Useful properties of quince. Quince is a false apple and its beneficial properties for our body

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Quince is a bushy tree. It can grow up to five meters. The fruits are harsh, the surface is embossed, the pulp is viscous, sweet, tart. They are similar in shape to a lemon-colored apple or pear. Ripen in mid-summer and August. The taste is very unusual, it is better not to eat them raw. The material will consider why quince is so useful, for whom exactly, how to use it, what to make from it.

The fruit has a rich, varied composition:

  • organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric;
  • monosaccharides - glucose, fructose;
  • tanning compounds;
  • vitamins - C, groups B, A, PP;
  • protopectins;
  • gum;
  • dextrins;
  • organic compounds - glycine, lysine, arginine, proline;
  • elements - iron, sodium, nickel, potassium, manganese, cobalt, phosphorus, copper;
  • flavonoids;
  • triglycerides.

100 grams of fruit contains 0.6 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of fat, 9.6 grams of carbohydrates. The number of kilocalories is 48 per hundred grams.

Useful properties of the fruit

Golden apples are packed with nutrients. Their benefits are invaluable. They contain beta-carotene, which helps to improve vision. Also, the substance is useful for the prevention of serious diseases - glaucoma, cataracts.

Common quince

Fruit juice and pulp have a softening and regenerating effect. It is indicated for constipation, poisoning of the body, since it is a laxative with a mild effect.


The variety was bred by the French. She keeps up quickly. It is used as a medicine - the juice helps to get rid of a sore throat. Also, the juice cleanses the respiratory system from mucus. The fruits are indicated for cleansing the intestines from toxins and toxins. The broth fights bleeding gums, stomatitis. Relieves heartburn during pregnancy.


The variety is rich in pectin content. They contribute to the removal of salts of heavy metals, toxins from the internal organs.

Quince is recommended for people with reduced immunity. It is able to increase the protective functions of the body, resists infections. The iron content increases the hemoglobin in the blood. The fruit is useful for dizziness, weakness, fatigue.


The variety is distinguished by large fruits reaching 1.5 kilograms. The composition contains vitamin C, iron, calcium, pectin. After heat treatment, useful qualities are not lost. Fruits normalize the psychological background of a person, increase resistance to stress, and improve sleep.

How to choose and store quince

The product has a dark yellow or lemon color. The aroma is unusual, but pleasant. It resembles the smell of an unripe pear with admixtures of spices, flowers and tree bark. How to choose and preserve golden apples:

  • take large hard copies in the store;
  • the color should be of a uniform yellow tint;
  • an important criterion for ripeness is the absence of green spots;
  • if the fruit is dented, you need to eat it right away, otherwise it will go bad;
  • at home, fruits are washed to remove the cannon from the surface;
  • wrapped in polyethylene and stored in a cold place for up to 60 days;
  • pears should not be placed close, as the product will quickly begin to sing and will soon deteriorate.

General effects on the body

It is irreplaceable and useful for the health of men, women and children.

On blood vessels and heart

Fruit juice is indicated for cardiovascular pathologies. It strengthens the vascular walls, increases the endurance of the heart muscle, purifies the blood and reduces the fragility of blood vessels.

For the digestive system

In 1 month, thanks to the daily consumption of the fruit, the intestinal microflora is restored after antibiotic treatment. Tannins and catechins can help relieve chronic constipation. They also get rid of carcinogens and toxins.

For the genitourinary system

The product is used for cystitis, as it has pronounced diuretic properties.

For the nervous system

Due to the concentration of antioxidants, quince has a positive effect on the nervous system, soothes and relaxes. Helps to resist stress, cheers up, invigorates.

In the form of cancer prevention

Phenols, antioxidants increase the body's resistance and fight the proliferation of cancer cells.

The benefits of quince for women

Golden apples are able to keep the female body in good shape.


While carrying a child, a woman is advised to eat the fetus. It contains pyridoxine. This is the best measure to prevent heart attack. The substance is able to remove puffiness, prevents ischemia, and normalizes metabolism. The product contains a high content of vitamin C. It helps the iron to be absorbed, improves immunity.

Boiled fruits help fight toxicosis. Due to the diuretic properties, unnecessary fluid leaves the body, and swelling decreases.

With menopause

During the period of hormonal disruptions, heavy menstruation occurs. Because of this, hemoglobin decreases sharply. The fruits help to stop bleeding, strengthen the vascular walls, and replenish the supply of red cells. Also soothes the nerves.


The fruit contains a lot of fiber. It is beneficial for weight loss. There is no cholesterol in the fruits, the minimum amount of fatty acids. They improve digestion, suppress appetite and nourish the body.

For men

For kids

The product is especially necessary for a young, growing body. Quince contains a lot of pectin, organic acids, and enzymes. All vitamins directly affect the development of the child.

Regular consumption of quince improves mental activity, enhances immunity, and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to give to children with viruses and colds.

Consider what quince is used for. It is unique because it has a strong restorative effect on the entire body.


This is one of the few fruits that can be consumed for diabetes. It is low in sugar and low on the glycemic index. The product helps to overcome pathology. Quince has a rich composition that cannot be compared with other fruit crops. Fiber slows down the absorption of glucose and its entry into the blood. Quince is versatile for diabetics because it does not lose its usefulness during heat treatment.

With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Quince broth acts as an enveloping preparation for any deviations in the normal functioning of the stomach.

With bronchitis

The golden apple has an expectorant effect. It is useful for colds, dry cough syndrome. The essential oils in the peel fight germs and prevent the spread of viruses.

For colds

A high concentration of vitamin C increases the protective functions of the body, helps to resist infections. 100 grams contain the daily requirement of vitamin C.

With bronchial asthma

The infusion of the leaf can reduce and delay seizures. It is prepared as follows: 5 grams of leaves are poured into 250 milliliters of water, boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Drink 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons. They are taken to the refrigerator and kept for no longer than 3 days.

With anemia

The syrup saves with anemia. A ripe golden apple is cut, water is poured in and boiled until the pieces are soft. Then squeeze the juice and boil it.

With periodontitis

Seed mucus relieves gum inflammation. 10 grams of seeds are poured with 200 milliliters of warm water and shaken for 7 minutes. Lotions are made from the resulting mixture. The seeds must be whole.

With kidney disease

The product has a diuretic effect, therefore it is indicated for kidney pathologies. A decoction is prepared from the leaves, which is drunk three times a day, 1 large spoon.

What can be consumed

They eat not only fruits, but also leaves and seeds.

The benefits of quince leaves

Fresh or dried leaves are brewed and drunk like tea or decoction. Leaves help with liver diseases, pathologies of the digestive tract, pancreas. Helps stop blood from cuts. Fight colds, flu, bronchitis. Rinsing the mouth with a decoction restores the gums.

Fruit seeds

Their usefulness is valuable to women. The mucus contained on the surface stops uterine bleeding.

Fruit pulp

It does an excellent job of removing excess fluid, relieves swelling in heart and kidney failure.

Popular recipes for traditional medicine

There are many options for preparing the fruit.

Quince and dried fruit compote

The fruits are crushed, dried fruits are washed. Pour boiling water, add a little sand and boil for 25 minutes. Then they insist for 1 hour.

Quince juice

When the fruit is boiled, the juice is separated from the pulp and granulated sugar is added. The combination of quince juice with apple juice turns out to be interesting.

Quince tea

You will need dried fruit, apples and raspberries in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is stirred. For brewing, take half a tablespoon and pour a glass of boiling water, add honey.

Quince jelly

The chopped slices are sent to a saucepan and boiled in water until soft. The pulp is passed through cheesecloth. Sugar is added to the resulting juice - 750 grams per liter. Put on fire and cook until the mass thickens. At the end, add citric acid, pour into molds and cool.


Quince is baked, passed through a meat grinder. Pour in sand and beat until smooth. Then boil until the mixture thickens. Spread out on a flat surface, wait for cooling and cut into pieces. Store in glass containers.

Quince jam

Cut golden apples, boil for 10 minutes, pour sugar syrup and leave for 4 hours. Then cook until tender.

Infusion of leaves

1 tablespoon is poured with 500 grams of boiling water and allowed to stand for 1 hour. Drink half a glass three times a day. This saves coughs, pneumonia. The effect is noticeable after 2-5 days.

Hemostatic decoction from fresh or dried seeds

Pour 1 tablespoon of seeds with a glass of water and cook for 5 minutes.

Quince in cosmetology

Fruits are used not only for medicinal purposes, cooking, but also as cosmetic components and masks.

Lotions and masks for face and hands

Recommended for oily skin and people with enlarged pores. For the lotion, beat the chicken protein, drip a little camphor alcohol, cologne and quince juice in equal amounts. This tool is used to treat the skin every day. As a result, the skin will become refreshed, soft, velvety, pores will shrink.

The mask is prepared as follows: fresh fruit is crushed into gruel. This mixture is put on the face, neck, left for a quarter of an hour and washed off with warm water. You need to apply the mask 15 times.

Infusion against seborrhea

A decoction of the leaves stains gray hair and relieves dandruff. 200 grams of leaves are poured with two liters of boiling water and left for 1 hour. Then the hair is rinsed three times a week.

Contraindications to the use and harm of the fruit

If you have problems with the stomach or intestines, you cannot eat raw quince. If there is a constant load on the vocal cords, then you need to limit the use of golden apples.

It is forbidden to eat fruits with pleurisy and chronic constipation. This will only make the disease worse. Quince is one of the healthiest fruits around. Has a broad beneficial effect for humans. It strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, heart, blood vessels.

Quince is a shrub-type tree that can reach heights up to 5 meters. The fruits are moderately tough with irregularities in terms of relief, the flesh is viscous, the taste is sweet and tart. The benefits of the product have been heard for a long time, but relatively recently, people began to include quince in their diet en masse. The value varies depending on which variety is used. Let's look at the main aspects in order, highlight medicinal recipes and subtleties of use.

  1. If you often suffer from asthma attacks, you need to prepare the remedy on dried quince leaves. Mix a few handfuls of raw materials with 0.4 l. boiling water, simmer on the stove for a third of an hour. Cool, strain. Consume 50 ml. four times a day for a long time.
  2. For hypertensive people (people with high blood pressure), quince foliage will also be useful, but in the form of a tincture. Combine 0.1 l. vodka with 80 gr. fresh foliage. Insist in the dark for at least 10 days, strain, consume 20 drops twice a day.
  3. If you suffer from anemia, which is otherwise called anemia, a decoction will help replenish the iron. Mix the chopped quince with a handful of fresh foliage, pour in 600 ml. boiling water and cook for a third of an hour. Strain, drink a glass twice a day.

The benefits of quince seeds

  1. If you are diagnosed with inflammatory processes in the bronchi, you need to prepare a decoction on the seeds of the fruit. They concentrate a mass of starch, mucous enveloping substances, glycosides, tannins, fatty oils. Therefore, the consumption of raw materials will relieve the respiratory tract of mucus and inflammation.
  2. Sunflower seeds help to cope with stool disorder, as they gently "knit" and do not allow the body to lose valuable substances. In case of diarrhea, it is enough to chew a few grains and not drink water for an hour.
  3. The seeds effectively deal with heavy flow during the menstrual cycle. During the same period, they make up for the lack of iron, when most of this mineral is washed out in the blood.
  4. Seeds are also used to make lotions. They must be crushed, mixed with any vegetable oil and applied to dry skin. This mask can act as a scrub.

The benefits of quince for diabetics

  1. Diabetes is a disease in which there is an elevated blood sugar level. This is due to the fact that glucose cannot enter the cells due to the absence of special receptors on the membranes. Sugar builds up in the bloodstream and worsens a person's condition.
  2. Along with the general course of the disease, the patient suffers from constant surges in blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, and other difficulties in the body.
  3. To normalize the condition, it is necessary to make a decoction on quince leaves. Dry them in advance, then combine the raw material with 0.3 liters. boiling water and leave under the lid for a couple of hours. You need to consume 60 ml three times a day.

Quince drinks for the body

  1. To prevent colds, it is recommended to stock up on quince-based compote in advance. The drink perfectly strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of vitamin deficiency. The uniqueness of the fruit lies in the fact that even after heat treatment, all the beneficial properties are preserved.
  2. It is not difficult to cook compote yourself. To do this, wash the fruits and get rid of the peel, core. Send the raw materials into an acidified solution. In such a liquid, the fruits will soften. If they are easily pierced with a needle, they can be removed from the solution. Wait for the fruit to dry.
  3. Connect 1 liter in parallel. purified water and 320 gr. granulated sugar. Boil the ingredients. Spread the quince into sterile containers. Pour the prepared syrup over the fruit. Roll up the cans using the classic technology.
  4. Tea has no less benefit. To prepare a healing drink, you must take equal amounts of quince leaves and seeds. Pour boiling water over the components and simmer for several minutes over low heat.
  5. Turn off the stove and cover the container with a lid. The drink should be infused for a while. The procedure will take several hours. Drink tea warm three times a day to relieve swelling and cold symptoms.

  1. The valuable composition of the unique fruit is perfectly preserved as a delicacy. Quince jam is useful at any time of the year and is popular with housewives. The product has a pleasant aroma and amazing taste.
  2. Surprisingly, the delicacy has shown itself to be excellent in the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To get a healing composition, you need to take equal amounts of filtered water, quince fruits and sugar.
  3. Send the fruits to a saucepan and pour in the water. After boiling, boil the quince for about 10 minutes. Next, you need to transfer it to a cold liquid and remove the peel. Cut the fruit into small pieces, remove the core.
  4. Simultaneously prepare a syrup from water and sugar. Pour the finished composition over the fruits. Quince in this state should stand for about 4-5 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, send the components to the stove. After boiling the composition, boil the quince for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Set the treat aside for 8 hours. Repeat the boiling procedure 3-4 times. After that, the finished jam must be distributed in sterile jars and rolled up. As soon as the container has cooled down, put the treat away for storage.

Quince with menopause

The fruits are extremely useful for the fair sex. Systematic eating will provide the tissues with all the necessary enzymes and substances.

It doesn't matter in what form the fruits are prepared, or you prefer fresh quince, the unique composition is extremely useful for the female body. The product is especially recommended during menopause.

Quince will prevent heavy bleeding and iron deficiency anemia. The unique composition increases vitality and strengthens the circulatory system.

Quince during pregnancy

During gestation, quince should become an integral part of the diet. Eating regularly will avoid many problems. The rich composition of the fruits will fully meet the body's need for iron and magnesium.

Fresh quince or juice do an excellent job with symptoms of toxicosis. Raw materials significantly improve appetite and mood. The active ingredients have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

To maintain your health at the proper level, you can drink tea with fruit pieces. A noble drink will save the girl and the fetus from many troubles. But do not forget about contraindications.

Quince in cosmetology

  1. In the cosmetic industry, fruit seeds are in demand, from which the oil is extracted. The herbal component is actively added to most shampoos. The cosmetic product perfectly strengthens the structure of the strands and resists hair stratification.
  2. Quince seed infusion is no less popular. The composition has shown itself well in the care of the skin around the eyes. The product effectively removes bruises and swelling. You can also rinse hair with infusion for strengthening and better growth.

  1. Currently, there are many diets based on quince. The fruits are of low energy value. The fruit contains a large amount of fiber.
  2. Therefore, quince will become an addition in the fight against unwanted pounds. The fruit cleanses the body of bad cholesterol and toxins, promotes natural weight loss.

Quince for children

  1. The fruits are especially beneficial for the growing organism. Quince is rich in pectin, active enzymes and organic acids. Taken together, the vitamin complex directly affects the correct formation of the child's body.
  2. Regular consumption of quince significantly increases mental activity, strengthens the immune system, and improves the functioning of the digestive organs. Also, fruits contribute to a speedy recovery from a viral illness.

Quince contraindications

  1. In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is not recommended to eat raw quince.
  2. It is worth limiting the eating of fruits if you regularly stress the vocal cords.
  3. It is forbidden to eat fruits for chronic constipation and pleurisy. Quince can make the situation worse.

Quince will bring invaluable benefits to the body with regular consumption. Consider some contraindications. In other cases, fruits in any form will help to cope with health problems and fully strengthen the immune system. Treat your family with drinks and quince jam.

Video: how useful is quince


What is quince?

What is quince, the benefits and harm to human health of quince, what medicinal properties it has, all this is of great interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment, including with the help of fruits. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Quince is a fragrant, tasty fruit known to mankind for thousands of years and possessing powerful healing powers. The beneficial properties of quince were known in antiquity and made it possible to use this fruit as a medicine for many diseases.

Quince is the only member of the genus Cidonia oblonga. It is a deciduous tree, less often a shrub, with a height of one and a half to five meters. It differs in the oblique direction of the branches rising up. Quince bark is thin, scaly, red-brown, dark gray or brown-black. Young branches are brownish-gray in color, and shoots are gray-green.

The quince fruit is a hairy, pear-shaped or spherical false apple with a large number of brown seeds.

Sometimes the fruits of cultivated quince weigh two kilograms. The fruits of a wild plant are not large - only up to 100 grams. The pulp is not juicy, tough, astringent, tart, slightly sweetish in taste.

The natural range of quince covers a large area from Central Asia to the central and southern regions of Europe. Widely cultivated in Europe, North and South America, Oceania and Australia.

Few people know that this fruit is a close relative of apples and pears. However, unlike them, raw quince is not so tasty. But the thermally processed pulp of this fruit becomes not only pleasant to the taste, but also incredibly useful. Quince is used to prepare jam, compotes, juices, marmalade, confitures, etc.

Useful properties and contraindications of quince:

100 g of quince contains 8.9 g of carbohydrates (7 of which are fructose). Its fruits are rich in provitamin A, as well as vitamins C, E, PP, group B. Quince contains a large amount of micro- and macroelements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Its pulp is rich in potassium and sodium, malic, citric and tartronic acids and pectins.

The healing properties of quince have been known since antiquity. Avicenna also advised using quince fruits to strengthen the stomach, improve complexion, restore the liver and other purposes.

In addition, quince:

  • It has antiviral properties and thus helps to cope with colds.
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • It is a sedative and helps in overcoming stress.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • It is useful for hypertensive patients, as it contains a lot of potassium.
  • Helps to cope with stomach ulcers.
  • It has diuretic properties.
  • Useful for people suffering from eye diseases.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Helpful for asthma.
  • Quince dishes help in the fight against excess weight.
  • Quince dishes are useful for liver diseases.
  • Quince juice has antiemetic properties.

Quince juice has a tonic, antiseptic, hemostatic, astringent and diuretic effect. It needs to be squeezed out of ripe fruits. Boiled quince, as well as jam from it, is recommended for use in case of anemia, cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and bronchial asthma.

In folk medicine, this fruit has long been used as an effective remedy for depression and mood swings. It is believed that its constituent substances have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and help get rid of feelings of anxiety. Thanks to its strengthening effect, quince pulp helps with diarrhea.


The harm of quince lies in some recommendations: you can not take quince for constipation, pleurisy, as well as teachers or singers, as it harms the vocal cords and larynx. External use in the form of balms or lotions, these contraindications do not apply.

You should be careful when preparing any dish with quince: remove its seeds, which contain the amygdalin substance. The amygdalin in the stomach is converted to cyanide, which is the cause of the poisoning.

Is quince good for children?

The baby's first acquaintance with this fruit should occur no earlier than 10 months of age. For the first sample, you can use boiled or baked pulp. Raw fruit can be given no earlier than 1 year old, but it is unlikely that a child will like such a treat, despite its alluring smell. A more acceptable option for a baby is a compote made from this tough, raw fruit. If you insist a few slices of quince in boiling water with sugar, then this will be a good remedy for colds.

  • Potassium
  • Pectin substances
  • Sodium

The use of quince is good for immunity, the fruits have diuretic and antiseptic properties, which is often used to treat people with intolerance to certain pharmaceuticals. It is used in the treatment of colds in children or for the prevention of influenza and ARVI along with cranberries.

For children under one year old, it is very important that there is such a wonderful fruit in the house, because there are very few permitted, and even more so, safe medicines. Unlike the sour berry, the aromatic fruit will taste good, which will help parents treat their children more effectively. Having made an equally effective tea with a slice of quince instead of cranberry juice.

There are several factors of the impact of quince that require special attention.

  • The fruit is astringent - this can cause constipation. Both raw and heat-treated fruit have a firming effect. If the child has problems with stool, it is better to refuse this delicacy. The only option in which a child can get acquainted with a new taste for him is tea, where a slice of quince will replace a circle of lemon. The main thing is that the baby does not eat a piece of the fruit itself, the fiber of which gives this fixing effect.
  • The low-allergenic fruit can cause redness of the throat, prolonged cough, and irritation of the larynx if given along with the skin. The skin has villi that are irritating.

How is quince useful for the elderly?

Elderly people, who often include quince in their diet, should remember that it contains sugar (7-8%, mainly due to fructose), dietary fiber (pectin), enriches the body with iron, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, PP, group B, malic and citric acids, tartronic acid, increases vitality, mood, is used for constipation.

Quince oblong, or ordinary, is grown for the fruits (apples) with a characteristic aroma, used for the production of jams, preserves, marmalade, etc.

It is useful for elderly people to know that its fruits and seeds are used for gastroenteritis, spastic colitis, flatulence, acute respiratory diseases, coughs, acute and chronic bronchitis, and also used externally in the form of lotions for burns, skin cracks, dermatitis, epidermophytosis, for rinsing with diseases of the oral cavity.

These fruits are also used in the nutrition of older people for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea and bleeding, liver and cardiovascular diseases. Mucous infusions and decoctions are prepared from quince seeds. Quince juice is used for lotions for difficult healing ulcers.

Delicious quince recipes:

Quince is used for processing into a variety of canned food (jam, jam, jam, jelly, juices, candied fruits, etc.). These products have excellent properties, are rich in vitamins, and are fragrant. Quince fruits have a firm consistency, but pleasantly sour taste and strong aroma.

For the preparation of compote, quince varieties are used, the fruits of which have the correct shape, smooth surface, compact pulp without stony cells. The quince should be fully ripe, as the tissues become more tender after this, and the taste of the fruit improves.

Natural quince:

Wash the fruits sorted according to the degree of ripeness in cold water, cut into slices, remove the seed box and damaged areas (store the cut quince slices in cold water until blanching). Blanch the quince slices at 85 ° C for 12-15 minutes, then chill in water. Allow it to drain and, placing the quince slices in prepared jars, pour boiling water, cover and sterilize:

With a capacity of 0.5 l - 10 minutes,

With a capacity of 1 liter - 12 minutes,

With a capacity of 3 liters - 25 minutes.

After sterilization, immediately seal the jars and, turning upside down, cool.

Quince compote:

Remove fluff from the quince intended for compote preparation with a coarse woolen (or cotton) cloth. Cut the fruits into slices 2-3 cm thick, remove the core and peel.

To prevent darkening, immediately immerse the peeled slices in a solution containing 2% sodium chloride or 1% tartaric acid.

To soften the quince slices, blanch in boiling water for 4–5 minutes. After that, put the fruits in jars and pour the syrup with a strength of 45%.

The level of the sugar syrup should be 1.5–2 cm below the top of the jar. This is an important condition for creating the necessary tightness of the container after sterilization.

To obtain a syrup with a concentration of 45% per 1 liter of water, add 820 g of sugar. The resulting amount of syrup (1500 ml) can be poured into 5 jars filled with fruits with a capacity of 850-900 g.

The duration of sterilization of the quince compote depends on the degree of fruit blanching. On average, quince compote is sterilized for 30 minutes from the moment the water boils. With prolonged sterilization, the quince slices become pink. To avoid this, you should not lengthen the sterilization period and immediately after the termination of sterilization, cool the cans with cold water.

What does quince cure?

Quince can be classified as a medicinal plant. Medicinal properties are possessed not only by the fresh fruits of the plant, rich in iron, but also by the seeds collected during the processing of the fruits. For medicinal use, the seeds are dried at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees.

Also, the fruits are used as a fastening, hemostatic and antiemetic agent. This fruit is a valuable food product due to its content of fructose, gum, ascorbic acid, starch, fatty oil amygdalin glycoside.

Quince pulp when:


Peel the quince fruits, cut into 4 parts, remove the seeds and bake the pulp in the oven or microwave. Take 50-100 g 2-3 times a day.

Digestive disorders:

Boil 200 g of quince fruits, peel and chop. Take 50 g 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.

A decoction of quince seeds for bronchitis:

Pour 7-10 g of quince seeds with 200 ml of water and keep on fire until a slimy mass is formed. Take 30-40 ml 3-4 times a day.

Quince fruit juice for diseases of the respiratory system:

Drink 50-100 ml of quince juice 2-3 times a day, regardless of food intake.

Recipes from the book by Julia Nikolaev, “Berries, fruits and juices. Useful properties and the best folk recipes ”.

In addition to enveloping properties, quince has an expectorant effect, which is useful in case of colds, dry coughs. The essential oils contained in the peel of the fruit have an antimicrobial effect and prevent the spread of infection. For the treatment of bronchitis, bronchial asthma, quince juice is also used.

Before using quince fruit for cough recipes, you need to cook it properly. Initially, the fruits are cleaned of fluffy plaque and rinsed thoroughly under running water. If the fruit is not very fresh, then in some darkening places it is better to remove the skin.

If your quince is completely fresh and juicy, then you do not need to remove the skin. It also contains quite a lot of vitamins for treatment.

To make quince syrup, you just need to cut the fruit into small pieces and cover it with sugar, as with ordinary pear jam. You can also cook this fruit using sugar syrup. Only in this case, we fill the sliced ​​fruit not with warm water, but with already prepared syrup. We insist a little and add to tea, or you can just have a bit of a bite. Then, in the winter season, such a simple quince recipe will not only save you from coughing, but also strengthen the immune system.

Recipe number 1:

The first recipe is that you need to cut one quince fruit into small pieces and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist for about half an hour and take one tablespoon three times a day. This recipe helps very well with angina, respiratory cough, and even with whooping cough in children.

Recipe number 2:

Quince seed recipe. To prepare such a recipe, you will need only 5-10 grams of seeds. They are boiled in 100 ml of water until mucus forms in the pan. The resulting "jelly" must be filtered and taken one tablespoon 3 times a day, regardless of food.

Recipe number 3:

You can also simply pour boiling water over the seeds and drink like tea. This simple recipe works well for dry coughs and even for allergic dry coughs. In this case, quince has a direct softening and sedative effect. Of course, this tea will not relieve you of an allergic cough, but on the other hand, you will have a reliable recipe for how to pause it.

How is quince useful for women?

Separately, it should be said about the benefits of quince for the female body.

With menopause:

Fruits prepared in any way, juice, decoctions and infusions of quince leaves and seeds are extremely useful for women in menopause, when heavy bleeding is possible and, as a result, iron deficiency anemia. Fruits rich in vitamins and minerals will help stop bleeding, replenish iron deficiency, strengthen blood vessels, and improve blood circulation.

During pregnancy:

During pregnancy, women are deficient in many vital elements, especially iron and magnesium, and regular consumption of quince will be of invaluable help in this case. Quince and its juice will help to cope with attacks of nausea during a difficult period of toxicosis, improve appetite and mood.

A very good way to use quince is to brew fresh quince pieces with tea. Such tea acquires a unique taste and smell and enhances its beneficial properties.

In cosmetology:

Quince is widely used as a cosmetic product, it is used for all types of skin, the juice is especially good for cleansing oily porous skin, for lightening the skin of the face, for treating weak and damaged hair.

A very interesting video about the beneficial properties of quince!

Quince in weight loss diets:

Quince for weight loss is simply an irreplaceable product, because it contains on average only 38 calories, which makes it effective in losing weight. It should be noted that the fruit saturates very well and a person does not feel hunger for a long time. Quince fruits practically do not contain fat and cholesterol, which is important in the process of losing weight. As mentioned earlier, quince helps to improve the digestion process, and, therefore, helps a person lose weight.

You can lose weight with the help of quince, and you can do it really in a short time, you can bake quince, prepare special teas and decoctions from it that will help the digestion process, you can also resort to a mono-diet, which will help you get rid of 3-5 extra pounds.

If you want to lose weight, it is good to introduce tea into your diet, which stimulates metabolism and burns adipose tissue. These drinks include tea made from quince and cornflower flowers.

For half a liter of tea, you need to take 15 g of chopped quince pulp and 10 g of cornflower flowers. Pour boiling water over the ingredients, wrap tightly with a cloth and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then the tea should be filtered and drunk several times a day.

Quince is a fruit tree that produces beautiful and fragrant fruits. It is one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees. Even in prehistoric times, this wonderful fruit enjoyed great success due to its beneficial vitamin composition. And in ancient Greece, he was a symbol of love and fertility.

The quince tree is a deciduous, relatively small tree, and a valuable unusual ripe fruit, yellowish-golden in color and somewhat pear-like in shape and consistency. The value of the fruit as a food product has been identified for a long time, but small trees are now often grown for decorative purposes, due to their attractive pale pink inflorescences.

Useful properties of quince for human health:

Cancer Prevention:

Cancer is one of the most frequently discussed medical topics of our time. Therefore, anything that can lower the chances of developing cancer usually becomes quite popular. The presence of high levels of antioxidants and phenolic compounds in quince is very effective in neutralizing and eliminating free radicals in the body.

Free radicals are dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism. This can induce healthy cells to mutate or die. The antioxidant substances contained in quince help to reduce the likelihood of developing various types of cancer.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

The substances found in quince are responsible for the general functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Catechin and epicatechin (polyphenolic compounds that are strong antioxidants) contained in quince fibers bind to some carcinogenic toxins that are found in the intestines, thereby protecting the gastric and intestinal mucosa, and this is very important.

The astringent and enveloping property of quince is used in the treatment of stomach diseases and diarrhea. To do this, prepare and drink a decoction of quince seeds. Decoction recipe:

7 g of quince seeds are poured into 300 ml of water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. Insist and drink 50 ml three times a day before meals.

Skin health:

The high levels of antioxidants and vitamins contained in quince are very beneficial in keeping your skin healthy and youthful. Antioxidants repair damage, repair skin cells, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles, eliminating blemishes and helping to protect your skin from UV damage.

Blood pressure normalization:

Quince contains potassium, which is one of the most important minerals in the human body. Potassium is very important for maintaining normal blood pressure and facilitating the efficient transfer of fluid in the cells of the body. In terms of blood pressure, potassium causes blood vessels and arteries to dilate, thereby reducing stress on the cardiovascular system. It can reduce the chances of developing atherosclerosis, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Allergic reactions:

Quince has long been praised for its ability to control allergic reactions. When applied as an ointment or gel to the skin, it can heal dermatitis and other similar skin conditions. High levels of vitamin C help control inflammation and improve the health and appearance of your skin.

The beneficial substances found in quince leaves are able to weaken and stop attacks of bronchial asthma. An infusion is prepared from the leaves, which is drunk in 2 tablespoons 4 times a day before meals.

Infusion recipe:

5 g of quince leaves pour 250 ml of water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Let it brew.

Store it for no more than three days in the refrigerator.

Strengthening immunity:

As mentioned earlier, quince contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system. For example, vitamin C stimulates the immune system. This increases the supply of white blood cells, which are the body's first line of defense against pathogens, viruses and bacteria.

Circulation and hair health:

The rich mineral composition of quince includes iron, copper and zinc. These three minerals, along with various other trace minerals, are essential for the production of red blood cells. Red blood cells circulate and carry oxygen throughout the human body. This results in increased blood flow to the skin and scalp. The appearance and growth of hair is improved.

A decoction of quince leaves is a natural hair dye. He gives a particularly beautiful shade to brunettes and brown-haired women.

The broth is also effective for gray hair. To do this, take 100 g of dry or fresh leaves and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 1 hour and rinse hair after washing.

Weight loss aid:

Slimming quince

Losing weight with quince is one of the best ways, which also guarantees a quick metabolism and improved digestion. Quince, like most fruits, contains a sufficient amount of fiber, water, carbohydrates, mono- and disaccharides. Energy value is not great: 38-50 kcal per 100 g of product. This already suggests that you can lose weight on this fruit by adding it to your diet for weight loss.

Very good to brew tea from dried quince for weight loss.

For this, the fruits of the quince are cut into pieces, dried in the oven or special drying at a temperature of 50 degrees. And grind.

1 tablespoon of quince powder is poured with 300 g boiling water, infused under the lid and the tea is ready. For flavor, you can add lemon and honey.

  • For weight loss, quince tea should be drunk for breakfast and lunch.
  • Combine it with weight loss diets.
  • And for dinner it is useful to eat a quince dish.

Meals during diets should not be high in calories.

Quince use

You can use quince in jams, jellies, and puddings as a side dish or for breakfast. Juice is often used as a flavoring agent.

The real benefits of quince are in the skin and pulp of the fruit, as they contain useful and nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds, antioxidants and dietary fiber.


Before preparing food, you must cleanse the fruit of seeds. Since they contain a substance that turns into cyanide in the stomach, it is a poisonous substance that can cause poisoning. When using seeds for any other purpose, they must not be crushed!

Slices of this aromatic fruit can be baked with meat and fish. It will give them a piquant taste and neutralize fat content.

Nutritional value of quince

In addition to being an easily accessible and tasty fruit, quince is prized for its beneficial effects on human health, it is a rich source of vitamin C, zinc, potassium, copper, iron and dietary fiber. Also, quince is rich in certain organic compounds such as catechin, epicatechin, limonene, which contribute to the health of the body.

Name % DV
Water 77.1 g n / a
Energy value 52 Kcal N / A
Energy 219 kj N / A
Protein 0.37 g 0.74%
Total fat (lipids) 0.09 g 0.26%
Total dietary fiber 1.7 g 4.47%
Minerals 0.1 DV
Calcium 10 mg 1.00%
Magnesium 7 mg 1.67%
Phosphorus 16 mg 2.29%
Potassium 181 mg 3.85%
Sodium 4 mg 0.27%
Zinc 0.04 mg 0.36%
Copper 0.12 mg 13.33%
Selenium 0.6 mg 26.09%

What vitamins are contained in quince

Water-soluble vitamins

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.018 mg 1.50%
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) mg 2.15%
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 0.184 mg 1.15%
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.075 mg 1.50%
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.037 mg 2.85%
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 3 μg 0.75%
  • C (ascorbic acid) 13.8 mg 15.33%

Fat-soluble vitamins

  • Vitamin A, μg RE 2 0.29%
  • Vitamin A, IU 37 IU N / A
  • Lipids amount% DV
  • Saturated fatty acids 0.009 g n / a
  • Palmitic acid 16:00
  • Stearic acid 18:00
  • Fatty acids, total monounsaturated 0.033 g n / a
  • Oleic acid 18: 1
  • Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.046 g n / a
  • Linoleic acid 18: 2


  • Flavan-3-ols
  • (+) - Catechin 0.7 mg N / A
  • (-) - Epigallocatechin N / A
  • (-) - Epicatechin 0.6 mg N / A
  • Proanthocyanidin
  • Proanthocyanidin dimers 2.4 mg N / A
  • Proanthocyanidin trimers 1.1 mg N / A

A final word of caution: There is no clear evidence of side effects from quince, and all the information suggests that quince is a great addition to any diet. However, quince seeds contain a small amount of cyanide, so consuming more than a few seeds per day can be problematic for the body. Scientific research on this delicious and healthy fruit is still ongoing.

Quince benefits and harms to the body

Quince is a fruit tree that grows in the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia. The fruit resembles a pear, the variety influences the shape, color and size of the fruit.

Quince is dense, tough, crispy with light hairiness, dark inside. Fruits contain approximately 50-70 brown seeds. The pulp of the fruit is viscous. The aroma resembles an apple with subtle coniferous notes.

Composition and calorie content

Quince contains many vitamins, including:

  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin C;
  • tocopherol;
  • a nicotinic acid.

The fruits contain macronutrients:

  • potassium (to maintain acid-base balance);
  • calcium (an element for strengthening the skeleton and teeth);
  • magnesium (normalizes the respiratory center);
  • sodium (regulates metabolic processes);
  • phosphorus (a component of bone structure).

Quince compensates for the lack of iron in the body. 100 g of the product contains 3000 mcg of iron. The element supplies the body with hemoglobin, which carries oxygen through the cells. When synthesis is disturbed, anemia occurs.

The element helps the thyroid gland to function fully. Women in position, children and the elderly are vulnerable to a lack of iron.

Quince fruit is considered a dietary product, due to its low fat content, lack of cholesterol, dietary fiber. 100 g of the product contains 40 calories.

  • Protein takes 0.6 g.
  • Fat - 0.5 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 9.6 g.
  • Water - 84 g.

Common types of fruit trees are: Japanese quince, Chinese and Angers.

Useful properties of quince

  • Quince has a calming effect.
  • Antioxidants prevent the development of neoplasms.
  • Eliminates headaches.
  • Increases appetite, eliminates thirst, freshens breath.
  • Relieves hangover syndrome.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • Heals the skin after burns.
  • Heals cracks in the intestines, heals hemorrhoids.


Quince fruits are useful for overweight. The product removes harmful substances from the body. Pectins (useful elements) protect the intestines from irritation, normalize work.

Despite the benefits, the product is difficult to consume raw due to the tart taste and high viscosity. We recommend preserving, boiling or baking the fruit. Such processing methods will preserve useful properties and solve the problem of raw consumption.

Quince fruits are useful for men, they are used as a preventive measure against inflammation of the urinary ducts and prostate gland.

Quince juice eliminates the symptoms of bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, intestinal disorders, cardiovascular diseases.

The use of quince for medicinal purposes

The benefit of quince and its fruits is the possibility of treating viral diseases, gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, tuberculosis, jaundice, liver.

Application methods

The fruit has an astringent, hemostatic, diuretic, antiseptic effect.

If you lose your appetite, pour 10 g of dry quince fruits with boiling water (100 ml). Take a tablespoon before meals.

Boiled quince fruits are used in the treatment of liver diseases. Fruit juice is used for anemia, diseases of the stomach, heart and blood vessels.

Crushed quince seeds produce a poisonous substance, an excessive amount of which in the human body leads to poisoning.

Quince relieves nausea in women in early pregnancy. For the normal development of a child in the womb, B vitamins are needed, which are present in sufficient quantities in the product.

The active components of quince are difficult for a child's body. To help your child benefit from the fruit, add a slice of quince to the tea. A fragile body can negatively perceive a new product. The villi on the skin irritate people prone to allergic reactions.

Slimming Tea

Quince is good for obese people. Fiber in the composition improves digestion. Quince infusion stimulates metabolic processes in the body - a natural fat burner.


  1. Quince pulp - 15 g.
  2. Cornflower flowers - 10 g.
  3. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water into a container with quince and cornflower. Leave on for 15 minutes, after wrapping the container with a towel. Strain the product and drink it two or three times a day.

Quince in cosmetology

The product is used for medical purposes and to improve the appearance. Common quince contains fruit acids that dry out the epidermis, saturate the skin with nutrients, and provide an antiseptic effect.

The fruit is combined with vegetable oils, egg yolks and other ingredients that affect oily, dry, combination skin types.

Cosmetics are prepared from the pulp, seeds and leaves of quince. Recall that only undamaged seeds are used in the preparation of cosmetics.

Homemade cosmetics recipes

Cosmetic products with quince cleanse, tone, improve skin color, and have a whitening effect. Quince juice is used in the fight against freckles.

Mask for dry skin

The product is intended for dry skin prone to flaking. The mask works for 20 minutes, is removed with a paper napkin.


  1. Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  3. Honey - 1 tsp
  4. Quince - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: Stir in the butter, yolk and honey. Mash the quince pulp until smooth. Add to the resulting mass.

The pulp has a regenerating effect, heals wounds, softens dry skin.

Mature skin mask

The product tones and nourishes the skin. The mask is removed with a napkin, the face is rinsed with warm water. The exposure time is 20 minutes.


  1. Yolk - 1 pc.
  2. Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Peach oil - 1 tbsp l.
  4. Quince juice - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Combine the components together, mix thoroughly.

A remedy for any skin


  1. Quince - 1 pc.
  2. Oat flour - 1 tsp

How to cook: Grate the quince pulp, add flour, stir.

How to use: Apply to face previously cleansed of cosmetics and impurities. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with water and apply a cream appropriate for your skin type.

Nuances: Instead of oatmeal, buckwheat or rice flour, potato starch are suitable. Add a tablespoon of boiling water if you have sensitive skin. Do not go outside for an hour after the procedure.

Result: Saturates the skin with vitamins, is 100% absorbed by the epidermis, renews cells.

Massage with a ripe piece of quince on problem areas helps to reduce expression wrinkles.

How to choose

When buying fruit, pay attention to the color of the product. Choose fragrant fruits with rich yellow flowers. Do not take deformed small ones.

Quince is tough and unsuitable for consumption raw. Although, this is a matter of taste. Wash it before use, remove the fluff that is present on the skin. Remove seeds containing amygdalin. The substance in the stomach is converted into hydrocyanic acid, which provokes poisoning.

Heat treatment will help to make the fruits soft and sweet. Quince is stewed, boiled, baked. High temperatures affect its color, as a result, it becomes reddish with a pleasant taste and aroma.

Jam, pie fillings, marmalade, sauces are prepared from the fruit of the fruit tree. The fruit complements the taste of meat dishes and is irreplaceable in some desserts.


You should not abuse the fruits of quince, especially for pregnant women who are sensitive to some products.

Stop consuming quince if allergic reactions are diagnosed.

Chronic constipation, ulcerative lesions of the intestines and stomach - the reason not to eat quince. The composition contains tannins that aggravate the problem.

Elements in the composition negatively affect the vocal cords. In rare cases, quince is harmful to the respiratory tract.

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