Personnel reserve: proper formation and development. How to create the best pool of specialists in the company

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A group of employees who have passed a preliminary selection (assessment) and have the necessary potential to perform duties in a new area of ​​work within a certain timeframe. Personnel reserve is mainly used in commercial structures, while many government, political and public organizations also create it to solve their problems.
The goals of forming a personnel reserve:
1. Prevent the possibility of a crisis situation in the event of the departure of an employee in a key position.
2. To provide the enterprise with a reserve of highly professional and efficient managers who are ready to develop the business in accordance with the adopted strategy and culture.
3. Retain and motivate talented leaders.
4. Maintain a positive employer reputation.
5. Reduce the cost of recruiting and adapting a new employee.

The relevance of the personnel reserve determined by the so-called , the problem of the approach to personnel management identified in the study mckinsey, held in 1997-2000.

The personnel reserve is divided into external and internal.

External talent pool- most often this is a database of resumes of specialists who meet the requirements and can be invited to a vacant vacancy as it becomes available. The limitation of such databases is that they quickly become obsolete: candidates grow up the career ladder or change their line of work. Such data are of value only if the collection of information is carried out for a sufficiently long time, is constantly supplemented and updated. It is most optimal to maintain such databases for the selection of rare expensive specialists.
less often external talent pool- This is a group of specialists who are occasionally involved in solving certain issues or participating in projects, from which, as necessary, they are invited for permanent cooperation.

Internal personnel reserve- employees of the enterprise who have a high potential to occupy managerial positions and are capable of rapid development, who have passed or are undergoing a set of development measures.

Average development process internal personnel reserve from the launch of the program to form a pool of worthy candidates to the start of large-scale appointments, it takes about 2 years.

Formation of a personnel reserve as a system of purposeful actions includes the following steps:

1. Identification of positions at risk, occurs with the help of certain criteria, for example:

– analysis of the labor market in the region;

- estimates of the number of candidates who can take the vacant seat;

– analysis of the value of this position for the enterprise;

– assessment of the current situation with the personnel on site (age, loyalty, willingness to innovate, etc.).

2. Create a job profile determines what level of competence development the “position holder” should have in order to successfully cope with the tasks assigned to him. Typically, interviews are conducted with reservist managers, and after analyzing the data, a profile is displayed that a candidate for a vacancy must match.

3. Evaluation and subsequent selection of candidates conducted using several employee performance indicators. In most cases, the data obtained through assessment (attestation) on the current activities performed and information collected through measurements of the potential, knowledge, skills and abilities that the candidate possesses are compared. this moment.

4. is carried out taking into account the existing needs and strategy of the enterprise. YPRES helps the reservist allocate time resources and understand how to achieve the goal. The learning process is planned so that by participating in various seminars, completing complex projects, doing internships, getting feedback, reading literature and additional education, an employee enrolled in the personnel reserve can develop exactly those skills and abilities that are important for the transition to a new position.

5. Appointment to a new position usually determined by the category of the personnel reserve. Most often, the category is formed by assessing the state of the current level of development and the potential for development.

♦ Top managers

♦ Middle managers

♦ Narrowly focused and rare specialists

♦ Support workers

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In the conditions of fierce competition in the business sphere, the one who has a powerful managerial resource always wins. Truly talented leaders can make the right decisions. management decisions and develop innovative strategic plans. special attention within the organization's workforce, management deserves it. Therefore, it is important to form a personnel reserve and work with it.

When is it necessary to form a personnel reserve

The personnel reserve should be formed not only because of the current movement of personnel, but also in connection with the need to follow the organization's development strategy, because when planning a business, the manager determines the list and amount of resources necessary to achieve strategic goals. And in this case human resources, namely specialists and managers who are ready and able to perform important tasks for the company, play a decisive role.

A group of employees of the organization who have achieved positive results in their professional activities and were selected to a special team based on the results of an assessment of knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities, is a personnel reserve. Positions for which a personnel reserve is being created are mainly managerial. Once trained, members of this group may be promoted to any leadership position as the need arises.

The formation of a personnel reserve is relevant most often in cases where:

  1. The development of the company is successful and fast. New areas of work are opening up and there is an urgent need for new competent leaders who are able to lead them.
  2. There are difficulties in attracting external top managers due to the complex specifics of the organization's activities, in which new managers must already have a certain set of starting knowledge.
  3. The organization wants to retain young professionals who demonstrate high results in their work and strive for professional development in this organization.
  4. The company needs to create a strong management team, whose representatives will know and understand all the technology of work, be aware of the specifics of a particular business environment, and be able to quickly and efficiently solve the tasks.

6 rules for effective work of the personnel reserve

What needs to be done in order for the personnel reserve system to work effectively, the editors of the General Director magazine told.

For what purposes is a personnel reserve created in an organization?

1. Achievement of the strategic goals of the company. The main strategic goals of any organization are:

  • receiving profit from the main activity;
  • gaining a leading position in the market;
  • formation of a positive image.

It is impossible to solve these problems without a good team of top managers and highly qualified specialists. Therefore, the purpose of the personnel reserve, in turn, is to achieve the strategic missions described above in the shortest possible time.

2. Increasing the level of readiness of the company's personnel for organizational changes. Every company changes regularly. organizational plan. It is simply necessary to train and retrain personnel to form a personnel reserve in such conditions. To increase the loyalty of employees to changes of various kinds, training can be organized additional plan, you can also expand the area of ​​responsibility and so on.

3. Ensuring continuity in management. In order to ensure continuity within the management, it is necessary to prepare the “reservist” well, in addition, he must initially perform his duties in the presence of the reserved employee, and only then fully replace the employee in his absence. A large number of large Russian companies are faced with a certain problem: key management personnel are at a deep retirement age and, in the absence of an appropriate replacement, continue to perform their duties. This situation is especially critical in the field of engineering, energy, design work. The problem is aggravated by the fact that these employees are carriers of unique information, and when they suddenly leave, and the personnel reserve is not formed, production can suffer irreparable losses.

4. Increasing the motivation of company employees. Any organization that develops quite dynamically can offer its specialists the opportunity for professional growth. It is this movement up the career ladder that is the main motivating factor for employees. Thanks to the created personnel reserve, this movement can be made more manageable and planned. The process of moving and appointing any employee should be as transparent as possible so that employees have the opportunity to set a specific goal for themselves, as well as determine how to achieve it.

5. Improving the financial position of the company. This goal can be achieved due to the constant composition of employees, the high motivation of each employee individually and all personnel as a whole, the presence of regular vocational training and high labor productivity. It is no secret that the dismissal of, for example, a sales manager can lead to the loss of several customers at once, which, in turn, negatively affects the overall image of the organization and the business processes themselves. At the same time, the search for employees through recruitment agencies in an emergency mode leads to significant financial and time losses. In this regard, it is extremely important to have a personnel reserve.

Types of personnel reserve

It is customary to distinguish between two types of personnel reserve.

External talent pool. This type of personnel reserve, as a rule, is the base of the resumes of those specialists who are suitable for the organization according to the requirements put forward to employees and who can be invited for an interview when a suitable vacancy becomes available. A serious disadvantage of this type of personnel reserve is the rapid obsolescence of information in databases, because potential employees could already find a job or change their city of residence, or maybe even change their direction of activity. This data will be valuable only when they work on collecting information for a long time, constantly updating the contents of the reserve. It is most optimal to maintain such databases for the selection of rare expensive specialists.

In rare cases, an external may be a group of specialists who are periodically involved in solving certain problems within the framework of the organization's projects. In the future, they may be invited to permanent employment.

Internal personnel reserve. This type of personnel reserve is a group of employees of the organization who have a high potential to occupy managerial positions and are capable of rapid development.

The types of personnel reserve described above also have their subspecies, for example, operational and prospective.

The internal operational talent pool for senior positions consists of employees who are already deputy managers or top managers and can start working without additional training.

The prospective talent pool consists of employees who have the potential to perform their duties but need additional training. After advanced training, such workers can fill available vacancies.

How to start the formation of the personnel reserve of the organization

The training of the personnel reserve should be carried out systematically and accompanied by systematic work. First of all, it is necessary to analyze the problems existing in the organization regarding personnel management (to assess staff turnover, conduct socio-psychological research of personnel, and so on). The assessment will allow you to identify not only the formal staff turnover, but also determine the list of problematic positions, as well as draw up a socio-psychological portrait of the employee leaving. Such data, in turn, will make it possible to determine the causes of the current situation and outline priority tasks, as well as ways to solve them.

Sometimes it is worth inviting external experts in the field of personnel management. Often this allows you to look at many actual problems from outside or change the strategy of personnel work. It is thanks to a detailed and qualitative analysis of problem areas within the framework of personnel management that it will be possible to create the personnel reserve that will meet the tasks of the organization at the moment.

It is customary to allocate two models of personnel reserve formation.

  1. Make a forecast of the proposed changes in the organizational structure. In this case, the reserve is formed in accordance with the need to fill vacant positions for a certain period of time (usually 1-3 years).
  2. Determine the key needs of positions in the organization and create a reserve for all senior specialists, regardless of whether they are planned to be replaced.

When choosing a model, it is worth relying on priority tasks, as well as financial and time resources. If you choose the first option, the process will be less costly and more efficient in terms of implementation time, and if you choose the second option, it will be more reliable and holistic. At the same time, the second model also involves forecasting probable changes. This procedure can be carried out as one of the stages in the process of forming a personnel reserve.

What are the criteria for selecting a personnel reserve

Typically, selection to the personnel reserve is carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. Age. The optimal age of employees included in the personnel reserve to replace middle managers is 25-35 years. This circumstance is due to the fact that it is at this age that an employee most often thinks about self-realization and builds long-term career plans. In this case, joining the personnel reserve will be a good motivation for professional growth. At the same time, the personnel reserve for the replacement of senior managers should be formed from employees aged 45 years and over.
  2. Education. This criterion reflects the likely level and professional orientation of the candidate's education. To replace a middle manager, it is recommended to form a personnel reserve of people with higher vocational education. For the position of a senior manager, specialists with higher education in the field of management, economics or finance should be considered.
  3. Experience in a company in a basic position. Most companies include in the personnel reserve only those candidates who have some experience in this organization. Other enterprises focus only on professionalism, regardless of where the candidate's work experience was obtained. This criterion reflects the basic principles of the corporate culture of the organization and must comply with the standards adopted in it.
  4. Results of professional activity. "Reservist" must be a valuable employee and have a track record of stable professional results and achievements. Otherwise, including him in the personnel reserve will be the wrong decision, since it will be purely formal.
  5. The desire of the candidate for self-improvement. This criterion is very important in the selection of participants in the personnel reserve. If a candidate has no desire to develop, and he is limited from a professional point of view, then this will prevent him from being included in the reserve even if he fully meets the basic requirements of the position that this specialist could fill.

The criteria listed above is not the whole list. This or that company can supplement or reduce it, based on the tasks that need to be solved thanks to the personnel reserve. When the basic selection criteria are determined, and the list of positions is compiled, you can proceed directly to the formation of a personnel reserve, having previously determined the procedure for this procedure.

Creation of a personnel reserve: 4 stages

Stage 1.Determining the need for a reserve.

Before proceeding with the formation of a personnel reserve, it is necessary to clearly determine the degree of its need. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the prospects for the development of the organization, allocate the resources necessary for replacement, and also work out the issue of improving the process of promoting employees up the career ladder without including them in the reserve. Then you should determine the rate at which positions are vacated, and understand how many personnel are currently available for replacement. After the need for a personnel reserve is identified, it is necessary to analyze the degree of saturation of the reserve for specific positions, the level and rate of replacement of these places. At the same time, all possible prospects for a certain period (for the next 3, 5, 7 years) should be taken into account. When identifying the nature and size of the talent pool, it is important to take into account those basic positions that the company cannot do without, as well as places that will be filled only in the event of force majeure.

Stage 2.Formation of the reserve list.

At the second stage, it is necessary to determine the target audience of potential candidates for a place in the personnel reserve and compile a list of these candidates in accordance with specific positions. In addition, for each position, you need to draw up a detailed list of criteria that the candidate must meet. After you determine how candidates currently meet the previously selected criteria, you can create an individual training schedule for each employee who is part of the talent pool. During the selection of employees, it is worth paying attention to information about personal characteristics, professional competence and career plans. You also need to take into account the potential of the candidate and his main motives regarding work activities.

Stage 3.Coordination of the reserve plan with its direct participants.

The next step is direct communication with candidates for positions. The plan for the formation of a personnel reserve should be clear both for the managers themselves and for the candidates, so that representatives of both parties can assess the prospects and risks. After agreeing and making the necessary changes, a final list of reservists is compiled.

Stage 4.Preparation of candidates.

Training of the personnel reserve is carried out in several ways:

  • internship under the supervision of a senior employee;
  • internship at the planned position, but in another enterprise;
  • university education, courses.

The final method is determined based on the goals. The training program for employees who are part of the personnel reserve most often consists of:

  • general theoretical training;
  • individual practice;
  • exercises for the social and psychological adaptation of the worker.

How is inclusion in the personnel reserve and exclusion from it

Employees of the company can be included in the personnel reserve in the following ways:

  • due to the consideration of an application from a candidate for inclusion;
  • thanks to the recommendation of the boss (self-nomination);
  • through nomination based on the results of the annual evaluation procedures, including additional evaluation activities.

At the time of enrollment in the personnel reserve, each applicant must have the results of the assessment in accordance with the Regulation "On Personnel Assessment", while they must be fresh (not older than 12 months from the date of filing the application for inclusion). If this assessment has not been carried out or is outdated at the time of the application from the candidate, then the procedure should be repeated before the employee is enrolled in the reserve. The implementation of such evaluation procedures is necessary to ensure the appointment of candidates who are ready for this, taking into account their individual characteristics, weaknesses and strengths of the individual.

In order to exclude a company employee from the personnel reserve, there must be some reason. It can be a one-time or repeated non-fulfillment of official tasks, passing the evaluation procedure at an unsatisfactory level, regular non-fulfillment of the development plan that was drawn up for the candidate.

The individual development plan of the applicant must be agreed with the head of the personnel training department and includes those activities that are focused on development professional competencies employee and his personality.

3 main principles on which work with a personnel reserve is based

Publicity. Any information that contains information about the personnel reserve, the methods of its formation and the employees included in it, should be available to all employees of the organization. Only with this approach, the personnel reserve system will be created and will be able to function normally, increasing the motivation and loyalty of the staff.

Competition. The principle of competition implies the presence of several candidates for one leadership position.

Activity. In order to successfully form a personnel reserve, all persons involved in this process must be as interested, proactive and active as possible. This is especially true for line managers responsible for nominating candidates for the personnel reserve.

Training and development of the company's personnel reserve

Based on the results of evaluations of candidates for inclusion in the personnel reserve, a development schedule should be drawn up, which was mentioned above. Such a document is developed by the employees of the personnel department and approved by the head of the organization's personnel service. In addition, this document must be agreed with the head of the personnel training and development department and with the immediate supervisor of the reservist.

Planned activities may include:

  • rotation in the horizontal direction;
  • mentoring system;
  • various internships, trainings and diverse seminars;
  • work in project teams and so on.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on such events:

self-learning. This process takes place in full accordance with the developed development plan, for this purpose such self-learning tools are used as:

  • professional literature;
  • external webinars;
  • various videos;
  • materials from the fund of the corporate electronic library.

Seminars and trainings are usually carried out in accordance with the general schedule for the development of personnel. Such a document, as a rule, is drawn up for a calendar year. If necessary, special training can be added, which includes not only internal training programs, but also training courses from external suppliers.

Rotations in the horizontal direction allow:

  • expand the candidate's professional horizons;
  • purchase new experience, knowledge and skills, as well as improve the skills of the candidate, department and organization as a whole.

The period of stay of the reservist in a new place as a result of horizontal rotation is determined by the matrix of requirements that apply to the position being replaced.

Internship implies the acquisition of work experience or advanced training in the chosen field of activity. The duration of this process is reflected in the individual development plan and depends on the goal pursued.

Mentoring system involves a process that is regulated by a special Regulation. The mentor is selected based on individual plan development of an employee approved by the curator of the personnel reserve system.

Only those reservists who are listed as part of the operational personnel reserve can temporarily replace the main head. At the same time, representatives of not only the operational reserve, but also the strategic internal reserve, can participate in the work of project teams, if the personnel committee decides so.

Managing the talent pool without mistakes: 7 mistakes of managers

Mistake 1.Everyone is equal. Most managers believe that it is necessary to treat all employees equally. In connection with such an attitude, the very idea of ​​forming a reserve seems to them wrong and unworthy of attention. Such managers spend not only time, but also money, until they recognize that there are both more and less valuable specialists for the company. At the same time, more valuable employees deserve more attention from management. Only after realizing that it is quite natural and even correct to single out the best, it becomes possible to form the most effective personnel reserve.

Error 2.Situation. Sometimes it happens that the personnel reserve in the organization is formed by "raids", as the appropriate mood appears among the company's leaders, as well as as the accumulation of money and time resources. With such an approach, it is inappropriate to talk about an effective personnel reserve. In order for the reserve to be useful, the process of its formation must be continuous.

Mistake 3.Reserve as a threat. Some middle managers have a negative view of the very idea of ​​forming a personnel reserve, perceiving all candidates as a threat to themselves. To avoid this state of affairs, the person who is responsible for creating the reserve should bring to such leaders the full amount of information about their prospects.

Mistake 4.By protection. Often, managers form a talent pool of their favorites in the expectation that when they become managers, it will be easier to work with them. However, such views and actions greatly demotivate the rest of the company's employees, and sometimes even become the reason for their dismissal. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to describe in detail the procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve and strictly adhere to it.

Mistake 5.Not by own will. When an employee is of interest to the manager as a future potential head of one of the departments, as a rule, there is a desire to include him in the personnel reserve. However, not all employees aspire to become top managers, and it is very important not to pressure or force even when a person has the necessary level of knowledge and professionalism. First of all, it is worth relying on the wishes of the employees themselves. You can try to find a compromise, but if this fails, it is better to just leave the subordinate alone.

Mistake 6.On your territory. When an employee who is part of the talent pool is a trainee for a further replacement of a managerial position, the current manager may try to withhold some important information from the reservist. Firstly, to protect your know-how, and secondly, so that the beginner does not notice mistakes in his work. It is unlikely that such an internship will be effective and useful. Most likely, it will reduce the motivation of the reservist. Therefore, it is very important that the person responsible for the formation of the reserve carefully monitors all processes and acts as an intermediary between the employee and his manager.

Mistake 7.Inflated reserve. The formation of a personnel reserve should be carried out taking into account the true need for certain specialists today and with an eye to the future. In this case, you should not follow the rule "the more the better." It is important to understand that if a reservist does not see real prospects for his growth and development within this company, then he will not be motivated to learn and master new knowledge.

In any field of activity there is always competition. Leading organizations are, as a rule, those that have competent leaders. To effectively manage the activities of the company, make the right decisions, implement innovative technologies, the boss must be educated, responsible, able to think analytically. Therefore, the management of the enterprise should pay great attention to the formation of the company's personnel reserve.

Why does a company need a talent pool?

AT personnel reserve include those who meet the selection criteria for the position of the head, have the appropriate qualifications and can become the head of the company. It is possible to form a reserve of managers from among the heads of departments and branches of the organization, leading specialists, young personnel, provided that they successfully complete an internship, etc.

It should be noted that an employee holding absolutely any position can be put at the head of the company. It depends on the field of activity of the enterprise, its needs. It is often quite difficult to find a person with the required qualifications for a managerial position. At large industrial enterprises, foremen, section chiefs or shifts are trained for this position.

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The goal of the company's personnel reserve is to reduce turnover. Also, the formation of a team of specialists from among the employees of the enterprise is aimed at reducing the cost of attracting employees from outside (their search, adaptation, training). When vacancies appear, they are filled by people from among trained employees. At the same time, employees improve their skills, succession of management is achieved, and staff loyalty increases.

The corporate culture in the process of forming a personnel reserve is being strengthened. At the same time, employees become responsible not only for the fulfillment of their tasks, but also for the achievement of common goals.

The decision to create reserve personnel should be taken after analyzing the company's strategy. If the company seeks to expand sales markets, explore new ones, plans to launch innovative projects, then the creation of a reserve is simply necessary for him. Since this will allow you to quickly fill vacant positions with trained and adapted specialists from among the company's employees. If the main tasks of the organization are to maintain the stability of production and sales, to consolidate in the sales market, then work with the personnel reserve should be different.

It is also necessary to find out for what reason this or that vacancy is free. It is necessary to identify those positions in which the turnover is most pronounced, to characterize the employees leaving the company, to identify the reasons for their departure from the company. Based on these data, it is possible to determine what qualities applicants for a particular position should have, according to what criteria should be selected.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the inclusion of an excessive number of candidates in the personnel reserve is undesirable. Therefore, the number of reserved employees should be determined at the planning stage.


    Formation of a personnel reserve: pros and cons

    Advantages of creating a personnel reserve:

    • saving financial resources(no need to look for and train a person from the outside);
    • saving time resources (the ability to quickly close vacancies);
    • high qualification of trained employees;
    • the ability to support and promote company employees, which is a motivation for them: a person is more likely to stay in the organization if he sees the prospect of professional and career growth for himself;
    • the employee adapts more easily, because he remains in the same team;
    • a person knows the organization well, is familiar with the policy of relations between employees, so it is easier for him to get used to a new position.


    • the need to spend time and money on the selection of candidates and their training;
    • workers have to work in an enhanced mode (perform their duties and study at the same time).

    The process of forming a personnel reserve can be complicated by resistance on the part of those employees for whose positions candidates are selected and trained. The reason for this reaction is the fear of losing one's place.

    Types of personnel reserve: internal and external

    Interior the reserve is created from among the employees of the enterprise. It is operational and strategic.

    The operational reserve includes those who can fill a vacant position without undergoing training. It can be:

    • various specialists;
    • line managers;
    • middle managers;
    • top managers.

    The formation of a strategic reserve involves a long-term training of employees for work in positions that will become vacant within 1-2 years.

    The internal pool of personnel should be updated regularly. New candidates are included every year at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

    In external personnel reserve includes:

    • those who successfully passed the interview in HR agencies, but could not be accepted into the organization due to the lack of vacancies;
    • Candidates identified through a labor market analysis conducted to find industry leaders.

    The external reserve of specialists also needs to be updated regularly, including new candidates based on the results of the interview. To ensure the possibility of alternative replacement of vacancies, several people should be trained for each position. In addition, one specialist can apply for more than one vacancy. Information about how the personnel reserve system works, how you can build a career at the enterprise, who is included in the personnel reserve, is available to everyone and should be posted on the company's website.

    Methods and principles of personnel reserve

    Traditional The idea of ​​a talent pool is that a company is preparing a specific person to take on a specific position. For example, it may be decided to replace the management staff hired from the outside with their own employees, for which their training is organized.

    Modern the system for creating a reserve of specialists works differently. To form a reserve of highly qualified employees, it is necessary to identify the most capable, promising employees and invest in their development. Observing their activities in the main workplace, we can conclude what qualities and skills they have the most developed. Based on this, determine in which position they will more fully manifest themselves.

    As a rule, in enterprises, to form a personnel reserve for managerial positions, they use traditional system because it does not require significant investments.

    However, when creating a provision for any of the above methods, you must adhere to the following principles:

  1. Planning. The need to replace the management team should be assessed objectively, taking into account the financial position of the company and its possible changes.
  2. The unity of training specialists for any managerial position.
  3. Continuity of learning. It is necessary to prepare the candidate constantly. Training can last several years and include, among other things, self-education, the application of acquired knowledge in practice in the process of work, participation in industry events, trainings, courses, etc.
  4. Training of a larger number of specialists for one place (within the framework of existing standards). This is due to the risk of missing out on a capable worker. It is recommended to train no more than 3 employees for the position of middle manager.
  5. The possibility of getting into the personnel reserve of any employee of the enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to clearly identify the criteria that it must meet. Employees should also be given the opportunity to participate in the selection again.
  6. The absence of any privileges and changes in the mode of work for a person included in the personnel reserve. The organization should only provide him with the opportunity to grow professionally and improve his skills.
  7. Direct interaction of the current authorities with applicants for leadership positions in the preparation of the personnel reserve.
  8. Privacy and ethics. It must not be allowed that after the entry of one of the members of the reserve into office, the other candidates feel unnecessary.
  9. Opportunity for employees of the company at any time to assess the degree of compliance of selected candidates with the requirements for them.

Based on what criteria is the formation of the personnel reserve of the organization

The criteria that must be met by employees applying for a place in the personnel reserve are set separately for each position.

The main selection criteria are as follows:

  • Age. Senior management positions can be held by employees no older than 45 years old, the preferred age for middle managers is 30-35 years old, and persons under 35 years old are accepted for the position of workers.
  • The level of education. As a rule, to become a leader, you must have a completed higher education, and in order to get a job as a worker, a secondary special is enough.
  • The success of the employee in the current workplace. The candidate must not only cope well with his duties, but also be able to show the best result, take the initiative.
  • The desire of the reservist to develop. This is one of the main criteria. Preference will be given to an employee who has a craving for knowledge, a desire to develop, master new technologies.
  • The duration of the candidate's work at the enterprise. It is important for those organizations that form an internal reserve. In this case, it is assessed whether the employee follows corporate principles, whether he shares the policy of the enterprise. If candidates are sought in the external labor market, this criterion loses its significance.

The list of criteria can be expanded depending on the scope of the organization, the nature of the position, etc. For example, applicants for the position of a manager may be subject to such requirements as readiness for business trips and a change of residence, resistance to stressful situations. Workers will need to provide proof of qualifications or a related skill.

The procedure for the formation of a personnel reserve

Stage 1. We determine the goals and objectives of creating a reserve of personnel

The most important step in which management must answer the following questions is:

  1. What is the personnel reserve of the organization for?
  2. How should candidates be selected and further trained and educated?

The answers to these two questions determine the nature of the company's further activities in the formation of a team of reservists.

When setting goals and objectives, it should be understood that the creation of a reserve should not become an unnecessary waste of time and resources. With the help of it, the company's management should carry out personnel management. In addition, the formation of a personnel reserve will help save funds that could be used to search for candidates for senior positions in the external labor market, to adapt and train new employees. Also, the presence of a personnel reserve at the enterprise motivates employees to achieve the best performance results, on which the development of the entire company depends. Therefore, the goals and objectives of forming a team of reserve specialists should be clearly formulated and communicated to all personnel of the organization.

This stage implies the need to develop the basic rules and principles in accordance with which the personnel reserve will be formed:

  • the procedure for the selection of candidates;
  • the principle of forming a group within the reserve;
  • composition and powers of members of the commission for work with the reserve group;
  • the basis for the inclusion of candidates in the list of reservists;
  • the reason for exclusion of the employee from the reserve group;
  • the procedure for appointing a reservist to a vacant managerial position.

In addition, a professional training program for members of the reserve should be formed.

All these principles should be contained in the provision on the personnel reserve. It is an internal document of the organization, which describes the process of creating a reserve group of specialists and regulates work with it at each stage.

Stage 2. We determine the number and form the job structure of the personnel reserve

The leadership of any enterprise is limited by certain limits. When forming a reserve group, it is necessary to identify what is the organization's need for specialists of a particular profile in the near future and in the long term. In doing so, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • whether new leadership positions will be opened;
  • how many vacancies can be released due to the dismissal of employees for various reasons.

First you need to identify which positions are key. This can be determined by the influence of the activities of managers on the results of the work of the entire enterprise. It is recommended to select two reservists for each position. In this case, the risk that the vacancy that has appeared will remain unfilled for a long time will be reduced, since the only candidate will not be able to take office due to any circumstances. In addition, the employees in the reserve group will compete with each other, and this will lead to high results. However, you should not form too large a reserve, as it is difficult to work with it. At the same time, with an increase in the number of candidates, the probability of their appointment will decrease, and the motivation to work will be reduced.

Stage 3. We determine the qualification requirements for employees and develop competency models for managerial positions in the reserve group

Often, when appointing heads of departments, company managers argue as follows: “He is a qualified specialist, he does his job perfectly, so he can manage the entire department.” This approach is fundamentally wrong. A candidate for a managerial position must not only be a professional in his field, have the appropriate qualifications, but also have the qualities of a leader, management skills in order to be able to organize the activities of a group of people and successfully manage it. Otherwise, a great specialist can become a worthless leader. Therefore, the creation of a personnel reserve should begin after determining the criteria by which it will be assessed whether a candidate is suitable for this position or not. These criteria are:

  • Qualification requirements for a candidate for a specific position: the level of his education, work experience, possession of the necessary knowledge and skills.
  • A competency model for a specific leadership position or for all leadership positions in a company. If the organization does not have such a model, it is recommended to create it at this stage. It will allow assessing the compliance of all candidates according to one scheme, will help to identify their strengths and weak sides, draw up an individual development plan for each reservist. The competency model can be developed both by the organization itself and with the involvement of consulting agencies. When developing it, one should take into account the specifics of the activity in a particular position of the head. This model should include no more than 8 core competencies, the level of development of which must be determined in accordance with a special development scale.

Stage 4. We select candidates for the personnel reserve of the enterprise

Currently, various methods are used to assess the compliance of employees with the requirements. Some organizations conduct performance appraisals of their workers every year, and based on the results, a decision is made on who can be included in the reserve group. In this case, a person may not know that he became a reservist. Other companies consider it necessary to develop and implement a special procedure to assess the potential of employees, and apply it to form a talent pool. Most efficient system used to select workers for the reserve - the method of the Assessment Center. Some companies have experience with this method, and their HR staff claim that using it can achieve the validity of results up to 70% and even up to 90%. This is possible due to the following features.

Such an assessment of the talent pool involves the use of several technologies in combination. Each applicant is given a "volumetric assessment" based on the results of various tests, assignments in a group and individually. Simulation of various situations that arise in the course of work can also be used. In addition, role-playing games and competency-based interviews are conducted.

The assessment determines whether an employee has certain abilities and how developed they are. In order for the results to be objective, it is necessary to develop an assessment scale in advance and define indicators of behavior. The criteria by which candidates are evaluated are created on the basis of a competency model for a specific position or a single competency model for the company's management.

The assessment center method involves not only an assessment of the employee's theoretical knowledge, but also an analysis of his real activities, ascertaining the ability to make the right decisions in various situations.

The usual certification of workers takes 1-2 hours, and according to the Assessment Center method, employees are usually evaluated within 2 days.

To conduct an assessment center, it is necessary to create an expert group. Usually, it includes not only representatives of the top management of the organization, but also specialists from various consulting agencies. This eliminates the possibility of subjective evaluation of candidates. After the assessment center is conducted, a group of observers draws up a conclusion on the compliance of all tested employees with the requirements put forward. It is based on the results of passing all the tests.

The candidate who participated in the assessment center, after summing up the results, receives information about what his strengths are, whether he can grow professionally, whether he needs additional training.

The company's management also determines whether a person seeks to improve his skills, whether he wants to make a career in the company.

For each reservist, an individual development plan is drawn up based on the results of his assessment. This plan is developed by the candidate's supervisor and HR.

Expert opinion

An example of a talent pool formation program

Vasilina Sokolova,

Deputy Director for Human Resources at, Kovrov (Vladimir Region)

Two years ago we decided to create a reserve group of employees. A special program was launched, the personnel reserve was called "Guardians of the Galaxy". The purpose of this program was to identify the most valuable employees and prepare them for work in leadership positions. The program was designed for a year. For its implementation it is necessary to go through two stages.

Stage 1. Participant Selection

The workers were invited to become members of the reserve group and undergo training. For this, an application had to be submitted. Persons who had worked in the organization for at least 6 months were allowed to participate. Those who wished were informed that the training would take place in their free time, and this should not be reflected in the results of their activities. The selection was carried out in two stages.

Testing on the studied books. Candidates had to read 6 books within a month, which must be included in the program of basic education for managers (in our opinion):

  • "45 manager tattoos",
  • "Time drive. How to manage to live and work,
  • "Bringing Happiness"
  • "Good to Great"
  • "Hard Management"
  • "The book of the manager".

The latter was written by the staff of our organization and is based on the experience of the management team. It describes the principles of leadership in setting goals and objectives, tells how to properly manage time, organize feedback, etc.

When testing on the materials of these publications, employees could be asked the following questions:

  1. What is "kairos"? Give three real life examples.
  2. What are the most important functions of a leader?

180 people applied for participation in testing. Of these, 67 employees passed the first stage of selection. The main mistakes were the inability to clearly articulate their thoughts and inattention. Some candidates had not read the books at all and therefore could not answer the questions.

The second stage of selection is writing an essay on the topic “Why am I worthy of a place in the personnel reserve”? Its volume is more than 1000 characters. The essay was evaluated by the head of our organization, the managing partner and myself. In addition, we interviewed the immediate superiors of all applicants and found out whether they show initiative, whether they strive for development, whether they take part in new projects. It turned out that all the candidates had recently taken various training courses, they were awarded the title the best worker month. We considered all the essays satisfactory, and therefore it was decided to enroll all applicants in the reserve group. This stage lasted for 14 days.

Stage 2. Talent pool training program

In the process of training, we organize meetings with the owners of the organization, top managers, invite trainers and those who were able to create a successful business. Recently, a meeting was held with Mikhail Dashkiev, who runs the Business Youth company. The reservists learned how he understands leadership, what approaches to doing business exist, how to organize effective sales. At the first meeting with the students, the head of our company told them about the responsibility.

Training takes place once a month. In the classroom, members of the personnel reserve perform tasks, play out various situations that may arise in the course of work. They also have to do their homework. For example, after the first lesson on responsibility, the whole group was divided into teams of 8 people. Each of them needed to develop some new positive habit. It could be a morning run, a douche, etc. Every day, employees had to send a message to the phone of the head of the company that they were fulfilling their obligation.

Among other things, a lesson was held on motivation. Afterwards, the participants were asked to watch the movie Coach Carter. At the next seminar they were asked questions about it.

Teams are formed every time different. This allows you to share knowledge with a large number of people, communicate with colleagues from other departments. After the final lesson, the "guards" were given individual tasks. It was necessary to develop a project to improve the performance of the company in a certain area. It was also envisaged to defend these projects before the top managers of the organization.

Those wishing to get into the personnel reserve of employees had to follow the accepted rules:

  • do not be late for classes;
  • do homework on time; otherwise, the person was not allowed to the next seminar;
  • do not miss classes for unexcused reasons.

Seminars are held at the main office of the organization on weekends. They start in the morning and end in the evening. Some of the reservists are employees of the company's branches located in other cities, so they have to come for training.

In case of non-compliance with the established rules, the expulsion of candidates from the personnel reserve is provided. So far, no one has dropped out of our group.

Interaction with the top management of the company and top managers motivates employees to work for better results. Reservists take an active part in the training of employees of the organization, popularize the values ​​of the company. Six months after the start of the Guardians of the Galaxy program, three reservists have been promoted to a higher position, and one of them is developing a new line of business.

How to organize the management of the company's personnel reserve

How to manage the talent pool when the group has already been formed, the list of reservists has been approved, and individual development plans have been developed?

Training of the personnel reserve is carried out according to special program. It consists not only in the study of the materials of individual plans, but also in the passage of various specialized training courses.

There are business training companies that provide services for the development of specialized professional development programs aimed at improving the talent pool. These programs involve business training, various seminars and internships and are developed for each reserve group separately. When compiling these programs, the level of knowledge of reservists in a particular area is necessarily taken into account. Candidates may be offered several training modules, after passing which they will acquire the necessary for effective management knowledge and skills.

The training program for members of the talent pool may also include the following methods:

  1. The interaction of the reservist directly with the head, for whose position he applies in the future.
  2. Work in temporarily vacant managerial positions (if managers are on vacation or on a business trip).
  3. Internship as a manager.
  4. Participation in projects and execution of instructions given by the immediate supervisor.
  5. Attendance at meetings, membership in working groups.

It is necessary to regularly check the results that reservists achieve in the process of training according to individual plans and according to a specialized professional development program. At the same time, the degree of their participation in various activities that are associated with the position of head should also be assessed. The HR service is engaged in such an assessment of candidates, as well as the immediate supervisor. The duties of the commission that works with the reserve include an annual review of the knowledge and skills acquired by employees in the process of training. According to the results of its commission can:

  • leave the candidate in the reserve group;
  • recommend the employee to engage in additional activities, while reviewing and adjusting the individual development plan;
  • exclude a reservist from the team due to non-fulfillment of the individual development plan within the time frame of the program.

When it is necessary to appoint one of the members of the reserve group to the vacant position of the head, the results of their implementation of the individual development plan, the level of their professional knowledge and skills, the types of competencies and the degree of their development are evaluated. The evaluation results are compared with the requirements for a vacant position.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to timely appoint members of the personnel reserve to vacant managerial positions. During the training, employees acquire a lot of knowledge and practical skills. They need to feel that the company is needed and know that their promotion to a higher position is quite realistic. Otherwise, they may move to another organization, where they will be given the opportunity to realize the accumulated potential.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of the talent pool

Efficiency mark personnel reserve training is carried out according to the following KPIs:

  • how many reservists left the organization of their own free will;
  • how many candidates were able to move up the career ladder during the project;
  • how many projects were proposed by members of the first group;
  • how many projects were defended and implemented by members of the first group;
  • how much the level of core competencies has grown.

The personnel reserve should include employees who have a real prospect of promotion or their area of ​​responsibility can be expanded.

How to increase the effectiveness of the personnel reserve

Tip 1. The members of the reserve group need to develop leadership skills

To do this, you need a model of an ideal leader. For example, he should develop the following competencies:

  • understanding of the business as a whole and excellent knowledge of all individual processes;
  • ability to make decisions in uncertain situations, in changing conditions;
  • ability to delegate authority;
  • willingness to invest effort and resources in the development of subordinates.

For development the right qualities the leader needs to be trained, taught to accept right decisions and work in an uncertain environment. Reservists will benefit from choosing a mentor.

There is another way to develop the necessary skills - you should communicate with representatives of the management team who have the competencies that make up the model of an ideal leader.

Tip 2. Functional workshops should be organized

Employees, as a rule, do not know the specifics of the work of all departments of the company. Functional workshops are created to get acquainted with the activities of various departments (sales, marketing, legal, financial, etc.). Reservists themselves must be appointed responsible for the organization of these workshops. They will study the necessary topic, tell what tasks this or that department performs, how it interacts with others, what are its KPIs. This will allow you to delve into all the processes taking place in the company and get an idea about the work of the organization as a whole.

Tip 3. The members of the reserve team should take part in real projects, not fictional ones.

In order for candidates to have an incentive to develop and achieve high results, they must participate in solving real problems. They can be instructed to develop the concept of an online store, create a map of business processes. In addition, employees can take part in compiling a list of required competencies for each position, in formulating the basic principles of working with clients.

The candidate must choose the project he will work with, or propose his own, justifying its relevance. It also provides for the protection of the project before the top management. The company in this case wins, as the ideas are implemented even before the specialists are fully trained.

Expert opinion

6 rules for effective work with the talent pool

Alla Bednenko,

Director for Human Resources and Organizational Development, Ekonika, Moscow

Rule 1 Provide necessary information employees

Employees need to be provided with information about opportunities for professional growth in the organization and the necessary components for moving up the career ladder. In our company, this problem was solved in the following way:

  • we have placed all the necessary information about the personnel reserve training program in a special section on the website, everyone can get acquainted with it;
  • produced posters containing information about career opportunities in our company and placed them in every store;
  • published booklets for new employees, which contain information about the prospects for work in the organization; it is also included in introductory training programs.

Members of the reserve group have access to information about emerging vacancies and can participate in competitions for their replacement.

Rule 2 Allow employees to take the initiative

Each employee can become a member of the personnel reserve of our organization. To do this, you must fill out a form on the site. Applications are reviewed as they are received and the results are communicated to the applicant by the Training Manager of the Training Department.

Rule 3 Develop an employee evaluation system

Basically, employees are accepted into the personnel reserve based on the results of their assessment, which is carried out once every six months. In the questionnaire, the candidate must indicate in which areas he would like to develop. If we are satisfied with the results of the evaluation, we invite the person to an interview to find out what motivates him to complete the training and move up the career ladder.

Rule 4 Spend individual sessions with employees from the personnel reserve

We draw up individual development plans for each member of the reserve group, which involve participation in trainings held at the training center, classes with a mentor. In addition, we provide materials that the employee must study on their own.

The individual development plan includes a list of the skills, knowledge and skills necessary to occupy the desired position. It also notes the level of development of competencies before the start of training and after (usually after six months of training).

Responsibility for the training of the reservist rests with his immediate superior. His responsibilities include monitoring the implementation of the individual plan, monitoring the implementation of tasks and attending all trainings and seminars. When the development program is completed, we evaluate the level of training of the employee and, based on the results of the assessment, either recommend continuing the training or make a decision that he can take a leadership position.

There were cases when an employee in the process of preparation realized that he could not fulfill the program of an individual plan. He eventually left the reserve team.

Rule 5 Maintain information about members of the talent pool

We are filling in the personnel reserve efficiency table. It contains the following information:

  • FULL NAME. each candidate;
  • the level of education;
  • date of employment in the organization;
  • information about completed training, etc.

In addition, we note which reserve the candidate falls into: long-term or short-term.

Short-term includes reservists who are excellent professionals and are able to take a leadership position without undergoing special training and education.

Those who have the potential to be unlocked are included in the long-term reserve. Such candidates need to be trained.

As the talent pool develops, we are making changes to the table so that the information is always up-to-date, and we can use it if it is necessary to appoint one of the reservists to a vacant managerial position.

Rule 6 Don't Let Leaders Sabotage the Talent Pool Program

Currently, not all vacancies in our company are occupied by reservists. However, we are striving for it. For example, the heads of all departments do not have the right to appoint a person who is not a member of the reserve group to any position. If they want to nominate an employee who is not included in the reserve for the position of the head, then the decision is made by the training department after its evaluation.

Work with the personnel reserve without errors

When planning the creation of a personnel reserve, consider the goals that the company sets for itself. It may happen that in a few years the position for which you will train employees will change dramatically. Therefore, it is recommended to make forecasts, information for which can be taken from analytical research data for the industry, as well as from competitors who have passed this stage of business development.

There are other risks when creating a personnel reserve. If a candidate has been on the list of reservists for a long time, and he is not appointed because the number of candidates is excessive or an incorrect forecast was given for the development of the organization, then he may lose interest in further training and growth. In addition, the candidate may "outgrow" the proposed position. In such situations, it is possible that an employee may move to work in another organization if he sees more prospects for career growth there.

Information about experts

Vasilina Sokolova, Deputy Director for Human Resources at, Kovrov (Vladimir Region). The field of activity of LLC is the sale of tools, garden, climate and power equipment, construction equipment, machine tools, etc. The number of employees is 1200 people. Annual turnover - 7 billion rubles. (for 2015). The number of retail stores is 173.

Alla Bednenko, Director for HR and Organizational Development, Ekonika, Moscow. The field of activity of Ekonika LLC is retail shoes and accessories. Part of the Novard group of companies. Number of staff - 1300 people. The number of stores (caskets) is more than 160.

In general terms, the talent pool can be described as a group of specialists who meet certain requirements, have been selected and qualified, and are potentially ready to become leaders. The sources of the personnel reserve for managerial positions can be the heads of small branches and divisions, chief and leading specialists, young specialists who have successfully completed an internship, etc.

However, it is worth clarifying that, depending on the specifics and needs of the organization, the personnel reserve can be formed from employees of all categories. Large industrial enterprises often experience difficulties with the selection of highly qualified workers and prepare candidates for the vacancies of a foreman, senior foreman, shift or section supervisor, etc.

What are reservists for?

The personnel reserve at the enterprise works primarily to reduce staff turnover. In addition, it saves the company's resources that it would have spent on the selection, adaptation and training of new employees. Emerging vacancies are filled by already trained specialists motivated for development, and this also affects the overall level of staff qualifications. Among the goals of the formation of the personnel reserve of the organization, it is worth noting the continuity in management, increasing the loyalty of employees.

Talent pool helps to strengthen corporate culture which increases the personal responsibility of each employee for his area of ​​work and for the overall result.

“In a large manufacturing corporation where I worked for several years, the talent pool was part of Talent Management, the main task of which was to ensure that the required number of talents with the proper level of training were available to achieve the business goals of the enterprise. Directly the personnel reserve was formed in order to quickly and effectively replace senior positions. Three groups were distinguished: a mobile reserve (employees who are ready, among other things, to move to another city), a local general reserve and a local narrowly focused reserve (for unique positions),” says Olga Kutsko, a certified member of the CIPD Institute, a graduate of Nottingham Trent University 2014, experience Over 9 years of experience in HR.

Where to begin?

The decision to create a personnel reserve is made by the company on the basis of a thorough analysis of the business strategy of the enterprise. If the plans include the development of new markets, the launch of new projects, then the list of reservists is best option training, it ensures that vacancies are quickly filled by internal candidates. If the course is taken to maintain stability, retain existing customers, then the logic of working with the personnel reserve should be different.

An important role is also played by the study of the causes of staff turnover: the most problematic positions, the portrait of those leaving and the reasons for layoffs are identified. The results of the data analysis help determine which employees are needed for such a position and identify the selection criteria for applicants.

In large companies, there are two areas of work: internal and external personnel reserve. The internal one is formed from working employees who are either ready to move to a new position or have the potential to develop the necessary competencies. The list of positions that can become a source of candidates for targeted vacancies is developed after an analysis of problematic positions and / or prospects for the development of the enterprise.

The external reserve includes candidates who successfully passed the interview with HR managers, but for a number of reasons did not start working in the organization. Among the potentially interesting candidates, one can also take into account specialists whose data was obtained after analyzing the labor market in the industry of interest.

At the planning stage, it is also important to clarify how many candidates will be reserved for a particular vacancy. An excess reserve is fraught with certain risks, which we will discuss below.

How to evaluate candidates?

The company determines the criteria for selecting candidates individually for each of the vacant positions. At the same time, compliance the maximum number requirements can be regarded as a separately assessed indicator.

The selection criteria for the personnel reserve can be as follows:

  • Age. For candidates for senior management positions, age up to 45 years is acceptable, and for future middle managers, a period of 30-35 years is considered the best. For job vacancies, the maximum limit will be 35 years.
  • Education. Most often, enterprises exhibit as mandatory requirement higher education for managerial positions, special education for workers.
  • Results of professional activity. The reservist must not only consistently fulfill his duties in full, but also be ready to show an increased result.
  • Candidate readiness for development is one of the most important criteria selection. The desire to learn, master new competencies, the ability to master new knowledge and technologies.
  • Experience in a company in a basic position. This criterion is not mandatory for companies that actively use the external labor market in the search for candidates, that is, they form an external talent pool. However, for many organizations it is important to what extent a person accepts corporate principles and internal policies.

The list of requirements can be supplemented taking into account industry specifics company, job specifics or corporate principles. For working specialties, this may be the minimum qualifying category or development of related specializations. For managers - mobility, the ability to change their place of residence, stress resistance, etc.

“In one of the large companies for the repair of oil and gas and energy facilities, we are just implementing a project to create a personnel reserve. Key categories are foreman, senior foreman and shop manager. For these purposes, we are testing the methodology for identifying HiPo (high potential) in two areas - potential workers and foremen. Identification of promising employees based on three components: KPI analysis, feedback from the shop manager, and an annual interview with the employee, which included a competency interview. After analyzing the results, a list of promising employees will be approved. In the future, we plan to organize an Assessment Center based on SHL, conduct training, involve reservists in solving additional problems of production and the company as a whole,” Olga Kutsko shares her experience.

Candidates have been selected, what's next?

In modern companies that form a personnel reserve is not for momentary vacancies, but phased preparation promising personnel, the work plan with reservists is decomposed into several areas:

  • an individual plan of professional growth for each candidate - depending on the starting level of training, experience, education;
  • necessary training and advanced training of selected employees - these can be internal educational programs, internships or advanced training courses, for example, at a leading industry university;
  • tracking and analysis of the development dynamics of each of the reservists.

“We have different employee training programs in our company. It all depends on what vector the specialist plans to develop. There are three options: leader, expert, manager. And for each direction, its own "stuffing" is selected: general developmental courses, professional programs and trainings. So, for line managers, in addition to specialized training, trainings to develop managerial skills are recommended. And the higher the level of the future leader, the deeper they are worked out. To train talented employees, we use internal educational resources and attract external experts,” said Natalia Sidorova, training manager at SKB Kontur.

An important role is played by assistance to the employee in the process of his entry into a new position. In order for the adaptation process to be painless, even at the preparation stage, it is necessary to include candidates in the enterprise management system at a new level. The recommendation is also valid for reservists of working specialties: mastering new functions and powers will facilitate the transition of an employee from one level to another.

Feedback from the candidate himself, from his colleagues and subordinates at all stages of training will help the HR specialist to draw conclusions about the correctness of the choice, adjust the training program.

Where can you go wrong?

During planning, pay attention first of all to the business strategy of the enterprise, calculate which of the key needs will be relevant in 3-4 years. Perhaps the position for which you are preparing candidates will be seriously modified during the growth of the company. To make forecasts, you can use information about competitors who have already passed this stage of business development, industry analytics.

Risks in the formation of a personnel reserve are also associated with a situation where a person is listed in the personnel reserve for a certain position for too long, for example, if the company's growth dynamics was incorrectly calculated or the reserve was excessive. The employee does not see immediate prospects for career growth and loses interest in further improvement and training. The second option - the applicant "outgrows" the proposed position. In both cases, there is a risk that a trained qualified specialist will accept the offer of competitors.

What about documents?

All work with the personnel reserve, starting from the planning stage, is regulated by local regulations. This may be a position on the personnel reserve. In it, be sure to write down the goals and objectives of this area of ​​​​activity, the procedure for the formation of a reserve of personnel, selection criteria and the organization of work with reservists.

To this document samples of internal documents are compiled as attachments, for example, a questionnaire for a candidate, a feedback form from his manager, etc.

Arrange the appointment or transfer of an employee from the personnel reserve in the usual manner, through the orders of the head, changes in work books and personal cards.

We will talk about how to automate work with a personnel reserve with the Kontur-Personnel program in the next article.

On the one hand, the concept of a personnel reserve is not something new and advanced for Russia - state-owned enterprises still have Soviet times there was a form of annual reporting, which reflected the state of work with the personnel reserve. On the other hand, it can be said with certainty that at present there is no systematic work with a group of "reservists" at state enterprises, and if it is, it is of a declarative nature, since "reservists" do not always have the opportunity to take the position in the reserve of which they stay for many years.

In large Russian non-state companies, the creation of a personnel reserve is due to several reasons. The main reason is the competition between companies for highly qualified specialists, which leads to the risk of untimely replacement of a vacancy in the event of the departure of a key employee.

General theoretical and practical aspects of personnel reserve management are reflected in the works of: Batygina B.S., Veresova N.N., Vesnina V.R., Vikhansky O.S., Genkin B.M., Devyatko I.F., Dyatlova V. V., Egorshina A.P., Zhuravleva P.V., Morozova A.V., Naumova A.I., Ogonesyan I.A., Odegova Yu.G., Ponomareva I.P., Travina V.V. ., Utkina E.A. and etc.

1. The essence and tasks of the personnel reserve

One of the elements of career management is the selection of specialists in the personnel reserve of management. Currently, the ability to identify and successfully train potential leaders for leadership positions is today the most important success factor in the competitive struggle. But far from all modern organizations effectively manage this process, many still solve the problem of succession promptly at the time of the release of a certain key position. This event gives employees the opportunity to feel that the management of the organization considers them candidates for vacant positions, and contributes to the emergence of a self-esteem motive.

In this regard, the main efforts in personnel policy are focused on creating a well-trained reserve of candidates for the positions of leaders of the new formation, capable of quickly mastering a new area of ​​work and providing effective solution the tasks ahead of them. Systematic work on the management of the personnel reserve requires significant costs from managers. But those organizations that have learned to manage this process receive a huge return on the time and money invested in working with the reserve, in the form of a painless generational change, preserving traditions and introducing new approaches and solutions.

At the same time, the emphasis is on creating a reserve not of “generally” trained candidates, but on managers of a certain type and level of management, taking into account new approaches to organizing work. state structures and economic management apparatus.

The presence of a personnel reserve makes it possible in advance on a planned basis, according to a scientifically and practically substantiated program, to prepare candidates for newly created and vacant positions to be filled, effectively organize training and internships for specialists included in the reserve, and rationally use them in various areas and levels in the management system.

Personnel reserve for promotion - is a contingent of workers from among line and functional leaders, specialists who have passed professional selection and have (passing) a special management training or an internship (for those who do not have sufficient managerial experience).

Young specialists are included in the leadership reserve after two years of work, during which they must improve in the specialty received in educational institution and demonstrate organizational skills.

The talent pool should reflect all levels of management. Each employee enrolled in the reserve must know what position he is being prepared for. The reserve is considered optimal when there are at least two people for each position of the head.

The main selection criteria for the personnel reserve are: level of education, work experience, state of health, age, consent of the candidate to occupy a vacant position.

In terms of quality and quantitative composition the reserve of managerial personnel should correspond to the current organizational and staff structures, taking into account the prospects for their development. The reserve is created for all, without exception, the positions of managers exercising management functions at a specific level.

The formation of the reserve is carried out on the basis of the conclusions of the attestation commissions, based on an objective comprehensive assessment of information about business and personal qualities candidates for leadership positions. At the same time, the conclusions of such commissions should be based on an analysis of the specific results of the professional activity of specialists achieved on various stages their work in the management system. Particular attention is paid to the level of professional and general education, organizational and analytical skills, a sense of responsibility for the results of work, dedication, the ability to justify and make independent, responsible decisions. When nominating to the reserve, the results of assessing the knowledge of candidates obtained during their training in the advanced training system, conclusions based on the results of internships, tests, etc., as well as physical condition, the ability to endure additional loads, are taken into account.

The most significant groups of personnel for the company are subject to reservation in the first place. Such employees can be represented in all categories - from top managers to workers. Considering the general demographic situation, the most dangerous for large industrial enterprises there may be problems with highly skilled workers, which are aggravated by the problems of labor migration. Therefore, already today, considerable attention must be paid not only to the search for top managers, but also to the training of middle and lower managers (foremen, team leaders), as well as to develop an in-house training system that will raise the prestige of working professions. If we talk about the classification of categories of workers, then we can conditionally divide the categories of reserved workers into five large groups:

1) top managers;

2) middle managers (including engineering and technical workers);

3) lower managers;

4) production workers (or main ones);

The principles of formation of the personnel reserve are the following principles:

The principle of the relevance of the reserve - the need for filling positions must be real.

The principle of the candidate's compliance with the position and the type of reserve - the requirements for the candidate's qualifications when working in a specific position.

The principle of a candidate's prospects is a focus on professional growth, level of education, age, seniority and work experience, previous career growth, health (although the law prohibits sorting candidates on the basis of health). It should also be taken into account professional requirements, personality traits of the candidate.

Sources of personnel reserve for managerial positions can be:

executives of the apparatus, subsidiaries;

chief and leading specialists;

specialists with appropriate education and a positive professional reputation;

young professionals who have successfully completed an internship.

The first level of the personnel reserve is all specialists of the enterprise, the next level is deputy managers of various ranks. The main reserve is the leaders of various ranks.

For successful work with a personnel reserve, first of all, it is necessary for the management of the company to understand the goals and objectives of its creation, the realization that this component of work with personnel can be largely costly and not bring visible dividends in a short time. It is necessary that it understands that the personnel reserve is a long-term investment in personnel, which bears fruit only with a painstaking and careful attitude to the principles and tasks of its formation.

Also, for successful work, it is necessary to carry out work with the "reservists" to explain the directions (including promising ones) of the company's activities, its strategy of behavior in the market and create a set of corporate values ​​among the "reservists". It is advisable to regularly acquaint employees with the assessments of the current management system, conduct business games and trainings to create a favorable microclimate in the team, and try to provide reservists with the opportunity to make proposals for the development of a business development strategy.

2. The need to create a personnel reserve

Why is a talent pool needed? Firstly, to ensure the succession of managerial personnel, preserving the most valuable thing in the organization - its corporate culture; secondly, to prevent possible crisis situations in the organization in the event of the departure of key managers. And, thirdly, to stimulate the professional growth of the company's employees.

These reasons are very compelling. But, paradoxically, for the stability of the company in the market and the continuity of personnel, it is not at all necessary to have a "personnel reserve institution."

If the personnel service focuses its efforts on creating conditions for the growth of managers, the need for the existence of such an institution will disappear. Why specifically train reservists when every manager will already have the knowledge and skills necessary for a more responsible position?

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