Treatment of the purity of gynecological diseases. Celebrated in gynecology

Encyclopedia plants 30.06.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Celebrated is one of the most common healing herbs on Earth, which women are successfully used to treat many gynecological diseases. However, in addition to the healing properties, this grass contains poison (homochhelidonin). Therefore, when using cleanliness for therapeutic purposes, caution must be taken and take into account the conjugations available.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of Celandine

Grass Celebrate has the following medical action:

  • Removes inflammation and spasms.
  • Fights with pathogenic microorganisms.
  • It has an antitumor effect.
  • It has a wound-healing and soothing effect.
  • Removes or reduces pain (including facilitates a state with painful menstruation).
  • It struggles with tides (in the menopausal period).

Fresh celandine is very poisonous, so a small drop of plants juice can cause skin burns. However, even with the right approach, it is not suitable for use. So, the plant is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy and lactation.
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • In mental disorders (including epilepsy).
  • In case of reduced blood pressure.
  • In cardiovascular diseases (including during angina).
  • In pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (especially during constipation and dysbacteriosis).

Overdose of cleanstole leads to such consequences as the oppression of the nervous system, a strong thirst, pain in the stomach and spasms, a gastrointestinal disorder (vomiting, diarrhea, constipation), headache, hallucinations and convulsions, short-term loss of consciousness.

Recipes for applying cleanliness in various female diseases

Cellular in gynecology is used in the following diseases:

  • Cervical erosion.
  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Mastitis breasts and others.

Ancient treatment implies the use of plants both inside (drinking infusions and decoctions) and for external use (douching and arms).

Here are some effective recipes using Cellity:

Treatment of moma uteria


  • Fresh celandine (1 small bush).
  • Milk (50 ml).


  1. Fresh plant to grind (in case of burning skin to use medical gloves).
  2. Squeeze juice with juicer.
  3. Strain through gauze.
  4. 30 drops of the resulting juice add to milk and mix.

The resulting means to use immediately and was powered by several milk sips. Take 1 time per day for 5 days.

Treatment of cervical erosion


  • Dried grass (3 art. L.)
  • Water (1 l).


  1. Raw materials pour boiling water.
  2. After an hour, strain and divide on 6 identical portions (1 procedure - 1 portion, brought by a small amount of warm water).

Means to use to drew the vagina. Course treatment: 3 weeks (1-2 times a day). The remaining decoction to store in the refrigerator (but before the next procedure be sure to dilute it with warm water).

Treatment of endometriosis


  • Dry clean region (1 tbsp.).
  • Water (1 cup).


  1. Dry grass pour boiling water and leave for 2 hours.
  2. Strain.
  3. Take 50 ml 3 times a day (daily). Course treatment: 10-12 days.

Treatment of ovarian cysts


  • Fresh cleanliness in chopped form (1 cup).
  • Water (0.5 l).


  1. Herb pour water and boil for 3 minutes.
  2. Cool (for 30-40 minutes), then strain.

Take inward 50 ml twice a day. Course treatment: 3 weeks.

Adnexit treatment (inflammatory process in uterine pipes)


  • Grinding fresh grass (1 tbsp.).
  • Water (250 ml).


  1. Pour the plant with boiling water.
  2. Cool and strain.

Drink 1/3 volume 3 times a day. Course treatment: 10 days.

Treatment of Colport and Vulvovaginitis


  • Dry clean region (2 art. L.).
  • Dried calendula flowers (2 art. L.).
  • Water (3 l).


  1. Herb pour boiling water.
  2. Cool and strain.

Use for scriptures (or for a seating bath) twice a day. Course of treatment: 10-15 days.

It is possible to treat feminine diseases with cleanstole only to resolve the gynecologist.

How to drink cleanly?

It is possible to drink cleanly as an infusion, scalar or juice. However, when used cleaning inside, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Start receiving means is always with a minimum dose (then you can gradually increase it).
  • The juice of grass is definitely diluted with water (2-3 drops of juice on a glass, gradually increasing the dose when the body is accustomed), since it is in pure form it is dangerous.
  • The portion of herbal beam should not exceed 2-3 st. l.
  • If unpleasant sensations occur, it is necessary to stop therapy, drink activated coal (2 tablets) and consult a doctor.
  • Course duration: no more than 2 weeks.

How to do scrust?

  • Conduct procedures with the help of a circle of esmark, which includes rubber pear and tip.
  • In a sitting position (legs are chosen up). In a relaxed state, gently enter the tip into the crotch and put pressure on the pear with the contents.
  • During the exacerbation of inflammatory diseases and after childbirth, it is rather contraindicated.
  • The frequency of procedures for therapeutic purposes is 1-2 times a day, with the aim of prevention - 1 time per week.
  • Too frequent use of purestone (with a dosage exceeding) leads to a violation of the microflora of the mucous membrane, as a result of which dysbacteriosis occurs.

Is it possible to wash them?

Of course, it is possible to wash the cleanliness (this is in any case safer uncontrolled oral use), but some nuances should be taken into account:

  • Beginning procedures should be with minimal dosage (1 tbsp. L. Dry grass on 1 glass of boiling water) and in no case use the juice of fresh cleanliness for this purpose (the burn of the vagina mucosion may occur).
  • It is desirable to be lying in the morning and evening clock (after the soul). This process does not imply (as in the case of a sinking) to enter the remedy into the vagina. It is necessary to simply clean (rinse) external genitals.
  • In the event of unpleasant sensations after the washed (burning, itching, etc.) should be consulted with the attending physician about the causes of such a reaction, since discomfort is often caused by the intolerance to the means or inflammatory processes (in the uterus, in the vagina, etc.) at the aggravation stage .
  • The rejunction course is an average of 2-3 weeks (in some cases - a month, on the recommendation of the doctor).

Before the processing of douching or arrangement, it is recommended to carry out a test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of means is necessary (a few drops, be it a decoction or diluted juice) apply to a separate section of the body (preferably to the area of \u200b\u200bthe ulnok bend or wrist) and to monitor the body's response during the day. In case of irritation on the skin (rash, redness, itching), the tool should not use any purposes.

Treatment of gynecological diseases with cleanpiece - effective folk remedy (taking into account compliance with all recommendations). But with improper use (for example, when using the plant juice in pure form or too often), negative consequences are possible to eliminate which other methods of therapy will be required. Therefore, in order to ensure efficient and painless treatment, it is extremely important to observe the frequency (do the procedures regularly) and not exceed the dosage.

Cleptela juice is the main value of this plant. It is contained both in the leaves and shoots and roots. Huge popularity in folk medicine was purity thanks to the large content of alkaloids, which, in particular, help remove muscle spasms and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Other plant enzymes stimulate the operation of salivary glands, struggling with pathogenic microorganisms, render a choleretic effect, prevent the formation of cancer and the development of an allergic reaction.

If you decide to prepare cleanly for treatment, it is necessary to pre-know several main features of its collection. Green parts of the plant must be collected from May to August, and the roots - from August to mid-September, but be sure to dry weather. At the same time, it should be careful that the juice of Cellular is accidentally in the eye.

To maximally save all useful properties, it should be pre-dried in a well-ventilated room without direct sunlight. Further, for better safety, put dry raw materials in paper or fabric bags. When harvesting the roots of the plant, they need to be thoroughly rinsed, and then dried in a suspended state. So that they are better stored, they must be wrapped in paper or cotton fabric.

General rules for cooking juice Celebre

Prepared Cleptela Juice in Glass Tare

Juice is contained in all parts of Ceeshela, so the plant should be pulled out entirely . After that, it must be rinsed and dried, and then finely cut the stalks, roots, leaves, flowers and skip everything through a meat grinder. Next, it remains to pour the resulting juice into a glass jar and close it. After put in a dark cool place, but not in the refrigerator. After about 5 days, juice boots, so it is necessary to open the container and allow the accumulated gases to exit outside. Then we close everything again with a lid and leave the juice to wander for 2-3 days. Repeat the same manipulations again - open the container and release gases. So we continue until the fermentation process stops. Upon completion of cooking, you keep the juice of Celenely constantly in a cool place.

Remember: Cellular can lead to adverse consequences, unless adhere to the correct dosage when it is used. Therefore, in the event of a dizziness, vomiting, seizure, slow heartbeat, blood pressure jumps and signs of suffocation should immediately consult a doctor. It is forbidden to treatment with cleanstore pregnant, nursing mothers, people suffering from bronchial asthma, diarrhea, epilepsy and heart disease, as well as children under 3 years old.


Pharmacy juice cleanliness for skin treatment

With Psoriasis, lubricate the foci of defeat with the juice of Celebly twice a day - in the morning and in the evening for 10 days. If the rash on the body does not pass after a ten-day course of therapy, it is recommended to increase it to two weeks.

Bathtub reception with psoriasis

With extensive foci, the lesion is more efficient to use a bath with a cleanliness. To do this, it is necessary to fill 25 g. Fine dry grass with 3 liters of boiling water. When the infusion cools to room temperature, it can be used to wash or add to the bath with warm water.

The root of celandine for cooking a healing brave

However, the most effective method in the fight against psoriasis is considered a decoction of the roots of Cephela. To prepare it, it is necessary to lower the root of the plant for 2 hours in boiling water and keep it there before softening. Then the decoction to strain and let it boil to him for another 30 minutes. Upon completion of the cooking, we cool the drug. Next, we make a row, perch first sterile gauze into the bandage, and then apply it to the place of defeat for 2-3 hours.

Intrusion juice of cleanstole papillom and warts

To get rid of warts and papillom, you can make caustic with chopper juice. Before carrying out this procedure, do not forget to treat the area around the wound with children's cream. Perform the migration every 2-3 hours every day until the skin troubleshooting is completely eliminated. Similarly, it is possible to apply Cleptela juice mixed in equal parts with a tincture of propolis.

We treat warts and papillomas externally alcohol tincture

Outdoor treatment with papilloma can be alternate with the admission of alcohol tincture inside. For her preparation you will need two tablespoons of dried cleanliness and 500 ml. alcohol. All mix and withstand the composition for 14 days. The daily dose is 10-15 drops, which must be taken before eating three times a day for a month.

In the treatment of eczema perfectly helps the decoction of Cepurela. To prepare it, you will need to take 20 g. The dry crushed grass is cleanly, pour out into the enameled dishes and pour the glass of boiling water. Next, the tank cover the lid and send it to the water bath while holding it for 15 minutes. After cooling, the decoction must be filtered and pouring into the dishes of dark glass. It is necessary to store such a medicine for 2 days, lubricating them areas of skin, affected by eczema.

Dandelion - auxiliary tool to combat skin diseases

It is also recommended to use a mixture of 10 g. Dry cleanliness and dandelion in the treatment of eczema. These components must be pre-grinding, and then pour into enamel containers, pour the contents of 200 ml. Boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and give the mixture to boil for 30 minutes in a water bath. After cooking the brave, we give time to cool, then filter it and transfer it to the glass container with a dense lid. Store the medicine in a cool place for no more than two days, treating them the amazed parts of the body.

For the treatment of dermatitis, accompanied by a constant itch, use the infusion of Celebre, which is most commonly used in the form of a bath. To cook it, take 10 g. Dry plants and brew it to half a cup of boiling water. Warm with infusion add to the bath and take it within 15-20 minutes until it eliminates the spindles on the skin. After 2-3 days of such treatment, itching and edema will decrease, and the calcined skin covers will completely be lit.

Eliminate acne and acne on the face will help a special lotion. It is very easy to cook it: for this you need to take 2 tbsp. dried cleanliness and pour it 500 ml. Boiling water, give the medium to strengthen three hours, strain and store in the refrigerator. The finished lotion is necessary daily to wipe the face in the morning and in the evening.

Cucumber Juice will strengthen therapeutic effects of Celebrela

To prepare another efficient lotion from acne, mix one cucumber juice and 50 ml. Soca Cephela. After that, fill with a mixture of 100 ml. Alcohol and insist the remedy in the refrigerator for 10 days. Wipe the fat skin with a fat skin daily in the morning and in the evening.

For problem dry skin, ointment is perfectly suitable. It can be cooked in a pharmacy, and prepare yourself. For the second option, you will need to mix freshly squeezed juice cleanliness with vaseline in proportions 1: 5. The finished ointment is stored in the refrigerator, lubricating her dry skin for the night for 2 weeks.

Yolk with olive oil is suitable for any skin type

An universal option for any type of skin will be a cosmetic mask, which must be done three times a week. Everything you need is to mix one egg yolk, a teaspoon of cleanpiece juice and olive oil. Then the homogeneous mass to the smooth layer on the skin of the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes, after which we wash the face with warm water.

Healing recipes with a purecology in gynecology

In case of cervical erosion, prepare two or three tablespoons of chopped cleanliness and pour them three liters of boiling water. Wait until the cooked remedy is a bit imaginary and cool to room temperature, pick it up and break it into the basin. Take seating baths for 15-20 minutes for 10 days.

In the treatment of thrush, it is recommended to take an infusion made from one tablespoon of the disturbed celandine, which it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water. Next, the containers with the contents send on the stove and let it boil for 10 minutes. After cooking, the decoction is filtering and divided it into two receptions per day. Drinking such a medicine is required 14 days. In parallel, spending and scrutiny, and also make seating baths with a purelter from the prepared infusion: 3 tbsp. Grass are 3 liters. water.

Herbal collection, consisting of two parts of the chamomile, yarrow, one part of the goose nepchatka and cleanliness, will help to cope with the tides in the climax. The tablespoon of the mixture must be pouring a glass of boiling water, after brewing to profile the resulting medicine and divide the amount into three equal parts. You need to drink infusion three times a day for 1 month.

To remove the inflammatory process during endometritis, it is recommended to take three times a day with infusion of cleanliness from the calculation of the tablespoon of dry raw materials on a glass of boiling water. The course of treatment with such a means should be at least 20 days.

Video: Cleanphela - Treatment and Contraindications

Recipes with purestulus clean your skin from a wide variety of races, and will also be able to help representatives of weak floor cope with age and hormonal restructuring and to remove the inflammatory process. The main thing is to adhere to a clear meal dosage.

Cellular in gynecology is widely used in inflammatory diseases of the female sexual area: vulvite, colpite, ovarian inflammation, endomentrite.

Cupiure juice has strong antibacterial properties and is used in the form of infusion for use inside, alcohol tincture, douching, sedentary baths.

Celest is a poisonous plant, but in small doses it can be used for treatment. Usually in the acute phase of the disease, when inflammation needs to be interrupted very quickly, gynecologists prescribe antibiotics.

In the chronic phase of gynecological diseases, celandine is used.

Cupiolete juice is able to affect the cessation of cancer cell growth. In folk medicine, it is recommended to apply in the initial stages of tumors. In gynecology, it successfully applies with a benign uterus tumor - Moma.

Today, inflammatory diseases in women are very widespread. Small girl do not braise themselves. They carry a mini skirts, jeans that the topics begin on the navel, which on the waist end. Naked body! And so in any weather.

And the infection does not sleep. How little immunity will decrease, overcool and raise streptococci and staphylococci heads. Therefore, the first rule is to take care of your health, otherwise, then many girls threaten infertility and chronic urine-sexual sickness diseases.

If the trouble happened and there was inflammation of the appendages, it should not be engaged in self-medication. Need, and contact the gynecologist. The doctor will make all the tests, establish the cause of the disease and will prescribe the right treatment. In many cases, it will be antibiotics. It's not necessary to fear, it's better to destroy inflammation at the root, then the probability of the development of adhesions and scars in the uterine pipes will be minimal. And to restore the normal microflora, the doctor will definitely assign you preparations with lacto and bifidobacteriums.

If you have an inflammatory process in the chronic stage, then the cleanliness is very useful. Its action will be aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and the growth of harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, prevention of adhesion formation and cyst.

The benefits of celandine in gynecological diseases

This grass grows everywhere. It can be found on forest lawns, in roads, in summer areas, in the fields. Therefore, if desired, in the summer for therapeutic purposes, it is easy to find fresh grass. If you want to press it for the winter, do it during flowering. Dried, it does not lose its medicinal properties at all.

What provides the healing properties of Celebre in the treatment of gynecological diseases? The yellow juice of Cephelate contains 20 alcoholoids, such as homochhelidonin, Sanguine, Protopin and others. In small doses, these poisonous substances suppress the growth of the pathogenic flora and treat inflammation. The highest content of alcoholoids is in the root of the plant. And in large doses, this is a plant of poisonous. That is why, if you decide to be treated, take it for this only an overhead part, where alcohoids are contained less, but still enough for treatment.

Celest, recipes for use in gynecology

1. This inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes (salpintingitis) and ovaries (ooforite). In the acute stage, the disease is manifested by pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the sacral region. Pains are intensified when urinating, emptying the intestines, physical tension. The body temperature is increased, worried about the general weakness.

If the disease appeared for the first time, the treatment is carried out under the guidance of the gynecologist at home or in the hospital. Antibiotic therapy is used after determining the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics. Unfortunately, there are often cases of transition of disease in chronic stage. Repeated, the more frequent antibiotics courses are undesirable. This can lead to an imbalance of intestinal microflora and urine-genital organs. In these cases, folk medical agents should be applied.

Infusion Chisthela: Take a whole tablespoon of fresh grass cleanliness or dessert sucking. Add 250 ml of boiling water. After cooling and filtering, drink 1/3 of the volume of three times a day. Spend this procedure 10 days in a row.

Drying: Take a 0.5 liter jar, up to half to fall in fresh leaves, flower and trunks of Celebre. If you use a dry plant, you need to take only a quarter of banks. Next - need boiling water to fill the bank to the top. Cover and leave to appease until it cools. Then it is necessary to strain through the siete and do douching. Since treatment requires a procedure twice a day, a similar infusion will need to be prepared twice. The course requires procedures in a row for 10-20 days.

2. Colpit, vulvit and vulvovaginitis. In this disease, the inflammatory process captures the mucous membranes of the walls of the vagina, as well as external genital organs. It is clinically characterized by a sensation of a strong tooth and discharge from the vagina of a mucinous-purulent nature.

Infusion Chisthela: Since the provoking factor in the occurrence of mucous inflammation is common chronic foci of infection, low immunity, insufficient personal hygiene, should be taken inside the infusion of chorely, combining it with douching. The infusion of Cellular can also be prepared as in the previous recipe.

Drying: On one tablespoon of grass, the grass was taken by 3 liters just boiling water. You can additionally include in the infusion for douching 2 tablespoons of dried calendula flowers. When cooled, the solution is used for douching or for a sedent bath.

3. Endometritis. In this case, the mucous membrane of the uterus itself is inflated. If the muscular layer is involved in the process, they say endomyometritis. It is manifested by stupid pains at the bottom of the abdomen, excretions with an admixture of mucus, pus and blood. Temperature can increase and felt overall malaise.

Infusion chiurela. The thermos is placed in a tablespoon (30 g) of herbs clean and poured 250 ml of boiling water. Leave it to be for several hours. Enjoy. Be sure to strain. Take 1/3 from all over half an hour before meals, in the morning, day and evening. The course lasts 10 days. Endometritis should be treated under the control of the gynecologist and combine with drug drugs.

4. Erosion. This is a violation of the integrity of the epithelium in the field cervix. We clinically can pass asymptomatic and a woman may not even know about it. Therefore, preventive inspections of the gynecologist for women are required, at least once a year. After all, a long-term existing erosion can become a serious threat to the development of a malignant tumor.

Sitting baths: Prepare infusion as follows. Two tablespoons of fresh cleanliness are added to 3 liters of boiling water or one-dry. You need to insist 3 - 4 hours and strain. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. You need to do every day, the rate will continue at least ten days.

5. In obstetrics Clean juice is used to process cracks on nipples in nursing mothers. The wounds are quickly healing. But do not forget before feeding the child thoroughly rinse the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples.

6. Myoma of the uterus. This disease relates to benign dizgormal tumors. Cellular is able to treat any tumors in the human body and under certain limits to affect even cancer cells. Therefore, the treatment of the purity of the Moma or the fibromomy of the uterus is quite substantiated.

Candles with purity extract. Sold in a pharmacy. Recommended for the course of treatment Consult with a doctor. Candles are introduced into the vagina or the rectum before bedtime. Before the introduction through the intestine, it is pre-put a cleansing enema. Currency treatment, 10-20 days duration.

Alcohol tincture cleanliness. It is necessary to take a small glass jar with a capacity of 250 ml. Half filled with fresh leaves and twigs of cleanliness or a quarter of dry grass. Pour the contents with alcohol or vodka and insist 12 days. After that, it is necessary to strain. Use as follows: On the first day, 100 ml of water with one drop of tincture is drunk. Then they add one drop daily. The dose is increasing to 15 drops per day. Then start in the reverse order to reduce one drop to 1 drops per day.

The grass Celebrel in gynecology can be successfully used in the form of informants, candles, sinks with inflammation of appendages, erosions, moma of the uterus. This method of treatment can be applied when the disease is absolutely clear. When an infection causative agent is installed. When the gynecologist reasonably recommends you the appropriate treatment method. Take care of your health!

There are contraindications! Treatment Celener cannot be carried out in the presence of bronchial asthma, epilepsy, psyche diseases, pronounced cardiovascular disorders, in childhood.

The plant is cleanliness, folk legari uses not one century. The people gave him a lot of names, in Greece, in ancient times he was called swallow grass. In different places he has his name, he is a warter and field mustard, then the Gladeshnik and Russian ginseng. All names simply not to list. He opened up his healing properties, gradually. Initially, it is an externally not a catchy plant, began to apply when skin problems. Only then then celandine, therapeutic properties and contraindications of which became known to the healers and medicine of the Third Millennium, began to disclose other valuable secrets.

Description of Chisthela

The warter has long been in the field of view of the folk drugs. Even in the old days, the purulent wounds were treated with rheuble wounds, not healing ulcers, and warts were treated. Names in a flower, a lot:

  • gladshnik, Chistuha;
  • warthog, dog soap;
  • swallow grass, field mustard;
  • russian ginseng.

There are many names, the essence is one. He is very powerful. It seems to be a rather unwashed bush, the gardeners of His malicious weed believes, however, since he will start at the cottage, it will be difficult to bring it difficult.

Botany classifies cleanly so: a perennial belongs to the poppy family, the branch of the day. Flowers yellow flowers on a long leg assembled in a simple umbrella. Leaves in the form of a lyra, dissected, above having a bright green color, from the bottom from the bottom. Growing almost everywhere, the exception is the amar regions of the country.

Fruits from May to September, for the growing season, can give 3 seed crops. The stem is a reprehensive, finishing fragile root, brown. With the slightest damage to any part of the warf, orange milk is highlighted. Refers to hazardous plants .. the height of the plant varies from 30 cm to 100 cm, it depends on the variety.

Chemical composition of the plant

Lastochka grass is rich in useful components, here are present here:

  • phytoncides;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • bitterness;
  • sanina;
  • vitamins (A, E and C);
  • alkaloids (alokriptopin, Coptosin, Sanguinearin, Helidonin, Protopan, Allokriptopin).

The alkaloid row in the field mustard is represented by more than twenty names. List them in disabilities in medicine to people or something. Their names will not say anything by the average man.

It is worth paying attention to the Helidonin component, a close relative of Morphine, be careful. Small doses will help to remove pain, overdose of the substance, entails severe cramps, may come full paralysis.

Useful and therapeutic properties

Since the time of alchemists, this unparalleled bush entered the history of the folk medicine, as a powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent. In the ancient, the elixir from the chisty of cheesened toothpow, jaundice, treated eye and skin diseases. Inbox in a warthog of alkaloids, very powerfully affect the human body:

  1. Helidonin is a nervous system.
  2. Protopin - participates in female health processes.
  3. Gomohelidonin is a powerful anesthetic.
  4. The juice of the Gladishnik and powder from dried leaves helped in the fight against papillomas, microbial eczema, treated corn, psoriatic plaques, survived warts. Helped get rid of fungal diseases, heal no healing ulcers, problem wounds.
  5. Decorations, infusions of the flower are used during the stagnation of bile, adopt as a laxative, diuretic, doctors are prescribed as an painful medicine.

Be careful!Reception of drugs made on the basis of Russian ginseng is contraindicated with diseases: hypertension, angina; IHS, pregnancy.

You should not consume a medicine with swallow grass after a myocardial infarction, contraindicated with diarrhea and drowsiness. Take formulations with Russian ginseng patients with a cardiovascular system, with great caution. The alkaloids contained in the Gladishnik, such as Khalidonin, will help to remove the spasm of the walls of the vessels, relax a smooth muscles of the intestine. Lower the pressure, slow down the pulse, the same components.

The most precious quality in the nature of herb, it can stop the growth of malignant cells, carrying hope to patients. Now, in medicine, we use drugs based on Russian ginseng in diseases of the gallbladder, liver, stomach. Medicines with field mustard have a bactericidal feature against many microorganisms.

Celest in traditional medicine

Medicine of the XXI century, reluctantly using the recipes of folk healers. Recently, it became worth paying attention to drugs made on the basis of natural ingredients. After all, so many centuries, lycari used them.

Great interest of pharmaceuticals caused drugs made on the basis of field mustard. With it, it is successfully treated with skin tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases, the sluggling work of the intestine and stagnation of bile. The bearder juice fertilizes grapples with standard therapy of the bladder and the treatment of the rectal polyps.

Note!The warter is quite poisonous, so it should be able to approach the dosage of drugs, to observe a strictly recipe.

People patients with psoriasis suffer not only physically, during the disease, the mental health of the patient is tangible. Medicines prepared on the basis of swallow grass significantly facilitate the suffering of the patient. A comprehensive course of treatment implies that the drug is prescribed outwardly and internally, at one time. In the same period, hot baths are recommended with adding infusion.

Comparely recently, they began to widely use cleanly in the healing of malignant formations, while the mechanism of exposure to cancer cells of this plant was not fully studied. But it works, gives hope the patient. After all, alkaloids act on cancer education, in various stages of the disease.

There are quite a lot of drugs based on the smoothness with antimicrobial properties, they are successfully fighting with strains that are resistant to antibiotics. The preparation of Sanguiritrin is recommended for ulcerative-necrotic processes, trophic ulcers. A unique plant can be singing diffilams, how much more secrets in himself?

How to apply cleanly

Taking cleanly, almost all sources warn, with derivatives, with him themselves, it is necessary to turn extremely carefully. Observe exactly metric data of the recipe, when admitting infusions, decoctions, Ceplex juice. The plant belongs to the detachment of poisonous colors. Overdose by the drug from Cellity, can cause significant harm to the body without curing the patient.

Do not overdo it! Especially carefully take juice, follow the recipe to a milligram, mainly a note refers to internal consumption.

All sorts of ointment, compresses are extremely careful. It is difficult to choose them, get a burn simply. After all, the removal of papilloma, warts, moles, implies burning. Especially be careful with such procedures on the face. Very often, after burning, scars remain. Take care of your eyes, even a small drop of juice is difficult to wash out of them. Many diseases treasure fees with cleaning, brands, tincture, ointments, lotions, elixirs are prepared from them.

The healing properties of Celebre in gynecology

Climax is a difficult period in the life of a woman. There is a reorganization of the endocrine system. Frequency functions fade. During the climax in the body, a hormonal deficit occurs. Often doctors, prescribe preparations based on hormones, but they are not shown to everyone. Immunity, the nervous system should be put in order, the years did not spare them, but they need to support them in good condition, then the body moves easier to the climax. Helping the body of a woman gently, cleanly cope with the task facing him.

Elixir for restoring the functions of the body when climax

Nature gifts! Raw yarrow raw materials, custhele, goose laptops, daisy flowers take 1 tbsp. l. Stir, 1 spooning the mixture to brew a glass of boiling water, best do it in a thermos. Bring 1 hour, then the liquid is filtered through a dense fabric. To drink slowly, the whole volume of the branch. (Take two weeks, take a break for two weeks, repeat the course).

The thrush is disturbing many women from time to time. It was noticed that she "loves" mothers who gave birth to girls, delivering them a bunch of inconvenience. It is difficult to fight, it is even harder to carry itching. Celest and here comes to revenue, reducing unpleasant symptoms.

Infusion of Celebrated for Drainage Drainage

The finely excised fresh leaves of the warter in the amount of 2 soup spoils pour into a small saucepan, fray 1 liter of boiling water. Put it on fire, heated 3 minutes, then remove, retain to the side, insist 1 hour, covering the lid. The resulting liquid is divided into 2 parts. (Dragged in the morning and in the evening with warm mortar, treatment to spend 7 days, after 7 days of rest, the process is repeated).

Balsam to reduce pain during the menstrual cycle with a purest

Mixing grass mustard, shepherd bags, nettle leaves of dwarm, kidney birch white, dill seeds. 1 Soup collection and referred to a saucepan of stainless steel or with a ceramic coating. Add 2 liters of water, cover the dishes with a lid, put on fire, how to boil the burners, the fluid should only languish, after 7 minutes, turn off. Leave the potion to cool, then focus on the infusion. (Take 1/3 of the glass, three times a day, 30 minutes before the treatment of food, parallel the dysfunction).

Decoration for scripture

Two tablespoons of the leaf of a warter, pour two liters of water. Liquid to boil up to a boil, then fire to fall, tomorrow is 5-7 minutes, turn off the burner, the decoction immediately strain. (Drain once a week, for three months, it is recommended to sleep on the stomach during treatment).

Therapeutic folk recipes

From stomach

Treatment of polyposis of the stomach. You need to know the measure! The jar (0.5 l) is filled with chopped herbal grass on a third of chopped swallow grass, steep boiling water is covered, insisted for five hours. Then pushed with boiled water to full volume. (Take it, starting from one teaspoon, gradually bring up to a hundred grams, a break is made for 5 days, start with one teaspoon again, the procedure is repeated four times, this is a complete course of treatment).

Heat Gastritis and Gastric Ulcers

The ulcer of the stomach doctors the tincture of the chisty. Dosage of taking medication, one teaspoon before meals. Treat to victory over a failed. With both diseases, it is recommended to drink kvass, prepare it: 3 liters of whey whey (perfect, on the basis of goat milk), add a glass of sugar, chickens chopped 1 cup (put the cashem in a bag with a small pure pebble so that there is no afloat), 1 A teaspoon sour cream. All ingredients are mixed in a can with serum, put for two weeks.

(Drink during the day, in the evening add water from the calculation to a glass of 1 teaspoon of sugar, it is recommended in spring and autumn as prevention during seasonal exacerbation). This kvass enjoys in patients with the disease of the stomach of great popularity.

Treatment of stomach and gastritis ulcers with success is enforced by integrated with a laryrship. We use for treatment only fresh decoction. The grave is necessarily included in the grace, chamomile, yarrow, this is the mandatory components standing in the same row Russian ginseng.

The composition of the collection for balms varies depending on the state of the patient, they are added, or some of the herbs are removed from the recipe. But this backbone of the four mentioned components is required. Another mandatory condition for the treatment of a wipe, preparations containing it must be taken before the meal, in an hour or half an hour, not later.

Treatment colitis

The inflammation of the intestine, the illness is rather unpleasant, painful, the herbal fees can struggle with him, from the fruits of alder gray, warter, the root of the nettle of the burning, the lapprontation. All ingredients are taken at one part, the collection is thoroughly mixed.

For infusion, four tablespoons of the collection, flooded with eight glasses of water. The future decoction is placed on fire, it is brought to a boil, then the fire is reduced, leave fluid to languish ten minutes. Before receiving the decoction to filter through the fabric. (Consults this: The first day you have to drink an empty stomach of a hundred chammers, the next five days, take on one tablespoon an hour before receiving food). This is an old recipe tested by time.

Attention! Not in vain, Chisthel is called Russian ginseng. There are many useful trace elements that fell on the human body.

Treatment of liver cirrhosis

Help Russian ginseng! Treatment of the liver cirrhosis, phytotherapists are advised to carry out chiper juice, it is necessary to take it, small doses. (Begin treatment from one drop on a teaspoon of water, increasing gradually their amount to one spoon of juice, bring the amount of water to 50 grams, treatment is long, not stopping to a positive result). During phytotherapy, it is recommended to comply with a diet.

Treatment of hepatitis chiurel

  • grass chicory - 2 tbsp. the spoon;
  • grass Celebre - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

3 spoons of collecting, pour 4 glasses of steep boiling water and put on a slow fire, for 5 minutes. Add 3 tbsp. Spoons of honey, a little lemon juice. (Take 4 times, 30 minutes before receiving food, the course of treatment is 14 days).

Celest in the treatment of burns

Any burns, including solar, rather painful. It is difficult for treatment, but the swallow grass will help here. Powder and juice from it, possess the anesthetic property of local significance. It is necessary to pour into the scene of the burn as much as possible milk china and more than once, it is disinfecting, pain relieves the burn place. If there is no one at hand, you need to sprinkle with a powder from the same flower, these two ingredients have the same actions. When you have to work on the street or in a dusting room, the wound is better bandaged.

In oncology

Luch hopes! Oncology, severe disease, malignant formation patients often have a difficult state. Who would have thought for another 20 years ago, which would help fight a terrible ailment, will be Russian ginseng. There is a lot of positive results in such a phytitbitison, although this plant is not fully studied. Help patients are essential, at any stage of the disease.

Treatment of cancer

The dry grass is purity to chop, can be coffee grinder to the state of the powder, 5 tablespoons. A liter of boiling water pour the cooked powder, tomorrow on a slow heat for 10 minutes. Then turn off the burner, the liquid is to appear hours 2, be sure to cover the capacity with the lid. (An infusion is used as compresses with skin cancer).

Tincture chilli

In a liter capacity of up to half of its volume, it is filled with dry raw raw materials, pour into a medical alcohol, on the shoulders of the can, leave for several weeks. Occasionally shake the jar. Then strain the fluid, pour into dark dishes.

It is necessary to start taking the tincture on one drop of 50 grams of boiled water, increasing the number of droplets every day adding one. The maximum number of drops 15, then their number does not change, drink until you will be healthy. Drops of tincture are taken before applying for food for 30-60 minutes, in the morning on an empty stomach.

Treatment of LOR-Diseases and Lights

It is worth staying on several ENT diseases where it is applied cleanly.

Geimorita treatment

In comprehensive treatment of complex cases, you can apply healel. Especially, this refers to an infectious swing. Milk warts are used for radical treatment of the maxillary sinuses. (You need to pump 2 drops in the nose, 2 times a day, the course is 5 days, it is also recommended to take the tincture of the chicdela alcohol, 1 cup of tea, 2-3 times a day, half an hour before applying food). In the course of treatment, prescribe, put compresses from the beam on the verge of the nose, the practical course is a week.

Treatment of adenoids

Miracle grass will help! Preparing infusion from 1 tbsp. l. Cheese chiurela, 200 grams of boiling water. The solution is insisted, filtered, start dripping from 3 to 10 drops. (The amount of them depends on age, the less years, the less droplets). Long warning! Treatment is carried out only in emergency cases.

Treatment of lung cancer

Celest, almost a magical healing sprout, it's not for nothing that it is called Russian ginseng. Apply to the treatment of lung cancer, it brings a tangible relief, during a serious cough, causing pain.

Puffy grass

Infusion of puretlae is prepared from fresh or dried herbs, a tablespoon of raw materials is poured with two glasses of boiling water, one hour is insisted. (Infusion is filtered through the fabric, taken by a patient on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day, before receiving food). Overdose is not allowed, be careful, Cellular poisonous.

Beneficial features

Juice Cephalia

Juice Chisthi is often called liquid gold, maybe it came from an old time when alchemists tried to get gold out of it. Perhaps the name comes from a large amount of beneficial properties and bright yellow milk. He really has a lifeful force, eliminates ugly warts, eye disease, such as trachoma, belma.

Heals the oral cavity, soothes the tooth pain, eliminates the corners, ulcers. Treats gallbladder, liver disease. Without it, the bowel treatment, the rectum, the stomach is not necessary. The length of the usefulness of the flower milk is great, it will have to list for a long time.

Oil chilli

The oil is cleanly not replaced in the treatment of skin diseases, sore joints, cosmetologists also actively apply it. Such troubles like, angry rash, acne, all kinds of skin irritation, problems are solved by using in creams, masks, compresses, chilli oil. It is used in the treatment of bedsores of lying patients.

Oil helps to fight with irritation and deep dialords in babies. The flower has a lot of beneficial substances, so it is worth harming in summer valuable grass. Flower oil is preparing easy, you can create a basis, use any vegetable, better helps cooked on olive oil.

Cooking oil chilli

Celestly wash, dry, carefully smash. 3 Spoons of Cashitz pour in any vegetable oil, 1 liter. Insist the half months in a darkened place, shaking the oil once a week. Fluid profile, apply for purpose. It is recommended to make billets in summer, from fresh raw materials.

Properties of the tincture of Celebrela

The recipe is pretty simple. The capacitance of grams 700 is taken, filled, washed, finely chopped with casciste purely half, medical alcohol or vodka poured. The container is placed in a dark place, it is for two weeks. Do not forget to sometimes shake the dishes with the tincture. Liquid should be skipped through the filter before use.

Properties of Bahar

The decoction of cleanly or herbal collection is valuable as a tincture, treats the same diseases. The spectrum of decoction is much wider. He is gracious acts on the skin of the face, whitening, toning and regenerating.

Diseases of the joints.Arthrosis of the knees, the disease is very painful, especially during the period of exacerbation. Treatment of oil from Celandine, or rather massage, greatly facilitates seasonal outbreaks of the disease.

How to prepare effective fees with a purest

It's time to stock! Cellular, its derivatives: oils, infusions, fees, decoctions and juice Celebre, are effective medicine used in folk and official medicine. Especially often began to use decoctions, infusions oncologists. Cellular successfully struggles with cancer cells at different stages of the development of the disease. Given the hope of sick with this heavy illness.

All sorts of charges, infusions from chisty from different grasses are effective for use inwards with many diseases. Their anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties have simply magical power. Properties and applications have a wide range of coverage.

Celebre oil, it is used for outdoor use in the fight against skin cancer, boils, ulcers. Also in demand in cosmetology and cosmetics with a purestulus that are quite effective.

When, where and how to collect and keep cleanliness

The collection of useful raw materials is beginning immediately, as he starts blooming. Usually this end of May, beginning of June, harvest until the pods appeared. At this time, the plant has the most peak accumulation of beneficial properties. The workpiece of raw materials are carried out in dry weather, only the upper part of the plant is collected. The root is digging in autumn.

Lekari also advise to harvest the plant all at once, with the root. They say that the raw material prepared in this way has greater herigamental power. After collecting, the raw materials are washed with roots, dry excess moisture, bind into loose bundles, no more than ten pieces. Perceive drying in the attic, in a well ventilated storage room.

You can dry the blanks in the dryer, so the blanks will be saved more juice. The dried beams are best wrapped in paper, but do not fully pack. Leave the roots are not cooked, hanging them in a dry room. Raw materials retains beneficial properties for three years.

Celest dosage, harm and contraindications

Just do not hurry! The cleanliness of a very popular plant, with it is treated about 250 diseases. It has two dozen alkaloids in its composition, many essential oils, organic acids, various tanning substances.

The beneficial properties of the plant a lot, but harm it can cause a serious one. Russian ginseng refers to the detachment of poisonous plants. When treating, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, and then instead of the expected improvement, you can get into resuscitation. With independent raw materials collection, you need to wear rubber gloves, during the collection not to eat.

Where to buy, where to buy, price

Dry raw material cleanliness is sold in pharmacies, as well as alcohol tincture. Dry material can be bought in any pharmacy without problems, but the tincture will have to search. If there are no pharmacies nearby, then in this case the Internet will help. The price of a bottle capacity is 50 ml, 250 rubles, order, and the goods will deliver to you in the next time with joy.


The beneficial properties of Celebre with interest overlap dangerous communication with this wonderful grass. Incomplete weed, trouble of all gardeners. And how many people he saved his life, how many women returned the joy of motherhood. And how many more people will be grateful to this nonsense plant. The curetles of therapeutic properties of which are not fully studied, has significant contraindications, but even one saved life will turn over all the negative opinions of opponents.

Hello, our dear readers! Today we will have a post, which is useful for all women. We will talk about how to treat women's diseases. Female inflammatory diseases - the problem is very relevant. Delivers women a lot of trouble.

Grass Celebrel, recipes for use in gynecology are widely known in folk medicine. The grass should be used in combination with medicinal therapy, which is prescribed a gynecologist. You can apply yourself, as well as in the form of fees with other anti-inflammatory herbs.

Small girl do not braise themselves. We carry mines, jeans, which starts the topics from the navel, which on the waist end. Naked body! And so in any weather. And the infection does not sleep. How little immunity will decrease, overcool and raise streptococci and staphylococci heads. Therefore, the first rule is to take care of your health, otherwise, then many girls threaten infertility and chronic urine-sexual sickness diseases.

If the trouble happens and there was inflammation of the appendages or adhesitis, do not engage in self-medication, but contact the gynecologist. The doctor will make all the tests, establish the cause of the disease and will prescribe the right treatment. In many cases, it will be antibiotics. It's not necessary to fear, it's better to destroy inflammation at the root, then the probability of the development of adhesions and scars in the uterine pipes will be minimal. And to restore the normal microflora, the doctor will definitely assign you preparations with lacto and bifidobacteriums.

If you have an inflammatory process in the chronic stage, then the cleanliness is very useful. Its action will be aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and the growth of harmful bacteria, fungi, viruses, prevention of adhesion formation and cyst.

The benefits of celandine in gynecological diseases

This grass grows everywhere. It can be found on forest lawns, in roads, in summer areas, in the fields. Therefore, if desired, in the summer for therapeutic purposes, it is easy to find fresh grass. If you want to press it for the winter, do it during flowering. Dried, it does not lose its medicinal properties at all.

What provides the healing properties of Celebre in the treatment of gynecological diseases? The yellow juice of Cephelate contains 20 alcoholoids, such as homochhelidonin, Sanguine, Protopin and others. In small doses, these poisonous substances suppress the growth of the pathogenic flora and treat inflammation. The highest content of alcoholoids is in the root of the plant. That is why if you decide to be treated with a cleanillure, take it for this only an overhead part.

Celest, recipes for use in gynecology

1.Adnexits, more precisely, SalpingoForit. This inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes (salpintingitis) and ovaries (ooforite). In the acute stage, the disease is manifested by pain at the bottom of the abdomen and in the sacral region. Pains are intensified when urinating, emptying the intestines, physical tension. The body temperature is increased, worried about the general weakness.

If the disease appeared for the first time, the treatment is carried out under the guidance of the gynecologist at home or in the hospital. Antibiotic therapy is used after determining the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics. Unfortunately, there are often cases of transition of disease in chronic stage. Repeated, the more frequent antibiotics courses are undesirable. This can lead to an imbalance of intestinal microflora and urine-genital organs. In these cases, folk medical agents should be applied.

Infusion Chisthela: Take a whole tablespoon of fresh grass cleanliness or dessert sucking. Add 250 ml of boiling water. After cooling and filtering, drink 1/3 of the volume of three times a day. Spend this procedure 10 days in a row.

Drying: Take a 0.5 liter jar, up to half to fall in fresh leaves, flower and trunks of Celebre. If you use a dry plant, you need to take only a quarter of banks. Next - need boiling water to fill the bank to the top. Cover and leave to appease until it cools. Then it is necessary to strain through the siete and do douching. Since treatment requires a procedure twice a day, a similar infusion will need to be prepared twice. The course requires procedures in a row for 10-20 days.

2. Colpit, vulvit and vulvovaginitis. In this disease, the inflammatory process captures the mucous membranes of the walls of the vagina, as well as external genital organs. It is clinically characterized by a sensation of a strong tooth and discharge from the vagina of a mucinous-purulent nature.

Infusion Chisthela: Since the provoking factor in the occurrence of mucous inflammation is common chronic foci of infection, low immunity, insufficiently conducted personal hygiene, should be taken inside the infusion of chorely, combining it with douching. The infusion of Cellular can also be prepared as in the previous recipe.

Drying: On one tablespoon of grass, the grass was taken by 3 liters just boiling water. You can additionally include in the infusion for douching 2 tablespoons of dried calendula flowers. When cooled, the solution is used for douching or for a sedent bath.

3. Endometritis. In this case, the mucous membrane of the uterus itself is inflated. If the muscular layer is involved in the process, they say endomyometritis. It is manifested by stupid pains at the bottom of the abdomen, excretions with an admixture of mucus, pus and blood. Temperature can increase and felt overall malaise.

Infusion chiurela. The thermos is placed in a tablespoon (30 g) of herbs clean and poured 250 ml of boiling water. Leave it to be for several hours. Enjoy. Be sure to dig. Take 1/3 from all over half an hour before meals, in the morning, day and evening. The course is continuing 10 days. Endometritis should be treated under the control of the gynecologist and combine with drug drugs.

4. Erosion. This is a violation of the integrity of the epithelium in the field cervix. We clinically can pass asymptomatic and a woman may not even know about it. Therefore, preventive inspections of the gynecologist for women are required, at least once a year. After all, a long-term existing erosion can become a serious threat to the development of a malignant tumor.

Sitting baths: Prepare infusion as follows. Two tablespoons of fresh cleanliness are added to 3 liters of boiling water or one-dry. You need to insist 3 - 4 hours and strain. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. You need to do every day, the rate will continue at least ten days.

5. In obstetrics Clean juice is used to process cracks on nipples in nursing mothers. The wounds are quickly healing. But do not forget before feeding the child thoroughly rinse the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples.

6. Myoma of the uterus. This disease relates to benign dizgormal tumors. Cellular is able to treat any tumors in the human body and under certain limits to affect even cancer cells. Therefore, the treatment of the purity of the Moma or the fibromomy of the uterus is quite substantiated.

Candles with purity extract. Sold in a pharmacy. Recommended for the course of treatment Consult with a doctor. Candles are introduced into the vagina or the rectum before bedtime. Before the introduction through the intestine, it is pre-put a cleansing enema. Currency treatment, 10-20 days duration.

Alcohol tincture cleanliness. It is necessary to take a small glass jar with a capacity of 250 ml. Half filled with fresh leaves and twigs of cleanliness or a quarter of dry grass. Pour the contents with alcohol or vodka and insist 12 days. After that, it is necessary to strain. Use as follows: On the first day, 100 ml of water with one drop of tincture is drunk. Then they add one drop daily. The dose is increasing to 15 drops per day. Then start in the reverse order to reduce one drop to 1 drops per day.

The grass Celebrel in gynecology can be successfully used in the form of informants, candles, sinks with inflammation of appendages, erosions, moma of the uterus. This method of treatment can be applied when the disease is absolutely clear. When an infection causative agent is installed. When the gynecologist reasonably recommends you the appropriate treatment method. Take care of your health!

There are contraindications! Treatment Celener cannot be carried out in the presence of bronchial asthma, epilepsy, psyche diseases, pronounced cardiovascular disorders, in childhood.

Dear women! Today I finish today. Ask questions, Write your comments in the comments. Subscribe to blog updates and click on the buttons your favorite social networks. Call your friends here. Take care of health all together.

To new meetings, Natalia Bogoyavlenskaya

Celebrated - our Russian ginseng.

Be sure to take a note!

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