Functional responsibilities of employees and managers. What is the difference between functions and duties

reservoirs 26.09.2019

We completed the previous series of articles on process management with the identification of processes.

Now, based on the results of structuring and identifying processes, we will move on to the development official duties employees.

The initial data for this are the process specifications, which contain all the information we need:

  • process executor,
  • Brief description of the process,
  • Purpose of the process
  • Process results,
  • Process indicators.

Now, to draw up the job responsibilities of an employee, it is enough for us to look through all the specifications and select those in which he is listed as an executor.

It hardly needs to be said that job responsibilities are drawn up not for the personality of the employee, but for the position that different personalities can occupy.

Having thus selected the specifications we need, we get the entire set of processes in which the employee who occupies the position in question is involved. Its working functions are the functions of the executor of these processes. We can only describe them.

It is convenient to make a job description in the form of a table, filling it with information obtained by copying data from process specifications.

For each process in which an employee participates, we indicate the goals of the process, its results and indicators - all this data is in the specification of the corresponding process. Information from the specification is also used to describe the functions of an employee, but some clarifications and additions may be required.

For example, consider the job responsibilities of a manager responsible for developing a network of service stations, attracting new stations to it.

The duties of this employee are described precisely and specifically. It is indicated in which processes he is an executor, what functions he performs, what goals he must achieve, what is the result of his work and by what criteria they are evaluated. This description is fundamentally different from the vague and empty documents that are usually compiled in most enterprises and are called “Job Responsibilities” or “Job Descriptions”.

By the way, about the name. In our opinion, it is more correct to call the document considered here “Responsibilities”, meaning that it quite fully defines the terms of reference of the employee. The instruction is a document of another level. It describes the order in which operations are performed in certain processes. Instructions for performers should be drawn up after the development of business process regulations, since they detail the description of the work of process performers. There can be many instructions - as many different operations an employee performs.

This usually raises the question of the completeness of job responsibilities. Have we overlooked any functions of the employee? This is out of the question. The completeness of job descriptions is ensured by the methodology for their compilation. Recall that we first of all identified the structure of the top-level processes, and making sure that we didn’t miss anything, we singled out the second and, possibly, the third level. Thus, all business processes are taken into account, there can be no “gaps”. Then we made the specifications of all processes, and only after that we moved on to describing the functions of employees in the form of job descriptions.

As you can see, the drafting of job responsibilities is not difficult task if it is done on the right methodological basis. In addition, errors with this approach are excluded.

E-mail will help you implement a process approach. training course“How to build a process management system in your company”.

Each worker must perform his duties. Any enterprise has chiefs, managers, as well as departments that are required to working time follow all appropriate instructions.

Importance of Functional Responsibilities

Applicants in most cases do not have a clear idea of ​​what kind of work they are offered. Knowledge of all major functional duties is a key element during recruitment. This is how applicants will be able to understand what employers want from them.

Functional responsibilities should be understood by each applicant for a particular vacancy. All advertisements contain job titles, but in order to get a job, you need to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits future responsibilities. With a small list of future tasks for an employee, you can quickly form a clearer and more detailed picture of the job.

All employers should describe their responsibilities in as much detail as possible on a piece of paper. In order for vacancies to be drawn up correctly and competently, the following points must be written in them:

  • Functional responsibilities.
  • Powers.
  • Determine the level of responsibility.

Given detailed description will allow many managers not to face potential misunderstandings, and also not to waste their time on unsuitable candidates.

What qualities should an employee have?

First of all, all employees are qualified according to general indicators and data. Managers can evaluate professional features, information and qualities of each applicant.

Important functional responsibilities of employees:

  • Dexterity is especially important when you need to regularly perform complex manual work.
  • Neat appearance and punctuality. It is especially important to be able to communicate with customers or operate specialized equipment.
  • mobile qualities. Some positions involve travel on business trips at the request of the head.
  • Good physical state and preparation.

Main responsibilities of a manager

At any enterprise or organization, managers who belong to the category of specialists work. The following functional responsibilities of the leader can be distinguished:

  • Knowledge of the entire structure of the enterprise.
  • Planning your working day, meetings, calls, receiving visitors.
  • Departure on short-term business trips to solve basic problems.
  • Implementation of technical support for the activities of the organization.
  • Negotiations, business meetings, reception of visitors.
  • Coordination of especially important issues with employees of the structural unit.

Managers must conduct business operations, as well as regularly monitor the collection of materials and important documentation. Also, do not forget about the preparation of analytical and reference information.

What are the responsibilities of general purpose departments in the enterprise?

All organizations include departments that must perform specific tasks and instructions. The main functional responsibilities of the general purpose department can be distinguished:

  1. Continuous provision and implementation of standards for unified systems.
  2. Organization of work related to the processing of documentation that enters the enterprise. It is also necessary to constantly monitor correspondence, letters and other printed materials.
  3. Ensuring an effective system of control over all departments.
  4. Control of the work of the secretariat, as well as the reception and methods of processing correspondence.
  5. Checking the correct formatting of materials to be sent to the judicial authorities.
  6. Development and approval of scheduled inspections in the field of the structural unit of the enterprise.

Employees of the general purpose department must properly organize business production, use technical means, computer technology, operating system, as well as timely check for literacy all completed documents.

What are the responsibilities of leaders?

The functional responsibilities of the chief are determined in a specific volume, which depends on the qualification characteristics. The list of cases and assigned tasks can be supplemented, as well as refined during preparation job descriptions. But this takes into account all the circumstances that have arisen.

The head must properly organize the full provision of the enterprise with all the necessary material resources which may be required for further production activities. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account such points as the quality of resources and their rational use. This is required in order to reduce production costs and ultimately maximize profits.

The boss should lead the ongoing development of projects perspective plan. His duties include balances of material and technical support, as well as the preparation of production programs, the calculation of repair and maintenance needs at the enterprise.

Functional responsibilities of a specialist in the enterprise

Any organization should take care to hire a specialist who will manage automated control systems. He must have complete higher education, which is fully consistent with the direction of training. Particular attention is paid to work experience in this specialty, as well as in leadership positions.

It is possible to single out the main functional responsibilities of specialists in automated control systems:

  • Management, organization and further implementation of important projects that are aimed at improving the production process. A specialist can apply modern methods of computer technology, innovative communications and connections.
  • Organization of studies that focus on the management system, order and methods of planning.
  • Direct participation in writing terms of reference to create an automated process control system.

What responsibility falls on a specialist in automated control systems?

The chief specialist must not only fully fulfill his functional duties, but also be responsible for the actions taken. Fines may be levied in the event of non-compliance job tasks, as well as in case of incomplete use of all granted rights for work. Chief specialists are responsible in case of non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, as well as safety in the production process.

It is also necessary to take into account the sanitary and fire protection. Under no circumstances should specialists disclose important information about the enterprise in which they work.

Manager is a very popular and demanded position. No enterprise, firm or organization today can do without a manager. This profession exists as long as commodity-money relations. At all times, their main task was and is to attract customers, successful sales, maintaining the status of the enterprise.

Manager - a specialist in a wide profile

A manager is a leader who holds a permanent position in an organization that operates in market conditions. He is vested with certain powers in the field of adoption management decisions on questions of departments or the organization as a whole. The manager is hired labor force involved on specific conditions for the implementation of activities. The main guideline for him is the plan and the amount of resources available to him. The main job responsibilities of a manager are to make decisions and make efforts to implement them.

Perhaps, today the most demanded is the middle manager - middle management. This includes the manager of sales, customer service, recruitment and many others. People are very interested, and at the same time it is not clear, what are the job and functional responsibilities of a manager? What are the benefits of this profession? And is it worth choosing?

Required Qualities

First of all, it is worth knowing that a manager is a manager who has professional knowledge in organizing and managing production, has a higher education. He knows how to plan personal work, that is, set goals and determine ways to achieve them, set priorities. The manager can conduct business negotiations, identify factors of unproductive work and apply measures to eliminate them.

To date, a list of requirements for a modern manager has been developed:

  1. Mental capacity. These include creative thinking, the ability to give adequate assessments.
  2. Attitude towards others. That is, he must be able to work in a team, be sociable, friendly, respect each person in the company, regardless of social status and position.
  3. Personal traits. That is, striving for success intrinsic motivation, hobby.
  4. Attitude towards work. The initiative in decision-making should come from the manager, should be receptive to workloads, able to delegate, organized.

The full and fruitful work of a manager directly depends on several factors. This is the atmosphere in the team, working conditions, rational organization of the workplace. It is important to be able to get out of conflict situations, to be patient.

  1. Manages the workflow. At the same time, it uses computer technology, communications, and ensures the systematic release of products, focusing on the production plan and supply contracts.
  2. Identifies and masters technical innovations, best practices, methods of increasing labor productivity.
  3. Engaged in the development of calendar schedules for the production and release of products, while focusing on the plan.
  4. Makes a daily record of how activities are progressing. This is the control of the availability and condition of products, the development of a daily norm according to the plan, ensuring rational use transport.
  5. Prepares, takes into account, regulates the execution of orders.

Department head

The work of a department manager is quite interesting and intense. A person in this position must be active, quick in making decisions, responsible. It is important to be able to update sales strategies, motivate employees, and be an optimist.

The duties of the department manager are as follows:

  1. Corrects release and delivery schedules, develops and implements standards for operational planning.
  2. Controls the entire production process. Fills in technical documents with his own hand, monitors the availability of tools, materials, products, transport, loading facilities, prepares equipment for new products.
  3. Warns and, if possible, eliminates any violations during the production process.
  4. Organizes activities to improve planning, the introduction of more modern and modernized equipment, means of communication.
  5. Manages the work process in the warehouse, department employees, dispatching units.
  6. Conducts a systematic inventory.

Project Manager: Job Responsibilities and Responsibilities

Customer Satisfaction - the main objective in the work of a manager. Search for orders, sponsors, performers - the project manager is responsible for all this. Job responsibilities mainly consist in planning activities, managing the reserve, the ability to take risks. His work also includes:

  1. Market analysis: studying the competitive environment, collecting information about consumers, their preferences and desires.
  2. Finding new and maintaining old relationships with customers.
  3. Development of a strategic plan, control of its implementation.
  4. Active promotion of activities in social networks.
  5. Managing projects and events from start to finish.
  6. Work with mail - receiving, processing and answering letters, technical documentation.

Account Manager

Perhaps this is the most communicative position in management activities. Daily communication with customers, their service, building relationships - all these are the main functions of a manager. It is extremely important to interest a person, to offer the product or service that will fully satisfy his needs.

Client Manager Responsibilities:

  1. Friendly communication with customers, well-developed speech.
  2. Knowledge about the product or service being produced.
  3. Attracting new customers and maintaining old ones.
  4. Doing mailbox. This is a systematic distribution of notifications, a response to letters.
  5. Communication with customers through communications: receiving calls, communicating on Skype, etc.
  6. The ability to find an approach to each client, to provide them with everything necessary. If the item is out of stock, find an alternative.

HR manager

A recruiter is a specialist with a wide range of responsibilities. His main task is to recruit personnel for the company. This person should be able to competently compose questionnaires, ask correct questions, provide consulting services, be self-possessed and impartial. The responsibilities of the Human Resources Manager are:

The profession of a manager will always be relevant and necessary. Its great advantage is the possibility of career growth, and, consequently, getting a decent wages. It is important not only to know the job responsibilities of a manager, but also to be able to apply them to the benefit of the company.

The development of labor relations has led to the fact that the terms of reference and competencies of each employee have received precise definition. Management sometimes forces its employees to go beyond their job responsibilities and perform functions that are unusual for them. A clear distinction between concepts will help employees of organizations to better understand their rights and, accordingly, defend them reasonably.

What are functions and job responsibilities

Functions- a specific field of activity of the employee, the ideal result of his work, aimed at achieving corporate goals. These include, depending on the sphere of work, the execution of instructions from the management, personnel office work, technical and operational control and much more. This is the expected result that the employee should bring as a result of successful activity.
Job Responsibilities- specific actions performed by an employee to perform functions and achieve assigned tasks. This is a comprehensive set of processes that an employee must complete within a set time frame and at an acceptable level of quality. Job responsibilities should be specific and outline the best way for the employee to perform the assigned tasks.

The difference between functions and job responsibilities

Thus, the key difference between these categories is the essence of the concepts. Functions - the predicted or expected result of the work of an employee of the enterprise. This concept is general and extremely broad. Job responsibilities - a process, both duties and recommendations to the employee. They are secondary to features and more detailed and specific.
Both functions and job responsibilities should be enshrined in the regulations of the organization. Going beyond the outlined framework is allowed only in special cases and, as a rule, not at the initiative of the employee.

.ru determined that the difference between functions and job responsibilities is as follows:

The scope of concepts. Functions are a general category, while duties are a particular one.
Hierarchy. Functions are primary, and job responsibilities are built on their basis.
Essence. Functions are the predicted result of activity, duties are a description of the process.
Detailing. Functions in a general form reveal the tasks of the employee, and responsibilities specify them as much as possible.

Functional responsibilities.

Development of functional responsibilities of formed or emerging units. The company chooses the most convenient way of regulation. The essence is important. And the essence of this approach is the competent and effective formation of the sales department:

The purpose and objectives of the sales department are clear and clearly formulated;

It is clear which units are solving or are called upon to solve these goals;

There are heads of these subdivisions who are well aware not only of their duties and the duties of their subdivisions, but also of the functions, duties and rights of related departments and services.

Personnel, formation corporate culture.

Now is the time to start recruiting sales managers or rethink and redirect the work of existing salespeople in the company. In parallel with the beginning of the search for sellers, and even better - one step ahead - start developing their job descriptions.

Job descriptions are not a dogma and not restrictions for the manifestation of the creative abilities of employees. However, each employee must be very clearly aware of what he is paid money for, and the manager must know what can and should be asked of a particular employee. Working without prescribed job descriptions is typical for young companies and indicates a low level of professionalism.

Let's pay attention to the following sections of job descriptions, regardless of the specifics of the company or the direction of its activities, which will help “breathe life” into this development, make it useful for employees.

Purpose and tasks of the post. It is important to clearly formulate the goal and determine the tasks that need to be solved in order to achieve it.

Subordination, interaction. An interesting and controversial issue is the thesis of direct subordination. I propose the following interpretation of this definition. Direct subordination is a form of personnel management in which the issues of hiring an employee, setting a task, monitoring performance, encouraging, punishing and dismissing are decided by the immediate superior; it is possible to coordinate or approve the decision of the immediate superior by a higher official.

The principle applied by a number of companies, when a leader of any rank can give orders to employees who are not directly subordinate to him, is fraught with trouble. Of course, there are exceptions that justify this approach. However, as a rule, it is more expedient to set the task through the head of the structural unit.

Criteria for evaluating work. A clear and understandable definition of the indicators by which the work of an employee is evaluated is a necessary condition for his successful work.

Job / Functional Responsibilities.

This section should clearly define what functions the employee must perform in order to achieve the goal. In essence, this is a reasonable specification of tasks with an emphasis on the technological aspects of sales - in relation to sales managers and on organizational and managerial aspects - in relation to the head of the sales department. It is advisable to supplement this “technological” aspect of the development of job responsibilities with a list of work results that are expected from this employee. This combination of performance and technology orientation in the development of functions, for example, sales managers, will help to avoid the situation often encountered in practice when an employee says, indicating in his job descriptions, that this type of work is not foreseen for me.

Ignoring or misunderstanding the provisions in question leads to loss of money for the company in the form of direct losses or lost profits. And this is manifested in the disorganization of the staff, the performance by managers of the tasks that their subordinates must perform, in the inability or fear to delegate authority, provide freedom of action at an intermediate stage and ask for results.

Rights. In order to competently perform tasks, certain material things, working conditions, and powers are required. And they must also be defined and prescribed. As business processes become more complex, the requirements for the working conditions of sales department employees increase. For example, the need to constantly connect a sales manager's computer to the Internet in many companies is becoming a basic requirement for its effective work.

A responsibility. Having set a goal, defined tasks, formulated functions and granted rights, it is necessary to determine the scope of the employee's personal responsibility for a specific section of the business process.

Speaking about personnel in a systematic approach to sales, it should also be noted that the selection of employees is made taking into account the characteristics of the company and the specifics of the promoted product or service. That is, not only we choose, but now more and more people choose us, especially competent personnel. Therefore, when searching for a candidate for a particular company, it is necessary to “weigh” not only the salary level that the company can currently pay to the employee, professional qualifications and psychological features candidate, but also the complexity of the product, the peculiarity of the team (the level of goodwill, etc.).

As for the formation of corporate culture, this is a long and purposeful process, which is an element systems approach to sales. The author contributes to this process by explaining and implementing in practice the concept of “Management Pyramid”, as the principle of a competent approach to the organization of work in a company, and also conducts a lecture-training “Elements of professionalism in the work of performers of any level”. Schematically, these issues are covered in Appendix A.

The result and practical value of the second system block. The company acquires organizational and managerial registration. Employees literally see the structure of the company, know and understand their tasks, the criteria for evaluating their work, the system of subordination and interaction in the company. Begins competent work for recruitment.

Methodological support of sales

The name of this system unit may sound somewhat unusual. But its essence is precisely in the methodological support of the sales process. Another wording that helps to reveal this essence can be this: “Setting up regular management in the sales department or commercial department of the company.” The importance of these issues increases when considering sales processes from a systemic point of view. The system will be good when it can work "by itself" in a certain sense. And if, when interpreting the word “itself”, one does not go beyond the boundaries of common sense, then here are the elements of methodological support that will make it possible to give further consistency to the processes of organizing and managing sales in the company (Appendix B).

Methodical “armament” of managers. Documents and work algorithms for this block should be developed by the management of the company and the sales department for their sales managers. Specifically, this is the work of the head of the sales department, commercial director or sales director, and in part - the marketing director. The presence in the company of such developments and their use in practice automatically characterizes the professional level of the heads of sales departments.

Specific basic documents characterizing both this block and other blocks of the methodological support system for sales are given in Appendix B. Examples and details of the methodological support system can be given in a separate article.

System of demand from managers - reporting system. After employees know what is required of them, they understand what and how to do it is possible and necessary to organize a competent demand. To do this, it is necessary to clearly define the task. This is expressed, in particular, in the scrupulous development of forms of reporting documents. The best way is a table. It will also provide a summary of the results for the entire population of performers.

Reporting on the results of work. In other words - the final reporting of sales managers.

In terms of the methodical ordering of regional sales, it is advisable to pay attention to the development of the following regulatory documents that give clarity and simplicity to this difficult type of sales with complex process control and increased financial risk.

The concept of regional sales.

Terms of payment for regional managers.

Travel regulations.

Financial plan business trips for the year, quarter, month.

Business trip plan.

Travel report.

Methodological support for the work of the sales department.

The level and scale of the tasks of this block, continuing the regulation of business processes in the sales department, go beyond the scope of one department. This is a joint work of directors of several divisions of the company: commercial, financial, marketing, logistics.

The main blocks of this section:

The economic mechanism of sales.

company sales budget.

Cost budget.

Final report of the sales department.

Document flow.

The result and practical value of the third system block. The work of the main division of the company - the sales department is being created anew or put on a professional basis: job responsibilities of employees, planning, reporting, production discipline, planning, financial, client databases, document flow, sales technology. Information about the state of sales in the company "settles" in specially developed documents according to well-thought-out work algorithms. Well-established analysis of reporting and planning data allows timely management decisions. The market value of the company increases. The risk of losing accumulated information when managers or the head of the sales department leaves will decrease. The basis for the standardization of business processes and sales management systems in branches or subsidiaries is being formed. Internal conditions are created for the development of sales. Inevitably, there is an increase in sales.

Marketing support and sales development

Having worked through the above blocks of the system, you can set and solve a group of tasks that answer the question “What else needs to be done to better meet the needs of your customers, work more efficiently and, accordingly, increase sales?”. This is the next block of the sales organization and management system - marketing support and sales development.

Ideally, many marketing aspects of a business organization should be carefully considered before the main business processes of the company are launched. For example, the strategic goals of creating a company (mission, vision, ideology), target market, assortment and price policy, product distribution channels, their unique competitive advantages, studying competitors, ways to promote products and many other groups of questions, it is desirable to pose and solve before, say, starting to draw up a job description for a sales manager. In addition, almost all marketing questions have a due date, but no completion date; should be developed and updated continuously.

It is also necessary to note another danger when considering marketing issues. Marketing is the most versatile concept modern business. It is hardly possible to name at least one area of ​​activity of a modern business company that would not be an element of marketing. Therefore, within the framework of the objectives of this article, we will try to reduce marketing issues to practically tangible concepts, the solution of which ensures further sales growth and business development of a particular company.

Schematically, the system of marketing support and sales development may look as follows.

1. Regulations on the marketing department.

2. Strategic planning.

Company's mission.



Marketing plan for the development of the company.

3. Long-term planning.

Sales policy - distribution channels, assortment policy, pricing policy, sales promotion methods, the concept of regional sales.

Marketing forecasting sales.

4. Positioning. Continuous monitoring of the company's and products' market position.

6. Marketing research.

Target consumer market.

New target market segments.

New regional markets.

Competitors, manufacturers, suppliers.

It is important that every direction marketing research acquired practical significance in the form of specific recommendations for optimizing and developing sales.

The result and practical value of the fourth system block. Further growth of sales efficiency is achieved by using the results of marketing activities. Sales divisions are based on the developed conceptual framework for the development of the company. Achieve a clear understanding of your target market. This enables the sales department to quickly and independently resolve many tactical issues. Sales departments are beginning to actively use advertising campaigns and other methods of promoting products.

In order to increase the turnover and get as close as possible to the end consumer, SibMetallTrans LLC is constantly striving to expand the scope of its activities by opening metal depots in the regions of Russia and concluding dealer agreements with regional representatives on a long-term basis.

Currently, there are three official representative offices of the company: in the years. Biysk and Novosibirsk, capable of simultaneously placing more than 30,000 tons of rolled products of various grades on their premises.

Per Last year The amount of rolled steel supplied through regional warehouses more than doubled, and the geography of sales expanded significantly.

The activity of SibMetallTrans LLC is aimed at providing coal industry enterprises, as well as the largest machine-building enterprises and construction organizations with rolled metal products. We develop the services provided in the sale of metal, so our customers can count on quality service. In order to satisfy the needs of consumers as much as possible, we purposefully expand the range of metal products offered.

To organize the process of procurement, storage and sale of rolled metal products, SibMetallTrans LLC uses a centralized inventory management system at regional warehouses, based on the operation of modern telecommunication systems and high-speed data transmission channels

The main goal of the marketing policy of SibMetallTrans LLC is to provide maximum profitable terms work for consumers of metal products. We plan to develop warehouse sites to the level of modern metal service centers and open similar complexes in those regions where there is an active demand for rolled metal products and metal products. The company quickly responds to customer requests and is always open to long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.

LLC "SibMetallTrans" reorganized the management system. The reason for the transformation is the growth of the company and the expansion of the business.

Management of a dynamically developing large organization requires the creation of a special structure that implements strategic management.

Personnel transformations are one of the stages of the program of reorganization of the management system of SibMetallTrans LLC, which began three years ago.

The main directions of the reorganization of the enterprise management system.

The need to solve a large set of tasks in the field of sales requires the creation of a flexible commercial service with a certain degree of independence. This can be achieved by organizing the service on a regional and product basis, transferring to the heads of the service certain powers and responsibilities for decisions taken in sales and purchases.

A weak focus on the end consumer of products dictates the need to create a marketing department at the enterprise and transfer to it the functions of improving the assortment and searching for new technologies.

An excess of personnel and at the same time a lack of qualified personnel dictate the need to create a full-fledged HR service under the supervision of the HR Director, especially in terms of motivation and certification of personnel, as well as the search and training of highly qualified personnel.

In connection with the tightening of competition, a rational approach is needed to analyze the activities of the enterprise and plan their own activities for the future, which can be organizationally ensured by the introduction of a financial department with subordination to their financial director.

Today, we can talk about the possibility of transition to a new promising management structure in two stages:

An early change in the organizational structure and the mandatory assignment to specific performers of the functions of the relevant services and departments.

Deepening and improving the efficiency of the performance of functions through the use of incentive methods and other results of the implementation of projects to improve management and staff training.

For flexibility organizational structure and guided by considerations of economic feasibility, it is possible to transfer (partially) outside the firm a number of tasks that require high costs and highly qualified personnel:

Large-scale marketing research.

Tax planning activities.

Minimization of utility bills (including the transition to mini-energy).

Development of business plans for investment projects.

The solution of the listed tasks for the enterprise can be carried out on a subcontract basis.

Ranges of responsibility in the new organizational structure.

In the new management structure, responsibility for decisions made should be formed in the form of responsibility ranges for each position. This assumes that all officials know what work should be done within the assigned range of responsibility. Within the range of responsibility, the official acts independently and is personally responsible for a positive result.

After the ranges of responsibility are formed, "horizontal" interactions are worked out in the new organizational structure in order to increase the efficiency of management.

"Horizontal" interactions are business relationships that officials enter into to make decisions on matters related to their areas of responsibility. "Horizontal" links are formed between the positions of different structural divisions of the company. Business relations within one structural unit, as well as the relations of employees with their managers, are determined by subordination relations and are regulated by the rules of interaction between the manager and the employee.

To streamline relationships at the enterprise, it is advisable to fix agreed positions in job descriptions (or contracts of managers), in particular:

Ranges of responsibility powers;

- "horizontal" interactions;

A responsibility;

Qualification requirements.

Consider the sequence of the process of forming a new organizational structure.

We will fix the main stages and types of work on the reorganization of the enterprise management system.

1. Fixing the existing staffing.

1.1. Receipt of the existing staff list signed by responsible persons.

1.2. Design and development of a computer database "Library of Works" (in which all possible types works that are currently being done in the company).

1.3. Conducting a survey of the organization's personnel in order to fill the "Library of Works". Entering results into a computer.

1.4. Analysis of the "Library of Works" for duplication of functions and the presence of gaps. Identification of factors, the implementation of which is important for the development of the organization.

2. Analysis of "gaps" in the organizational structure of the enterprise.

2.1. Identification of the causes of these gaps and their possible negative impact.

2.2. Structurization of the revealed "gaps". Identification of possible ways to solve problems.

3. Development of a new staffing table for the company.

3.1. Meetings with management and administrative staff (in person) to develop the concept of a new company structure.

3.2. Development of a draft staffing table (in the future, as the work progresses, it can be modified and changed).

3.3. Development of a package of provisions on structural divisions.

4.1. Development and approval standard form"Regulations on the structural unit". A model provision may include the following main sections:

General provisions (status, subordination);

Main tasks and functions;

Rights and obligations;

A responsibility;

The composition of the unit and the relationship;

Work organization.

4.2. Statement CEO company package of regulations on structural divisions.

5 . Creation of a package of provisions and job descriptions for workplaces.

6. Development and approval of local regulations of the company:

Regulations on the structure of company management.

Internal labor regulations.

Staff Regulations.

Regulations on the organizational structure and staffing.

7. Setting up workflow.

8. Statement of management accounting.

9. Development and implementation progressive system wages.

10. Binding financial planning and company management to specific jobs.

Optimization of the wage system

Basic Principles new system wages in SibMetallTrans LLC should be:

The salary should compensate for the efforts of the employee that he needs to make to perform the tasks in this position;

Its level should take into account the personal contribution of the employee;

The amount of remuneration should be competitive in relation to a similar position at other enterprises in the region;

The salary cannot be reduced in case of a decrease in the volume of work for reasons beyond the control of the employee;

The size of wages and the rate of its growth must correspond to the rate of growth in cost


Permanent (base) wage established for what the employee does in accordance with the duties of the job; the variable part, based on an assessment of personal contribution, is for how he does it.

This enhances the motivating role wages ensuring its greater dependence on the performance of the employee.

In order to better differentiate wages depending on the nature of the work performed, wage brackets are set at each rung of the ladder. Within the "forks" a specific size is determined wages for each position based on the results of its evaluation.

Evaluation of positions was one of the most difficult problems in the formation of a new system of remuneration at the enterprise. Evaluation of managerial positions is carried out according to the following criteria:


Work experience;

Responsibility for leadership;

The area of ​​activity within which the official makes decisions;

- intensity interaction with internal divisions of the enterprise, external organizations.

The choice of the above criteria allows you to set the amount of the base salary for each manager, taking into account the level of responsibility for the management, the scope of its competence and the decisions made within its framework, the need to establish effective relationships with structural divisions and organizations both inside and outside the enterprise, and required for this qualifications and wages.

At the same time, such requirements for criteria should be developed that motivate the improvement of the skills of managers, mastering them modern methods work on the basis of personal computers and the acquisition of management experience, the creation of conditions for improving the skills of subordinates.

Due to the rapidly changing economic situation, regular revaluation positions in the enterprise with a simultaneous review of job responsibilities. The advantage of the proposed system of organization of the basic wages is its motivating nature, since the salary:

Established on the basis of a formalized performance assessment;

The system of its improvement is linked with advanced training by performing more complex and responsible work, with promotions.

As a result of the application of the proposed system in SibMetallTrans LLC, the number of those wishing to improve their qualifications and thereby raise the level of wages, as well as increasing responsibility for the functions performed, stimulating initiative.

The management of SibMetallTrans LLC developed a strategic plan for 5 years (2005-2010). At the moment, we can say that most of paths and there are results to speak of.

Our plans include:

Opening branches in Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk to increase sales and, accordingly, market share (compared to 2003 - the year of purchase) in 2008 - 2 times, until 2010 - almost 3 times.

Improvement of sales activities

Creation of a marketing department at the enterprise and transfer of functions to improve the assortment.

The strategic plan covers the following areas:

1. Reorganization, optimization of product distribution channels - building a sales system.

2. Creation of a financial management system;

The ongoing reorganization is accompanied by the improvement of the management system and organizational reorganization.

First of all, we developed a new sales marketing strategy. The main elements of the new marketing strategy are:

Expansion of sales markets - output to regions adjacent to the main one;

Increasing sales volume by entering regional markets.

As part of the new sales strategy, we have created a regional distribution company, in our own sales department, we have allocated a direct sales division, which includes regional managers and sales representatives. We have developed a new policy of sales promotion, control over sales in points retail, we create a logistics system.

The effective information flow management scheme of SibMetallTrans LLC made it possible to track the movement in real time Money, products and accurately determine the range and quantity of rolled products available at metal depots. This is especially true for a partner who, despite the difference in time and distance, can go to the company's website and find the information he is interested in: assortment, stock balances, export price list, presented in several versions, taking into account shipment on any Incoterms terms 2000 .


Company only then can it achieve a long-term restoration of competitiveness when it begins to solve its own problems, examines the conditions of the market and competition, and also explores weak sides production processes.

The choice of the listed criteria in this work allows you to set the amount of the base salary for each manager, taking into account the level of responsibility for the management, the scope of its competence and the decisions made within its framework, the need to establish effective relationships with structural divisions and organizations both inside and outside the enterprise, and required qualifications and wages.

The need to solve a large set of tasks in the field of sales requires the creation of a flexible commercial service with a certain degree of independence. This can be achieved by organizing the service on a regional and product basis, transferring to the heads of the service certain powers and responsibility for the decisions made in the field of sales and purchases.

The marketing strategy is represented by the management strategy, the coverage strategy, and the penetration strategy. This set of key strategies characterizes the marketing strategy as a strategy for the interaction of material (commodity) and information flows in the overall logistics system of marketing activities.

LLC "SibMetallTrans" rebuilt the company's management system, sales system, moved from centralized sales to regional ones. We have approved a partnership program - we have established mutually beneficial cooperation with our dealers in the regions.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that SibMetallTrans LLC received a management tool that gives us not only a flexible planning opportunity for prompt decision-making, but also the ability to remotely manage the investment object. Being in Novosibirsk, we have the opportunity to fully control the planning process in the regions, analyze the results and make adjustments to current plans. The staff of the enterprise has risen to a higher professional level, now it really conducts an economic analysis of the enterprise's activities.


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