We select an orthopedic mattress for the bed according to all the rules. What you should pay attention to? How to choose a mattress that will be comfortable to sleep on

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

Each of us spends a quarter or at least a third of our lives in sleep. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate such a phenomenon as healthy sleep. He is the key to cheerfulness, Have a good mood and just have a nice day.

No matter how expensive the bed is in your bedroom, how you sleep depends on. Properly chosen orthopedic mattress, suitable for you, will be the key to happy dreams.

Before you go to the store for a purchase, you should carefully study.

When buying a new mattress, you should pay attention to a number of physical parameters of a person.

Today there are two types of mattresses - spring and springless. Both classes have their pros and cons.

Experts believe that spring mattresses have the best effect on the human body. Moreover, the higher the number of springs, the more pronounced the orthopedic effect.

Depending on the design Among spring mattresses, two subspecies are distinguished: with dependent springs and with independent ones.

Mattress with dependent spring block got its name from the fact that the springs in it are interconnected. If you press on one of the springs of such a block, the others will push through after it. The undeniable advantages of this subspecies include the cost - it is significantly lower than that of mattresses with independent springs. But there is a significant disadvantage - low wear resistance.

Over time, such mattresses sag in the middle part, and the person finds himself in a kind of hole. If a couple sleeps on such a mattress, then the lighter spouse, regardless of their desire, will roll into this recess.

In addition, over time, such models begin to creak. Such a mattress is perfect for short-term use, for example, in the country, where it will serve only a short period of time.

Mattresses with independent spring unit have a more complex design, which, of course, affects the cost. In such blocks, each spring is placed in a separate case made of a special material. It prevents wear and prevents sagging of individual parts of the mattress.

It is these qualities that a good orthopedic mattress has. The disadvantage of such a mattress, as mentioned earlier, is the high cost.

As the name implies, springless mattresses do not contain springs, but are filled with a special filler. Filler materials can be either natural or artificial.

Latex, coconut flakes, sea grass can be attributed to natural ones. The artificial materials that are used for filling are foam rubber, artificial latex and holofiber.

It cannot be said that such mattresses are definitely worse, but their service life is definitely not comparable with spring structures. However, this model is much more budgetary, and therefore it is so popular among buyers.

When arranging a place to sleep, users often wonder what filler to choose for a mattress. Regardless of the presence or absence of a spring mechanism, various fillers are used in all mattresses. It depends on them the degree of rigidity.

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of materials - artificial and natural. Consider the most popular of them.

Benefits of using orthopedic mattresses

The advantage of modern mattresses is their anatomical and orthopedic effect. Today there is a lot of controversy regarding the interpretation of these concepts. The most common is the point of view of European specialists and experts from the United States.

The anatomical effect is the ability of the mattress to exactly follow the contours and curves of the human body.

The orthopedic effect consists in a combination of two functions. Such a mattress most accurately repeats the silhouette of the body, but at the same time provides the necessary support to the spine.

The right mattress provides the body with proper rest. It does not allow the spine to bend, regardless of how you are used to sleeping - on your back or on your side.

Using such a mattress, it is possible to avoid such unpleasant phenomena as displacement of the vertebrae and compression of the intervertebral discs. During sleep, the nerve endings are not pinched, and the ligaments and muscles are not stretched.

When the theoretical issues have been studied, you should move on to the practical aspects of acquiring a new mattress for a comfortable sleep.

First of all, you need to determine the size of the purchase. An old mattress is not suitable for this, since it is likely that during its operation it was severely deformed. It would be more correct to measure the inner perimeter of the bed.

If you are going to change not only the mattress, but also the bed itself, you will need data on standard sizes produced beds:

  • the standard size of a single bed is 90x190 cm;
  • the minimum allowable size of a bed for two people is 140x190 cm;
  • the size of the superior bed is 160x200 cm;
  • The European standard for a double bed is 180x200 cm.

When choosing a bed, it is worth remembering that the comfortable length of the mattress is equal to the height of a person increased by 15 cm.

It is also worth asking the store manager about various mattress fillers. Often, if the material has been poorly processed, its use can cause allergies. Allergy sufferers should pay special attention to this issue.

As mentioned earlier, stiffness should be chosen based on physical parameters. At the same time, you should not rely on dry data. The mattress you like is worth trying out - get on it with all possible comfort, lie on your back and on your side. Check to see if it sags under your weight.

You should also pay attention to the upholstery of the mattress and the presence of a cover.

Mattress fabric needs to be strong enough to withstand heavy daily use. For the convenience of consumers, various impregnations are often used on the mattress cover - dust-repellent, fire-resistant and anti-allergic.

In addition, a good mattress is equipped with a double cover - for the warm and cold seasons. Honest manufacturers who are confident in the quality of their product, as a rule, supply the mattress with a zippered cover. That allows you to remove it and wash it if necessary.

A mattress designed for one bed is quite easy to pick up. Another question is how to choose the right mattress for a bed designed for two people.

When choosing a mattress for a double bed, it is worth remembering that the design of the mattress has restrictions on one bed. When choosing such a product, the maximum allowable values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be taken into account.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of mattresses for couples with different weight indicators. It is known that people of fragile construction are recommended to sleep on soft mattresses, while people with a large weight should prefer mattresses with high rigidity.

Thus, in a weighted pair, sleep will be comfortable only for one of the spouses. The way out of the situation may be to purchase two single mattresses of the recommended hardness. Although not all couples agree to such a neighborhood.

The solution for such families will be double-sided mattresses with different hardness. They will help you empirically choose the most comfortable option for sleep.

The choice of a mattress should always be taken very seriously. Even an expensive orthopedic, but incorrectly selected for specific person The mattress will do more harm than good. It is also worth remembering that the average life of an orthopedic mattress is 10-15 years.

A good “correct” mattress is not a cheap purchase. But it is worth the cost, because the quality of sleep depends on the quality of the mattress, and health, in turn, depends on it. It's not an exaggeration - good dream gives the body the rest it needs, and a good mattress is a guarantee of the absence of insomnia and allergic reactions, a “medicine” for the muscles and spine. Having ensured a comfortable sleep, a person will not experience a feeling of constant fatigue, will cease to be irritated, feel drowsy, will become more active and happy. The quality of life will improve. In addition, an orthopedic product for sleep will help to correct deviations in the spinal column without any effort on the part of the person.

But before studying information about corrective mattresses, it is necessary to answer the question of whether a person needs an orthopedic model. What does this term generally mean, and is it useful for everyone to sleep on such a mattress, ignoring the usual one.

Important! An orthopedic or anatomical mattress is a product that is most friendly to the human body. It is tailored to him and really helps to create the most favorable conditions for the location of the joints and spine during sleep. During the day, a constant load is placed on the supporting organ, and if competent relaxation does not occur at night, diseases cannot be avoided.

The task of an orthopedic mattress is to provide support for the spine when a person sleeps or rests.

Such mattresses are indicated for both adults and children, and those who have problems with the spine, and those who do not have them. The difference between the anatomical one is that it simply takes the shape of the body lying on it, exactly repeating it. Orthopedic also bends in shape, but provides some resistance, correcting and supporting the spine in its bends.

Naturally, it is necessary to make the right choice of your own mattress, because if you choose it incorrectly, instead of correcting and benefiting, it can cause significant harm.

What should be an orthopedic (anatomical) mattress

There is a necessary set of functions that a mattress must perform of this type. By them, it differs from a conventional product, the function of which is only to serve as a surface for sleeping.

  1. . Orthopedic bed automatically makes a deflection at the location of the pelvis, shoulders, back. At the same time, the product has elasticity, which helps to support the sleeping body in all positions, preventing it from bending.

  2. Correction and absence of curvature. Therefore, it is important to choose the level of stiffness that will help relax the muscles, and not strain them. An overly rigid product can eventually distort the vertebral arch, constantly maintaining its unnaturally stressed state, as well as too soft, since the deflection will be deep.

  3. . Only in a relaxed state do they get rest. This function - complete relaxation - is one of the leading ones. In this state, you can get quality sleep and good rest.

  4. Relief from pain. When sleeping on a too hard, bumpy mattress that does not differ in depreciation qualities, body weight is distributed unevenly. This can lead to discomfort and pain. The anatomical product excludes them.

  5. Getting rid of insomnia. In many episodes of insomnia, it begins with the wrong mattress and pillow. When arranging a comfortable bed, the problem disappears.

  6. . Corrective models provide elasticity in those points that need to remain mobile in order to avoid pinching nerves or blood vessels. On an absolutely flat, not elastic, or vice versa, bumpy (and also not elastic) surface, sooner or later the nerves will be pinched.

  7. Preservation of the microclimate. The mattress does not adhere directly to the body, like pajamas or bedding, but air exchange in it is very important, as well as moisture and heat exchange. A person emits up to half a liter of sweat per night, thermal energy and carbon dioxide. To remove these waste products, the mattress must have the necessary qualities.

  8. Hypoallergenic. This indicator is important not only for chronic allergy sufferers. The material filling the product must be environmentally friendly and contain hypoallergenic components, antibacterial, and also prevent the development of mold and fungi, and the reproduction of ticks.

Criterias of choice

If you list all the selection criteria, there will be more than a dozen of them. It is not necessary to take into account absolutely everything, but the main ones must be taken into account.

Table. Criteria for choosing an anatomical mattress.

By design typeThere are options with springs and without. The latter, in turn, are divided into products with dependent and independent springs.
According to filler materialThere are a lot of them - from those used since ancient times, to the latest, innovative, with "memory". There are natural and artificially created fillers.
By the quality of the sidesEach mattress has the same number of sides, but the quality may vary. In this regard, they are divided into one- and two-sided.
According to the degree of hardnessThere are three levels: hard, medium, soft. They are selected depending on age, the presence of problems with the spine and their severity.
By sizeThere are products single, double, one and a half, teenage, children's, for babies. Size matters.

Options overview

It will not be possible to analyze all models - manufacturers offer thousands of them. But in order to navigate, you need to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat options are possible and consider them in detail.

By the way. In addition to specific characteristics, it is necessary to take into account the size of the bed, the age of the user, and necessarily personal preferences and comfort. On the selected product, you need to lie down and try to feel whether it is right for you.

Design choice

Perhaps the first thing to start with is the selection of the mattress design. Its base will either be spring-loaded or not.


If you choose this option, then you are purchasing a product consisting of block or single sheets of natural or artificial material, pressed so that the depreciation functions are performed to the maximum extent.

By the way. This category also includes inflatable and water mattress products, which can also be orthopedic.


More often, springs are hidden under the outer cover. And, as already mentioned, they may or may not be dependent. What is the difference?

dependent springs are intertwined. That is, if it is a double mattress on which two people rest at the same time, they can roll towards each other, or when one gets up or changes position, the entire mattress reacts.

Independent are such because each spring is taken into an individual autonomous "glass", cloth-covered. In the case of isolating the springs from each other, they more accurately adjust to the body, doing this locally, only at the point where the change occurs. The optimal number of independent springs in the product is from 500 pieces per bed.

Advice. Which is better? The choice is individual, but orthopedists do not exclude the possibility of being limited to dependent springs, if a person sleeps alone, and purchasing an option with independent ones, for sleeping together.

Filler selection

This is very milestone when choosing a mattress. The variety of fillers is amazing, new ones are constantly being invented, along with the fact that some manufacturers continue to use felt, wool and other “grandmother's” materials.

All fillers can be divided into two types - natural and artificial. Moreover, in the case of mattresses, it is not at all necessary that natural means the best.


  1. Latex. An extremely popular material that is obtained from the juices of the rubber tree. It has natural elasticity, hygiene, anatomy and is not allergenic. Supports the spine well. There is artificial latex - polyurethane foam. When buying, you need to be careful, because in the artificial version, latex is just the generally accepted commercial name for the product.

  2. Coconut. Coconut coir, or coconut fiber, is another natural filler that has recently become popular. It is elastic and durable, famous for its antibacterial properties. Usually used for more rigid products.

  3. Sisal. Less popular natural fiber with hygroscopicity and antistatic properties. The material is high-strength, withstands heavy loads.

  4. Horsehair. Continues to be used in mattresses of increased rigidity. Valued for environmental friendliness.

  5. It is not used in a single form, it is used only as interlayers in springless versions or a soft frame in spring ones.

  6. wool fiber can be used from different animals: camel, sheep, llama, merino. Basically, it also acts as an interlayer for tougher materials, although there are also completely woolen models.

Even fierce sociopaths, Lifehacker recommends getting to a real store and testing mattresses before buying. You can buy a mattress on the Internet without trying it on only if you know exactly which model you need. For example, you slept on one at a party or a hotel.

If you happen to lie somewhere on the most comfortable mattress in the world, do not hesitate to ask the owner for the name of the model and manufacturer. Perhaps one such question will solve your problems with the choice for a long time.

If you don’t have your favorite mattress model yet, you need to find it. Here's what you need to focus on when choosing:

  1. Mattress type.
  2. Case.
  3. Filler.
  4. Rigidity.
  5. Size.
  6. Price.

Types of mattresses

Mattresses are inflatable, water, spring and springless. Consider the pros and cons of each type.

An air mattress is more appropriate for camping trips or for temporary accommodation of guests. And although you can sleep quite comfortably on it for a couple of nights or even a week, prolonged use of such a mattress will not have a very good effect on the health of your back.


Advantages of an air mattress:

  1. Mobility. If you often move from place to place or temporarily rent an unfurnished apartment while waiting to move into your own, an air mattress can serve you well. However, not always long, as it is very easy to damage it.
  2. The bed can be simply blown off and put away in the closet. For a party, for example.
  3. The simplest air mattress will cost you 1,000 rubles, cooler models cost about 5,000.

Cons of an air mattress:

  1. Does not provide adequate support for the spine, so after a while you may experience back and neck pain and bad dream. Among those who have used air mattresses for a long time, very few are satisfied. Others complain of pain and Bad mood in the morning.
  2. The mattress is easily damaged, especially if you have pets at home. One joyful cat jump can make your bed unusable. Over time, microscopic ones appear in the mattress (most often at the points of attachment of individual air chambers). You won't be able to detect exactly where the air is coming from, but by the morning you will wake up practically on the floor.
  3. It is uncomfortable to sleep on an inflatable mattress together. When one turns or gets up, the other feels all these movements.

An air mattress is a good temporary solution, especially if you sleep on it alone. But don't take it as a long-term option.

water mattress

In the most simple options there are no cameras, that is, the mattress is a cover filled with water. It is impossible to even sit down on it without setting up a mini-tsunami. Naturally, you will also feel the waves when your neighbor turns or moves.

For couples, this option is completely unsuitable, since the lighter partner may end up on the bubble, while the second one comfortably fell into the water hole. And some on such a mattress are completely motion sick, so the morning is not particularly good.

The exit for couples is a water bed divided into two independent parts. Another option is a mattress consisting of several chambers filled with water. It will not go in waves from the slightest hesitation.

Pros of a water mattress:

  1. Ideally adapts to the shape of the body, perfectly unloads the spine and joints. Blood circulates freely throughout the body, you can not lay your arm or leg.
  2. Dust mites will not start in the mattress.
  3. Does not deform over time.
  4. The water mattress is installed in a special box with electric heating. Every night you lie down in a warm bed and fall asleep faster. And this warmth is also useful for those who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism, muscle pain.
  5. The mattress cover does not require special cleaning, just wipe the dust off with a cloth.
  6. Contrary to all fears, the mattress is very difficult to damage. Damage can be repaired by yourself using the included repair kit. Well, the most cautious can insure their bed.

Cons of a water mattress:

  1. Those who are comfortable on hard mattresses are unlikely to be able to adapt to water.
  2. In the reviews, some complain of increased back pain, which suggests that such a mattress is not suitable for everyone. Consult with an orthopedist before buying.
  3. The mattress weighs from 100 to 900 kg. Of course, he will not break through the floor in the apartment, but it will be difficult to move it to another corner. The process is also complicated by the fact that the mattress box is connected to an outlet (remember the heating?). In general, rearranging, repairing or moving will be another challenge.
  4. It is necessary to change the water in the mattress every 2-3 years, and add a special conditioner to it once a year so that microorganisms do not start.
  5. The minimum cost of a double water mattress, on which you will not feel like hanging out on the waves, is 65 thousand rubles. You will also need a heater and a box. The final price of a water bed is about 130 thousand rubles.
  6. A good water mattress is not easy to find in small town. You can take a chance and order online, trusting the reviews of other buyers, but, most likely, the shipping cost will be intimidating. And you still have to look for a master who will install the bed correctly.

Probably, a water mattress will be the best purchase in your life, providing a cozy, sound and healthy sleep for many decades. But the mistake will cost you dearly. Before deciding to buy, try sleeping on such a mattress for several days, for example, somewhere in a hotel.

spring mattress

Probably, almost everyone has heard that there are mattresses with dependent and independent spring blocks.

Mattresses with dependent springs

The springs are interconnected in a single web. Pressed on one - all came into motion.

Advantages of a mattress with dependent springs:

  1. Perhaps the only plus of such a mattress is its cost. You can find pretty budget options. Although sometimes there are fillers in the mattress that raise the price to the level of quality springless mattresses or mattresses with independent spring blocks.

Cons of a mattress with dependent springs:

  1. Gradually, the mattress is deformed, acquiring the shape of a hammock. It becomes uncomfortable to sleep on it. Plus, it's bad for your back.
  2. It is inconvenient for couples, since when one of the sleepers turns, the second will feel vibrations. Also, a lighter partner can slide into a heavier one in a dream.
  3. The spring unit may break, the sharp edges of the springs may pierce or prick through the mattress upholstery.
  4. The mattress is difficult to transport. So when moving, you will have to leave it, sell it or hire at least a minibus for transportation.

In principle, a mattress with dependent springs is suitable for occasional use. You can buy it, for example, for giving, choosing a cheaper model.

Each spring is in a fabric case and works autonomously. The number of springs varies from 250 to 1,000 per square meter. The more springs, the better the mattress adapts to the contours of your body.

Advantages of a mattress with independent springs:

Cons of a mattress with independent springs:

  1. Like the previous species, it is difficult to transport.
  2. The springs may break.
  3. Over time, the springs may begin to squeak.

Mattress with independent spring blocks - a good choice for daily sleep.

Springless mattress

It is easy to guess that this is a mattress consisting only of a cover and some filler.

Pros of a springless mattress:

  1. A high-quality springless mattress will provide proper support for the spine. For back problems, these mattresses are recommended.
  2. It remains silent throughout its life, unlike spring ones, which can start to creak.
  3. Convenient for transportation: usually such a mattress can be rolled up and transported even in a car.

Cons of a springless mattress:

  1. The disadvantages of a springless mattress are the disadvantages of its filler. We will talk about the types and properties of fillers a little later.

If you find a comfortable springless mattress for yourself, it will provide you with a sound and healthy sleep for many years. Such a mattress can be bought for children, since a spring one can quickly fail when jumping on a bed.

Mattress covers

Mattress covers are mostly made from cotton, sometimes synthetics are added for durability. Warm covers are made of wool. The cover can also be double-sided: the cotton side is for summer, the woolen side is for winter. Sometimes covers are treated with hypoallergenic and fire-resistant impregnation.

Types of fillers

If everything is quite simple with covers, then there are many fillers. Almost all of them are used in both springless and spring mattresses. Most often you can find a combination of several materials. Let's go through the properties of the most popular fillers.

cotton wool

The advantage of a cotton mattress can only be considered its cost. For only 1,000 rubles you will become the owner of a striped single handsome man. But the cost of double models is already comparable to more modern types of mattresses, so the question arises: does it make sense to buy a cotton one?

Cotton wool does not provide sufficient elasticity to properly support the spine, rolls off rather quickly, absorbs moisture, but does not breathe well, that is, the mattress must be dried regularly to avoid the active reproduction of microorganisms. A cotton mattress can be considered as an inexpensive temporary solution.


A springless mattress with synthetic filler is light and inexpensive, but also cannot provide the necessary support for the spine. But it is convenient to store it at home or carry it with you on hikes and to the country. You can use it temporarily, and then put it in a closet in case guests arrive.

A synthetic winterizer layer is often used in spring mattresses to provide softness.


Holofiber is usually used in conjunction with other materials. So, a layer gives elasticity and softness to a hard base made of coconut slab.

Holofiber is breathable, hypoallergenic and quite durable material.


This is a material obtained from synthetic polyester fiber, sometimes with the addition of natural materials: cotton, bamboo, coconut, wool. Holcon fibers are vertical springs, so the filler is fluffy and quickly restores its shape if you press on it.

Holcon is warm, light, does not absorb odors and moisture, hypoallergenic, inexpensive. Mattresses only from holcon are quite thin. They can be used if you sleep on the couch or like to sleep on your stomach.

Polyurethane foam (foam rubber)

Of course, in high-quality mattresses you will not find that yellow thin foam rubber that we are used to seeing.

Modern polyurethane foam for mattresses is resilient and elastic, follows the shape of the body well. A thick, springless PPU mattress is already able to support your back. Due to the porous texture, polyurethane foam breathes well, it is durable and hypoallergenic.

Various foams

All kinds of foams are derivatives of polyurethane foam, in which there are additives of different densities, due to which the rigidity of mattresses can vary. There are models with several zones of different stiffness: they provide the correct support for the spine. Also, for example, silver ions can be added to the foam to protect against bacteria.

There are many names of foam, they may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. In general, modern foams are elastic, resilient, hypoallergenic, and last 10–25 years.

Separately, we mention foam with a memory effect. A mattress with such a filler completely repeats the shape of the body, supporting it well and unloading the spine and joints. In addition, the mattress does not wobble when the bedmate turns, so your sleep will be more sound and restful.

However, not everyone can get used to diving into a mattress, and for some it is too hot. It will also be uncomfortable for those who are used to sleeping on their stomachs. However, the layer of such foam can be thin, and then the effect will not be too pronounced.

Artificial and natural latex

Manufacturers claim that dust mites do not live in latex. However, the same is said about foam mattresses. Latex provides good support for the spine. Due to the porous structure, the mattress breathes, so moisture evaporates instantly.

The disadvantages include the specific smell and the severity of the mattress. Some owners note that after a few years, a recess from the body appears on the mattress, which further interferes with a comfortable location. They also sometimes complain that it is hot to sleep on a latex mattress.

The main differences between natural and synthetic latex:

  1. Natural latex will last more than 30 years, some manufacturers even give a guarantee for this period. Mattresses made of synthetic latex will please you a little less. How much, it is better to check with the consultant when buying.
  2. Synthetic latex is harder than natural latex.
  3. Natural latex mattresses are more expensive than synthetic latex mattresses.

Perhaps the advantage of natural latex over other fillers, which we wrote about above, is precisely in its naturalness. And comfort is a subjective concept. Perhaps you will be as comfortable on a foam mattress as on a latex one.


Coir - natural fiber filler coconut. Usually coir is used to stiffen mattresses.


A tough fiber obtained from the leaves of the sisal agave. It is used as a layer between the spring block and the soft layer to properly distribute the load on the mattress.


Wool perfectly absorbs moisture and breathes, therefore it is warm and dry on such a mattress. A springless mattress filled only with wool will not provide proper support for the spine. However, wool is often used as one of the layers in orthopedic mattresses.

Thermobonded linen

Natural material that wicks away moisture well. Used as a layer.

Mattress firmness

Usually mattresses are divided into hard, medium hardness and soft.

Hard mattresses

Coir, sisal, thermally bonded linen predominate in rigid models. Such mattresses can have a reinforced spring block, which allows them to withstand maximum loads. Recommended for people with a large body weight, as well as for problems with.

Medium firm mattresses

Medium hardness is achieved through a combination of hard and soft fillers. As a rule, coconut and sisal are used as a rigid base, and a layer of orthopedic foam or bulk stitching gives comfort.

Soft mattresses

The softness of the mattress is given by various comfortable layers: latex, orthopedic foam, holofiber. The more materials there are above the spring block, the softer the mattress. Such models are suitable for the elderly and people with a fragile physique. Soft mattresses are also recommended for certain diseases of the lumbar spine.

The firmness of the mattress is selected individually depending on the age, weight and preferences of the person. The greater the weight of the sleeper, the harder the mattress should be. Not only comfort during sleep depends on this, but also the service life of the product, since in rigid models materials that are more resistant to loads are used, which exclude early deformation.

The passport of the mattress indicates the maximum weight of the sleeper. Focus on it, as well as on your feelings during the mattress test in the store. If you have back or joint problems, it is advisable to consult an orthopedist. The old advice "The harder the better" does not work for many diseases.

It is also worth consulting with a good orthopedist if you choose a mattress for a child: the spine can be severely damaged from an incorrect position in a dream.

There are models with sides of different stiffness. This allows you to flip the mattress depending on the desire or health status.

Double mattresses can have halves of different hardness. But if you can’t find a mattress that suits both partners, you can put two single mattresses in the box, and eliminate the gap between them with a common mattress cover.

A mattress pad will save you even if you buy a mattress that is not suitable for hardness, and it will not be possible to replace it. A well-chosen cover will add firmness or softness to the mattress.

Mattress size

There are two possible scenarios for the development of events.

Option 1

You buy both the bed and the mattress at the same time. Then you need to select the dimensions based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and physiological characteristics those who will sleep on the bed.

The length of the mattress should exceed the height of a person by at least 15 cm, so that the sleeper does not rest his feet on the foot of the bed. The width of the bed should be equal to twice the width of the sleeper's shoulders.

Robert Oxman, Sleep Expert at Askona

When you understand what size the mattress should be, all that remains is to choose the right bed for him.

Option 2

You have a bed, you only need to pick up a mattress. If the bed is new, then the dimensions can be found in her passport. If the bed is old, you need to measure the inner perimeter of the bed, but in no case the old mattress, as over time its dimensions change due to the inevitable deformation.

It happens that measurements give non-standard results. For example, instead of 80 cm wide, it turns out 79 or 83 cm. A discrepancy of up to 1 cm is quite acceptable. With a bed size of 79 × 201 cm, feel free to buy a standard mattress 80 × 200 cm. But if the difference is 2 cm or more, you will have to make a custom-made mattress, otherwise it will either not fit in the bed frame or will hang out in it. In the latter case, the cover wears out quickly.

Alexander Babichev, mattress expert from Strong

Mattress cost

Before you go looking, decide how much money you can and want to spend. Excessive savings are useless here, unless, of course, you need a temporary option. But usually a mattress is bought for 10 or even 20 years.

Look up the cost of various models on the Internet to roughly navigate the prices, and go to the store to test mattresses.

If you like a mattress that is too expensive, study its features and look for a mattress with the same characteristics from other manufacturers. Maybe you'll get lucky and find a cheaper alternative.

Mattress Buyer Checklist

1. Think about the position you sleep in the most.

On the side, it is usually more convenient to sleep on a soft mattress, and on the stomach - on a hard one. Since the mattress is bought for several years (or even decades), and circumstances (weight, diseases) may change, it is better not to choose extremely soft or extremely hard models.

2. Remember what problems with your back, neck, joints bother you. If there are many problems, consult an orthopedist before buying a mattress.

3. Decide on a budget.

4. Decide on the size of the mattress.

5. Study mattress models in online stores, read reviews. Sometimes opinions about the convenience of one mattress are completely opposite. Nevertheless, some information can be gleaned from the reviews. For example, about the durability of the selected instance.

6. Go to the store to test mattresses.

When choosing a mattress in a store, take off your outer clothing and try with your back: lie down on the mattress, not sit down. Don't choose a "soft" or "hard" mattress from the label. Be guided by your feelings: the right mattress for you should immediately seem very comfortable.

Dmitry Borisov, founder of the service for selecting design projects and furniture ReRooms.ru

Feel free to lie down for a few minutes in the position in which you usually. After all, you are buying a very expensive thing, on the convenience of which your health depends.

7. Having looked at a suitable model, do not rush to buy. Calmly think it over again, read the reviews about this particular mattress. If it's too expensive, look for alternatives.

8. If the selected mattress suits you exactly, test it again and buy it.

The main function of a mattress is to provide comfortable conditions for relaxation, in which the body completely relaxes after physical exertion. A wide range of products offered allows you to equip a bed in accordance with your preferences. However, it should be borne in mind that an incorrectly chosen bed can lead to serious problems with the musculoskeletal system.

How to choose?

To prevent possible problems with health and creating comfortable conditions for sleep, all details should be taken into account when choosing a mattress. It is advisable to consult with a specialist before purchasing, who will give recommendations regarding

  • product type,
  • used in the manufacture of fillers,
  • degree of hardness.

It is necessary to take into account the size (it must correspond to the parameters of the bed) and the type of cover.

Useful tips on choosing a quality mattress can be obtained by watching the video. They will help you make the right choice.

Construction types

Orthopedic mattresses have various designs. They are divided into two large groups:

  • spring,
  • springless.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. A detailed analysis of each type will allow you to make the right decision when choosing a product.

Spring structures

Mattresses based on spring blocks are the most in demand. Buyers are attracted by a longer (compared to springless) service life. Spring structures have anatomical orthopedic effect. Some use dependent blocks, while others use independent blocks. The choice depends on the desired degree of comfort.

With dependent spring blocks

Mattresses with a base of Bonel dependent spring blocks are softer, following the contours of the body. A similar effect is achieved thanks to large springs interconnected.

Steel structures have sufficient elasticity to provide optimal support for the body during sleep. Such products are almost hollow inside. They are well ventilated, which is their main advantage. Another important plus is the affordable price.

Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to single out the unpleasant effect of the “wave”, which is formed during the interaction of the springs, and the metal creak that appears during operation.

With independent spring blocks

Independent spring blocks are more popular, despite the higher price. They have high orthopedic properties, perfectly support the spine and contribute to complete relaxation.

The connection of the springs in them is carried out according to the "pocket" technology. Each of them is placed in a special pocket and does not come into contact with neighboring steel structures, which gives the product point elasticity. As a result, there is no wave-like interaction between the springs. If one sleeper turns in his sleep, he will not disturb the person lying next to him.

Independent springs do not come into contact with each other, which eliminates the metallic clang and promotes a peaceful rest.

The disadvantage of this type is one - a rather high price, but it is fully offset by their merits. In addition, it is undesirable to jump on them, which should be taken into account when small children grow up in the house.

Springless designs

Springless mattresses, unlike spring mattresses, have a long history. To create comfortable conditions for sleeping, they were stuffed with straw, cotton wool, feathers (featherbeds). Modern orthopedic products use natural and high-tech synthetic materials. They give a higher degree of rigidity and increase useful features sleeping place.

There are three types of orthopedic mattresses - monolithic, mixed and puff. The first are made from a single filler. The latter, in addition to the main block, have two outer layers made of other materials. Still others consist of alternating layers, providing varying degrees of stiffness, which depends on the fillers used.

Keep in mind that spring mattresses do not like wet cleaning. Purchasing a product with a removable cover will solve this problem.


Fillers - artificial and synthetic materials used as an orthopedic base. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on the purpose for which the bedding is purchased.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Polyurethane foam is an artificial filler that can create the conditions necessary for a comfortable full sleep. Modern practical material.

  • has high orthopedic properties, is able to take the contours of the lying body;
  • hypoallergenic, does not cause skin irritation;
  • has a cellular structure and is well ventilated;
  • Easily rolls up for easy storage and transport.
  • affordable.
  • does not have.

Latex natural

Natural latex is made from natural tree sap, used in quality sleep products. The price is quite high, but justified.

  • high orthopedic characteristics;
  • different density and, consequently, stiffness;
  • hypoallergenic characteristics;
  • long (up to 30 years) service life.
  • the high cost of mattresses.

A quality product made from natural latex cannot be cheap. Low price speaks of the use of low-quality artificial materials.

latex artificial

Artificial Latex - modern material, which is an analogue of a natural filler, but having a lower cost. In terms of quality, it is similar to natural.

  • does not cause allergies, except in cases of individual intolerance;
  • has a higher (compared to natural) rigidity and weight;
  • has excellent orthopedic characteristics.
  • the service life is less (about two times) than that of natural latex.

When buying a mattress made of artificial latex, it is recommended to take into account that it will last less than a product made of natural material. If it will not be used for a baby bed, it makes sense to purchase a higher quality bedding.


Struttofiber is an artificial filler made from polyester fiber. A high-tech material used as the base for orthopedic products. Its high wear resistance can significantly extend the life of the product, which used layers of softer materials.

  • does not cause allergies;
  • practical;
  • is different long term operation.
  • does not differ in low price, but is cheaper than natural materials.

When buying, you should beware of fakes and purchase goods from trusted manufacturers.

Memoryfoam is a modern high-tech material that appeared on the market about 20 years ago. It is a dense foam with a memory effect. Sleeping products from it are able to take the shape of the body lying on it and keep it. A person sleeping on such a mattress, turning around, will take the previous position, which means that his spine will experience less stress.

  • has a long (up to 15 years) service life;
  • does not rot;
  • well passes air;
  • retains its quality characteristics throughout the entire period of use.
  • rather high price.

coconut coir

Coconut coir filler is a layer of compressed soft fibers of the walnut intercarp.

  • passes air and moisture;
  • does not undergo putrefactive processes due to the presence of lignyl in the composition of the natural polymer;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • prevents the reproduction of ticks;
  • differs in the long term of operation at observance of rules of use.
  • bedding made of coconut coir is not recommended to be rolled up, otherwise the material crumbles and becomes unusable.

Coconut has a high degree of hardness. It is recommended for newborns, teenagers and people with musculoskeletal problems who need a firm sleeping surface.


Sisal is a natural fiber obtained from dried agave leaves. For filler, it is pressed and impregnated with latex. Material is different high strength. As early as the 16th century, it was used to make ship ropes.

  • is highly resistant to wear;
  • does not break when folding;
  • has high orthopedic characteristics (capable of taking the contours of a sleeping person, creating comfortable conditions for relaxation;
  • suitable for people with a large weight;
  • well ventilated;
  • resistant to moisture.
  • high price.


Ormafoam is a resilient and elastic artificial filling for mattresses. It is made from polyurethane foam using modern technologies providing the material with environmental safety.

Ormafoam has high orthopedic properties. It is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the spine or in need of maintaining correct posture.

  • the material has a cellular structure, which allows it to perfectly pass air and moisture;
  • has a massage effect that improves blood circulation in the epidermis;
  • elastic;
  • does not cause allergic reactions (recommended for children's mattresses);
  • has a long service life;
  • affordable price.
  • does not have.


Batting filler has been used for over a century.

  • low price.
  • does not have orthopedic characteristics;
  • wears out quickly;
  • takes a long time to dry after wet cleaning.

Currently, bedding with this filler is not in demand, but the material is used as a layer in other types of orthopedic mattresses. For example, it will reliably protect the skin from the prickly surface of coconut coir and make sleep more comfortable. It is also used in spring mattresses, stacked between metal blocks and outer, softer layers.


Felt is a natural filler in the form of panels of various thicknesses, made from sheep's wool.

  • the material does not cause allergic reactions;
  • passes air;
  • perfectly retains heat;
  • has a low price.
  • absorbs and accumulates moisture, which contributes to the development of putrefactive processes.

Today, manufacturers prefer to use it as intermediate layers. When purchasing a product with felt, you need to remember the disadvantages of this material.

wool fiber

As a wool fiber filler, raw materials obtained from sheep or camels are used.

  • has hygroscopic properties;
  • retains heat;
  • does not generate static electricity;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • modern manufacturers treat the fiber with lanolin before using it, which increases its antibacterial characteristics.
  • wool-filled mattresses do not have orthopedic properties.

If there is no goal - the acquisition of a bed with such characteristics - this product will perfectly cope with the task of providing coziness and comfort during sleep. Another advantage of the material is an affordable price, which is also important.


Orthofiber (also known as holofiber) man-made fiber is widely used as a filler. Orthofiber is a hollow fiber, which prevents it from caking and prolongs the life of the product. According to its quality characteristics, it is not inferior to natural materials.

  • the material is hypoallergenic;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • ventilated;
  • retains heat, which provides a comfortable sleeping environment.
  • quickly compacted under constant significant loads.


Modern mattresses are necessarily produced in covers. They perform a protective function, preventing the rapid wear of the filler, and provide a pleasant interaction of the skin with the surface of the bed.

It is important to pay attention to this particular property of the cover when buying. It should be made of dense (and at the same time pleasant to the touch) natural cotton fabric. Jacquard products are especially popular.

The second characteristic that is important when buying is the ability to remove the cover. Manufacturers use two types of them: removable and non-removable. Which ones to give preference? The video will help answer this question:

Removable covers

  • easy to care for;
  • can be washed, which keeps the perfect look of the bed for a long time;
  • when buying a mattress, a removable cover with a zipper will allow you to evaluate internal filling product: whether it corresponds to the one declared by the manufacturer.
  • loosely attached to the base of the mattress, which contributes little to extending the period of use;
  • after washing, the cover may shrink and become small for the mattress.

Fixed covers

  • non-removable covers are additionally attached to the surface of the mattress with a special adhesive and securely hold the inner stuffing.
  • the impossibility of washing it is a significant drawback, but the use of a special mattress cover (including waterproof) will help solve this problem.


Orthopedic mattresses are offered in three degrees of hardness:

  • high,
  • middle,
  • low.

If we are not talking about a small child or a person with diseases of the musculoskeletal system that require hard surfaces, then the choice of rigidity depends on personal preference.

Those who like to sleep on their side are not recommended a mattress with a high degree of rigidity. They do not allow the spine to take a comfortable horizontal position and relax. A sleeping surface with medium hardness (latex, memorix) will be the most comfortable.


Parameters are another important criterion when choosing it. The product must match the size of the bed. Modern manufacturers offer mattresses in three sizes: single, one and a half and double.

Single - most often used for teenage beds. Double - preferred couples. One and a half - are considered universal and can be used to equip a comfortable bed for one adult.

Where to buy a mattress so as not to be mistaken

Present on the market a large number of mattresses from various manufacturers. Can all offers be trusted?

First of all, you should pay attention to well-known retail chains with numerous positive reviews. They have been on the market for a long time and care about their reputation.

Today, there are brands on the market whose products are trustworthy.

TOP 10 mattress manufacturers

Mattresses of both domestic and foreign manufacturers are especially popular on the market. The products of the following companies are considered the most popular:

  1. Ascona. More than 25 years on the market. Offers high quality springless and spring mattresses. Their products are distinguished by their original design and long service life. The high prices for the models of this manufacturer do not detract from their merits.
  2. Ormatek. One of the leading domestic manufacturers of sleep products. Wide price range big choice quality products with natural and artificial fillers.
  3. Dormeo. The company presents on the market spring and springless mattresses of decent quality at a reasonable price. Uses both natural and artificial fillers. The buyer can always choose a product that meets the requirements.
  4. Relax. The company has been on the market for seven years. Affordable price. The manufacturer uses spring and springless blocks own production, which compares favorably with the cost of production.
  5. Vegas. The company offers spring and springless mattresses with varying degrees of firmness. They use mainly natural materials, which makes their products expensive.
  6. Consul. The manufacturer offers premium products. Excellent quality, application of advanced technologies, but high prices.
  7. Barro. The Belarusian company presents mattresses with dependent and independent springs on the market. The best option compromise between price and quality.
  8. dreamline. Represents a wide selection of anatomical mattresses with artificial and natural fillers. Distinguishing feature - good quality and affordable prices.
  9. Magniflex. An Italian company well known in the domestic market. Offers vacuum-packed memory foam mattresses. High prices are the only negative of their products.
  10. Toris. A domestic company operating for 25 years on the market. High quality, reasonable prices. It has a subsidiary that produces budget options for popular mattresses.

Buying a mattress important step. From its correctness depends on how comfortable the sleep and good rest of the owner of the product will be. Experts do not advise to rush into the choice: decide what exactly you need, analyze the market offers, get acquainted with the reviews. Based on the information received, it will be easier to make a choice. The main thing is to take into account all the parameters: stiffness, size, materials used, reputation of the manufacturer and seller.

You have become the proud owner of a new mattress - take care of its care. Failure to follow the rules of operation will lead to rapid wear and tear, and a high-quality expensive item will end up in a landfill.

  1. Read the instructions carefully.
  2. Remove the packaging and leave in a ventilated area for two days to eliminate the industrial smell.
  3. Make sure the mattress is the right size for the bed. Even a slight (up to 2 cm) deviation can lead to product deformation.
  4. During use, it is recommended to turn the mattress over so that its sides wear out evenly.
  5. The surface of the mattress must be cleaned regularly, and if necessary, remove stains with special non-aggressive agents. If there is a removable cover, wash it by hand to avoid shrinkage.

Follow the basic rules for caring for a mattress, and it will last a long time.

The mattress is a product which guarantees you a quiet sleep and comfortable rest. It depends on his right choice how well you will feel for the next few years and with what mood you wake up in the morning.

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