Mountain lake Issyk-Kul.

Engineering systems 14.10.2019
Engineering systems

Lake Issyk-Kul- this is a precious aquamarine in a silver frame of snowy mountains, a balm that heals not only the body, but also the soul, inspiring people for many centuries, a hidden pearl.

Issyk-Kul sung in songs and poems poets of the East from ancient times to the present day. The lake is famous for its unprecedented beauty, crystal clear water, golden sandy beaches. Around the lake - an abundance of gardens, berry and mushroom places. And in crystal water it is found fish. The famous Issyk-Kul chebak and mountain trout weighing up to 32 kg are also found here.

Lake Issyk-Kul has long attracted numerous tourists with its natural and climatic conditions and unique beauty. Mountain-marine climate, clean air, abundance of solar heat, curative mineralized water lakes, hot springs and therapeutic mud will help improve health, and you combine rest and treatment in Issyk-Kul. The best time for a visit to these parts - period June to September(for hiking tours in the mountains - July to August), although on the coast there are resorts ready to welcome guests at any time of the year Kyrgyzstan.

Translated from Kyrgyz Issyk-Kul"means" hot lake"(since it never freezes), and from the ancient Turkic -" Sacred, reserved lake ". Issyk-Kul- one of the largest and at the same time one of the deepest lakes on the globe. It is located at an altitude of 1607 m above sea level and covers an area of ​​6206 sq. km, being the second largest mountain lake in the world after Lake Titicaca in South America. Its maximum depth is 668 m. About 80 rivers flow into the lake, and not a single one flows out - the lake is drainless. From this, the taste of water in the lake is brackish. The water is clear, especially in the open deep parts. Due to its transparency, it has an exceptional blue color, which is 3-4 times more intense than the waters of the famous Lake Geneva in Switzerland.

mountain ranges enclose Issyk-Kul from the cold winds from the north and from the fiery breath of the deserts Central Asia. Lake Issyk-Kul has a softening effect on the climate of the entire region: there is no sweltering heat and severe frosts. By number sunny days Issyk-Kul is not inferior and even surpasses the Black Sea coast.

The diverse landscapes of the fringing ridges contrast beautifully with the blue of the lake. View of Terskey Alatoo- the ridge, located in the south of the basin, with the capture of part of the water surface, is considered one of the most beautiful scenery in the world. Famous Russian geographer, the first explorer of the Tien Shan P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky in 1856 he wrote: “The dark blue surface of Issyk-Kul with its sapphire color can easily compete with the equally blue surface of Lake Geneva, but the vastness of the reservoir gives it such grandeur that Lake Geneva does not have ... against the background of the flowery cloudless Central Asian continental sky, the gray heads of the Tien Shan giants bathed in sunlight.

If anyone has ever vacationed in Issyk-Kul, he will definitely remember the local wind: western - Ulan and eastern - Santash, which blow from the gorges of the same name. And the most dangerous for bathers is wind miner, which breaks straight from the mountains, blows towards the open part of the lake, although not for long, but during this time it manages to raise the wave to 1.5 m.

From the history
For the first time in historical sources Lake Issyk-Kul mentioned in Chinese chronicles of the end of the 2nd century BC. In these chronicles it is called Zhe-Hai, which in translation into Russian means "Warm Sea". However, its scientific study began only in the 19th century by Russian scientists, including N.M. Przhevalsky - a researcher who bequeathed to bury himself on the shore of Issyk-Kul and in whose honor Karakol city for some time was called Przhevalsk.

In 2006, an archaeological expedition Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, who worked under the leadership of the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan Vladimir Ploskikh, discovered an unknown ancient civilization that existed 2500 years ago.

Legends and myths of Issyk-Kul
Lake Issyk-Kul and adjacent areas are covered many legends and tales one more entertaining than the other. In addition to fairy tales of love, voluptuousness, gold and donkey ears, there are also historically confirmed facts about countless treasures and ancient treasure, traces Alexander the Great, Tamerlane and Genghis Khan, the ancestral home of the Aryans and the center of Eurasia, and many more interesting things that do not fit into the framework of official history.

Kungey and Terskey
Azure Issyk-Kul - the beauty and pride of the Kyrgyz land, majestically stretched between two ridges - Kungei Alatau and Terskey Alatau. It seems like it's been like this forever, but everything has a beginning.

Several thousand years ago these mountains did not exist. In their place was a vast fertile plain, through which a full-flowing river flowed. cheongsu. Peaceful pastoralists-Kyrgyz lived for thousands of miles around, on the right bank - the Bugu tribe, on the left - Sarybagysh.

On one of the islands, among the calm waters of Jeonsu, lived the beautiful Saule. The fame of her beauty simultaneously reached the largest sultans of the tribes: Kungei - among the Bugu and Terskey - among the Sarybagys. Gathering their squads, they moved to the shores of Chonsu to offer the beauty to become the wife of one of them.
On the banks of the Chonsu, the rivals and their squads came face to face and realized that the issue could not be resolved without a fight. The squads prepared for battle, and Kungei and Terskey prepared for the duel.

Three times Saule sent her ambassadors to them, offering to resolve the issue in a peaceful competition, but the heroes refused. Exactly at noon, the squads rushed to the attack. But they were stopped by the cry of Saule: “Kyrgyz! We have always been strong by the unity of our tribes! There should be no further enmity! Let there be peace, and I will perish! Pulling a knife from her belt, the girl stabbed herself in the heart. There was thunder. Saule's hot blood spurted scarlet into the waters of Jeonsu. The river swelled, expanded several times and separated the warring parties. And the combatants and batyrs, amazed by the act of the girl, turned to stone in amazement where they stood, and the ranks of the soldiers turned into chains of mountains.

Since then, they have been standing opposite each other, and they are called the way their leaders were called - Kungei and Terskey.

Among the numerous legends, there are those that tell about treasures of Genghis Khan and hoard of Christian-Nestorians.

In 1218 Genghis Khan sent to Chui valley a detachment of 25 thousand horsemen led by the commander Jebe-noyon, with whom was the second son of Khan Chagatai. monks Christian monastery in Suyab, which is near Balasagun (the capital of the Karakhanid state), settled wealthy Christian residents decided to flee from the Mongols, taking their accumulated jewelry. Caravan of 200 pack camels gold and silver items hurriedly moved along the northern coast of Issyk-Kul in the direction of Kashgar, when the news came from the scouts that a detachment of Mongols was moving towards the fugitives from the side of the Santash pass. Clamped by cavalry on both sides, on the left - by mountains, on the right - by a lake, Christians began to look for a place where they could hide treasures. Fortunately on the way, right on the shore of the lake stood a monastery Armenian Christian brothers.

During the night, by joint efforts, the monks and fugitives were able to hide on the shore or in coastal waters only part treasure. The next morning, the caravan moved into the mountains and lingered at the cave, into which the mountain river flowed. The waters of the river were diverted for a while, and the valuables were laid at the bottom of the cave, blocked stone slabs, on one of which a cross was beaten off and covered with a layer of earth. Then they let the river into the old channel. The treasure was flooded.

After leaving golden horde only stones remained of the cities. Until the 16th century, all cities in Issyk-Kul remained completely destroyed. To date, about twelve ancient medieval buildings are known that are under water. There are also many historical and cultural values ​​dating back to the 1st millennium AD: pottery, bronze items, various utensils, weapons, coins, etc.

lovers scuba diving and archaeologists from all over the world come to Issyk-Kul. At local population there is not only a traditional legend about a dragon living in a lake, but there are also two legends about an underwater city and about gold hidden under water.
So trip to Issyk-Kul will be interesting not only for romantics, but also for treasure seekers. By historical research Now in the Issyk-Kul region, about 200 small and large treasure vaults have been found.

very interesting also the legend of the hot spring Altyn-Arashan.

Sights of Issyk-Kul
Most wanted attractions of Issyk-Kul(except, of course, the lake itself) can be considered: hot spring Altyn-Arashan, located on a picturesque alpine valley, at an altitude of 3000 m; Jety-Oguz canyon, consisting of unusual red rocks; huge and a little frightening with its silence Karkara valley; exciting and safe hiking trails in Terskey Alatoo.
The mountain slopes and gorges of the Issyk-Kul region are suitable for hiking, caving, skiing.

It's unforgivable to visit Issyk-Kul and not look at his famous archaeological sites. In particular, not far from the resort town Cholpon-Ata there is a kind of museum open sky, where you can see a large cluster petroglyphs dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. - VIII century AD In addition to petroglyphs, on the territory of the Issyk-Kul region, a large number of(up to 1000) burial grounds; in Tamga Gorge You will discover Tamga-Tash- a huge stone boulder, split in half, where Buddhist inscriptions are carved; and in the city Karakol is still preserved muslim mosque built without a single nail.

Mountain lake Issyk-Kul is the largest in Kyrgyzstan. Yes, and in the world there are not so many proportionate water bodies. The area of ​​​​its mirror is 6236 square kilometers, and the length of the coastline is 688 kilometers. So even from space it is clearly visible.

However, this is not just a large body of water, it is large in three dimensions. Average - 278 meters. BUT greatest distance from the surface to the bottom is 702 meters. And this despite the fact that over the past two centuries, the water level in it has regularly decreased.

Due to the great depths, the local water does not manage to cool down properly, so it never freezes. This has been noticed for a long time. If you translate the name of the reservoir from Kyrgyz, you get "Hot Lake".

Despite the fact that the statistical data on the depths look very convincing, in reality, the entrance to the water from the shore along the entire perimeter remains smooth and smooth for a long time. For great depth you need to go to the center. And here you can already feel all this thickness of water on yourself.

Scuba diving to the depths

Despite the misconception of many people that diving is not allowed in Kyrgyzstan, it turns out that Issyk-Kul is quite suitable for scuba diving. Of course, the bright colors of the Red or Caribbean Seas are not to be found here. There are no corals or colorful fish in the lake. And in general, there is not much vegetation on the sandy bottom with frequent inclusions of rocks. Visibility, depending on weather conditions and the square of the dive, varies between 8-12 meters. At a depth of 20 meters, visibility deteriorates sharply, and the water temperature drops. This is due to the muddy bottom with a huge number of springs.

But even at a not very large occurrence from the surface of the water, you can find interesting objects for research. For example, a sunken trout farm. This metal structure with contours is very reminiscent of a ship. The maximum depth will be 15 meters. At the same time, you can easily meet rocks with carp and not very large algae. Schools of fish can also catch your eye.

When diving in Issyk-Kul, it is important to decide in advance on the place and format. And then there are many places here that even tech divers prefer to swim around. Three hundred meters deep is not a joke distance. But there are also seven hundred. Because of this, it is better to choose a safer area in the north.

treasure hunter klondike

Yes, according to the brightness of the underwater life of Issyk-Kul with by the caribbean will not argue, but it may well do so in the matter of the number of sunken treasures. Locals tell about the convoy of a merchant from the time of the Great Silk Road that accidentally overturned into a reservoir, and about White Guard capitals specially hidden at the bottom, and even about the fact that the ruins of an ancient city are hidden under the water column. Legends do not grow from scratch.

So, from time to time, lucky divers get all kinds of interesting things from the depths. So it is clear that there are undoubtedly reasons for examining the bottom of the lake.

There are several explored places on which settlements were founded. They were on the shore of the lake. But when it overflowed its banks, all the houses were under water. And now ceramic fragments, primitive grain graters, bones of people and livestock are found at the bottom. Occasionally come across jewelry made of bronze, silver and gold. Quite a tempting prospect. These places have not yet been studied enough. Despite the fact that underwater expeditions of archaeologists are held there annually. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to take the find with you. They are for study.

Lake Superior, located in the Grigoryevsky Gorge, about 30 kilometers north of Lake Issyk-Kul and the Kyrgyz city of Cholpon-Atai, is one of the three high mountain lakes of the gorge.

Lake Superior is considered the most beautiful lake and the largest among the three lakes located in the gorge - Lower, Middle and Upper. Directly behind Lake Superior at an altitude of about 3500 meters, beautiful views of forests, turning into alpine meadows, open up. You can get to it only on foot, breaking about 27 kilometers through the gorge, and then rising from a height of 2000 meters above sea level to a height of 3200 meters.

Boom Gorge

Boo "mskoe gorge" league is located 112 km from the city of Bishkek and is located in the middle reaches of the Chu River, separating the ranges of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too and Kungei Ala-Too. The length of the gorge is about 30 kilometers. The Boom Gorge is a kind of visiting card on the way to Issyk-Kul Lake. A railway line built in 1948 passes through the Boom Gorge, connecting Bishkek and Balykchy.

The first to cross the Boom Gorge, in 1850, was the Russian explorer and traveler of the 19th century, Semyonov Peter. After that, it got its name - Boom, which means "Evil Spirit" in translation. Semyon wrote the following in his notes about him: "This gorge is a deadly and dangerous trap. We hardly moved along our path." At the entrance to the Boom Gorge, there is a source - a local landmark, which serves as a stop for travelers before a heavy climb. The gorge itself is a truly breathtaking view. Nature in it plays with all the colors of the rainbow. Bright, flashy colors of the mountains, stretching into the endless blue sky on one side. And on the other - all the power of the Chu River, the gentle forms of which gradually turn into a canyon. Coniferous greenery envelops the motley-orange expanse of the majestic mountains.

Along the way, you can see statues of deer, leopards, golden eagles. Also, you can often see here and wild birds- for example, a hawk, rapidly overtaking prey. The Boom Gorge has become very popular among rafting enthusiasts. Various cafes along the way will give you the opportunity to take a break from the road.

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Grigorievskoe gorge

Grigorievskoe gorge (Chon Ak-Suu gorge) is located 60 km from the center of the coast of the city of Cholpon-Ata. It is one of the most picturesque and beautiful places in Issyk-Kul. The valley of the gorge stretches along the Kungei Ala-Too ridge and runs parallel to the coastal line of the small lake Issyk-Kul. A crystal clear full-flowing river flows along the bottom of the Chon Ak-Suu. The most beautiful Tien Shan firs in the world grow in these places. The mountain slopes of the Grigoryevsky gorge are covered with bright red mountain poppy, spreading along the valley with a magnificent carpet. Here, tourists can admire the unique pristine nature, over which neither time nor people have power.

There are three alpine lakes in Chon Ak-Suu, behind which forests turn into magnificent alpine meadows. Tourists are offered a lot of entertainment here, the most popular of which are horseback riding and wonderful hiking. Also in the Grigorievskoe gorge you can drink koumiss - national healing drink, listen to amazing folk music and take an active part in setting up the yurt. This place is perfect for an active holiday with family and friends.

On the northern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, 40 km from the resort of Cholpon-Ata, there is the Semenovskoye Gorge - one of the most beautiful places in the Issyk-Kul region. Its length is about 35 km. Ak-Suu flows along the bottom of the gorge - a stormy mountain river with clear glacial water, and majestic Tien Shan firs rise on its slopes. In summer and spring, the local clean air is filled with the aromas of alpine herbs.

The Semenov Gorge is one of the main attractions of Kyrgyzstan, it is one of the must-see excursions for those who have a rest in Issyk-Kul. In summer, yurts are often set up here, where everyone can taste delicious dishes Kyrgyz national cuisine- koumiss and beshbarmak. For lovers of outdoor activities, horseback riding along the gorge is organized here.

Currently, the abandoned health center "Chernobyl" is located in the Semenovsky Gorge. Sometimes athletes who come to Kyrgyzstan for training camps stop here for several days to train and live in harsher conditions (rarefied air and mountainous terrain).

Lake Issyk-Kul

Lake Issyk-Kul is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan and one of the deepest lakes in the world. Issyk-Kul is located in the north-east of the country, between the Tien Shan mountain ranges, at an altitude of 1609 meters above sea level.

The name "Issyk-Kul" in Kyrgyz means "hot lake". The lake is so nicknamed due to its properties not to freeze even in the most severe winters. The water here is brackish, and during the summer the water column accumulates enough heat to prevent the formation of ice.

The dimensions of the lake are impressive - its total area is 6236 square kilometers, and the depth in some places exceeds 700 meters. In terms of transparency and purity of water, Issyk-Kul ranks second in the world after Lake Baikal.

In addition, Lake Issyk-Kul is the main tourist attraction of Kyrgyzstan. Clear water, clean mountain air, picturesque views and great amount undeveloped places attract many eco-tourists and other lovers of recreation in the bosom of nature.


Dead Lake Kara-Kul is located on the southern coast of Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan. It was discovered by accident in 2001. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the salinity of the water is 132 grams per liter of water, which exceeds 70%. The lake is located at an altitude of 1604 meters and is a very popular "healing tour".

Here you can just relax lying on the water and reading a newspaper. Due to the high concentration of salt in the Kara-Kul Lake, it is impossible to drown. The composition of the local water contributes to the treatment of skin and gynecological diseases, as well as problems of the musculoskeletal system. On the coast of the lake you can find therapeutic mud, which rejuvenates the skin and maintains the tone of the body.

The road to the dead lake is quite winding and unpaved, passing through a wonderful grand canyon. Its length is approximately 13 kilometers. If you climb to the highest point connecting the dead lake and Issyk-Kul lake, then you will see a wonderful landscape of the area, which resembles a huge volcano crater. By visiting this place, you can not only improve your health, but also get a lot of pleasant impressions.

Kumtor mountain plateau

The Kumtor mountain plateau is located between the Tien Shan ranges, 90 kilometers from Issyk-Kul Lake. The plateau is surrounded by snowy peaks about 7,000 meters above sea level, and due to the melting of glaciers, there are many streams and lakes throughout the Kumtor area. The climate here is quite changeable: it can rain or suddenly start to snow and even hail, while on the banks of Issyk-Kul there is a heat of 30 degrees.

Tourists at Kumtor are offered to go to horse riding or go fishing in streams for osman - a fish that lives in the highlands. And also in clear weather, you can watch Marco Polo sheep grazing in the mountain meadows with binoculars.

Jety-Oguz Gorge

Jety-Oguz is the name of a number of tourist natural objects. First of all, this is an amazingly beautiful rock ensemble on the shore of Issyk-Kul.

The literal translation of the name from the Kyrgyz language means "seven bulls". However, the softness of the rocks and the erosive effect of the winds led to the fact that there were more than seven large conglomerates. Now it is already ten, and according to some eyewitnesses, even eleven "bulls".

The rocks acquire special beauty on sunny days. Red stones burn directly against the background of the surrounding greenery - it is here that Tien Shan spruce trees grow sometimes more than sixty meters high. Most of the trees are over 100 years old.

The same name often means the entire Jet-Oguz canyon. The gorge begins 28 kilometers west of the city of Karakol as a beautiful green alpine valley and ends with a high mountain plateau.

The most popular attractions in Issyk-Kul with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit the famous places of Issyk-Kul on our website.

More sights of Issyk-Kul

(it is called so - the Kyrgyz Baikal), if we talk about the great lakes that are not within the borders of our homeland, but close to it.

Issyk-Kul does not freeze even in winter, so you can go to Kyrgyzstan at any time of the year. Mountain air, nature untouched by production and thermal springs give a healing effect, and picturesque views will cure any depression. And in summer, when you can swim in crystal clear water (even from a hang glider you can see the bottom of the lake!), the resort is simply attacked by tourists.

How to get to Issyk-Kul

It is more convenient to go to the lake through Bishkek. The city has a railway station, and 20 km from it - Manas International Airport.

Cheaper and faster travel by plane. Bishkek Airport receives flights from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and a number of other cities. Several dozen planes depart from the capital's airports every day: Ural Airlines, Aeroflot, Es Seven, Turkish Airlines and others fly. There are many direct flights in the schedule, the flight takes 4-4.5 hours.

Tickets for flights with connections in Novosibirsk or Istanbul will cost more.

Residents of St. Petersburg will have to fly with a transfer in Moscow. There are few flights, only Aeroflot operates them, the journey takes from 6.5 to 26 hours.

Muscovites have another option - a direct train to Bishkek. Departs 2 times a week from Kazansky railway station. A one-way trip will cost 219 USD, and you will have to listen to the sound of wheels for at least 3 days. There is no direct bus connection with Bishkek, and getting there with transfers is long, expensive and irrational. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

How to get from the airport to the lake

Buses (No. 153) and fixed-route taxis run from the airport to the Bishkek Western Bus Station. The fare is 40 KGS, the journey takes 30-40 minutes. At night, you will have to use a taxi service, a fixed rate is 600 KGS (you can order a car at the Taxi Manas office on the 1st floor of the airport terminal (west wing)). Next, you need to transfer to a bus or minibus to one of the settlements on the shore of Issyk-Kul. It is better to find out the exact bus schedule at the box office, minibuses run from 7:30 and depart as they fill up. Tickets will cost 300 KGS, travel time is about 4 hours.

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The main resorts of Issyk-Kul

A dozen resort towns and villages are scattered along the northern and southern coasts of Issyk-Kul. Balykchy, which is located on the western shore, is the first to meet vacationers on the way from Bishkek airport to the lake. That is why the people called it the western gate of Issyk-Kul. This is far from the most popular resort of the "Kyrgyz Baikal", but many choose it because of its good transport accessibility. There are many hotels and family pensions in the city and its environs. Beach holidays are common, and of the sights - only the ancient settlement in the neighboring Toru-Aigyr.

Most of the region's hotels and guest houses are concentrated on the north coast. The range of prices is decent - from 1100 KGS for a double room to 40,000 KGS for a cottage for 10 people.

One of the most popular resorts in Issyk-Kul is the city of Cholpon-Ata. It is located on the northern coast, 80 km from Balykchy. The recreational opportunities of this place are able to satisfy the most demanding tourist - healing mountain air and mineral springs for those who want to improve their health, water sports, climbing, diving, snorkeling, trekking, equestrian tourism and much more. For those who prefer to relax on vacation, there are clean beaches and 5 lifts to comfortably climb to the top and admire the mountain lake from there.

In the southeast of Issyk-Kul there is a popular ski resort Karakol. Skiers come here from all over Kyrgyzstan and the CIS countries. There is a full-fledged sports base with everything necessary for active recreation.

Bosteri, a small resort village, is located 5 km from Cholpon-Ata. This is perfect place for holidays with children - wide sand beach, extreme rides and water park. In addition, tourists are attracted by the largest selection of water activities in Issyk-Kul - boats, motorcycles, bananas, paragliders and parachutes. Here is one of the largest hospitals.

Tamchi is a small village on the northern coast, 45 km from Balykchy. Hotels and boarding houses are located almost in coastal zone. In the immediate vicinity there are many mineral springs with warm and soft water, and in the village itself there are sanatoriums and clinics. The main attraction is the Petroglyphs of Tamchi, which date back to 1,000 BC. e.

The village of Chok-Tal, just 7 km from Tamchi, also has its own thermal well and several boarding houses specializing in mineral water treatment. For outdoor enthusiasts - windsurfing, sailing yachts and boats. Not far from the shore, the remains of a sunken settlement are visible in the water. And after swimming enough, you can go on an excursion to the ancient burial mounds.


The main transport of Issyk-Kul is buses. True, they rarely go, some - 2-3 times a day. Their main task is to connect Bishkek with the resorts of Karakol, Bosteri, Cholpon-Ata, Jeti-Oguz, Balykchi and others (the fare is 200-250 KGS), but you can also get from one settlement to another. Shuttle taxis run a little more often, they usually leave as they fill up. The fare depends on the distance, the minibus will cost a little more (270-350 KGS), but the journey will take less time.

Railway communication is poorly developed. The final stop of the only branch is located in the city of Balykchy (Rybachye) closest to the capital. The road to the lake takes about 5 hours, the fare is 69 KGS for adults and 34 KGS for children from 5 to 10 years old. This train runs only during the summer season.

Boats, yachts and even motor ships go on the lake. The main piers are located in Balykchy, Karakol and Pokrovka. There is no flight connection between cities and towns, the only option for boat trips is to rent transport from local ship owners.

The most interesting tourist routes of Issyk-Kul lie where even the most versatile off-road vehicle cannot pass. Hiking trails are laid in the mountains, but it is faster to move on horseback, especially since horse tourism is well developed in the region. Many boarding houses offer their guests to go on an excursion to the mountains on horseback.

Rent a Car

The highway encircles the entire lake in a circle and passes through the main resort towns and villages. If you plan to visit several settlements, then the car - The best way movement in the vicinity of Issyk-Kul. It is worth taking care of this in advance, since you can take a car only in Bishkek and large cities.

The roads are very broken in places, so it is better to choose a reliable car with good cross-country ability. In addition, it is easier to get to the sites of the ancient man and other historical and natural attractions in an off-road vehicle than in a small passenger car. In some areas, the latter will be completely useless.

There are few rental companies in the capital, there are local ones (Bishkek car rental, Russian Troika, Avtotour) and international ones (Advantour). The rental price is relatively small - from 1500 KGS per day. The price usually includes insurance, and for an additional fee, you can take child car seats.

Issyk-Kul beaches

The best places for a beach holiday are concentrated in the resort town of Cholpon-Ata and the town of Bosteri. One of the most comfortable and well-maintained beaches belongs to the Blue Issyk-Kul sanatorium, located on the outskirts of Cholpon-Ata. The entrance to the water is gentle, the coast and the bottom of the lake are sandy. There is a rental of sun loungers, umbrellas and sports equipment. From entertainment - riding on bananas, catamarans and pleasure boats, admission is free.

The city beach of Cholpon-Ata attracts vacationers with clear water and a gentle entrance to the water, the bottom and shore are covered with clean fine sand. There is a rental of catamarans, umbrellas and sun loungers. You can use the changing cabin and take shelter in the shade of the canopy for free.

For a quiet secluded vacation, go to the Laguna beach in the suburbs of Cholpon-Ata. There are many times fewer tourists here, as well as infrastructure - rare umbrellas, catamaran rentals and changing rooms. But right from the shore, crucian pecks perfectly, which attracts local and visiting fishermen here.

One of the most famous beaches of Bosteri, "Golden Sands", belongs to the boarding house of the same name. Big choice entertainment for all ages and tastes gathers here young people and families with children. The bottom and shore are sandy, the entrance to the water is smooth, it is convenient to bathe the kids. On the shore there is a large Ferris wheel and other attractions. Many water slides, some of which lead directly into the lake. Entrance to the beach is free.

Treatment in Issyk-Kul

Health tourism is one of the main directions of the region. Issyk-Kul is the national health resort of Kyrgyzstan, which every year attracts more and more tourists from Russia, the CIS and Europe. The reason for this is a large number of mineral springs and thermal wells, boarding houses and hospitals.

For those who want to relax on a budget, a ticket to a sanatorium is not the best way. You can save on food and accommodation by choosing one of the accommodation options in the private sector near the boarding house where you plan to undergo medical procedures.

The range of diseases, the treatment of which is offered by Issyk-Kul sanatoriums, is very wide: these are diseases of the heart and digestive organs, musculoskeletal and nervous systems, skin and gynecological diseases. Depending on the specific diagnosis, specialists select the necessary procedures: Charcot shower, mineral baths, physiotherapy, thalassotherapy and much more. Most of the hospitals are located on the northern coast of the lake, in the area of ​​the popular resorts of Cholpon-Ata, Bosteri, Tamchi and Chok-Tal.

Health tourism on the Issyk-Kul lake is not limited to sanatorium treatment. Healing mountain air, climate close to the sea and ample opportunities for outdoor activities contribute to the overall improvement of the body. Swimming in the warm lake water, hiking and horseback riding, diving and mountain climbing will strengthen the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, and mineral water will cleanse the body of toxins and bring it into tone.


Diving in Issyk-Kul is different from diving in the sea - you are unlikely to see bright corals and schools of colored fish. However, there is something to see here too, the most interesting direction is wreck diving. At the bottom of the lake, ancient settlements and other settlements, whose age exceeds 2500 years, have been preserved. Of course, almost completely destroyed buildings are often hard to guess in the silhouettes overgrown with silt, but you can find household items and even items made of gold and silver.

The cost of services is relatively small. For certified athletes, it starts from 1700 KGS per dive, for beginners - from 2000 KGS. The price includes guide services, equipment rental and video filming.

Divers should choose Cholpon-Ata or Bosteri for recreation - there are summer bases of Bishkek diving clubs. They usually work from mid-June to the end of August, when the water temperature allows diving to a depth of 17 m. For beginners, training is provided, the first swim is only accompanied by an instructor.

Hotels in Issyk-Kul

Hotels, hotels and other accommodation options are scattered along the entire coast of Issyk-Kul, but most of them are concentrated on the northern coast. Since health tourism is widespread in the region, it is worth highlighting the sanatoriums, which, in addition to accommodation and meals, offer their guests medical procedures. The range of prices per night in a double room is large - from 3,000 to 10,000 KGS.

For those who come just to relax, Issyk-Kul has hotels, apartments and guest houses different price categories. Prices for a room in Cholpon-Ata mini-hotels start from 1000 KGS. Many of them include breakfast in the price.

There are a couple of 2 and 3* hotels in Bosteri and Cholpon-Ata. A night in a double room will cost 4000-5000 KGS. In addition, there is an option to rent a holiday house or apartment for 4-10 people. In some cases, this is more profitable than taking several double rooms in a hotel, and for cheerful company or a large family - and at all perfect option. The price of the issue is from 6500 KGS (for 4 people) to 40,000 KGS (for 10 guests).

What to bring

Top souvenirs from Issyk-Kul are crowned with delicious and healthy delicacies - honey and jam. You can also take mushrooms, fresh berries, fruits and local fish, the Issyk-Kul chebachok, with you from food. In dried and dried form, it will definitely not leave indifferent foam lovers.

For honey and jam at Bishkek airport, you need to fill out a phytosanitary certificate so that there are no problems with transportation across the border.

Of the inedible souvenirs, felt products are in demand. Take warm and comfortable slippers as a gift for the older generation, young girls will like jewelry and accessories (bags, purses and cosmetic bags), and children - funny animals and dolls. The most popular felt souvenir is the national Kyrgyz headdress ak-kalpak. Also, the local flavor is conveyed by miniature yurts, laid out according to the principle of our nesting dolls, and dolls in national costumes. In addition, souvenir shops are full of T-shirts, mugs and magnets with the symbols of Kyrgyzstan.

What to try

The national culinary traditions of Kyrgyzstan are close to the cuisine of Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries. A special place is occupied by meat dishes, one of the most famous is “beshbarmak”. And although this is a festive dish, for the preparation of which, according to tradition, a ram is slaughtered to treat the most dear guests, you can try it in many restaurants of Issyk-Kul. Other lamb dishes typical for these places are pilaf, shish kebab and lagman.

From dairy products, be sure to try koumiss (mare's milk) and "kurut" (white balls that taste like our kefir). Two more rather specific sour-milk delicacies are ayran and suzmo.

For lovers of pastries, Issyk-Kul prepares cakes (necessarily in a tandoor or “kattamu” with filling), samsa, “khoshan” (patties) and much more. Local manti are very tasty, you definitely cannot find such ones in Russia.

From alcoholic beverages Kyrgyz cognacs and balms are in demand, they are even taken home as souvenirs. Many tourists prefer the variety "Kyrgyzstan" because of the optimal combination of price and quality. Those who prefer elite drinks should pay attention to Manas and Enesai, the cost of which is close to French cognacs.

Entertainment and attractions

In addition to the mild climate, mountain air and healing bright blue water, which have already been mentioned, Issyk-Kul attracts with its golden beaches, hot mineral springs and therapeutic mud: the lake is essentially a large health resort. But a lot of impressions are attached to the healing effect of rest here, because Issyk-Kul has a lot of entertainment and places that you can’t miss. So a boring sanatorium vacation will definitely not threaten you! You can go trekking, climbing, go rafting on the Chu River or take a yacht trip on the lake. The Kyrgyz also managed to organize educational tourism well.

4 things to do in Issyk-Kul:

  1. Rise into the sky on a hang glider, see the lake from a bird's eye view and make sure that it is amazingly blue and transparent: you can even see the bottom!
  2. Visit the Santash Pass, about which there is a legend: Tamerlane many times tried to conquer the tribes that lived on the shore of the lake, on one of the campaigns he ordered his soldiers to pick up stones and make a mountain out of them, on the way back the survivors did the same, the mountain turned out to be twice as small. These mounds were called Santash, which means countable.
  3. Get a telescope and at night admire the stars that hang at arm's length in Cholpan-Ata. Although - you can do without a telescope! In the metropolis, there is definitely no such luxury because of the eternal smog.
  4. Dive into the depths of Issyk-Kul in equipment and see with your own eyes the ruins of ancient settlements found at the bottom of the lake.


The resort center of the northern coast of Issyk-Kul Cholpon-Ata is famous for its health resorts. There are many thermal springs, hydrogen sulfide and silt mud. The largest water park and attractions in Kyrgyzstan operate on the beach.

Be sure to take a ride on the Ferris wheel: it is definitely worth seeing Issyk-Kul from a 70-meter height!

Surfing, spearfishing and parachuting in tow, hiking in caves and mountain gorges are available for extreme lovers. One of the popular routes is the Kungei Ala-Too ridge, from which you can see the mountain gorges of Chon-Koy-Suu and Cholpon-Ata with their famous petroglyphs and burial mounds. Here, alpine meadows coexist with eternal glaciers and waterfalls.

You can go fishing with the whole family or the hippodrome - look at the breed of Kyrgyz horses bred at a local factory.

When you are in Cholpon-Ata, go to the Stone Garden. An open-air museum spreads over 42 hectares - the ruins of a city from the era of the Great Silk Road have been preserved here. And in the cultural center "Rukh-Ordo" there are 5 white chapels, each dedicated to a particular religion.

Pearl of Kyrgyzstan

dead lake

Just 200 meters from Issyk-Kul, although this proximity is only apparent on the scale of the lake itself, there is another interesting attraction - Kara-Kol or Dead Salt Lake. In search of this natural miracle, it is still better to focus on the city of Balykchy: from it to Kara-Kola a little more than 70 km. The lake is notable for the fact that it is impossible to drown in it - such a concentration of salt! It is often compared to Israeli dead sea people come here to treat skin diseases. Silt mud of Kara-Kola - black, blue and green - is credited with an even wider range of healing properties.


Travelers who have chosen the wild southern coast of Issyk-Kul should visit Barskoon. The locals call it in their own way - Barskoon. This is a gorge in the mountains of Terskey-Alata, its length is 10 km. It was here that the Great Silk Road to China ran. But Barskoon is famous primarily for its waterfalls, each has its own, unusual name. For example, Tears of a leopard falling from a 100-meter height, or Splashes of champagne. Local guides will tell an incredible legend about each waterfall.

Hot Spring Altyn-Arashan

There are many healing thermal springs on Issyk-Kul, but the Kyrgyz themselves consider Arashan to be the best, for which they call it golden. It is located 10 km from the city of Karakol, near the village of Ak-Suu. The main magic of this place is that springs of different temperature and composition of water spring from the ground: in the Juuku spring the water temperature is +34 °C, in Jilisu - +40 °C, in Arashan - +50 °C. The first two are hydrogen sulfide, the last is radon. It is believed that spring water helps with diseases of the digestive system, heart, liver and joints.

You can swim in the springs of Arashan all year round!

Tanga Tash

Even if you are not a Buddhist, visiting Tanga Tasha is worth it. The local shrine, meanwhile, of world value, is a chain of three giant stones located about 1 km from each other. Often, of course, travelers only get to one. On the stones there are engravings with Tibetan rock inscriptions that have a sacred meaning. This place, assure those who have been here, energizes.

Jety-Oguz Gorge

There is a famous resort in the Jety-Oguz mountain valley, and it is known for being located at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level and built on hot hydrogen sulfide springs. The resort is surrounded by rocks with eloquent names: Broken Heart, Seven Bulls - the Kyrgyz have a clear order with a description of their native beauties. There was once an ancient settlement in Dzhety-Oguz, where the headquarters of the Usun ruler was located. Jety-Oguz gorge stretches for 37 km, it is literally strewn with dark green firs.

Hike for the Arab wind

Horses for the Kyrgyz are sacred animals, they have always lived next to people. Because equestrian tourism is flourishing here. You can go on a horseback ride for an hour, or you can go on a 15-day hike through the passes and high-mountain glaciers under the marvelous name "Behind the Arabel wind". What kind of wind you have to look for and what Arabelsky syrts are, the instructors will explain to you if you dare. Tourists on this journey cook their own food on the fire, and from what they shot or fished, they take care of the horses - in general, office plankton for the benefit, and will have something to brag to colleagues.

Before you go on a multi-day horse trip, make sure you have the strength and health for it. For people suffering from vascular diseases, such a tour is contraindicated.

Weather in Issyk-Kul

The climate of Issyk-Kul is temperate continental and, despite the remoteness from the seas and oceans, is somewhat reminiscent of the sea. In summer, the weather here is mild and comfortable, in winter there are no severe colds. Humidity in the east and west is very different. Precipitation in the Balykchy region is several times more frequent than in Karakol.

Beach lovers should plan their vacation for the period from May to September. At this time, the temperature of the air and water allows you to swim and sunbathe. But since this is not the only tourist destination in the region, the flow of tourists does not dry up all year round. In winter, the ski resort in Karakol is especially popular. And for those who come to improve their health in sanatoriums, the season does not matter at all.

One of the main sights of Kyrgyzstan, as well as a place of pilgrimage for most foreign tourists, is Lake Issyk-Kul, nicknamed the “Pearl of Central Asia”. We can say that Issyk-Kul is the main visiting card of Kyrgyzstan, which attracts like a magnet not only in summer heat but also at other times of the year.

Kyrgyz pearl

The reason for this is that Lake Issyk-Kul gives its guests not only a great mood, a wonderful holiday, unforgettable impressions, but also strengthens their health with the help of the purest air, healing mineralized water, various hot springs and unique sunlight.

Issyk-Kul Gulls

Where is Issyk-Kul Lake located?

Lake Issyk-Kul is located on the territory of the mountain basin of the same name. In its turn, Issyk-Kul basin lies between two mountain ranges, the so-called. and Teskey Alatoo(translated from the Kyrgyz language "ala" - "motley", "too" - mountain, "alatoo" literally means "motley mountains", "kungey" - " sunny side"," Teskei - "shady side facing away from the sun").

Issyk-Kul Map

The Alatoo Mountains are part of the Northern Tien Shan. According to scientists, as a result of tectonic shifts and faults of the earth's surface, some of their sections rose and formed the Kungei Alatoo and Teskey Alatoo mountain ranges, while other sections went down and filled with water over time. So it was formed Lake Issyk-Kul.

Teskey Alatoo

The lake occupies most Issyk-Kul basin. So, the length of the basin in the east-west direction is approximately 240 kilometers, and its width is almost 75 km (somewhere in the middle, near the village of Tosor). The dimensions of Lake Issyk-Kul itself are as follows: in length approx. 182 kilometers and wide (largest part) - 58 kilometers.

Mountains Kungei Alatoo. Grigorievskoe gorge

The Alatoo mountains bordering the Issyk-Kul basin have a beneficial effect and protect the lake, while if Kungei Alatoo does not let cold northern winds come to Issyk-Kul, then Teskey Alatoo protects the lake from the hot scalding breath of the Central Asian deserts. This led to a mild comfortable climate: there are no severe frosts here in winter (in January from -5 to +5 degrees Celsius), and in summer there are exhaustingly hot days (the warmest month is July, the temperature is about 17-20 degrees).

How beautiful Issyk-Kul lake is in the summer

How to get to Issyk-Kul Lake?

The Issyk-Kul basin is connected to the rest of Kyrgyzstan through the Boom Gorge. The distance from the capital of the republic, the city of Bishkek, to Lake Issyk-Kul is approximately 190 kilometers, with a little less than 25 km of them passing through the above. This motorway is one of the strategic, and therefore its condition can be assessed as very good. At present, the capital reconstruction of this road is being carried out (at the same time it is significantly expanding), which, according to the assurances of responsible persons, should be completed before 2015.

The distance from Bishkek to Lake Issyk-Kul is just under 200 km

Parallel to the Bishkek-Issyk-Kul highway passes railway track, which ends in the city of Balykchy.

Highway through the Boom Gorge

There are also two airports on the coast of Issyk-Kul Lake. One of them is located near the city of Cholpon-Ata, and the other - near the village of Tamchi. Tamchinsky International Airport began to operate in the summer of 2003, and in Soviet time it was used as a military facility.

View of the Chui River in the Boom Gorge

When leaving the Boom Gorge towards Lake Issyk-Kul

Lake Issyk-Kul Kyrgyzstan - some interesting facts

Lake Issyk-Kul- among the 25 largest (by area) lakes in the world, while it takes 7th place in the list of the deepest lakes on Earth. If we take into account only the alpine lakes of the planet (which are located above 1200 meters above sea level), then Lake Issyk-Kul will be in second place in terms of area, second only to the South American Lake Titicaca, and in terms of depth, as well as in terms of water volume, Issyk-Kul will not will be equal. Here are some characteristics of the “Kyrgyz pearl”:

Water surface area
Water volume

1738 cu. km

Depth is the greatest
Depth average
coastline length
Height above sea level
Water mineralization
Length in the East-West direction
Length in the direction "south - north"
Maximum water temperature in summer
Minimum water temperature in winter

Lake Issyk-Kul is a unique reservoir - about 80 different mountain rivers flow into the lake, but none flow out. This has determined the natural concentration of salts and minerals in the lake (chloride-sulphate-sodium-magnesium), which is unparalleled in its medicinal properties. In addition, the water in the lake is very transparent, which, coupled with the mineralization of the water and the brightest sunbeams make the waters of Issyk-Kul chameleon-like - the color constantly changes from dark blue and dark greenish hues to soft blue tones).

The coast of Issyk-Kul lake

Lake Issyk-Kul It is also unique in that here the water level changes cyclically (every few decades it either drops or rises). Along with this, both the length of the coastline and the depth of the lake are changing. According to the TSB (Great Soviet Encyclopedia), the level of Lake Issyk-Kul in the 90s of the 20th century fell by about 4 meters compared to 1886, although some other sources indicate this indicator up to 9 meters.

Issyk-Kul Coast Guard

Due to the fact that Lake Issyk-Kul is deep-water and keeps a constant temperature well (due to mineralization, as well as protection from all sides by the Alatoo mountain ranges), even in the most frosty winters, the water in the lake does not freeze. By the way, Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyz name - Ysyk-Köl) in Kyrgyz means "Hot Lake".

Lake Issyk-Kul is the best place to relax

The sun loves Lake Issyk-Kul(there are more than 300 sunny days a year, or 2700-2900 hours of sunshine). For comparison, in the Black Sea this figure ranges from 1900 to 2400 hours, and in Moscow - 1500-1600 hours.

white steamer

Kyrgyz lake Issyk-Kul: historical facts

For the first time, Chinese chroniclers wrote about Lake Issyk-Kul at the end of the 2nd century BC, where the lake was named Zhe-Hai(translated from Chinese means "Warm Sea").

Beauty located between the snow-white mountain peaks

Routes passed around Issyk-Kul lake Great Silk Road, in connection with which here were formed as big cities, as well as minor trading settlements and caravanserais. The most famous of them are the cities of Chigu and Barskhan (Barskoon).

Issyk-Kul water is the purest and most transparent

The lake is also associated with many legends and myths: about Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the Great Tamerlane, the legendary and fabulous city of Kitezh, countless riches, etc.

A view from space to Issyk-Kul Lake

A full-fledged scientific study of the lake was started in the 19th century by scientists Russian Empire, one of which was N.M. Przhevalsky. In Soviet times, the center of the Issyk-Kul region of the Kirghiz SSR (now the city of Karakol) was named after him.

Only mountains can be better than mountains,
Where is the beautiful Issyk-Kul nearby

The latest comprehensive international archaeological expeditions in the water area and the coast of Lake Issyk-Kul confirmed the scientists’ earlier guesses that a rather developed human civilization lived in these territories approximately 2500 years ago, which in its development was not inferior to the known civilizations of the Mediterranean coast.

Issyk-Kul morning

Transparent waters of Issyk-Kul

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