried out on the definition of residual quantities (OK) pesticides in the soil of the Orenburg region. The soils of one economy are examined: Kuvandyk district, OJSC "Friendship" (408 hectares of farmland under grain)

In the area of \u200b\u200bOJSC "Friendship" in the spring and autumn specialists of MS Kuvandyk selected 10 samples of the soil. In the soil samples, residual quantities were determined (OK) 15-items pesticides: Insectoacaricides - DDT and its DDE metabolite; Alpha, beta, gamma-ghzg; HCB; polychlorbiphenyl isomers (PCB); metaphos; Herbecides - Atrazin; 2,4-d; Dalapon, Prometrine, Simazine, Treflan, Thhan.

3. Soil protection measures

A set of measures to improve soil rehabilitation. The main prophylactic measures on soils, contaminated heavy metals are:

improving the agricultural properties of soils by increasing doses of organic and phosphate fertilizers;

cultivation of crops distinguished by the reduced accumulation of heavy metals (Bakhchy, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.);

cultivation of technical crops;

replacement of the soil layer in particularly contaminated areas of settlements, soil treatment with humats that bind heavy metals and translate them into compounds inaccessible to plants;

stimulation of soil-forming processes with the help of special complexes of microorganisms - humoration formers, etc.

to reduce the dust content, it is necessary to increase the number and density of green plantings.

In addition, an explanatory (educational) work is needed among the population, especially among the owners of collective farm farms.

To ensure the protection and rational use of the soil, it is necessary to provide a set of measures for its recultivation. Reclamation are subject to land, disturbed and (or) contaminated at:

development of mineral deposits;

laying pipelines for various purposes;

storage and disposal of industrial, domestic biological and other waste, Yadogymicates.

So, it is necessary to reclaim the landfill ( C-in direction), and the cathomotion located on its territory needs to be presserved. Western landfill is subject to reclamation after construction and commissioning of a new TBB polygon, which must meet modern standards and regulations in accordance with SP

On the territory of Asecheevsky village council in the southeastern part of the cadastral quarter 56: 05: 03: 05 001, a plot for the construction of a new cattle binder was chosen - at a distance of 1000m from S. Zekseevo, at a distance of 500m from R.Kisla. According to sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, the object refers to the I class of hazards and in accordance with SanPiN the sanitary protection zone for this cattle bilap is 1000m.

To date, it is known that the drains of MUZ "Asecheevskaya CRH" and several residential buildings are reset to the relief without cleaning, therefore, this territory after construction and commissioning of the system claimed facilities Also subject to reclamation. According to Article 67 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation in the territories exposed to flooding, the placement of new settlements, cemeteries, cattle bisks and construction capital buildings, buildings, structures without special protective measures to prevent negative impact Waters are prohibited.

3.1 Environmental Protection when driving

The main directions in solving waste management problems in MO "Asecheevsky Sencons" are:

maximum use of the selective collection of MSW in order to obtain secondary resources and reduce the amount of neutralized waste;

reclamation of the existing places of storage and disposal of solid domestic and biological waste;

construction of a new TBB polygon and a new cattle binding, equipped with biological cameras, in accordance with sanitary epidemiological norms and requirements;

the optimal exploitation of the existing and newly introduced TBM polygons taking into account the subsequent reclamation of territories.

In the project of the area of \u200b\u200bterritorial planning of the region, the construction of a grilling point for collecting and further transportation of waste to the designed garbage processing plant is proposed. During the implementation of this project, it is possible to re-equip the platform for the designated centralized landfill of MSW into a debris.

In accordance with Article 11 federal Law "On the waste of production and consumption" individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the operation of enterprises, buildings, buildings, structures and other objects related to waste management are required:

Comply with the environmental requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection;

Develop projects of waste management standards and waste disposal limits in order to reduce their education;

Introduce low-waste technology based on scientific and technical achievements;

Carry out inventory of waste and objects of their placement;

Monitor the state of the environment in the territories of waste placement facilities;

Provide in the prescribed manner the necessary information in the field of waste management;

Comply with the requirements for preventing accidents related to waste management and make urgent measures to eliminate them.

The implementation of the presented complex of measures of a planning and organizational nature will allow you to restore environmental equilibrium and improve the sanitary and environmental parameters of the environment in the territory of the MO Assekeevsky village council.


On the formation of soil cover of the Orenburg region, a dry, hot climate and rainfall has been essential. A variety of relief, soil-forming breeds, climate, vegetation determines the variety of soil cover.

State monitoring of land is a system of observation system. Land monitoring facilities are all land in the Russian Federation.

Depending on the purpose of observation and the observable territory, state monitoring of land may be federal, regional and local.

According to the results of studies, work performed on the monitoring of the Land of the Orenburg region on the lands of agricultural purposes and the lands of settlements and the territories adjacent to them, analysis was conducted and recommendations were developed to eliminate the negative effects of land use.


1.State report "On the state and environmental protection of the Orenburg region in 2010"

2.Porshneva E. B., Flood N.B., Radioactive pollution and its assessment, - M., 1993.

.Dobrovolsky G.V., Nikitin E.D. - Conservation of soils as an indispensable component of the biosphere, - M: Science, Miik "Science / Interperiodics", 2000.

4.G.V. Dobrovolsky "Soil. City. Ecology, "Moscow, 1997

Soil pollution Orenburg region

1. Soil cover of the Orenburg region

soil Earth Monitoring Pollution

On the formation of soil cover of the Orenburg region, a dry, hot climate and rainfall has been essential. A variety of relief, soil-forming breeds, climate, vegetation determines the variety of soil cover.

The boundaries of the soil zones are incorrect and stretched, penetrate one into another long distances. The characteristic feature of the soil cover of the region is its heterogeneity. The soil cover of the Preislation was formed in a somewhat more humid conditions, rather than the Zauralye. The variety of relief, frequent replaceability in the space of different mechanical composition and content of soil-forming carbonates, various productivity of natural herbobes predetermined a greater variety of soils in the carbonate mode, mineralogical composition and content of humus in them. In accordance with this, most of the territory of the Orenburg region is engaged in carbonate varieties of all types of chernozem and dark chestnut soils.

In the north and north-west region, the basis of the soil cover is typical and leached black soils, formed on deluvial yellow-brown clays and loams, undercaming with dense sedimentary rocks. South typical black soils are ordinary chernozem, which are located from west to east through the entire area. In the western part, they extend to the south to the rippers of the rivers Buzuluk and Samara. Next to the east of their southern border is the Ural Valley. In the Ural-Tobolsky plateau, these soils occupy spaces between the valleys of the drowsiness of the cloud, a clipboard and the Solonchan. South black soils stretch south of ordinary chernozem. In the south and south-east of the region, they are replaced by dark chestnut soils. In Pervomaisky and Sol-Iletsky districts, dark brown soils are represented by separate areas. Within the Ural Tobolsk Plateau, they occupy a broad strip.

Among the chernozems of the southern and chestnut soils are widespread solonts and salt-salt soils, especially in areas such as Pervomaisky, Sol-Iletsky, Akbulaksky, Kvarzensky, Gay, Novoorsky, Adamovsky, Svetlinsky, Dombarovsky. For river floors and terraces, turf-meadow, meadow-chernozem, meadow-marsh, sollets and salt marshes are common.

Chernozems typical, ordinary, southern occupies significant territories and make up the main Fund of the arable soil of the Orenburg region.

1.1 State monitoring of land, analysis of high-quality land state

In the Orenburg region in order to create a state-owned real estate cadastre system, in the development of the Federal Target Program "Creating an automated system for conducting a state land inventory and state accounting of real estate objects (2002-2007)", subprogramme "Creating a real estate cadastre system" (2006-2011 .) It was accepted and implemented by the regional target program "Creating a real estate cadastre system and land management in the Orenburg Region (2005-2011)".

State monitoring of land is a system of observation system. Land monitoring facilities are all land in the Russian Federation.

The tasks of state monitoring of land are:

1) timely identification of changes in land status, assessing these changes, forecast and developing recommendations on the prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes;

2) information support of state land control over the use and protection of land, other functions of the state and municipal land management, as well as land management;

3) providing citizens with information about the state of the environment in terms of land condition.

Depending on the purpose of observation and the observable territory, state monitoring of land may be federal, regional and local. State monitoring of land is carried out in accordance with federal, regional and local programs.

Land monitoring is a long-term system of tracking, control and forecasting of the land foundation. At the same time, the soil is the main bonding link of all blocks of monitoring, it determines the highest degree of informativeness of the state of the ecosystem.

The relevance of work on the monitoring of land is determined by the deterioration of the ecological state of all objects of the natural environment, and land in particular. In this regard, to achieve an environmental equilibrium, a fundamentally new approach to rational land use and environmental management is required. The decision-making related to the implementation of actions on Earth must necessarily precede the analysis of a variety of reliable and regularly updated data on its condition. All this determines the need to organize systematic integrated observations for the state of the environment - monitoring and its main object - land. In the Orenburg region, one of the best land monitoring services has been established and successfully functions. A network of monitoring sites consisting of reference sites, polygons and soil-erosion katam is based on a network.

Based on the main objectives of the monitoring of land expressed in ensuring the land use and environmental safety management system, timely information on the state of the land fund, the land monitoring system in the Orenburg region is being built, which consists of:

a) from the placement on the territory of the reference plots to observe and select the most informative and evaluative environmental indicators, parametrization;

b) analytical systematization of retrospective materials obtained in monitoring studies for environmental zoning of soil cover on the landscape-typological level;

c) the preparation of target slices of cards;

d) compiling on paper and electronic-based pollution cards with heavy metals and pesticides; humus; granulometric composition of soil; the spread of the influence of man-made and exogenous processes that violate the natural state of soils and land, and others.

The monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region is conducted since 1993. Works are carried out in accordance with the regional target programs and the "methodology for improving the further implementation of environmental monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region".

The contract for the monitoring of the Orenburg region has concluded a contract for the amount of 830 thousand rubles. With LLC NPP Hyproke.

According to the technical specifications, work was carried out by:

Monitoring land of settlements and territories adjacent to them (GG Buzuluk, Orenburg, Orsk, Kuvandyk and Mednogorsk);

Production of snow samples and soil samples on heat pollution during survey of lands of man-made road landscapes;

Drawing up and maintaining the regional complex working on duty map of the ecological state of land;

Organization and maintenance of the GIS monitoring of land fields (the creation of a lands monitoring bank);

Analysis of materials for research on the monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region for 2009.

During work on the monitoring program, the main provisions of the regional monitoring of the Lands of the Orenburg Region are developed, where the types of analysis and the frequency of their implementation for each category of land, as well as the concept of making an ecological state of the Orenburg Region, work on which is in the implementation stage and implies Geoinformation (GIS) technologies. Close to complete the creation of a basic monitoring system.

An analysis of materials of research on the monitoring of land of the Orenburg region and has prepared a summary report. Amendments and additions were made to the created electronic version of the complex working on duty maps of the ecological state of the land of the Orenburg region.

Currently, the Regional Land Monitoring Network of the Orenburg Region covers the Earth of all categories and consists of 66 polygons, 491 of the reference plot, 21 Katena.

According to the results of studies, work performed on the monitoring of the Land of the Orenburg region on the lands of agricultural purposes and the lands of settlements and the territories adjacent to them, analysis was conducted and recommendations were developed to eliminate the negative effects of land use.

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