The greenhouse effect is most affected. Causes and sources of "greenhouse" effect

Encyclopedia plants 14.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Greenhouse effect -the process of increasing the temperature at the surface of the Earth due to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases (Figure 3).

Greenhouse gases - these are gaseous compounds that intensively absorb infrared rays (thermal rays) and contribute to the heating of the surface layer of the atmosphere; These include: primarily CO 2 (carbon dioxide), as well as methane, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), nitrogen oxides, ozone, water vapor.

These impurities prevent long-wave thermal radiation from the earth's surface. Some of this absorbed heat radiation returns back to the earth's surface. Therefore, with an increase in the concentration in the surface layer of the atmosphere of greenhouse gases, the intensity of the absorption of infrared radiation from the surface of the Earth increases, which means that the air temperature (climate warming) increases.

An important function of greenhouse gases is to maintain relatively constant and moderate temperatures on the surface of our planet. For the preservation of favorable temperature conditions, the surface of the Earth is mainly responsible for carbon dioxide and water.

Figure 3. Greenhouse effect

The land is in thermal equilibrium with his surroundings. This means that the planet emits energy to the outer space at a rate equal to the speed of absorption of solar energy. Since the land is a relatively cold body with a temperature of 254 K, the radiation of such cold bodies falls on a long-wave (low energy) part of the spectrum, i.e. The maximum of the radiation intensity of the Earth is near the wavelength of 12,000 nm.

Most of this radiation delayed CO 2 and H 2 O, absorbing it in the infrared region, thereby these components do not dissipate heat and maintain a uniform temperature at the surface of the Earth. Water pairs play an important role in maintaining the temperature of the atmosphere at night, when the earth surface emits energy into the outer space and does not receive solar energy. In the deserts with a very dry climate, where the concentration of water vapor is very small, in the afternoon it is hot, but very cold at night.

The main reasons for the enhancement of the greenhouse effect - a significant admission to the atmosphere of greenhouse gases and increasing their concentrations; What happens in connection with the intensive burning of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, petroleum products), the infusion of vegetation: cutting down forests; Forest drying due to contamination, burning vegetation in the process of fires, etc. As a result, the natural balance is disturbed between the consumption of CO 2 plants and its intake in the process of respiration (physiological, rotting, burning).

As scientists write, with probability of more than 90%, it is human activity on the combustion of natural fuel and caused by this greenhouse effect to a large extent explains the global warming in the last 50 years. The processes caused by human activity are similar to the driving management. It is almost impossible to stop them, warming will continue at least several centuries, and even the whole millennium. As environmentalists installed, so far the lion's share of heat absorbed the world ocean, but the capacity of this gigantic battery on the outcome - the water warmed up to the depth of three kilometers. The result is a global climate change.

Concentration of main greenhouse gas (CO 2) in the atmosphere at the beginning of the 20th century was "0.029%, to date reached 0.038%, i.e. rose by almost 30%. If you allow the preservation of existing effects on the biosphere by 2050, CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere will double. In this connection, it is predicted to increase the temperature on Earth by 1.5 ° C - 4.5 ° C (in polar districts to 10 ° C, in equatorial - 1 ° C -2 ° C).

This in turn can lead to a critical increase in the temperature of the atmosphere in arid zones, which will entail the death of living organisms, reducing their livelihoods; desertification of new territories; The melting of polar and mountain glaciers, which means to raise the level of the world ocean by 1.5 m, the flooding of coastal zones, strengthening storm activity, population migration.

The consequences of global warming:

1. As a result of global warming projected changing the circulation of the atmosphere , change in precipitation distribution, change in the structure of biocenoses; In some areas, a decrease in crop yields.

2. Global climate change . Australia suffers stronger. Climatologists predict the Sydney climatic catastrophe: By 2070, the average temperature in this Australian metropolis will rise by about five degrees, forest fires devastated its surroundings, and gigantic waves destroy sea beaches. Europe empty climate change. The ecosystem will be destabilized with merciless increase in temperatures, the EU scientists predict the report. In the north of the continent, crops crop will grow with an increase in the length of the growth season and the period without frosts. The already warm and arid climate of this part of the planet will still be warmer, which will lead to droughts and drying up many freshwater reservoirs (Southern Europe). These changes will become a real test for farmers and forest products. In Northern Europe, warm winters will be accompanied by raising the level of precipitation. Warming in the north of the region will also lead to positive phenomena: expanding forest arrays and growth of yields. However, they will go hand in hand with floods, the destruction of coastal areas, the disappearance of certain types of animals and plants, the melting of glaciers and the everlasting districts. IN Far Eastern and Siberian regions The amount of cold days will decrease by 10-15, and in the European part - by 15-30.

3. Global climate change is already bypassed to humanity at 315 thousand lives Every year, and this figure is constantly increasing every year. It causes diseases, droughts and other weather anomalies, from which people are already dying. The organization's experts also provide other data - according to their calculations at present, more than 325 million people are usually from developing countries, the influence of climate change is experiencing. Influence of global climate warming for the global economy Specialists are estimated at $ 125 billion damage annually, and by 2030 this amount can grow up to 340 billion dollars.

4. Examination 30. glaciers In various regions of the globe, conducted by the World War Surveillance Service, showed that for 2005 the thickness of the ice cover decreased by 60-70 centimeters. This figure is 1.6 times more than the average annual figure of the 90s and 3 times - the average figure of 1980s. As some experts believe, despite the fact that the thickness of the glaciers is only a few tens of meters, if their melting continues at such a pace, after a few decades, the glaciers will disappear at all. The most dramatic melting processes of glaciers are marked in Europe. Thus, the Breidalblikkbrea Norwegian glacier (Breidalblikkbrea) lost more than three meters, which is 10 times more than in 2005. The threatening melting of glaciers is marked in Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Italy and Spain. In the zone of the Himalayan mountains. The current trend of the melting of glaciers suggests that rivers such as Gang, India, Brahmaputra (the most highly mountain river in the world) and other rivers crossing the North Plain of India can become seasonal rivers in the near future due to climate change.

5. Swift melting of permafrost Because of the warming of climate, today is a serious threat to the Russian northern regions, half of which is in the so-called "eternal zone". Experts from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation give forecasts: according to their calculations, the permafrost area in Russia in Russia will be reduced by more than 20% in the next 30 years, and the depth of soil depth - and at all by 50%. The greatest changes in the climate can occur in the Arkhangelsk region, the Republic of Komi, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Yakutia. Experts predict that the melting of permafrost will lead to significant changes in the landscape, full of rivers, the formation of thermal lakes. In addition, due to the melting of permafrost, the speed of erosion of the Russian Arctic coast will increase. No matter how paradoxically, due to the change in the coastal landscape, the territory of Russia can be reduced by several dozen square kilometers. Due to the warming of climate from the erosion of the coastline, other northern countries suffer. So, for example, the process of wave erosion will lead [\u003d56170] to the complete disappearance of the most northern island of Iceland by 2020. Kolbeinsey Island, which is considered the northernmost point of Iceland, will completely hide under water by 2020 as a result of accelerating the process of abrasion - the wave erosion of the shores.

6. World Ocean Level By 2100, it may rise by 59 centimeters, the report of the UN expert group said. But this is not the limit if the ice of Greenland and Antarctica will melt, the World Ocean level can rise even higher. On the location of St. Petersburg, then only the top of the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral and the spire of the Petropavlovsk fortress will indicate. A similar fate will comprehend London, Stockholm, Copenhagen and other largest seaside cities.

7. Tim Lenton Climate Expert at the University of Eastern England with colleagues with the help of mathematical calculations made that an increase in average annual temperature even at 2 ° C for 100 years will be the cause of death 20-40% Amazonian forests Due to the impending drought. The increase in temperature by 3 ° C will cause the death of 75% of the forests for 100 years, and the temperature rise by 4 ° C and the reason for the disappearance of 85% of all amazon forests. And they are most effective absorb CO 2 (photo: NASA, presentation).

8. With the current pace of global warming by 2080 to 3.2 billion people on the globe will face the problem lack of drinking water . Scientists noted that the difficulties with water will affect primarily Africa and the Middle East, but the critical situation may also develop in China, Australia, some parts of Europe and the United States. The UN published a list of countries that will most affect climate change. India, Pakistan and Afghanistan leading in it.

9. Climatic migrants . Global warming will lead to the fact that by the end of the 21st century, one more - climatic can be added to various categories of refugees and migrants. By 2100, the number of climatic migrants may be about 200 million people.

The fact that warming exists, none of the scientists doubts - it is obvious. But exist alternative points of view. For example, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Rational Natural Management of Moscow State University Andrei Kapitsa, considers climate change with normal natural phenomenon. Global warming is underway, it alternates with global cooling.

Supporters "classic" approach to the problem of greenhouse effect they proceed from the assumption of the Swedish scientist Svania Arrhenus about the warm-up of the atmosphere as a result of the fact that "greenhouse gases" freely skip the sun's rays to the surface of the Earth and at the same time delay the radiation of earth heat into space. However, heat exchange processes in the earth's atmosphere were much more complicated. The gas "layer" regulates the flow of solar heat differently than the glass of the subsidence.

In fact, carbon dioxide type gases do not lead to the occurrence of the greenhouse effect. It was convincingly proven by Russian scientists. Academician Oleg Sorokhtin, operating at the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was the first to create a mathematical theory of the greenhouse effect. From its calculations confirmed by measurements on Mars and Venus, it follows that even significant emissions of man-made carbon dioxide into the earth's atmosphere practically do not change the thermal regime of the Earth and do not create a greenhouse effect. On the contrary, we should expect a small ones on the share of degrees, cooling.

Not an increased content of CO2 in the atmosphere led to warming, and as a result of warming, the giant carbon dioxide was released into the atmosphere - Notice, without any human participation. 95 percent of CO 2 dissolved in the World Ocean. It is enough to warm up the water to the half generators - and the ocean will exhale carbon dioxide. Volcanic eruptions and forest fires also contribute a significant contribution to the pumping of the earth's atmosphere of CO 2. With all the costs of industrial progress, the release of greenhouse gas from pipes and thermal power plants does not exceed a few percent of the total carbon dioxide turnover.

The glacial periods are known, which are alternating global warming, and now we are in the period of global warming. Normal climate fluctuations that are associated with the oscillations of the activity of the Sun and the Earth orbits. Not at all with human activity.

We managed to look 800 thousand years ago in the past of the Earth due to the well bored in the thickness of the glacier in Antarctica (3800 m).

According to air bubbles, preserved in Kern, determined the temperature, age, carbon dioxide and received curves about 800 thousand years. At the ratio of oxygen isotopes in these bubbles, scientists have determined the temperature at which snow fell out. The data obtained covers most of the quaternary period. Of course, in the distant past, a person could not affect nature. But it was found that the content of CO 2 then changed very much. Moreover, each time the warming was preceded by an increase in the concentration of CO 2 in the air. The greenhouse effect theory implies a reverse sequence.

There are certain glacial periods that alternated with warming periods. Now we are just in the period of warming, and it comes from a small glacial period, which was in the XV - XVI century, from the XVI century, the warming for one degree in the century.

But what is called "greenhouse effect" is a phenomenon is not proven fact. Physics show that CO 2 does not affect the greenhouse effect.

In 1998, the former President of the US National Sciences Academy Frederick Zatez submitted a petition for consideration by the scientific community, calling for the US and other countries to reject the signing of the agreements on the restriction of greenhouse gas emissions achieved in Kyoto. An overview was made to the petition, from which it follows that over the past 300 years, warming is observed on Earth. And the influence of human activity on climate change has not been reliably established. In addition, Zaitz argues that the increased content of CO2 stimulates photosynthesis in plants and thereby contributes to the increase in the productivity of agriculture, accelerated growth of forests. Petition signed 16 thousand scientists. However, the Clinton administration was dismissed from these appeals, giving understanding that the debate on the nature of the global climate change was completed.

Actually, space factors lead to serious climate change. The temperature changes the fluctuations of solar activity, as well as changes in the inclination of the earth axis, the period of circulation of our planet. This kind of fluctuations in the past, as you know, led to the onset of the glacial periods.

The issue of global warming is a political question.. And here there is a struggle of two directions. One direction is those who use fuel, oil, gas, coal. They prove in every way that the harm is applied to the transition to nuclear fuel. And supporters of nuclear fuel prove the opposite, which is just the opposite - gas, oil, coal are given from 2 and cause warming. This is the struggle of two major economic systems.

Publications on this topic are full of gloomy prophecies. I do not agree with such estimates. An increase in the average annual temperature within one degree in a century will not lead to fatal consequences. A huge amount of energy is required to melt the ice of Antarctica, the boundaries of which for all the time of observations practically did not eat. At least in the XXI century, climatic cataclysms are not threatened to humanity.

In the 21st century, the Global Greenhouse Effect is one of the most relevant environmental problems that cost today in front of our planet. The essence of the greenhouse effect is that solar heat is delayed near the surface of our planet in the form of greenhouse gases. The occurrence of the greenhouse effect is due to the intake of industrial gases into the atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect consists in increasing the temperature of the lower layers of the Earth's atmosphere in comparison with the effective temperature, namely the temperature of the thermal radiation of the planet registered from the space. The first mentions of this phenomenon appeared in 1827. Then Joseph Fourier suggested that the optical characteristics of the Earth's atmosphere are similar to the characteristics of the glass, the level of transparency of which in the infrared range is lower than in optical. When the visible light is absorbed, the surface temperature increases and radiates thermal (infrared) radiation, and since the atmosphere is not as transparent for thermal radiation, the heat is assembled at the surface of the planet.
The fact that the atmosphere is capable of not missing thermal radiation is caused by the presence of greenhouse gases in it. The main greenhouse gases are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone. Over the past decades, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased greatly. The main cause of scientists consider human activity.
Due to the regular growth of average annual temperatures, in the end of the eighties of the last century, it was concerned that global warming caused by human activity already occurs.

Effect of greenhouse effect

An additional "heated" of the surface of our planet can be attributed to the positive effects of the greenhouse effect, as a result of which life appeared on this planet. If there was no this phenomenon, the average annual value of air temperature near the earth surface would not exceed 18c.
The greenhouse effect arose as a result of a huge amount of water vapor and carbon dioxide falling into the atmosphere of the planet for hundreds of millions of years as a result of extremely high volcanic activity. The high concentration of carbon dioxide, which is thousands of times more than today, was the cause of the "superphan effect" effect. Such a phenomenon raised the temperature of the water in the world ocean to the boiling point. However, after some time, green vegetation appeared on the planet, which actively absorbed carbon dioxide from the earth's atmosphere. For this reason, the greenhouse effect began to decline. Over time, some equilibrium has been established, allowing the average annual temperature to stay at + 15c.
However, the industrial activity of a person led to the fact that a large amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases began to fall into the atmosphere. Scientists analyzed the data from 1906 to 2005 and sewed to the conclusion that the average annual temperature increased by 0.74 degrees, and in the coming years will reach about 0.2 degrees over the decade.
Gernist effect results:

  • temperature increase
  • changing the frequency and volumes of precipitation
  • melting glaciers
  • enhance sea level
  • threat to biological diversity
  • the death of sowing
  • red water drying
  • enhance the evaporation of water in the oceans
  • decomposition of water and methane compounds located near the poles
  • the slowdown in the flows, for example, golfustrim, as a result of which sharply grinds in the Arctic
  • reducing the sizes of tropical forests
  • expansion of the habitat of tropical microorganisms.

Consequences of greenhouse effect

What is so dangerous greenhouse effect? The main danger of the greenhouse effect is the climate change caused by them. Scientists believe that the growing greenhouse effect will cause an increase in risks to the health of all mankind, above all, representatives of low-income groups of the population. Reducing the release of food, which will be the consequence of the death of crops and destroy the pasture of drought or on the contrary, inevitably leads to a shortage of products. In addition, the elevated air temperature causes the exacerbation of cardiac and vascular diseases, as well as respiratory organs.
Also, the increase in air temperature can cause the extension of the habitat of animal species, which are carriers of dangerous diseases. Because of this, for example, encephalitite mites and malaria mosquitoes can move to places where people do not have immunity to transfers.

What will help save the planet?

Scientists are confident that the fight against the growing greenhouse effect should assume such events:

  • reducing the use of fossil sources of energy, such as coal, oil and gas
  • more efficient use of energy resources
  • distribution of energy-saving technologies
  • the use of alternative sources of energy, namely renewable
  • the use of refrigerants and foaming, which contain low (zero) global warming potential
  • forest reinstallation work aimed at the natural absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • failure from cars with a gasoline or diesel engine in favor of electrocars.

At the same time, even the full-scale implementation of the listed activities is unlikely to fully compensate for the harm that is applied by nature due to anthropogenic action. For this reason, you can only talk about minimizing consequences.
The first international conference on which this threat was discussed was held in the mid-70s in Toronto. Then, experts came to the conclusion, the greenhouse effect on Earth is largely in second place after a nuclear threat.
Not only a real man is obliged to plant a tree - it should do every person! The most important thing in solving this problem is not to close your eyes. Maybe today people are not harmful from the greenhouse effect, but our children and grandchildren will accurately stem. It is necessary to reduce the incineration of coal and oil, take care of the natural vegetation of the planet. All this is necessary for the planets to exist and after us.


1. Greenhouse effect: historical information and reasons

1.1. Historical information

1.2. The reasons

2. Greenhouse effect: Education mechanism, strengthening

2.1. Greenhouse effect mechanism and its role in biosphere


2.2. Strengthening the greenhouse effect in the industrial era

3. Consequences of greenhouse effect


List of used literature


The main source of energy supporting life on Earth is solar radiation - the electromagnetic radiation of the Sun, penetrating into the earth's atmosphere. Solar energy also supports all atmospheric processes that determine the change of seasons: spring-summer-autumn-winter, as well as changes in weather conditions.

About half of solar energy falls on the visible part of the spectrum, which we perceive as sunlight. This radiation is fluently fluently through the earth's atmosphere and is absorbed by the surface of the sushi and oceans, heating them. But after all, solar radiation goes to Earth daily for many millennia, why, in this case, the earth does not overheat and does not turn into a small sun?

The fact is that both the Earth and the aqueous surface, and the atmosphere, in turn, also emit energy, only in a somewhat different form - as invisible infrared, or thermal, radiation.

On average, a long time for a long time in the outer space is exactly so much energy in the form of infrared radiation, how much it comes in the form of sunlight. Thus, the thermal equilibrium of our planet is established. The whole question is at what temperature it will be equilibrium. If there were no atmosphere, the average temperature of the Earth would be -23 degrees. The protective effect of the atmosphere absorbing part of the infrared radiation of the earth's surface leads to the fact that in reality this temperature is +15 degrees. Increase temperature is the essence of a greenhouse effect in an atmosphere, which is enhanced with an increase in carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere. These gases are best absorbed in infrared radiation.

In recent decades, the concentration of carbon dioxide increases in the atmosphere. This occurs because That every year the incineration of fossil fuels and wood increases. As a result, the average air temperature near the surface of the Earth rises by about 0.5 degrees in the century. If the current rate of burning fuel, and therefore, the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases will continue in the future, then, according to some forecasts, the next century is expected even greater climate warming.

1. Greenhouse effect: historical information and reasons

1.1. Historical information

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse effect mechanism was first set out in 1827 by Joseph Fourier in the article "Note on the temperatures of the globe and other planets", in which he considered various mechanisms for the formation of the land climate, while he considered as factors affecting the total thermal balance of the Earth ( Heated with solar radiation, cooling due to radiating, internal heat of the Earth) and factors affecting heat transfer and temperature of climatic belts (thermal conductivity, atmospheric and ocean circulation).

When considering the influence of the atmosphere on the Radiation Balance of Fourier, the experience of M. de Sosurira was analyzed with an overwhelmed vessel, covered with glass. De Sosurur measured the difference in temperatures inside and outside of such a vessel exhibited on a straight sunlight. Fourier explained an increase in temperature inside such a "mini-greenhouse" compared with the external temperature of two factors: blocking convective heat transfer (glass prevents the heated air from the inside and the inflow of the cool outside) and various transparency of the glass in the visible and infrared range.

It was the last factor and received in the later literature the name of the greenhouse effect - absorbing visible light, the surface heats up and emits thermal (infrared) rays; Since the glass is transparent to visible light and almost opaque for thermal radiation, then heat accumulation leads to such a temperature increase in which the number of heat rays passing through glass is enough to establish thermal equilibrium.

Fourier postulated that the optical properties of the Earth's atmosphere are similar to the optical properties of glass, that is, its transparency in the infrared range is lower than transparency in the optical range.

1.2. The reasons

The essence of the greenhouse effect is as follows: the Earth receives energy from the sun, mainly in the visible part of the spectrum, and herself radiates into outer space, mainly infrared rays.

However, many gases contained in its atmosphere - water vapor, CO2, methane, nitrogen rushing, etc. - transparent for visible rays, but actively absorb infrared, while holding part of the heat in the atmosphere.

In recent decades, the content of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has grown very much. There were also new, previously not existing substances with a "greenhouse" absorption spectrum - first of all, fluorocarbons.

Gazes causing a greenhouse effect are not only carbon dioxide (CO2). These also include methane (CH4), nitrogen (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). However, it is the combustion of hydrocarbon fuel that accompanied by the release of CO2 is considered the main cause of pollution.

The reason for the rapid growth of the amount of greenhouse gases is obvious - humanity is now burning so much fossil fuels for a day, as it has formed thousands of years during the formation of oil fields, coal and gas. From this "push" the climate system came out of the "equilibrium" and we see a greater number of secondary negative phenomena: especially hot days, droughts, floods, sharp weather surges, and it is precisely the greatest damage.

According to the predictions of the researchers, if nothing is done, the world emissions of CO2 will grow fourwise over the next 125 years. But it is impossible to forget that a significant part of the future sources of pollution has not yet been built. Over the past hundred years, the temperature in the northern hemisphere increased by 0.6 degrees. The predicted temperature rise in the following century will be from 1.5 to 5.8 degrees. The most likely option is 2.5-3 degrees.

However, climate change is not only an increase in temperature. Changes relate to other climatic phenomena. Not only severe heat, but also strong sudden frosts, floods, villages, tornadoes, hurricanes explain the effects of global warming. The climate system is too complicated to expect a uniform and identical change from it at all points of the planet. And the main danger of scientists see today precisely in the growth of deviations from mean values \u200b\u200b- significant and frequent fluctuations in temperature.

2. Greenhouse effect: mechanism, strengthening

2.1 Greenhouse effect mechanism and its role in biosphere processes

The main source of life and all natural processes on Earth is the radiant energy of the Sun. The energy of solar radiation of all wavelengths entering our planet per unit time per unit area perpendicular to the solar rays is called solar constant and is 1.4 kJ / cm2. This is just one two-billion fraction of the energy emitted by the surface of the Sun. Of the total amount of solar energy entering the Earth, the atmosphere absorbs -20%. Approximately 34% of the energy penetrating the atmosphere and reaching the surface of the Earth, reflected by the clouds of the atmosphere, aerosols, in it located, and the surface itself. Thus, it comes to the earth's surface - 46% solar energy and absorbs it. In turn, the surface of the sushi and water radiates long-wave infrared (thermal) radiation, which partially goes into space, and partially remains in the atmosphere, lingering in its gases into its composition and heating surface layers of air. This isolation of the Earth from outer space created favorable conditions for the development of living organisms.

The nature of the greenhouse effect is due to their different transparency in visible and far infrared bands. On the wavelength range of 400-1500 nm (visible light and the near infrared range) account for 75% of solar radiation energy, most gases are not absorbed in this range; Rayleigh scattering in gases and scattering on atmospheric aerosols do not prevent the penetration of the radiation of these wavelengths into the atmospheres depth and the achievement of the surface of the planets. The sunlight is absorbed by the surface of the planet and its atmosphere (especially radiation in the neighboring UV and IR-regions) and heats them. The heated surface of the planet and the atmosphere is emitted in the far infrared range: so, in the case of land (), 75% of heat radiation falls on the range of 7.8-28 microns, for Venus - 3.3-12 μm.

The atmosphere containing gases absorbing in this region of the spectrum (t. N. Garnik gases - H2O, CO2, CH4, etc., is essentially opaque for such radiation directed from its surface into outer space, that is, it has a greater optical in the IR range Thickness. Due to such opacity, the atmosphere becomes a good heat insulator, which, in turn, leads to the fact that the re-emission of the absorbed solar energy into the outer space occurs in the upper cold layers of the atmosphere. As a result, the effective temperature of the Earth as the emitter turns out to be lower than its surface temperature. .

Thus, the thermal radiation retarding from the earth's surface (like a film above the greenhouse), obtained the generic name of the greenhouse effect. Gases, delaying thermal radiation and prevent heat outflow into outer space, are called greenhouse gases. Thanks to the greenhouse effect, the average annual temperature at the surface of the Earth in the last millennium is approximately 15 ° C. Without a greenhouse effect, this temperature would have dropped to -18 ° C and the existence of life on Earth would be impossible. The main greenhouse atmosphere is water vapor, delaying the 60% of the thermal radiation of the Earth. The content of water vapor in the atmosphere is determined by the planetary cycle of water and (with strong latitudinal and high-rise oscillations) almost constantly. Approximately 40% of the thermal radiation of the Earth is delayed by other greenhouse gases, including more than 20%-inxissible gas. The main natural sources of CO2 in the atmosphere - volcanic eruptions and natural forest fires. At the dawn of the geobiochemical evolution of the Earth, carbon dioxide flowed into the world ocean through underwater volcanoes, satuned and stand out for the atmosphere. There are still no accurate estimates of the number of CO2 in the atmosphere in the early stages of its development. According to the results of the analysis of basalt rocks of underwater ridges in the quiet and Atlantic oceans, American Geochemist D. Mare concluded that the content of CO2 in the atmosphere in the first billion years of its existence was a thousand times more than at present, about 39%. Then the air temperature in the surface layer reached almost 100 ° C, and the water temperature in the world ocean approached the boiling point ("superphan effect" effect). With the advent of photosynthetic organisms and chemical processes of carbon dioxide binding, a powerful CO2 removal mechanism from the atmosphere and the ocean in sedimentary breed began to operate. The greenhouse effect began to gradually decrease, until it came to the balance in the biosphere, which took place before the era of industrialization and which corresponds to the minimum content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - 0.03%. In the absence of anthropogenic emissions, the carbon cycle of ground and water biota, the hydrosphere, lithosphere and the atmosphere was equilibrium. The flow of carbon dioxide at a volcanic activity is estimated at 175 million tons per year. The deposition in the form of carbonates associates about 100 million tons. The oceanic carbon reserve is 80 times higher than atmospheric. Three more than in the atmosphere, carbon concentrates in biota, with an increase in CO2 the productivity of ground vegetation increases.

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If we consider the actual problems of humanity, we can conclude that the most global of them is a greenhouse effect. He already makes himself felt and strongly changes the environmental conditions, but the exact consequences are unknown, although it is clear that they can be irreparable.

To save humanity, you should find out the essence of the greenhouse effect and try to stop it.

What it is

The essence of the greenhouse effect is similar to the principle of action of greenhouses, which is well-known to all gardens and gardeners. It lies in the fact that a kind of greenhouse is formed over the planet, which, having transparency, freely passes through itself the sun rays. They fall onto the earth's surface, warm it up. The heat is normal to pass through the atmosphere, and its lower layers have become so dense over the past few decades that they lost their bandwidth. Thus, heat exchange is disturbed, which leads to the launch of the greenhouse effect mechanism.

Definition of the greenhouse effect is approximately: an increase in temperature in the lower atmospheric layers compared to effective indicators characterizing the thermal radiation of the Earth, which is observed from the space. In other words, on the surface of the planet is much warmer than outside its atmosphere. And since the layers are very dense, they do not miss heat, and it, under the influence of reduced cosmic temperatures, provoke the formation of condensate. The simplified scheme of the mechanism is presented below.

For the first time studying the issue of the greenhouse effect, Joseph Fourier took up in the XIX century, who suggested that the earthly atmosphere varies greatly and in its properties begins to resemble glass in greenhouses, that is, it passes the sun's rays, but prevents the opposite heat penetration. Because of this, the so-called is synthesized, which consist of carbon, water vapor, ozone and methane.

The basis is couples provoking condensate education. No less important role in the greenhouse effect plays carbon dioxide, the volume of which has recently increased to 20-26%. The shares of ozone and methane in the atmosphere are 3-7%, but they also take part in the processes of the greenhouse effect.

The reasons

Planet Earth has already passed the greenhouse effect and global warming, and, probably, without such phenomena, humanity and everything alive could not develop and live normally. Many centuries ago processes started due to the high activity of numerous volcanoes, whose eruption products fell into the atmosphere. But as vegetation spread on the planet, the gas level decreased, and the situation has stabilized.

In the modern world, the greenhouse effect is determined by the following reasons:

  • Active and uncontrolled use of various minerals extracted from the depths with flammable properties. Humanity seeks to use all the gifts of the planet, but it makes it extremely thickened and rough: in the process of burning and burning into the environment, a huge number of different contaminants of decay products, as well as carbon dioxide, is emitted daily.
  • Active cutting down of forests throughout the land, which has recently acquired just a huge scale. Trees are cut down, mainly for the purpose of using as fuel, but sometimes clearing the territories for construction. One way or another, the decrease in the number of green plants changes the composition of the air. The foliage absorbs carbon dioxide and sends oxygen. And the smaller the vegetation on the planet, the higher the concentration of substances that seal the atmosphere and reinforcing the effect of the greenhouse.
  • A huge amount of gasoline transport. In the process of its operation is produced and immediately enter the air. They rush up, penetrate the lower atmospheric layers and make them even more dense, enhancing the effect of greenhouse.
  • The development of the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere contributes to the rapid increase in population population. Each person breathing in oxygen exhales carbon dioxide, and it is known to be the main development of the effect of the greenhouse.
  • Forest fires that occur more and more often because of the weather changes and negligence people also exacerbate the situation with the greenhouse effect. Annually burns a huge number of trees, and this means that the incredible volumes of carbon dioxide falling into the air and the atmosphere are distinguished.
  • Numerous landfills, flooded the surface of the Earth, in the process of rotting waste, methane and other harmful substances are highly polluting lower atmospheric layers.
  • Rapid pace of industry development. Various processing factories and other industrial companies identify a huge number of exhaust and vapors that fall almost immediately into the atmosphere and provoking the effect of the greenhouse.
  • Implementation in all areas of life of chemical and synthetic substances. They are contained in fertilizers, containers, clothing, food and other products of modern production. Some compounds are not decomposed and distinguished couples aside in the atmosphere.

Possible consequences

Little to know what kind of greenhouse effect is to understand how dangerous it is. And in order to evaluate the globality and seriousness of the problem, you should consider the threatening planet and all living consequences. They may be as follows:

  1. Pollution of the atmosphere and sealing its layers contribute to global warming. For a long time, scientists involved in the study of climatic conditions have noticed an increase in average annual temperatures for several degrees. And such changes may disrupt the overall balance, lead to heat and drought in some southern regions.
  2. Because of the greenhouse effect and the warming caused by them is active. The water level in the oceans is growing rapidly, coastal areas may be fully flooded after several decades. And if we consider that various cultures are cultivated in these territories, then the huge damage will be caused by agriculture, and this, in turn, can provoke an acute food shortage.
  3. Because of the increase in water level in the world oceans, many coastal cities may be flooded, and even entire countries in the future. As a result, people will just have nowhere to live. Moreover, a real threat has already been hung over some regions.
  4. Under the influence of high temperatures caused by the greenhouse effect, moisture evaporates much faster, and this has the most direct disadvantaged effect on the vegetation of the Earth. Reducing its volumes will aggravate the problem and worsen the composition of the air. As a result, the century may begin the moment when it will be breathing on the planet there is just nothing.
  5. Heat is a threat to the health of many people, especially suffering from cardiovascular and endocrine diseases. For no accident in the summer, mortality across the entire land increases significantly.
  6. Because of the greenhouse effect and caused by him serious climate change, not only the flora of the planet, but also fauna, that is, the animal world can suffer. Some of his representatives are already considered extinct, including because of.
  7. Humanity is already experiencing the power of natural anomalies: the strongest precipitation, hurricanes, floods, tsunami, tornado, earthquakes and other phenomena, threatening people's lives.

How to avoid serious consequences

The problem of the greenhouse effect on Earth is very relevant, so many scientists are actively developing and thinking over solutions.

  1. First, you should completely revise power consumption. From combustible natural fossil and hard fuel materials, it is desirable to refuse, turning on natural gas or alternative and not enough natural sources, such as the sun, water, wind.
  2. Secondly, the greenhouse effect and its influence on the planet the Earth will weaken if humanity will keep the savings and energy savings policy. For this, it is possible, for example, to fully insulate the houses and use the construction and finishing materials that keep warm. Also at production and industrial enterprises should be installed equipment that will reduce energy consumption.
  3. Thirdly, one of the ways to combat the greenhouse effect can be the re-equipment of the transport system. Recalling cars is not necessarily, but you can acquire the exhaust gas atmospheric in the lower layers, for example, on solar panels or electricity. The development of alternative sources is maintained, but its results are still unknown.
  4. Fourth, it is necessary to restore forests on Earth, stop their cutting, plant new trees. And if each inhabitant of the planet contributes, it will significantly affect the overall situation. In addition, it is worth reconsider the cultivation of different cultures, namely to abandon the polluting atmosphere and reinforcing the effect of the greenhouse of chemical fertilizers and spraying poisons.
  5. Fifth, you need to optimize the waste processing system so as not to pollute the atmosphere and the planet. Industrial enterprises should establish treatment facilities, minimizing exhaust. Waste themselves should be fully utilized or processed and used as secondary raw materials. In addition, to reduce the number of landfills in production, fully decomposing and harmless materials should be used.

Now the essence of the greenhouse effect and its influence on the atmosphere is clear to you, and you know why the planet is threatened with danger. Eliminate such a phenomenon is very difficult, but if all of humanity revises its attitude towards Earth and will begin to act, then serious consequences will be avoided.

The greenhouse effect is an increase in the temperature of the earth's surface due to the heating of the lower layers of the atmosphere by the accumulation of greenhouse gases. As a result, the air temperature is greater than should be, and this leads to such irreversible consequences as climatic changes and global warming. Several centuries ago this ecological problemexisted, but was not so apparent. With the development of technologies, the number of sources that provide the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere increases every year.

Causes of greenhouse effect

    the use of combustible minerals in the industry - coal, oil, natural gas, with which the incineration of which is allocated a huge amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful compounds;

    transportation - passenger and trucks produce exhaust gases, which also contaminate air and enhance the greenhouse effect;

    cutting down the forests that absorb carbon dioxide and excrete oxygen, and with the destruction of each tree on the planet the number of CO2 in the air increases;

    forest fires are another source of plant destruction on the planet;

    the increase in the population affects the increase in the demand of food, clothing, dwellings, and to ensure that industrial production is growing, which intensively pollutes the air with greenhouse gases;

    agrochemistry and fertilizers contain a different number of compounds, as a result of the evaporation of which nitrogen is allocated - one of the greenhouse gases;

    the decomposition and burning of garbage on polygons contribute to the increase in greenhouse gases.

Effect of greenhouse effect on climate

Considering the results of the greenhouse effect, it can be determined that the main one is climate change. Since the temperature of the air, the water of the seas and the oceans is intensively evaporated annually. Some scientists predict that in 200 years it will be noticeable such a phenomenon as "drying" of oceans, namely a significant decrease in the water level. This is one side of the problem. The other is that the increase in temperature leads to the melting of glaciers, which contributes to an increase in the level of water of the ocean, and leads to the flooding of the coast of the continents and the islands. The increase in the number of flooding and flooding of the distinguished areas indicates that the level of oceanic waters is increasing every year.

An increase in air temperature leads to the fact that the territories that are not much moisturized by atmospheric precipitation becomes arid and unsuitable for life. Here yields are dying, which leads to the food crisis of the population of this area. Also animals are not food, because due to lack of water, plants die off.

First of all, it is necessary to stop cutting down forests, plant new trees and shrubs, because they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Using electric vehicles, the number of exhaust gases will be reduced. In addition, you can transfer to bicycles from cars, which is more convenient, cheaper and safer for ecology. Alternatively, alternative fuel is also underway, which, unfortunately, is being implemented by a slow pace in our daily life.

19. Ozone layer: value, composition, possible causes of its destruction, made protection measures.

Ozone layer of land - This is the area of \u200b\u200bthe atmosphere of the Earth, in which ozone is formed - the gas that protects our planet from the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Destruction and depletion of the ozone layer of the Earth.

The ozone layer, despite its great importance for all the living, is a very fragile barrier on the path of ultraviolet rays. Its integrity depends on a number of conditions, but nature after all came to equilibrium in this matter, and many millions of years the ozone layer of the Earth safely cope with the mission entrusted to him. The processes of education and the destruction of the ozone layer were strictly balanced until a person appeared on the planet and in its development did not reach the current technical level.

In the 70s The twentieth century has been proven that many substances that are actively used by man in economic activities can significantly reduce ozone levels in atmosphere of land.

To substances that destroy the ozone layer of the Earth include fluorochlororates - freons (gases used in aerosols and refrigerators consisting of chlorine atoms, fluorine and carbon), combustion products during flights of high-rise aviation and launch rockets, i.e. Substances whose molecules contain chlorine or bromine.

These substances released into the atmosphere near the surface of the Earth, for 10-20 years reach the top borders of the ozone layer. There, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, they disintegrate, forming chlorine and bromine, which, in turn, interacting with stratospheric ozone, significantly reduce its number.

Causes of destruction and depletion of the ozone layer of the Earth.

Consider once again in more detail the causes of the destruction of the ozone layer of the Earth. At the same time, we will not consider the natural decay of ozone molecules. We will urge the human activity.

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