Future in the past in English (Future in the Past). Future Simple In The Past: A simple future in English

Encyclopedia plants 10.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

The grammar of the English language cannot be called illogical, because everyone who somehow came across it with its rules, may noted that all temporary forms have a clear structure and order, and almost every case of the use of one or another design can be explained. But it is impossible not to say that English from the point of view of education is completely similar to Russian. There are features here, and some rules are characteristic of this language. In particular, such a temporary form as Future In The Past in English.

This design has no analogues in Russian grammar. As it becomes clear from the title, with the help of such a structure, the future is expressed, which, however, is inextricably linked with the past. It is about this time and about its features of education and use further and will be discussed.

The essence of time

Despite the fact that the keyword in the title of this form is Future, this type of time is applicable to special situations. It is primarily about complex proposals, where the main part is used in the past time, for example, in, and the dependent, which even relates to the future, however, it is impossible to use a simple future here, and in this case the relevant and forced shape is Future in the past. Very often it is found in the indirect speech (Reported Speech), when the words of the author standing in the past, it is used precisely the future in the past tense.

Just like a simple future time, the future in English has the same categories - Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous. For clarity, the table below shows the table of such forms and formulas for which they are formed:

Next, it should be described in more detail describe the features of each time of Future In The Past in English and bring examples of their use. In addition, for two of these designs - Simple and Perfect - you can also form a Passive form, i.e., on the same principle as at normal future.


A similar structure is relevant in English in the case when it is necessary to show a typical situation in the future. The only difference is that it is consumed after the past time, adjacent to it as a dependent part. There is no complexity in the formation: this is auxiliary Would (and not Will, like a simple future), and infinitives without a particle to, simply speaking, verb in the first form. In the offers of Future Indefinite In The Past, it looks like this:

· Peter Told Me That He Would Return Quite Soon - Peter told me that it would be back pretty soon
· I Wanted To Know Who Mr. Richards Would Call Me Again - I asked when Mr. Richards call me again

As can be seen from examples, the time of Future Simple In The Past is often preceded by a simple time (Past Simple), which is the main reason for the use of such a temporary form.

Education and use of FUT CONTINUUS IN THE PAST

This time as Future Continuous In The Past is a practically completely similar to the usual long-lasting future. The only difference is that the attitude with the past, and the process in the future in any case is associated with the past and depends on it.

Education is similar to the usual Fut. Continuous, only here auxiliary verb is Would, which shows the attitude to the past. The formula is as follows: Would + BE + V (-ing). Here, of course, the similarity with Past Continuous is traced, but the duration is aimed at action in the future:

· My Wife SAID THAT THE FOLLOWING DAY SHOLE MORNING SHOLD BE WORKING THE WOULE MORNING. My wife told me that the next day she will work all morning.
· My Friends Didn't Tell Me That Next Week The Beach at this Time. My friends did not tell me that next week at that time they would lie on the beach.

Application and Structure FUT PERFECT IN THE PAST

Another species form, which English is different from Russian, is Future Perfect in The Past. In this design, the basis is the completeness and completeness of the action associated with the future, but due to the dependence of the past time it can not be simply Future, it acquires the Future in the Past form, and also Perfect.

The structure is formed by adding to the Would auxiliary verb have, characteristic of the perfect, and the main verb standing in the third form, or Past Participle, as it is called correctly. Here is the situation, what does this design look like in speech:

· I Showed Him The Man Who Would Have FINISHED THE WHOLE EXPERIMENT by Next Friday. I showed him that the person he himself, who will finish the experiment to next Friday.
· I Wondered Why John Would Have Left The House When We Came. I wondered why John would already go to the point how we would come.

Construction and Application Fut Perfect Continuous In The Past

There is another form that is used in English is quite rare, but it is possible to meet it, which means you need to tell about it. It is a Future Perfect Continuous In The Past, a structure where it is about action, which for a specific moment in the future will be long for some time. Many find a connection with Past Perfect Continuous here, but this time still belongs to the future, despite the fact that it changes due to the influencing main part in the past.

It looks like this: Would + Have + Been + V (-ing), i.e., almost the same as the usual Future, with the exception of the shape of the auxiliary verb, where it changes with Will on Would.

Suggestions with such a design are infrequently used, but this does not prevent several examples:

· He Invited Me to Come The Following Day and Said That by Next MONTH HE Would Have Been Living There for 5 years. He invited me to come and said that the next month would live there for 5 years
· She Informed Me That BY 2019 She Would Have Been Working On Her Project For 10 years. She told me that by 2019 will be 10 years old how she works on his project

As can be seen, English is rich in its specific features, and the future in the past time is one of them. The examples described above will help better focus in how similar viewed forms are formed and used in different situations. And the presented structures themselves will be able to become a good help in speech and will help to demonstrate their knowledge of these in their own unusual designs, which, nevertheless, from the point of view of all existing grammatical norms is absolutely correct and logical.

Once you are on this page, then you accurately heard about such illogical time like Future In The Past. Of course, it is a bit strange, but it is true, in English and this is possible. In school textbooks in English, for some reason, they do not speak about such a form, although this is a very useful structure that will be needed for everyday conversations.

Let's start with the example: would Never Quit.! - After the first week in the gym, I decided that I would never bother to do.

Many would have used auxiliary verb WILL And the offer will already sound like this: After The First Week in A Gym, I Decided i wILL Never Quit.! But it is impossible to say, most likely, it is ideal from the point of view of our native language, but absolutely not suitable for English. Later we will look at when using Future in the Past.

In English there are four forms of The Future In The Past and they are familiar to you:

- Future Simple In The Past - just the future in the past
- Future Continuous (Progressive) In The Past - Future Long in the past
- Future Perfect In The Past - Future Perfect in the past
- Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) In The Past - the future is perfect long in the past.

All these forms in colloquial speech are quite common, but most often Future Simple in the Past.


You know exactly how all future forms are formed, we usually use Will, but in this structure, Will is replaced with auxiliary verbs or an infinitive without a particle to. Shld It is used for the first person of the plural and singular number (1st Person Singular and Pral), Would It is used for the first, second and third face of the plural and singular number (1st, 2nd, 3rd Person Singular and Pral), but mostly use for all persons.

Formula Future In The Past - Subject + Should / Would + Verb + The Rest of Sentence

Let's start with the simplest. Consider the Future In The Past Simple formation table all three forms: affirmative, negative and questionative, and just with other times.

Future Simple In The Past formation table

Future Simple In The Past Rules The most used time in English, while it is simple. It is not necessary to wise anything, you just need to not forget to change Will on Would. Do not forget about the reduction: He Thought I'd (WouldN't) Win The Election.

Affirmative sentence
Interrogative sentence
Question Sentence.
Negative sentence
Negative Sentence
I ' d (Should) Win The Election.
We ' d (Should) Win The Election.
Would (Should) I / WE. wIN. THE ELECTION? I (should) would not Win. The Election.
We (Should) would not Win. The Election.
He ' d WIN. The Election.
She ' d WIN. The Election.
You ' d WIN. The Election.
They ' d WIN. The Election.
Would HE / SHE / YOU / THEY wIN. THE ELECTION? HE / SHE / YOU / THEY would not Win. The Election.


- I KNEW HE ' d Kiss me - I knew that he kisses me.
- Mark Said He ' d Go. To The Doctor - Mark said that he would go to the doctor.

Future Continuous Education Table in The Past

Formula of the future long time in the past: would OR SHOULD + BE + V-ING. (V-ing \u003d verb in -ing form).

Affirmative sentence
Interrogative sentence
Question Sentence.
Negative sentence
Negative Sentence
I ' d (Should) be Reading.
We ' d (Should) be Reading.
Would (Should) I / WE. be Reading? I / WE. sHOULD / WOULD NOT BE READING.
He ' d BE Reading.
She ' d BE Reading.
You ' d BE Reading.
They ' d BE Reading.
Would HE / SHE / YOU / THEY be Reading? HE / SHE / YOU / THEY would not be Reading.


- I Was Dreaming How i ' d Be Sunbathing On the Beach - I dreamed, as I will sunbathe on the beach.
- THEY THOUGHT I ' d BE JOGGING. Tomorrow Morning - They thought I would run tomorrow morning.

Future Perfect In The Past Education Table

Simple scheme of future perfect time in the past: sHULD OR Would + Have + V3 (Past Participle).
When we speak, such a reduced design is usually used: I Thought I'D've Found The Keys By Now.

Affirmative sentence
Interrogative sentence
Question Sentence.
Negative sentence
Negative Sentence
I ' d (Should) Have Won.
We ' d (Should) Have Won.
Would (Should) I / WE. have Won.? I / WE S hOUL / WOULD NOT HAVE WON.
He ' d Have Won..
She ' d Have Won..
You ' d Have Won..
They ' d Have Won..
WouldhE / SHE / YOU / THEY Have Won.? HE / SHE / YOU / THEY would not Have Won.


- My Wife Hoped I should Have Repaired The Car By Five O'Clock - My wife hoped that I would repair the car to five o'clock.
- David Promised That He ' d Have Called Me Back by 12 PM - David promised that he would call me back to 12 o'clock.

Future Perfect Continuous In The Past Education Table

Formula of the future perfect long time in the past: sHOULD OR Would + Have + Been + V-ing.

Affirmative sentence
Interrogative sentence
Question Sentence.
Negative sentence
Negative Sentence
I ' d (SHOULD) Have Been Reading.
We ' d (SHOULD) Have Been Reading.
(Should) WouldI / WE. Have Been Reading? I / WE. sHOULD / WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN READING.
He ' d Have Been Reading.
She ' d Have Been Reading.
You ' d Have Been Reading.
They ' d Have Been Reading.
Would HE / SHE / YOU / THEY have Been Reading? HE / SHE / YOU / THEY would Not Have Been Reading.


- LUKE SAID HE ' d Have Been Driving For Six Hours by The Time We Came - Luke said he will be driving six hours by the time we arrive.

Eating and examples Future Perfect in the Past

In Russian, there is no such time. But if you start thinking differently, we can say that we have something similar to that form. For example: he said that he would come. "Comes" in Russian - this is a verb of the future time, and "said" is the verb of the past time. It turns out that in our language, there is still a concept as a future in the past, the difference is that in our language there is no auxiliary verb Would, which shows that the action was in the past.

So what is the future in the past? This is an event that should happen in the future, but from the position of the past. If you try to say easier, then this is when we are talking about past events and we want to refer to what was the future at that moment.

These forms can be used for plans, predictions and events that occur - and do not occur. Let's consider examples of suggestions of all time.

Future Indefinite in the Past

Designation Action that was the future from the point of view of the past.

Consider examples in an active pledge.


- She Promised She ' d. Find My Parcel - she promised that he would find my parcel.
- I KNEW HE ' d. BE LATE AGAIN - I knew that he would again be late.
- Rita Had A Feeling That The Wedding would Be a Disaster - Rita felt that the wedding would be a disaster.
- WHEN HE WAS A CHILD HE BELIEVED he'd. BE A COACH. But Now He is a doctor - when he was a child, he believed that he would become a coach. But he became a doctor.

Passive pledge in the last future (Future in the past passive):

- My Parents Believed That Their Book would be Published - My parents believed that their book would be published.

Future Continuous In The Past

Indicates the action occurring at a certain point, which was the future from the point of view of the past.


- I Felt Sure That They ' d BE Discussing. The Same Problem When I Called - I was sure that they would discuss the same problem when I called.
- Liza SAID THAT SHE ' d BE Studying. AT 5 O'Clock Today - Lisa said that he would be engaged in five o'clock.
- I ASKED ALICE WHAT SHE ' d Be Doing Afterher Her Divorce With Tim - I asked Alice, what she will do after a divorce with Tim.
- THEY KNEW WE should be Meeting. HER LATER ON - they knew that we had to meet her later.

Future Perfect In The Past

The future committed in the past is used to designate the action completed to a certain point, which was the future from the point of view of the past.


- WHEN I CALLED HER, SHE SAID SHE ' d Have Finished The Book by Next Week - When I called her, she said she would finish the book next week.
- He Wondered Whether We should have Reached. The Place by Midday - he was wondering if we would get to this place to noon.
- I Thought I shouldn't Have Found My Wallet By This Time - I thought I would not find my wallet by this time.

Future Perfect Continuous In The Past

Indicates the action that continues for a certain period of time until a certain point that was the future from the point of view of the past.

- Victoria SAID THAT SHE would Have Been Teaching Chinase for 13 Years Next Month - Victoria said that next month she will teach Chinese for 13 years.

We can also talk about the future in the past, using other expressions of the future.

1. AM / IS / Are Going To becomes WAS / WERE GOING TO:

- I. was Going To. Do Yoga, But I Feel Tired Now - I was going to do yoga, but I was tired.
- I. was Going To. Ask Charles for Money, But I Changed My Mind - I was going to ask for money from Charles, but changed my mind.

2. Be about to to be was about to:

- I. was about To. CONFESS TO STEALING THE PAINTING, BUT ROB ADVISED ME NOT TO DO IT - I was going to confess the stealing paintings, but Rob advised me not to do this.

3. Be On The Verge / Brink / Point of Smth, Doing Smth becomes WAS / WERE ON THE VERGE / BRINK / POINT OF SMTH, DOING SMTH.


- Our Company was On The Verge Of FINANCIAL DISASTER - our company was on the verge of a financial catastrophe.
- The Two Countries was On The Brink of War - two countries were on the verge of war.

The Future In The Past Tense is not used with the words: when, While, Before, After, If, Unless, During, AS Soon AS. You must use if you have words that are listed above at the beginning of the offer. Another point, you definitely noticed that after Future In The Past form, Hope, Know, Believe, Say, Tell verbs are used.

As can be seen in the examples, the future in English in English is very easy to master and today you can use this form in conversational speech. In this article, you learned when you need to use this form, the correct education of each time and also several other expressions that can be used for a variety so that it is not boring to communicate in English.

Exercises and answers

And now, to secure the material to the end, we offer to make a test and translate proposals from Russian to English.

Exercise 1.. Translate proposals using Future In The Past.

1. I knew that the surrounding people would call ambulance, so I did not stay at the crash site.
2. He thought he would buy her ring the next day.
3. We endowed that the party will be cheerful.
4. Natalie promised that he would return the money to noon.
5. I hoped that my husband would not work when I arrive home.
6. Daughter said that he would come home late.
7. Richard told us that by April he will work in this school for three years.
8. Andrei believed that he would give tests by the end of the month.
9. She thought she would win the competition.
10. They promised that they would finish the project by 12 days.
11. I thought Harry would help us.
12. I knew you would be upset.
13. We knew that in a week we would lie on the beach.
14. I knew that if I can't call, he would try to contact me all day.
15. I asked my sister, whether it would be for the next year for 13 years as she lives in Spain.
16. Peter decided that he would go on vacation to England.
17. I thought she would all prepare for our arrival, but I was mistaken.
18. I was sure that Rita would leave by the time I would come.
19. I knew that after midnight I would sleep.
20. I believed that he would pass the exam.

You can download the exercise answers by clicking on the button below:

Future In The Past Tenses (Future in the past) - used in the apparent additional, depending on the main one with the previous time, to express future action.


All Future In The Past forms are formed similarly to the appropriate Future forms with SHOLL and WOULD.

In colloquial speech, abbreviations are used:
would \u003d 'D
should \u003d 'D
They'd Have Played.
should not \u003d shaldn't \u003d 'd not
I Shouldn't Have Played \u003d I'd Not Have Played.
would \u003d Wouldn "T \u003d 'D NOT
She Wouldn't Be Playing. \u003d She'd Not Have Played.
Shouldn "T I Have Played?
Wouldn "T HE Have Played?

Future in the Past Simple

Affirmative form negative form
I. should Play
HE (She, IT) Would
We Shld.
You. wouldplay.
They wouldplay.
I. should Not.play.
HE (She, IT) Would not
We. should Not.play.
You. would notplay.
They would notplay.
Interrogative form
Should I.play. ?
Would HE (She, IT)play. ?
Should We.play. ?
Would You.play. ?
Would theyplay. ?
Should I Not.play?
Would HE (She, IT) notplay?
Should We Not.play?
Would You Not.play?
Would They Not.play?
Affirmative form negative form
I. should beplay. ing.
HE (She, IT) Would be
play. ing.
We. should beplay. ing.
You. would beplay. ing.
They would beplay. ing.
HE (She, IT) Would Not Be Play ing.
You Wouldn't Be Play ing.
Interrogative form Association-negative form
Should I beplay. ing?
Would HE (She, IT) be
play. ing.?
Should We Be.play. ing.?
Would You Be.play. ing.?
Would They Be.play. ing.?
Should i not beplay. ing.?
Would HE (She, IT) not beplay. ing.?
Should We Not Beplay. ing.?
Would You Not Beplay. ing.?
Would They Not Beplay. ing.?

Future in the Past Perfect

Affirmative form negative form
I. should Haveplay ED.
HE (She, IT) Would Have Played
We Should Have
play ED.
You. would Haveplay ED.
They would Haveplay ED.
HE (She, IT) Would Not Have Play Ed
We Should Not Have Play Ed
You Would Not Have Play Ed
Interrogative form Association-negative form
Should I Have Play ED?
Would He (She, IT) Have Play ED?
Should We Have Play Ed?
Would You Have Play Ed?
Would They Have Play ED?
Should I not Have Play ED?
Would He (She, IT) Not Have Play ED?
Should We Not Have Play Ed?
Would You not Have Play Ed?
Would They Not Have Play Ed?
Affirmative form negative form
I. shld Have Beenplay. ing.
HE (She, IT) Would Have Been
play. ing.
We. shld Have Beenplay. ing.
You. would Have Been.play. ing.
play. ing.
I SHOULD NOT Have Been Play ing.
HE (She, IT) Would Not Have Been Play ing.
We Should Not Have Been Play ing.
You Would Not Have Been Play ing.
Interrogative form Association-negative form
Should I Have Been Play ing.?
Would He (She, IT) Have Been Play ing.?
Should We Have Been Play ing.?
Would You Have Been Play ing.?
Would The Have Been Play ing.?
Should I Not Have Been Play ing.?
Would HE (She, IT) Not Have Been Play ing.?
Would You Not Have Been Play ing.?
Would They Not Have Been Play ing.?

Using the times of Future in the Past

1. Future in the Past Simple It is used to express ordinary, ordinary actions or actions in the future, overlooked in the past.

He Said He Would Soon Take Up FRENCH. - He said that the French would come soon.(Tighten - the future action, reviewed from the past, about the past said)

2. Future in the Past Continuous It is used to express a long-term action, which will occur at a certain point in the future, or future action arising from the circumstances. Both actions relate to the past.

And She Thought That At this Time Next Sunday She Would Be Approaching Her Beloved Paris. "And she thought that at the same time next Sunday she would already approach her beloved Paris."

3. Future in the Past Perfect It is used to express actions that will end to a certain point in the future relative to the past.

He Realized That He Would Have FINISHED HIS Task Long Before Midnight. - He realized that she would finish his job long before the onset of midnight.

4. Future In The Past Perfect Continuous It is used to express a long-acting, which will begin until a certain point in the future relative to the past and last until this point or will continue at the time. This form is rarely used in the book style.

HE SAID HE Would Have Been Living Here for Ten Years Next Year. - He said he would live here for 10 years next year.

Note: Despite the fact that the times of Future In The Past denote future actions, the actual time of these actions can be much wider.
I Said I Should Come Today, and SO I "M Here! (real time)

We and I said that in challenging offers, the main part dictates its rules for the dressing part. This happens when the main thing is last time. Be sure to read what we are talking about.

Let me remind you only briefly: if the main offer is in the past time, then the verb in the appropriate offer is placed in the past time. Therefore, the Russian offer:

Turns into English:

Would - the form of the time of the verb Will.

Future In The Past in English: Rule

This is Future In The Past: the future is perceived from the past. We said that often this design is used in when we hand over the words of another person. Accordingly, the moment when words were uttered, will be in the past.

Remember that Future In The Past is not another "one more" verb time (otherwise you can finally wave English!). This is just one of the forms of the future time. Now you will make sure that.

How Future In The Past is formed in English

Future In The Past is formed in the same way as any of the forms of future time in English. These forms are four: Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous. Only one part is subjected to change: wILL becomes would (or shldthat historically is the form of the past time for shall). Abridged version - 'D..

I KNEW YOU'D COME, SPRING! - I knew you would come, Spring!

Examples with translation for Future In The Past

1. Future Simple In The Past. It follows from the name that it is formed from and denotes a simple action in the future, perceived from the past:

THE SNOW WILL MELT. \u003d\u003e I KNEW THE SNOW Would Melt.

Simple time - the most used. When it comes to Future in The Past, it is usually a formile form. But there are other forms that originate from the three remaining forms: Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous. They are less common, but we cannot but tell about all the pitfalls.

2. Future Continuous In The Past. It is formed from and denotes the process that will last at a certain point of the future. Of course, also perceived from the past.

I Will Be Cycling At Noon. \u003d\u003e He Said He Would Be Cycling At Noon.

3. Future Perfect In The Past. Future Perfect is formed and denotes the action that will end to a certain point in the future, perceived from the past.

I Will Have Got A Driver's License by June. \u003d\u003e I KNEW I Would Have Got A Driver's License by June.

By the same principle, you can form and Perfect Continuous Future in the Past. But it is used so rarely that we will not block your head to this shape.

Future In The Past in English: Table

Let's systematize all forms in a small table.

Future In The Past Passive: passive pledge in English

Future in the Past can take and passive forms. Let me remind you that the passive deposit is used when a person or subject is more important to which the action is performed, and not the one who has committed themselves.

We Will Be Heard. - We will hear us (we do not know who will hear, and it does not matter, the action takes place on us).

And for the passive pledge, the same formation rule of Future In The Past: wILL becomes would.

I KNEW WOULD BE HEARD. - I knew that they would hear us.

Let's summarize: Future in the Past simple words

  • If the verb in the main sentence is in the past time, the verb of the Putin offer should be in one of the past times.
  • For future time it will be a Future In The Past design.
  • It is formed very simply: the verb Will is replaced by Would (or Should). Abbreviated form - 'D.

Exercises on Future In The Past

And after a few "approaches" you will use this design automatically.

  1. I am Afraid I SHALL BE LATE.
  2. Do You Think We Shall Pick All The Apples in Three Days?
  3. He Hopes You Will Often Visit Him.
  5. Are you Afraid We Shan't BE In Time?
  8. I Hope We'll Enjoy The Show.
  9. She Expects He'll Win The Race.

Answers: 1. I WAS AFRAID I SHOLD BE LATE. 2. Did You Think We Should Pick All The Apples in Three Days? 3. He Hoped You Would often Visit Him. 4. THEY EXPECTED HE WOUD BE AT HOME IN A FEW DAYS. 5. WERE YOU AFRAID WE SHOULDN'T BE IN TIME? 6. She Promised That She Would Finish The Work in A Week. 7. I Thought Henry Would Help US. 8. I Hoped We Should Enjoy The Show. 9. SHE EXPECTED HE Would Win The Race.

Exercise 2. Open brackets by using verbs in Future Simple or Future-in-the-Past Simple.

  1. I know We (not to be) Late.
  7. I Can't Say Whether Bob (to do) The Work Perfectly, But He (To Do) His Best.
  9. Are you Sure That We (to Have) Time to Do That?
  10. I Was Afraid He (To Say), "I Don't Think I (to Be) Able to come."
  12. I KNEW Your Aunt (to Bake) Special Cookies for All Her Nieces and Nephews.

Answers: WE SHALL NOT BE. 2. WE SHOULD NOT BE. 3. HE WILL BE. 4. He Would be. 5. Will You Be. 6. I Should be. 7. BOB WILL DO, HE WILL DO. 8. He Would See. 9. We Shall Have. 10. He Would Say, I SHALL BE. 11. He Would Speak. 12. Your Aunt Would Bake.

Exercise 3. Use the following suggestions as an additional optional. In the role of the main proposals, use suggestions data in brackets.

(I supposed; He believed; SHE WAS SURE; WE WERE TOLD; I Heard; SHE SAID; He understood; She Imagined; The Letter Said.)

E.G. My Brother Will Be Sleeping.

I Supposed That My Brother Would be Sleeping.

  1. He Will Solve The Problem in No Time.
  2. The New Film Will Be On in Many Cinemas.
  3. The Teacher Will Have Corrected Our Papers by The Beginning of the Lesson.
  4. She Will Not Like This TV Programme.
  5. The Train Will Arrive On Time.
  6. The Children Will Be Playing In The Yard.
  7. All The Newspapers Will Publish This Information.
  10. My Sister Will Not Forget to Ring Me Up.
  11. I Shall Have Done My Homework by Nine O'Clock.
  12. The Tourists Will Not Return by Sunset.
  13. My Friends Will Be Waiting For Me.
  14. My Friend Will Have Returned By That Time.
  16. He Will Return This Book To the Library Immediately.

Answers: 1. She Imagined That He Would Solve The Problem in No Time. 2. I HEARD THAT THE NEW FILM WOULD BE ON IN MANY CINEMAS. 3. We Were Told That Teacher Would Have Corrected Our Papers by The Beginning of the Lesson. 4. She Imagined That She Would Not Like This TV Programme. 5. He Believed That The Train Would Arrive On Time. 6. She Said That The Children Would Be Playing In The Yard. 7. SHE WAS SURE THAT ALL THE NEWSPAPERS WOULD PUBLISH THIS INFORMATION. 8. I SUPPOSED THAT THEY WOULD WIN THE GAME. 9. He Believed That I Should Go To the South. 10. She Was Sure That My Sister Would Not Forget to Ring Me Up. 11. I SUPPOSED THAT I SHOULD HAVE DONE MY Work by Nine O'Clock. 12. We WERE TOLD THAT THE TURISTIS WOULD NOT RETURN BY SUNSET. 13. The Letter Said That My Friends Would Be Waiting For Me. 14. I SUPPOSED THAT MY FRIEND WOULD HAVE RETURNED by THAT TIME. 15. He Understood That The Would Be Working The Whole Evening. 16. She Was Sure That He Would Return This Book to the Library Immediately.

Exercise 4. Translate into English, paying attention to the verb in the main sentence.

  1. I know that he will come soon.
  2. I knew that he would soon come.
  3. I think she will sleep at this time.
  4. I thought she would sleep at this time.
  5. She thinks he will make all the work for five o'clock.
  6. She thought she would make all the work for five o'clock.
  7. I was sure that by ten o'clock he will already learn a poem.
  8. I knew that nine o'clock mom would prepare dinner and nine hours the whole family would sit at the table. I was afraid that I would come too late.
  9. She was afraid that her friend would not come.
  10. They wrote that they would come soon.
  11. I was confident that I will meet it at the station.
  12. I think dad will write a letter to us soon.
  13. Have you been told that in December we will write a test work?
  14. He realized that he would never forget her.
  15. I suppose they will remember about us.
  16. He says he knows this person.

Answers: 1. I know that He Will Come Soon. 2. I KNEW THAT HE WOULD COME SOON. 3. I THINK THAT SHE WILL BE SLEEPING AT THIS TIME. 4. I Thought That She Would Be Sleeping AT Time. 5. She Thinks That She Will Have Done All The Work by Five O'Clock. 6. SHE THOUGHT THAT SHE Would Have Done All The Work by Five O'Clock. 7. I Was Sure That by Ten O'Clock He Would Have Learnt The Poem. 8. I KNEW THAT by Nine O'Clock Mother Would Have Cooked Supper and At Nine O'Clock The Whole Family Would be Sitting at the table. I WAS AFRAID THAT I SHOLD COME TOOO LATE. 9. SHE WAS AFRAID THAT HER FRIEND WOULD NOT COME. 10. THEY WROTE THAT THEY WOULD COME SOON. 11. I WAS SURE THAT I SHOULD MEET HIM AT THE STATION. 12. I Think That Father Will Soon Write A Letter to US. 13. Have you ben TOLD THAT IN DECEMBER WE SHALL WRITE A PAPER? 14. He Understood That He Would Never Forget Her. 15. I Believe That They Will Remember US. 16. He Says HE KNOWS THIS MAN.

Well Done!


  1. Golitsyn Yu.B. Grammar: Exercise Collection. - 5th ed., - St. Petersburg: Karo, 2005. - 544 p. - (English for schoolchildren).

Conditional sentences in English. Exercises THE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE (Future simple time). Time consumption and education

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