How to develop motivation for life, if it is not? How to find and develop your own intrinsic motivation.

garden equipment 30.09.2019
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Problems with motivation? This is serious. You will have to delve into yourself to understand the true reasons. But now we will not talk about that. In this article - ways to solve the problem here and now. They will help you get the engine going. And there, you look, and get involved in the work. You won’t get far on them, but they can save a specific day.

About motivation seriously

If motivation problems persist, these thick, serious books will help you:

  • "Drive. What actually motivates us”, Daniel Pink;
  • "", Neil Fiore;
  • "", Tal Ben-Shahar;
  • "Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience”, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

It was a lyrical digression for those who like to criticize in the comments. Let's get to the tricks!

Trick number 1. Board with goals

I made a whiteboard like Dr. House's:

I did it to illustrate my weekly and monthly planning, but unexpectedly got a motivational effect. I hung it near my workspace. I miss my goals every day. Involuntarily, I glance at the board 100 times a day. And I developed a kind of itching. I would like to quickly cross out all these tasks.

Try it, +5% motivation guaranteed!

Trick number 2. Quick sleep

Often problems with motivation are caused by a banal lack. The simplest remedy is 15 minutes of daytime sleep. Checked on own experience. A longer sleep is also good, but then it is not a fact that you will be able to fall asleep at night.

Trick number 3. Mind map with pictures

I have . These are just pictures that motivate me. It is known, after all, that visual images reach us much faster than anything else.

Of course, everyone can have their own pictures:

  • icon;
  • father mother;
  • child;
  • a great sportsman or businessman;
  • Bugatti Veyron or golden iPhone (fuu be like that!).

It only takes two or three minutes to scan the map with your eyes. And the effect is noticeable immediately.

Trick number 4. Yell at yourself, hurt yourself

It helps to yell at yourself a little. It is not necessary to scold - just to make a suggestion.

It happens that you walk around the room, you shout, and problems with motivation immediately disappear. That's why I like to work alone. It is difficult to imagine such conversations in raised tones somewhere in a coworking space.

And you can hurt yourself too. For example, hit hard with your fist brick wall. The pain helps shake things up. The main thing is not to overdo it: even a highly motivated person will not be able to work with a broken arm.

I spied on this trick from the popular blogger Jon Morrow, who advises to introduce yourself into a state of altered consciousness before writing each article.

Yes, there are books that are great motivation. Maybe reading them will not take 15 minutes, but they can give a more lasting effect. For example, books by Tim Ferris and Tony Robbins have this effect. A video of some powerful motivational trainer works well. The torrents are full of this stuff. Something like this:

Check out the funny video.

Trick number 6. Anchors

Every person has anchors for work and leisure. For example, my anchors for intensive work are:

  • coffee + sweets;
  • ear plugs;
  • dark room.

I put it all on myself and turn into a machine without fatigue or hesitation. With the first point, I'm careful - it harms my health.

Trick number 7. Super detailed plan

What good plan helps, - this is understandable to the goat. Here we are talking about chewing your actions to the state of fine gruel. Until "turn on the computer." It looks frivolous, but in especially clinical cases it works.

Still lazy? Try to lie down and paint everything while lying on the couch. :)


Do you love your work? Do family and colleagues support you? Good salary? And still you are not immune from air motivational pits. In such cases, my tricks will definitely help you. But remember: these are just tricks.

What tricks do you use? What books motivate you? Video? Music?

Sometimes I just want to start new life! Go on a diet, go in for sports, learn to drive a car, open your own business. But how to find the motivation for all this?

Many dream... But how many really achieve their goals?

Almost every one of my friends and girlfriends has a cherished dream. Someone dreams of losing weight, someone wants to go to the law, someone wants to write a book or open a restaurant. Their dreams were not born yesterday - these aspirations are already 2-3, or even more years old. And for all this time, almost no one has come close to the cherished goal. Didn't start working!

We are always missing something... We think that the problem is lack of time, weak willpower, insufficient preparation and lack of the right moment.

In reality, these reasons are just the tip of the iceberg. The main source of our inaction is the lack of sufficient motivation.

“How so?!?”, you will be surprised. “I really want to lose weight / start my own business / become the most beautiful!”

So why, then, have you not come a millimeter closer to your cherished goal?

You can talk a lot about how you want to lose weight by eating another bun. Or assuring your friends over a glass of beer in a bar that you will certainly earn a lot of money. Or die of a crazy desire to find the man of your dreams watching the next soap opera. But all this is not today, later ... and now I will rest a little more, mess around ... where to rush?

And this means that there is no incentive! Everyone can think while lying on the couch, but getting up and doing it is already more difficult, it already requires strength and aspiration. “But, God forbid, it won’t work out yet! It’s better not to try ... ”- fear and laziness speak in us.

But in order to achieve something, you need to move, always move forward.

And sometimes the temptation is so great to quit everything, to relax, to mess around.

How to be? How to find motivation to achieve a cherished goal?

How to motivate yourself?

Motivation, ay, where are you?

Finding motivation is easy. Just decide what result you want to achieve. If this brings joy to your soul, you want to sing and dance, then your goal is yours. And the motivation is found.

If the result does not inspire, then the goal is false, you do not need it at all. It is very important! Very often, desires are not ours, they are imposed by society. In life, only what is truly interesting is achieved.

Motivation is needed everywhere: if you ask yourself the question: how to lose weight, how to find a boyfriend, how to get an award in a competition, how to become the most beautiful, how to achieve success and recognition, then you can’t do without the desire.

But motivation is not enough to find, you also need to support it, cherish and cherish it. So that it does not get lost and does not lose its brightness and charm. If there is no motivation, there will be no result.

5 Rules for Successful Motivation

Brightness and volume

Try to present the result that you will get as brightly as possible, in the smallest detail. Imagine that you have achieved what you aspired to. How has your life changed, how do people treat you? Feel the beauty of the result of your labors.

And every time when you are running out of strength, when you want to give up everything and indulge in despair, close your eyes for a minute and imagine the result. You will immediately have the strength to move on. After all, the result is worth it, right?
Similar! Imagine yourself slim and beautiful, how men look at you, what clothes you wear, how your girlfriends envy you ...

If you ask yourself: how to find the motivation to create a business, then imagine how many pleasures you can afford, how interesting your life will become. Imagine the benefits that you can get, not the money itself. Money is just pieces of paper, a means to an end, a reward for hard work.

Physical reinforcement

Your goal must be physical. It can be some thing, a photo that would be associated with the goal.

Let the symbol of your goal always be in a conspicuous place.

Then there will be no need to ask the question: “How to find motivation?”. Motivation will always be with you!

Set goals, make a plan

Write down your goals on paper, make a plan for their implementation. Write everything down in as much detail as possible. Every night before going to bed, reread your goals and mark the points of the plan that you have already completed. Set goals for a month, a year, five years.

give yourself a word

Make a promise to yourself that you will reach the end and in no case do not break it. For additional motivation, you can make a bet with one of your friends and preferably for money - you will definitely win))

The "live" example is contagious!

Find yourself a role model - this is the best motivation. Your motto should be: “If he can do it, then I can do it!”.

More fun together!

In any business, like-minded people are needed. Together it is easier and much more fun to achieve your goal.

Your friends and family members can become like-minded people. Like-minded people can be found in the vast expanses of the Global Network. The main thing is that this cooperation should be fruitful for the cause and encouraging for each of its participants.

If there are no people consonant with you in your environment, do not tell everyone in a row about your goals. Even an accidentally thrown seed of doubt can reduce motivation and reduce vitality.

I hope these simple tips helped you understand how to find motivation, because these tips are universal, they can be applied to almost any goal. Then the result will not keep you waiting!

P.S - a video that moves you to tears ... makes you think about your life ... and act! Check it out, this video has changed my life!

You just need to sincerely want and start working!

The only reason that actually makes people do anything is motivation. It can be related to our work, our hobbies, our relationships, and even our household chores. But, one way or another, there is always motivation, thanks to which we do what we do. This article talks about where this motivation comes from and how to develop it in yourself.

Two types of motivation

There are only two types of motivation. You can call them in different ways, but, in my interpretation, the first type of motivation is called positive, and the second - negative. I believe that these types are even more fundamental than such concepts as pain and pleasure. EVERYTHING we do, think, and believe is based in some way on pain and pleasure.

Of course, all people understand pain and pleasure in different ways. But the incentives that guide and motivate us are the same. They are based on our judgment about what will be the result of this or that action. These associations with pain or pleasure are mostly hidden deep in our subconscious, and, unfortunately, most people never realize this. Instead, they go through life on autopilot.

But despite this, you can easily learn to turn the expectations of pain or pleasure associated with certain actions to your advantage and pay more attention to those that you would like to change. So it's important to understand how you can make it happen.

All motivation is intrinsic

Because perceptions of associated pain or pleasure are unique to each person and based on individual experience, motivators are within ourselves. Of course, there are external stimuli and circumstances to which we react, but, ultimately, the motivation that prompts us to take certain actions comes from our inner world.

You always have a choice. The choice is how to respond emotionally and physically. You can shy away from everything new, or you can accept it and be happy to learn something previously unknown to you. This choice is due to the very prerequisites that underlie the motivation of most people. Not external factors, such as prizes and rewards or punishment, motivate us. Our interest in moving forward is determined by the decision each of us makes in response to external factors.

Generally speaking, if you think that doing something will bring you much more pleasure than pain, motivating yourself to do it is pretty easy! Conversely, if you associate a lot more pain than pleasure with these activities, you are more likely to be uninterested in taking them and avoid them.

To change your motivation and turn it to your advantage, you must learn to form new associations.

For example: right now you are not motivated enough to play sports, and here are some likely associations that you have formed that are holding you back:

  • Exercise has never helped me before.
  • Due to training in the gym, I always feel worse when I compare myself to others.
  • I don’t have much time for sports, so they won’t change anything anyway.
  • I prefer to relax and do what I love than to play sports.

Step 1 : Replace pain pleasure .

The first three of these statements are associated with pain, and the last with pleasure, but, unfortunately, with the pleasure of not exercising. You could argue that people who think this way have MUCH MORE pain associated with exercise than pleasure, and therefore are unlikely to be motivated to exercise. They need to transform their pain associations so that they appreciate the real benefits of the sport and find more pleasure in doing it. Here are some examples:

  • If exercise helps so many people, it will help me too.
  • When I am in the gym, I see other people for whom sports have become a habit. It's inspiring and I know I can do it too.
  • Every time I exercise, I feel better. It helps me maintain my health, no matter how little time I spend on it!
  • There are things I like to do. And exercises that not only help me stay healthy, but also keep me fit. good mood also give me pleasure!

Step 2 : Add some pain again.

Now, as you can see, associations with pleasure have replaced associations with pain. And for some people, this may be quite enough to gain motivation, but this is not always the case. You can bolster your motivation by bringing back some of the pain, but this time, it will do you good. Think of all the pain you will experience if you DON'T exercise. Take a look at these examples:

  • I will get fat and hate my body if I don't exercise.
  • If sports are not included in my lifestyle, I will not live as long as I could, and in the future I will not be able to remain as active.
  • If I can't keep good shape through the exercises, I will be a bad example and role model.

You can apply this method of self-motivation as much as you want (or as much as you need to). The more pain you want to avoid and the pleasure you want to have in your mind, the easier it will be for you to get motivated and take action. Constantly remind yourself of these associations and add new ones as they form!

You need to get out of your comfort zone

The most common problem we face with our own motivation is fear of change. We are becoming more and more comfortable with the way things are in this moment and we stop looking for ways to test ourselves. And we begin to be content with the way we live now, and with what seems to determine our life.

But, in fact, it is in your power to change this order and take control of your life. But this requires self motivation. I really hope that by using this method, by developing your own motivation and controlling it, you will be able to change your life.

Take a step forward and use your motivation to push through the comfort zones of your life. This is exactly what you need to enrich your life experience, do great things and easily direct your life in the direction you dare!


The big stories about achieving goals that we've heard are based on one quality. People who reach heights are driven forward by powerful motivation, a dream to achieve results by any means.

Usually, motivation is considered something general and whole, and it supposedly should come by itself. When a person hears that a successful person claims that motivation helped her, she does not think that it does not arise by itself. The thought that a person worked for the emergence of motivation and purpose does not visit the mind.

But in reality, this is what happens. And the problem is not that a person is busy with an unloved job, but that energy costs are required to create motivation, and with a tight schedule of efforts, there is no natural motivation left, then it is necessary to create it artificially.

Varieties of motivation

There are three types of motivation:

The first is motivation from the outside, that is, “towards” something.

For example, a person wants, because summer will come soon, and he wants to look attractive. This is the reason for motivation. But there is one "but". If a person is engaged in himself independently, he controls the training - this is one situation. And it’s completely different when he goes to a fitness center and pays for the services of a trainer and training. Everything changes here: the strength of motivation grows, and the result improves. Why is that?

First of all, now a person knows that he has invested money in the occupation, and this is a considerable incentive for action. If you miss a class, then comes the realization that the funds were wasted. In addition, you do not have the opportunity to hack. In the gym, the coach is watching the workouts. And he does not accept the arguments “I don’t want”, “I can’t”. So, the chance that you will get rid of kilograms grows many times over.

This is motivation from outside, which goes "towards" something that can be bought. This is the simplest way. If you realize that you are not able to report to yourself, then use this option.

The second is motivation from outside “from” something.

We take as an example the same situation with getting rid of extra pounds, but on the other hand. You want to lose weight not because summer is coming soon, but because of future health problems due to excess weight.

Now the motive for action is not the dream of achieving the goal, but the need to prevent something. The basis of this motivation is fear, but it is a more powerful push than the motivation "to" something.

But, you should not necessarily wait for the moment when the need for motivation “from” will catch you. There is another effective method using it. Think about the problem, look at it with different sides. Think about what you are not able to fix without motivation. Imagine how far it will go if you don't take care of yourself this second. Calculate how many resources will be required in the future to solve the problem, as well as how many will be needed if you take up the matter now. Compare the data and calculate the benefit.

The third is environmental motivation.

This kind of motivation in the example of sports means that you do not go to the gym on your own, but go there with a friend. Or even with a group of friends. It turns out that you surround yourself with people who are on the same wavelength with you, who also want to take care of themselves. An environment with similar goals helps to move forward and create an incentive.

How to develop motivation

There are steps that will tell you how to develop motivation, what to do to create it and get what you want:

We burn bridges.

But do not throw all your efforts into this step. If your goal is important to you, then start by removing the bridges so that there is no way back. Then you will not have a chance to return, but you will only have to go forward.

If you dream, then start by quitting your job. To do this, write a statement, put it in an envelope and give it to a trusted person. Instruct the person to send a statement to the boss if you cannot leave work by a specific moment.

It is worth giving one example. The casino owner made a decision. He felt that he did not have the strength to do so. Because he hung a billboard on the streets with own photo and an inscription that if someone notices him with a cigarette, he will give him 100 thousand dollars. This is an example of increasing the power of motivation. To meet the target you use not most motivation, create conditions that force you to move forward. If you truly want to fulfill a dream, then remove all opportunities for retreat.

Fill in the world things that increase motivation.

Let's take the weight loss situation again. Create posters that say "I weigh X kg", "X" is the weight you want to achieve. Post these posters everywhere. Change the screensaver on your smartphone and PC, write the same there. Take magazines and cut out photos of those who have the figure you want, stick them around you.

Create a positive environment around you.

Meet those who inspire you to achieve your goal. Look for ways to spend more time with these people. Share your goal with a topic who will support rather than criticize.

Those who want to lose extra pounds should go to the gym and meet those who are already in great shape. It will become noticeable that the emotions of people are transmitted to you, you will believe that you are able to achieve results.

If you want to open a business, then join various unions or societies of businessmen. Do everything possible to get acquaintances in the necessary field.

In addition, exclude from life everyone who negatively affects it. This often turns out challenging task but important.

Daily inspiration.

Music, books for inspiration - better ways increasing motivation. If you dream of quitting smoking, then the ones that people who quit smoking wrote about how they did it. If you dream of a business, then read about its organization, attend seminars. Spend at least 15 minutes every day on inspiration. This will “recharge” you with energy and motivation.

Change negative to positive.

Consider all sources of data that influence the emotional background. What do you see, read, is the house cleaned, etc. Pay attention to what negatively affects your mood, replace it with a positive one.

Here are some examples. To begin with, stop watching the news on TV - this is a powerful source of negativity. Spend time on positive emotions, listen to pleasant music. If you are a cinema lover, then only watch those tapes that have a lot of positive energy: stories about goodness, comedies. Remove books that cause depression, read something humorous and light. If you're in a mess, clean up now.

It may sound trite, but it really helps in increasing motivation.

Dress like a successful person.

Every time you see yourself in the mirror, it will add visual reinforcement to your motivation. Determine which image motivates you. How would you dress if you achieved your goals? Have you changed your hair?

Make sure that your everyday clothes correspond to the new image of a successful person.

Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

In this method, there is a technique that helps to compare the strengths and the goal. Find music that brings inspiration and energy. Listen to it for about 20 minutes with headphones. In the process of listening, form your mental image that has reached the goal.

Come up with it bright, lively, colorful. Look at such a scene as if you are seeing it all in reality with your own eyes. This forms a link between the positive of the music and the purpose, which will help reinforce the motivation. This is a great way to start a new day. Repeat the exercise immediately after waking up. Change the music from time to time, otherwise the charge of emotions will begin to decrease.

Note that the same technique is used in advertising. Pay attention to fast food ads: the food is beautiful, bright, lively, and in addition, attractive music. But instead of succumbing to the programming of others, start doing it yourself. Become the master of the thoughts in your head.

Take action.

As soon as you define your own goals, start immediately to bring the idea to life. When work begins on the realization of the goal, do not think about inventing long-term and detailed plans. Often people spend time analyzing, sticking out on it, but do not move on to action.

You can create a plan later, but now it is important to act. It is enough to determine the first step that needs to be taken, and proceed with it.

If your goal is to go to the refrigerator and throw everything away harmful products out of him. Do not think about whether it is right or wrong, good or bad. Just do it.

Act without hesitation or fear. Do everything as if it is impossible to lose. If you keep motivated, you will realize that you can never take a step back. A successful result will be a matter of time.

If you use these strategies, then increase your own motivation to such an extent that nothing will change it. You will begin to go towards goals and desires without regard to the past and the opinions of others. This process will bring you satisfaction, because you will focus on the positive aspects of achievements, and not on the difficulties. If you put more positive energy into yourself, then good results will come to you.

March 16, 2014, 14:52

Is motivation important or not? By studying the stories of successful people, men and women, we find that they are always motivated, their eyes are burning and their actions are full of inspiration, they can easily find something that will inspire them.

Using motivation as their main driver, they succeeded.
Motivating your success, personal growth, happiness gives you the energy and ability to do what others can but won't do.

When you are inspired, you work harder, and the work is more fruitful and purposeful. If not, then, day after day, you "trample" in one place, work, go to solve a series of everyday tasks that are like mirages on the way to your goal.

Today we will look at 15 ways to find motivation.

1. Dreams

Your dreams and audacious goals should be written on a sheet, on a board, on a phone where you can constantly see them. It helps you focus on what you want, keep you focused, and protect you from daily distractions.

2 Attention only for today

We can get lost thinking about the future or regretting the past.

What's wrong with the fact that while you decide and wish to be somewhere else in life, someone else decides not to do anything?

If you really want to be successful, you need to know how to focus only on the present.

Do what you can do at the moment: work on a project, complete the next goals and tasks, achieving your goals, you motivate yourself. And you will do the same with your big life goal and dream.

3 List of three tasks.

Don't try to write down a lot of assignments. Of course, we want more tasks to be completed, but there should be three. Focus on doing them. When they are completed, only then can you move on to the next one.
Too many people pay attention to the little things and never find what to focus on.
What's happening? They are overwhelmed, lose motivation, everything falls out of hand. If you are focused, you stay active, get more done, and get things done a lot faster.

4 Discipline and motivation

Discipline is boring, but necessary. Through discipline we gain freedom. As you gain freedom, you can find what will make your life better by simply removing the limits from your life. When you are focused and only do what needs to be done today, nothing matters. Discipline should be practically every day.

When a journalist asked two-time champion Steve Nash, "How often does he miss practice?" The athlete replied that if I missed one, I would have a reason to miss the next one. If you are lazy and distracted by experiencing failures and regrets. Then, most likely, you will be left with nothing.
Be successful, do what successful people do. They remain disciplined. T. Roosevelt said: "Do what you can with what you have right now."

If discipline does not cease to be associated with the word tediousness, then I propose to find a little positive in everyday worries, below is a video about this. Sometimes exactly.

5 Find help your environment.

In your environment is there anything that can motivate you? Surround yourself with images that motivate you. Keep your space clean. Does clutter really clutter our minds? It has a depressing effect on space. Make your work environment the way you want it to be. Spend some money on nice table or some thing, but make sure your workplace inspires and motivates you.

This is where the magic happens. This is where you should be most of your time. Make sure it affects you positively.

6 Affirmations.

14 diary.

For one week, as you write down your work, make notes about when your motivation and performance levels were highest. Relate your important tasks to times when your motivation was high. This will clear things up. When your mind is clear, when the road is visible, it is a great motivator.

15 Win your psychological battle.

In his book Think and Grow Rich, N. Hill describes the battles that take place in our minds. “Thoughts that fill our mind should help in the journey and not distract from our path.

How can I control thoughts? You cannot control the flow of thoughts that come, but you can control which thoughts you pay attention to.

Fill your mind with creative, positive and ambitious ideas. Let go of your fears and worries. They do nothing but move away from what they want.

You just read 15 rules that should help you find motivation.

But these rules, with a different approach, can only become recommendations that are rarely followed as usual, so let's do a little experiment, try to choose at least one item and do it within a week.

Then see if your life will change in better side and will you eventually be motivated?

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