How to wash down pillows in the washing room. Can the down pillow be machine washed? How to wash feather and down pillows

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

Every housewife needs to know how to wash feather pillows on their own at home.

Today, global manufacturers offer people great amount pillows with different kinds fillers (synthetic winterizer, sheep's or camel's wool, down-feathers, latex, cotton wool and natural filler).

But each of us has a home down pillows made from goose feathers. Feathers tend to become loose and dusty over time, so washing the feather pillows is a must.

Cleaning feather pillows in dry cleaning will require a rather large amount. Save cash v family budget washing pillows at home will help.

If the product is too dirty, it is better to add detergent when washing. But what about allergy sufferers, and how to wash feather pillows for such people?

The answer is simple. It is enough to use only hypoallergenic special means, or laundry soap. The mode for washing pillows at home should be on the hand or delicate mode.

If washing is done by hand, then first the product must be soaked for 1 hour.

To avoid dampness, be sure to completely dry the pillow. During drying, the product must be constantly shaken so that the feathers do not form knocked down lumps.

Preparation of products for washing. Where to begin?

Feather pillows should be carefully prepared before washing.

Initially, all pillows that are going to be washed must be ripped at the seams. Further, all feathers and down must be laid out in special pillowcases or bedclothes.

If the products are small, then they can be washed in their "native" napkinnies.

How do I wash my feather pillow to get its original look? There are several ways that you can add shine and cleanliness to your garment.

In order for the feathers to be washed off as much as possible and become snow-white and clean, they should be soaked in soapy water.

He prepares as follows:

  • The soap is cut into small pieces and ammonia is added.
  • Further, a feather is laid out in any container measuring 30-40 liters (basin, bucket) and manually moved.
  • Now it should be squeezed out and rinsed in clean water.
  • Every mistress of the house has vinegar. If you add it while rinsing, the quality of the feathers and down will noticeably improve.
  • The squeezed clean feathers should now be put back in bags (naperniki) and sent to dry on the balcony.

To give the original look to the products, you can wash the feather pillows in washing machine... Many housewives do not even know how to wash down items in the washing machine. Very easy and simple.

You should take out the feather and put it in the pillow cases (bags), or leave it in the pillow case if the product is small.

Pillows can only be machine washed on delicate or hand wash.

Use only detergent powder that is intended for washing woolen items. For smell and fresh aroma, you can add conditioner to a special compartment.

After washing, it is better to dry the pillow in the sun, fresh air or in the machine on the "drying clothes" mode.

Here are some tips and tricks on how to wash feather pillows at home.

  1. When washing, we recommend putting balls with the pillow, for example, ping-pong balls, which will actively whip up the feather filling.
  2. Conditioner can be added to the washing machine tray to create a pleasant scent, but remember that the scent should not be too harsh or strong. It is enough to add 50 ml. flavoring liquid. Use lavender, citrus, or cypress for the scent. Such smells are great for scenting bed linen, and also scare away with linen mites and bedbugs.

How to wash a feather pillow at home, our article told about this in detail. If you adhere to our tips and recommendations, then washing products from a feather will only be a pleasure.

Many people still doubt the question of whether feather pillows can be washed? We will definitely answer, not only is it possible, but also necessary!

There is nothing like a good old feather pillow. Today there are a variety of fillers, from wool and straw to cereals and synthetic fibers. However, feather pillows are still the bestseller.

Why wash feather pillows and can you do it at home

Feather pillows can be washed by yourself because modern market provides housewives with various laundry detergents for items filled with down and feathers. Since the popularity of down jackets has been widespread, the sales industry has been supplying buyers with every possible care gadget.

It is necessary to wash the pillows because natural material, such as the filling of feathers and down of waterfowl, absorbs moisture, dust and glandular secretions well. And this, in turn, is a favorable environment for the multiplication of various kinds of bacteria, which leads to allergies, respiratory diseases, and skin problems. Feather pillows can and should be washed

Many housewives rarely wonder about the need to wash a feather pillow. It is believed that systematic washing and replacing of pillowcases is a sufficient maintenance measure. Unfortunately, few people suspect and know the danger posed by the contaminated contents of the pillow case.

However, the development of many diseases respiratory system is connected precisely with the use of a soiled and uncleaned pillow with a feather. It is imperative to wash the pillow, both doctors and allergists talk about this, but not more often than once or twice a year. More frequent washing can result in a loss of product quality.
Previously, the process of washing the pillow was more like the process of its restoration, now, thanks to advanced technologies, everything is much simpler.

In this regard, the question arises of how to properly wash down and feather pillows. To be honest, many years ago, when washing machines and various means were not available for breaking down the fluff during washing, your humble servant embroidered the finished pillow, dried the feathers and fluff separately (along the way, it was inevitably lost most of downy component). After such a painful procedure, the feathers were sewn back into the pillowcase, and in some cases, a certain fabric was bought and a new pillowcase was sewn. Now, fortunately, this method has long been forgotten and washing a feather pillow is easier than curling curls.

Preparing for washing

Most of the time and patience will have to be spent on the preparation stage for washing. This is a rather time-consuming and energy-consuming process, because a complete ready product it is undesirable to wash, as, for example, do with down jackets. Washing the entire pillow only allows you to get rid of the dust that has accumulated on the surface. The drying process with such processing will also not give the desired result.

The first thing to decide on initial stage, is the type of filler: chicken, goose feather or loon down. Bad news for those with a pillow full of chicken feathers. Such a feather can easily turn into dust when washed. In this regard, it is not recommended to wash such a filler. It is better to give the product to a special workshop. The chicken has a special feather structure that differs from the feathers of waterfowl. Chicken feather dries extremely long and does not repel moisture.
At the first stage, it is important to determine which bird's feather is used as filler.

In other cases, washing is possible. To wash waterfowl feathers, take care of several covers - small bags that will hold the filler. You can make these bags yourself. The material is suitable for the one from which the naperniki are sewn, namely teak. You can replace it with any other thin and durable cotton cloth. Of course, many people advise using gauze for washing down and feathers. And there is some truth in this, because the filler is better rinsed this way, but the fluff will easily "run away" through the windows of the fabric. Therefore, if you do choose cheesecloth, fold it in three to four layers. Five such bags will be enough for one standard pillow 70x70 cm, with a size of 20x20 centimeters.

Take care of the feather wash bag

There is also a way for the lazy: some housewives sew one large bag, which is twice as long as the bedclothes. With this wash, balls are added to the machine to break the fluff, which can be bought in specialized departments.
So that the fluff does not stick together in washing machine, add special balls to the drum

Knock out the pillow and place the fluff in the covers

After preparatory work, the pillow must be knocked out in order to get rid of the accumulated dust as much as possible. Dust inside the pillow can build up in heaps during washing, so this action is extremely important. It is easier to get rid of the accompanying troubles beforehand. And only now you can distribute down and feathers in the covers prepared for them. To do this, dissolve the pillowcase along the seam and carefully remove the fluff from there.

From my own experience, I will say that it is more convenient to do this right in the bathroom and without clothes. Because in this way it will be much easier to wash the fluff from yourself and the apartment. And such a picture can revive family life.
To remove the feather from the pillow, gently open the pillowcase along the seam.

It is best if the fabric for transferring the fluff is slightly damp, so the fluff will catch on to the material faster. The edges of the covers, in which the filler is placed, must be well sewn up or tied very tightly so that it does not fly apart and the cleaned pillow does not halve its usual size.

Choosing a detergent

Today the market is replete with specialized cleaning products for down and feather products. Liquids work best. Dry powder for washing has large granules that get stuck in such a filler, practically not being washed out of it.

In this case, liquid powder, gel for woolen products and shampoo will act most carefully. The basis of the positive effect in such products is lanolin. It is this ingredient in the composition that has a beneficial effect on down and feathers, making them elastic and keeping them from repeated pollution for a long time. For washing down and feather filler, it is better to choose liquid products

When washing down and feathers, it is better to refrain from strong-smelling products, because they adhere well natural materials and will further interfere at night, irritating the olfactory receptors. Therefore, you should abandon the use of conventional fabric softener.

The most popular detergents for washing down and feather products in our country:

  • Heitmann liquid for products with down and feather filling;
  • Grangers Down Wash;
  • Nikwax Down Wash.

The price range of such funds: 400–1000 rubles.

Many housewives use both shampoo and dishwashing detergents.

Despite the variety of pillows and ways to clean them, the problem of how to wash a feather pillow at home remains very relevant. Many people prefer to purchase products made from natural feathers and down, considering them more suitable for sleeping. They are moderately soft and comfortable, but such bedding has its drawbacks. Natural feathers are a breeding ground for various microorganisms, in particular feather mites... Mixing with sweat and dead cells, mites multiply exponentially. Over time they turn soft pillow a source of disease and allergic reactions. There is only one way out - regular and correct washing of the product.

How to properly clean feather pillows? If the washing is not carried out as it should be, then the feather can felled, drying will take a long time, there is even a risk of ruining the washing machine. The expected incidents force housewives not to wash feather pillows, but to knock them out and warm them up in the open sun. But none of these methods can replace a quality wash. If you decide to carry out this procedure at home, then you must initially decide whether it will be hand-washed or in a washing machine.

The preparation should be as follows:

  1. In advance, you need to purchase or sew a cover yourself, into which the washed and dried feather will pour out. For these purposes old will do napernik or new case from teak.
  2. For a good wash, you will need an old pillowcase or any bag made of loose fabric. It will be convenient to dry washed feathers in such a cover. Do not use thin cloth bags (gauze) for such purposes. In this case, fluff and small feathers will come out.
  3. Should define correct sizes laundry bag. This is quite simple to do. The width corresponds to the size of the pillow, and the length should be doubled. These settings are optimal for the feather to stretch well and dry well. It is better to prepare several laundry bags. After all, the less a feather is placed in them, the better it will be washed and dry faster.


How to properly hand wash a feather pillow at home? Washing and drying feather pillows at home is laborious and time consuming. It will take a lot of effort and patience to do everything correctly and efficiently.

If manual labor for you it is a familiar thing, focus on the long process of soaking, washing and repeated rinsing.

To wash the pillows by hand, you need to prepare:

  1. 1 Liquid detergent for woolen and delicate fabrics.
  2. 2 Fabric softener.
  3. 3 Covers for washing and drying feathers.
  4. 4 New naperniki.

The hand washing process includes several stages:

  1. 1 Unpick the old pillow and remove all feathers from it. Lay them out in laundry bags and tie a tight knot well. Down and feather - the material is very light, so as not to collect throughout the room, a large sheet or fabric is spread on the floor in advance.
  2. 2 In a basin or bath, dilute room temperature water with liquid detergent. If someone close to you have allergic reactions to powders and shampoos, you can use the usual laundry soap... For pillows that need special cleaning, you can use a soapy solution with ammonia or vinegar. Such a solution not only eats away dirt well, but also kills the old smell of sweat and grease. The feather should be soaked for several hours to remove all dirt and grease. Experienced housewives do not recommend soaking feathers in hot water... Otherwise, you can get quite the opposite effect. The dirt is brewed and takes on a persistent and unpleasant odor, which cannot be eliminated.
  3. 3 While the feathers are soaking in soapy water, thoroughly vacuum the room to remove any filler residues.
  4. 4 Then the soap solution is poured into a container with clean water, in this liquid the bags with feathers are thoroughly rinsed. The procedure should be repeated at least 4-5 times until the water is clear. Lastly, add a few drops of conditioner to the water to help soften the feather.
  5. 5 After rinsing, squeeze the feather bags thoroughly.
  6. 6 The main action is to dry the feather correctly and thoroughly. To do this, it is laid out in the open sun. The feather should be periodically turned over so that it does not melt, but dries evenly on all sides. There is another drying method, it will be a godsend in case of insufficient quantity free space for drying feathers in the sun. The feather is dried in bags in a well-ventilated place. Beat and shake it every 2-3 hours. Drying should not take more than 48 hours, otherwise the feather will acquire a musty, unpleasant odor.
  7. 7 After the feathers are dry, place them in a new pillowcase and sew the pillow.

We use a washing machine

Wanting to save time and effort, housewives clean the pillows at home using a washing machine. Despite the simplicity of the process, you should take into account some of the details of washing so that after cleaning the pillow remains usable.

Washing process in the washing machine:

  1. 1 Pour the feather from the old pillow case into the laundry bag. Tie it neatly into a tight knot. Considering that the rpm of the washing machine is high enough, you can put another bag on top for practicality. It is necessary to select a delicate wash mode with a water temperature of no more than 40 ° C. Repeated rinse and minimum spin speed - optimal parameters washing. It is also important to choose the right detergent. For washing the pillow in the washing machine, only liquid powder for delicate and woolen products is suitable. Conditioner is added only when rinsing. It is important to remember that if a small pillow is washed in the machine, then the drum needs to be filled with more things. This will help to make the load even and avoid strong vibration from the washing machine.
  2. 2 Remove the laundry bag from the drum of the machine and knead any lumps of feathers by hand. This must be done carefully and carefully. To make the feather dry faster, the bag is placed in a sheet, then it is strongly twisted. The feather filler should be dried within 2 days, otherwise the pillow will be hopelessly ruined. For outdoor drying, provide either a well-ventilated area or an open space on sunny side... If the washing machine provides automatic drying, then the procedure is simplified several times. It is enough to select the desired mode and add small tennis balls to the drum.
  3. 3 A clean and dry feather is carefully poured into a prepared new napkin. The fabric is stitched with a thick thread, double seam.

  1. 1 Feather wash bags are best made from old tulle. Gauze not quite suitable option, since it is hammered into a large number of fluff.
  2. 2 Washing is best done at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.
  3. 3 The best drying takes place outdoors under the sun, not on a battery. When choosing an outdoor dryer, consider the season. The best time to dry in the sun is in hot summers. V winter period if necessary, you can wash the pillows, but the drying takes longer. It is important to whisk the feather bag frequently to avoid clumping. If the choice fell on a special dryer, then it should be placed in a well-ventilated area. The air should circulate, thereby drying the feather, not allowing it to rot.
  4. 4 If a special drying mode is provided in the washing machine, then the process is faster and better. The main thing is to choose optimal mode and minimum temperature... It is better not to set spin in the car.
  5. 5 Feathers should not be squeezed too hard as they break and become debris.
  6. 6 The length of the washcloth is doubled. It can do the wash quickly and efficiently.
  7. 7 No need to try to reanimate the old pillow cover. The repair will take a lot of time, and the old cover will break through very quickly.

If you do not have enough patience for such painstaking work, then the pillow can always be taken to dry cleaning, where professionals will do all the work for you.

Washing down pillows at home

In fact, it is not so easy to wash a feather pillow at home, but there is nothing unrealistic. You will need a little effort - both during the wash itself and during the drying process. But the result is definitely worth it, because how pleasant it is to sleep on a pillow with a pleasant aroma and the knowledge that it is really fresh.

There are several ways to restore the cleanliness of such bedding. Which one to give preference depends on the following nuances:

  • the dimensions of your product;
  • the amount of time you are willing to devote to caring for it;
  • the presence of a washing machine in the house;
  • the complexity of the dirt and the age of the previous cleaning.

Based on all these factors, decide on the most appropriate way for you to wash your feather pillow at home with high quality and comfort.

Important! When deciding to wash the pillow, it is advisable to clean the rest of the bedding at the same time. To make it much easier for you to cope with this time-consuming task, use the tips from our other articles:

Washing a pillow in an automatic machine

Very often people ask the question, is it possible to wash feather pillows in a washing machine? And here's the answer: under certain conditions, washing in an automatic machine is possible.

If you decide to wash the product this way in order to save time and physical effort, then remember a few important rules:

  • when washing, set the temperature to no higher than 40 degrees;
  • set the mode with the minimum number of revolutions;
  • select hand wash or.

There is nothing unusual about washing a feather pillow in an automatic machine. You just need to follow these recommendations:

  1. For washing, you need to place the product in and set the minimum temperature.
  2. Pour the powder into the compartment provided for this, but not more than 50 g. If possible, use a liquid detergent concentrate better: it does not foam so much, rinses out more easily and is not as aggressive as some powder products. Good quality it will be easier for you to choose if you browse our.
  3. After washing, it is advisable to rinse twice so that all the powder is rinsed out.
  4. Then wring out the washed product by hand, open it and leave to dry.

Important! Fill a new pillowcase with the dried filler.


Steaming is another option for washing your pillow at home. This is a great alternative to a full wash and does not require replacement of the pillowcase.

Important! When steaming the pillow, the high temperature helps to destroy all microbes and bacteria, as well as get rid of the unpleasant odor from the product and renew the material. Steaming removes dust from the natural filler and helps freshen up your pillow.

When steaming, follow these instructions:

  1. Lock the pillow in an upright position. The best way to do this is by hanging it up with clothespins.
  2. Then, using a steamer, steam the garment from all sides, passing in stripes over the entire surface area.
  3. After a while, repeat the procedure. This promotes better cleaning and disinfection.
  4. Wait for the damp pillow to dry well, straighten the fluff inside the product and put on fresh bedding.

Important! Since this method assumes you have a similar technique, we will not tell you how to choose it. But you will definitely find information about where else in everyday life it will be useful to you. Click on the link.

Hand wash

When washing by hand, do not forget main goal- wash down or feathers. Everyone chooses how it is more convenient for him to do this, but best of all - with the help of a basin of water and a colander.

Following this step by step instructions, you will achieve the best result:

  1. For convenience, during washing, prepare a container in advance, with a solution prepared in advance from diluted soap or powder. The water temperature should not exceed 40-50 degrees. A too concentrated solution should not be done so that you do not have to rinse out chemical residues for a long time.
  2. Start to rip open the product little by little, and immediately put the feathers in a soapy solution. But do not put all the contents too tightly to avoid sticking of the feathers and problems with drying / washing. They should float freely in the cleaning solution.
  3. Leave the down and feathers soaked in soapy water for 1-2 hours to dissolve the dirt.
  4. Next, rinse the fluff under a clean, running water... For convenience, you can use a colander.
  5. Then prepare a new soap solution and rinse the filler more thoroughly in it.
  6. Rinse the already clean down and feathers twice and lay out in an even layer to dry.

How to dry a down pillow?

If you've been able to properly wash your feather pillow at home, there are some tips for drying it that come in handy. Wrong actions can lead to the appearance of a musty smell and the multiplication of bacteria in a humid and warm environment, that is, completely nullify all your previous efforts.

So, when drying, you can use these rules:

  1. After you have washed the feather pillow, use your hands to straighten all the lumps and evenly distribute the contents in a special bag. Then spread all of the filler onto a large towel or sheet and squeeze it into a roll as tightly as possible. This helps to collect moisture, the more it leaves, the faster the filler dries.

Important! If you do not have time to dry the feathers in the next 2 days, the feather may begin to grow moldy.

  1. The washed pillow can be dried in the dryer. To do this, select a temperature of 30 degrees and from time to time stir the feathers in the covers so that they do not dry out in lumps. Tennis balls are excellent helpers in this matter.
  2. Insanely useful for feather filler are sunbathing as ultraviolet light promotes disinfection. Choose clear, sunny weather, no wind, spread the cleaned but still damp filler on a large sheet, and dry naturally. natural conditions... From time to time, do not forget to turn the feathers - for 1 correctly chosen summer day, you can get the finished result.

Important! After the pen is completely dry, carefully place it in the new napkin and sew it securely.

  • The best time years for washing down pillows - summer or late spring, since exactly warm air promotes more fast drying filler, which is a very important part of washing pillows. In the cold season, the drying process can take several weeks, and this is fraught with adverse effects on your health.
  • When washing the fluff in the bathroom without a colander, to prevent fluff from getting into the pipes, cover the drain hole with a special mesh.
  • If you decide to wash the feather pillow in an automatic machine, then put a few tennis balls in the drum, which will stir the fluff during the washing process, which will help to avoid sticking.
  • We must not forget about washing feather pillows - they need to be cleaned at least once every 1.5-2 years, or more often.
  • When changing the pillowcase, before filling it with down, swipe the inside with dry laundry soap - this contributes to less contamination of the pillowcase.

We all know that natural down is the most common filling element for any pillow. Any kind of pillows, after a certain time, collect dirt, dust, and sweat, and we face a problem: how to wash us a down pillow at home? Recently we considered the topic.

Now, most of the feather pillows have been replaced by synthetics, but many of you still sleep in your feather pillows at home. Today we will tell you what options are available for washing feather pillows, how to dry and how often you can wash them.

We present to your attention 3 types of washing down pillows at home.

Let's be honest with you - washing a down pillow at home is not easy at all. Since this procedure will require a lot of effort from us to wash and dry the product. But I assure you that it is worth it, because a well-washed pillow that smells fresh will give you comfort and a lovely sleep. So, let's not just waste our precious time on empty talk and go directly to the very process of washing the down pillow.

1) Washing a pillow in a washing machine - automatic.

First, the question arises: can the pillow be washed in the washing machine? Automatic washing is possible, but certain conditions must be met. Keep in mind that the pillowcase will need to be replaced, as it is necessary, while drying, the fluff or feather will have to be straightened. If, nevertheless, you decided to wash the down pillow in the washing machine, then remember and observe a few necessary rules:

- you need to wash at temperatures up to 40 degrees

- select special mode or hand wash

- when pressing, set the minimum speed - up to 400 revolutions.

- place the pillows in a bag for washing (they look like: mesh with cells - a cover with a zipper). After that, in order to wash the down pillow, you need to add it to the compartment with powder, about 50 grams. Next, you need to set the washing mode with the lowest temperature. Also set the double rinse. After you have removed the pillow from the washing machine, you need to open it and take out the fluff. Next, the filler must be dried and stuffed onto a completely new and fresh napert.

2) Washing the pillow by hand

Our most important task in hand washing is to wash the fluff itself thoroughly. And make sure that it does not stick together into a single lump. It is best to wash the pillow in a basin filled with water, and rinse it out using a colander. Here is a step-by-step procedure for washing a feather pillow by hand at home:

To wash the down pillow, prepare a basin or bath with water, where you dissolve the powder or. On the water, the temperature should be around 45-50 degrees.

But be careful when ripping open the pillow. As the feathers should immediately fall into the vessel with soapy water. In this case, the fluff should float freely, and not be tamped into a pile. If your container is small, it is better to take two containers or a large vessel. Since with a small capacity, the fluff will be very difficult to wash, and then dry due to its sticking.

After that, drain the contaminated water, transfer the wet fluff to a colander and rinse the feathers and fluff thoroughly under running water.

Then you need to prepare a new soap solution and repeat the process. But at the same time, carefully when washing, wrinkle the fluff with your hands.

3) Steaming the down pillow.

Steaming is an alternative to washing the pillow, which does not require replacing the pillow case. This type of treatment can kill harmful bacteria, freshen up the fluff, and can rid the pillow of unpleasant odors... But of course, steaming is not exactly washing, but steam can clean the filler from harmful impurities, dust and refresh the product.

To steam the down pillow, lay it upright. But it will be better if you hang it on clothespins in a rope.

Then take a vertical steam steamer and steam it twice on both sides.

Drying the down pillow

Drying your pillow at home takes great responsibility. Since a poorly dried product may begin to mold, and after that an unpleasant odor and black spots on the pillow will appear. Therefore, try to dry your favorite pillow as best you can.

If you are not thinking of changing the pillowcase, then drying becomes a fairly simple operation. Just hang the pillow like a garment on a string, and attach it with clothespins. The place for drying the pillow should be ventilated. In hot weather, on a summer day, the pillow usually dries out in just one day. You just need, after a certain time, thoroughly stir up the fluff. If you decide to clean the pillow from dust in winter, then you should know that it dries for a very long time. And you will have to dry actively with a hairdryer or an electric heater with blowing using hot air. Over time, you have to stir up, get rid of the lumps. This procedure must be done until the down pillow is completely dry.

Separate drying of the down of the pillow after washing.

If you nevertheless washed the fluff separately from the napernik at home, then, first of all, you need to lay it out in the sun to dry it in a thin layer on paper (newspaper, wallpaper, etc.). After some time, it must be shaken to prevent the formation of lumps of fluff. But, keep in mind, the fluff will take a long time to dry. The drying time may take several days, depending on the intensity of the heat and the movement of the air. After the fluff dries, it must be shaken and poured onto a new and clean pillowcase. The filler should be evenly distributed around the entire perimeter of the pillowcase.

- Use a damp wash on your down pillow, best done in summer or late spring. As it should be hot air, which contributes to its rapid and complete drying. If washing is carried out at a different time, then drying may take weeks.

- If you wash the fluff separately from the confidant in the bathroom without a colander, then when you drain the water, you must close the drain hole with a protective mesh, otherwise the fluff can clog the drain.

- If you decide to wash the pillow in the washing machine, then put some tennis balls there, they will beat the fluff and prevent it from sticking together.

- Down pillows should be washed at least once a year. Since they get dirty very quickly. To make them less dirty, you need to put two pillowcases on them.

- If you decide to change the pillowcase, then before you fill it with fluff, rub it inner side laundry soap, while down and feathers will be less contaminated.

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