Future continuous. Examples in sentences

landscaping 10.10.2019

The future continuous refers to an action or event that will take place over a period of time. In contrast to the simple future, in which a statement of fact is important, when using a long time, the emphasis is on the process of action. In Russian, this line is rather thin.

Education Future Continuous

  • Statement.

When forming the affirmative form, the future tense "to be" (shall be / will be) is used in combination with a verb, through which the action or meaning of what is happening is conveyed. put in the present participle form. Simply put, the ending -ing is added.

She will be running in the morning. She will run in the morning.

  • Question.

As for the interrogative form, it differs from the above in that the auxiliary verb is placed at the beginning of the sentence.

Will she be running? - Will she run?

  • Negation.

The order of parts of speech in a sentence with a negative form is as follows: the subject, then shall be or will be, the particle “not” (not), and then the semantic verb with the ending -ing.

She will not be running. - She won't run.

  • Negative question.

The "not" particle follows the subject. That is, the word order is as follows: shall be / will be, subject, particle “not”, semantic verb (with an “ing” ending).

Will she not be running? - Won't she run?

  • passive form.

The Future Continuous form exists only in the active voice. In the passive mood, the future continuous is not used. It used to be possible to express an event or action directed at a subject through the passive form, but the English language is changing towards simplification. If you need to use in the form of the future tense, then Simple is used instead of Continuous.

This book will be read by me. - I will read the book.

More details in the table

The Roman number IV means the participle of the verb with the ending -ing or the fourth form).

Most commonly used abbreviations

The abbreviated form is used mainly in colloquial speech. In English, the following abbreviations are allowed:

  • I shall = I "ll.
  • We shall = We"ll.
  • You will = you "ll.
  • He will = he'll.
  • She will = she'll.
  • It will = it "ll.
  • They will = they'll.
  • Shall not = shan "t.
  • Will not = won't.

In addition to the above phrases, the following abbreviated forms are also widely used:

  • I am - I "m.
  • Do not - don't.
  • Are not - aren't.

When is the future continuous tense used?

The Future Continuous tense is used when it is necessary to focus on the duration, and not on the very fact of performing an action. With rare exceptions, it is translated into Russian with an imperfect form of the verb.

Future Continuous: Sentence Examples and Rules

1. The designation of a continuous action, the beginning of which preceded the mentioned moment and continued for a certain period of time.

2. In addition, The Future Continuous Tense is often used along with the simple future (Future Indefinite). The only difference is that with the help of a long time the process is emphasized, and the future indefinite time conveys only the very fact of the commission of any action. In Russian, this difference is not always noticeable.

She will be playing the piano the whole morning.

She will play the piano the whole morning. She will play the piano all morning.

3. However, Future Continuous does not always convey a long action. Sometimes it can be used to express confidence that a certain event will happen, or to express a firm intention to do something.

I "ll be visiting her tomorrow. - Tomorrow I will come to visit her.

4. Expression of a continued action that will take a specified time period. It is not necessary that the action be performed continuously throughout this period of time. Often there are such phrases: all day long, the whole morning, all winter etc.

She will be studying all summer. She will study all summer.

Features and rules for the formation of the present participle (ing-form)

Word form with ending ing includes the present participle form of the verb, gerund and To form the future continuous tense, the present participle of the verb is used. When forming the sacrament, it is important to consider the following:

  • consonants at the end of a word are doubled if the word consists of one syllable: sit - sitting, stop - stopping;
  • the word ends in -e, then -e is removed and put - ing: dance - dancing, change - changing;
  • the ending -ie changes to -y: lie - lying;
  • in other cases, the verb is completed with the ending -ing without any changes in the word: study - studying, work - working.

In order to understand the rules of using tenses in English well, you can practice writing your own sentences and dialogues. For a better understanding, you need to apply the knowledge gained.

There are times in English that have no analogues in our native language - Russian. The temporal form Future Continuous (Future Long) refers precisely to those. Memorable examples of Future Continuous sentences with translation will help to deal with it.

What is the Future Continuous?

Future Continuous or Future Continuous refers to a group of future tenses in English: Future Simple(Simple Future) Future Perfect(Future Perfect), Future Perfect Continuous (Future Perfect Long). In other words, this tense form, like others from this series, describes an event that will happen in the future. Its distinguishing feature is the Continuous aspect, indicating that we have a process taking place in a specific period of action in the future.

affirmative form

Each temporary form has its own education formula. The Future Continuous is not an exception. Its grammatical structure is as follows: subject + will/ shall + be + main verb + -ing. The examples given show that the Future Continuous is used to describe actions that will continue some time in the future, as well as to describe planned events.


An integral part of negative sentences is the negative particle not (not), which changes the Future Continuous formula with its appearance: subject + will/ shall + not + be + main verb + -ing.

Please note that the negative particle not (not), following immediately after the first auxiliary verb will or shall, can merge with them, forming short form won't/shan't.


There are four types of interrogative sentences in English. These include general, special, alternative and disjunctive questions. Without delving into the details of the construction of each of them, we can single out one common feature for all - a change in the order of words in a sentence: an auxiliary verb comes first. The formula for constructing an interrogative sentence in the Future Continuous looks like this: will/ shall + subject + be + main verb + -ing?

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Will the police be looking for this robber the whole evening?

Will the police be looking for this robber all evening?

Will the president be making an announcement to the press later this afternoon

Is the President going to make a statement to the press this afternoon?

What will the scientists be finding to improve our lives?

What will scientists look for to improve our lives?

Greetings, my dear readers.

What do you know about the Future Continuous? We rarely come across him, but it will still be useful to know him. Today we will get to know it in great detail: through rules and examples, exercises and tests.

How is formed

As in the simple future tense, the formation of Future Continuous Tense does not cause any particular difficulties. Nothing here changes in any form. Standard sentence structure looks like this:

Subject + auxiliary verb will\shall be + predicate with –ing ending + object and circumstance

She will be waiting for her at the airport tomorrow. Tomorrow she will be waiting for her at the airport.

When I come back, you will be sleeping. - When I return, you will sleep.

Now, having understood the examples, let's see what will change in different forms suggestions.

Interrogative form

Shall I be celebrating? Shall we be celebrating?
Will you be celebrating? Will you be celebrating?
Will he\she\it be celebrating? Will they be celebrating?

A very common question among beginners or those who are recovering their English after school: when to use shall and when to use will? I will answer as follows: shall has its place in English as modal verb, but with regard to the future tense, it is used less and less.

Well, now, if we already know how this time is formed, it would be time to learn about its use.

When used: beginner level

  • The first and most important thing to understand is that the action will take place at a specific moment in the future. Usually in such sentences the words are used:
  1. This time on Monday\tomorrow\next week
  2. At 9 a.m.
  3. In the evening\morning
  4. In a month\year

I shall be watching a movie this time on Friday evening. I will be watching a movie on Friday evening at this time.

I shall be working in a position of a head manager next year. - Next year I will work as a senior manager.

  • When it comes to planned actions, it is not necessary to choose whether to use the Future Continuous or Present Continuous time.

He will be leaving for Madrid on Monday evening. = He is leaving for Madrid on Monday evening. On Monday morning he flies to Madrid.

  • When we need to describe something long-term that will happen in some specific future period. Words that will help you include all day, all summer, the whole evening, from 5 till 8.

I shall be preparing for my exam all day. I will be preparing for the exam all day.

From 5 to 8 p.m. I shall be having my dance classes. - From 5 to 8 pm I will be in dance classes.

When used: level "confident user"

  • When we need to describe some kind of habit in the future, we can use the Future Continuous.

I believe that in a couple of years more and more people will be working from home. - I'm sure that in a few years everything more people will work from home.

  • It is important to understand the essential difference between this tense and Future Simple. When we use the former, we are talking about plans; when the latter, we are inviting. Let's look at an example.

Will you be going to our family dinner tonight? - Are you going to our family dinner tonight? (We learn about man's plans)

Will you go to our family dinner tonight? - Are you coming to our family dinner tonight? (We invite a person)

  • And now a little from the household. Sometimes we can ask something from a person with the goal of asking him to do something for us. In such situations, we use the Future Continuous.

Will you be going to the bank? Pay for my phone bill, please. - Are you going to the bank? Pay my phone bill, please.

Will you be flying to India? Bring me some coconut oil please. - Are you going to India? Bring me some coconut oil, please.

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Future Continuous(long future tense) is widely used in English. Like all the band times Continuous, it conveys a continuous action occurring at a specific moment indicated in the context. Future Continuous will help you diversify your speech, as in some cases it can be an alternative Future Simple or Present Continuous.

How Future Continuous is Formed


An affirmative sentence consists of a subject, an auxiliary verb will be and the main verb ending - ing.

I/He/She/It/We/You/They + will be + verb- ing
I will be speak ing . - I will speak.

He will be build ing . He will build.

She will be eat ing . - She will eat.

It will be operate ing . - It will work.

We will be draw ing . - We will draw.

You will be think ing . - You will think.

They will be walk ing . - They will walk.


In negative sentences between will and be particle appears not.

I/He/She/It/We/You/They + will not be + verb- ing
I will not be speak ing . - I will not speak.

He will not be build ing . He won't build.

She will not be eat ing . - She won't eat.

It will not be operate ing . - It won't work.

We will not be draw ing . We won't draw.

You will not be think ing . - You won't think.

They will not be walk ing . They won't walk.

Verb will usually takes an abbreviated form. In the affirmation, it is combined with the pronoun, in the negative - with the particle not:

  • He'll be building.
  • We'll be drawing.
  • You won't be thinking.
  • They won't be walking.


In order to construct an interrogative sentence, we put in the first place will, after it the subject, then be and main verb.

Will I/he/she/it/we/you/they + be + verb- ing
Will I be speak ing ? - I will speak?

Will he be build ing ? Will he build?

Will she be eat ing ? - Will she eat?

Will it be operate ing ? – Will it work?

Will we be draw ing ? - Shall we draw?

Will you be think ing ? - Will you think?

Will they be walk ing ? Will they walk?

Time Future Continuous not considered at the initial stage of teaching English. We have divided the functions of this time into 2 groups: the yellow block contains the functions necessary for the average level, the red block contains the functions necessary for the high level.

Where does the Future Continuous meet?

Middle level

  1. Future Continuous shows the action that will take place in certain time in future. The offer does not specify when the event will start or end. We emphasize that at a particular moment the action will last.

    In this case, the time of action is indicated using the following words: this time tomorrow / next week(this time tomorrow/next week), at 3 o'clock tomorrow(at 3 o'clock tomorrow), at 10 a.m.(at 10 am), in the morning/afternoon/evening(morning/afternoon/evening) tonight at 6 p.m.(tonight at 6 o'clock) at none(at noon), at midnight(at midnight), in a week/month/year(in a week/month/year).

    Trevor will be watching football match tomorrow at 8 p.m.– Trevor will watch football tomorrow at 8 pm.

    I will be studying at the university in a year. - I will be studying in university in a year.

  2. Future Continuous used to politely ask a person about their plans for the near future. In such situations, we want this person to do something for us. We are trying to find out if his plans match our desires.

    Will you be going to the kitchen later? Bring me a glass of soda. - You will you go later in the kitchen? Grab me a glass of soda.

    I don't like public transport. Will you be driving a car to get to the airport? - I don't like public transport. You you will go to the airport by car?

  3. Future Continuous used in the same way as Present Continuous: To report planned activities that will take place in the near future.

    They will be leaving for Chicago next week. = They are leaving for Chicago next week. - They are are leaving in Chicago next week.

    We will be jogging with Julia in the park today. = We are jogging with Julia in the park today. - We running with Julia in the park today.

Difficult cases of using Future Continuous

High level

  1. Future Continuous shows an action that the speaker believes will happen in the future. The reason for this belief may be a consequence of the natural course of events or the result of an agreement.

    I can ask John to call you. I 'll be seeing him tomorrow. “I can ask John to call you. I see you with him tomorrow.

    He won't be taking part in a competition as he has seriously hurt his arm. - He will not take part in competition, as he seriously injured his hand.

  2. We use Future Continuous as a neutral replacement Future Simple. In such cases Future Continuous shows that the speaker is only interested in plans, while Future Simple sounds like an invitation, interest, desire to do something.

    Will you be going to a new restaurant with us tonight? - You will you go with us to the new restaurant tonight? (we are only interested in plans: will a person go or not go to a restaurant with us)

    Will you go to a new restaurant with us tonight? - Let's go to with us to the new restaurant tonight. (we invite you to come with us)

On this list of functions Future Continuous comes to the end. As you can see, the list is short. Take the quiz to practice using this time and don't forget to download the education worksheet Future Continuous Tense.

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Future Continuous - long future tense in English

It is always pleasant to talk about the future - after all, everything we have planned in the present will be fulfilled in it. Isn't it great to dream about how to run to swim in the sea on the very first day on vacation or have a cup of coffee the next time you meet a friend? It is for such cases that we need to know and be able to use the Future Continuous time in everyday conversation.

In this article, you will learn what function the Future Continuous performs in English, how the Future Continuous is formed, its frequent uses, and see examples of sentences with translation.

What is Future Continuous?

This is the long future tense in English. Like other tenses of the Continuous group, it indicates a continuous action that is happening at a certain point in time. AT this case- in future.

Unlike Future Simple (simple future tense), in Future Continuous, the time of action in the future is indicated specifically (at five o'clock; from Thursday to Sunday; throughout the week, etc.) or must be implied from the context.

Using the Future Continuous in a sentence will allow you to correctly express your thoughts.

Rules for the formation of Future Continuous

The Future Continuous is formed using the auxiliary verb will (shall) and be with the present participle (to be + verb ending -ing).

IMPORTANT: The auxiliary verb will is used with all subjects (I / He / She / It / You / We / They).

In rare cases, in British English, with the subjects I and we, you can find the use of the verb shall. Now it is used much less often will, but it can be found in the speech of the British, official documents and fiction.


Affirmative sentences in the Future Continuous tense are formed by adding the auxiliary verb will (shall), the verb be (which does not change) and the semantic verb with the ending -ing.

I / He / She / It / You / We / They + will (shall) + be Ving

I shall be dancing - I will dance

She will be writing - She will write

You will be thinking - You will think

It will be working - It will work

will = ‘ll

shall = ‘ll

He'll be drinking coffee - He will drink coffee

I'll be sending presents - I will send gifts


To make a negation in Future Continuous tense, add the particle not after the verb will (shall), but before be.

I / He / She / It / You / We / They + will not (shall not) + be Ving

I will not be swimming - I will not swim

He will not be dancing - He will not dance

You will not be coming - You will not come

They will not be fighting - They will not fight

will not = won't

shall not = shan't

I shan't be sitting there - I won't sit there

She won't be walking - She won't walk


When forming an interrogative sentence in the Future Continuous tense, the auxiliary verb will (shall) is placed at the beginning of the sentence before the subject. Will (Shall) + I / He / She / It / You / We / They + be Ving

Shall I be driving all night long? - Am I going to drive all night?

Will she be drawing? - Will she paint?

Will we be walking? - We will walk?

Will it be working? - Will it work?

Special clarifying questions are formed in the Future Continuous with the help of question words (question words). For example: where (where), when (when) and others. QW is placed at the beginning of the sentence, and the further word order in the construction remains the same as in the question.

QW + will (shall) + I / He / She / It / You / We / They + be Ving

What will you be playing on your guitar next Sunday evening? - What will you play guitar next Sunday evening?

Where will they be traveling during that time? - Where will they travel at this time?

When is the Future Continuous used?

The Future Continuous is used to express some kind of action at a predetermined time. famous moment in future. It can be a specific time or day or even a year.

Consider the main cases of using Future Continuous in sentences:

  • Actions at a specific time in the future

For this, words and phrases like at midnight (at midnight), this time next week (at this time next week), at 5 o’clock tomorrow (tomorrow at five o’clock) and others are usually used.

This time next week Mary will be playing piano tomorrow - Tomorrow at 9 pm she will be waiting for me here

Sometimes the exact point in time in the future can be expressed using subordinate tenses (introduced by the words when, as soon as, after, until, etc.). In such clauses, the Present Simple is used.

I will be washing the car when he leaves - I will be washing the car when he leaves

  • Several actions in the future that will happen at the same time

Future Continuous is used when we want to talk about the fact that several things will happen at the same time.

Tom will be slicing cheese and I will be meeting the guests - Tom will cut the cheese, and I will meet the guests

  • Inevitable Actions

These are such future events that will definitely occur as a result of any preparatory actions or simply in a natural way. We are sure that it will be like this and nothing else.

John and I made a deal. I shall be feeding his cat next week - John and I made a deal. I will feed his cat next week

  • Planned Actions

To express some plans for the future, the Present Continuous tense (present continuous tense) is most often used, but sometimes you can also find a construction with Future Continuous, the meaning is somewhat different.


They will be moving to Moscow next Monday (Future Continuous) / They are moving to Moscow next Monday (Present Continuous) - They are moving to Moscow next Monday

The Future Continuous example says that they will be moving all Monday, focusing on an action that will last a certain time in the future.

With the help of Present Continuous, a clear, confident plan for the near future is communicated.

Sara will be flying to Tokyo next morning (Future Continuous) / Sara is flying to Tokyo next morning (Present Continuous) - Sara will fly to Tokyo next morning

  • polite question

The Future Continuous construction can be used to gently and politely ask the interlocutor about plans for the near future. With the help of this form, we can ask if the intentions of another person coincide with our desires.

Will you be going to the kitchen later? Bring me an apple, please - Will you go to the kitchen later? Grab me an apple please

Will she be using the laptop for a long time? Let me know when she finishes - How long will she use the laptop? Let me know when she's done

Future Continuous time markers

Like other tenses in English, Future Continuous has special words by which it can be recognized. Most often, when constructing a sentence in the long future tense, you can find the following words that answer the question "When will this happen?":

  • at 3 o'clock (at three o'clock)
  • this time tomorrow (tomorrow at the same time)
  • at that moment (at that moment)
  • meanwhile / meantime (in the meantime)
  • from...till… / from...to…. (From to...)
  • during that time (during this time)
  • during the day (during the day)
  • during the afternoon (during lunch)
  • for 5 hours (for five hours)
  • for a week (during the week)
  • for months (months)
  • all night (all night)
  • all day long (whole day)
  • the whole morning (all morning)
  • the whole year (whole year)

Example sentences with Future Continuous with translation


I shall be having a yoga class at 9 o’clock tomorrow - Tomorrow at 9 o’clock I will have a yoga class

They will be driving home the whole next day - They will drive home the whole next day

Our boss will be making an announcement about holidays later this afternoon - This afternoon our boss will be making an announcement about holidays

John will be expecting me at 5:15 - John will be waiting for me at 5:15


I shan't be running in the park for a week - I will not run in the park for a week

The doctors will not be seeing the patients tomorrow evening - Doctors will not see patients tomorrow evening

We will not be cooking breakfast the whole morning - We will not cook breakfast all morning

The cat won't be sleeping all night long - The cat will not sleep all night


Will Harry be waiting for us here at 6 o'clock? Will Harry be waiting for us here tomorrow at 6 o'clock?

Will I be sitting near a window on the airplane? - Will I sit by the window on the plane?

What time will you be coming back from the restaurant? What time will you be returning from the restaurant?

What will John and Nina be celebrating this time tomorrow? What will John and Nina be celebrating at this time tomorrow?

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