Water sport is called. Water sports list

Water bodies 30.06.2020
Water bodies

Do you want to have a 100% break this summer? Then be sure to try at least a couple of water sports. Firstly, you are guaranteed a surge of adrenaline, secondly, you will bring your body into perfect shape, and thirdly, no girl can resist such a daredevil.

There are many water sports. They are divided into classic (officially recognized as Olympic types) and unusual (related to both sports and ordinary outdoor activities). The classics include all types of swimming (including synchronized), rowing and canoeing, diving and water polo. But on the water you can also have fun with a host of other, more original and extreme sports. It is about them that will be discussed in this article, because summer is in full swing, and such a wonderful opportunity to actively take a break from routine should not be missed.


This sport and recreation is gaining more and more popularity, including jumping, elements of water ski slalom and some acrobatics. Wakeboarding is divided into two divisions: wakeboard boat and wakeboard electric traction (cable wakeboarding). In the first case, the athlete holds on to the halyard and rushes behind the boat, while doing a variety of tricks, using jumps and running waves. In contrast, in cable wakeboarding, a person moves through the water thanks to a mechanized cable towing system that replaces the boat. Such installations are divided into ring (wake parks, where a person moves in a circle) and reversible (an athlete only goes back and forth).


In this sport, the athlete also rides behind a towboat. From one side, the boat is submerged with ballast, creating a large wave from one side. The athlete rides on a special wakesurf board - there are no bindings in it and it makes it possible to roll on the wave created by the boat. The main advantage of wakesurfing is that you can do it on any body of water, if you have a board and a boat.

Water skiing

Water-skiing is movement on the water on a ski of a special shape, connected by a cable ("halyard") with a boat. Water skiing is divided into singles and doubles. Doubles include curly and jump skis, and singles - slalom (mono) skiing. In appearance, the curly skis are shortened and wide enough, both ends are slightly bent. Jumping ones are long and have a strongly curved nose. The slalom ski is also long, with a tapered back and a curved toe. Slalom skis have a keel on the backs (the part that glides on the water).

Water tourism


The main equipment of the water heater is a board equipped with a seat (pad), hydrofoil and leg mounts. The athlete rides on it in a sitting position, holding on to the halyard. As soon as speed picks up, the hydrofoil begins to raise the board with the rider above the water. At the same time, the angle of attack of the wing changes (tilt up and down) and the person provokes a jump by performing a trick. In terms of complexity, the simplest trick in the hydrofoil is considered to be AIR GAINER - the athlete jumps and rotates backwards.


Canopolo is a team kayaking game with a ball, and the current version of the rules was even published. According to them, the team should have 8 players, 5 of them are playing, and 3 are in the reserve. The size of the field is 35 x 23 meters. The gates are suspended at a height of 2 meters. Substitutions are not limited in any way. There are 2 halves in canopolo, each lasting 10 minutes. If this is the final game, on which the distribution of places depends, then in the event of a tie, additional time will be assigned until the first goal.


Kayaking is a subtype of water tourism that takes place on a ship called a kayak. Kayaking is divided into cricking rafting, sea and recreational kayaking, downhill skiing, kayaking and freestyle on rough water, rowing slalom.

Mini transat

The name Mini transat, as well as the 6.50, Open 650 or Mini class, belongs to the small size of the Mini class yachts, on which single cruising races are carried out. The main regatta is considered to be the race across the Atlantic Ocean, thanks to which the class name (trans atlantic) appeared in 1977. The class is considered open, therefore any yacht that meets the necessary parameters can take part in the competition.


The essence of parasailing is that a person is attached with a long strong cable to the boat and, after opening a special parachute, hovers above the water through the air. If the boat has a powerful enough engine, then 2-3 people can soar under the parachute at the same time.


In America, this name belongs to inflatable sleds, but in our country they are not called as soon as they are: tubing, cheesecakes, bagels, snow tubing, donuts, inflatable sleds, tubas and toboggans. The inflatable tubing sled compares favorably with traditional sleds: their weight is minimal, they are soft when riding, safe when descending, bright, colorful, and what is very important - they are convenient to store due to their small volume when deflated.

Tubing is divided into 2 types, winter and summer. In winter, on an inflatable sled, they descend from snow slides with a slope of no more than 20 degrees. In summer, they are floated on the water, almost like on a boat. But the advantage of tubing is that on rivers with a flow of medium speed or while tubing behind a boat, the sled is lifted from the water and soars in the air for a moment.

Freestyle on rough water

This sport does not apply to the Olympic sport, where the main goal of an athlete is to perform various acrobatic elements on a play spot (shaft or barrel) for 45 seconds. In this water sport, the elements are performed following the example of freestyle disciplines in snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding, water skiing and many others. To freestyle on rough water, you need to develop a certain level of proficiency both in your body and in the kayak. In some cases, acrobatic freestyle on rough water is abbreviated as freestyle kayaking. Acrobatic freestyle is considered the most youthful trend of modern kayaking, which is incredibly actively developing in our time.

Rowing... Rowing is one of the oldest sports. The earliest records of rowing boat races that took place on the Nile in Ancient Egypt date back to the 25th century BC. NS. Later, such competitions began to be held in Ancient Rome. From the beginning of the 13th century, small boats and barges were used extensively in England to transport passengers and goods across the Thames, as well as up and down the Thames near London, and already in the 16th century, carriers began to arrange races. Rowing as a sport first began to develop in Victorian England in the 17th and early 18th centuries.

In the XIX century. this sport - rowing on academic ships - boats with movable seats and outriggers, gained popularity in various European countries and from there spread to North America and Australia. By the early 18th century, there were more than 40,000 professional carriers in London, wearing special uniforms. In 1715, the first race organized by the English actor Thomas Dodget took place, which later became known by his name. It is the oldest rowing competition in the world. The first known regatta took place in 1775 on the Thames. The races between Oxford and Cambridge, as well as the Henley Royal Regatta in the 19th century, marked the beginning of rowing as a sport.

Swimming has an unusually long history. Archaeological finds indicate that the ability to swim was perceived as vital in Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome. Swimming was used both as a means of active recreation and as a hygienic procedure, and for a variety of applied purposes, including economic activities on the water, overcoming all kinds of water obstacles both in peacetime and during military operations. Scientists date back to the third millennium BC the most ancient images of people found swimming in ways that are somewhat similar to swimming crawl and breaststroke - if you use modern terminology for comparison.

Water polo- waterpolo, from English water - water and Tibetan pool - ball. Sports team game with a ball on the water. The players, while swimming, try to throw the ball into the opponent's goal and not let it into their own. For men, the size of the playing field is 30 m by 20 m, with a water depth of at least 2.2 m, the goal is 3 m by 0.9 m, and the circumference of the ball is from 68 cm to 71 cm, weighing from 400 to 450 g. For women, the size of the playing field is 25 m by 17 m, with a water depth of at least 1.8 m, the goal is 3 m by 0.9 m, and the circumference of the ball is from 63 cm to 65 cm, weighing from 350 to 400 g. The game involves 7 people from each team. In total there are 13 people in the team. They play 4 periods of 7 minutes of net time with two minute breaks.

Rowing and canoeing... The history of the development of rowing and canoeing is rich in big and small events. This story begins many millennia BC - from the time when a person dared to go out on the water, using a tree, a bunch of twigs or reeds as a means of transportation along it. At first, arms or legs played the role of oars and a rudder, later - branches. It is reliably known: bunches of trees, bamboo, reeds, etc. in this regard are much older than a monolith tree. Having learned how to handle tree trunks with sharp stone and fire, man laid the foundation for the development of wooden ships (oar, sail, wheeled and, finally, screw). Many of the simplest means of transportation of the past are still widely used in different parts of the world: pies, boats with a balance (one or two), Chinese sampuns; all kinds of boats (with a keel, leather, etc.) from the indigenous population of Africa, Latin America and South Asia, as well as in the north of our country and Canada. In Brazil, the tribes of Indians living on the banks of the rivers use pies, hollowed out of solid tree trunks, for hunting, fishing and, as in ancient times, as means of transportation on the water; on Easter Island, in Peru - boats made of reeds. Since time immemorial, boats have also been equipped with sails (made of leather or woven from reed).

Diving(scuba diving, diving) is very popular all over the world. This is a rather expensive kind of sport. General training and equipment will cost a beginner up to $ 1000, in addition you will have to pay for the cost of a tour package. If you don’t buy the equipment, the cost of preparing for the first round is reduced to $ 250. However, then you will have to pay $ 30–40 for the rental of a suit, scuba gear and other things necessary at depth. Well, really good equipment costs from $ 1,500 for a complete set.

Most of Russian divers are young - their average age is 30 (in the USA - 36). These are intelligent urban youth: in Russia the vast majority (77%) of divers have a higher education (in the USA - 50%). In general, diving in Russia is very poorly developed and is very expensive by our standards. And the number of travel companies offering this type of recreation directly in Russia is small. After all, the Black Sea, of course, cannot be compared in the beauty of the underwater world with the Red Sea. Therefore, many Russian citizens prefer to travel to Sharm El Sheikh or Southeast Asia than to Sochi. For a slightly higher price, they get much more fun.

Wakeboarding is a combination of water skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing. The boat is towing a raider standing on a short, wide board. Moving at a speed of 30-40 km / h with additional ballast on board, the boat leaves behind a wave that the raider uses as a springboard. You can perform many different tricks while jumping. Wakeboarding began to develop especially dynamically in the early 1990s. He revolutionized water sports in the same way that snowboarding was in alpine skiing. From a hobby of a small group of enthusiasts, it turned into a popular sport with its own philosophy and culture. A lot of tricks came to wakeboarding from related "board" sports - snowboarding, skateboarding, which gives the wakeboarder the opportunity to progress all year round. All you need to do is change the board!

The cost of a full set of "wakeboarding" equipment is from $ 400. A special boat is needed for wakeboarding, but such boats are expensive, which is why they rarely appear in Russia. Consequently, in our country, this type of recreation is almost undeveloped due to the high cost of tourism products.

Water skiing Is one of the most famous types of outdoor activities. It is a worthy replacement for downhill and cross country skiing. Water skiing first appeared in 1922, when an American, Ralph Samuelson, a resident of Minnesota, experimented with conventional winter skiing, decided to try them on the water. He fitted two wide pine planks with fasteners for the legs. After that, the inventor successfully tested skiing on the waters of a lake in Lake City. This sport has constantly progressed and today it has become so spectacular and popular that in 1998 the Greek Olympic Committee recommended the introduction of water skiing into the program of the 2004 Olympics in Athens. True, the IOC never made a final decision on this issue.

Well, for water skiing you need four things: the actual water ski, a life jacket, gloves and a wetsuit. The cost of skis varies from $ 120 to $ 1000, plus the rest of the equipment (wetsuit, gloves, life jacket) - about $ 150. Water skiing is now actively practiced on the Black Sea coast.

Windsurfing- a kind of sailing; racing on a special oval CFRP board with a rough surface for stability, with stabilizer fins on the lower plane and a small sail that attaches to the board. Born in the USA (1968).

Surfing- the same, only without the sail. Actually, windsurfing originated from surfing. With a good wind, you can reach a speed of more than 10-12 m / s. Well, the record for today is more than 70 km / h. The cost of a set of equipment is quite high. Windsurf included - $ 1,000, spare sailing kit (mast, boom, sail) - 500, wetsuit - 200, total - $ 1,700.

Kayaking- popular abroad, is gaining more and more popularity in Russia. This is a solo sport, although it is not devoid of a team spirit, it makes it possible to challenge the elements and stay alone with it. In modern kayaking, three main directions are developing - rowing slalom, rodeo and rafting. Slalom kayaking Is the ability to maneuver in a kayak, feeling the boat and the water.

Rodeo, unlike slalom, is not only a virtuoso technique, but also an element of the game. Freestyle on a kayak is the performance of various tricks on a boat due to the features of the relief of the river. On a kayak, you can go on a water trip along the river of any complexity or play rafting on a small section of a mountain river, choosing individual obstacles in the form of barrels, shafts and waterfalls and passing them lightly. Naturally, to feel confident during rafting, you need to master the basic slalom and rodeo techniques. The kayaker's outfit includes: a boat, a helmet, a life jacket, a skirt (prevents water from entering the boat), rubberized slippers and a paddle.

Rafting- this is a fascinating descent along a mountain river on a canoe or special rafts. Rafting is one of the most visited tours, completely safe even for the youngest tourists. In recent years, it has attracted such tremendous interest from lovers of extreme recreation that most of the mountain rivers suitable for this tourism have been mastered by professionals, who now offer rafting tours to almost anywhere in the world. Basically, there are the following types: day trips (from $ 60 to $ 150) or half day (in the region of $ 25-75) and multi-day travel. On multi-day tours, tourists find themselves in remote mountainous corners of unspoiled nature, camp as they pass the river, and explore the wilderness around the campsites. The minimum cost of such raft tours is from 1000-1500 USD.

Diving- one of the water sports. During the competition, jumping from a springboard (1 and 3 meters) and a platform (5, 7.5 and 10 meters) are performed. During the jump, athletes perform a number of acrobatic actions (turns, screws, rotations). The judges evaluate both the quality of the performance of acrobatic elements in the flight phase and the cleanliness of entry into the water. In synchronized jumping competitions, the synchronism of the execution of the elements by two participants is also assessed.

Regatta(Italian regata, from riga - row, line; starting line) - a large, usually traditional, sailing or rowing competition, consisting of a series of races for vessels of different classes (sometimes a regatta is called a motorboat competition or a radio-controlled yacht competition ).

Rowing slalom- discipline of kayaking and canoeing, overcoming the distance marked by the gate at speed: a section of a rapids river or an artificial track (the speed of the water flow must be at least 2 m / s). Depending on the length of the distance, the number of gates, the speed of the current, etc., the routes are divided into 5 categories of difficulty. Competitions are held on tracks 250-400 m long with 18-25 gates and difficulty, as a rule, not higher than the 3rd category.

Sailing- a sport in which athletes compete using equipment, mainly boats and boats, special sleds for snow or ice, and trolleys for moving on a hard surface, powered by sails. Sailing, undoubtedly, got its development in those countries where it was convenient to practice this sport based on geographic location.

Synchronized swimming- a water sport associated with the performance of various figures in the water to the accompaniment of music. Synchronized swimming is one of the most sophisticated and elegant of all sports. However, despite the apparent lightness, it is very demanding - in addition to the fact that athletes experience serious physical activity, they need to have not only endurance, but also flexibility, grace, honed skill and exceptional breathing control.

Triathlon- a sport that includes three types of sports: swimming, cycling and running on the highway.


This sport includes several disciplines, united by the basic rule - to overcome a certain distance by swimming as soon as possible. Since 1908 swimming is an Olympic discipline. But at the same time, it is allowed to swim under water no more than 15 m of the total length of the path. There are several disciplines in swimming:

  • Freestyle, when the swimmer himself can choose which style to cover the distance with.
  • A certain style, when, according to the conditions of the competition, athletes are required to swim only with breaststroke, butterfly stroke, backstroke, etc.

The competition can be held both in the pool and in open water. The distance covered can also be very different. So, the Olympic distances are from 50 m to 10 km. But in unofficial competitions, distances can be much greater: marathon heats of tens of kilometers are regularly held in different parts of the world. For example, back in the 19th century, competitive swims across the English Channel were held (distance of about 35 km).


Another Olympic discipline in which an athlete jumps into the water from a tower or springboard of a certain height. At the same time, the judges evaluate the cleanliness of entry into the water and acrobatic skill - the complexity of the pirouettes performed by him in the air. The springboard is a spring board fixed above the water at a height of 1 to 3 m above the water surface. A tower is a structure on which platforms for jumping are located at regular intervals, ranging from 1 to 10 meters.


This team ball game, also related to the Olympic disciplines, was invented in England in the 19th century. Its essence boils down to scoring goals against the opposing team. In this case, the ball is thrown by hands, and the designated part of the pool, 30 m long and 20 m wide, serves as the playing area. The whole game consists of 4 halves, eight minutes each. The winner of the competition is the team that by the end of the game has thrown the most goals into the opponent's goal.


Officially, this name means several disciplines, three of which are included in the summer Olympiad program. These are rowing and kayaking and canoeing competitions. A kayak is a type of boat in which the athlete is seated and paddles with a 2-blade paddle from both sides. In a canoe, the rower is on one knee, and pushes off the water with an oar with one blade, which is used to row only from one side. The number of rowers in kayaks and canoes varies from 1 to 4, depending on the competition regulations.

Rowing is characterized by the fact that the athletes are located in the boat facing backwards, and row with oars inserted into the oarlocks. The number of rowers, as well as oars, for each of them is different. In oar rowing, each athlete has only one oar, fixed from one side, and in a double row, two oars from different sides. The maximum track distance is 160 km, and the number of rowers is from 1 to 8.


A kind of sport in which a person slides on a special board (surf) along the leading edge of a moving wave. This sport originated on the Polynesian islands several centuries ago, and today this sport is included in the program of the Summer Olympics. Surfing competitions are held most often in open water - in the coastal zone of seas and large lakes, where there are sufficiently high surf or tidal waves. But in recent years, swimming pools have also been built in which artificial waves for surfing are created. In competitions, the length of the path traveled by the surfer is evaluated, as well as the various acrobatic pirouettes performed by him while moving.


This sport, also called kiteboarding, originated in the early twentieth century. in England. It was there that they first thought of using a kite as a driving force for light single-seat boats. Today it has been replaced by a special board that slides over the water surface. The kite is controlled by an athlete using a system of 4 lines, with the help of which the speed and direction of movement are regulated. This sport is gaining more and more popularity: at the beginning of 2019. more than 1.5 million people were fond of it.


Another name for this Olympic discipline is yachting, because today this type of light sailboat is mainly used in competitions. This sport has its origins in Holland in the 16th century - it was here that races on light sailing ships began to be held for the first time. The format of the competition has remained unchanged since then: the winner is the athlete, or the team that completes a predetermined route the fastest. At the same time, the distance can be very different, from several kilometers to a round-the-world regatta. Competitions take place in the open ocean, on rivers and large lakes, between yachts of the same class.


In this sport, a wide variety of devices can be used that are designed for sliding on water surfaces - surf, wakeboard, windsurf, etc. The main feature is that a special hydrofoil is installed on these boards. At the same time, the coefficient of friction against water decreases, vibration becomes imperceptible during movement. This gives a unique feeling of free and light flight on the water surface. To operate a board equipped with a hydrofoil, one should shift the center of gravity of the body.


One of the types of sailing, where instead of a boat, a light board is used, 2-4 meters long. The athlete stands on the board, holding on to the horizontal boom attached to the sail. With its help, the sail is also controlled: by turning it at a certain angle to the wind, the athlete changes the speed and direction of movement. Depending on the shape and size of the board and sail, windsurfing is subdivided.


In this case, special SUP boards are used to slide on the water. They move on them using a single-blade oar, rowing alternately from one side and the other. Thanks to the good stability of the board, you can row in a variety of positions: sitting, kneeling, or full length. There are several types of SUP boards:

  • Versatile, designed for quiet, nearby walks.
  • Tourist, capable of carrying several people or a significant load.
  • A racing car built for speed competition.
  • Fishing, equipped with a luggage compartment, and even self-contained refrigerators.



A type of scuba diving in which a breathing tube is used instead of scuba gear. The rest of the equipment of snorkelers is similar to that of a diver - fins, a transparent mask, and sometimes a tight-fitting wetsuit. The best place for snorkeling is coastal shallow waters, coral reefs.


The name nibording comes from the English words "knee" and "board". The board is towed by a speedboat, but the athlete holding the rope is not fully erect, but on his knees.


At its core, it is a simplified form of surfing. The difference lies in the way of movement: the skimboarder scatters from the shore and jumps onto the board, catching small waves of the surf. In these waves, at the very edge of the coast, the athlete performs various acrobatic stunts, trying not to be thrown onto the beach.


Another type of riding in the coastal waves on a special board. Only the bodyboard is not adapted for standing on it at full height, but for lying down. Therefore, it is much easier to maintain balance on it, which is especially important for beginners and children. Bodyboarding masters, meanwhile, are capable of catching a wave no worse than surfers, and moving along its front tens, or even hundreds, meters.


A type of scuba diving in which the main item of equipment is scuba diving. Diving is an excellent form of recreation, especially popular with tourists visiting the coast of the southern seas. With the help of scuba gear, you can get acquainted with the inhabitants of the seabed, in particular the picturesque coral reefs. In addition, various competitions are held among sports divers - in terms of diving depth or in terms of the distance swimming under water.


In this water discipline, an athlete moves through the water, holding in his hand a cable from a towing device - a boat or a special winch. He has skis on his feet, thanks to which he glides on the surface of the water. They can be paired, or single, the so-called monoski. It is more often used for slalom, as it allows you to make sharp maneuvers and perform acrobatic stunts.


An extreme form of water skiing, where the main emphasis is not on just high-speed gliding through the water behind a tug boat, but on the performance of various acrobatic elements: jumping over obstacles, springboards, somersaults, etc. athletes must include protective equipment, a helmet, a life jacket.



This entertainment was created as an alternative to surfing, and is great for rivers and small lakes where there are no high surf waves. The athlete moves initially on the board after the boat, holding on to the cable. Then, as it gains speed, it releases the cable and moves on its own, using the wake wave generated by the vessel instead of the surf.


This is another type of wakeboarding, but the difference lies in the board construction. It has special mounts for rigid fixation of the legs. Instead, it has a rough surface for better grip. Therefore, an athlete can perform a much larger number of acrobatic figures.


In fact, this is a kind of rowing, but a kayak is used to move it - a special boat, similar to that used by northern peoples when hunting walruses and whales. She is quite stable, has a narrow, pointed bow and stern. Rowing is carried out with a two-bladed oar. Due to its shallow draft, the kayak is perfect for rafting on mountain rivers with rapids, as well as for hiking in forest lakes.


This water sport requires special equipment: a special water cannon attached to the platform. The water pressure is supplied to the nozzle through a special hose connected to a pump-compressor located on the shore or on the ship. Escaping from the nozzle on the platform where the athlete is standing, the jet creates jet thrust, and the person simply soars into the air. By changing the tilt of the platform relative to the horizon with his feet, the flyboarder adjusts the height of the rise above the surface of the water. On powerful flyboards it is quite possible to climb to a height of 10–12 meters.


Rodeo, also known as freestyle kayaking, is a special kind of sport in which an athlete must perform a certain number of acrobatic figures in a limited time while driving a kayak. At the same time, the boat descends at high speed through rough water. The water rodeo is a fast-growing rowing sport.


This sport provides for rafting on rough mountain rivers, or specially created artificial canals on inflatable boats - rafts. Their capacity is different, from 2 to 6 people. It was recognized as an official sport in our country not so long ago, in 2003, and earlier, rafting on mountain rivers belonged to tourism.


A regatta is a major racing competition among sailing or rowing boats. It is usually massive and carried out regularly. According to the terms of the competition, the winner is the participant who completes the specified route the fastest. Especially famous and popular are sea yacht regattas, often transoceanic and even around the world. There are also rowing regattas for boats, such as the "Royal Regatta", which has been held among academic rowers since the early 19th century.

Today, there are many water sports: water skiing, wakeboarding, windsurfing, paddle boarding, etc. Someone likes a calm surface, while others prefer huge waves and turbulent currents. In this article, we will tell you about most of the popular water sports in more detail, and you can choose the one that suits you best.


Windsurfing is a sailing sport which is the handling of a light board on the water with a sail mounted on it. There is no rudder on a sailing ship, so control is carried out by turning and tilting the mast with the sail in relation to the wind with your hands, as well as directing the board itself with the keel and fin mounted on it. The direction of travel and speed depends on the position of the sail in relation to the wind.

There are several disciplines in windsurfing. You can ride both on a calm surface and on the waves, performing various interesting tricks. Windsurfing is possible in any wind strength, but there are two main ways to move:

Displacement mode: here the board is kept afloat due to the force of Archimedes and is partially submerged in water. The speed of movement in this way is relatively low, since there is a lot of water resistance.

Planing mode: the board is kept on the surface of the water due to the buoyancy force of the stream. Gliding is possible at a sufficiently high wind force - from 6-7 m / s and at a sufficiently high speed. However, experienced riders can plane with a fairly wide sail and with wind speeds of only 3-4 m / s.

At the moment, windsurfing is gaining more and more popularity and is not only a spectacular sport, but also an excellent entertainment for a wide range of people.


It is rapidly gaining momentum in the field of water sports. This sport is very diverse, because you can ride the board in a variety of ways, both standing, kneeling or sitting. SUP boards are quite stable, so for those who have never tried to ride them, the first swim will not be difficult. And the listed advantages are far from the only ones. There are several types of SUP boards and we will tell you more about each of them:

Versatile - these SUP boards are lightweight and are suitable for beginners and who want to go on a journey through calm waters, close to the coast.

Touring (tourist) ones are larger, more rigid and can even withstand 2-3 people or a tourist with all the equipment. Designed for long heats. These SUP-boards are subject to increased requirements for technical equipment, strength and safety.

Racing bullets have a special bullet shape that creates the least resistance when moving and allows you to develop high speed, while maintaining the strength of the rower. Such SUP boards are usually much longer and narrower than general-purpose or touring boards. Racing boards are designed with a top speed priority even at the expense of stability or a comfortable finish.

For yoga - inflatable SUP boards for relaxation or fitness on any body of water. The design of the yoga board combines stability and dynamic rowing. Such SUP boards are popular not only for individual training, but you can also easily link several pieces to each other, and organize a group lesson.

For fishing - stable, stable boards with air cushions along the sides, which are equipped with a number of necessary equipment: a spacious refrigerator for fish (or beer), compartments for fishing accessories, mounts for fishing rods and seats.


Snorkeling is a type of swimming under the surface of the water with a mask, snorkel and fins. With such equipment, you can observe the underwater world for a long time without much effort. Snorkeling is a fairly popular pastime, especially among children, who dive with great interest under the water to see shells, pebbles and other details at the bottom. At the diving sites, snorkeling will be the most interesting. You can watch coral reefs, sea turtles, fish and other inhabitants, while swimming under the sandy bottom, you can see flat fish such as stingray or flounder.


It is an unusual water sport as the position of the rider while riding is not “typical”. The board is intended for riding behind a boat or on a winch, but unlike a wakeboard, the athlete is in a kneeling position. Hence the name "nibord", which comes from the English words "knee" - knee and "board" - board.


Skimboarding can be called a mixture of surfing and skateboarding. This is a young water sport and differs from surfing in that a person does not need to swim far to catch a wave. The skiing itself takes place within the coastline. In order to ride a board, you need to scatter over land and, having jumped onto the board, slide on water or wet sand, performing simple or complex tricks.


A bodyboard is a board designed for riding in a prone position on coastal waves. Bodyboarding doesn't require a lot of equipment. Fins are most often used to aid riding to facilitate rowing and steering, as there are no fins on the bottom of the board. Riding a bodyboard is easy enough. For example, surfing requires certain skills, while on a bodyboard, you can catch a wave on the first try. If the wave is too large, then you need to dive under it, so as not to be carried back to the shore, and it is best to start when the wave is about two meters away from you.


Diving is one of the most popular ways to relax with your family or friends. Diving brings a lot of positive emotions, because diving will allow you to properly see the underwater world and get a closer look at sea inhabitants. At the same time, every healthy person can go diving. The list of restrictions is small. Diving is now very popular among the population. Both adults and children are engaged in the knowledge of the water world. Having tried diving, people cannot imagine a vacation without diving under water, because every time you get to know new places, as if you are in a parallel world, which has its own inhabitants and attractions. There is a misconception that diving is difficult and requires a lot of preparation, but it is not. People receive a certificate after 3-4 days of training. After that, you will be able to explore the underwater world together with a friend and observe it in all its glory!

Water skiing

Outwardly they are similar to cross-country ones, but still they have differences. Water skis are wider, as the main thing for the athlete is to stay afloat, so for a beginner, it is better to use the widest skis for training, as they are more stable.

There are several types of water skiing, primarily single (monoski for slalom) and doubles. Some inexpensive paired recreational skis are equipped with a special loop for the back leg so that an athlete can master slalom skiing without buying separate expensive equipment.

Waterskiing is divided into several disciplines: ski jumping, figure skating and slalom. Each discipline requires specialized skis. Skis for figure skating are short, wide and have bends at both ends for performing certain tricks; jumps - long, wide and with great requirements for aerodynamics and balance in the air; monoski slalom is narrower, stiffer and longer for sharp maneuvers on the water. It is better for a beginner to learn from pair skiing. Such skis are more versatile and stable and, as we already wrote above, some pair skis allow you to master slalom skiing.


- one of the most popular and extreme water activities. It is riding on a special board on the water surface behind a boat or on a winch, holding on to the halyard. This is a very entertaining sport! During the movement, the athlete performs jumps, air rolls or slalom elements.

It is best to learn this sport in wake parks with instructors, where professionals will select the right wakeboard equipment for you. Usually, training starts with learning to move on the water surface so that you get used to wakeboard and can learn more difficult elements. Learning to jump and slide on figures in the park in the early stages is too traumatic, so it's better to take care of safety first. Do not forget about a life jacket and a helmet, because the first time falls are inevitable.


A fairly young and spectacular sport that is rapidly gaining momentum in urban settings, as it is ideal for recreation and entertainment away from the Ocean. Wakesurfing is similar to wyboarding, except that you ride without bindings and halyards. For this, the boat is specially loaded with ballast on one side in order to increase the height and length of the wake wave. The athlete starts, holding the halyard, and then simply releases it, switching to the wave from the boat. Wakesurfing is not easy for beginners, but the sensation of riding the wave from a boat in which friends sit and cheer you up is worth working out


Wakeskating is a new kind of water sport that can be classified as extreme and is very similar to wakeboarding. Basically, wakeskate is a wakeboard without bindings. The rider also holds onto the halyard from a towing boat or a winch in a wake park, but the main difference is that instead of leg bindings on the board, there is regular skin like on a skateboard. And neither can you put on your favorite sneakers, which are not attached to the board in any way.


Kayaking is an active water sport and is sailing on the water in a boat called a kayak. It is quite simple to operate. The kayak has a narrow body, long length and pointed ends to cut the water surface as quickly as possible. A single kayak paddle with two paddles at both ends.

Kayaking is also suitable for those who just want to sit back and relax on the water surface of the lake and enjoy the views. But still, the kayak cannot be called just a boat, which is intended only for walks in various bodies of water. Professionals often go on rafting on difficult routes with river rapids and even waterfalls. Tourist swims usually take place along calmer currents, you just need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to paddle for a long time.


Flyboarding is a modern, technically challenging sport that has become very popular among a wide range of people in a short time, because you can literally soar in the air! I wonder how? Water-jet boots attached to a platform on which a person is standing allow to take off and move. The direction of travel can be controlled by changing the inclination of the feet. With the flyboard, you can fly up to 10 meters and perform various tricks. From the outside, this kind of entertainment looks really incredible. Not everyone succeeds in taking off the first time, because many fall back into the water, but after training you will definitely succeed and in the future you will not be able to imagine rest without such an attraction.


Hydrofoil is a hydrofoil that replaces fins on almost any water sports board - wakeboard, wakesurf, kiteboard, windsurf and even SUP board. The advantage is that you will absolutely not feel not only vibrations from the chop, but no friction of the board on the water at all. It will feel like you are floating in the air! The principle of controlling the hydrofoil is quite simple: if you tilt your body back and press on the board with your back foot, it will rise higher along the wave. If you tilt your body forward and press on the board with your front foot, then the board will sink more into the water. The main thing is to learn how to balance, and then controlling the hydrofoil will not be a torment for you, but a pleasure.

Water sports- sports related to water.

Types and features of water sports

Diving is a water sport

Classes and competitions in water sports are held both outdoors and indoors - in swimming pools.

Water sports competitions are divided into team and individual.

For some water sports, competitions are held at local, regional, national, international and Olympic Games. The 2015 World Aquatics Championships will be held in Russia, Tatarstan and Kazan.

Diving. Diving - This is swimming underwater with devices that provide an autonomous supply of air. People who are professionally involved in diving are called divers or, to use a borrowed term from English, divers.

Riding a wave on special light boards is surfing ... Sailing on a board - windsurfing , skating without a board - body surfing .

A regatta is a major sailing or rowing competition that includes a series of boat races.

Olympic water sports

Water sport - surfing

Rowing and canoeing - rowing sport in boats such as kayaks and canoes.

Rowing slalom - rowing in kayaks and canoes, overcoming at speed a distance marked with a gate, for example, a section of a rapids river or an artificial track.

Rowing - athletes sit in boats with their backs forward and row with oars.

Sailing - athletes use equipment, boats, ships or sledges propelled by the wind in the sails.

Water skiing - movement on water on special skis.

Diving from a springboard or platform ... The judges evaluate the performance of acrobatic elements in flight and the cleanliness of entering the water.

Swimming - overcoming by swimming at the speed of various distances.

Synchronized swimming - performing various figures in the water to music.

Water polo - team sport, ball and goal play. Takes place in the pool.

Triathlon - a kind of sport consisting of three types of competitions: swimming, cycling, running on the highway.

Technical water sports


Powerboat sports- a technical sport, including high-speed competitions on motor boats on water.

Classes: Formula 1 - a class of racing boats, as well as the name of the World Powerboat Competition Championship in this class. Since last year, one of the Formula 1 stages has been held in Russia, Tatarstan, Kazan.

Aquabike- This is jet ski racing, a kind of water-motor sports. There are also world, European, Russian, regional and local championships for various classes of classic sports courts.

Ship modeling sport- a technical sport on water, including the design and construction of models of ships and vessels for sports competitions.

Differ bench competitions- competitions for desktop and operating models - self-propelled models of surface ships and ships, submarines; high-speed cord models of arbitrary design, racing of models of sailing radio-controlled yachts.

Indescribably beautiful look radio controlled sailing yachts competition.

Powerboat sports are already included in the Olympic family.

History of water sports

Water polo

Diving... Men and women of Ancient Greece dived for a sponge, held their breath. For a long time, a hollow reed was used for breathing. Now the popularity of diving is growing every year.

History surfing began in the Hawaiian Islands thousands of years ago.

Rowing... Even in ancient times, people used floating logs, helping themselves with branches.

The beginnings of the amateur sailing and sailing in Russia associated with Peter I. On June 21, 2012, the organizers of the Volga-Kama regatta, yachtsmen Andrei Bardin and Sergei Andreev attended the Rotary Club of Kazan. It turns out that the first president of the republic, Mintemir Sharipovich Shaimiev, made a significant contribution to the development of sailing in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Soviet water skiers took part in international competitions in 1967.

The first diving competitions in Russia took place in Russia in 1913.

Sports swimming was born in the 15-16th century.

Synchronized swimming became an Olympic sport in 1984.

In Japan, there was a game - a distant relative of water polo. The participants sat astride straw barrels and drove an inflated skin, the prototype of a ball, through the water with poles.

Self-propelled carriages were created at the end of the 19th century. A motor boat appeared. In 1886, the German engineer G. Daimler built and tested the world's first boat "Neckar".

In 1925, a water-motor section was created in Moscow, and competitions were held.

Since the 17th century, on Earth, the creation of ship models was taken seriously, considering them to be works of art.


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