Correct posture: How to keep your back straight? What exercises will help keep your back straight.

landscaping 11.10.2019

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Posture can be described as the upright position of a person, in which each sector of the body is held on top of each other in a gravitational field using minimal muscle strength.

With the use of a minimum of muscle activity, that is, energy consumption, the statement is also connected that this position is identical or only slightly different from a calm, free position.

Features of the formation of posture

The first change in the spine occurs at about the 6th week of a child's life, when he, in an attempt to see what is happening around him, raises his head above the substrate in a supine position.

Another important period comes, approximately, at the age of 3.5 months, when there is tension in the back muscles and the spine straightens. At this time, the vertebrae become the support base for the movement of strong muscles leading from the shoulder blades and the hip joint.

At a time when the child begins to stand up and walk, or sit on a chair with his feet down, there is a deflection in the lumbar spine. The deep muscles of the back are mainly involved in this. This natural curvature of the spine increases its flexibility and is also a sign proper development muscles.

In the first years of life, the bend is not sufficiently pronounced and can be changed. At a later age, a constant is gradually formed natural curvature and, approximately, at the age of 6, the first signs of fixation of a certain position of the body (posture) appear.

The form of posture is directly influenced, mainly, by muscle activity (or inactivity), that is, the movements that the body performs while in a certain position. The quality and type of movement in the period before the end of growth strongly affects future form spine.

Growth stops at the age of 15-19 and at this time it can be said that all the most important things regarding posture have been formed. Correction, of course, to some extent, is possible even after this age, however, the process will be slow and with uncertain results.

Correct posture - what is it?

The characteristics of correct posture differ slightly in different sources, but, in principle, experts most often focus on the following aspects:

  • head held in an upright position, slightly raised up, the chin forms a right angle with the neck;
  • shoulders freely distributed in width, slightly laid back and down, they are symmetrical, that is, both sides are on the same level;
  • breast protrudes slightly forward;
  • shoulder blades symmetrical, that is, both sides are at the same level;
  • spine twice smoothly curved in the sagittal plane (cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis), in the frontal plane - without curvature;
  • hip joint is in a neutral position, that is, the anterior and posterior upper femurs are located at the same level;
  • lower limbs(knees and hips) are not forcibly extended, the body weight is slightly transferred forward, the centers of the hip, knee and ankle joints located in a vertical axis one above the other;
  • Feet- there is a longitudinal and transverse arch.

Correct posture on the right, not on the left

A straight back is a guarantee of not only beauty, but also health

The correct position of the body in the vertical direction plays an important role in maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system. Posture is also important in non-verbal communication- it reflects our psyche.

When your mind is in order, you are happy, have a healthy self-esteem and show it with a straightened body, a protruding chest and an elevated head. However, in the presence of any problems, sadness, depression or fear, we automatically take a defensive position, which is manifested by a rounded spine, lowered shoulders and head.

The influence of correct posture on the musculoskeletal system

With proper posture, all muscles and joints are in the so-called neutral position, in which the load on the joints is evenly distributed, and the muscles function in mutual balance. Nothing prevents the fullness of breath and vital energy.

In view of today's lifestyle, when we spend most day of sitting, our muscles do not work enough to keep the spine straight. Tell me, in what position are you reading this article? Be aware of where your back is in. Are you hunched over your computer or mobile phone?

Try to remember this position, and then get up and try to walk. Are you comfortable walking with your head down and your back rounded? Not good. Walking is a natural movement in which muscles hold the spine so that it can be in a straight position.

This is an innate disposition, in order for a person to be able to walk, he needs a straight spine and a position of the head so that the eyes look forward.

Breathe all chest

Our breathing is also connected with an even posture. If the body is not kept in balance, some muscles are overloaded and some are weakened, which is reflected in the correctness of breathing.

For the physiological course of breathing, the location of the axis of the diaphragm and the hip joint, which must be parallel, is important.

The diaphragm, as the most important respiratory organ, can thus move down and, on inhalation, compress the contents of the abdominal cavity down to the pelvis, which is important for maintaining the proper functioning of the abdominal organs and is the key to stabilizing the lumbar spine.

Consequences of a curved back:

  • violation of optimal movement in the joints;
  • damage to tendons, ligaments, nerves, cartilage wear;
  • muscle damage;
  • degenerative changes in the spine and joints;
  • back and joint pain, headache.

Start small - the first thing you can do

Muscles tend to have their own antagonists (opposing muscles with reverse function) and one muscle of this pair often has a greater load than the other, which contributes to its contraction.

This leads to an unbalanced position and an imbalance. You can improve the situation by stretching contracted muscles and strengthening weakened ones.

Anatomically correct approach:

  1. Head position. The head should be slightly (!) laid back - the chin forms an angle of 90 degrees with the neck.
  2. Shoulders - back and down. Tight pectoral and anterior deltoid muscles cause the shoulders to move forward. The contraction of the upper part of the trapezius muscle, in turn, causes them to rise. This results in an unsightly roundness. thoracic spine.
  3. Pelvis - slightly protruding forward. Tightness and a slight extension of the hips is another important feature of correct posture. Without proper exercise, it often comes down to the development of lower cruciate syndrome.
  4. Tight stabilization muscles. Stabilization muscles are also an indicator of good posture. They should be taut, but not forced.
  5. Leg position. Correctly you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart so as not to overload hip joints. Other important point are slightly bent knees - in a standing position, the legs at the knees should not be fully extended, because, otherwise, an overload occurs knee joints and ligaments. The toes point forward, not "look" to the side.

How to learn to keep your posture

While standing, walking and other activities, always pay attention to the 5 points:

  1. Head. You are "stretched" from the spine to the top of the head - there is a feeling of a long neck, the chin is slightly pushed back - the feeling of a double chin, the eyes are looking forward - the principle "I will not find anything on the ground."
  2. Shoulders and shoulder blades spread apart - there is a feeling of an open chest, the shoulders are located, as far as possible from the ears, which, again, causes a feeling of a long neck. At the same time, they are slightly pushed back and down, but be careful - do not bend at the hips!
  3. Pelvis and lumbar spine. Don't stoop or slouch! The buttocks are slightly compressed. You are mentally trying to stretch your spine.
  4. Knees. They are stable and hold a position directly above the ankles. Be careful with your knees in X and O! Being aware of proper arch activation and focusing on loading the outer edges can help prevent misalignment of the knees.
  5. Legs and ankles. Feet are located at the level of the pelvis, horizontally, like rails. Pay attention to the reference points: heel - little finger - thumb. The weight is evenly distributed throughout the leg. Ankles are stable.

Prevention of violations

Preventing bad posture starts with preventing obesity. It can be prevented in several ways:

  • healthy, balanced diet with large quantity rational vitamins, fruits, vegetables and fiber;
  • smaller but frequent meals;
  • do not forget about breakfast;
  • plenty of physical activity.

Other principles for the prevention of postural disorders, as a rule, are as follows:

  • do it regularly physical exercise;
  • change position - sitting, standing;
  • do not carry the bag in one hand or over your shoulder;
  • control your posture;
  • wear suitable footwear;
  • avoid being overweight;
  • avoid constant stress.

TOP 3 exercises for a beautiful healthy back

Exercises for the prevention of curvature of the spine and the formation of correct posture:

  1. Exercise for the correct position of the pelvis, strengthening the abdominal cavity and gluteal muscles. Lie on your back, arms at your sides, palms down, legs slightly apart, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Inhale with your belly and prolong your exhalation, tighten your buttocks and stomach, at the same time lift your pelvis off the surface. Slowly return to the starting position and loosen your buttocks and stomach. Your knees should be kept slightly apart during the exercise. An error is a bent or lumbar spine.
  2. Exercise for a stable core, strengthening the muscles of the shoulders and abdomen. Starting position - as in the previous exercise. Raise right hand and put it on the knee of your left leg, which you raise so that all its joints form a right angle. After that, with the palm of your hand, press on the knee, and with it, on the contrary, on the palm. Hold the pressure for about 7 seconds, then loosen and return to the starting position. Do the same with opposite side. The mistake is the knee too close to the body and lifting the shoulder off the floor.
  3. Exercise to activate and relax the back muscles. Sit cross-legged, sit straight, head is located on the axis of the spine, arms bent at the elbows, palms rest on the armrest, eyes look forward. Leaning the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm on the armrest, gently tilt the torso back. Hold this position for about 10 seconds, then relax, tilt your body and head forward. During exercise, do not pull the shoulder blades to each other. A mistake would be raising the shoulders or tilting the head.

Many people resolve potential posture problems through inactivity. But this is a mistake. Prevention, regular exercise and an active life are the guarantee of health.

Inactivity leads to weakening of the muscles, due to which they will not give support to the spine and the supporting structures of the body that need support.


In order to keep the correct posture during the day and keep your spine straight, try the following technique. Imagine that a thread is passed through the top of your head, on which you are suspended like a puppet. And this thread is constantly pulling you up, whether you are sitting or walking. Feel this thread and your figure stretched up. Now imagine that a similar thread is attached to the middle of yours and is constantly pulling you forward slightly. Feel how yours straightens and leans forward a little.

As you walk, try to imagine both of these threads pulling you up and forward at the same time. But don't overdo it. No need to try to jump up, stand on tiptoe or push your chest forward exaggeratedly. Your body should be relaxed and calm, with your shoulders gently down and your chin up slightly. At first, it will be difficult and unusual for you to constantly maintain such a regal posture, therefore, you will have to control yourself mentally with a strong-willed effort. But after a while, the muscles will remember the new position of the body and it will become natural and familiar to you, regardless of the circumstances.

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Advice 3: Beautiful female press is the key to correct posture

Graceful posture is a sign healthy body. In order for the posture to be correct, a woman needs to have strong back muscles and abdominals. A beautiful female press causes involuntary sympathy and admiration among the strong half of humanity, forms a royal posture and is the key to a healthy body as a whole.

A beautiful posture has a positive effect on the psychological mood of a woman, and the habit of stooping is the cause of headaches, dizziness, back and neck aches. To have a royal posture, you need to take care not only of the muscles of the back and neck, but also strengthen the abdominal muscles that hold the spine in the correct position.

Why do abdominal muscles affect posture?

The spine is the supporting element of the human skeleton, which is held in an upright position by strong muscles of the back, neck and abdominals. If you strongly contract the abdominal muscles, you can feel how the chest rises, cervical region the spine takes the correct position, the excess lumbar deflection disappears, and the lower back becomes lighter. Strong, trained abdominal muscles fix the abdominal organs in a normal position, eliminate the appearance of excessive deflection in the lumbar spine and prevent the shift of the lumbar vertebrae.

Checking your posture is very simple: strip down to your underwear and lean your back against a wall or other flat surface. If you have the right posture, in a natural relaxed position, you will touch the wall with the back of your head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels. During the test, you do not need to straighten your shoulders and pull the back of your head up, just take your usual posture. This way you can determine if you have posture problems or not.

What happens if the press is weak

Unfortunately, weak abs are a fairly common occurrence in life. Often women lead a sedentary lifestyle, have overweight bodies and do not play sports, as a result, their muscles become flabby, the stomach is ugly, and the back is stooped.

Observe your gait, body position, and the way you hold your back. A stooped back and sadly drooping shoulders are a sign of losers, hunched under the heavy burden of their hard life. Do you want to look heavy and dull? Successful people Always keep your back straight and your head high. The desire to bend into three deaths, to pull the head into the shoulders, to round the back appears in those cases when we want to hide from the outside world, to run away from the problems that have piled up. As a result, a woman with a flabby and stooped back becomes an inconspicuous gray mouse and loses her attractiveness to members of the opposite sex.

How to strengthen the press and achieve a beautiful posture

If you're slouching, don't despair! Special exercises that will tighten your abs and strengthen your back will help to correct the situation. All exercises are performed lying on the floor, on your back.

Exercise one: "Twisting". Take the starting position (lying on your back, on the floor). Put your hands behind your head, spread your elbows to the sides, bend your knees. Slowly raise and lower upper part corps. During the exercise, do not tear your lower back off the floor. Perform 3 sets of 50 exercises.

Exercise two: Diagonal twist. The body position is the same as in the previous exercise. Twist so that the right elbow touches the left knee, return to the starting position, then repeat the twist, touching the left elbow with the right knee. Perform 3 sets of 50 exercises in each direction.

Exercise three: "Reverse twisting." Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along the body. Tighten your abs and raise your legs, while tearing your pelvis off the floor and lifting it as high as possible. Then slowly return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 12 reps.

Exercise four: "Double twist." Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head or put on your shoulders, bend your knees at an angle of 45 degrees. Lift your legs and head off the floor and slowly move them towards each other. Return to starting position. Do 3 sets of 25 reps.

Exercise 5: Raise your legs. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along the torso and straighten your legs. Lift your right leg off the floor, lift it up perpendicular to your torso, and return to the starting position. Do 10 reps on the right leg, then 10 reps on the left. Repeat the exercise again.

Exercise six: "Bicycle". Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Bend your legs in and imitate cycling. Do not take your head off the floor, keep your legs as close to the floor as possible during the “ride”.

Exercise seven: "Book". Lie on the floor, stretch your arms behind your head. Raise your legs and body at the same time, trying to touch your knees with your forehead. Slowly return to the starting position. Do not spread your legs during the exercise. Perform the exercise in three sets of 10 times.

To find a beautiful, correct posture and a light, graceful gait, it is enough to undergo tango training. Stooping, holding your shoulders and head incorrectly, bending back, you will not be able to dance and even more so to maintain balance when performing movements. During classes, the correct posture is developed automatically, because without it, even just walking a tango step with a partner on the dance floor to the music will be very difficult. After a few hours of training, you will notice that keeping your back straight and your chin up is not as difficult as it seemed at first.

By the way, since Argentine tango classes perfectly raise self-esteem and mood, as well as increase self-confidence and make it possible to feel and enhance one’s natural attractiveness, therefore, a person automatically loses the desire to “close”, hunch over, shrug his shoulders without hesitation. You will notice results after the first session.

By restoring the correct posture, you can improve your gait. If you want to walk smoothly, beautifully and easily, this will be another reason to go to the training. A special tango gait is one of the main elements of the dance. Of course, in Everyday life you are unlikely to use it, but you will certainly notice that the movements have become smoother, lighter, more beautiful and sensual. By learning to dance passionately and elegantly, as they do in Argentina, you will notice that you have become even more charismatic and attractive.

The cause of problems with posture and gait can be low physical activity, and in some cases excess weight. Argentine tango will help solve both problems. Dancing, you can easily, and most importantly, with pleasure improve your figure, become stronger, more resilient, and get rid of a few extra pounds. With constant practice, the effect will be fixed and enhanced. Result - beautiful body combined with correct posture. Do not hesitate, others will certainly notice and appreciate your change for the better!

Posture and gait can deteriorate during pregnancy and during the recovery period after childbirth. Young mothers should not forget about themselves: doing Argentine tango, you will not only take a break from worries and perfectly distract from problems, but you will also be able to quickly restore strength and beauty to your body, restoring its former shape and improving posture and gait. Rest assured, the result will not be long in coming!

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V modern world A large number of people suffer from various diseases associated with the spine. The reason for the development of such diseases almost always lies in the wrong posture. Many are looking for ways to learn how to keep their posture. It is much easier than treating osteochondrosis or hernia in the future.

What is meant by good posture

Correct posture

Many people understand the methods of how to develop the correct posture as the position in which a person does not stoop, while the person should feel at ease and keep his head and torso straight.

At a large number schoolchildren develop scoliosis as a result of the fact that they very often stoop. Teaching yourself to keep your back straight is not as easy as it seems at first glance. If a person knows how to keep his posture correctly, he is less likely to have problems with gastrointestinal tract and breath.

How to develop correct posture

There are a number of exercises that in the future will allow you to constantly keep your back straight. For men and women, all exercises are available at home, they do not need to use the services of fitness centers.

  • It is necessary to lower the head and press the chin to the body as close as possible, then it is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together, thus it is possible.
  • The next rule on how to keep the correct posture is as follows. It is necessary to stretch the arms forward, the back should become straight, then it is necessary to move the body in a circle.
  • With the chin lowered to the body, the top of the head must be pulled up.
  • Before and after sleep, it is recommended to clasp your ankles with your palms. This will help get rid of the wrong posture for the whole day and for the whole night.

There are a few more tips that will help you quickly form and fix the correct posture.

A large number of girls and women are concerned about the problem of poor posture. The stoop of a person significantly spoils appearance. To eliminate it at the initial stage, you should use a corset. It will help fix the position of the spinal column, over time, a person will get used to walking with the correct posture.

The corset should be used for at least 6 months, only then it will be possible to say about positive results. To correct your posture, you can sign up for swimming, gymnastics or dancing.

An excellent effect is achieved with the help of yoga. Some exercises effectively correct posture, make muscle tissue more flexible. One of the most common and effective ways- you need to walk with a stack of books on your head.

Men are significantly more likely to experience posture problems than women. An excellent method for correcting posture is pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Push-ups also play a significant role in adjusting the back.

If a man visits a fitness center, he should focus on such an exercise as the dumbbell side row. However, you should correctly calculate the mass of dumbbells, when performing the exercise, the spinal column should be straight.

To sleep, you should use a hard mattress with an orthopedic pillow.

Rules for maintaining posture

In order for the process of adjusting the spinal column to take as little time as possible, some rules should be followed.

In custody

Which exercises to use, and which are better to neglect, is up to each individual to decide. Not everyone has the financial ability to purchase a hard mattress or orthopedic pillow. However, the exercises do not require financial investments. in the future, and this is the most valuable thing we have.

If pain in the spinal column begins or a person experiences pain when trying to make the position of the spine correct, it is necessary to consult a medical specialist. It is better to start treatment of the disease late than not to start it at all. If you do not monitor the health of your spine, only surgery can help in the future. Watch your posture and be happy.

Unfortunately, everything more people even at a young age, they do not use the function of bipedal locomotion inherent in every person, unlike animals, to the full extent. Yes, a person walks on two legs, but the back is far from a straight line. Hunchback, retracted shoulders, lowered head - this is a sign of appearance modern man regardless of his age. Meanwhile, correct posture is a factor directly related to human health.

When it is difficult for people in old age to unbend, this is due to subsidence of the vertebrae, erasing discs and various diseases associated with these inevitable processes. But when a man slouch young age, this can not be classified as a normal state. Today, in order to stand out in the crowd, you do not need bright makeup, unusual clothes, or a catchy hairstyle. It is enough to straighten your back. And against the background of the bent majority, a figure with a straight back and a raised head will immediately attract attention.

The lack of correct posture in a young healthy person, and even more so in a child, is a serious pathology, which, unfortunately, people do not take seriously.

However, a crooked back significantly affects health.

  1. Since this position is not the norm, there is a constant gradual deformation of the vertebrae.
  2. The spinal muscles begin to weaken, performing their function - supporting the skeleton - worse and worse.
  3. Back pain starts.

  4. The normal activity of internal organs is disrupted.
  5. Those very deformation changes begin, which in old age lead to serious vertebral pathologies.
  6. Health is deteriorating.

    Deterioration of well-being and decreased immunity - possible consequences bad posture

  7. Appearance suffers.
  8. Nervous disorders appear and grow.

  9. Depressive states occur.

A bent back is a spinal deformity that gets worse day by day. This is abnormal and unaesthetic: a stooped back, drooping shoulders, a bowed head, a second chin, wrinkles on the neck and a dull complexion. Here are just the visible changes in the appearance of a person who walks with an indirect back. Internal metamorphoses, imperceptible to the eye, but which will definitely appear in the near future, are much larger and more serious.

By the way. Maintained posture not only decorates the figure, improves mood and self-esteem, but also unloads the spine, strengthens muscles, normalizes digestion, blood flow and general well-being.

Posture can be spoiled for many reasons.

  1. Professional occupations, if the work is related to a sitting position or is performed while standing.
  2. Prolonged sitting in an indirect position during leisure time.

  3. Bad habits, bad posture since childhood.
  4. Carrying a heavy backpack, shoulder bag and other heavy items.

  5. Regular use of shoes with high or uncomfortable heels.
  6. Being at the computer for a long time.

  7. Sleeping on the wrong surface misuse pillows.
  8. Many hours of using the phone to read and view information with a tilt of the head.

  9. Uncomfortable improperly positioned driver's seat in the car.

There are many reasons for bad posture. But most importantly, almost no one, at the first sign of stoop, runs to the doctor, trying to correct the situation. And very few turn to preventive measures and begin to monitor their posture until a full-fledged scoliosis develops.

Why is it important to keep your posture

Making sure that the back is always straight should be included in the list of basic manipulations performed by a person on a daily basis to maintain health. Walking with a straight back is like brushing your teeth, showering, getting quality sleep, and eating a balanced diet. And if the first two points are still fulfilled by almost everyone, then the rest, including the straightened back, are neglected.

But in order to function correctly, all organs in the body, each of its particles need normal nerve and intensive blood supply. Without good blood flow, there will be no nutrition for the cells, because it is the blood that carries nutrition and oxygen throughout the body. The vital activity of each individual cell depends on normal blood flow. And the nerves produce electrical impulses, without which the energy necessary to maintain the normal existence of tissues will not be produced.

Important! The body in conditions of lack of cellular nutrition and insufficient energy production will begin to wear out quickly. Organs degenerate, and health will be replaced by numerous diseases, sometimes incurable.

And due to what normal blood flow is maintained and a full blood supply is carried out? Surprisingly, this is due to posture, that is, a straight back.

It's simple, for example, imagine a watering hose. As soon as it is passed, the water will stop flowing from the outlet, and it will be impossible to water. So it is with blood vessels. When they are compressed, the blood supply is disrupted or obstructed. And what about the back? The fact is that the spine throughout its entire length has vessels and spinal roots. When a person hunches, stoops, the back is not straight, the vessels are pinched, the roots are compressed, and the body is deprived of the ability to receive nourishing blood flow and perceive nerve impulses.

This necessarily leads sooner or later to atrophy of the pectoral and spinal muscles, gives rise to pulmonary and gastric problems, reduces general level health and wear out the vertebrae.

How to know if your posture is wrong

Unfortunately, many people are unaware that they have posture problems and their backs are hunched over. This situation seems familiar and normal to them. Moreover, having taken a straightened position, they feel uncomfortable, and again rush to hunch over.

Finding out if there are any problems with posture is easy. You do not even need to go to the doctor for this, although visiting a doctor is the easiest method, but not the most favorite, most people prefer to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment.

To begin with, take a habitual uncontrollable posture that does not generate discomfort and tension, and go to the mirror. Stand sideways and look at the line of the back, shoulders, head position.

  1. The back should be straight, shoulders in one straight line, not higher than each other and not lower.
  2. Elbows fall on the curve of the waist. When they are higher, then the shoulders are too high. When they are below the waist or apart, it means that there is a stoop.
  3. Draw an imaginary straight vertical line from the feet to the back of the head. It should pass over the shins, knees, thighs, middle of the pelvis, elbows, shoulders, central axis chest and neck, and end exactly at the top of the head.

Not many people can boast of a beautiful even back, because the correct posture is formed in childhood and adolescence. As a rule, no one controls the child when he sits incorrectly at his desk at school. Some stoop because of too high growth, so as not to stand out from the rest. And sometimes the stoop is affected by wearing heels. If incorrect posture appeared in old age, then this indicates some pathologies of the spine and musculoskeletal system. Sometimes babies are already born with a hump or a curved spine.

IMPORTANT! In any case, whatever the reason, you need to get rid of it. We all know the importance of good posture. The fact is that poor posture not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of the figure, but also entails a lot of unpleasant consequences. It can be scoliosis, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, the brain, and so on. Therefore, it is extremely important to start correcting the stoop as soon as possible.

Correct posture is the ability of any person to keep the body straight in a relaxed state. In this case, the muscles of the whole body should not strain.

signs beautiful posture:

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  1. Easy soaring gait.
  2. Tightened belly.
  3. The shoulders are in a slightly lowered and laid back state.
  4. At the knees, the legs are slightly turned.
  5. The chest moves forward a little.
  6. The position of the head is strictly vertical.
  7. The spine is straight.

How to fix bad posture

Unfortunately, the stoop is not amenable to drug therapy, although it would be easier to take a pill and wake up with a straight back. But, on the other hand, it can be fixed completely free of charge, however, with a little of your own effort. When you start to take the correct postures or do special exercises, you may experience mild pain and discomfort, so you need to start gradually.

Many experts recommend doing the following:
  1. You can buy an orthopedic bandage in the form of a corset. Putting it on, you will feel how it will prevent stoop on a mechanical level.
  2. V free time it is advisable to wear an ordinary book on your head, just as they carry luggage in India. It is enough to walk like this for 20-30 minutes a day. The essence of this method is that the book can only be held with the right posture, but if you hunch over a little, it will fall. Therefore, you will be forced to keep your back straight. In addition, it improves coordination of movement. By the way, you can also keep a book on your head in a sitting position, for example, when you are sitting at a computer or watching TV. It is noted that after a week or two, a person’s book stops falling at all.
  3. If you have sedentary work, then the chair must be an office chair. Because it is designed for the duration of a person's work with right position body.
  4. Sitting at the table, you need to move as close as possible to the table so that the elbows are at a right angle (it is permissible and at a slightly sharp angle). In this way, you will correctly set the chair for the correct posture.
  5. As an option for a reminder, you can tie a red thread on your finger or hand. It will remind you to take the correct posture.
  6. When you adjust your chair, your thighs should be exactly parallel to the floor.
  7. Be sure to take breaks from work to warm up your back.
  8. You need to sleep exclusively on a hard mattress.
  9. During sleep, lie on your stomach and side less often. Give preference to the back.
  10. Give up down pillows they are overly soft.
  11. When lowering any load, even a small one, always bend your knees. Only in this case the spine will remain straight and straight. It is strictly forbidden to bend the lower back.
  12. Lifting weights is the same as lowering.
  13. If you are facing a difficult physical labor, it is better to tie a belt holding the lower back.
  14. Distribute the load in two hands. It is unacceptable to carry bags on one side only.

How to Check Your Posture

In order to check in what state you need to stand with a beautiful posture, you need to lean against flat wall. In this case, the buttocks, heels, back of the head and shoulder blades should fit snugly against the surface. But the gap should be between the shoulder blades and the lower back. Ask someone to insert their hand into this area: it should pass freely.

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To adjust your gait, you need to direct your gaze only straight ahead, and step gently. The feet must be slightly bred to the side, and you need to step directly on them, and not on the heels. During the landing of the foot, it is better to bend the leg slightly at the knee. Do not forget about a straight back and free shoulders. In general, you need to develop a gait in orthopedic shoes.

The easiest and most effective exercises

You can also correct the stoop of the back with the help of special exercises for a beautiful posture, which are performed quite simply:
  1. In position: when you are sitting, for example, you need to relax your shoulders periodically. This will avoid slouching.
  2. To straighten your back, you need to stand up and try to connect the shoulder blades. Shoulders should be pulled back as much as possible. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, and then return to the starting position and relax. You can repeat at least 4-5 times. This exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back.
  3. It is very useful to raise and lower the shoulders, to make rotational movements with them.
  4. "Kitty" is probably known to everyone who has ever done exercises. For this exercise, you need to get on all fours and bend your back down, and pull your stomach in. In this position, stand for 7-10 seconds. Now the back is arched in the opposite direction. And so several times. To complicate the exercise, you can, with your back arched down, strongly bend forward like a cat's sip. The legs will then be in a straight position.
  5. Lie on your back with arms extended along the body. Next, you need to slowly raise your head, then your neck, and then your shoulders. And so stretch until you lean on your own elbows. You can stretch your arms forward. Stop for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  6. Lie on your back with bent legs: knees do not touch each other, and heels are located near the pelvis. Then you need to raise the pelvis and stand for 10 seconds.
  7. Starting position: the same, but while raising the pelvis, the arms should be stretched up.
  1. All exercises should be done constantly and preferably 2-3 times a day.
  2. Gradually increase the number of times.
  3. Can be done and strength exercises with dumbbells.
  4. Exercises for correct posture include push-ups and exercises on simulators.
  5. Walk more and run more.
  6. Do exercises in the morning.
  7. Go to the pool and swim more.
  8. Let the body be saturated with oxygen while walking.
  9. Ventilate the room more often.

ATTENTION! If you have serious problems with the spine in the form of diseases, then be sure to consult a doctor before classes. You may have to give up some exercises for good posture. The fact is that for some pathologies there are contraindications. You don't want to harm your own body, do you?

You can watch some more exercises on the video:

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