Straight posture. A set of exercises for correct posture

Landscaping and planning 11.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

What does "beautiful posture" mean? The main causes of stoop. Tips on how to become slimmer and develop a beautiful posture

V beautiful girl combined with a host of attractive features. It is impossible to say about a girl that she is attractive if she is slouched or hunched over. Therefore, a beautiful posture must be given Special attention from early childhood. What is included in the concept of "beautiful posture?" This is a proudly raised head, a long neck, straightened shoulders, a straight back with a natural deflection. All this should look natural and beautiful. By definition, V.I. Dahl, posture is a combination of harmony, majesty and beauty.

What distinguishes ballerinas and dancers from other girls? - A chiseled figure and a beautiful posture. How are people of royal blood characterized? - Royal status. What criterion of beauty was considered the main one in Russia? - Stately beauty and a braid to the waist. Beautiful posture makes a person more self-confident, more successful and sexier. If you want to be turned around and take into account your opinion, watch your posture.

The main causes of stoop

Unfortunately, not all modern girls can boast of a beautiful posture. The modern way of life is inconceivable without many hours of studying at the desktop and working with a computer. The wrong position we're in most days, leads to an excessive load on upper section spine and stoop.

From childhood, our children have to spend a lot of time reading textbooks, carrying heavy bags and backpacks. We don't move much, we carry weights, and we don't exercise enough. All this leads to problems with the spine, various kinds of scoliosis, kyphosis, and other curvatures, which become the main causes of ugly posture and even lead to health problems.

Many girls stoop, embarrassed by high growth or too prominent breasts. As a result, the spine and the whole figure suffer. Here it is important to reconsider your attitude towards yourself and turn your imaginary shortcomings into virtues.

What we sleep on is also very important. Too high a pillow or a sagging mattress can cause curvature and deformation of the spine.

How to check if everything is in order with the spine?

It is necessary to stand close to the wall, straighten your shoulders, press your heels, calves, shoulder blades and the back of your head against the wall and try to align the spinal column. If you are comfortable in this position, and a palm freely passes between the wall and the spine, then everything is in order. Hold this position, and then move away from the wall and try to maintain the position of the back and shoulders. If there are clear signs of problems with the spine, it is necessary to consult an orthopedic doctor. You may be offered a course of therapeutic exercises or advised to purchase a special corset for posture correction.

Exercises for a beautiful posture

A well-known exercise that develops a beautiful posture: put a thick book on your head and try to walk around the room while maintaining balance. At first, the book will fall, so at first you can use a pack of salt or any cereal. Over time, your efforts will pay off, and you will learn to walk beautifully with your head held high and your shoulders straight. Many Eastern women prefer to wear trays of food or basins of linen on their heads. At the same time, they look as if it is not at all difficult for them. This is partly true, thanks to the habit, instilled from childhood, to keep the back straight. You can become slimmer and acquire a beautiful posture even in adulthood. To do this, the easiest way is to sign up for ballroom dancing or start mastering yoga exercises. All exercises aimed at stretching the spinal column and strengthening the muscle corset lead to the fact that the back gradually aligns, the shoulders turn and the posture becomes correct.

Basic yoga exercises to improve posture: cat, cobra, dog, baby rolls, bridge and half bridge, boat, shoulder stand, sun, dove pose, diamond and others.

  • Don't carry heavy things in one hand. Better buy a backpack or carry groceries in two bags.
  • Do not work at the computer for more than half an hour without a break. Perform simple twists, turns of the torso, sips.
  • When working or studying, sit correctly at the table. Your work chair should be comfortable, and between the torso and the table should be a palm.
  • Go in for sports or dance, yoga, Pilates or swimming.
  • Walk more often and watch your reflection in shop windows and mirrors. Control the position of your body. Develop the habit of being fit.
  • Periodically stand with your back close to the wall and remember the position of the body.
  • Sleep on hard orthopedic mattress When choosing a pillow for sleeping, give preference to a flat or orthopedic deflection.

To become beautiful and be proud of your posture , always remember that you need to keep your back straight, pull in your stomach, turn your shoulders, and raise your head high, trying to stretch the cervical vertebrae to the very top of your head. Be more confident in yourself, know that you are the Queen!

B. Graciana's quote speaks for itself: "The posture of a person is the facade of the soul."

Beautiful correct posture necessary for everyone, not only because of its aesthetic value. Since posture affects the healthy functioning of the whole organism, the medical aspect of the ideal alignment of the back dominates and makes you think. How to maintain correct posture?

The impact of posture on health and well-being

Correct posture is the key to health. In the formation of an even posture, the spine, the connecting element of the human skeleton, plays the leading role. The human spine carries the most important mission - to promote the correct placement of internal organs and their rational interaction.

The biomechanical posture project consists of three parts: the balance of the skeleton, muscles and motor stereotype.

Healthy posture - the ability to keep the back straight in a relaxed position without additional muscle effort. If this does not happen, then there are characteristics bad posture like:

Correct posture

  • shoulder asymmetry;
  • offset level of the blades;
  • back rounding;
  • curvature of the neck;
  • pelvic change.

V severe cases In this pathology, an incorrect gait develops, the shins are bent, the length of the legs is disturbed (one becomes longer).

It's important to know! The symptoms of the disease go unnoticed, and the person gets used to the negative changes in the body.

A crooked back leads to scoliosis, disruption of the heart muscle, circulatory arrest, flat feet, arthrosis, and even premature aging.

Straight straight back

Walking upright is an evolutionary process. Posture is a product of human evolution. In the process of development of the human body, the characteristics of bipedal locomotion were gradually formed: the landing of the head, the spine of a certain shape, the arched foot, the wide pelvis and chest, and the bones.

What is correct posture and how to control it

First you need to figure out if you have a proud enough posture. You need to stand in front of the mirror without straining a single muscle. The signs of good posture are:

  • shoulder symmetry;
  • elbows are right in the bend of the waist, if they are lower - you stoop;
  • straight spine;
  • abdomen is tucked up.

Royal posture is manifested in the form of evenly expressed curves of the spine. These bends are endowed with the ability to spring, thereby protecting the internal organs from injury.

Factors affecting the curvature of the spinal column

"Sedentary" work, a sedentary lifestyle can be called an epidemic of our time. People are used to living passively and monotonously, spending most of their time at the computer, and after that they go to bed again in the wrong position. The result is a crooked back.

Rickets, infectious diseases, flat feet and obesity directly affect. Only a slender figure and a proud posture create a duet that is pleasing to the eye.

Note! According to doctors, a beautiful posture is available to everyone and at any age. So start keeping your back straight.

Unhealthy posture in children

Unhealthy posture in children

The development and laying of posture originates from the first days of life. Therefore, orthopedists and pediatricians pay attention to the choice of a mattress: it must be rigid so that the child's spine does not bend during sleep.

Lack of muscle development leads to a hunchbacked back. This is especially common in schoolchildren and adolescents. Wrong position at the table, wearing a satchel, a briefcase, a desire to stoop due to high growth - all of the above aggravates the described defect. The consequences of which are not as harmless as they may seem. An unsightly aesthetic defect in a teenager can cause a "bouquet" of complexes and mental disorders, even without taking into account concomitant diseases.

Royal posture is a sign of a healthy body and spirit. In order for the back to be good and even, you need to support it. But how?

  1. Physical exercise. They must be carried out as work time(stretch while sitting at the table), and in free.
  2. Swimming strengthens muscle tone as much as possible, relaxes the body, improves the emotional background.
  3. Hard bed. Sleeping is advised on the back or side with bent legs, preferably on an orthopedic mattress.
  4. Sit right. The back should be pressed against the back of the chair, keep the elbows on the armrests. Properly selected furniture will help support your back and spine. When writing, you need to tilt your head slightly forward, keep your shoulders at the same level. Take it as a rule.
  5. Massage. Its main task is to relieve tension, relax tight muscles. It also improves blood circulation, which will relieve headaches.
  6. Maintaining normal weight. Extra pounds for correct posture are enemies. Man with slim figure always looks healthy and attractive.

Features of straight posture for women

Proud posture is especially important for the fair sex. Because it has an effect on the reproductive system in particular.

A special science is the choice of shoes. Women are famous for their love of high heels, which in turn can lead to stoop and scoliosis. The recommended heel size is 3-4 cm.

For owners of magnificent breasts, a beautiful posture can become a pipe dream. The back muscles do not always cope with the weight of a large chest and become sluggish. The result is a curved spine. But there is one secret! Woman, just choosing a bra with wide, dense straps. This product will support not only the chest, but also the spine.

Curious fact! Perfect posture reduces age. Since it is a straight back, a proudly raised head and a correct gait that give the image vigor, freshness and energy.

Simple gymnastics

The spine is the core human body. And in order not to get osteochondrosis and other diseases of the ridge over time, do exercises and do motor exercises:

Bridge exercise

  • "bridge";
  • elevation of the pelvis;
  • "scissors";
  • rolls.

Physical activity can be almost anything. The main thing is regularity. You can go for walks or do short runs. Everything will benefit, strengthen the spine and give muscle tone.

Riding is also a kind of exercise. When a person sits on a horse, the spine spontaneously stretches, creating a reliable “muscular corset”.

Do not become victims of evolution, who cannot be torn off a chair or sofa. May your posture always be royal, and only the fabulous Baba Yaga has a humpbacked back.

A beautiful posture, a straight back and proudly deployed shoulders are not only an indicator and guarantee of health. By doing this, you tell everyone around you that everything is OK in your life.

Constant slouching leads to an incorrect and disproportionate distribution of weight and load on the spine. Blood circulation is disturbed, the load on each vertebra increases, spinal curvature may occur, breathing is difficult, as active air exchange is disturbed.

If the violation of posture is not caused by the habit of stooping, but by a problematic back, then I can recommend some to stretch and strengthen the spine.

Exercises to correct posture and strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle are recommended to be carried out, at least for the first time, in front of a mirror, so that you can control the position of the back and the evenness of the spine.

Before conducting this set of exercises, conduct a small test. Its result will be an additional incentive for you to start and continue classes.

Come to door frame taking a pencil and a thin magazine. Maintain your normal posture if you are used to slouching. Place a magazine on top of your head and draw a line with a pencil to mark your height. Then perform 2-3 simple tilts forward and backward, stretch your arms up, straightening your spine as much as possible.

Then go up to the wall and check your posture by pressing your buttocks and the back of your head tightly. Ideally, shoulders and top part backs should touch the wall completely. Stretch your entire spine up. Remember this position and return to the previous mark of growth. Measure your height again. The difference between the dashes can be 1-3 cm.

If you get used to straightening your back and straightening your shoulders, then everyone around you will soon notice that you have “grown up” by a few centimeters. In addition, psychologists have noted the interdependence between our gestures and facial expressions, and mood and inner mood. A forced smile in front of a mirror when you feel bad can cheer you up, even if it initially looks like a grin, and a straight back and straight shoulders will help restore self-confidence.

A set of exercises to correct posture.

Exercise 1. Beautiful posture.

You have already completed it: stand near the wall, touching it with your heels, buttocks, shoulders and shoulder blades. Stretch the spine and fix this position with straightened shoulders. Perform several times a day until you remember this position. Try to keep it throughout the day.

Exercise 2. Stretching the spine and strengthening the muscles.

Get on your knees, leaning on your palms. While inhaling, stretch as much as possible, for example, the left leg, back and up. Hold for 3-5 seconds. Return to starting position and repeat the movement with the second leg. Run 8-10 times.

Exercise 3. Stretching the spine.

Feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped at the back of the head. While inhaling, raise your arms, stretching up, while taking your leg back. Bend slightly, holding your breath and straining your back muscles. On exhalation, return to I.P. Repeat the same 8-10 times.

Exercise 4. Continue stretching the spine.

The position of the legs is shoulder width apart. Hands down. Turning your palms outward, slowly, tensing the muscles of your arms, shoulder girdle and back, raise your arms above your head while inhaling. Hold your breath and stretch. On the exhale - a deep and maximum bend forward, touching the floor with your fingers or palms. Repeat 10-12 times, lingering in the slope to feel the stretch in the muscles of the back and spine.

Exercise 5. On the flexibility of the spine.

Leaning on a gymnastic wall or other support, take your leg back and up, while bending back while inhaling. Hold the position for a few seconds, tensing the muscles. As you exhale, return to I.P. Gradually increase the angle of your back. Start by doing 4-7 exercises and work your way up to 15.

Exercise 6. Strengthening the muscles of the back and abdomen.

It is performed lying on the stomach, hands clasped in the lock on the back of the head. While inhaling, slowly raise your torso without lifting your hips off the floor. At first, it will be a small angle of inclination, but if you do it regularly, you will already notice the result in a month. The number of exercises start with a minimum and bring to 15.

Exercise 7. "Swallow".

Feet shoulder width apart, arms down. As you inhale, lean forward, spreading your arms to the sides and moving your leg back and up. Check the position of the torso and legs in the mirror: they should be on the same line. The back muscles are tense, the shoulders are maximally laid back, the back is slightly arched. This exercise not only improves posture, but also develops balance. Tilt while inhaling, hold in the final position for a few seconds, repeat 8-12 times.

Exercise 8. Diagonal extension of the spine.

It is performed lying on your back, legs together, socks extended, arms along the body. Inhale lift up left hand and take it behind the head, stretching the spine. At the same time, stretch your right leg as far forward as possible. Repeat 10-14 times. This exercise is great for straightening your spine.

Exercise 9. "Cat".

Get on your knees. As you inhale, arch your back, hold your breath. On the exhale - bend, also holding your breath and fixing the position for 2-3 seconds. This exercise develops the flexibility of the spine.

Exercise for the shoulder girdle - straighten the shoulders.

For many of us, work is connected with a computer, we have to long time sit in almost the same position. I already wrote about the need to conduct a mini-set of exercises every hour. And in order not to get tired of the back, neck, in order to periodically relieve the cervical vertebrae from the load and save the cartilaginous lining between them, you can perform these 3 exercises.

Exercise 10. Head rotation.

Slowly lower your head to your chest, then “roll” it onto your right shoulder, fold it as far back as possible, return to the SP over your left shoulder. Perform 3-5 times.

Exercise 11. Tilts of the head.

Lower your head to your chest, grab the base of your neck with your palms, make a few pressure movements to improve blood flow and relieve tension in the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Tilt your head back in a slow motion, return to the sp. Repeat 5-10 times. Then - the same slow tilts to the left and right. If by the evening the muscles of the shoulder girdle begin to hurt or frequent headaches appear, you can help eliminate muscle tension, improve blood circulation and general well-being.

Exercise 12, "Girth".

Cross your arms, clasping yourself just below your shoulders. Raise your shoulders and lower them as low as possible, pulling back. Now, without changing the position of the shoulders, raise the crossed arms several times so that they are parallel to the floor. Then, resting your hands on your shoulders, perform a few vigorous rotations of your shoulders up and back. Finish the exercise by straightening your back and pulling your shoulders back. You can check your posture if possible.

To strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle, maintain a slender posture, a set of exercises with dumbbells will also help. Such training will allow you to short term develop a muscular corset that helps keep the spine in the correct position.

Rules for self-training.

If you decide to practice on your own, without help professional advice trainer, then compiling your own set of exercises and recommendations for their implementation can help you conduct training correctly.

Mini-trainers for health and harmony.

To make the waist thinner and the hips slimmer, strengthen the muscles of the press, arms, back, improve overall well-being and effectively fight cellulite, mini-trainers will help: stepper, hula hoop, simulator for pectoral muscles.

Perfect posture allows a person not only to look like a king, but also to maintain health for many years. To form a “proud to become” it is not enough to raise your head and turn your shoulders. is a well-coordinated physiological mechanism of interaction between the muscular and skeletal systems of the body. Let's consider it in more detail.

How to determine the correct posture

To learn how to achieve correct posture, you should consider the principles of its assessment. A common back curvature test:

  • The body and head are located on the same vertical;
  • Shoulders are on the same line;
  • Symmetrical relief of the neck on both sides (from the shoulders to the tragus of the ear);
  • The shoulder blades are not displaced;
  • The abdomen is drawn in;
  • knee and hip joints without deformation and located in the same horizontal plane.

When assessing the location of the spinal axis, experts pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Angle of physiological curves of the spine;
  2. Reducing the height of the intervertebral discs and the presence or absence of curvature of the spinal column;
  3. Mobility ;
  4. Endurance .

With a decrease in the physiological angles and in the spinal column, a flat or is observed.

Damage and protrusions are accompanied by a displacement of the vertical axis of the spinal column.

The mobility of the spine is a value that reflects the reserve capabilities of the osteoarticular apparatus, skeletal muscles to maintain an ideal posture. It is evaluated in a vertical position. With it, the distance to the floor is measured from the ends of the third fingers. For this, the person is asked to touch the floor with their hands. If he cannot do this, the distance that remains to the horizontal surface is measured.

The ability of the spinal column to bend is assessed after a maximum backward tilt of 7 cervical vertebra to the intergluteal fold.

When deciding how to achieve an ideal posture, the doctor also evaluates the strength endurance of the back muscles. To do this, the patient assumes the “swallow” position (see figure) and holds as much as he can. Usually, children under 11 fix the position for 2 minutes, teenagers - up to 2.5 minutes, adults - up to 3 minutes. If the time is reduced, then the strength endurance of the back muscles is reduced. In such a situation, a beautiful posture can be formed only after a course of gymnastic exercises to strengthen the back muscle corset.

Pose "Swallow".

Exercises for a beautiful posture

The first remedy for correcting a stoop, flat or round back is subconscious memory right position body. To achieve this, you should regularly perform the following exercise:

  • Stand against the wall, straighten your shoulders and touch it with the back of your head;
  • Take a book in a glossy cover and put it on your head;
  • Hold it for as long as you can;
  • If you manage to hold it, try to go to the opposite wall;
  • Build a maze of chairs in the room and try to walk through it.

Thus, a person will be able to form an idea of ​​​​correct posture and constantly maintain the correct posture while walking.

There are also special exercises to increase the strength endurance of the muscles of the neck and lower back:

  • Sit on the floor and wrap your arms around your knees. Straighten your back so that your shoulder blades are as close as possible. Tilt your head back so that you can straighten your neck;
  • Sit in a Turkish position (with one leg on top of the other) and straighten your back. Vigorously turn your head first to the left. Try to carefully reach the maximum position, and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 4 times;
  • Lie on your stomach and put your hands on the back of your head. Raise your elbows and take them back. Rest your forehead on the floor. Raise your head and tilt it back as you inhale. At the same time, create resistance for movement with your hands;
  • To straighten your back, lie on your stomach, bend your arms at the elbow joints. Lay one palm on top of the other, rest your forehead on them. Spread your arms out to the sides and lift your chest up. Repeat the exercise 6-10 times;
  • Lie on your back and bend your knees, and spread your arms to the sides and rest your palms on the floor. Bend out chest, resting his head and palms. The duration of repetitions is 5-8.

To achieve perfect posture, you have to take care of yourself. An ugly back and an unsteady gait cannot be hidden behind a layer of cosmetics. A hunched back is visible from a kilometer away, and a lowered head "spoils any appearance." To be king, you have to take care of yourself.

Why you need correct posture

A good posture makes a person feel cheerful and confident. It creates the prerequisites for the proper functioning of the spine and internal organs.

With it, the skeletal muscles do not tense up, and the organs work as a single mechanism of self-regulation.

Each person has a unique biochemical metabolism that affects the state and features of the development of the anatomical structures of the body. As a result, it is impossible to form absolutely ideal signs of a beautiful posture that would suit all people at once.

Doctors distinguish 3 pathogenetic links of the displacement of the vertical axis of the body:

  1. Muscle imbalance.
  2. Pathology of the osteoarticular system.
  3. Changes in the metabolism and blood supply of the spine.

There is also a direct relationship between nervous system and posture. So a self-confident person always keeps his back straight and his head up. A shuffling gait, a stooped back and a scowling look are characteristic of an insecure person.

Over the years, muscle strength and flexibility weaken, so the posture of older people is unattractive: a curved back, an exposed chin, legs bent at the knees.

In the process of aging, the structure of the bone tissue softens, the elasticity of the tendons is lost, and the intervertebral discs crack. Against this background, it is quite difficult to keep your back straight.

The process can be prevented if a person regularly does exercises for a beautiful posture. They strengthen the muscular corset of the back, stimulate blood circulation in the spine and prevent the occurrence of pain.

Exercises for beautiful posture will help strengthen the muscles of the back and lengthen the spine, if repeated constantly. Beautiful posture is not only an aesthetic sight, but also a direct link with health musculoskeletal system. back problems in modern world almost everyone has it: sedentary work in the office, lack of sports hobbies, chronic fatigue - all this in combination creates problems.

Special exercises for a beautiful gait and posture will help.
But by means of simple exercise we can solve this problem once and for all.

We exercise at home

Many people ignore sports training, citing the fact that there is no opportunity or time to visit the gym. A number of exercises have been developed that can be done at home, without the help of a trainer or expensive exercise equipment.


  • running in place
  • walking at a fast pace.


  • sit on the floor cross-legged (in Turkish); take your hands into the castle, raising them above you, with your whole body stretch after you, up;
  • get on your knees, clasp your hands behind your back and pull them up; stretch your arms as high as possible.

Basic exercises for a beautiful posture at home:

  1. Push-ups. Take emphasis lying down. Align the body in a straight line, strictly parallel to the floor. Put your hands shoulder-width apart, hand - fingers forward. While inhaling, gently bending your arms at the elbows, lower yourself so that your chest touches the ground. Without changing the position, return to the starting position on the exhale. During the exercise, you need to follow the elbows, do not spread them to the sides. Classic variant may not be possible for people who do not have physical fitness. To begin with, you can try push-ups, resting not on your feet, but on your knees, or using a bench, a fitball.
  2. Lie down on your stomach. In this position, spread your arms to the sides so that the shoulder blades converge. You can’t do this in jerks, smooth movements with breath control are an important part of the workout that will bring results.
  3. Lying on the stomach, spread the limbs to the sides (“star”). Raise your legs and arms (at the same time) until you feel muscle tension.
  4. Standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands behind your back: one from above, from the side of the neck, the other from below, from the waist. Lock the brushes in the castle, then try to change the position.

The complex can be completed with an exercise with a power load, for this you will need dumbbells (weight varies from individual degree of physical fitness, it is recommended to start with the smallest).

Execution principle strength exercises: lie on a chair with your stomach so that your head, arms (with clamped weights), legs are lowered. Then slowly raise the body, while spreading your arms to the sides. You also need to return to the starting position slowly, you can’t sharply relax the body.

At home, instead of dumbbells, you can use plastic bottles filled with water, or sandbags.

Complex for gait and posture

Posture and gait are closely related.

There are several basic exercises for a beautiful gait and posture that can affect the softness of the step and grace:

  1. Become with your back at the support to touch the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. Normalize breathing (even deep breaths and exhalations).
  2. Walking with an object on the head. Try to hold the book as long as possible, gradually increasing the time of such walks. Gradually complicate the task: try to do household chores without removing the object, squat, turn your head.
  3. Deep plie. Grab a support at chest level. Put your feet together with your heels, turning your socks as far as possible. Squat down to the stop and straighten back.
  4. Barefoot, take 5 steps on your heels, then the same number on your toes and with a regular step. Alternate steps for a few minutes. When lifting on tiptoe - stretch up to the limit.

Healthy back and majestic posture

Perform each exercise 5-10 times, gradually increasing the number:

  1. Lie on a hard surface, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your head, at the same time pull your socks towards you, freeze in this position for 5-10 seconds, slowly relax.
  2. Sit on a chair, put your hands behind your head, bend at the waist and freeze for 5 seconds, keeping your muscles tense.
  3. Kneel down, take hold of the support and bend as much as possible, lingering for 10 seconds.
  4. Lie on your stomach, grab your ankles and bend at the waist to the limit. Freeze for 3-5 seconds without relaxing the muscles.
  5. Roll onto your back, bend your legs knee joints and pull the stomach up, bending the body in the lower back. Keeping the emphasis on the head and arms, linger for a few seconds.

Useful video on the topic

Unique ballet exercises

Ballerinas have bearing and grace, which absolutely everyone stares at.

Systematic training with exercises related to ballet will make your back straight and your gait flying:

  1. Head and neck: stretch the neck as much as possible, contracting the muscles of the right and left parts in turn, turn the head to the sides. Lift your face up, tighten your pectoral muscles.
  2. Back. The main rule is to keep your back straight. Turn to face the support, fix your hands on the crossbar at chest level, lower your shoulders, pull in your stomach and tighten your buttocks. The correctness of the position is easy to determine: you need to release the support and raise one leg - the balance of the body should not be disturbed.
  3. Joint performance of exercises 1 and 2.
  4. Exercise 3 to complicate: take turns moving your legs to the sides, transferring weight to one leg. Retract the limb smoothly, not in a jerk or swoop.
  5. Raising on high toes. Position: heels together, toes apart. We do it smoothly.
  6. Squat. Facing the support, distribute the center of gravity evenly, feet - as in the previous exercise. Perform the squat slowly, reaching the lowest point, do not stop, but rise to the starting position. The execution consists of one continuous movement.
  7. Throwing legs with a push on available height. At the same time, do not let your back relax.

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