Ondulin useful leaf area. Ondulin - sheet dimensions and other material characteristics

Landscaping and planning 26.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

Bituminous sheets "Onduline" have high performance characteristics and are able to withstand heavy loads and climatic conditions. The price of ondulin is distinguished by its availability, and the material can serve up to 50 years. Manufacturers offer several types of this material. They have certain differences and the same performance characteristics. This article will consider the dimensions of the ondulin sheet for the roof, the average prices for the material and additional elements.

Source justdial.com

Varieties of coating "Onduline"

Today you can buy several types of ondulin. The most common type is Ondulin Smart. It is the most common and considered a practical option for roofing. The material is lightweight and easy to install.

The main advantages of such a roof are resistance to strong temperature fluctuations and noiselessness during precipitation. The sheets have convenient dimensions for installation and low cost. The warranty for this roofing is 15 years. Offered in several colors. The cost of the material is about 250 rubles. per m².

The second option is a tile made of the same material. The peculiarity of this roofing material is that the coating has a classic look of tiles. At the same time, all the characteristics and advantages, as in the previous version. The shingles also come with a 25-year warranty and are available in several colors. Such material can be bought at a price of about 480 rubles. per sheet.

Source stroybutik.ru

Ondulin Smart have some differences from the classic ones - this is a lock that helps to lay them faster and easier. Along the edge there are special strips that protect against water penetration, the size of the overlap has decreased, which saves on material when covering large areas.

The locks have strips that can be used as guides, helping to make the roof as flat as possible. All sheets have markings for nails. Such sheets have standard dimensions of 1.95x0.96 m. The thickness is similar to ordinary sheets - 3 mm, and the wave width is 9.5 cm. However, they have a little more weight - 6.3 kg.

Sheet mounting

The price per sheet of andulin roofing makes this material one of the most popular. Also, its advantage is fast and extremely simple installation thanks to special elements. The technology resembles the laying of a classic coating, where sheets are laid on a crate or an old carpet. The material can be used for roofs with different slopes, while the larger the angle, the smaller the pitch of the crate.

Source regstroy.com

While working, you must adhere to some rules:

    crate can be done from board, OSB or plywood, a solid base is made if the angle of inclination is less than 10 degrees;

    styling gotta start downwind, the overlap is done on one wave, thanks to the locks, the rows are even;

Ondulin is a modern alternative to slate. It is based on cellulose impregnated with bitumen, minerals and pigments. The material is safe and environmentally friendly. And thanks to the size of the sheet, installation does not take much time. Sheets fit snugly and are customizable.

Source bk-32.ru

Benefits of ondulin

One of the main advantages of such coverage is its cost. You can buy ondulin for the roof, the price of which is 450-550 rubles per sheet, in different colors, which will complement the design of the house. Another significant advantage is the ease of laying the roof due to the low weight of the sheets. This is an additional savings on delivery and the ability to carry out all installation work faster than, for example, with slate. The material simply adapts to all sizes as a result of being very easy to cut.

The light weight of the material guarantees a minimum load on the roof system, which saves on rafters. This type of roofing material can be laid on top of the old one, so you can save on dismantling. The material is environmentally friendly and safe for people and the environment. Differs in resistance to development of a mold and a fungus thanks to special fillers. The material is distinguished by high rates of sound insulation.

Source teplostroy.org
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Characteristics of ondulin

The cost of ondulin is due to its certain features and performance characteristics. The roofing itself is similar to ordinary slate, but includes other components that were mentioned above. This material can be used for the arrangement of roofs of buildings for various purposes, both houses and social facilities and other buildings. It is taken in due to the fact that there is no asbestos in the composition of ondulin, and therefore it is safe and environmentally friendly.

Sheets are available on the market in four colors - green, red, brown, and slate. The width of each sheet is 0.96 m, and the length is 1.95 m. It should be noted that each sheet of ondulin is 4 kg lighter than slate, its weight is slightly more than 6 kg, and its thickness is only 3 mm. But the material itself is very durable, so it can withstand fairly large loads.

The material is widely used in the construction of various facilities, industrial, commercial, residential or light structures. It is light in weight and can be mounted on old flat roof coverings. The load of the new coating is on average 3 kg per square meter.

Source si.tierient.com

On the domestic market, ondulin sheets produced under a French license are sold. The standard sheet has a width of 95 cm, a length of 2 m, a thickness of only 3 mm, and a wave height of 36 mm. A slight error of +/- 2 mm wave height, +/- 5 mm width and +10/-3 mm length may be allowed.

For the production of sheets, pressed cellulose fiber is used, which as a result resembles ordinary slate. It is impregnated with bitumen, resins and mineral pigments on top. Thanks to the materials used, the sheet can bend transversely and longitudinally, has a small weight with a total area of ​​​​1.9 square meters.

Sheets have 10 waves, the width of which is 95 mm. During installation, an overlap is made in one wave for horizontal laying, and for vertical laying - 10-15 cm with a slope of more than 15 degrees. When laying sheets, the usable area of ​​each in this case is approximately 1.6 square meters. With a slight slope, the vertical overlap is 20 cm, and the sides in two waves. Given these facts, it is necessary to carry out careful calculations with a specialist so that it is not necessary to purchase additional material.

Video description

In the video you can see the roof of ondulin:

The cost of material and additional elements

You can buy an onduline roof, the price per sheet of which is profitable and competitive, made in France, Italy, Russia and some other countries. The cost of one sheet can be from 250 to 550 rubles. In some cases, a little more or less, it all depends on the manufacturer and its remoteness from our country.

Additionally, for the arrangement of the roof, you will need to purchase various additional elements. These include skates, which will cost 300-350 rubles. You will also need a cornice filler for 40-70 rubles, depending on the model, a valley and a gable element, the cost of which is approximately the same - 250-350 rubles a piece.

In addition, a special apron is purchased for tiles, its average price is 370-450 rubles per unit. Some other elements are also used, the average cost of which is 250-350 rubles. One of the most expensive components of the roof are special nails - their price is 100-200 rubles apiece. The cost of one sheet of ondulin is 350-450 rubles. Ondulin Smart is a little cheaper than 250-300 rubles. The most expensive tile is 450-500 rubles per sheet.

Source hozsektor.ru

The price of ondulin roofing generally comes out less than other popular materials that are presented on the domestic market. And thanks to the convenient size and light weight of the sheets, the installation process is much faster than when using similar analogues. This coating has many advantages. It is very strong, durable, stable and suitable for cladding various buildings. The characteristics and versatility of the coating allows it to be used for residential and commercial buildings, the material is safe, made from environmental components.

January 13, 2018
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

If you are calculating ondulin for a roof, then it is very important to do everything right. You don’t need extra material, just as undesirable is the situation when a couple of sheets are missing and because of them you need to stop work and go to the store. Therefore, carefully study all the recommendations from the review in order to eliminate any inaccuracies and perform the settlement work quickly and correctly.

What you need to know

First, we will deal with the main material, and then we will move on to additional elements, since without them it is impossible to build a strong and durable roof. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this matter, and you will understand it in just 10 minutes, this is the great advantage of this roofing over other options.

Before proceeding with the calculations, you should know a few important indicators:

  • roof area. You need to measure the length and width of each of the slopes. The work is done using a long tape measure, all data must be recorded so as not to confuse anything and ensure the accuracy of all indicators;
  • Ridge joint length. If there are several, then measure each section separately;
  • Dimensions of the end sections of the roof. You must accurately size each edge of the slope;
  • Length of valley joints if available;
  • Additional elements- chimneys, ventilation outlets, etc.

Ondulin dimensions

Good technical characteristics of ondulin are due to its structure. The sheets consist of cellulose fibers impregnated with modified bitumen, which contains special additives that provide high strength and color retention over a long period of time.

Let's deal with the sizes. Ondulin (its second name is euroslate) is sold in sheets that have the following parameters:

Illustration Description

The length of the sheet is 2 meters. This is a complete indicator, if you need to calculate the useful length, then you should remember the following:
  • With a slope of 5 to 10 degrees, the horizontal overlap should be at least 300 mm;
  • A slope of 10 to 15 degrees requires an overlap at the joint of at least 200 mm;
  • A slope of more than 15 degrees suggests an overlap of approximately 170 mm.

Based on this, the useful area will be 1.29, 1.54 and 1.56 square meters. m., respectively.

Sheet width is 950 mm. It is also standard, which greatly simplifies the calculation work. Naturally, overlap is also made at the side joints, so if you need a working width, then remember two simple nuances:
  • With a slope of up to 10 degrees, you need to make an overlap in two waves, which is 19 cm;
  • On slopes of 10 degrees or more, you can overlap in just one wave, which is 9.5 cm.

Wave height 36 mm. This is the indicator that the original ondulin should have. If you are offered another option, then most likely it is some kind of analogue with low quality.

Thickness is 3mm. This indicator does not affect the calculations, but the strength of the roof directly depends on it. Therefore, be sure to check whether the thickness corresponds to the regulatory indicator.

Another indicator of the quality of the product is its weight, it should be approximately 6 kg.

There are many fakes on the market with a thickness of about 2 mm. They are positioned as an allegedly budget version of ondulin, but these options have nothing to do with the original brand.

Actual figures may differ slightly from those stated..

To make it easier for you to understand the size of the tolerances, a table is presented on the left. It gives all possible deviations that may occur and comply with the manufacturer's regulations.

Exceeding these indicators is not allowed.

Additional elements

Illustration Description

Skate elements. They have a special profile that provides reliable protection of joints from moisture. The elements are flexible, so they can be easily bent to any roof slope.

The standard length of the ridge element is 1000 mm, the useful length is 150 mm less, this is the overlap recommended by the manufacturer on the joints.

The thickness, like that of the main roofing material, is 3 mm.

valleys. Necessary for additional protection of the joints of the slopes, if any, on your roof.

If there are no such connections on the roof, then these elements will not be needed.

As for the dimensions, the length is 1 meter and the thickness is 3 mm. But taking into account the minimum overlap of 150 mm, the useful length is reduced to 850 mm.

wind slats, they are also called forceps elements. They are placed on the edges of the slopes and close the joint between the ondulin and the truss structure.

The standard length of the products is 1100 mm, at the joints a standard overlap of 150 mm is made, so the useful indicator is 950 mm, and it is used in the calculations.

Ridge and eaves filler. Special elements are made of foam rubber and have the same profile as ondulin.

They are placed under the ridge and along the lower overhang of the roof and serve to protect against moisture and insects.

The length of one piece is 85 cm, the thickness is 25 mm.

Holes in the filler must be freed with a screwdriver before mounting the element.

Nails for ondulin. When mounting sheets and additional elements, special fasteners are used. Its difference lies in the fact that the hat is made to match the color of the roofing, it can be either in the shape of a pyramid, as in the photo, or in the form of a closing cap.

The lower part of the nails has a ribbed surface for better fixation, and a zinc coating of the metal is used to protect against corrosion.


Now you can independently calculate the required amount of ondulin for the roof and accessories for it. Additionally, watch the video to understand the topic even better. If you have any questions, then write them in the comments under the review.

January 13, 2018

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Ondulin, or euroslate, is one of the most reliable roofing materials. Let's take a closer look at euroslate - what is it, what are the advantages of this material. During the calculation activities, knowledge of the standard size of ondulin will be required: this will make it possible to avoid shortages or surpluses during the laying of the roof.

Features of the manufacture of ondulin

Let's find out what ondulin consists of, what materials are used in production. Onduline sheets got their name from the French company Onduline, which owns the patent for this product. Ondulin material consists exclusively of safe and environmentally friendly components, favorably differing in this respect from traditional asbestos cement slate.

For the manufacture of the material, pure cellulose is used: petroleum bitumen and ether resins are used to impregnate it. Not so long ago, the Italian-French development "onduville" appeared. Having a composition similar to ondulin, this new material imitates ceramic tiles.

The following operations are used for the production of ondulin:

  1. Pulp cleaning. Garbage and impurities are removed from its composition. Then the substance is soaked in water, with pigments and modifiers diluted in it. The resulting raw material is called "pulp".
  2. Pulp treatment. The technical characteristics of ondulin include processing on a special conveyor, where the material is pressed to a thickness of 3 mm. Having dried and hardened, the pulp acquires a specific waviness.
  3. bitumen impregnation. A 1.9 m2 cellulose base is impregnated with petroleum bitumen.
  4. Finished material stacking. Shrink film is used as packaging, equipped with a label and accompanying information.

Sheet size including overlap - usable width

It is very convenient that ondulin is always available in standard sizes. If deviations are found in the width or length of the corrugated sheets, we can conclude that most likely we are talking about a fake of interrogative quality. Having on hand information about the useful size of the ondulin sheet, it is quite simple to calculate the final amount of coverage.

Ondulin sheet standard size:

  • The working width of the ondulin is 950 mm. A very convenient size to decorate the roof of a small and medium area.
  • Length - 2000 mm. The round number makes the material calculation very easy.
  • Thickness - 3 mm. Small deviations in this parameter are allowed.
  • The profile wave height is 36 mm.
  • The weight of one sheet is 6 kg. One square meter - 4 kg.
  • Sheet area - 1.9 m2.
  • The useful area of ​​ondulin smart is 1.6 m2. In this case, vertical and horizontal overlaps are taken into account.

Armed with information about the total area of ​​\u200b\u200broofing slopes, significant efforts will not be required to count the number of ondulin sheets. All that is needed is to divide the roof area by the usable area of ​​​​one sheet (1.6). To compensate for circumcision, 15% is added to the amount received. Also, do not forget about adjusting the size of the ondulin sheet, taking into account the overlap: this is affected by the slope angle of the slopes. In this case, the useful width of the ondulin will differ from the working one. When calculating the useful width of an ondulin sheet, the size of the side overlap is subtracted from the standard indicator.

Strengths of ondulin

Initially, the function of ondulin sheets was limited solely to the implementation of quick repairs and sealing leaks on slate, tile and metal roofs. In the course of application, practice has shown that euroslate is quite suitable as an independent roofing material.

The following qualities contributed to this:

  1. Light weight. Without exaggeration, we can say that ondulin is the lightest material for a roof. This allows it to be laid directly on the old slate or profiled sheet without dismantling.
  2. Service life. Ondulin roofing is able to painlessly endure up to 100 frosts and thaws, which allows the manufacturer to give a guarantee for 25 years. As practice shows, euroslate serves at least 50 years.
  3. Good strength. The presence of a wavy profile allows the material to have a bearing capacity of 650 kg/m2. He is not afraid of snow loads up to 300 kg / m2.
  4. hydrophobicity. Ondulin does not let through and almost does not absorb water, which makes it possible to guarantee reliable protection of the roof structure from getting wet.
  5. Soundproofing. The surface of the euroslate has noise-absorbing characteristics. On such a roof, rain, hail or strong winds are almost inaudible.

When choosing ondulin as a roofing, it is important to take into account the fact that this material is combustible. The manufacturer does not recommend exceeding the temperature regime of + 110 degrees during operation, otherwise the sheets will begin to deform. Based on this, euroslate should not be used in baths, gazebos with barbecues, dwellings with fireplaces and solid fuel stoves.

Ondulin, or euroslate, is one of the most reliable roofing materials. Let's take a closer look at euroslate - what it is, what advantages this material has. During the calculation activities, knowledge of the standard size of ondulin will be required: this will make it possible to avoid shortages or surpluses during the laying of the roof.

Features of the manufacture of ondulin

Let's find out what ondulin consists of, what materials are used in production. Onduline sheets got their name from the French company Onduline, which owns the patent for this product. Ondulin material consists exclusively of safe and environmentally friendly components, favorably differing in this respect from traditional asbestos cement slate.

For the manufacture of the material, pure cellulose is used: petroleum bitumen and ether resins are used to impregnate it. Not so long ago, the Italian-French development "onduville" appeared. Having a composition similar to ondulin, this new material imitates ceramic tiles.

The following operations are used for the production of ondulin:

  1. Pulp cleaning. Garbage and impurities are removed from its composition. Then the substance is soaked in water, with pigments and modifiers diluted in it. The resulting raw material is called "pulp".
  2. Pulp treatment. The technical characteristics of ondulin include processing on a special conveyor, where the material is pressed to a thickness of 3 mm. Having dried and hardened, the pulp acquires a specific waviness.
  3. bitumen impregnation. A 1.9 m2 cellulose base is impregnated with petroleum bitumen.
  4. Finished material stacking. Shrink film is used as packaging, equipped with a label and accompanying information.

Overlap Sheet Size - Usable Width

It is very convenient that ondulin is always available in standard sizes. If deviations are found in the width or length of the corrugated sheets, we can conclude that most likely we are talking about a fake of interrogative quality. Having on hand information about the useful size of the ondulin sheet, it is quite simple to calculate the final amount of coverage.

Ondulin sheet standard size:

  • The working width of the ondulin is 950 mm. A very convenient size to decorate the roof of a small and medium area.
  • Length - 2000 mm. The round number makes the material calculation very easy.
  • Thickness - 3 mm. Small deviations in this parameter are allowed.
  • The profile wave height is 36 mm.
  • The weight of one sheet is 6 kg. One square meter - 4 kg.
  • Sheet area - 1.9 m2.
  • The useful area of ​​ondulin smart is 1.6 m2. In this case, vertical and horizontal overlaps are taken into account.

Armed with information about the total area of ​​\u200b\u200broofing slopes, significant efforts will not be required to count the number of ondulin sheets. All that is needed is to divide the roof area by the usable area of ​​​​one sheet (1.6). To compensate for circumcision, 15% is added to the amount received. Also, do not forget about adjusting the size of the ondulin sheet, taking into account the overlap: this is affected by the slope angle of the slopes. In this case, the useful width of the ondulin will differ from the working one. When calculating the useful width of an ondulin sheet, the size of the side overlap is subtracted from the standard indicator.

Strengths of ondulin

Initially, the function of ondulin sheets was limited solely to the implementation of quick repairs and sealing leaks on slate, tile and metal roofs. In the course of application, practice has shown that euroslate is quite suitable as an independent roofing material.

The following qualities contributed to this:

  1. Light weight. Without exaggeration, we can say that ondulin is the lightest material for a roof. This allows it to be laid directly on the old slate or profiled sheet without dismantling.
  2. Service life. Ondulin roofing is able to painlessly endure up to 100 frosts and thaws, which allows the manufacturer to give a guarantee for 25 years. As practice shows, euroslate serves at least 50 years.
  3. Good strength. The presence of a wavy profile allows the material to have a bearing capacity of 650 kg/m2. He is not afraid of snow loads up to 300 kg / m2.
  4. hydrophobicity. Ondulin does not let through and almost does not absorb water, which makes it possible to guarantee reliable protection of the roof structure from getting wet.
  5. Soundproofing. The surface of the euroslate has noise-absorbing characteristics. On such a roof, rain, hail or strong winds are almost inaudible.

When choosing ondulin as a roofing, it is important to take into account the fact that this material is combustible. The manufacturer does not recommend exceeding the temperature regime of + 110 degrees during operation, otherwise the sheets will begin to deform. Based on this, euroslate should not be used in baths, gazebos with barbecues, dwellings with fireplaces and solid fuel stoves.

Ondulin sheet dimensions and its price

Roofing material ondulin (euro slate) belongs to the category of soft roofing. Sheets of this material are made from organic fibers impregnated with bitumen at high pressure and temperature.

The outer side of the ondulin is covered with dyes and a special resin.

Thanks to this, the material acquires an attractive appearance and additional strength.

Benefits of ondulin

This roofing material has the following advantages:

  • good sound absorption;
  • high strength;
  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • does not contain asbestos;
  • ease of care;
  • low price;
  • condensation is almost completely absent.

How much does one sheet weigh?

One of the main advantages of ondulin is its low weight. One sheet of ondulin with 10 waves weighs 6.5 kg. For comparison, one square meter of ceramic tiles is approximately 40 kg. Due to this, the process of laying the material is greatly simplified. Even one worker without a partner is capable of lifting sheets and their installation. Ondulin sheets are lightweight and do not create significant pressure on the roof frame. Therefore, it does not need to be amplified.

Ondulin sheet dimensions

A standard size ondulin sheet has a length of 200 centimeters and a width of 96 centimeters. The thickness of the roofing material is three millimeters. However, at the same time, ondulin is not inferior in its rigidity to a metal tile.

photo of ondulin sheets

The wave height of the sheet is 36 millimeters. Also, quite recently, SMART ondulin appeared on the building materials market, the length of which is less than five centimeters.

Breaking load

Ondulin withstands loads up to 960 kg / s per 1 sq. m.

Material strength

Ondulin wave has a fairly high strength. A standard sheet is capable of withstanding pressures over 1800 kPa. This is enough to support a layer of snow during the winter months, as well as the weight of several workers.

Heat resistance of the material

According to the manufacturers, euroslate does not lose its shape and characteristics at temperatures up to 110 degrees Celsius. But not all consumers agree with this. Many argue that the edges of the roofing material melt in extreme heat. It also gives off a special smell.

Euroslate soundproofing

Ondulin coating absorbs noise quite well, the value of which does not exceed 40 dB. When it rains, the noise will not be heard. It should be noted that the parameters of this material may differ depending on the country of manufacture.

Price per sheet

The cost of one roofing sheet is 200-400 rubles. Ridge elements cost 230 rubles, valleys - about 200 rubles, gable profile - from 230 to 250 rubles, cornice filler - from 30 to 50 rubles. The cost of the lining carpet Ondufshesh is in the range from 800 to 900 rubles.

Calculation of the amount of ondulin on the roof

The main mistake when calculating the amount of ondulin per roof is to take into account the real area of ​​​​roofing sheets instead of the useful one. The real area of ​​an ondulin sheet is 1.9 square meters. m. However, the useful area of ​​​​the sheet with a roof slope of 15 degrees is 1.6 sq.m. This difference arises from the fact that ondulin is laid with an overlap in width and length.

To calculate the number of sheets of ondulin, you must use the following formula:

This formula should be used if it is necessary to determine the number of sheets for a gable roof without adjoining and complex geometric transitions. It should be noted that the useful area of ​​​​the sheet depends on the angle of the roof. If the slope of the roof is 5-10 degrees, then the useful area of ​​the roofing sheet is 1.29 sq.m. With a roof slope of 10-15 degrees, the usable area is 1.54 sq. m.

Calculation of ondulin for a roof of complex shape

If the roof has a complex configuration, the calculation of the material is carried out differently. To do this, it is necessary to divide the roofing surface into sections, calculate their areas separately, and then add the areas.

The resulting value will be the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof. Next, you need to calculate the number of sheets using the above formula. It is better to buy roofing material with a small margin. The number of nails per sheet of ondulin for the roof is 20 pieces, for a tong - 5 pieces, for a roof ridge - 20 pieces.

Mounting Features

When choosing a crate step for ondulin, one should be guided by the angle of inclination of the roof. If the slope does not exceed 10 degrees, then ondulin sheets should be mounted on a continuous crate made of OSB-boards or plywood.

The overlap in width is 2 waves, and in length - 30 centimeters. If the slope of the roof is 10-15 degrees, then the crate is made of boards or timber.

In this case, the step of the crate should be from 40 to 50 centimeters. The overlap in width is done in one wave, and in length - 20 centimeters. If the slope of the roof slopes is more than 15 degrees, then the pitch of the crate should be 60 centimeters. At the same time, the overlap of roofing sheets in width is done in one wave, and in length - 17 centimeters.

Sheet mounting

First of all, mount the eaves bar. Further along the cornice overhang, the first row of ondulin sheets is laid. The installation of the first sheet is carried out end-to-end with the gable overhang. Also, the sheet should extend beyond the roof eaves by at least 5 cm.

Each sheet of ondulin should be fastened with 20 nails. First of all, fix the corners of the sheet. Next, the lower edge of the ondulin is fixed in each wave. The top and middle of the roofing sheet are fixed in a checkerboard pattern through one wave.

After laying the first row with the required overlap, proceed with the installation of the second strip of material in the same way. It should be noted that even rows (second, fourth, sixth, etc.) must be started from half the sheet.

Video on how to attach ondulin sheets:

Installation of the valley and ridge element

At the next stage, a roofing ridge is installed. It is mounted at the junction of two roof slopes. The fastening of the ridge element is carried out with the help of nails (in each wave of euroslate).

Valleys are an element of roofs of complex shape. They are installed at the junction of two roof slopes in the inner corner. Before installing the valley, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing carpet. Laying the valley starts from the bottom up. In this case, it is necessary to observe an overlap of elements of 10-15 centimeters. The amount of overlap should be chosen depending on the slope of the roof slopes.

To fix the grooves, I use special clamps nailed to the roof sheathing. It is not recommended to nail the valleys through with nails.

Sheets of ondulin are laid with an overlap on the grooves and cut off. This is done in such a way that the distance from the center of the valley to the edges is 5 cm on both sides. Filler is laid under the ondulin sheets in advance. Euroslate should be fixed in each wave.

When performing installation work, certain rules must be observed:

  • laying of the material should be carried out at a temperature of -5 to +30 degrees Celsius;
  • it is necessary to control the horizontal installation of roofing sheets;
  • to cut ondulin, you should use a hacksaw or an electric jigsaw;
  • ondulin should not be stretched, as its structure may be damaged in this case.

Ondulin roofing price per sheet dimensions and photo

Ondulin roofing is in stable demand in more than 100 countries around the world. The reasons for such popularity are the affordable price and universal sheet sizes.

Ondulin "SMART" - reliable waterproofing and quick installation

Price per sheet: from 392 rubles.

Price m 2: from 200 rubles.


  • length - 1.95 m;
  • width - 0.96 m;
  • thickness - 3 mm;
  • wave width - 9.5 cm.


  • weight - 6.3 kg.

"Andulin" or Ondulin

On forums on the Internet, there are often discussions of "andulin roofing" or "andulin". This spelling is not entirely correct: the name comes from the French word "Onduline", respectively, in Russian "ondulin" also begins with the letter "o".

The first factory for the production of corrugated sheets opened in the suburbs of Paris in 1944, since then the brand name has not changed.

Ondulin SMART is equipped with a special hydraulic lock Smart Lock of two strips extruded along the edges of the sheet. The guide grooves regulate the end overlap and form sealed joints. Factory marking of fixing points facilitates installation.

You can buy "Smart" sheets through the official online store: https://shop.onduline.ru/catalog/49/

Ondulin "DIY" - resistance to stress and easy transportation

Price per sheet: from 412 rubles.

Price m 2: from 215 rubles.


  • length - 2 m;
  • width - 0.75 m;
  • thickness - 3 mm.


DIY corrugated sheets are in the DIY category. The small width simplifies transportation - the material fits easily in the trunk of a car. The higher price per square meter of roofing (compared to Ondulin Smart) is due to the increased number of overlaps. The finished coating is more durable, withstands high wind and snow loads. Ondulin DIY is recommended for areas with a harsh climate.

Ondulin "Tile" - long-term operation and bright color

Price per sheet: from 467 rubles.

Price m 2: from 230 rubles.


  • length - 1.95 m;
  • width - 0.96 m;
  • thickness - 3 mm;


In appearance, Ondulin tiles resemble classical counterparts made of ceramics and metal. Graduated tinting of individual areas creates the effect of volume, and innovative staining technology ensures color fastness.

The price of Ondulin does not include the cost of branded nails. They are purchased separately, at the rate of 18 fasteners per sheet. When calculating the number of sheets, it is necessary to take into account the angle of the roof slope: the smaller it is, the more overlaps will have to be done. The approximate useful area of ​​​​Ondulin is 1.56 m 2 with a slope of more than 15 degrees, 1.52 m 2 - at 10-15 degrees and 1.29 m 2 - on a flat roof.

You can buy sheets "Tile" through the official online store: https://shop.onduline.ru/catalog/9564/

Roofing solutions from Ondulin

In appearance, the onduline roof resembles a slate roof. The materials share a wavy profile, color scheme and almost identical size, but the similarities end there. For the manufacture of Ondulin, environmentally friendly materials are used: cellulose fibers, bitumen, polymer resin impregnations, mineral dyes and natural pigments. The trademark line includes three types of roofing sheets - SMART, DIY and Tiles. They differ in size, price and colors.

Roof colors Ondulin

The tint range of DIY and Ondulin tiles is presented in red, brown and green versions. For Smart sheets, another option is provided - black (slate).

Green tile Ondulin

Brown tile Ondulin

Red tile Ondulin

The colors of Ondulin are distinguished by restraint and unobtrusiveness. Matte roofing sheets go well with wooden and brick facades, harmoniously complement the sheathing of plastic and metal siding. Most often, Ondulin is selected to match the main color of the house, but there are also more original ways - a game of contrast and combinations of several shades. The unified sheet profile allows you to combine them in any variation.

Advantages of Ondulin roofing

  • Long service life. The guarantee of water resistance reaches 15 years, but in reality Ondulin lasts 2-3 times longer.
  • Affordable price. To the low cost of the material itself, savings in installation are added. You can handle the laying of corrugated sheets on your own.
  • Light weight. Another point of savings is that for the transportation of Ondulin it is not required to hire transport and pay for the services of movers. The sheets fit in a car and weigh no more than 6.3 kg each.
  • Chemical and biological stability. The material is not afraid of exposure to alkalis and acids, it does not appear fungus.
  • High quality waterproofing. Smart Lock technology is responsible for the absence of leaks, branded nail heads provide additional protection.
  • Silence and comfort. Unlike metal tiles, Ondulin hides the sounds of rain and snowfall. In the attic you can not hear the sound of rain, the steps of birds on the roof and the sound of falling leaves.
  • Ecological purity. When heated, the roof does not emit harmful fumes.

Unfortunately, low-quality fakes have recently appeared on the market, and with them complaints about the deterioration in product performance. When purchasing Ondulin, pay attention to the factory marking of the sheets - each of them is marked with the name of the Onduline trademark, code of the country of origin, batch number and date of manufacture. Bypass establishments selling "andulin roofing" and contact official dealers.

Ondulin dimensions for the roof

Ondulin sheet dimensions and its useful area

Sheet material, developed by the French company ONDULINE, has been among the popular materials for arranging roofing for more than half a century. Today, ondulin is produced in many countries of the world, including Russia. Due to the peculiarities of the manufacturing technology of the material, the color shades of different batches may vary slightly. In order for the appearance of the roof to be aesthetic, it is recommended to use roofing material from one batch, having previously accurately calculated the required number of sheets.

Characteristics of ondulin

Ondulin is actively used in the construction of capital facilities - residential, commercial and industrial buildings, in the construction of light structures - pavilions, kiosks, sheds, gazebos. Due to its low weight, this sheet material is ideal for repairing old roofs: it can be mounted on top of flat, old roof coverings without fear of unnecessary load on the foundation of the structure. The approximate load of the new flooring will be about 3 kg per 1 m 2.

The manufacturing technology of the material is quite simple: cellulose fiber is pressed into corrugated sheets resembling traditional slate in shape. Then the base is impregnated with bitumen, the top layer of the material is covered with a layer of mineral pigment and cured resins. The small thickness of ondulin makes it easy to install - the sheets can be easily lifted onto the roof, cut, used for laying on curved surfaces, since the material bends both in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The total area of ​​a standard sheet is 1.9 m 2 .

The benefits of ondulin include:

  • long service life (warranty - 15 years, actual service life - 50 years);
  • attractive appearance;
  • resistance to moisture and atmospheric influences (heavy wind up to 200 km/h, temperature from -40 to +80°С);
  • high noise absorption coefficient;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to biological destruction, the effects of acids, alkalis, oils;
  • ability to withstand loads up to 300 kg/m 2 .

Ondulin, unlike standard slate, does not contain harmful substances and does not adversely affect health.

Ondulin dimensions

On the Russian market, ondulin, manufactured under license from a French company, usually goes on sale. The length of a standard sheet is 2000 mm, the width is 950 mm, the thickness of the ondulin is 3 mm, the wave height is 36 mm. The permissible error can be +10/-3 mm in length, +5/-5 mm in width, +2/-2 mm in wave height.

Each sheet of ondulin has 10 waves with a width of about 95 mm, which must be taken into account when calculating the material for covering the roof. When installing a horizontal row, it is necessary to overlap one wave wide to ensure the strength and tightness of the flooring. The vertical overlap when laying ondulin on the roof, the slope of which exceeds 15 degrees, must be at least 100–150 mm. As a result, the useful area of ​​one sheet element reaches 1.60–1.64 m 2.

If ondulin is laid on a roof with a small slope, the lateral overlap of the sheet should be 2 waves, and the vertical overlap should be about 200 mm, which requires a special calculation of the usable area of ​​the sheet material.

Before purchasing ondulin, it is important to calculate the roof, taking into account the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet material, so that in the future you do not have to buy more products from another batch.

Roofing calculation principles

Gable roofs with a slope angle of 15 degrees or more are the easiest to calculate, each slope of which is a rectangle, and the overlap parameters are standard. In this case, it is required to calculate the roof area and divide it by the usable area of ​​one sheet of ondulin - 1.6 m 2.

If you need to calculate a complex roof, then you need to divide it into separate planes - rectangles and triangles, calculate the coverage area for each plane separately and sum it up, adding 5% for waste during installation.

When calculating the materials for the roof, one should also take into account the presence of windows in the roof plane, the use of elements such as a valley, a ridge, covering aprons, an eaves gutter, roof ventilation elements and other components of the roofing system. Their presence and quantity affects the calculation of ondulin sheets.

The need for accurate calculations

Obviously, in comparison with the total area of ​​​​a standard sheet element, a difference of approximately 0.3 m 2 is gained from each sheet of ondulin, and if this is not taken into account, the purchased material may not be enough to install the entire coating.

A competent approach to the calculation of ondulin roofing, taking into account the dimensions of the sheet elements, will help to avoid problems associated with the acquisition and delivery of the missing material, which entails not only additional transport costs, but also disrupts the work schedule. In addition, a new batch of ondulin may differ in shade from the existing one, which will worsen the overall appearance of the roof.

Euroslate Ondulin. Tables of sizes and characteristics of roofing material

Wavy bitumen sheet Ondulin, also known as Euroslate, is a budget, easy-to-install and aesthetic roofing material that has no analogues in its construction segment. In fact, these are patented products of the French company ONDULINE, which has representative offices in almost all world countries and is known under the brands Bituwell (Germany), Corrubit (Turkey), Nuline (USA), Aqualine (Belgium), etc.

It is worth noting that, regardless of geographic location, products are manufactured using a single technology, albeit with minor changes. This means that the consumer invariably receives a quality product, regardless of the actual manufacturer.

Technical characteristics of ondulin

To understand the issue in detail, let's look at the main characteristics of ondulin, which distinguish the material from metal tiles or sheet iron. So, for euroroofing the following features are characteristic:

The material is resistant to corrosion even when exposed to a humid environment for a long time.

Complete soundproofing, which is especially noticeable in regions with a large amount of precipitation.

Due to its structure, ondulin does not contribute to the formation of condensate, respectively, during installation, you can save on vapor barrier.

Only environmentally friendly components are used in the production.

Compound. What is the material made of

Ondulin is based on several components.

The production technology implies high pressure on the raw material, which ensures high strength of the finished product. Ondulin is produced in several stages. It looks like this:

Cellulose is cleaned of any impurities and contaminants, mixed with water, modifiers and dyes. This substance is called pulp.

The pulp is fed to a special conveyor, where it is pressed into sheets of a given thickness, acquiring a wavy surface.

Then the sheets are treated with bitumen on both sides.

At the final stage, the finished product is stacked, packaged and labeled with information about the characteristics and properties of the material.

Pros and cons of bituminous sheet

As a roofing material, ondulin slate can be used in private and multi-storey residential buildings, in the construction of industrial and commercial buildings. Such versatility of products is due to a number of undeniable advantages. For example:

The specific low weight of the sheets, which reduces the load on the supporting structures.

Possibility of mounting on surfaces with complex geometry.

Resistant to any external influences.

Simple installation that does not require the use of technologically sophisticated equipment.

Relatively low cost.

Wide color palette.

Long service life regardless of conditions.

It is quite natural that the material has some drawbacks. In particular:

The building material burns and belongs to the class of fireproof materials G4. It is worth clarifying that for the deformation and ignition of a roof made of this material, a temperature above 110 degrees Celsius is required.

Rough surface matte types. This nuance prevents the natural sliding of snow from the roof, which increases the load on the supporting structures of the building. This drawback does not apply to glossy material options.

Burnout. With prolonged exposure to direct ultraviolet rays, ondulin loses its color.

Fragility. At low temperatures, the material becomes more susceptible to mechanical damage.

A good balance of pros and cons allows ondulin to hold the palm in the building materials market.

Dimensions of standard sheet for roof and other structural elements

A key feature of ondulin is the mandatory standardization of standard sizes. Therefore, regardless of the manufacturer, the sheets are of the same size, which allows even inexperienced builders to accurately calculate the amount of material. The following settings apply here:

Square. Upon purchase, the area of ​​the ondulin sheet is 1.9 m2. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the material is overlapped, so the usable area is reduced to the value 1.6 m2.

Dimensions of roof elements

How much does one sheet of soft roof weigh

If the mandatory standard is observed with the standard size, then the actual weight of the ondulin sheet may vary depending on the manufacturing company. It is worth clarifying that the discrepancy in weight is not a marriage. Here we can distinguish the following mass indicators:

When calculating, it must be borne in mind that for reliable fixation of ondulin to the crate, at least 20 fasteners, which adds to the weight of each sheet approximately 200 grams. With a large roof area, these, scanty at first glance, values ​​\u200b\u200bcan significantly increase the load on the supporting structures.

Available colors

Over time, the material fades and loses its original color. Ondulin is especially guilty of this green colors. Visually, color changes are least noticeable on brown roofing sheet.

Material life

Around this important aspect when choosing a roofing material, there are disputes to this day. The service life declared by the manufacturer is about 15 years. However, these are the minimum values ​​that are typical for difficult operating conditions: sudden temperature changes, excessively hot or cold climatic conditions in the region.

There is an opinion that in the central zone of Russia, where average temperatures prevail, ondulin can serve up to 50 years, provided that the installation technology was not violated. However, in practice, this fact has not yet been confirmed, since the use of roofing material in our latitudes began only in 1994.

Size differences depending on the country of manufacture

As already mentioned, the French company ONDULINE is engaged in the production of soft roofing. However, the production lines of this brand are located in many world countries. So, in order to choose the highest quality material, the advantage can be given to the products of companies:

ONDULINE. For the Russian consumer, the representative office of this campaign operates on the territory of Nizhny Novgorod. Patented French technologies are used here, so the finished product is characterized by such features: accepted standards, 10 waves on each sheet, 3 mm thick, colored surface and black (soaked in bitumen) bottom.

GUTTA. The workshops of this company operate in Switzerland, Germany, Italy. The manufacturer uses an excellent production technology: the raw material is dyed at the initial stage, which ensures a lasting color. In addition, pulp is not used here - cellulose fibers are pressed, then processed with polymers and bitumen. The products of this manufacturer are characterized by such changes in accepted standards: width - 0.87 / 0.95 / 1.05 m, sheet thickness - 2.6 mm.

BITUWELL. This is a German brand that produces ondulin based on pressed cardboard. The result is rigid sheets that are suitable only for regions with a temperate climate. The width of the finished product is 0.93 m, the thickness is 2.8 mm. The multilayer structure of the material is not visible on sections.

NULINE. This is an American brand that produces matte and glossy ondulin. Hardwoods are used as raw materials, which provides increased structural rigidity. The width of the finished sheet is: 1.22 m, with a thickness of 3.5 mm.

AQUALINE. The production line is located in Belgium. A feature of the finished product is the longitudinal arrangement of cellulose fibers, which increases the bending strength of the sheet. The surface is treated with acrylic, so the paint does not fade even with prolonged exposure to sunlight. The width of the finished sheet is 0.92 m, the thickness is 2.4 mm.

The length and number of waves on one sheet remains unchanged, with the exception of the overseas manufacturer

Installation subtleties

In order for Ondulin to serve the period declared by the manufacturer without problems, it is necessary to remember the following nuances:

Ondulin is laid only on the crate, evenly fixed with nails over the entire surface.

Work is carried out at a moderate air temperature: heat and cold can deform the sheet during installation.

During the installation process, they only step on the undulating protrusions.

If an active chimney pipe exits the roof, the adjacent sheets must be additionally isolated from high temperatures.

Series sheets Smart and DIY stack according to the rules of the classic Ondulin.

Ondulin is a building material, consists of pressed sheets of wavy shape. It is used for arranging the roof and as a facing material for vertical surfaces. Ondulin first appeared in 1944 in France. The first factory was opened by OFIS SA. The rapid success and great demand for ondulin, whose sheet sizes were economical, made it possible to open more and more branches throughout the country. Now the production of ondulin has been established in Europe, America, and in many Asian countries. The dimensions of the ondulin depend not only on the purpose, but also on the company that manufactures it.

The composition of the sheets of this building material includes mineral filler, thermal resin, bitumen, and cellulose fibers. Ondulin is used as roofing for roofs of private, municipal and industrial buildings. The material is successfully used in the field of multi-storey construction. The convenient size of the ondulin sheet allows it to be used in the process of facing the outer surface of the walls. Due to the rich color palette, the structure does not require additional painting. Experts recommend using ondulin as a wall insulation or building material for temporary buildings.

Ondulin sheet size and colors

The advantages of the material include a long service life. Many well-known manufacturers have a 15-year warranty. Ondulin is resistant to temperature extremes, environmentally friendly, not susceptible to mold or fungus. A simple and fast installation process is the advantage of the material.

An extensive color palette presents endless possibilities for the realization of the ideas of designers and architects. Affordable cost largely ensures the popularity of the material in the domestic construction market.

Main types and sizes of material

There are four main types of ondulin bituminous sheets, which differ in size. The first is called classic. It is used for flat roofs with a slope of more than 5%, as a decorative wall finish, for vaulted roofs with a radius of about 5 meters, as well as for erecting fences. Traditional ondulin, the sheet size of which is 200x95 cm, has a weight of 6 kg and a thickness of 3 mm.

Classic ondulin with dimensions of 2000x950 mm

The second type of ondulin is Smart. Unlike the classic version, it has a special hydraulic barrier and marked attachment points. The advantages include the small size of ondulin, which is 195x95 cm with a thickness of 3 mm. Smart's weight is 5% less than that of the first type.

Ondulin smart

The next version of DiY ondulin has a thickness of 3 mm, weight is 5 kg. The size is 200x75 cm. Due to the small parameters, the material is very easy to install and transport.

The fourth type is called Compact. It is used in the arrangement of complex roof surfaces. Experienced specialists know exactly how much a sheet of Ondulin Compact 2.5 kg weighs. Each of the above options has eight waves on one sheet, and therefore you can combine different types with each other.

Ondulin compact

Approximate cost of euroslate

You can calculate the approximate cost of roofing yourself. To do this, you need to know the technical parameters of the material, including the effective area of ​​ondulin. The latter indicator depends on the angle of the roof slope and ranges from 1.3 to 1.6 m2. For example, for the arrangement of the classic version of the roof with two slopes up to 15%, without complex architectural elements, with a total area of ​​100 m2, about 63 sheets of ondulin are needed: 100: 1.6 = 63.

Important factors in choosing a roofing material are the weight of ondulin and the price per sheet. If the first indicator is standard and is 6 kg, then how much an ondulin sheet costs depends on its color, the margins of the supplier and seller. The average price varies in the range of 400-500 rubles per unit of goods. The cost of additional elements should also be included in the amount of expenses: lining carpet, gable profile, ridge elements, valley.

Calculating the amount of material based on the useful width of the ondulin is practically not a difficult task. If there is any doubt about the correctness of the finished result, it is recommended to turn to professionals, which will save time and save money. In serious companies that sell various types of materials for roofing, the calculation service is provided free of charge.


Technical characteristics of ondulin

When planning the construction of a private cottage, country house or commercial building, it is important to have information about the technical characteristics of this type of roofing material. In order to correctly perform the calculation, one should take into account the dimensions of the ondulin sheet, which are almost identical for various brands. These indicators will help in the arrangement of the roof to calculate how much coverage is required.

The standard indicators include the product length of 2000 mm, ondulin wave height 36 mm, sheet thickness 3 mm, ondulin sheet weight 6.0 kg, sheet width 95 mm. During installation, corrugated sheets are overlapped, so the useful area of ​​ondulin is about 1.6 m2.

In a comparative analysis, how much ondulin and slate weigh, the first option is preferable, since the bituminous product is four times lighter than the asbestos cement counterpart. The light weight of the ondulin sheet simplifies the installation process, the material can be lifted onto the roof manually alone and a lightweight truss system can be used.

The material load indicator is 0.96 tons per square meter of coating. In this case, the rafters and the crate are subjected to destruction, and not the sheets of the product. Due to its high chemical resistance, the material is resistant to aggressive environments (petroleum products, acids, alkalis). Excellent water resistance roofing from ondulin is maintained for a long time. The biological stability of the material prevents the formation of mold, fungus. High resistance to UV rays keeps the color of the product for a long time. Eco-friendly material is completely safe for human health, animals, does not harm nature.

Famous manufacturing companies

Ondulin is produced almost all over the world. The most popular companies whose products are in special demand include the German brand Bituwell. Cardboard is added to euroslate sheets, which significantly increases rigidity. The brand produces two material options: matte and glossy.

The Nuline company is located in the USA and is engaged in the production of ondulin, the size of which is 2000x1230 mm. Glossy material is less prone to fading in the sun, as it has an additional colorful coating.

The Aqualine brand was founded in Belgium. The surface of ondulin sheets during the manufacturing process is covered with a layer of acrylic, due to the high density of which the material does not fade from direct sunlight. No less popular are the products of the Turkish company Corrubit. The sheet size is 2000x930 mm with a thickness of 2.4 mm. The covered area is 1.57 square meters.

Self-installation of ondulin

The guarantee of a reliable, durable and beautiful roof is its competent arrangement. You can carry out the arrangement of the roof with the help of ondulin sheets yourself. To do this, it is enough to have basic skills and perform all operations in sequential order.

Installation of ondulin scheme

It is allowed to use the material without dismantling to remove the old coating. On new roofs with a slope of 5-10%; from boards or plywood, a solid crate is pre-mounted. On roofs with a slope of 10-15%; the crate of the boards is attached to the rafters with a pitch of 45 cm. The crate with a pitch of 60 cm is mounted on roofs with a slope of 15%. Using a wooden template, all the elements of the crate are attached parallel to the eaves.

Crate for ondulin

Ondulin has an external resemblance to slate, well known to Russian owners of suburban real estate. On a wavy surface, markings are placed with a colored pencil. In order to cut off the desired size of an ondulin sheet, use a circular or hand-held electric saw, as well as a hacksaw for wood.

Fastening onodlina, the roof of a frame house

The fastening of the material is carried out taking into account the wind rose characteristic of a particular construction site. On average, 20 nails are used per sheet, which are driven in overlaps, wave crest and at the end of the sheet on each side. A smooth and neat line is obtained when using a stretched rope. A ridge is attached to the bars of the crate, and an apron made of ondulin covers the junction of the vertical wall and the roof. To avoid damage to the material, the tightening force of the self-tapping screws should be calculated more accurately.

Ondulin installation procedure

The presence of a roof window on the roof surface provides an influx of daylight into the under-roof space and allows you to periodically monitor the condition of the coating during operation. The joints between the ondulin roof and the windows are subject to waterproofing. For this purpose, experts recommend using a specially designed Ondufresh self-adhesive tape. In addition, the tape is successfully used as a protection for cornices from moisture getting on the wooden crate.

Nails for ondulin

The versatility of sheet material for roofing allows you to quickly and easily replace individual sections of the coating that have become unusable. You can repair the roof without removing the old sheets, their light weight allows you to mount new ones on top of the old ones.

Tape for ondulin

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