Rehabilitation after ankle fracture at home. Development and strengthening of the ankle joint after injury: exercises and exercise therapy

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Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture - milestone for the full recovery of the patient after the plaster bandage has already been removed. This injury is quite complicated, and therefore it is a full-fledged rehabilitation (in this case, the fracture will heal faster) in compliance with all medical recommendations that allows you to fully restore the motor activity of the limb and avoid the development possible complications.

Ankle fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bone tissue, which occurs, as a rule, with blows, falls, twisting of the leg, etc. Treatment involves the application of plaster to immobilize and fix the limb in correct position. Many patients are interested in the question: how long will it take to be in a cast?

It all depends on the nature and severity of the injury. On average, the rehabilitation period can last about 2 months. In the case of a bimalleolar fracture with concomitant displacement, the duration of recovery can be six months or more. At this time, the patient should limit motor activity and the load on the injured limb as much as possible, moving with the help of crutches.

Rehabilitation begins after the removal of the cast, because during this period the ankle loses its sensitivity, the leg does not move well. Massage and therapeutic exercises will help restore the functions of a damaged limb!

The healing effect of massage

Massage after a fracture plays a very important role. The fact is that after the removal of the plaster, the limb is swollen, the sensitivity is impaired. Massage helps to develop blood vessels, eliminate congestion, normalize blood flow and circulation in the ankle area.

Massage procedures can be carried out at home. For these purposes, it is recommended to use such simple techniques as rubbing, stroking, kneading. In any case, the method of exposure and the force of pressure must first be agreed with the rehabilitation specialist. Good therapeutic effect gives the application special oils contributing to the normalization of lymphatic drainage processes.

Carrying out a competent massage, according to experts, allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. Eliminate swelling of the foot;
  2. Activate the processes of blood circulation and microcirculation in the area of ​​injury;
  3. Normalize metabolic processes in the joint and muscle tissues.

The first massage sessions can be accompanied by severe discomfort, causing pain in the patient. You can get rid of them by pre-treating the skin with ointments that have an analgesic effect. If we are talking about a fracture of the ankle with an accompanying displacement, then the massage should be carried out exclusively by a specialist.

A full recovery after an ankle fracture includes 10 to 20 massage sessions. The optimal number of procedures depends on the severity of the injury, the age category and the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

After completing the procedures, it is recommended to apply an elastic bandage to the ankle joint area and spend several hours in a state of maximum rest, avoiding any movements.


Physiotherapy procedures are very important for the quick and successful recovery of a patient who has suffered an ankle injury. Physiotherapy helps eliminate swelling and pain, improve blood circulation, activate recovery and regeneration processes.

As a result, bone tissue is strengthened, its fragility is reduced, venous outflow is improved, hematomas and congestive phenomena are eliminated. Patients during rehabilitation are prescribed the following procedures:

  • warming up;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultraviolet therapy;
  • Mud treatment;
  • Microcurrent therapy;
  • Darsonvalization;
  • laser therapy.

All procedures and their number are assigned by the rehabilitation specialist individually, taking into account possible contraindications. Experts identify the following contraindications:

  1. Unstable fractures;
  2. tendency to bleed;
  3. Purulent processes;
  4. blood diseases;
  5. Mental disorders;
  6. Acute conditions and the period of exacerbation of diseases occurring in a chronic form;
  7. Tumor neoplasms.


Exercise therapy for an ankle fracture is one of the most basic conditions for successful rehabilitation. Physiotherapy exercises for a fracture makes it possible to develop a joint, restore lost mobility and elasticity to muscle groups. The ankle is gradually recovering, getting used to the loads.

In addition, therapeutic exercises act as a method of preventing the development of such possible complications as flat feet, curvature of the fingers. It is recommended to do it regularly and systematically, because it is very important!

For the first time, the exercises are shown to the patient by a specialist, and in the future he may well perform them at home, on his own. The recommended duration of one session should be about 10 minutes, and then the load will need to be gradually increased.

At first, it is recommended to perform the exercises every other day, 3-4 sessions throughout the week. Then, with the permission of the rehabilitation doctor, it will be possible to proceed to daily activities. If any exercises are accompanied by severe pain, then it is recommended to stop the exercises, pause, and then consult with your doctor!

Gymnastics after an ankle fracture involves the following set of exercises - effective and extremely simple to perform:

  • Walking with maximum support on the injured leg;
  • Rise on toes, followed by lowering on the heels;
  • Rotational movements of the foot;
  • Alternate leg swings forward, left and right, in a standing position;
  • Cross swings with legs in the supine position;
  • knee lift;
  • Walking on toes and heels;
  • Rolling the ball on the floor with the help of the foot.

Each exercise is recommended to be performed 10-15 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. good effect gives ordinary walking, you can just go up and down the stairs. Such movements are also excellent for the development of the ankle joint.

Rehabilitation after removing the cast from the ankle is a rather complicated and lengthy process. To speed up recovery and achieve the most positive results, the following recommendations of specialists will help:

  1. Use special orthopedic insoles.
  2. Follow the regime, avoid excessive loads.
  3. Include foods rich in calcium and protein in your daily menu: meat, fish, nuts, dairy and dairy products, eggs.
  4. Take vitamin-mineral complexes and chondroprotectors as recommended by your doctor.

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the ankle after removal of the cast is necessary for the successful restoration of the damaged joint and the prevention of the development of possible complications. Massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and compliance with all medical recommendations will help you get rid of pain, swelling and soon return to a full, active life!

The lower parts of the human limbs move thanks to the joints, in particular the ankle, which is a connection between the bones of the lower leg and foot. Outwardly, this joint looks like a strong, durable block. But, like all human bones and joints, the ankle is prone to injury and fracture.

Clinical picture of ankle fractures

The risk of breaking an ankle is high in people who play sports, wear uncomfortable shoes having extra pounds.

There are a number of signs by which, if the ankle is damaged, a fracture can be suspected:

  • such an injury, first of all, is accompanied by severe pain in the area of ​​the ankle joint;
  • in the case of an open fracture, the skin is damaged, a wound is formed, with a protruding bone;
  • the area of ​​the ankle joint after the fracture swells, deforms, bruising may occur in the soft tissues of the foot;
  • when probing the affected area, mobility is observed that is not characteristic of a healthy joint and a characteristic crunch inherent in fractures.

The final diagnosis and determination of the type of fracture is made on the basis of not only visual examination, but also radiography.

Recovery period

The immobilization period lasts, as a rule, from one to three months. This is the time when a cast is applied to the ankle and the leg becomes immobile. Rehabilitation actions are performed at the end of the immobilization of the injured ankle.

In order to restore the health of the damaged part of the body, prescribe:

  • Physiotherapeutic procedures, which include phonophoresis, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, UHF, etc. These procedures activate the movement of blood through the vessels, have a positive effect on the body's metabolic processes, reduce swelling, and help relieve pain.
  • Massage with anesthetic ointments. Helps reduce swelling, improve blood flow, normalize metabolism in the affected joint.
  • Therapeutic exercise is the main rehabilitation method after an ankle fracture. Exercise therapy helps to develop the ankle joint, strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, restore normal joint mobility, reduce the intensity of lameness, and prepare the leg for active walking.

Therapeutic exercise - stages and their features

Exercise therapy after a fracture is an effective restorative method that helps to return a person's foot to normal activity, functioning and prevents the development of complications.

Some exercise therapy exercises can be done not only after removing the cast, but also while the limb is in the cast, thereby contributing to a reduction in rehabilitation time and an increase in the effectiveness of actions aimed at recovery. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the basic rule: the load must be increased gradually, classes should be regular, exercises should be painless.

The rehabilitation period after a fracture without displacement takes about a month, injuries with displacement suggest a longer recovery - from 3 months to six months. Specialists select exercises for the development of joints individually for each patient. They conduct classes with specialized groups at various medical institutions (clinic, hospital, rehabilitation center).

Exercise during a period of limb immobility

Light gymnastics for a fracture is necessary already 10-15 days after the plaster is applied. This does not mean that you need to load the sore leg, but some exercises that improve blood circulation in the injured limb

It is necessary to perform:

  • Squeezing and unclenching the muscles in the thigh and lower leg. It is necessary to perform such exercises about 20-30 times until you feel slight fatigue in the limb.
  • Regular (every hour several times) movement of the toes.
  • Alternately, from a sitting position, the maximum elevation of the diseased and healthy limbs. For each leg, you need to do about 5, 7 lifts can be done.
  • Mahi, from a standing position, with an injured limb about 7-10 times. It is convenient to do this exercise while holding onto a wall, table, crutch or chair back.
  • Raising (forward or sideways) and holding the sore leg in the air. It is desirable that the limb be fixed in this position for at least 1 minute.

Exercises should be performed at least twice a day, while gradually increasing the number of approaches.


Video - Therapeutic exercise after injuries of the foot and lower leg

Functional period

It starts immediately after the period of immobilization, after the removal of the plaster, after repeated X-rays in order to find out how the bones grow together, ends after a partial restoration of motor activity. The purpose of the classes is to activate the work of the damaged joint. At the same time, the muscles become stronger, their atrophy disappears, the joint moves easier and in all directions. Below is a set of functional period exercises that can be easily done at home.

To perform such exercises for the ankle joint, you need to lie down.

  1. Already familiar during the period of immobility of the joint exercise for squeezing and unclenching the muscles of the thigh and lower leg. Perform at least 20 times.
  2. Foot movement up and then down. The number of repetitions is 15 times.
  3. Move your toes 10 to 20 times.
  4. This is followed by a two-minute rest.
  5. After rest, move your fingers again at least 10 times.
  6. Twist the joint first in one direction, then in the other direction. 10 times in each direction.
  7. Repeat exercise number 2, trying to do it as efficiently as possible.
  8. Keeping your toes perpendicular to the floor, alternately bend your knees 10 times each.
  9. Raise your socks to the side (15 times), while using not only the foot, but the entire leg.
  10. Without bending the knee, while keeping the toe in position, raise the leg to a perpendicular position relative to the hip joint. 10-12 reps with each leg.
  11. Again, strain and relax the muscles of the thigh and lower leg about 20 times.
  12. Holding the injured limb straight, raise it high while bending and unbending the toes and the foot itself. Run 10 times.
  13. Raise your legs and try to hold them like that for about 5 minutes.

When doing these after a fracture, it is important to monitor the pace: it should be moderate, breathing should not go astray.

We must not forget about massage, as an element of exercise therapy, which can be performed while sitting, on your own, twice a day. Stroking, kneading, shaking, movements similar to squeezing are effective. At the same time, it is important to ensure that during the massage there are no unpleasant sensations, especially pain.

An elastic bandage is always applied to the leg after removing the cast. But at night and when doing exercises, as well as during massaging the limbs, the bandage is removed. With severe swelling, it is necessary to keep your legs in a slightly elevated position during sleep. Doesn't hurt your feet after class warm bath, where you can also continue to make active movements.

Training period

The final stage of physical therapy is carried out during a period when the bone gradually fuses and returns to normal. It includes active walking in all its diversity. Walking on toes, heels, bearish, sideways, etc. is recommended. In order to restore the functioning of the joint, exercises are performed in which the foot rests on the rocking chair (rolling the bottom of the foot of a bottle, rolling pin). These exercises are also effective when carried out in reservoirs and pools.

Some physical exercises for recovery after:

Regardless of what exercises are performed during the rehabilitation period after a fracture, there is a mandatory rule - the ankle must always be bandaged. Also during this period, in order to prevent the occurrence of flat feet, the use of orthopedic insoles is recommended.

During the training period, classes on the treadmill, exercise bike, and regular running are not excluded. At the same time, it is important to remember the need to regulate the load on the injured leg, since the bones have not yet completely fused. Required condition movements during this period - fixation with the ankle or. These products should be used for about 8 months after damage. Dancing and walking with obstacles are not excluded at this time. However, people of the age with dancing are better to wait after such an injury, leaving only walking for themselves.

So, having received an injury in the form of a fracture of the ankle, it is important to devote maximum time and effort to the recovery period, therapeutic exercises and physical education are especially important. Thus, the movements of the injured leg will quickly recover, its functions will return to normal.

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture helps to preserve the function of a broken ankle joint. Even when the damaged bone is completely healed, there is still a risk of contractures and other complications. Of course, prolonged immobilization of the limb has a special effect, so the patient is faced with the task of restoring the former motor activity and preventing complications. How to do this, we will describe below.

General features of rehabilitation

Of considerable importance is the complexity of an ankle fracture. His rehabilitation begins with the stage of wearing a cast. The period of almost complete immobilization also depends on the nature and severity of the injury. Usually the plaster is removed after 1.5-2 months, if there are no complications. Healing in case of damage with displacement takes place sometimes for six months.

All exercises and procedures are carried out strictly with the permission of the attending physician. It is forbidden to put weight on the leg or stand on it in any way, unless permission has been given.

Each stage of rehabilitation activities complements each other. Only under the condition of using complex measures it is possible to achieve a full restoration of the work of the limb. In particular, the ankle joint has the following effect:

  • acceleration of lymph flow;
  • resorption of edema;
  • strengthening the articular surface;
  • elimination of inflammatory phenomena;
  • acceleration of regeneration;
  • increase in muscle strength;
  • avoidance of complications.

exercise therapy

Gymnastics after an ankle fracture should begin at different periods, which depends entirely on the type of damage. At the time of immobilization, when the wound has not yet healed, classes help maintain the proper level of blood circulation and prevent complications. It is customary to prescribe exercise therapy after:

Both after immobilization with a plaster splint and after surgery, all movements should be passive and dosed. The load is only partial, but with a successful recovery, the doctor may allow you to load the limb early.

The question of selecting the type of motor regimen and including additional exercises in the already used exercise therapy program is accepted not only by the attending physician, but also by an exercise therapy specialist, a rehabilitation therapist, and a physiotherapist.

  1. Periodically tighten the muscles, rest and repeat the exercise to the extent that slight fatigue appears.
  2. Sit on the bed and alternately raise both legs.
  3. Stand on a healthy limb, lean your hand on something (wall, crutch, chair). The injured leg is carried out a series of swings.
  4. Remain in the same position, raise the limb and freeze in this position. You need to try to keep it like that for about 1-3 minutes. Mahi can be carried out to the side.

At the second stage, it is required to supplement the exercises after the ankle fracture has occurred. The goal is to support the function of the ankle joint. very good in this case mechanotherapy helps, so you can roll objects, cylinders, a ball, a stick with the injured leg. Classes on an exercise bike, even the use of a foot sewing machine, have a beneficial effect on her.

After plaster removal

Often they decide to include in the complex of classes in the pool. In water, load phenomena are reduced, it is possible to perform without harm large quantity exercises, strengthen blood vessels and muscles.

As soon as the cast is removed, it is required to start developing the ankle. Exercise therapy for an ankle fracture helps to remember the walking stereotype for the muscles, so special simulators are used. Since the movement on the injured leg must be still careful, arch supports are selected individually.
The motor mode is expanded to the maximum. Now physical education includes a large number of walking, normal household activities, treadmill activities, jumping.
Classes are best done in specially formed groups at rehabilitation centers or clinics. The complex should include the following exercises:

  • moving with a side step;
  • walking on toes and heels;
  • jumping onto a step or step platform, but you can also just walk up the stairs;
  • jumping in different sides;
  • sipping socks forward and abducting them;
  • installation on the inner and outer sides of the foot;
  • deep squats;
  • grasping small objects with fingers.

The main principles of exercise therapy: the absence of pain during training, regularity, the load increases gradually.

It is the regular load that helps to overcome residual effects and complications, but we should not forget about other recovery methods. However, if an external fixation device was installed, then immediately after its removal, the exercise activity is reduced by a third. Increasing the strength and frequency of classes should occur gradually. The most optimal period for this is 3 weeks.


Physiotherapeutic procedures can have a therapeutic effect only under the condition of a complex effect. They are used already in the first days from the start of the operation. Through a dry plaster cast, the following methods of physiotherapy are allowed to be used:

  • ultraviolet,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • laser therapy.

Laser radiation is applied both directly through the gypsum and directly onto the skin, having previously made cutouts in the form of windows in the bandage. Even if metal structures were used, it is not forbidden to use physiotherapy procedures. If earlier UHF were able to cause overheating of the clamps, now the emitted lines of force flow along them.
In the absence of contraindications, the most different methods hydrotherapy, including water massage, oxygen, pearl baths. At the second stage, ozokerite, paraffin therapy, mud treatment are connected. These procedures are thermal, but, like UHF, they do not cause overheating of the fixators - the body redistributes heat and does not accumulate it in one area. If pain remains, electrophoresis, SMT, and other types of electrotherapy are used.
In the future, physiotherapy is prescribed exclusively for individual indications. In addition to the procedures described above, darsonvalization, electrical stimulation, darsonvalization, KUF, ultrasound, and phonophoresis are also used.

Massage treatments

Massage after a fracture begins only after the removal of the cast. So that the discomfort is not too unpleasant for a person or does not bring pain, be sure to first use various gels and ointments with an anesthetic effect. The ankle remains very sensitive.

The purpose of the massage is to restore metabolic processes, blood flow, reduce edema and prevent trophic disorders.

The joint is bandaged after the procedure. It is allowed to independently massage the lower leg, foot. The joint itself can also be massaged, but not as often. This should be done with caution, not forgetting the recent fracture.


There are a number of contraindications for physiotherapy procedures:

  • purulent processes;
  • diseases in the acute stage;
  • serious condition;
  • pregnancy;
  • blood pathology;
  • unstable nature of the fracture;
  • mental illness;
  • neoplasms;
  • decompensation stage of the disease;
  • bleeding.

For a full recovery, not only timely assistance and proper immobilization are important, but also full-fledged rehabilitation. Only she is able to protect against the development of complications, restore the proper range of motion, relieve swelling and pain. A person who has paid due attention to recovery after a fracture saves himself from lameness and other difficulties.

Ankle injury can be obtained not only in sports, but even in everyday life. Often, such fractures are not taken seriously at all by patients, which is why they entail Negative consequences. Because of this, complications develop, and the rehabilitation period is also significantly lengthened.

Terms of rehabilitation

The recovery period can take from two to six months, depending on how the fracture was made. Recovery after an injury is usually divided into three periods.

The first period is immobilization, the second is functional and the third is training. During this time, the patient must strictly comply with the doctor's instructions. Only in this case, he will be able to reduce the rehabilitation period, and achieve a complete restoration of the ankle joint.

Immobilization recovery period

Immobilization means limiting movement in the joints. In the event of an injury, the leg must be kept still.

That is why in the first period of recovery it is necessary to start rehabilitation measures. Already in the first recovery period, most often, the patient is recommended to engage in therapeutic exercises and therapeutic physical culture.

However, it is necessary to take responsibility for the loads. Under no circumstances should you overdo it. Usually, during the immobilization recovery period, the patient needs to do exercises with a healthy leg, as well as the body. Thanks to exercise therapy, you can improve blood circulation not only at the fracture site, but throughout the body.

Functional recovery period

During the second period physiotherapy aimed at restoring the function of the damaged joint. A set of exercise therapy exercises is individually prescribed by the instructor, which increases muscle strength and also reduces their atrophy. Consider a sample set of exercises. They must be performed from the initial standing position:

  1. It is necessary to strongly strain the quadriceps femoris muscle. Perform the exercise twenty to thirty times. Be sure to exercise slowly!
  2. Exercise flexion and extension of the foot to perform ten to twenty times.
  3. Bend and unbend your toes ten to twenty times. Do the exercise slowly!

Rest no more than two to three minutes!

  1. Repeat the exercise again with flexion and extension of the fingers.
  2. Bend the foot forward and backward quickly and effectively. Repeat the movements twenty times.
  3. First bend one leg to the stomach, then the other. Repeat the movement ten times.
  4. Spread your legs to the sides. At the same time, turn the leg from the hip as much as possible. Perform the movement ten times. Important! Perform the exercise at an average pace.
  5. Raise first one and then the other leg to right angle in hip joints. It is advisable not to bend your knees. Repeat the exercise ten times.
  6. Repeat the first exercise.
  7. Rest in a supine position, but with legs raised for ten minutes.

In addition to the above exercises, the patient is recommended to independently perform the injured leg twice - in the morning and in the evening. In no case should you put pressure on the injured leg. During massage, it is recommended to stroke and knead the leg. Especially carefully massage in the area of ​​damage.

Important! There should be no pain during the massage. If they arise, then you must immediately stop the massage!

At night, it is recommended to take a bath for twenty minutes. It is desirable that the water level in the bathroom is up to the knee, and the temperature is at least thirty-six degrees. By the way, the effect of the performed exercises in the bathroom will be significant.

Training recovery period

The training period is the final one. During this period, you need to walk a lot. Moreover, the patient needs to walk on toes, on heels, back, sideways, half-crouching, and so on. The patient needs to walk in order to gradually develop the joint. Some doctors recommend exercising the ankle joint in water. These exercises are effective.

The final stage of rehabilitation provides for the final restoration of the main function of the joint - correct and constant walking. That is why doctors recommend bandaging the leg with an elastic bandage, as it is good for the ankle joint.

It is desirable that the patient work out on an exercise bike or treadmill for some time. Initially, dosed walking is included in the workout, and then jumping and running. But you can engage in therapeutic physical culture only with the permission of a doctor, and also after the ankle joint is fixed with an elastic bandage. In exercise therapy classes, it is recommended to include walking or dance steps.

Each patient needs to remember that it is possible to fully restore the ankle only if you constantly train and perform physical exercises. Therapeutic Physical Culture in the third period should help to finally restore the ankle joint.

What are the possible complications

Unfortunately, some patients cannot avoid complications after an ankle fracture. Osteomyelitis is the most common of all complications. It implies the attachment of an infection in the area of ​​a bone tissue defect.

If complications are not treated, this will lead to obvious violations in the union of fractures. Deformations can be observed even with the naked eye. Some effects may limit joint movement. That is why every patient should know that even a correctly performed operation does not guarantee recovery at all. To restore the leg, you must follow all the instructions of the doctor. This is the only way to prevent complications.

Many patients are interested in the question: “How to restore a leg after an ankle fracture? What exercises should be done after a broken leg? What to do if, after removing the cast, the leg hurts and swells? We will try to answer these and other questions in our article.

The human ankle joint has very powerful ligaments and muscles, because it plays a very important role in the human skeleton. It is the ankle that is able to hold the weight of the whole body and with its help a person has the ability to move.

The ankle joint is formed by the talus, fibula and tibia, which are interconnected by strong ligaments.

An ankle fracture is a violation of the anatomical integrity of one or more bones that are part of the ankle joint.

Causes of an ankle fracture

  1. Impact with a heavy object on the lower leg;
  2. Jump from a great height;
  3. Fall from a height of one's own height with twisting of the foot;
  4. Dropping a heavy object directly on the foot.

Signs of an ankle fracture

  1. Sharp pain in the ankle area;
  2. Some patients report severe tenderness under the ankles;
  3. The victim cannot stand on the injured leg;
  4. The victim is unable to walk;
  5. There is a pronounced swelling in the ankle and foot;
  6. Hemorrhages under the skin in the ankle and foot;
  7. Visually noticeable deformation of the ankle joint;
  8. If the patient has an open fracture, then parts of the fibula or tibia may be visible from the wound.


When making a diagnosis, a traumatologist should not be based only on anamnesis data (the presence of an injury), patient complaints and objective examination data. It is necessary to carry out differential diagnosis between contusion, sprain and fracture of the ankle. The final diagnosis can only be made using the methods of radiation diagnostics: X-ray, CT, NMR.

Providing first aid at the prehospital stage

If the patient has an ankle injury, then he should not stand on the injured leg, and even more so walk. The doctor or paramedic should apply an immobilizing bandage to the ankle, which may consist of two conventional bandages. wooden planks. You can fix the tire with bandages. Very often, when injured, the victim experiences severe pain in the ankle area. In this case, the emergency doctor must anesthetize the patient intramuscular injection non-narcotic analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to develop a leg after an ankle fracture

There are several exercises that a patient needs to do in order to develop a leg after an ankle fracture. AT initial period rehabilitation exercises to develop the ankle should be done under the guidance of an experienced instructor, who should correct the correct execution of the complex of therapeutic exercises.

  1. Ball squats. The patient stands near the wall and holds a large training ball (physioball) with his lower back. In this position, the patient's feet should be slightly in front of the knees and the torso slightly tilted forward. He must carefully perform deep squats, but in such a way as not to drop the ball to the floor. When performing this exercise, it is advisable not to bend the legs at the knee joint by more than 90 degrees;
  2. Balance training on the platform. The patient stands with his injured leg on a swinging platform, but at the same time the healthy leg is slightly bent at the knee joint. At first, the patient must learn only to stand on a swinging platform and at the same time maintain balance. After a few days, the patient can be given a small rubber ball so that he throws it against the wall and catches it. This exercise is aimed at training the balance and muscles of the stabilizers.
  3. Roller balance training. To perform this exercise, you can use Trix gymnastic loops or make your own loop about 1 m long from an elastic band. It is attached to the wall at a height of about 15 cm from the floor. The patient should stand at a distance of about 70 cm from the wall, put the loop itself on a healthy leg, and at this time the diseased leg is on the roller. To perform this exercise correctly, the sore leg should be slightly bent at the knee joint, and the torso should be kept straight at all times. The patient makes small swings with the healthy leg back and to the side, but at the same time maintains balance on the diseased leg;
  4. Jumping on one leg. To perform this exercise, the doctor draws a long strip or line on the floor with chalk. The patient should jump over on one leg and land on opposite sides of the line each time. This exercise trains several functions: coordination of movements, a sense of balance, and also strengthens the muscles of the thigh. Depending on how the patient jumps on the leg, one can judge the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures to develop the leg after an ankle fracture;
  5. Balance training with an elastic band on a healthy leg.

This exercise is aimed at training the coordinated work of a healthy and sore leg. The doctor takes the free ends of a two-meter elastic tape and ties them to the crossbar of the Swedish wall about 20 cm above the floor, resulting in a loop about 1 m long. The patient stands at a distance of 70 cm from the wall and puts one of the loops on the ankle of a healthy leg.

The patient's knees are at a half-bent distance, and the body is straightened, the shoulders are straightened. He swings his healthy leg (on which the loop is located) to the side, while trying to maintain balance. When performing swings, the muscles of two legs are trained;

  1. Walking with resistance. The patient puts on an elastic band at the level of the ankles of both legs and spreads the legs shoulder-width apart. At the same time, the tape is slightly stretched, the legs are in knee joints are in a state of shallow squatting. The patient begins to walk sideways with side steps, while the tape must always be taut. It is necessary to take 20 steps to the right, and 20 steps to the left. Only 5-6 repetitions of this exercise. You can complicate the exercise if you put the tape not on the ankles, but on the feet. In this case, the stabilizing muscles of the foot will be involved in the process;
  2. An exercise aimed at the function of the plantar and dorsiflexion of the foot. To perform this exercise, you will need a special isokinetic machine such as Biodex. The patient sits in a car seat and performs dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of the foot. Using this exercise as an example, one can also evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures for the development of the ankle after a fracture;
  3. Balance exercise. To do this, you will need special equipment "Biodex Balance System". The patient stands on the platform of the stabilometer on one leg, the rehabilitation doctor changes the position of the platform. The main task of the patient is to maintain balance and not hold on to the handrails;
  4. The patient must walk a lot and not be afraid to lean on the injured leg.

Diet for an ankle fracture

Everyone knows that for the normal restoration of damaged bones, joints and muscles in the human body, an increased intake of protein, calcium, silicon, and vitamins is required.

For calcium to enter the right amount, the patient should add to his daily diet cow's milk, cheese, kefir, eggs. In addition, it is necessary to eat sea fish, greens, spinach, fruits and vegetables. For the formation of good callus, the body requires not only calcium and silicon, but also a large amount of vitamin C and D.

The patient should walk more fresh air, eat strawberries, raspberries, black currants, apples, pears.

Some elderly patients are prescribed calcium tablets, chondroprotectors and multivitamin complexes to improve bone fusion.

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