Natural areas of Africa (grade 7). Natural areas of Africa (grade 7) Name of natural areas of Africa table 7

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Lesson topic: Natural areas of Africa.

Goals and objectives: To formulate an idea of ​​the diversity, wealth of the organismic world, natural zones of Africa; soils of natural zones, explain the patterns of placement of natural zones and dependent changes in natural zones from human activities; to form the ability to work in a team, to bring up responsibility and respect for the opinion of classmates; implement a personality-oriented approach to each student, create conditions for the manifestation of their creative abilities; develop, apply existing knowledge in search of solutions to problem situations; develop geographical thinking, oral speech; foster the formation of a sense of comradely friendship.

Equipment: physical map of Africa, map of natural areas of Africa, tables, books, photographs, drawings, posters. (Bananas, coconut)

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

Acquaintance of students with the amount of work that needs to be done in the lesson (consolidation of knowledge on the topic "Inland waters", the study of natural zones)

II.Checking homework (consolidating knowledge on the topics covered)

1.Check test for difficulty levels + test cards.

2. Individual survey “Game. Recognize me by description "(at the same time work with the map and characteristics of the rivers)

A river flows in Africa

Wide and deep

All day and all year round

We get a lot of water. (Congo)

Completely 2 different rivers

Uniting into another river

Flowing through different countries

Meeting the greatest desert

But it does not lose its waters at all. (Nile)

Noise is heard from afar

The river gives this noise

Studied her Livingston,

He gave the name to the waterfall. (Zambezi)

On the shores of the lake (... Chad)

Once upon a time a sorcerer performed a rite

Now a sharp horn sharpens here

Big angry rhinoceros.

There is no rain in winter,

And the river became shallow.

Sharply changing the direction,

She is in a hurry to the Gulf of Guinea. (Niger)

Which climatic zones have the densest river system? Why?

Why do most African rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean?

Children ask questions and then answer them.

III. Learning new material

1. Message of the topic of the lesson.

Natural areas of Africa.

Objectives: a) Block diagram - clustering (blocks of ideas)

Natural areas of Africa:

Humid equatorial forests

Stiff-leaved forests.

b) We use the technique (Z-HU-U)

We want to know

For instance:

What is a natural area?

What natural areas are located in Africa?

The natural zone is a large PC with a common temperature and moisture conditions, soils, flora and fauna.

Equatorial forests are a type of tropical rainforest that is distinguished by the greatest richness in the species composition of trees.

2. Characteristics of the zone of humid equatorial forests.

Work based on visual material. Analysis of the relevant maps. What will be discussed.

In Africa, in Africa there is a miracle forest.

There is beauty in this unprecedented forest,

Day and night there is darkness,

And in winter and summer there is warmth,

And the monkeys are petting here.

There is a big predator there is a leopard,

And the cheetah looks very much like him.

And the gorillas are screaming

That you won't be glad to bananas.

And although there is beauty in this forest,

I would never want to live in it.

Africa, Africa - the continent of wonders!

Finally we passed the equatorial forest.

A lot of light and space - beauty.

The herbs are juicy and tall - wow!

Well, but rarely, very rarely here and there

Baobabs and acacias are blooming.

And there are so many animals here, just darkness,

You should never go to the zoo.

There are giraffes, rhinos and elephants

Zebras, buffaloes and predatory lions.

The howl of jackals is heard at night,

And the cobra spits poison in the heat of the moment.

Will spit, poison will go straight into the eye,

Well, the cobra is a real diamond eye.

Describe the natural area in the form of a table

Climatic zone

Natural area

Geographical position

Climatic conditions

Vegetable world

Animal world


Humid equatorial forests

Located on either side of the equator in the Congo Basin and along the Gulf of Guinea north of the equator

A large amount of heat throughout the year January temperature + 24, July temperature + 24max + 37;

Precipitation 1000-3000

Red-yellow ferrallite infertile

Ceiba, ficuses, palms, bananas, ferns, vines

Many monkeys, gorillas, snakes, tsetse fly, leopard, etc.

Problem situation

Why are the soils of humid equatorial forests infertile?

Reason: what will happen after the destruction of vegetation, which feeds only the upper layer 2-3 m thick

Trees that extract the main nutrients not from the soil, but through the foliage, which are unable to deprive them even of whipping showers with winds sweeping away everything in their path. It is worth cutting down the trees and the land in the bare areas dries up quickly, the rains do not meet resistance, it washes the surface fertile soil layer into the rivers. The sun roasts the earth like a dry crust on which no vegetation can take root.

Climatic zone

Natural area

Geographical position

Climatic conditions

Vegetable world

Animal world


Occupies 40% of the area

Change of computers and TVM wet season, rainy season, grass from 2-9m.

The main feature of nature is seasonality, dry season - grasses burn out, trees shed their foliage.

Depends on the duration of the rainy season Closer to the equator, red-ferralite-rainy season 7-9 months. Grasses up to 3m., Groves with sparsely standing trees.

Red-brown-rainy season 6 months.

Baobabs closer to the equator

Acacia with a flat umbrella-shaped crown on the border with the floor bushes dry bushes

Variety of large animals.

Antelopes, zebras, giraffes, elephants, hippos, cheetahs, lions.

The smallest is a sunbird;

The largest is the African ostrich;

Marabou bird (hunts for small rodents and snakes, catches up and tramples underfoot);

Secretary bird; termite buildings

Savannah is a type of vegetation of the subequatorial tropical belt characterized by a combination of grassy cover with individual trees and shrubs.

Savannah favorable for the cultivation of Bashash (sweet potato), cassava, corn, peanuts, cotton, rice.

Gradually savannahs move to deserts.

Baobab Report

4. Deserts - a natural area with very little rainfall.

Areas with an extremely arid continental climate in tropical, subtropical and temperate zones.

The sun is hot

And heats the rocks,

And then the frost hits

And the rocks are getting cold.

So all the time day after day

We are heading for destruction.

The stone wears away and water

Believe me, gentlemen,

Many years may pass

The mountains will not stand in the way.

1) Application of the technique

"Text Marking System"

V - mark what is already known

Flagging things that are interesting and unexpected

We mark what contradicts our ideas

We put it if there is a desire to learn more about something.

And we draw conclusions

2) occupy a huge area on the mainland

3) climatic conditions t January + 16, t July + 32 max + 58; precipitation less than 100; winds are the source of sandstorms from-to-150 days in winter Khamsin, south-west-50 days a year from the Gulf of Guinea comes to the Sahara

4) soils - desert tropical very little humus

There are sandy, stony and clayey deserts; in clay deserts, there are more minerals in the soil. In the south and north of the mainland, the northern part is hotter than the southern.

5) vegetation - Sahara is very scarce or not at all, individual bunches of grasses and thorny shrubs (cacti).

Only the oases develop rich vegetation. The date palm, which provides life for the inhabitants of the desert, and food and shelter.

5 animal world

Antelopes, turtles, fennec fox snakes (length 40 cm, ears 15 cm), one humped camel

Bird-grouse - collects water in feathers, flies tens of kilometers and in 1 flight 40 mlg of water

Lichen - lecanor (edible) takes water from the mists, uses it as drinking water.

The Namib Desert is a coastal desert. Natural features - the highest zones up to 300 meters

The kamka plant is a nondescript plant resembling a plastic bag, jelly-like, transparent, the plant is inside and does not fade, the local population uses it as a source of water.

Kovdor strider - (jerboa) up to 4 kg jumping-6m.

Kalahari Desert - sands are red, white - the result of weathering.

Homeland of watermelons - there are 20 kg

IV. Anchoring.

1. "Confusion" game

A) Equatorial forests occupy about 40% of the mainland. This natural zone is characterized by a change of dry and wet seasons, a predominance of grassy cover with individual trees or groups of trees and shrubs of the hot zone.

A wide variety of animals: striped zebras, giraffes, elephants, hippos, buffaloes, rhinos, lions, etc.

Natural conditions are favorable for the cultivation of cultivated plants: cassava, sweet potato, corn, peanuts. Is it true

B) There are about 1000 tree species in deserts. The hot climate and abundant rainfall contribute to the development of dense evergreen woody vegetation. The upper tier is formed by ficuses, ceibas, palms, etc.

Bananas, vines grow in the lower tiers ...

There is a wide variety of monkeys from the animal world. Eternal summer reigns there. The eternal equinox. Is this true?

C) Savannah. The zone is distinguished by sparse vegetation, and in some places it is devoid of it, by large daily temperature ranges. Plants have a highly developed root system.

Animals: lizards, turtles, snakes, scorpions, jackals, foxes, antelopes. Adapted to climate conditions, they cover long distances in search of water and food.

Rich vegetation develops only in oases.

The date palm is of great importance for people's lives. Is this true?

2.Test task to consolidate the studied material:

Level I

Test "Africa"

Option 1

1.What conclusion about the climate of Africa can be made on the basis of the fact that the continent is crossed by the equator and the tropics?

A) Africa receives a lot of heat throughout the year;

B) Africa is in the zone of the trade winds;

C) Africa has equatorial and tropical climatic zones;

D) All of the above conclusions.

2. What is the deepest lake in Africa?

A) Victoria;

C) Tanganyika;

3. What researcher made a great contribution to the study of South Africa - discovered Victoria Falls, described Lake Nyasa?

A) Vasco da Gama;

B) V.V. Juncker;

C) D. Livingston;

D) N.I. Vavilov.

4.Area of ​​Africa is (million sq. 2)

5.What is located north of the East African Plateau?

A) Cape Mountains;

B) Drakensberg mountains;

C) Kilimanjaro Volcano;

D) Ethiopian highlands.

Option 2

1. In what part of Africa is Atlas located?

A) In the northeast;

B) In the northwest;

B) In the southeast;

D) In ​​the southwest.

2.From Europe mainland Africa is separated by a shallow and narrow strait

A) Gibraltar;

B) English Channel;

C) Drake Passage.

3.The prime meridian crosses Africa at:

A) west;

B) the east;

4.South Cape of Africa:

A) Ras Khafun;

B) Needle;

C) Almadi.

5 North Africa has more than South Africa

A) diamonds;

B) gold;

II level

1.Why are plains dominant in Africa?

3. Dramatization of a fairy tale. Why do monkeys live in trees?


Lead; 1st tree; 2nd tree; cat; monkey; snail; a giraffe (or a pair of giraffes); antelope (how much you need); lion (you can with a lioness)

The forest cat hunted all day long and did not catch anything. He was tired and stretched out on the ground to rest, but fleas did not give him rest.

Suddenly he sees a cat: a monkey is walking by.

Monkey, look for fleas from me, - the cat called.

The monkey agreed and began to look for fleas from him, and the cat fell asleep at that time. Then the monkey tied the cat by the tail to a tree, and she ran away.

The cat slept. He got up, was about to go about his business, but he could not budge: his tail was tied to a tree. The cat tried to free himself, but nothing worked.

Meanwhile, a snail was crawling by. The cat saw her, was delighted:

Snail, untie me!

And you won't kill me when I free you? the snail asked.

No, no, - the cat assured, - I will not do anything bad to you.

Free the cat snail.

The cat came home and said to the animals that lived next door to him:

In five days, notify everyone that I have died and that you are going to bury me.

The animals did not understand anything, but agreed to fulfill the cat's request.

Five days have passed. The cat lay down on the ground, stretched out and pretended to be dead.

Animals come and see: the cat is dead. And among the animals there was also a monkey.

She came closer - to say goodbye to the cat, and he would jump up! How he would rush at her!

The Monkey Runs Away! The only way she escaped from the cat was that she jumped up the tree.

Since then, the monkey has lived in trees and does not like to walk on the ground.

V. Д / З §28 prepare an essay of your choice:

A day in the equatorial forest

Day trip to the savannah

VI. Summing up

The black continent stands out in world geography in that the natural zones of Africa on the map are located almost correctly and symmetrically. This is due to the flat landscapes found almost everywhere on the mainland, as well as the uniform position relative to the equator. Latitudinal zoning also depends on the amount of precipitation, which is uneven under local conditions.

However, in mountainous areas, such a harmonious distribution is violated, the zones change with height. There are few such territories on the continent. The vegetation cover is different in each zone, and this depends on the properties of the soil and climatic conditions.

In the equator region, located in the center of Africa, there are equatorial forests (variable or permanently wet), the next natural zones extending north and south from the central site are savannas, they are replaced by semi-deserts and deserts, but narrow strips of hard-leaved shrubs and forests (evergreens).

Map of natural areas of Africa

All natural areas of Africa on the map are arranged in this order on the African mainland (from north to south):

Central equatorial characterized by numerous precipitation, there are also rich water resources - the Congo River, the Guinean coast. In addition, the constant heat was reflected in the formation of local vegetation.

Local soils have two shades - red and yellow, they are ferralite, as the table of natural zones of Africa says, because due to chemical processes on the surface of rocks, they have become enriched with aluminum and iron. Such soil is not fertile, because all substances found in it quickly decompose, and then are washed out or absorbed by the flora.

The plants living here do an excellent job with the existing conditions:

  • constant warmth;
  • high humidity;
  • numerous precipitation.

To do this, they have:

  • tough and dense leaves;
  • supporting roots;
  • several tiers.

The number of representatives of the flora is enormous, many trees are distinguished by valuable wood, they also have edible fruits with good taste.

Not less species and living beings:

  • pigs;
  • deer;
  • okapi;
  • gorillas;
  • insects;
  • invertebrates;
  • microorganisms.

The next in the table of natural areas of Africa are variable wet forests, then comes the turn of the largest in area savannah, they are almost 40% of the entire continent.

This zone is clearly different from the previous ones at first glance.

The amount of vegetation is related to rainfall and varies by region and season. When the rains are active, the grasses reach enormous heights; in places of drought, savannahs are covered with dead stands, bushes, and there are rare trees (acacias most often).

It can almost be said that it largely depends on this zone, because the savannas have a huge number of national parks, as they are home to a unique variety of wild animals that attract travelers from everywhere.

Meet here:

  • giraffes;
  • zebras;
  • rhinos;
  • elephants;
  • hippos.

Predators are of particular interest to visitors:

  • lions;
  • hyenas;
  • cheetahs;
  • crocodiles.

The rich world of fauna also includes many birds:

  • ostriches;
  • flamingo;
  • storks;
  • marabou;
  • ibises.

In areas semi-desert Savannahs are overgrown with thorny vegetation - grasses and shrubs, there are tree-like plants, milkweed.

Large territories are also allocated for deserts, especially in the northern sub-region, where there is the majestic Sahara. These lands are by no means lifeless, here, although rarely, they are found:

Animals are also adapted:

  • turtles;
  • lizards;
  • snakes;
  • beetles;
  • scorpions.

In different deserts throughout the continent, there are certain representatives of flora and fauna, which depends on climatic and other conditions, each of them is unusual and multifaceted.

The most extreme natural zones of Africa on the map are characterized by the presence hard-leaved vegetation, they are in the very south or north, respectively. There are fertile brown soils here, which were formed under the following natural conditions of the Mediterranean climate:

  • hot summer, dry;
  • warm winter, humid.

Natural areas of Africa, table

The main differences that characterize African natural areas:

  • climate;
  • soil;
  • vegetation;
  • animal world.

All these parameters are interrelated, because as a result of the established climate, certain soils are formed, on which only a few plants grow. Vegetation becomes the basis of food and habitat for representatives of the fauna. Based on the combination of all these indicators, the image of a particular zone is formed.

The table below of the natural zones of Africa gives a clear picture of all parts of the continent.

18 slide. Ficuses and bananas grow in the lower tier. This perennial herb grows to a height of 7-8 meters in just 10 months.
It's very stuffy here. Huge fallen trees rot, leaves die, dampness and twilight are everywhere. The sun does not penetrate the veil of lush vegetation. Not the slightest breeze.

19 slide. The vast majority of animals, due to the difficulty of moving on the ground, lead an arboreal lifestyle. These are birds, rodents, insects, monkeys. Gorilla by Gorilla is covered with thick black fur.

The growth of an adult gorilla reaches 2 m, it has tremendous physical strength.
Most of the time this monkey spends on the ground, and not in the trees.
Gorillas are found in small groups of three to six individuals, sometimes from nine, but sometimes from eighteen animals. Each group has an old, strong leader.

20 slide. Many animals in the equatorial forests live in trees. In addition to birds, rodents and insects, numerous monkeys live in the trees - monkeys, chimpanzees, etc.

21 slides. In the true primary rainforest, it occurs only by chance; it is more tamed to the edges, the banks of water bodies and to the secondary equatorial forests. Only here does the okapi find the young shoots of branches, located at a low height, necessary for it, a relative of the giraffe - okapi, which live only in Africa.
Terrestrial inhabitants include brush-eared pigs, small ungulates (African Olenek, etc.)

22 slide. On the forest edges and along the shores of water bodies, there are the rarest animals on earth - pygmy hippos (up to 80 cm tall)

23 slide. A large predator of equatorial forests is the leopard. In remote, inaccessible places, the largest apes, gorillas, are preserved, which are not found anywhere else. In loose soil and forest litter, snakes and lizards are found. Ants are common. Some of them destroy all living things on their way. Snakes, lizards, termites. Ants are widespread in all tiers, incl. nomadic ants, moving in long columns and destroying all living things in their path. The real scourge of Africa is the small tsetse fly, which is the carrier of a dangerous disease that causes the death of livestock and sleeping sickness in humans. Wet equatorial forests cover a small part of the Earth's surface, but they play a special role. These "green lungs" of the Earth produce about a third of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Their destruction will cause irreversible environmental consequences. In addition, the forest plays an important role as the guardian of the soils that hold back the advance of the deserts. Destroy the vegetation cover - the seasonal cycle of rains will be disrupted, rivers will become shallow, and the earth will be corroded by erosion. Meanwhile, already today the clearing of equatorial forests has taken on an alarming scale. Every year, 11 million hectares of jungle are destroyed in the world - an area equal to four Belgiums. So, for example, in the Republic of the Congo, only 60% of the area has been preserved. The state controls the harvesting and export of timber, the forest is being restored, and eucalyptus trees are planted. In the state of Central Africa (Zaire, Congo, Gabon, Cameroon), new national parks are being created in order to preserve equatorial forests.

Africa is the hottest continent of the planet Earth. The equatorial line, passing through the center of the Black Continent, symmetrically divides its area into different natural zones. The characteristic of the natural zones of Africa makes it possible to form a general idea of ​​the geographical position of Africa, of the peculiarities of the climate, soil, flora and fauna of each of the zones.

What natural zones is Africa located in

Africa is the second largest continent on our planet. This continent is washed from different sides by two oceans and two seas. But its main feature is its symmetrical location to the equator. In other words, the equatorial line divides the continent horizontally into two equal parts. The northern half is much wider than southern Africa. As a result, all natural areas of Africa are located on the map from north to south in the following order:

  • savannah;
  • variable wet forests;
  • moist evergreen equatorial forests;
  • variably moist forests;
  • savannah;
  • tropical deserts and semi-deserts;
  • subtropical evergreen stiff-leaved forests and shrubs.

Fig. 1 Natural areas of Africa

Humid equatorial forests

On both sides of the equator, there is a zone of humid evergreen equatorial forests. It occupies a rather narrow strip and is characterized by abundant precipitation. In addition, it is rich in water resources: the deepest river of the Congo flows through its territory, and the shores are washed by the Gulf of Guinea.

Constant heat, abundant rainfall and high humidity have led to the formation of lush vegetation on the red-yellow ferralite soils. Evergreen equatorial forests surprise with their density, impenetrability and variety of plant organisms. Their feature is multi-tiered. It became possible as a result of the endless struggle for sunlight, in which not only trees take part, but also epiphytes and climbing vines.

In the equatorial and subequatorial zones of Africa, as well as in the wooded part of the savannah, the tsetse fly lives. Her bite is deadly to humans, as she is a carrier of "sleeping" disease, which is accompanied by terrible body pain and fever.

Rice. 2 Wet evergreen equatorial forests


The amount of precipitation is directly related to the richness of the flora. A gradual reduction in the rainy season leads to the emergence of arid, and humid equatorial forests are gradually replaced by variably humid ones, and then pass into savannas. The last natural zone occupies the largest area of ​​the Black Continent, and accounts for about 40% of the entire continent.

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All the same ferralite soils of red-brown color are observed here, on which mainly various grasses, cereals, and baobabs grow. Low trees and shrubs are much less common.

A distinctive feature of the savannah is a dramatic change in appearance - the juicy tones of green during the rainy season fade sharply under the scorching sun during dry periods and become brownish-yellow.

Savannah is unique and rich in fauna. A large number of birds live here: flamingos, ostriches, marabou, pelicans and others. It amazes with the abundance of herbivores: buffaloes, antelopes, elephants, zebras, giraffes, hippos, rhinos and many others. They are also food for the following predators: lions, leopards, cheetahs, jackals, hyenas, crocodiles.

Rice. 3 African Savannah

Tropical deserts and semi-deserts

The southern part of the mainland is dominated by the Namib Desert. But neither she nor any other desert in the world can compare with the greatness of the Sahara, which consists of rocky, clayey and sandy deserts. The amount of precipitation per year in sugar does not exceed 50 mm. But this does not mean that these lands are lifeless. The flora and fauna are rather scarce, but they exist.

Of the plants, it should be noted such representatives as sclerophid, succulents, acacia. The date palm grows in the oases. Animals were also able to adapt to the arid climate. Lizards, snakes, turtles, beetles, scorpions can go without water for a long time.

In the Libyan part of the Sahara, there is one of the most beautiful oases in the world, in the center of which is a large lake, the name of which literally translates as "Mother of Water".

Rice. 4 Sahara Desert

Subtropical evergreen stiff-leaved forests and shrubs

The most extreme natural zones of the African continent are subtropical evergreen stiff-leaved forests and shrubs. They are located in the north and southwest of the mainland. They are characterized by dry, hot summers and humid, warm winters. This climate favored the formation of fertile brown soils, on which the Lebanese cedar, wild olive, strawberry, beech and oak grow.

Africa natural zones table

This table for grade 7 in geography will help to compare the natural zones of the mainland and to understand in Africa which natural zone prevails.

Natural area Climate The soil Vegetation Animal world
Stiff-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs Mediterranean Brown Wild olive, Lebanese cedar, oak, strawberry tree, beech. Leopards, antelopes, zebras.
Tropical semi-deserts and deserts Tropical Desert, sandy and rocky Succulents, xerophytes, acacias. Scorpions, snakes, turtles, beetles.
Savannah Subequatorial Ferrolite red Herbs, cereals, palms, acacia. Buffaloes, giraffes, lions, cheetahs, antelopes, elephants, hippos, hyenas, jackals.
Alternating humid and humid forests Equatorial and subequatorial Ferrolite brown-yellow Bananas, coffee, ficuses, palms. Termites, gorillas, chimpanzees, parrots, leopards.

What have we learned?

Today we were talking about the natural zones of the hottest continent on Earth - Africa. So, let's call them again:

  • subtropical evergreen stiff-leaved forests and shrubs;
  • tropical deserts and semi-deserts;
  • savannah;
  • variable wet forests;
  • moist evergreen equatorial forests.

Test by topic

Assessment of the report

Average rating: 4 . Total ratings received: 821.

The geographical position, the evenness of the relief contributed to the location of the geographical zones of Africa (equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical) and natural zones twice on both sides of the equator. With a decrease in moisture to the north and south of the equator, the vegetation cover becomes thinner, and the vegetation becomes more xerophytic.

There are many plant species in the north. In the center and in the south, the most ancient representatives of the planet's vegetation have been preserved. Among flowering plants there are up to 9 thousand species of endemics. To the rich and varied fauna (see. Nowhere in the world is there such a congestion of large animals as in the African savannah. Elephants, giraffes, hippos, rhinos, buffaloes and other animals are found here. A characteristic feature of the animal world is the wealth of predators (lions, cheetahs) , leopards, hyenas, hyena dogs, jackals, etc.) and ungulates (dozens of species of antelope) .Among the birds are large - ostriches, vultures, marabou, crowned cranes, bustards, hornbills, crocodiles live in the rivers.

In the natural zones of Africa, there are many animals and plants that are not found on others. The African savannah is characterized by a baobab tree, the trunk of which reaches 10 m in diameter, a dum palm tree, an umbrella acacia, the tallest animal in the world - a giraffe, lions, a secretary bird. The African forest (gilea) is inhabited by the gorilla and chimpanzee apes, and the okapi pygmy giraffe. In tropical deserts, the dromedary camel, the fennec fox, and the most venomous mamba snake are found. Only lemurs live on.

Africa is the homeland of a number of cultivated plants: oil palm, cola tree, coffee tree, castor oil plant, sesame seeds, African millet, watermelons, many indoor flowering plants - geranium, aloe, gladioli, pelargonium, etc.

Zone of humid equatorial forests (giley) occupies 8% of the mainland - the basin and the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. The climate here is humid, equatorial, warm enough. Precipitation falls evenly, more than 2000 mm per year. The soils are red-yellow ferralitic, poor in organic matter. Adequate heat and moisture will promote the development of vegetation. In terms of the richness of the species composition (about 25 thousand species) and area, humid equatorial forests in Africa are second only to humid South America.

Forests form 4-5 tiers. In the upper tiers grow giant (up to 70 m) ficuses, oil and wine palms, ceiba, kola tree, breadfruit. In the lower tiers - bananas, ferns, Liberian coffee tree. Among the lianas are interesting the rubber-bearing liana landolphia and the palm-liana rattan (up to 200 m in length). It is the longest plant in the world. Valuable wood is possessed by red, iron, black (ebony) wood. There are many orchids and mosses in the forest.

There are few herbivores in the forests and fewer predators than in other natural areas. Of the ungulates, the dwarf giraffe okapi is characteristic, hiding in dense forest thickets, forest antelopes, water deer, buffalo, and hippopotamus are found. Predators are represented by wild cats, leopards, jackals. Common are the tasselike porcupine and broad-tailed flying squirrels. Monkeys, baboons, mandrills are numerous in the forests. Great apes are represented by 2-3 species of chimpanzees and gorillas.

The transition zone between equatorial forests and are subequatorial variable moist forests... They are bordered by a narrow strip of humid equatorial forests. Vegetation gradually changes with a decrease in the wet season and an increase in the dry season with distance from the equator. Gradually, the equatorial forest turns into subequatorial, mixed, deciduous-evergreen on red ferralite soils. Annual precipitation decreases to 650-1300 mm, and the dry season increases to 1-3 months. A distinctive feature of these forests is the predominance of trees of the legume family. Trees up to 25 m in height shed their leaves in the dry period, and a herbaceous cover forms under them. Subequatorial forests are located on the northern edge of the humid equatorial forests and south of the equator in the Congo.

Savannah and woodlands occupy large areas of Africa - the marginal uplifts of the Congo, the Sudanese plains, the East African plateau (about 40% of the territory). These are open grasslands with groves or individual trees. The zone of savannas and woodlands encircles moist and variable-moist forests from the Atlantic to and extends northward to 17 ° N. sh. and south to 20 ° S. sh.

The savannah is characterized by an alternation of wet and dry seasons. During the wet season, in the savannah, where the rainy period lasts up to 8-9 months, lush grasses grow up to 2 m high, sometimes up to 5 m (elephant grass). Among the continuous sea of ​​cereals (grass savanna) stand individual trees: baobabs, umbrella acacia, doom palms, oil palms. In the dry season, the grasses dry up, the leaves on the trees fall off, the savannah becomes yellow-brown. Special types of soils are formed under savannas - red and red-brown soils.

Depending on the duration of the wet season, savannas are wet or tall-grassed, typical, or dry, and deserted.

Wet, or tall-grass, savannas have a slight dry period (about 3-4 months), and the annual precipitation is 1500-1000 mm. It is a transitional area from forest vegetation to typical savannah. The soils, like those of subequatorial forests, are red ferralite. Among the cereals - elephant grass, bearded vulture, from trees - baobab, acacia, carob, dum palm, cotton tree (ceiba). Evergreen forests are developed along the river valleys.

Typical savannas are developed in areas with rainfall of 750-1000 mm, the dry period lasts 5-6 months. In the north, they stretch in a continuous strip from to. In the Southern Hemisphere they occupy the northern part. Baobabs, acacias, fan palms, shea tree are characteristic, cereals are represented by a bearded man. The soils are red-brown.

Deserted savannas have less precipitation (up to 500 mm), the dry season lasts 7-9 months. They have a sparse grass cover, and acacias prevail among the bushes. These savannas on red-brown soils stretch in a narrow strip from the coast to the Somali Peninsula. In the south, they are widely developed in the basin.

Savannahs of Africa are rich in forage resources. There are more than 40 species of herbivorous ungulates here, antelopes (kudu, eland, dwarf antelopes) are especially numerous. The largest of these is the wildebeest. Giraffes have survived mainly in national parks. Zebras are common in savannas. In some places they are domesticated and replace horses (not susceptible to tsetse fly bites). Herbivores are accompanied by numerous predators: lions, cheetahs, leopards, jackals, hyenas. Endangered animals include the black and white rhinoceros and the African elephant. There are numerous birds: African ostriches, guinea fowls, turachi, marabou, weavers, secretary bird, lapwings, herons, pelicans. In terms of the number of species of flora and fauna per unit area, African savannas are unmatched.

Savannahs are relatively favorable for tropical agriculture. Significant areas of savannas are plowed up, cotton, groundnuts, corn, tobacco, sorghum, and rice are cultivated.

To the north and south of the savannah are located tropical semi-deserts and deserts occupying 33% of the mainland. differs in a very small amount of precipitation (no more than 100 mm per year), scarce xerophytic.

Semi-deserts are a transitional area between savannas and tropical ones, where the amount of precipitation does not exceed 250-300 mm. A narrow strip of dwarf shrub-cereal (acacia, tamarisk, hard cereals). In South Africa, semi-deserts are developed in the interior of the Kalahari. Succulents (aloe, euphorbia, wild watermelons) are characteristic of the southern semi-deserts. During the rainy period, irises, lilies, amaryllis bloom.

In North Africa, it occupies huge areas with precipitation of up to 100 mm, in South Africa the Namib Desert stretches in a narrow strip along the western coast, in the south is the Kalahari Desert. By vegetation, deserts are distinguished: gramineous-dwarf shrubs, dwarf shrubs and succulent deserts.

The vegetation of the Sahara is represented by individual bunches of grasses and thorny shrubs. From cereals, wild millet is widespread, from shrubs and semi-shrubs - dwarf saxaul, camel thorn, acacia, jujube, euphorbia, ephedra. Saline soils and wormwood grow on saline soils. There are tamarisks around the Shots. The southern deserts are characterized by succulent plants that resemble stones in appearance. In the Namib Desert, a kind of relict plant is widespread - Velvichia majestic (plant-stump) - the lowest tree on Earth (up to 50 cm tall with long fleshy leaves 8-9 m long). There are aloe, euphorbia, wild watermelons, and acacia shrubs.

Typical desert soils are sierozem. In those places of the Sahara, where the groundwater is close to the surface of the earth, oases are formed. All economic activities of people are concentrated here, they grow grapes, pomegranate, barley, millet, wheat. The main plant in the oases is the date palm.

The fauna of semi-deserts and deserts is poor. In the Sahara, among large animals, there are antelopes, wild cats, and fennec foxes. In the sands live jerboas, gerbils, various reptiles, scorpions, phalanxes.

Natural area of ​​tropical rain forests found on the island of Madagascar and in the Drakensberg Mountains. It is characterized by ironwood, rubber plants and rosewood trees.

The transition zone between tropical deserts and subtropical evergreen forests and shrubs is subtropical semi-deserts and deserted steppes... In Africa, they occupy the inner regions of the Atlas and Cape Mountains, the Karoo Plateau and the Libyan-Egyptian coast up to 30 ° N. sh. The vegetation is very sparse. In North Africa, these are cereals, xerophytic trees, shrubs and shrubs, in South Africa - succulents, bulbous, tuberous plants.

Zone subtropical evergreen stiff-leaved forests and shrubs represented on the northern slopes of the Atlas Mountains and in the west of the Cape.

The forests of the Atlas Mountains are formed by cork and stone oaks, Aleppo pine, Atlas cedar with undergrowth of evergreen shrubs. Maquis is widespread - rugged thickets of stiff-leaved evergreen shrubs and low trees (myrtle, oleander, pistachio, strawberry tree, laurel). Typical brown soils are formed here. In the Cape Mountains, vegetation is represented by the Cape olive, the silver tree, and the African walnut.

In the extreme southeast of Africa, where a humid subtropical climate, lush mixed subtropical forests grow, represented by evergreen deciduous and coniferous species with an abundance of epiphytes. Zonal subtropical forests are red earths. The fauna of the northern subtropics is represented by European and African species. The northern subtropical forests are inhabited by red deer, mountain gazelle, mouflon, jungle cat, jackals, Algerian fox, wild rabbits, tailless narrow-nosed monkey magot, canaries and eagles are widely represented from birds, and in the south - earthen wolf, jumper antelope, meerkats.

Natural areas of Africa are located symmetrically about the equator. North and - "dry". Deserts and semi-deserts prevail here, the outskirts are occupied by rugged forests and shrubs. Central (equatorial) Africa is "humid"; humid equatorial and variable-humid subequatorial forests grow there. To the north and south of Central Africa and in the uplifted East - savannas and woodlands.

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