Agriculture of the Orenburg region. Soil pollution Orenburg region

Gardening 22.09.2019


1. Natural conditions

1.2 Relief

3 vegetation

1.4 Soil formation factors

Soil-geographical zoning of the Orenburg region

1 Soil zoning

2 Soil belts, regions, zones, provinces, areas

Genesis Soils

3.1 Chernozem

3.1.1 Smashing black soils

1.2 Chernozem South

3.1.3 Common Chernozem

3.2 Dark Chestnut Soils

3 Gray Forest Soils



The geography of soil is a section of the soil science that studies the patterns of soil distribution on the surface of the Earth for the purposes of soil-geographical zoning, it is divided into common and regional. Total soil geography studies the factors of soil formation and the most common laws of the geographical placement of soils, the types of the structure of the soil cover; Regional geography of soils - questions of zoning and deals with the description of the soil cover of individual regions. The main method of soil geography is a comparative geographical, with which the geographical placement of soil is studied in connection with soil formation factors. Widely used mapping compilation of soil cards.

The geography of the soil arose at the end of the 19th century. and developed under the influence of the demands of agricultural production, the need to inventory soils and their assessment. The basics of soil geography in Russia are laid by V.V. Dokuchaev, who established the connection between the soil and forming it natural factors, showed the patterns of soil proliferation and developed a method of profile study of soils in aggregate with soil formation factors.

The Orenburg region occupies a special place in the geography of soil. Located within the forest and steppe natural zonesThe Orenburg region has rich soil resources. Soil-climatic conditions are favorable for growing grain and industrial crops, as a result of which the Black Earth Steppes turned out to be plowed. Under the lot of 51% of the territory. The degree of disassembly turned out to be the highest in Russia. Forests of the region, including a wonderful monument of nature - Buzuluk Bor, occupy only 4% of the territory.

For soil, latitudinal zonality is characterized. From meadow steppes, types and subtypes of soils are replaced by desertified: typical, ordinary and southern black soil, dark brown, brown and light-brown soils.

The regular change of soil types is associated with the action of three leading steppe soil processes: humidopulation, carbonation and coaltonation.

The influence of the process of carbonation on steppe soil formation to the south is sharply enhanced. The farther to the south of the steppe zone, the brighter is pronounced the process of catering, which prevents the process of humidopling. In the subzone of deserted steppes, light-brown soils, developed on clay rocks, are almost all solesteps.

In the structure of the arable land of the region of black soil occupy 79%, the subtype of dark chestnut soils - 16%, gray forest soils - 4% of the area. Among the black soils are the largest square occupy the southern black soils - 44%, ordinary - 26%, typical and leachy - 9%. In the subzones of southern and ordinary chernozem, respectively, 14 and 7% of the area are occupied by Solonsy. In the darkestore soil subzone, the Solontsi Square is 36%.

Incomparable and eroded soils occupy 17% of their area among typical black soils - 39% of the southern - almost 50%, in the darkestroke soil subzone - 22% of its area. The subzone of ordinary chernozem plants by 74%, southern - by 52%, dark chestnut soils - by 43%.

The question of preserving the soil cover from the water and wind erosion is sharply, an increase in the yield of agricultural curtulines. At the same time, the creation of protective frisms has declined.

1. Natural conditions

1.1 climate

The territory of the Orenburg region has favorable conditions In terms of natural and climatic conditions, the average annual values \u200b\u200bof its climatic parameters refer to the category "low" and favorable for the conditions of dispersion of harmful substances in the atmosphere.

The territory of the region lies in the depths of the continent at a considerable distance from the oceans. The continental position strongly affects the climate and the soil and vegetable cover of Orenburg.

The climate of the district is sharply continental, which is explained by its significant remoteness from the seas and the closeness of the semi-deplexes of Kazakhstan. Climatic conditions The surveyed territory is characterized by a large amplitude of fluctuations in annual and daily temperatures, strong winds, short spring and long autumn periods. The average monthly air temperature of the cold month of January - 13.1 0C, and the hottest month of July +22.1 0S. Winter lasts 4.5 months. The minimum winter temperature reaches minus 40-44 0S. Summer has about the same duration with a maximum temperature plus 440 FROM

The wind is distinguished by extreme variability, both in the direction and in terms of high-speed regime. On average, only 45 days a year are mildly.

The direction of the wind and the calm, according to many years of observations, is over the year in%: SV-8, C-10, B-20, YUV-9, YU-12, YUZ-15, S-18, SZ-10, CHTIL-3, nine. Wind speed, exceeding which this area is 5%, reaches 9 m / s. In winter, the eastern and south-west wind direction, the summer oriental and west prevailing. The average wind speed is 4.0 m / s. In the territory of research, especially strong winds, which in winter during snow bosenis and in summer during periods, characterized by low relative humidity and high average daily temperature are characterized.

Such wind regime and the plain nature of the area contribute to the removal of pollutants.

The growing season is about 180 days. The characteristic feature of the climate of the region is its dryness. Fallen in the summer of precipitation do not have time to get absorbed into the soil, since high air temperatures contribute to their rapid evaporation.

Precipitation on the territory of the region extends unevenly. Their number decreases from the North-West (450 mm per year) to the south-east (260 mm per year). The maximum amount of precipitation falls on the small chamber ridge (up to 550 mm per year). Approximately 60-70% of the annual precipitation falls on a warm period that somewhat smoothes climate dryness.

Low security of Orenburg steppes moisture often leads to drought. Over the past century, in the north-western regions of the region, strong and medium droughts were observed once every 3-4 years, and in southern regions once every two or three years.

The height difference does not exceed 50 m per 1 km. Small number of days with fogs. The humidity of the air is characterized by one of the main indicators of relative humidity, the smallest value of which is marked in the warmth with a minimum in May, and the largest - in November-December and March.

Blizzards are most often associated with the passage of Western and southern cyclones bringing storm winds, abundant and wet snow, and sometimes rain, among the winter. The number of days with snowstorms fluctuates from 26 to 49 days a year. Bilnels are noted regularly from November to March, and their largest number is observed in January. Thunderstorms occur on average over the year during 21-29 days. The greatest development of thunderstorm activities is celebrated in July.

In Orenburg, atmospheric pressure amplitude from 14.6 MB. The average minimum pressure measured in July is 995.6 MB, the average maximum in December is 1010.2 MB.

The total duration of solar shine is 2198 hours. The greatest duration is celebrated in July (322 hours), the smallest - in December (55 hours). On average, during the year there is 73 days without the sun.

1.2 Relief

Orenburg region is distinguished by a variety of relief. Its western part is located within the southeast outskirts of the East European Plain. Here are the hills of Bugulmina-Bellapendeevskaya and the common crawling, from the south comes the Caspian lowland. The East area is located within the southern revisions of the Ural Mountains, the Zauralsky and Turgay Plateau. The absolute heights of the surface range from 39 m. In the valley of the Ural River when crossing it with the southern border of the region up to 667 m. - On the ridge.

The surface of the Orenburg region is predominantly wavy-flat, however, the relief of its individual parts is characterized by significant features. Western, or a Ural part extending from the borders of the Samara region to the valleys of the Greater IR rivers and Kiyala Burya, represents his raised raw low plain with altitudes from 200 to 400 meters above sea level. Characteristic of it is the direction of river valleys from the south-east to the north-west. Only in the extreme south is observed shared slope Syrte plain towards the Caspian lowland.

Almost in the middle of the primary, the system of respect for common raw materials, which has the most diverse structure. The northern slopes of the Urals in most cases are gentle, imperceptibly merge with the slopes of the valleys, rivers and beams. The southern slopes have a great steepness, often there are ripples. The surface of the cheese is also a wavy, then flat nature. The central part of the region is occupied by the folded zone of southern spurs of the Ural Mountains. It is east of the valleys of the Great Ik and Kiyal-Burture to the meridional section of the Valley of the Ural River and is a plateau, strongly dissected deeply embedded valleys of rivers.

Further to the east, the terrain acquires an increasingly complex hilly pop-off relief. Governors of the village of Ilinki begin. Here they prevail cool hills with a height of 50-80 meters. They are or sharply separated, or grouped into short ridges. Narrow and deeply embedded valleys of the Gubereli rivers and subgroups with their tributaries, as well as beams and ravines often cut the ridges and excrete elevations on them. All this creates the impression of a mountain landscape; However, the height of the mountains does not exceed 430 meters. In the north, the provincial mountains go into small-scale steppe. In the south, they continue for the Valley of the Urals.

The eastern part of the area is called the Ural Tobolsky Plateau. It is a wide gentle wavy elevated plain. The average plateau height ranges from 300 to 350 meters, but in some places, for example, in the northwest, height reach 400 meters or more.

Basically, the calm flat nature of the surface of Orenburg makes it comfortable for the development of agricultural production.

1.3 vegetation

In the Orenburg region dominates the dubbing herbal vegetation. Forests occupy only 4% of the territory. Most forests - in the northwest. Here the forest grows not only in the valleys of rivers, but also on the plain watersheds. South due to dry climate, the forest gradually disappears from watersheds. The forests cover mainly the vertices of the raw and banks of the rivers. In landscape, the north-west of the region, combining meadow steppes and island forests, belongs to the forest-steppe. Island forests are represented by broader species - oak, maple, elm. In Dubravas, Lipa, Elm Smooth and Elm Shersha (Ilm) predominate, the maple is ostrooty, rowan and nut. From fine breeds often occurs birch, forming wetlands. Many forests are reduced. Reducing forests occurs due to fires, cutting and grazing of livestock. The meadow steppes are almost completely rapid. Rare preserved areas of steppes are formed by colorful meadow dispersion and steppe cereals.

The forest-steppe of hilly plains is replaced in the pre-execution of a mountain forest-steppe. Mountain forest-steppe is expressed on the Range Small Salax and at the lowland of the North of the Kuvandyk district. In the Nagorny forests, oaks, elm and birch prevail.

But not forests determine the appearance of the edge: the endless steppe dominates. South of the forest-steppe zone, the forest gradually leaves raw peaks in river valleys, beams and ravines. Due to the dryness of the climate, Oak and Lipa do not penetrate the south of the Ural Valley. For the Valley, the ile is characterized by black alder, dark and raw, with Marydami mosquitoes. Despite the apparent monotony, the steppe vegetation changes markedly when moving from north to south. The divergent meadow steppes of the North-West area include a rich colorful dispersion, which suppresses cereal vegetation. Among the cereals - Kovyl and Mattik. In the meadow steppes, there are 80-100 species of plants on the hectare with the productivity of the 25-40 c / ha.

South of the Big Cinema, the meadow steppes are replaced by the varnopers-povered steppes. The farther to the south, the stronger the dryness of the climate depletes the disintegration and increases the proportion of steppe cereals. In the volatrahn-cereal steppes, the dispersion and cereals share the championship in the steppe horses. In the pool, the dullness in the east of the area among the disintegration steppes are scattered birch fishing racks and pine bours. Despite the small amount of precipitation, granites contribute to the growth of pine. Dense granite waterproof creates conditions for pine bors, as in flower pot.

South of r. Samara, south and east of r. Ural, the domination proceeds to the Ticacious-nude steppe. The difference is very poor.

The most southern steppes in the Orenburg region are a womb-hollow. They are common in the pool r. Chagan, south of the valleys of the rivers Ilec and Kumak. Here are a steppe and semi-desert plants. For a womb-hollow steppes, a sparsery and spotting herb. Because of the spottedness, Yaitsky Cossacks, the South Steppe received the name "Chubaraya Steppe".

Thus, from the north to the south in the Orenburg region, in accordance with the natural zonality of each other, meadow, diverse-naughty, ticker-nice and woven woven steps are replaced. In the southern and eastern regions of the region on saline soils, the solubular steppes and solon-particle meadows are developed.

The variety of plant communities led to the formation of a rich flora. This contributes geographical position Areas at the junction of European, Siberian and Turan elements flora, as well as the presence of endemic and relict plants. The general list of flowering plants of the region exceeds one and a half thousand species. From the cereals to the Red Love list included were beautiful, peristically, zalessky, oscillate and tonkonog tight.

In the Red Book, 8 types of orchids growing on the territory of the region, among them a large-flowered shoe, liparis of the lezel and the Yatryshnik slave. From the Lily Player family, a tulip of a shrenca and a russian russian tulip entered. The Red Book is a licorice of the Korzhinsky, Kopechniki Large-flowered, Silverish, Razumovsky, China Litvinova from the Bob family. From aquatic plants in this list - water walnut, or Chile, growing in a number of floodplain lakes in the Urals, below Orenburg and Ileku. A large group of rare plants of the region (43 of the species) constitute endemics and relics. Ural's rock-mountainege endemics - the remains of ancient vegetation, developed on rocky and crushed stone soils in the tertiary period. In this list - Carnations iggoliste and Ural, Beliciness Ural, Onosma, Guberninsky, Salt Sollard and other species.

Real species of the region are Juniper Cossack, deserted oats, Clausia Suncharge, Siberian, as well as Salvia Floating and Water Walnuts that are preserved from a smooth period. Many forest plants, steppes and meadows of Orenburg are medicinal. The most common belongs to Belen, Valerian Medicity, Gorizet Spring, St. John's wort, Ivan-Da-Marya, Nervice, Drugs, Crushshk, Lily May, Linden Melo-Choir, Shepherd Bag, Pijm, Walinkle Bitter, Song, Tremal, Celebre, Rosehip and Others.

The floodplain forests that have survived almost all significant rivers of the region are formed by a silver and black, windy, less often elm. According to the floodplains of Samara, the Urals and Sakmar, a significant area occupy a dubble.

Separately, it should be said about the gallery and shedding of black alder (cherno-colon), growing in streams and mountain rivers, as well as swampy places on general raw, in the Valley of the Elica and the Governors of the Mountains. Embedded beams and rods of hilly-dummy watersheds of the steppe zone consist mainly of birch of warthamy and aspen. Oak grows over the Valley of the Urals on Waterseeds. In the east of the region in the upper and r. Suunloucle of the forest-steppe appearance landscape is attached to pine handfuls with admixtures of larch and birch-aspen slices.

Environmentally friendly remains sanitary condition of forests. The area of \u200b\u200bthe existing foci of pests and diseases of the forest is in the leshozes of the Orenburg department over 15 thousand hectares.

Given the extremely low forest-looking areas, most forest areas of the region should be considered as natural reserves of various purposes: reserves, landscape and botanical reserves, natural parks, monuments.

orenburg soil formation steppe black soil

1.4 Soil formation factors

Orenburg region is located in the foothill part of the South Urals. The formation of its surface is associated with the development of the Ural folding. In the geological history of this territory, periods of pea formation with periods of relative rest were alternated. The continental period was interrupted by the onset of the seas. The North-Western part is characterized by the domination of the Pestry on the lithology of the Perm sediments, which occur horizontally. As you move to the south, younger deposits - Triass, Yura and Neogen appear.

As it moves to the East and approaching the Ural Foldlessness, the coherence of the layers is broken. Here deposits are deployed and crushed into the folds of the meridional and close to it stretching. Breeds, complaints of these folds, are varied by age and lithology. The priestly is composed of alternating strips of carbon and Perm sediments.

Of the soil-forming breeds in the region, the most loose sediments of heavy mechanical composition (clay and heavy-bodied) and less lung (lungs of loam, soup and sands). Small-graded rocks with a rather powerful cloak cover the plateau, slopes and terraces of rivers. In small areas there are eluveli dense rocks, which is timed to steep slopes and arrays of the small-scale.

Dense rocks differ in genesis, age, chemical and mineralogical composition. Among the erupted most often there are granites and coils. Metamorphic rocks are represented by clay shale, limestone. A group of sedimentary rocks is the most extensive. It is dominated by clay and sandy-clay carbonate Perm sediments, sometimes conglomerates, mergels and dolomites. Jurassic deposits are represented by clays, sands and sandstones.

A special place among loose sedimentary rocks occupies an ancient blistering bark of weathering of dense breeds. Due to a number of features of mineralogical, mechanical and chemical composition, it significantly affects the process of soil formation.

Characteristic property An ancient motion colorful cortex of weathered, as the name itself says, is the gentle color (from white to bright red and purple). Often for several meters there is a whole range of colors with bizarre transitions. These deposits are the products of kaolin weathering and deprived of carbonates, sometimes contain secondary accumulation of easily soluble salts. Under conditions of modern weathelation, indigenous rocks give brown loams, carbonate in the steppe zone, especially in its southern part.

Quaternary elvenity of indigenous breeds are common in the field of indigenous yields and is distinguished by brown color. The mechanical composition of eluvia dense rock depends on their mineralogical and petrographic composition, and on the part and the dimension of the grains of minerals. There are all varieties of minerals from soup to clays.

Eluvia always contains little dust and quite a lot of snacks. Elvius of indigenous breeds contains usually a significant amount of rubble. In the upper part of the profile, it is slightly, below chubbyness increases (up to 85-90 weight percent).

The surface of the soils developed on a low-power eluvia of dense rocks is often covered with a so-called shelter - a layer of rubble formed as a result of washing and blowing fineness. The most grappleness is the destruction of metamorphic and eruct breeds. Defruit deposits of a fairly permanent mechanical composition are formed. Among them you can highlight light clay and heavy loam. Devual deposits contain a small amount of easily soluble salts. In some chlorides and sulfates are absent.

Ancient alleavial deposits of the inappropriate terraces of rivers usually have a heavy-chipped and clay mechanical composition. Less often among them there are sands.

The characteristic feature of the soil cover of the region is its heterogeneity. The soil cover of the preirals was formed in a somewhat more humid conditions, rather than a comparable. The variety of relief, frequent replaceability in the space of different mechanical composition and content of soil-forming carbonates, various productivity of natural herbobes predetermined a greater variety of soils in the carbonate mode, mineralogical composition and content of humus in them. In accordance with this most of The territory of the Orenburg region is engaged in carbonate varieties of all types of chernozem and dark chestnut soils.

In the north and north-west region, the base of the soil cover is typical and leached black soils, formed on deluvial yellow-brown clays and loams, beyond dense sedimentary rocks. South typical black soils are ordinary chernozem, which are located from west to east through the entire area. In the western part, they extend to the south to the rippers of the rivers of Buzuluk and Samara. Next to the east of its southern border is the Ural Valley. In the Ural-Tobolsky plateau, these soils occupy spaces between the valleys of the drowsiness of the cloud, a clipboard and the Solonchan. South black soils stretch south of ordinary chernozem. In the south and south-east of the region, they are replaced by dark chestnut soils. In Pervomaisky and Sol-Iletsky districts, dark brown soils are represented by separate areas. Within the Ural Tobolsk Plateau, they occupy a broad strip.

Among the chernozems of the southern and chestnut soils are widespread solonts and salt-salt soils, especially in areas such as Pervomaisky, Sol-Iletsky, Akbulaksky, Kvarzensky, Gay, Novoorsky, Adamovsky, Svetlinsky, Dombarovsky. For river floors and terraces, turf-meadow, meadow-chernozem, meadow-marsh, sollets and salt marshes are common.

Chernozems typical, ordinary, southern occupies significant territories and make up the main Fund of the arable soil of the Orenburg region.

Table 1 - The composition of the soil cover of the Orenburg region

The soaking area of \u200b\u200bincluding in% thousand. hectares of pashnyashenokiumpastbingProchnya Forest forest50,90.4 chernozem, incl. Vasted279,52,366,53,18,82,666,53,18,821,666,63,95,177,52,315,84,77,678,221,673,53,22,22,673,53,22,22,869,43,423,22,869,43,423,53,869,43,423,362,46,927,33,462,46,927,33,462,46,927,33,462,46,927,33,462,46,927,33,462,966,266 , 5 Alerted633,05,12,62,384,710,43,62,384,710.45,616,13,470,56,516,13,470,56,99,948,1,81,73,19,948,138,9,19,948,75,915,630,438,75,915,630,438,715,37,630,93,913,73,92,0,83,913,73,0,92,73,913,74,92,7 --100.0Proj1262,610.3 --- 100.0ВССВ in Офис112370,2100.0

Soil fund of the Orenburg region testifies to the large variety of types and subtypes of soil. At the same time, zonal soils - chernozem, which have a significant reserve of fertility and characterized by the highest bioproductivity and environmental stability - completely disassemble.

Anthropogenic degradation on erosion-hazardous typical and ordinary chernozem strengthened the transformation processes of soil cover into inhomogeneous water-erosion structures. As a result, there were almost no fat black soils, among ordinary chernozem, the area of \u200b\u200bmedium-road and significantly increased areas of low-power species were reduced. The development of low-voluminous low-power and eroded chernozems also led to a decrease in the content of humus and the power of the humus horizon, and therefore, they began to acquire characteristic signs of less fertile steppe.

2. Soil-geographical zoning Orenburg region

2.1 Soil zoning

The distribution of soils on the territory of the Orenburg region is subject to the well-known basic laws of soil geography - latitudinal and vertical soil zonality, and provinciality.

The first strip covers, in V.V. Dokuchaev, the lane of Kama - Samara. The black soils of this band have an average power of the humus horizon in 58 cm and contain 9.6% humus in the horizon A (and in clay to 11.6%).

The second strip (Samara - Irgiz). The chernozem of this band carries a transitional nature from the soil of the first strip to the third. The power of its humus horizon is on average 55 cm, and the content of Gumus is 8.7%.

The third band (the river pool is the eccer and large and small prose) is the southernmost. The soil of this band contains 4.6% humus, the power of the humus horizon is 33 cm.

The nature of the arrangement of chernozem strips and the fall in humusity of soils to the south is associated with the peculiarities of vegetation and the conditions for the formation and decomposition of the organic matter.

On the soil map of the Orenburg region, the latitudinal location of the main types and subtypes of soils and the change of them from the gray forests of nuclear soils and the fat black soils of the North through the medium-making and low-hummous black soils to the South's Dark Chestnut Soil Soils

Soil regions of the Orenburg region.

Forest Spring. The subzone of leached and typical obese chernozem:

Aksakovsky with complex soil cover;

Sarinsky, typical black soil;

Knifel. Steppe region. Subzone of ordinary chernozem;

Obshdezda, ordinary chernozem;

Buzuluk sandy forests;

Quartzen, with complex soil cover;

Samaro-Sakmar. Southern Chernozem Subzone:

Ural-Samara, with complex soil cover;

Uralsky, southern chernozem;


Orsky, with complex soil cover;

Ural Tobolsky;

Ural-Ileksky, sampling soils;

Pre-saying chubby chernozem.

Dry steppe region.

Dark Chestnut Soils:



Dombarovsky, Salon's Soil;


The region flood the rivers of the steppe and dry steppes:

Forest and meadow floodplains of the chernozem zone;

Meadow flood briset zone.

In the western part of the region, the soil zones are located latitudiously. In the central part, they are descended to the south and, rich Ural folding in the East, again stretch almost in the latitudinal direction.

The vertical zonality of soil is manifested in the central part of the region due to the increase in absolute marks, dark brown soils are replaced by the southern ordinary and, finally, for obese black soils that cover the low spars of the Ural ridge.

Thus, the card is compiled by detailed soil-cartographic materials. Uncleened soil zones were allocated: podzolic and chernozem. The latter was divided into podzones of obese, ordinary and poor chernozem. Zones and subzones were divided into two Province Province and Zaralsk.

The soil zoning of the Orenburg region fundamentally was not distinguished from the zoning of nestall. By the details of the zoning of the rond close to the zoning of the unclean. The soil of each subzone of the chernozem, Rovena divided the mechanical composition and crispishness. In total, he allocated 15 districts. The boundaries of the areas were clarified, and in the eastern part and are detailed compared to the boundaries given by unsettless. This clarification was carried out under new soil-cartographic materials.

As a result, three plant zones were possible in the region: a forest-steppe, steppe and dry-steppe and four soil subzones: a typical fat, ordinary, southern black soil and dark chestnut soils, and within 20 soil districts.

2.2 Soil belts, regions, zones, provinces, areas

The Orenburg region is divided into Eastern European Plain, the Ural Mountain Country and the Turgai Plain Country.

The Eastern European Plain includes:

The forest-steppe zone (forest-steppe high voltage province):

a) Bugulmina-Belladeevsky elevation-plain district:

Upper-Belladeevsky elevated-plain district;

Verkhnediemsko-Seddy's cheese area.

b) Non-school elevation-grocery district:

Samaro-Kineel Cheese District;

Buzuluksky-Borovsky Bug Sand Forest District.

Steppe zone:

1. High Slip Steppe Province:

1.1. Pre-Ural Syrovo-Line Steppe Refroval:

a) Non-school hill Grocery-hilly district:

Buzuluk low-seater region;

Toksko-uranium medium-term area;

Samaro-Seddsky high school-water-seed area.

b) Sakmaro-Uralsky Hilly-Wavy District:

Saldsco-Yushatyry Syrte District;

Sakmaro-Yushatyrsky Grocery-Holmist District;

Sakmaro-Ural interliminary elevated-Uvalid region (climbing mountains);

1.2. Ural-Ilekskaya South Sunnote:

a) Ural-Ilek Kholvisto-Plain Area.

2. North-Caspian South Junction Province:

a) Priral-North-Caspian Lowestly Plain District:

Shagano-Kindelinsky plane region;

Priolek sandy-buggy area.

b) Ileko-hobdin hilly-plain district:

Hobdin hilly-plain area.

Ural mountain country includes:

South Ural region:

1. South Ural lowland forest-steppe province:

a) Nakassky-Iksky lowland district:

Nakassky lowland remains-hilly area.

b) the prisakmare-South-Ural lowland forest-steppe district:

Kasmaro-Sakmar low area;

Cathrole-Kuragan low area.

2. The forest-steppe province of the Saralsky Plateau:

a) Verneneuduk-Karagan hilly-watered area.

3. South-Ural low power supply province:

3.1. Sakmaro-Governor's steppe subfroval:

a) Nizhneik-Zienyanchurinsky hilly-groovy district:

Nizhneik gold-walked area;

Giryalo-Kuvandyki Memrachnaya Low-Grocery District;

b) Sarinsko-Governor of the low area:

Low-plated Sarin Plateau area;

Gubernlyansky Podolin and Small-Soft District;

Gubernlyansko-Priuralsky hilly-dummy district.

c) Tanalyk-Iriklinsky Rests-Harm District:

Tanalyk-Utazimsky Rests-hilly area.

3.2. South Steppe Refroval of the Pool Plateau:

a) Burtinsky-Aktykyl low-roller-grocery district:

Burtinsky hilly-dummy district;

Aktukyl-aitoire low-grocery district.

4. Steppe Prural Revolutionary Province:

4.1. Ural Tobolsk Steppe Subscription:

a) Ural-Tobolsky elevated-plain district:

Iriklinsko-Suunduk Podolin-Placory District;

Suunduk-Kumaki High Eastern District;

Upperobolsko-Kumaka elevated-plain area.

4.2. Orsko-Municipal Dryer Supplement:

a) Orsko-Kumaki hilly-viley district:

Nizhneor lowland region;

Kumako-Kimbay hilly-tired area.

The Turgai Plain Country includes:

North-Turgay Supporting Province:

a) Zhetykogolsko-Aikensky faceless lake area.


The subzone of leaching and typical obese chernozem. The forest-steppe includes leached fat and typical obese chernozem, stretches in a non-lane from the North-West to the southeast, along the border of the Orenburg region. The soil cover of the forest-steppe varies within the subzone: not only from north to south, but also from west to east. In the western part in the soil cover, leached obese chernozem are dominated. Typical obese black soils occupy extremely limited area and zones do not form. As you move to the east, due to some increasing dryness, the continentality of the climate, leached fat black soils are replaced by typical fat. In the central part of the region and in the Trans-Urals, typical obese black soils dominate.

Leaving a forest-steppe in the steppe and a change of typical or leached black soils on ordinary unequal sites throughout the subbands. The regularities of the distribution of soils are also different depending on the specific conditions: relief, mother breeds.

Aksakovsky district with complex soil cover is located in the forest-steppe, in the subzone of the leached obese chernozem.

The area covers watershed B. Kinelie and Salymusha, stretched by a narrow strip on the right bank of B. Kineli, along the border of the Orenburg region.

The territory is a high (350-500 m) dismembered plateau, the so-called Belebean. The cutting depth, rivers is 100-150 m. The plateau is composed by the pests on the lithology by the sediments of the Tatar tier and the Belebean Sweet Penm. The surface is strongly disseminated, the plots of the plateau actually is extremely small. Most of the surface is the dismembered slopes. The watersheds are asymmetrical.

The slopes of the northern, northwestern and northeastern exposition of gentle, covered with a rather powerful thickness of deluvial heavy loam, (and less frequently light loams). Parshi, located on these aligned germinated slopes, are covered with leached fat clay and drumine chernozem.

The slopes of southern, southeastern and south-western expositions mostly steep and dissected short, but deep ravines and beams with oak and birch slices. Steppe areas on these squabbles have rareblable vegetation. The soils of steep slopes are represented by obese, different power, usually rubbed black soils and gray forest soils. Frequent stains of residual carbonate chernozem.

Due to the deep club, the erosion rivers is quite intense, therefore, when destroying natural vegetation, anti-erosion events should be provided.

The Sarinsky district of typical obese chernozem is located in Zauralie, within the borders of the Novo-Pokrovsky administrative area, occupying part of the so-called Sarin plateau. This is an ancient aligned surface where various indigenous breeds have been opened and aligned - crystalline shale, conglomerates, green-branded breeds, mergel and sandy deposits. The absolute heights of the flat plateau range from 400 to 460 m. The plateau is blocked differently by the power of deluvial heavy dusty sublinks. Groundwater is very deep. From the south and west to the Sarin plateau, its dismembered edge is adjacent: small-scale prizakmar and the Governors of the Mountains.

The northern part of the Sarin Plateau is covered with heavy-chipped typical fat medium-high chernozem, and the southern part is ordinary. Soil cover is distinguished by homogeneity. High blood soils. Most of the surface of the decompania, only in some places, the sections are developed, on which the virgin varnoisses are developed and shrub.

In the West and the south, where the plateau goes into a small-reinforcement, the tops of the beams grow oak-birch slices. It takes the eastern border of the modern spread of oak.

The amount of arable land is 51.0%, hay - 1.9%, pasture-pasture - 30.0%, of which 7.2% fall on mountain pastures. Raisses and beams occupy 3.7%. Despite the rather large area of \u200b\u200bpastures and pastures, to expand the arable space for their account, especially on the striking arrays, it should be approached carefully. It must be borne in mind that the dispenser can lead to a sharp strengthening of a plane flip and falling soil fertility. Therefore, the possibility of expanding the arable space is limited here. For the fertility of arable soil is one of the best areas of the region. As a result of great difficulties in the dilution of oak and low Bonitte, it is better to exclude from production crops.

The Knikgeelsky district is located in the field of changing typical obese chernozem to ordinary. It includes six administrative districts - Bugurlan, Matveyevsky, Derzhavinsky, Krasno-Partizansky, Grachevsky and Ivanovsky. It includes watersheds of the rivers B. Kinel - M. Kinel and M. Kinel - Borovka.

For each of the watersheds and for interfluires, the pronounced asymmetry of the slopes is characterized in general and the regularity of the distribution of mother breeds and soils. So, at the highest parts of the watersheds, we meet flat surfaces of the plateau, overlap or low-powerful thickness of deluvial loams or, less often, eluvel indigenous rocks. The watershed plateau to the north gradually passes into a gentle slope covered with loams (usually heavy), and further in broad, then into narrower surfaces of the terrace.

On the slopes and the plateau, typical obese black soils are usually found. On the terraces of rivers sometimes soil less humus is ordinary chernozem. The surface of the plateau, the slopes and the terraces of the decay. Only along the shallow logs, dismembering the gentlel northern slope and terraces, there are sections with various-meter-welcoming steppe vegetation.

The southern slopes of watershed waters are steep and strongly dissected by the beam system. They are often exposed to different indigenous breeds. In the vertices of beams - birch or oak fishing line. Where light indigenous rocks come to the surface, pine is often found. On the southern slope of the chernozem less humulating (usually mediamatic).

This is an area of \u200b\u200bintensive farming. The area has highly productive soils, but the yield is small as a result of non-compliance with agrotechnical rules.

The subzone of ordinary chernozem strip up to 60 km width passes through the central part of the region. In the foothills, she is somewhat lowered to the south, makes a small deflection, and in the east rises again to the north, going beyond the region. This violation of the latitudinal layout of the subzone is associated with the influence of the Ural folding, near which subzones acquire the North-West Stretch. Soil subzones are compressed between the southern tip of the mountains and the steppes of Kazakhstan. Thus, the width of the subzones of ordinary chernozem reaches just 15 km here. In the East, as it removes from the mountains, the influence of the latter weakens, and the subzone, rising to the north, expands.

The increase in continentality to the east within the subzone slightly changes the properties of ordinary chernozem. Gumus is distributed by profile unevenly (lingness). The amount of bicarbonates in the soil solution increases, sometimes easily soluble salts appear at the bottom of the profile. The southern border of the subzones of ordinary chernozems is clearly traced only in the eastern part of the region. In the West, this transition is complex and stretched to a significant area due to the large heterogeneity of the mechanical composition of rocks and the dismemberment of the relief.

In the first approach, the border between ordinary and southern chernozem (from the west to the East) can be carried out according to p. Samara, further on the watershed of the Sakmar rivers - the Ural and, finally, according to the valley of the river. Guberly, where she goes beyond the Orenburg region.

The influence of the chemical and mechanical composition of mother breeds affects the appearance of small-hummous leached chernozems in this adjustment in light rocks and residual-carbonate black soils on carbonate rocks. Salonian phenomena in the soils of this subzone are weakly pronounced.

The relief acts two. On the one hand, the exposure of the slopes is influence: more northern soil subtyps appear on the northern, more wet and cold slopes; According to southern, sheer and warm slopes to the north, soils are progressing more southern subzone. On the other hand, an absolute height of the area has an impact on the distribution of soil: ordinary black soils are noted on higher surfaces, and in low-chernozems, transitiones to the southern one. So, on the slope to r. Samara is often stained by the stains of southern black soil, while the highest flat sections of Samara - Buzuluk and left shores r. Buzuluk are busy ordinary chernozem.

The effect of relief is combined with the influence of rocks. Members of Sakmary and Urals is a classic example of such a joint influence on the soil of the exposure and mother breed. Northern slope to r. Sakmar is blocked by heavy deluvial loams with ordinary chernozem, and the southern slopes to the r. The Urals are busy with southern chernozem on rhinestone, relatively lighter products for the destruction of indigenous Perm rocks. The clarity of the soil change on this segment, apparently, is explained by the low width of subzones.

The North-Eastern Unitary Enterprise Chernozem occupies the northeastern part of the common Syrte and separate areas of the Perm Plato, located on the watershed of the Volga and Urals systems. It includes the following administrative districts: Alexandrovsky, Luxembourg, Belozersky, Oktyabrsky, Gavrilovsky, Yekaterinovsky, Sakmar and Saraktashsky.

The plain surfaces and the ancient terraces are covered with yellow-brown sublinks and clays with a capacity of 3 to 12 m. They are littered with ancient alleavial sands or indigenous rocks. They are dominated by clay ordinary chernozem, the surface of which is almost aimed at breaking. On the terraces are not uncommon areas of salt-particle mediamus chernozem. Where the beams, dismembering the slope, are opening on the surface of the terrace, the meadow solubular complexes used for grazing are formed.

On watersheds and southern slopes, red and pink merryl and sandstones are exposed. Here, crushed stone-leached and residual-carbonate black soils are replaced by washed soils and indigenous yields. It is also grazing.

Sometimes watersheds crosses a narrow plateau, folded lightly by the perm rocks. In the vertices of beams and ravines, especially on light sediments, birch and oak neck splices are not separated.

Distribution of the area is high (56-71%). A small expansion of arable area is possible, but in some cases it will require land aelic.

Buzuluk sandy forest area is located in the West, on the border with the Kuibyshev region, in the northern part of the Buzuluk administrative district. This is a widespread forest array of Buzuluk boron in the literature. It occupies a sliced \u200b\u200ballyum of the terrace r. Samara, as well as the slopes of the root shore, isolated by sandstones. Sand alluvium is translated, relief most of the boron is a well-pronounced dune. Dunes have different size.

Pine forests grow on the dunes. On the outskirts of the array, where alluvius terraces is replaced by elbow-delware of sandstones on the root shore, coniferous forests are inferior to the place with a broad. This forest array in the steppe has a large production and scientific importance.

In the slides between the dunes the surface of the burst. Here are the meadow-swamp soils. The surface of the dunes, their vertices and the slopes are occupied by the turf weakly-splashed sandy and squealed soils. They are characterized by a significant development of the turf and a weak manifestation of the process of appearance.

Quartzen black earth area with complex cover is located in the northeastern part of the region, on the territory of the Quartzen Administrative District.

Located in the Urals, on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains, the area is composed by sour, less often with metamorphic erupted rocks. Indigenous breeds were abraded by the sea. Traces of this abrasion and are now clearly visible on high aligned surfaces (smooth flat granite outlets on watersheds).

Now it is a high dissected plateau, where the indigenous rocks are blocked by very low-powerful thick loose quaternary deposits of eluv-delueli. Its power is different, which, apparently, is associated with an uneven base of indigenous rocks. The surface is disseminated by the system of scary logs, in the vertices of which the buried remnants of the ancient motion-colored detects are detected.

The area is dominated by a disordered-kick steppe with birch slices on hollows and lowering. The soils of the soils of this area are rather low (43%). This is explained by the heterogeneity of the soil cover and various soil fertility.

The Samaro-Sakmar district is located in the transition strip of ordinary chernozem to the southern. It covers the following administrative areas of the region: Left-Bank part of Buzuluksky, Kurmanaevsky, Totsky, Sorochinsky, Novo-Sergievsky, Andreevsky, Right-Bank parts of Pokrovsky and Perevolotsky districts, as well as Pavlovsky district.

The Steppe region, with ropted forests is located in the highest and relatively poorly dissected part of the common cheese, therefore, the asymmetry characteristic of the overall damp here is poorly expressed. Relief of the Wiley Glumber. The surface is disseminated on numerous small watersheds. The area is complicated by indigenous rocks of Perm, Triassia and, partly, Jurassic age of a different lithological composition. Indigenous rocks determine the mechanical composition and the degree of soil salinization. Where the sandstones of Triass, Perm and Yura, the soils are usually an easy and medium truck mechanical composition dominate. Occasionally, at the outputs of chalk breeds, the soils of heavy-dugnists.

Jurassic sandstones appear at higher marks than Triassic and Perm. They are well assorted, do not contain, yals and carbonates. Soil cover on them is homogeneous, the mechanical composition is lightweight, there is no saltwateted soil. Relief aligned.

Perm sandstones, unlike Jurassic, okreten, are usually ocked (Mergheliste sandstones). The soil on them is more severe on mechanical composition than in Jurassic sandstones.

The area is common ordinary and southern black soils. The ordinary chernozem occupies the slopes of the northern and northeastern exposition. It has a medium cylinder, less frequently clay mechanical composition. Southern slopes are occupied by southern chernozem, usually easier by mechanical composition, developed on eluvia indigenous rocks. This pattern is manifested in small, latitudified interflunes of the left frauds of Samara. At the same time, the relationship between the change of zones and the absolute marker is observed (in combination with the exposure). Thus, more humus soils are formed on the watershed, on the slopes are less humus.

The soil is generally quite fertile. In southern chernozem, it is necessary to strengthen the measures to combat moisture (Prasolov L.I., 1939).

The subzone of the southern chernozem occupies a significant part of the area of \u200b\u200bthe region, covering the watersheds of the Samara rivers in the west - Ural, Ural - Ilec. In the east of Mezhdrai Ural - Tobol, the boundary of the subzone rises 15 km north than in the West. In general, the stretch of the subzone close to the latter. In the foothill part, it is compressed and has up to 15-20 km in the diameter, and in Trans-Urals the width reaches 70 km. Continental growth to the East affects the southern black soils of heavy mechanical composition, in which the character of the humus horizon changes. "Littleness" appears to the east: areas are increasing, covered with solencewed chernozem and solon men, which is connected not only with the influence of the peculiarities of mother breeds, but also with increasing climate dryness.

Significant subzone areas are occupied by light wem-like chernozem with low boiling. Their most of all on the southern slope of common raw, where they are formed on sedimentary indigenous rocks of a light mechanical composition (Perm, Triass, Yura) exposed by steep slopes to rivers. On the slopes there is intensive plane erosion, which prevails over the oral erosion. Since the dense substrate lies shallow, then the ravines are chalk and quickly overgrow. Their bottoms are covered with meadow and weed vegetation. When the dispenser sometimes observes the revival of the beam erosion.

The heterogeneity of mother breeds, as well as the dismemberment of the surface, determine the variety of soil and vegetation cover. At the yields of low-power breeds often gravelly miniature chernozems give various combinations with steppe sollins. Songs of the slopes to rivers and wide plain terraces of the Urals and Ilec rivers are covered with homogeneous arrays of southern chernozem.

With the approach to the Ural folding, this pattern in the distribution of soil persists, but the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bblack soil on loose sediments and indigenous rocks is changing. The slopes are shorter, the terraces are already. All large areas are engaged in gravelily soils and solonists on indigenous rocks, which in this part of the region are made by small-scale arrays and ridges.

In the eastern part of the region, the southern "liesy" chernozems are dominated by all aligned, mainly sublime areas of relief. The greatest retest of soil cover is observed on the slopes to the rivers.

The Ural-Samara district with complex soil cover is characterized by inhomogeneous soil and vegetable cover with the domination of the southern mid-frethny black soils. It includes the following administrative districts: Teplovsky, Sverdlovsky, Tashlinsky, Mustayevsky, southern parts of the regions of Pokoovsky and the long-distance and northern parts of the regions of Ilek and Krasnocholm.

The area is located on general raw. It occupies Meals and Samara interference, as well as the southern slopes to r. Ural. The watershed is a wavy-dummy array. The slope is clearly derived from the terrace of the Buzuluk River, where ordinary lugustic, often crystal black windows. In flat areas of the terrace in the soils there are signs of megosts. On a watershed representing a strongly dissected plateau, as well as on the slope to p. The Urals are exposed to a variety of political science. Indigenous sediments, sands, chalk, clay, as well as sandy-clay strata both carbonate and looms.

Soil cover is heterogeneous. Alternating Southern weak-old with reduced boiling low-power crubstone black soils Soloncent chunks and steppe sollets. Salonians are developed on clays, and salontal chernozems on bicked nanos. The appearance of residual carbonate chernozem is timed to the outputs of Mergel and chalk. There are many of them in the western part of the area on eluvia of grain-like limestone and carbonate sands. At the outputs of indigenous breed there are no solid vegetation cover.

In the slides between the hills and respect, the washed meadow-chernozem soils under meadow vegetation with thickets of shrubs are located. In general, the district gives the impression of a forest-steppe, although the soil and vegetable cover of its typical steppe.

Independent land in the area on average is about 61%. This value varies greatly in separate districts. In order to expand the arable landfill, measures are needed to combat soil saltness. Large areas cannot be used due to stony.

The Uralsky district of southern chernozems is extended by a wide band along the left shore r. The Urals from the borders of the West Kazakhstan region in the West to the Aktubinsk region in the East. It covers the northern part of the Ural-Ilec interfold. It includes administrative districts: Chkalovsky, Burtinsky, South of Krasnocholmsky.

The area is located on the pylon plateau. In the water-seed part of the plateau, the outlets of indigenous rocks forming native arrays are common. The slopes of gentle, long and almost imperceptibly go to the terrace r. Ural. Valley r. The Ural asymmetric (then the right is expanding, the left part of the valley). The left bank of the valley is about the mouth of the river. The utensils are wide and has all three wide flat subline terraces. In the Urals wide lane, the indigenous rocks, the components of the watershed, are closed to the thickness of the Akchagyl sediment, on which the brown loams of the quaternary age are lying. Relief is flat, especially in the part adjacent to the r. Ural.

Weather, almost aligned slopes from the watershed in the same way as the terraces are covered with a type-welcome steppe. The ravines, dismembering the slopes of the watershed and the terrace, are few, but deep and thickets with meadow and weed vegetation. The southern black soils of heavy mechanical composition are dominous. They are distinguished by a small power of the humus horizon (the power of the mountains. A + fluctuates about 40 cm), and according to the content of humus they are approaching dark chestnut soils. Significant arrays are busy with chernozem. On watersheds at the yields (mostly Perm) - Solonz steppe complexes. The mechanical composition of the soil is almost heavy everywhere. Only places at the outputs of light breeds or on lighter alluvial sediments on the terraces, it is somewhat discerned (especially in the segment between the villages of the Red Hill - Ilec).

Currently, wood vegetation in the area is almost absent. There are only single preserved fishing line on the climbing coast and in ravines, and in light indigenous rocks. The agricultural area, but with a significant specific weight of animal husbandry. Instability of moisturizing in the area requires a set of measures to combat moisture and increasing the strength of the soil structure. Irrigation gives big effect

The riiled black earth area is stretched by a strip along the river Ilec. It includes Sol-Iletsky administrative district and the northern part of Ak-Bulaksky.

The area covers the terrace r. Ilec and the southern part of the Ural River Water Separation - Ilek. The watershed is a number of small-scale arrays, composed of Jurassic and chalk sand and clay, lime-merghelistic deposits. In the West, Jurassic and chalk breeds are very blurred and directly the Perm and Triassic clay carbonate, sandy-clay and sand-and-conglomerate layers are suitable for the surface.

Soil here - steppe sollets and salt-tall low-hummous black soils. In carbonate rocks there are many residual carbonate chernozem. On terraces and gentle slopes, mostly covered with fathers, there are sections of a virgin tart-nude steppe.

The southern black soils are dominated here, usually low-power, less freight on delustivity or ancient alluvia.

The southern black soils are the dominant soil of the district. In the slides between the hills and ridges and on the slopes of the Northern and Western expositions, they are replaced by ordinary blacks with signs of alhipulation.

Pumping in the area is about 38%, i.e. Under arable land is less than half of the entire area. The main part of the soil is used for pasture-pasture grounds (40%).

The Ural Tobolsky Chernozem region is located in Zauralie, on the border with the Kustanay region. It covers part of the Ural Tobolsky watershed, within the boundaries of the Northern part of the Adam district area. The area lies within the abrasion-erosion plain of the Zauralye.

The underdeveloped surface of the base of indigenous rocks is blocked by a low-power thickness of deluvial heavy loam. However, indigenous yields are often frequent along the assholes of the watershed. A wavy surface is only weakly disseminated by shallow dell and beams. Soft honors are a characteristic feature of the relief. On the heights of the hollow and beams there are berezovo-oxides.

Large areas of the territory before the development of virgin lands were an excellent virgin equaneous-tacchal-nice steppe.

The deposit of the soils of the region before the development was low (15.7%), while the area of \u200b\u200bdisturbing and pasture arrays was 64.6%, and hay - 12.8%. Extremely small square Pashen was explained not to poor soil quality, but a small population of the area. Soils have conditionally satisfactory forestful properties.

Dry steppe

The Zaralsky Dark Chestnut Soil Area is located in the southeastern border of the region, within the southern part of the Adamovky region. In the similarity of the soil cover, a smaller array is attached to it, which lies on the left bank of the river. Out, in the western part of the Dombarovsky district. The area is located on the Abrazion Zaralsky Plain. Soils are dark chestnuts "lingules", heavy-chilly, boil from the surface. Carbonates and gypsum sit down higher than in southern chernozem; Gypsum is detected at a depth of 80-100 cm.

On the slopes to the hollows and on the fuggies of the slopes, motley-colored barks. They are formed by steppe sollets in combination with saltwatened soils.

On the bottoms of the meadow-chestnut soil. Many large depressions on this wavy plain are engaged in lakes. Lakes lying on the queen rocks of ancient weighing (barks), salty, and on indigenous rocks - fresh. In the south-east of the plain decreases. Major depression is formed with lakes, performed by saline photol-colored products of ancient weathered. Lakes turns out, then wider, then a narrower strip of solonts and salt marshes. Between lakes, along with dark chestnut soils, a lot of meadow-chestnuts. There are yields of rocks with chubby soils and solon complexes.

Dark brown soils of the region are the main arable foundation, which is still small to date. The area can be considered conditionally laminating, with the mandatory strengthening of measures for the accumulation and savings of moisture.

The Dombarovsky district of Salon's soil is located on the abrasion plain, on the Oryol and Kumaka, in the eastern part of the Dombarovsky administrative district. The area is complicated by indigenous rocks. In places in the rocks, the ancient crust of weathelation is preserved - multi-color clays. From above, indigenous rocks and their weathered products are blocked by a low-power intermittent case of modern sulace nans. The surface is hilly. Wide flat hollows between the hills are busy with meadow-chestnut soils. Fri-colored barks come on the surface on the hills. Solonians are formed on them. In the aligned areas (flat hills and their slopes), the sabe nanos is more powerful, the soil salineness decreases. Here are brown spay soils. Popular acids with low-power crubstone soils on them come to the surface. In general, the steppe salt salty salins are dominated in the area in combination with strongly and weak-tested dark chestnut soils. Large areas of nonpo-suitable soils - solonets, salt-taking soils and breed yields - determine the direction of agriculture of the area. Mostly it is a livestock area.

DOMBAROVSKY DISTRICT OF SUCHEST SOIL is located on the Kumaka and Ori interference and covers the central part of the Adam administrative area.

This is the flat surface of the sampling terrace, where the indigenous rocks are blocked by a powerful thick stroke of alluvial sands. Groundwater lies deeply (at a depth of more than 10 m).

Mosts among the plain are observed remainsal hills, isolated by erupted rocks, mainly by granites and granite gneis. Soils on the plate plain, less often sandy; On the remaining hills - crubstone.

The flat surface of the plating terrace by 35%. Significant area of \u200b\u200bpasture-pasture land (42%). Due to the low natural fertility of soils and the instability of yields by year, certain least productive areas would be more rationally translated from passengers.

The area will flood the steppe rivers and a dry steppe. The floodplains of rivers consist of low sandy and sandy floats and high clay. The duration of flooding is low floodplain for more than three weeks, high - less than three weeks. The structure of the valley is inhomogeneously throughout. Sometimes only one level (usually lower) is traced. Both low floods and highly dissected with ducts and styrices. The width of the understanding is different: from 1 to 10 km.

The area of \u200b\u200bforest and meadow floodplains of the chernozem zone. In the floodplains of the rivers of the Chernozem zone, a number of levels differ. Low floodplains are usually occupied by oxcore or by dump forests, which along the ledge to higher floods are replaced by a narrow strip of the leisure forests and steppe shrubs, the greatest part of the high floodplain is occupied by the withdrawal forests. Smaller areas are occupied by shrub meadows that are usually appearing in the focus of the wore forests.

In the foothill part, the structure of the valleys changes. They have a challenged character. The rivers are deeply embedded and have a big bias, places acquired a mountain character. Sometimes the valleys are clearly visible here - narrowed areas with undeveloped floors are replaced by areas with a developed, relatively wide floodplain having two ledges. Both levels of floodplains are composed of sand and pebble sediments. At a low level, on shames, shrub willows grow, and occasionally and cooping forests.

The flameshedral areas will understand the rivers are used as haymen, but their area is insignificant. The area has excellent foresture conditions.

The district of the meadow will flood the chestnut zone. In the floodplains of the rivers of this zone, the same two levels are noted as in the floodplains of the black earth strip. The nature and duration of flooding high and low floodplain are similar.

Due to the increase in climate dryness to the south, the soil cover and the depth of groundwater changes, the degree of mineralization of the latter increases. Soils are slaughtered and sometimes salted. They form a variety of meadow soil complexes, Solontsy and Solonchakov. The degree of salinization is determined by the mechanical composition of alluvial deposits, the distribution of which is associated with the relief of floodplains.

Foresting conditions are satisfactory only on low floors, with lightwateted soils and weak soil waters. When attaching this part of the floodplain as major rocks, osocorine and elm should be recommended. On high flood, selective afforestation small sites With unfinished soils and groundwater.

3. Genesis Soils


3.1.1 Smashing black soils

The leached obese black soils are formed with a significant amount of precipitation. Therefore, they can be found along the southern border of the forest-steppe, under the meadow steppes. The leached fat black soils are formed on a variety of quarters of quaternary sediments - predominantly clay and severely divided deluvual nanos.

The leached low-hummous black soils are south, in the subzone of ordinary and, partly, southern chernozem. Here, they are formed on parent rocks with respect to light mechanical composition or bicked nanos with other (compared with clay sediments) with physical properties. Sometimes the insignificant calcium content in the mother breed of severe mechanical composition may cause the formation of low-hummous black soils on it devoid of salts at the top of the profile.

In the zone of southern chernozem on the sediments of a light mechanical composition - ancient aluminum or elbow-deluel of light indigenous breeds - weathered black soils with reduced boiling.

The leached obese black soils are common in the priest. They form a subzone located between gray forest soils in the north and typical fat black soils in the south. Mother breeds are represented by loam and clay, overlapping a rather powerful cloak of a gentle slopes of rashes and river terraces. In the leached obese chernozem, both processes - leaching and black earth (Derne) are most bright of the entire subtype. Thus, the leaching process in these soils is manifested in removal from the soil profile easily soluble salts, and from the humus horizon - carbonates. Calcium in the latter appears due to biological accumulation, as well as at a periodic lift to the limits of the rooted layer with soil solutions. Due to the fluctuations in the medium reaction, the periodic appearance of acidic decay of the organic matter is possible, as a result of which the stability of the absorbing complex is somewhat violated.

In the leached obese chernozem, there are features of two opposite processes - intensive biological accumulation and leaching. On the issue of the essence of the leaching process, various opinions were expressed. Most authors believe that the leaching process (the decarbonization of the humus horizon) precedes appearance and is not necessarily associated with the destruction of secondary minerals and the movement of destruction products.

In the leached fat chernozem phenomenon of humus accumulation and the opposite leaching are modern. However, they are different and replaced each other in separate (seasonal) periods of life of the soil. So, in the autumn and partially early spring, organic residues decompose under conditions of good humidification, deep washing and partial anaerobiosis with some formation of acidic decay products. In summer, with intensive vegetation, aerobosis and the dominance of ascending currents, the decomposition of organic residues occurs in conditions when the soil solution is saturated with carbonates. Acid decay products are not formed. The leached obese chernozems are one of the most productive soils with high natural fertility. The structure they have a good, but long-term permanent plowing can lead to the loss of structure or, in any case, to a sharp deterioration.

3.1.2 Chernozem South

Chernozems are soils formed under the long-term grassy vegetation of the forest-steppe and steppe in the conditions of a rapid or periodically washing water regime. The leading process of soil formation is the intense turde process, as a result of which a powerful humus-accumulative horizon A, the nutrient elements are accumulated and the soil is sharpert.

The herbaceous community consists mainly of cereals and dispersion with a powerful net-urine root system.

The annual OPED is 20-30 t / ha, the larger part of it (65-75%) falls on the root mass, which is rich in protein nitrogen, bases (calcium, magnesium). OPED decomposes mainly spore-forming bacteria and actinomycetes with sufficient oxygen access, optimal moisture, without intensive leaching in a neutral medium. Every year 600-1400 kg / hectares of nitrogen and ash elements arrive with Opad. The ash content is 7-8%.

Spring with sufficient moisture organic Quickly decomposes, plant nutrition elements are released. In the summer, the moisture reserve is reduced to the moisture content. In such conditions, the mineralization of organic residues is suspended, as a result of which humus is formed and accumulated. Due to the shallow filtering of atmospheric precipitation, the nutrient elements are accumulated in the upper horizons. Consignment of humus contributes to calcium. Winter cooling and freezing of soils also contribute to the accumulation of humus, since at low temperatures there is a denaturation of humus. In the summer during the period of drainage and winter during the freezing, humus substances are fixed, complicated. In their composition, humic acids and calcium humate predominate, leading to the formation of a water supply grainy structure. This contributes to the carbonate soil-forming rocks, the high ash content of plant residues, the saturation of ash bases. The most favorable conditions of chernozem formation are characteristic of the southern part of the forest-steppe. In the steppes there is a deficiency of moisture, the amount of incoming fate is reduced, therefore, the intensity of humulation is reduced.

The southern chernozems were formed under Tipic-welded steppe vegetation. They have a small humus layer (from 25-30 to 70-80 cm). Horizon and a capacity of 20-30 cm, dark gray with a brown tinge, a lump and a grain-sensitive structure. Horizon AB (30-40 cm) Brownish-dark gray, walnuto-merciful, compacted. Below the carbonate horizon in to , brown with humus flutters, compacted, nuts-prismatic, containing mycelium, fades, mildery of carbonates. VSK - brownish-fawn illuvial-carbonate horizon, compacted, prismatic, with lots of white-eyed. C - Palemary carbonate breed, from the depth of 150-200 cm there are plaster releases, and from the depth of 200-300 cm - easily soluble salts. Crooks are observed in the soil profile.

3.1.3 Common Chernozem

Common chernozems are common in the northern part of the steppe zone. Formed under divergent-ticker-nice vegetation. Currently, the soil is almost ubiquitous. The censive steppes are preserved only in reserves. The soil formation is carried out on lasies and lessoidal sublinks, on brown and red-brown heavy lines and partly on eluvia of indigenous rocks.

The composition of the absorbed bases of calcium is significantly dominated over magnesium. The gross composition of soil is characterized by monotony, the content of the alley is distributed by the soil profile evenly.

Despite the high natural fertility of soil, chernozem ordinary poor rolling forms of phosphorus. The soils have the optimal water-air regime, well source, the structure of the water supply. Soils are widely used in agriculture. The basis for obtaining sustainable yields is the joint introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers, snowstand, early harrowing, boring and rooting fields, the fight against soil erosion.

Ordinary chernozems are common under steppe solo-taper-coil vegetation. These soils compared with typical black soils are less powerful. Their humus horizon ranges from 35-45 cm (Cold East East East Facility) to 80-140 cm (warm facies). Soils have a brown shade on a common dark gray background and a lump structure

Chernozems are characterized by looseness, high moisture intensity, good water permeability. In the structural composition of virgin chernozems, water supply granular aggregates dominate, which is particularly pronounced in typical, leached and ordinary chernozem. Apartment and southern black soils contain less water supply units. When using chernozems in agriculture there is a decrease in the content of a lump-grainy, grainy, dusty fraction, waterproof reduction and a decrease in the size of structural individuals.

3.2 Dark Chestnut Soils

The area of \u200b\u200bdark chestnut soils in the region is small. In the Trans-Urals, they cover the dry-thermal ore plain, where they are formed on yellow-brown deluvial loams.

In the pre-execution, where r. The Ural turns to the south, moving from the area of \u200b\u200braw materials to the Caspian lowland, dark brown soils appear to replace the chernozem. They cover the region of low raw materials of common cheese and a significant part of the pool plateau. Typical dark brown soils are not soloncies or very weakly salon.

The dark chestnut soils of the eastern part of the region are somewhat more salon and, as well as chernozem, have a "tongular" humus profile. Latest M.I. The rozhans were called "gray-chestnuts" soils. These soils are detected by high drops of carbonates (37-38 cm) and boil in the humulated thicker (0-22 cm). Gypsum lies at a depth of 85-131 cm, which makes it possible to consider these soils deep-lying. Thus, salts in the Zaralsky "lies" embodiments of typical dark brown soils are located higher than in the pre-Ural. Typically, a smaller depth of occurring easily soluble salts and gypsum is accompanied by a strengthening of salt-tightness over the salt horizons.

The genesis of the compacted horizon of these soils is unclear. The alkaline reaction eliminates the possibility of the formation of this horizon by type of appearance with the decay of minerals with an acidic reaction. The absence of easily soluble salts eliminates modern co-deception as a result of sodium introduction into the absorbing complex.

Due to the low moisture intensity and lower natural fertility, these soils are better used under forest landing. Only light loams containing a noticeable number of the illusate fraction are apart. For the latter, the corresponding agricultural engineering should be provided. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of waving these soils during the uncomment.

3.3 Gray Forest Soils

Gray forest soils are formed under mixed forests with a developed herbaceous cover. Soil-forming rocks are eluveli and delusions of the Perm clay of heavy mechanical composition. In decomposition of organic residues, humus is formed with a large content of humic acids. The process of appearance is expressed weakly due to the neutralization of acidic decomposition products with ash elements of the capaber. The accumulation of humus in the soil profile is more intense than in ferrous-podzolic soils, but weaker than in chernozem. For the power of the humus horizon and the content of humus, gray forest soils are divided into subtypes of light gray (264 thousand hectares, 1.6% area area), gray (142.9 thousand hectares, 0.9% area of \u200b\u200bthe region) and dark gray (61.2 thousand hectares, 0.4% area of \u200b\u200bthe region) Soil. Light gray forest soils occupy higher elements of the relief (tops of the slopes, the vertices of the Urals), gray forest are formed on the middle parts of the slopes, dark gray are located on the lower parts of the gentle slopes.


1.Afanasyeva E.A. On the issue of the origin and evolution of chernozem soils. "Soil science", 1946, No. 6.

.Gerasimov I.P. On the soil and climatic facies of the plains of the USSR and the surrounding countries. "Tr. Soil, In-Ta ", 1933, vol. 8, vol. five.

.Dokuchaev V.V. Collected Works, t. III. Russian chernozem. GL V. Zavolzhsky Chernozem region. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, M.-L., 1949.

.Ovrusten S.S. Natural regions of the Orenburg province. Chkalovsk. Publishing house, 1950.

.Prasolov L.I. Soils of the Volga region (within the eastern part of the Kuibyshev and Saratov regions and the western part of the Orenburg region). In KN. Soil of the USSR, t. III, M.- L., 1939.

.Prasolov L.I., Antipov-Karataev I.N. Chestnut soils. In KN. Soils of the USSR, t. I, M.-L., 1939.

.Rominets-Kucherovskaya S.E. Vegetation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Orenburg S.-H. experienced. Stations (application 2 cards). "Tr. Orenburgsk. Soils. Botan. Bureau ", vol. IV, Orenburg, 1929.

Of the 9940.7 thousand hectares surveyed in the Southern Urals, 9940.7 thousand hectares (58.7%) are 9940.7 thousand hectares of fatty phosphorus; with average - 5446.5 thousand hectares (32.2%); With elevated, high and very high - 1552.7 thousand hectares (9.2%).

Pushny with elevated, high and very high content exchange potassium - 12527.1 thousand hectares (74%), the share of soils with an average content of exchange potassium accounts for 3518.7 thousand hectares (20.8%), low and very low

894.5 thousand hectares (5.3%).

For the CHARKOV method for the high degree of soil security, movable phosphorus should be taking the phosphorus content of 5 mg and more, moderate

3-5 mg and low - less than 3 mg per 100 g of soil.

With low security of the leached black soil, under winter wheat, it is recommended to introduce - p 60, with mean - p 30 and high - p 20 in a row when cropping.

Under the Nepar Predecessors of Sowing Winter Wheat, the introduction of nitrogen fertilizers is a prerequisite for increasing the efficiency of phosphoric fertilizers.

The row at a dose of 20-30 kg / ha's making phosphorus is most effectively in the absence of full doses of these fertilizers (Derzhavin, 1992). In the northern zone of the Orenburg region, the main soils are chernozems typical obese and with an average content of humus. The power of the humus horizon of typical scaffolding chernozem ranges from 43 to 50 cm. The humus content in arable layer is from 9 to 11%, in the subframe layers from 6 to 9%. In eroded varieties of chernozem, the humus content drops sharply and does not exceed 5-7%.

The soil zone is mostly neutral, less often - weakly alkaline. The content in them of the alcohol-hydro-fluid nitrogen ranges from 6.1 to 14.5 mg per 100 g of soil, phosphorus - from 0.6 to 2.5 mg (by machigine), potassium - from 12 to 20 mg (by drill). The soil zone is the most responsive to the introduction of phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers.

The soil of the western zone is presented in the main chernozem ordinary. In the arable layer, the content of alcohrolized nitrogen from 5.2 to 7.6 mg per 100 g of soil, phosphorus - from 0.8 to 2.9. The amount of humus is subject to sharp fluctuations. It contains from 4 to 9% and from 3 to 7 in the subframe. Pashnya is poor moving phosphorus. Exchange potassium soils are provided better than the northern zone. Significant polarity of soils are subject to water and wind erosion, as a result of which their fertility is constantly decreasing. In the zone about 30 thousand hectares of Salontz complexes in need of land reclamation activities.

In the central zone of the prevailing soil difference are chernozems ordinary, in the south of the zone - chernozem southern. Easy-hydrolyzed nitrogen soil zone is not enough. It contains from 3.8 to 6.2 mg in an arable layer, in a subfectant - from 2.2 to 4.5 mg per 100 g of soil. About 75% of the soil zone is poor moving phosphorus. It is especially small in the soils of the Saraktash, Oktyabrsky, Kuvandyk districts. Significant soil areas are susceptible to water, partially wind erosion, the fertility of these soils is low. More than 47 thousand hectares of arable soil zone are represented by salt complexes and needed drying.

In the south-western steppe zone, southern black soils and dark chestnut soils prevail, the solo-salt solubular complexes and eroded lands are common. The content of humus in southern chernozems ranges from 4 to 6%, in dark chestnuts - from 3 to 4%. The provision of the main nutrients of the soil zone is the average, large pashny areas are susceptible to wind erosion.

In the southern zone, the main soils are dark brown, weakness and strongly susceptible to wind erosion. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe zone, soils predominate (60%) with an average phosphorus content and high (56.2%) content of metabolic potassium. About 280 thousand hectares of farmland zone occupy solon-salt-salt complexes that need to increase fertility.

Eastern zone Heterogeneous in soil cover and fertility. The northern part of the zone is represented by ordinary chernozem, south-chernozem southern and dark brown soils. Salon-salt-particle complexes occupy about 50% of farmland.

In arable layer of dark brown soil, the content of humus ranges from 1.9 to 4.3%, in the subfectant - from 0.9 to 3.2%. About 82% of the surveyed area have a low phosphorus content (Blochin, 1990, 1993, 1997).

E.A. Kochergin (1957) and G.P. Gazzikov (1981) The level of security of the chernozem nitrogen N-N0 3 is: very low, less than 5 mg / kg of soil, low - 5-10, average - 11-15, high and very high - more than 15 mg / kg.

The largest content of nitrate nitrogen is noted in dark chestnut soils in the south of the region, where more favorable conditions for the temperature and humidity of the soil are created in the spring and autumn bacteria providing nitrification processes.

On the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soils of the region, predecessors and methods of main soil processing are affected. The reason for this difference lies in the unequal supply of soil with air oxygen and its temperature by which the advantage is undoubtedly located on the side of the dumping dumping plowing. These factors are determining in the manifestation of the activity of nitrifying bacteria belonging to the group of aerobones (Ryakhovsky, 1992).

Agrochemical survey of soils of the Orenburg region showed that over the past decade (2000-2009) there was a decrease in the content of the main nutrients in the soils of the region and, above all, in Pashne. The balance of nutrients is negative and is 28 kg per 1 hectare. The surveyed paw area has 37% very low and low, 47% average and only 16% increased and high phosphorus content.

A few better with exchange potassium: 8.5% low, 39.9% with an average and 51.6% with high and high content. The main pashni areas with low potassium content are located in the north and west of the region - on typical and leached chernozem, and require potash mineral fertilizers.

In the South Ural Economic Area, acidic soils occupy an area of \u200b\u200b24,72.2 thousand hectares, or 14.6% of the examined Pashny Square. Neutral soils predominate (71.3%) and close to neutral (14.1%). In the Orenburg region from the surveyed 6038.3 thousand hectares, neutral and weakly alkaline soils are 100%.

The soil of the southern Urals is low and moderately provided with a moving boron; in low - mobile copper, zinc; To highly manganese, low and medium-cobalt.

The soil cover of the Orenburg region is characterized by large inhomogeneity in the content of humus and mechanical composition, which largely determines the gross and moving forms of the content of trace elements. Soils are peepled and sandy in all types of soils 1.5-2 times with poor moving forms of copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt and boron than clay and drigly mechanical composition.

Information on the mobile form of cobalt in the soils of Orenburg is single. In soils near the sacmary river, its content is 0.02-0.08 mg / kg, in the southern black sohen of the Orenburg district - 0.10-0.14 mg / kg, in the soils of ordinary chernozems NGO "Southern Ural" The amount of cobalt extracted by single-solid solution nitric acid - 2.0-2.5 mg / kg.

According to V.D. Kucherenko (1964) in the soils of the preyss of gross boron 50-60 mg / kg, and in the Urals - 30-40 mg / kg. The average gross boron content in the sohenburg region is about 40-50 mg / kg. According to V.D. Kucherenko, the entire Orenburg region should be attributed to the biological province with a high content of gross boron. According to P.Ya. Mishina (1991) The content of moving (water-soluble) bora varies in fairly wide limits (0.05-1.50 mg / kg).

soil Earth Monitoring Pollution

On the formation of soil cover of the Orenburg region, a dry, hot climate and rainfall has been essential. A variety of relief, soil-forming breeds, climate, vegetation determines the variety of soil cover.

The boundaries of the soil zones are incorrect and stretched, penetrate one into another long distances. The characteristic feature of the soil cover of the region is its heterogeneity. The soil cover of the Preislation was formed in a somewhat more humid conditions, rather than the Zauralye. The variety of relief, frequent replaceability in the space of different mechanical composition and content of soil-forming carbonates, various productivity of natural herbobes predetermined a greater variety of soils in the carbonate mode, mineralogical composition and content of humus in them. In accordance with this, most of the territory of the Orenburg region is engaged in carbonate varieties of all types of chernozem and dark chestnut soils.

In the north and north-west region, the basis of the soil cover is typical and leached black soils, formed on deluvial yellow-brown clays and loams, undercaming with dense sedimentary rocks. South typical black soils are ordinary chernozem, which are located from west to east through the entire area. In the western part, they extend to the south to the rippers of the rivers Buzuluk and Samara. Next to the east of their southern border is the Ural Valley. In the Ural-Tobolsky plateau, these soils occupy spaces between the valleys of the drowsiness of the cloud, a clipboard and the Solonchan. South black soils stretch south of ordinary chernozem. In the south and south-east of the region, they are replaced by dark chestnut soils. In Pervomaisky and Sol-Iletsky districts, dark brown soils are represented by separate areas. Within the Ural Tobolsk Plateau, they occupy a broad strip.

Among the chernozems of the southern and chestnut soils are widespread solonts and salt-salt soils, especially in areas such as Pervomaisky, Sol-Iletsky, Akbulaksky, Kvarzensky, Gay, Novoorsky, Adamovsky, Svetlinsky, Dombarovsky. For river floors and terraces, turf-meadow, meadow-chernozem, meadow-marsh, sollets and salt marshes are common.

Chernozems typical, ordinary, southern occupies significant territories and make up the main Fund of the arable soil of the Orenburg region.

State monitoring of land, analysis of the quality state of land

In the Orenburg region in order to create a state-owned real estate cadastre system, in the development of the Federal Target Program "Creating an automated system for conducting a state land inventory and state accounting of real estate objects (2002-2007)", subprogramme "Creating a real estate cadastre system" (2006-2011 .) It was accepted and implemented by the regional target program "Creating a real estate cadastre system and land management in the Orenburg Region (2005-2011)".

State monitoring of land is a system of observation system. Objects of state monitoring of land are all lands in Russian Federation.

The tasks of state monitoring of land are:

1) timely identification of changes in land status, assessing these changes, forecast and developing recommendations on the prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes;

2) information support of state land control over the use and protection of land, other functions of state and municipal management land resources, as well as land management;

3) providing citizens with information about the state of the environment in terms of land condition.

Depending on the purpose of observation and the observable territory, state monitoring of land may be federal, regional and local. State monitoring of land is carried out in accordance with federal, regional and local programs.

Land monitoring is a long-term system of tracking, control and forecasting of the land foundation. At the same time, the soil is the main bonding link of all blocks of monitoring, it determines the highest degree of informativeness of the state of the ecosystem.

The relevance of work on the monitoring of land is determined by the deterioration of the ecological state of all objects of the natural environment, and land in particular. In this regard, to achieve environmental equilibrium requires fundamentally new approach to rational land use and environmental management as a whole. Making decisions related to the implementation of actions on earth should obligatory Precede the analysis of a variety of reliable and regularly updated data on its condition. All this determines the need to organize systematic integrated observations for the state of the environment - monitoring and its main object - land. In the Orenburg region, one of the best land monitoring services has been established and successfully functions. A network of monitoring sites consisting of reference sites, polygons and soil-erosion katam is based on a network.

Based on the main objectives of the monitoring of land expressed in ensuring the land use and environmental safety management system, timely information on the state of the land fund, the land monitoring system in the Orenburg region is being built, which consists of:

a) from the placement on the territory of the reference plots to observe and select the most informative and evaluative environmental indicators, parametrization;

b) analytical systematization of retrospective materials obtained in monitoring studies for environmental zoning of soil cover on the landscape-typological level;

c) the preparation of target slices of cards;

d) compiling on paper and electronic-based pollution cards with heavy metals and pesticides; humus; granulometric composition of soil; the spread of the influence of man-made and exogenous processes violating nature state Soils and lands and others.

The monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region is conducted since 1993. Works are carried out in accordance with the regional target programs and the "methodology for improving the further implementation of environmental monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region".

The contract for the monitoring of the Orenburg region has concluded a contract for the amount of 830 thousand rubles. With LLC NPP Hyproke.

According to the technical specifications, work was carried out by:

Monitoring land of settlements and territories adjacent to them (GG Buzuluk, Orenburg, Orsk, Kuvandyk and Mednogorsk);

Production of snow samples and soil samples on heat pollution during survey of lands of man-made road landscapes;

Drawing up and maintaining the regional complex working on duty map of the ecological state of land;

Organization and maintenance of the GIS monitoring of land fields (the creation of a lands monitoring bank);

Analysis of materials for research on the monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region for 2009.

During work on the monitoring program, the main provisions of the regional monitoring of the Lands of the Orenburg Region are developed, where the types of analysis and the frequency of their implementation for each category of land, as well as the concept of making an ecological state of the Orenburg Region, work on which is in the implementation stage and implies Geoinformation (GIS) technologies. Close to complete the creation of a basic monitoring system.

An analysis of materials of research on the monitoring of land of the Orenburg region and has prepared a summary report. Amendments and additions were made to the created electronic version of the complex working on duty maps of the ecological state of the land of the Orenburg region.

Currently, the Regional Land Monitoring Network of the Orenburg Region covers the Earth of all categories and consists of 66 polygons, 491 of the reference plot, 21 Katena.

According to the results of research, work performed on monitoring the land of the Orenburg region on the lands of agricultural purposes and the lands of settlements and the territories adjacent to them, analysis was conducted and recommendations were developed to eliminate negative consequences land use.

Orenburg region is almost entirely in the zone of chernozem soil. Only in the very south they are replaced with dark chestnut soils, and in the extreme north the type of gray forest soils is distinguished. The family of chernozems consists of several subtypes. From the north to the south there are their latitudinal and zonal shift.

In the south of the forest-steppe zone, covering the northern regions of Orenburg, the chernozem process received the maximum development. Here, a typical obese chernozem was formed under various-cereal vegetation. They have the power of the humorier of more than 80 cm, and the content of humus is from 6% to 12%, but can reach 15%. Under deciduous forests with thick herbage formatted chernozem, under meadow steppes - leached chernozem. However, these subtypes of chernozem, like gray forest soils, were not widespread in Orenburg.

In the northern part of the steppe zone from R. Maly Kinel to R. Samara, in the central part to R.urala, and in the east - ordinary chernozems were formed at the Urals Interfolder and the Suunda, ordinary chernozem. In contrast to typical black soil, this subtype of soil has a less powerful humus horizon (from 65 cm to 80 cm), the humus content is 6-10%, and with a slight mechanical composition - 4 - 5%.

Under the ticker-nice vegetation south of PP. Samara and Urals, as well as on the interfold of Kumaka and the Durnuk, the development of southern black soils were developed. They contain 4 - 7% humus with the power of the humus horizon at 40 - 50 cm.

South Ileka and Kumaka The main background of the soil cover form dark brown soils. For them, the prevailing power of the humus horizon is characterized at 30 - 40 cm when the content of humus is 3.5 - 5%.

Along with chernozem soils in the forest-steppe and steppe zones Spilled meadow-black earth soils. They are formed according to valleys, decreases, in stocks and in front of the terraces with additional moisture due to the temporary accumulation of the moisture of the surface drain or by fueling the groundwater.

Luggage and chestnut soils are distinguished. Large arrays among chernozem and chestnut soils on saline rocks in the conditions of crossed relief with the close occurrence of solenous rocks occupy a saltant soil. They have the greatest squares in Pervomaisk, Akbulak, Dombarovsky, Yasnensky and Svetilinsky district.

In the structure of the arable land, the area of \u200b\u200bthe chernozem occupy 79% of the area, the subtype of dark brown soils - 16%, gray forest soils - 4%. The southern black soils are among the black soils - 44%, ordinary - 26%, typical and leached - 9%. In the subzones of southern and ordinary chernozem, respectively - 14% and 7% of the area are occupied by Solonins. In the subband of dark chestnut soil, the Solontsov Square is 36%.

Incomplete and eroded soils occupy among typical black soils - 17% of their area, among ordinary chernozem - 39%, southern - almost 50%, in the denomination of dark chestnut soils - 22% of its area. We add that the subzone of ordinary chernozem is 74%, southern - by 52%, dark brown soils - by 43%.

In general, the typical and leached chernozems of the forest-steppe zone occupy 944 thousand hectares. Square occupied by ordinary chernozem make up 2917.0 thousand hectares, of which 202.3 thousand hectares are complexes with solon. The largest square It falls on the southern black soils - 3527.0 thousand hectares (including complexes with solonits - 494.0 thousand hectares). Dark brown soils have an area of \u200b\u200b1402.0 thousand hectares, of which are 319.1 thousand hectares - complexes with solon. Typical solonges occupy 725.8 thousand hectares. The meadow and alluvial soils developed by the catch of rivers account for 734.0 thousand hectares. The main part of incompletely developed soils (the total area of \u200b\u200b1335.0 thousand hectares) is busy.


1.Toble cover of the Orenburg region

1.1 State Monitoring of Lands

2. Pollution of soils

2.1 Pollution of the soil of the Orenburg region

3. Merification for the protection of soils of the Orenburg region

Environmental protection when handling




The soil is a special natural education with a number of properties inherent in living and inanimate nature, formed as a result of a long transformation of the surface layers of the lithosphere under the joint interconnectional interaction of the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, living and dead organisms.

Soil cover is essential natural education. Its role in the life of society is determined by the fact that the soil is a source of food, providing 95-97% of food resources for the world's population.

The special property of the soil cover is his fertility, under which the combination of the properties of the soil, ensuring the crop of crops. Natural soil fertility is associated with a reserve of nutrients in it and its aquatic, air and thermal modes. The soil provides the need of plants in aquatic and nitrogen nutrition, being the most important agent of their photosynthetic activity. The soil fertility depends also from the magnitude of the solar energy accumulated in it.

Soil cover belongs to a self-regulating biological system, which is the most important part of the biosphere as a whole. Live organisms, plants and animals inhabiting the ground fix the solar energy in the form of phyto and zoomassa.

The productivity of ground ecosystems depends on the thermal and water balances of the earth's surface, which determine the diversity of the forms of energy exchange and substance within the geographic shell of the planet.

The area of \u200b\u200bland resources of the world is 129 million km2, or 86.5% of the Sushi Square. Under the arable land and perennial plantations in agricultural land is employed by about 15 million km2 (10% sushi), under haymen and pastures - 37.4 million km2 (25%). The total area of \u200b\u200bfabricated land is estimated by various researchers in different ways: from 25 to 32 million km2.

Land resources of the planet make it possible to provide food more population than currently available. At the same time, due to the growth of the population, especially in developing countries, the degradation of soil cover, pollution, erosion, etc.; as well as due to the removal of land for building cities, settlements and industrial enterprises The amount of pashnya per capita is sharply reduced.

The impact of man on the soil - component The overall impact of human society on earth Corre and her upper layer, in nature as a whole, especially the scientific and technical revolution in the age of the eyelids. At the same time, not only the interaction of a person with the Earth is increasing, but also the main features of interaction. The problem of "soil - man" is complicated by urbanization, increasingly use of land, their resources for industrial and housing construction, the growth of food needs. By the will of a person, the nature of the soil changes, the factors of the soil formation are changed - relief, microclimate, new rivers appear, etc. Under the influence of industrial and agricultural pollution, the properties of soil and soil-forming processes, potential fertility, are reduced, the technological and nutritional value of agricultural products is reduced, etc.

Natural environmental pollution is a complex process associated with human activity. The author of the fundamental report on the ecology of Yu. Odum (1975) indicates that "pollution is natural resources that are not in its place", for they are alien to natural ecosystems and accumulating into them, violate the processes of a substance and energy processes, reduce their productivity, affect the health of people.

1.Soil cover of the Orenburg region

soil Earth Monitoring Pollution

The boundaries of the soil zones are incorrect and stretched, penetrate one into another long distances. The characteristic feature of the soil cover of the region is its heterogeneity. The soil cover of the Preislation was formed in a somewhat more humid conditions, rather than the Zauralye. The variety of relief, frequent replaceability in the space of different mechanical composition and content of soil-forming carbonates, various productivity of natural herbobes predetermined a greater variety of soils in the carbonate mode, mineralogical composition and content of humus in them. In accordance with this, most of the territory of the Orenburg region is engaged in carbonate varieties of all types of chernozem and dark chestnut soils.

In the north and north-west region, the basis of the soil cover is typical and leached black soils, formed on deluvial yellow-brown clays and loams, undercaming with dense sedimentary rocks. South typical black soils are ordinary chernozem, which are located from west to east through the entire area. In the western part, they extend to the south to the rippers of the rivers Buzuluk and Samara. Next to the east of their southern border is the Ural Valley. In the Ural-Tobolsky plateau, these soils occupy spaces between the valleys of the drowsiness of the cloud, a clipboard and the Solonchan. South black soils stretch south of ordinary chernozem. In the south and south-east of the region, they are replaced by dark chestnut soils. In Pervomaisky and Sol-Iletsky districts, dark brown soils are represented by separate areas. Within the Ural Tobolsk Plateau, they occupy a broad strip.

Among the chernozems of the southern and chestnut soils are widespread solonts and salt-salt soils, especially in areas such as Pervomaisky, Sol-Iletsky, Akbulaksky, Kvarzensky, Gay, Novoorsky, Adamovsky, Svetlinsky, Dombarovsky. For river floors and terraces, turf-meadow, meadow-chernozem, meadow-marsh, sollets and salt marshes are common.

Chernozems typical, ordinary, southern occupies significant territories and make up the main Fund of the arable soil of the Orenburg region.

1 State Monitoring of Lands, Analysis of the Quality State of Lands

In the Orenburg region in order to create a state-owned real estate cadastre system, in the development of the Federal Target Program "Creating an automated system for conducting a state land inventory and state accounting of real estate objects (2002-2007)", subprogramme "Creating a real estate cadastre system" (2006-2011 .) It was accepted and implemented by the regional target program "Creating a real estate cadastre system and land management in the Orenburg Region (2005-2011)".

The tasks of state monitoring of land are:

) timely identification of changes in land status, assessing these changes, forecast and developing recommendations for the prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative processes;

) information support of state land control over the use and protection of land, other functions of state and municipal land management, as well as land management;

) Ensuring citizens with information on the state of the environment in terms of land state.

Depending on the purpose of observation and the observable territory, state monitoring of land may be federal, regional and local. State monitoring of land is carried out in accordance with federal, regional and local programs.

Land monitoring is a long-term system of tracking, control and forecasting of the land foundation. At the same time, the soil is the main bonding link of all blocks of monitoring, it determines the highest degree of informativeness of the state of the ecosystem.

The relevance of work on the monitoring of land is determined by the deterioration of the ecological state of all objects of the natural environment, and land in particular. In this regard, to achieve an environmental equilibrium, a fundamentally new approach to rational land use and environmental management is required. The decision-making related to the implementation of actions on Earth must necessarily precede the analysis of a variety of reliable and regularly updated data on its condition. All this determines the need to organize systematic integrated observations for the state of the environment - monitoring and its main object - land. In the Orenburg region, one of the best land monitoring services has been established and successfully functions. A network of monitoring sites consisting of reference sites, polygons and soil-erosion katam is based on a network.

Based on the main objectives of the monitoring of land expressed in ensuring the land use and environmental safety management system, timely information on the state of the land fund, the land monitoring system in the Orenburg region is being built, which consists of:

a) from the placement on the territory of the reference plots to observe and select the most informative and evaluative environmental indicators, parametrization;

b) analytical systematization of retrospective materials obtained in monitoring studies for environmental zoning of soil cover on the landscape-typological level;

c) the preparation of target slices of cards;

d) compiling on paper and electronic-based pollution cards with heavy metals and pesticides; humus; granulometric composition of soil; the spread of the influence of man-made and exogenous processes that violate the natural state of soils and land, and others.

The monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region is conducted since 1993. Works are carried out in accordance with the regional target programs and the "methodology for improving the further implementation of environmental monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region".

The contract for the monitoring of the Orenburg region has concluded a contract for the amount of 830 thousand rubles. With LLC NPP Hyproke.

According to the technical specifications, work was carried out by:

monitoring land of settlements and territories adjacent to them (GG Buzuluk, Orenburg, Orsk, Kuvandyk and Mednogorsk);

production of snow samples and soil samples on heat pollution during survey of lands of man-made road landscapes;

drawing up and maintaining the regional complex working on duty map of the ecological state of land;

organization and maintenance of the GIS monitoring of land fields (the creation of a lands monitoring bank);

analysis of materials for research on the monitoring of the land of the Orenburg region for 2009.

During work on the monitoring program, the main provisions of the regional monitoring of the Lands of the Orenburg Region are developed, where the types of analysis and the frequency of their implementation for each category of land, as well as the concept of making an ecological state of the Orenburg Region, work on which is in the implementation stage and implies Geoinformation (GIS) technologies. Close to complete the creation of a basic monitoring system.

An analysis of materials of research on the monitoring of land of the Orenburg region and has prepared a summary report. Amendments and additions were made to the created electronic version of the complex working on duty maps of the ecological state of the land of the Orenburg region.

Currently, the Regional Land Monitoring Network of the Orenburg Region covers the Earth of all categories and consists of 66 polygons, 491 of the reference plot, 21 Katena.

2. Sources of soil pollution

Pollution sources are:

) Residential buildings and household enterprises. Among the pollutants prevailing household garbage, food waste, feces, construction garbage, waste heating systemswho came into disrete household items; Garbage Public institutions - hospitals, canteens, hotels, shops, etc. Together with feces in the soil, pathogenic bacteria, eggs of helminths and other harmful organisms, which, through food, fall into the human body are often falling. In fecal residues, there may be such representatives of pathogenic microflora such as the pathogens of typhoids, dysentery, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, etc. The speed of death in the soil of different microorganisms of non-etinakov. Some pathogenic bacteria can for a long time Save and even multiply in the soil and soil. These include tetanus causative agents (up to 12! Years), gas gangrene, Siberian ulcers, botulism and some other microbes. The soil is one of the important factors for the transfer of the eggs of helminths, thereby determining the possibility of the propagation of a number of helminthiasis. Some helminths are geohelminths (ascaris, power-eyed, Ankilostomoids, sophisticated, trichoes, etc.) take place one of the stages of its development in the soil and can continue to maintain vitality in it. For example, Askarid eggs can maintain viability in the soil in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia - up to 7-8 years, Central Asia - up to 15 years; Eggs of vlashanvov - from 1 to 3 years.

) Industrial enterprises. In solid and liquid industrial waste, certain substances are constantly present that can provide toxic effects on living organisms and their communities. For example, in the waste of the metallurgical industry, salts of non-ferrous and heavy metals are usually present. Machine-building industry displays cyanides, arsenic combination, beryllium. In the production of plastics and artificial curl, benzene and phenol waste are formed. The waste of the pulp and paper industry, as a rule, are phenols, methanol, turbid, cubic residues.

) Thermal power engineer. In addition to the formation of masses of slags when burning coal The heat energy is connected to the atmosphere of soot, unburned particles, sulfur oxides, in the end turning out in the soil.

) Agriculture. Fertilizers, Yadochymikats used in rural and forestry to protect plants from pests, diseases and weeds. Soil contamination and violation of the normal cycle of substances occurs as a result of the underdeveloped use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Pesticides, on the one hand, the crop saves, protect the gardens, fields, forests from pests and diseases, destroy weed vegetation, exempt a person from bloodsowing insects and carriers of the most dangerous diseases (malaria, tick-borne encephalitis, etc.), on the other hand - destroy natural ecosystems are the cause of the death of many useful organisms, adversely affect people's health. Pesticides have a number of properties that enhance their negative effect on the environment. Application technology determines direct entry into environmental objects, where they are transmitted by supply chains, for a long time circulated along the external environment, fall from the soil into water, from water in plankton, then into the body of fish and humans or air and soil in plants, organism herbivores and man.

Along with manure into the soil, pathogenic bacteria, helminth eggs and other harmful organisms, which, through food, fall into the human body are also included.

) Transport. When operating internal combustion engines, nitrogen, lead oxides, hydrocarbons and other substances deposited on the surface of the soil or absorbed by plants are intensively separated. Each car throws into the atmosphere on average per year 1 kg of lead in the form of an aerosol. Lead is thrown into the exhaust gases of cars, precipitated on the plants, penetrates the soil, where it can remain for quite a long time, since it dissolves weakly. A pronounced tendency to an increase in the number of lead in plants tissues is observed. This phenomenon can be compared with the increasing consumption of a fuel containing tetra-ethyl lead. People living in the city near highways with intense movement are at risk of accumulating in their body in just a few years such a number of lead, which is much higher than permissible limits. Lead is included in various cell enzymes, and as a result, these enzymes can no longer perform the function intended in the body. At the beginning of poisoning, increased activity and insomnia, later fatigue, depression. Later symptoms of poisoning are function disorders nervous system and lesion brain. Motor transport in Moscow throws 130 kg of pollutants per person annually.

The soil is contaminated with petroleum products while refueling machines on the fields and in the forests, on the forest-shops, etc.

Self-cleaning of soils, as a rule, is a slow process. Toxic substances accumulate, which contributes to a gradual change in the chemical composition of soils, violation of the unity of the geochemical environment and living organisms. From the soil, toxic substances can get into animal organisms, people and cause severe diseases and fatal outcomes.

In the soils, compounds of metals, such as iron, mercury, lead, copper, and other mercury enters the soil with pesticides and industrial waste. Total incontrolled mercury emissions are up to 25 kg per year. It can be judged by the following data on the scale of chemical transformation of the surface of the lithosphere: in a century (1870-1970) on the earth's surface, over 20 billion tons of slags, 3 billion tons of ash. Zinc emissions, antimony amounted to 600 thousand tons, arsenic - 1.5 million tons, cobalt - more than 0.9 million tons, nickel - more than 1 million tons.

The contamination of the underlying soil surfaces of the Orenburg region occurs in three directions: atmospheric deposits, fluid spills and accumulation of solid pollutants.

The main source of soil pollution by heavy metals and hydrocarbons is automotive transport. Pollutants ( heavy metals - lead, manganese, zinc; Hydrocarbons, benz (a) Pyrene, etc.) come to the soil indirectly, through air pollution.

Directly pollution of soils as a result of spill of petroleum products occurs along the transport highways from vehicles and in areas where objects of LLC Buguruslanneft are located (oil wells, NPS, pipelines).

The main causes of microbial soil pollution on the territory of the residential building are an increase in the number of MSW, the imperfection of the system of cleaning inhabited areas, the absence of a centralized sewage system or unsatisfactory state sewage networks, The emergence of unauthorized landfills.

1 Pollution of the soil of the Orenburg region

Despite the rather low values \u200b\u200bof the exceedments of the PDC, in the soils of the city there are exceeds the content of chemical elements over the values \u200b\u200bof the natural background: zinc - in 4.36-124.31 times, copper - at 2.71-72.0 times, lead - in 4, 25-13.59 times, cobalt - at 3.00-10.60 times, cadmium - at 2.75-7.63 times, manganese - at 2.54-7.62 times. Calculation of correlation coefficients showed quite close interactions of zinc, copper, cadmium, lead and nickel among themselves. All this indicates the emergence of potential foci of pollution in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reference plots 3, 11, 13. This conclusion is confirmed by the analytical data of monitoring conducted in 15 years. In these points, the most unfavorable situation on the content of zinc, lead, cadmium is observed.

The ecological and geochemical state of the soil cover of Oskors is formed under the influence of a large number of pollution sources. Intensive soil contamination TM is observed not only in the territory of sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises, but also in residential areas.

In 2010, the main chemical element whose concentration exceeds the PDC in the soil is nickel (2.92-60.94 times). At one point (6) exceeds cadmium (2.40 times).

High nickel and cadmium values \u200b\u200baffected the values \u200b\u200bof the total soil contamination of TM. The interval of values \u200b\u200bon 2 and 6 reference sections is 24.44 and 63.65, which corresponds to a moderately dangerous and dangerous degree of pollution.

The presence of chemical pollution confirm the excess of the content of chemical elements over the backgrounds: Nickel - 3,10-243.77 times, cobalt - 3.70-102.50 times, zinc - at 5.96-49.33 times, copper - in 3 , 59-29.76 times, lead - at 3.97-9.28 times, cadmium - at 3.38-9.00 times, manganese - at 3.72-7.16 times. Calculation of correlation coefficients showed that nickel has close correlations with copper, cadmium and cobalt.

The ecological and geochemical state of soil cover of Kuvandyka is generally good. Pollution of soil cover is focal and unstable. In 2010, the main chemical element, the concentration of which exceeded the PDC is cadmium (8 reper - 2.33 times). At the same time, there is exceeded zinc PDK (at 2.68-56.83 times), cobalt (3.20-13.90 times), cadmium (at 2.63-8.75 times), lead (in 3 , 2-6.08 times), manganese (3.09-5.54 times), copper (2.65-3.94 times).

The exceedment of the PDC content of the soil cover of Buzuluk in 2010 is observed only by lead (the reper 3 - 2.32 times and the reper 9 - 2.17 times) (Table 4.6.2). Soil pollution TM is observed not only in the territory of industrial enterprises, but also in the central part of the city.

Basically, the maximum permissible standards exceed zinc, lead, cadmium and copper.

In 2011, the Novokuibyshevskaya Laboratory for Monitoring Environmental Pollution FGBU "Samara TSGMS-P" in accordance with the stateship of Roshydromet, work was carried out on the definition of residual quantities (OK) pesticides in the soil of the Orenburg region. The soils of one economy are examined: Kuvandyk district, OJSC "Friendship" (408 hectares of farmland under grain)

In the area of \u200b\u200bOJSC "Friendship" in the spring and autumn specialists of MS Kuvandyk selected 10 samples of the soil. In the soil samples, residual quantities were determined (OK) 15-items pesticides: Insectoacaricides - DDT and its DDE metabolite; Alpha, beta, gamma-ghzg; HCB; polychlorbiphenyl isomers (PCB); metaphos; Herbecides - Atrazin; 2,4-d; Dalapon, Prometrine, Simazine, Treflan, Thhan.

3. Soil protection measures

A set of measures to improve soil rehabilitation. The main prophylactic measures on soils, contaminated heavy metals are:

improving the agricultural properties of soils by increasing doses of organic and phosphate fertilizers;

cultivation of crops distinguished by the reduced accumulation of heavy metals (Bakhchy, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.);

cultivation of technical crops;

replacement of the soil layer in particularly contaminated areas of settlements, soil treatment with humats that bind heavy metals and translate them into compounds inaccessible to plants;

stimulation of soil-forming processes with the help of special complexes of microorganisms - humoration formers, etc.

to reduce the dust content, it is necessary to increase the number and density of green plantings.

In addition, an explanatory (educational) work is needed among the population, especially among the owners of collective farm farms.

To ensure the protection and rational use of the soil, it is necessary to provide a set of measures for its recultivation. Reclamation are subject to land, disturbed and (or) contaminated at:

development of mineral deposits;

laying pipelines for various purposes;

storage and disposal of industrial, domestic biological and other waste, Yadogymicates.

Thus, it is necessary to reclaim the landfill (C-in direction), and the cathomotion located on its territory should be allowed. Western landfill is subject to reclamation after construction and commissioning of a new TBB polygon, which must meet modern standards and regulations in accordance with SP

On the territory of Asecheevsky village council in the southeastern part of the cadastral quarter 56: 05: 03: 05 001, a plot for the construction of a new cattle binder was chosen - at a distance of 1000m from S. Zekseevo, at a distance of 500m from R.Kisla. According to sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, the object refers to the I class of hazards and in accordance with SanPiN the sanitary protection zone for this cattle bilap is 1000m.

To date, it is known that the settlements of the Asecheevsk CRH and several residential buildings are reset to the relief without purification, therefore, this territory after construction and commissioning of the system of treatment facilities is also subject to reclamation. According to Article 67 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation in the territories exposed to flooding, the placement of new settlements, cemeteries, cattle bisks and construction capital buildings, buildings, structures without conducting special protective measures to prevent the negative impact of water are prohibited.

3.1 Environmental Protection when driving

The main directions in solving waste management problems in MO "Asecheevsky Sencons" are:

maximum use of the selective collection of MSW in order to obtain secondary resources and reduce the amount of neutralized waste;

reclamation of the existing places of storage and disposal of solid domestic and biological waste;

construction of a new TBB polygon and a new cattle binding, equipped with biological cameras, in accordance with sanitary epidemiological norms and requirements;

the optimal exploitation of the existing and newly introduced TBM polygons taking into account the subsequent reclamation of territories.

In the project of the area of \u200b\u200bterritorial planning of the region, the construction of a grilling point for collecting and further transportation of waste to the designed garbage processing plant is proposed. During the implementation of this project, it is possible to re-equip the platform for the designated centralized landfill of MSW into a debris.

In accordance with Article 11 federal Law "On the waste of production and consumption" individual entrepreneurs and legal entities When operating enterprises, buildings, buildings, structures and other objects related to waste management are required:

Comply with the environmental requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection;

Develop projects of waste management standards and waste disposal limits in order to reduce their education;

Introduce low-waste technology based on scientific and technical achievements;

Carry out inventory of waste and objects of their placement;

Monitor the state of the environment in the territories of waste placement facilities;

Provide installed manner necessary information in the field of waste management;

Comply with the requirements for preventing accidents related to waste management and make urgent measures to eliminate them.

The implementation of the presented complex of measures of a planning and organizational nature will allow you to restore environmental equilibrium and improve the sanitary and environmental parameters of the environment in the territory of the MO Assekeevsky village council.


On the formation of soil cover of the Orenburg region, a dry, hot climate and rainfall has been essential. A variety of relief, soil-forming breeds, climate, vegetation determines the variety of soil cover.

State monitoring of land is a system of observation system. Land monitoring facilities are all land in the Russian Federation.

Depending on the purpose of observation and the observable territory, state monitoring of land may be federal, regional and local.

According to the results of studies, work performed on the monitoring of the Land of the Orenburg region on the lands of agricultural purposes and the lands of settlements and the territories adjacent to them, analysis was conducted and recommendations were developed to eliminate the negative effects of land use.


1.State report "On the state and environmental protection of the Orenburg region in 2010"

2.Porshneva E. B., Flood N.B., Radioactive pollution and its assessment, - M., 1993.

.Dobrovolsky G.V., Nikitin E.D. - Conservation of soils as an indispensable component of the biosphere, - M: Science, Miik "Science / Interperiodics", 2000.

4.G.V. Dobrovolsky "Soil. City. Ecology, "Moscow, 1997

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