About the benefits of riding. The harm and benefits of equestrian sports for children and adults - contraindications for equestrian sports and horseback riding

Engineering systems 11.10.2019
Engineering systems

Horses are smart, beautiful and graceful animals, so people from ancient times sought to communicate with them and tame them. But horseback riding is especially exciting, and it can be good for health. But still, such an activity has some features, and they must be clarified before the first horseback ride.

How useful is horseback riding?

The benefits of horseback riding have been studied for a long time, and this moment Several directions of the impact of horseback riding on the body have been identified:

  • A horse ride is a full-fledged session of hippotherapy, that is, horse treatment, the effectiveness of which has been proven by scientists. Communication with these amazing animals gives a lot of positive emotions, helps to relax and forget about problems, and also enjoy fresh air and stunning views, achieving unity with nature. But the positive impact is not only on the psychological and emotional, but also on the physical level. The fact is that the body temperature of a horse is slightly higher than that of a human, and when moving, it rises by several degrees. And such a kind of thermal effect helps to normalize blood circulation and improve blood supply to important systems and organs.
  • Horseback riding is a great workout for almost the entire body. During a horse ride, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are actively working, which helps to improve their functioning. And the vestibular apparatus helps to maintain balance, which means that it will also receive a moderate load, thanks to which you will gain dexterity and improve coordination of movements.
  • Regular exercise is useful for losing weight, because walking at a fast pace is comparable to active walking or easy running. In addition, to stay in the saddle, the rider makes a lot of effort. In this case, almost all muscle groups are involved: femoral and calf, inguinal, abdominal Press, chest, biceps and others. This is a complete and fairly intense workout.
  • Horse riding is useful for a woman, especially planning a child. While driving, blood actively rushes to the pelvic organs, so that they receive more nutrients and oxygen and function much better.
  • Regular exercise will improve digestion, as the rush of blood to the pelvic organs stimulates the peristalsis of the intestinal walls and, thus, eliminates constipation.
  • You will become much more resilient, improve your health and increase your efficiency and activity.
  • During the ride, the posture improves and forms, because the rider must keep his back straight, only in this position can he be in the saddle. Gradually, you will get used to this pose and you will not notice that your back remains straight even outside of classes. BUT beautiful posture- this is attractiveness, a chic gait and the health of your spine.
  • You can become more self-confident, more attentive, more collected, as well as more feminine and attractive. And it will definitely come in handy in your life.
  • Horse riding can give you a lot of new interesting acquaintances.
  • While driving in picturesque places, you can enjoy the beauties of nature and get aesthetic pleasure, which will help develop a sense of beauty, exquisite taste.
  • Communication with horses will awaken in you best qualities such as kindness, gentleness, honesty, moderate and appropriate pride, fidelity, and many others. Often animals become a great example for people.
  • Horseback riding is also useful for the body because it improves blood circulation and blood supply to almost all internal organs, and this normalizes their work.

It is worth adding that such a useful and exciting activity is suitable for everyone: women, men, and children.

Can horseback riding hurt?

The potential harm of riding lies primarily in the danger that the animal can create. For example, it can kick or suddenly accelerate the pace of movement, which will lead to injuries, including serious ones. But such risks can be minimized if security measures are followed.

There are some contraindications:

  • serious injuries or diseases of the spine (during walking, the load on it increases);
  • some gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature (during riding, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, and with inflammation this is harmful);
  • diseases of the prostate gland in men;
  • thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and other diseases that increase the risk of blood clots (during active driving, one of them may come off);
  • hypertension and some other diseases of cardio-vascular system accompanied by heart rhythm disturbances (riding provokes an increase in heart rate);
  • kidney disease and genitourinary system(such a contraindication is associated with a rush of blood to the pelvic organs);
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • pregnancy (during horseback riding, the muscles of the groin and abdomen are very tense, which can provoke uterine hypertonicity and premature birth);
  • severe mental illness.

How to make horseback riding as useful as possible?

To ensure that riding brings only benefits and does not harm, follow the recommendations:

  1. It is important to choose the right clothes and shoes. It is not necessary to purchase a special outfit (jockey suit), you can choose tight-fitting pants or breeches made of breathable fabric, as well as a light jacket. Be sure to wear a helmet on your head, it will protect the brain in case of a fall. The best shoes are boots with high tops that will keep your feet comfortable (they will not come into contact with the protruding parts of the stirrup). Small heels are acceptable and appropriate, they will help fix the feet. In addition, it is better to choose shoes from natural materials that minimize sweating. Clasps are discouraged, as they can snag on gear and be a big distraction. And to protect against slipping of the reins and chafing of the palms, you can purchase gloves.
  2. Contact a professional equestrian club, and choose one that has an impeccable reputation and positive reviews.
  3. If you are a beginner rider, then training is mandatory, involving practical exercises with an instructor, and not one or two, but at least 5-10. It is also useful to study information about horses, it may come in handy.
  4. It is important to choose the "right" horse. As a rule, beginners are offered calm and balanced animals, but in any case, you should make contact and suppress fear in yourself, if any. So before your first ride, hang out with your new artiodactyl friend, get used to it, and let it get used to you.
  5. It is extremely important to observe safety measures. So, next to the horse, you should not make loud noises and make sudden movements. Also, you can not approach the horse from behind, he may be frightened and unintentionally kick you. Be sure to learn how to mount and descend, as well as sit in the saddle. Before the first walk, be sure to go through the mandatory briefing, and during the lesson, follow all the instructions of the instructor. If the horse suddenly picks up the pace, gather up, group up and don't try to jump right away, such a rash step in most cases leads to injury. And before class, check the serviceability of the equipment, your safety depends on it.
  6. Remember that horseback riding, first of all, should be fun. So if you feel nothing but fear and disgust, then you should choose another activity.

If you have not yet decided to sign up for a riding lesson, then do it as soon as possible!

Our children should grow up healthy and strong, it is important with early years accustom the baby to an active lifestyle. Equestrian sport for children is very popular, it can be called one of the most popular today.

In addition, it brings considerable benefits: it favorably affects physical and mental health. First of all, coordination improves, balance develops, the musculoskeletal system develops. Horse riding is great for emotional condition, classes give cheerfulness and an influx of energy. There is even therapy and treatment with horses.

Hippotherapy: what is it?

This is slow riding, which helps to recover from injuries. Thus, not only health improves, but also the psychological state is strengthened. This recovery method is well suited for children with various neurological disorders and congenital mental anomalies.

Slow riding is able to develop balance, one of its main goals is to overcome fear. Horseback riding develops purposefulness and it ensures harmony with the outside world.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many parents want to send their children to it. But in order for the child himself to express a desire for horseback riding, it is necessary to interest him.

Teaching a child to horses

You need to try and make every effort to teach a child, especially a small one, to horses. The first step is to show pictures with these animals, watch cartoons, play. At the age of 4-5 years, the baby can already be taken to a specialized club: where he will see how the horses are fed, how they are looked after. To instill interest in this sport, go to equestrian competitions. - Let your baby watch others ride. First, you need to get to know the horse, you need to make sure that a sense of trust arises. - Go to the stable and check if the child likes to watch the horses. He must get comfortable, look around and understand how he feels. In most cases, children show interest: horses cause unprecedented delight and a sea of ​​vivid impressions.

Of course, it is not recommended to immediately put the baby in the saddle - some children are very afraid of heights, climbing on a horse, they can burst into tears, which will lead to a strong stress load. If the baby experiences fear and discomfort, do not impose this species sports, choose something else.

Riding lessons

If, nevertheless, the child is imbued and interested in horseback riding - know that children are sent to specialized clubs at the age of 8-10 years, by this time they are already stronger and more developed, they have more strength. The child should gradually get used to equestrian sport. To make it easier for him to learn, it is recommended to study the theory of riding, this can be done in the form of a game. Parents often buy special books that describe the basics of sports with illustrations. Study the material in a simpler way and then you can intrigue the child. And when he is interested, he learns the material more easily. At the end of the study, you can organize a simple exam that will show the level of assimilation. Alternatively, you can pick up not a book, but a video on the topic of horse riding. To make a choice in one direction or another of riding, it is useful for adults to know its main types.

Popular types of equestrian sports:

  • show jumping - horseback riding, which involves overcoming obstacles;
  • dressage - the ability to control a horse in various gaits (for children, this sport can be difficult, however, in the future it will be possible to develop skills and learn);
  • triathlon is a competition for three days: dressage riding, field trials, show jumping;
  • high-speed competitions: various runs, harness riding, driving;
  • Barrier jumps are overcoming obstacles.

Equestrian sport for children is an exciting activity, however, not easy. The issue of education should be approached with all responsibility. It is strongly recommended to choose a trainer who has experience working with children, because they need a special approach. The teacher must have patience, endurance and tact.

For the classes themselves, you will need special clothing that will provide comfort:

  • comfortable tight-fitting leggings with an inner seam, it is important that they do not restrict movement and do not rub your legs;
  • shoes with a flat sole, sometimes they take shoes with a small heel;
  • you will also need a light jacket;
  • gloves, and helmet, protective vest.

Clothing should be comfortable and not restrict movement. Riding for children must be safe: the helmet must be selected according to the size of the head. Such equipment is often rented, but it is always better to have your own.

Equestrian sport is an indispensable benefit for the development of your child. In addition to health and mental qualities, he perfectly develops independence, responsibility, determination, love of nature. With the acquisition of skills, your kid will feel pride and self-confidence, because not everyone can handle a horse. Basically, children love animals and watch them with interest. If you teach a child to equestrian sport, he will achieve complete understanding with his beloved animal.

Useful information about children's equestrian sport:

The 21st century is the century of advanced technologies. Children and adults spend more and more time on computers, tablets, smartphones and other gadgets, forgetting about their health. Parents who take care of their children enroll them in various sports sections (mainly some kind of wrestling, choreographic circles, etc.). Rarely does anyone remember equestrian sports. But in vain.

How useful is equestrian sport for children and adults?

In the middle of the 20th century, it was proved that horseback riding has medicinal property(hippotherapy). Calms down thanks to equestrian sport nervous system, the emotional background is normalized, it has a positive effect on the circulatory system, as well as the respiratory and digestive systems, it is very useful and effective for people with movement disorders.

Thematic circles in Bobruisk

Communication with horses normalizes the emotional state of a person. Relieves stress, feelings of tension. He becomes balanced, cheerful, calm.

Like any sport, physical activity has its place. Firstly, while maintaining balance, the muscles of the back and abs work. Secondly, throughout the ride, the lumbar muscles work. Thus, the posture is aligned and fixed. Thirdly, the vestibular apparatus develops. Fourthly, excess calories are burned, which helps to lose weight. In general, the state of the muscle tone of the body improves. After riding, a person feels healthier and stronger.

With all this positive bouquet, do not forget about contraindications. Riding prohibited:

Pregnant women (during classes there is an emphasis on the muscles of the abdomen and groin);

People with heart disease or suffering from arterial hypertension (during horseback riding, the rider's heart rate increases and blood pressure rises quickly);

Those who have experienced a stroke are prone to vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis (due to the fact that shaking cannot be avoided during the races);

Those who have diseases of the inguinal region and pelvic organs (they are under a heavy load and the diseases can worsen).

Equipment for equestrian sports

For equestrian sports you will need:

Elastic sweatpants that do not hinder movement and stretch well (leggings, tracksuit);

Protective vest;

Shoes with a small heel with a smooth sole (boots, boots with leggings);

Protective headgear (helmet, jockey);

Gloves (They will save your palms from rubbing. They can be made of leather, fabric or knitted from wool. The main thing is that they do not hinder the movements of the hand and fingers).

Clothing should be without buckles, jewelry, long strings. It is not recommended to choose shoes with zippers (exception - special boots for riding).

Safety for horseback riding and equestrian sports

To avoid injury and other troubles, you must strictly follow the safety rules. The main ones are:

In no case do not go around the horse from behind - only from the front!

You should sit on the horse on the left side!

First of all, choose the required length of the harness for your height and inspect the condition of the girths, only after that you can sit on the horse!

Don't pull on the reins. The horse must be controlled gently, calmly, slowly!

When moving in a column, the distance in front of the walking horse must be at least 3-4 meters!

You cannot overtake the rider in front!

You can not take off your outerwear if you are riding a horse!

If you notice an obstacle ahead (for example, a dog or a car), then you need to take a shorter rein and calm the animal by talking to him!

To get off the horse, as well as to sit down, you need only on the left side, throwing both stirrups, but do not let go of the reins!

Strictly follow the instructions of the instructor!

Where is the best place to take equestrian lessons?

For residents of the city of Bobruisk and the Bobruisk region, there are five clubs where they can learn equestrian sports and riding. Which of these clubs is closer to you and your child - choose for yourself. Happy riding!

Horse riding is a hobby for those who like the wind in their faces, the smell of hay and communication with the smartest and wisest animals - horses. Try a new hobby!

If you don't like cross stitch and sew Stuffed Toys, let's talk about such a useful and enjoyable as women's riding. Why do hundreds of fragile ladies from an early age and almost to old age prefer this sport? Why are they drawn to strong and noble animals like a magnet?

Horses are a living antidepressant

Probably, partly the fact is that horses, like horses, are a natural antidepressant, they give a person a lot of positive emotions, help to cope with internal problems, inspire, tear them out of a series of gray monotonous everyday life and take them to some special, their own world.

You enter the stable, smell the pleasant smell of hay and sawdust, communicate with the horses, stroke their velvet noses, look into their kind eyes - and now the mood improves, worries go into the background. It is easy to get stuck in the stable for the whole day, forgetting the clock. After all, the atmosphere of the stable is special, kind, so unlike what everyone is used to in our fast-paced world.

Horse riding: what is it

A dance with a horse, the clatter of hooves and the pounding of the heart, a swift run, forest paths, the shore of the bay, sand from under the hooves, the sun and wind in your hair and horse's mane. The horse seems to put you on a pedestal, and now you are no longer an ordinary person, no, you are an Amazon, famously driving her horse. No wonder they say that riders do not want to appear taller than other people, but still they are one and a half meters closer to the sky.

Horseback riding is the second most difficult sport for muscle work after swimming. Do not think that riding a horse is very easy. Not at all easy. From the outside, it may seem that the rider, sitting so lightly and elegantly on horseback, does nothing, and the horse just rides him. But behind this simplicity lies the hard work put in by the rider to achieve nice fit, ease of control of the horse.

It is important to have good posture for riding (back problems make the learning process much more difficult; posture is the basis for correct riding, good fit assumes, among other things, a flat back). Therefore, for those who wish to start learning horseback riding, it would be nice to improve their general physical training and (of course, if there is a need for this).

A bit of theory: equestrian sports

Those who have successfully mastered the basic skills of women's riding can move on by choosing a specialization for themselves. Let us dwell in more detail on the main types of equestrian sports:

  • jumping (overcoming obstacles);
  • dressage (performing elements of a higher riding school, what is called a “dance with a horse”);
  • runs (passing long distances for a while);
  • triathlon (it includes jumping, dressage, cross-country - overcoming various "field" obstacles when moving over rough terrain, it is most common in the southern regions of Russia).

Everyone can choose a sport based on their preferences and character. For example, show jumping requires courage, courage. Dressage is more about the patience of the rider, the thoroughness in his work - it is not surprising that the majority of riders are women.

Benefits of horseback riding for women

It is no coincidence that horse riding is compared with fitness - the muscles of the arms, legs, back, and abdomen are involved here. An hour of riding a horse is comparable to an hour of running, at first it will not be easy if you have respiratory system not trained, but over time you will get used to the loads.

Horse riding also develops reaction (here I would like to note that horse riders usually do not have problems with autodriving - after all, a person’s reaction has already become faster, and when riding in an arena there are also rules, a kind of traffic rules, so the driver will be prepared in advance for certain requirements).
There is also a therapeutic variety in horseback riding - hippotherapy, to overcome psychological or physical ailments (adults and children often come with diseases of the musculoskeletal system). The psychological and physiological effect of such activities is simply amazing. Communication with cats and dogs is completely different from that with a horse.

  • Firstly, a horse is not just a large (weighing about 500 kg) and unsafe animal, each of them has its own unique disposition, and in order for it to obey you, you must show both your character and perseverance.
  • Secondly, while sitting on horseback, you learn to control your body, moving in time with the movements of the horse, not to interfere with it. It is an incomparable delight to enjoy togetherness, as if a horse reads your thoughts and executes commands without any visible effort. But this will take a lot of work, of course.

How to make a wish come true

You can learn horse riding at any age - even ladies who have crossed the threshold of seventy years come to equestrian clubs. The main thing is to overcome internal barriers and fears. Do not rush to buy special equipment, first visit one of the clubs to make sure that classes are possible. For the first lessons, comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement without coarse seams are suitable. A helmet is required to protect your head.

To date, the choice of sports clubs and amateur stables is very large. There are good and different among them, for every taste and wealth. Reviews of already engaged people will help you make your choice, everyone will be able to find something of their own, whether it’s a weekend getaway (there is an opportunity to go for a walk in the forest, park, field - even for those who were on the saddle for the first time) or classes with serious intentions to go further into sports.

As a rule, women begin to sit confidently in the saddle after six months of regular training. Usually those who come to the world of the horse remain in it forever, albeit intermittently, but always return. Try it and you will not regret the time spent and get new impressions and positive emotions in return, take a break from the monotony of city life. After all, most clubs are located outside the city, in nature.

O healing effect riding on people was known even under Hippocrates. At the end of the 18th century, the philosopher D. Diderot wrote that in the first place among the many exercise there is horseback riding, capable of curing various diseases. It was believed that the horse destroys the bad energy of a person and replaces it with good.

However, only at the end of the 19th century, people began to study this phenomenon from a scientific point of view, the impact of riding on a person, the possibility of using it for treatment. The word “hippotherapy” has recently appeared in the medical lexicon (Greek “hippos” means “horse”).

The last 40 years have been characterized by the rapid development of the medical application of horseback riding in different countries, as a result of which a method of therapeutic recovery after a variety of diseases was formed. Moreover, for some of them (for example, cerebral palsy), it has become the most effective and unique, surpassing all analogues. Per specified period A considerable number of dissertations and textbooks have been written on the development of this topic. By the way, there are also bold scientific explanations for the mechanisms of the horse's positive impact not only on the human body, but also on the psyche.

In our country, a great contribution to the development of this therapeutic direction was made by Professor D. M. Tsverava, who, studying the human musculoskeletal system (especially curvature of the spine), perfected the method of curing it by horseback riding.

What are the benefits of horseback riding?

Within a minute, the animal transmits over 100 impulses to the rider in an oscillatory mode: along the vertical axis of the body - up and down, along the transverse axis - forward, backward and to the sides, diagonally - circularly. The spinal muscular system of the horse massages and warms (its temperature exceeds the human temperature by 1.5º) the leg muscles and organs of the rider's pelvis, and increases the blood supply to the limbs.

The movements of the animal are transmitted to the rider, his hip joints and spine, creating an imitation of movements healthy person when walking, i.e. riding a bareback horse is fully consistent with walking training. Moreover, in order to maintain the correct posture, the rider must maintain balance, coordinate and synchronize their movements. Consequently, the muscles are in full force (affected and healthy, often inactive). At the same time, riding improves fine motor skills, hones complex movements. These hippotherapy techniques cannot replicate other exercises of movement therapy methods.

Riding elongates and corrects the spine, improves posture, strengthens overall muscle tone, stabilizes the vestibular apparatus, and eradicates dizziness. In fact, the entire motor apparatus is adjusted, blood flow and metabolic processes are normalized, and the overall tone of the body is increased.

Significant therapeutic factors of horseback riding include emotional impact received by a person from communication with an animal. Experts believe that nervous excitement quickly passes from stroking a horse on the nose or lips. Riding creates harmony between man and horse. Moreover, riding routes are deliberately laid in places with beautiful landscapes. Kind communication with animals and beautiful nature have a wonderful healing effect on a person. In addition to this, horses exacerbate feelings of kindness and humanity.

By the way, D. Tsverava's method, based on the compatibility of human and horse biorhythms, is used to select riders for sports high rank and Olympic Games- The scientific approach to solving this issue has fully justified itself.

Recently, the phrase "riding therapy" (English "ride" - horseback riding) has appeared, denoting a new direction in medicine. Professor Tsverava made a significant contribution to its development and enrichment. Together with him and qualified coaches, doctors were constantly present and working at the hippodrome. Without the use of medicines, but exclusively by horseback riding, respiratory and musculoskeletal system, vestibular apparatus, neuropsychiatric diseases, decreased risk of stress exacerbations (hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction). Special attention given in the classroom proper fit and posture of patients. The fact of non-susceptibility of equestrians to pulmonary tuberculosis was proved. It turns out that the stable atmosphere provides a natural disinfection of the lung alveoli.

Doctors recall how tired, gloomy and gloomy people started the hippodrome classes, who, after the treatment course, left with smiles on their ruddy faces.

A large cycle of treatment was carried out for children with acquired and congenital diseases of the motor system (including poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy, various injuries, scoliosis, osteochondrosis,). The effectiveness of the cure was truly stunning. Children not only received the skills to control a sports horse, but became absolutely full-fledged in terms of health. Moreover, a treatment program against obesity and cellulite has been developed.

It is no coincidence that the steppe and foothill inhabitants, to whom horses serve as obligatory life assistants, are famous for their endurance and good health.

At the same time, actors were trained in horse tricks to participate in the filming of films. Many of them then did not use the services of backup horsemen at all.

At present, horse breeding in our country, crushed by the scientific and technical press and the progressive tendency of the owners' money greed, is experiencing a great decline. Hippodromes are closed, stud farms are being destroyed, where horses of rare and pure breeds were reproduced.

Recently, the author of the article became aware that the famous Starozhilovsky stud farm in the Ryazan region, famous in the country and abroad, is also close to closing at the behest of the current owners. Several hundred purebred horses - the pride of Russia - are waiting for an unknown fate. This factory, established in 1893, is a chronicle of Russian horse breeding. Here, in 1920, cavalry courses were organized, one of the cadets of which was the greatest commander G.K. Zhukov. A factory-trained sports horse costs at least 2,500 euros. Apparently, this does not suit the owners. Unfortunately, the destruction of horse breeding will lead to the regression of an important and effective therapeutic direction in medicine.

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