Washing down pillows at home. Can the feather pillow be washed at home? Pillows with wool, silk, orthopedic memory foam, latex

Garden equipment 16.06.2019
Garden equipment

We all know that natural down is the most common filling element for any pillow. Any kind of pillows, after a certain time, collect dirt, dust, and sweat, and we face a problem: how to wash us a down pillow at home? Recently we considered the topic.

Now, most of the feather pillows have been replaced by synthetics, but many of you still sleep in your feather pillows at home. Today we will tell you what options are available for washing feather pillows, how to dry and how often you can wash them.

We present to your attention 3 types of washing down pillows at home.

Let's be honest with you - washing a down pillow at home is not easy at all. Since this procedure will require a lot of effort from us to wash and dry the product. But I assure you that it is worth it, because a well-washed pillow that smells fresh will give you comfort and a lovely sleep. So, let's not just waste our precious time on empty talk and go directly to the very process of washing the down pillow.

1) Washing a pillow in a washing machine - automatic machine.

First, the question arises: can the pillow be washed in the washing machine? Automatic washing is possible, but certain conditions must be met. Keep in mind that the pillow case will need to be replaced, as it is necessary, while drying, the fluff or feather will have to be straightened. If, nevertheless, you decide to wash the down pillow in washing machine, then remember and observe a few necessary rules:

- you need to wash at temperatures up to 40 degrees

- select special mode or hand wash

- when pressing, set the minimum speed - up to 400 revolutions.

- place the pillows in a bag for washing (they look like: mesh with cells - a cover with a zipper). After that, in order to wash the down pillow, you need to add it to the compartment with powder, about 50 grams. Next, you need to set the washing mode with the lowest temperature. Also set the double rinse. After you have removed the pillow from the washing machine, you need to open it and take out the fluff. Next, the filler must be dried and stuffed onto a completely new and fresh napert.

2) Washing the pillow by hand

Our most important task in hand washing is to wash the fluff itself thoroughly. And make sure that it does not stick together into a single lump. It is best to wash the pillow in a basin filled with water, and rinse it out using a colander. Here is a step-by-step procedure for washing a feather pillow by hand at home:

To wash the down pillow, prepare a basin or bath with water, where you dissolve the powder or. On the water, the temperature should be about 45-50 degrees.

But be careful when ripping open the pillow. As the feathers should immediately fall into the vessel with soapy water. In this case, the fluff should float freely, and not be compacted in a pile. If your container is small, then it is better to take two containers or a large vessel. Since with a small capacity, the fluff will be very difficult to wash, and then dry due to its sticking.

After that, drain the contaminated water, transfer the wet fluff to a colander and rinse the feathers and fluff thoroughly under running water.

Then you need to prepare a new soap solution and repeat the process. But at the same time, carefully when washing, wrinkle the fluff with your hands.

3) Steaming the down pillow.

Steaming is an alternative to washing the pillow, which does not require replacing the pillow case. This type of treatment can kill harmful bacteria, freshen the fluff, and can remove unpleasant odors from the pillow. But of course, steaming is not really washing, but steam can clean the filler from harmful impurities, dust and refresh the product.

To steam the down pillow, lay it upright. But it will be better if you hang it on clothespins in a rope.

Then take a vertical steam steamer and steam it twice on both sides.

Drying the down pillow

Drying a pillow at home takes great responsibility. Since a poorly dried product may begin to mold, and after that it will appear bad smell and black spots on the napernik. Therefore, try to dry your favorite pillow as best you can.

If you are not thinking of changing the pillowcase, then drying becomes a fairly simple operation. Just hang the pillow like a garment on a string, and attach it with clothespins. The place for drying the pillow should be ventilated. In hot weather, on a summer day, the pillow usually dries out in just one day. You just need, after a certain time, thoroughly stir up the fluff. If you decide to clean the pillow from dust in winter, then you should know that it dries for a very long time. And you will have to dry actively with a hairdryer or an electric heater with blowing using hot air. Over time, you have to stir up, get rid of the lumps. This procedure must be done until the down pillow is completely dry.

Separate drying of the down of the pillow after washing.

If you nevertheless washed the fluff separately from the napernik at home, then, first of all, you need to lay it out in the sun to dry it in a thin layer on paper (newspaper, wallpaper, etc.). After some time, it must be shaken to prevent the formation of lumps of fluff. But, keep in mind, the fluff will take a long time to dry. The drying time may take several days, depending on the intensity of the heat and the movement of the air. After the fluff dries, it must be shaken and poured onto a new and clean pillowcase. The filler should be distributed evenly around the entire perimeter of the pillowcase.

- Use a damp wash on your down pillow, best done in summer or late spring. As it should be hot air, which contributes to its rapid and complete drying. If washing is carried out at a different time, then drying may take weeks.

- If you wash the fluff separately from the confidant in the bathroom without a colander, then when you drain the water, you must close the drain hole with a protective mesh, otherwise the fluff can clog the drain.

- If you decide to wash the pillow in the washing machine, then put some tennis balls there, they will beat the fluff and prevent it from sticking together.

- Down pillows should be washed at least once a year. Since they get dirty very quickly. To make them less dirty, you need to put two pillowcases on them.

- If you decide to change the pillowcase, then before you fill it with fluff, rub it inner side laundry soap, while down and feathers will be less contaminated.

It is customary to wash bed linen quite often, but many people forget about caring for the pillow itself. Knowing how to wash a feather pillow at home, you can save on the services of specialists, return the purity, freshness and the previous shape of the product. After absorbing dirt and dust over the years of use, down products become a source of allergies and various diseases.

In order not to breed microbes and dust mites in down pillows, ideally they should be cleaned up to 4 times a year. Synthetic filler is much easier to wash, but it loses to down and feathers in comfort and elasticity.

To wash a feather pillow at home, you should carefully read the recommendations so that the process does not become painful and does not lead to damage to the product.


Before the washing process, it is advisable to find out which birds the fluff and feathers belong to. Goose and duck down can be safely wet washed, but it is better to clean a chicken feather with a vacuum cleaner, since such a filler may not tolerate water.

Next, the pillow cushion is unpicked, the filler is poured into the prepared bags, the washing method is selected, the cushion and feather are cleaned separately, then everything is dried, and the filler is returned to the cushion again.

Products sewn from durable fabric, or pillowcases that are not to be used can act as a bag. Spreading the feathers over these covers allows for better cleaning and faster drying. Basic tips on how to wash feather pillows:

  • carry out the process at a temperature of 30-40 degrees;
  • using liquid detergents or a solution of laundry soap;
  • banned bleaches and aggressive agents;
  • it is possible to pre-soak down products for 30 minutes.

Hand wash

To wash the feather pillow by hand in the home walls, they begin with the napert spacer, the pillow filler is poured into prepared covers, which are then tightly tied or sewn up. The number of covers depends on their size: if they are small, then prepare 4 pieces. The process of pouring is best done on the balcony, or by spreading a sheet on the floor, as the feather will fly apart.

Further, water is drawn into the bathroom or large basin, in which it is necessary to dilute the detergent. It can be laundry soap, it does not cause allergies, or a gel for delicate or woolen items. Stubborn dirt from the pillow can be removed by adding vinegar or ammonia to the solution. Leaving the filler in water for half an hour, you can proceed to cleaning. To do this, rinse and wring out the contents of the bag. After active actions, the filler should be thoroughly rinsed in clean water several times, as the remaining agent will lead to sticking of the feather during drying. The last rinse should be carried out with the addition of conditioner to the water, this will restore the former softness and lightness of the pen. Lovers of natural aromas can dissolve a couple of drops in water at this stage. essential oil with a calming and relaxing effect. It is better not to use synthetic fragrances, as they do not favorably affect falling asleep. Then the pillow is dried.

Machine wash machine

It is much easier to entrust the washing to the technique, however, you need to know how to wash the down pillow in the washing machine.

Incorrect washing will damage not only the downy product, but also the unit itself, or the cleaning will be of poor quality.

Firstly, you should not fill the washing equipment tank too much, and secondly, do not let the feather fall out of the cover, so as not to clog the filter of the machine.

Feather pillows can be washed small size in the washing machine as a whole, without transferring the filler to other covers. For an even load, put towels or other things in the hatch.

If washing with covers, tie the bag securely or put on a second pillowcase as machine wash is much more active. If the drum is full, divide the process into two runs. To prevent the pen from sticking together in the typewriter, you can use balls or rubber toys that you can put in the drum along with the bag.

After loading the downy items into the tank, set the delicate wash program in water no more than 40 degrees with a spin cycle of 400-600 revolutions. If there is a special mode for washing the pen in the machine, you should select it. Be sure to rinse the nib several times, so add 1-2 spin rinses to the cycle. A liquid detergent is used for washing in a machine, and rinse aid is poured into a separate compartment. After completing the work, the bag with the feather is taken out and dried.

Drying process

After washing, it is important to dry the downy items with high quality so that they do not come into contact and the unpleasant odor of dampness does not appear. The down pillow is dried within two days. After hand washing, squeeze out the garment slightly and let the excess water drain off. A towel or sheet, into which a wet pillow is rolled, helps to absorb excess moisture. Then you need to evenly distribute the feather over the bag with your hands, kneading the stray lumps, and choose a place for drying.

One of the most simple options is the battery in the cold season. However, radiators have a detrimental effect on the pen, providing too fast drying separate areas, due to which lumps are formed. If there are no other options, then you need to whip and turn the pillow as often as possible.

A good place to dry is floor dryer... It can be placed on the balcony in summer and near the radiator in winter, so the effect of heat will not be so aggressive, and the air will circulate freely.

If there is a drying function in the washing machine, the problem will be solved without much effort. It is enough just to expose temperature regime at 30 degrees and place a few balls in the drum to beat the feathers.

On warm sunny days, the most suitable place to dry down pillows is fresh air. It is only necessary to periodically turn the product from the feather, shake and knead the filler.

After the drying process, the feather returns to a clean pillowcase, which should be properly sewn up and put on a pillowcase.

  • old tulle is a suitable material for the cover, you can also choose gauze, but it should be sewn in 5-6 layers, otherwise the feather will be knocked out of the bag;
  • when hand washing, you should not squeeze the feathers too hard, from this they may break or deform;
  • it is better to make a linen for washing twice as long, this will increase the quality and speed of washing;
  • it is better to replace the damaged napernik with a new one immediately so that the effort spent will not be wasted in a short time;
  • choose a warm season for washing, so that the down product dries when natural conditions in the sun and fresh air then the pillow will not turn into a lump.

If the process itself and the recommendations on how to wash a feather pillow at home seemed laborious to you, you can buy a new pillow or entrust the cleaning to professionals. However, do-it-yourself washing is more reliable and beneficial.

Feather pillows need regular cleaning to remove sebum, sweat and dust. Washing such products has its own characteristics. How to properly care for them, and can the pillows be washed at home in an automatic machine?

Large pillows will not fit into the drum of the washing machine, so you need to prepare them first. To do this, they stock up in small bags made of durable fabric - it is in them that feathers will be erased. In such a small package, they will rinse better, and the machine will be able to evenly distribute the laundry over the drum.

For the cover, you can take an old pillowcase (you just need to make sure that there are no thinning wiped spots on the fabric, they can tear during washing) or sew new ones from any material that is well-permeable to water. Even an old sheer curtain with a tight, even weave will do. Gauze is not suitable for this purpose - fluff can crawl out through its holes.

The pillows are unpicked and their contents are transferred to the prepared covers. Now they need to be firmly sewn up. You cannot tie them - if they come loose during intensive washing, feathers can get into the engine and ruin the car.

Small pillows do not need to be torn apart. The main thing is to put 2-3 such items when washing things or add several things to the drum so that the load is evenly distributed and the machine does not vibrate much during spinning.

Powder selection

It's best to use a fluff formulation or a liquid detergent.

You should not use products with a strong fragrance - too intrusive the smell of the filler will interfere with relaxation and can cause a headache in the sleeper.

In the second rinse, you can add a few drops of cypress, lavender, or orange essential oils to the conditioner compartment. This will give a light pleasant scent and ward off dust mites from the filler for a while.

Washing mode

If the washing machine does not have special program for items made from down, you can choose a delicate wash. For effective cleaning a water temperature of 30 ° C will be sufficient.

It is important to thoroughly rinse the filler from the remaining detergents, therefore, an additional rinse should be included.

Feathers should dry as soon as possible so that mold does not start there from prolonged dampness, so the maximum spin should be selected.


After the end of the washing program, take out clean products and try to knead all the lumps that have formed with your hands. This should be done so that the filler is evenly distributed over the cover.

Swan down pillows can only be dried horizontally, for example, by placing them on a tumble dryer.

Now you need to take unnecessary old sheets or towels, put pillows on them, twist them into a tight roll. It is important to do this thoroughly in order to dry the pillow as best as possible. If it doesn't dry out in 2 days, the filler will start to grow moldy.

If you have a dryer, it's best to use it. You need to choose a temperature of 30 ° C, periodically beating the feathers. To speed up the process and make it more efficient, you can throw several tennis balls into the drum.

You can use a battery for drying.

If it is possible to hang the pillow outdoors, it is better to use it. For better drying, the product should be hung on a rope - this way it will be blown by the wind from all sides and the drying time will be shortened. Beat the feather every few hours so that it dries evenly. The advantage of this method is that the filler is well disinfected during the process. sunbeams so that the remnants of the surviving microbes and mites will die.

Ironing pillows, especially pillows filled with swan down, is prohibited.

After the filler is completely dry, it must be poured into a clean bed-case - washed separately or new, and then sewn up with a double stitch.

General rules for washing pillows

A good way to check if your pillow needs a wash at all or if it's time to change to a new one is to fold it in half. If the pillow straightens out, then it is still quite usable, you can simply clean it at home. If it has remained in the folded position, then it is wiser to buy a new one.

Dandruff and dust gradually accumulate on the pillows, they are soaked in sweat and sebum. Therefore, they must be thoroughly cleaned at least 2-3 times a year.

It is important to use a durable cover when washing, sewing it securely. Leaving the pen in the drum while washing can cause serious problems. For example, the drain filter is clogged, the wiring or the motor of the washing machine burns out. To avoid this, you can additionally place the filled case in a special washing bag.

The approximate life of the pillow is 2 years. Products made from swan down keep their qualities longer.

Washing feather pillows, especially at home, is a troublesome but mandatory process. Only a clean pillow can provide quality rest.

Our great-grandmothers were absolutely sure that there was no point in looking best filler for a pillow than a feather. But no! In the era of technological progress, he had many competitors of synthetic origin. But many of us are in no hurry to part with a soft, comfortable, and most importantly, such a durable pillow made of feathers. Thanks to our choice, it still remains urgent problem how to wash a feather pillow at home.

In this article:

Preparatory stage

  • Worry in advance about where you will pour the washed and dried filler - into the old, but clean pillowcase, or is it still better to sew a new one? Fortunately, now in stores there is a wide selection of teak - dense fabric for the manufacture of bedclothes.
  • To wash and dry your feathers properly at home, prepare a cover made of lightweight material. An old pillowcase will work just as well. You can sew a bag from a thick tulle curtain. It is not recommended to do this from gauze: the fluff will come out! It is all the more not worth taking gauze in two layers, because the feathers will get stuck between the layers, and after washing your gauze will turn into the skin of an outlandish animal.
  • So, we have decided on the material for the cover, and now we still need to choose correct sizes... Make the width of the cover the same as the width of the pillow, and double the length. This is necessary in order to wash and dry the filler with high quality. Do not be too lazy to sew two bags, because the less content, the better it will be cleaned.

You can wash pillows at home using the old-fashioned method, or you can take advantage of technological advances.

Washing a pen in an automatic machine

Pour the contents of the pillow carefully into the prepared laundry bags. To do this, open one edge of it, sweep the cover so that the fluff does not fly around the house. After you transfer everything, be sure to sew up the cover, not tie it up.

If you decide to wash everything in one bag, throw some other items into the drum of the washing machine so that the load on the drum during washing is evenly distributed.

You need to wash with liquid detergent or a detergent for down laundry.

The small pillow can be machine washed without pouring it into the cover. But with her, put a few small towels, again for uniform distribution things in the drum. The effective washing of the feather pillow filler occurs at a water temperature of no more than 30 ° C. If your machine has a down wash, don't hesitate to choose it. Otherwise, put on a delicate wash with an additional rinse. Spinning is advised to choose the maximum.

How to dry a feather pillow

  • Pull the covers out of the drum. Use your hands to break up all the lumps and distribute the contents evenly over the bag. Place it on an old towel or sheet, roll it into a tight roll: the more moisture you remove, the faster it dries. Failure to dry the feather filler in 2 days will cause the feather to grow moldy.
  • The pillow can be dried in the dryer. Set the temperature to 30 ° C, do not forget to beat the feathers in the covers from time to time. Throw some tennis balls into the drum for efficiency. Can be dried on a battery, in the open air in a suspended state. Very useful for feather filler sunbathing: UV disinfects it. Make sure the wind blows on the pillow from all directions.
  • When the nib is completely dry, carefully transfer it to a clean napkin and carefully double-stitch it to secure it.

Washing the pen by hand

Pour warm water into a large basin, dilute liquid detergent. The pillow can also be washed in laundry soap... It is especially useful if someone in your household suffers from allergies. Rub the soap on a fine grater and dissolve thoroughly in warm water. The soap solution is ready.

Open the pillowcase. Be prepared for the fine fluff to break free, so let the vacuum cleaner be at hand. Gently transfer the contents to a washing container and leave it to soak for two hours so that all dirt, dust, odors dissolve in the water. After soaking, drain all the water. Use an old colander. Squeeze out to remove most of the water.

Rinse the feathers in a colander under the tap, pour them into a bowl with fresh soapy water, and now you can wash them thoroughly. Drain the water again, rinse thoroughly and squeeze as much as possible. Add natural aromatic oils such as lavender, cypress or orange to the rinse water. They will add flavor and make easy disinfection.

It is better not to use synthetic fragrances: their obsessive scent can cause headaches during sleep.

At this stage, a prepared fabric cover will come in handy. Transfer clean fluff to it and sew up. And then dry, not forgetting to knead the lumps and beat the filler. After each shaking, it should visually increase.

Now, put a clean pillow in your pillowcase and keep the lint and feathers out of the house. Be proud of yourself: the hard job is done!

How many times have you thought about washing your feather pillow? And how many times did you put it all on the back burner? Washing pillows is a troublesome business! However, the sleep and health of all households depends on the purity of these products. If there are allergy sufferers or small children in the family, the care of the pillows requires special attention... After all, dust, particles of dirt, sweat accumulate in them, and ticks can also start in downy products.

In addition, a pillow that has not been washed for a long time has an unsightly appearance, and it is not so sweet and pleasant to fall asleep on it!

When choosing pillows in the store, please note that they can be divided into 3 types. And each species needs special care:

  • Feather - pillows consisting of down and feathers. These are the pillows of our childhood, on which we slept so sweetly when visiting our grandmother. These products are the most difficult to care for.

  • Synthetic - pillows filled with holofiber, synthetic winterizer, polyester or non-woven fabric.

  • Organic - pillows, the filler of which is most often bamboo, buckwheat husk, cherry pits, rice. They are usually not used as complete sleep pillows, but are a nice addition to down or synthetic pillows.

In order not to doubt the correctness of your actions, you need to know how to wash a feather pillow. If you wish, the item can simply be handed over to the dry-cleaner, where professionals will do everything efficiently and on time.

But if you decide to wash the pillows yourself in the washing machine or by hand, then follow these simple rules.

Washing feather pillows in the washing machine

You need to get ready to wash your feather pillow. It is advisable to do this on weekends as washing and drying can take several hours. Follow the instructions below, and the washing process will not seem complicated and time-consuming to you:

  • Sew several fabric covers in advance, in which you will place the contents of the pillow (down and feathers). The width of the cover should be the same as the width of the pillow cushion, and the length should be 2 times longer. Feathers and down should fit loosely in this pouch so they stretch better and will be easier to dry.
  • Any fabric for the cover can be used. You can choose from cotton, chintz or flannel. However, do not choose too dense material - the feather will take a very long time to dry. Do not put all of the contents of the feather pad in one pouch - it is best to use 2-4 covers.
  • Do not sew gauze covers. The fact is that feathers can get stuck in its holes, and the filler will have to be thrown away. Even if you fold it in half, it will not improve the situation. The pen will get stuck between the layers and cannot be pulled out.
  • It is necessary to wash the pillow at 30 degrees by selecting the "Delicate wash" mode. You can put several tennis balls in the drum of the washing machine, as with any downy clothes. They will not let the fluff fall off.
  • It is better to use liquid detergent. It will penetrate into the fabric and thoroughly clean the down and feathers from dirt. And he will not leave marks and stains, which is often the case with ordinary powders.
  • If your machine has the Spin and Rinse functions, be sure to use them to wash your feather pillows.
  • After completing the wash, take out the feather bags and try to roll them into rolls. After this procedure, excess moisture will come out, and the filler will dry out faster.
  • You can dry the contents of the pillow on the balcony, outdoors or indoors. If the feathers are clumped after washing, separate them. In many washing machines there is a drying function. However, you won't be able to completely dry a feather pillow with it. A little moisture will remain in any case.

Washing a feather pillow by hand at home

If you don't have a washing machine, you can also wash your pillow manually:

  • Fill a tub or basin with water.
  • Pour in liquid detergent or rub with laundry soap.
  • Open the pillowcase and place the fluff and feather in the basin.
  • Soak for 2-4 hours depending on the dirt.
  • Drain dirty water through a colander.
  • Rinse feathers under a tap and wring out.
  • Place them in a bowl of clean, soapy water. Wash the feather thoroughly in this water.
  • Drain and refill with clean water one last time. You don't need to add soap here. Add a few drops of your favorite aromatic oil to this water for scent and easy disinfection.
  • Dry the pen on an open surface after washing. Drying can take several hours or several days. Even if it seems to you that the feather is already dry, play it safe and leave the pillow under the sun for a while.

Machine wash synthetic cushion

Synthetic pillows are preferred more and more more people... They do not cause allergies, and they certainly won’t get ticks. Check the condition of the pillow before washing. Put a heavy object (book, iron) in the middle of the product and leave it on for a couple of minutes. Remove and see if the pillow returns to its original shape. If it is deformed, then it is unlikely to endure washing. It is better to get rid of such a thing as soon as possible.

The easiest way to wash your pillow is in the washing machine. But depending on the filler, you need to use different modes.

Holofiber is washed at temperatures up to 70 degrees, while the synthetic winterizer is deformed at temperatures above 40 degrees.

Spinning is not used when washing a padding polyester, otherwise the filler may collect in lumps and it will be difficult to straighten them.

  • For synthetic pillows, it is best to use a liquid powder. It washes well and leaves no residue.
  • To prevent the filler from straying, place some tennis balls in the machine.
  • Select the required mode. If you are not sure what kind of filler is in your pillow, choose a temperature of 40 degrees.
  • After washing, if the garment is wet, wrap it in a thick cloth or towel. The fabric will absorb excess moisture.
  • Dry preferably horizontally. A tumble dryer is perfect for this purpose. If you live in a private house, take it outside and leave it in the sun on the south side for a few hours.

Wash the pillow out of synthetic materials you can also manually. It is placed in a basin with warm water (50-60 degrees) and detergent. Hit it with your fists or palms to remove heavy dirt. After washing, be sure to rinse the product, wipe off excess moisture with an absorbent cloth or a terry towel and leave to dry.

If you find that the synthetic filler has clumped after washing, you can try straightening it out with a vacuum cleaner. This procedure is carried out while the pillow is still wet, moving the lumps of filler from one place to another.

If there is not a lot of confused material, then you can use a regular beater.

Organic filler products cannot be completely washed. You can remove the top fabric and wash it separately. Contents (bones, husks, etc.) should not be washed.

Such products have a short shelf life, and if they are heavily soiled, the pillow should be thrown away.

Whichever pillow you choose, treat it appearance in all seriousness! Take the time to wash your pillows, this will not only make your home cleaner, but also keep you healthy!

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