The main stages (stages) of the process of preparing and making managerial decisions. Planning for the implementation of management decisions (And the technological - functional phase of the management process)

garden equipment 26.09.2019
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The decision process includes three main phases: preparation, acceptance and organization of implementation. Each of these phases is divided into specific stages.

The phase of preparing a management decision It is subdivided into the following stages: clarification of the problem, analysis of the initial situation, statement of the problem, development of solutions.

At the stage clarification of the problem it is necessary to clearly present the desired situation and the difficulties that are associated with its achievement. At the same time, it is important to clearly define what can be done to solve the problem within the system, what and to what extent depends on the environment.

The next stage involves initial situation analysis , those. analyze the potential of the organization and the state environment at the time of making a decision in terms of the possibility of achieving the goal or obtaining the desired result.

Formulation of the problem - an action in which the ultimate goal is divided into stages of its achievement, and at each stage outline specific tasks linked to the end goal. In this case, it is especially important that the tasks have quantitative certainty and a certain sequence of solutions.

Solution development - the final stage of the phase of preparing a management decision. Its main content is the proposal various options solving the assigned tasks. Experts are involved in the development of solutions. The number of proposed options may vary, but each option should contain a clear statement of the task, the main stages of its solution in time and data on the necessary resources (material, labor, financial), as well as the possible consequences of the implementation of this option.

Decision phase includes an analysis of the proposed options and the choice of the optimal one.

Analysis of proposed solutions carried out by the manager together with specialists and involves: firstly, the choice of criteria for comparing options and calculating the effect of the implementation of each option; secondly, comparing the accepted criteria with the possible results for each option. In some cases, when the problem can be formalized, it is important to correctly build a mathematical model and use it to choose the best solution. In this case, certain proven mathematical models can be used. For example, to optimize transportation, a transport problem can be used, while forecasting trade turnover, regression analysis techniques can be used, etc.

Choice the best option is usually carried out by the head according to the results of the analysis of the proposed options. The optimal option is the best option under given conditions according to a given criterion. However, in practice, any of the options may have not one, but several goals, each of which has its own optimality criteria.

The choice of the optimal solution is approved by the manager. The decision is formulated and documented, fixed (signed) by the head, after which the tasks are brought to the direct executors, i.e. I am organizing the execution.

Solution execution organization phase is final. It involves bringing tasks to the performers, the formation and execution organizational plan and organization of control.

Bringing tasks to performers assumes that the meaning of the decision taken should be explained to all executors and each of them should be given specific tasks and their rights, obligations and functions in the execution of the decision should be determined.

The stage of forming an organizational plan provides for a clear definition of the scope of work for each task and the definition of priorities, resources and deadlines for completing tasks by each performer.

Organization of control for the execution of the decision - the final stage of the execution of the decision, which includes current and final control. Current control is carried out throughout the entire work on the execution of the decision, and the final one is carried out according to the results of execution and allows, on the one hand, to measure goals and results, and on the other hand, to carry out rewards based on the results of execution.

In the process of preparation, adoption and organization of the implementation of management decisions, all categories of employees of the management apparatus take part: managers, specialists and technical performers. However, the degree of their participation in this process is different. The most complex creative operations and procedures fall to the share of the manager, the implementation of which requires special knowledge and experience. The leader analyzes the initial situation, considers options for solutions, chooses the best option, i.e. makes the final decision, controls its implementation and is responsible for the decision made and the actions taken.

Specialists carry out mainly logical operations and procedures. They develop options for solutions, participate in the analysis of these options, and, if necessary, take part in the formation and implementation of the organizational plan and control.

Technical performers perform mainly technical operations and procedures in the preparation of decisions of the organizational plan, and also participate in the process of organizing control.

5.4. Methods for optimizing management decisions

The most common management optimization methods decisions are: mathematical modeling, peer review method, brainstorming (brainstorming), game theory.

Math modeling are used in cases where a management decision is made on the basis of extensive digital information that can be easily formalized. The widespread use of mathematical models allows us to give a quantitative description of the problem and find the best solution. The construction of a mathematical model can be represented as a diagram. The main stages of optimizing a management decision using mathematical methods are:

1) statement of the problem;

2) the choice of an efficiency criterion, which should be expressed unambiguously, for example, by a certain number, and reflect the degree of compliance of the results of solving the set goal;

3) analysis and measurement of variables (factors) that affect the value of the efficiency criterion;

4) building a mathematical model;

5) mathematical solution of the model;

6) logical and experimental verification of the model and the solution obtained with its help;

Methods of expert assessments are usually applied in those cases when the problem completely or partially cannot be formalized and cannot be solved by mathematical methods.

Expertise is a study of complex special issues at the stage of development of a managerial decision by persons with special knowledge and experience in order to obtain conclusions, opinions, recommendations and assessments. The expert opinion is drawn up in the form of a document in which the course of the study and its results are recorded. The introduction indicates who, where, when and in connection with what organizes and conducts the examination. Further, the object of examination is fixed, the methods used for its study, and the data obtained as a result of the study are indicated. The final part contains conclusions, recommendations and practical measures proposed by the experts.

The most effective method of expert assessments in the analysis complex processes having mainly qualitative characteristics, when predicting trends in the development of the trading system, when evaluating alternative solutions.

brainstorming method (brainstorming) is used in cases where there is a minimum of information about the problem being solved and a short time frame is set for its solution. Then experts are invited who are related to this problem, they are invited to participate in an accelerated discussion of its solution. At the same time, the following rules are strictly observed: everyone speaks in turn; speak only when they can offer new idea; statements are not criticized or condemned; all offers are fixed.

Usually this method allows you to quickly and correctly solve the problem.

A variation of the brainstorming method is jury opinion. The essence of this method is that experts are involved in the discussion of the problem. various areas activities that interact with each other. For example, managers of the production, commercial and financial divisions of the company are involved in the decision to release a new product. The application of this method contributes to the generation of new ideas and alternatives.

One of the methods for optimizing management decisions in the conditions of market competition is the use of methods from game theory, the essence of which is to model the impact of the decision on competitors. For example, if, using game theory, the management of a trading firm concludes that if the price of goods is increased by competitors, then it is probably advisable to abandon the decision to raise prices so as not to be at a competitive disadvantage.

Methods for optimizing management decisions can complement each other and be used in a complex way in the development of important management decisions.

The choice of methods for optimizing management decisions largely depends on the information support of management.

After making a decision to prepare it for the “launch”, the head, together with the management apparatus, is obliged to develop a mechanism for its implementation, i.e., draw up and approve an implementation plan. Drawing it up is the prerogative of the employees of the administrative apparatus and can be entrusted, at the discretion of the head, to any official, but it is approved only by those who signed this decision.

The plan for the implementation of decisions, as it were, divides the general program of action into separate group and individual tasks for specific executors. The task is not easy, it requires a deep knowledge of the personal and professional characteristics of employees and their capabilities, available forces, means and methods of execution, working conditions, etc.

In many cases, the leader has to mentally “lose” each individual task, putting himself in the place of a subordinate and in the appropriate conditions. Moreover, errors in determining the nature, scope or content of the task nullify the effectiveness decision generally. To avoid this, follow certain rules. In particular, it is necessary to differentiate the difference between an order or other legal act and such. The order reflects the goal, resources, areas of activity, the final model, and only a few tips on how to do it, that is, the order provides an answer to the question “what to do”. In other words, it is the manager's strategy in relation to the system.

Unlike an order, a plan is those labor, management operations that must be completed in order to achieve the goal, that is, the final results. Its goal is to solve the following questions: who, what, how, in what sequence, performs and interacts with whom, reports to whom, who controls the performance of work, coordination and approval of deadlines, etc., i.e., the plan should reflect the technology for achieving the goal .

Therefore, along with the decision-making phase in the management process, the phase of planning the implementation of managerial decisions is of great importance, within which methods, ways, forms of work are determined, performers are selected,

Rice. 8.2.1 Elements of decision implementation planning

specification of tasks and more. The content of work at this phase of the management process can be represented as following scheme(Fig. 8.2.1.).

The document that provides the organizational and legal side and the mechanism for the implementation of management decisions by the system is the implementation plan, an example of which is given below.

An implementation plan should be drawn up for each newly introduced management decision in the form of an annex to it.

The management decision implementation plan helps:

a) distribute labor among all specialists in accordance with the positions held and the performance of official duties so that it becomes possible to implement a specific regulatory legal act;

b) choose both the subordinate and the manager the most optimal option for achieving the goal, the most effective ways, methods, forms and methods of work;

Order clause and its content Implementation activities Responsible


terms mark
1 1.2 1.2.1 Nikoshenko V.P. 12.05 performed
1.2.2 Verina N. S. 19.05 performed
1.2.3 Sidorenko I.V. 01.06 not done
etc. it. d.

Deputy Chief Physician for medical work, P. F. Mishchenko

c) increase discipline, accountability and allows you to control the official. Therefore, after the issuance of the order, all performers must begin to develop personal plans for its implementation, including the leader, on those points to which they are directly related. It must be remembered that personal plans should follow from the general PRDP for a specific year for the institution (service, section of work).

As follows from the above plan for the implementation of the management decision, structurally it consists of five substantive sections, providing for the item of the order and its content, measures for its implementation, responsible executors, deadlines and a mark of execution. At the end of the year, it is necessary to analyze their implementation for all RDPs. In order for this to be possible, work with orders should be streamlined, i.e., a thorough “audit” of the regulatory legal acts in force in the system should be carried out, keeping in mind the principle of a single document, i.e. there should be one document per section of work (see Ch. 8.1.2).

When implementing decisions, one of the most important tasks of management - establishing production harmony between structural and functional divisions, departments and participants in the process of operating the system and managing it - is solved by coordination. As soon as the execution of tasks begins, various kinds of "inconsistencies" arise in the team of performers. Purpose of the head, the management apparatus is to minimize possible duplication and inconsistency in the work of performers, the system as a whole, ensuring that tasks are completed in as soon as possible, i.e., the coordination phase begins already from the moment the tasks, order and deadlines are determined for the executors.

Coordination as a management function has its own elements or skills. These are clarification, selection of performers, determination of deadlines for performance, implementation of proactive correction and control of performance, analysis of the quality of performance, summing up and stimulating work.

The organization of the implementation of decisions usually begins with an explanation in the team of the purpose, meaning and significance of a particular management decision, its possible results. Moreover, the propaganda of the adopted decision should be the wider and more effective, the larger the circle of people will participate in its implementation. If the decision is of a fundamental nature for the team, then the program for its implementation should be discussed at the asset or meeting of employees by contacting Special attention on the priority tasks facing the system.

The decision, as well as tasks, is recommended to be brought to the performer with a certain degree of detail, in an accessible and understandable form, from which the latter should know not only what to do, but also how to do it. At the same time, the indication should not be too detailed, so as not to deprive the performer of the opportunity to show initiative, independence, originality and creativity in work.

When choosing a performer, one should take into account not only the competence of those who are given the task, but also their personal characteristics. The assignment must be given to those whom the leader knows well and in whom he is confident. So, it is especially important to consider the ability of employees and the quality of their character. According to the abilities and efficiency in the team, “supporting” employees and “openwork” employees are distinguished. If you can rely on the former completely and at the same time be confident in the success of the business, then the latter require close attention from the leader, periodic stimulation (positive or negative) and systematic monitoring of their work. This must be kept in mind when determining the timing of tasks. For example, choleric people are efficient for the first three days of the week, and then there is a sharp decrease in their labor, emotional and mental activity. For phlegmatic people, on the contrary, their working capacity increases only by the end of the week, but by this time they will not be able to complete the task, since they still need to repeatedly “rethink” it. And even after completing the task, they still have a trace reaction and doubts about whether everything was done correctly for a long time. In the choleric, such conditions are extremely rare.

But it would be a manager's mistake if the execution of tasks was entrusted to the same employees. With such an organization of execution, a select group of activists is formed, and the rest of the employees are not included in the work. A talented manager's circle of responsible executors is constantly replenished, growing, and people grow along with it. It has also been noted that the more competent the leader, the fewer people are punished.

The following forms can be used as the forms used to adjust the system's activity: consultations with specialists; colleges, medical councils; meetings, conversations; instruction; showing samples; business games and study of documents.

Let us dwell on the characteristics of individual forms. the main objective conversations - to clarify the opinion of the performers about the upcoming work. Therefore, it is important to listen carefully to the employee, understand the reasons for his objections and doubts, and answer questions. In a conversation, you can check the depth of understanding by the performer of the task assigned to him and the ways of its implementation.

Briefing is carried out only after the solution implementation plan has been fully formed and it is time to start implementing it. When instructing, the performer has a complete picture of all his actions. The manager, in order to verify this, may offer the performer to retell or state in writing in what sequence and how he intends to solve the task.

Many of the shortcomings of the organization of execution are associated with an underestimation of the method of instruction. Some managers do not consider it necessary to resort to this method, and then they briefly tell the subordinate what they need to do, by what time, and they are limited to this.

At the same time, they forget about the psychological side of their relationship. It is sometimes inconvenient for the subordinate to ask the manager to clarify certain points, and then he remains in a state of some uncertainty about how to complete the task. The other extreme is too detailed instructions, when the manager tries to explain everything to the subordinate to the smallest detail, leaving him nothing for own initiative. In such situations, both lose, but more - the second.

Sample display is used when verbal explanation is different reasons not efficient enough. The forms of implementation here are different. In some cases, it is useful to observe the work of an experienced employee performing a similar job, in others, a movie and video film can be used.

The method of studying documents, as practice shows, although available, is not always useful. The danger here lies in the fact that the transmission and assimilation (memorization) of information occurs by mixing two laws of speech: reading is carried out according to the laws of written speech, and retelling - according to the laws oral speech. Therefore, the distortion of the meaning of the text is inevitable. So, psychologists conducted the following experiment (we also conducted it repeatedly in the educational and pedagogical process and obtained almost similar results).

The essence of the experiment was that one of the ten subjects was read the text and offered to verbally convey the content to another subject, that to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on up to the tenth. The last (tenth) was asked to state what the ninth told him about. Comparison of the original text with the text received from the last subject revealed significant difference between them. In addition, a comparison of the original text with the information received by each subject made it possible to establish the following facts. It turned out that the accuracy

Rice. 8.2.3. Scheme of the system activity planning process

The transmission of the text depends on numerous factors, including how it was composed, in what context it was read, etc. But it was found that the first subject introduced the greatest distortions, and then - like a snowball. Here the difficulty lies in the fact that the perception of the text by the first subject is carried out according to the laws of written oral speech, and the transfer of information to others - according to the laws of oral speech. In management practice, such phenomena can be not uncommon, since the texts of orders, instructions and other documents in most cases are known only to managers, and then its content is transmitted orally to subordinates.

The significance of plans for the implementation of existing solutions lies in the fact that on their basis it is possible to draw up both a system activity plan for the next year, as well as plans for structural and functional divisions and personal plans. Therefore, this work requires control (see Figure 8.2.3).

As can be seen from Figure 8.2.3, quarterly, monthly and weekly plans are formed on the basis of annual plans. Similarly, the planning process is carried out by structural divisions - from a comprehensive annual to monthly plan. The main thing in this activity planning scheme is to maintain the dominant position of the current regulatory legal acts, that is, you can do a lot, but first of all, what is provided for by the order.

In practice, it is recommended that when drawing up comprehensive plans for the operation of a system or its subsystems, use the above scheme, but only if the system is fully informed and works with all the regulatory legal acts involved. In addition, the content of the integrated plans for the activities of the system can be formed up to 80.0% of the actual activities of the plans for the implementation of decisions that are involved in the operation of the management apparatus.

The value of the activity plan for the team lies in the fact that, together with regulatory legal acts, it is a document organizing work; makes it possible to concentrate resources; maximally specifies the operation of the system; gives an opportunity to substantiate the choice of performers; provides a comparison of a set of measures with the set objectives; helps to carry out timely adjustment of the system activity, to provide control and analyze the implementation of managerial decisions. And then planning plays the role of one of the most important managerial functions, on the one hand, and a complex of state and socio-economic, technological, medical and other measures that ensure the satisfaction of requests, taking into account the available opportunities, on the other. In addition, this is one of the most important sections in the activities of a manager and specialists. If we try to formulate some approaches to this area of ​​activity, they can be reduced to the following:

Planning is a management function, therefore, it must be carefully organized and regulated;

Planning is a continuous process that stimulates the creativity of the entire team;

All employees should actively participate in the planning process, focusing on the final result;

For the adoption of optimal planned programs, mutual influence and interaction of the leader and subordinates is necessary;

The team should be widely and constantly informed about the implementation of the activities outlined by the plan, especially on existing deviations, which makes it possible to intensify the process of searching for and solving emerging problems;

Alternative planning programs should be kept in reserve in case the managerial situation changes;

In the planning process, it is necessary to orient the team to the possibility of unforeseen situations, on the manifestation of flexibility in work, immediate response and other unexpected moments;

Planning for changes in the need for the activity of the system (subsystems) must be carried out taking into account the prospects for direct and adequate functional and structural corrections;

A deep system analysis of systematic management helps to reveal

untapped opportunities and bring new reserves into play.

In the planning process, the main areas in the work of the manager are the following:

Implementation of a detailed system analysis of the starting position in the system activity;

Formation of a plan for the main areas of the system;

Substantiation and definition of the general goal and sub-goals of the development of the controlled system;

Specification of tasks and results to be achieved;

Determining the list of legal acts in force in the system;

Formation of a working group to develop action plans;

Identification of the optimal variant of distribution and use of all available resources;

Drawing up plans, coordination and preparation for approval;

Determination of mechanisms and ways to launch plans for execution;

Approval of criteria for assessing the implementation of plans;

Development individual plans work;

Organization of working time planning for the implementation of the activities planned by the plan;

Assess options for possible mobile measures to respond to risky situations and identify new opportunities;

Concretization of planned tasks, distribution of working time for the implementation of the planned plan.

As already noted, the normative legal acts in force in the system should be taken as the basis for the developed plans for the activity of both the system and its subsystems. These requirements must also be met when drawing up personal work plans for the manager or employees, the structure of which provides for 10 sections. Each of the sections of the personal plan requires its specification.


1 Analysis of the state of affairs, adjustment and decision-making on sections of the system's activities.

Preparation and decision-making in the management process is a set of procedures combined into separate stages. With all the variety of such procedures, the stages of development and decision-making are quite typical. This makes it possible to build general scheme development of scientifically based management decisions, based on the principles systems approach and methods of system analysis. To achieve success, it is extremely important not only to adopt a reasonable, expedient, reasonable, effective solution but also to take steps to ensure its practical implementation.

Preparation and decision-making in the management process is a set of procedures combined into separate stages. With all the variety of such procedures, the stages of development and decision-making are quite typical. Thanks to this, it is possible to build a general scheme for developing scientifically based management decisions based on the principles of a systematic approach and methods of system analysis.

General procedural and technological scheme for making managerial decisions:

  • Identification, analysis, diagnosis of the problem.
  • Formation of goals and objectives for solving the problem, taking into account the limitations.
  • Analysis of ways to solve the problem and adequate management decisions.
  • Modeling scenario options, evaluating the results and consequences of implementing different options.
  • The choice of the preferred option, the rationale for the choice.
  • Making a managerial decision.
  • Bringing the decision to execution.
  • Solution implementation management.
The development and adoption of a management decision is usually initiated by the emergence of a problem related directly or indirectly to the management object. The feeling of a problem that arose as a result of monitoring the management process is a signal for the manager, management about the need to start looking for ways, methods of action that allow to fully or partially solve this problem. In the most general case, a problem is understood as a discrepancy between the real, observed state of the controlled system and the desired, normative state.

The most typical problems, the occurrence of which leads to the need to make managerial decisions:

  • the state of the managed object and the processes taking place in it have become inconsistent with the goals of its activities, fixed in laws, plans, programs, regulations, charters;
  • the functioning of the object, the indicators of its activity contradict the norms, standards, requirements, which threatens to lose stability;
  • the needs for the product of the object's activity have changed, the situation in the markets has changed, and therefore it is necessary to make changes to the functioning of the object;
  • an unexpected emergency, the conditions in the external environment have changed dramatically;
  • new potential opportunities for a significant improvement in the condition and operation of the facility have appeared;
  • decisions of higher authorities were adopted, obliging to make fundamental changes in the activities of the control object, to carry out the measures prescribed by these authorities.

Experts in the field of management rightly point out that identifying a problem in a timely and correct manner means half solving it. Therefore, the detection of problems, penetration into their essence and correct interpretation is an integral part of the decision-making process.

Taking into account the fact that management decisions are closely related to the penetration into the essence of problems, the presence of which initiates the solution process itself, it is obvious that it is necessary not only to identify the presence of a problem, but also to diagnose it. Diagnostics is designed to establish the nature of the problem, its content, the degree of urgency, the connection with other problems, the types and extent of the dangers arising from the problem. Diagnosis is based on the study, analysis, study of the symptoms of the problem, that is, the observable signs that indicate its presence.

The danger of confusing the problem and its symptoms should be avoided. The problem is most often characterized by a number of signs, symptoms, giving reason to assume its presence, while only a few symptoms allow you to gain confidence in the existence of the problem and in its true essence. And we must strive to eliminate not the symptoms of a problematic disease, but to cure the disease itself, which is the solution to the problem.

A significant role in identifying and analyzing problems that need to be solved is played by the information used, obtained inside the analyzed system or outside it. Along with the requirements for the quantity and quality of the information received, its composition and representativeness are of no less importance. It is well known that the redundancy of information is just as harmful as its insufficiency. It is even more important to have the necessary information that is directly related to the case, to the problem under study, such information in control theory is called relevant. To obtain relevant information, one has to resort to filtering all the received data in order to select only those that are directly related to the occurrence and essence of the problem being analyzed.

The main sources of information used in the process of identifying problems, preparing and making decisions are internal and external reporting and statistical data, scientific literature, reviews, legislative acts, regulations, instructions, foreign analogues, expert assessments, attitudes of decision makers.

At the second stage of the process of developing and making decisions, it is necessary to form and formulate the goals and objectives of the decision being prepared. From a clearly defined goal, tasks are more clearly drawn. At the same time, the psychology and interests of the persons involved in the analysis, preparation, decision-making and, moreover, its adoption, involuntarily affect the formulation of goals and objectives.

The set of restrictions that must be observed when setting goals and objectives, choosing and making decisions forms the area of ​​​​admissible decisions. Within this area, options should be searched, alternatives considered at subsequent stages of the decision-making process.

Note that non-observance of restrictions is one of the main reasons for making deliberately inefficient, unrealistic, or even simply erroneous management decisions. The root cause of such imperfection is that at the stages of preparation and search for rational solutions, restrictive conditions are not analyzed, not fully taken into account, or simply not taken into account. A correctly organized, rationally set process of development and adoption of managerial decisions should provide for the formulation and analysis of restrictions, the formation of a zone of existence of admissible decisions.

Among the most creative operations and procedures of the process of developing and making managerial decisions are the search and formation of a set of alternatives (methods, options) for solving the problem under consideration and the corresponding control actions. The wider the range of alternatives for solving the problem, the more likely it is to find the most rational, in the limit - optimal solution. At the same time, it is practically impossible and impractical to find and compare all possible alternatives. Finding and analyzing many options is costly Money, labor, time, which in itself can reduce the effectiveness of the searched best solutions. As always in such situations, there is some golden mean". In the processes of searching for alternatives, macroeconomic solutions are limited to 3-4 options, and microeconomic - 4-5.

In conditions of limited time, there is a tendency to reduce the finding and comparison of options to finding not the best, but an acceptable solution. In this case, it is considered acceptable to consider a solution that allows you to significantly weaken or basically remove the problem within the available time at an acceptable cost of resources. Analysts within the framework of this approach operate on the principle “the best is the enemy of the good” and stop increasing the number of options being studied as soon as among the selected options there are already options acceptable to the decision maker.

It is also desirable that the alternatives selected for comparison differ significantly among themselves in the ways of solving the problem, and thus in the depth and time of the solution spent by resources. If this condition is met, the probability of subsequent selection of the most favorable solution increases. Among the comparable, comparable parameters of different alternatives are the timing and results of the implementation of this solution option, the resources expended, the expected consequences of the analyzed methods of action.

The key stage in making a managerial decision is the operation of choosing the preferred alternative from the list of considered, analyzed ones. Such a choice is preceded by a comparison, a comparison of options in a range of parameters established during modeling, forecasting, including, first of all, indicators of the degree of problem solving, solution time, resource costs, expected consequences of the implementation of the decision, the degree of risk of failure to implement the decision.

When choosing the preferred option, justifying their choice, making the final decision, all participants in this process are forced to consider and take into account a number of outcome indicators: resource and time costs, risk, consequences of the decision being made. For some indicators, some compared options are preferable, and for other parameters, other options are preferable. Most often, a deeper solution to the problem requires high costs resources and longer time. Therefore, it is possible to speak about the choice of the optimal solution with a significant degree of conditionality, since there is no single criterion for the optimality of solutions, with rare exceptions.

In the conditions of a typical multi-criteria choice, preference is given to an acceptable option, which seems to be the best from one point of view or another to the decision makers. Quite often, the contribution of the chosen variant of solving the problem to solving other problems, the expected reaction to the choice of the variant on the part of interested parties and the interests of the decision maker himself are taken into account.

The validity of a decision largely depends on the depth of its elaboration, the consistency of the above stages and decision-making procedures. To do this, it is necessary to provide for the iterative nature of the entire process with a possible return from subsequent operations to previous ones.

To achieve success, it is extremely important not only to make a reasonable, expedient, justified, effective decision, but also to take measures to ensure its practical implementation. It is necessary to bring the decision to the performers, inform the entire circle of participants in the execution about it. It is also required to organize the management of the implementation of the adopted decision at all stages of its implementation in accordance with a specially developed schedule.

Boris Raizberg

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